12002 January 01

I was driving to the west down the long highway, heading back from Boston. As i drove, i thought that i still had to pick up my grandmother somewhere. I tried to remember where i was supposed to meet her, but something seemed strange. I pictured the map in my head, seeing the road which ran south from where i lived to where my grandmother lived. This did not seem correct. I was on the road far to the east of this map, still traveling from Boston. I should have already driven my grandmother back to her house. It was definitely out of the way from where i was. I was heading back toward where she lived. I should have picked her up on the way to Boston. This did not seem correct either. I was supposed to drive her to Boston. I wondered how i was supposed to pick her up and make it all the way back to Boston. I pulled off of the road, frustrated that i could not figure out what i was supposed to be doing. I remembered driving my grandmother to Boston. I then remembered that i had continued on to Canada. I turned off to the south side of the road, into the paved parking area in front of the old grocery store. The building was old and faded, and seemed to have been coloured a bright green long ago. I looked to the west to see the line of people standing at the registers. I seemed to me in the front section of the store. I remembered this place. It was near the hotel that i had stayed at during my travels. I tried to figure out where my grandmother was. I felt upset that i could not remember where i was supposed to meet her. I felt as though i was having trouble thinking. I pulled back onto the road and continued traveling back to the east. I thought that i would head to $P6, thinking that my grandmother might be there. She had been there with me before. I was then traveling to the east with my grandmother in he car. I asked her how she had gotten home. I had never picked her up, and i still felt upset that i could not figure this out. She told me that she went back home two weeks ago. I could not remember when. I then realized that i would no longer need to pick her up. She had already been home. I still thought about this problem as i listened to the others in the car. Something felt very strange. I looked ahead of us to see the cars all stopping on the read. The road ahead was not yet finished. The road was farmed by large blocks of stone which were aligned in a row. The road was still under construction, and we would not be able to go any farther. I looked to the north of me to see $F38 standing on the road. I was also standing on the road. I asked him a question. I then turned around to see the other man standing in the living room of $F35’s house. I asked the man about $F12, who was sleeping in the bedroom across the hall from me. The man told me that i could go into the room if i wished. I felt hesitant. The man then said that $F12 was in a mad rush to get things done. I thought that $E12 might not be able to talk to me, and that made me sad.

As i lay in bed, i could hear the children running around the house. It seemed early in the morning, but i knew that it was probably not too early for the children to be awake. I wondered what time it was. I reached for my watch, which was on the small table to the east of the bed. It was ten o’clock. I did not seem to be that late. I thought that i should get up and head out. I stood up from the bed and walked across the room. I had to do something early this morning. There was another bed in the room to the south of me. $A189 was buried under the covers, sleeping. I walked over to say goodbye. I patted him on the abdomen as i said something to wake him. I then felt his hand under the blanked, I realized that he had been awake and was doing something under the covers. I thought that he might me masturbating. I pulled my hand away and tried not act as though i had noticed anything. I told him that it was nice to have seen him. I stood up and said goodbye. I felt slightly embarrassed about interrupting him, but i had to say goodbye before i left. I grabbed my bags from the floor near my bed and left the room. I was going to drive back home.

12002 January 03

I was standing in a dark place, thinking about something which might happen. I imagined that i was moving in time, perhaps a character in a book. I was in New York City. I thought that i could move to some important day which would capture people’s interests, like the day the World Trade Center was destroyed. I knew that i would have to move to other times first, though, so that it would not seem so obvious that i was heading for that specific date. I imagined that i moved into the past. There was a forest around me which was thick with ferns and tall tropical plants. This should be the lower part of Manhattan. I was standing in the Jurassic period, however, and i knew that there would be dinosaurs around. I imagined that i had a camera on my head which could see both in front of me and behind me. It would allow the people in my present to see what i was doing. I also imagined that there was a large dinosaur near me. I would have to hide behind a tree so that it did not get me. It seemed to be some kind of biped, and i thought that it would look like a tyrannosaur. I imagined that i would climb a tree to the northwest of me, which happened to have many branches to grab on to. I knew that i would be safe from the creature because i could always slip forward in time. My view became obscure, and i knew that i was in another time. I walked to the window of the small hotel room. There seemed to be someone sleeping in the double bed behind me. It was dark in the room, but i could see the city skyline outside. I thought that this would be in the early part of the 1900s, when an airplane flew into the side of the Empire State Building. I looked out the window, but had a very hard time seeing anything. The city was very dark. I seemed to be looking to the east. I then noticed the outline of the Empire State Building slightly to the south of me. The building was dark. I thought that they must have turned off the lights for the night. I then wondered why the city would be so dark. It seemed that the building should be lighted all night. As i watched, a line of lights illuminated a vertical stripe up the center of the building. I guessed that it was an automatic light show. I then noticed a bright flash which lighted the sky behind the building. There seemed to be a battle occurring along the river on the other side of the island. I realized that this must be during the Revolutionary War. I could hear the cannons as the lights blazed yellow through the drifting smoke over the skyline. I thought that this must be old New York City. The building must be made of wood. As i turned to walk back into the room, i considered that this must be later than the Revolutionary War. New York City was not that developed by the time of this war. I wondered whether it could be the American Civil War. I walked into the center of the room, which was designed of wooden timbers. This place looked like a gift shop. I had come here to visit with some other people, but i felt as though i had to leave. My mother was just in the room with me, but she had left to get onto the train. I did not want to go on the train, but i was not sure what i should be doing in this store. There was a man to the south of me who seemed to be the store manager. I then heard a noise from outside which signaled that the train was leaving. I felt as though i should get on the train. I turned to the northeast and headed for the door. The door was in the east wall, in a small entryway which was on the east side of the north wall. I ran outside, where it was much brighter. The tan and black train was starting to move to the south. I wondered whether i could jump onto one of the cars. I walked toward the train, not sure what to do. There were many people walking along the platform on the near side of the train. They seemed to be nicely dressed in some style from the past. I thought that this place was in another country. As i reached the train, the last of the streamlined cars passed me. I felt disappointed that i had missed the train. I thought that i should have gone out to the platform when my mother had. I had to get to the other region of this country. I wondered how i would do it. I knew that there would not be another train until the next day. I felt distraught as i walked back into the gift shop. I could not figure out what to do. The man from the show was again standing to the south of me. He felt as though he wanted to help me, but did not know how to communicate to me. I wondered what i would do in this foreign land.

12002 January 04

The man stood to the southwest of me as i flipped through the small white booklet. We were in the back yard of $P7. I was here to teach someone about the test subjects in the booklet. I noticed that there were two sections to the test. The front of the book contained a column of lines and shapes on the left-hand side of the page. I knew that the object was to copy the drawings in the blank space to the right. The first object seemed very simply. It was a vertical line with a right angle to the right of it. The angle was oriented so that its apex was in the center of the line and both of its sides were at fourty-five degrees from the line. There was a description on the page which stated the significance of the figure. It described the vertical line and the angle, stating that the length of the sides of the right angler were the radius of a unit circle. I knew that the sides were one unit in length so that calculations would be easier. I looked to the left of me, where there seemed to be a collection of rulers and protractors on the ground and in the drawer of a desk. I picked up a clear plastic ruler and shuffled around in the pile for a protractor. I needed to see if i could recreate the figures on the page before i taught $A6 to do it. I was supposed to tutor $A6 on this test. I picked up a plastic ruler from the pile, and then realized that i already had a ruler. What i needed was a protractor. I could see a white one on the ground, but i did not want to use it because it did not seem to be the correct shape. I wanted one which formed a perfect semicircle. The one on the ground formed a flattened semicircle. I looked back at the figures in the test booklet as i started back to the south. There were two sections to the test. The first section dealt with the reproduction of the images, and the second section had several questions. I thought that the questions in the second half were easy to answer, so i would only need to concentrate on the geometry part of the test with $A6. There was a metal structure in the middle of the grass which seemed to be a set of portable stairs: the kind that might be found at an airport. I started to sit on the stairs as i reviewed the test. Just then, a car drove toward me from the south. I looked out to see $A255 driving over the grass. $A6 was in the passenger seat of the car. As the red seventies-style car came to a stop, i noticed that $A255 was wearing makeup. There was white face paint on his face, with triangles above and below his eyes. His lips were painted black. I thought that the makeup must have been from some concert. I then noticed that $A6 was also wearing the makeup. His matched the pattern of what $A255 was wearing. I walked to the north, flipping through the book. I mentioned to $A6 what the first part of the test seemed to be the only part that could be difficult. I thought that i should let him do a few of the problems. He could ask me questions when he had a problem. I then realized that it seemed strange that i should be tutoring him in such a way. I walked up the stairs, which led to the wooden platform under the white tent. There was a large rectangular table full of people. They were all doing some work. $A6 was sitting on the east end of the table. I walked over to him and laid the booklet down in front of him. I said that he should work on some of the problems. I then said that i would be just downstairs if he needed any help. I turned and walked down the stairs on the north side of the platform. The area under the large tent had two levels. I parted the white cloth which hung along the outsides of the tent and walked into the lower level, under the wooden platform. This area seemed to be a cafeteria. There were people at several of the picnic tables who were eating, and there seemed to be a table along the west wall which was covered with steaming pots and serving trays. I started to speak to someone in the tent when i noticed $F26 to the west of me. He was waiting on the tables here. I called his name and walked over to him. He smiled as he hugged me hello. He seemed very thin and slighter shorter than i had remembered. I asked him how he had been as we embraced. I then mentioned that i had seen his wife several times in the local area, but had never seen him. He acknowledged the statement as he let me go. He then turned to the east and started talking to some of the other people whom we knew. He started talking about the special event that we should hold. I remembered that this event used to happen when we all lived in the same house. I thought that he wanted to do the event again, now that we could celebrate it together.

I was in the back seat of the car as my parents drove down the road. We seemed to be heading down the highway, to the west, into $P14. I felt annoyed. I was supposed to be someplace, but i did not really want to go. My mother seemed to think that i should understand something. The car was stopped, and i was looking through the pile of clothing in the back. The car seemed to be a hatch-back, and the seat was folded down. I was looking through the pile of clothing to find the right clothes. I had to get dressed. I had just come from someplace and i had to get ready to go somewhere else. I thought that i had just been dressed for some athletic activity. My mother said something about my sickness. I thought that she was trying to get me to realize that i was sick. I picked up the underwear from the back seat and started to put it on. I had to get dressed for the school. We were then in a driveway along the north side of $P81. My parents got out of the car and walked into the building. I was still trying to get my things together. I then heard the sound of a tree limb cracking. I wondered whether there would be a storm coming. I looked at the large tree to the east of the car, wondering whether it would be the one to fall over. It seemed that something would happen, but i did not know what. I then looked to the north, into the leafless branches of the patch of trees. I wondered whether one of the trees there was making the cracking noise. It did not seem windy out, but i saw a small branch fall into my view through the lower branches of another tree. I wondered whether a tree would fall on the car in which i was sitting. I knew that the tree could easily crush the car. I looked around at the trees, wondering which one was breaking.

12002 January 05

I had been here before. I was in the school with $F1. It was a military school, and i was walking down the corridor to the east, in the dormitory section of the building. I remembered that something interesting was going to happen. I came to the end of the corridor and turned to the north. $F1’s dorm room was on the east side of the hall, just past the intersection. The others in the dormitory were walking through the halls. Something had just happened. As i came into the room, i could see $F1 standing near the north wall. There were two beds on the east side of the room, one against the north wall the other against the south. $F1’s roommate was sitting on the edge of the south bed, and there seemed to be a woman in the room. Others in the dorm had done something. I thought ahead, remembering that $F1 would have to change into some other clothing. There would be an officer coming into the room, but he would not really be an officer. I felt excited to see this happening again. I remembered that this had all occurred in a dream before. $F1 was trying to do something, but it would change unexpectedly on him. I was dressed in the uniform of the school, even though i was not a part of the military. I remembered that one of the officers would mistake me for an officer. I looked at my uniform and realized that it was only a student uniform, not an officer. As i paced around the small area, i wondered whether i would expose myself as someone who did not belong here. I remembered saluting someone and mentioning their rank. I was not sure whether i could get their rank correct. I had forgotten how to read military insignias. A man then came into the room as $F1’s roommate walked out. I stood up from the couch, which was not in the center of the room, facing west. I saluted the man in the light green dress shirt. $F1 quickly turned around and did the same. $F1 then hurried out of the room. He had to go complete his plan. I relaxed a little, knowing that the person with the officer’s insignia was not really an officer. I remembered this from before. He was faking the actions as well. I tried to remember what was going to happen. I felt excited. This was going to have a good ending. I remembered that the officer would show up, but he would not really be an officer. It had something to do with the disguise $F1 would have. I tried to remember the ending. $F1 would be upset, but, once he realized that the officer was not really an officer, everything would be fine. I turned to the north, to see the woman walking back into the room. She was followed by a second, heavier woman in a blue sweatshirt. I knew that the second woman was really $F1 in disguise. Something had happened to change the plan. The woman started to talk to $F1, who was worried about what was going to happen. I felt amused and mentioned that, when this had happened before, it turned out all right. $F1 asked what i had meant. I told him that i had seen this all play out before. I told him that i had a dream a while ago which showed this situation. He seemed upset. I wondered why he would be mad at me for seeing this before. I then realized that i could look this dream up in my dream diary. I then thought that i could not do it easily because my diary was not up to date. This dream would probably not be on-line yet. I felt very confident that i could find it, though. The dream seemed very detailed and clear in my head. $F1 walked to the south. He seemed very upset with me. I started to follow, wondering whether this happened in the dream or not. I then noticed $F1 climbing the hill to the south. There was a building built into the side of the hill, with several layers of roofs to the southeast. I then remembered that $F1 would climb to the top of the roof and threaten to throw himself off. This was where the officer would stop him and everything would be all right. I started after him, trying to explain that everything would work out. I could see $F1 to the southeast, on the lower roof of the building. He had climbed the dull yellow ladder on the west side of the building. I started to climb up the grassy hill to the west of the building. The ladder started at the top of the hill. The hill, however, was very steep, and i had difficulty climbing. I realized that the grass on the hill was shaped into a round cylinder which was standing on end. The form was a copy of some detail on the building. I reached over the top of the cylinder and grabbed onto the grass on the other side, trying to pull myself up. I called to $F1. I had to tell him that everything would work out. I knew that the officer would show up on the roof. I wondered if i was meant to interfere. I did not remember that from before. I looked to the east to see the square form of the grass between the cylinder and the lower level of the building. It seemed to be shaped like a train car. The lower section of the building had large windows on the west and north sides. I looked back up at $F1 as i pulled myself to the top of the hill. I felt as though i was having a difficult time getting up. I knew that this would end as it had before.

I walked down the dirt trail. Some of the other tourists were following us. $F4 and i had returned here. I stepped down the uneven wooden blocks which formed stairs on the steep forest slope. It was a bright day, and the trees were full of leaves. We then turned to the right and started to head to the south. I could see a section of the trail ahead of us which came close to the main road. I mentioned that we could have come in here rather than hiking down the stairs. $F4 told me that this was the old parking area. I knew that we were in the center of a city block. Someone mentioned that the trail had simply made a loop. I looked ahead of us. We were now in a car, traveling north on the street. The forest was to the west of us, and i could see the old parking area on the left side of the road. It was the spot where the train came close to the road. The woman in the car with us said that this was the old parking area and that it had been abandoned because it could not support a large number of cars. I noticed that there was a section of brown dirt on the near side of the curb which could have been a parking area, but which was now overgrown with grass. As we drove past the parking area, i noticed the sidewalk which wrapped around the corner to the west. Someone pointed out that the section near the parking was lower and said that it was the old handicapped ramp. Someone else then corrected them, saying that the parking area was too old for wheelchair access.

12002 January 06

I walked into the room in the bottom floor of the house. We had come here because of the old treasures that were in this place. The room was long east to west and was very plain. The walls were light blue, and there were rectangular tables and metal folding chairs set up around the room. This place reminded me of the basement of a church. The people spoke of the old ruins in this place. I looked at the markings on the south wall. Someone had drawn hieroglyphs and ancient designs in thick pencil. I thought that the writing looked modern, as if someone had retraced the old markings. I thought that the markings were faded and crudely drawn the last time i was here. I back away from the wall and looked around. The others continued to talk about the writings on the walls and the ancient ruins that where in this building. I picked up the small amulet, which was shaped like a human hand. It seemed to be made of a dull metal. The middle finger of the hand was longer than the other fingers, and there were jewels on the top of the hand and on the finger nails. I looked behind me where the blue american car was parked. There was a man sitting in the car. The car was facing to the east, and the man was in what seemed to me the passenger’s seat, but i knew that he had been driving. I asked him about the chalice and the jeweled hand. I was interested in them and wanted to preserve them. I looked at both, thinking that i would only be able to take one. The chalice was made of gold, but i still liked the hand better. I then thought that the hand could be used as a base far the chalice. I pictured the arched niche in the adobe wall where the chalice had been. I tried to imagine what the chalice would look like resting on the hand. If they could be put together, then i could treat them as one object. I was then back in the plain rectangular room of the building. The others had wandered outside for a moment. I walked to the east wall and looked out the old glass of the window to see the lawn outside. The window was at the north end of the east wall, and seemed to be just to the right of an old wooden door. The lawn outside seemed crudely cut. It was a small area with a small rise which ran from the building, to the east, starting just to the south of the window. A thin line of shrubs ran across the top of the rise. There were old statues of people scattered all around the yard. This was part of the ruins. I liked the look of the statues around this place. I thought that this would be a great place to live. I then realized that the statues on the lawn were more oriental in design. They were not egyptian, like the artifacts and designs inside. This did not seem right. I wondered why the statues outside the ruins would be of a different origin than those in the building. I then saw the tiger pacing across the front lawn. This seemed very out of place. The tiger was form the Orient, and should not have been near egyptian ruins. As the tiger paces close to the window, i could see its wide blue eyes. They were very beautiful, and i thought that there was something special about the tiger. It was a symbol of something. It was significant that it was here. I then thought that this place was really my new house. I wanted to call someone to tell them of the tiger.

12002 January 07

I did not like being in the hospital. The doctors were doing tests on me, and i felt as though they were not really interested in me. The walls of the room were white, and there were several metal furnishings in the room. I sat in a chair in front of a small wooden table. There were several things on the table in front of me. The doctor asked me to act normal. He said that they could not do the tests if i was not acting normally. I pretended to read the book in front of me. I then noticed the paper that was on the table in front of me and decided to read it instead. I was now standing in front of the table. I decided to sit at the table and read the paper. I leaned to the left once i was seated so that the light from the hall outside the door fell on the paper that i was reading. The door was in the center of the north wall of the room, and the doctor was sitting in a chair to the east of me. I kept reading, pretending not to notice that the doctor was watching me. I then noticed that the book in front of me was blank. This seemed wrong. I tried to focus on the book to see if i could see the text, but the pages of the book were black, as though they were from an empty photo album. As i stared at the blank page, i noticed that the doctor was wandering away. I was now sitting in the front hall of the building, reading by the light that was coming in through the large window. I watched the doctor wander down the hall to the east of me, and i started to feel annoyed that he just left. I stood up and started to wander away myself. I would not stay and pretend to do the test if no one else was really interested. I turned to the east and looked out over the steep grassy slope that descended into the valley. I was to the northeast of the building. The valley seemed hazy and stretched out to the northeast. I felt protestant, and thought that i should jump into the air and fly out over the town in the valley. I screamed as a wind passed. The scream was part of a special song which lifted me into the air. I floated on the wind for a moment. I wobbled a bit as the wind wavered. I thought that i would have to concentrate more so that i would not fall. I landed on the ground and tried again. As i stepped onto the grass, i wondered whether anyone had seen me flying. The steep grassy slope below me was empty. I thought that all of the students had left for break. I lifted my arms and sailed up again, wanting people to see that i could fly, but knowing that i should not let others know that i have this talent. I lifted into the air and floated backward with the wind, heading to the west. I drifted up and over the college campus. I wondered how i could control my flight. I turned to the south as i drifted over the old stone buildings. This place was like $P52, and i was moving over the old library building. I watched the peaks of the gothic architecture drift under me. As i passed over the peak of the red-tiled roof, i realized that i was squeezing a balloon under each of my arms. I knew that, if i squeezed the balloon, the density of the gas would increase, and the lift of the balloon would decrease. Therefore, to descend, i would have to squeeze the balloons until i was on the ground. As i came to the other side of the building, i thought that i would have to hide from the police on the main campus slope. I squeezed the balloon to descend, but the wind lifted me up again. I squeezed harder and tried to drift over the stove courtyard on the other side of the building. I landed on the paving stones of the courtyard, just to the east of the cement statue. I would have to walk away from this place before the police came.

I was in the small gymnasium with the other people from my high school. $A150 was standing near me, and $A118 was in the room as well. We were lying down on the floor in the center of the room. This was some sort of game. We had to squeeze each other’s hands in order to stand up. It was a game of coordination. If we did not squeeze with equal pressure, we would fall back down. I was in the group with $A150 and $A118, and we were able to stand ourselves up easily. I looked at both of them and noticed that they were both still young and athletic. I looked them over and remembered how i used to think that they were both attractive. I then noticed that $A118 had aged a little and that his features were not really that nice. I then decided that i had to head out. I knew that there was a lot of snow outside, so we would all have to put on our heavy jackets. I had my heavy coat on as i crowded toward the door of the room. I thought that there were several pair of gloves in the pockets of my coat, and i knew that they could not all be mine. The gloves were from the racks of the store. I had a pair of yellow and black, pin-stripe gloves in my left pocket and a pair of grey ones in my right. I wondered whether i should tell anyone that they were in my pockets. I thought that i had not paid for them, but i thought that i might be able to use them, since someone else had put them in my pocket. As we approached the door, i noticed a man standing just to the right of the door. He looked official, and he asked us if anyone had any gloves. I felt that i should be honest, so i mentioned the extra pairs of gloves which were in my pockets. $A330 was sitting at counter along the south wall. He looked at me suspiciously as i handed the guard the gloves, but did nothing. He simply seemed disappointed.

12002 January 08

I was jogging to the east, along the north shore of the lake. This seemed to be the north bay of $P26. The light from the sun was very bright, even though the sky seemed to be grey. The rocks along the shore were round, and stuck up through the shallow water as i hopped from one to the other. The sand of the ground was light tan between the rocks. A car drove along the dirt road which was between the stream and the thick green vegetation of the forest. I looked for a path across the stream, which seemed to be the outlet of the lake. There was a line of orangish-tan sandstone rocks which cross the stream ahead of me. The rocks seemed to be from a vein of rock which had been broken and eroded by the stream. The rocks on the south side of the stream were large, but i hopped over them easily. I thought that it was very easy to make it over the large boulders. I climbed over the angled rocks of the short cliff, noticing how easy it was to swing my feet from rock to rock. I could simply swing over the rocks to get to the south shore of the small river. I put my weight on my hands and swung my feet out over the water. I landed on the south shore of the lake. I then saw the car pass by me on the road. I wandered what the people in the car would think of my ability to move over the rocks so easily. I continued swinging from rock to rock as i climbed along the sandstone cliffs, heading to the east, along the south shore of the narrow lake. I finally made it up to the grassy ground around the lake and continued jogging. There were many cottages in this area. They were in rows on the flat grassy land, which crude dirt roads between them. The dirt of the land was filled with many small white rocks. I ran between the white and green, wooden cottages, heading generally to the north, back to the shore. I thought that the water here was too deep to cross, however, so i started to jog along the shore, to the east. I could see houses across the water, on the north shore. There was a large housing complex just across from me. The green grass of the lawn came right to the edge of the water, where it fell off abruptly into the river. The two-story apartment buildings of the housing complex were made of new dark-red brick, with white trim. They ran from north-northwest to south-southeast, at a slight angle to the shore of the lake. To the west of the complex was a fairly new brick building which seemed to be a school. I looked down into the water below me. It seemed very murky. The bank fell off suddenly at a rock embankment, which was edged with new wooden beams. The shore was flat, but had a square niche cut into it where a stream seemed to empty into the lake. I stepped over the small inlet as i walked to the east. I ran to the edge of the water on the other side of the stream and stopped at the water’s edge. There was thin dead tree standing on the shore to the west of me. I leaned on it slightly as i looked into the water, but i realized that it was not stable. I stepped back and kicked the tree with my left foot, knocking it over into the water. As it splashed into the water, i realized that there was a stop sign attached to it. There must have been a road going through the area. I then noticed that there were several other road signs under the water in front of me. I could make them out just under the surface of the cloudy water. I realized that there used to be a road which crossed the stream. I wondered when the level of the water had risen high enough to cover the road. I spotted a thin bowed branch sticking out of the surface of the water to the west of me, at the mouth of the small tributary. It was part of a small tree on the shoreline. As i watched the branch, i could see the water rising over it. I realized that the river was still flooding, and that the water was rising fast. I thought that i was in danger here. If the water kept rising at such a fast rate, it would soon be over the shore and flooding the camps. I ran from the shore, thinking of a place where i could hide from the water. I ran between a few of the cottages and jumped onto the wooden steps at the back side of a large white wooden house. I quickly climbed up the stairs to a porch on the second floor and started climbing over the wooden railing to the roof. I felt panicked, and i called out for help. I looked at the windows of the house to see if i could see any lights, but there did not seem to be anyone home. I kept yelling, hoping that someone would hear. I did not think that there would be anyone in the house on which i was climbing, but i thought that someone in one of the other houses might hear. I remembered seeing a light in one of the cabins farther from the shore, and i thought that i should have run there instead. It was too late to change my mind, thought. I climbed over the unfinished wood railing at the top of the flight of the stairs and onto the roof. There was a fire escape across the short green tar-tile roof which led up to the upper roof of the house. I yelled “Help!” again. I thought that the water must have already risen over the lawn of the house, so i would not be able to climb back down and get to another house. I climbed along the right side of a dormer and up to a balcony on the roof, yelling to anyone that could hear. I did not hear anyone replying to me, and i wondered what i should do. I then heard the sound of police radios from the north shore of the water. They had been called by someone who had heard me yelling. I looked down at the river at the edge of the yard and noticed that it had not risen at all. I had been fooled, and i had been yelling for nothing. I then realized that the police might arrest me for creating a disturbance. I had been yelling about a threat that did not exist. I climbed down the side of the house as quickly as i could. I had to get away before the police found me. I knew that they would arrest me for creating a disturbance and for trespassing. As i hurried down the wooden stairs on the east side of the house, i realized that there would be evidence of my presence where i broke onto the house. I had climbed over the railing and caused some damage to the wood in my hurry. As i reached the ground on the north side of the house, i turned to the south and ran away from the water. The police would be looking for someone near the water. There were several small houses scattered through the tall pine trees to the south. I ran through the yards of the houses, hoping that the police would not find me. I ran into the opening of the large canvas tent and found myself in a small crowded room. There was an old man sitting in a worn red cushioned chair just to the east of the entrance. There were tables against the walls of the room which were covered with various trinkets and decorations. It seemed that the man had been collecting the ornaments all his life, and now he decorated his room with them. He was nervous with my presence, though, and i felt as though i should get out of the house before he got angry with me and called for the police. I was standing in the southwest corner of the room, looking back to the door of the tent, which wan in the east side of the north walls. I looked at the old-fashioned record player which was sitting on the table to the west of me as i started toward the door. The phonograph player was square, with a decorative trim at the top and bottom edge. The player was red, with black vine-like decorations on the sides. I seemed to have bumped into the phonograph and started it playing. The man mentioned that the number on the player was now three. I could see the counter on the front right corner of the top of the player. There was a brass arm to the side of the spinning phonograph which swung over a dial of black counters. The digits on the counters were white, and seemed to be related to the number three. The man mentioned “tribecaphobia”. He seemed to be very frightened. I felt uncomfortable and wanted to get out of the tent. As i reached the door in the north wall, i noticed that there was an alter to the west of the door. The alter was covered with trinkets and elongated brass bells. There were also a few candles burning around a blue china bowl. As i passed, i had tipped one of the tall brass bells over. I felt very strange, feeling that this place had some spell on it. I thought that the man had some connection to the spirits. The man was very frightened by the number three, and i thought that there might actually be a reason for his fear in this place. There was significance to everything here, even the tipped bell. I was uncomfortable with the feeling of the place and walked out the door of the tent.

12002 January 09

I was driving across country with my mother, and we had just pulled into a parking lot to turn around. My mother was driving the car. To the southwest of us was a gas station. We had passed it on our way here as we were heading to the west. We pulled out of the hotel parking lot. I thought that we would have to follow the guardrails to the southwest, along the side of the lot. I thought that we had followed the others to get to the lot, so i was not really sure how to get back. It was night out, and there seemed to be a shopping mall to the south of us. I stopped at one of the intersections on the outside of the lot and waited for the cars in front of me to turn. It seemed very dark. I turned onto the narrow road and followed it for a while. I felt confused and wondered where i was. I could not tell whether the car in front of me was my mother’s or not. I thought that i might be lost, and i wanted to check a map. I had stopped the car just after the intersection and looked through the papers on the passengers seat for the map. I could not find a map, though. There was a notebook on the seat with some writing on it. It had a list of days written on it. The days were numbered as “3, 5, 30, 60, 90”. I thought that the numbers represented time intervals between trips. There was a small symbol which indicated a gas station near the number thirty. I thought that it must have been our last stop. I tried to remember how we had come. I remembered being at the trailer park near the gas station, but i was unsure whether we had traveled sixty days to get to the next trailer park. I thought about the writing on the notebook, but i could not recognize the symbol near the number sixty. I decided to keep driving, and i continued to the northeast, following the road through the housing area. The roads in this area were dirt, and the cars passing me seemed to be small and foreign. I thought that i might be it another country. I then walked into the cafeteria at $P7. This was a meeting place, and there were several other people already gathered here. Several of my relatives were already sitting at the table. I passed them and headed to the back of the cafeteria. There was a large silver carafe of coffee on the table in the northwest corner of the room. I asked my mother, who was to the east of me, whether she wanted any coffee. She said that she did, so i picked up one of the plain white china cups from the food table and filled it with coffee. I remembered that she drank decaffeinated coffee with cream in it. As i turned around to face into the room, i noticed $A206 standing in the doorway to the west. He was wearing a plain red flannel button-up shirt, and his dark hair was messed up. I thought that this must be an informal meeting if he was dressed so. It did seem early in the morning. $A206 said something about the casual nature of the meeting, addressing the parents in the room with a smile. I walked back to the southeast, back to the table where my relatives were. My mother pointed out $A331 in one of the seats across the room. I told her that i knew. My grandmother was sitting at the table to the east of me. I looked around the room as $A206 spoke. I wanted to see whether there was anyone else i recognized. Several students then walked by the table. I noticed that $A266 was one of them. They had come from the door on the north end of the room. I thought that the door led back into the kitchen. The boy walking at the front of the pack mentioned the pancakes that he had just eaten, and i wondered where the food was. There were only doughnuts and other snacks on the tables in the cafeteria. I asked the boy about the food from the other room, but he did not answer me. I thought that he might be ignoring me, so i asked him about the food again, but he still did not answer. He seemed very young, with an attractive face and blonde hair. One of the other people then answered me, saying that the food room was for the headmaster only. I told him that the young boy did not look like a son of $A206. I wondered how he got in to get food.

12002 January 11

I jumped from the grassy hill and glided to the northwest, over the wide lawn of the campus. This was a modern campus, and i knew that the college’s buildings were to the southeast of me. It seemed that i had just come from one of the buildings. There was another person with me, but they were walking on the ground. I swooped over the narrow paved path which ran from east to west at the bottom of the hill. The path curved slightly as it passed along the open lawn. There was a tall tree to the north of the path which was thick with leaves. I turned from the west to the south to the southeast and started to swoop down over the hill. I was waiting for someone to come out of the college. There was a line of shrubs at the top of the hill which hid the main college buildings from view. I knew that there was a short orange brick structure just to the south of the line of shrubs. It was part of a larger building. I knew that it was an entrance to the building, and i expected the other person to come out of that entrance. As i glided over the hill to the southeast, i looked down at the man who was just leaving the building. He had a large dark coloured dog with him. The dog looked like a german shepherd with very dark somewhat-long fur. It spotted me and started to jog toward me, looking up cautiously as it got under me. The man did not seem to notice that i was there. I turned to the east and started to fly faster over the grassy hill. I thought that i could play with the dog and make the man wonder what the dog was doing. As i turned from the north back to the west, i saw a smaller dog below me. It was very skinny, with a long nose, and seemed to be part terrier. It watched me as it ran across the grass, wagging its tail. I thought that i would swoop down over it and play, knowing that i was too high for it to bite me. The dog was happy to play, and, to my surprise, leaped into the air and came very close to me. I did not think that the dog would be able to jump so high. I seemed to be floating near the top of the tree which stood to the north of me. It seemed like an old maple tree. I flew over the ground, watching the dog. I was interested in the dog. I liked the way that it played so happily. I turned around near the tree and passed over the dog again. I wondered to whom the dog belonged. I started to feel that it might have been abandoned. The dog jumped into the air again, this time coming very close to my mid section. I reached down and scratched the dog behind the ears. The dog curled its head to one side and started to roll over. It seemed to hover in the air near me as i pet its side. It then fell again, drifting slowly away from me and to the ground. I felt attracted to the dog and thought that i should take it home. I wondered whether it was really abandoned. As i looked down on it, i suddenly realized that it was not walking properly any more. Something seemed wrong with it, and i became worried. I walked over to the dog to get a closer look. I realized that its front leg was broken. It had landed incorrectly on one of its jumps and snapped the bone. I tried to grab the dog so that i could get a better look at its leg. I thought that the dog was simply jumping too high for its size. The dog rolled over onto its back as i pet it, and i grabbed on to its left front paw. The lower set of bones was broken cleanly in half. The dog would need to be taken care of. I wondered what i should do. I did not want to leave it to wander around. I knew that the break would not heal properly if the dog was not taken care of. I thought that i should take it to a veterinarian, but then i realized that i was not really its owner. I wondered whether i should spend the money on it if i could not really take care of it. It seemed that i would be paying a lot of money. I still felt worried, however, and wondered what to do. I rolled the dog over on the polished wooden floor. The paw on its front leg then fell off. I realized that it would need to be taken care of. The dog had been biting the wound. I picked up the paw and looked at it. I knew that the dog would need help quickly. The foot had to be sewn back on before it got infected and started to fester. I told the dog to stay still as i started to walk to the south, tossing the loose paw onto the floor to the west of the dog. I hoped that the dog did not try to eat the paw as i hurried to the east and then to the north. I then decided that the paw would need to be kept in ice so that it did not start to decay. I turned back to the west, toward the polished wood double doors. I then felt confused. I could not remember in which room i had left the dog. I was sure that i had walked out of the room to the south and then crossed through another room to get to where i was. I knew that the dog had to be to the west of me, but i was not sure whether it was in the room directly to the west of me or in a room to the southwest of me. I stepped to the south and tried to peek through the crack between the doors. I could see the dog lying on the floor. I was surprised to se that the dog had listened to be so carefully and stayed where it was. I really liked the dog.

My mother walked out of the room as i continued to get the rest of my things ready. The rest of my relatives were downstairs, on the first floor of this large mansion. It seemed that we were visiting this place for a time. I felt uncomfortable here. The owners of this house were related to us, but i did not feel as though it was proper for us to be here. I started down the hall to the west. The walls and floor were made of brightly polished stone. This mansion felt very large and open. I knew that it was sunny outside, but the sun illuminated the halls indirectly, reflecting off of the glistening surfaces in the house. This house felt cold in some way, even thought the air was warm here. It was in the middle of the summer. I turned down the corridor to the northwest, but ran into a door made of metal bars. The door had been closed to lock off part of the mansion. I realized that the people whom we were visiting must have closed the doors thinking that the house was empty on the second floor. I suddenly felt as though i should not have been indecisive in the bedroom. I was upset with the others and did not want to join them right away, so i waited until the last minute before following them. I looked around, wondering whether there was anyone downstairs still. I banged on the door, but it did not seem that anyone heard me. I felt depressed and upset with myself. I then noticed the stairs leading down to my right. I realized that i was already on the other side of the gate. I thought that i must have walked around the gate somehow. I thought that i could have gone to the other side of the hallway. I flew to the north, down the dark-grey stone stairs and turned to the east at the bottom. I walked quickly across the main hall, where my relatives were still waiting. My mother then said something. I realized that i was wearing faded blue denims and a button-up shirt. It seemed very casual compared to what everyone else was wearing. $K1 was standing behind a counter on the east side of the hall, to the north of the exit door. She was talking to a man there. My mother made a comment about my clothing. I did not think that i needed to dress up. I did not feel that i wanted to show off. My mother then mentioned that $K1 thought i was attractive when i was dressed nicely. I thought that it was a strange thing for her to say. $K1 did not seem to notice the comment. I wondered why my mother would think that $K1 would be attractive to me. I then told my mother that $K1 was not quite my type. I knew that my mother would understand the reference, but i did not think that $K1 would.

12002 January 12

We moved through the crowd to the west. There was a room that the others were not allowed in. This place seemed to be a public night club. Everyone to the east of us seemed to be enjoying themselves, but we had to sabotage this place. $Z and i walked into the small room which overlooked the large storehouse. It was darker in the room below us, but we could see tall stacks of crates and boxes. There was a stack of something right in front of us. I looked at the black suitcase which was on top of the stack. $Z was playing with something near the suitcase. I told him that we had to be careful not to make too much noise. There was then someone coming from the east. I had to warn the others that someone was here. They would not be able to come out of the storage room below me. I looked down into the large square hole in the floor. The hole looked into the storage room. I had to pretend that i was not involved with the others. I started to mop the floor near the entrance to the storehouse as the man watched me from the east. He was suspicious of me. The other men had already captured me, but i could not let them find out what i was really doing here. I wondered whether the man watching me could help. He looked away for a moment, and i jumped down into the basement. It was dark down here. I thought that i could lose the people who were following me. I would, at least, be able to lead them away from the others. I ran through the dark cement tunnels in the basement. Once i was clear of the men, i released the small balls. They floated up from my hands, and i suddenly wondered why i was letting them go. I released several more of the small black balls. They rolled up the corridor behind me. I then noticed that he orange ball had simply fallen to the ground. I tried to get them to roll back up the hall, but they were too heavy to move. I ran back up the corridor and entered the room. The walls of the room were made of stone. The three witches were in the room. They had captured me. I had to escape from them. They would not let me leave, so i had to trick them. There was a pink flower in the room which had silver sparkles on its pedals. I knew that it was a magical flower, but the witches did not know of its power. When they were not paying attention to me, i grabbed the flower and used it to freeze the two of them that were in the center of the room. The third was walking into the room to the west, thought. I could not get her with the flower. I fell down on the stone floor and pretended to be afraid of the witches. I tried to lure the third witch into the room. I had to make her think that i was frightened of what happened to the other witches. I had the wand in my hand. When the other evil witch came into the room, i was going to cast a spell to freeze her as well. I noticed that the wand was dusty. I hoped that it would still work. The witch did not come back into the room. I would have to go after her. I felt very anxious and tense as i walked into the other room. I saw the small old woman sitting in the wooden chair in the center of the room. I pointed the wand at her before she could do anything to me. Nothing happened. The wand was not working. She now knew what i was trying to do and could defend herself against me. I ran back into the other room and grabbed my things form the floor. I had to get all of my things and leave the room before the other witch came in. I had to hurry.

12002 January 14

I walked around to the north side of the building in the small town. This place seemed like an old town which had been well maintained. There was a large stone building across a well manicured courtyard to the north of me. It seemed to be an old court house or town hall. I turned to the east and walked into the shadow of the other large stone building. There had been someone else with me, but i was now trying to get back to someplace i had been before. I had left the other person to the south, in the circular lawn where the pink and yellow flowers were growing. I turned to the south and walked into the small door on the back of the building. As i walked into the tiny room, it seemed that i had entered an old tool shack. The room was dark and dirty. It seemed to have a dirt floor, and the walls were bare wood. The ceiling slanted to the south. It seemed to be the roof over me. I peered out through the cracks around the left edge of the door, which was in the north wall. I wondered whether the others were outside looking for me. I did not want them to find me. I had to get back to the other place. I thought that i could go to the south and walked thought the building. If i came out on the other side, i could get away from the people who were looking for me. I started to the south, but could not see the south end of the room through the dense darkness. I thought that it simply ended only a few metres in front of me. I walked to the west wall, where there was a small door. The door was very short, and i crouched down as i approached it. I pulled open the black metal bolt which was on the left side of the door and pulled the old door open. I wondered suddenly why someone had locked the door. I could see a dirt tunnel behind the door. The tunnel ran to the south. It had a rough stone ceiling which arched from the wood wall of the shed to the ground on the west. There was a screen door behind the small door. I thought that it was strange that someone would have gone through so much to keep the entrance to the tunnel closed. The screen on the door seemed old, with thick wire mesh. I started to open the latch on the left side of the screen door when i decided that there must be something wrong with the tunnel. I knew that it would not have been closed up so well is people were supposed to go through. I was looking over my right shoulder as i saw myself lock the latch on the screen door again. I seemed to be wearing a black coat. I was then crouched in front of the door again, looking uneasily into the tunnel. I wondered what the danger was. I then noticed that there were holes in the ground just inside the door. My eyes were just starting to adjust to the darkness, and i could see burrows. I then noticed large black legs curled around the edge of one of the holes. The legs caught the light from the door to the outside behind me. I could not see the body of the spider, but i realized that it must be very large to have such big legs. I became suddenly frightened and quickly closed the wooden door over the opening. I had to get to the other side of the building, but the tunnel was unsafe. I wondered what to do as i backed away from the small door and headed back to the exit door in the north wall.

12002 January 15

I was walking down the trails through the forested area. This area seemed to be familiar, as though i had been around here before, but i did not recognize it. I followed the dirt path into the clearing near the old barns. These barns seemed to be part of a campground. I wondered whether this was the place where the music festival was. The others were gathered around me. He had come all the way to the top of the hill, and i felt as though we had finished a good hike. I asked the others where we were, but i was really talking on the telephone to my mother. I walked to the north. The trail we had been on passed through the shaded camp ground and ended on the dirt road. The road ran west to east. I thought that there was a main road just to the west. The road seemed to curve to the northeast in the other direction, heading into the forest. I turned to the west, mentioning something to my mother on the cell phone. She said that she remembered the area. I turned to the south, onto a second dirt road which ran up a steep hill. The hill had been stripped of trees and was only recently starting to grow grass. My mother said that the area was very beautiful. I was not sure that i was in the correct area. I stopped about half of the way up the hill and turned to the northeast, looking up at the rounded mountains around me. I realized that they were very beautiful. The range rolled away to the northeast, getting larger and larger as it faded into the hazy distance. The mountains seemed to tower over me. They were covered with leafless trees and rolling farm fields. This must have been the place that my mother was talking about. She said that we had been to dinner near here before. I remember driving with my parents and my grandmother into the valley from the northeast. We had taken a road which wound along a creek bed. We had traveled to the southwest until we came to a restaurant, which was on the south side of the road, where the creek bowed to the south. I looked to the north and to the northwest to see more mountains above me. The range was lower to the west, where the dirt road at the bottom of the hill seemed to meet another in a large field. There seemed to be an old red barn on the northeast corner of the intersection. I also thought that there was a car approaching. I turned back to the northeast as i looked over the landscape again. We had hiked quite a way to get here. I then heard a rumbling of thunder from above. The sky did not look dark, but i thought that there was a storm coming. I wondered whether we would be able to make it all the way back to where we had started. I walked under the roof of the old pavilion. The others were gathered near me. This was where the hiking trail had come out of the forest and met the road. I thought that it might be raining, so we would have to stay under the wooden roof of the pavilion for a while. I turned to the southwest to see the corridor of the fancy hotel. This must have been the place where i had dinner with my relatives so long ago. I thought that we must have come from a different direction. We arrived from a road. I imagined the trail in my mind, trying to picture how it ran through the forest from the main road, to the southwest. I was still on the telephone. This pavilion had been part of the music festival, but the people had all left. I pictured the roads from the air. I could see where the main road crossed the flat landscape to the west-northwest. I thought that it was the road which crossed the field by the red barn. We had taken a more direct route in our hike. I looked over the thick green forest to the north and spotted the arching footbridge where we had crossed the creek. I then looked down to the field which was closer to me. I could see where the trail departed from the road. There was an intersection of two roads just below me. The one led off to the west-northwest, while the second headed to the northeast. The sun seemed to be setting over the western road. There was a triangular field of grass between the two roads. The foot trail cut right through the center of the fields before it disappeared into the dense forest to the north. We had hiked the trail earlier to get to the hotel by the creek. We were driving to the northeast now, though. I thought that we had simply not taken the trail the first time we went to the hotel. I then noticed the round circular garden to the northwest of the road. It seemed to be on the north side of an old stone college building. I remembered this campus from before. We had followed the trail to the northeast and had come out in the garden. We had overshot our destination the last time we hiked the trail. The garden was just to the northeast of the pavilion and hotel complex. As we drove past the flower garden, i realized that we could have taken the road to the hotel. There would be a road which ran to the west which intersected the road we were on just to the north of the campus. The ground to the north of the flower garden was raised a few metres from the level of the quadrangle in which the garden was. I tried to picture this land from above. I thought about how the roads reached the hotel. There were many ways to get there.

12002 January 16

I was near the track behind $P7, watching the people running around it. $A62 was there, and he asked me where the others were. I felt surprised that he was here. I told him that the others were to the south of me. I sounded as though i was in disbelief as i spoke. $A62 walked off to the south, and i sat down. I wanted to relax, so i stretched out in the shadow under the large trampoline. I then spoke to $F4 as we walked from the school cafeteria and headed west across the lawn. The modern brown brick school building was to the north of us, and a large playing field spread out to the west and south. There seemed to be a suburban neighbourhood beyond. I replied to $F4 as we approached the wooden picnic table near the southwest corner of the building. I sat on the east side of the table as $F4 walked around to the west. We were talking about something which interested me. I then noticed the group of boys coming over to us from the building to the east. One of the boys had a yellow plastic cup of water in his hand. I felt cautious of them. I knew that they were bullies. The boy with the cup of water splashed the water on the ground near us, getting our feet wet. I was annoyed with them. Another boy walked close to $F4 on the other side of the table and hit $F4 as he passed. I had a picture in a frame in my hands, which i tried to throw at the boys in anger. As i threw the flat piece of ice, however, it did not travel in a straight line. The ice landed on the table in front of me. I picked it up again and threw it again. I felt embarrassed and angry that i could not throw it correctly. The thin sheet finally flew from my hand, but it curved up and flew over our head. I was upset that i could not do anything to the boys.

I walked to the east, into the dorm room. $A239 was there. This was a time from my past, but i was still older. It felt very comfortable to be here in this past. I then wondered how i had come back here. It did not make sense that i could move back in time and not have anyone notice that i was different. I thought that i still had all of my memories from the future. I wandered what it would be like to have this experience anew. I tried to remember what it felt like when everything was new to me.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a blue hat, and i thought that i looked rather good in it. The blue in the hat made my eyes look very bright. I was impressed with the image and the light. I thought that i should take a picture while it lasted. I picked up the camera from the dresser to the right of me, but then thought that i should use my digital camera instead. I quickly ran down the stairs of my house to get the camera. As i reached the lower floor, however, i realized that the camera was really up it the room where i was. I had brought it up earlier.

12002 January 17

My mother and i left the place and headed west on the narrow road. It seemed very early in the morning, but the sun was up and lighted the grey haze over the sky. The road ran very close to the shore of the lake. I was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car watching the small houses and trees pass. This was the road which ran through all of the small towns on the shore of the lake. I knew that it would take time to drive through the towns because we would get stalled in the traffic. The other road to the north would have been quicker. My mother realized that this was not the best way either, and grumbled, asking rhetorically why she had come this way. I told her that she should head north, to the main read. It would be faster than taking the smaller road through the tourist towns. As we reached a small town, i looked at the small tightly packed cottages on both sides of the road. They were all made of wood and were faded and run down. I thought that we would have to pass all of the old cottages on the north side of the lake before we could turn to head north. The road ahead of us made a sharp turn to the north, as though the lake stretched to the west of us. As we traveled around the corner, i was worried that there might be another car coming in the other direction. The corner seemed too tight for two cars to pass, and i did not want to get into an accident. We rounded the tight corner in the car and found ourselves in a tight alley. It was dark now, but i realized that it was dark only because there was a roof over the alley. We were in a corridor which seemed like someplace in a very old city. The cobblestone street sloped up hill slightly as we traveled it to the north. The blinker of the car, which was turned on as we rounded the corner, was illuminating the dull stucco wall to the east, just outside my window. We avoided several boxes in the middle of the street. I then realized that there were boxes all around us. This alley ran along the back side of many of the markets. The boxes were just being delivered for he day. A man then stepped out of a doorway on the east side of the corridor. He looked up at us as we approached. He was wearing a white apron over a dirty tank top, and i thought that he must work in the restaurant on the side of the road. As we passed him, i noticed that there was a straight line down his shoulder where he had shaved his back and shoulders but not the hair on his upper chest. The division seemed strange. He his dark face scowled at us as we passed. His hair was short on his head, and i looked over his arm and upper chest as we past. He was nicely muscled, and i thought that he did not look too bad for someone who shaves his body in such a way. I glanced through the open door to the restaurant, which was just past the man. I could see the other workers in the restaurant’s kitchen. The father of the man was in the back of the kitchen. He was also very nicely built, and his skin seemed smooth and hairless. I thought about both of them as we continued to the north. I walked to the north, across the bedroom in the upstairs of my grandmother’s house. I felt very interested in the men. I then thought that it was getting rather chilly outside. The weather was suddenly getting colder. I imagined the thermometer on the outside of the window to the west dropping quite a bit in a short time, as if there was a storm moving through. It would be interesting to watch the temperature on the thermometer drop because it would be happening so fast. I thought that we could record the temperature drop on video tape, but we would have to catch it at the proper time. I looked at the round blue thermometer, which was in the room with me. I could see the needle on the dial moving slowly to the colder temperatures. There must have been a cold draft in the room. The thermometer then started to drop faster. My mother was talking to someone downstairs as i watched the needle pass zero. It did not feel below freezing in the room. My mother was then in the room with me. I wondered why the temperature was so cold. I decided that there must be a storm passing through. Such a storm would have produced strong winds, though, and it seemed fairly calm outside. I turned to the south and headed down the south end of $P23. My mother was on the west side of the street, sitting on a stationary bicycle. I passed her as i continued to the south. The street ahead of me seemed long, with leafy trees in front of the houses on both sides. I could feel the cold wind blowing on my back, pushing me along. The temperature was changing rapidly. I looked back at my mother to see that she had started pedaling again. It was getting cold, so i thought that we should get back inside. I turned to the east and headed for one of the houses on the side of the street. My mother followed me. I was off of my bicycle as i rolled it through the front door of the house and into the small room. My mother was with me. I then thought that i should not be bringing the bike onto the floors of the house, but i remembered that there was no snow outside. There was only a little water, which i did not think would be too bad for the floors. I propped my bicycle up against the south wall of the room and moved around. It was cold in the house as well. My mother was near the fireplace on the west wall, and i asked her if she wanted me to build a fire. She was poking into the fireplace, looking for the flue up the chimney. There was a wad of newspaper burning on a grate just outside of the fireplace. She must have pulled the grate out of the hearth so that she could open the flue. I grabbed some of the logs from the large wooden bin on the south wall and placed them in the fireplace. As i reached the fireplace, i noticed that there already were a few dark logs on the hearth from a previous fire. I added the fresh wood anyway. I broke up some of the sticks that i had and added them to the fire, hoping that it would get the wood burning faster. The twigs should catch before the logs. I walked to the west side of the hearth and noticed that the fire grate was still standing outside the fireplace, to the north of the hearth. I carefully pushed it in front of the fireplace so that the smoke would go up the chimney and not fill the room. I stood up, noticing that there was a pile of ashes on the floor where the grate had been. I left them there and walked to the east, into the kitchen. The kitchen seemed very large, with a white countertop. There was a plastic carton of milk in the center of the counter to my right. I thought that it should not be left out, so i picked it up to put it away. As i lifted it from the counter, however, i noticed that it was leaking. I felt annoyed with my grandmother for buying a cheap carton of milk. She only bought it because it was on sale for being defective. I placed the milk back on the counter and put the rest of the groceries away instead. When i had finished, i picked up the milk again. It had been sitting in a paper bag on the counter. The bag had caught the milk, which is why i had not noticed that it was leaking before i picked it up the first time. I checked the floor under me to make sure that i had not spilled any milk. I looked back into the living room to see my grandmother sitting on the sofa with my mother. I came out into the living room and grabbed a few things before i walked back into the kitchen. The milk was now in the plastic bag in the counter. It had been poured from the carton and stored it the bag. This did not seem like a good idea. I then noticed the plastic carton on the counter, next to the bag, cut up into small pieces. My mother came into the kitchen and stopped near the counter. She had a small paper note in her hand. I thought that she was going to return the chopped up carton of milk to the store. I felt frustrated with her. My grandmother entered the kitchen and walked to the south. I did not want to deal with either of them, so i walked out of the door on the south wall. I left the cottage and walked across the grassy lawn. It was very nice outside, with a clear bright blue sky. The lawn was oddly shaped. It sloped up hill slightly to the south, and came to a crude point at the southeast corner where a mound of rocks cropped out of the ground. There was a line of trees to the west of the rocks, along the southern edge of the lawn. There seemed to be a lake just beyond the trees, and it seemed that the rocks were part of the shoreline. My mother was walking to the south, toward the dock on the lake. We had reached this place by boat, and i though that my mother was heading back to the boat to go to the store. I could now see the cliffs at the south end of the lawn. The shore of the lake was actually well below the edge of the lawn. I followed my mother and grandmother to the south, noticing a large brown shack in the southeast corner of the lawn. I thought that i would have to pass through the shed to get to the water. It seemed to be part of the boat house, a covering where the stairs led down the cliffs. My mother walked into the shack with me. The old wooden building was almost rounded, and the unfinished age-darkened wood on the floor ran in an octagon shape. This place was an old gazebo. My mother walked to the southwest, to get the boat, but i moved to the east. The east wall was made up of screens, which were attached to the old vertical wooden support beams that held up the ceiling. I could see down the cliffs which ran along the eastern edge of the lawn. The building seemed to be a lot larger now, with a dirt floor. This old structure was part of an old cottage. I walked close to one of the screens and looked down the edge of the cliff. I realized that the bottom of the screen was right at the edge of the cliff. The ground right under the wooden two-by-four, which held the bottom of the screen in place, was starting to erode into the gorge. This place did not really seem safe, but i remembered that people did not have to worry about all of the safety codes that were in existence today. My grandmother started to become frightened and told me not to lean on the screens. I felt annoyed and told her that i would not lean on the screens. I looked down into the steep gorge to the east. The walls of the gorge were vertical and made of reddish-brown layers of rock. The bottom of the gorge was filled with water form the lake. This gorge must me an inlet to the lake. I could see small boats passing down the blue waters of the gorge far below. It was a nice view. The water was very clear and clean, and i could see the ripples in the sandy bottom far below the boats. The water seemed very deep, though i did not think that it would be wide enough for tankers or other cargo ships to pass through. There was a small white motorboat which was coming down the channel from the north. It looked very tiny to me, so i thought that i must be very far up. There was a larger black boat which came into the channel from the lake and headed up stream. I was now over the water on a thin bridge which stretched across the gorge. The bridge seemed to me nothing more than a few pieces of wood which crossed the narrow chasm under the cover of the gazebo. As the black boat passed under me, i recognized the person driving it as $A332. There were a few other people with him in the passenger compartment of the small motorboat. I thought that the other people were recognizable as well. The boat only traveled a little way into the gorge before it circled back around and started toward me again. The must have realized that there was nowhere to go in the canyon. I thought that the canyon ended just to the north, beyond where it made a turn to the west. As the black boat came closer, i tried to recognize the other passengers. Then i spotted the small white boat coming from the north, traveling very slowly down the channel. The black boat passed it and made a circle around it, as though tormenting it. I felt suddenly tense, as though something was wrong. The boats were now directly under me as i stood in the center of the bridge. The black boat finally continued to the south, but the white boat had become swamped in the wake and had tipped over. The two people on the boat were tossed into the water. I felt tense, watching the situation. The black boat turned around and headed back to help. $K4 then said something about the boats from where he was sitting on the west shore. I looked over to him to see that me was sitting on the edge of the cliff, with his feet dangling through the screen and over the edge. Several other relatives of mine were there. I looked down and watched the boats again. $K4 said that we should go down to help them. I wanted to help the people as well, so i stood up and started to walk back to the western shore. It seemed that the eastern shore of the gorge was someone else’s property, and that they were sitting out on the large green lawn enjoying the sun. I stopped a little before the shore because $K1 was standing on the bridge. She was petrified and was too scared to move to the shore. I felt impatient with her, because i want to get down to the water to help the people in the boat. I looked down at the bridge under me as i stood at the edge of the gazebo on the western side of the gorge. I was trying to cross to the east. I noticed that there was as older bridge running below the one on which we were standing. The new bridge was made of green woven-plastic straps, which hung loosely across the water, but the lower bridge was made of wood. I thought that the old bridge would catch up if the new bridge breaks. I wanted $K1 to hurry, but she edged her way along the bridge very slowly. I finally made onto the eastern shore and looked down the side of the cliff. I wondered how i was going to get down. $K4 looked down over the edge with me. It was too far down to jump to the water, though the water did seem deep enough. $K1 then asked what was below her. I looked to the north to see her backing over the edge of the cliff. She was going to climb down. I told her that it was about seven metres to the water. I thought that it might be too far for her to jump. She would have to climb down the cliff a little more before she could jump. I then realized that she wanted to climb all the way down the cliff to the water. I told her that there were some rocks under where she was that she might be able to step on. She was climbing down the cliff on the eastern wall of the gorge, right under the house which was perched on the edge. The foundation of the house was covered with vertical boards which were painted white. The rocks at the top of the cliff were also painted white. $K1 was climbing down near the north corner of the house. There were people standing on the porch on the south side of the cottage. They seemed confused by what was happening. I told $K1 to climb down the to the bottom of the cottage. There was a terrace cut into the rocks just to the south of the cottage where a flower garden was planted. It seemed low enough to the water that $K1 would be able to jump in. It seemed an easy climb down to the lower section of the cliff. I told $K1 to come around the front of the building and start climbing from there, but she had already started down the rocks. The man on the porch called down to $K1, telling her to go around the bottom of the house. I looked at the ledge to which he was referring and told the man that there were flowers on the bench in the middle of the ledge. They were blocking the way. I said that it was easier for $K1 to climb over the side of the cliff and head down. I then saw my father walking along the top of the cliff to the south of the cottage. I was standing on the cliff much farther from the cottage now. I looked at my father as he jumped off the cliff and splashed into the water. I was surprised that he had jumped, but then realized that it was the mast practical way to get down into the water. My mother complained from the other shore, worried that i would now want to jump in after seeing my father do it. I looked down the cliff to see $K1 push away from the cliff and jump into the water. Then someone small jumped off of the cliff from the west and fell into the water. I asked who the small person was. I felt confused at what was happening. Too many people were jumping into the water to help. I then spotted my grandmother standing on the point to the south of me. She stood at the edge of the cliff in a red sun dress with a white pattern of flowers on it. She was wearing a white wide-rimmed hat. She walked right up to the edge of the cliff and looked over into the water. I knew that she would not jump into the water, but she simply walked to the edge of the cliff and hopped over. She plunged into the water. I was shocked and suddenly concerned. I knew that she could not swim, and was shocked that she had jumped into the water. I yelled to the others in the water to go to her. I felt panicked as i watched her sink in the water. No one was moving toward her. I thought that i should jump in the water after her, but i did not move from the cliff. I had to get to her, but i was not moving. I felt that something had to be done urgently.

12002 January 20

I looked down at the ground as i passed over it. I was still learning how to fly. I wondered whether i would have to get used to the uncomfortable feeling of freefall as part of the learning. The ground below me was tan with orangish rocks. It seemed to be a desert landscape, with wide mesas and many rocks. I thought about what it would feel like to look down at the distant landscape from high above. I concentrated on the feeling in my abdomen, but could not sense weightlessness. I relaxed and thought about falling slightly, i then realized that i might be too close to the ground. I could see the desert dirt moving toward me. I thought about slowly applying my powers of flight so that it would slow me enough. I seemed to be moving too quickly in a horizontal direction, though, as i drew close to the ground. I thought that i would have to think of flying in the opposite direction in order to slow down.

12002 January 21

I walked to the west, to the end of the corridor in the cellar of the house. This seemed like a new house of mine. I was hurrying to clean the cellar and put things into a place. I felt as though i had been arranging the things in the cellar for quite some time. The corridor through which i was walking was on the south side of the cellar, and seemed to have openings to the north which looked into smaller rooms. I ran to the end of the hall, to the west, and turned to the north. The walls of the basement were made of cinder blocks. I walked into an area which seemed like an office. The wall to the east was made of orange material and reminded me of the walls of an office cubicle. I looked around at the toys that were on the floor. They were not in their proper places, and i did not want them to get broken. I picked them up and started to arrange them on the shelves of the room. I felt in hurried. I then turned and walked back out of the office. $A190 was coming down the corridor toward me, form the east. A few other people were following him. I should let them come into the room and see that it really was clean. I had cleaned the furnace and arranged all of the things in their proper places. I then hoped that i had not placed anything on top of the furnace. $A190 and the others walked into the room behind me, but it started down the hall to the east. I started flying down the basement corridor. Near the end of the corridor, i turned to the south and found myself outside. It was dark. The building was made of grey stone and seemed very fancy. The white stove balcony was to the left of me, overlooking what seemed to be a swamp. There was a large willow tree draped over the railings of the balcony. I turned to the east, and flew through the french doors and into the lighted room of the house.

I was fixing things in the attic of my house. There seemed to be many holes in the insulation where the hot air was escaping from the house. I passed my hand over the floor boards near the east wall of the attic. I could feel warm drafts rising from the floor. The old boards were really from the floor of the porch. I was on the front of the house, looking for cracks in the front wall were the warm air might escape. There were then some old women standing just off the porch. They were from the neighbourhood and had come to greet me. I said hello, and they told me that they came from the church. I felt uncomfortable with them and did not want to answer their questions. They asked me whether i was the house provider. Singe i lived alone, i reluctantly told them that i was. One of the ladies then smiled and leaned forward, asking “What accompaniments do you have with dinner?” It seemed like a religious question. I told them that i had none. I knew that my answer would disturb them, but i felt defiant in saying it. The women were noticeably upset, gasping in surprise. I felt good for standing up to my beliefs.

12002 January 23

I was on the train with the other people. This was some kind of tour, and we were headed to the south, through the rolling hills of the countryside. There was a steep hill to the east of us which was covered with dark green trees. We were in a foreign country. I was then above the train, watching it speed along the tracks. The engine emitted a steady stream of smoke as it pulled the cars around the gentle curves at the base of the hills. I felt excited about this trip. I was then back with the others in the large room of the house. We had just arrived here. The walls of the house seemed very plain, and the ceiling was fairly low. There seemed to be a corridor on the south wall of the room which was separated from the room by a plain white wall. There was something hanging on the wall. The door through which we had entered was on the south end of the west wall. There seemed to be several doors on the east wall of the living room. I was crowded into the room with the others, talking about our trip. We were standing in this living room with our winter coats on. This was the house in which we were supposed to stay for the night. I listened as the others spoke. The tour guide was standing in the center of the large room, to the east of the main pack. He was telling us things about his country. He had short blonde hair and a very attractive face. He seemed rather young, and i noticed that he had a thin athletic build. I felt very attracted to him. I listened to his conversation as he talked to the others near him. Someone asked him something about the women in the group, and he said that he would not be bothering with them. I realized that he was homosexual. I felt more interested in him and wondered whether i should talk to him. My mother then came in the room from the door on the east wall. She said that she would be taking over the tour from $K18. She said that $K18 had to go to France to watch a dog show. I knew that $K18 was very involved with the dog shows, and i was disappointed to that she would not be the one watching over us. I did not want my mother doting on me while i was here. I walked to the east, to one of the doors where the bedrooms were. It was getting late, and i did not feel like talking with the others anymore. As i reached the doors, i wondered which room the tour guide was staying in. I asked someone which room on the east wall i was supposed to sleep in. The east end of the living room had several beds and cots along the north and south walls. One of the women in the bed on the east end of the south wall said that i could find a bed in either of the rooms. I opened the door to the south and saw a small room full of beds. There were already people sleeping in the beds, though. There would be no place for me to sleep, so i went into the room to the north. I felt lustful, and wanted to be with someone. I went into the room to the north and found it empty. I was disappointed. I felt like being close to someone, even if it was not sexual. I put my things down on one of the beds, feeling alone. I thought that the others would come to this room eventually. I decided that i should get into bed.

12002 January 24

I spoke on the telephone as o paced to the west inside the small room of the house. I felt that there was something urgent happening. $F14 was on the other end of the telephone. I knew that she was on a cell phone. I tried to understand what she was saying, but i could not really hear her voice. I felt that something was wrong. She was urgently trying to tell me something. I walked back to the east and into the small room to the south. I stopped in front of the computer screen and tried to see if i could find her on line. A recorded voice on the telephone mentioned that $F14 could be reached by various internet methods. It mentioned her nickname on IRC and said that she could be found on AIM. There was something very wrong, and i had to understand what she was trying to say. I then looked at the telephone suddenly. The digital clock said “5:55”. I knew that the time was special. I felt that i had to get the message from her, but i did not know what else to do. I felt helpless.

12002 January 25

I was on the south end of the wrestling room. We seemed to be in a room of $P7. I had been practicing with one of the other people in the room. I looked up. I could see the red mat on the floor near us. I then noticed that a large part of the floor was covered with something large and blue. I noticed $F7 wrestling with someone to the northeast. I then started to feel out of place here. I wondered why i was practicing with the wrestlers. It did not seem appropriate. I moved to the red mat which was just to the north of where i was practicing. I looked at it and thought that it was too small for us to be wrestling on. It would be too easy for us to go off if the mat. $F7 said something to me from the mat that he was on. I thought that he was joking with me. He started to jog around the north side of the room. I realized that he wanted to wrestle me. I felt excited, and wanted to take his challenge. I then felt that this was not a good thing to do. I did not fit in this place. I hoped that he would start the match, though, so i would have a reason to engage him. I then started to realize that this scene was not real. I felt disappointed. I wanted to compete against $F7. I hoped that he would tackle me so that we could start wrestling, but my vision became white. I waited for the sensation of someone trying to take me down, but i felt nothing. I was disappointed and started to feel depressed.

12002 January 26

My mother was concerned about the people nearby. She said that something might be wrong at the Bradies’ house. I remembered that the man from the house used to come over to my parents’ house. He was handsome, and i remembered that he was very friendly. I thought that he lived to the north of us somewhere, but i did not think that he lived close enough so that we could see their house. I was in the back yard of the small cabin. There were hills rising to the north and west of us. I looked to the north, but could not see through the tall thick pine trees which grew on the north edge of the driveway. I stood in the driveway, which ran along the north side of the small white cottage. The cottage seemed old and run down, but the area around us was very scenic. My father asked my mother about the event. She said that she had seen smoke from where there house was on the hill. I bent over a little, peering under the trees. I could only see white sky behind the trees. I then realized that the white was actually a heavy fog. The fog had come in recently, after my mother had seen the smoke earlier. As i looked through the branches of the pine trees, i could see sections of the trees on the forested hill to the north of us. The view was very scenic, and i thought that this would make a nice photograph. I then realized that there was a power line running in the center of the view. I focused on the lines for a moment and realized that they were the utility lines from the cottage. I was looking to the east, at the end of the driveway. The driveway ended in a thin row of trees. The power and utility lines ran from the northeast corner of the house to the north, across the driveway. I realized that they were very low to the ground. I worried that something might hit them. I seemed to be carrying something in my hand. I adjusted it so that it was not sticking up over my head as i walked toward the lines. The main power lines were thin and wrapped around each other. The dull silver tension line was noticeable in the center of the braid. There were a few other thin black wires running over, but resting on, the power lines. I watched the braided power wires as i approached. I felt very cautious of them. I wanted to ask my father whether they could be placed under the driveway. I then thought that this might be too difficult. I walked under the lines and looked back out over the narrow valley to the hill to the northeast. For a moment, i thought that i could see a stream of smoke coming over the top of the hill to the northeast, but then realized that it was a ribbon of cloud from the fog. My father spoke to my mother to the west, in the middle of the driveway. I could now see the hill to the north of us as well. I had not realized that the Brodies lived just on the other side of the hill. I looked down into the gorge to the east. The cliff was very steep at the edge of the driveway. I realized that the dirt from the driveway could easily erode and fall into the gorge. I mentioned this to my father as i got down onto my knees to look over the edge. There seemed to be a low metal gate across the top of the cliff to prevent people from falling, but it was not enough to make me feel completely safe. I could see the rough rocky ground slope steeply away from the driveway to the edge of the cliff. There were several pine trees and shrubs growing in the dirt. I stood up and looked around. The drive ran on the east north of the house, forming a very steep valley between the driveway and the steep forested hills on the other side. I looked again at the grey clouds to the north. They seemed to be part of a storm, but i knew that they were just part of the retreating fog. I was in the truck as my father drove to the west on the country road. We were heading to the Brophies’ house to see if we could find anything wrong. As we drove across a dry grassy field, i could see a thick tube of dark-grey cloud to the north. For a moment, i wondered whether it was a tornado. I watched it as we passed several pine trees. I decided that the vertical tubes of clouds were formed by the retreating fog. The fog was going to the north. There seemed to be something wrong with the patch of fog. It was very dense and dark to the north, and did not seem like a natural storm. My father then slowed down near a dirt road. The road ran to the north from the paved road on which we were driving. It ran through a large field of dry yellow field grass and disappeared through a space in the pine trees on the other side. The road looked very familiar to me. I then remembered that it ran to the Brophies’ house. I thought that we should take the dirt road. It would get us there quicker than if we traveled around the paved roads to the west. I felt impatient, and wanted to get to the house quickly. I felt confined in the truck. I knew that something was wrong. My father drove past the road and started to move to the west. I told him to take the dirt road, but he seemed indecisive. I then remembered that the dirt road was their private driveway. Their house was quite a way into the woods on the dirt road. It was closer to the paved roads on the other side of the fields. My father turned the truck to the south, into a gravel area near a barn. There seemed to be a blue house to the north of us. The house had a nicely cut lawn with green grass. My father said that we could walk the rest of the way. I wondered why we would be walking. I knew that it was quite a way to the house. I then thought that it was still muddy out. The dirt road might not be passable all the way to the house. I decided that walking would still be faster than driving all the way around. My father drove the blue truck back onto the paved road and started to the east, toward the dirt road. Before we could get moving, a police car came from the east on the paved road and pulled off the north side of the road. It was moving rather fast, and the police officer inside seemed in a hurry. He drove the white and tan SUV over the entrance to the gravel road and onto the edge of the lawn of the blue house. A green police car was following the SUV. It seemed to be in an urgent hurry as well. Something was happening. My father stopped in front of the driveway as the green car pulled across the entrance to the driveway. We looked at the police cars, wondering what was happening. There were other cars blocking the entrance to the dirt road, and i could see several young men in white tee shirts moving things across the road to secure the area. I felt concerned and wanted to know what had happened. I spoke to my father as he turned the truck into the dirt road and started to turn around. The truck was now facing south, and we were looking out the back window at the police. I suddenly noticed that there were two boats on the east side of the driveway. The driveway was now forested, and the boats were on trailers partially in the branches of the bushes. The large tan boat was low to the ground. I realized that it was the shell of a sailboat. A policeman walked over to the boat. I then realized that there was a body lying on the deck of the boat. It was partly covered by the ropes and a white sheet. I could see the hairy leg of the man who was on the boat. I realized that he had been murdered. My father started to drive the car to the south, down the paved road which led back to out house. I felt panicked and told my father that i had remembered this from before. He asked me how i knew about it, and i told him that i had seen this in a dream. I told him that the man was lying on a trailer in the dream, but there was no boat in the dream. I tried to picture the dream in my head. The dream seemed to take place in front of a house. The house was small and blue, and sat on the wet side of a north-to-south road. The trailer was on the north side of a paved driveway just in front of the garage door, which was in the bottom floor of the house. I walked to the north, into the front door of the small cottage. I was back where i had started. I told the people inside what hat happened. A man followed me into the house as my father walked out. I then noticed that $X3 had run out the front door of the cottage after my father. I moved to the door as it closed and looked out the window. There was a dark van in the driveway. It was moving to the east. I could see two young kids in the van. I then noticed that the man who had followed me into the house was suddenly very nervous. I looked at him and realized that he was afraid of me. He did not know why i had rushed to the door and felt unsafe. I told him that $X3 had run outside. He stared at me hesitantly. I turned and walked to the east, into the kitchen of the white house. I thought that there would be others coming to the house. My mother was having a reception for the neighbours to mourn the killings. The kitchen seemed very plain, with few decorations or furnishings. As i walked in, my grandmother left the room to get something in the living room. There was a white counter protruding from the east wall to the south of me, and a small round table to the north. My mother was sitting on the eat side of the table. The man who had followed me into the house walked into the kitchen and stood to the north. There seemed to be an old door in the northeast corner of the room. It faced at an angle to the other walls of the room. There was a window in the east wall and a second in the north. The place seemed run down, but i felt that it was familiar. There was a woman sitting on the north side of the round table. She was wearing dark clothing. I knew that she was one of the women from the neighbourhood. I hanged some of the fruit i was carrying to my mother, who said that it was a good idea to get rid of it with the rest of the food on the table. I also had a round tin of chex mix. I could see the large silver bowl of chex mix in front of my mother and thought that i should combine the two. I dumped the contents of the tin unto the large bowl as my mother moved the fruit that i had given her to the counter to the south. The wax paper, which had been used to line the tin, fell out onto the top of the bowl. I closed the tin and reached for the paper just as my mother was about to pull it out. I realized that the large silver bowl was also lined with wax paper. I pulled the flat piece of wax paper from the top of the bowl, noticing that the chex mix that i had poured into the bowl was darker in colour than the chex mix which was already in the bowl. The individual pieces were also smaller in size. I thought that i should mix up the bowl so that it was not as noticeable. I also thought that it was a good thing that i did not have to bring the chex mix home with me. I could get rid of everything here.

12002 January 27

I was at the apartment with the others. Something seemed to have happened. I walked out of the apartment and stood on the sidewalk with the others. The apartment building was large and old. It seemed to be a brick building in the middle of the city. There seemed to be a porch on the east end of the first floor of the building. The porch was cut into the corner of the green stucco building. There was white wood trim around the edges of the porch. $F15 was with me as i spoke to some of the other people. We were standing to the south of the apartment building, on the sidewalk near the city street. It seemed sunny out. The people were part of his band. He mentioned that they had just released a new album of theirs. I looked at the black suitcase that someone had placed on the object on the sidewalk. The person was on the south side of the suitcase as they opened it. I looked at the square objects inside. They were mostly grey, with black bubbly patterns on the cover. I wondered whether they were really the new CDs. I thought that they could not be the new albums because the band was not supposed to head into the studio until February.

12002 January 28

I drove to the northwest, down the main street in the large city. I felt as though i had been to this city before. This place seemed to be New York City. I wondered what my mother would think if she knew that i had driven all the way down here on my own. I knew that she was afraid of this city. I looked at the shops on the southwest side of the street. I recognized some of them, but i thought that this was not the part of town that i remembered. I had to go farther down the road go get to the downtown area. I wondered whether this road was Broadway. I followed the road as it merged with another road. I started to head to the north. I watched the road signs as i passed, wondering whether i was really on Broadway. I saw the sign for one of the cross streets and realized that it was Bleecker. I thought that i must be downtown, near that i had been in before. I wondered where the store was to which i wanted to go. I remembered that there was a very good record store here somewhere. I then came to the end of the street. I turned to the east, thinking that this was one of the towns which formed the larger city. There seemed to be an old white wooden court building to the north, with a large green lawn in front of it. There were several trees along the road at the edge of the lawn. I knew that i should stop somewhere around here. I wondered where i could find a parking spot. I walked along the sidewalk on the south side of the road. The road ahead seemed to curve to the northeast as it wandered through the small-town. I passed by some of the old stores on the south side of the street. It was a warm summer day, and there seemed to be people standing in front of some of the stores. One of the stores seemed to be an old general store. It had a plain stucco front with white wood trim around the door. The building was run down. I stopped and turned to the north as a man walked from the other side of the street. Someone said something about him. I thought that there was something special about him. His name was Kevin. The man to the west of me referred to him as a king. I felt very interested in him, as if there was something very special about whom he was. I then noticed that he was also very attractive. I wanted to talk to him, but i felt hesitant. He seemed to be wearing something red on his upper body, but i could still see that he was nicely defined on his torso. I stood next to him as he looked to the north. There was something that he had to do. He started to sit down as the others talked to him. I thought that he was going to lead the ceremony. When i looked at him again, i realized that he was wearing a brown wood mask which covered most of the front of his head. The mask seemed familiar. It had white and blue lines around the nose and forehead. There was something very special about the man that interested me, but i also felt very physically attracted to him. I looked down at his body as her stood near me. He was not wearing anything on his upper body, and i could see the muscle detail. He was not heavily muscled, but he had a nice athletic shape. I also noticed that he had thick hair on the back of his shoulders. I thought that it did not diminish his attractiveness. I wondered how i could get to know him.

12002 January 29

We were coming back from someplace as we drove down the highway to the west. The other person was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car, but he was driving. I was behind him as we spoke. I looked out the window ahead. It seemed as though we had just left the city. It was dark out, and the road ahead was partly covered with snow. I felt cautious and worried that we might slide on the ice. I remembered driving on this road a little while ago. I spoke to $A333 as i watched the brown pavement of the road ahead of us curve to the northwest. I seemed to be sitting in the passenger’s seat to the left of $A333. I then felt worried that we were not wearing our seatbelts. I thought that the road might be real icy, and that we might get into an accident. I shifted over to the driver’s seat and tried to strap myself in. I wondered whether anyone would think that i was really driving the car just because i was in front of the wheel. I did not want to be confused for the driver if we were in an accident. I turned the car to the north. There seemed to be a large white building just off of the road. I thought that it might be a hospital. There was someone with us. The woman started to ask us questions as we walked into the lobby of the building. I felt as though were being detained for some reason. The people were questioning us. There were several other people in the room. The walls of the lobby were made of polished white stone, and the floor seemed to be covered with dark-green carpeting. There were windows on the south, east, and west walls of the building which covered the entire wall. The light from the grey day outside came into the windows. I knew that the woman was trying to scare us with her questions. She seemed to have something to do with the police. I wondered whether the others with me would be intimidated by here. I felt casual, knowing that there was nothing she could do to us. I then started to wonder why we had stopped here. I turned to the south and started to wander back into the main part of the lobby. There seemed to be a tinted glass wall dividing the section in which we were standing from the outer lobby.

12002 January 30

I was sitting in the classroom of the school. This place seemed like $P7. I looked at the small booklet in which i was writing. I was taking a test in the classroom. The classroom seemed to be on the first floor of $P7, on the east side of the hall. All of the chairs were facing the south wall. I was only aware of the two chairs in the center of the first row of seats. I was sitting on the metal armchair to the west, and $F4 was sitting in the one to the east. We were both taking the test. $A96 was sitting behind a large wooden desk on the south side of the room. I looked down at the paper and tried to figure out the problem. I felt as though this was easy for me, but i did not think that i would be able to finish the test in time. I knew that i would have an easier time on the test than $F4. It suddenly seemed as though the bell had run. I stood up, but i did not want to stop looking over the test. I wanted to finish the last problem. I looked at the small white page in the blue test book. It was covered with pencil markings. I had been working out a physics equation. I felt as though i had almost figured it out, but i did not quite have it. I knew there was just a little more. I had taken the test home to finish it. I was in the room of the house as i read over the test. I realized that i had been working in a separate booklet from the one i had taken the test. I then started to wonder why i had taken the test home. I realized that i should have handed it in at the end of class. I felt suddenly concerned that i did not hand in my test. I would not get any credit for the test at all. I could not figure out why i had taken the test from the room. It did not seem to make any sense. I wondered what i should do with the test booklet now. I looked at the two test books that i had. I could not even turn in the one which i had finished for the test because there would be no way to verify that i had not changed the answers once i got home. I felt confused and frustrated. I then thought that the last problem on the test was not even correct after i had worked on it for a long time. I was never able to solve it. I then thought about the problem. I realized that i had done it wrong from the start. There should have been a radial part to the equation. I thought that the sphere had something to do with the geometry of the problem. There should have been a factor of two times pi in the equation. I did not remember putting any factors for a circumference in the problem. I tried to remember what the correct equation was for the volume of the sphere. I thought that two times pi was not really correct either. It should be four times pi, as if it were the surface area of a sphere. I looked back up. I was back in the school. I now seemed to be on the upper floor. I wondered what i would sat to $A96. I knew that he would be upset with me for not handing in my paper. It was a stupid thing to do. I paced around the large open room, which seemed to be on the third floor of $P7. I realized that i did not recognize the place. I knew that it was in the south wing of the building, but it was not the way i remembered it. I turned to the north as the teacher said “At least i don’t have to deal with the column any more.” I was fairly sure that he was referring to the main support column which was in the center of the room, under the tower on the building. I looked up at the ceiling. The ceiling seemed to have new wood boards on it which spanned the area between the metal I-beam rafters. I could see a round area in the peak of the roof. The bell tower was above this area. The teacher said that the look out tower of the school was very heavy and had to be supported. I told him that this place had changed quite a bit from what i remembered. I looked to the south. I told the teacher that this room used to be a corridor. I said that i had never been in this room before. I then pointed to the east wall and said that i had sat over there. I remembered that there used to be an English class room on the east side of the hall. As i looked down the hall to the south again, i could see where the remnants of the old hall had been. There was part of a brick wall where the hall used to be. I could see someone moving around near the wall. The teacher in the room with me was arranging the wooden arm chairs in the center of the room. It seemed as though there was going to be a class in here soon.

12002 January 31

I turned back to the south, looking at the crops which were growing in the field. This was part of my parents’ back yard. I could see the tall stalks of corn directly in front of me. I lifted the hose and pressed my finger over the opening. The water shot upward, arching over the large garden. I watched the stream of water as it arched. I then noticed the power lines on the other side of the garden. It seemed that the water was arching high enough to hit the three black lines which crossed the field from east to west on the wooden poles. I knew that the water had to be coming down in front of the wires, though. The lines were simply too far away for me to hit them with the water. I tried to adjust my thumb on the end of the hose so that i could get more pressure in the stream, but i started to have trouble placing my finger of the nozzle. I adjusted my finger, but could not get the water to arch as high as it had before. I continued to water the garden, thinking that i would not be able to water all of the area from where i was standing. I would have to somehow water the rest later. I imagined that there was a good irrigation system in the field. I turned to the hose to the southeast and started to spray the other tall plant in the garden. I then realized that the sun was still out. It had been a very hot day. It was not a good idea to water the plants while the sun was still out. It could make the plants wilt. I decided that i should try to water the plants later, when i would be able to get water to the entire garden. I looked to the southeast to see that the garden actually stretched quite a way to the east. The field around the garden was filled with tall dry field grass. I then look back at the corn directly to the south of me. It seemed vary tall. I thought that it might be special corn. I imagined that it had been altered in some way through experimental science. It was actually small corn, but its size had been altered by a special machine. The machine would have to be active to create the illusion. I knew that the molecular structure of the pink tea pot would start to become unstable. The pot hovered in the middle of the field. Its molecules were not really enlarged. They were simply spread out over more space. I knew that this would be very hard to control. The special device, which was emitting a yellow cylindrical field around the tea pot, would have to hold the atoms of the pot together as it moved them into a larger and larger space. Over time, the edges of the pot would become fuzzy. I imagined explaining to another person that the atoms of the pot had to be suspended in the field as they were drawn apart from each other. In order for the pot to remain a pot, they would have to be held in a position relative to the atoms around them before the tea pot had been enlarged. I told the person to the east of me that the atoms of the pot were simply too energetic. There would always be some random motion in the atoms. Over time, this motion would move the atoms out of alignment, causing the form of the tea pot to degrade. The longer the pot was enlarged, the greater the degradation. I remembered that this enlargement could be used to temporarily enlarge soldiers for battle. As i thought about these things, i pictured a large man standing in the field to the west of me. I watched myself pace in thought to the east, across the field, as the large man towered over me. The man’s feet would not sink into the ground because he would be no heavier than before. His mass could not change, only the spacing of his atoms. I then thought that he would threaten me by swinging a club at me like a golf club. I knew that the story would have to end with the man hitting the high-voltage power lines on the south side of the field. I ran the scenario through my head a few times, thinking of the perfect alignment for the man so that he would draw back the club with a menacing, unaware that he was moving the club into the wires. He would swing the club up, into the wires. The expression on his face would change to shock and horror as the electricity arched through him. There would be a bright flash of sparks from the line to give the effect of charge.