12007 January 02

I was in the locker room, getting dressed. I was standing to the east of the wall of tall grey lockers. I felt a little confused as i tried to remember which underwear i was supposed to wear. I thought that i might be confusing the pair that i just took off with the clean pair. I then realized that i would need a clean pair for after i worked out. I could not focus on what i was trying to do. I then looked down and saw the jockstrap on the bench in front of me, and i remembered that i wore it to work out in. I did not need another pair of underwear. I then looked to the west to see the man sitting on the bench in front of me. He was sitting facing west, but he had turned around to his left and was point a small black pistol at me. I felt confused by this situation. He was wearing a light-tan trench coat and seemed very casual about what was happening. I moved a little, and he followed with the gun. I felt suddenly concerned with the situation. Something was wrong, and i felt that this should not be happening.

12007 January 04

I started moving to the east-southeast, down the dirt trail. We had just finished a run with $G4, and we were heading to place where we would celebrate. I felt that i had just left $P19. It seemed to be a small house on the northern side of the road, in the clearing, behind me. I was now headed through the forest, and i suddenly felt as though i had a long way to travel. The ground of the forest rolled slightly as it stretched out. The forest was tight with tall thin trees that had no branches on their lower sections. The trunks of the threes seemed ashen gray. I thought about where i was going as i drove the truck over the bumpy road dirt road. I realized that most of the people with me were from $P19, and it seemed odd to me that i would be making them travel away from the house to the end of the run. I wondered why i did not start the run at $P19 so that everyone would start and stop where they lived. I felt suddenly uneasy about making them drive through the forest to get to the end of the run. I looked at the rough dirt trail in front of me as i drove, wondering if my car would be able to make it over the larger holes. I felt tired and did not want to spend the time traveling to the end of the run. It seemed like such a long distance. I thought that i should speed up on this road. I knew that it was bumpy, but i thought that i could travel easier if i traveled faster. I focused on speeding up, but i did not seem to be moving any faster. I looked down at the large tree trunk that was lying down the length of the road under me. I seemed to be skidding on it. I felt annoyed, wanting to get done quicker. I looked at $Z ahead of me, who was now a deer. I followed him on the road, but could not seem to go any faster. I thought that the deep rut in the road, which was over a meter deep, must have exposed the log. Once i was to the end of it, i noticed that there were large grey smooth rocks in the road. The deer was hopping from stone to stone. I was glad that they were there because it would mean that i could get better traction. I seemed to be a deer as well. I moved over the stream, which had eroded the road, exposing the boulders. I tried to speed up again, but found that i was slipping on the rocks. I could hear my feet trying to gain traction on the surface of the rocks, but not being able to. I felt disappointed and upset that i could not get this over with. There was then a man in front of me. He was angry with me and tried to attack me. I remembered this situation before. I hit the man and knocked him down so that he would not attack me again. The members of $G3 were around with me now, and i thought that they would be impressed by the fact that i could defend myself. I then thought that this might have something to do with the scene from earlier, where i was in the restaurant. I remembered that i was standing to the west of the service counter when a man, who was from $G3, got angry with me and came around the southern end of the counter to fight with me. I remembered that i ignored him at the time, but could not remember what my attitude was. I thought that, if i acted afraid to fight him then, it might have prompted this man to attack me now. There were two people behind the counter to the east of me now, both wearing orange or yellow uniforms. The walls of the room seemed dull yellow. The shorter man walked to the south, around the counter and confronted me. I ignored him and did not let him challenge me. He seemed to be $A380, but i could not be sure. I tried to remember what happened then. I wondered why $A380 would be angry with me, and why he would want to attack me in the restaurant. I remembered leaving the restaurant without a fight, but i could not understand why i would have angered $A380. I then wondered if my retreat without a fight is what made $A428 disinterested in me. I thought that he was ignoring me lately. I imagined the man with me now as he tried to attack me in an angry lunge. I imagined stepping out of the way and hitting him across the face. I thought of several strikes i could make to stop him from attacking me. I thought that i could kick his leg to knock him over and then kick him in the head to break his concentration on the attack. As i walked away, he charged for me gain. I thought that i could simply step out of the way and knee him in the abdomen. I then saw the man attacking me. I watched as the two men struggled. I was excited to watch the match. They seemed to start wrestling, and i focused on the man who was attacking. He seemed to have rough skin on his shoulders and his complexion seemed rather pale, but i could see that he was nicely muscled. His hair was sheared short. He strained as the two fell to the ground. He was trying to grab the other man, who seemed thinner, with tanned skin light skin. I watched them wrestling, excited as the pale man strained to grab the other guy. I did not want the pale man to win, thinking that he was the bad guy. I watched his face tense as he struggled. I thought that he was finally trapped in a choke and would have to submit, but the other guy did not grab for the hold. Instead, he leaned to one side, locking his legs around the first guy. I was confused by this move, but thought that it was probably not really an attack, as it had seemed. I thought that i was the thinner man because he had a build more like i did. I then thought that this was an actual fight, and i was afraid that the thinner man would get trapped in a choke himself. Because it was real, it was serious.

12007 January 10

I stepped onto the picnic table to the west as the man walked to the east, on the southern side of the table. I was looking out across the yard of my parents’ house. The yard was small, with many plants in the gardens. It seemed to be autumn, and all of the plants were wilting and damp. Tall stalks were bent over and pale near the chain-link fence, which ran in line with the northern wall of the house, heading west across the yard. I looked down at the ground to see the red leaves of the vines growing in the rectangular garden. The garden was bordered by wooden poles, which kept the dirt in. I knew that the red leaves had been growing up the tall fence along the northern side of the yard, but something had happened to them. I thought that they were purposely cut back because of the problem. I could see the sharp edge to the groundcover along the western edge. They had been cut down from the fence because something had gone wrong. I felt that these plants were somehow related to $K24. I looked around at some of the other plants here, feeling that something was wrong. Most of the plants were reduced to stalks because it was so late in the year. I then turned to the east and stepped on to the porch of the house. I was cautious of something as i looked out across the eastern yard toward the neighbours’ house. I then noticed the large brown car slowing on the road to the south of the house. I felt weary of the car and moved to the south, so that i was standing near the wall of the house that enclosed the southern side of the porch. I was trying to keep myself out of view of the car. The car seemed to be an American car form the 11970s. A large truck then came down the driveway from the north. I felt confused by the traffic, and tried to focus on the large car that was moving down the road to the east. The large black pick-up truck turned to the east and parked in the driveway, across from the porch. I felt unsure of the situation as a man got out of the truck and started coming toward me. I then noticed that the car had turned into the neighbours’ driveway and was nom driving across the lawn toward the truck. These two people were related. I was nervous and did not feel comfortable here. The man from the truck walked toward me. He had short gray hair and was wearing a dark shirt and pants. He held a large picture of an older man with long white hair and beard. I remembered the man from the photograph and felt nervous. It had something to do with the man who was killed. A small crowd started gathering in the driveway as the sheriff walked from the truck. The sheriff showed me a large photograph, which was mounted on an orange piece of paper. It was a man in a brown dress coat. He seemed young, and i did not recognize him at all. I told the sheriff that i did not recognize the man, even though i thought that he might be a younger version of the same man in the other picture. I did not want to talk about the man who had died, feeling guilty. One of the women from the crowd then passed the large white picture forward to the sheriff. It was the picture of the older man mounted on white paper. The sheriff did not ask me about it, but i pointed out that i did recognize the man in the photograph. I told the sheriff that the old man had been at my parents’ wedding. I remembered the ceremony from not too long ago. The man had died during the wedding, but no one wanted to spoil the event, so they never admitted that he had died. It seemed that the body was hidden, and no one talked about it. It was something everyone was trying to hide, and i did not want to tell the police about it. The sheriff pulled back the picture that i had identified and directed a line of officers to fan out into the woods. The police headed out to the north and east, into the woods. I was worried that they would find the body. The crowd remained in the driveway, talking. I hoped that we would not get in trouble, and i tried to remember what had happened at the wedding. I pictured my mother standing in a white dress to the south of me, standing to the west of my father, who was in a black dinner jacket. I remembered seeing the old man in a worn brown jacket. He looked a little younger than in the picture. I felt suddenly uncomfortable looking at the man, knowing that he was about to die. I felt guilty for knowing about his body being disposed of. I turned around to head back into the room of the house. I felt uneasy and thought that i had to do something. The entry hall of the house was large, stretching to the west. There seemed to be a set of stairs ascending to the west, along the southern wall. There were several plank doors on the northern wall, all of which were closed. The lightly stained wooden floor seemed worn, but in nice shape. The house felt uncomfortably empty as i moved to the west, across the room. The others had left the ceremony. If felt very late at night now, and i thought that people had gone from the wedding. There was a door on the western end of the southern wall, which led to the garage. I knew that the ceremony had been held in there. I felt uneasy, thinking that there was still someone dangerous here. I thought that this place might be haunted. I walked into the large room to the south, which was now dark. I could see only some of the features with the dim light that was coming in from the eastern windows. This was the place where the event happened, and it made me feel uncomfortable to be here. I tried to reassure myself that there was no longer any danger, but i was still afraid. I then noticed the body lying on the wooden bench, which was against the southern wall. There seemed to be a white sheet covering most of the body, and i wondered if it was simply someone sleeping, or if it was another dead body. I moved closer to the northern wall to be away from it as i headed toward the lights from the crowd in the driveway, to the east. I tried to calm myself, but i could not get rid of the feeling of danger, so i turned around and walked back to the west, toward the exit door of the rustic dance hall. I came back into the entrance hall of the main building, which was lighted, and i walked to the east to head out into the driveway where the others were. There was now a chair in the center of the northern wall. A large red cat was curled up in the center of the cushion on the seat of the large wooden chair. As i passed, the woman, who was the cat, uncurled and sat up. She was wearing leotards that looked like a cat pattern. I could tell that she was upset, and i thought that she must sense the danger in the house. I looked at her for a moment as she stretched, thinking that she must know that the bad man is here. I wondered what i should do.

12007 January 12

I was driving around the downtown area of the small city with the other person. We seemed to be to the northwest of the city center, is an old business district. The buildings around us were small, and several of them seemed to be houses, but the rest seemed to be old brick single-story factories. There were many empty grassy lots. It was daytime, and the sky seemed gray and cloudy. I came to the end of the short street and turned to the south. It seemed that we wanted to head to the northwest, but i felt that the streets did not quite run in that direction. There seemed to be a train tack running to the north of us. I drove down the street, looking at the small cinder-block buildings on the western side of the road. These places were small businesses. I then noticed the dry grass and short weeds in the empty lots to the east. The road ahead passed through a small patch of trees and then turn east. As we came out the other side of the trees, it suddenly seemed that we were in a different place. The road turned to the east and headed across a country-like region. I found myself crossing a small valley, with an open grassy field to the south. There were woods on all sides of the field, and along the northern side of the road. This place was nicely sheltered from the rest of the city and had the appearance of being out in the country. I felt excited to see this place, and thought that it was a nice place to be. As we moved to the east, down the road, i thought that this might be a nice place to build a house. The filed to the south of me seemed a little swampy, but i thought that a house could be built on the slope of the hill to the south, in the woods. As i moved to the east, i thought about telling $F45 that this area would be a nice place for a house. It was dark now, and i was only able to see the area because of the bright light from the buildings behind me. The light shined across the cut stalks of the corn filed, casting long shadows. I felt suddenly nervous about being here in the dark. A bright light then shined from one of the house to the northeast of me, by the corner in the road. It illuminated a section of the forest along the slope of the short hill to the south of me. I thought that such a bright light could be distracting if a house was built in the trees. I wondered if the house could be constructed so that the trees around the house could block the light. I continued down the old road to the east, but i was wandering out of the range of the light, and it was suddenly very dark here. I knew that i was in the middle of a suburban sprawl, but this small valley seemed totally dark. I could not see the road in front of me and tried to focus on my walking, being very cautious. I knew that if i kept walking, the road would eventually turn back to the north and head into a more populated area. As long as i kept walking, i would eventually come back into an area w here i could see. As i walked, i thought about building a house in this area. I turned to the east and started walking up the steep hill of the driveway of the new house. My father was walking with me, and it was now daytime. The area around us was forested, but the leaves of the trees were brown and covering the ground. There was a steep hill to the south of us, which rose to the main road. The driveway ran up the crease between this hill and the one that rose steeply to the north. Both hills met to the east, where the driveway met the road. I looked back, noticing the nice old house in the gorge. There was a creek bed running north to south to the west of me. It ran through a steep gorge. There was a steep wall of blocky gray rocks on the western side of the gorge. The road way seemed to run level as it crossed the gorge. On the eastern side of the gorge, there was a wide ledge between the steep hill that the road was on and the more naturally rounded hill to the northeast. The house sat in the center of the ledge, with a small brown barn on the north side of the driveway. The driveway ran to the east, up the steep hills to the main road. We had just past the spot, about half way up the hill, where the paved driveway leveled off for a metre or so. I commented to my father, saying that the driveway was, at least, paved. I was walking to the east down the road when he commented that it was also very wide. The driveway that we were walking on only one lane wide, so i wondered what he was talking about. I then realized that he was talking about the house in the gorge that we had visited before. I remembered it sitting down in a small valley to the north of the main road, just to the east of a gorge. I remembered the driveway curving slightly from northwest to east as it ascended the hill. I looked to the west now, down the road in front of my parents’ house. The landscape seemed very rugged. There was a steep creek gorge to the west, and i thought that it looked differently than what i remembered. The sun was shining on the blocky gray rocks along the western wall of the gorge. The road now seemed to curve to the southwest, following the curve of the creek bed. My father wandered to the west, ahead, as i looked at the steep cliffs to the west. I layed down on the side of the road to look up at the tall tones of the cliff. There was a short cliff just to the north of the road now, and a narrow crevasse just off the shoulder of the road. The crevasse seemed to be eroded into the loose shale at the side of the road. I leaned on the edge of she shale cliff of the narrow trench, looking at the detail in the tall impressive cliffs. The rock under my hand then slipped, and i started to roll into the gorge. I quickly flattened myself on the ground so that i did not slip any further, but the rocks under me continued to crumble. I tried to roll back onto the road, but i was having trouble pushing my weight over because the rocks i was using for leverage were falling away. I felt anxious here and called to my father for help. He came quickly running back down the road to me. I chuckled at the situation, and told him that it was not a real emergency, but that i could use a hand up.

I walked cautiously down the dirt road to the west, looking at the old farm house to the south of me. The road turned to the south just ahead, running along the front of the house. The area around me seemed to be open country, but we seemed to be on the top of a wide hill. The land was thinly forested, as though it was mostly overgrown farm land. The house sat in the middle of a rectangular patch of ragged grass. I felt wary of this place, and we seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. I followed the road near the front of the house, but i did not want the people of the house to know that i was there. I had parked my red car just down the road to the east. I called my grandmother on my cell phone to find out where she was. She lived in the house, and i did not want her to see me enter. I then wondered why i was calling her. It seemed strange that i was sneaking around the house but did not want her to see me. I tried to figure out why i was trying to stay hidden. As i moved to the south of the house on the road, i noticed $K7 in the upstairs window. She was doing something on a counter of the kitchen. I continued past the window until i was out of sight and then started approaching the house. A dirt driveway circled the house, and i headed down one side of it, watching the windows to be sure that i was not spotted. I passed by the front of the house again, noting that $K7 was not down stairs, so i walked into the bottom floor of the house, which seemed to be slightly lower than house level. I stopped in the small room at the northern end of the house. I felt that my grandmother knew that i was in the house, but i kept trying to sneak around, just in case. I passed the small kitchen in the basement level, and i noticed that $K3 was standing near the western wall, facing the wall as she did something on the counter. I passed her quickly, hoping that she did not detect me. I then walked into the small kitchen in the center of the house and put the bowl of peas into the microwave. I did not want anyone to know that i was here, but my grandmother was now standing in the doorway to the north. She must have heard me come into the house. I admitted that i was eating peas from her kitchen, and i asked her if it was okay that i do so. I felt awkward here. There was something about this situation that seemed significant, but i could not figure out why i was sneaking around. I was then standing in the kitchen where $K3 was. She was leaning back against the counter on the western wall as she spoke to me. I said hello to her, and she seemed surprised to see me. She greeted me awkwardly, as though she was uninterested in talking. I asked her why she had come here. I then saw a close up of her face as she looked at me. There was a deep slash across he side of her eyeball. I realized that she had been injured. She explained that it was the night of the crows. I felt sad for her and thought that she had come to town for an operation to heal the slash.

12007 January 16

I ducked as the rocket launched to the southeast of me. I looked up at the white rocket as it flew into the air. It seemed that it was taking off just a few meters away, and i could see the red flames and white smoke stream down near me. I was surprised that i could be so close to the rocket and not be affected by the blast. I expected it to be very loud and very hot, but it did not seem that loud or smoky. I looked down to the south of me to see the grassy area around the launch tubes. I was standing on a paved walkway in what seemed to be a theme park. The grassy area to the south of me had flowers around it and seemed neatly manicured. I looked back up to the rocket as i moved to the northeast, toward $Z. I said something about the launch, turning away from it. I felt that $F10 had been on the rocket ship when it launched. I knew that the ship was supposed to take us somewhere not too far away. It was as if the ship was a commuter transport. I knew that i was supposed to be on the next ship to the other area, but i felt uncomfortable about it. I thought that the ship was not safe. Rockets were unpredictable, and i thought that the ship might crash or explode. I was worried about taking the next transport, thinking that it would not make it to the area. I thought about flying in the ship. The rocket was going to travel into space to travel to the other side of the planet. I knew that $F10 or $F45 had already taken the first ship, and i felt that i had to travel to the other place, but i was still frightened. I knew that the government might not want me to make it to the other area and had the ability to bring down the rocket. I then seemed to be on the rocket. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that we were in outer space. Others were gathered in the room to the southeast of me, but i was in the hallway near the outside of the ship. To the north of me was the outer wall. I spoke to the other person as i looked out the window, thinking that the earth should be in view. I wanted to take a picture with my small digital camera, but i was not sure whether the batteries in the camera were fully charged. I spoke to $Z as i looked out at the crescent of the Earth floating into view. I did not want to miss taking the picture, but i felt that something was out of place. I did not feel safe on this ship.

12007 January 19

I was heading up the road to the northwest. There seemed to be a cliff to the west of me, which overlooked the large lake. I had forgotten some thing and tried to turn the car around in a turn off on the western side of the road. I waited for a small yellow can to pass on the other side of the road before i turned in to the pull off and turned around. This place seemed familiar, and i thought that i had been driving up the side of the lake. I was again heading to the northwest on the road, and i turned the car into the wide shoulder of the road to the west and turned around. I had to go back to get something. I rode my bicycle along the western shoulder of the road, looking out over the lake. The sun seemed to be low in the southwestern sky. I had come up the long hill from the town, which was on the southern end of the lake. I thought that i could simply coast back down the hill. The edge of the road under me was made of thick blocks of stone. I let the bicycle glide slowly, thinking that it would pick up speed as i got farther down the hill. As i started to round the corner, turning back to the southeast, i noticed that the stairs were in front of me. I let the bicycle glide up the outer edge of the stairs, where the stairs were most shallow. I knew that i could not coast up the stairs for too long, and i wondered how long i would be able to pedal before i would have to climb up the stairs. The white marble stairs turned to the east and headed up the side of the hill, which seemed to be a building. I started up the center of the stairs. As i reached the landing in the center of the flight, i noticed that there were dark glass windows directly ahead of me. The stairs continued to the south and north of the glass area. I realized that the glass was skylights from an atrium of the building, so i did not want to ride my bicycle over them. I started up the stairs to the south. I then turned to look back down the stairs, my attention drawn by some people moving there. I could see some acrobats coming from the north. They were accompanied by a couple of people on skateboards, who were doing tricks at the bottom of the stairs. The bottom of the stairs was a terrace, which looked out over the lake. I was interested in the people who were doing tricks on the terrace. They seemed to be famous, and i thought that they were related to some movie production. One of the men from the group walked up the stairs toward me, and i started talking to him. I was interested in the performers, and i enjoyed talking to the man. I then said something about the stairs. I told the man that i had rided my bicycle up the center of the stairs when i realized that i could see into the room below me. I made a joke about riding on the skylights. The man seemed amused. I knew that i had not actually been on top of the skylights with my bicycle, but i thought that it was an interesting story. My attention was then drawn by several people, who had come up the stairs from the west. I was standing in a small room, which seemed to be on the landing of the stairs. The stairs ascended to the west of me, just to the north of the descending section. I realized that the people walking up the stairs were famous, and i noticed that Eddie Murphy was one of them. I continued talking to them an, feeling interested in him. This place felt interesting, but i knew that i had to head out, so i told the man that i would be going and closed the conversation. I then turned to get my silver bicycle, which had been standing behind me, but i noticed that it was no longer there. I thought that some of the rich men must have taken it with them into the room, which was to the west. The set of stairs heading up to the west were short and ended on a small landing. A doorway was on the southern end of the western wall of the landing, which led into the second-floor rooms. I felt upset that my bicycle had been taken.

12007 January 25

I ascended the stairs, heading to the north. I was following $Z to the top floor of $P19, where my room was. It had been a long time since i had lived here, but i felt that i was still staying in one of the rooms. There were others in the large room as i reached the top of the stairs. The stairs ended on the southern side of the attic room, and i walked to the north, into the center of the room. I felt out of place here, and thought that i should have moved out a long time ago. There was a bed against the southern part of the eastern wall, which had an orange and red stripped spread over it and a tall wood dresser to the north of it. A young man was standing near the dresser as i entered the room. He was talking to someone else in the room. He was wearing a pair of black nylon shorts with a white stripe down the side. He had blond hair, and was shirtless, so i could see that he was nicely built. I backed away into the room to the west so that it did not seem that i was staring at him. I had to get my stuff off of the bed is the small room to the west so that i could leave this place. I should not be living here anymore, and the bed was no longer mine. I crossed the room, heading back to the east, when i noticed a man practicing martial arts to the north. He had darker hair and was also shirtless. I thought that many of the people here were attractive, but i did not want to get to know them. I turned to the south, noticing that there were a lot of people from $G3 here. They all seemed very young, and i did not know any of them. Many of them seemed attractive, and i felt interested in them, but i knew that i was no longer part of this place. $A380 was with me now as i moved around the room. I walked to the table on the eastern side of the large room. $A407 was sitting at the southern end of the table, talking with the others. I felt uncomfortable with him here. He started singing songs with the other people, and i started to feel jealous that he was getting along so well with this group. Something seemed out of place here. He was not supposed here at all.

I followed $Z to the east, across the foreign land. There was something special about this forested area. The land seemed dry, but was full of thick grassy vegetation and tall skinny trees. This place seemed like Africa. We followed the dirt path as it weaved through the land when we came into the small village. The trees were thicker here, and i knew that this is where the tribe lived. I thought that these people might be the Zulu. $Z went to talk to them as i continued to the east. I looked around the area and tried to feel the energy here. I then noticed a line of pebbles on the ground between some of the small brown huts. The houses were to the east and north of me. The pebbles on the ground formed a circular pattern. I tried to concentrate on the area, thinking that there was something special about this pattern. I recognized the feeling of this place. I stood back and looked at the area, confirming that the pebbles formed a larger pattern on the ground. This was a special area where the energy flowed. I started to move my hands over the area of the patterns. There was significance to this motion, and i knew that it would help me focus my energy into the area. The people around me started to notice what i was doing, and i wondered if they would be upset with me for accessing this area. I kept moving over the patterns on the dusty ground. The land here felt very strong. I leaned my weight back onto my left leg as if i was in a back stance facing southeast. I moved my hand to the southeast as if fencing. I realized that this might look like a dance to the people around me, but it was a way to feel the area. The others started gathering around me, interested in what i was doing. I hoped that they did not feel angry with me because i was an outsider using their land. I then thought that these people were colonial. They were not really from this area, but had moved here from some other nation. They moved around me, but i tried not to pay attention to them. I had to focus on the feeling of the land around me. I then started thinking of the words “Batzua Zulu”. I remembered them from a song long ago. I wondered if the words had any significance to this place, but then i remembered that this was not really Africa. I tried to figure them out and determine their significance. A man to the southwest of me then corrected me, saying that the words were not quite correct. I felt confused. I had not said anything to him. He said that the words were “Patzua Zulu”. I noticed the different consonants he used in the pronunciation. I told him that i had thought that the words were African. He was now standing to the north of me, and he said that the words were African. I was confused, thinking that we were not really in Africa, so i tried to clarify for the man, saying that i thought the words were from the Zulu of Africa. He nodded and agreed with me, saying that i was correct. This felt confusing to me, but i accepted his words. This place had something to do with Africa. I turned to the east and started walking through the forest. The trees were thicker here, but there was still something special about the land. There was a corridor of cleared vegetation running east to west in the middle of the dense jungle. I felt strange, and thought that i had to leave here. I started to fly down the hallway of the forest. The land rose and fell under me, and i noticed chopped roots and stalks sticking out of the dark soil. I then noticed a deer on one side of the corridor as i flew over. There was something about this place that interested me, and i started to wonder if the deer was really a deer, or whether it was really a lion. I thought that the lion would be more probably in this area. I turned around suddenly and headed back toward the animal. I started yelling as i flew, thinking that i could startle the animal.

12007 January 26

I was in the tower of the hotel, looking to the west, at the other tower. The building was composed of two towers, which were connected on the bottom by a longer part of the building. The top of the towers was also connected, making the standing structure look like the greek letter pi. There was something strange about the tower that i was looking at. I realized that the tall thin windows that i was looking through actually formed letters on the sides of the towers. The hotel was the Hilton, and the letters spelled this out descending the two towers. I thought that this place was the Ritz Hilton Hotel, but i noticed that the only words running down the tower seemed to be “Hilton”. I then noticed the man standing at the base of the western tower. I felt suddenly weary of him, thinking that he was some king of gangster and that he was dangerous. He was wearing a brown suit and matching brown bowl hat, which seemed to be from the early 11900s. He looked up at me and laughed a threatening remark. I felt that we had to be cautious of him. I was then inside the tower, thinking about the situation. We had to secure the towers. I felt that something was wrong with them, and they would not be safe. They now seemed to be old buildings and were starting to become worn down. I realized that there was now water coming into the base of the eastern tower from a leak in the roof. We would have to do something about that.

I stood on the top of the tall hill, which sloped down to the southeast. I was looking to the south, across the slope as i stood on the northeast side of the hill. There seemed to be a large building on the top of the hill, just to the southwest of me. The grassy hill was covered with people, but i focused on the white pick-up truck that had stopped on the road that ran across the bottom of the hill. Three high-school-aged boys got out of the truck, and i felt that there was something wrong with the situation. The young men seemed angry, and were hitting the truck as they left. I then saw one of the boys pick up a rock from the ground and throw it at the truck. This had an effect on the others on the slope as the boys started to move away from the truck. They continued to vandalize the truck as i tried to get away. One of the men then picked up a short four-by-four wood block and threw it into the crowd of the hill. A fight was breaking out here, and i felt nervous. I thought that i should call the police to stop the violence. I thought that i should call emergency and imagined how i would describe the location. The large building on the top of the slope seemed to be $P7, so i would have to describe the hill as the slope leading up to $P7. There was a tall man standing on the top of the slope just to the west of me now, and i asked him if he had a cell phone. He nodded and handed me a small black telephone. I looked at the numbers and dialed “911”, but the numbers showed up on the screen as “9116”. I had pressed an extra button by mistake. I looked at the yellowish illuminated buttons of the phone and tried to figure out how i erase the last number. I could not seem to figure out how to correct the mistake. I felt pressured, because i knew that the fight was still spreading across the slope. I asked the man for help, and he said something to me. I looked at the greenish-yellow numbers at the bottom of the phone and realized that there were only four digits showing. I then realized that i could slide the digits to the left with the thumb of my right hand to see the rest of the digits. I had to clear the number on the phone and start again.

I turned to the east and started pacing back and forth in the small room. The class was listening to music from the teacher. I looked at the teacher, who was leaning against a desk on the eastern end of the room. She had long frizzy black hair and loose clothing. I listened to the digital music, which was playing from somewhere along the northern wall of the room. The sound was familiar. There were low droning notes with high tones playing a melody. The sound then changed and i could hear that the entire signal was overlapped and distorted. It sounded nice. I recognized the track, however. It was a song that i had written a long time ago. I realized that the teacher was playing my music but claiming it as her own. I turned around and asked the teacher where she had gotten the idea for the music. I then asked her to explain how she created the distortion and overlap on the final section of the song. She smiled but did not seem to answer the question too well. I then gave her the answer, aware that the male instructor, who was in change of listening and judging the music, was standing to the south. I told the teacher that the song was one of mine and that i had written it in 12003. She said that it was hers, but i knew that i could prove it. I walked over to a small desk along the northern wall and picked up my laptop computer. I knew that i had the old songs on the machine. I opened the lid and started to type in the password to log in. This computer belonged to the teacher, though, so i had to ask her what the password was. She walked to the west of me and looked over my shoulder as i tried to type in the password. I typed in something, but i did not work. I then realized that this was not like my computer. There were two fields on the form that were blank. I told the teacher that i needed a user name. She seemed to be confused. I pointed out the line of the form that asked for a user name. I then asked her what the password was. She seemed hesitant to say it aloud. She said something, which i thought was a hint at the password, but i could not figure out what she was trying to say. She then got frustrated and bent over, telling me the password in a loud whisper. I typed in the word “poisonous”. I thought about the ending of the word as i typed, thinking that i was putting the “ou” ending in because i followed english spelling, but i realized that the word should have “ou” in american spelling as well. I typed it in, but had some difficulty because i was not familiar with a QWERTY keyboard.

12007 January 27

I picked up some of my things from the bedroom of my grandfather’s house on $P12. I started down the stairs, noticing that the walls of the stairway were covered with white wallpaper, which was starting to peel from the wall. I grabbed a section of the paper with my left hand as i started down the stairs and pulled it loose. The paper on the rest of the wall below me swayed out and them back. The glue was no longer sticking. I thought that i probably should not have been pulling it off, since people were trying to sell the house. My parents were in the living room, to the southwest of the bottom of the stairs. The stairs descended to the east. I told them about the wallpaper falling off the walls as the realtor walked into the room from the north. I was then back up the stairwell, looking at the walls. I could see the spots where the adhesive tape that was used to hold up the white wallpaper had been pulled away, tearing the light-blue wallpaper underneath. We should not be damaging the walls, but i noticed that many of the areas where the tape had been removed had not been from me taking the sheet down. I pulled at another piece of paper, carefully trying not to tear the light-blue paper, which had white floral patterns on it. I pulled a section off, but i tore the underlying wallpaper slightly as i did so. I then started to pull another section off, being careful to pull slowly at the edges of the adhesive strip. As the surface paper came loose, i noticed that there was a clear plastic envelope stuck to the wall behind the paper. The adhesive on the back top of the envelope is what was holding the wallpaper to the wall. I noticed the white card in the large plastic wrapping. It had black text printed on it, with colour photographs of people on the right side. This was a warning about the asbestos in the house. The construction workers must have left it here when they put the original wallpaper up. I pulled the package loose, making sure not to damage the wallpaper underneath. I then started to pull down other sections of the surface covering, being careful to remove the packets that held them up slowly so as not to tear the wall. When i was done, i let the paper drop into the living room. I was not sure whether i should have pulled all of the paper off of the walls or not, but now, i thought, it looked more consistent because all of the original wallpaper was exposed. I made a comment about the wallpaper to the realtor and my parents as i stood in a room. I looked up, to the north, to see the paper in the stairwell. The upper half of the stairwell had been papered in a burgundy paper, with thick white floral patterns. The bottom half, which i had uncovered, was dark blue, with the same thick white floral pattern. The colours were bold, and i did not think that they looked well together. I made this comment to the others in the room.

12007 January 28

I walked across $P39, heading to the tall building on the eastern side. The building seemed to be a tall wooden tower. I walked into the tower, where the others were. Something seemed to be wrong here, and i felt tense. $F26 was in the small room of the tower as i moved to the north. He was to the southwest of me, and there was another man to the west. I felt that the other man was dangerous in some way. This place felt dangerous, and i felt that i had to get away from here and the other man. I moved to the east, aware that the man was trying to use the blowtorch on the metal pipes in the dark room. I realized that the pipes were gas pipes, and knew that the fire of the blowtorch would ignite the gas and make the building explode. I felt glad that this would happen, knowing that the blast would take care of the man and the bad people who worked for him. I ran around the walls and to the west, thinking that i would run out the western side of the building. I thought that we would have to run across the grassy quadrangle quickly because the man was already starting to head the pipes. I came into the small corridor and turned north, into the small dark room on the northern side of the tower. The wooden stairs ran down the western wall of the room, ending just before the northern wall. There was a matching set of stairs running down the eastern wall. I recognized the pattern of this room, thinking that each floor of this tower was configured differently. The pattern of each floor had to do with the number of the floor. I realized that i was not on the ground floor of the tower and suddenly started to worry that i would not make it out of the building on time. I had to descend through the rooms of the tower to get out. I moved to the center of the room, where the wide set of stairs descended to the north. The stairs occupied most of the room. I wondered how many more floors i had to pass through to get out. I then thought that the lower two levels of the wooden tower were a large open room. I moved carefully through the dark room, trying not to stumble down the stairs as i went.

12007 January 29

I was with the group of people in the meeting. I felt excited and engaged in the meeting. We were trying to figure out something, and the people kept moving around. Someone offered me a glazed doughnut, which seemed to be part of the interesting project that we were working on. I felt interested to be with these people, thinking that they were all experiencing something special with me. We then started to leave the area. We were in a parking lot with cars around us, and i looked to the north to see $F50 walking toward a red truck. I asked $F45, who was standing to the east of me, who the woman was with $F50. He told me her name, and i remembered that $F50 was supposed to be staying with her. The woman was skinny and was wearing tight-fitting black pants and a black blouse. Someone then said something to me, and i replied. The reply was challenging, and everyone froze, as though the answer had the possibility of starting the actions of the meeting again.

12007 January 30

I moved to the east, along the northern wall of the room. There were windows around us, and i could see the road and scenery moving around us out the eastern wall. We were in a large camper that was moving quickly down the country road. The land around us was covered with fields of cut grass and a few large round trees. I leaned to the sides as the house speeded around the corners. It seemed that the driver was moving too fast, and i was worried that the camper would crash or roll over. I tried to remain standing, but felt uncomfortable about moving this fast. $Z was standing to the east of me, in the front part of the camper. There was something interesting in being here. I felt that i was somehow important because i was riding around in a camper. I looked out the window to the north of me, noticing the scenery moving past. The wind was blowing in through one of the windows, and i thought that it would make a great picture to have me standing in front of the window. I could see myself standing against the bright scenery of the window as it moved past. This would make a good music video. I felt somewhat famous thinking about it. I then turned to look out the window of the house, to the north. I could see a lot of people moving around on the back lawn of the house below me. I now seemed to be on the second floor of the house, looking down at the gathering crowd on the lawn below. I knew that they were gathering around the house to the north. I walked to the north, through the gathering crowd of people. I watched some of the people wander around as they waited for the house to the north to open. There was some kind of sale starting in the house. There seemed to be a lot of people here. I walked to the west on the dirt driveway, which seemed to run across the center of the yard. I walked up the short grassy hill to the south, toward the back of my house. My house seemed modern, with dark-blue wood siding. It seemed to have a cement foundation, which was partly exposed on the back side because of the slope of the hill. I felt that i should tell these people that they were in my yard, but i felt strange about saying it. They seemed to be a festival crowd, and i felt that they would be impressed that i was here. I felt like a famous person.

I tried to make my way through the storage room, which was crowded with old furnishing and many old items. This place seemed almost like an attic, with unfinished walls and exposed beams. I passed through the aisles of items, looking at all of the antiques here. Much of the items seemed to be made of carved wood, like mantle clocks and chairs. I passed through the room, thinking that much of the stuff here was really nothing special. I then noticed an old crate of phonographs on the ground, under one of the large tables. I bent over and started looking through them. I was humoured to find that several of them were Liberache records. However, as i looked at the records, i realized that there were three names across the top of the album jackets. I did not remember Liberache ever working with others on his music. I stood back up, noticing the old bust that was standing on a table in the middle of some old wooden things. I wondered if this stuff could be sold for a good price. I suddenly felt as though i had found this stuff in the new house that i had bought. I wondered if i could sell some of the stuff in an auction. I thought that it should make a lot of money.

12007 January 31

We seemed to be standing in a driveway, which ran to the south from where i was. I faced the south, toward $A187 as $F4 said something about my parents’ cars. $F4 was standing to the southwest of me. I told $A187 that my parents had only two cars. I then added that they have more now, but, when i was in high school, they had only one car each. I then added that my father got a truck from work and said that the total would then be three cars. I realized that this meant that i would have a car to myself, which i did not think was right. I tried to think how that worked. I remembered that my parents only had two cars when i was growing up. I tried to think about this as it got dark here. I turned to the west. We now seemed to be in a large room. There was a shed to the southwest of us, which also seemed to be tall bookcase. I pushed the large wooden object which was to the west of me, commenting to $F4 on the way it moved. The object was a large triangle, constructed from four-by-four beams, which had been stained and polished. The triangle was flat on the base, and the western side rose very tall into the air, forming a right angle with the base. I pushed on the eastern side, watching the metal wheels roll across the narrow track in the center of the floor. I pulled the triangle toward me so that it rolled entirely out of the narrow brass tray that the wheels had been fitted into. I pushed it back, and it crossed over the square hole in the floor. I worried that it might fall through, but it slid to the south enough that it fit fully through the hole. It stopped along the south side of the hole, and both $F4 and i sighed in relief. I then backed up to the south, noticing that the small room of the library, in which we were standing, was now clear of the standing bookshelves. We rolled all of the bookshelves to the southeast, into the small room just off of this room. The room we were in was square, with a polished wood floor and a tall vaulted ceiling. The walls were covered with shelves of red and brown book volumes. There seemed to be a small doorway in the northern end of the western wall, and a matching door in the western end of the northern wall. The door in the northern wall seemed to lead to a stairway. The eastern end of the northern wall was open to a smaller room, which also had books lining the walls. There seemed to be a large wooden table in the center of the room. Another opening to a small room seemed to be on the southern end of the eastern wall. $F4 and i had pushed the large triangle to the southwestern section of the room. I thought about why we had done this, and also why we had pushed the bookcases in the room out of the way. There was now a man standing to the southwest of us. He was watching us move the triangle around. $F4 tried to push the triangle back to the east, to get it back where in was on the northeastern section of the room, but it was stuck on the ceiling. I looked up, noticing that the wooden decorations on the ceiling stretched down into the room above us, forming a round inverted-mushroom shape, which seemed to be decorative. The wood beams had multiple branches, like a chandelier, and the rounded bulbs at the end were painted white. The ceiling was lowest in the southwest corner of the room, where we were, so that was why the triangle was getting stuck. I moved to the west of the triangle and tried to push it to the east, thinking that i had to be careful to avoid the hanging wood structures on the ceiling. I pushed the triangle slowly, trying to fit it around the decorative woodwork. At one point, it tipped to one side, and i worried that it might fall over. I quickly corrected the angle of the structure to stand it back up straight. I was aware that the man was watching us do this, and i felt that it was a serious task to move the triangle back to the center of the room. I then wondered why we had moved all of the bookcases out of the room. I knew we had done it so that we could move the triangle to where it was now, but i did not know why we would have wanted to move the triangle at all. I then turned to the west and walked a little way across the room. We seemed to be outside now, under a very decorative colonnade. The thin columns that supported the arching roof seemed to be made of polished wood. It was dark to the south, and there seemed to be a street running along the southern side of the structure that we were under. The structure also seemed to be open to the north, as if it was freestanding. I realized that it was cold out and that i did not have my jacket on. I grabbed it from somewhere as i said something to $F4. I then put my scarf on and sipped up my coat.