12016 January 01

I headed to the north, into the southern end of the building, which seemed like a quick-service italian restaurant. I passed through the room, looking for something. I turned a corner to the east and headed southeast, crossing through the kitchen. It seemed strange that i was here. I wondered what i was doing here. I had to get somewhere. I decided that i should get out of the kitchen, so i turned back to the northwest and headed across the room. A group of people in white aprons was standing near the doorway. The corridor out of the room ran from the northeastern all on the northeastern side of the room. A counter ran along the northeastern wall, ending near the doorway. A table was on the northwestern wall to the southwest of the door. The two men and two women stood near the entrance, chatting. I approached them, and the woman with the long blond hair, who was facing the door and talking to someone, moved out of my way. The two men stayed near the door, however. A tried to get through, but one of the men shifted position, leaning into the counter that he was leaning on. He seemed to be wearing a kilt or shorts as he sat. He was purposely blocking my way. I felt annoyed and simply tried to push past, thinking that they might get out of the way once i let them know that i was trying to get through. The man resisted, so i pushed more forcefully until i was past.

I was crouching down on the northern side of the room, doing something. My mother was to the south of me. She said something to me. I stood up and replied. I started to get a head rush as i stood up, so i stood still for a moment and breathed deeply. The feeling did not go away, though. I moved a little to the south, putting my right had on the wall near me for support. Something felt wrong. I started breathing deeply and quickly, but i could not seem to stop my head from feeling faint. I did not feel that i had to breath quickly, but i did to get more oxygen in my blood. I started to feel that my feeling was worse that a head rush. I wondered what i should do.

12016 January 06

I moved around room, feeling frustrated and rushed. I had to get to school, but i did not have my things ready. I moved across the small bedroom, which seemed to be the small bedroom in my parents’ house. The bed reached into the room from the southern wall. I walked to the north of it, stepping at the dresser on the eastern wall. A small pile of clothing was on top of the dresser. I looked through the clothes, but i could not find what i was looking for. I needed to gather my gym clothes, but the clothes that i was looking at did not seem right. I had to get some shorts. I wondered what i would need for gym. I was frustrated that i could not find what i was looking for. I trued to remember what i needed, but i could not concentrate. My mother was downstairs. I thought that she was waiting for me, but i knew that i would be driving myself to school. I felt stressed. I could not seem to find what i was looking for, and it was getting late. I then realized that i still needed to pack my lunch. I would not be able to make it in time.

12016 January 07

I stood on the southern side of the room, watching the two cats to the north of me. A man was on the northern side of the room, near the eastern wall. The two cats were in the middle of the western side of the room. They were standing on their hind feet and seemed to be boxing with each other. They did not seem to be fighting. It was some kind of play. The cats paused for a moment, looking around the room. They then continued boxing for a few seconds. I looked up at the man for a moment, and he glanced back at me. I then watched the cats again. The one on the westerns side was an orange and white calico, and the other was a gray cat with white paws. The cats seemed young and sturdy. I like the way the gray cat looked as they played.

12016 January 08

I turned the car around and started heading to the west. I was trying to park on the street. I had turned on to the street from a street to the south. As i drove a little way, i realized that i was heading the wrong way down a one-way street. I felt annoyed, and i hoped that i did not get a ticket. I had to stop somewhere near the festival, which seemed to be a music or film festival. A patio with cafe tables was on the southern side of the road, between the large buildings. A woman sat on the southern side of a table, watching me as i approached. I thought that i could simply pull off on the southern side of the street, where the parking spots were, but then i realized that it would be obvious that i was heading the wrong direction because my car would be facing backward. Annoyed, i passed the plaza area and looked for a place to turn around. I thought that i could simply turn around in the street. I then noticed an intersection not far ahead of me. I pulled out into the intersection to turn around. A car beeped its horn from the south of me. I looked to see a small dark-blue car screeching to a stop to let me pass. I must have pulled out into the intersection while the car was coming. I was annoyed with myself, and a little uneasy that i had not been paying attention to what i had been doing. I felt stressed and distracted as i drove back to the east to park.

12016 January 15

We ran from the bad person who was trying to control us. I was with a group of other people, and we moved around the small room. The bad person was to the south of us. I said that we had to leave, and i headed to the west. I knew that the person would be upset that we were leaving, but we had to get away. I ran down the stairs of the narrow stairwell. They turned counterclockwise as they descended along the flat walls of the square stairwell. The others followed me. I worried that the bad person would know that we had left. It was really a monster. I thought that it would be after us. We had to get away before it realized that we were gone. I continued to descend, and the others followed me. I did not really care if they were with me or not. I knew that they were hesitant to leave. They were afraid that the monster would retaliate. I could not stay. The building we were in seemed abandoned. I left the stairwell, heading west. The cement walls of this place were bare and dirty. I walked to the south and then headed to the east, stopping for a moment inside the next room to listen. The monster was after us. I moved into the stairwell to the north of me, leaning against the eastern wall. A narrow doorway was in the northern end of the eastern wall. I thought that the monster had come to this level and was looking for us. I wondered what we should do. I looked out the doorway, not wanting to run out in front of the creature. I then saw a shadow on the northern wall. It was the dragon. It was still looking for us. We could not go this way. I wanted to run the other direction, but i stood for a moment, looking at the shadow. The dark image sharpened, and i could now see the head of a dragon extending to the east. I turned to run to the west. The others were waiting in the room. A large swimming pool seemed to be to the south of us. The dragon then said something. It had found us. An old person shrouded in black and dark-gray robes emerged from the doorway to the northeast of me. She seemed to be an old woman, and she chastised me for running away. She moved quickly toward me, saying i should apologize for my mistake. His or her face was close to mine, but i could not see the dark face clearly. He or she wanted me to kiss him or her to show my apology. I felt uneasy but annoyed. I felt i had to leave. I was angry at the creature for trying to control us.

12016 January 17

As i started to ride my bicycle to the north, i noticed $F42 walking along the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street, ahead of me. I knew that he was heading to work. I wanted to follow him and say hello, but i knew that i would have to head to the north to get to my work. He would be turning to the east to head to his job, which was to the northeast. I decided that i should follow him anyway. I rode my bicycle down the eastern side of the street, watching $F42 as he turned the corner at the next intersection. He was wearing tall thin gray pants, which seemed to have dark thin strips running vertically up them. He also wore a flecked gray trench coat, which seemed to be wool. I turned the corner to the east and caught up with him. The street here was long and very narrow. I said hello as i rode my bicycle just to the north of him. He turned and said hello, but he did not seem to notice who i was. He turned his head back to the east and continued walking. I said hello again. He seemed annoyed that i was following him, and i wondered who he thought that i was. I talked to him some more as we turned a corner and headed to the north. He did not want to talk to me, and i felt upset that he might recognize me and still not want to talk. He crossed the street to the north and stopped in front of a building. He reached out to the glass door and looked back at me. He must recognize me now, but he still seemed grumpy and unwilling to talk. I felt upset that he was ignoring me. I told him that i would be off to my office now, and i said that i would like to chat with him sometime. I mentioned that my office was just to the southwest of here, so i would be on my way there. He did not respond. He stood in front of the door, waiting for me to leave. Upset, i rode off to the west. I thought of how i would get to my office. I would have to figure out what street i was on and head back to the south. I came to a wide street. It seemed to have a grassy median to the south. Just to the north of the intersection where i was, it crossed a bridge. I remembered this street. I pictured the map to the west of me. I could see the tan bridge crossing the blue water. It was a main north-to-south street of the city, and i remembered using it as a landmark when i was trying to figure out how to get to my office. I knew that i would have to head to the south and then turn to the east. My office would be just off of this road. Instead, i crossed the main road and headed to the northwest. The road ahead of me curved as it traveled to the northwest, through the suburban housing area. I remembered this area from the last time i had come through here. I thought about this area. The first part of it seemed to be inhabited, but the part that i was crossing now seemed to be in development. The grass around the houses was high, and the houses seemed open on the sides. I walked to the northwest, into one of the unfinished houses. I was talking to the woman as we stepped over the plywood floor of the large room and headed to the eastern end of the northern wall. We were talking about something. We had to set a trail in this area for $G4. I picked up some things that were on the floor near the northern wall. I wondered if we should be in this house or not. I knew that the realtors would not want us leaving our things in the house. I then thought that we should not actually be in the house. I mentioned this to the woman, saying that i would go to the north to set the rest of the trail. I remembered that it crossed the development and went down the hill into the valley. I felt that i needed something from the house, so i could not leave yet. I carried my backpack in my left hand as i walked through the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. I came into a long narrow kitchen, which ran to the west from the door. I seemed to have crossed an entry hall on my way to the kitchen. The woman watched me pick up the small things from the floor and hold them over the counter, which ran along the northern wall of the kitchen. One of the things in my hand looked like a small bird’s egg. It was white with a black spot on the narrow end. I thought that it was a pill, and i would have to take it for my headache. I felt uncertain about taking it, however, because i had found it on the floor. I thought that it was unclean and possibly spoiled. I told the woman that i would be heading out soon, and she left. She headed down the entry hall to the west and walked out the door. I looked at the egg uncertainly. It had cracked, and a gel was leaking out onto my finger. I decided that i did not want to take it, so i threw it down in the sink and rinsed off my hand. I picked up my bags and headed to the west, out the entry door. I hoped that no one saw me leave the building. I felt that someone might be to the south of us on the road, which ran just to the west of the building. A low hill rose to the west of the road. It was covered with tall green grass and thin trees. I thought about running up the hill, which now seemed taller as i thought about it. I did not want the person to the south to see me running through the woods here, though. Instead, i headed to the north on the road, thinking that i could head into the forest farther up the road, where i might not be seen. I looked ahead to the northwest. I remembered crossing this suburban area before. The valley beyond now seemed forested, though i knew that it was filled with suburban houses. I wondered if the trail we were setting would be too far for people to run. We only seemed to be halfway through the trail. It seemed very far to head to the place in the valley that i was thinking of. I continued down the road, thinking that i would be out of the development area as soon as i crossed over the edge of a hill. I was heading up a slight grade, but the hill on the other side sloped steeply down into the valley. I watched the narrow lane ahead of me as it curved gently from side to side. I then realized that the lane was actually a driveway, and it was heading toward a large white plaster house. The house seemed very fancy. This must have been a wealthy part of the development. The rich houses were probably along the northern side, where they could be on the ridge line. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if i would be able to make it to the edge of the hill without crossing into someone’s yard. I continued to the north, looking at the features of the white house. The driveway seemed to run directly to the house. I thought that i would have to go to the east of the house to get to the hill. I then wondered if the house had a fence around the yard that would make it impossible for us to get to the hill. As i headed down the driveway, i realized that the house was actually two separate buildings. The larger house was on the western side of the driveway, and a smaller matching building was on the east. I could see a black gate at the bottom of a set of stairs, which ascended from the western side of the driveway to a small porch of the side of the house. The stairs ended at a white screen door. I hoped that i was not trespassing on someone’s land. I looked between the houses, trying to decide if we would be able to run through the gap and make it to the hill. I decided that we should probably no go this way because the cut grass of the yard behind the house looked like private property. I turned back and headed to the south. I suddenly realized that the building to the east of me was very long. It had dark-brown crossbeams set into the white plaster of the front, making it look like an old ranch house. Windows ran along the top of the western wall, just under the roof. The roof extended over the cement driveway that i was on. I then heard a voice talking from the house. It was explaining the area to me. This seemed strange, and i wondered why the person was talking to me. I did not feel that i was trespassing anymore, but it did seem strange that the voice was talking casually with me. I was then sitting on the ground, looking up at the speakers in the ceiling above me. I felt uneasy. Something seemed unusually and threateningly calm here. I thought that i should not be here. I wondered if the voice knew who i was. The voice then referred to me as “doctor”. This made me feel uncomfortable, and i had to go. I packed my things together to leave before i got stuck here.

12016 January 21

I walked to the south, across the southern end of the large parking lot. The main building, which seemed to be a mall, was to the southwest of me. My car was parked on the southern side of a road, against the curb. It was just to the southwest of me. I thought that i would have to move it. I walked to the blue car and reached into the window, pressing a button on the door. The car backed itself out of the parking space and rolled to the southwest. I was aware of a few women to the southwest of me. They had parked a white car in the lot just to the south of the sidewalk. I had been parked in the street to the north of the sidewalk. I thought that the women had seen me move my car and would probably want to move their can into the space. I then wondered why i had moved my car. I would be staying here until later, and it seemed better to park my car on the street so that it would be easy to access. I would be in the area to the southeast of here doing something until late. I should have left my car there until later. I walked to my car, which was now in the lot, near the women. I said something to the women, telling them that i would be moving my car back. They had moved toward my car. I reached into the window of my car and pressed the button on the door again. The car started driving to the northeast. One of the women seemed to want to be in it. I watched the car as it drove to the northeast. A series of red metal poles stuck up from the ground, forming a jagged corridor to the northwest. My car jerked quickly back and forth, steering its way though the cones until it was again parked against the curb of the street. I told the woman that she would have been safe in the car, but she probably would not want to have ridden in it with it making the sudden starts and stops between the poles. I started to walk back to my car, but the family to the southwest of me caught my attention. The two women in the white coats seemed to be part of the family. They stood in a group near me, forming a semicircle just to the southwest of me. A man in a hooded parka was to the west of me, and a woman in a white down coat was to the south. A young woman in a pale blue or green parka was to the southwest of me. She seemed bitter, and she said something to me. I had thought that the family might be nice to talk to, but, because of the way the young woman was acting, i thought that they might actually be trying to take advantage of me. The young woman stared at me intently, asking me questions about my life. She seemed defensive, trying to make it seem that i was much better off than she was. I started to feel uneasy with the conversation, thinking that she was just trying to make me feel guilty so i would do something for her. She told me something about her life, and i said that i was the same way. She did not like hearing that, so she said defiantly that she had no job. I did not disagree with her, which made it seem that i did not have a job either. Defensive, she asked me if i had a job. I told her that i was a graphic designer. She accused me of being better off than she was. She then said that she did not have a family. I felt annoyed with the conversation, so i turned to the east and walked away. I turned to the south and then southwest, heading into the mall area. I was aware that the woman was following me. People were sitting at long wooden picnic tables around me. I was crossing through an open area. To the northwest of me, i could see the thick wooden beams that held up a balcony. The beams were rustic and matched the heavy beam that ran along the second floor of the eating or drinking place. People were sitting behind black iron railings on the second floor. The railings had crossed bars on them, looking like old western designs. I headed to the west, down the center of the area, aware that the woman was now following me. I felt annoyed with her.

I had to fill out the paper work and get something done. I felt that this was urgent, but i was not really sure what i should do. I knew that there were three things that i had to do, but i was not sure what two of them were. The first seemed easy, and i had already done it because i had a cold. I had to do the two other things, but i did not understand what i should do. I knew that the second one had to do with money, but it did not make sense to me. I felt frustrated trying to figure it out. I looked down at the papers to the north of me. One set was bright red. I thought that it had something to do with what i was doing, but i did not know what. I became very agitated, feeling that i had to get something done for my cold, but i did not know what i had to do.

12016 January 22

I moved around the large house. I had just bought this place and moved my things in here. I was currently in a bedroom, putting things into a box to the northeast of me. I was in the northeastern corner of a room, where a small section of the room was recessed into the northern wall. The ceiling above this section seemed slanted, as though the room was under the slanted roof. I turned to the west, putting something down on the floor. A closet door was to the west of me. I thought that the previous owners of this house had left things in the attic space. I felt interested to know what they were, now that i had bought the house. I thought that i would have to look through them eventually. I was aware that my mother was in the room to the south of me as i did things. I turned to the east and walked across the large kitchen. The kitchen seemed old and worn, but it was in good shape. It seemed like a very nice area, and i was excited to start living here. I moved around in the kitchen for a moment. The kitchen seemed to be on the eastern side of the house. I then started talking to $F10, who was to the southwest of me. He was looking for something in the area near the house. I thought about it for a moment. He showed me the address, and i could tell that it was nearby, but i was not sure where it was. I looked to the north. I now seemed to be outside the house, to the east of the house. I looked to the north, through the large multipane window to see outside. I could see a gas station across the street from the house. I was outside, and the grass was gray, but it had some shades of green. A large leafless tree stood off the northeastern corner of the house. The sky was cloudy and gray. The lawn of the house seemed very wide, and the house sat about fourty meters from the road to the north. I could see the gas station and some other commercial building across the street. They were not the locations that $F10 was looking for. I thought that he might be looking for a McDonalds, but that did not seem right. A low forested hill rose behind the buildings on the northern side of the street. I looked down at the paper that $F10 was holding to the west of me. I could not figure out where the restaurant was. I started moving to the south, looking now to the west. It was dark out and i seemed to be traveling down a road to the south. I could see a plaza to the west of us. I told $F10 that the store might be there. A large building was in front of us. It was dark, because we were looking at the back side of the building. As we moved, i could see the lights of the stores’ signs from the buildings on the western side of the parking lot, opposite the building near us. I talked about this with $F10. I was then standing near the house again, but i was farther away this time. The house was about fifty meters from me. The orientation of the house now seemed different. I was standing on the same side of the house that i was before, but i now seemed to be to the south of the house. The road ran along the eastern side of the house now, with the hill behind the stores that ran along the eastern side of it. I stood near a small gravel patch that connected with the road to the east. It seemed like a small parking lot, but it was in the middle of a field of cut grass. A train passed to the east of us, heading north. The train tracks ran along the western side of the road. I realized that the train was crossing the driveway of the house that i had just moved into. I felt annoyed by this. I knew that the train tracks were there, but i did not know that freight trains passed by. It seemed too much of an inconvenience. I told $F10 about this, pointing out that this was also the kind of train that derails. I thought about this for a moment. I then started moving along the road, heading north. The large grassy area around me now seemed to be a park. The hills to the east were closer, and the road curved slightly. A stream seemed to run along the bottom of the hill. I looked at a low stone monument that was on the eastern side of the road, where a small drive turned off and ran back to the southeast. The monument seemed to be made of small boulders that were cemented together. I thought that it was some kind of tourist park. I continued down the road to the north, thinking about this place. I was then heading east. The area around me seemed to be a large park in the middle of a big city. Tall buildings appeared on both sides of the street. They were gray and plain. I could no longer see the detail of the things around me as i moved. I looked up to see a projected screen showing something on it. It seemed to be fashion pictures. I stopped and looked at one of the pictures. It was of some kind of animal clothing. I then started moving quickly to the east. As i did, the pictures started scrolling quickly across the screen above me. I stopped again, noticing pictures of people in high-fashion attire. The images were showing me areas of the city around me. I was interested in the people in the images, but i wanted to see more of them and less of the clothing. I moved a little more. I thought about this city, thinking that i was traveling toward the commercial center to the east. I thought that the main stores would be near the water, which bordered the city on the east.

12016 January 23

There were three brothers. I was not quite sure what was happening, but i knew that the story had something to do with the three brothers. I moved back and forth around the area. I had met the three brothers of the family, and i thought that they were all rather attractive. The youngest brother played rugby. I felt interested in the brothers, but was unsure what was happening here. I drove the car to the north, looking down at the rugged dirt trail under me. The trail dropped into a small gully and ran up the other side, heading north to the gully and then northwest after crossing the stream. I looked down at the large stone that was in the center of the stream. The road crossed over it. I drove the small car over the rock, hoping that the car did not get caught on the bad road. I then headed up the dirt hill to the northwest. I had been driving back and forth across this stream. As i headed up the hill, i noticed the buildings around me. I was actually in the middle of and old small town. A dull-red clay building stood to the northeast of where i was. At the top of the hill seemed to be a road, which seemed to run east to west through town. Some small buildings were to the west. The dirt trail that i was following toward the road widened and seemed to lead in a circle just before the road. I followed it in the circle counterclockwise. As i turned to drive the car back across the small gully, i wondered why i was heading back and forth over the stream. I was not sure that the car would make it. I now noticed a retaining wall along the eastern end of the gully. The stream seemed to run down the hill form the west and into a hole in the black retaining wall. I looked down at the rock as i approached the stream. The rock was now very narrow and seemed to be several rocks piled on top of each other. I stopped in the middle of the stream. A woman was crossing from the other direction. She seemed uncertain about crossing. She knelt down on the stones and put her hands on the ground for support. I tried to help her across the stream. Several other people were behind her, trying to help as well. I reached down to steady her. The rocks under her now formed a narrow wall across the stream. As i looked at them, the front side of the wall, which seemed to have been formed of a single piece of cut slate, fell away. The slate was rectangular with a large square notch missing from the top center. As the slate fell to the ground, the small pieces of rock trickled out from the center. The two rocks had held them in. I grabbed the woman’s right arm and helped her across the water. On the other side, i walked with the group of people up the road and into the small area between the hill to the north and the retaining wall to the east. The old clay building was on the top of the hill to the north of us. The grass here was green but seemed trampled. A man walked near me. He grabbed my right hand and held it out as he moved to the north of me, spreading his arms. He squeezed my hand as he held it, and i felt comforted and interested in him. I looked to the north. He seemed well built, with short hair. He was one of the brothers. I thought that he might be the older brother, but he could have been the middle brother. I wanted to get to know him, and i hoped that he was interested in me.

12016 January 24

I started running across the large parking lot, heading toward the stores of the shopping plaza to the south-southeast. I was running very fast, but i did not seem to be moving. Frustrated, i stopped and looked at the stores. I walked a few paces, but the stores did not seem to be getting any closer. I started running again, but, when i stopped, i noticed that they were still at the same distance away from me. This seemed very strange. I started to feel worried. Something seemed wrong. I tried running again. I could feel that i was putting a lot of effort into the action, but i did not seem to be getting any closer to the buildings. I had to get there, but i could not.

12016 January 25

The Swedish family was sitting in the dining room to the south of me. The dining room seemed to take up the eastern half of the small living room. The walls of the room were white, and simple couches were on the western and northern walls. A corridor ran from the center of the northern wall. The ceiling was two floors up, but a balcony seemed to run across the center of the room, just over the long plain dining-room table. We were about to eat dinner, but i had to get my clothes from my room. I knew that they were starting to eat, but i jogged to the north, past a stairway that was on the northern side of the room. All i could see was the railing around a landing near my head as i passed. I ran to the north into the other part of the house. I turned to the west, heading into the small bedroom where i had been staying. My large duffel bag was on the bed that was against the northern wall. I fished through it for clothing. I had to find a clean T-shirt. I realized that i did not bring many clothes with me on this trip. I pulled out a dusty-red T-shirt from the bag, but i was not sure that it was clean. I pulled out a few more shirts. As i headed back to the east, i thought that i would need more clothes, because i would be traveling to Russia for a week with my Grandmother after this trip. I wondered why i had packed so little. I ran back out of the room and down the corridor. Just before i reached the living room, i turned around and ran back to the room for something else. This time, i headed into a room to the east. I started to feel nervous and hoped that the people were not waiting for me to eat. I realized that they might have been waiting for me to arrive before they would start eating. I came into the living room, noticing the father of the family lying on the small couch against the northern wall, just to the west of the corridor to the west. I apologized for being late and said that i hoped i did not hold anyone up. He sat up. He seemed angry with me as he stood up. He told me that he was starving. I felt bad for being late. I looked at the people to the east. They were standing along a black counter, and they were now eating salads from bowls. I thought that i had come in time to get the meal. I said something as i moved to the southern end of the counter. I wondered where i could get food. I then thought that they might not serve me salad because it had already been server. I worried that i had upset these people. Someone then said that the meat had already been served. I realized that they ate their meat dish before they ate their vegetables. I felt upset, wondering what i could eat. I thought that they would not let me eat anything because i had not been with them when they started. I asked my mother about what they had been eating as i moved to the southern end of the table. The people were now eating something that looked like pale-yellow custard. They were now eating their dessert. I felt worse as i walked back to the north along the table. I noticed $K5 was sitting near the middle of the table. She was very young. I wondered what i should do. I grabbed a small cup from the table. I would have to use it for the ice cream or custard.

12016 January 29

I stood in the hallway of the building, watching the man to the east of me. The southern wall of the corridor seemed tan, and the man was placing a trap near the door in the middle of the southern wall. He seemed to be a spy or assassin. He placed two guns on tripods on the ground facing the door. He then stood in front of the door, trying to set something up. He then slided two black speakers under the door. There seemed to be a large gap under the door. This was a trap for the spy that was inside the room. I was then inside the room, looking at the door. The man in the room was to the east of me. I could not see him, but i could see his left arm as he slided something under the door. The man outside was facing away from the door, so he did not notice that the object had slided between his legs. The man inside then triggered the device. I was now back out in the hall to see the device punch upward, hitting the man in the groin and lifting him into the overhead ceiling fan. It seemed like a cinematic gadget, but i knew that it would be good for audiences. I then thought about this scene. I looked down at the two black speakers on the floor outside the door as i moved down the hall to the east. I passed through a doorway and came into another room. I paused for a moment. I could hear something from the south of me. I listened for a moment, but could not quite make out the sound. I wondered if it was coming from the speakers on the ground. I turned to the south, heading back toward the doorway that i had just come through. As i reached the doorway, i realized that the south was actually coming from the south of me. I was now in a small bedroom of the house. The sound seemed to be coming from the southeast. I floated across the room to the southeast, trying to make my way back to the door of the room. I passed over a bed. The mattress of the bed was leaning against the eastern side of the bed. As i passed over it, i reached down with my left hand to turn the lamp off. The lamp seemed to be on the floor with several other things. The room was very cluttered with junk. My mother was probably storing things here. I thought that this room was in a cottage, so she would probably not worry about cleaning it until the summer, when she came to live here. I realized i had not managed to turn off the light, so i paused in midair to reach down and turn off the light again. I then floated back to the southeast. I heard the sound to the south again. It was coming from outside the small window on the side of the room. I floated out the window, but i found that the window was a little small. I seemed to be wearing baggy clothing, and it got stuck as i tried to fit through the window. I looked down at my waist as i tried to pull myself through. The outside of the wooden cottage was dark brown, and the metal rectangular window frame was painted yellow. As i tried to push through, i realized that i was pulling the window frame off the side of the house. I pushed down on the frame to keep it from coming loose, but my clothes seemed to be stuck. I felt annoyed and tried to pull them through without taking the frame from the wall. I then thought that i should take the time to fix the window frame, because this was my new house. I pushed down, keeping the frame against the wall as i pulled my body from it. I then started to float to the southeast again. I heard someone calling my name. I looked to the southwest to see $A308 standing on the land end of a wooden dock. He was looking up at me. I smiled and greeted him. I turned toward him and floated down to the grassy lawn to the south of the house. I wondered if $A308 would find floating interesting. I landed on the grass and went to talk to him. We chatted for a moment. I asked him if he was here for vacation, and he answered me. He then said that he had something to do and turned back to the west and walked out along the dock. I said goodbye and started floating back to the north. The dock now was a large structure with two wooden piers extending out into the water. A wooden archway spanned the shore end of the gap between the docks. A set of stairs seemed to descend to the west in the middle of the archway. The design of the rustic wooden structure had cross beams on the southern side. As i floated across the center of the archway, i could see a woman on the dock. She was walking to the west. She had fuzzy brown hair that fanned out from her head, spreading across the tops of her shoulders. She seemed like $A673, but i knew that she was $A308’s wife. She looked over her shoulder and smiled shyly at me as i floated away. I headed up the shallow hill to the east, stopping at the wall. A square doorway was in the center of the wall, and it leaded to a corridor. The woman was then near me again. She walked into a stall that was to the north of the doorway. The stall was on the western side of the wall, and it seemed to have a toilet inside, against the northern wall. The woman sat on the toilet and said something to me. I floated near the door of the stall to listen to her. She was a man now, and he was sitting in a chair just to the north of the doorway. He asked me if i used Moo shampoo. I was not really sure, and i shrugged. I then recognized the brand, and i repeated the name to him. He nodded. I said that i was a trial user at Cornell. I was still floating, and i waved my arms below me to stabilize myself in the air. The man looked down at my arms and them mocked the motion, looking at me questioningly. I moved my arms again, trying to stay afloat. I then said that i was not sure that the shampoo actually did anything for me. I thought that i might have used a placebo version in the trial.