12023 February 01

I followed the two men to the east, crossing into the neighbor’s yard. I did not live in this neighborhood, but i remembered being here. This was a place that i had been to long ago. It seemed like the neighborhood in $P3. The houses were on the northern sides of the yards, and we were crossing behind them. I was aware of the house to the northeast of us as we crossed into the other yard, but i focused on the large garage that was behind the house. The garage was very wide, with a peaked roof. The building was dark brownish gray, and it seemed to have a lighter gray trim along the roof line and around the wooden entry door, which was to the east of the main garage door. Most of the northern wall of the building was screened in. The western side of the building seemed to have a small extension, where the roof changed to a shallower slope. The northern wall of the extension seemed to face directly north, whereas the rest of the building seemed to face north-northwest. I remembered that the garage had been filled with many items. It was not used as a garage but as a storage space. I remembered it being filled with all sorts of old equipment. I wondered if the men would go to the shed to look for something. I felt a little awkward here, wondering if they intended to go through the things in the shed without letting the people in the house know. I kept looking at the northern wall of the shed. I could make out shapes through the screening of the northern wall, but i could not quite tell what was in the shed. I just remembered that it was all sorts of old equipment. The others then turned back to the west. I was aware of a man coming from the house to the northeast. He seemed to follow the others two men, and i thought that they were working together. I glanced at the garage again, noticing several CRT television sets through the screens on the western end of the building. I turned back to the west just in time to see the men pass through the boughs of the large green pine trees. The boughs bounced back into place after the men passed through. I headed west, pushing through the branches after them. I came out in the next yard, just to the southeast of a large house. The lower level of the house seemed to be large glass windows, and i could see the silhouette of a woman on crutches on the northwestern side of the building. She seemed to be headed our way. I then looked up at the large house. It seemed very big and very old. It was designed like a simple Swiss chalet. The wooden building was five or six stories tall, with a peaked roof that ran down to the first floor on the sides. The southern wall of the building faced south-southwest, and the roof overhung the southern facet by almost two meters. The southern wall was brown, and it was covered with small windows. Each window had a rolled-up faded-green canvas awning. The awnings seemed to be held above the windows by thin aluminium arms. I smiled at the building, finding its design very pleasing. I then realized that the woman would see me smiling, and she would know that i appreciated the style of the building. I turned to the south to follow the others. They had already descended the hill to the south, so i could not see them. The lawn to the south of the house ran for about twenty-five meters before descending steeply down. I started toward the slope, aware that the woman had come out of the house and was now very close to me. I started walking down the cement path, which i knew leaded to a set of cement stairs that descended the hill. Directly to the south of me was a large tree, and the path curved to the west to go around it. I decided to walk to the east of the tree, across the grass. I noticed that the path ran to the east on the southern side of the tree and then curved back to the southwest. The woman walked behind me. As we neared the hill, i realized that she would have a hard time descending the stairs with her crutches. I asked her if she needed any help.

I stood near the center of the northern wall, facing south. I was dressed in a white button-up shirt and black pants, and i seemed to be working at the event. Others moved around in the room to the south of me. The wall to the north of me was a solid section of wall, but the wall to the east seemed to be a large window, and to the west of me was a wide door. The western end of the northern wall and the northern end of the western wall also seemed to be windows, letting bright daylight into the room. $A46 was then to the east of me. He seemed to have just entered the building. He wore dark pants and a dark shirt, which seemed to be a T-shirt. He seemed older, and he looked around the room. I said hello to him, and he said hello back, but i realized that he did not seem to recognize me. He glanced to the southeast, as if looking for someone. I stared at him for a moment, not sure what to say. I finally decided to introduce myself. I called him by name, and i was about to tell him my name, but another man walked up to him from the south. The other man moved close to him, leaning forward and watching $A46. $A46 did not seem to know what to do. He asked the man if he knew him. The man nodded uncertainly, admitting that he knew $A46’s wife. I felt annoyed that i did not get to talk to $A46 again, and i tried to introduce myself again.

12023 February 03

I moved around on the western side of the hotel room. My parents were coming from the west, and i thought that i had to get things ready. I felt rushed. The hotel room seemed to be full of large things. I had been packing my things up so that i could take them with me. I could not quite see what the large things i had packed up were; they seemed to be in silhouette. They filled the hotel room, though. I wondered how i could fit all of these things in the car. I then realized that i would not be able to fit everything in. I felt disappointed, thinking that i would have to leave things here. I also felt that i did not want to have to clean this place. I was not sure what to do.

I was in the room, talking to the other people. I seemed to be with these people for a $G4 event, but we had not been running with the others. The room did not have any walls, and i could see out across the field to the north of us. As i spoke to the person to the west of me, i noticed the people running to the northwest of us. I pointed them out. The large grassy field seemed to be a playing field, with cut grass. The lawn extended to the north in a long rectangle, but it had a section that stretched to the west, between the building i was in and the grove of trees on the western side of the northern end of the field. The runners had come from the west, and they turned to the north, running up the western side of the field. I wanted to go running with them, but they seemed to be heading in the opposite direction. I talked to the man to the west of me, saying that we should join the other runners. I looked to the north, noticing that the first of the runners were heading back south along the eastern side of the field. A sports team was playing in the filed to the east and northeast of us, and the runners would pass to the east of them. I knew that the runners were in costumes, and i wondered what the sports team would say about them. I then noticed $A377 jogging slowly to the south. He was wearing mostly black, and he wore something that seemed like a short black skirt or a very loose pair of shorts. He had something white over his head. It looked like a handkerchief, but it seemed to be unfolded or tied, as though it was resting on the top of his head like a partial vale. I heard members of the sports team giggle as $A377 approached them. I started moving to the north to join the runners. As i started jogging across the grass, i realized that i was not wearing any socks in my shoes. The runners had turned to the northwest again, and i was moving to join them. I thought that i would have to put something on my feet. I realized that i had a pair of gauzy slippers in my hands. The woman, who had run from the north, had handed them to me. They were part of her costume. I wondered if i could put them on. I then noticed some of the others heading toward me from the northeast. Two women were jogging in my direction, but the first one tripped over a coiled cylinder that ran north to south in the grass. Weeds seemed to be growing up around it where the grass could not be cut. The coil seemed to be a rolled up section of metal fencing. The woman who tripped caught her right foot on the wire and stumbled forward. She caught herself before she fell, and she stood back up as the second woman moved to help her. The first woman seemed like $A369. I turned my attention to the northwest, were i was holding out the two slippers to the northwest of me. They seemed like nothing more than pieces of a golden metallic gauzy fabric that had been wrapped into the shape of large shoes. The shoes were about two decis long and a deci wide, with several decis of fabric flowing from the backs of the shoe. I thought that i could put the shoes on to run, but i remembered that i only needed socks in my shoes. I wondered if i could slip my feet into the fabric slippers and then put the slippers in my shoes. I slowed to a walk and tried to put one of the pieces of folder fabric onto my right foot. I ran with it for a few steps, thinking that it felt rather good. I thought that i could use it around my shoe as i ran. This did not seem right. I thought that i would have to use it in my shoes as a sock. That would make more sense.

12023 February 04

I turned to the south and took a step to the edge of the deck. I was on the front of a boat, and i was suddenly aware of the people to the northeast of me. The others i had been talking to were near me on the wooden surface of the bow of the boat. I stopped on the southern edge of the boat, looking out over the still water. I felt a little uneasy, thinking that we probably should not be here. The boat seemed to be about three meters wide and white long. The bow came to a narrow point, about four meters to the west of me. The brown wood along the outsides of the deck was nicely polished, and the wood inside was pale and made of small planks that ran diagonally to the southeast and northeast from the center line of the ship. The man i had been talking to moved to the west of me, stopping at the southern edge. I thought that the people to the northeast would be controlling the boat, and i thought that they might not want us on the deck here, but i thought i would sit on the edge of the water anyway. The boat seemed to be under a section of building. The building was to the north of us, but it overhung the boat, ending roughly even with the southern side of the boat. I sat down on the deck, looking out to the water to the south. Many people seemed to be inside the boat to the northeast of us. An event seemed to be happening there, but we had not joined them. The boat shifted a little to the north, and i grabbed a black metal pole that was just to the east of me on the edge of the deck. The boat then started moving to the west, moving smoothly on the water. I watched the channel ahead of us. Low brown walls stuck up about a deci from the water. Their upper surfaces were rounded with erosion. The boat turned suddenly to the south. I looked down off the port side of the bow, watching the zigzag pattern of the low walls. The walls seemed to form designs in the water. The water now seemed shallow, but the boat floated easily through it. A right angle of wall was to the west of us. Inside of it, two parallel zigzag sections of wall ran. The outside walls seemed to form narrow sections of the water, but the inside patters formed a stepped pattern over the water. The boat turned between the stepped lines in the center, turning between two lines to head south and then between a second set to turn east. I was surprised that the boat had enough room to maneuver between the lines. It seemed to long and large to make a turn between the patterns. I wondered how it could fit through the channels. It did not seem logical. The boat turned southeast and then east. I watched the jagged channels as we turned through them. It seemed very strange. I then thought that i should head into the boat, where the party was. I walked into the eastern end of the dining room. Tables seemed scattered around the narrow room, which ran east to west along the southern side of the building. I remembered that we had been divided into teams as part of the event, and we had to figure something out. The even seemed like something from a summer camp. I moved to the northern wall of the room. The dining room had a long wooden floor that ran to the west. In the center of the room, a section of the room stretched to the north. I looked across the small square area to the north, looking into a doorway on the western wall of the northern section. The doorway looked into a large old theater, which seemed decorated in red swags and old designs. I thought that it was a theater. Not many people seemed to be in the theater at the moment. It seemed that people had been in the theater, but they had left after an event there. The theater filled the northwestern corner of the long building. I thought about the mystery that we had to solve, and i wondered what the answer was. Most of the people now seemed to be in the dining room to the southeast of me. I moved to the smaller area in the northern side of the room. A round table was just off the southern end of the eastern wall of the area. A woman was near me, and she seemed to be solving the puzzle with me. I paced around, trying to think of a way to solve the puzzle. I then noticed a square card on the wall. IT was in a wooden frame, and it seemed to have a floral pattern on the front in red velvet. The area between the branches seemed gilded. I pushed on the card and slided it up and out of the frame. I thought that it was a clue for me and the woman. The red and gold card had “854” in the center of it in a thin old-fashioned typeface. It was a clue to the puzzle, and i showed it to the woman to the southeast of me. She was helping me with the puzzle. I knew that part of the card was for her. I wondered if it would help us figure out the answer. I wanted to solve the puzzle before the others did. The woman looked over the card. I was aware of the others in the room to the south as they tried to figure out their own puzzles. I wondered if the number on the card had something to do with the theater. I thought that it might be a reference to the seats, but then i thought that the seat numbers would not have gone up that high. The others seemed to have cards as well. I looked at the eastern wall, noticing that a narrow corridor ran east, flush with the northern wall of the room. I started out the hall, but the woman with me pointed to the slots in the eastern wall, just to the south of the entrance of the hall. I looked at the column of horizontal lines. The bars were about a centimeter tall and a deci wide. They had rounded ends, and they seemed to be panels on the wall. There were quite a number of them running up the wall. I had seen them before, and i had noticed that the number “854” was on one of the panels, but i was not sure what to do with the panel. The woman moved to the south of me, pointing out the panel with the number on our card. I told her that i had seen it before. I moved to it, noticing a button on the southern end of the panel. I pressed the rounded nub, but it did not depress. Nothing seemed to happen. The woman then pulled on the panel and removed it. I was surprised to see a hole in the wall behind it. The hole seemed about a deci tall now and several decis wide. The space behind the panel was not that deep, and i could see that it was empty. The bare wood beam that ran across the bottom of the space seemed clean. The woman reached her left arm into the hole, extending it up behind the other panel. I had felt disappointed that nothing was behind the panel, but i felt excited that the woman might find something higher up in the wall. She stood for a moment, searching for something. Someone then said that the others must have taken what was hidden here already. The woman then pulled down a small white package, which seemed to be an eight-track tape. I felt excited as she pulled it out. I thought that we now had an advantage over the other teams. We would just have to figure out how to use it. I wondered how we would view the tape, and i wondered if it was Betamax. I thought that it would have to be a very old format. We walked to the west, into the theater. We entered the theater from a door in the southern wall of the theater. I stood for a moment as the woman sat at a table to the west of me with some others. We had to figure out what the numbers meant. The number from the tape seemed to be 1953. I told the woman that it could have something to do with the theater. One of the people mentioned the book. I remembered that the black books had been given to us, and they would have information on the theater. I had left my book outside, to the southeast, so i did not have access to it at the moment. I looked around, noticing that someone had left one of the black books on a counter on the eastern wall, to the southeast of me. I quickly picked up the book, which was about two decis by a deci and a half. It had a smooth fake-leather hardbound cover. I turned over the book in my hands and looked through the pages. The page numbers did not go as high as 1953, but i thought that the number might refer to a year in the history of the theater. I wondered if something happened in that year that would give us a clue. I started flipping through the center of the book, looking for a section that was divided into years. The book had many pictures on the glossy pages, but i did not see anything that looked right. I decided to look through the index of the book, so i flipped to the back of the book. I said something to the woman to the west of me as i faced east, looking for an index in the back pages. The woman was then to the east of me, and she said that the clue was supposed to be in the colophon of the book. I flipped through several pages that had three column of text, but many small pictures interrupted the text. I saw a small list that seemed like an index on a right hand page. I found a reference to something and followed the dotted line to the right, but the text on the right was covered over by a gray box. The text in the gray box said “colophon only”. The others were looking around near the end of the book for a colophon section. I realized that the word had a wider meaning than they realized. They were specifically looking for something at the end of the book, but i remembered that “colophon” was just an added text. I told the woman that it was something extra added to the book as i flipped back to the front of the book. I read something on the foldover of the front dust jacket. I could not quite find what i was looking for. I noticed the many small pictures at the end of the book, but i did not see any information that was helpful. I thought that we had gotten ahead by finding the clue in the wall, but we could not figure out how to use it, which would give the others a chance to catch up. This frustrated me. I thought that we must have been missing something. I then wondered how we could play the tape in the theater. I headed to the east to find something. I headed down the corridor on the northern side of the eastern part of the building, and i came out in a grassy area. I was no longer on the boat. I headed to the south, across the camp ground, walking southwest along the edge of the trees, which were to the southeast of us. The ground felt cold in my bare feet. I thought about the puzzle, and i struggle to think of a solution. Several other people jogged past me, and i started jogging after them, aware of the smooth rounded rocks that rose just above the grass here. I stepped on them, thinking that it would be easier to jog on them than in the grass when i was wearing flip-flops. The others then turned to the south at the end of the rocks, heading down a grassy area between two wooden cabins. I slowed to a walk, continuing to the southwest. I was trying to think, and i wondered what we should do.

I woke up in the place, and others were with me. This place seemed like $P19, but i knew that i had to get back to my apartment, which seemed to be in Collegetown. I headed to the north as $Z headed to the southeast to get something. I was carrying some things with me. It seemed as though it was late in the day. I stepped into the passenger’s side of the small car, which seemed like an old compact car. I noticed that the rugs had been removed from the floor of the car, exposing the tarnish metal floor. The car was facing south, but, as i sat in it, it seemed to be facing west. It looked cheap and poorly made. The steering wheel was thin and coated with dark rubber, and the dashboard seemed dingy. I picked up some of the wrappers from the floor of the passenger’s side of the car, thinking that i would throw them out. I felt anxious, thinking that i had to get going. I headed to the south, toward the building. I turned west, now on the southern side of a large building. A wide door was to the north of me, and it seemed like the theater entrance to the mall. I turned to the southwest, looking at the glass trays that i had been carrying in my hands. It still had the wrappers on it. I suddenly wondered why i had brought the wrappers here. This did not make any sense. I felt annoyed that i had been doing thing that did not make sense. I had things i had to do today.

12023 February 05

I walked into the large cement room, to the west. $F4 and $A42 were with me. We were planning to sleep here for the night. Our sleeping bags and thin mattresses were in the center of the room, running north to south. I felt a little apprehensive about something. I had brought my instruments, but i felt unsure whether i should play them. I did not want to play my guitar if no one else was. $F4 stood to the south of the center mattress, and $A42 was to the southwest of the pile of things in the center of the floor. He had a large black bag with him, and he started unpacking it. He was standing up, facing north as he tried to pull his guitar out of the bag. I was glad that he was going to play, and i thought that i should play my guitar as well. I walked to the west, along the northern side of the pile of things in the center of the floor. As i reached the western end of the pile, i noticed a man who had come into the room from the doorway in the center of the northern wall. He seemed to have a boy with him. He seemed surprised to see us here. The boy stood to the northwest of him. I realized that the man might have expected the room to be empty. I then realized that he might have wanted to use the room for an event. I asked him if he had reserved the room. He said that he had reserved it until a certain date. I thought that we would need to find another abandoned room to stay in. I turned to the southwest and started across the room. The cement walls seemed thick, and this building seemed like an old abandoned factory.

We had to head back to the other place, and we were in a car, driving to the north. I was driving the car on the right side of the road. We had come to this place from somewhere to the northwest, and he we had to head back, but the road that we were traveling on did not seem like the same road that we had come on. Something seemed strange. The land was very flat. It seemed dark, but there was light on the road ahead of us. Trees or some wilderness seemed to be on the eastern and western sides of the road. I could see some cars approaching us from quite a way down the road. I then noticed a car move into my lane. The car did not have its lights on, and it was passing one of the approaching cars. The car seemed to be more than a hundred meters away, so i was not quite concerned about it still being in my lane as it got closer, but i thought it strange that it did not have its lights on. I flashed my lights at the other car. The position of the car then suddenly changed. It was suddenly a lot closer to me, and it pulled back into the other lane just ahead of me. I felt nervous at it. I continued on the long straight road. I could see the road stretching ahead in the dim light. It had several dips in it, but the land remained relatively flat. The road did not seem correct. It seemed that we were heading a long way to the north, and i did not feel sure where i was. I looked around at the sides of the road, trying to see if i could recognize anything familiar. We seemed to be at the northern end of the road, approaching an intersection. I could see a blue sign on the eastern side of the road, at the western end of a vacant lot. We seemed to be coming into a city area. The sign had white letters and a white border. The design of the sigh told me that i was in a different state. I thought that i must have crossed into Massachusetts. Ahead of me, across the intersection, i could see a large city in a wide valley. The city was full of tall building, and i could see a highway running east to west through the center of the city. A large road sign in the middle of the city seemed to be an interstate sign. I thought that this must be the main interstate. I knew that, if i could get onto the interstate, i would just have to travel west to get back home. I thought that the city must be Burlington. I thought that i could simply head to the north until i reached the highway. I held my cell phone in my right hand, though, trying to find directions to the interstate. I thought that it might not be as simple to get to. I pulled over to the side of the road to look at the phone, but i could not get the phone to show me the correct application. The screen was filled with drawings that were mostly white and pale colors. They seemed to be images of people with billowing white clothing. The people had oddly shaped faces that were rounded and pale tan. I tried to get back to the navigation application, but i could not seem to find it. I felt frustrated. I moved to the north, wondering how i could get to the highway. I continued walking as i flipped through the applications on my phone, but i could not seem to find the correct one. I turned to the west and walked down the narrow alley. A brick wall ran along the northern side of the alley, and a building or wall was to the south. A man was walking to the northwest of me, heading in the same direction as i was. I tried to get to the navigation application, but i kept coming back to the illustrated story book with the people in active poses in billowing clothing. I decided that i should turn off the application. I needed the directions. At the end of the alley, i found myself in a small cafe or restaurant. I seemed to have entered into the back room of the building. A few small tables were along the western wall of the room, and a service counter was in the middle of the western wall, to the northwest of me. I turned to the north and headed toward the front of the building. The front wall seemed to be a large window and a door. I thought that i would head to the street to the north. As i passed the counter, which extended from the western wall, i noticed a man cooking something in a large wok-shaped bowl. The man wore a chef uniform and stood to the south of the counter. Another man was to the north of the counter, watching what the chef was doing. The large metal bowl was on the eastern end of the counter, and i watched it as i walked past. The cook was stirring something that looked like small quartered doughnuts in a sugar mixture. I thought that it was a cinnamon sugar. It looked good, and i raised my eyebrows as i passed, thinking that the food here was known for these doughnuts chunks. To the north, other chefs seemed to be cooking other types of fancy doughnuts. I thought that many of the things in this cafe were cinnamon pastries. I turned to the east, into another dining room. People were sitting in a bench along the northeastern wall, behind a rectangular table. One of them wore a large crown of tubular dough. I thought that it was a different type of fried dough with cinnamon sugar on it. I noticed the small door in the southeastern wall, and i headed for it. I had to get out of the restaurant so that i could get to the highway.

12023 February 08

I had been running to the east, along the southern side of the street, which seemed like Main Street in Union. I was now standing on the northern side of the road, just a few meters into a side road. A small building was to the southwest of me, and i was talking to some people who were in the empty lot to the north of the building. The people were to the west of me, and i seemed to know them. I was happy to see them, and i spoke to them, aware of the runners from $G4 jogging to the east on the southern side of the street to the south of me. I would have to catch up with them, but i wanted to talk to the people. I said something to the person to the west of me, aware that i had something draped over my shoulders. It seemed very bulky and white. I thought that it was a small mattress, but it did not seem too heavy. I said something about it as i spoke to the other person. I then glanced back oat the runners. I had to get back to them, so i returned to the southern side of the road and started jogging to the east. I tried to hurry to catch up with the others, but i could not seem to run fast. I moved my feet quickly, but i did not seem to be moving as fast as i should have. I felt that something was wrong, but i was not sure how to speed up. I focused on running for a moment, trying to move faster, but i was having trouble. I then turned to the south, entering the northern end of the small hotel room. A table of food was along the western wall. My parents had been in the hotel room with me, but they had left most of the food with me. I thought that we had packed it up in plastic bags and put it in my car. It had been in the car for a few days, though. I felt annoyed, thinking that it would not last in the car. I pictured the small black patties that were stacked in the bag. I hoped that they were not getting moldy; i thought that the car had been warm. A man, who seemed to work for the hotel, moved to the west of me. He leaved across the table and opened a cupboard that was to the south of the table. He then turned and asked me something. I looked at the cupboard, noticing a package in gift wrapping in the cupboard. I recognized it. It was one of the boxes that my parents had had. I told the man that my parents must have left the packages here. I told the man that i would take care of the packages. He reached into the cabinet, with was now only a table, and he picked up one of the wrapped packages on the northern side of the small stack. I did not recognize the package that he was picking up, and i realized that a chaffing dish of some kind of cooked vegetables was underneath it. I told the man that the package was not from my parents, and i knew that the food was not ours. I told him that i did not want the food. I said that i could not do anything with the rest of the food. I then complained about the amount of food that we had. $F71 was then to the east of me. He asked me what i was talking about. I told him that we still had too much food stored in the car, and i said that it would start going bad soon. I was disappointed that we had wasted it, and i said that we could not eat it. $F71 said that the food would be okay, but i did not believe that it would be. I felt unhappy, and i looked back to the southwest. $F71 then seemed to be $F12, and he moved to the south of me. I was talking to him, and it felt good to be with him.

12023 February 09

We ran to the northeast, across the large lawn, which seemed like a park. I stopped in the middle of the field, trying to figure out what we should do. The other person stopped to the southeast of me. I felt concerned, thinking that we had to do something to solve the problem. The man was very concerned about the situation. I then had an idea. I told him that we could have a small army go back to fight for us. He did not understand what i meant. He seemed to be a she, and she asked what army i could have that we could send back. I told her that we could use the elven army. As i said this, i was aware of a disturbance moving south, to the west of us. I could not see it, but it seemed like a black cloud swirling around itself as it rolled to the southeast of us. The woman told me that the elfs were gone. I reminded him that they were only gone in our time. We had moved into another time line, and i still had the power to summon the elfs here. I thought that we had slipped back in time to before the elfs had been exiled. The whirling cloud moved to the east of us, exposing a group of warriors on horses. The small band of riders stopped to the east of us. The leader was a woman with long dark hair, and she smiled at me. She wore a tiara that went across her forehead and down the sides of her face. She was an elf. She would not know who i was, but she would realize that i needed their help. She said that her forces would attack the bad guys. I knew that they would have to shift in time to do so, but it made sense. My idea seemed clever, and i was glad that i had thought of it.

I was on the eastern side of the small room as the others entered from the south. This place seemed like part of an office, and the intruders seemed like inspectors or law enforcement. The eastern wall of the room seemed filled with filing cabinets, and a small counter in the center of the room also seemed to be a filing cabinet. The officers had started confiscating things in the room. I stood still as they rushed past me, heading down the hallway to the north, which ran from the center of the small cement room. I thought that i had taken several of the black files out of the boxes in the center of the room. They were somehow valuable. I had already put them in another file cabinet that i had access to. I thought that the enforcers were trying to confiscate the documents. They all passed, and i was alone in the room. I felt annoyed by the inspectors, and i hurriedly grabbed an armful of black folders from the box on the northern side of the square pile in the center of the room. I hurried to the north, realizing that i would not be able to carry the folders in my arms, because the inspectors would easily see them. I thought that i must have had a way to hide them under my yellow sweater. Filing cabinets lined both the eastern and western walls of the hallway. I hurriedly pulled open one of the drawers of a filing cabinet near the northern end of the hall. A man was watching me from the north, but i knew that he was not with the inspectors. I leaned my right arm oven the open file-cabinet drawer, and a stack of folders slided out one at a time, as thought being feeded from a machine. They slided into the drawer. I then pushed the drawer closed, thinking that i had safely hidden the files from the inspectors. One of the officers was now standing to the south of me, though. He looked suspiciously at the drawer that i had just closed. I started to feel nervous, and i headed to the north, as though i had something else to do. The man stood still, staring at the cabinet. I realized that he might try to open it, and then he would discover the files that i had taken and put there. I pushed the metal door at the northern end of the hallway open. It swinged to the west. As i entered the stairwell, i realized that the inspectors would probably figure out what i had done, so i thought that i should leave this area quickly. I started down the cement stairs to the north, along the western side of the well. At the bottom of the flight, i turned to the east on the landing and then slided down the railing of the next flight, descending to the south. I had to hurry to get away. I felt nervous and afraid now. I tried to descend as quickly as i could.

I was in the back seat of the car as it rolled to a stop at an intersection. It was dark out, and the car was facing west. My mother’s father seemed to be in the driver’s seat of the car, but he unclipped his seatbelt, opened the door, and got out of the car. He said that he had to do something, and he headed to the north. I felt cautious, thinking that something might be wrong. My grandmother was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car. Something seemed to be happening outside, and i felt worried. An emergency vehicle seemed to have headed to the north on the road to the west of us. I then realized that we were started to move. I reached forward and pulled the emergency brake of the car, which was in between the two front seats. The car slowed, but it did not stop. I felt nervous, and i jumped into the driver’s seat of the car, telling my grandmother to pull the emergency brake. She did not move. She seemed to be staring vacantly out the northern window of the car. I pressed my foot down on the brakes of the car, remembering that i always had dreams where i was trying to stop a car, but the brakes never fully worked. The car rolled slowly to the west, into the intersection. I was then aware of a red and white flashing light from somewhere to the south. I thought that another emergency vehicle was coming down the street from the south. I could not see the vehicle, but i could see its lights reflecting on the buildings on the western side of the street. I felt panicked, and i turned the car to the south, trying to get it to stop. It eventually rolled to a stop, but we were in the eastern side of the intersection. The ambulance drove past us, heading north. I was glad that we were not in its way, but i felt that the car was still out of control. It stared rolling to the south again. Alarmed, i started yelling for my grandmother to pull the emergency brake again.

I moved to the east a little, feeling nervous. I had come back to this apartment, and i felt as though the people here would think that i should not have been away. I was upset with myself for not doing what i was supposed to do. I was not sure what to do here, though. There was nothing for me here, but i would have to stay here. The room was very narrow, about the width of a hallway. It ran to the east from where i was. The southern wall was open, leading into a parallel room. I stepped to the east. A counter was along the southern wall, but the southern wall seemed to be missing. The beams seemed to be there, but the wall had no surface. My grandfather was on the other side of the wall, to the southeast of me. He seemed to be doing something with a washing machine. I asked him if he needed my help. I was not sure what else i could do. He said that he could use my help. I walked around the western end of the wall and moved to the west of my grandfather. The machine was against the northern wall of the corridor. I stood for a moment, helping him do something, but i then moved to the east again, turning south into a small room, which seemed like a bedroom. A small bed ran along the eastern wall, and someone else was in the room to the south of me. I started singing a song, which said something like “I’m just a man, son of a man, who’s just a man, the son of men”. The string of words seemed to refer to a lineage of one man to mankind. I was pleased with the ad-libbed lyrics. They sounded nice, and i thought that i should remember them. I tried to sing it again: “I’m just a man, son of a man; i don’t understand.” As i thought about the lyrics, they started to change. I started to notice the rhythm of the words, noticing that the sentence started out long but then had a series of short phrases that rhymed after it. I sang “everyday i watch the screen, the horror scene, what does it mean, what does it mean.” It seemed to relate to the lyrics about the lineage of man.

12023 February 11

I was doing something in the house, moving from room to room as if cleaning. I had been living in this large house for a while, but the place still seemed new. I headed to the northwest, into a large rectangular room that extended to the west of the northern end of the house. The room seemed to have glass windows on all sides, and thick round wood beams ran up the walls. The ceiling seemed to have a peak that matched the roof above. Several pieces of furniture were in the room, and i moved past them, thinking of something that i had to do. I then noticed that the door in the western end of the northern wall was open. I felt worried that it had been left open for a little while. I wondered if anyone had come into the house. I walked to the door. As i reached it, the doorway led into a small area to the north of the building, which seemed enclosed but outside. An open metal gate was to the west of me. I could see the red metal gate pushed against the bushes to the south of the opening. It was turned to the east. The ground seemed to be dry dirt or gravel, and a small shed and more bushes were to the north of me. I moved to the gate, thinking that i had to close it. As i reached it, i noticed that a large object, like a mattress or small car, was pushed up against the gate. I felt annoyed that i would not be able to easily close the gate. I looked to the west, though the gate. A dirt road came from the south and turned to the west, into the wide driveway of a house. A woman and a man were in the driveway. A woman was walking to the north. Neither seemed to have noticed me. I wondered if my neighbors would have come into the back yard of my house through the open gate. I then thought that they probably have checked to see if anyone else had come through. I turned back to the east, noticing the large mattress that was leaning up against the gate to the southeast of me. I realized that the gate was made of woven sticks and wicker strands. I realized that my mother must have bought it for me and that my parents must have left it by the gate. I knew that it had been here for some time, though, and i thought that it must have gotten wet and rotted. I tipped the mattress toward me, seeing that the bottom edge was rotting. The sticks had become soft and were breaking apart. I felt annoyed, but i thought that my parents should have told me that the mattress was here. I felt annoyed at them for dropping it off and not telling me. I started back to the east.

I waked up in the small single bed, which as against the northern wall of the room. The bed was set into the northern wall of the room so that the headboard just fit against the western wall of the alcove. I answered my cell phone as i leaned up in the bed. I was aware of a few people in the room to the east of me. The person on the phone asked me about something, and i started telling the person how i had met someone. The person on the phone seemed to what to know where i had run into the other person. I started telling the person on the phone about the third person. The people in the other room must have been listening to what i was saying. They started talking loudly, interrupting the conversation. They started talking about how i had met the other person, adding details. I felt annoyed with them for interrupting. I walked to the east, trying to ignore the others. I noticed the narrow brown trailer, which looked like a horse trailer. It was facing west-southwest on the southwestern side of a small grassy park. I seemed to be on the northern sidewalk of a street, which ran along the southern side of the park. I focused on the trailer, trying to figure out what it was. The front arced together in a long vertical wedge. It was about two meters tall and about a meter wide. I could not quite figure out what it was. It seemed to rotate, though, changing position as i examined it. When it turned to the south, i decided that it must be a horse trailer, but it was on a small cement pad in the park, on display. A few of the others were standing to the north and northwest of me as i looked at the small vehicle. The metal surface was smooth, without windows.

12023 February 12

I seemed to be in my parents’ farmhouse, standing on the southern side of one of the rooms on the southern side of he house. I was looking out the window to the east-southeast. A large gray cat was sitting with its legs tucked under it. It was very close to the house, facing west. It seemed like an oddly shaped lynx, with thin tufts on its ears and tail. Its head and body were rounded, but its legs and neck seemed very thin. Its thin tail stuck up from its back end, and the fur on the tip of the thin tail fanned out. I realized that the cat should not have been out of the house. My mother then opened a door just to the north of the cat, calling it to come in. Startled, the cat jumped up and trotted to the south. I worried about the cat, thinking that we had to get it inside. I saw the cat run to the south, toward the road. I felt worried. As it neared the road, several cars started passing the house. The cat stopped in front of the road. I realized that the cars only started coming when the cat was near the road, as if to make the situation worse. We had to get the cat to come to the door without causing it to run away. My mother moved after the cat, trying to catch it. She seemed very worried. Several cars speeded past, but the cat did not cross the road. Instead, it turned to the west and started running along the road. I seemed to be near the road now, and i could see the cat galloping along the shoulder of the road. It disappeared behind the bushes that were close to the road on the western side of the lawn. My mother was very upset and worried, and she ran after the cat, calling its name. She jogged in short strides. She seemed to be wearing a pale-blue hoodie. After she passed around the edge of the bushes, i thought that i should cross the road and head west to help get the cat. I moved to the south, but the road was now a narrow gorge. I came to the edge of the gorge. The gorge seemed a little wider than the width of the road, and it was about three or four meters deep. A shallow stream ran down the center of it. The rocky cliffs on either side seemed to slant outward a little, and i thought that i would be able to climb down and back up. I had to get to the other side, and i felt anxious about how to do it. My father stood to the south of me, at the bottom of the gorge, which now seemed deeper than it had. He seemed to be trying to help my mother. I told him that we had to get to the southern side of the gorge to help. I stepped down the steep slope and skidded to the bottom. It seemed too steep to climb down, but i made it easily. I then headed to the south as my father headed west. The bottom of the gorge was about four meters wide. When i reached the rock wall on the southern side, i realized that it was almost vertical. It seemed like a wall now, with shelfs running across it. A few books and some bottles were on the shelfs. They reminded me of a medicine cabinet. I realized that i could not climb the wall here, and i told my father that it was too steep to climb. I then looked to the east, noticing a set of stairs that had been builded into the white wall. The stairs seemed to start about twenty meters to the east of where i was. They ascended on a shallow slope to a long landing. The northern side of the landing was marked with a black railing. The stairs then ascended more steeply to the east, where they were builded into the wall. Before reaching the top, they turned back to the west. I had climbed the stairs, and i turned to the west to head down the narrow hall of the building. The building seemed old and run down. I seemed to be in a back corridor, with wooden doors on both sides. A support archway was just to the east of me, with a slightly wider junction on the other side. Light was coming in through the frosted chicken-wired window in the upper part of the door to the east. I had to find out where the girl went. I thought that i would search the rooms here. Before i could reach the archway, i thought that i had heard something dripping. It seemed a strange sound, and i wondered what it meant. I opened a door on the southern side of the corridor, revealing a small square room with no windows. A large round vent was in the center of the ceiling, and its lower surface had a shallow dome with a thick metal grate. Colored beads about three centimeters in diameter were on the floor under the vent, which seemed like a kitchen vent. I knew that the drops of water were falling on the floor from the vent. I then realized that i had known about the dripping water before i had seen the colored beads on the floor. The beads seemed like glass beads. I thought that this must have been a memory from a dream. Something in the dream had forewarned me of the dripping, and i had seen it in this room. I thought that i should remember the details of the room so that i could write them down with the dream. I headed to the west again, coming into the wider area where the corridor turned to the north. Just before i reached the turn, i heard the girls making noises. They sounded scared. I hurried around the corner. Someone was following me as i rushed to help the girls. I came into a small room, stopping at the door. The others stopped just behind me. The girl in the red dress was standing near the northern wall of the room, facing east. She had a pair of gray metal crutches with wrist braces. She was motioning with her body at someone to the east of her, but i could not see the other girl because of the doorframe. I moved closer, seeing both of the young girls in the room. The girl in the red dress was scared of the other girl, who was to the east of her, near the northern wall. I thought that the other girl was her mother, which seemed strange, because she seemed so young. A low object was in the center of the room, between me and the girl in red. I thought that i would have to calm the girl with the crutches, so i said that this was a repeat of the story from before. I thought that this story had occurred in another dream. I remembered the story, but i could not remember where it was from. It had happened before this scene, but the girls were changed in that story. I then realized that the change in the other story explained the ending of this story. I told this to the girl with the crutches to try to comfort her. Others were watching us from the south.

I stepped into the northern end of the corridor from a doorway in the western wall. It seemed that i had come from another corridor. I walked to the south, down the narrow corridor, which seemed to be little more than a meter wide. The corridor seemed to be about five or six meters long. I thought that this building was part of a laboratory. I had been working with $A14 here, and i was leaving now. I thought that i should use the elevator in the southwestern part of the building. The door to the elevator seemed to be in the western wall at the southern end of the corridor. As i hurried down the hallway, i thought that i had to get away from someone in this building. I reached the elevator, but i thought that there might be other elevators in the other corridors on this wing. At the southern end of the corridor, i turned to the east. The hall ran for about two and a half meters to the east before turning north. I knew that the hall to the north ran parallel to the hall i was in, running about three or four meters. The northern end was connected to the main north-to-south corridor. I had passed the junction as i came down the hall from the north. I hurried to the east, thinking that i could get out of sight of the person who was coming after me. As i reached the southeastern corner of the corridor, i expected another stairwell to be to the south, but there was no elevator door there. I turned to the north, running up the corridor, but there was no elevator door in the wall at the northern end of the corridor either. I ran around the loop and back into the main corridor. I thought that extraterrestrials could have been chasing me; it would have made an interesting story. I decided that i would have to leave through the door in the southern end of the western wall of the main corridor. I turned to the south and hurried toward it.

12023 February 15

I walked to the west, looking at the large truck that was parked on the southern side of the small asphalt lot. I seemed to pass to the south of the truck as i talked to the others, but i was to the north of the western end of the long truck, which seemed like a tractor-trailer, when i stopped to think about it. A low plain building seemed to be to the north of us. I knew that the others had to get back to somewhere, and i asked the other person, who walking with me, if they could take the small bus back. I motioned to the short white bus, which was now where the front end of the larger truck had been. Part of the truck had been lifted away, revealing the two shorter vehicles that composed it. I thought that the bus could carry the team back to the other place. I then looked at the small oddly shaped vehicle to the west of the truck. It seemed like a very short car with boxy features. I thought that it was an economy car that could only seat two people. The man with me, who was now to the east of me, commented on the cars, suggesting that it could not carry very many people. I said that it was a small car. It seemed European. The man referred to it as a Fiat.

12023 February 16

I headed to the east, down the long hill, which seemed like the hill near Woodruf’s. I had just exited the forested area, and i thought that the area ahead was more open. I mentioned this to the other person with me, saying that the roads here were very sunny and open. I turned to the southeast, following a narrow path that led diagonally across the wide grassy field. The grass was rough and dry. It seemed to have been hayed. I realized that the road to the east, which ran straight down the hill, might not have stayed in the open sunny areas as i had mentioned to the man. I tried to picture it, thinking that it should enter a forested area before crossing a body of water. It seemed that the path i was on was really the sunny path. I was riding my bicycle, and i stood up as i coasted down the hill. Something about the path seemed interesting to me. I thought that it was part of a developed route for bicyclists. I had been traveling to the south of the road, which seemed to have run along the bottom of the hill that i had been descending. I stopped at an intersection. The road seemed to continue to the south of me, but the path seemed to turn to the east, passing through a narrow gap in an old stone wall. Bushes grew along the wall to the north and south of the gap. I started to turn to the east, but something seemed wrong about this. I was not certain that this was the correct direction to go. I looked down the road to the west. The road was a dirt road, and i could not see that far down it in the gray fog. I thought that i could see a white barrier across the road about ten meters away, but i was not sure. I hesitate, looking to the east and then back to the south. The single-lane gravel road did seem to continue to the south, but i thought that the barrier marked the end of the trail. I wondered if the trail was supposed to go to the south but had been redirected to the east for some reason. I felt indecisive, but i eventually headed east. As i stepped through the gap, i stepped down into a small back yard of a house. A large barn-like building was to the southeast of me. The northern side of the building was directly to the east of me. A small white farm house seemed to be to the east of me, to the northeast of the larger structure. I thought that the recreation trail must have led through someone’s yard. I was not sure where to go. I stopped in the middle of the cut grass of the yard, pulling my phone out of my left pocket to see if i could find a map of the trail. I knew that i had to head to Albany, but i seemed to be heading in the wrong direction. The area around me seemed shaded by a large tree, which was to the southwest of me. I turned to the north, trying to figure out how to view a map on my phone. I was then aware that someone was to the east of me. I thought that it was the owner of the house. She seemed to be getting out of her car, which was to the north of the house. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that i might be trespassing on her yard. I backed to the south to get out of her view behind the large wood building. A low embankment rose along the southern side of the yard. It seemed to be made out of old field stones that had been stacked in a line. The grassy lawn to the south of the embankment was about a half meter higher than the main lawn. It seemed scattered with large seed pods or crabapples. I sat on the stone wall, facing north as i looked at my phone. The woman walked to the west from around the corner of the barn. She spotted me and stopped. I hoped that i did not startle her, and i hoped that she did not mind me in her yard. I told her that i was trying to follow the trail and that i was not sure where it went. She smiled as though she understood the issue. She said that the trail was confusing and that it did not go where it was supposed to go. I tried to figure out where it went on my phone, but the woman stepped to the west a little and held out a large map. She held it to the west of her as she turned it toward me to see. She indicated the path, which was a diagonal red line running down and to the left on the map. I realized that the map was turned so that south was to the left, and the Hudson River seemed to be running along the lower edge of the map. I realized that the thick red line cut diagonally to the river quite a way south of Albany. A man was now holding the map. He stood to the south of me and held the map in front of me as he talked about the line. I said that the red line ran all the way to Hudson, and i was surprised that i could be so far from where i had intended to travel. The man turned the map a little, trying to show how far the trail went. I asked if the trail had been an old railroad that had been converted to a recreational path. The man said something about Taconic, saying it had something to do with the trail. He adjusted the map, which seemed to zoom out a little, showing more of the river. The trail seemed to cross the river and run to the south on the eastern side. A jagged island was in the center of the river, and the map seemed to cross from the eastern shore to the narrower part of the northern end of the island. The northern end had sharp corners, forming a rough rectangle with a slanted end. I realized that the trail was roughly following the Taconic Parkway. I mentioned this to the man, but he was not sure what the parkway was. I told him that it was an old highway, and i made a joke about the cement paving blocks that composed it. The man smiled as he listened. He was now to the northwest of me. I was aware of the woman doing something to the north of us in the lawn.

12023 February 17

I moved across the northern side of the room, which seemed like a cafeteria. The room was longer north to south than east to west, and it seemed more like an office. I moved to the south, thinking that we needed something. I asked someone how we would get something. I knew that we could not just purchase it. We would need to get permission to get things. I sat down on the couch that was in the center of the room, facing east. I sat near the southern end of the couch, and i faced northeast, with my left knee on the cushion to the north of me. I asked the woman to the northeast of me how we would get things. She was sitting in a cushioned chair that was off the northeastern corner of the couch. She seemed to be $A313. I felt as though we need the object, but i felt awkward asking for it, knowing that our office would have to request the supplied from the administration. $A313 explained that we would have to request the supplies and that we could not simply go out and buy them. I felt awkward asking about this.

I was with two other people as we left the place and headed to the east. We had to get to somewhere. We were on a tall hill, which sloped down steeply to the north. The valley to the north seemed very wide, with a city at the bottom of the hill. The hill of green grass rose to the south of us, rounding as it neared the top. We ran along a road that was cut into the slope of the hill. It ran east, rounding the curve of the narrow hill. I talked to the others as we moved. I felt that we had to get somewhere to do something. On the eastern side of the narrow slope, we seemed to turn to the south and were then heading west again. We closer to the top of the slope, but only seemed about ten meters away from the road that we had been on. The road was dug into the ground so that it was recessed about three meters. The dirt slopes on either side of the road seemed to be white sandy soil. The slope to the south of us was relatively flat, and the large grassy field seemed to be part of a school. The school building seemed to be on the southern edge of the field. I watched the road to the west of us as we moved. I then imagined that we were being followed. I imagined that the police would be after us. I watched the car speed to the west to get away from the police, surprised that we would try to run away. I did not see the police car following, but i knew that it would be pursuing soon. On the western side of the hill, we turned to the north and walked down the steep slope. The road curved to the east just below us, and a tall Victorian house was to the south of the curve. The house seemed tall and plain, like a single tower. We had been in this house before, and i mentioned it to the others. Something about the house seemed important, and i knew that we were headed back to it. As we walked down the paved path, a man came from behind us. He passed me on the west and continued to the north on the path. I recognized him, and i felt bitter toward him. He seemed like a bully from the school, and i did not like him. The other two people were walking in front of me, and the man walked slowly past them, to the west of them. I told the others that we had to get back to the house. I was then in the large central room of the house, which was a simple cabin. The walls had horizontal logs or boards running across them. The others moved around the room as we talked about something. We had to do something here. My family seemed to be with me in the cabin. My mother seemed to be to the northeast of me, and my father was to the west. I was standing just to the north of a low couch, which seemed to be brown and somewhat fuzzy. We had been staying in this place. I moved around as i said things to the people here. Someone seemed to be leaving to the northeast. An old wooden door in the western end of the northern wall then creaked ajar. I wondered if someone was trying to get into the house. I moved to the door and pushed it closed. As i let it go, though, the door started to slowly open. I worried that someone was trying to get into the cabin, and i pushed against the door. I felt resistance, though. I pushed harder to close the door. I wondered if it was the wind that was blowing the door open. I could hear a strong wind coming from the west. I now seemed to be standing to the north of the door in the center of the southern wall of the cabin. I felt nervous about the door, thinking that we would have to secure it. I worried that it could be pushed open while we were sleeping, and i thought that we should be able to close it so that it stayed closed. I pushed the door closed with both of my hands, but i could feel the door pushing back slightly. I look around the door frame, trying to find where the door could be latched. I noticed two narrow slots above the door. I imagined the flat metal slaps that would be put into the slots to stop the door. I held the door with my right hand, trying to find the metal pins as i looked down. I felt nervous, thinking that i had to hurry to secure the door. I saw a metal bar on the ground, and i picked it up. It was about two centimeters wide, a few millimeters thick, and about a deci long. It had a section in the center where the width narrowed to about a centimeter wide. I remembered these bars from before. I only had one bar, and i though that i would need two: one to stick in each hole at the top of the door. I bent the metal bar, thinking that i could break it in half and put half a peg into each slot. The metal bar bent easily, as though it were a lead composite. It had the color of aluminium. I bent it back and forth, but i could not quite get it to break. I looked at the holes in the ceiling of the door frame, noticing that the wood around the holes was very worn. I then looked down to the left side of the door, wondering why the latch to the door would not work. I saw that a latch bolt was on the side of the ajar door, and i tried pushing the door closed in the frame. The latch caught on the wooden hole in the eastern wall of the frame. The door seemed to latch. I wondered why it had been so difficult to close before. I then pushed on the door, noticing that the door was loose in the frame. It slided to the west a little, and the bolt no longer caught on the worn wooden hole in the wall. I felt frustrated.

12023 February 18

I turned to the south and put some of the things back into the car, which was facing east. I had the back door on the driver’s side of the car open, and i placed the things on the seat. I had been doing something to the northwest, but i was packing up. I closed the door to the car, and the car started rolling to the east. Annoyed, i thought that i should not have closed the door so soon. I thought that the closed door had put the car in to drive, and it was continuing down the highway to the east. I took the fob out of my right pocket and tried to stop the car. As i locked the doors, though, the car swerved to the north and then to the south. The car became unstable with no one to control it. I started to worry that the car would get out of control, so i pressed the fob again. I was standing again to the north of the car as it headed down the highway. I tried to stop it, but it pulled to the east of me. I was aware of the other person standing to the northwest of me. I seemed to be moving with the car, but it continued to pull away from me to the east. I tried to stop it with the fob again, but it again became unstable, swerving back and forth on the highway. It speeded to the east, and i lost it among the other cars on the highway. I started after it, wondering where it had gone. The other cars were now stopped on the road. The road ran directly to the east, and it had short walls on both sides of it. The eastbound lane was three lanes wide. A second lane seemed to be to the north of it, but i could not see it beyond the short white wall. I hurried down the road, passing the stopped cars, but i could not see my car. The dark-gray cars were lined up in the southern lane of the road. One of the cars was turned sideway. Its front end had hit the guardrail to the south and spun the car into the lane. I worried that my car might have caused damage to others on the road. I headed to the east, where cars were stopped in all three lanes, but i could not see my car. A man was then in the road to the northeast of me. He said that a car had caused the accidents on the road and that the car had driven off the road and had kidnapped. I did not understand what he was saying, and i asked how the car could have kidnapped. He motioned to the north. I looked off the side of the road. A square cement platform was about two meters below the level of the road. It was about four meters square, with low cement walls that were about a half meter tall. It seemed to be the top floor of a shorter structure. To the west of the northern side of the structure was a square shaft, which seemed to descend a few floors. I could see a pale-green minivan sitting over the top of the shaft, its front left wheel on the short cement wall of the platform. It was facing south. The side and front of the van seemed wrinkled. The man said that the other car had caught the van and pulled it off the road. I noticed the metal bar that must have been under the bumper of the van. I thought that my car must have hooked on to the metal bar and pulled the van off of the road. I thought that my car must have fallen down the shaft. I felt upset, worrying that my car had forced the van off of the road. I hoped that a family was not in the van. I felt worried and annoyed as i turned to the south, thinking that i had to get down to the lower level. The man said something about the car that had caused the accident, and i wondered if i should admit that the car was mine. I was hesitant to tell him that. I crossed the highway, heading for a set of wide cement steps that was to the south of the highway. I thought that i would probably be arrested for what happened to my car. I imagined that i would have to call my parents to tell them i was in jail for a while. I thought that this was a serious matter, and i felt concerned and upset.

I woke up in the driver’s seat of my car. I had fallen asleep in the car, and it seemed that i had been asleep for a while. I had left the house a while ago, and it must have seemed that i had been out driving for a long while. My car was parked on the southern side of a small paved parking lot. It as facing south, just to the west of an entrance to the lot. I moved the car to the south, pulling it a little farther into the parking spot. I then remembered that i always had trouble controlling cars when i was dreaming. I knew that they rarely stopped when i wanted them to. I looked down at the yellow cement parking stopper, thinking that i would have to stop when my tires hit it. To my annoyance, my tires drove over the stopper, and i heard the underside of my car scrape the cement block. Before i could stop, my back tires also bounced over the stopper. I tensed as i brought the car to a stop, frustrated that i had passed out of the parking spot. I was aware of people near cars on the northern side of the small lot, and i thought that they were probably watching me. I was having trouble stopping the car, but i had finally managed to get it to stop. I had to focus on it. I thought that i should back up to get into the parking space, but then i thought that i did not want to have to drive over the stopper again. I thought that the scraping on the bottom of my car might damage more things on the underside if i passed over the stopper again. I decided to turn my car to the east and head to the north, back into the entrance of the parking lot. I was driving north, toward the open spaces on the northern side of the lot. I focused as i approached the parking spaces, thinking that i had to make sure my car stopped when i wanted it to. The older people were still standing near their car, which was in one of the western slots on the northern side of the lot. The northern side of the lot was to the east of a small white building. The southern side of the lot seemed to run to the south of the building, along the northern side of the road. A large white tank was to the north of the two or three parking slots on the eastern end of the lot, and i pulled into the slot near the western end of the tank. The white tank looked like a fuel-oil tank. I had to be careful not to hit it. I pulled my car to a stop in front of the tank. I was aware that the small building to the west seemed to be a church, and the older people to the west of me were heading into the church for some event. I realized that i had been asleep in the car for quite a while. I had borrowed the car from my parents, and i realized that they probably thought i was out visiting this city. My parents and i were visiting this area, and we were staying with $A73 and $A431. I had borrowed the car from $A73. I thought that i should get back to the house and return the car. I drove to the west, down the road that had been to the south of the church. Small houses were on both sides of the road in the old suburban neighborhood. I wondered if $A73 would have traced where the car had been. I wondered what they would think when they saw that the car had been parked near a church. Would they assume that i had been spending my time at the church? I pictured the small parking area to the east of the southern end of the church again. The parking area now seemed to be against the small white building. I reached for the steering wheel, but i realized that it was quite far from me. I was having trouble reaching it, and it seemed awkward to drive. I then realized that i could see a wide area of the ribbed metal floor of the car below me. The front seat of the car had been removed, and i was sitting in the back seat of the car. I remembered that i had taken the seats out of the car, and i pictured them to the east of the car as i started to back out of the parking space on the eastern end of the lot. I felt annoyed, thinking that i would have to go back to the parking lot and retrieve the seats. I grabbed the steering wheel and looked down the road ahead of me. It was dark out now, and i looked at the side roads, trying to find a good place to turn around. The side road to the north seemed very narrow, so i looked for another. A car was coming from the west, so i let it pass me before i looked for a turnaround. I then noticed a street to the south, but an orange and white barrier across two saw horses was blocking the street. Another street to the north was also blocked. I felt annoyed. I drove a little further. The land had sloped down into a shallow gully, but it started up again. Just after it started to rise, i noticed a wide intersection on the northern side of the road. A square open area of road was just off to the side of the road that i was on, and a narrow side street came into the eastern side of it. I turned into the small area to the north and swinged around to the south. I stopped in the hallway, looking up the flight of stairs that ascended to the south along the eastern wall. The stairs were enclosed in a hallway. I seemed to be in a short hallway juncture, and a door to the southeast of me led to the bottom of the stairs. The first few steps seemed to turn toward the door, but the rest ran to the south. The darkly stained wooden stairs seemed worn, and the plaster eastern wall of the stairwell was pale yellow. The building seemed old, worn, and familiar. Diffuse sunlight shined down the stairwell from the top, spreading out on the eastern wall. I climbed the stairs and headed east into the entry hall of the building. I focused on the colorful tops of the wooden spinnels of the railing to the south of me. Bright colored squares and house-shaped pentagrams ran down the flat sides of the top of the spinnels. The spinnels were darkly stained, and the tops seemed to be octagonal or hexagonal. The top section was about a deci and a half long, and five or six colorful shapes ran down the sides, in bright colors: yellow, green, purple, and orange, red. The bottom part of the spinnels were rounded. The tops met the thick hand rail at the top of the railing, which ran from the southeast of me, where it met the doorway to the stairs, to the northwest of me. The railing ran to the west and curved to the north. I was aware of the landing to the south of the railing, which seemed slightly higher than where i was. The southern wall of the entryway had windows along the upper part, and the glass in the windows seemed decorative and rippled. An old door was in the eastern end of the wall. The walls of the entryway were made of darkly stained wood. I looked again at the railing, thinking that the woodwork in this building was very nice. I had got to the exit door to the southeast of me, but i did not want to climb over the railing, though, so i looked to the northwest to see where i could go around the railing. A second railing to the north of me formed a narrow corridor between the two railings, but the western railing did not seem to have an opening. The narrow corridor between the railings led to a doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall, which seemed to lead back into the building. I did not have a way to get into the entryway from here, so i decided that i would have to jump over the railing to the south of me to get to the exit door.

Three young men stood in the doorway of the house to the north of me. They had wanted to come into the house, but it seemed as though they had expected something different here. I asked them a question and told them that something was not here. They seemed confused and a little disappointed. They packed out of the wide doorway and turned to one another on the stoop outside. They pulled the large doors closed behind them. I felt interested in them, though, wondering what they had been trying to do here. I thought that they were looking for something and had been uneasy when they found that this was not the place that they had been looking for. The door seemed to have a thick brass frame with a large glass window in the center. The glass was covered with a translucent yellowish-tan cloth of paper. I thought that they were talking to one another to try to figure out what they should do next. I moved close to the door to see if i could hear any of their conversation. I was low to the ground, staring at the bottom of the door, but i could not hear them talking outside. I headed to the east, down the hallway, coming out into a more modern hall that ran along the eastern side of the building. The hall seemed to run from the south, and i entered into the northern side of it. A set of stairs ran down to the east of the door that i had entered from, and the door and the stairs were separated by a short cement wall. I rounded the southern end of the wall and ran down the two or three stairs, stopping at the small area at the bottom. A glass door was to the north of me. It also seemed to be in a thick metal frame. I could see the young men walking down the street, to the east. I seemed to be in an urban area, with old apartment buildings along the sides of the streets. I could not see where the men were heading. My attention was then drawn to my feet, where two dogs started hopping around near me. They stared up at me, excited. One seemed to be a black Pomeranian, and the other was a medium-sized brown and white dog seemed like a mix of setter and beagle. I spoke to the dogs in an excited voice, asking them what they were up to. They seemed to want something from me. I told them that i had things to do and could not help them right now. I felt a little excited as well, and i backed up the stairs a step or two. I put my hands on the short walls, which ran down each side of the steps, i lifted my feet, and i lowered myself toward the dogs. I talked childlike to them and then lifted myself back up. The walls amused me. I then started to sing something to the animals. I made up a song about the dogs and how they wanted something. This amused me, and i turned back to the south to head up the stairs. I had been doing something to the southwest. I then realized that i was on the eastern end of the large corridor, which seemed to be a street or central corridor of a mall. I realized that others were in the corridor to the west, and they might have heard me singing. I felt a little embarrassed and hoped that my singing annoyed no one. I glanced to the west, noticing the modern commercial buildings on the sides of the street. The building on the southern side of the street was mostly glass on the bottom, with a pale rounded surface above. To the west was a large building with a smooth gray edifice. The building ran along the southern side of the street, but the eastern end curved to the south. Tall black letters in script were written across the smooth gray surface. It was the name of a company that i was familiar with. I had been on this street before. As i walked along the eastern end of a row of small cubicles, i remembered that a restaurant was in the lower level of the building across from the large gray building. I had thought that it would be a good idea to get food from the restaurant for breakfast while i stayed here. I turned to the west and walked along the southern side of the cubicles. The cubicles had walls that were just a little shorter than i was, and i could see over them. A woman had stood up as i approached. She was to the south of the cubicles. She was looking around, and i thought that she might be looking for the person who was singing. I did not want to admit that i was singing, so i pretended that i did not know what she was looking for. I turned to the north at one of the cubicles. The cubicle was about a meter square, with a counter on the northern side. I glanced to the north and looked around, as though i was looking for the person who had been singing. I then started picking my things up from the desk. I had left my gray satchel on the desk, and i had to pick up my things and put them back in the bag so that i could go. I grabbed several tools from the desk, noticing the pair of gray long-nose pliers. I was surprised at how many tools i had taken out of my bag. I thought that i had borrowed the tools from $A73, so i would have to return them. I backed out of the cubicle as a young man passed to the south of me and continued to the east. I headed to the west, arranging the bluish-gray pliers in the satchel. I had to get back to the place where i had been staying. I thought again about returning the tools.

12023 February 19

I seemed to be standing just to the south of Martha Van, talking to someone who was to the east of me. I looked to the southwest, noticing a man walking toward a van. The van was facing east, and the man was coming from the southwest. I recognized him as $A713, and i was surprised to see him here. I looked at his face, noticing that it was rounded than i remembered. I wondered if it was really $A713. As the man neared the northwestern corner of the van, i waved at him, but he did not seem to notice me. I called to him, but he did not seem to hear me, so i called again. As i called his name, i realized that my voice was not working correctly. I was not actually making a lot of noise. I thought that i was probably still asleep and talking in my sleep. $A713 passed the van and moved to the southeast. I felt disappointed that i did not get to say hello to him. I wanted to say hello. He stopped near a building to the southeast and then turned around to head back toward the van. As he neared it, i stepped to the south and waved to him, focusing on speaking and calling his name. His eyes widened as he noticed me, and he moved quickly to hug me. I was glad that he was happy to see me. He hugged me warmly, and i hugged him back. As he reached his arms around my shoulders, i noticed that he was shirtless. He moved a little to the north, pulling to the west of him. We were now in a room of a house. The room was a small corner room in the southeastern corner of the house. A larger room was to the west of us, and i knew that a large window was in the southern wall of the room, just beyond the doorway that we were standing near. A door seemed to be to the east of us, and the room ran to the north, along the eastern side of the building. As we hugged, $A713 started caressing my back and shoulders. It felt good to hold him again, but i felt awkward, because i knew that $F71 would not like me being intimate with someone else. I did not resist, though. I hugged him back anyway, aware that the people outside the window to the southwest of me could not see us because the curtains were closed. $A713 then pulled me to the ground near the door in the eastern wall. I thought that the door led to the stairs, and i thought that the stairs descended to the basement under us. I thought we could go to the basement to wrestle, but i felt awkward and not sure what to do. $A713 then pushed me to the ground and slided his right arm through mine into an armbar. I liked wrestling with him, but i was unsure if i should do it here.

12023 February 20

I was in the small classroom, which seemed as though it was on the eastern side of an old college building. The walls were covered with darkly stained wood, and the chairs in the room seemed to be wooden. A man was to the east of me. He was the lecturer of the class. He said something about the book and asked me about it. I knew that we had to buy our textbooks, and i had one that was different from the other people. I looked at the book to the southeast of me. I turned open the cover of the book, exposing the pages, which seemed to be fairly loosely bound in the book. I realized that the book was actually a collection of several other books. Each signature of the book seemed to be from a different issue, and i thought that they were of specific topics. I flipped through some of the signatures, opening to a section where a very small book was bound between the large pages. The small book was about a half deci by three-quarters of a deci. I noticed that the text on the pages was in blocks, and each block started with small capital letters. I noticed that the second block started with the abbreviation “GEN”, and the paragraph after it started with “PSM”. I realized that the small pages were taken from a bible. I thought that they used as references for topics covered in other pages of the book. The professor to the east of me continued talking about something. I felt annoyed, thinking that i was not able to do something. I told the professor about the book that i had, and i moved around the room to do things.

12023 February 21

I was with the group of people in the small dark area. I could see all the people well, but the area around us seemed to be dark. I stood to the east of the group of people, who seemed to be people from my high school. A table or lot counter seemed to be to the north of me and to the northeast of the group. A person came from the north, carrying a large round green fruit. The others cheered him as he brought the fruit into the center of the group, stopping to the west of me. The fruit was roughly round, with a shallow pointed top. It was about a half meter wide, and it was split down the center on the front. The man showed the fruit to others. We had been looking for food, so the others were happy that the man had found some fruit. As the man turned the fruit to the northeast, i noticed that the inner part of the fruit, where the edges were split, was fuzzy and reddish-brown. In the center of the fruit, i could see another piece of fruit, which looked like a pale-green avocado. I recognized the fruit, and i thought that the thick pulpy outside shell was not editable. I knew that the small fruit in the center was actually a seed case, and it covered a small seed. The seed would be the only part of the fruit that we could eat. I thought that we would have to break open the fruit to get the small amount of food inside. As i thought this, the front of the fruit extended into a narrow cone with a curled end. The cone looked like a flower that was not quite open. I thought that we could reach down the center of the conical pedals to reach the fruit inside. The plant seemed to be extending the flour, though, and i felt uncomfortable about it. The man joked with the others about the flower, and he pointed it toward my head as i mentioned getting the fruit. I smiled and ducked out of the way, moving to the south behind some of the others. When i looked back up to the northwest, i saw the man holding the fruit up so that another man to the east could reach into it. The men were then to the west of me as the second man pulled the fruit from the plant. The others were talking about it, but i noticed a small tan object fall from the plant. It bounced on the floor and tumbled to the south. I knew that it was the edible part of the plant. I was still crouched down, so i turned to the south and picked it up with my right hand. It was oddly shaped. It seemed to have the same rounded shape with the point on top as the main fruit, but the point was extended and turned in to a small knob at the end. I thought that this was the nut of the plant. I wanted to taste it, but i had to give the fruit back to the man who found it. I pressed on the knob with my thumb, breaking it off. I then handed the rest of the fruit back to the man. As the others talked about the nut, i tasted the piece that i had broken off. It tasted like a hazelnut, and it reminded me of hazelnut liquor. I stood up and moved to the north as the others talked about the fruit.

12023 February 22

I moved to the south in the small room. The room seemed simple, with crude cement or plaster walls, like an underground room. I had come here through the passage that was now to the south of me. I looked down at the passage, which was a small rounded hole in the southern wall. The hole was about three-quarters of a meter high, and it was low to the ground. I moved to the east of the hole and crouched down. Warm air was flowing out from the hole, and i thought that the air was coming from the Holy Land. This corridor somehow connected this place to another part of the world. It seemed very special, and i knew that he warm air had some special property to it. I leaned in front of the hole, letting the warm air blow on my face. It felt very good. I pictured men with long white hair near the hole, trying to divine the properties of the hole. They were wizards from the past, and they had come to the hole because of its spiritual property. I moved closer to the hole to get out, thinking that the air was considered holy. I then heard a noise behind me, and i looked to the north, over my right shoulder. A person had opened the door in the center of the northern wall of the room to let a cat in. I remembered that the cats were outside. I thought that other cats were still outside, but the man had let this one in for a specific reason. It had something to do with the holy nature of the tunnel.

12023 February 24

I left $F71 and i headed to the east. I had to do something. After a moment, i headed to the north, into the area where the shops were. I was still talking to the person who was walking with me. The person walked to the west of me as we moved north. We were inside a store, but the store was empty. This seemed unexpected. The ceiling had been stripped, exposing the dark metal rafters overhead. Several wires seemed to be hanging from the ceiling and walls. I stood on the southeastern side of the store, just inside the door, which was in the eastern end of the southern wall. The southern wall of the store was glass, which was held in by thin black metal frames. The bottom pane of glass was about a meter tall, and the top pane ran to the ceiling, which seemed to be three meters high. I started to move to the north across the floor, not quite sure what to do. I noticed low round bumps on the floor. The raised areas were about a deci in diameter and a few centimeters tall. I stepped on one, realizing that it was made of ice. Similar bumps were scattered across the cement floor. I thought that the floor must be very cold. I decided that the room had not been heated, so it must have dropped below freezing overnight. I shuffled my feet over the floor, realizing that most of the floor was icy. This seemed very strange. I knew that it had not been that cold overnight, so the entire floor should not have been frozen. The floor was almost white, and the walls to the north and east were also white with frost. The wall to the east seemed to have dark thin vertical lines every meter and a half or so, but the frost covered the panels in between. I shuffled to the northeast, to the northern end of the eastern wall, where a round thermostat had hung. The thermostat was now hanging by pale-red wires. The front of the round plastic surface had several digital chips showing, but the meter itself had been removed. I felt annoyed. I headed to the northwest, thinking that the heater was in a room to the northwest of me. I came to a door in the northern end of the western wall and i pushed it open. To my surprise, i found myself out side, in the back of the building. This was not what i had remembered from before. Something seemed wrong, and i was not sure what to do. Tan metal shipping crates were stacked to the southwest of me, and a metal structure was to the west, about three meters from the building. I looked at the shipping crates, wondering if it was what i had remembered from before. I had expected to see the heating unit in a metal encasement, but nothing looked correct here. I felt confused. I was then in the back seat of the car as someone drove to the south. I was trying to figure out what had changed. I asked $F71, who was in the car with me, about the thermostat. I could not quite remember how it had been before. I speculated that the crates might have been moved since i had been there before. Maybe that explained why the area looked different. I had expected the crates in a different location than they had been in before. I thought about this, but i was not sure how things had changed. I felt confused and uncertain.

12023 February 25

I was talking to the person in the narrow room on the eastern end of the house. The room seemed to run along the entire side of the house, but it was only about three meters wide. It seemed like the sun room in my grandfather’s house. The eastern wall of the room was filled with large glass windows. I walked to the south, down the length of the room, and the man walked to the southwest of me as we spoke. As we passed the central section of windows, i noticed some water on the floor near the southern end of the section. Thick white drapes hung down just outside the window casement, and a small puddle of water was forming on the floor at the southern corner of the wooden window frame. I thought that the windows must have separated from the frame, allowing the rain water to come into the house. I felt a little concerned by this, and i told the other person that this had to be fixed. We continued talking about something as i bent over to inspect the edge of the window. I noticed that the pale wood of the vertical frame on the southern side of the window had caked mud on it. The water that had been leaking in must have been silty. I wondered if it was from flooding. I remembered that the window had been leaking water before, but i did not know that it had so much water flowing into it. I pulled the white drapes to the south so that i could see more of the wood frame. To my disappointment, the wooden frame was rotting. Parts of the frame near the glass had worn out, leaving a gouge in the wood. I was annoyed, and i thought that we would need to replace the door soon.

12023 February 26

I talked to $Z as we stood on the northern side of the street. I faced $Z, who was to the east of me. I could hear others talking, and i looked over my right shoulder to see some men to the west of us, on the southern side of the street. They seemed like young college men, and they seemed to be fooling around. I tried to talk to $Z and ignore the men, but something about them made me cautious. I turned to the southwest to watch them as they walked down the path along the bottom of the shallow gorge. The street was now a gorge with a narrow creek in the center of it. The first of the men was stepping over some stones in the creekbed as he walked. He wore a medium-weight insulated dark-blue jacket with a nylon shell. I started to turn back to $Z, but i then heard the sound of ducks squawking. I looked back to the southwest, down the gorge, but i could not see the men anymore. A wide waterfall was in the gorge, and the land to the west of it seemed a few meters lower than the top of the gentle cascade. The men had disappeared below the edge of the fall as they approached. The ducks flew up from the area, though. They were upset about something. I told $Z that the men must have disturbed them. I hoped that the men had not been attacking the ducks in the gorge. I thought that the men must have gotten too near some ducklings, so the parents were upset and flying around and making loud squawks. I turned to the east and told this to $Z. I then glanced to the southeast. The gorge to the southeast of me ran southeast, and it seemed wider and deeper than the other parts. The water filled the bottom of it, and the water was very still and calm. The view was lighted by yellow light from the sun to the west. The view seemed very picturesque. Several ducks glided into the scene from the west. They turned to the southeast and landed along the northeastern shore of the water. I thought that they were starting to settle down.

I walked down the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street, heading south. The street seemed like Garden Avenue, and i seemed to be near Comstock. Several people were doing something on the lawn to the southeast of me. They were to the west of a small stone house. The house seemed like $P19. As i passed a bush or some other plant on the eastern side of the sidewalk, i could see that a tree near the stone house had fallen to the south, landing on the roof of a white car. The people on the lawn were walking around the car, trying to decide what to do. The white car was in a driveway, which ran diagonally to the southeast from the street, toward the northern side of the house. The driveway seemed set into the grassy lawn by about a half meter. Several other paths seemed to cross the lawn as well. Many people were standing around the car, and a police man was walking to northeast with another person, heading toward the car. They were about five meters to the south of me when they crossed the sidewalk. I looked to the east at the car, noticing that it was not in the cement driveway. It had been parked along the southwestern side of the driveway, on the lawn, which now seemed level with the driveway. I knew the police officer would notice that, and i wondered if it would make a difference. I hoped that the people did not get in trouble for parking on the grass. I then glanced at the car again, and i realized that it actually was on the asphalt driveway. This did not make sense, though. I then realized that the car i was now looking at was a black car and not the white car. The black car was more like an SUV. It was cubical in shape, and it face southeast, toward the other car. I continued to the south, past the black car. The sidewalk had descended slightly, and a stone wall now formed an embankment to the east of the sidewalk, holding up the lawn. A set of stone steps was in the center of the wall, and the sidewalk seemed to run diagonally to the southeast from the top of the steps. The police officer was talking to the other person on the lawn to the east of me. He referred to the trees to the south. I felt confused, and i looked to the southeast, at the small trees in the southwestern corner of the lawn. I felt interested in what was going on, but i knew that $A844 was talking to the police officer, and i thought that i should let him handle the situation. I looked at the small tree to the south. Its trunk was less than a deci thick, and it stood right at the edge of the street, which did not seem to have a sidewalk. I thought that the road had undercut its roots, which would make the trees in the area unstable. I turned back to the north. As i started walking back up the street, i heard a car to the south of me. It had come from the east and had turned to the north on the street that i was on. I was still walking along the side of the street, so i thought that i should get out of the street to make way for the car. I imagined that i could bend space and shift myself to the back door of the house to the east of me. It would appear from the car as though i blurred to the east and disappeared. I watched myself blur into the air to the east of me. I was carrying a yellow Big Wheel in my right hand. I imagined that i would reappear in the doorway on the back porch of the house. The house seemed to have a wooden deck that faced east.

12023 February 28

I was with the others at one of the small round tables on the patio of the cafe. The cafe was a small building on the northern side of a street in the urban area. The off-white building seemed to have a flat section on the western end and a rounded part on the eastern side. I had been talking to the others for a while, but i got up and crossed the street to the south, entering the building. I came into a large open room on the western side of the apartment. This was the apartment in which we were staying. It was a very nice place. The outer walls of the room were glass, letting in a lot of light from the city around us. This place seemed to have been an office in the past, but i knew that it was now a living space. A large square room seemed to be to the north of me. It was open to the wide corridor that i was in, which ran along the western side of the apartment. Another large room opened up on the southern side of the building. In the center of the eastern side of the floor, to the east of me, seemed to be several small rooms that had darkened walls. I thought that one of these was the bathroom. Something about this building seemed very appealing to me. I liked the open space, and it felt very good to be here. I looked to the southeast, into the large room. The room seemed to have a kitchen area on the eastern side, and i thought that there would be an island counter separating it from the rest of the room. I could not see the full kitchen around the corner of the smaller rooms to the east of me. I wondered what it would be like living in this apartment. I could see the eastern wall in the room to the south, and i knew that the building was on the western side of a street. It seemed to be set back from the street a little, so that two or three meters of sidewalk were on the southern end of the eastern side of the building. I turned to the north and walked into the large open room. The room did not seem to have any furnishings. Through the windows, i could see the buildings across the street to the north. I was on the second floor of the building. I had been on the first floor before. The second floor had a very similar layout to the first, though. I thought that the people at the cafe across the street would be able to see me in the window. They should be sitting just below and to the northwest from where i was. I did not want them to see me in the house, though, so i moved cautiously toward the window in the northern end of the western wall to see where they were. I wanted to make sure they were still there, but i did not want them to know that i was walking through the building to check it out. I was attracted to the place, but it was not my house, so i did not want others to know that i was just wandering around to see how beautiful it was. I could see the curved wall that ran between the cafe’s patio and the sidewalk below. Several people were sitting at some of the round black tables, but i could not see the people i had been sitting with. The table they were sitting at seemed to be empty. This did not seem correct. I thought that this must be some kind of illusion from looking through the glass at such a sharp angle. I moved to the east, into the empty room to get a better view of the cafe from the northern windows. I looked to the west, almost over the top of the patio. The table was still empty, and the patio was now empty of all people. I felt a little disappointed that the others had left. I felt confused. I headed to the south, back into the center of the apartment. I wondered if the others were on their way back here. I headed down the wide hall on the western side of the building, looking to the east at the entrance to the bathroom. I started to turn to the east, but i thought that this bathroom was actually the master bathroom, which the owner of the house would use. The owner seemed to be $A36. I thought that i should shower, but i decided that i should do it in the main bathroom, which seemed to be downstairs. The others were now in the room to the south of me as i entered from the north. They had entered from the doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. I seemed to be on the first floor again. I thought that we had been here for some event in the days before, but this was the last day, and people had gone out for breakfast at the cafe. I thought that i would have to drive home this afternoon, so i thought that i should shower first. I looked out the window to the west. It seemed like a nice sunny day to drive, but i knew that it would be dark by the time i got home. I thought about the drive. My home seemed to be to the southeast. I asked someone where the bathroom was, and a man said that it was in the main apartment. I turned to the west to see a cement ramp rising to the south to meet a double door, which seemed to be the main entrance to the apartment building. I moved to the west, and i was now outside the part of the building i had been in. The glass section was the eastern wing of the building. To the south of me was a tall brick structure, which was the main part of the apartment building. The section to the south of me was set in about a meter from the main part of the old brick apartment building, which rose to the west of it. The building seemed to be four or five levels tall. I had come into the building from this side, but i had not noticed the ramp before. I then realized that i had thought that the ramp was a hall when i came in. I headed to the south, into the entry hall of the building. The hall seemed narrow, and doors to apartments seemed to be off of it. I passed through a doorway on the southern end of the hallway, thinking that it might go to a shower room. As i turned to the west, i realized that i was in a small rectangular room with some furnishings. I stopped in the middle of the room, noticing a man through a doorway in the western end of the northern wall. I realized that this must be his apartment. I quickly headed back out. I came out of the building to the north, wondering where i should have gone for the bathroom. Several other people were now walking out of the large glass part of the building to the east of me. They were carrying towels and other shower things. They had all returned from the morning, and they would now want to shower before they headed out as well. I felt annoyed that i was not able to get a shower before they had all started to fill them. I headed back to the east and then to the north, wondering where i should go. The others seemed to be heading into the doorway to the south. As i looked to the west, i noticed a set of stairs that let up to an entryway in the large part of the building. The black stairs of the stoop were steep, and they ascended to an arched tan cement trim that surrounded a large set of wooden doors. The stairs seemed to ascend around the doorway that i had gone through to the upper entrance. I realized that more showers might be in the upper section of the building. As i stepped onto the stoop, i noticed a white sign in the center of the large wooden door. It said “Whore Bath” in brown magic-marker ink. I thought that this was supposed to be funny. I climbed the stairs to the door. It seemed hard to climb the stairs, and i struggled to do it. I came into the building, and i was standing at the eastern end of a long hallway that ran to the west. The hall had old walls, which seemed to be pale green. The others were lined up along the southern wall of the hallway, facing west. They were waiting for the showers. I felt annoyed that i had not found this place earlier. I had tried to get to the showers before the others came back. I moved to the west, wondering where the shower rooms were. I did not see any doorways in the southern wall where the queue had formed. I reached the western end of the hall and turned to the south in the adjoining hallway. The hall was very wide and bright. It ran south, and it seemed to have large windows in the western wall. I thought that i could see a door to the south on the western wall, just beyond the windows. I spoke to someone, who was walking on the western side of me. We headed south, into a large room at the end of the hallway. The room opened to the east. It seemed very plain, but it had several things stacked along the northern and southern walls. As i headed east, i looked at the cylinders on the northern wall. They seemed like kegs. This place seemed like a storage room. I thought that we probably should not be here, but i could not find where i was going. I then thought that this room seemed very similar to the one i had walked into before. I wondered if i had gone in a circle. This did not seem logical, though. I thought that the other room was in a different part of the building and on a different floor. The eastern wall of the room had a wide opening into another room to the east. The room to the east seemed to be a recreation room. I stopped near the opening and looked back at the kegs, trying to figure out if i had been in this room or not. I decided that this could not be the same room as before. I turned to the east. The person who was with me was now gone, so i continued to the east, into the next room. A ping-pong table was set up on the northern half of the room, and two young men were playing ping-pong. They seemed like they were in their late teens, and i felt wary of them, thinking that they might try to act territorial. I thought that they would think that i did not belong in this place because i was different than they were. I adjust the right sleeve of my shirt, adjusting it over my right shoulder as i headed to the north around the ping-pong table. I tried not to pay attention to the men as i passed so that i would to attract their attention. A man was sitting to the north of the western end of the table. He sat on the floor, with a large boombox on the floor to the east of him. As i started past him, he mumbled to the others “Watch this.” As i passed, he called me a name and grabbed my left leg. I realized that he was trying to insult me by calling me the name, but i realized that i was not who he thought i was. He was trying to trip me, but i was able to keep my balance as i tried to step forward. The man held on to my leg, though. Annoyed, i slapped the right side of his head with my right hand, letting him know that i was saying “no”.

I walked to the south, agreeing with the other person that the dialog of the character was unspecific. I thought about how the character would use the words “it appears” or “it seems” in speech. I knew that this was intentional, and i told this to the other person as we started across the bridge. I walked along the western side of the bridge, which seemed to cross the gorge at North Campus. I glanced over the cement wall on the western side of the bridge, knowing that there was some water below. I imagined the person i was having a conversation with was $F81. As i reached the southern end of the bridge, i thought that the character would use unspecific terms to emphasize his belief that nothing in life was determined and that he did not actually know with full certainty that something was real. I thought of the other character in the book, who was shorter, rounded, and seemed to be extraterrestrial. I thought that the man would have a conflict with this other character because the other character was dedicated to chaos and discord. I turned to the southwest at the end of the bridge and walked down the shallow slope of the paved area, which seemed gray. I thought about the second main character in the book. She was related to the first. I thought that the conflicts in the first character would make him a more interesting character, and i wondered what i could say about the second. I thought that she could not have such specific beliefs as the man, though she was of the same school of thought. As i opened the wooden door, swinging it to the south, and walked into the small closet, i thought that she wanted a return to the old ways of her people. The door seemed to be made of narrow vertical cedar boards. The inside of the square closet was also covered with cedar. Clothes hung along the southern wall, just under a sloped ceiling. I thought that the woman would be uncomfortable in her current position because she was always trying to recapture something that was gone. This seemed like good points for the story. Looking down at the wood floor, i noticed a pale area that looked like water stains. The stain streaked to the east, under a small black bag that was on the floor. I worried that the floor had been damaged, so i bent over and picked up the black bag to check the floor. It no longer seemed stained. I thought that the whiteness must have been a trick of light from the doorway to the east. I stood up and rubbed my left foot over the pale blobs that stretched to the east on the floor, just to be sure.