12019 January 02

I had just finished running up the long hill, heading to the north, and i was now running on the flat ground. The land around me seemed very flat, with no distant features. The land seemed forested, but a wide are on the western side of the road had been cleared. Just to the northwest of me was a large brown building, which seemed to be a pub. It was tall for a single-story building, and it had old darkly stained wooden beams running vertically up the front walls. White plaster seemed to be between the vertical supports. The building sat about twenty or twenty-five meters from the road, and a wide paved parking lot was in front of it. Only a few cars were in the lot, and they were all near the northern side of the lot. I looked at the main door of the building as i started to jog past. I realized that some of $G4, whom i knew, had been in the building. I wondered if any of them were still there. A woman came out of a door near the northern end of the building. She had an armful of objects, and she turned to the north, heading toward a large black pickup truck, which was parked near the building, facing west. She seemed like $F76. I thought that some other $G4 must still be in the building, and i wanted to go to see them. I was still running, though, and i was not sure that i should stop. It did seem that i was running a long distance, and i thought that i should continue. I slowed as i reached the intersection to the north of the building and turned around to head back to the south. I decided that i had to go into the building to say hello. I headed to the west, entering the large room of the pub. The room had a very high ceiling and pale walls. It seemed very empty. The room had many large wooden tables in it, running north to south, but they all seemed very low. I said something to a person near me. I could not see the people i was looking for, and i decided that they were not here. I turned back to the east. Two doors were in the eastern wall of the room: one in the southern half and one in the northern half. I walked toward the northern wall. The wooden door was tall, with many small panels set into it. The door was dark, but something about it seemed red. It had a long cast-iron handle on the southern side. The handle was a thin metal bar that ran vertically, and it was about two decis long. I pulled the door open, but realized that it was blocked from the other side. The doorway, which was three or four meters tall, was full of packed snow. I said something to the person to the south of me as i let the door close. I left the building through the southern door. As i started walking to the east-southeast across the parking lot, i noticed $A682 on a bicycle. He was riding up the road to the north, and he seemed to be dressed in spandex racing clothes. His shirt was blue with a white chest, and his long pants were blue. I thought that he had come up the road looking for me. He would be surprised that i had run such a long distance. I knew that he would ride to the intersection to the north and then turn around and head back. I would be jogging back down the road at that time. He would be surprised to see me there. I felt a little hesitant to see him, but i thought it would be amusing to surprise him on the road. I turned to the south and started down the road. It now seemed that i had spent time in the parking lot, and i was not sure if $A682 was actually still riding to the north or if he had turned around already. I thought that he might have passed me while i was in the parking lot doing something. I started down the hill on a bicycle, but i realized that i was still carrying something. I stopped the bicycle and put my feet down. I realized that i should have been running, and i wanted to be running, but i had a bicycle and a large flat box. I could not leave them here just so that i could run home. I thought that i should wish them away. This did not seem to make sense, but i knew that i could simply determine that the box and bicycle be somewhere else. I would move them into a small pocked universe in this area and then retrieve them from my house later. I was then moving again, riding the bicycle down the steep hill. A lake seemed to be to the south of me, at the bottom of the hill, but tall trees filled the land around the road. The road ran steeply to the south, but then curved to the southeast. I followed it around the curb. As i approached the curb, i noticed a thick column of black smoke rising from directly to the south of me. It seemed to be on the lakeshore. I wondered if one of the houses was on fire. I headed to the south again, and turned around a corner so that i was heading east. I was now at the bottom of the hill. The trees to the south were thin, and i could see a boat on the shore. Smoke was floating upward from the southern side of the main cabin of the boat. I drove past the boat, noticing the fire within the main cabin. I wondered if the boat was on fire or if a fire was burning for some reason. A large two-story building was on the water to the east of the boat. The house was the westernmost building in a row of shops, but the building seemed to be an expensive house. I slowed my bicycle, thinking that i should tell the people that smoke was coming from the boat. I felt indecisive about doing this, but finally decided that i should. I looked at the northwestern corner of the building as i thought about this. The building was made of wood, with large glass windows on the lower and upper floors. I could see the fine woodwork of the floors and walls inside. The furnishings were nice and well designed. I could not see anyone inside. The main door to the house was set into the corner of the building, facing northwest. The porch was about two meters deep, with two wooden steps down that ran around the entire perimeter of the wood surface. I decided that i should knock on the door and tell whoever answers that the boat is on fire. As i approached the door, however, i noticed a woman moving toward me from the boat. She had shoulder-length blond hair, and she smiled with self-assurance. I realized that she knew about the fire on the boat and that she had let it burn. I felt suddenly uneasy here, thinking that the woman was burning the boat intentionally. I thought that others were with here, and i worried that they would not have wanted me to see what they had done. I did not feel safe here, and i turned back to the north to walk back to my bicycle.

12019 January 04

The man was to the east of me as i turned on the music machine, which was on the low table to the east of me. I was playing one of the songs that i had recorded. It seemed like an older song, and i remembered the melody. The song was about a relationship with a woman, and it seemed that the singer was describing a relationship that had ended. I moved to the south a little, turning north. The man was now standing to the northwest of me. He was facing the tape, and i realized that he seemed interested in the music. He seemed older, with gray hair and a balding head. I was pleased that he liked the song, and i turned to listen to it as well. A piano played the main instrument of the song, and the lyrics seemed very melodic on top of it. The song felt very familiar to me, and i liked that others were finding it interesting. I knew that the lyrics would describe more of the breakup near the end of the song. I thought that i should put more electric guitars in the background of the music near the end. I listened as i looked back at the man. He intently stared at the machine that was making the music. I was glad that he was enjoying the music. I then noticed that a distorted guitar was playing in the background of the music. It was high in pitch. I did not remember starting the guitars so early, but they sounded good. I would still have to add more of a rock guitar near the end. I imagined the rhythm in my head, thinking that the heavy guitar part would be simply steady rhythm in lower tones. The song then started to change for the ending. The lyrics paused as the music faded. The lyrics then continued, saying something funny. I started walking to the southeast. The man said that people would not bother with the M-dash. I thought that the last line had said something about the woman using a colon for a sentence, but the singer would still use an M-dash before he said the final line. It was a joke that the man did not think the audience would get. I started traveling down the road as i listened to the chords start again. This part of the song was different, and i did not remember it. It was some kind of bridge, and it seemed tenser. I was still waiting for the ending verse of the song to start, knowing that it would be the verse about the breakup. The verse then came back, and i thought that the song would end. Instead, the voice rose in pitch, and the music hit a chord that brought tension in the song. It did not seem like a resolved ending. The song continued into more of the verse. The song was going on too long. I thought that i would have to do something to change that. It had too many verses. I listened to the verses as i rounded the corners on the narrow road, heading roughly to the southeast. It was a sunny day, but the grasses were still dead from winter. The song finally ended on a slow resolving chord, and i thought that it had gone on too long. I would have to fix that. I was then driving to the northwest on the same curving road. The low brown wooden buildings near me seemed to be part of a ski area. As i reached the top of the hill, the road turned to the west. I still thought about how i could make the song work well.

12019 January 05

I turned on to my back, looking up toward the ceiling. I was lying on the padded mat on the floor on the eastern side of the room. We had been sleeping here. Someone else was lying just to the north of me. I was on the southern edge of the mat. I felt very comfortable, but i also felt that i should be sleeping. A man was now standing to the west of me. He seemed short and stout, and he had a round face with scruffy hair and beard. He seemed intently focused on me. I thought that he was watching my position as i sleeped. I realized that i had my left knee in the air and my right knee pointing to the north. The large mat was darkly colored, and it seemed to be in a smaller northern section of the main room. The room had a wooden floor and white walls, but it seemed well worn and not perfectly clean. I tried to get more comfortable, still aware of the man watching me. I rolled on to my right side, facing the other person to the north of me. He was also sleeping on his right side, facing north. I curled up a little, and my face was pressed into the back of the other person. The other person seemed like a boy in his early teens. He wore blue flannel pajama pants with a top of similar material. The top was mostly white with blue down the sides and red designs on the back. I seemed to be about the same size as the boy, but i also seemed to be my age. I tried to sleep for a moment, wondering if the man was watching me still. The mats seemed to be about a deci thick, and they were comfortable, but i was distracted by something. The boy was then standing. He had walked to the west of me to talk to the man. I was standing, and i turned to the south as the man and the boy started moving around. They seemed to be practicing martial art forms. They moved to the southern side of the room. The man was now tall and thin, with shaggy chin-length tan hair. He moved in floppy motions that approximated martial-arts movements. They moved to the southeast of me. The southern side of the room was wider than the smaller northern section that i was in; it extended farther to the east. The man stopped near the eastern side of the room and turned to face west. He was still wiggling his arms and legs, showing the boy the movements. The boy stood to the north of him now, and they both started moving to the west. I walked to the southeast, heading for the exit door, which was in the eastern wall on the southern side of the room. As i left the space, my parents were with me. I turned south and headed out of the room. I glanced back, noticing the open spaces of this old building. The plaster walls were nicely painted, but they seemed old and worn. We turned to the north on the street and were driving in the car. We moved down a highway, and i remembered that the highways in Los Angeles were very complicated. I looked down into the valley to the north, thinking that i would see the tangle of highways below. We were traveling to the east on a highway that ran along a rounded ridge. The main part of the city was to the north of us, in a rounded valley. The land seemed very smooth. The hill sloped gently down to the north of us toward the city, which was long and narrow in the valley below. The valley was a shallow curved depression that ran to the west, with a shallow hill running along the north of it, parallel to the hill that we were on. The streets of the city filled the valley below, but i was looking for the tangle of highways that i had heard about. I then noticed that the road we were traveling on ran to the northeast and over the edge of a hill. The valley seemed to end on the east with a sudden drop to the east. A river ran north to south to the east of the city, and i could see the pale tan highway that we were on disappear over the edge of the hill. I could not see the valley below to the east, but i thought that a knot of highway was at the bottom of it, along the river. I then looked back to the north, noticing a small oval area in the center of the city that was a knot of bridges and highways. It was not the large complex mess of highways i had expected, but i thought that it was messy. I watched the pale oval area of overpasses as we move to the east past it. The surrounding streets seemed a complex mess of dark and light detail, but the highway area seemed to be mostly pale tan. I thought that the highways should be packed with cars. As i looked more closely, i noticed that this was true. I spotted a yellow and white car on one of the highways in the center of the tan area. It seemed to be standing still in thick traffic. It was rounded and large, like a car from the fifties. The body was yellow, and the rounded fenders were white. I remembered that older cars could still be used here because the weather in this area was not as rough on cars. Most of the cars on the highway now seemed to be brightly colored in pastel shades. I spotted a pinkish-orange car of the same fifties design. Another car was blue. I looked ahead of us. The road we were on was on a very tall overpass. We seemed to be quite high above the other roads. The road ran to the northeast, making several sudden drops as it went. It finally made a steep incline over the edge of the hill. I watched the top of the incline as we approached, thinking that the incline seemed very steep. It seemed that the road turned downward at a fourty-five degree angle. This seemed too steep for a car, and i started to feel nervous. My father was driving the car, and he was to the north of me. I turned to look back to the southwest. I could see a road that descended the northern side of a cliff, dropping from the southern hill to the city below. It came from the west and descended what appeared to be a stairwell of descending roadways that ran back and forth from east to west. The angle of these roads seemed very steep as well, but i thought that we had just come over one similar, so the one ahead should not be so bad. I still felt nervous about it. I looked back to the east as we approached the turn. I could not see the road descending through the air to the east of the hill. It dropped toward the river. I wondered if we would have to slow down so that we did not come off the roadway at the sharp downward angle. I then realized that we were no longer on the roadway. We were floating over the road and heading toward the river. I was surprised and alarmed. I turned to my father. He seemed casual and unconcerned, and he looked at me, wondering why i was concerned. I looked back toward the river below us. We were floating to the northeast, and i thought that we might fall into the water. We were not really falling, though. We were floating, and the car was starting to tumble in the air. This seemed wrong and confusing. I then saw the pale sky above us. It seemed to be a smooth even gray. I opened my eyes suddenly, finding myself in a room. I was lying on my back, but i seemed to be in a very strange position. I was in a chair with my feet up over the back of the chair and my head down. The chair seemed to be brown. I moved out of the chair, feeling confused. I was not sure how i had gotten here. My parents were to the east of me. They greeted me, saying something about me having been asleep. I felt very confused, not sure how i had gotten from the car to here. I realized that the tumbling in the air must have been some kind of dream or hallucination. I asked my parents how i had gotten here. My mother said that a few mohels had brought me here from the bar last night. It sounded as though i had been drinking and was very drunk the night before. I did not remember this. I only remembered being in the car previously. I asked them about the men. My mother said that i had been out drinking in the bar “up in Watertown”. I pictured Watertown to the northeast of us. This did not make sense. I walked to the east with my parents. The room that we were in seemed large and mostly empty. It had a bar running along the eastern end of the southern wall. Someone was serving people at the counter as we walked past. I felt upset, and i asked my mother for the details. We headed to the southwest now, across a larger room, which seemed to be the entryway of a busy restaurant. A woman in a white button-up shirt stood near a tall thin table that looked like a lectern. She was the maitre d’ of the restaurant. My parents stopped near her, with my mother to the south of the table and the woman to the west of it. Another young man was with us. He seemed to be my brother. I asked my mother about the events the night before, feeling upset that i could not get the details. I knew that i had been unaware of a few days, but i wanted my parents to discover this by themselves. I asked about last night, saying that the last thing i remembered was being in the room with the mats. The maitre d’ said something, and my mother responded to her. I felt annoyed. People move about the room. They seemed festively dressed in warm clothing. I asked my mother what date it was, trying to get her to understand that i had somehow missed several days of awareness. She did not know. I then realized that i could look at the date book on the stand. I turned the book to face me and looked at the dates. The page looked like the page of a calendar, and it had writing in the boxed spaces. I noticed that the upper part of the page had dates for December. I thought that this was actually quite a way into the future. I then realized that it did not make sense. December had just passed, and we should now be in January. I looked at the top two rows of the calendar. The labels in the tops of the squares said November, and the year was “2012”. I looked back down at December, which seemed to be the next two rows on the page. The year for December was “2019”. I looked at the two rows at the bottom of the page, which were for January. I did not understand

What the dates were for. I told my mother that it could not be December because that month had just past. She did not seem to understand what i was saying, and she grabbed the calendar and turned it around so she could look at it. She said that it was December 22, 2020. I felt suddenly upset, and i started walking to the southwest to leave. I felt as though i wanted to cry. I was very upset that i had missed such a long span of time. We left the restaurant, heading to the southeast. We started walking across the street, which ran east to west. As we walked, i noticed an open store to the northeast of us. It was in a plain white building, and the walls inside were white plaster. I recognized the shape of the rooms inside. It was the room with the mats that i had been in before. I stopped in the street, pointing out the store to my parents and my brother. I said that it was the last place that i had been in. It now seemed to be a store, and it was sparsely decorated with handbags and jewelry. A large yellow purse hung on the northern wall, in view through the open door. The main body of the purse was yellow with black details, and the woven handle was black and silver and seemed almost like a heavy chain. My parents agreed that we had not been in that building for quite some time. We continued walking to the southwest, and i felt very upset. I started to cry, aware of my brother walking to the south of me. I was not crying, but i felt that i wanted to. Everything seemed very wrong now. I then did not understand why i was so upset. This situation did not make sense, but i still wanted to cry, and i felt very tense.

12019 January 06

We left the bar and jogged to the south, down the eastern side of the city street. I was chatting with a young man who was running with me. I did not know him well, but i had met him and some of the others as we gathered at the bar for the run. It felt good to meet these new people. I then remembered that $F71 was still back at the bar. I hoped that he did not mind me leaving on the run without him. As we jogged, i realized that my shoes were not quite right. I was still wearing sandals, which did not have laces in the back. They flopped on my feet and made it hard to run evenly. I mentioned this to the others. As we reached the intersection at the end of the block, i turned back and headed into the bar to get something. I said something to $F71, who was still in the building with me. I grabbed a pair of gaiters, which looked like long yellow sleeves. They had purple trim on the bottom and some kind of spotted pattern near the bottom. I pulled them over my legs, but did not pull them all the way up. I left them hanging below my feet so that they held my flip-flops on. I started running to the south with $F71. The cloths around my feet did not quite hold my shoes on correctly. I thought that i would have to tie them across the bottom so that they bound my soles to my feet.

12019 January 07

We walked to the west, across the muddy ground. It seemed like winter, but little or no snow was on the ground. We seemed to be at North Point, and we were heading toward the brown cottage, which was to the west of us. We would be staying here. I arrived at the door first, and my parents and some other people seemed to be following me. I said something about staying in this place. Something had changed about this place, and it seemed a little awkward to be back here. We moved around inside the building. I had something to do, and i walked to the north. I was trying to find something, but i was not sure where it was. I leaned to the north, looking into the bedroom of the house. The bedroom was in the northwestern corner of the building. I noticed the wooden bed with matching dresser and desk. The bed was against the western wall, with the headboard under the window. The headboard was thin, and it curved inward around the mattress on the sides. It was light brown, with a dark line running along the rounded edges. I remembered this bed from before. The dresses were just inside the doorway, to the west of me, against the southern wall. I was standing in the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. Just past the dresser was the desk, which was illuminated by a small desk lamp. The dresser hid the lamp from my view, but i could see the light cast from it. I liked the design of the furniture, but i realized that someone else now owned this house. I moved back to the south. My grandfather was standing to the southwest of me, leaning out of a doorway in the southern wall. He looked at me as he said something. I responded. I felt a little disappointed that my grandfather no longer owned everything here.

I walked away from the others as they moved around to the west of me. We were in the hallway of a tall hotel building. It seemed that we had just finished a running event, and we were going to shower and clean up. The runners seemed like $G4. The corridors of the old building were narrow, and we had just come into the eastern end of the corridor through a doorway in the northern wall. I now pushed open a dark metal door at the eastern end of the corridor, thinking that i could head up or down stairs. I was looking for a bathroom. As i reached the stairwell to the east, a man stopped the metal door from closing to the west of me. He was $A702, and he asked me where the bathroom was. I told him that i was looking for the bathroom as well. The stairwell around us seemed oddly shaped. It was not quite square, and the stairs ran up and down to the northeast and northwest. Someone else had gone through a doorway in the northern wall. I turned to the west, pointing out a door in the western wall to $A702. I said that it was the bathroom. He walked to the west, into the room. I looked to the north. I had gone up a flight of stairs and was now on the upper floor of the building. Small windows were in the northern wall of the small room that i was in. It seemed that the stairs descended to the west along the southern wall of the stairwell in this area. I walked to the northern wall and turned west to walk along the side of the stairs. I could see people playing something like basketball on the roof outside. It was dark out, but i could see the people in white tank tops. This small room seemed to be above the level of the roof, so i thought that the people were playing on the roof. I moved close to one of the windows to get a better look. Outside, i could see the eastern end of a white rounded court, which actually looked like an ice rink. No one was on it. I thought that the players must have moved to the western side of the court. The area was dark, though, and i realized that no one was actually playing outside. I saw the players in the window to the west of me, but, as i moved to get a better look, they disappeared. I realized that i was only seeing the reflection of the players on the glass of the window. I turned around. The southern wall of the area was a large window, and it looked into a large room, where tall thin men were playing basketball. This place seemed run down, so i thought that someone was teaching the people who lived here how to play as a community service. I moved to the south, aware that something was in front of me. I looked down at the old Volkswagen Beetle. I moved to the east to round the front end of the car. I snickered as i looked over the pale hood. The car seemed to have been white, but it was dingy with age. I mentioned that the car had been put on the roof of the building, which seemed funny to me. No one had ever taken it down, though. As i stepped around the hood of the car, i had leaned on it. The car seemed to be set into the floor of the roof now, but, as i leaned on it, the middle of the car sunk into the roof. I felt worried that the car was falling through the floor, so i stood up to the south of the car. $A606 came out of the bathroom to the west. I said something about the car to him. I tried to move away from it, but my pants got stuck on part of the metal frame. I had been eating a sandwich with my left hand, but, as i reached down to free my pants, the sandwich got stuck between the torn blue denim of my pants and my leg. The top part of the bread got torn off. I took a bite out of the remaining part of the sandwich as i said something to $A606.

12019 January 10

I was in the room with a few other people. I was standing to the southwest of them. A man was sitting on a low surface just to the northeast of me. He was facing south. A woman stood just to the northwest of him, to the north-northeast of me. One or two other people seemed to be near us. The walls of the room were white, and the room seemed very small. The man who was sitting seemed to be distorted in some way. I could not make out his face; it seemed blurry. Something was attached to his head that seemed to be a black band around his temple. A blue object was in front of his forehead, and then it seemed to be behind his head. It seemed to be moving around his head in a counterclockwise motion, though i could not see it rotate. I thought that it was strange to see the blue ball hovering near his head, and i thought that it must be attached to the white cap that seemed to be on his head. I moved closer to the man, saying something to the woman. The woman faced west, and she stood with a slight slouch that made her seem impartial to what was happening to the man. She seemed to be dressed in a long coat of a leather-like material. I moved suddenly to the east, now walking down a hallway. The building seemed old, and the other person was walking just to the north of me. We talked about the man. Something seemed very strange about what was happening to him. I looked to the east as we entered a large room. The room was rectangular, and we entered through a doorway in the southern side of the western wall. A large rectangular table was in the southeastern section of the room, and many people were gathered around it. Several other crowded tables were also in the room. The people here seemed to be science-fiction fans. A rounded young man in a yellow sweatshirt looked up from the eastern side of the table as we approached. The man with me mentioned the man with the blue ball around his head. The people in the room seemed to remember the situation. The rounded man, who had medium-colored skin and a short curly beard, nodded as he started to turn to the east. He said that the scene was part of a Star Trek episode. The others at the table grunted in agreement without taking their attention away from something on the table. The man in the sweatshirt then turned back to us, saying that the episode was called “Pinty Winty”. A few others repeated the title and agreed.

I had just gotten on the bus, and i was standing on the eastern of the aisle, facing the driver, who was to the north of me. I looked at the bus card that i had in my hand, wondering if it still had any money on it. I knew that there should be enough on it for one trip. I mentioned this to the driver. The person with me was to the west of me. The interior of the bus was almost black. The bus driver turned to the west, doing something with my card. He said that i had twenty dollars on it. I was surprised, but i felt glad to know that i had money on the card. I walked to the center of the bus, heading west. I could then see the large parking lot to the west of us. The mall was to the south of us, and the bus had been driving to the north along the eastern side of the lot. It had just finished a turn to the west and was crossing the lot. The pavement seemed fairly flat, but rose in a short hill just to the west. The upper level of the lot was about two meters above where we were. I was surprised to see that we were almost where we had intended to go. I thought that we were headed to the cinema, which i knew was on the northwestern side of the mall.

12019 January 11

A white, black, and orange calico cat sat on the ground to the north of me, just outside the window. It was looking at me with its ears up. The cat seemed like $X24. It had long hair and a slender body. It was sitting on the grass just on the other side of the large glass window, which seemed to come all the way down to the floor. The window seemed like the windows in our apartment on Nanticoke Avenue. They were in three arched pieces, with the central section being wider and taller than the other two. I felt worried about the cat. It should not have been outside. I thought that it might be in danger. The grassy lawn to the north of the cat was flat for a few meters before it descended a shallow slope to the north. A man was working in a garden to the northwest. He moved to the west, stopping on the western end of the garden, to the north of the cat. The cat was only a few meters from the window and did not seem to notice the man. The garden seemed like the garden behind my grandfather’s house on Vly Road. I would have to get the cat inside. I worried that it might get hurt outside. I was then aware of the fox to the northwest. It had walked up the hill and stopped at the top, staring intently at the cat. It was about three or four meters from the cat. I called the cats name as i opened the lower pane of the easternmost window. The cat did not move. It kept staring at me. The fox seemed uneasy with my presence, though, and it moved away to the northeast, circling around the cat and heading to the west. I pulled up the screen on the window and stepped out onto the lawn. I had to get the cat. I looked the fox, which was now directly to the east of me. It watched the cat and me as it circled the building. It seemed to be acting casually, but it kept a watch on us. I did not trust it. It looked like a coyote now. The cat had moved to the east, and i saw it sitting near the northeastern corner of the gray building, which seemed to be made of stone on the lower level. I moved to the corner of the building. I looked quickly around the corner, to the south. I wanted to see what the coyote was doing. It was now sitting just to the east of the house, facing us. It had started walking back to the north toward us before i had stepped into view. I knew that it was after the cat. I called to the cat, but it would not come to me. It was now to the south of me, near the coyote. I felt very worried. I thought that the cat did not know that it was in danger. It did not seem to notice that the coyote was there. I called to it urgently, scared that it would be taken by the coyote. The cat started walking to the east along with the coyote. The coyote was leading it away from the house. I stood near the house, calling the cat’s name. I thought that the cat would eventually understand that it was in danger, and then it would run back to the house. I hoped that it would run back into the window where the coyote could not get it. As they started to cross the road, i noticed a second coyote standing on the eastern side of the street. This one seemed a little larger, and i thought that it was a female. The street seemed to be Nanticoke Avenue. I yelled for the cat, but the cat did not seem to realize that the coyotes were dangerous. A car then passed by on the street, heading to the north. The larger coyote tried to grab the cat and pull it into the woods, but the cat became uneasy and ran to the west, into the middle of the yard. I hoped that it would run back to the house, but it stopped in the middle of the yard. The first coyote ran up to it and put a paw over the cats shoulder. The cat still did not understand the danger. I called to it, but it did not seem to understand. The coyote led the cat to the west, staring at me as it walked with one paw over the cat’s shoulder.

The small man started jumping up and down to the east of me. It was not a real person. It was some kind of character. He had an unkempt long beard that matched his bright red hair. He was thin and was wearing denims and a plaid shirt. He seemed like Yosemite Sam. I looked to the west. Another man was jumping up and down in excitement. He too seemed like a character. I knew that these characters were not real, and i mentioned them to the man who was now to the west of me. He had come around the corner from the north. I was standing on the northern side of a street that ran to the east from the intersection, which was about three meters to the west of me. This road seemed like Warren Road. The young man was wearing a backpack as he stopped on the corner. He smiled, and it seemed nice to talk to him. I continued across the street, heading to the south. I walked on the sidewalk, which was now higher than the street. I remembered this place. It seemed like Forest Home. I walked along the narrow ledge, which stayed close to the building, which was on the eastern side of the street. I knew that this white wooden building was the small church in Forest Home. I realized that we would not be able to walk across the planter to the end. We would have to jump off and get back on the pavement below. I said something to the young man. He had a tan canvas jacket and wore a backpack over his shoulders. I thought that he must be a college student. I said that we would have to get off of the ledge, and i started to climb over. He jumped down, adjusting his pack. I worried that he might get hurt with such a high jump. I sat down and rolled over the side of the ledge, landing on the asphalt pavement. I then tried to rebalance the two large plastic bags that i had been carrying with me. I felt bulky, but i got my things together to continue to the south.

12019 January 12

I had entered the bus from the east, and i stopped just inside. The bus was very modern, and it seemed to be moving down the road to the east. $F71 had gone to the east somewhere, and i stood with the other people. Something seemed very new and clean about the black interior of the bus. People were crowded into the bus, chatting excitedly about something. This group was together for some event, but i felt uneasy with them. A man was standing to the west of me in the aisle, which now seemed like the entry corridor of a house. He was chatting with the others, with a wide smile on his face. He seemed to be wearing a tan business suit. He turned to me, asking if i would be joining the group for some event. I knew that the man was a self-help instructor. He acted encouraging to others, and he was challenging me to join his session. I felt uncomfortable, and i told him that i was not sure if i could make it, adding that i was not sure if i had time. The man smiled with his lips pressed together, staring at me as he told me that i could make time. He knew that i was not taking charge of the situation like he wanted to. I felt a little embarrassed, but then i thought that i really did not want to join his group, so i did not care if i could make time or not. The man had turned back to the west and wandered off with the others. I felt awkward in this house. I was in a corridor that ran from the entry door of the house to the west. It seemed to open up into a room on the western side of the house. The room opened up to the south. I also thought that the house had a deck on the roof of the western end of the house, over the kitchen. I knew that people were gathered outside on the deck, drinking and having a good time. I headed to the west, toward the back yard of the house. At the end of the hall, i headed down a long flight of stairs. The stairs ran between the northern wall of the large room and a wall that separated the stairs from a kitchen. Above the kitchen, the stairs were open to the large living room. I exited the building and walked around on the street. I suddenly wondered where $F71 had gone. I thought that he had wandered to the east of the house. I thought that he was probably chatting with some people from the party. I turned around to the east, thinking that i should go back through the house to look for him. To my surprise, i was now on a street, which seemed to be on the western side of the block that the house had been on. I could not see the house among the other houses and trees. This neighborhood seemed old, and the houses were small and close together. I imagined the pale-yellow narrow house that i had come from. It was on the eastern side of the block, so i thought i should see the deck on top of the back wing of the building. I moved to the north a little, looking between the houses and trees near me at the backs of the houses on the eastern side of the block. I could not see the house that i was looking for. I was not sure how to get back to where i was. I then spotted the yellow house with the low wing off the back. I thought that it was the correct house, but then i realized that it did not have a deck on the roof on the back. I headed to the southeast, following the old street. I now seemed to be farther to the west than i had been. The land to the south of me was forested with thin trees. The land dropped steeply from the road into a stream gully. The sidewalk here was old, and the cement blocks were worn and rough with age. A rusty metal cable ran between the cement guardrail posts along the southern side of the sidewalk. I then recognized this place. I had run past this place before with $G4, earlier in the day. I was near the old factory. I stopped just before a narrow driveway, which ran off to the south. Across the drive, to the southeast of me, was a wide cement building. It was only a story tall, but it ran to the south for quite a way, and it stretched along the road ahead of me for about twenty meters. I was tempted to turn to the south and follow the old narrow lane, but i thought that it was actually part of the factory grounds, so i should not have been going on it. I thought that we might have run that way earlier in the day. I rode my tricycle to the east, along the main road. The sidewalk turned into paved ground that merged with the road along the front of the factory. As i came to a curb near the eastern end of the building, i heard a cluck. I realized that i still had the chicken in a box under me. I thought that it had been on the bicycle for a very long time. I rode a little farther, passing some of the small houses of the neighborhood. I then stopped, deciding that i should take the chicken out of the small box that it had been in under the seat of the bicycle. The black box was made of nylon, but it was covered with a plastic bag. I knew that the animal had been in the box for several days, and i wondered how it had been able to breath. I felt worried about it. I moved to the east, now back at the house. I was in the lower part of the western wing of the house. I felt very concerned about the animal, thinking that it would be dehydrated or starving. I would need $F71’s help. I wondered where he was. A few people were around me now, and i looked to the east, where a narrow hallway ran to the front of the house. I imagined that $F71 was in a narrow room that ran north to south on the northern end of the eastern side of the house. He was probably talking to people there. It had been a long times since i had seen him. I took out the case and opened it up. I was holding the case to the south of me when i opened the cover. I could see a small white duck inside. It seemed very weak and dehydrated. I felt upset. I dropped some water on the duck’s head, hoping that it would drink some of it. I tipped the box, noticing that the box had a layer of water in the bottom of it. The water deepened on the northern side of the box as i tipped it to the north. I then realized that the duck had slided to the north, going under the water. It was too weak to swim, and i realized that it would drown. I quickly dumped some water from the box, turning to the east again. I looked back into the box, seeing the tiny puppy. It was less than a deci long. The mother dog, which also seemed to be in the box, stepped on the side of the puppy. I thought that she might break the puppy’s ribs. The small animal seemed so fragile. It was mostly white with dark-brown spots. Its head was shaped like a doberman. I turned to the north with the box. The woman near me had taken the duck out of the box. I was surprised that it was a duck again, but then i noticed that the head of the duck was actually shaped like a dog’s head. The duck was also covered with patterns that made it look like a miniature doberman. The duck opened its mouth, and i could see two sharp teeth where the canines would be. The animal also had two long opposing teeth sticking up from the edge of its lower bill. It opened its mouth wide as if to bite, but it seemed very weak. The woman went to do something, and the duck bit her finger. It did not seem strong enough, or the teeth were not sharp enough, to break her skin. She did not seem to notice that the teeth had gripped her skin.

12019 January 13

I was watching the moving pictures to the east of me. The large image seemed like a photograph. It was a man in a basketball uniform, who was standing on a court. Behind him, i could see several people in the stands. They seemed to be watching the man skeptically. The man on the court was on the right side of the image. He did not have a basketball, but he wore a white uniform with red trim. The image then changed. The man started moving to the north. I was not watching a scene or a movie. The images were changing about one a second, and i could see that the movement was in distinct increments in the image. The man on the court was smiling as he moved to the north. He was moving through something that seemed to be piled on the ground of the court, and he was smiling mischievously as he did so. I then noticed that the people in the background were suddenly angered my what the man was doing. One man in the audience was wearing a blue and white basketball uniform. He was sitting on the southern side of the view, and he seemed very angry that the man on the court was going into the substance that was on the floor. He stood up angrily. A few other men in suits stood up on the northern side of the scene. They were all trying to stop the man from walking through the substance on the floor. As the images changed, i watched the strange-looking substance that the man was stopping into. It was black and pale yellow, and it seemed to glow. Something about it reminded me of molten lava, but it could not be hot or the man would not be stepping into it. It seemed sticky, though. The man was wearing tube socks, and the strange bubbly substance rose above his socks and up to his knees. He kept smiling, facing west, as he ran to the north, his body leaning sharply to the north as if he were sprinting. I watched the substance tumble like a wave building up on the floor. I kept thinking that the substance was dangerous, but the man did not seem to be bothered by it. The other men were now in the scene again. They were closing in on the first man. One of the men above the first man was wearing a tan suit with a long thin black tie. They were angry that the man was running through the stuff, and they were trying to stop him. This all seemed confusing to me. I felt concern for the first man, but i did not know why the others were so upset at him and why they were trying to stop him. The first man was doing something that he had been told not to do. Someone then said that this was the “glue gag”. The first man had been playing a prank that the others did not want to happen.

12019 January 15

It was in the middle of the night, and i wandered to the southwest, into the living room of my house. The living room was on the western side of the long low building, which seemed to be a one-floor house. It was dark, but everything in the room seemed to be will lighted. This house seemed new is some way, but it also felt unsafe. A couch was on the western side of the room, facing east. It was about four or five meters from the western wall. The western wall was full of tall windows, which seemed to separate the room from a screen porch. The entrance door of the house was to the south. Most of the house was to the east of me. It seemed like a small house, with only a few rooms not around the living room. The kitchen was the northeastern section of the living room, and it seemed to be separated from the living room by a long island counter. Something did not seem right in the house, and i looked around cautiously, feeling uneasy. I moved toward the sliding glass door in the northern end of the western wall. It led out onto the screen porch. On the porch, i looked at the door that was in the northern wall. It was closed and locked. I worried that the doors to the house had been unlocked. The sliding glass door to the porch had been left open, though. I thought that it should have been closed for the night. I felt worried about someone getting into the house. I moved back to the east, heading into the kitchen. I stopped in front of the door in the northern wall. The heavy wooden door was ajar. It was about a deci thick and was made with dense darkly stained wood. The top of the door had a peaked arch, and it was set into the wall. I grabbed the metal handle on the eastern side of the door and pulled the heavy door closed. The latch caught in the wall, but it did not seem to fit into the wall that well. I pushed on the door again, and it did not take too much pressure to push it back open. I felt very annoyed. I pulled the door closed again. I then noticed that the arched doorframe did not fit well into the wall. Wooden shims were fitted between the wall and the doorframe to keep the doorframe in place. The doorframe seemed to have rotted, and it no longer fit snugly inside the pale plaster wall. The entire door was loose. I worried that the door could not be secured. This house felt very old and rundown, but it seemed relatively new to me. I headed back to the southwest, stopping in the center of the living room. Someone was moving outside the house, to the south. I looked out the windows in the southern wall. I could see a woman jogging to the east. She stopped briefly in front of my house. Another woman ran from the east, passing her and continuing to the west. I felt angry that the people were in my yard, because i knew that they were trying to get into the house. The woman had two young children with her: a boy and a girl. The woman then opened the front door of the house and let the children in. She then came in herself, laughing about what she was doing. I felt very annoyed with her, and i started to feel very angry. I thought that i should attack the woman and kill her, but this did not make any sense. I turned to the east and headed down the hallway, into the eastern section of the house. Something about the house seemed new, and i felt as though this place was somehow new to me, even though i knew that i had been living here. I thought that i would check the entrances on the eastern side of the house. The corridor seemed old and worn. Rooms were off to the south. Somehow, this place seemed unfamiliar, though i knew that i had been living here. A long closet was in the northern wall of the corridor. As i approached the opening to it, i noticed a rectangular hole in the floor. I knew that the hole led down to the basement, and something about the hole seemed strange. I swerved to the north moved toward the hole. As i approached it, i saw a man’s head pass the hole. Someone was in my basement. I felt annoyed again. He walked from the south to the northwest, turning as he came into view. I crouched down at the edge of the hole and looked into the room below. People had been living in my basement. I was suspicious of these people, and i thought that they had been on my property before. I did not want them staying here. I was then standing in the eastern side of the basement, under the hole. The center of the long cement room was filled with boxes and stacks of things. The man had walked to the north of the boxes and disappeared from view somewhere to the west. I felt angry with these people, and i wanted them out of my house. I walked to the west, noticing cooking supplies on a low box near the southern wall. A green plastic sheet was hung across the southern side of the room. These people had been here for a while. I felt disappointed. I was not sure what to do about them. A young woman with short colored hair was to the southwest, near the southern wall, and a second man was to the west, near the western wall. I thought that another entrance to the basement was somewhere to the southwest of me. These people were college students, and they had no place else to live. I felt bad for them, but i did not want to have them in my house. I wondered what i should do.

12019 January 16

I was talking with the people in the open outdoor area, which seemed to be in a small clearing on the top of a hill, which sloped down steeply to the west. I told the woman that i would drive her to the other place. We were in the small white car, which i could see to the west of me as we were getting into it. The car faced west, and it looked like an old Volkswagen. It was off-white, and it was shaped somewhat like a Beetle, but the back end was squarer. It had a very short rear window, and the silver round “VW” symbol was set on the rear hood just below the window. I started the car and turned the steering wheel. The inside of the car was very sparse, like an old Volkswagen. It had a solid hard-plastic steering wheel that was white. The dashboard was also white, but the area below the dash seemed to be dark uncovered metal. I turned the wheel, and i felt something metal hit my left foot. I realized that the arm at the end of the steering column had rotated downward and hit the top of my foot. I adjusted my foot so that it was out of the way, and i started driving the car across the square gravel parking lot, heading to the northwest to get out of the lot. I then turned to the north, onto a road. I thought that the place we had to get back to was to the northeast. It seemed to be on top of a hill on the eastern side of a town. We seemed to have come from some kind of festival. The car accelerated slowly, and i realized that it did not have much power. I comment on this to the woman, saying that a Volkswagen was a good car. The woman in the car with me was $F58. This was her car, but i was driving it back to someplace for her. As we turned to the northeast on the narrow road, i thought that the car might simply not have been driven enough. I thought that it did have power, but it was not used to using it. I talked to the woman as we turned the corner and started heading out of the parking area that we were in again. We drove to the southwest, onto the narrow road that sloped down into a dip before rising and turned south. We seemed to be driving on the top of a hill, which sloped steeply down to the west. The land around us had many trees, and we seemed to be in the middle of a large forest, even though i knew that houses were scattered around us. As we started down into the wide dip, i pressed down the accelerator. The car started running faster. I thought that it was running better now. It just needed someone to drive it faster than it had been driven. We were then stopped in a roughly square parking area. The woman was to the south of me now. She seemed upset and scared. She said that she was not sure that she wanted to travel with me anymore. I felt confused. She said that the place we were traveling to was not good enough, and she said that she knew of a good place in Arizona. I felt uneasy. I did not want to drive all the way to Arizona, which seemed to be on the other side of the country. I told the woman that i could not drive all the way to Arizona. I then started to feel hurt. It seemed that she was just picking a place that she knew would be difficult for me to get to. She did not really want to travel with me. I felt disappointed, and i was not sure what to do.

I headed to the southwest, into the house. The house was on the southern side of the city street, which seemed to be in the middle of the downtown area of a large urban area. I stepped off of the sidewalk and into the doorway, which was in the eastern end of the northern side of the house. The house seemed dark gray and made of smooth modern stone. I entered a corridor that led to the west, along the northern side of the building. The house seemed to be on the northwestern corner of a city block. As i reached the western end of the corridor, the corridor opened up to the south into a living room. Just before i entered the room, i noticed a coin in my left hand. I had picked the coin up on the sidewalk outside. I looked at the coin, noticing that it was actually a glob of coins that had been stuck together. The glob was somewhat circular, with a copper-looking coin on the top and bottom. I rolled the sphere over in my hand. It was only about centimeter and a half wide. Something about the ball seemed strange, and i thought that i should toss it back out of the house and onto the street. I felt cautious of it, as though it were some kind of trick. It had come into the building through the window that was in the northern wall. I looked at the large glass widow, which was tipped inward on the eastern side. I thought about throwing the coins back out the window, but the angle was not right from where i was standing. I imagined throwing something, and the object just hit the top of the window frame and then bounced back off of the glass. I had no good opening through which i could toss the ball. I then looked to the northwest. The windows ran along the entire northern wall and down the western wall. A man had been walking from the south past the windows. He stopped just to the south of the corner of the sidewalks outside to speak with a woman, who had been coming from the other direction. I moved to a window in the western wall that was near the corner of the room. The window was open, and i tossed the coin out, watching it land near the man. I knew that he would know what the coin was. I turned to the south and headed back into the center of the living room. A woman was near the southern end of the room. She had come out of the smaller room to the south. She seemed upset about something. She was also scared of something. She said that she did not want to do something, and i realized that she was afraid of doing it. I felt disappointed, feeling upset that the thing could not be done.

12019 January 19

I was heading to the north, and i stopped at the top of the stairs, which led down to the east. The stairs led into the basement. I had to go take my laundry out of the machine. The house around me seemed somewhat dark, but i could see $A682 at the bottom of the stairs. He had my laundry in his arms. He angrily threw my laundry up the steps. I watched the closed scatter on the stairs. A large yellow blanket or towel landed in the center of the stairs. I felt upset that he was throwing my clean clothes on the ground. I knew that the clothes were still wet, so they would get very dirty on the ground. $A682 then stepped backward and started walking angrily to the south, into the room at the bottom of the stairs. As he turned, however, he slipped and fell on the floor. I felt that he deserved the fall, and i felt that i was ready to laugh at him, but i knew that i should not laugh. I knew that he would be hurt, so i should not let him think that i was taking pleasure in his fall. I still felt very upset, though. I was then aware that $A606 seemed to be to the north of me somewhere. He was also in this house. I felt bad being here. I turned to head back to the south, but i had answered the telephone, which i was now holding in my left hand. $A682 was on the phone, but $A606 said hello to me. He seemed angered as he spoke to me. I greeted him, but he asked why i had never called him. I told him that he had told me not to speak to him. I felt bad that these two people had been so mean to me.

I woke up from the northern side of the large bed, which had its headboard against the northern wall. I sat up and started moving to the east. My mother seemed to be lying on the southern side of the bed, but she stirred as i reached the foot of the bed to the east. She sat up and let her feet dangle off the eastern end of the bed. $X24 was on the floor, just to the east of the bed, and my mother was playing with her. The bed seemed to be on an elevated part of the room. A step just to the east of the bed led down to the main part of the room, which seemed much wider than the part where the bed was. I looked at the polished wooden floor as i stepped down. I turned the corner to the north and started heading west, now in the downstairs part of the house. I had come into the room of the house that was in the northwestern corner of the building, but i also seemed to be on a city street to the west of the building. The room had no real western wall that separated it from the street. It really seemed to be a walking area inside a row of thick gray square columns that ran along the western side of the building. I stepped to the west, between the columns and walked onto the sidewalk. A woman was walking to the south with her family. Another woman and a man seemed to be with her, and a few young children were following. Shops seemed to be to the east of me, in the lower floor of the building. Someone from the family said that they wanted me to talk to the young girl. They had been talking about her, and they thought that i should speak with her. I felt honored that they thought i had something to say to her. I started talking to the young girl. Something seemed special about her. I wanted to let her know that she had no reason to feel negative about herself. I crouched down to the east of her. She was directly to the west of me, and her family stood behind her. She said something to me. She seemed very precocious, but i was surprised by her voice. Her voice sounded more like a young boy than like a young girl. This seemed strange. I looked at her as she spoke, noticing that her face was also boyish. She had straight blond hair that was cut short at her cheek level. She wore a loosely fitting T-shirt, and she leaned forward slightly as she spoke. I said something to her than seemed encouraging. As i walked away from the family, heading back to the north, i thought that i had told her something encouraging about being herself. I felt good about giving her advice. I moved quickly now down the sidewalk. I seemed to be quite a way from the corner now. The sidewalk was paved with brick, and a short wall separated it from the street to the west. I felt that i had to get back to where i had come from. I then reached an area where the sidewalk ahead of me was sectioned off. A short brick wall with a flat stone top crossed the wide sidewalk. The short wall surrounded a small rectangular area where the sidewalk was raised about a half meter from here i was. Steps ran up to it on the western end of the southern side. I moved to the steps, but noticed that a sawhorse barrier was set up across the stairs. It had an orange sign on it that warned that the area should not be entered. I stopped in front of the sign, not sure what to do. I did not know how else to get around the area. I then thought that i could go to the east. The large dark metal and glass office building to the east seemed to be set back from the street quite a ways, so we should be able to walk between the building and the small walled-in area. I thought about this for a second, but then decided that i did not want to go all the way around. A group of people had gathered to the south of me, waiting for me to go through the opening to cross the area. I stepped over the barricade and crossed the raised area, which was also surfaced with orangish-red brick. The opening on the others side was in the middle of the northern wall, just to the northeast of us. I crossed to it and stepped back down onto the sidewalk. The people followed me, speaking no objections to walking around the barrier. I continued up the sidewalk to the north.

12019 January 20

I stood to the west of the metal bunk bed, which was in the upstairs of the large house. The house was full of people who had gathered for an event. I was aware that my mother was somewhere to the south of me. A set of stairs was to the west of me, heading down into the floor and descending to the north. I was getting something from the bed, but i dropped part of the black object onto the floor. A piece fell down the stairs. I did not pay attention to it at the moment, instead focusing on gathering the other things together. I thought about the people who were around me in the house. They all seemed to be friends of mine. I talked to $F4, who was to the east of me. I then turned to the west and descended the stairs to get the black cylindrical object that i had dropped. I started to feel concerned, trying to figure out something about the people here. I had invited them all to this party. As i reached the bottom step, i thought that i had just gotten married, and all of these people had come to my wedding. This seemed like a logical thing. I had invited everyone who was a friend or who had been a friend. I bent over to pick up the object, and when i stood up, i suddenly wondered which of my friends i had actually married. I felt upset that i could not remember whom i had just married. I then said hello to $A616 and $A596, who were both standing to the east of me. They had been friends of mine from elementary school. It was good to see them. As i turned to head up the stairs, i felt upset that i could not remember whom i had married. I looked at the long plastic object in my hand. It was about a deci long, and it now seemed flat on two sides, like a television remote. I tried to focus on the wedding, but i could not remember. I then looked at the brown wooden disk in my left hand. It had the name of $A419 on it. This made me think that i had married him. This was not right. I felt concerned that i could not remember as i continued to climb back up the stairs.

12019 January 21

I stepped up onto the small end table that was against the eastern wall of the area. I grabbed the end of the long black plastic tube that was to the west of the table. The tube was coming out of the water on the ground, and i was supposed to do something with it. I crouched on the surface of the pale-brown table, turning the cylinder that was around the end of the pipe. A man in black scuba gear was standing in the water to the southwest of me, and he moved to do something with the pipe. I was aware that the water was rising. It had already risen halfway up the table since i had gotten on to the table. Others seemed to be around the room doing something. The room was an outdoor area. I was against a wall, but the tall wall to the north was actually a natural stone cliff of a rock that seemed like granite. To the west, a tall cement dam formed a basin for the water. I continued to hold on to the pipe as the man worked on it. The water had now risen to the underside of the tabletop that i was standing on. We had done what we had to do with the pipe, and so i jumped off of the table and on to the thin grassy area that ran along the eastern wall. I ran to the north, starting to feel uneasy. The people running the project seemed to be military operatives, and i thought that they would not want civilians like me here as witnesses. The other civilians were leaving the area as well. I turned to the west and walked down the southern side of the water for a short stretch. I then turned to the south and passed through a doorway. Others were also walking into the doorway with me. On the other side, we were on a raised metal walkway, which looked like old planking. The walkway ran to the south just enough to clear the wall. Then it turned west. We were walking quickly down the path to get out of the area. A man came through the doorway behind me, and he tried to hurry past. He passed to the west of me, but started to lose his balance on the walkway. He jumped across the corner to the long part of the walkway, holding his arms up over his head for balance. I said jokingly something to him as i watched him run to the west down the walkway, passing the other people. The others were walking solemnly. I felt uneasy, thinking that the people here might not let us go so easily. They would want to keep us under control because of what we had seen. I worried that they might do something to us. I thought that some large event had happened, and the people here were survivors. I did not want to stay with this crowd, so i turned to the north and headed into the bathroom that was on the northern side of the hallway that we were now in. I wondered if i could get back to the large basin where the water had been. I wanted to see what had been done, but i felt nervous that someone would see me. I stepped into the small room of the lavatory. The stalls and sinks were creamy-tan. I focused on the door in the northern wall as i moved through the small room. No one was here. I cautiously pushed open the northern door, seeing that i was just entering another part of the bathroom. This seemed to be the main room of the bathroom, with toilet stalls and shower stalls on the eastern and western walls. No one was in the room, and i thought that, if someone asked me why i was here, i could easily say that i had come to use the toilets. I headed for the gray door in the northern wall. I pushed it open a crack, seeing an open hallway on the other side. The hall had no ceiling. I looked down the hallway to the east, seeing rounded white booths that reminded me of portable toilets lined up along the northern side of the hall. Looking to the north, i could see between two of the cubical objects. I could see the rounded cement corners of the western end of the basin where the water had been. The basin now seemed empty. We had managed to drain it through the black tube that i had been holding. I felt good that the water had been drained, but i knew that we now had information on the basin. I turned back to the south and headed into the room where the others were. The room seemed like a long hallway. The others were walking to the west. The hall opened up to the north ahead of us, and the people were heading for someplace to the northwest. I walked slowly, not sure that i should gather with the rest. A group of men in dress uniforms was then walking to the south of me. They had come from the east and were passing me. I looked at the man in charge. He was a little shorter than i, and he wore a greenish-gray uniform. He had a square face and white hair. He greeted me and then spoke to people in general. The then looked at me as he started to pass and suggested that i should get some drinks. I knew that i had been a bartender, so i turned stopped walking, ready to turn back to the east to get something. As the man continued to the northwest with three or four tall thin men around him, he said that i should get a pitcher for the “brews”. I turned back to the east, imagining beer taps somewhere to the southwest. I walked to the northeast, now in an outdoor area. The people were wandering to the northeast, but i headed to the north-northeast. The walls to the north formed small inset areas where shelfs had been installed. The white shelfs held many supplies from the store. I started toward them, noticing a high shelf to the northwest. The high shelf had old metal and plastic pitchers on it. These were the pitchers that i needed. Instead of walking to that shelf, though, i walked into one of the alcoves and looked at the items on the shelf. I was aware that the water basin was still to the north of me, on the other side of the tall racks. The walls now seemed to be made of white plastic meshing. They were temporary and held the items that we would need. I was looking at the new things, even though i knew that i would need the pitchers that had been used before for food service. I knew that i had to go around the column of shelfs that was now to the north of me to get the pitchers, but i could not see a way to get around them now. The wall to the east was now covered with mesh. I felt annoyed, and i thought that i should just climb over the wall to get to the other side. I started climbing, aware that the people behind me would be able to see. I then realized that i would be able to get a good look at the water basin to the north from the top of the structure. As i reached the top, i looked at the white plastic tube that ran along the top part of the shelfs on the eastern side of the structure. I put my foot on it and started walking around the eastern side of the shelfs. I was leaving the others here, but i felt that i should return with the pitcher so that i could seem as though i could serve a purpose here. I thought that the people here might not harm me if i seemed to serve a purpose.

12019 January 22

I rode my bicycle to the west, down the northern side of the street. It was dark out, and i seemed to be in a city area where the buildings were separated by strips of grass. I was moving fairly quickly, and i thought that i was bicycling as part of an event. I moved close to the curb, passing several people who were sitting on chairs on the sidewalk. I need some aspirin. I thought that i had brought some with me, but i knew that there was some on the course. I grabbed the bottle that was attached to the tall thin black metal post on the northern side of the road. An older man with white hair and beard sat slouched in a chair to the northeast of the post. He had a rounded belly that bulged out over his lap. He watched me as i took the bottle with me. I pulled out a tablet with my right fingers and put it in my mouth. I knew that i would need another one, so i tipped the bottle to my lips to get a second. I could now feel three tablets pressed between my lips. I pulled two into my mouth with my tongue and spit the other one out to the north, onto the sidewalk. I then realized that i should have left the bottle of aspirin on the pole for other people riding bicycles. I thought that the man in the chair must have thought be rude for taking the aspirin. I decided that i could easily put the bottle back on the pole. I turned my bicycle to the south, thinking that i would just circle back to the east and then circle again to the west once i was near the pole. I turned to the south, making a wide arc as i crossed the street. As i neared the southern side of the street, it now seemed to be daylight. Several people were sitting around black cast-iron round tables on the sidewalk to the south of the street. The tables had fine curving shapes of metal that mimicked plant fronts making up the surface. Two men sat around the table just to the south of me. One sat on the east side and the other on the west. Both of the men were facing me. I noticed a white packet attached to the northern side of the metal column that held up the table. I then realized that i was not turning in a sharp enough arc to miss the table. I slowed, stopping just off the edge of the table. Something about the white packet attracted my attention. I seemed to be disturbing the papers that were in it. I backed my bicycle up a little to complete the turn. The man who was sitting on the eastern side of the table scowled at me in annoyance. I ignored him and started moving to the south, down the sidewalk. A group of people had just left the tables and was walking in front of me. They were walking more slowly than i was, though. I thought that i should pass them, but cars were parked on the side of the street to the north of us, so i did not seem to have any room to go around them. I felt annoyed and impatient. We were then descending the steep hill to the east. The hill opened up into a wide set of white stone stairs, which descended a wide corridor in the building. I moved to the north and walked around the people, who were still descending the stairs more slowly on the southern side. The stairs ended in a large open hallway, which was only three or four meters wide. Another set of wide stairs descended to the east. The ceiling over these stairs was lower than the corridor landing. All of the walls and floors seemed to be made of stone or marble. I could see the light of the exit doors to the east, at the bottom of the stairs. They illuminated the lower section of stairs, which did not seem to have any light in the stairwell around them. I moved to the south, into the southern side of the landing area. A small section of the corridor was out of the way of the main stairs. It was about three meters square. I moved against the western wall and waited for the group of people to come down the stairs. The building seemed nicely designed, with different colors of stone molding high on the walls. A rounded piece of white marble about a deci thick ran across the southern wall. It seemed to form the top of the stairway ceiling in the middle of the corridor, and it seemed to separate the first floor from the upper floor in the small alcove where i was. High on the wall to the south of me was an archway, which seemed to look into a hallway on the second floor. I could see a glass window either in the archway or across the hall from it. I looked back to the center of the hall as the women came down the stairs. I knew that $A750 was with them. I felt uncomfortable seeing here again, but i wondered if she would acknowledge me this time. The women came down the steps, but continued to the east, toward the second set of steps. I felt uneasy saying anything to $A750. I sat down on the toilet that was against the western wall of the alcove. It was set back about two meters from the lower step of the stair, and was blocked from the upper set of stairs by a dark marble wall. I was urinating in the toilet as some other people came down the stair. I realized that they could see me sitting here, so i tried to act casually. I leaned back against the wall, slouching as i urinated. I thought that looking casual might be better. I did not want to lean forward and make it seem that i was doing something that would not normally be done in public. As the group of women started descending the lower set of stairs, i looked up, noticing a huge bell in the ceiling above me. The bell was about ten meters wide, and it seemed to have been set into the plaster of the ceiling. I looked at the wall above the lower staircase, seeing the side of the bell. The bell was enormous. I then focused on urinating again, again trying to adjust my position so that i seemed comfortable. I looked up again, seeing the bell in the ceiling above me. I thought that it had some historic significance, which is why it was built into the building. The bell then started moving, and it rang. I could not hear it. I stood up and pulled up my pants. I looked down at the orangish-tan corduroy pants that i was wearing, noticing a yellowish-white residue running down the right leg from my hip. I wondered if i had accidentally urinated on them. I would have to clean them. I pulled the button shut on the front of the pants and hurried to the south. I opened a door in the southern wall of the corridor, to the south of the stairs. I knew that this was the entrance to the English department. I could head to the lavatory here to look at myself in the mirror. I came into a room that opened to the south. I turned south, looking for a mirror, but this room seemed like an arts room. It had a few easels and boxes in various places around the room, and all seemed to be splattered with paint and plaster. I headed to the south, thinking that i should find a place with mirrors so that i could see how dirty my pants were and clean them off. I passed through a doorway in the southern wall and turned to the west. I was then walking to the north, down the central aisle of a narrow office. I remembered this place. It seemed to be a business office for the university. Counters and cubicles were on both sides of the aisle, but no one was behind the counters. I headed for a door in the northern wall. Just before i reached it, i saw two men talking. One was standing on the eastern side of the aisle, facing north. The other man was older, with short white hair, and he stood just to the south of the doorway. The door had been swinged open to the east, and the man was standing just inside the room, holding a small box, which seemed to be an old computer. The older man had come to this place seeking help with something, and the younger man with dark hair was giving him some advice. They talked about the computer that the older man was holding in his hands. As i passed to the east of the older man, he spoke to the other man. His voice seemed soft, and he spoke with a flourished mannerism. He made a comment about the computer as i passed him. The younger man had brought up a solution, and the older man smiled as he said he had tried that with the computer.

12019 January 23

I was with the man and the woman near the car as we started moving to the southeast. We had to get to a meeting. We were moving quickly down the street, which seemed like a corridor. The buildings on either side of the street were very tall and relatively featureless. We flew high over the ground, avoiding the many things that were in the air around us. It seemed that many other people and things were moving down the street in the air as well. I felt a little nervous as one of the others drove the vehicle to the southwest, down the street. Several structures that seemed like scaffolding stuck out from the building on the southwestern side of the street, and small things were moving around us. Our car tipped as it moved from side to side. We swerved under a wire that crossed the street. I said something to the driver about avoiding the objects. The front of our car seemed yellow. We then tipped up. A man was standing on top of a tall ladder in the middle of the street. He was fixing something that was part of a girder structure across the top of the street. The man was wearing a hard hat and a white shirt. We passed just to the southwest of him, and i felt my left elbow bump something solid near him. I thought that i had hit part of the metal framework that he was standing on. The framework seemed to be part of the crane that was overhead. I apologized as we speeded on. We turned to the south, and we were now in a different corridor. The corridor was narrower, with fewer things in the air. The white walls were smooth and featureless. Ahead of us, to the south, i could see the entrance to the mall. We were heading for it. A corridor ran off to the east from the intersection, but the main mall corridor ran off to the southwest. At the end of the wide white hall that we were in was a structure that was supported by thin wires. The wires ran down from the ceiling at different angles. Boards were suspended between the wires. I remembered this place. I told the people with me that i remembered when this mall had first opened. I felt cautious of the wires of the sign, thinking that we would have to avoid it as we flew past. Instead, we landed on the ground near the bottom of the sign. I pointed out the sign, saying that it had been here when the mall first opened. It was not the same, though. I said that it had been a Macy’s sign before. The woman with me said that she remembered that as well. I stopped and looked at the sign for a moment as the other two continued walking to the southwest, down the mall corridor. I started after them, but i had my bicycle with me. I would have to get on it. I watched the two walk down the southeastern side of the corridor as i adjusted my bicycle. The corridor of the mall was not as well lighted as the corridor we had been in. The floor was gray, and it descended to the southwest in wide low steps. I got on my bicycle and started riding down the steps, following the other two, who were now twenty or twenty-five meters ahead of me. Just after i started down the stairs, a man to the west of me yelled at me to slow down. I realized that i probably should not be riding a bicycle in the building. I pulled on my brakes and slowed the bicycle so that i was not going too fast. People were walking around me, but the corridor was not crowded. Only a few people were near me, and i made sure that i stayed away from them and did not pass them. The man said that i was doing better, but then he again yelled at me, saying that i was going to fast. The man was to the west of me. He was sitting on the floor with his right leg straight out to the south and his left mostly folder in front of him. He seemed angry with me and criticized how i was riding the bicycle. I felt annoyed with him, so i got off the bicycle and started walking the bicycle to the south. The man was following me, and he yelled at me again, saying that i was going to fast. This seemed absurd, but i tried to walk a little slower. He followed me, saying that i was going too fast. I had come into an area where the corridor opened into a round space. The walls seemed dark gray. I knew that the others who had been with me had wandered to the east. I was in the middle of the rounded area, and i turned my bicycle to the southwest of me. I turned back to the north to look at the man. He was walking quickly toward me. He kept telling me that i was not doing it right. I looked back at my bicycle as i rolled it to the west of me. The front of the bicycle was to the south. I noticed that the kickstand was down, and the rounded end of it had something yellowish-white in it. The material seemed fuzzy, and the yellow looked like a neon color. I could see several other small areas near the wheel where the fuzzy pussy substance had collected. The man pointed them out, saying that i had done something wrong. I looked back at the bicycle again. A woman in dark clothing was now crouching down to the north of the bicycle. She was inspecting the yellow material. She turned to the security man and said something about the material. I told her that i would have to clean the stuff out later. I did not have time at the moment. The man continued to harass me, though. He stood to the southwest of me as i tried to move my bicycle to the east, down the wide corridor. Someone then tapped my left shoulder blade to get my attention. I turned to see a man with short orangish-red hair. He greeted me with a smile as though he knew me. He had reached out his had as i turned around, so i grabbed it and shook it. He continued to smile at me, but i did not know who he was. I then realized that he did not really know who i was. He must have seen me and thought that i was someone else when he tapped me on the shoulder. I said “You have no idea who i am, do you?” We were still shaking hands, but he said that he did not know who i was. He started to move to the northwest of me, and i jokingly opened up my arms as if to hug him. He smiled and hugged me warmly. I said in a doting voice that it was so good to see him again. We both knew that it was a joke as we pretended that we had not seen each other in a very long time. As i hugged him, i could feel the detail of the muscles across his shoulder blades. He was nicely built. As we pressed into each other, i also could feel that he had an erection. I felt turned on as well, and i suddenly felt a strong attraction to the man. I felt a little embarrassed, and i let him go. He backed to the west, and i patted him on the chest to let him know that it was a good joke. His chest muscles were also nicely built. I felt interested in him, but i did not look at him as he walked to the east with the man he had been walking with.

I headed across the large yard, heading to the southwest. The street was on the eastern side of the yard, and the house was set back quite a way, to the west of me. The yard of cut green grass was very large, and it seemed to have a large tree in the center of it. The tree was to the southeast of me, and it seemed to have a very large crown. I had been to this place before, but i was now coming back without the people in the house knowing about it. A pond was to the north of the house, set into the tree line, which ran from the road to the west-northwest. It seemed to be very early in the morning, and the bright sun was low in the southwestern sky. I felt uneasy as i walked toward the pond, aware that i had not been invited to the area this time. The people in the house seemed to be $A328 and her husband. I wondered if they were in the house now and if they had seen me walking across the yard. I stopped on the shore of the pond. A small beach of dark-tan sand was on the southern side of the eastern shore of the pond. A large tree grew on the southern side of the beach and arced out over the water. I had been sitting on the beach for a little while, and i wondered again if the people in the house had seen me. I thought that i should leave the beach and head back home. I had to get ready for school. I was reclined on the beach with my feet to the west. I knew that i would be out of sight of the house to the east when i was lying on the beach, but once i got up, they would see me walking away from the beach. I tried to stay low for a moment as i gathered my things. I thought that i was troubled by something, and i had come here to relax for a while. I had been reading a book, which was a small white book. I pulled on the green housecoat that was under me. I had been lying on it. The coat was spread out over the ground, and most of it was to the north of me. A pair of cheap flip-flops was on the ground to the northwest of me. One of the shoes was turned so that the sole was up. I pulled my things together and started up the hill. I then heard someone enter the building to the east of me. I turned to look. I was inside the barn now. I was standing on the western side, just in front of a white workbench. The interior of the barn was clean and painted white. It had tools and other things around the walls. I looked at the short set of stairs that descended from the entry door, which was about a meter up on the eastern wall. The door was painted green, and it had four panes of glass in the upper part. I could not see anyone in the room, but i knew that someone had come in. I then heard the person moving to the northeast. I moved to the door, thinking that i could get out of the building before the person know that i was here. A large enclosed space was in the center of the eastern wall. The entry door was to the south of it, and another corridor ran eastward along the north of it. I could hear someone moving on the stairs to the north of the enclosure. I thought that the woman had gone downstairs to do laundry. I started up the stairs toward the entry door, but suddenly realized that i had forgotten my shoes on the beach. I was walking barefoot on the ground. I turned back and started to cross the room to the west. I could hear the person to the north of me coming, and i knew that i would not be able to sneak across the floor again. I stopped just past the corner of the enclosure. The woman had just come around the other corner to the north of me. I said hello to her. She stopped suddenly, pulling her right hand to her chest as she inhaled in a startled gasp. She was short, and she had short curly black hair. Her pale skin was young, and she had a short face with wide cheekbones. She was not $A328, whom i thought it would be. She was the woman who did the chores around the house. I thought that she would remember me from the last time i visited the house. She smiled and greeted me. I apologized for being at the pond unannounced, and she waved off my concern. I moved back to the beach to pick something up. I then realized that i had dropped several coins on the old stump that was on the southern side of the beach. I tried to pick up the coins as i talked to the woman, who was now to the east of me. She moved to the northern side of the stump and tried to help me get the coins. The small gold-colored coins were on the top of the stump. I held my hand against the southern side of the stump to try to collect them. The stump had a triangular niche in it, so i thought i could hold my hand in the niche while the woman sweeped the rest of the coins into the niche. I could not quite fit my hand into the niche, though. It seemed too small. I explained this to the woman as i tried to pick up some of the coins individually from the stump. As i stood back up, i realized that many people had gathered around the beach. A man was walking to the south of me. I chatted with a few people as i gathered the rest of my things into my arms. A young woman then came from the south and stopped to the southwest of me. She looked like $F62, but i know that she was $A328. She smiled at me and greeted me. I still felt a little uneasy about showing up at the beach unannounced, and i apologized for this. She did not seem to care. She said that the beach is a beautiful area. I told her that i always found this place so much quieter. I said “I always forget how quiet things are in Cayuga Heights.” I described where i lived, which seemed to be to the northeast of here, saying that there were many sounds of traffic. I said that this place was far enough away from things that it was very quiet. This did not seem like a logical statement, because i knew that Cayuga Heights had just as many roads around it, but something about this area seemed very nice. The sun was shining on the bright leafs of the tops of the trees on the western side of the pond now. It looked very beautiful and peaceful.

12019 January 24

I had been staying with the group of people, and it seemed like we were young adults in a summer camp. We were in a darkened room on the southeastern corner of building. The building seemed only one story tall, and it seemed to stretch quite a way to the west. The bunk beds extended from the southern and northern walls. I felt restless as i stood to the east of my bed. I wanted to do something. I wandered to the east, hoping that no one noticed that i was gone. I seemed to have exited the building and was just to the east of it. Large windows ran across the southern side of the building, which was the front side of the building. A single large window was on the southern end of the eastern side of the off-white building. It looked into the bedroom where i had been sleeping. The building seemed very modern, with large blocks of plastic or cement siding. It reminded me of a car dealership. I ran to the north and then turned to the west. I pushed through the doors and came into the small square room. The northern wall of the room was the outside wall of the building. I moved quickly through the room, heading to the west. The room was somewhat ornate, with wood trim. This area seemed familiar. As i reached the double wooden doors in the western wall, i pushed them open. Entering the next room, i realized that i had been here before. These rooms were decorated in a French style that seemed to be part of a palace from the seventeen hundreds. I had been in this palace before. I remembered that it had many small rooms in a row along the outside wall. I pushed open another set of doors and came into another set of small rooms. I continued to move through room after room until i came into a wide maintenance corridor. I wanted to leave the building. The corridor opened up into a room to the north. This area seemed to be a delivery bay, and the northern wall was open to the outside. It was still night, and everything was relatively dark. I walked quietly to the north, toward the exit. I thought that some of the camp counselors would be watching for us. I was then aware of a man sitting in a chair to the west of me. He was leaning back against the southern wall of the room. I could not see him as i passed, but i knew that he had fallen asleep. He was supposed to watch for the campers to make sure that they did not sneak out. I knew that i walked very quietly, so i thought that i could leave without waking him up. I hurried out the door. The room had been set down into he ground a little, and a paved ramp led up to the level of the ground behind the building, to the north. A short extension of the building ran along the western side of the ramp. I ran up the ramp and turned to the west just past the lower part of the building. I circled back toward the building and jumped up onto the roof, which was now only a few meters above the pavement. The roof had a thin metal pipe railing running around it, but i was able to easily jump over it. I then thought that the others were looking for me. I wondered if they knew where i was. I thought that they might have seen me on the security cameras as i ran through the French rooms. I pictured several of the counselors standing in the docking bay on the northern side of the building, talking about where i had gone. They knew that i had left my bedroom. I headed to the west, pushing open the double doors and entering the small square rooms. as i entered the next room to the west, i noticed that the wood trim on the western wall seemed very modern. It looked like fake wood. The polish on the floor also seemed like a plastic laminate. I walked across the dark-green carpet toward the next set of doors. As i reached them, i looked at the recessed space in the wall to the south of the doors. It seemed to be a service bar with a sink. This was not the French area that i remembered. It was much more modern. I passed through the next room, noticing that it too was modern. It seemed like a set of rooms in a hotel’s reception center. Just before i pushed open the next set of doors, i was aware of the camera above the door. The security camera would have recorded my face as i walked across the room. I continued to the west, but i thought that the counselors would know where i had been because the cameras would have recorded me. They could easily see my face. I wondered what i should do. I thought that i had worn a hooded sweatshirt the last time i had come through here, so the cameras would not have seen my face. I continued moving to the west, through the rooms.

12019 January 25

I sat down at the desk, which was on the eastern end of the northern wall of the small office. $A14 was to the west of me. I looked at the computer screen which was to the north of me, feeling annoyed. I then realized that i had not brought any of the things that i was supposed to work on. I should have brought files for a book, but i did not have them with me. I told $A14 that i had forgotten the book and that i could not do any work because i did not have what i needed. I knew that i had not done any work on the book previously. I felt agitated about forgetting the work, but i felt good that i did not have to spend time here. I wandered to the north, now outside.

12019 January 27

I was in the living small living room of the house. $A682 was to the east of me, and his parents were sitting on the couch to the east of him. The couch was against the southern wall of the room. $A748 sat on the western end of the couch, facing north, and $A703 sat just to the east of him. The looked at me as i described something about the hat i had just taken off. I mentioned that i had vacuumed my head to get the dust off. This did not seem to make much sense, but i said that it was how i had kept the dust off of my head. $A682 seemed interested in what i was describing, and he smiled at me. I asked him how he got the fuzz out of his hair. He was lower than me as he stood to the east of me, so i held up the vacuum tube in my left hand. I passed it over the top of his head. He had orange hair, and i noticed that he had a rounded bald spot in the center of his scalp, just above his forehead. His father was smiling at me as i vacuumed around the edges of $A682’s bald spot. I knew that he would go bald eventually, and i looked at the pattern. His hair seemed somewhat long around the bald spot, but it all flowed away from the top of his head.

12019 January 28

I had been in the large office in the basement of the college building. The old building seemed somewhat modern, but it was old and worn down. The area in the center of the basement room seemed to be an admissions office or cafeteria. Many people were moving through the area. I headed to the east, entering the stairwell. I had to get to someplace. The stairs led down to the south, along the outside of the building, thought the stairwell seemed to be enclosed. I stopped at the landing just inside the door. The eastern wall of the stairwell seemed not to be there from time to time, and i thought that i could see outside to the street below. A crowd of people was moving up and down the stairs, and i was not able to head down the stairs. The man was still asking me something, and i was talking to him. I grabbed on to a pipe that ran along the ceiling. I was holding on to it as i waited for some people to come up the stairs below me. I had to descend the stairs to get to the outside area. The short flight of stairs ended at a landing to the south before a second flight turned back to the north to descend further. I told the other man about the room that i had been in, saying that it was the cafeteria. He was trying to accomplish something, and i was trying to help him get to the place. I felt anxious to get down the stairs, though. I still held on to the pipe as i started to descend the stairs. I watched my arms as they reached over my head to grab on to the pipe. They seemed to be to the east of me as i started down the stairs. I grabbed on to the pipe over my head, noticing that it was bending. It looped down like a thick rope, and i used it to support myself as i descended the stairs. I passed the man, who was coming up the stairs. As i reached the landing, i let go of the pipe, realizing that it had deformed and was now hanging down the center of the stairwell like a thick rope. It was dark gray. I tried to push it back up toward the ceiling so that it was out of the way. As i continued down the stairs, i wondered why it had deformed so easily. I thought that it could have been made of a soft lead. I was then walking to the north along the eastern side of the large building. Many people were moving in and out of the doorway just to the east of me, which seemed to lead to the bottom of the stairwell. A family asked about the location of the admissions office. I told them that it was in the lower floor of the building to the west. I then continued to the north, thinking that something about this story had to do with time travel. There was something that was getting out of place.

The doorway was in the western end of the northern wall of the small room, and i walked to the south, entering the room. $F10 was to the southeast of me, standing in front of a counter. I looked to the east, down the length of the counter, which seemed to be a table against the northern wall of the room. $F10 and $A766 were teaching their son something. $F10 was sliding a ball across the surface of the table toward the young girl, and she was trying to block the ball. She sat on the eastern end of the table, and she had a round face and short bright blond hair. She pushed a white styrofoam plate into the center of the table in font of her. The ball rolled toward her from the western end of the table, and it bounced back off the round plate, which was turned upside down, with a plastic fork and knife crossed over the top of it. The child had learned to block the ball with the objects on the table. $F10 and $A766 were proud of her and congratulated her. The ball rolled back to the eastern end of the table. I picked up the ball and wondered if she could learn to block it from being bounced. She had learned the two-dimensional movement on the surface of the table, but i thought i could show here that a ball could bounce. I bounced the ping-pong ball over the white book that was on the western end of the table, wondering if i had the aim right to bounce over the white plate. The ball bounced just before the plate and then landed on the other side of it, right in front of the child. The child seemed surprised. $F10 chuckled from the southern side of the table. The child would now have to figure out something new. I moved to the south as $F10 talked about the bounce. Someone else seemed to be to the south.

I was traveling in the bus with the others as we headed to the north, up the road. It was dark out, but i could see that we were traveling up the western side of a narrow valley. The rounded hills rose to the west of us. We had stopped, and the others were talking about where we were. Someone had said that we would have to get on the highway. I had thought that we were on a highway. The road ahead of us seemed wide, with two separate sections of two lanes. it ran along the base of the hill. I then looked to the northeast. Another hill rose on the eastern side of the multilane road. This hill seemed short, though, and i could see between the peaks into the darkened valley below. A highway seemed to run along the eastern side of the short hills. I could see the lights moving in the dark. A town was in the valley to the east. I thought about where we were. This place seemed familiar, but i could not quite place it. I thought that this was the Hudson Valley, but we seemed very far north. I wondered where we were. The others were asking that question. I then looked to the west, noticing the tall green structure of a tall narrow suspension bridge. The deck and towers were made of girders, and the bridge seemed very tall against the black sky. only the center of the bridge was illuminated, so i could not see the ends or the water under it. The bridge looked familiar. I said that it was the Tappan Zee Bridge to no one, but this did not make sense. I knew that the Tappan Zee bridge was near New York City. We should have been much farther north. I thought that it might be the bridge that led across the river to Vermont. I knew that Vermont should be just to the east of us somewhere. I then realized that i could look at the map on my phone to see where we were. I looked down at the screen of the phone in my left hand. I could see a picture of a river running north to south on the phone, but i could not see the eastern shore. The bridge ran from the western shore to a small island. The island was oddly shaped, with a large flat side to the north and rounded edges on the east and west. The western side seemed very short, making the entire island triangular. The southeastern point, however, hooked in a little and widened into a roughly triangular turned west. Several other small islands were around this one. I looked at the main land to the west of me and then back to the small island to the east. Even though it was still dark, i could see the short rocky island. It was only about fifty meters across from east to west. I looked at the map, noticing that some of the edges of the land of the island blurred into white haze in the water. I thought that this represented shoals. I looked at the island again, thinking that the rising water levels would hide most of these shoals. I then looked back at the map. The bridge was a black line that ran from the western shore to the northwestern tip of the island. In black letters over the water to the north of the island it said “Blood and Mowhak”. The name seemed to have more words, but that was all i could see. I wondered if the Mohawk had been forced to live on the island. It made sense that they would be forced to live on the tiny inadequate piece of land. I then thought that the “blood” might refer to a battle where the settlers invaded the island. This place seemed very strange. I thought about the high water again. The wind was blowing very strongly from the south now, and the waves seemed to be splashing against the rocks on the northern end of the eastern side of the island. My mother said something. She was to the south of me. She passed me on the east and headed to the north, into the stairwell. We were standing at the foot of the tall metal structure, which was the bridge, but seemed like a stadium. I followed my mother into the black tube, which was the stairwell. The circular stairs curved up clockwise into the black plastic tube, which seemed like a ribbed culvert pipe. The stairs seemed very narrow as i climbed them, and i passed a few people on some of the levels. I thought that we should reached the surface fairly soon. I then realized that we had been climbing for a while. I felt that it would be difficult to squeeze around some of the tight corners of the circular stairway, but i had no trouble doing so. I looked out to the east, thinking that we were actually climbing too far. We would be far above the bridge now. I could only see a few scenes of the outside through the narrow openings in the structure. I could see the roofs of houses below us. It was daylight now. I told my mother that we seemed to be too high. This did not seem right. The tube then tipped to the south. I looked to the south to see the grassy ground approaching us. It stopped suddenly as though it was supposed to do that.

I tried to remember what this had to do with time travel. The two men were in front of me. They seemed like Laurel and Hardy, but they were different. I had remembered a scene before where the people seemed out of time, and i wondered if these two men were the time travelers. I knew that people had gone back in time. The two men moved to the south along the sandy beach. Rocks rose to the southeast of us, and the water seemed to be to the east. The men were dressed in ragged clothing, and they did not seem to be aware that they were out of place here. I thought that they were from long ago. They seemed to be from the sixteen hundreds. Three men then came toward them from the south. I was watching the scene from just to the west of the men. I turned to the south to see the three men. They had dark skin and short fuzzy hair. They were wearing tight-fitting pants and puffy shirts. They looked like stereotyped pirates, but i knew that they were fairly modern. I thought that this might be the scene where the two men realized that they had shifted to another time period. I felt interested to see how they discover their displacement. The two men stopped and stared at the three men. They seemed confused. I looked back at the three men. The one to the north had turned around and was talking to the other two. They were huddled close together, as if discussing something. The two men stood just to the northeast of the three men, but the two groups did not interact. I felt frustrated, so i entered the scene to move things along. I moved toward the three men. The man with his back to me was wearing a white shirt. It seemed like a polyester shirt. It was a very thin material, and the short sleeves puffed into spheres around the man’s upper arms shoulders. The white material had small black dots across it, and it fitted tightly across his back and shoulder muscles. I thought that the two men should have realized that this style of clothing was not from their era. This should be where they realized that they had moved through time. I thought that the clothing that the three men were wearing seemed like it came from the seventies. I said that the shirt was nice, but no one responded. I thought that the shirt should give away the time period of the three men. This should be where the time period is figured out. I then turned to the west and climbed the set of cement stairs that ran between the large boulders. The stairs ended on the eastern wall of a small stone building. I could not quite figure out how this plot worked. It seemed to be a continuation of an earlier story line, but i was not quite sure how it worked. I then thought that it might be part of a science fiction story that i had written. I wondered how it could continue from the original story, thought. All of the characters in the original story had died, except a few who had been stranded on a distant planet. I thought that i would have to extend this new story from the old one. I tried to make sense of the plot. As i entered the small rectangular room in the center of the building, i stopped to look at the object on the table to the northwest of me. A door was open in the western wall, and a man was standing in it. He seemed to be wearing an old dark-blue police officer uniform. He stood with his knees bent at an odd angle because he was standing on the steep metal stairs that descended from the doorway into the room that i was in. We both turned our attention to the north, where a door was open in the middle of the northern wall. The doors to the room seemed to be about a meter and a half above the floor of the room. A man in a modern EMT uniform was standing in the northern doorway. I could see the back end of an old ambulance behind him. The man in the doorway was telling us that he had found something strange at the accident. He said that the car had license plates, but that the plates were not right. I thought that maybe this was where the time line was discovered. The car was probably futuristic from the perspective of these two people. The man in the doorway said that there were other things that seemed strange. This was how the story would enter the time theme. I thought about this as the man spoke. He then seemed to mention the two men who had been out of time, and one of them was called Ollie.

12019 January 30

I had asked the server for a bun with the sandwich meat, but the man had said that i could not get it. This seemed strange, so i complained. The others with me were also angry with the man, and they complained about the service. We moved to the south, entering the larger room. The man was still insisting that we could not get what we wanted. A woman was then to the east of me, and the others with me had moved to the south. She asked what the problem was, and i asked her for a bun with the meat. She seemed to want to resolve the problem, and she seemed to be a manager. I complained to her as i moved to the east of her. I felt that i had asked her for something that she would not be able to refuse without sounding like she was being obstinate. She moved to the north of the group, and she asked who had caused the problem in the first place. I told her angrily that i had ordered something three times, and i referred to a woman to the north of me, holding three fingers on my left hand up. The short woman with the bleached-blond hair seemed to be sitting behind a table now, and she looked down in annoyance rather than contradict me. She had a rounded haircut that was very short on the sides of her head and longer on top. I then realized that she seemed like the woman who had come in from the eastern side of the room, the woman who was the manager. It seemed confusing that she would be the one i was accusing. I was then to the east of the group. The manager then told the man on the southern side of the small group of people that he was fired. He was the server who had originally refused to give the people with me buns with their orders. He seemed surprised. I felt upset for him. I did not think that he should have been fired. The group of people to the west of me was made up of people who worked with him. They felt sympathy for him, and one woman tried to comfort him. I felt bad that i had caused the man to be fired.

I helped the man walk to the west, toward the small pale-tan car. The car was an old eighties car, with straight lines. It looked somewhat like a Volkswagen Rabbit or Yugo. The man seemed to have trouble walking. A second man was with us, and he got into the back seat of the car. I closed the driver’s door of the car as i helped the man in. I then moved to the passenger’s side of the car to get in. I ran around the rear of the car, which was to the north. When i reached the western side of the car, i noticed a sign on the passenger’s door. It was a white sign with red letters, with the word “WARNING” across the top of it. The rest of the sign seemed to say that the alarm would go off if the door were opened. I hesitated a moment. The car then started moving to the south. It was parked on the western side of a rounded parking lot. The man whom i had helped was driving. He seemed older, with a graying beard. I felt anxious, not quite sure what to do. The man stopped the car, and i quickly pulled open the door. The sound of a horn emitted from the car. I quickly got in the car, and we were driving to the north. We then seemed to turn to the west to head up a hill. We were then turning to the north, onto a long straight road. A field of tall grass was to the south of the road at the intersection. I felt suddenly uneasy, realizing that i did not know either of the men. I had just met them, and i did not know where they were taking me. I looked across the filed to the east. Just before the field ended in a forest, i could see the lights of the high school down the hill, to the east-northeast of us. We had come from that area. It seemed to be dark over the school, and i felt uncomfortable driving with the man. I looked at the trees on the eastern side of the road. I could hear the sound of people talking somewhere among the trees, and i thought that it was high-school students who were handing out in the forests. I felt nervous with the men, not sure where they were taking me. I yelled out the window, making a noise that the students would hear. I thought that i would let them know that i was here. I then felt uneasy, wondering what the men had thought of the sound i made. I looked down the long back road ahead of us, to the north. The trees on either side of the narrow road were ashen-gray. They had many thin branches and no leafs. It seemed that we were traveling far into the country, and i felt more uncomfortable. I wondered how i could get out of the car. The car then rounded a corner. We were heading west, and we started to turn the corner to the northwest. I said something to the men as i noticed a large fence along the northeastern side of the road, on the inside of the curve. The fence was three or four meters tall, and it was formed by horizontal metal bars that were tightly spaced. As we rounded the corner, i looked through the bars of the fence. The bars were dull metal and were about three centimeters in diameter. Through the bars, i could see a green lawn. Large objects were on the northern end of the yard. The large metal objects were shaped roughly like cubes that were tipped on one corner. They had metal poles running diagonally through them. The ends of the poles seemed to have fins on them, making the entire dull-metal structure of each object seem like some kind of strange antenna. On the northeastern side of the yard was a large brown house. It seemed like an expensive mansion. I mentioned it to the men, saying that it was a very nice house. I then looked back at the cubical objects, noticing that one of them was connected to the northwestern end of the house. The others ran in a row to the west, along the northern edge of the yard. They seemed to have some electric function, but i was not sure what it was. I then turned my attention back to the west. The road had curved back to the west, and we were pulling off on the northern side. Several of other expensive houses were around us, and one was directly in front of us on the northern side of the road. We pulled to the north, into a dirt pull-off. I felt worried about going into the house. The men were already out of the car, and they started walking toward the large house to the west of us. We were parked near the southern end of the house, which looked like an old farmhouse. A woman was standing in front of the house, and she greeted the older man who had been driving the car. The yard to the east of the house seemed filled with things. It looked like a decorative garden, with several statues and figurines in various places. The yard also looked like it was cluttered with old junk. The woman looked at me questioningly as i turned my attention to the north. I thought that i had to get away from the men, and i thought that i should not go in the house. I move to the north, pretending to look at the large mansions to the north and northeast. The house to the west now seemed to be open. It seemed to be only the framework of a house. The year seemed to end just to the north of the house. I looked back at the northern end of the house to the west. I noticed a beautiful small stone house, but i realized that the stone house was a miniature house in the large living room on the lower floor of the house to the west. I turned to the north, noticing that the yard ended in a sudden drop-off, which seemed to be a gorge. The two men were talking to the woman, but i started wandering to the east, wondering how i could get away. A wall was to the north of me now, and a large multipane window in it looked out over the large waterfall in the gorge. The water flowed from the west and poured in white rapids into the gorge to the east. I moved along the white brick wall to the east, entering the room of the visitor center. A tall thin woman with frizzy black hair was doing something near the northern wall. I turned back to the east, noticing that the room to the east had a large pond set into the floor. This was part of a science exhibit. A young boy was crouching on the western shore of the fake pond, doing something. The woman with the frizzy hair referred to the boy, and i thought that they were related. I remembered that the visitor center near Niagara Falls had a similar pond, and i thought that this one must be a copy of the one near Niagara Falls. I looked at the rusty bottom of the cement pond as i approached. The child was doing something in the water, and someone mentioned a frog. I thought that they must have wildlife in the pond. I noticed that the large window over the pond, to the north of the pond did not have any water flowing down the western side of it. I remembered that the pond in Niagara Falls had a fake waterfall running down one side of the window and into the pond. The southern end of the room, to the south of the pond, had a wooden balcony that was held up with rounded timbers.

12019 January 31

I moved through the house with the man. The house was small, with small rooms, and it seemed to have been abandoned. The rooms were dark, and it seemed like the windows were covered from outside light. We were in a room on the western side of the building. The man moved around on the northern side of the room, and i tried to do something. We them moved through the house. We were trying to do something for someone else. As we moved in to the room on the northern side of the house, i was aware that other people seemed to be in the house, somewhere to the southwest of us. The man was standing near the middle of the northern wall. Some people seemed to be standing on small round pedestals near the northern wall, but they did not seem real. The man moved along the northern wall, heading east. He seemed concerned about the other people in the house. I started to feel concerned about him, thinking that he was becoming paranoid. He seemed to be worried about things that were not real. I did not want to be trapped here with him, so i thought that i should leave the room. I moved toward the door, which was in the eastern end of the southern wall. The man was already standing in front of it. He said that he had locked the door. I felt unsafe here, and i told him that i wanted to leave. I pushed him to the east and moved to the door, angry and frustrated with him. The small white wooden door had an old-fashioned bar latch with a lock pendant above it. I turned the pendant and opened the door. I headed down a narrow corridor, heading west. Something was wrong with the man. I thought that he was becoming insane, and i knew that he would not last much longer. I headed to the east, down the narrow corridor. When i reached the eastern end, i realized that the man had probably locked the old wooden door on the northern side. I thought that i would probably have to kick the door down. I felt tense and desperate to get out of the house. I thought that the man was in trouble, and i was not quite sure what to do about it. A woman and some others seemed to be on the floor below, on the western side of the house. Some people seemed to be outside of the house, to the west. They seemed angry with the man, and i though that they wanted to destroy the house. I moved through the house, thinking that the house should not be destroyed. It would have to be saved, even if the man was going crazy. I stopped in front of a small room, which was at the eastern end of the hallway. The room was modern and well lighted. It seemed like a room in a space capsule. It had white metal walls with vertical ribs at regular intervals. The room was round, but it was open to the west, where it met the corridor. The top of the room was narrower than the lower section. The walls bulged outward from the floor up, but they curved into a bell shape for the upper part of the room, until they ran vertically up toward the ceiling, which was just outside of my view. Four or five young people were floating in the center of the room. They were all lying horizontally in the air, and some of them seemed to be swinging back and forth, north to south. I thought that the children were floating in space, but this did not seem right. I watched them for a moment. The boy, who seemed to be in him mid teens, seemed to be falling asleep as he floating in the center of the group. He wore a white long-sleeve shirt. A young woman of the same age was floating higher than he was. She was swinging back and forth. I watched her swing toward the southern wall, lifting slightly as she neared the wall. She too was reclined on her side. I thought that this must be a spaceship, but then i thought that the ship would have to be rotating in order for there to be gravity. The ship did not seem to be rotating yet. I imagined that the children could swing their feet downward and stand on the floor, but then i thought that they would not be able to do this without gravity. The floor did not seem like the logical direction for force if the ship was spinning. The back-and-forth swinging motion must have something to do with the spinning of the ship. This did not seem correct either. Most of the other children seemed to be asleep. I felt confused. The ship would not swing in space, so i wondered if this was actually in space or just a simulation of space. The girl was moving as if hanging from invisible lines that connected very high up, beyond the ceiling. I tried to think about how this worked. It seemed that the children could stand on one of the surfaces of the room, but i continued to tell myself that there should be no gravity in space. I turned and headed back to the west. The woman was in the house with the children, and she seemed to want to protect the children. I was then heading back to the east, walking through a narrow hallway that opened up into the front room of the house. A set of stairs descended from where i was to a landing that ran along the northern wall of the living room. The living room seemed long and narrow, and i could not see all of it from where i was standing. The woman was standing on the landing, leaning on the railing to the south of her. She seemed concerned, and i thought that she was worried about the people who wanted to tear the house down. I knew that the protesters did not want the house to be here anymore. The woman wanted to protect the children that were somehow tied to the house. I was now to the south of the house, and the woman had come out of the front door and was walking to the east, across the front of the house. The house was a small one-story structure of modern design. It seemed run down in a way, but it did not look damaged or worn. The outside of the house was dull-brown, and the view of it seemed somewhat faded. Even the bushes in front of the building seemed faded. I moved to the southeastern corner of the house. It seemed that i had walked around to the side of the building. I could now see that the house was right next to a large stadium. The tan cement wall of the stadium merged with the eastern side of the house. The stadium seemed to belong to a college, and i realized that the college wanted to have the house torn down. The stadium seats seemed to face south, and the rows of seats rose to the north. The woman had walked into the stadium, and she was now standing on a small balcony on the western side of the stadium. The stadium widened just above the roof level of the house, allowing a set of stairs to ascend along the western side of the stadium, on the outside of the seats. The woman stood at the point where the aisle started. She was wearing a long trench coat that was open in the front, and she seemed to be styled in the nineteen-fourties. See seemed upset. She put her right hand on the metal railing that faced east, and the bottom of the wide section. She was right above the roof of the house, looking out over the eastern side of the house. I realized that the stadium surrounded the eastern and most of the northern sides of the house. This must be why it was so dark in the house; all of the windows were blocked. The woman seemed stunned as she stared over the house, looking vaguely to the south or southwest. I moved to the east of her. The stadium to the south of us was wide, with tall thin cement pillars holding up a ceiling that was far above the stands. I looked to the north. We were now to the north of the stadium, and a long thin beach ran along the back side of the building. Some people were swimming in the water at the edge of the beach. The woman was now to the northeast of me, talking to a man, who was to the east of her. They were saying something about the stadium. I felt that we were not quite safe here. Something was wrong from the north. I looked out over the water. Waves were coming in from the shore. The horizon seemed very near us. I then realized that the wave currently coming toward shore seemed very large. I warned the woman about it. The wave broke on the shore and washed toward the stadium. Large waves were coming toward us. I thought that they were intended to flood the stadium. I looked back to the north to see a very tall wave rising on the water. I told the woman that we should run away from this place, and i started running to the south, down one of the aisle of the stadium. The floor of the stadium rose slightly to the south as i ran up it. At first, i ran slowly, waiting for the woman to come with me, but then i started running very fast. Once i got up the slope of the stadium, i would be away from most of the affects of the wave. I ran over the top of the hump and started down hill. I ran down the rest of the stadium and down the street to the south. The house seemed to be just to the west of us, and i thought about it. The scene then faded as i thought about the house. I was in the house again. I stood on the southern side of a large rectangular room, which seemed to be on the northern side of the house, near the western end. The children were still here. They wandered around the room quietly. I knew that they were still on the spaceship, traveling somewhere to the east. I then remembered that not all of them had survived. The children were actually in suspended animation in the ship. Their minds were still somewhat active, though. Humans in the house were actually talking to the children through the house. This was a place of communication. The man who had died represented one of the children who had not survived the long trip. The child must have died from the loneliness of space, which caused the man to become insane. Other humans were here now, taking care of the children mentally as the children sleeped on the ship. I thought that one human and child were supposed to be connected at any given time. I moved to the north, looking at the stations against the northern wall. They looked like booths, with small round metal daises in the center of them. There were communication booths. I was then aware of the other people to the southwest, outside the house. They seemed upset about what was happening in the house, but i knew that it was important to communicate with the children on the ship.