12009 January 01

I floated a little to the north, across the brown corridor. The walls seemed to be made of cement, and this place seemed to be part of a mall or shopping center. The corridor was not that wide, and the walls had jogs in it, forming something like a room near where i was. There was a door to the south of me, which i was now moving away from. I had been with the others. As i reached the north wall, i realized that i had walked across the floor. I looked to the east, down the long corridor that ran from the more open section of the corridor. It was totally empty, and i had a feeling that everyone had gone home for the evening. This mall was closed, but i was still here. I stepped to the east, but decided that i really did not have to keep walking. I floated down the corridor, realizing how easy it was. I then wondered if i should be floating here. I thought that there might be security cameras watching the corridor, and they would see me floating. I remembered how i had always been able to float it my dreams, and i wondered suddenly if this was a dream. I thought that it could not be a dream, but then i wondered how i was floating. It seemed so easy, and i did not think it was possible when i was awake. I stopped near a door in the southern wall of the corridor and turned around, wondering if anyone had seen me through the cameras. I was awake and was still able to fly. I thought that i would not be able to do it when i was awake, because i would have to be totally convinced that i could do it in order to fly, and there would always be doubts when i was awake. I thought about this as i moved back to the north, floating a little. I thought that i was actually asleep, so i tried to wake up. I opened my eyes and could see that i was in my bedroom, in the center of the bed. I tried to wake up fully, but something seemed wrong. I could not regain consciousness. I looked to the north, at the mirror on the closet. I was then somewhere else again. It seemed like the same corridor, but the walls were white now. I was unable to focus, and realized that i could not fully wake up from bed. I could barely see my room, and i was unable to move from my bed. Something was preventing me from moving. This seemed like such a strange situation, and i wondered what i should do.

12009 January 02

The young girl with the long yellowish-blond hair walked back to the house from the east, and i started walking up the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, heading east. She had done something, and $F10 was very mad at her. I looked back down the sidewalk to the west at them. The sidewalk sloped slightly downhill toward the house i had come from. $F10 was speaking sternly to the young girl, asking her where it was. She had hidden something from him. I looked to the north. There seemed to be an intersection to the north of me. The side road ran to the northwest from the street that we were on. The houses on the sides of the street seemed old and large. They were colonial or gothic in style. This seemed to be an old neighborhood, but it was nicely kept up. I focused on the pile of stones on the western corner of the intersection. There was a culvert at the corner of the grassy triangle at the juncture of the two roads. I thought that the girl had hidden the object under the rocks, in the culvert. I looked back to the west to see $F10 angrily talking to the girl. He pulled her to the east, taking her back up the road to find the thing. I looked at the large brown house across the street to the north, wondering if the object was actually in the house and not in the culvert as i had thought. The young girl seemed like $A507, and she would not tell $F10 where the thin was. I started to wonder if it was actually in the culvert as i had thought, or whether it was in the house.

I turned around and headed back down the sidewalk to the east. I was on the northern side of $P1, just passing my grandmother’s house. I stopped suddenly when i realized that the door to my car was open. My car was parked in one of the driveways on the northern side of the street. It seemed like a shallow driveway. The metallic-green Beetle was parked right at the edge of the sidewalk, and the door on the back of the car was open so that i bumped into it while walking on the driveway. I was surprised that i had left the door open. It seemed that i had been to the west for a while now, and i remembered closing the doors before. The door swung open to the east, and i swung it closed again. As it closed, it seemed to catch on something. I pulled the door open again, noticing that it had hit the side of the passenger’s seat. I leaned into the car to look at the seat. The left side of the seat had been torn slightly by the door, and there were fuzzy white pieces of stuffing sticking out the line of torn green leather. I had just gotten this car, and everything about it was new, so i was upset that the seat had been torn. Something seemed out of place in the car. I wondered if the seat had been moved. The door did not usually scrape the seat when it was closed. I then realized that everything in the car had been tampered with. I several things had been taken, and, when i looked at the driver’s compartment, i noticed that the steering wheel was missing from the black dashboard. Everything in the car seemed clean, but the car had been vandalized, and many things had been removed. I was very upset as i stepped back out of the car. I paced back and forth on the sidewalk near the car, trying to think of what i should do. I told the people near me what had happened. They now seemed to be my family members. I complained to my mother about how the car had been vandalized. I looked through the car from the open door on the back, noticing the piece of tan heavy paper under the driver-side wiper blade. I remembered that the car had been ticketed, and i related to my mother how i had come back to the car earlier and found a female meter reader ticketing the car. I said that the car was parked in front of $F1’s house and said that i had just left the car there after the ticket. I wondered if i should have done that. My mother shook her head as though she felt i should have moved the car after it was ticketed. I looked at the car as i spoke, wondering what i should do.

I could hear the noise as i lay in bed. It sounded strange, and i did not know what the sound was. I realized that the window to the south of me was open, and i though that it was making the noise, but i could not figure out what the noise was. I then realized that it must have been raining outside. The sound was the heavy rain hitting the window. I got up and walked to the window, which was a small rectangular window in the upper part of the southern wall of the room. The rain was falling quite heavily, and the water looked a little brown. It was splattering on the upper part of the swing out window, which pivoted from the bottom. There was a screen on the inside of the window, and i pulled a leaver on the bottom of the frame to close the window a little. The noise stopped. I backed into the room, thinking that i had to remember the dreams i was having while i was asleep. I tried to remember them as i turned to the west and started across the room. There was a woman to the south of me. I started talking to her about baking. We had to cook several things to get ready. She did not say much, but i knew that she could not bake well, so i said that i would. She drove the car to the west as we headed down the steep hill. I was still speaking to my mother on the cell phone, and i told her about how we were going to the store to pick things up. I said that we were heading downtown. I watched the buildings of the city pass as we started down a second part of the steep hill. I said to my mother that we were going farther downtown that i had thought. The area to the north of the road now seemed to be a small gorge or canal. There was a cement retaining wall on both sides of the waterway. We passed an intersection, where a bridge headed over the water to the north. There was a small cement area on the northern side of the road, between the waterway and the street, where people were gathering. As we approached, i noticed several large white cellos standing on the eastern side of the square. There were several other instruments for sale by the creek. A person was standing in the middle of the instruments as we passed. I mentioned the instruments to my mother, saying that they were probably too expensive to buy.

12009 January 03

I walked to the west, across the southern side of the classroom. I was the teacher here, though i felt very new to the job and was not quite sure what i was doing. This seemed to be a science class. I started circling to the north, across the western side of the room, addressing the students around the room. The room had several black laboratory tables arranged in a grid pattern. The students were gathered around the tables, ready to start their experiments. I knew that i would have to group them randomly, hoping to mix the smarter students with the less knowledgeable ones. I felt flustered, not knowing exactly what to say. The students were already getting their chemical containers ready for the experiments. I did not know what i should do. I moved to the desk, which was on the northern side of the room. The attendance book was already out on the to top of the desk, and i realized that the students’ names were already written in the book. I was not the regular teacher here, but i was the one who had to run the classes. The book seemed dark, but it was really transparent, so that the black countertop showed through. The writing on the left page of the book was in metallic brightly colored ink, in a column down the left edge of the page. It was a list of student names. I thought i should just organize the students alphabetically in groups. I looked up, telling the students that we had to set up work groups, but many of them had already assembled their apparatuses. They sighed in annoyance as i told them i was going to arrange work groups. I did not know if this was still a good idea. They were already working. I still had to take attendance. I felt confused and did not know what to do.

I was in the small white room listening to the music. It was a familiar song, and i started singing to the lyrics. I knew them. They were a little high for my voice, but i was still able to sing them. The woman to the west of me commented on the song, wanting me to sing more of it. I did not really want to, but she told me that she would play the song for the school and i would sing it. It seemed like a game of karaoke. I did not want to sing the song, but the tall skinny woman with the short black hair insisted. She was wearing a tight-fitting white shirt and denims. She seemed like a punker. She picked up the radio and headed to the east, toward the door in the eastern end of the southern wall. I did not want to do this, and i thought about the Pretenders song that i had been singing. I could not remember the name of it. I then thought that it was already getting late, and i had to get to school. I was already here in the building, but i did not feel ready. I realized that i was still wearing blue jeans and my white-and-black striped shirt. The shirt had very thin vertical stripes that formed random patterns across the white shirt. I was also wearing my black high-top sneakers with the white rubber souls. I followed the woman out of the room. She would not drive me home so that i could get ready for school, and i started to feel that i was already late. She wanted to get the music set up at the school, but i did not want to sing the karaoke song for the school. I wondered if i was late for class. I had to get home to change into an appropriate dress for the school, but i did not know how much time i had. I walked down the hall to the east, feeling stressed and worried. I then wondered if it was still homeroom time, or if it was already first period. I could not tell. I then realized that i did not really know where my homeroom was. It seemed as though i had come into this school before without knowing exactly where i belonged. I had walked been in a homeroom that was on the northern side of the hall, in the eastern-most classroom. There was a male teacher running that class. I pictured him in a suit, but i was not sure whether this was really my homeroom or not. I could simply have been there and no one really noticed. I guessed that someone would eventually notice that i was in the wrong homeroom. I turned to the south as i thought about these things, heading down a short corridor and into a classroom on the western of the hall. It seemed like $A101’s class room, but the woman sitting on the opposite side of the large square wooden table in the northwestern corner of the small room seemed to be $A100. She was leaning on the table with her elbows, talking to the others at the small table, and she looked up at me as i entered. There seemed to be a bookcase covering the eastern wall, to the north of the entrance door, which was in the southern end of the eastern wall. I asked $A100 whether it was still homeroom or whether first period had started. She asked me what time it was, and i realized she was implying that i should know at what time first period started. I felt frustrated and looked at my watch. The hands did not seem right. The little hand was on two and the big hand was on six. I shrugged nervously, telling her that my watch had stopped. I told her that my watch said that it was fourteen thirty. I wondered if it was appropriate to tell her the time in twenty-four-hour units. I then noticed the large round clock sitting on the desk in front of $A100. It was facing me. It had a light-brown face with a white semicircle across the top. The black numbers only seemed to run across the top of the face, and there was a single black hand pointing to a number at about five degrees to the right of top. Running across the center of the clock were several raised knobs. Most of them were square, and i noticed that they had numbers written on them that corresponded to the hours above twelve. She understood international time as well. I had to change into clothes suitable for the school’s dress code. I explained to her that i had not been at the school for a very long time. The last time i attended, the students were wearing uniforms. I asked her if the clothes i was wearing were okay for the new dress code. She did not think that the sneakers would do, and i thought that the blue jeans were too casual as well. I turned and headed to the south. I had to go home and change into better clothes. I passed through a double door, coming into a stairwell that led down. The brown stairs turned clockwise, and there was a man leading a boy up the stairs past me. He stopped at the door and commented on my clothes, sternly telling me that they were not appropriate uniform clothes. He asked about my shoes in particular. I told him that i was heading home right now. I then explained that i had been practicing with a woman on music before school and had not had time to go home to change. I looked at him as he stood with the boy in the doorway. He was wearing a dark jacket, and he was Philip Seymour Hoffman. I turned to leave.

12009 January 04

I was traveling with the other person to the southeast, across the snow-covered field. There seemed to be forest at the edges of the field, and i felt that we were in the middle of the wilderness. I thought that this place might be Alaska, and i could picture the land around us. We were on a triangular peninsula that reached out to the southwest, over the water. It seemed mostly square where it joined the land, but jutted out at the southwestern corner. We were heading for the southwestern corner, but the others had come to our campsite. The man strode in front of me, to the west of me, as he gave orders to his men that they should take our things. He was capturing us. I felt upset, realizing that he was taking our supplies and skis. I looked at the low dark-green tent with the sleeping bag in it to the west of me. We had been sleeping there when the man came. He was taking all of our things so that we could not continue on our journey. He walked to the north, taking our things with him. I could see some other structures to the north, where his men were camping. I walked around the area with $Z, thinking that we should still hike to the west. I knew that there was a campground along the western edge of the peninsula. I wondered if we could make it to the safety of the camping area before the men caught up with us. I moved to the north a little. The land rolled in short hills, and there were some buildings around us. To the west of me was a large low tent. I was actually on the edge of a steep hill that faced west. Below me, the roof of a large tent ran from the side of the hill to the tall cement structure on the west. The tent looked like a circus tent, but the canvas on the top had openings in it. My father was to the west of me, and he walked across the top of the tent toward me. I realized that there was a narrow path running from the cement wall, over the tent poles, to where i was. The area of the tent to the south of the path seemed ragged, and i could see through the roof of the tent to the many tables and chairs below. There was a large crowd sitting in the tent for a meal. My father reached the near side of the tent and walked up the hill to the north of me a ways. I looked at the tent, thinking that i could cross it, but i did not know if i could walk on the narrow strip of supported material in the center. I steeped carefully out onto the tent, but realized that it was now more decayed than it had been. The torn fabric that hung between the supports and the southern wall seemed very fragile now, and i did not think that it would support my weight. I looked down into the crowd below, noticing that an old man in a white folding chair had looked up at me. I had to get away from the bad man before he came back. I turned to the north and started up the stairs with the other. They paused on the narrow stairwell, which was inside of a larger building. It was somewhat dark here. The banister of the stairs was bright white and seemed to be made out of decoratively cast metal. The metal was shaped like thick vegetation. One of the women on the stairs stopped me from ascending the stairs any farther. Everyone was stopped on the stairs in a small group. We were listening for the man in charge. He had gone somewhere, but he would be coming back. We could not let him know what we were doing on the stairs. The man to the northeast of me, just above me on the stairs, motioned to the white railing that was to the southeast of me. I looked at the railing and realized that the man wanted me to take it apart. I grabbed it, realizing that a small section of it was made of plastic. The plastic had been put in so that the man would not know that there was a hole in the railing, but we had to take it out before he discovered the mistake. I pulled up on the plastic section, and a small U-shaped section came off. I handed the small piece to someone and helped the others take apart the larger section of plastic. The section was passed up the stairs. We had to fix the railing before the man came back. I grabbed another small end cap, which was also plastic, and pulled it off of the railing to the southwest of me, careful not to drop the screws that had held it in place. We did things to the railing for a short period of time. Then the man was coming. I hurried to the north, up the narrow set of wooden stairs. The wood on the stairs was new and unfinished, and i knew that they had been constructed by the kids. The man did not want us to create the new stairs, but the people had done it anyway. The stairs seemed to fit into a narrow square shaft and wound clockwise up to the top floor. I came out in the top floor, aware that the man in charge had returned to the rooms below. I knew that he was confronting some of the others about what had been going on, but i did not care. I heard something below, and decided that i should hurry back down the stairs. The room around me was dark, but the narrow wooden shaft to the west of me was illuminated from below. The stairs in the shaft slanted steeply to the north, and i jumped into the shaft, realizing that it was actually a steep wooden slope heading down to the north. There was a patch of red shag carpeting in the middle of the slope, but i slid over the top of it. It was fun to slide down the shaft, and i though that the children must have built it for fun. I stopped on the landing below, where the shaft opened up into a larger stairwell. There was someone standing to the east of me, and i realized that the man in charge was to the northeast. I could only see him from the waist up because he was standing on a set of stairs that descended into the dark floor. He was very angry and was staring across the room to the west. He noticed me, but did not say anything. I looked to the west, noticing a young boy standing just below a short wooden board in a dark space near the western wall. He would have been out of sight from the man. He had his mouth open and his eyes wide with fear. I knew that the man was after him, and i realized that the boy was terrified. I suddenly felt as though i did not care about the situation. I would not be threatened by the man, and i moved to the north, heading for the next section of stairs that descended into the house.

It had something to do with spiders and how humans could be mixed with spiders. The man had been genetically altered by the spiders, and he was now special. The others were after him, though, and they were threatening the people that the man cared about to get to the man. There was a long corridor above me and to the north. It seemed as though i was watching this scene through a camera. I was moving down as the box with the curled up person in it slid down the horizontal shaft to the west. The shaft was actually a hallway that seemed well decorated with bluish-gray and dark-blue flowery wallpaper. The man in the box seemed very pink, and the box started glowing orange around him. I was under water, and the floor of the corridor above was the surface of the water. The special man, or a large spider, swam from the east, across my view. He was trying to save the person in the box, but he had to be careful not to get burned by the fire above the water. The box stopped at the western end of the corridor, and the large spider swam to the west, after it.

I walked to the north, across the eastern end of the small courtyard. The courtyard was nestled between tall stone buildings and seemed oddly shaped. There was an old stone gothic building on the western side of the yard that i had just come out of. Its doors were in the southern wall of the courtyard and there was a large arching stone ceiling over the outside of the door. $A157 stood under the ceiling, waving to me as i headed to the north, out of sight around the corner of the gray stone building at the eastern end of the courtyard. I had to head to the church to the north for the wedding ceremony. I walked into the large chapel. I had been here before, and this scene seemed to be part of a repetition. I entered through the doors in the northern end of the eastern wall. The chapel stretched out to the south of me. It was dimly lighted and seemed very tall, like an old christian cathedral. There were not that many people in the room yet because they were still gathering for the ceremony. I stood near the northern end of the room as several other men in tuxedos entered. The man near me seemed to be $F6. He was the person getting married. He also seemed to be like $F15. This scene had been repeating over and over again, and i wondered what was happening. I had said goodbye to the woman near the door several times before, and i did it again as i walked to the north, coming into the northern end of the large chapel. I explained to the other person how i had been experiencing this wedding several times over. The marriage would happen and then i would start back at the other chapel where the woman was. I would say goodbye to her and head to this chapel for the marriage ceremony. I told this to the other person as we walked out of the chapel, heading to the northeast, across the courtyard. We were heading to the church where the wedding would be held. I felt annoyed in having to repeat this cycle over and over again, and commented on it to $Z. I waved goodbye to the woman in the white dress as we crossed the courtyard. $Z then asked why i simply did not stay with the woman. I knew that i had to skip breakfast with her so that i could attend the ceremony. I wondered suddenly why i did not just skip the wedding and eat breakfast with the woman. The idea then seemed like a revelation to me. I could simply break the cycle by doing something different. It was too late in this cycle to go back, but i decided that, in the next cycle, i would eat breakfast with the woman.

12009 January 05

Something was happening and the people were running to the north. I was to the east of my parents’ house, aware that the bad men were chasing them. I headed to the north, following the road over the hill. We came into the thicket-covered countryside. The people rounded the area to the east and started heading back to the south. I followed them, realizing that they would have to run past my parents’ house so that it did not seem like they were heading there for shelter. They ran into the thickets across the street from my parents, on the south side of the road. The tall green saplings hid them as they ran into the vegetation. I stopped on the paved back road that headed south. I was setting the trail for the run, and i thought that i would let them go ahead. All of the vegetation around me seemed bright and green, as though it was mid summer. I stepped to the west as the others continued down the road to the south. I told them that i would be with them shortly. I moved under the heavy steel bridge, which seemed to be a railroad bridge. There were several brown chords hanging down from between the heavy cement beams that passed from southwest to northeast overhead. I pulled on one of them, dislodging it. It looked like a short vine. I started to pull on several others, thinking that we would need them. I then started to pace under the bridge while waiting for the others to return. I grabbed on to one of the vines and leaned forward, using the vine to support my weight. I could feel the strain in my abdomen as i tense to remain straight. I thought that this might be a good exercise to do for the abdomen. I pulled down a few times on the vines as i waited for the other runners to return. I had been setting trail for $G4, and they were running. They would meet up with me soon. I then noticed the man on the ground to the east of me. He was one of the runners in my group. He was wearing a red running tank top. I could see the muscle tone on his arms and outer chest. He seemed like $A533. The others had returned from the run to the north, and i was aware that the men were still following us. I walked to the south, along the land where the overpass crossed. The overpass seemed to be a cement structure running east to west over us. There was a steep slope running up to the overpass on the west, and a flat area to the east. The area to the east seemed to be filled with vegetation. I led the others under the overpass, trying to get them to safety. I was then aware that there was a truck approaching from the north. I told the others to move off the side of the road and get out of sight in the bushes. They moved quickly into the trees. As the truck drove past, i stood on the side of the dirt road, pretending not to notice. It then turned around to the south of us and started back. I realized that it was not the bad men, but it was still a group of people who i did not want to deal with. I walked to the south with the others as the old red pickup truck pulled off on the eastern side of the road, to the north of us. Two men got out. One of them seemed rather overweight. He was big, and was wearing overalls. He seemed like a country stereotype. I was annoyed with the two men and did not want them following us. They were just in this area to fool around. I walked with the others under the bridge, and then noticed the line of rocks heading up the slope to the east, to the northeast of me. I backed up a little, starting to clime the rocks. The rocks ran in a perfect row, looking like stairs ascending the rocky slope. I realized that i was actually walking on the rocks just to the south of the wooden stairs. I was also aware that the two men, who seemed low in intelligence, were following us. I stepped over the wooden railing on the heavy stairs and started climbing. I came into the dirty cement room, which was cluttered with things. This was an old factory. I used to come here a long time ago, and i thought that it would be a safe place for the people to hid. I did not want the young hoodlums with us, though, because i thought that they might simply destroy the area once they knew it existed. I headed to the south, ascending the black metal stairs to the second floor of the factory. There were metal objects on the stairs and the cement floor of the second level. They were shaped like legs and buttocks. They were made of black metal sheets and had dull-red circles and lines painted on them. I remembered that they were from something suggestive that we used to do here, but they really had nothing to do with sex. I knew that the two hoodlums would laugh at them and think that they were sexual toys. This annoyed me. I came to the top of the stairs and looked around. The room was dimly lighted, with an opening high on the wall to the south. The room opened up to the east into a dusty lining room. The two hoodlums walked into the living room, ready to fool around. I was annoyed with them, but thought that the people with me would be safe here for a while. I then noticed the red bass guitar sitting on the black table in the small room to the northwest. I made a gasp of awe as i walked over to it. I knew that the bass was left here as an instrument exchange program. The musicians who came here would leave instruments that they did not want so that other musicians could use them. The bass seemed to be a Gibson, and i mentioned this to the other person, who seemed to be $F42. I picked up the red instrument, which had a body like a Gibson guitar. It was a very nice instrument, and i wanted to take it with me. I started to feel bad about taking the instrument, though, thinking that it might have actually been left here for use here. I then noticed the acoustic guitar on the floor to the south. The door to the room was in the eastern end of the southern wall now, and i was inside. I picked up the wooden guitar, trying to strum the strings. The fretboard seemed to be covered by wood, which curved around from the top of the upper side of the neck. I played a few chords, and the instrument sounded very nice, but it seemed awkward to play. It was intended for someone else, so i put i back. I then noticed all of the other acoustic instruments in the room. I was excited to see them, and wanted to take some of them home. I picked up a small acoustic string instrument that had a body shaped like an egg. I strummed the strings, hearing a sharp clear chord, with a nasal buzzing like a sitar. It was a nice instrument, and i thought i should take it along with the bass. I then noticed the banjos on the floor to the southwest of me. There was another banjo against the cement wall to the south, but it had a thin very large body. The body was shaped like a snowflake and was made out of a dark wood. It looked cumbersome to play. I realized that i should not take all of these instruments. They were left here for people, and i did not feel good about taking the ones that i thought would be interesting. I looked to the east, into the room where the others were sitting. I could see the two country men watching television. I wanted to take the instruments, but i felt bad about taking all of them. I should only take the bass and the small lute-style instrument.

I walked to the east, away from the steep slope of the hill that looked down over the small suburban area to the east. I had been setting trail here, and i was waiting for the others to come back. I had started the trail with them, but i let them run ahead, knowing that i would catch them near the end of the trail. I felt that i still had to set the rest of the trail. The people seemed to be to the north of me. I looked to the south as i reached the bottom of the hill. There was a small neighborhood around me, with small houses set on regular streets. The people running the trail had headed off to the north, and they would be back soon. I had to figure out a trail that would lead to the south, back to the safe area where we had started. I remembered the large field to the south where the people were headed. I then tried to look through the bushes around me to see if i could see any familiar landmarks to the south and southeast. My view seemed blocked by the vegetation. I shifted position a little, trying to see around the buildings and trees near me. I then started to see the hillside to the southwest. There was a long area of trimmed gravel slope and yellowish-white building that ran across the face of it. It seemed to be near $P148, near where $F43 used to live. I started to recognize the buildings there, thinking that they were part of the restaurant. It would be easy for me to make a trail heading back to the south to meet up with the main road. I just had to be sure that i did not cross the beginning of the trail, which i had already set on the steep asphalt road that i was currently descending. I looked through the trees to the southwest, noticing a curve of road. It ran from the south and turned to the west. It must be the lower part of the road that ascends the western hill. This would be where i had started setting trail. I would have to cross to the east a little more to stay away from it. I noticed that the streets of the neighborhood to the east of me ran in a grid, with the main streets running northeast to southwest. They did not run in the direction that i wanted to go, but i could still follow them and make turns to get back to the start of the run. I walked to the east a little more. I was then aware of people approaching me from the north. I turned to see some runners jogging toward me on trail. They were not the runners that i had started with, but i recognized them as people from college or high school. I greeted them and started jogging with them to the east. We crossed the grassy lawn, and the people slowed to a walk. They were being cautious about crossing the lawn, and i thought that there might be a dog on the property. One of them lifted up the wire that was on the ground. It seemed to have fallen from a tree. The woman stepped over it and continued to the east. We passed and old gray run-down house, where i knew an older woman lived. She seemed grumpy about people on her property. I then noticed the bass guitar to the south, and i crossed the lawn to look at it. We now seemed to be in a northern room of the house, which did not seem to have a northern wall. The others were looking around at the things in the house as i picked up the bass. I remembered that it was a nice bass, and i wanted to take it with me. I started to play it, thinking that it was a nice Gibson bass. I was more used to Gibson guitars, but the basses were probably nice as well. As i slung the bass over my shoulder, i noticed that it had six strings. At first, i thought that it might be a six-string bass, but i realized that the strings were thin. It was actually an electric guitar. I wanted a bass, but i thought that i should settle for a guitar anyway. I commented to the person to the east of me that the guitar was old and run down, but it was at least a Gibson, so it probably had better sound than anything i had. I tried to strum the strings, but i realized that they were off center on the guitar. The body of the guitar seemed very wide and worn. I could tell that everything about it seemed old, but i thought that it would still play well, given the quality of how it was made. I tried to strum the strings, but they were on the bottom of the front face of the guitar, far from where i could reach. I thought that i would have to adjust the strap so that the guitar was very high on my chest in order to strum the strings. It felt awkward. It was not really designed for someone like me, and i wondered if it was made for left-handed playing. I moved around with it, but decided that i really could not use it. I was disappointed. I would have to keep the bass. $Z then pointed out that the bass had a cardboard neck. I looked at the neck of the bass as i turned to the north. The bass was now strapped around my neck, and i could see that the thin white neck was warped, bowing near the bottom. The neck now seemed to be made out of particleboard. It had been painted white, but the paint was dull and wearing off so that i could see the layers of the board as it formed a small upward bow just above the body. I looked to the head of the instrument, noticing that one of the tuning screws was missing. The head seemed very thin now, and seemed to be made of old tin. The bass was not really made that well, and i was disappointed. I would not take it with me from the woman’s apartment. I then looked to the north, across the green ground of the suburb. A small group of joggers was approaching. I recognized them as the group that i had started running trail with. The sky seemed very blue and the bushes very green around them. As they approached, i greeted them, happy to see them again. I started chatting with them as i jogged to the south, back to the school where we had started.

12009 January 06

I thought about things as i walked across the parking lot to the west. I remembered the way this place used to be. My attention was drawn by the young boys to the west, who were excited about something that had happened. I looked across the small parking lot in front of me. The smaller square lot was surrounded by a low chain-link fence, which had white blocking strips in it. There were several cars parked in the lot, and there seemed to be snow on the dark ground around the area. A large green dumpster was at the front of the lot, just to the south of the entrance, which was in the northern end of the eastern side. The children were in the yard to the west, which adjoined the parking lot. They were gasping with excitement as they inspected the large hole in the chain-link fence on the western side of the parking lot, which seemed to be taller than the other fences. I knew that this event was a memory from the past, but i did not remember when a hole had been made in the fence. I thought that something must have crashed through the fence, and i noticed that there was some damage in a line across the lot, running from the hole to the north-northeast. I tried to remember if there had been a meteor hitting the lot. This would have been when i was in college here. I lived in the house to the north of the lot. The white house was at the northern end of a small lot, surrounded by thin strips of grass on the sides. The short back yard ran up against the fence of the parking lot. This place seemed to be $P19. The young boys moved to the edge of the lot, looking at the large hole. I then remembered that one of the boys would be $F10. He used to live in a house to the west of the parking lot when he was young, before his father moved the family to $P187. I looked at the boys, recognizing one of them as $F10. He was wearing a brown parka with light-blue stripes on the sleeves and sides. He stood in the hole in the lot, talking with the others. I would be in college at this time, living in the house to the north. I would not have noticed him much because he was too young. Five years from now, however, he would be in college and living in the house to the north as well, and i would become good friends with him. I wondered if i should have talked to him earlier, or if it would have seemed too strange for a college-aged man to make friends with a middle-school boy. I watched the boys for a moment, but wondered why i had come back to this time. I turned to the east and started across the large parking lot. I was driving now, and there was a mall to the northeast of me. The parking lot stretched out in all directions. I was looking for a space to park, and i thought that i should head to the east, to one of the smaller lots within the mall complex. I followed the main road to the east, between the lots. It was dark now, and all of the cars around me had their lights on. The road curved to the south just ahead of me, just before it met with the main road outside the mall. There was a small driveway on the northern side of the curve that led to the small lot. I waited for a car to pass from the east before i turned into the lot. I then realized that this lot was actually rather far from the mall. I would have to walk all the way back to the mall from here. I wondered why i did not park closer. There must have been open spots in some of the other lots. I turned into the drive of the small lot, which was separated from the main road by a line of pine trees. There was a narrow gate at the entrance to the lot, formed by two narrow metal columns sticking out of the ground. The driveway seemed to split into three lanes as it passed through the column. I was in the center lane, but i worried that it was a lane heading in the wrong direction. There were no cars coming, so i continued to the north. I felt better when i noticed that there was a white arrow on the ground in my lane, telling me that the center lane was heading into the lot. There were large wooden signs leaning against the poles, forming short walls between the lanes. The one to the east of me was bright blue, with large white letters that said “Florida”. The one in the next lane over seemed brightly colored with orange, red, and yellow. It too advertised something about Florida, and i though that this might be the lot where the busses come for tourist trips. I followed the road through a second set of boards, and i thought that i would have to head to the west and try to get as close as i could to the mall so i would not have to walk all that far. I turned to the northwest, heading into the center of the lot. The ground was rough, and i realized that it was packed dry soil. The dirt was peach tan in color, and it reminded me of the land in the southwest United States. They must have created the land like this in the parking lot for the bus tours. I turned to the west and headed down one of the aisles. There were cars parked along the northern side of the aisle, against a short sand dune. I drove my car as far as i could to the south of the aisle, but i had to be careful of the short drop off into the next lane to the south. There were short green grass-like plants growing on the edge of the lane, and i drove over some of them, hoping that i did not slide over the edge. I passed the cars and wondered if i should park on the northern side of the aisle. I wanted to get closer to the mall, so i continued to drive. It now seemed like daylight out, and i watched the dry desert ground of the parking lot pass. I knew that it was all an effect for the tourists. There seemed to be some narrow buildings on the western side of the parking lot as i turned to the south, trying to cross through the parking lot to get out. I headed down an aisle between the carnival-like kiosks to the west and the tents that were being erected to the east. The tourist festival was still being set up, and i felt uneasy with it. I could hear the waiting tone of the telephone that i was holding to my left ear. I had called someplace as part of being in this lot. I did not want to talk to the people there, but i waited for the call to pick up anyway. After a while, a man answered the telephone. I apologized to him, saying that i was unaware whom i was calling. I tried to end the conversation, but he continued to talk to me. I wanted to get out of here, so i headed for the exit, trying not to get involved in the telephone survey. The man seemed to be talking to me from the south. I was still driving in my car, but he was standing to the south of me, talking about the festival. I tried not to be persuaded by him. There was a slow moving truck in the center of the dirt aisle ahead of me, so i moved to the east to pass it. I then realized that it had a large tray overhead. There was a bucket loader driving backward in front of it, and the loader was dumping something into the large tray over the truck. Several cookies fell from the sides of the tray, and, as i looked up, i could see that the cookies were being transferred from the bucket loader, over the tray, and into the top of the kiosk to the east. They were loading the cookies into the shop for the start of the festival. Several cookies were falling to the ground in front of the kiosk, falling between the gap between the truck’s tray and the top of the shop. I drove forward, not minding if the chocolate-chip cookies fell into my car. As several fell, i noticed that the man driving the bucket loader was smiling at me from the cab. He must have known that i would be collecting the cookies. I passed the cars and continued to the south, but i now seemed to be moving within a larger vehicle. The man was still to the south of me, talking. I ignored him for a moment and picked up some of the cookies that had fallen on the blue, purple, and white material that was covering the floor of the car. The design of the material consisted of swashes of the different colors in overlapping chaotic patterns. I picked up the chocolate-chip cookies from the seat of my car. They felt soft and fresh still, and seemed to have many chocolate chips in them. I collected three and put them in my lap, brushing off the dust from the ground. I wondered if anyone would think i was uncouth for eating cookies that had fallen on the ground. I then looked to the south, down the length of the train car that i was traveling in. I was sitting in a bench seat on the eastern side of the car. Several other passengers were no the eastern side of the car, to the south, in forward facing seats. I walked into the center of the car and started picking up some more cookies from the floor. I thought that i could save these for $F45, because i knew that he liked chocolate-chip cookies. I brushed them off, thinking that i would not tell him that i had picked them up off of the floor of the train. As i sat down, i realized that i should wrap them in the white napkins that i had picked up from the western wall of the car. As i started to wrap them and put them in my shopping bags, the man appeared again to the south of me. He had come out of a small room to the east and asked me if i needed help with my bags. I felt annoyed with his persistence and nosiness. I told him that i was fine, and i place my large shopping bag on the seat to the north of me. It was a large white bag, and seemed to have a large box in the near side of it. The cookies were wrapped in white paper on the far side. I did not want the man snooping in my things anymore, so i kept my bags close.

I listened to the others speak to each other as we walked through the city to the east. One of them warned of something, saying that we should get out of this area. I kept looking around at the gray buildings, not focusing on any one thing. As i followed them across a street, heading to the west, i tried to see what was wrong. They were ahead of me, starting down the sidewalk on the northern sidewalk of the short cross street that headed to the west. They were looking behind themselves, at something near the corner. I was aware of a small white car stopped just to the north of me in the intersection. As i looked, however, i noticed that the car was turned at an odd angle in the intersection. It was facing east-southeast, and the people were standing on the southern side of it. To my surprise, there were ten or twelve police officers in tan uniforms standing in front of a dark van, just to the north of the car. They all had their guns drawn and were pointing them in a fan, focused on the center of the white car. I then realized that the thin woman in dark clothing in front of the white car was holding an automatic rifle. The police must have seen this and drawn their weapons in response. It was not safe here. We could get caught in the crossfire. I hurried to the west, after the others, thinking about the situation. It did not feel that safe in this city, and i wondered where we should go. I thought about hiding in one of the apartment buildings in the area, but realized that the bad guys would start taking over the city if the police opened fire on them. We would be in the middle of a small war, and i knew that the bad guys would start sweeping the area looking for people who did not belong. Even if we turned into an apartment building to hide, they would start searching the buildings. We would have to be in a building that was abandoned, or the tenants of the building would turn us in. I thought that we would have to find a small restaurant that had been closed. It would be easier for us to hide out there, and there also might be some food if we had to stay for a longer period of time. It seemed improbably that we would find just the right building in this situation. I turned down the corridor and headed to the north. I was in the eastern side of an old abandoned building. There was a restaurant at the front of the building, but it seemed to be under renovation at the moment. I was aware of a man moving to the northwest of me, in the western part of the room to the north of me. The room was creamy blue and seemed to have been just painted. There seemed to be white spackle tape on the ceiling and a white drop cloth on the floor. The dark skinned man in the sweatshirt and denims walked to the west, out of sight. I did not know what to do. I knew that i could not seek refuge here if there were witnesses. I would need an empty place so that no one would know that i was here. I stepped into the room to the north to look out the large glass front window of the store. The man did not yet see me, but i knew he would if he turned around. I then wondered what i was doing here. It was not smart to let the man see me. I felt nervous, and quickly turned around and headed back down the hall and out of the apartment. I came to the middle of the building, where the corridors crossed. I had come from the northwest, from the side of the corridor. The walls of the hall were pale aqua and seemed to be heavy plaster. The dark hall to the north of me seemed to run a short distance down the eastern side of the building, to the exit door on the northern face of the structure. To the south and slightly to the west, a longer corridor ran into the center of the apartment building. It was illuminated with fluorescent lights. On the eastern side of this corridor was a stairwell than descended to the basement. I looked down the stairs, thinking that i should head down them to see if there was a place to hide down there. I then thought that it would not be an easy place to escape from if i needed to. As i contemplated heading down the stairs, i noticed the pipes running down the ceiling of the single flight of stairs. The thick silver round pipes took up a lot of space, and the clearance between the ceiling and the stairs only seemed to be a meter or so. It looked like it would be hard for me to duck low enough to make it down the stairs without crawling. As i looked, the pipes seemed to be mostly on the western side of the stairs, forming a triangular area on the east where i could walk. I wanted to descend, but i was unsure whether i would be able to make it to the bottom. I then wondered what was at the bottom. I looked down the passageway and noticed that i could see a full-sized corridor running north to south. It was illuminated with greenish fluorescent lights. It was definitely tall enough for me to walk upright in, and it was not simply a basement room. I wanted to go down, but i was unsure that i could make it through the tight space of the stairs. As i contemplated what to do, a door opened to the west of me and a woman in a blue suit walked out from the office on the other side. At the same time, a woman in a brown dress and suit jacket came down the corridor from the south. The woman in blue turned to the north and headed up the corridor toward the exit door, but the woman in brown turned toward the stairs. She was already shorter than i was, with long black shoulder-length hair. She seemed east asian. I watched her as she ducked to the side and started down the stairs. I decided that, if she found nothing unusual about going down the stairs, then it was probably something people put up with. It would be easy to crawl back up if necessary, so i started for the stairs.

12009 January 07

I sat up from the bed to find myself surrounded by dense tall grass. I had made my way through the dense grass the previous night so that i could camp in this place. It was special in some way. I pushed the grass aside as i looked around, unable to see over the top of the tall weeds. The grass had grown around the bed i was sleeping in over night, and i felt a little trapped here. I looked up, trying to find the road where i had started. I had thought that i would be able to see the path of trampled grass from the night before, but the grass grew so quickly and densely that i could not easily find it. I looked to the southeast, noticing the power lines running across the tops of the trees about a hundred meters away. That was the road where i had come from. As long as i could see the road, i would be able to make my way to it. I started to the south, but then remembered that i had taken off my jacket last night. I thought that it would be buried in the grass by now. I pushed the grass away from the sides of the bed to give me more room. I then noticed that i was wearing my green and purple running shell, so i would not have to search for it by the side of the bed. I started pushing my way through the heavy grass, heading roughly to the south. I hoped that a trail could be worn in the grass with enough use. I then noticed a wavy line of slightly shorter grass to the south of me. It was the path that i had made the night before. I pushed my way down it, trying to get back to the road. Someone then started talking about the special area. It had something to do with an experiment. The voice said that the only special asset listed for the experiment was the soil. I knew that people had a hard time understanding what was so special about this area. I looked down at the dry dark-gray dirt in front of me as i moved a white scoop through it. It sparkled as though it had small grains of glass in it. The voice mentioned how special it was, and i scooped up a pile in my hand. If the dirt was the only asset, then that is what i should bring back. It should be tested to find out what is so special here. As i reached the low white wall to the south and started to climb through the open window area to the porch on the other side, the voice told me the results of the tests on the soil. It said that the soil was composed of sixty percent uranium. This was a very strange and unnatural combination. This is why it was special. I came onto the porch, thinking about the dirt and what it meant. There was something very significant to the finding.

12009 January 08

$F34 sat on the couch against the northern wall of the small living room. I was doing something in the center of the room. I moved around, heading to the west. I was not quite sure what to do with the small shrub i had been carrying, so i dropped it on the dry sandy ground, which had short scrubby weeds growing out of them. $F34 walked to the west to get something. We were cleaning up this area of ground. I looked to the southeast, noticing the large college buildings running on the southern side of the area. Someone said that this place was a park and talked about the fountains and things here. $F34 passed me, heading back to the east. She was carrying a small pine tree that she had picked up off of the ground to the west. She grabbed the small scraggly shrub that i had dropped as well as she walked down the steep slope to the north. There seemed to be a street running along the bottom of the slope. She tossed the plants down by the street, where there was a garbage pile. I looked to the east, where there were some trees growing out of the dark-brown soil of the sloping hill. The trees seemed to be cedar, but seemed to have small flat leaves. The tree leaned to the north on the slope, and the ground around it seemed dusty and dry. One of the trunks of the tree had been cut off near the ground. I started to step over it, but decided not to go through the small cluster of trees. I turned around and headed back up the hill, to the southwest. There was a square cement object sticking out of the steep dirt slope, and i started to climb up it. $F34 said something about going somewhere. She was just cleaning up to get ready to leave. I was having trouble stepping up the top part of the cement stairs that ascended the slope. It seemed as though i was not wearing my shoes. There was a woman to the southeast of me, on the slope, and i thought that it was $F34’s mother. Her parents were here to visit. I managed to make it to the top of the slope, but $F34 and her parents had already started to leave for the restaurant. I told them that i would be with them. I pulled on my windbreaker, but realized that i was not wearing any shoes. I had put them on before and thought that i must have inadvertently taken them off. I looked down at the ground as i slid my feet into my black rubber sandals, but realized that they were flip-flops. I really wanted my sandals that had straps. I was annoyed that i did not have them, and i walked to the bed, which was to the east of me, against the northern wall of the room. $F34 had already left with her parents, and it now seemed as though they had been gone for a while. I was worried that i was holding them up. I felt rushed and put my shoes on, looking around the small apartment. There was a window i the eastern wall that looked down to the street. I seemed to be on the second floor. I then started to feel unsure about going to the restaurant with $F34 and her family. I remembered that $F45 would be at home, and i should let him know that i was eating dinner without him. I looked for my cell phone, which i realized i had left in the pocket of my jacket. I had started down the stairs to the north, but stopped, worrying that i should not be without my phone in case $F45 tried to call. I felt uncertain and frustrated. I hurried back up to the apartment and over to the bed, where my blue and white parka was resting. The cell phone was in the front pocket. I took it out and looked at the front dial. It said that the time was 6:18, but i did not see that there were any extra messages. I then looked at it again as i started back out of the apartment. The screen was now white and there was some message on it, but it looked like a teletype. It said something about a fax, and i was surprised that my cell phone could receive faxes. I came out the door on the eastern side of the building. I was on the wide sidewalk, and i started pacing, not sure what i should do. I felt frustrated and thought that i should not go to dinner with $F34. I did not see here around the building, and i wondered if they had already left. I hoped that they had because it would make my decision easier. I felt bad, not sure what i should do. I then decided to walk to the northern side of the building, where the parking lot was. As i rounded the building, i noticed that there was a sidewalk craft sale there. I did not see $F34, and i hoped that she had left. As i walked to the west, past the tables of pottery, i heard her voice. I looked to the south, focusing on a woman who was bending over to look at something on the ground. She was thin and was wearing green polyester pants and a loose blue and green blouse. Her hair was cut at chin length, and she seemed well dressed. I realized that she was dressed up for dinner. I felt bad, and told her that i would not be going to dinner with them. She seemed disappointed, but i told her that $F45 was at home, and i should probably go eat with him. I left and walked to the east.

12009 January 09

I woke up suddenly in my parents’ house. I was in the large bed in the middle bedroom, sleeping next to $F45. I had a feeling that there was someone in the house, and i walked to the east, coming into the dining room downstairs. The front door of the house was open into the dining room. It should not have been. I looked around the dark room, but could not see anyone else in the house. I slowly walked to the front door of the house and quietly pushed it closed. I turned the brass knob just under the door handle to lock the door, but then i reached out and turned the doorknob of the door from the outside. I was annoyed to find that the deadbolt was undone when the doorknob was turned from the outside. The door did not lock properly. I pushed it closed and looked into the back room of the house. I wondered if there were any people inside. I then noticed the lights of a car at the front of the house. I ducked under the front door so that the lights would not shine on me. There seemed to be a car pulling into the driveway. It only pulled in a little way, and then it seemed to back out onto the road. Its lights panned to the west and stayed there for a moment. The front of the house was illuminated with the light for a little while, and i stood still under the door for a moment. I then creeped to the west, out of the dining room. I came upstairs and stood at the western doorway of the middle bedroom. I still felt that there was someone in the house. I was then in the bedroom when i noticed that there was someone sleeping in the bed to the west. In the dark, i could see a bulge in the dark-orange covers of the bed. No one else should have been in the house. I looked across the middle bedroom, to the east. $F45 was still sleeping in the central bed, but i then noticed that there was someone else sleeping in the small bedroom to the east. I crossed the room and went into the small bedroom. It seemed lighter now, and i realized that morning was coming. The bed was against the eastern wall, and the only other furnishing in the room was a small chair on the northern wall. There was some kind of clothing bag on the chair. I stepped closer, noticing that the person on the bed was $F45. I then remembered that he had arrived here late. He had come with the other person, who seemed to be $F16. I suddenly realized that i had been sleeping with $F23. I remembered hugging him as we went to bed, and i felt suddenly awkward. I must have thought that he was $F45. Now i knew why he was so shy about it, and i felt bad for making him uncomfortable. $F45 and the other person had to arrive late, and must have come after we had gone to sleep.

I was traveling to the east with $F45, and we seemed to be in a rush. I thought about our trip, and told $F45 that we should be getting on the train in a village to the west of us. I tried to figure this out in my mind. The town was not that far ahead of us, but there seemed to be a place that we needed stop at which was closer. I explained this to $F45, even though i thought he might already know. I mentioned the name of the place that we wanted to stop for dinner and then the name of the place where we would be getting on the train. Some other people were talking, and someone mentioned the funeral. $K30 said that the people had to be in a town in Massachusetts. It seemed like a very far distance to go, so i suggested that the funeral could be held at my parents’ house. $F45 said “Yeah”, smiling as though he thought it as a good idea. $K30 agreed. I moved to the northeast now, across the lawn of my parents’ house. The guests were wandering around the lawn, but they were picking up their stuff to head out. The funeral service had ended, and everything seemed to be over. I turned to the west and started walking across the second floor of my parents’ house. The people had left, and i was surprised to see how messy the house was. I looked at the small bedroom upstairs, noticing that the covers of the bed were all bundled up, and there were clothes and towels left on the floor. I was facing the bed, which was against the northern wall on the eastern side of the room. The brightly coloured towel was bunched up on the floor to the northeast of me, in front of the bed. I was annoyed that the people had left the rooms in such disarray. The master bedroom and bathroom also seemed to be very messy. I started to clean some things up. I headed back to the east, on the lower floor of the house. Looking out the front window, i noticed that there was still a lot of trash on the lawn. The people left the house in quite a mess. I felt frustrated that i would have to clean everything up. I continued to the east, crossing the middle bedroom of the house. I started picking up some of the clothing on the floor and started making the beds. It annoyed me that the people were so messy. I then realized that my parents had come home from somewhere. They had not yet heard about the funeral and did not know that the people were here. As i came into the dining room, i noticed that the front door of the house was open. Someone had gone out and not bothered to close the door. I closed the door and turned the brass knob under the door handle to lock it. I then remembered that the deadbolt there did not really lock the door. As i was pushing it closed, however, i noticed that there was a second deadbolt near the floor. I bent over to turn that bolt as well to lock the door. I then headed to the east, into the kitchen. My parents were unpacking some things on the northern side of the kitchen, near the sink. They did not know about the funeral that was here, and i felt hesitant to tell them. I thought my mother might get upset that there were so many people in the house that she did not know. She would also be upset if she knew what a mess they made of the house. She mentioned a few things to me, and i said that i would start cleaning up the garbage in the yard soon. My father commented on the garbage, and i said i would clean it. I then crouched down to put something under the sink. My mother pulled a long plastic bag out from under the sink near me and asked what it was. She was surprised to find it there. I looked at it, noticing that it came from a fast-food restaurant. There was a white paper bag with green and yellow letters on it inside the long plastic bag. As my mother turned the bag, i noticed some white silverware fall to one side. I told her that the bag was from one of he people here for the funeral, letting her know that there were many people here for the funeral. To my surprise, she did not seem to mind that there had been people in the house. I continued to clean up under the counter, and was still annoyed that i would have to clean up the rest of the house and lawn as well.

12009 January 10

I arrived at the gates with the others. I knew that the investigators with me would not be able to easily break through the gates. The large stone archway around the gates was thick enough to stop the police trucks from breaking through, and the metal bars would prevent the police from getting into the house quickly. This would give the people inside enough time to hide the evidence. I paced around by the gate, realizing that the police could simply climb over the metal parts, if there were metal parts. I then thought that the gate was only around the driveway of the property. It was not part of a wall, so the police could simply go around it. They would not drive their cars off of the road, though, so the gate would still deter them. I moved to the north a little as the investigators headed into the house to the east. The house seemed to be stone, with tall narrow arching windows. I looked at the photograph negatives that i had in my hand. At first, i did not think that they were the correct ones. They seemed to be blank. As i flipped through the short strips, however, i realized that they had images on all of them. They seemed like square slides now as i flipped through them. I could see the images on them, which seemed to be pictures of people. There was a photo of a person crouching down against a wall. It was a negative, so the shading seemed very dark. I was now interested in the negatives, realized that they had more on them than i had thought. I started flipping through them, noticing a picture of two people crouched against a cement wall. The shading was now lighter, and i realized that this film was a positive. It was also flipped. The last time i had seen it, the two people were closer to the right side of the frame. Now they were on the left. I flipped through several more of the black-and-white photographs, noticing that the person in the photographs had strange features. He was tall and skinny, and wearing clothes that looked like they came from the fourties. His head was shaped like a jack-o-lantern. It seemed very pale in color, with a slight point on top. His mouth was very wide, and his eyes seemed oddly large.

12009 January 11

I moved through the theme park. It felt strange to be in this place as i moved quickly through the kiosks and rides. There were people walking all around me. This park seemed rather large, and i had some familiarity with it. I felt as though i had been here many times before, and i had been here for a long time this time. I thought that i might be living here. I passed through some tents were people were playing carnival games and moved quickly over the cement walkway. I jumped to the west, over the edge of the walkway. There was a circular terrace below me, and i floated over it for a moment before gliding down to the courtyard below. It seemed very high, but was not that high when i landed. I moved again to the northwest, through the rides and exhibits. I was very familiar with this place, but i did not quite feel like i should be here. I was frustrated with something and headed to the north, on the eastern side of the park. I wanted to get out of here. I stepped into the large building, which seemed to be some kid of funhouse. I entered on the south side of the building and continued through the mostly empty room to the north. The room had thin poles to the east, and i thought that they had something to do with the mirrors and glass walls of the maze. I had been here so many times that i knew how to move through them. I was agitated, and wanted to show the people around me that i was different. I turned to the west. The land dropped off sharply to the west of me. There was a crescent-shaped terrace embedded in the cliff below me, and the land beyond dropped off at a vertical stone face. The cliff seemed to be several kilometers high. I jumped to the west, thinking that i could fly over the edge of the cliff and safely sail down to the water below. I stopped in the air over the terrace, which seemed to be a viewing area of the scenery to the west. I tried to fly to the west, but there seemed to be a strong wind blowing against me. I could feel the long drapes of my white clothing flapping in the wind, and it seemed that they could keep me afloat. I heard the gasps of the crowd below as they saw me. They knew that i was flying over the cliff, and they thought that i would fall to my death. I knew that i would not, but i could not seem to go over the cliff. I could not show the people that i could properly fly. I felt agitated, and tried to continue to the west, but i could not. I then headed to the southeast, through the building. I was leaving the theme park. I passed through the small room of the cement building and entered into a long tube, which sloped downward and curved out, like a water flume. As i started down it, i realized that there was still water in the flume. It was a water ride of the park. I was a little annoyed that i had to go through the shallow water to get out. I had just changed my clothes into something dry. I was wearing long pants and a long-sleeve shirt. I had been swimming in the water earlier, but i had changed since then. I slided down the flume and came out onto the sidewalk on the southern side of the building. I was in the middle of a large city, and i remembered it from before. It seemed very unwelcoming and stoic. I started walking down the sidewalk to the east, along the northern side of the street. The large gray stone building to the north of me seemed very featureless. I knew that i had to go back the way i had come here, and i looked to the south, across the street. There was a side street to the south of me that ran to the southwest. This place seemed like Russia, and i thought that the building to the north was a large governmental plaza. I had come from the side street to the south with some others before. Now, i was traveling alone, and i felt less safe being here. I knew that this city could be dangerous, but i had to head back to where i had come from. I crossed the street, noticing that stone plaza in front of the tall plain federal building to the south of me. The stones in the courtyard were square and arranged it rows and columns. There seemed to be a red banner handing down the center of the building, over the large main doorway, and there was a round fountain or monument in front of the building. I started down the road to the southwest, watching the two men walk to the northeast. They had come from one of the buildings to the southwest, and one of them was wearing a green army uniform. I did not feel safe here, but i had to get back.

I moved to the northeast, toward the entrance to the hotel. I was with several other students. I heard someone behind me suddenly complain to someone else. I turned around to see $A4 scowling at another boy who had walked in front of him. They must have bumped into each other, and the dark-skinned boy in the dark-blue hoodie cursed at $A4. $A4 had stepped out of the way, afraid that he might get hurt, but i could see that he felt embarrassed about being so afraid. The boy in the blue sweatshirt continued to the east, walking diagonally across the road, toward the building to the northeast. I looked at the hotel lobby to the northeast. Its southern and eastern walls were made of glass, and there was a wide metal awning over the windows. It looked like a design from the sixties. $A407 said something to the south of me. He was still mad that the boy had picked on him, and he was becoming angry. I knew that he could do nothing to the boy, but he started cursing quietly. The boy then returned from the hotel and walked in front of $A407, who also seemed like $A4. $A4 said something to him, but the boy ignored him and kept walking. I knew that $A407 would be too scared of the boy engage him directly. I laughed at the situation and turned my attention back to the northeast. There was a wind blowing from the east, and there seemed to be something flying on it. I could not quite make it out, but it sailed in a long stream of particles to the north of me, dancing in loops in the air. I sat down on the short set of cement steps that descended from the west. The things flying on the wind sailed past me as i glanced to the east. Some of them then formed into shapes along the southern side of the building. It was very artistic, and i realized that this was something special. I was hallucinating, and i wondered if i was intoxicated with some psychedelic drug. I enjoyed the experience and watched the purple and brown shapes solidify into animals, while the wind seemed to carry the colors to the west. Another stream of yellows and browns flowed in from the east, undulating as they came. It was a small flock of birds. I followed the stream as it turned upward and crossed diagonally over the brick face of the tall building to the north of me. My eyes then stopped on the image on the side of the building, where the colors solidified into the yellow and brown logo of a bird with its wings up. I was fascinated how the artwork around here came from the blurs of color that moved past. The birds flying had created the bird logo on the hotel. This was all very strange, but i enjoyed it.

12009 January 12

I rolled the small cart to the north, down the slope of the hill and into the woods off the side of the road. There were others with me, but they had not come this far into the woods. I turned around and started heading back. I could see the two lines in the snowy ground where my sled had gone. There was a road running east to west right in front of me. I had come from the south, however. The road i was on seemed to end only a few meters to the east, where it met another dirt road. The other road ran northeast to southwest. The others were on the second dirt road, to the south of me. They were gathering together to leave. I started to head toward them, but decided that i did not want to join them. It seemed as though Elvis was with them, and that the girls were dressed in poodle skirts. I crossed the dirt road in front of me, aware that the others were on the road to the south of me, which seemed down hill. I could see that my tracks had come over the short steep hill to the south of me, which was about a meter tall from the road that i was on, but descended several meters to the next road. I bent over and held the two metal wheels to the ground, pushing them back through the snow as i ascended the short hill and slided down the other side. It seemed that i had rolled down hill to get here, and i wanted to just glide back up, but i knew that i could only glide a short way. I would have to push the rest of the way. I came to the main dirt road and turned to the northeast. The others were not following, but i continued up the road to the north. I felt as though i was heading home. I then realized that they would not know where i had gone. As i continued pushing the wheels down the road, i was aware that the others were driving north on the road to find me. I had already turned onto a side road and was heading south. I rolled the wheels to the south as the others drove the convertible to the south on the other road, which ran to the east of me, on the other side of a line of trees. I was now in a large open field. The others called for me, and i called back, telling them that i was heading home. One of the women in the car asked if i was sure that i wanted to walk home alone. I told them that i would be fine. It seemed dark out now, and the day was dreary. The car continued to the south, away from me. I looked back down the dirt drive that i was on, bending over to push the two metal wheels over the ground. I came into a thin forest at the southern end of the field, and i watched the wheels under me roll onto the old wood planks of the old bridge. I looked ahead of me. The bridge was only a few meters long, stretching over a small brook. There was a second one about ten meters down the road from the first. This area seemed old and run down, but familiar. The sun was now to the west-northwest of me as i crossed the bridges, watching the wheels roll over the bridge as i headed west. The woods seemed to be damp and green ahead of me, and i started to feel that this place might not be safe. I should not have come here alone. I crossed another bridge, but realized that it was very long. I noticed that the ground to the south of me was now quite a way down. I looked up suddenly, realizing that i had walked into a large wooden structure. It seemed to be a kind of bridge, but it was made of many wooden towers and decks. The towers looked like tall cubes with small windows in them. Everything was made of vertical wooden planks that were widely spaced. This structure seemed like some kind of art form, and i knew it was for walking over something. To the west of me, the structure turned to the north. It seemed to have many levels now and was a few stories off of the ground. I could see the damp green grass of a park to the west of the structure. The sun sparkled off of the dew on the grass, but the area seemed threatening. There was something about this place that as dangerous. This is where the man had been killed: on this structure. I looked around cautiously. The murderer was here somewhere, and he was going to kill me. I tried to remember what the man had been doing on this structure. He had followed the structure across the river to get home, but i could not figure out were the river was. It seemed to be to the south of me, but i kept looking to the west, into the wet woods beyond the park. I was anxious about the man who was going to kill me. The victim had disappeared here, and i knew that the man had killed him. I was reliving that scene, but i could not see anyone around me. I wondered where the killer was in the structure.

I sat in font of the large computer screen, on the eastern side of the small lab. This place was my office. The large monitor was to the west of me, and it was filled with a picture of some design. My attention was then drawn to the south of me as someone opened a door. I looked out the door of the room, just to the south of me, into the larger lab outside. $A14 had come in through the eastern door of the outer lab, carrying something with him. He handed some papers to a woman who was working in the lab to the south, but he looked up and saw me on the computer in the lab where i as. I had finished working that morning. It was now late in the afternoon, and i was still on the computer. He did not expect me to still be working here, and i felt bad for staying in the lab without doing work. I was doing my own stuff on the computer. I looked back at the screen, thinking that i should close any programs that would look bad. The large graphic was still open on the right side of the screen. It had a white background, with large orange blobs across it and flecks of black and yellow. It seemed like abstract art. I hurried to close some of the windows, but could not get them closed quickly. I then realized that the image was not that bad. I could have let $A14 see it. I closed it anyway. $A14 was talking to the woman in the outer lab, and he did not seem to want to come in to where i was. I tried to act as though i was just shutting down the computer anyway to leave. $F57 was sitting to the west of me, at another computer. He faced southeast as he worked in a desk, with his back to the northern wall. As i stood up to leave, he asked me if i could adjust the heat in the room. I remembered that it was programmed to go down when i was not working. I knew where the thermostat was, but i did not want to tell him. It seemed to be in the office to the south of me. I told him that i did not know where the controllers to the heat were. I said that they were automatically programmed to control the heat based on my work schedule. I said that he should ask the managers to have the heat turned up. $A380 then came into the room from the door in the eastern end of the southern wall. He circled around the western side of the room. The white room was now much longer north to south, and it was brightly lighted. There was a red and white punching bag to the south of me, and $A380 started playing with it. It was hanging just to the south of me, and i pushed at it a little. I told $A380 that he should try striking it with his fingertips. I thought that it was a way of training the fingers for an attack. As i stood up, i was about to tell $A380 that he should try the finger strike gently so that he did not hurt his joints, but he was already near the southern end of the punching bag, which now seemed to be a long padded curtain running diagonally into the center of the room. It was thick and had white on the top of the curtain and red on the bottom. The sheet was suspended by many white ropes along its length. He leaned forward and struck the southern end of the bag very hard. I told him that he should go lightly with a finger strike. I turned to the northern end of the bag and poked it with my fingers. The bag had been wobbling from the previous strike, and down picked up a wave motion from my fingers. I had not hit it that hard, but the waves in the bag made it look as though i did. One of the young boys to the west said “Wow!” and commented on how hard i had hit the bag. He was impressed and excitedly chatted with his friends about it. I walked out into the center of the room, near $A380. I then noticed that $F57 was standing near his desk on the northern side of the room. The karate instructor, who had been teaching the kids a class on the southern side of the room, was tapping him on the shoulder, asking him to stop working here. It was disrupting the class.

12009 January 14

I came to the house and walked into the corridor, which ran along the eastern side of the house. The corridor was enclosed by a thin wooden wall to the east, but it still seemed to be outside of the house. The outside wall of the house, to the west of me, seemed pale yellow, and was made of wood siding. I rounded the southeastern corner of the house and crossed the long front porch, which was also an outside corridor. There were some crates and other rustic things against the southern wall of the house, on the northern side of the corridor. I turned to the south on the western end of the house, where the corridor opened in to a wider room. I felt upset. $K2 had died, and i tried to think about what would happen now. It felt very strange that he was gone, almost as though it had been a while, and i had only recently noticed. I was very upset by this, and started to feel distressed. I did not know what we should do. I paced around in the room as the others stood by the white dividers in the center. It felt wrong for $K2 to be missing, but i knew that he was dead. This was not right. Everything had changed suddenly, and i wondered what to do. $K4 and $K3 walked to the east, down the corridor with my relatives. I imagined what it would be like to visit them and $K1 without $K2. It did not seem right to visit without $K2. I was very upset that he was dead, and i started to think that this could not be correct. I did not remember him dying before, and i thought that this must be a dream. It seemed out of place, so i must have simply dreamed that he had died, and he was really alive. I started to feel threatened by this idea. I was not safe when i started to question things like this. I turned to the north and came into the small room. My grandfather was sitting in a chair in the northeastern corner of the room, and another man, who also seemed to be a relative of mine, was sitting in a wooden chair in the northwest corner. I was standing to the south of them, and $Z was standing to the west of me. My grandfather smiled uneasily at me as he pressed the large green button on the top of the white object, which seemed to be a closed laptop computer. It was a thin plastic case with rounded corners. He placed the object against the northern wall, near the other man. This did not seem right. My grandfather told me that the object was a gift, and that it would play music. I felt very uncomfortable here, thinking that the device was really a bomb. I thought that my grandfather and the other man would leave the room, but they remained in the chairs. I waited a moment, but nothing happened. I then jokingly asked my grandfather “What happens now: a countdown?”. He said nothing. He simply stared at me as i stood in the center of the room. There was a pivoting office chair in the room in front of me, and i turned it toward me and kneeled in it, adjusting the back so that it blocked my view of the white object. I could not see the green button on the front, but i knew that it was probably still blinking, like a laptop in sleep mode. $Z asked about the device, and i explained that my grandfather had pressed the green button near the top of the front face of the object. I described the button as a power button, because it had the symbol signifying a power button. I did not feel safe around it, and felt even less safe when the two men walked out of the room to the east, exiting through the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. The doorway seemed to be against the northern wall, so that the wall was continuous on both sides. I headed to the east, into the small bathroom in the center of the eastern wall. I had to get out of the blast range of the bomb, if it did explode. I then wondered if the bomb was actually a gas bomb, which would release toxic material. I was not safe here, but i did not know what to do. I could not stay here, so i moved quickly across the room to the west. As i reached the doorway in the western wall, i noticed a gray cloud of smoke rising from the stairs on the other side of the doorway. It was too far from the device to have come from it, so i though that it must be from the floor below. I wondered where the fire was, and i decided that my father was putting firewood into the stove in the dining room. He must have left the doors to the stove open while he went to get more wood. I passed through the small cloud and started down the stairs on the western side of my parents’ house. I came into the den on the western side of the house. I immediately noticed the small fire in the fireplace in the northern wall. The fire was covered with a domed grating that had vertical patterns on it. The blue wood trim of the room framed the small fireplace. I then noticed that there was a similar fireplace in the southern wall of the room, just a little to the west of center. Neither of these fires seemed to be producing a lot of smoke, so i thought that it must really be from the fireplace in the dining room.

12009 January 15

I had the identification papers with me, but they were not mine. I had taken them from someone and was using them to get onto the airplane. I walked with my grandmother to the southwest, leaving my parents outside and heading to the counter to check in for my tickets. I felt nervous about this. I handed my tickets to the person on the southern side of the counter and then turned to the west to pull my identification papers out of my pocket. I realized that there was a passport with the documents. I quickly put the passport back in my pocket and handed the people at the counter my papers. I then realized that the person i was impersonating was a foreigner. Even though i was not traveling out of the country, i would have to show them my passport rather than the driver’s license that i had given them. I realized suddenly that they would be able to see the picture on the license that i had given them. I had taken the identification papers from a spanish woman. They would have to compare the picture on the license with my face, and they would realize that i was not a woman. I felt nervous and told my grandmother what was wrong. The people seemed skeptical of the papers and looked at me. I pretended to shuffle through my bag as though i had lost something. I hoped that the people at the counter would think that i was looking for my travel papers. I wanted to make it seem as though i had not yet given them the papers. I shuffled through the large dark-blue bag that i was carrying, but i did not know what to do. I did not have anything else to give the people, and they would know that i was not the spanish woman. I hoped that they did not ask me anything in spanish. I did not remember that much from high school.

12009 January 17

I headed to the southeast, across the room of the basement apartment, where the others were. Something on the western end of the cement southern wall was green. The stairs to the street were in the southern wall, and i was leaving the apartment. I stopped on the northern side of the street in the urban area. The buildings around me were tall stone or brick apartments. Cars were parked on both sides of the street. Looking to the east, down the street, i noticed a woman in a dark uniform moving down the street, on the southern side of the cars that were parked on the northern side of the street. She seemed to be a meter reader, and i felt concerned about the car that i had just parked on the corner of the block. I then noticed that the woman was riding in a small buggy, which looked like a bumper car. It was black, with police logos on it. It had a rounded front and a small opening in the middle where one person could sit. There was a second woman in dark gray walking behind the cart, and it seemed as though she was pushing it like a carriage. There was something strange about this situation, and i watched them as they passed in front of me and continued down the street to the west. The small black car swerved a little as they went, as though the woman walking behind it was having trouble controlling the car. I watched as the car started to spin around once. I realized that the woman in the car was actually in control, and the person following the car had a camera. He or she was filming the car as it spun again. This must be part of a movie. I thought that they were filming scenes of the person spinning in the car. They would edit it later to get only the clips that they wanted. As the woman spun and moved farther down the road, i thought that the camera in the car might also pick up the person walking behind the car, who was wearing dark-gray pants and a long trench coat. I decided that the film from the car would probably only be used in short clips, so a full revolution would never be seen. I followed the car down the street to the west, carrying the stuff with me. I was in the car, and i drove it to the western end of the block and turned to the north, following the women. I felt annoyed, and did not want to park the car, so i stepped out and carried the stuff back to the southwestern corner of the urban block. The large cream-tan van rolled down the street to the north, following the two officials. I thought that the van would probably crash into something on the side of the street, but i did not care. I watched it as it rolled slowly over the crest of the hill and started down the steep part of the street. I hoped that it did not run into the officials who were walking with the black stroller. I did feel bad for leaving it, and guilt finally irritated me enough that i turned around and followed it down the street. I heard the sound of a crash before i reached the corner, and i turned to head down the street. I was walking to the east now, down a narrow alley that seemed to be just to the north of the intersection i had left the car. The car should have rolled down the slope of the alley and crashed into something at the bottom. I came to the bottom, but i did not see the car. I wondered if the women had taken it away already. I passed where it should be, but i could not see it. The others were with me now, and i told them that the car was parked here. I felt bad for leaving it, since it was not my car. We searched around the tall cement corridor, which had fluorescent lights overhead. The car was missing, and i would let the others think that it had been stolen from where i had parked it. Someone then opened the double metal doors on the northern side of the hall. We walked into a large storeroom, where the lost-and-found was kept. There seemed to be several cars there, but i could not see the one i had been driving. I then noticed the small green car in the northeast side of the room. I pointed it out to the others. Someone said that the green car was not the woman’s car. I walked by the back of it, looking at the bright green color of the small hatchback car. There was black writing on the back of the car, with a large black outline of a heart. They were drawn in crude black paint with an uneven brush. This had to be the woman’s car. I walked to the northern side of the car, which was the driver’s side. I could see more of the black painting, and i told the people with me that this was definitely the woman’s car. It must have been taken off of the street and put here. I knew that it had crashed, though, and i wanted to see what the front of the car looked like. I looked at the front of the car, which now seemed rather small. The nose of the car was shaped somewhat like a domed cone, with flat sides. It was very close to the car in front of it, so i pushed it back a little. The green car rolled back into the room. I told the others that there was no bumper on the green car. They were surprised at this and came to see. The bumper had gotten caught in the car in front of it and pulled off. There were thin poles extending from under the nose cone of the green car that had held the bumper in place, but the black braces now were empty. The others crowed around to look, picking pieces of wreckage away from the bumper area of the green car. Some of them were disappointed, but i did not let them know that i had intentionally let the car roll down the hill. The officials must have been quick in bringing it here after it had crashed. The others still thought that it had been taken from where i had left it, and i told them that i thought that i had locked the doors. I looked at the braces on the front of the car, thinking that i would have to reattach the wires and some of the cables to get the bumper back onto the car. I pulled the thin bumper form the back of the car in front and wondered if it could be reattached. I noticed that there were many yellow wires running between the round lights that were mounted on the black metal bars of the bumper. This was too complicated to repair, and i was disappointed.

I got up and walked around the small apartment. It was early morning, but the others had left. I moved to the west, across the room. I should shower, but i did not feel like doing it right now. I noticed the small shower in the western end of the northern wall. It was the shower for this room of the apartment, where i had been staying. I realized that i could have been using this shower rather than the larger shower in the other part of the house. It seemed that this shower would have been cleaner. The other shower was for the other tenants in this apartment building. I had been staying with the two people in this room, so i could have used the “exclusive” shower. I thought about the young men who lived in the other part. They now seemed like college-aged men, and they seemed rather crude. I moved into the next room to the east. There was one other man living in this part of the apartment with us. He moved from the northern wall as i came into the next room, looking at me curiously. He was wearing a white shirt and pale pants. He seemed surprised by my presence, and i thought that he was somewhat geeky. I continued to the east, thinking about this place. $F12 seemed to be sitting on the eastern side of the area, but it was not really $F12. It was just a man’s body that looked like $F12. I leaned against it, pushing it up with my back. The man in the room to the west of me now seemed to be $F45, and i hoped that he did not mind me fooling around with $F12. $F12 seemed rather muscular, and i was having fun pushing the body to the east. It seemed almost like wrestling, but there was no response from the body as i pushed. I could feel the large muscles of the bare arm as it moved across my upper chest. I hoped $F45 did not mind.

12009 January 19

$F42 spoke to me as we stood in the open area. I looked to the south at the scenes from the movie that was showing. I seemed to be watching the people live as they moved in front of me, but the scenes were changing from one place to another. The naked man was riding the watercycle to the west, in the middle of the narrow channel. He looked up at us as he smoked a cigar. I pointed out the movie to $F42, asking if he had seen it. The naked man was now standing in the middle of the street to the southwest of us, but then he was back on the watercycle. This time he was wearing clothes. I recognized him an Ewan McGregor. I told $F42 that this was actually a very good movie, pointing out that Ewan was naked a lot. I described how he was naked on a “skidoo” a lot. I told $F42 that the name of the movie was Water Sports. He said that he had never seen it, but i told him that he should. He then remembered something and pulled out a small stack of black papers. They were flyers for a play that he was directing. He told me the name of the play, and i looked at the flyer. He turned around to the west to grab something. I then realized that the play might be soon, and i would be out of town for it. I looked at the dates on the card, hoping that the play would be in March. There was a calendar on the bottom of the flyer, and the dates of the play were in white. The fifteenth through the eighteenth were marked in white. The fifteenth was a Saturday, and the eighteenth seemed to be the Monday. That was this weekend, but i knew that i would be out of town. The twenty-fifth was also in white, and it was in the last spot on the right of the calendar. It was in a Saturday spot, but i knew that it was a Sunday. As $F42 returned, i handed him back the flyer, telling him that $F45 and i would not be able to see the show. He seemed surprised and disappointed. I told him that i would be at the Sundance Film festival and would not be returning until the twenty-fifth. But then i told him that i might be able to make the play. I was not exactly sure when we would be back on the twenty-fifth, and i though that we might be home early enough to come to the play. I would have to ask $F45 what he wanted to do.

12009 January 20

I heard the people mention $G4 to the east of me as i headed down the white hallway in the second floor of the building. I realized that there was going to be a run this evening. It seemed strange because i had not known about it, but the people here were getting ready to go. The young man seemed excited about it. He was tall and thin, with fuzzy black hair. $A326 stopped me and asked about the run. I told her that i was as surprised about it as she was. I sat down on the bench of the picnic table, which had its short end against the northern wall. She leaned over my right shoulder as i faced west on the southern end of the bench. She wanted to know if it was really a good idea to have the run now. I told her that the others had said that it was happening, and the others around $P19 were getting ready for the run. I then realized that she used to come on the runs with us and wondered if she was upset that she was caught off guard by the run. It seemed as though it was in the middle of the week, which did seem like an odd time for a run. I told $A326 that i had only heard of the run from the young man, and i pointed him out. He was now sitting on the southern edge of the table, facing me. The other man, who seemed to be $A230, was sitting on the bench directly across the table from me. I noticed now how attractive the young man looked as he spoke about the run. He mentioned it to me again, and then referred to his brother. I realized that he must be $A230’s younger brother and asked about it. They nodded, confirming the information. I stood up from the table and walked to the south, across the gray hallway and into the conference room of the office building. I had to get ready for the meeting. There was a large black rectangular table in the center of the room, with chairs around it on all sides. I walked along the eastern side of the table. I was moving with excitement, and seemed to have been hopping around the conference room. I stopped in a chair on the eastern side, and my head was very close to the ceiling. There were several dull-silver oval tags hanging from pipes in the ceiling. I thought about grabbing one, but i knew that it would not support my weight. I remembered hanging from one of the pipes earlier, when the others were here. I felt like doing some pull-ups on the pipe again, but i remembered that it was the thick black pipe with the red diagonal stripes on it. I felt excited, and thought about the young man again as i moved slightly to the north. I remembered being here with everyone, but, now, i had to get ready for a meeting. I came to the door, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall, but i turned to the west. I imagined that a large dinosaur had escaped and tried to come crashing into the room. We would have to sit very still so that it did not attack us. As i rounded the room again, i imagined that the tyrannosaur would stop at the eastern side of the table to sniff some people. Someone would run out of the room, to the south, and the tyrannosaur would try to follow, thought it would not fit easily through the small doors. I wondered if it would be better to jump under the table. I was on the eastern side of the large wooden conference table now, looking through the chairs at the floor. The table seemed high, and i thought that the baby tyrannosaur could easily walk under the table to get someone there. I remembered that there was actually a baby dinosaur in the movie, so hiding under the table would not be a good idea. I was then on the northern side of the room, wondering what would happen if we tipped the table upward as the large tyrannosaur tried to run to the south, after the person who tried to escape from the room. It could be turned up on its side and pushed against the western wall. I realized that the people sitting on the eastern side of the table would have to run around to the western side before it was pulled against the wall, forming a wedge-shaped area around the northwestern corner of the room. The tyrannosaur would still be able to smell us over the top of the wall, and it could still break down the wall, so this was not really a good hiding place. I moved out of the office to the north, thinking about this. I was in the mall now, and i started to run down the long wide corridor on the northern side of the stores. I headed to the west, excited about the idea, but came to the end of the mall. There seemed to be a car dealership just to the south of me. I turned around and headed back to the east, turning into the glass doors of the store to the south. The automatic doors folded open on either side, allowing me into the breezeway. I had worried that they would be locked. I stopped just inside. I could see the large empty store on the other side of the second set of double glass doors. This place was not yet open. With excitement, i quickly turned around and ran out of the breeze way, joking with myself that i could not be this close to a Wall-Mart store. I smiled at this idea as i continued to the east. I then stopped and looked at my thick black shoes on the polished white floor under me. I slid them forward and back. I seemed to be sprinting in very long strides, but i was not actually moving. I was just faking the movements. I slid my feet forward and back several times, feeling the movement. I was then aware than the cameras were watching me. I wondered what the security guards would think as they saw me here. I decided that i should start running to the east, so i started moving my feet in the sprinting motion again. I started out very slowly, thinking that i would accelerate until i was at a sprint. I did not accelerate, though. I tried to move faster, but i could not go. I then stopped all together and decided that i should walk normally. There was a round kiosk to the northeast of me, in the middle of the corridor, and i was aware that a security guard in a blue shirt was sitting on the bench against the northern wall. He seemed to be dark-skinned. I started walking, but the motion was strange. I remembered this happening before, where the first movements of walking seemed awkward and unproductive, but i continued on.

12009 January 21

I carried the large floppy disk to the north, in to the office. I knew that the disk carried a virus that would corrupt the entire system here, and i knew that i had to get the virus installed on the systems. I handed it to one of the women across the wooden service counter from me. This place was a bank, or some office that i was acquainted with. They took the file from my hand, which was a black square disk and used it in their machines. I then walked through the wide corridor of the building, heading to the north. The corridor was two stories tall, with windows on the second story. The walls on the second floor seemed to be off white, and there was polished wood trip separating the floors. The lower floor seemed to be finished with similar wood trim, and there were offices and windows into offices on both sides of the corridor. To the west, there seemed to be more service counters. I stepped through the double wooden doors at the northern end of the room and walked into another section of the corridor. The doors had glass on the upper halfs. The office to the north was $G6. This was the place that i used to work. I had to deliver the virus to them as well in order to disrupt all of the computer systems at the same time. I looked down at the large floppy disk, thinking that it was a very old style of disk, and i wondered if they still had machines that would read it. The cover of the disk, which was shaped like a folder, had a picture on the front that seemed to be a starry sky, with a faint blue cluster or nebula near the right center. There were words in white above a thin red line that extended from the left side. I gave the disk to someone, pretending that i did not really know what it was and that i was to deliver it here. I was in the room to the south again, and i saw some of the computer monitors flicker and turn black. The people around the room seemed confused and looked around at the monitors around them. The computer systems were already infected. I knew that $G6 had their systems separated, but they were going down as well. I acted as though i had no idea what was going on. I though about explaining to people that i had simply brought in the disk and that i was unaware of what it really was. They would easily suspect that the virus was on the disk. I looked at the disk in my hands again, noticing the old company logos in white on the lower right side. I told someone that i really did not know what the disk was as they led me to the south. I was in the bank again. I looked up and saw $F43 standing with a customer near the counter in the southern wall. She seemed frustrated by the computer failure. I acted humored by the situation and told her that i might have been responsible for the outage. I had to pretend that i did not know what had happened from the disk. I then wondered if i should actually have given the disk to the offices. I remembered that $A110 had given me the viruses, so there was someone else who knew about this. I also realized that he might tell people that he had given me the viruses because he would not have wanted me to use it against $G6. He did not know that i would actually use it against anyone, and he would feel that he would have to turn me in. I wondered if i really should have done it. I knew that it was too late now to do anything about it, but i felt bad.

I floated to the west, toward the southern end of the large run-down cement building, which seemed to be part of a factory. A woman ran around the southern corner of the building, shouting for help. There was a small man following her. The man called for me to stop the woman, but i let her run past me. I thought that i should deter the man from following the woman, but i did not do anything. I simply floated over the dirt ground outside the building. The people ran through the bushes to the northeast and north, and then the woman circled back toward the building. She was very short: about a metre tall, and she was wearing ragged blue and tan clothing that looked like something from the middle ages. The man was again calling for me to stop her. I moved toward the metal door on the wall of the factory and let the woman pass through it. I then closed it so that the man would be delayed in getting through. I moved to the west, into the large open room of the old factory. The place was dirty, and things seemed to be hanging in little strips from the ceiling. The walls and ceiling were crumbling, and the floor was dirt. There were people to the north of me. They seemed to be dressed in tight black and pink leather clothing and had long frizzy hair. I thought that they looked like a rock band, but this had nothing to do with the woman.

12009 January 23

I was collecting my things so that i could leave this area, but i was being distracted by something. There were other people moving around in the area. A man was to the west of me, and he was being very mean to me. He kept trying to interfere with what i was doing, making it harder for me to gather my things. He then broke some of my things. I was upset with him.

I moved to the west, across the northern part of the locker room. I was here after doing a workout at the gym, and i needed to take a shower. It seemed that i was not wearing many clothes. To the south of me was a row of small white metal machines, which seemed to have something to do with the showers. There was a woman standing on the opposite side of the row from me, looking at one of the machines. I was walking to the west, on the northern side of the machines, looking down at them. I knew that they were washing machines and thought that i should wash my cloths here. They seemed very small, though, only a few decis across, and i wondered if they were really washing machines. I backed to the east, looking at the machines as i went. They were pale green on the outside, with white on the bottom. They looked beat up and worn. They seemed to be made out of thick cast metal, and the pale-green paint on the top part was chipping. There was a round raised section in the center of each machine. I opened the top of one of the machines to look inside. I did not quite understand how the machines could wash clothes. The lid opened up from a seam that ran diagonally down the sides of the box, showing the dull metal interior. The inside of the machine seemed to have a spiraling metal churn than ran sideways inside. There did not seem to be enough space inside the machine to put clothes, and i felt a little confused about how the machines worked. A man to the southeast of me then asked where the showers were. I looked up at him. I told him that they were all around us as i turned to look at him. I then noticed that the area around me seemed very wide open. The man was young, with crew-cut blond hair. He seemed to be wearing only his underwear, and he seemed nicely muscled, though not that detailed. He looked around at the area around us. There were thin beams forming squares over our heads, but there did not seem to be any walls, except for the dingy run-down wall to the west, which had chipping white paint on the cinder blocks. The man seemed a little hesitant, and told me that he wanted a shower with some walls around it. I realized that he did not like showering with other people. I told him that there were closed stalls to the east. When i looked past him, however, i noticed that the yard around us seemed to be empty. The dead grass was flattened, and there was nothing around, except for a chain-link fence along the road to the east. I noticed some low steel square structures in the field. They seemed to be buildings either under construction or under demolition. I realized that the green cinder-block shower building must have been torn down by the college’s construction. I sayed this to the man. I then suggested that he could go to $P73 to shower near the pool. I did not think that it was really a practical idea, and the man agreed.

12009 January 27

I followed the two young men to the east, through the door in the old cement wall. We came to the place outside the building. It was dark, and i was nervous because we were about to perform a show. We were a band, but i did not feel that i was ready for the show. I did not know the music well enough, and i was not practiced on the guitar anymore. I paced around the loose gravel of the small porch-like area on the southern end of the eastern side of the building. I did not think that we should perform. One of the men with me had short light-blond hair. His face was very square, with distinct cheekbones and jaw line. He stood with a slight forward hunch as he paced around, and he was wearing a bluish-white T-shirt and jeans. The other young man had short dark hair and seemed to be wearing heavier clothing. I seemed to be older than both of them. Someone called us back to the show, and we reentered the building through the door in the southern end of the cement wall. I followed the others as they turned to the north, heading across the top of a short steep grassy hill, which descended to the west. We seemed to be in the interior corner of an L-shaped building. The cement walls of the building were dingy gray near the tops, and the dark roofs seemed to be made of corrugated metal. We walked through a doorway to the north, entering into a dark room. This was the stage. The others walked to the northwest inside, getting into their positions. It was too dark for me to see here, so i walked slowly, waiting for my eyes to adjust. I could make out some of the cables on stage. I hoped that i did not trip over any of the instruments. The music started and i played the guitar. I could hear the rock music as i played. I then messed up the chords, and the sound came out muffled and unclear. I continued playing, hoping to get back to the right notes. I was not playing guitar well, and i felt bad about it. I started repeating the same chords on the neck. They were all power chords, and i was playing a series of E, A, G, and B. I did not like the way it sounded. I then could not remember any other parts of the song. I felt terrible and did not think that i should be playing the songs. The song reminded me of a Foo Fighters’ song. I was then in the basement roof of the building, looking to the east. This place seemed like $P19, and there were wooden armchairs arranged in rows and columns like a classroom. Two men were standing near the eastern wall. One of them had sprayed alcohol on the wall in two small spots, which marked the wall like a stain. The black stain looked like a hole, with white smoky streaks fanning out from it. The tall oriental man tried to light the alcohol on fire. Both of the men were wearing black jackets and pants over a white shirt. $Z, who was sitting in a chair to the south of me, commented that he hoped that the men did not burn the place down. I watched the two men as they tried to light the spots on the wall. I knew that the cement wall would not burn that well, so the fire would not spread to the rest of the house. I then realized that the tall thin oriental man had somehow set his pant legs on fire. He did not seem to be aware of the flames at the moment, but others in the room were moving to tell him. The man noticed the flames and moved into the center of the room, starting to panic. I thought that we needed to cover him with a blanket to smother the flames. I then realized that i was reclined on the couch against the eastern wall, with a comforter over my legs. It seemed to be a large pinkish-orange down comforter, but i did not think that it would be good to use for the file. The nylon material would melt. The man needed a heavy wool blanket. The man was then rolling on the ground to smother the flames, which had engulfed his entire suit. Others were helping him to put out the fire. A man walked toward me after the fire was out. He stopped just to the west of me and stared at me for a moment. I wondered if he was thinking about the blanket that i had on my legs. I felt guilty for not using it. I told $Z that we should have used a wool blanket rather than the comforter. I stood up and tossed the pinkish comforter back onto the couch, I looked around the room. There was a bunk bed to the north of me, against the northern wall. I realized that it had wool blankets on the lower bunk. The blankets were dark green. I left the room and headed to the east. As i approached the door in the eastern wall of the recreation room of $P19, i could hear someone playing music. I remembered how horribly i had played in the show, and i wondered who was playing guitar. I started singing to the music. I knew that i could at least get singing right, even if i was out of practice. I started singing lightly to the song as i continued to the east, toward the music. The song seemed to be “Lady Grinning Soul”, which i thought was a strange song for someone to be singing. I did know the lyrics, though. I stepped out of the room and looked to the north. There were two people sitting on a table in the northwestern corner of the hallway, just to the north of the door. The person playing guitar was leaning against the northern wall, and he seemed to be $A120. I was surprised that $A120 could play guitar, but, i then realized that he only looked like $A120. His face was actually wider and more angular. His eyes seemed very wide and large under his heavy brow. The other man on the table turned to look at me as i paused just outside the doorway. I listened for a moment before turning to the south and heading up the stairs to the first floor of the house. I sang softly to the music, aware that i was not as familiar with the lyrics in this verse. I just hummed part of it until i could get back to one of the choruses. I sang very softly, trying to reach some of the high notes. I headed back to the north at the top of the stairs. The doors to the dining room were closed. As i approached them, a man opened them. Dinner was being prepared, and the dining room was still being set up. I realized that i had never signed up for dinner and wondered if i should actually go to eat. It would not be good to show up without signing up. I headed upstairs, into the third floor bedroom. I crossed the house to the south, walking across a bedroom on the second floor. $A197 was sitting at a desk on the northern wall of the room. He seemed to be working on something and did not pay any attention to me as i walked across the room. I then realized that there were a lot of people around the house at the moment. It seemed strange, because i knew that my room would be rather empty. Everything seemed so populated in the house, but, when i entered my room, there was no one around. I looked across the large empty room from the west. There were things scattered across the floor, like clothing and paper. There did not seem to be any furnishings in the room, and everything seemed vacated. There were no people around and the place seemed empty.

12009 January 29

I turned to the east to answer the telephone. I was in the upstairs room of a house. The room was long north to south, and was mostly white. There were furnishings around the outside walls. The woman on the telephone asked me for information, but i did not know the answer. She wanted to know what her son would have to do when he returned to the house, which seemed to be $P19. I told her that i did not know the answer and that i would have to have someone call her back. I moved to the dresser against the eastern wall where i could write a message. She asked me who i was, and i told her than i was an alumnus of this place. She gave me some information, and i wrote her name down on the small piece of blue paper that i had torn off of something on the dresser. I wrote down her last name, and then wrote “Ms.” in front of it. I then started to write down her first name, but i was not quite sure what she had said. I wrote down “Dewitt”, but it did not seem like a first name. I started to move away from the telephone, but then i realized that i did not know who her son was. I quickly asked her for her son’s name. There was no response from the telephone. I realized that she must have hung up. I felt awkward, thinking that i did not handle the situation well enough. There was someone standing to the northwest of me as i hung up the telephone. I turned to the south and grabbed the large sheet of clear plastic, pulling it after me as i headed to the northeast, out of the room. The plastic had been brought here earlier, and i wondered why i was bringing it back downstairs. I came into the central area of the house, where several people were hanging out. People were lounging around in the living room, which seemed to be filled with a warm yellow light. The tones in the room were brown and tan, and the people there seemed relaxed on the couches and chairs. These were the summer people. The school was on break, and the people here were living here temporarily until everyone came back. It seemed that the people would be coming back soon. I carried the message with me, thinking that i would put it in one of the mailboxes near the kitchen. I walked into the dining room, wondering whose mailbox i should put it in. I did not know who was running any of the offices. I dragged the plastic sheet into the dining room, where i noticed several other folded plastic sheets on a table. I wondered if i should have brought this one back down. I looked to the west, down the length of the living room, noticing a woman reclined on the brown couch against the southern wall. She had long curly hair. There were two other women in the room, both with long hair. I then noticed how many women there were in this place. It seemed strange. Normally, there were only a few women here and many men. I turned to the south in the dining room, asking the man a question about the telephone call. I needed to know the name of the person in charge of something. I tried to think of what person i wanted. At first, i thought that he would be the pledge chairman, but realized that this was not correct. The woman on the telephone had asked for some information on her son, but i could not remember what officer i should give the information to. I tired to think so i could ask for the man’s name and put the message in his box.

12009 January 30

The cell phone rang and i sat up in the bed and answered it. The room was dark, and my mother was still sleeping in the bed. $F45 was on the telephone. The large bed had its headboard against the northern wall, and it took up most of the space in the room. I walked from the western side of it and headed toward the door in the eastern wall, holding the phone to my right ear while covering my left ear with my other hand. I was having trouble hearing $F45. He was talking about the ceremony. I told him that i would be there as i stepped into the next room. There seemed to be large metal pipes and equipment in the room. I moved through them as i talked to $F45. I then realized that we were talking about our marriage. He had said that his father would not be able to make it this weekend because it was too soon, but that his mother could come. It seemed strange that we were getting married so soon. I felt as though things had been rushed, and i was upset that this was not properly planned out. I then felt that it could not be planned out properly because of the situation. I spoke to him on the cell phone as i paced back to the west, into the main hall of the large building. I felt as though i was being rushed into the ceremony, but i wanted it to happen eventually. The room around me seemed to be part of a church. The walls were pale-gray stone, and the ceiling was very high above us and seemed to be arched. There was a doorway in the western wall to the north of where i was. It was arched, with a point on the top, and the frame around the archway was thick, with several rolls of trim. A priest in long white robes walked out of the doorway and turned to the north. The mass would be starting soon inside, and people were beginning to gather. I would have to go into the chapel eventually, but i wanted to finish talking to $F45 on the phone. I felt a little out of place here, and i did not want to disrupt the service with talk of our marriage. I walked to the east, back across the north-to-south hall of the church and into a small room to the east. The room was square, with high ceilings. There seemed to be a doorway in the southern wall, but it was blocked by some construction scaffolding. The large stained-glass window in the eastern wall was also blocked by some of the scaffolding, and there was a large sheet of clear plastic hanging over it. I could see the blue light from the window on the plastic. I walked under the scaffolding and grabbed onto the metal bar that passed over my head, on the northern section of the scaffolding. I thought about handing here or doing pull-ups. I wanted to do pull-ups, as i had done before, but i felt that the scaffolding might be unstable, and that i should not play on the construction equipment. Someone said something from behind me, to the southwest. I quickly dropped my arms from the bar and headed back to the west. I started talking again about the ceremony that i was to have with $F45. Something seemed very out of place, but i did not know what it was. I paced into the main hall, along the northern all. I realized that i was on a balcony that overlooked the main chapel. I looked to the north, over the stone railing at the end of the hall. I could see the altar at the northern end of the chapel below. The priest was performing a ceremony there, and the entire room seemed very dark. I realized that i had to talk quieter on the telephone so that the congregation could not hear what i was saying. I did not want to disturb them. I headed back to the apartment, heading to the west. I had started from there, and i had to go back to get things. There seemed to be something following me. This entire place seemed very dark, and i was standing in the doorway to the apartment, looking to the west. The apartment was to the east of me, and i was looking across the run-down yellow walls of hallway of the old apartment building. The stairwell was just to the southwest of me. The stairs ran down the northern side of the well, just a meter away. Something was wrong here. Bad things could have followed me back to the apartment. I was worried about them. I did not want to bring them back to the house, so i should have gone elsewhere. I had to keep them out of here. I headed down the stairs of the stairwell. There was then a man to the northwest of me. He was an older man, and he commanded the animal to behave. I thought that the animal was dangerous, and i thought that it might be the velociraptor that was following me. I looked to the west, but i saw a large winged dinosaur. It was diving nose first toward the ground. It actually looked more like a dragon, with wide leathery wings and a long lizard-like body with a waving tail. I thought that the man might be commanding it to protect us from the velociraptors, but i was unsure. The animal did not seem like it wanted to do what it was told. I was frightened of it and the pursuing creatures. I headed to the south, across the lawn outside the apartment. The apartment seemed to be to the northwest of me. I was standing by a large tree on the shore of the water. The water to the south of me was calm, and i could not see the opposite shore in the dark. The tree seemed leafless and tall. I then noticed the rock in the water to the south. It was a rough boulder, and it seemed to be floating on the water. It had something to do with the large dragon. I then realized that it was actually floating over the water. The animal must have thrown it ashore. I quickly moved to the northern side of the tree, and the rock started moving to the north, passing me well to the east of where i was. I wondered if the dragon was throwing the rocks at the velociraptors that were pursuing me, or if it was trying to kill me. I could not be certain. I looked to the south to see another rock lift into the air and move toward me, this one heading well to the west of the tree. The rocks seemed to be moving in slow motion. I hid behind the tree in case the dragon was trying to hit me, but i suspected that it was actually trying to hit the monsters that were after me. Maybe it was trying to keep me safe. I quickly looked behind me, to the north. I could not see the velociraptors approaching, but i felt as though i could not see very well. I did not want to take my eyes off of the water, in case one of the boulders was coming at me. I looked back to the water to watch for more boulders, but i felt that i also had to watch for the animals that might be approaching me from behind. I was frightened. The boulders kept flying past the tree, and i kept trying to see if any velociraptors were coming, but i could not see anything on the dark lawn to the north. I became tense and worried.

12009 January 31

I stood to the north of the large stadium, where the concert was being held. There were many people gathered around, and i was with some other people. We had come to see this concert. I looked to the south, at the high wall of the outside of the stadium. There were people crowding the multiple levels of the stadium above me, and the ground on the other side of the chain-link fence was crowded with people. Many of them seemed to be wearing red or orange jackets. To the southwest of me, there seemed to be a corridor where the people were parted around a walkway. The walkway ascended along the outside of the stadium, curving back and forth slightly as it went. I knew that i should not be heading into the stadium without a pass, but i started to follow some other people down the walkway. I was walking through the interior corridors of the large building. I had come here without a pass, but no one had asked me whether i had clearance to be here. I followed the man in the black T-shirt down the corridor, which curved back and forth slightly. The tall white walls were wavy as the corridor rounded its way through the stadium. I felt that the main stadium was to the southeast, and i was heading roughly to the southwest. There were doorways on both sides of the hallway that were covered with dark-purple drapes. Some people walked into them from the group ahead of me, but i continued to follow the man down the hall. I had to go into one of the doors eventually, but i was worried that i would get caught if i did. They seemed to be special booths. I then turned into one of the booths at the end of the hall, following the man inside. There were people everywhere, and i was still pushing through the crowds here. I did not belong here, but i played along with everyone, moving through the crowd and watching what people were doing. It the small dark room, people were gathered near the northwestern wall, where there was a square indentation. The man in the black T-shirt was pushing a large black wooden frame toward the wall. I realized that the wall would open out into the main stadium. The people were climbing into the indentation, and would be pushed out by the square wood frame. I did not want to be pushed out onto the main floor of the concert, so i backed up, away from the box. I thought that these people would be pushed into the mosh pit. I had to stay away from the concert. I backed to the northeast, but then realized that i had forgotten something in the room. I had been carrying a pillow with me. It was in a light-blue flannel pillowcase. I started to go back for it, but the people had already been pushed through the doorway behind me. I tired to tell one of the guards that i was going back into the room to get some things that i had left, but i was worried that he would not let me back in. I felt out of place here and did not know what to do.

I moved through the large crowd of $G4. We were gathered for a special event, which seemed to have at least a hundred people gathered. I moved to the east, through the crowded room. There were chairs in the room that were facing east, and there seemed to be picnic tables running in rows across the room. All of the people were chatting with each other, but i felt alone here. I walked through the crowd and sat down on a couch on the eastern end of the room. I was on the southern end of the couch, facing north. I felt out of place here, as though i did not have anyone to relate to. I then noticed the tennis ball coming toward me from the north. It seemed to hit me, but i was still grabbing the tennis racket from the floor to the east of me. I held it up as the ball flew toward me and hit me on the left shoulder. I had not moved the racket fast enough to bounce the ball off of it. The crowd behind me giggled and oohed, telling me that i had been hit by the tennis ball. I looked to the north to see the people playing table tennis with green balls tennis balls and full-sized rackets. I was now not sure whether the ball had bounced off of the small white racket that i held in my hand, or whether it had actually hit my shoulder. The man in the couch to the west of me leaned forward and told me that i had been hit by the ball. I did not want to admit it and tried to disagree. He then asked me whether i had seen the ball coming at me twice. I remembered that i had, and i realized that something about being hit altered my memory, making it seem that the ball had come at me twice, when it had hit me the first time and created a false memory of the second ball that i had tried to hit with the racket. I rubbed my left collarbone, feeling the discomfort from where the ball hit me. I started moving around the area. I did not feel comfortable here, and i thought that i should leave, but i did not know how to do it.

I moved down the irregularly shaped hallway of the large building, which seemed like a mall. The walls were dull orange and seemed to be shaped from heavy metal, as though they were bulkheads. There was a bad guy to the west, and we had to avoid him. The others had a plan to get rid of him, however. I felt uncomfortable here. We turned to the north, heading into one of the rooms off of the corridor. It seemed like an airport bar off the side of the mall corridor. We started heading to the west inside, and the bad guy was standing in the room to the north of us. I was very uncomfortable here. The man to the east of me then said that we should return the general’s sword to him. I was worried about this, thinking that the general should not get his sword back. I remembered doing something with the weapon at the counter of the bar i had been standing at to the east. The sword had been resting on the counter on the half wall between the mall corridor and the restaurant to the north. I had looked at it and felt some tension about it. I looked to the east now, watching the man, who seemed like Robert DiNero, lift the yellow sword up as if offering it to the general, who was still to the west of us. I looked at the yellow top of the sword, which now looked like a fancy yellow cap on a ballpoint pen. The object was smaller than a sword, and i realized that it had been replaced. I remembered that we had traded the real sword for this pen. The pen was some kind of bomb or dangerous device. Robert smiled as he extended the device to the general, who stood with his men to the west of us. They seemed to be dressed in dark red. I headed to the north, thinking about this situation. One of the heroes with me was dressed in a blue costume. I then realized that there was someone in a bug-shaped costume outside the large window to the west. He was looking at us, and he had seen the yellow pen that we were trying to give the general. I was suddenly worried that he would tell the others that we had planted a dangerous device. I tried to tell the others about the bug man, but he was moving away from the window. He had large glass bulbs on the sides of his head to simulate eyes, and he was wearing a black superhero costume that had large translucent wings on the back. He was floating outside the large glass window of the space station. I told the man in the blue costume with me about him. The man in the blue costume also seemed to be dressed as an insect. He rushed over to the window, but could not get out without breaking it. I was then watching the man in the blue costume from outside the window. He was the Blue Beetle, and he was trying to stop the man outside from getting away to warn the bad guys about us. I could see the man outside the window, however. My view followed him as he pushed away from the window and started drifting downward, away from the ship. He had large wings, but they did not flap. He simply floated down from the ship, and i knew that he was drifting in the weightlessness until he reached the other part of the ship. The scene was very graceful and well shot, as though it was from a movie or comic book.