12011 January 01

I ascended the stairs along the eastern wall of the house, rising into the large bedroom. The bedroom seemed to span the full area of the second floor of the house. There was no railing between the stairs and the floor of the bedroom. My mother seemed to be in the room downstairs, where i had come from, and the room seemed to be to the east of the stairs. I moved to the center of the bedroom. There was a large triangular window in the top of the southern wall, matching the peak of the ceiling and roof. There seemed to be many plants in the room around me, but i was focusing on the mobile that was hanging from the center of the ceiling. I had come upstairs to do something with it. The mobile seemed to be a series of concentric crescents with bulbous things hanging on the outside ends. At the center of the mobile was a fuzzy object, which looked like a small stuffed animal. The object was gray, but it was striped with illuminated white lines, making it look like a glowing cartoon bumblebee. The light was casting lines on the walls of the room, and i grabbed the object to adjust it. Someone else came up the stairs to the east of me as i played with the light on the mobile.

12011 January 02

I did not understand what was being discussed, so $A548 handed me the small book, open to a page for me to read. I started reading at the top of the right-hand page. The page seemed small, and the black text was thick. The text seemed to have been stamped onto the paper. I read the paragraph about the use of a colon. I realized that this was a style guide. $A548 was trying to correct something i had done with a colon, i glanced back at the bottom of the left-hand page, realizing that i was actually in a section of the style guide that specifically described the use of colons. I was not surprised to see that there was a section on this punctuation, but i had not realized that it was in the book before. I continued reading on the right-hand page. As i reached the bottom, i noticed that the text was referring to a certain use of a colon, calling by a name that i was not familiar with. It almost seemed like “patronymic”. I did not understand what this had to do with the text that we had been talking about. I flipped the page, noticing that there were three pictures of a book cover on the next page. They were all very similar, but they all had different titles. The covers were mostly gray, with black and white features on the page and white text on the top. I realized that each of the titles started off with a name, followed by a colon, followed by the subtitle. All of the names were the same because the books were all part of a series. This was what the term i had read before must be referring to. The colon was separating the common series name from the specific names of the individual books. I looked at the black and white pictures on the left-hand page. The images on the covers were formed from rough shapes of gray or black. I then noticed that there was a triangular object on the lower part of each cover. The third book down on the page had two white lines drawn from the right side of the triangle, making it look like a mouse. The other books did not have the same design. As i looked at the second book, though, i noticed that there were small black ticks on the right side of the dark-gray triangle. These marks were on the lower book as well. The books were arranged so that the upper book was in the upper-right corner of the page, the second book was in the middle of the page, on the left-hand edge, and the third book was at the bottom of the page in the center of the edge. I flipped back a few pages to where i had started, trying to understand the text again. I did not see what these descriptions had to do with the way i had used a colon. I thought that $A548 simply had her own way of styling text, but i felt that she was wrong in using this book to explain how my text should be styled. I held open the book as i faced south. $A548 was to the southwest of me, and the other woman was to the south. I asked $A548 why this text was relevant to what we had been talking about. She glanced at the text and then shrugged, saying that she did not know. She said that she must had forgotten why she had told me to look at the book and said to forget about it. I felt annoyed with her, thinking that she strayed off subject too often.

12011 January 03

I moved to the west, over the western shore of the land. There were other people with me. We had to travel to the west, but we seemed to be it Hawaii, and there seemed to be a problem. The man said something about the volcanoes, and i looked at the white map that he held up. The map was a sheet of white paper with large areas of solid black shapes. It had several round circles on it, with concentric black rings divided by white. I noticed that several of the rings were broken, with fragments of white breaking through them, and some of the fragments seemed to be tinted red. This symbol represented the volcanoes that were active. They showed the spots on the island that were erupting. I looked at the map and wondered how we would get past the volcanoes. They seemed to be erupting all over the island, and i could tell that there was one to the west of us, in our path. I tried to avoid the volcano, but i looked at the map again, noticing more broken circles with spatters of orange and dull red. It seemed strange that most of the island was erupting, and i wondered what would be causing such a large-scale eruption.

There were people crowded on the lower bunk of the metal-frame bunk bed that was to the west of me in the outdoor area. Someone to the west, who was standing near the bed, said something to me. I glanced to the west. I had been looking at the trees of the forest to the north. $A501 was sitting on the bottom of the bed in the center of the crowd. I replied to the person, talking about the performance that was happening. I felt distracted and glanced around the area. The trees were thin, and there seemed to be many open grassy areas around the small patches of trees. We seemed to be on the western side of one of the grassy areas. I looked to the northwest, noticing that there was another grassy area to the northwest of ours, connected to ours by a slight overlap of the corners. Everything seemed sunny and orange, and the trees were in full foliage. There was a large tree to the northwest, which seemed to be in the center of the other open area. It was very tall and narrow, and there were few leafs on the lower section. The trunk seemed to have smooth mottled tan bark, and there were large knotted branches drifting upward, where the leafs grew large and oval. A blue towel blew off of the branches and floated down to the east. There had been several towels on the branches, and i ran to the north to pick up the one that had landed on the ground. I felt suddenly concerned about losing the towel. I quickly wrapped the towel around my waist and looked up at the second towel that was falling. I turned to the south to tell someone about the towels. I now seemed to be on the southern side of the long rectangular area. I looked to the north, down the grassy area. There seemed to be a small square patch of trees in the middle of the northern end of the area. The people on the bed seemed to be to the west of this patch. I said something to the others about it. As i spoke, i noticed the dark figure on the eastern side of the area, to the east of the patch of trees. It looked like a brachiosaur with its head to the east. It seemed very tall, but it was still shorter than the trees around it. I then noticed the tall thin figure on the western side of the central patch of trees. The smaller creature seemed to be a theropod, with a very long neck. I felt cautious of this animal, thinking that it would attack me. I moved to ward the trees. The trees now formed the outline of a square, with an opening to the north. I could no longer see the theropod, but i knew that it was hidden behind a thick tree to the northwest of me. I was standing inside the square of trees, which seemed to be a small room in a house. I moved to the west, spotting the theropod to the north of me. This was not the theropod that i had seen before. It had a much thicker neck, and there was a bony dome on the top of its head. The dinosaur had a red skin, and its mouth was open, exposing sharp teeth. It looked aggravated as it eyed me, and i felt threatened by its presence, but i knew that it was not as threatening as the other lizard, which i could no longer see. I turned to the south to see the other theropod. It was on the eastern side of the trees, outside the room, which seemed to be the pool room of $P19. The theropod with a long neck was also red, and it had a long flared snout with tiny sharp teeth running along the length of its long jaw. Both of the animals were after me, and i felt that i had to escape. I ran to the south as the animal to the west circled around the eastern side of the room. The animal from the north was heading south along the western wall. I suddenly thought that i would not be able to make it out of the room because the animal to the south would reach the door before i would. I would then be trapped between the two animals. I then thought that it would be better if i squeezed out the door just before the two animals reached me. I then decided that the animals could run into each other at the door. This would distract them long enough for me to escape to the south, across the field.

I ran to the east, stopping at the edge of the clearing in the middle of the thick forest. There was an open path running to the east, but it did not seem like the correct way to go. The other people were moving around me as i tried to remember where we should go. I had been here before and seen this trail. I turned to the north, noticing the narrower trail running through an opening at the edge of the clearing. I started down the short alley between the two cinder-block buildings and then turned sharply to the east at the end, heading down the long alley. This was how i had come before. I remembered the alley, and i mentioned this to the other person. We started running up the steep grade to the east, turning to the north as we climbed the dirt slope. This path was curving around to the west, and i realized that it was turning in a circle. I looked to the south to see the small campground where we had started. It seemed to be fifteen to twenty meters below us, down a steep dirt slope. The man was still standing in the campground with the others, and he seemed to be facing east, talking to someone. I was surprised to see how close we had come to the campground where we had started. I turned to the south, following the stone path to the edge of the cliff, where there was a jagged point. At first, i could not see the area where we had made the sudden turn from what had seemed the normal path, but, as i reached the edge, i spotted the small clearing in the woods where i had turned to the north. The clearing was now to the northeast of us, and i could clearly see the alley that had run from the clearing. I then looked down at the wooden structures of the campground under us. The man to the east of me then jumped off of the ledge and fell to the campground, which was only ten meters or so below us. I felt suddenly concerned, realizing that the height was too great to be falling from. $A121 fell over the edge, missing the roof of the wooden lean-to and landing on a wooden rail fence just to the southwest of it. Her leg hit the fence, spinning her body around as she landed hard on the dirt ground. One of the people from the campground turned to the south in surprise to see what had happened. I moved down toward $A121, hoping that she was all right. She stood up, saying that she had broken her tibia.

I turned to the north. Something important was moving there, and i wanted to go to see what it was. I stopped on the flat tan ground, looking down suddenly as i realized that there was a cat under me. It was $X14, and he was walking to the northeast slowly. He was very fat, with a round plumb body and a small head. There was something strange about him. I looked up and started walking north, heading up the driveway toward the main road. I was going to get my mail. There was something about this situation that was very out of place to me. I wondered if i had changed into my clothes. It did not seem cold out, as i expected it to, since i was not wearing a jacket. I then realized that i was only wearing shorts, and i wondered if i was still in my underwear. I reached down with my left hand and touched my leg. I was relieved to find that there was something wrapped around my waist, like a towel or terrycloth wrap. I also noticed that the large T-shirt that i was wearing was long enough that it covered the towel anyway, so people would never notice that i was wearing only shorts even if i did not have the towel. I continued toward the mailbox, but was again aware that there was something wrong with this scene. It did not feel right for me to be here. I then heard the sound of the cat meowing in a long howl. This reality was not right. I was not really here at the moment, no matter how real it seemed.

12011 January 04

I ran down the hall to the east, looking at the northern wall as i ran. This place was $P19, and i had come back for some reason. There seemed to be a lot of alumni here, and i did not feel like being a part of the group at the moment. I wanted to head upstairs where no one would bother me, to the third floor. I was afraid that there were alumni staying up there, though. As i headed down the hall, two older men were standing on the northern side of the hall. I tipped my head down, aware that i was wearing a black wide-rimmed hat with a black cape. The older people commented on the clothing, and i suddenly felt self-conscious. I slowly removed the cape as i reached the eastern end of the hall. I did not fit in here and wanted to go where the older people were not hanging around. I was heading west now near the top of the stairs. I decided that the dorm rooms on the third floor would be filled with alumni, and i did not feel like heading up there. I then noticed that there was another door in the western wall, just to the north of the door to the third floor bedroom. The new door was a large black sliding panel, and i realized that the newer members must have discovered it. I remembered it from a long time ago. There had been a section of the house that was closed off, and this was the stairs to get to it. I could see light in a room to the southwest of me. These stairs could not go all the way up to the third floor or they would run into the other dormitory, so they must be on an intermediary level, between the second and third floor. I headed up the short stairs and came into a large dusty room. A few other people were following me. I wondered if they had made the loft into a bedroom. As i entered the room and crossed south, to the southeastern corner, i noticed that there was a man in the center of the room to the north of me. He was facing east, standing over what appeared to me a table game. I then noticed the pinball machine along the northern wall, covered with a clear sheet of plastic. “Yes!”, i exclaimed, pointing out the machine and telling the others that i remembered when it had been in the house. The man was also playing a pinball game. There seemed to be several pinball machines here, and i realized they had been put in storage and forgotten. I was surprised to see the dusty room with all of the old things in it. I moved to the west, looking at all of the fascinating things around. There were old video games along the southern wall. Most of them were covered with dust and dark, but a few had been turned on. Some people were playing the video games on the northern wall. I also noticed a few old pinball tables in the southeastern corner of the room. They had yellow sides with black designs on them. I told the other person with me that we used to play the games down stairs. I then turned to $A495, who was standing to the east of me, and asked if he remembered the solenoids. I remembered that he was the one who had taken solenoids out of the pinball machine to fix and never put the back. I then noticed a bright light-blue and pink video screen to the east, on the southern wall. It looked like a game of Space Paranoids. I continued to the west, across the old wooden floor of the room. The dusty wooden planks of the floor seemed to have small holes in them where the wood had been broken. There was a corridor leading to the west, and i was fascinated at what was there. I headed down the hall, watching the floorboards under me. There were some rooms that had been abandoned here. Everything was dark and dirty, covered with a thick layer of dust. I then noticed the blue pieces of paper on the floor to the north. They had been taken from the windows on the top of the house. I was looking to the west now, and i could see the three small windows in the cupola of the house that faced east. There were blue sheets of paper in the windows with large orange letters in the center of them. The letters looked hand painted. They were the letters that identified the house, and they had been in the window for a long time. Someone must have realized that the windows were not part of the normal house, which was how they discovered the old abandoned rooms. I focused on the floor again. I was starting to become weary of the wood. It seemed old and dry, and large chunks had been broken off from the planks, allowing me to see to the floor below. I moved farther to the west, looking at the small rooms in the upper part of the house. The rooms had been closed off, and no one had used them in a very long time. I then became very aware of the floorboards under me, which seemed to be getting thin. I started to worry that they might break. I looked back to the east. I could see the wooden planks about a half-meter below the floorboards through the spaces between the floor planks. I decided that, if the thin floorboards broke, i might be able to land on the planks above the ceiling below rather than simply falling through the ceiling to the floor below. The boards below my feet felt very weak, and i felt as though i was almost floating when i walked on them. I started to feel very uneasy about the boards, so i headed back to the east to get off of them. I started to hurry, feeling the boards bend under my weight, which seemed greatly reduced. As i passed through the doorway and came into the hallway where the cupola was to the north, i was back on the thicker boards. These boards had chunks taken out of them on the sides, but they were thick enough to support weight. I thought that these holed appeared to be very big when i was a child, and i was afraid to walk on them then. I tried to avoid stepping into them now as i made my way back to the main room.

I walked to the west, along the northern side of the house, following what seemed to be a stone path. The front door was in the center of the house, which seemed to be a minimalist design. I knocked on the front door, thinking that i was here to see the old man about the book. I was uncomfortable here. A young man opened the door. He had black hair, and i realized that he must be the son of the man i had come to see. He had short black hair and stood with a slight slouch. He seemed to be wearing a white and gray flannel. I felt very strange suddenly. The old man had not seen me in a while, and i was here to ask him about the biography. He seemed to be Bob Hope. I asked the young man if the older man was around. I was nervous around the younger man. The boy led me to the west, across the front of the house. As we rounded the northwestern corner of the house, i saw the large blue pool that was to the west of the house. The old man was just about to start swimming. He was standing in the eastern edge of the pool water, walking to the west. Someone mentioned the cancer, and i could see that there was a strange deformity on the older man’s head. The left side of his face, which was mostly turned away from me, seemed to be disproportionate. His ear seemed to be very large and growing from the top of his head down the side of his face. It was hairy, and there were other strange deformities on the side of his face, twisting his features. I thought that his regular face had grown in the wrong way because of the cancer. I did not say anything as i turned to the east and headed under the cover of the house. I felt very bad for the man. I wanted to talk to him about the biography, but i felt very uncomfortable. I felt very compassionate toward the man, thinking that the cancer was not important. It should not be a topic of conversation. I wanted to make the man feel better by talking about things normally. I thought that we should make him comfortable rather than acting upset that he had such deformities.

12011 January 05

The woman was to the south of me, and i was watching her in the movie. She was standing in a flat open field, which seemed to be a field of crops. She was doing something with the tall plants in front of her. She spoke into the camera. She was wearing a red shirt and had her hair in ponytails on the sides of her head. The sky seemed clear and blue behind her. A young boy was then with her. The scene changed so that i was watching from the west of the woman. She was in the corn field just to the south of the road, facing north. The boy was driving the tractor to the east down the road, but he let the tractor drift to the south, onto the front lawn of the small house. The house was to the southeast of the woman. She commented with surprise on the boy. The scene then changed back to the woman as she dug some plants out of the ground. She was now kneeling on the dark soil. I started moving down the road to the east. There were ditches dug into the dirt on the southern side of the road. The woman mentioned that the EPA had come to inspect the house. The EPA must be the group digging the ditches in the dirt. They seemed to be invasive, ruining the land. As i passed the house and the tractor that the boy had rode onto the front yard, i saw some large metal spades sitting on the western side of one of the rectangular ditches. There was something wrong with what the environmental agency had done. Something seemed very familiar about this scene, and i started to think that i had seen this movie before. The plot seemed familiar. I was then watching the woman sit at a wooden table, facing the camera, which seemed to be to the north of her. Her older relatives were sitting behind her as she pleaded about the boy. Her grandfather then made a comment from behind her. She rolled her eyes. The grandfather was comic-relief it the movie. I remembered all of this, and was suddenly disappointed that i had come to see this movie, which i had already seen. I must have seen the movie at Sundance Film Festival a long time ago and simply not remembered. I felt impatient and i turned to the south, moving across the western end of the long narrow room. The room was long east to west. There was a line of chairs against the southern wall, and several similar chairs scattered around the room. The movie would be starting in the northeastern corner of the room, on the large television screen. The chairs in the room seemed to be cinema chairs, with dull-gold cushions and wooden armrests. I walked over to one of the chairs against the southern wall, but realized that i did not want to sit in a chair facing north when the movie would be shown to the northeast. It might make my neck sore. I turned one of the chairs that were in the center of the room toward the northeast and sat down. The older people, who seemed to be from a retirement home, were sitting in chairs around the center of the room, and i hoped that i was not in their way. I had come late to the movie and did not want to disturb anyone. The movie started, but i realized that there was an older woman sitting in front of me, blocking the view of the screen. I could have seen the scene to the side of her head, but she nodded her head to the right, blocking my view. I wondered if she would raise her head, so i waited for a moment, feeling annoyed with her. I finally shifted position so that i could see the movie from the left of the woman’s head, but she then nodded in the other direction, again blocking the view. I felt frustrated, and i thought again about the movie. I had seen it before, and i really did not want to see it again. I had planned to come to this movie for some time. It seemed to be a Tuesday, and i remembered planning to be at this place on this day to see the movie. I was disappointed that i had bought the tickets ahead of time and come to see the movie, because i had seen this movie before and forgotten about it. I stood up and wondered what i should do. Several other people were leaving the room, heading to the door in the northwestern corner of the room. There now seemed to be large windows on the western side of the room, as if this was an old store on the bottom floor of an urban building. The dingy tile floor of the building seemed to be poorly illuminated by fluorescent lights now. A young boy walked to toward the door. As he passed me, he commented that the movie was a four-hour waste of his time. The two men who were sitting together in the chairs against the southern wall perked up, showing concern at the comment. One of the men, who both seemed to be wearing dark-colored down winter jackets, asked if the movie was really four hours long. I told him that it was not, and clarified, saying that it was really only around two hours and fifteen minutes. The true time of the movie would be written in the program booklet. I felt upset that i had wasted the time and money here, so i walked to the north, toward the exit door.

As i stepped off the bus at the intersection and started walking down the gravel shoulder of the road to the north, i realized that this was not my stop. The bus was behind me, facing west on the east-to-west road behind me. I could hear it starting to move again, so i decided to hurry, hoping to make it to the other end of the short northern road, where the bus would make another stop. The land around me was very flat and seemed tan and foggy. There seemed to be houses on both sides of the road, but they were set back far enough from the road that i could not notice them in the fog or mist. I hurried down the road, which seemed to be about fifty meters long. I was about half way down when i heard the bus coming to a stop behind me. The bus stop was earlier that i had expected. I turned around and moved to the side of the tan van, which was the bus. A passenger got off and i stepped into the open door on the side of the vehicle, into the back seat. There were no other passengers on the bus at the moment, and the driver sat in the front seat with his right arm stretched across the passenger’s seat. He was wearing a white shirt and seemed to have a baseball cap on. The van sat still, and i thought that the driver had to wait for something before he could continue. The driver then got out of the car, leaving the driver’s door open. I felt confused, but then the car started rolling to the north. It then stopped, and i knew that the motion was only part of my thinking. I imagined that i had taken the van while the driver was away. I thought about this again, watching the car roll to the north and then turn the corner to the east. I was not driving the car, but i was making it move by thinking about the situation. I knew that the driver would be aware of the moving car and be chasing after, so i threw my hands in the air. I was still in the back seat, so the driver would see that i could not be stealing his car because my hands were not on the wheel. I moved down the road to the west, thinking that i really should not be driving the car from the back seat. It would be too dangerous. The car could get out of control. I looked at the hill ahead of me, thinking that the bus could roll down the hill with me in the back. As i started over the top of the hill, i could see down the steep hill on the other side to the muddy water of the river. The bus could easily skid down the hill and crash into the river. This seemed like a dangerous hill, and i though about it as i moved to the edge of the hill and started to descend the hill. I imagined the small yellow school bus skidding through the intersection at the bottom of the hill, over the few meters of dry grass on the other side, and plunge into the river. I pretended to unbuckle my seatbelt quickly to get out of the bus. I then thought that the other people that would be in the bus would probably be panicking, so it would be harder to get out of the bus. I looked at the muddy water of the Hudson River to the east of me as i approached it. There seemed to be white chunks of ice floating on the river, and i thought that the flooding water was from melting snow. The level of water in the river was not something unusual, but it looked close to flooding, so it could probably be used as a picture for global warming. I looked to the north, noticing the young boys playing on top of the black structure, which seemed to be an old train car. I turned to the south, thinking that i had to get ready for school. I had to pack my stuff for school, and i was looking over the clothes to the east of me in my closet, wondering which shirt i should wear. I had to catch the bus soon, so i had to hurry. I looked at the rack of shirts in the closet, but then i realized that they were too light for the season. I stepped to the south, out of the closet, closing the door behind me. There was a wardrobe on the eastern wall, but i knew that it was full of short-sleeved shirts. I kept the shorter shirts there for the summer. It was not what i was looking for, but i pulled open one of the small wooden drawers on the right-hand side of the wardrobe. There was a heavy purple shirt on the top of the drawer. At first glance, it seemed like a heavy velvet-like material. It had a rolled collar and the light on the shoulders of the shirt created a slight shimmer on the material. I lifted the shirt by the shoulders, realizing that it was polo-style shirt. It was short-sleeved, so i could not wear it today. I wondered what was in the drawer, and thought that it was filled with some random shirts that i did not know where else to put. They were not button-up shirts, so i did not have them hanging. The drawer seemed to be mostly empty, but there was another shirt in the front, and a short stack of clothes in the back. I noticed the light-blue and white pair of soccer shorts in the middle of the stack on the back. I pulled them out with some of the clothes that were folded on the top of the stack, noticing that there was a gun-shaped object under them. The object had a glass tube running down the center, with a metal holder that formed a handle on one side. I picked it up to look at it. The metal frame was open, with curving lines and rounded holes to show the yellow liquid inside the glass tube. There was a round blue logo in the center of the gun that mentioned sunscreen, and i realized that the tube belonged to $F45. It was his special sunscreen gel. He would probably be looking for it, but i did not feel like taking it out and giving it to him. Instead, i put it back into the drawer, noticing the white and blue bottles of shampoo that were stacked under it. I should take those out and put them in the closet with the other bottles, but i did not feel like doing so right now. I would just have to remember that they were in here. I folded the cardboard flaps back over the top of the shoebox, but then realized that i had not put the smaller cardboard box back into the shoebox. I decided that the shoebox now folded to a smaller size without the other box. I pushed it to the north, into the open closet. I was now kneeling on the floor in front of the open door. I realized that the box was now small enough to be put in the closet rather then left against the eastern wall, where it had been. I moved the small brown bowl with the white beads on the outside to the eastern wall, just to the south of the door. I remembered that i had to get ready and did not want to spend any more time looking through things.

12011 January 06

I was facing north in the small room of the apartment, trying to get the paperwork ready. We were on our way to a festival, and i had to remember to take all of the stuff from the folder with me. $A42 was to the northwest of me. He placed the layout for the small poster on the round table to the north of me. He then turned back to the west to talk to someone else. I picked up the sheet of plastic on which the ad had been made. $A42 had created the ad by pasting the individual pieces of the layout to the plastic sheet. I noticed that some of the design had been hand lettered, and that the letters were backward. I opened up the paper to get a better look at it. The design had a thick rectangular border with rounded corners. The heavy black text ran vertically in several lines, with some kind of design in the center of the bottom. The handwritten section ran down the left side of the design, near the top and just to the right of narrow bold letters of another vertical word. Everything was in reverse because it would have to be typeset backward so that it was printed forward. I realized how the text was printed backward, but i thought about how $A42 must have handwritten the non-type letters in reverse. He must have practice doing that. I folded the layout over and headed to the east, with the others. We walked between the buildings, which seemed like large gray stone college buildings. There was a narrow courtyard between the buildings, which was long north to south. We were then in the restaurant to the east, and i was sitting on the southern side of the table. The others talked, and it seemed that we had been here for a long time. We were heading to the movie festival from here, but i suddenly realized that i had forgotten to bring the design with us. I stood up and told the others i would be back as i hurried to the east, toward the door. The others had already gotten up to leave the restaurant. I came back into the room, noticing that there was a round table to the north. I had left the transparent layout document on it, but, as i approached, i noticed a folder was open on the top of it, standing up on its edges to form a peak. There were thick black letters on the front of it, which seemed to be a sign hung over the front cover of the folder. I felt suddenly uneasy, remembering that i had left this folder in the restaurant when i left. $A103 must have brought it back to the room. The folder had all of the papers that i had been preparing for the film festival. I would have to take it and the layout document with me.

My parents sat down on the western side of the cafeteria, and i started wandering to the east to look for some food. There were many small counters of food in the center of the room, and i wanted to get the eggs from them. I glanced at the metal counter to the south, which curved into the southern wall in straight cornered lines. The counters had metal tray racks in front of them, and glass awnings over them. Bright lights warmed the food. I expected to see some breakfast food, but the counter to the south seemed to be a grill. There was a large flat beef patty steaming on the eastern side of the grill with a square of yellow cheese on the top of it. I wrinkled my nose at it and turned my attention to the north. The small rounded island counter in the center also seemed to have lunch food. I passed along the east of it and looked at the counter to the north. There were several hamburgers in buns stacked up there. I felt uneasy by the food and wanted to get the eggs, but i was starting to feel that this place did not have eggs like the other cafeteria that i was used to. I felt upset about this and looked back at the counter to the south. There were bowls of chopped lettuce and other salad fixings near the grill. It was the salad counter, but it did not look that appetizing. I turned to the north and asked the woman where the eggs were. She seemed uncertain, but she told be that there were no eggs available here. I felt upset and walked back to the west. I walked to the southern side of the round table where my relatives were sitting and sat down. My mother asked my why i did not have any food. I felt upset and did not want to eat here, so i looked at the glass of dark liquid that was in front of me. I would make a point of only having the drink to show my dissatisfaction with this place.

12011 January 07

I ran to the north, across the reddish landscape. I had just started the long-distance race, and i wondered if i would be able to do it. It seemed like a marathon. $F59 was standing on the western side of the road as i ran past. There were tall jagged brown rock hills to the northeast of me. It seemed that i had started the run to the east of the hills and was not circling back. I turned to the northeast and started running on the stepper. The black stepper faced northwest, and seemed to be in a large room, which was to the south of the school building where we had started. The landscape around us looked unnaturally flat, with tall jagged peaks here and there. Some of the runners were moving to the north on the western side of the area. A man watched them. I started to feel odd about running on the stepper. I looked down at the red digital display of the mileage that i was doing, noticing that i was moving a lot faster than i would be moving if i were actually running. I wondered if this was unfair. I then thought that the object was to stay running all day. It was only important to be able to maintain a level of activity for the duration of the day. I was then traveling to the north, down the busy city street. I was moving in the car, but i was aware that i was still doing something that seemed to be exercise. I started to worry that i was not close enough to the race. I felt guilty about doing this other exercise rather than actually running. There seemed to be heavy traffic, and there were buildings on both sides of the wide street. After a moment, i noticed that there was an opening to the east and i could see another highway running parallel to us. The highway was elevated on cement overpasses. I noticed a woman standing on the eastern side of the road that i was on. She had something to do with the race, and i felt guilty passing her in the car. I did not want her to think that i was taking the easy way. She then turned to the east and cheered on one of the other runners. The other runner was on the bridge to the east. I passed her, relieved that she did not see me. I seemed to be riding my bicycle no the north, and i though that i had been riding all the way to $P85. I started to feel uneasy again, and thought that i should head back to the south and join the actually race. I seemed to be heading too far away, and i thought that i might loose track of the race. I then noticed the large theater building on the western side of the road. The front of the road was very ornate, with silver and blue fleurs. I remembered this old theater from a long time ago. This seemed to be a place that i had visited every once and a while when i was in high school. Large blue letters on the front of the building said “Beijou”, or similar name starting with a B. I commented that i remembered the place, and i decided that this was a good area to turn around. The streets were narrower now, with the tall buildings towering over the road now. I moved to the right lane of traffic and turned right at the intersection just after the theater, turning east. This place seemed very familiar to me, as though i had been here at some specific point in the past. The building to the south of me now was large, with a white first floor. The northern side seemed blank, and i thought that it was the side entrance to a large theater. The street i was on was wide and empty. It seemed to be an access street in a factory area. I recognized the gray metal object handing over the center of the street from the last time i was here, and i commented on it. The object looked like the smoke stack of an old steam engine, with the engine number still on the bottom section. There also seemed to be metal tracks set into the gray pavement of the street, running east to west with the street. I drove to the end of the block and turned back to the south, thinking that i could head back to the main city on one of the side streets. As i started down the road, however, i realized that it dead-ended in the middle of the tall buildings. I turned to the east at the end and headed into the small shop. I was pushing the white metal handcart, which was part of the exercise for the race. The shop seemed modern, with a counter against the eastern end of the southern wall. It was open, and there did not seem to be much merchandise visible. I thought that it was some kind of art shop. The people to the south of me spoke, but i could not pay attention to them. I had to keep moving. I headed to the north, but realized that i could not get out of the store that way, so i turned around and headed back out to the street. I turned back to the north and headed a few meters up the street. There was another alley off to the east, so i turned down it, thinking that i could head to the next street to the east and try to take that back south.

I stood up from the chair and headed to the northeast, across the small room. $F45 was to the east of me, saying something about the cats. $X14 was standing to the east of the chair that i had been sitting in. Something outside the window to the north caught my attention, so i walked to the window. I realized that there was a cat outside pawing at the screen to get in. It seemed snowy outside. I looked down from the window to see $X12 just below the window. I told $F45 that $X12 was outside, and i hurried to the door to the southeast to let him in. As i walked across the room, i thought that i would have to call him and hoped that he came around to the southern side of the small house. I did not want to have to walk through the snow to get him from the back side of the house. I then realized that $X12 was walking in front of me as i opened the door. The cat i had seen before was not $X12. I had just let $X12 out. I was annoyed and called after him, trying to get him to come back into the house. He turned to the north, and started trotting up the eastern side of the house. He stopped under the wire fence that ran from the northeastern corner of the house to the east, through a small lilac bush. I called his name, but he did not seem to be paying attention to me. I became very worried about him and started moving toward him. I did not want to chase him because i knew that he would simply run away. He suddenly turned to the north and jogged into the ashen-tan grass of the field. He paused just to the south of the area where the grass grew taller again. There seemed to be a road running from west-northwest to east-southeast on the other side of the patch of taller grass. The road was dirt, and i knew that the tractor was heading down the road from the west. I worried that it would run over $X12. I started after him, but he ran to the north, onto the road. The red tractor drove toward him. It looked like a hay combine, with a large red bin in the front and thin metal wires that swept the ground under the bin. After it passed, i could not tell whether it had passed over $X12, or whether $X12 had run across the road in time. I felt very worried, but realized that my concern was not yet justified. I ran to the road. I then noticed a spot of red in the center of the road. It looked like blood, but i knew that it was probably not from $X12. I headed to the north, noticing more patches of blood on the ground. I then became suddenly very worried about the cat, thinking that it had been injured by the combine. I started moving faster. The spots of blood ended near a car, which was parked off the side of the dirt road, facing north on the dry grassy ground. I turned to the west, noticing the larger patch of dark blood that was running down the hill. The animal was loosing blood and would be slowing down, so i knew that there would be a larger patch of blood as i got closer to the animal. The ground sloped up slightly to the west, and there was a diagonal dark stain of blood on the hill. At the top of the long stain was a dark patch of bloody fur. I could not make out what it was, but i knew that it was some wild animal and not $X12. I felt relieved. I then looked back to the patch of brighter red that was near the car. I wondered if $X12 had run under the car. I crouched down and looked under the car. I thought that i could see a dark shape under the vehicle, but i was not sure. I lifted the front of the car to try to see better, but i could not make out what i was looking at. Everything seemed obscure.

12011 January 08

I had put on the spider costume, which was black and baggy over my torso. It also had eight thick black legs sticking out the sides of my body. The legs seemed very realistic, and i felt uncomfortable having them on me. I was concerned that there was someone watching me. I picked up one of the trash bags and started putting pieces of the costume inside. I broke off the legs on the right side of my torso and put them in the bag, aware that there was someone watching me from the northwest. I seemed to be in the middle of a grassy park with urban apartment buildings running along the northern side. There were a few trees in the area. I was having trouble with the trash bags, and i seemed to be concerned about what people would think about the way i had opened them. I bent over and picked up the long black rods. They had something to do with the trash bags. The object seemed to be two thick black rods that were attached to each other by a plastic material. They were parallel to each other, and there seemed to be a hinge at one end, holding them together. I played with them for a moment, trying to get the bags apart. The rods finally separated, unfolding at the hinge. I dropped the thing on the ground and bent over to pick it up. A loud hissing south came from the object as the two plastic bags started to inflate. I remembered that there was a gas canister in the previous trash bag i had used. The two new bags were inflating to the south of me. One faced south and filled rather quickly with the gas from the tiny silver canister, which was in the northwestern corner of the bag. The bag was a little more than a meter wide and three or four meters long. The second bag was inflating to the west of the first bag, running east to west. I did not pay as much attention to it. I wanted to get the bags open so that i could put the rest of the stuff into them.

I spoke with the man as i walked to the north, between the two small wooden buildings. The buildings seemed old, made of roughly hewn lumber that was thick and sturdy. There seemed to be a square basin of water between the two houses, and i walked on the western side of it. Someone was then talking from the east, inside the other house. The voice of the man seemed desperate, and i thought that he was a prisoner here. There seemed to be water in the other house. It might be a trap. I walked into the house to the west. I was watching myself enter the house from inside the house. The man followed me to the thick wooden door but then closed it after i had entered. I felt that this was a trap, but i did not seem concerned. I felt confident that i was not in danger here. The sound of water came from outside, and i thought that the man was trying to flood the area.

12011 January 09

I was moving through the bedrooms of the darkened house, concerned about something. My mother seemed to be to the east of me as i reached the small room on the northern side of the house. There was enough light coming into the room that i could see what was happening, and i complained that it was too bright outside. I motioned to the west. There was a doorway in the western wall, and through it, i could see a large window in a wall that was facing northwest. The window took up most of the wall, and it had thick metal supports holding the panes of glass in. Through it, i could see the decorative lights of the city outside. There was a dark spot on the ground running northeast to west, which i knew was the river. This place seemed to be New York City. The tall buildings on the north of the water had lights outlining their shape, as if decorated for the winter holidays. I moved closer to the window to get a better view of the city. It looked very pretty, and, as i got closer to the window, i could see more and more of the buildings in the area. I could even see some of the shorter buildings along the southern side of the river. Everything seemed bright, and i was annoyed with the amount of light that was coming into the rooms. I then turned to the south, noticing the large fancy room. It seemed like a ballroom, but there were collections of chairs and end tables around the room. I noticed that there were many lights turned on in the room, which annoyed me since everything should be turned off for the night. I asked my mother why the lights were on and moved to the wall on the eastern side of the doorway, looking for a switch. Looking up, i noticed that there were bright spotlights handing down from the ceiling, which seemed to be two stories tall. The warmer bulbs in the room, which seemed to be in shaded lamps, all seemed turned off, but the bright white lights were still on. I flipped the switch on the wall, and something in the room changed, but i could not immediately tell what. I turned the lights back on and noticed that there was a single bright light in the southeastern part of the room that had turned off. It was hanging low on a long white pole from the ceiling, hovering just over head level near a white cushioned chair. I flipped the switch several more times. I then decided that i would have to find a different switch to shut off all of the lights. I looked back to the north, into the other large room to see more bright lights handing from the ceiling. As i turned the switch on again, i saw a small white light in a cone-shaped hood descend from the high ceiling just to the north of the door. Before the light could reach its lowest extent, i flipped the switch again and watched it retract back toward the ceiling. There were too many lights here, and i could not find the right switch. I moved to the east, down the northern wall of the large room to the south. The northern wall no longer seemed as fancy as it had before. It was now bare cement on the bottom and white plasterboard on top. There was a small darkened rectangular window on the eastern end of the wall. This place seemed like a room in an old department store. I said something to the person to the east of me as i though about the lights. The scene then changed and the gray wall to the north of me now seemed like an area of fog. A small group of people in dark robes was standing to the north of me now. It was Harry Potter and his friends from the movie. He stared into the camera with a determined expression, his wand drawn in his left hand. This was part of the movie plot. There was a spell being cast here, and he was trying to hide from the bad people. The characters moved to the east without moving, as if they were part of a billboard that was being pulled away. I then saw the bad guys in the hazy darkness. As the view panned to the right, another group of people came into view. They were the teachers from Hogwarts from the movie. Professor Lupin stood on the left of the group with long ragged hair and a dark-brown cloak over his shoulders. The other teachers stood to the east of him, facing south. Lupin asked with concern whether that was really Harry Potter they saw in the zoo. Harry should have been hiding from the bad people, so the teachers had not expected to see him here. The teachers dismissed their sightings and turned back to the young students, who were to the east of them. The students were wearing common clothing because they were now in a non-magical area. The teachers were taking the children to the zoo. The teachers even seemed to be dressed like civilians as the camera continued to pan to the east. It then stopped on a group of people. A spell was being cast in the middle of them, and a dark circle started to grow from the center of the view. It engulfed the people, making the area go dark. The people seemed suddenly scared at the magic. There was a woman standing on the right side of the frame, facing left. As the darkness engulfed her, her necklace started glowing brightly, giving her enough light to see. She had been unaware of the necklace’s power and looked down at it in surprise. The man to the left of her moved toward her in surprise too. This necklace had the key to Harry’s victory in this story.

I left the others at the cottage and started to head to the northeast, up the streets of the small town. The area around me was becoming more and more urban, and i wondered if i should really continue on. I seemed to be roller-skating down the western side of the street. I felt nervous about being in town here, as thought i would not be welcome in this area. There was a pub across the street with a small set of tables out front. It was on the northwestern corner of the block, near a small side street. A man sat at one of the tables out front. I felt nervous about being in this part of the town, since i had come from the beach houses to the southwest. I turned around and started skating back down the sidewalk on the western side of the street. I then realized that i was still not sure of the shape of this island. I did not know exactly where we were on it. It seemed as though we were on the southern shore and this town was on the eastern shore, but i could not be sure. We seemed to be on a southeastern corner of the land, but i also considered that we could be farther up the eastern coast. I then stopped moving, realizing that i was rolling down hill and did not need to make any effort to glide. I pretended to be dazed as i moved smoothly down the street. I extended my hands out to my sides, closing my eyes partway, pretending to be in a trance. I started to feel strange as i moved, and i enjoyed the feeling. There was a man jogging down the center of the street. He had come out of one of the side streets to the east and turned south in front of me. I was moving slightly faster than he was, so i rolled along the western side of him until i passed him. As i was running parallel to him, i did not look at him. I wanted him to think that i was in some kind of trance. He seemed to be well built, and was wearing only a pair of red running shorts. He fell behind for a little while, but speeded up again, this time running on the sidewalk to the west of me. I wondered if he was looking at me to see what was wrong. I could not speed up or slow down without moving my stance, so i stayed where i was and hoped that i speeded up more as i went down the hill. I passed the man again and drifted onto the sidewalk in front of him. As the road curved to the southeast, i turned a little to the southwest, following the path into the large building. This seemed to be the way to get back to the cottage where we were staying. The man passed me again, heading down the road to the southeast. I paused for a moment on the southern side of the large building, which seemed to be an old elementary school. The black asphalt path under me sloped up a little to the west, so i would have to start skating again to get back home. However, i realized that the path sloped down hill to the southeast, and i thought i could get on it and roll back to where the man was. The path ran across the sandy ground, which seemed to be a beach to the south of us. The ocean was to the south, but there was something tall blocking the view about ten to fifteen meters to the south of us. I looked to the southeast again, aware of the young children all around me. There was a young boy in front of me, wearing a dark coat with a black hat. The hat had earflaps with drawstrings. The boy seemed very concerned, and he pointed to the south, saying “tidal wave”. I looked to the south. There was a tall sandy wall in front of us, but i could see the top of a very large wave cresting beyond the wall. The wave must have been thirty to fourty meters tall, and it would easily engulf the school building and most of the town. I immediately thought of running into the school building for protection, but realized that i would not make it in time. I watched the wave for a moment, thinking that it might be best to simply stay here. There was no way to avoid the wave, so i decided to let it hit me. I then wondered if it would be safer inside a building, where the water would not be able to force me against other hard objects.

12011 January 10

I had been talking with the others in the outdoor area. We discussed the athletic test that we were supposed to take. The others seemed a little hesitant about the test, but i had done this kind of exercise test before, and was not worried about it. The instructor was still explaining what we were supposed to do when i turned to the east and started up the steep shale hill. There was a pond at the top of the shale mound where we would be swimming. The others started following me. The hill seemed very steep, but i continued up it at a running pace, hoping to reach the top before i started to feel sore. I took a few wide strides as i came to the flat top of the large mound. I was surprised that there was no pond at the top of the hill. There were several small puddles, and then there was a crude ditch with steep edges that were obviously made by a shovel. I was confused by the lack of pond, and wondered how we were going to swim in the puddles. I turned to the west, where the female coach was standing on the middle of the hilltop. The others were running on the trails to the north of us. The trails seemed to run along the rim of the oval shale area that i was standing in. I caught glimpses of the other runners passing through the trees to the north of me as i spoke to the instructor. I pointed out the white flour mark on the ground, telling the instructor, who was now standing to the east of me, that $G4 had come through here, or was going to come through here. I started to the north when i noticed a larger symbol drawn in flour. I told the person that $G4 would be coming through here any minute. I wanted to join $G4, but i knew that i had to run with the other people. I started over the edge of the small drop to the north, at the northern edge of the open area of broken shale. There was a gap in the tall green weeds growing along the edge of the rim. I stepped across a gulley and onto the dry dirt of the area to the north. Noticing the metal pole that was on the ground in the gulley, i picked it up and carried it to the other side of the gulley. There was an open area just to the northwest of me, which seemed to be on the southern side of a roadway. A metal and plastic bus stop stood to the west. It had a thick metal beams supporting the back wall, which seemed to be covered with clear plastic. The roof was a curving piece of clear plastic that seemed to have thin metal supports running across the surface of it. A man sat on the metal bench along the back wall, and he looked at me as i slided the long white metal pole under the bench. I would leave it here until $G4 showed up. I could then retrieve it later. I started jogging to the west, down the corridor. There was a narrow corridor that turned to the north, and i followed the others into it. They paused as the reached the center of the corridor, though, cautious of who could be on the other side. There seemed to be another group of people who might be ready to attack them. The walls of the narrow corridor were dark, and i could not see past the few people in front of me, however, i was able to see the entire corridor as if it were a bridge spanning a large open area, with tall thin sticks marking out the lower sections of the walls, as if part of a railing. Light was shining into the corridor from the northwest, through the opening at the other end. A man stood at the head of the line of people. He was crouched slightly with his left hand forward, hesitant to step into the corridor beyond. The people in the hallway behind him were equally tense at what might be in the corridor ahead. I felt cautious as well, but did not know whether someone would actually attack them as they exited the hallway. A man was then walking down the hall from the opposite direction. He had short blond hair and a round face. He seemed a little chubby, and i felt weary of him. He seemed to be a threat to the people, but they were unaware of him. I watched him as he approached me. I now seemed to be in the middle of the corridor. As the man came to the east of me, he drew a knife and threatened the people in the middle of the group. I listened to him speak threateningly at the others, but i did not feel threatened by him. I felt as though i was not really part of this reality, or that i was immune to the man’s threats. The people were not quite sure what to do, but they agreed to do as the man said and headed out of the room to the north. I was left standing on the western side of the large room, which seemed to be a locker room. I turned back to the south, heading back to the area where the others had been. The western end of the room seemed to turn into a hallway because there was something to the east, like a row of lockers. $F4 seemed to be in the southern end of the locker room, and i was heading to see him, but i did not know where he was. There was then a man to the east of me. He seemed to be the man with the knife, but i realized that he was Wolverine. He was drawn in ragged pencil lines and shaded with pale hues of gray. He had long white unkempt hair, and he said something to the others in a threatening way. He would be able to defend the others from the bad people here, but i knew that Sabertooth would injure him. Sabertooth was standing to the south of him. They were both drawings and moved as solid cutouts across the background. Wolverine seemed confident of his abilities, but then Sabertooth stabbed him in the ribs. He paused in surprise, and i knew this was because Sabertooth was the only other person with healing ability and strong claws. Both of the characters moved to the north, back across the view. Wolverine opened the door in the northern end of the room, exposing the large pink monster. The monster seemed deformed, with unrealistically large flabby muscles. This was the woman that Wolverine was protecting. Wolverine moved between Sabertooth and the woman on the other side of the door. I moved to the south, wondering where $F4 was. The experiment in the building was over, and the bad guys were attacking the man with the knife. I headed to the northwest, coming to a small lawn on the western side of the school building. There were people sitting on the lawn, facing west under the shade of green leafy trees. They seemed to be families and teachers. It seemed like there was a small concert happening to the west that the people were gathering for, but i could not see it. I headed north. There were many groups of people from the school. I stopped to talk to the group of people that i knew. They were from my design classes at $P83. They were sitting around a picnic table, which was to the south of the street. They sat on the northern and southern sides of the dull wood table, and i was standing or sitting near the western end of the northern side. They were discussing the swimming test that we had to take. I mentioned that it was much shorter than i had thought it would be, and the others agreed. Had the pond on the top of the hill been full, we might have been able to swim farther. The woman to the east of me said that the swim was only about a half a mile. A sidewalk ran just to the north of the table, running along the southern side of the street. I looked to the left as i noticed several joggers approaching. There was a large tree on the grassy median between the sidewalk and the street. The joggers ran under it and started past us. They seemed young, and i thought that they were from high school or a college. They were wearing shorts and T-shirts. The young man in front seemed to be wearing a purple shirt with black or dark-blue shorts. I commented to the others that it was rather warm out for this time of year. I watched the men as they passed, thinking that they were probably attractive, but i did not want to stare at them as they ran past. I headed east on the walkway. I wanted to jog. I then turned to the south and crossed through the tall grass and weeds on the western side of the large field. Trees surrounded the square abandoned farming field, and there seemed to be white and yellow wild flowers growing in the middle of the tall grass across the field. It was January, but the weather felt rather warm. This was the warm spell that usually occurred in the middle of January. I knew that it would not last, but it felt very nice to be out in the field as it was happening. The wind shifted the leaves of the trees. As i neared the southern edge of the field, i noticed the white T-shirt of a jogger on the other side of the trees to the south of me, heading west. A running trail ran along the northern side of the field to the south of the tree line, which seemed to be about two meters thick. The jogger was $F4. He must be coming back from a long run. I reached the trees in time to see the jogger pass in front of me. I could only see the top of his head now, but i watched the wispy blond hair move past me. There was a strange bald spot on the back of the scalp, which i knew must be $F4. I turned to the west and followed the trail out of the field and onto the dirt road. I was thinking about the strange time dilation and other things that seemed fascinating about the situation. I looked down at the gray dirt of the trail as it let out onto the gravel road. The time dilation could be caused by traveling near the speed of light. I felt excited about the idea and wanted to study such things. I imagined what it would be like for others to think of me as the person experiencing this kind of phenomenon. I then realized that i could only study time dilation if i was in a space ship. I decided that space travel would be too restrictive and too lonely. I liked the idea of people knowing what i was discovering, but i did not want to be confined to a space ship. I decided that i could probably experience the alternate realities instead. It would be just as interesting, but i could do it from Earth. I then thought that the government would never let the public know about alternate realities. If i were experiencing them, i could never share what i had learned. I had turned to the south on the dirt road and walked a way toward the main road. I was still excited about the idea of experiencing something new and unique. I then looked up at the trees around me, thinking that i had to get back to the north. $F4 would have finished his jog to the north of me now. I started down the road, but i noticed the open water to the east of me. It seemed like a large body of water to the north. There seemed to be a cliff on the southern shore, where the tree line at the southern edge of the field was. This looked like an ocean shore, and there were tall thin rocks protruding from the sandy shore at the bottom of the cliffs. The rocks were weather worn, with rounded sides, but they stood two or three meters tall, and seemed to have small rocks balanced on the tops of them. They were spread out across the sandy beach. This was something special, and i examined the rocks as i continued to the north. The body of water now seemed like a square pond in the middle of the field. The tall thick objects now seemed to stick up from the water in rows and columns. The rocks were made of gray stone and looked like carved statues. They were monuments, and they looked picturesque reflected in the calm water. The sun was setting in the northeast, blocked from view by a large dark object in the center of the field. The light it scattered on the monuments and on the surface of the water was beautiful, and i wished i had a camera to take a picture. As i continued to the north, i watched the monuments in the water move past. The water was shallower at the northern end of the field, and there were wisps of grass sticking up through the surface. The water was getting darker now, but it still looked pretty. There seemed to be a set of power lines running across the northern side of the field, and the ground was raised above the level of the water under them. There was something amazing about the array of monuments stretching out to the east in the water that was fascinating.

12011 January 11

I was sleeping in the bed, which seemed to be on the northern wall of the room. There was a man sleeping to the west of me, but he kept rolling toward me. I felt attracted to him and hugged him as he leaned against me. He was a wrestler, and i wanted to wrestle him, but i felt uncertain about it. As he rolled on my right side, i wrapped my arms around his torso. My left hand moved over his back, and i could feel the muscle under his skin. He then rolled back to the west. I was not really sure whether he was awake or not. I could hear snoring, so i though that he might be unconscious. I was afraid to put him into a hold, because i thought that he might be asleep and might be upset with me when he woke up. I rolled toward him, wrapping my left arm over his back and grabbing his left arm. He was lying on his stomach with his left arm out from his side and his elbow bent up toward the pillows. I tightened my grip around his upper arm, testing to see if he was awake. He flexed his bicep in response. I was excited by this. He then lifted himself from the bend and slided over the top of me, pinning me down. I was still not sure whether he was awake or not, but i let him try to hold be down. I then felt something poking into my lower abdomen, and i realized that he might have an erection. I was surprised by this and not quite sure whether he really wanted to wrestle or not. He moved to the side again, and i wanted to engage him, but i felt uncertain. I then heard the snoring again. I tried to grab him and pin him down, but he kept moving over the top of me. I was unsure what i should do. I was not quite sure whether he was interested in erotica or not.

I faced west in the large pale-tan room of the house, which seemed like $P19. A set of stairs seemed to ascend to the west of me, separating the western end of the room from the smaller room to the north. There were people here, and i felt anxious. Something had happened, and the people here were talking about what was wrong. I did not quite understand the situation, and i walked a little to the north, where $A157 was talking with some other people. I asked her what was wrong, and she told be of the riots at $P52. She said that the entire university was shut down because of the riots. This seemed like a serious situation, and i wanted to know more about what was happening. I looked at the computer screen that was to the west of me. The web page was from $P52, but the main letters at the top of the page were replaced by strange black symbols. The symbols were roughly rectangular, with bloated sides and complex black and white patterns inside. The web sites had been hacked by someone. This amused me. I then remembered that i had worked on web sites for these people, and i wondered whether the web sites i had worked on were hacked as well. I moved a little to the north and looked at the large CRT monitor on the computer farther along the counter. The background of the screen was white, and there were large letters at the top of the page announcing the pages. These pages had not yet been hacked by the protesters. I was looking at the main page for $P52, so i navigated to the main page for $G2, where i had worked before. Both of the pages were normal: a white background with heavy black letters on the left side of the page and red letters in the banner. I used to know the security codes to access these machines, and i wondered if they would still be useful to the hackers. I was delighted to see what the hackers had done with the other page and i wondered whether they would like to know how to hack into the two main pages for the university. I thought about these pages as i moved through the area. $F14 was sitting at the table to the west. She was talking to a man, whom she had been dating. I turned to the north and looked at the picture of the clock tower on the main web page. I was then walking around the eastern side of the tan stone tower, thinking about the hackers. I turned to the south and moved to the southern end of the tall place. $P19 was a small house to the west northeast of the tall dirt mound that i was standing on. I then turned around and climbed a little higher onto the dirt mound. I was now about ten meters from the ground, above the level of the trees and the house. As i situated myself on the dirt, i heard people talking from the north of me. I thought that the voices were coming from someone near the house, but i could not see anyone at the moment. I moved to the edge of the dirt and made sure that i was in a stable location. Then i looked back to the north, searching the yard to the south and west of the house for people. I was quite far up, so the voices could be echoing or drifting from someplace else. I started to look around at a wider area, hoping to see the people. I then spotted two people to the southwest, a man and a woman. They seemed to be dressed in styles from the late 11800s. I knew that their voices would be out of synch with what i saw because they were so far away, even though i could see the details of them easily. The woman’s voice was dominant, and i realized that she was upset about something. The man seemed tall and thin, wearing a green dress jacket and tight green pants. They stopped to the north of me, and i realized that the woman was really quite short. Her body was unusually round, with short legs that i could not see under the light-blue dress. She was half as tall as the man, seeming only about a meter and a quarter tall. Her head sat on top of her rounded body, and she had a wide dark-skinned face and wide fuzzy hair. I realized that she was an Australian aborigine. The man must be aboriginal as well, but he was facing away from me at the moment as he looked down at the concerned woman. I moved slightly, and the people to the north of me turned to look at me on the hill. I now seemed to be lower to the ground, and $A91 had left the other two and started up the steep slope of the dirt hill toward me. I mentioned the riots at $P52 to him. I then started thinking about them as i moved to the north. I knew that i had knowledge that would help the protesters do more damage to the college, but i did not want to actually participate in what they were doing. I did not feel that it was respectable to do so. I was then aware of the men coming to raid the buildings. They were part of the protest, but they seemed very violent. I passed through the large college building, thinking that the men would be hacking into the university’s data systems, destroying the computers. This is what they would have done if i had let them use my access codes. I felt impartial to the events as i thought about them. To the west of me was an office. A service counter ran in front of me, separating me from the office, and there was a woman with short black hair to the west of the counter working at a small gray desk. The walls around here were surrounded by gray cabinets. This seemed to be the bursar for the university, and i knew that the men would come in here and destroy the area. The woman would be killed, but i did not feel concerned because i knew that i was just considering the reality of these events. I came to the northern end of the hall, where there was a short hallway running to the east and west. One of the men who were invading this place passed me and turned to the east. He stopped in front of the large door, which was in the northern wall of the hallway. He had a gun and was going to kill the people here. He glanced to the west and saw me, but did not seem to be concerned about me. He turned his attention to the door to the north, trying to figure out how to open it. The other person said that it would be difficult to read the letters on the doors now that they were replaced by the black symbols. He joked about their web hacking making their break-in more difficult. I was then moving to the south again, afraid that the man might shoot me if i stayed there. I passed through the offices, aware that the gunmen were going to kill the people here as part of their protest. I turned to the north, where there was a woman standing to the east of a counter. The counter was very pale, and the woman was surrounded by small light-gray square drawers that reminded me of the drawers for library catalog cards. The woman had short straight white hair and was wearing a white sweater over her shoulders. I recognized here as someone i had done work for when i worked for $G2. This was the registrar’s office, and i felt suddenly concerned for the woman working there, who seemed to be a librarian. I ran to her and grabbed her by the shoulders, telling her that we had to hide. She seemed suddenly submissive and frightened as i led her to the south, across the hallway. Two doors were in the southern wall of the corridor. They seemed old and wooden, but covered with thick layers of cracking paint. These used to be the bathrooms, but something seemed strange about them now. This place was being remodeled, and i worried that the doorways no longer led anywhere. I pushed open one of the doorways and led the woman inside. She muttered in distress as i led her around several turns in the narrow white corridor. We seemed to be turning to the west and then to the north, heading into what used to be the old men’s room, but was now just a small empty space. I hoped that we would be all right here. I did not think that the gunmen would actually search the place.

12011 January 12

I walked into the room to the north of me, which seemed to be the kitchen of the small cottage. $A343 was standing on the northern side of the formica-covered rectangular table in the center of the room. The pale-green formica top had rounded corners and seemed to be bordered with aluminium. $A343 said something to me in a cheerful voice, and i moved around the room. I turned to the west to see the living room, which was the western part of the dining room/kitchen. $A343 was now standing behind the old couch on the northern side of the room. There seemed to be a television on the southern wall, and there were two couches around the large coffee table, which was set up in front of the television. One couch was to the west and the other to the north. $F47 sat on the western end of the northern couch with $A343 standing behind him. They commented on something as i approached. There was a dog running from the kitchen to the couch as i spoke. It seemed to be $X18. I then noticed the puppy on the coffee table. It was lying on its back with its paws curled in the air over its chest. It seemed to be sleeping, but i knew that it was just relaxing from the playing it had been doing. I then noticed the brown furry animal to the south of it. It seemed to be a small brown bear cub. The cub was elongated, like a dog, and had thin wispy fur. I wondered why they had let a bear cub into the cabin. This seemed dangerous. I walked to the north of the couch and looked out the window. It seemed that we were on the second floor of the cottage, even though the door outside was to the east of me, in the center of the northern wall, between the dining room and the living room. The trees outside seemed bare and the ground was light gray or white. I then noticed the large black figure to the east. I could see it through a window farther to the east than the one i was standing in front of. I worried that it was the mother bear looking for her cub. I told the others that the bear was outside and would probably try to break in. I started to feel afraid of what would happen. I looked outside again, trying to make sure that the black figure was indeed a bear. I could see the black bear looking at the front door of the house. I quickly looked back at the cub on the table. It must be making some noise that we could not hear but which the mother could sense. I felt very nervous and tense, wondering what the bear would do to the cottage. I thought it would break into the lower floor first, since it could not make it to the window.

My mother handed me the strip of photographs. The strip looked like a set of negatives, but there were pictures in the frames that looked like tourist shots of Deutschland. I did not know what to do with the photographs, so i set them on the dresser to the north of me and moved to the west, toward the large bed. My mother had brought the photographs, and she was insisting that i keep them, but i did not want to deal with them right now. I felt annoyed with her and told her that i wanted to leave the photographs on the dresser of the cottage. She said that they would be thrown out. I felt very angry with her and wanted to tear up the photographs. I thought about smashing them on the dresser. I felt very frustrated and upset and stormed out of the room, to the northeast. I looked out the large window to the north, looking out over the square bay below us. The water in the bay was dark blue, with lighter-blue streaks. The land rose on both sides of the bay, to the east and west. I did not have a clear view of the water; something seemed to be blocking my view. I shifted from side to side, trying to get a better look at the dark shapes in the water. As i moved, i noticed that the dark spots rose to the surface and jumped out of the water. They were sperm whales. I felt suddenly excited, and i called the others, trying to tell them that the whales had come in to the bay. I moved closer to the water, trying to get a better view of the whales. I could not see them right now, and i wanted them to surface again so that the person with me could see them. The young boy moved ahead of me, heading out onto the wooden dock. I noticed one of the dark figures moving under the water to the east of us, but it seemed too small to be a whale. It circled us and headed back to the north, along the eastern side of us. I started to worry about the young boy, who was to the northeast of me on the low dock. The dock seemed very low in the water, and i worried that the boy might get hurt by the animals. The figure surfaced to the north of us, and i pointed it out to the boy. It was a dolphin. They must have been swimming with the whales. The boy was too close to the water. I then realized with concern that the boy was sitting on the dock with the lower half of his body in the water. I was afraid that the dolphins might attack him if he got too close to them. They were still wild animals and might harm the boy if he invaded their personal space. The blue dolphin surfaced to the northeast and looked at the boy. I felt nervous and tried to get the boy back onto the dock. I then looked to the north, across the waves of the bay. There were shadows moving under the water, but i could not tell whether they were from animals or from the waves on the surface. My grandmother moved to the west of me, and i told her that there were whales in the bay. I felt excited about them and tried to point them out to her. I waited until the shadows surfaced again and painted out to the west. I wanted her to see the whales too.

12011 January 13

My mother said something about the objects as she stood up to the west of me and started moving to the north. She was talking about the antiques that had been in her house. I looked at the silver object that was on the ground in front of me. I seemed to be sitting cross-legged on the ground. The object was a ring, but it was very wide, with tall sides. I did not understand how a finger would fit into it. The bottom part of the ring was a long silver oval loop with parallel sides. It had beveled edges and the band was about two centimeters wide and a few millimeters thick. The loop was probable four or five centimeters tall and a few centimeters wide. The top of the ring was wide and flat, and it sat on the short edge of the band. It was oval, with a domed top and bottom that met in an edge around the sides. It was about a centimeter thick, four or five centimeters long, and two or three centimeters wide. I picked it up from the ground to look at, tipping the top toward me as i wondered how one would wear it. The top of the ring was carved with intricate vine patterns that seemed to spell out initials on the top. I knew that they spelled out the initials for my father’s mother’s side of the family. It was a strange antique, and i wondered why my mother was leaving it here. My father, who was sitting to the north of me, then pointed out some of the other things here. I looked to the south to see the small rectangular case on the ground. It was about three or four centimeters by eight to ten centimeters on the surface, and about two centimeters thick. It had five small glass doors on it. Fancy writing covered each door in an off-white signature font. My father asked about the case, and i told him that i was not quite sure what it was. I tried to read the letters on the door. I realized that the door on the left said something about foundation, and it covered a pale tan area. This was a make-up case, and i told my father this. I confirmed this by reading the other labels on the doors. The second on from the left had the word “blush” near the end of the line. It was using some fancy name to describe blush. It was old enough that the names on the case were formal. I said this to my father as i looked at the other tiny doors, thinking that one must be lipstick and another eye shadow. I could not recognize the names from the doors, but i knew that they were old-fashioned terms for the same make-up that women used today. I started to the west, putting the case back on the table to the south of me. There were many other items on the table, which seemed to be part of an antique shop. I needed to get something and was looking for something. I turned back to the east, thinking that i should take the bat with me. I walked away from the table and across the large hallway of the mall. I seemed to be at a junction of the corridors. The main corridor ran to the north of me, but ended where i was. A short corridor then ran to the east, and another wide corridor ran to the south, just to the east of the intersection. I walked very near the store window on the northeastern corner of the junction, passing to the south of the store. I realized that people might be suspicious of me carrying a bat in the mall. It might seem like a weapon. I held it down in my right arm, letting the end of the bat tap the ground as i walked. I pretended to limp a little, hoping that the people who were watching me from the west would think that i was using the bat as a cane. I seemed to be wearing a long trench coat. I turned back to the west, noticing the large glass window to the north of me. It had small glass panes that were held in place by thin darkly stained wood supports. It looked like an old shop window. Inside the shop, i could see the polished wood of string instruments, like cellos and violins. I worried that the people watching me might think that i was going to break the window. It would be a bad one to break since the instruments in side would be fragile. The fact that i had paced slowly to the east past the window and then turned back to the west and crossed the window again might look suspicious. I looked down at the aluminium bat in my right hand. It was mostly bare metal, but hand large red areas on opposite sides of the bat. The red was dull and showed the metallic sheen of the metal below. I quickly wrapped the bat in the large white J.C. Penney bag so that it would look like something i had purchased in the mall. I then continued to the north, limping on the bat. There was a small store to the west, but i turned to the east, coming into a small room with items on shelfs on both walls. The store was empty and did not have a counter. I realized that it was only part of the store that was to the west. I thought about the security people in the store to the west who might still be suspicious of me. I looked at the items on the shelfs. I was still looking for something, but i was not quite sure what. The items on the eastern wall seemed to be made of gray fabric, and were not what i was looking for. I turned around and headed back to the south, toward the door. I tried to think of what i was looking for, but i could not remember. It had something to do with the make-up box. I then noticed the rings on the shelf to the southeast of me. I stopped to look at them. They really seemed like earrings made of thin silver loops. They did not have any relation to the large ring i had seen earlier, so i headed out of the shop.

12011 January 14

I was in the large room with $F45. It seemed that we had just woken up. The bed was on the eastern side of the room, which seemed to be a hotel room. A large bed was in the center of the room, and the sheets were bundled up on top of it. The room seemed very messy. $F45 walked to the west and started to collect some things from the room. I thought that he was packing up some things. I walked to the west, noticing that there was a strange blue suit hanging from the wall to the north of $F45. I pointed out the suit to him as i approached. It was actually a women’s suit coat, and i wondered what it was doing in the room. It seemed rather formal, with something glittery along the left lapel. It was short, like a waist coat, and seemed to have ribbing around the lower part. I seemed to be in a small room or closet on the western side of the room. I looked at the large red purse that was sitting below the hanging dress. There were things in the room that did not belong to us. I wondered if someone had left them, or whether we were in someone else’s room. I headed back out into the main room. There were things in the closet in the southern wall that did not belong to us. We must be sharing the room with another family. I wondered why i had not noticed this before. The room seemed very messy, and there were clothes and suitcases scattered across the floor around the large bed. None of these things seemed to be ours. As i reached the eastern end of the room, someone came into the room from the door in the southern wall. They were the other family that was staying here.

I walked around the eastern side of the large area, heading north. There seemed to be pool in the center of the floor. I had work to do for school, but i seemed confused about it. Things happened in the room, and i moved to the north. The teacher was to the west of me. She seemed like Clarice Willow. I asked her about the assignments that were due, listing a few of them. I then asked her what was due on Tuesday, which seemed to be two days away. I told her that it was the paper, and she agreed. I realized that i had not started the paper yet, but it seemed that it would only be a couple of pages long, so i would be able to write it very quickly. I walked back around the eastern side of the pool and headed to the west along the southern side. There were quite a few other people in the room, and i seemed to be looking for something.

12011 January 15

I was talking to $F45 in the outdoor area. There were other people with us, and we seemed to be in the back yard of my parents’ house. Something seemed to be wrong, and i thought that people were coming for us. To the northeast of us, there was a group of five or six men on horses approaching. They were wearing maroon polo uniforms and carrying mallets. There was something threatening about them. I looked to the west to see another group of men on horses approaching. The group from the west seemed to be dressed as mexican banditos, wearing red shirts and carrying swords. We had to get out of here, so i told the people with me to head to the north. We started riding our horses across the field to the north, passing the polo players. I mentioned to the person to the east of me that we were safer going this way. I then tried to reassure myself that it was the right way by asking the man, “Polo players can’t hit with their mallets, right?” We had to escape, and we continued to ride to the north. I looked down at the grass in front of us. The ground was gray and seemed to be granular. I realized that it looked like cat litter, and i wondered whether my father had spread so much litter in the back filed that the entire filed was covered with litter. I then noticed that the land a little to the northeast, which i was now crossing over, had tall wisps of rough grass. The ground under it seemed dry, and the grass grew in small patches. I had not been in this part of the field before, and i was surprised at how interesting it seemed. We were then heading to the south, riding parallel to the road to the west of us. The field stretched out to the east and south of us, and it seemed much larger than i had remembered. We wandered to the southeast, and i was aware that there was a small dirt road running along the southern edge of the field. We turned more to the east, staying just to the north of the road as it started getting dark. I looked to the north at the other men walking with me. I glanced back to the northwest, wondering where the riders were that had been following us. I wondered if they had stopped at the edge of the field, near the barns. I then noticed a dark figure moving through a small thicket to the north of us. I could only see its silhouette against the lighter gray of the background as it crouched low to the ground and crept to the east, toward the darker surroundings of the thicket. It looked like a large mountain lion. I was worried about it, and i told the others that there was a mountain lion to the north of us. I then descried the animal as a “cougar”. I felt that it was dangerous. I was aware of two of the men that were with us. They seemed like rough cowboys, but they were wearing leather jackets like bikers. One of them walked with me to the east as the other stopped with the rest of the people in the middle of the field. The rough man had black stubble and a gray T-shirt under his jacket. He walked past me to the east, and i noticed the tan cougar stalking toward us from the north. I told $F45 to stop. He was just to the southeast of me. I told him to raise his arms and yell, thinking that this should scare the cat away. I thought that we would have to make ourselves appear big to the animal so that it would be too afraid to attack. I then thought that the two other men should come from the field to help us scare off the cougar.

I was in the western end of the large house with the other men. The two rough men were with us. I started moving to the east, thinking that we had to get out of this building. There was something dangerous about this place. One of the rough men, who was wearing a tight-fitting blue T-shirt, moved with me. There was a small room to the north, which seemed to have antiques spread out over small tables in the room. This building seemed like an antique shop, but i knew that the entire house was some kind of trap. There were other people in the house, and i was cautious of them as i passed them in the halls. A man on the northern side of the hall had a small metal can that looked like an old tin watering can. It was formed of a round cylinder with a handle on one side and a long triangular spout on the other. I knew that the canister was a gas canister, and that the man would pull a leaver to release poisonous gas. He watched me as i approached. He was wearing something that seemed old, like a character in an old Sherlock Holms movie. He grinned as i neared him and mentioned his name to me. A woman in similar costume stood behind him. I had to avoid them. As i passed, he pulled the lid on the gas canister and a white fog started to drift from the spout. I moved quickly through the other rooms of the building, trying to get out. I knew that we had to head to the east, but i did not know how to get out. We then came to the small lining room on the eastern side of the house. The place seemed cheap, with an old low couch against the eastern wall, in front of a line of cheap aluminium-frame storm windows. The man with me moved to the south of the couch and opened one of the windows in the wall. We were too high off of the ground to simply jump out of the window. I thought that we were on the second floor of the building, so it seemed to be a long way down to the lawn outside. As the man opened the window and looked out, i wondered if we would be able to climb down the side of the building. As i reached the window in the eastern end of the southern wall, the man said that the other person had escaped by lowering himself down to the ground by levels. I opened the southern window and looked out. There was a white house just to the south of us. I was standing outside the window sill, thinking that i was hanging from the sill. The other man was on the outside of the building too, to the east of me. I wondered if we could lower ourselves along the side of the building by holding on to the sills of the windows. I wondered if this was what the other man had meant by lowering oneself by levels. If we hung from the sills we could get ourselves lower to the ground before we dropped. I seemed to be hanging from the sill, but i noticed the house to the south instead. It seemed to be another part of our building. The wall was covered with white siding, and the flat roof overhead was covered with black tar paper. I reached to the south and hung from the black roof. I then realized that there was a lower roof to the east. The building had several lower levels, as though the roof was dropping in a set of black steps to the east. I started to climb down the roof one by one. This must be the “levels” that the man was talking about. I started moving to the east again, finding myself in another corridor of the house. I had been separated from the others, and the man was no longer with me. I headed down the corridor until i came to the bedroom on the second floor of the house, which seemed like the middle bedroom of my parents’ house. The man with the gas canisters was standing to the east of me, near the northern wall of the room. He smiled at me with an evil mischievous grin. The woman behind him leaned forward, as if offering me a kiss. This house was full of famous killers, and i would have to avoid them. The man with the canister then said his name again through a grinning sneer. His name sounded formal. He walked to the southwest and placed one of the canisters on the floor. I moved quickly toward it, looking down at the silver canister. It looked like a sterno canister, but it had a grated metal pedal on the side. I quickly stepped on the metal pedal to start the gas. I then ran to the east as the canister started to sputter and a thin column of gray smoke rose upward. I stopped to look at the canister. Red sparks shot out of the top of the canister as it started, and the smoke became thicker. It was poisonous gas, and i had to get out of the area. As i started moving quickly through the small rooms of the house, i noticed that there were small canisters everywhere, and they were all starting to smoke. I started to feel panicked and knew that i had to get out of the building. I came to the living room on the eastern side of the building and looked for a window to get out of. There were windows in the eastern wall, separating a small enclosed porch from the room that i was in. I knew that one of the windows opened like a door, but it was blocked by a white wooden captain’s chair with a white and yellow knitted blanket over the arm. I worried that the gas was filling the air in the building and wondered what i could do to get out. I then noticed that the glass door behind the chair was ajar. I moved the chair and pulled the door open. It led to the east, into a large tall corridor that ran north to south along the eastern side of the house. I pulled the door closed behind me to keep the gas out of this area. There was a tall wide corridor leading to the east, just to the north of me, into another part of the building, which seemed different from the part i had been in. I started walking to the east, thinking that this building was still a trap and that each room was some kind of test. I then wondered where the others were. I was a little worried about them, knowing that they were still in the part of the house to the west, and i hoped that they would come through the door soon. I turned to the north, into the large room. The rooms here were oddly shaped, as though they were created inside the larger structure of the modern cement building. There seemed to be tall square pillars holding up the ceiling, which was two stories above me. The room to the north seemed to be triangular, with faux Egyptian designs in gold and tan over the black or dark-brown walls. I looked at the northeastern wall of the room, noticing that there were thin round running up the side of the wall at regular intervals. Hieroglyphics were painted between the poles, which were painted with gold paint. The poles were rotating. I did not know what it meant, but i suspected it had something to do with the traps here. I then noticed that there was a smell of fresh paint in the room. Because the decorations on the walls looked clean, i wondered if they had just been painted. I rubbed my hand over the black section between the two rotating poles to the northeast of me and then looked at my fingers, noticing black smudges on them. The paint here was still wet. I headed back out of the empty room and looked down the hallways. I headed to the east, where the bottom of the stairs were. The stairs ascended the southern wall to the second floor. I headed back to the west-southwest, up the set of stairs until i reached the ledge. The ledge ran along the top of the corridor, all the way to the western end, where it rounded the corner to the south, just above the window that i had come through. There was a doorway to the south, on the eastern wall of the southern part of the ledge. The ledge seemed to be bordered by a railing of vertical poles. I stepped into the room, seeing that it was empty, and then back out onto the balcony. I knew that all of this area was a trap, and i would have to go through it, but i could not decide how i was going to do it. I then looked back down at the doorway i had come through from the other side of the house, which was now to the southwest of me. The others were just coming through the door. I was glad to see them. The woman in the group had long blond hair and was just stepping through the doorway. When i looked again, i saw that they had already put up a piece of black tarp over the opening. That should keep the most of the dangerous gas from coming into this section of the house. I looked into the room to the south again, again smelling wet paint. I thought that all of the walls in this area must have been freshly painted. I looked at my hands, seeing thick brown and purple smears of paint on my fingers. I was annoyed, and tried to wipe my fingers off on my shirt. I was then annoyed that i would be getting my shirt dirty. I wondered what i should do about the paint.

I headed through the large old department store, heading to the east. I felt upset, and i wanted to get out of this place. I thought that i should head to the northeast, through the city. It was not the way that i would normally go, but i had an idea about the stores to the northeast of where i was. I had not been there in a long time, and i remembered that they seemed hidden. There seemed to be a building with several stores in it, off of the main shopping street. It seemed as though i had found someplace there i liked before, and i wanted to see it again. I turned to the north and headed up the street, which seemed like a wide corridor with no roof. This part of the city seemed almost like a warehouse district, and the walls on both sides were very plain, with few windows. Some seemed to be surfaced with wood, like the white one on the western side, which seemed to be an Agway store with a cement loading dock on the northern end with a corrugated metal roof. The road ahead curved to the northeast, and the building directly to the north of me was all pale-green. Even the windows were painted green. It seemed odd. I felt a little uncomfortable here, thinking that this might not be a safe area. I followed the street to the northeast, around the corner. I then thought that this entire place seemed very real for a place that i had only remembered from my dreams. It was not as built up as in my dreams, but it still seemed quite real. I just hoped that it was safe. I had to get to that other part of the city.

I followed the dirt trail to the north, between the walls of tall green plants. I came to an area where the trail seemed to cross a small white wooden bridge, with black metal pipes curved in a U shape for railings. There were people sitting on the ground near the bridge. They were dressed in shorts and T-shirts, and they seemed to be runners. I asked one of the women on the western side of the path if they were runners, and she said that they were, but that they were not part of $G4. I asked what kind of running they did, thinking that i was supposed to meet $G4 somewhere near here. I seemed to have a bag with me as she spoke, and i noticed that i was taking my shoes off. I had to change my shoes to get ready for the run with $G4. I then asked another question of the young man who was also sitting on the western side of the trail. I was interested in these people and wanted to know what kind of running they were doing. The young man had short black hair and an attractive face. I listened to his description, and then i picked up my black nylon-canvas bag and moved it a little to the south, to get it out of the way of the intersection. The group of people seemed to be gathered just to the north of the intersection of the dirt trails. I dropped my shoes and my bag under the trees to the southeast of the intersection of the trails. I then realized that i had stopped to talk with the group for only a short time, and i hoped that they did not think that i was only talking to them because i was trying to have a conversation with the cute young man. I then concentrated on my shoes, which i hoped were well enough hidden in the vegetation so that no one would take them while i was gone. I tried to move them farther to the southeast, but something seemed to be impeding me. I strained to move them, but i seemed to have a hard time moving. I then heard the sound of people singing from the south. I looked up at the hill to the south, which seemed like an elevated train track. The long mound was four or five meters tall and covered with cut grass. I thought that the singing group was probably on the other side. The song sounded like something $G4 would sing. I would have to go up the hill to find $G4. I then thought that the tracks ran at the bottom of the hill. I imagined getting stuck on the tracks and getting hit by a train. It was a common fear of people, and i imagined what it must be like. If my leg became trapped in the tracks, i imagined that i would simply start singing loudly until i was hit. I pictured the train coming from the west, and i thought that it would be best if i tipped my head toward it as it approached, so that my head would hit first and knock me unconscious. I was still standing in the vegetation, just to the east of the intersection. I tried to put my shoes on, but was still having trouble. A young man to the west of me, who was on the eastern side of the main trail, just to the north of the intersection, mentioned $G4. I realized that he had run with them. He smiled as he spoke with me, telling me that $G4 called him “Underdog”. It sounded like an interesting nickname. I then realized that the man was $A296. I said hello to him, and we started to chat as i put on my formal black leather shoes. It seemed hard to put on the shoes, and i tried to do it as i listened to the man. I then wondered why i was putting on the dress shoes. I should have been putting on my sneakers so that i could go running with $G4. I felt frustrated with my actions and tried to get my sneakers. I asked the man about the running group that he was with, noticing that he was now dressed in a suit, white shirt, and tie. He told me that they were members of the college group that he had joined. I then remembered talking about the group with him before, and how he had wanted to get into the group, which was an improve troupe. I realized that he had been accepted, and i congratulated him. I then asked him how he liked the group, but immediately realized that it was a foolish question to ask while he was standing in the middle of the group, so i told him that he did not have to answer. One of the men in suits to the north of him turned and said that he had to say “Yes”. The man i was talking to smiled, but did not answer the question. I reached for the other man and covered his ears. I then turned back to the man to the west of me and jokingly asked the question again. It seemed like a funny joke, and i suddenly wondered if members of the group would find it funny. I felt suddenly interested in impressing them and wondered if they would think that i was just as humorous as they were. I did not continue talking to them though. I had to stop the conversation so that i could get to the run i was supposed to get to. I had to focus on putting on my shoes, which seemed to be very difficult.

12011 January 17

I started moving to the north, with the other person running to the west of me, parallel to me. I started moving fast, amused that the person would try to keep up. I then spread my arms out and noticed that my legs were not touching the ground anymore. The person to the west of me was still running fast, trying to keep up. I smiled, knowing that he was putting in a lot of effort and did not realize that i was gliding down the hill. I then looked to the north, watching the grassy slope ahead of me pass under me. I started to lift into the air, flying higher over the quadrangle of the college. The place seemed like $P69. I was flying high over the ground, but still around the level of the rooftops of the surrounding stone college buildings, which seemed to be three or four stories. I then focused my attention on an opening on the eastern side of the northern end of the quadrangle. There was a space between two of the old stone building on the northern side of the quadrangle, where the trees stopped and there was a small semicircular patch of tall green plants. There seemed to be a drinking fountain in the middle of the patch, and i was headed for it. I tried to steer the bicycle toward the drinking fountain, suddenly feeling thirsty. I knew that i could glide far enough, but i felt a little uncertain about stopping near the fountain. There was a group of people walking slowly across the northern side of the quadrangle, coming from the west. There were five or six of them, and they wandered slowly toward the fountain. I did not want to hit them, but then i became annoyed, thinking that i would have to wait for them to drink first. I felt very thirsty and did not want to wait. I then remembered that there was probably a drinking fountain on the southern side of the building to the west of the fountain. I steered the bicycle a little to the left, gliding swiftly toward the ground.

I was running on the roads to the south of my parents’ house. The roads were dirt, and i had started running with some of $G4. We were jogging for exercise, and i had headed south from where we had started. I paused at the intersection, looking at the roads around me. I had come from the west and was now looking to the north, down the long road. $P59 seemed to be to the east of me, and it seemed to run parallel to the road to the north of me. I thought that the road to the north of me was a minor road: only one and a half lanes wide. I wondered if i should jog down it to get back. It seemed like a shorter route than i had originally intended to run. I felt bad for running shorter than i was supposed to, but i did not feel like running far. I looked at the road to the north, noticing the small road turning off to the east just to the north of the intersection. I moved to the north now, down the dirt path between the forested area. I soon came to an intersection of the paths, where there seemed to be a small pond to the northeast of the intersection. Some of the others were there. $F58 seemed to be standing to the north of me, on the other side of a small mound that separated the path i was on from the intersection. $F58 moved to the west, across the wooden floor of the cabin that we had entered. The cabin was to the southeast of the intersection. Other $G4 were in the cabin with us. A group of people then came into the cabin from the east. They seemed to be a family. The cabin was crude, with picnic tables in the center. I felt suddenly uncomfortable with the family here, thinking that we should leave the cabin and let them use it.

12011 January 18

I was shopping at the counter to the south of us, and then i turned to the west with my bags. I had several bags of things, and i carried them through the aisles of the store and into the next room to the west, which seemed to be the middle bedroom of my parents’ house. $F45 was to the west of me, and he stopped on the western side of the room, turning to the south to put something down on the bench there. I looked down at the white bags that i was carrying. Something seemed wrong. I started to look through what was in my hand, trying to find something, but i could not find it. I started to get frustrated, and i walked to the west, into the small closet. I pawed through the bags, feeling more and more angry that i was unable to find what i was looking for. I pulled out a small lens, which was in one of the small plastic bags. It was not what i was looking for, so i picked up the small case that was on the counter to the south of me and opened it. I looked through the contents. There were small metal things there, and i remembered them from school. I could not find what i was looking for, thought. I must have dropped it at the store. It was not in the bags that i had taken with me from school. I walked to the west, heading up the short flight of steps leading out of the bedroom that i was in. I became furious and walked back down the stairs, into the room. $F45 was standing on the southern side of the room, just to the east of the doorway, and i passed him as i headed to the east. I had my old tape recorder in my hands, and i threw it violently at the floor. It broke apart, so i started stamping on the main piece until it was flattened. I felt furious. I picked up the tape recorder and headed to the west, turning to the north to descend the stairs. As i was at the top of the stairs, i heard the voice speaking from the northwest of me. The voice was tinny, as if it was coming from a speaker. It also seemed quiet, so i had a hard time seeing the source right away. $F45 moved to the north, into the closet of the middle bedroom of my parents’ house to look at the speaker. I noticed it hanging from the western wall of the room. The closet no longer seemed to have any walls, and i could see into it. $F45 was bending over to listen to the small speaker cone, which was hanging from red and yellow wires on the northern wall of the closet. I could hear the voice of the operator talking to him. She was trying to call someone. I walked into the closet as $F45 stepped out. I listened to the woman trying to call someone for a moment. She seemed to be looking for a business. I said hello and asked her who she was. She did not answer right away, so i told her that she had called a residential number. She seemed confused and tried to respond. I told her that she was speaking to us from a modem line to the telephone system. She had not actually called a real telephone. The box of wires on the eastern wall of the closet seemed to be a main junction for many telephone lines, and she had somehow called a utility speaker.

12011 January 19

To the northeast of me, cars drove through the soggy ground of the field. They seemed to be racing through the heavy mud to the delight of crowds somewhere near us. There also seemed to be a school to the northeast, with one building on the northern side of the muddy slope, and one running along the top of the muddy slope, to the east of the field. I was cautious of the cars that were racing across the filed, over the muddy tracks. We had crossed the field where the cars were, and we had made it without incident, but i was weary of traveling near the muddy cars. We started driving to the north-northwest, along the base of the shallow slope of the hill. I felt that we had to get out of this area, but i realized that we were again heading across the muddy field where the cars were. This had happened before. We speeded up and headed to the northeast, toward the eastern end of the building to the north of the field. There was a gap between the two buildings, and i knew that we could escape the field between it. A bright yellow can came over the top of the slope from the east and speeded down the muddy slope. We let it pass in front of us, but i was worried that it would turn around and come back for us before we could get out of the area. There was a fence to the east, and i remember running into it before. We crossed over the darkened field, which seemed to be filled with tall field dark-green grass, and headed toward the stone wall. I wondered if we would be able to jump the wall, but i remembered that we had already tried this before and ended up running into the stone wall. The car hit the stone wall and came to an abrupt stop. The muddy cars were coming toward us, and i worried what might happen. I imagined our car jumping the stone wall, but i watched our long mid-seventies car hit the stone wall and flip over. I was floating above the area as this happened, and i tried to figure out how this event could be changed. I then noticed the man approaching from the west. I was now hovering over a small steep hill to the north of the separation, which seemed to be the stone wall. Tall trees rose from the snow-covered ground below me. They seemed to be conifers, but they did not seem to have any leafs that i could see. Their bark was red in hue. The man came from the west, down the path, heading toward the man who was standing under me. There was something unusual about the man coming from the west, and i watched him for a moment. He seemed to be riding a skateboard over the dirt ground. He was wearing a dark-gray sweater. I looked back at the man below me as i leaned backward on the white and gray skateboard that was floating under me. A white rope ran from the center of the board, and i pulled back on it, tipping the board to the side. This was how i could fly with the board. The man to the west seemed to be a better skateboarder, but i felt like showing off what i could do. I leaned back several times, tipping the skateboard up under me and starting to move as if waterskiing. There was something special about the man to the west. He seemed like $A567. I tipped up the board again and started heading to the west, down the white outside corridor. The corridor was a wide walkway with stores or cafes on either side. People were meandering around over the area, chatting with each other in small groups. I passed over some of them as i floated gradually down toward the ground, heading to the west. I landed near the western side of the area, thinking about the large grasshoppers. Someone had mentioned them, and i responded, saying that the grasshoppers were very large here. I thought that it might be a fictitious story, but i could see the large greenish-tan grasshopper to the south of me. The grasshopper was facing north, and looked rather boxy, with fine details over its surface. It seemed to be a little less than a two meters tall and three or four meters long, but i told the person with me that the grasshopper i could see was a meter tall. I was then standing on the ground, talking to the person to the west of me. The grasshopper had been to the southwest, just in front of me, but it did not seem to be there anymore. I turned back to the east and started walking with the person back down the long white walkway. I noticed the young boy on the northern side of the path. I had seen him as i passed, heading west, and i looked at him as we passed by him again. He was waving to anyone to the south of him, and he seemed very sad. His head was covered with a large plastic doll head, thought i could see his eyes and mouth through the front of he plastic head. His sister was standing to the west of him, and both of them were in a small crib-like pen. The square pen was surrounded by tan wooden poles that had a white plastic railing running across the top. There were other children in the pen, but i was focusing on the boy and his sister. I waved at the boy, hoping that he was not upset with me. He had been abused in some way, and i had some interaction with him in the past. I felt sad for him, but i did not want to stop to chat with him, because i felt that he might become attached to me. He watched me pass to the east, and i stated to feel upset that he might think i was avoiding him by just walking past. I felt upset about our previous interaction, and i did not want him to be mad at me, so i was waving to show him that i was not neglecting him. As i turned my attention back to the east, i felt bad for leaving him there, but i did not want to get involved with him again. I turned to the east and started talking to the man again. The scene had changed. I was now sitting in a small dark pub, on a bench against the northern wall. I seemed to be on the western side of the room. The young man in the gray sweater came through the door to the south of us and turned to the east. I watched him as he walked past. He was the man that i had seen before, and he seemed like $A567 or $A437. I comment on him to the man sitting to the west of me. I thought that the young man in the gray sweater had been played by Leonardo diCaprio. He was interesting, and i described this interest to the man to the west of me, but i did not want to reveal too much of how i felt. I felt a strong interest with the man to the west of me, but i felt that he did not really know a lot about me. I did not want to let him know too much, because i was a little uncomfortable with what he might say. I asked him about the younger man, trying not to say anything revealing. The man said that he had known the young man from World War Two. This seemed strange, since neither of them were very old. I realized that they must both be special people, and that they must have lived a very long time. I was interested in the man next to me, and i asked him his age. He said that he was twenty-three to seventy, and i thought thirty to seventy. He was special in some way, and he seemed very stoic. I could not see his face, but he had a pale skin and seemed to have shaved blond hair. I felt a little attracted to him, and wanted to ask him if he was one of “them”. This was a term that i had used in the past to refer to people who seemed special. I could not let him know i had these ideas, so i asked if he was like the other man, adding “impartial”. He stared forward, sitting very upright in a white T-shirt. He said “You have to know what you want, or whose will you be?” I opened my eyes, suddenly realizing that the man had stood up and walked to the south. I could see his shadow in the doorway to the west as he quickly left the room, turning to the west. What he had said seemed suddenly significant and concerning to me. I had been lying back on the bench near the man when he left, but i lifted my head to look at the empty doorway to the south. It was dark out now, so all i could see was a dark blue haze in the empty dark doorway. I wondered what the man meant by “whose will you be”. I immediately thought that he was referring to God and Satan, thinking that “you” would end up under the control of one or the other. I wondered if he was talking about the destiny of a soul. This seemed strange, and i wanted to tell him that i did not believe in Satan, so i would not think that someone would end up in Hell. I thought that God would either accept or reject someone’s soul; there was no evil deity who tortured souls. I was still lying on the ground when people came from the east, passing to the south of me. There were four of them, and they seemed young, tall, and thin. A few of them were wearing white pants with black peacoats. They had been threatening me before, and i felt nervous about them now. They watched me as they passed, and i started to feel uneasy, as though they were about to attack me again. The first person, on the west, seemed to be a woman, and the two in the middle were men. Both of the men had chin-length hair. I felt suddenly threatened by them and kicked downward with my right leg, hitting the first woman near the hip. The second man, who had dark hair, giggled, and all four continued walking past me. Suddenly, they turned toward me and crowded inward, pushing me down onto the bench. I tried to fight them off, but they kept pushing toward me, so i grabbed the dark-haired man’s nose and started twisting it. He did not seem to notice, and they kept threatening me by moving closer. I knew that they were trying to injure me.

I was in the dining room of my parents’ house when i heard the rain outside. I seemed to be doing something in the room, but i stopped and turned to the west, pulling closed the red-framed window in the southern wall. I then turned to the north and headed into the back room of the house. I moved to the northwestern corner of the room, crouching down to do something near the floor on the western wall. There seemed to be a black cabinet to the west of me, and i was moving something near the bottom of it. I looked to the north, noticing the dark clouds on the northeastern horizon, outside the small window in the northern wall of the room. It seemed that the storm was in the wrong direction to approach us, but i still felt as though it would rain here, so i stood up and closed the small white-framed window in the northern wall. I then turned my attention to the windows in the eastern wall of the room. The wood-framed windows were open slightly, and the sill under the northernmost window seemed to be stained with water. As i moved closer, however, i noticed that the stain was an old water stain. I ran my hand across the sill and found that it was not wet. There was rain falling outside, though, so i closed the windows anyway. As i started walking to the south, across the large picture window, i noticed all of the cars in the driveway outside. There was a dark truck parked in the middle of the driveway, just to the north of the window, and several cars pulled off to the eastern side of the driveway. I realized suddenly that the old beat-up dark-blue pick-up truck on the northern-most spot to the east had its back-up lights on. The car to the south of it seemed to be a white Volkswagen Rabbit. I did not recognize the old truck and felt suddenly concerned. I backed up to the north to get out of view of the truck. I tried to see who was in the vehicle, but it seemed to be empty. I felt nervous and tried to get a better look at the truck. It seemed to have a low cab on the back, which was equally as rusted as the rest of the car. The truck suddenly backed out of the parking space and turned to the south. I felt tense as it started driving out of sight, down the driveway. I headed to the south, crossing through the house to see where it was going. I thought that it was the truck of a worker who had been dropped off to the north of the house. As i started crossing the house, i saw a large red fire truck with white trimming driving to the east, past the windows on the southern side of the house. It seemed to be driving on the lawn, which seemed very strange to me. I wondered what it was doing here. I then thought that it probably dropped off the man at his truck. I wan concerned, and moved to the south to get a better look.

12011 January 22

The crowd was gathered in the center of the rectangular field, and i was standing on the northern side of the crowd. The crowd appeared as a collection of multicolored patches that mingled slowly. There was a woman and child near me. I had been talking to them, but i had to go to the east. Something was going to happen here, and i felt in danger as part of the crowd. We were near the northern side of the field as the crowd waited for the event. I started moving to the east, glancing nervously into the sky to see if the airplanes were coming yet. They were going to bomb the crowd. I was supposed to start the poisonous gas, and i had to run to the east to get it. As i approached the building, which seemed to be a school, i started to worry about the woman and children that were with me. I hoped that they left the crowd before the airplanes came. I came into the classroom and headed to the south. I had to mix the chemicals. I poured some of the chlorine into the large container on the floor on the southern side of the classroom. I was getting the chlorine on my fingers and thought that i had to wash it off. I turned to the west, moving the large glass container to the metal sink or tub. I poured some water into it, trying to mix it down. As i turned on the tap, i looked at the small glass shot glass i had left in the bottom of the large container. I wanted to pour water over it so that i could pull it out. I then moved the glass trash can back to the south of the tall desk, which was in the southwestern section of the room. I realized that there were small sacks and plastic bags of grain in the container. I had gotten them wet when i poured some of the water in to the glass can. I grabbed the tan burlap bag of rice and pulled it up, noticing that the bottom was a little wet. I was annoyed about this and placed the bag on the floor to the east of the glass container. The glass container had a rectangular bottom, and the sides slanted out very slightly to make it a little wider at the top. I started pulling some of the plastic bags out, thinking that they would be protected from the grain. I was suddenly aware that the teacher had entered the northern end of the classroom and was talking to a man there. I was suddenly nervous. I could not let him see what i was doing, so i stood up quickly and pretended to play with the small folded pieces of paper on the black-surfaced desk to the north of me. The surface of the desk was less than a meter by a half meter in proportions. I had moved the glass container from the bottom of the desk, where it had been. If the teacher noticed, i worried that he would be come suspicious, so i quickly headed to the north, carrying the papers with me. I pretended to look through them, but i was very nervous. The teacher came over to me and started talking to me. He was Barak Obama. I replied, trying to act calm. I glanced back to the south, wondering how noticeable the glass container would be. I could not see it through the desks, but the space under the black-surfaced table was conspicuously open. The tall thin metal legs of the table stood out without the items in front of them. I moved to the east, looking through the papers again. The teacher asked about them, and i started to show the teacher what i had been looking at, trying to draw attention away from the large container to the south. As i flipped through several of the papers, i noticed that some of them were folded bills of money. I felt suddenly nervous about this, thinking that the teacher might think that i was trying to steal money. I showed the teacher the other small piece of paper as i moved to the west of the tall table on the southern side of the room. The teacher moved to the south of the table and looked at the things in my hands. I flipped through the brown envelope of money, wondering what i should do. There seemed to be a lot of money in the envelope. I then realized that most of it had a red hue, which made it seem like European money. I felt nervous about it, but realized that they were simply doubles of what i had at home. I told the teacher that i was giving the extra money to the class. The teacher moved toward me, seeming like $A262 and asking why i would do that. He did not want me giving that much money to the class, but i thought it would be good examples of foreign bills. I put some of the other papers in my hands away as i explained to the teacher that the extra money was old European currency anyway. Now that Europe was on the euro, this old money was valueless. I looked at the papers i had, trying to figure out where i had gotten them. I then turned to the north, remembered about the crowd to the west. I had put the container of the chlorine solution on the southern side of the crowd, but the airplanes had not come by from the south like they were supposed to. I wondered if the bombing would every actually happen, and i hoped that the woman and the man had left from the northern side of the crowd now. I moved to the west, toward the southern end of the crowd, but then i was moving to the east with the two other people. The ground seemed wet, and there were several large puddles of water between the roots of the trees. I spoke with the woman for a moment, and then turned back to the west. We had to head back to the field. We seemed to be in the forest to the north of an open area. The man with us started heading back through the trees, to the southwest of me. I took a route on the northern side of the stream. The ground seemed steeper at the moment, but i thought that it might be more open to the west, which would be an easier trail to follow than the one the man was taking. The woman with us started following the man, and she comment on the trail i was taking. I told her that i hoped it would be easier. I hopped over some wet area, where the water had collected between the roots and the snow-covered ground. I was able to keep my feet dry as i started climbing up the steep step to the north. There seemed to be a fallen tree on the top of the meter-high drop, and i was walking on a very thin ledge of dirt that was still holding on to the thin roots of small trees and shrubs. There was a gush of water ahead of me that i would have to step over. I reached it, stepping around the southern side of a dark damp tree trunk. Just on the other side there was an opening in the base of the tree where the liquid had spewed out in a sudden rush. It was dry now, but i knew that it would spill out water again. I wondered when i should step across the soft brown ground under the hole, which seemed like a small tunnel leading into the ground. Just then, a pussy yellow liquid belched from the tree, running down the slope in front of me. I started to step over it when i realized that there was a second trench just on the other side. As i stepped there, a second gush of liquid gurgled out of the second tube. It just missed my foot. I felt lucky that i did not get my feet wet in the water. On the other side, the ground seemed to rise up again in front of me. It was very narrow as i started climbing it, pulling myself over the roots and branches that were sticking out. I realized that i was climbing the large round disk of an overturned root system. I tried to climb, but something seemed to be preventing me from getting up. I had my legs on both sides of the disk, and i suddenly felt as though i was humping the tree. I was aware of the woman behind me, and i tried to pull myself free from the roots. She said something to me, and i turned back to the east to reply. The others were gathered around me, and they started moving to the east, down the road. These people were $G4, and they were just starting a run. There was a blond man in dark long running tights and a dark with blue running shell leading the way. He was one of the people who set the trail. He smiled as he jogged ahead of us. We crossed over a bridge and came to an intersection on the other side. The road that we had been on ended, and the other road ran to the north and south. The man leading us turned to the north, smiling and telling everyone to follow him. I felt skeptical, as did several of the other people. He had set the trail, so he might be purposely leading us down a false trail just to get us to run more. It seemed cold and damp out, and there was snow on the ground, so i did not really feel like running farther than i had to. As the man jogged slowly to the north, looking back to get us to follow him, i turned to the south, saying that this was probably the right trail. I felt uncertain about this, thought, wondering if the man was actually trying to lead us the right way. I hesitated after a few steps, wondering what to do. The blond man smiled and turned around, following me to the south and admitting that the trail really does head to the south.

12011 January 23

My mother and i entered the room from the east, standing near the southern wall. My father’s mother and my grandfather were sitting on the southern sides of the long dinner table, with my grandfather to the west. We had come for dinner, but my father’s mother seemed suddenly disdainful, and announced that dinner was finished. She implied that we would not be able to sit with them because we had arrived late. I felt upset by this. My father’s mother walked to the west. I headed north, into the next room. We would have to fix our own plates, and it seemed that we would not be allowed to eat the same quality of food that they had enjoyed. I pulled some lettuce from the bowl on the counter to the west of me. My mother was standing to the north of me. She pointed out that we were supposed to eat from the lettuce in the bowl to the north. I knew that i was taking lettuce from bowl that had been on the table. It was the better leafs, and, as i looked at the dark green curly leafs, i told my mother that it was kale. I pulled leafs from the bowl in spite.

12011 January 24

I stood on the northern side of the area, and became suddenly tense when i noticed the gunman to the south of me. The area seemed to be a platform. The gunman had been shooting people, and i became suddenly afraid of him. He was walking to the east with another person. There seemed to be a few people sitting along the southern edge of the area. The gunman walked to the south of them and shot one of them. I quickly moved behind the object that was sitting on the western side of the northern edge of the platform. I was standing on the ground to the north of the platform. The platform was about a meter and a half high. I knew that the man had seen me running behind the object, and i worried that he would shoot through the object at me. I quickly crouched down, so that i was below the level of the platform. I wondered if i would be able to stay here. I decided that the gunman could simply come to the northern edge of the platform and shoot down at me. I looked to the west, noticing that there was a corridor running from the northern wall to the west. I bolted toward it. The man did not have enough time to shoot at me. I ran out into the corridor and tried to escape. I wondered how i would get out of the house. I was then on the second floor of the large building, with the other man. I knew that the gunman was in the building. I looked to the south, out the large window into the room below. I seemed to be in an operations booth with the man. We walked to the west, around the side of the room so that i was looking east at the room below. The center of the room below had a large pool in it, and there were people standing in the water along the southern edge of the pool. I still felt uncertain about the gunman, but i told the other person about him. I then saw the gunman walking to the east, along the southern side of the pool. He came to the southeastern corner of the pool and pointed his gun down at someone. I could not see the person at first, because there was someone else standing on the southern side of the pool, blocking my view. As the standing person moved, i could see a man in the water, with his arms up on the sides of the pool. The gunman pointed the pistol at the back of the man’s head, shooting downward. I felt suddenly tense and started to run to the north. The other man was still on the southern side of the room, looking out the small window of the control booth at the scene below. I hoped that they could not see us through the window. There was a small red wooden door in the northern wall, which seemed to lead outside. I told the man that we had to escape, and i tried to open the door. The man seemed hesitant, seeming to think that escaping would make the gunman angry. I pulled open the red door and pushed out the glass window on the other side. The square red door had a metallic bolt on the upper part of the eastern side. I stepped out onto the metal balcony, which seemed like a fire escape, and turned around to close the doors behind me. The man was not coming with me, so i had to close the doors so that it was not obvious that someone had escaped. I pulled the red door closed by pulling on the metal bolt, which was now on the outside of the door. I then closed the metal-framed glass window over the door. I turned around. I seemed to be high off of the ground on a metal ledge near the top of a vertical marquee sign. The top of the sign was just to the north of me, and there was a metal ladder running down the eastern side of it. I quickly descended the ladder, looking down at the wider metal balcony below. As i stepped onto the balcony, i realized that it was only a few decis above the ground to the north. The ground below me was still four or five meters down, but it seemed to be a pit on the northern side of the building. I stepped to the north, onto the pavement of the dark alley. I quickly looked to the east. The alley was narrow, and there seemed to be a wide walkway crossing high overhead just to the east. In the darkness of the walkway, there seemed to be several cars parked perpendicular to the brick wall of the building to the south. They seemed like police cars, and i realized that the police must have the place surrounded. I turned to look to the west, and i saw a police officer in a blue short-sleeved uniform moving toward me cautiously, his gun drawn and aiming upward. He motioned his hand toward me, and i told him that i had been a hostage. He said to someone that i had come out of the building. I turned to the east and ran down the alley, toward the police cars, feeling uncertain about approaching the police with guns. I stopped under the walkway, thinking that the men from above would not be able to shoot me under the walkway.

12011 January 25

I came from the northern side of the building, walking down the wide corridor with the gray rubber mats on the floor. We had discovered the people in another space ship, and i knew that they were cylons. I stopped at the southern end of the corridor, where the others were standing. There seemed to be some cubical cushioned chairs, and a few people were sitting on them. I told them about the others with excitement. I told them that we had found a ship full of humans, just like us, but then i said that they were actually cylons. The people seemed surprised. I turned to the person to the east of me, saying that one of them was model six, which was “Caprica”. I pictured Caprica sitting on the northern side of the small group of cylons. I told the others that the cylons were not the same as the ones that we knew. I said that they were mostly new, and i seemed excited about this. I then realized that we should tell the commander about this. I headed up the corridor to the north, and then i turned back to the south, down the other corridor. The second corridor had office cubicles along the western side. The cubicles had only side walls, which seemed to be covered with a dull-red cloth. The Commander Adama was standing in the opening of one of the cubicles with Ty, looking over the shoulder of someone working on the computer. I tried to interrupt them. Ty turned around and looked at me, wearing his blue uniform. I told them about the cylons, trying to kept them from becoming too upset.

12011 January 26

I left the others and ran to the east to make sure that there was no one blacking our way. We had to escape from this place, which seemed to be a large school building. We were on the second floor of the building. I passed down a hallway and stopped as it opened up into a wide cafeteria. There were small tables all around the room. I worried that the people after us would be here, though. We had to get out of the building without being seen by too many people. I ran back to the west, knowing that we could not get through the cafeteria. I thought about going up the stairs to the next floor to circumvent the cafeteria. The mayor was standing with a few other men in dark suits in the corridor to the west of me. I told her that we would have to go down to the next floor to get around the cafeteria. I then joked that we could go up one level, which seemed like a lot of effort. She smiled and said that going down would be fine. We started back to the west, toward the stairs, but we stopped near a passage to the north. I stepped up into the corridor and came into another long corridor that ran parallel to ours. To the east of me was the northern side of the cafeteria, on the other side of a glass door with a dark-brown metal frame. There were a few tables along the northern wall, and i noticed one man in light-colored clothing sitting at the second one from the east. He glanced my way. I mentioned this part of the cafeteria to the mayor. It seemed to be one step up from the main part of the cafeteria, and i thought that it might be separated enough that we would be able to sneak through it. We moved suddenly to the east, passing through the glass door and then down the length of the northern section of the cafeteria. I opened the glass door on the opposite side and started running down the passageway to the east. The corridor seemed crude, with cement walls. It then opened up into to the north into a large room with a high ceiling. In the center of the room, taking up most of the space, was a small zeppelin. I could hear men talking from the center of the room, somewhere on the rigging over or on the zeppelin. They were the bag guys who were trying to capture us. The corridor became a metal catwalk along the southern wall, and i followed it to the eastern wall, where it turned to the north. The zeppelin was oddly shaped, with a long squat air chamber on top. The air chamber was silver. It had rounded sides, and was about twenty meters wide, ten meters tall, and fifty or so meters long. The tail seemed to be tapered both vertically and horizontally so that it came to a wedge at the back. A smaller rounded wedge hung under the air chamber, connected by a smooth arching metal brace. This gondola was just above the level of our heads, about three meters to the west of us. On the bottom of it was a bulbous white plastic dome. The dome had a smaller bulge on the front of it, which was very close to us. Pale-blue and pale-red lines seemed to be painted around the plastic pod, making it seem almost like a clown face. We stopped in front of it, crouching down below the metal railing of the catwalk. We could still hear the bad guys to the west of us, somewhere high in the room. They would not be able to see us here, but they might be able to see us if we tried to escape to the north. I reached out and put one hand on each side of the plastic pod, turning it to the left. It might be a radar compartment, and i wanted to do something to it. Unfortunately, it unscrewed from the bottom of the aircraft and dropped to the cement floor of the hanger with a resonant sound, bouncing a few times as it rolled to the west. The men on the upper levels suddenly stopped talking, and i was afraid that they would know that we were here. We stayed still, wondering what to do.

12011 January 27

I looked at the icons on the screen to the west of me. They were all small round icons. I seemed to be only looking at a small part of the screen, seeing only the line of four white icons on a dark-gray background. They were all circular with various patterns of concentric rings. Some had small lines coming down from the upper right of the outer ring, and some had wedge shapes on the same side. I pressed the one with the quarter circle in the upper-right side and two concentric rings. It seemed the best one to choose.

I looked to the west as the bus headed to the east-northeast. Something seemed strange about this trip. The professor was standing to the west of me in the central aisle of the bus, and the people in the seats seemed to be college students. I said something to the teacher, encouraging him to relax a little and enjoy the trip. He seemed younger than i, with chin-length wavy black hair and medium skin. He seemed at least part Indian. He was uncertain about where we were headed. I did not know exactly where we were either, but i felt that it would still be a good learning experience for the students. I looked around the area, scanning from west to south. The buildings were spaced out across wide grassy lawns, and most of them seemed to be modern. I knew that they were all science buildings, and i mentioned this to the teacher. We were somewhere in Pennsylvania, and i mentioned this as i looked at the white buildings to the south. I noticed some old stone buildings with copper caps on tan stone towers. They were the older buildings on campus, and i mentioned them. I was interested in this area, thinking of the scientific studies that we could learn about here. The teacher mentioned that this was Pennsylvania, and i started to look all around me. I then noticed a young man approaching me from the west. He was wearing a dark-blue sweatshirt with red sweatpants. He had a backpack slung over his right shoulder as approached. I watched him as he passed to the north of me, noticing that there was a large logo running down the right leg of his pants. The yellow or white letters spelled out “Dartmouth”. I looked around at several other students and realized that we were actually at Dartmouth University. This seemed strange, because it meant that we were in New York State. I turned back to the west and told the teacher this, saying that we were not at the University of Pennsylvania, but that we were really at Dartmouth. We were in large dorm room. The place seemed old, and the bunk beds on the northern and southern walls seemed to be made out of rough unfinished wood. I started heading to the southwest, across the dorm room.

12011 January 28

I thought about the oddly shaped church as i headed away from the area. It was part of a dream, but the building seemed rather specific, so i wanted to remember what it looked like. The church was an enormous tall building made of dark gray stone. It had two towers on either side, which seemed to have slanted stone ridges on the sides. In the center, the building was made mostly of red glass, with a lattice of metal struts supporting the panes. It did not seem to have that much floor space, but it seemed very tall and spacious. I watched the church as i moved from the west of it to the north of it. I was then thinking about it again, and it seemed as though i could not see my surroundings at this time. I then turned to the west and started walking down the long tall lobby of the building. I stopped in the middle of the room to pick something up from the floor. There were large windows covering the northern wall, and there seemed to be a large passageway to the south at the western end of the southern wall. I moved to the south, into the other room. The other people were there. It seemed strange here as we gathered together in a group along the northern wall. We were lined up in three rows, facing south so that someone could take our picture. I felt strangely distracted, and noticed the gunman moving to the southwest of us. The man was in military camouflage with a matching metal helmet. He crouched down behind something and aimed the gun in our direction. I felt suddenly worried and watched him as the others looked toward the person with the camera to the south of us. The gunman then fired several rounds with his machine gun, which had a strange cylindrical shape. The people sitting in the picture with me started to panic and duck down. $F45, who was sitting just to the east of me, leaned toward me, and we both slid to a lower position on the bench. I put my left arm around his shoulder and held him closely. I then realized that we were still in view of the shooter. I also realized that his head was in front of mine, and i wondered if it would actually block the bullets fired at us. After a few rounds of shots, i soon realized that the bullets were not hitting us. A woman at the southwestern corner of our group had been hit in the head, but no one else seemed hurt. She fell to the ground. The man seemed to be firing directly at us, but the bullets were swerving to hit a specific target. I wondered if the guns were shooting some kind of smart bullets. I then noticed a second gunman farther to the south. This one seemed to be a woman, and she crouched down behind some short objects and started shooting at us as well. I felt less concerned now and wanted to know what they were shooting at.

It was dark out as i ran down the road to the east. I was tense because i was running from the police. I was not sure why they were after me. I did not do anything wrong. I ran to the north of the road and hid under a large slab of something, which was tilted up from the ground to the north. The police came from the east down the road and passed to the west. They did not see me in the darkness under the slab. I waited a moment, realizing that there were ten other people hiding with me. I wondered why the police were after me, and then i realize that i should not be here with these people. They were actual criminals, and the police might be after me simply because i was with them. I felt nervous and wondered what to do.

12011 January 29

I was playing the part of a man who was getting out of the car. I had done something, and there were people after me, but i was not in the company of the police, so i felt a little safer. I was looking to the west, watching myself stand up from the driver’s seat of the car. The man to the west of me was mostly bald, with an oval face. He wore a tan trench coat as he straightened himself on the south side of the car, which was facing west. He turned around to face east, looking toward me. The police were in the scene between him. The man, who was me, was surprised when one of the police officers tossed a loop of rope over his head. The man had been betrayed. Several more loops of rope were tossed over the man’s head, and he was dragged to the east. The scene changed and i was looking to the east, where a body was being dragged down the road behind a motorcycle. The body was wrapped in a bundle of black plastic, and i thought that the plastic would help keep the body from being torn apart on the street. There were then several scenes of people shooting guns. There was a picture of a head that had been shot. It was a round blob of red puss on an orange background. The images flashed across the screen, showing gory details of the shootings as the police killed people in the area. I started to feel that this movie was rather disgusting, and i did not want to see it. I moved to the east, changing the event slightly. I had protested about something, which was why the police were after me. I felt safer now, however, thinking that people had started to take my side. I was now standing to the east of myself on the large stage. I watched myself dance awkwardly on the sandy beach to the east, which was the stage. I was dressed in what appeared to be a palm tree costume, with green fronds sticking out from the sides of my arms and legs. I watched myself dance in the costume, thinking that i had been part of a sitcom a long time ago. I was now reenacting the role for some special event. I watched the man dance oddly. He then looked down at his feet, noticing that the sand under his feet was soft. I wondered if it was the sand that i had put down on the stage as part of the protest. It did not seem as soft. The man to the northeast of me then told me that it was the same sand that i had used for my protest. I felt glad now. I had broken out of the old movie that i was a part of. That was why the police were after me. Now i had my own show, and i was much happier with my life.

12011 January 30

I walked to the east, across the southern side of the large auditorium. There were several rows of chairs to the south of me, and several of the alumni were sitting in them. This event seemed like a reunion, and i was a little hesitant to be here. A few people were sitting in the front row (the northern-most row) of chairs, but i focused on the two people in the second row. They had been in my graduation class at high school. The man on the west was $A255, and the man on the east was $A582. $A255 seemed to be wearing a blue and white plaid shirt. We had to sit in order of last name for the ceremony. $A255 told me that i should sit just to the west of him, which would mean that my name came after his. I though about this for a moment and realized that my name actually came before him. I told $A255 that my last name came before his. He stayed where he was, but $A582 moved one seat to the east so that there was now an empty chair between $A255 and himself. I then moved to the west, and the scene changed a little. I was in a large empty room, which seemed like a classroom. $A100 was sitting on the western side of the room. I stood to the north of a wooden table, where i was trying to grade the paper that was in front of me. The paper was my test paper, and i had to grade it. I marked things on the paper with red ink. I determined that the paper had fifty-five percent, with eleven questions noted. I tried to remember the two numbers, thinking that i had to note them on the front of the paper. I wanted to write it on a post-it note and put it on the front of the stapled packet of papers. I walked to the west, to the teachers desk, where $A100 was sitting. I asked her if she had any post-it notes. She said that they were at her desk. I turned around and head to the north. The teacher’s desk was near the northern wall, and i looked at the dull orange squares of paper on top of it. I knew that i wanted yellow post-its, thought. I headed back to the table where the test was and started flipping through the papers. There were still red marks on the typed questions, but i realized that i did not recognize any of the answers written in pencil under the typed paragraphs. The test was not mine. I said something about it, and $A100 talked about the bad test. I handed it to here on the western side of the room. She told me that i should be more concerned about my grades, but i told her that the grade of the paper did not matter. I told her that i would do well in the future anyway. There was a cable running just under the ceiling above me, running to the east. I looked at it and thought about grabbing on to it as i described the future to $A100. I had stepped back in time and knew where i would be heading in life. I would do well without having to worry about this test. I told $A100 that i would get into college and do well. This event did not really matter because i already knew where i would be going.

12011 January 31

I started to move the things to the west. There was a small desk against the northern wall on the western side of the room. It seemed to have some black equipment on top of it. I started moving some of the other things toward it, but the others in the room moved a chair to the western side of the desk. One of them bent down and put the apple on the seat of the chair. I was annoyed with this. They were only doing it to get the apple out of the way. I pushed the metal chair in under the eastern side of the desk, noticing that there was another red apple on the top of the desk, just to the east of the stack of black equipment. I reached under the desk and grabbed the apple. I then placed it on the top of the desk with the other apple. I then looked at the large black soundboard that was on top of the stack of equipment. It seemed out of place here, and i asked no one in particular why it was on top of the desk in this room. I was a little annoyed with its presence, thinking that i had to clean up things here. I moved to the south of the desk. I noticed two white receipts on the top of the desk, and i looked over them. They were both printed, with the name of $A532 on top. One seemed to be related to $G4, and there was a list of items down the center of the receipt. One was for June nineteenth, and the other was for a few days before that date. I wondered why $A532 would have a list of events happening in $G4. It did not seem to make sense to me, since $A532 was not involved with $G4.