11998 January 01

I walked down the narrow hall of the building and into the lab. I was in the outside room of the lab. The room was L-shaped, and had black counter top along the west wall. I entered through the door on the north end of the west wall which was at the corner of the L. This was the new office in which i was supposed to work. On the south wall, on the short side of the L, to my right, was the door to the inner lab. That was where my new office was going to be. I had received a new computer, however, which was set up near the door on the north side of the outer lab. It was running while the old one was in the inner lab. Over time, we had gotten rid of the older one, and i switched my work to the newer one. I was unhappy that i had also managed to switch my office from the inner lab to the outer lab. There was a small window on the east wall of the short end of the L through which sunlight shined. It shined on the computer as i stood in the lab. Then $A97 walked through the lab. He walked into the inner lab and closed the door. He had been using the inner lab while i was moving to the outer lab. I was supposed to start working in the inner lab again, which i thought was a better space. It was more open and had better light. I was upset that the students had moved into the area. I looked into the inner lab as the door opened. I could see a woman sitting in a chair against the east wall talking to another man. They were TAs. I knew that they had taken over the office, and were probably not going to move out. I did not like where i had to work. I thought about all of the people that would be running in and out of the inner office through the outer office, in which i was to work. It would be very disturbing. I knew that $A14 would not like me working in such an environment. I walked out the door of the lab and headed down the hall to the south. I rounded the corner to the right. There was a large open space to the right, which dropped down to the next level of the building. It was part of the entrance hall. The floor below seemed a bluish white. It was well illuminated by the sunlight. I could see a person walking up the stairs to the floor that i was on. I turned to the right again and walked into the small room. The room was white, and very bright. The window to the right, on the west wall of the room, was glass, and looked down over the open space to the next level. It was made of opaque tile, which let light filter through. There was a round section in the center of the wall which was clear glass. $A14 was standing in front of the round section. I started to walk towards him when i noticed the man entering the room behind me. He was austral, and he was wearing a white button-down shirt with dark grey slacks. $A14 called to him, calling him “Bud”. The man looked unsure for a moment as he started towards the stair well, which was on the east wall of the room. I looked over the edge of the stairs and saw a man coming up the lower set of stairs, walking to the east. He reached the platform and turned to face west as he started up the last set. He was austral, and he was wearing a white shirt with a blue vest over it. The vest seemed to be made of denim, and had yellow and red curves embroidered along the front edges. He looked at $A14 hesitantly, but then recognized him. He walked towards $A14 and said hello. I knew that he was one of the older students, whom $A14 had know since their freshman year. I knew that this college was very close knit as a class. The younger class then started to come into the room from the door on the south, walking to the stairs and heading down. They were on their way to some lab. They were the younger class, and did not know exactly where they were going. The older class had already had their experiences, but the younger class was just learning. Something seemed friendly about the students. An oriental woman crossed in front of me and headed down the stairs. She was smiling to another of the students. She was part of the freshman class.

11998 January 02

I walked down the city block on the bright day. It seemed to be cool and there was a slight breeze blowing. There were buildings on my right as i walked down the sidewalk on the right side of the road. I was heading north along the city street. The street seemed to go down hill slightly as i approached the small bridge. It also shifted to the right a little before continuing on through the city. I walked down the hill and crossed the side street at the corner. The side street met the main street at a fourty-five degree angle to the front. I did not think about it as i passed, but once i was a little way beyond the intersection, i realized that i should have taken the side street. It was where $Z had gone. I decided that i would have to turn right at the next intersection and circle back to where the streets met. I turned right and headed along the edge of the gorge. I headed west along the gorge. The austral man walked towards me from the other direction. He was staring as me as he passed. He seemed to be an older man in a white button-down shirt and dark coloured slacks. The ground was rock, and there was moss growing to the right as i headed west. I thought that i would meet up with the main road. Then the woman in the tight dress approached me from behind. I turned as she drew close. She walked into me rather forcibly. She had done it on purpose. Then she approached again from the same direction. As she hit me, i slipped my left hand between her legs and grabbed the inside of her left thigh. I then flipped her over so that she could not hit me any more. I continued on. I had my camera with me and i was taking pictures of the scenery. The water seemed very nice and clean. Then the man showed me the two shirts that were pressed and in packages. One shirt was white and the other was blue. Both of them had ties under their collars of the opposite colour. I could not decide which one looked better.

I walked across the large open room of the department store. It was just after school and i was on my way to meet my mother. I was talking to the man on the right. He had spiked hair, and i was interested that he was talking to me. He was someone to whom i had never really gotten a chance to talk. There was another person with him. They were both wearing leather jackets. I wanted to talk to them for a while, but then i heard my mother call my name. I looked just past the two and saw her as she approached. She did not expect to see me in the mall and looked surprised. She realized that i must have been on my way to meet her and told me to come along. I left the two men and walked across the open space of the white building after her. I decided that i would not run, because i did not want the others to think that i listened to every order that my mother made. I followed her down the long hall. I was then walking on the right side of a creek bed, heading east. I walked along the rocky shore. Ahead of me, i could see the yellow school bus driving along the dirt road away from my. I remembered that this was where i used to go to summer camp when i was little. I watched as the bus turned right into the line of leafless shrubbery. The densely packed shrubbery was a little taller than me. I followed my mother down the shore, watching the spot where she had turned right into the leafless shrubbery. I then realized that the edge of the shore had been eroded by the water and that i would have to climb along the small cliff. I held onto the branches of the shrubbery on the right as i moved along the shore line. I was climbing along the trees. I approached the end of the line of trees and expected to head inland, following my mother. As i reached the end of the trees, however, i realized that i had been climbing along a line that moved away from the shore. There was part of the creek between me and the dirt road on the shore. I was discouraged and started back along the trees. I realized that i would have to climb along the rocks of the shore rather than along the trees. The rocks were black, and felt like shale. They were steep and i held onto the top of the cliff as i shimmied along. I then realized that i was not wearing a shirt. I had taken it off because it was a warm day. I knew that my mother had both my shirt and sweater with her, and that i could get it back once i had caught up to her. I then though that i must look interesting climbing along the edge of the cliff. Because i was shirtless, my muscles would show as i climbed. I pulled myself up over the top of the edge and started walking down the dirt road which led into the open field. There was dry field grass on the left side of the road which had hues of green near the roots. On the right of the road was the grey, leafless grove of densely packed shrubbery. I walked down the road until i came into the area where there was field on both sides. The road ended perpendicular to a driveway. The driveway seemed to loop in front of a large white building to the front and right of me. The building seemed to be a church, and the lawn around me seemed to be roughly cut. The drive continued to the left towards the main road. There was a woman with red hair to the left, standing on the drive. She was wearing a white summer dress and seemed attractive. On my right, just before the driveway, was an old pick-up truck. It was shaped like a Ford from the fifties, and was off-white. There was tall grass growing around its sides. I could see my blue running jacket hanging off of the back of the truck with my white shirt and sweater. My mother had left them there. I grabbed the back end of the truck and lifted it. The truck rolled over onto its side. I did not intend to do that. I then realized that i had frightened the woman, and hoped that she would not be mad at me for damaging the truck.

11998 January 03

I was in the living room with my mother. She told me that they were planning on moving to another house. She wanted to make sure that i had everything packed. I thought about moving my things. I remember having everything in my bedroom packed and ready in boxes, but i wondered what happened to my older toys. They had been in storage in the basement. I thought that i should go through them and throw out all of the old papers that i did not need. I thought that i could clean out a lot of things. I felt uneasy about moving. It seemed exciting to be moving into another house, but i wondered what would become of the old one. I thought about telling someone about our move. I would mention to them that my father rebuilt the old house. It seemed strange to be leaving it, but i knew that all things would eventually pass. I walked towards the closet of my old bedroom. I would have to get everything packed. The electrician then came down from the utility pole. He had disconnected the wires on the VCR for me. He handed me a set of electrical wires. I looked over the wires. I asked the electrician whether he was going to connect them to the top of the pole. He stood on my left as i faced the pole. He told me that they did not need to connect to the top of the poles. He said that i had to connect them myself on the unit. I looked over the small mirror in the green wooden frame. I wondered how i was going to connect the wires. Then i noticed that part of the wires were bare. They had been stripped so that one of the wires could easily run through the connections on the mirror. I realized that i would not be able to use the wires as they were. They would easily short out if they were left by themselves. I wondered what i should do.

11998 January 04

I walked into the small cottage. There was no one else there at the moment. It seemed that my parents had just left the cottage. I walked down the stairs towards the front of the cottage. All of the rooms in the cottage seemed very square and plain. As i reached the bottom of the stairs i heard someone come into the cottage above me. I looked up to see Arnold Schwartzenegger walking into the front of the cottage. He was also staying here. I was surprised to see him, as i did not expect anyone famous to be staying in the same cabin as us. He walked into the room on the left side of the corridor in the center of the cabin and started to take a shower. I kept thinking about how strange it was that he was here, and that he was simply taking a shower. I wondered whether his wife and children would be coming as well. Then i looked up the corridor and saw him step out of the shower. He reached for something across the hall. His back was to me as he reached with his right hand. He was not wearing any cloths, and i looked over the detail of his body. He looked younger and was still well proportioned. I then walked back up the stairs of the cabin and decided to go out and walk around for a little while. I then noticed Arnold coming out of the shower again. I thought that i should tell $F10 that he was here. I knew that $F10 was a big fan of Arnold. I thought that i should probably ask Arnold for an autograph, but it seemed too strange. I knew that $F10 might like his autograph, and i thought about getting one for him. Arnold was still naked as he stood drying himself off in the corridor. I tried not to stare at him and walked out of the cabin. I walked up the road to the west. The river was to the north. There were several cabins along the shore, which was down hill from me as i walked. The upper floors of the cabins were on my level, and had entrances from the ground. The lower levels were down the hill towards the water. I then came to the end of the road, where it opened into a large gravel parking lot. There were many cars and tents around. The people in the area looked ragged. I realized that these were the survivors from the earthquake. They had come to the edge of the lake to live. I was hesitant of them. A man watched me walk by from the rear end of his old, beat-up car. I looked to the west, out past the end of the parking lot. I could see the lake water through the row of trees which lined the shore. I had not realized that the lake curved to the south so much. I realized that i must be on the edge of the peninsula that looked over the north end of $P26. I then turned to the north and looked across the narrow section of water. I could see the cottages across the water from us. There was a large campus of small brown cottages with a wide lawn around it. I could see pieces of it as i maneuvered my view through the trees. I knew that this place was $P22. I could see the western edge of the point, where the lawn rounded to the north. There were logs along the water’s edge, forming an embankment. I told the person to my left that the place was $P22. I then looked to the west and noticed the water tower. There was a town under the tower, and i realized that it was the next town down the river from where we had been. I told my parents, who were to my left, that i did not realized that we had come so far down the river from where the cabin was. It seemed that we had not really traveled that far, yet we were across from the next town. I looked at the multilevel brick buildings of the town, surprised that we had come this far.

I walked through the small town on the south shore of the water. We had been here before. It seemed to be some sort of encampment. I thought about heading back to the cabin. I remembered that Arnold Schwartzenegger would be there. It seemed strange that he was in the cabin at which we were staying. I thought that i should find $F10 and tell him. I then wondered whether $F10 would like his autograph. I looked down the paved road which ran east and west through the small town. My parents had walked ahead of me and were heading to the right into the small white building. There were thick pine trees on both sides of the road. They shaded and hid the white buildings that were all around. I realized that we were still on the military base. I headed down the slope of the paved path to the right, heading north into the two-level shop. The shop was a white building with wooden siding and a dark brown roof. It seemed like a rangers cabin, but i knew that it was the duty-free shop on the base. I felt as though we should not really be at the base. I walked into the store and walked to the right, up the stairs to the second level, which was only a half floor up from the main level. My mother, father, and grandmother were already in the store looking over the sales. I walked to the map section and started looking through the large pieces of paper. I then found a map of the area. I had been looking for a map of the area. It was a map of England. I thought about buying it, but i seemed unsure. I then decided to get it. I pulled the map out of the holder and walked around the aisle to the right. I headed back to the left on the other side of the aisle and walked down the stairs. I looked over the map as i walked. It was large and two-sided, and i had to hold it in front of me to see the full length. I then noticed that the map did not show the entire country. It only showed the west and central sections. I realized that it had cut off Scotland, Cornwall, and the London area. I flipped the map over and noticed that some of those sections were shown on the other side. I then realized that there were still some sections missing. It did not seem to cover all of the area that i wanted. As i approached the counter in the center of the store, i suddenly noticed that the different regions of the country were marked in different colours, with heavy black lines between them. I then noticed that no cities appeared on the map. It was not what i was looking for. I nodded to the woman behind the counter and turned to take the map back. I thought that i probably should not have purchased a map here anyway. As i placed the map back, i looked out the front window of the store and noticed my parents heading towards me. They had already left the store, but were heading back to do some more shopping.

11998 January 05

I was sitting in a seat on the left side of the bus with $A98. We were near the back of the bus, and it seemed somewhat dark out. $A98 was sitting near the window, and i was leaning against him. We were talking. I felt very relaxed, as if $A98 was a very good friend of mine and i enjoyed his conversation. I liked talking to him. I picked up his left hand from his lap with my left hand and looked at it. His hand was pale, and seemed small and withered. It was not in the same proportions as mine. He then pointed out the whiskers on my hands. He asked me whether they were for feeling around. I lifted my hand and looked at the fur that was growing from my knuckles. It was very long, and extended beyond the tip of my finger. I realized that i could use the whiskers to sense heat. I was then suddenly embarrassed about the thick brown fur on my hands. It was not normal. Then the bus pulled away, and we were standing on the side of the road. It was dark out, and there was a building behind us. There was an outdoor swimming pool just on the other side of the four-foot chain-link fence from us. It was between the single-story ashen-pink building and the road that we were standing on. $A98 started to head toward home, down the road. He was driving. He asked me again whether i wanted a ride to my door and i told him that this was fine. I felt sad that he was leaving. He drove off to the north, turning right at the intersection a few metres away. I then remembered that i had to get something before i went home. I walked down the road after the bus. I wondered if the gravel on the road would hurt. I was not wearing my shoes. I was carrying them in my hand, and did not feel like putting them on. I came to the intersection and crossed it. There was a road heading north on the other side which was just up the main road to the right. I crossed the main road and headed up the second side road. The side road was gravel, and ran along the side of a nicely cut lawn. There was a large farmhouse on the property. It was painted white, and had a large locust tree in the front yard. The front of the house seemed to be illuminated with some kind of light which was coming from the southwest. I had to head back to my apartment. I walked down the gravel road near the house. It seemed like it was day. I realized that the stones on the gravel road were uncomfortable and hurt my bare feet. I looked over the orchards which were on both sides of the road. To the west was the flat-topped one-level restaurant. It was a small brown building. There was a man in the front yard of the restaurant as i crossed the parking lot. He was draping white cloths over the trees on the front lawn. I tried to squeeze past him and the tree as i walked south along the dirt road. As i brushed the gossamer white fabric that hung over the small tree, i noticed a yellow resin dripping from the branches of the cedar tree. The man was upset that i was disturbing his care of the trees. I then crossed the main road and headed back towards the small hotel. I missed $A98.

I walked along the steep grassy hill in the park. The hill faced southeast, and was lined along the top with broad, leaf-filled trees. I was with the small boy. He was my son, and i was supposed to take care of him, but the others did not think that i was able to. I played with the boy, grabbing him around the waist and pretending to tackle him. He laughed. The other two people were there. They seemed like the boy’s grandparents. I did not know them that well. They wanted to take the boy with them. I had to let them take the boy, but it upset me to see him go.

11998 January 06

I walked around the small group of people who were sitting in the field. There was some kind of performance going on. The people were sitting, facing the north. I walked around the side of the crowd. The grass was cut very short, and it was bright green. I noticed that there were two people performing at the front of the crowd. There was a tree on the east side of the crowd. I walked around the tree and sat on the ground to the side of the performers. I knew one of the performers. He was $A99. He was going to do his next trick. He sat on the ground with his legs folded. His left leg was on the ground, and his right was against his chest. He started to tell the people what his next trick was when he noticed me. I realized that he was going to use me in his next trick. I started to laugh in embarrassment, thinking that he was going to mess up my hair. He started to laugh as well and walked over to me. He was picking on me because i had just woken up. My hair was already a mess. He walked over to me and started combing my hair with his fingers. It was humourous. He then went back to doing his show. I stood up and walked around the side of the table, where the people were gathered. They seemed like family of mine, but i did not know any of them. They were older people. There was some kind of dinner party going on. I stood up and walked through the crowd. There was something not quite right in the room. The other people were really super heroes. They were the Justice League. Then i realized that some of the guests were trying to hold us hostage. They held guns up at the heroes. No one seemed really concerned about the guns. I knew that the man in the blue costume and cape had walked into the others room. The man with the gun asked everyone to come out where he could see them. He asked one of the other super heroes where the man in blue was. I knew that he went into the bathroom. The super hero called to him, and he replied through the door. I knew that he was sitting on the toilet at the moment. I wandered away and headed upstairs. The situation seemed very surreal. Then i realized that i had just woken up. The clock over my bed said that it was 9:22. I did not seem rushed, but then i realized that it was a Tuesday. I would be late for work. It seemed more like a weekend. I quickly got out of bed and ran back down to the kitchen. It was the same large room in which the super heroes had been held. The room was long east to west, and was poorly lit. It was part of a very old house. My mother had already left for work. She had probably assumed that i would get up when i was ready to go to school. To the east was the stove. I walked over to the stove and pulled the tray out of the oven. It had muffins on it. I was worried that they might have burnt by now. I turned around and walked to the center of the room, where the wooden counter was. I placed the tray on the counter and tried to arrange the muffins. There was an exit to the room just to my right as i stood at the end of the table. The light from the hallway shined into the kitchen. The hallway led to the front of the house. There was a main staircase coming down from the upper floor of the victorian house just to the left of the hall. It was open on the side facing the hall. The railing had very narrow balusters, which were beveled. There was another exit to the kitchen farther west on the north wall of the room. It was on the other side of the main staircase and led into the front room. Light also spilled into the kitchen from that room. I shuffled several of the biscuits around on the tray. I assumed that they were meant for me. Then the cats started climbing on the counter. The siamese cat started sniffing around the biscuits. I tried to shoo it away, but it kept getting closer. Then the other cat made a noise and started out the hallway door. It was trying to distract me while the other cat took the biscuits. I remembered that siamese cats were smart and worked in pairs. Then i heard the old woman coming down the stairs. I realized that she must have made the biscuits. They were not for me after all. I was disappointed. I tried to arrange them on the tray. I thought that i would tell the woman that i was taking them out of the oven. They were covered with a white material that i thought was the butter frosting. I then decided that i should put them back into the oven. As i moved the tray, however, i dropped the rolls on the floor. I tried to pick them up. They were very soft and mushy. I slid several back onto the tray. One looked like a cinnamon roll with a lot of frosting on the top. I then put the tray back onto the stove and walked out into the hall. I saw $A16 coming down the decrepit stairs in her bath robe. It was early morning. I looked over the book as i walked into the small white room of the house. The room seemed to have wooden chair-rails along the walls. This was the office. There were several other people wandering around the room. I looked over the book. The dust jacket had a collage of lizards on the top of the front cover, with small text near the bottom. I realized that this was not the pattern that we had sent in to the publishers. Something was not right. The collage of the lizards seemed to be a duotone photograph, with dark green as the second tone. The main image was of a lizard’s head and upper body entering view from the right. There were several other lizards pictured around it. The background of the cover was off-white. I wondered whether it was actually the book on which we had been working, or whether the printer had sent back one which had been printed earlier. I thought that i should check the book, but then realized that the dust jacket was covering another dust jacket. It was simply on the book for show. The other dust jacket was dark grey, and had a photograph of a japanese soldier from World War II on it. I then saw $A14 walking into the office. He stopped to speak to one of the secretaries. He had mail in his hand. I thought that i would have to show him the book. He would not be happy about it. I thought that the printers had printed the entire series, and that they would all have to be redone if it was incorrect. I started to lift the book when the book slipped a little way out from the dust jacket, exposing the other dust jacket. I then remembered that this was not a final printing of the book that we were doing. I handed the book to $A14.

11998 January 07

I was in the large house with the other person. I was upset and agitated. I felt as though i was arguing with the other person. I kept pacing around the house. I wanted to go out and do something, but i could not leave because of the other person. I stepped out onto the front porch of the large victorian house. The porch was wide in front of the door, with wind coves on either side. It was dark outside, and i could only make out several of the trees on the other side of the driveway. The driveway entered from the right and formed a cul-de-sac in front of the stairs. I then remembered that there were some people in the golf course on the other side of the driveway. I wanted to join them. I knew that they were hanging out, reciting Monty Python and Shakespeare on the grass. It was an old event that people still carried on. I picked up several of the golf balls from the porch and tried to listen to the voices in the distance. I could not hear them, however, because of the sound of the car in the driveway. I looked at the small Volkswagen that had pulled in. The woman got out of the driver’s door and walked towards the house. She was dropping her boyfriend off at the house. The car did not have a muffler, and made a lot of noise as it sat in the driveway. I hoped that she would move the car, but i got frustrated and walked back in side. I wanted to hear the others on the golf course. I held the gold balls, thinking that i wanted to go out with the others and throw them around while reciting Shakespeare. I walked up stairs and into the bedroom. I was very upset and did not want the other person to know where i was. He would think that i had left the house. I thought that i should hide so that he could not find me. I was agitated and wanted to throw some of the golf balls across the room. I picked several more of them up. They were spotted with black dots, which made them look like round dice. Then i heard the other person coming. I did not want him to see me. I thought that i should hide so that he would not find me in the house. I walked into the next room as he came up the stairs. I could not find a place to hide. I walked to the left, where the room was dark, but i knew that he would come in here. I laid down behind the red leather chair that was in the room. I hoped that i would be blocked from view. I hoped that he did not look that closely as he passed. I had my head resting against the side of the chair. Then he came into the room. He paused in the center of the room. I slid down farther, trying not to make and noise. I felt that he noticed me, though. I was depressed and upset and did not want to talk to him.

I was in the office of the counselor at $P7. The office was on the second floor, which overlooked the lobby. There was a wide square space between the counselor’s office and the other office on the second floor. A stairway ran down from the open space to the first floor. The stairs were on the south side of the balcony, and ran to the west. I walked into the office on the west side of the balcony and sat on the chair. My parents were there with the counselor. They were all upset with me. I remembered that i had destroyed the large tan balloon. I remembered being with the girl when we were playing with the large inflatable object. We then started tearing at the object. I was surprised that i had done something so destructive. I guessed that it was a spur-of-the-moment action. I wondered why i would have acted so violently with others. Then i thought that it was something i always did. I thought that it must be a problem with the way i interact with others. I was upset that i had destroyed the tan thing and walked out of the office. I wandered around the school. I walked down the lower hallway. I remembered that the art room was on the left side. I looked into the room as i passed. It was coloured psychedelic purple, with pink and blue swirls. I passed the room, but then backed up to look at it again. I realized that all of the teachers were different than when i was here. I then noticed that there were computers in the room. This was no longer an art room. It had become the computer room. I moved into the doorway to get a better look. Then i noticed the teacher to the right. He was sitting at a desk with several students around him. He turned to look at me. I backed out of the room and continued down the hall. I started floating around. I had to get back to the counselor’s office. My parents would be waiting there. They were upset with me, and i felt bad about being here.

11998 January 08

I was in the small room of the house. The walls were made of polished and lightly stained wood. The wooden boards were wide, and horizontally placed, so that the room had the feeling of being in a log cabin. I walked over to the book case on the east wall of the room. There was a window to the left of the book case which looked out across the wooded yard to the next house. The window seemed to be very large, as if the wall itself was not there. I had been recording from one tape to another on the tape box that was sitting on the top shelf of the small book case. $A21 was with me in the room. I had been copying the eighties songs for her. I listened to the song as it recorded. I then realized that i did not like the song. It was not the correct one. I was disappointed and turned off the tape. I would have to back up and record the correct one later. Then the other people came into the room. I was cautious of them. They walked over to the small window over the bookcase and pulled the wooden-framed windows closed. It was getting dark and cold outside, and they were trying to close up the house. I felt a little annoyed with what they were doing. I left the house and walked down the country road. It was getting very cold. I then came to the bridge which crossed the small river. I felt strange about being here, as if i was not supposed to be standing on the bridge. I looked to the west, up the river to see a large boat coming towards me. I thought that i could stay on the bridge and watch the boats go by. I knew that i should not be doing that, but i wanted to see the ships. I knew that if i was found on the bridge, i would be in trouble. The large ship moved towards the bridge very quickly. Then i noticed that a search light on the deck of the ship came on. It focused on the center of the bridge. The others would be watching out for me. I had been lying on the wide cement railing of the bridge, but was afraid that the people on the boat would see me. I quickly rolled backward off of the edge and onto the sidewalk. I hid below the railing as the search light scanned the bridge. The boat passed below the bridge in a short amount of time. I decided that i had to get back to my car. It was getting dark outside. I could still see the light blue in the western sky. I walked to the south, off of the bridge. I then turned to the right, following the narrow road which ran along the river’s edge. It led through the old waterfront district. I knew that my car was up ahead, parked in one of the gravel lots. I thought that i could not let the others find me. I would have to sleep in my car again to hide out. I then looked down at my legs as i ran down the dirt road. I was wearing summer shorts. I knew that it was getting very cold, and i wondered whether i had heavy clothes with me. I thought that it would be cold sleeping in my car that night. I then lifted my left arm out in front of me and started to fly down the canal. The narrow canal ran north to south, between the buildings. I then came to a rest in the air. There was a small white boat tied to the back of the stone building to my right. Something seemed wrong, however. I had to get out of the area. I looked around for my boat, but i could not find it. I remembered that i had left it in the narrow canal. The canal ran between the walls of the buildings, and had abrupt kinks in its course. I then noticed the white image under the water in front of me. It was a sunken motor boat. It was not mine, but i realized that many of the boats must have been sunken in the storm. They were filed with water and submerged. I thought that they were probably not badly damaged, but needed repair. I then decided that i would have to leave. I flew over to the small white boat that was tied to the wall on my left. It was a wooden row boat. I decided that i would take the boat. I untied it from the wall and tried to turn it around in the narrow channel. I could not get it to turn around, though. It kept getting stuck in the canal. Then i saw the man on the boat coming down the canal towards me. He called out to me, yelling at me for trying to steal the boat. I should not have been seen here. I quickly flew away down the canal, but i knew that they would be after me. I turned east and ran down the street on the edge of the small town. I came to the open area behind the main line of buildings. I had just come from the main street of the town, and this area was behind the town. There was a large parking lot behind the buildings. It was gravel, and had a hill along the back side of it. There was a celebration going on in the center of town, to the northwest of me. I could see things floating over the buildings and hear the people cheering. I should not be found here. People would be after me. Then i saw the heavy man walking across the parking lot. There was someone flying a kite behind him. The man knew me. He recognized me and called out to me. He knew that i was one of the people wanted by the police. I flew away. Then, there were a large number of people after me. They were trying to find me for stealing the boat. I flew back down the narrow canal, past the small shops and stores. It seemed that i was at the back door of the stores. The fronts must have been along the main street on the east side of the building. I noticed the window at the back of the general store. The small white boat had been tied up here earlier, but it was gone now. I wondered where it had been taken. I flew up over the tops of the buildings and tried to stay low to the roofs. I did not want any of the people searching below to see me. I flew to the last building on the end of the row of shops. It had a large multipane glass window on the front, which was bowed out slightly. I walked into the store. It was mostly empty. I remembered that it was an old museum. The floors were wood, and seemed unpolished. It looked like a small town museum. There was a green piece of equipment on the wall to the right which seemed like some kind of water pump for firemen. Then i realized that i had been in this place before. I had been married in here. I remembered that i did not approve of the marriage, and was surprised to hear that i had been married. I had not wished to be married. Then the man in the store recognized me. He suddenly realized that i was the bank robber and called out for help. He called out my name as i looked down at him through the multipaned skylight of the room. I had to get away. He called me “Taco”. I started back to the south, trying to get out of the area before the other people came. I could see the bad guy ahead of me. He was “Taco”. I spoke to him as we ran. I joked about his name. He was not too attractive, and was wearing a pink and purple pin-stripped suit that looked like something from the fourties. He had a large nose and a fourties-style hat that matched his suit. I spoke Spanish to him. He was the outlaw “Taco”. I joked about having to get out of the area as we ran down the narrow hall of the building. We had to make it outside. Taco paused and looked at me, asking me what we were to do. I started down the long flight of stairs that led to the exit door of the apartment building. I told Taco that we would have to escape to some south-american country. I then thought that there was one country to which i had always thought about going to start a new system of government. I knew that it was Argentina. I started singing a song about Argentina as i reached the bottom of the stairs. I ran out the door on the right side of the hall and into the yard. I turned left as i came out of the door and looked around. The street was to the left, but i wanted to head to the right, up the steep hill of the back yard. The hill seemed like it was covered with a flower bed which had gone somewhat wild. There was a large tree at the base of the hill. Then i noticed the other man standing at the bottom of the hill. He was austral, and was singing the same song about Argentina that i had been singing. I thought that i would have to fly to Argentina. The boy was trying to get up the hill as well. He could fly too, but he was trying to climb up the steep slope. I ran to the left side of the slope and tried to fly up it. It was very difficult, and i was moving very slowly. I wanted to get over the top before the people came out of the building behind me. I turned to the right and tried to cross the slope on a diagonal. I was straining to fly up it and though that it might be because of the wind currents. I wondered whether it would be easier to run up the hill. I was starting to breath heavily and felt as though i was really straining with the effort to climb the hill.

I was lying down in the back of the garage. The place seemed rather crowded with boxes and things, and there was a car in front of me. I was hiding from the people. I knew that the police were after me for something. I knew that i did nothing, but i did not want to be caught. There was a young boy with me. He was a friend of mine, and he was helping me hide. I talked to him as he did something at the work bench. I felt very distracted and tired. His mother was in the main house, but i could not let her see me. She knew that the police were looking for me. The boy then walked over to me and we talked. I got up and headed into the next room. It was very open, and seemed clean. The wall on the side of the building was screened in, with only glass over it. It was closed for the winder. I was very cold in here. I realized that this room was an outside patio in the summer, but was now closed for winter. I wanted to get back into the warm area on the other side of the garage. I would have to stay over there where it was heated. I followed the boy out the back door of the garage. We were sneaking back to the other side of the garage. I then realized that someone might be able to see me from the windows of the house. There was a large garden to my left as i crept along the side of the garage. The garage was white, and covered with wood siding. I was heading towards the back door, to the other side of the garage. I then wondered how i had gotten into the cold side of the garage before. I did not remember creeping around the outside of the garage before. I turned right in to the building and came into the closed off area of the house. I knew that the boy’s mother was in the other side of the house. I should be safe here. The room, in which i was, seemed like some kind of living room. There was a large glass window to my left on the back wall of the building, and there were several doors on the wall that i was facing. The boy walked out the door on the wall to my left and into the other side of the house. I opened one of the doors in front of me to see if it would lead me back into the active part of the house. I realized that it was a refrigerator. It was full of supplies from the party. I had been to the party earlier. I then heard the boy talking. I wanted to get back to the other side of the house, but i did not want to have to walk in the back yard again. I realized that i would be too easily seen from the windows of the house. I turned to the right and opened the door that was inset into the wall near the side wall. I walked through. It was dark and there was a set of stairs to my left. I realized where i was. It did not come out where i thought it would come out. The stairs would lead up to the entrance hall of the house. I remembered when i had come in through the entrance hall before for the party. I remembered seeing the stairs leading off to the left as i walked in through the front door with some of the other party guests. The hall was short, and had an arched ceiling. There was a closet to the right as you walked in the front door. There were archways on either side of the hall, near the end. One of them led down the stairs to the basement section, which was dark, and the other up into the main section of the house. I remembered seeing the mother in the kitchen as i had come in before. There were two doors at the head of the hall that led into the main guest room, which is where the party had been held. The doors were large, black, and were cut with a curve along the top that met at the center of the arched doorway. I stood in front of the two doors. I had to get back into the other section of the house where the mother would not find me. I could hear her down the stairs. She was doing laundry in the basement. The boy was upstairs in the kitchen, talking on the telephone. I could not reach him, so i decided to run back into the other section of the house and hide. I ran through the main doors and back into the room where the party had been held. I then realized that i had made some kind of noise. The mother had heard me moving. She came up the basement steps to check on her son. She was wondering what the sound was. I did not know where to hide, so i stood in the center of the room, looking through something on the side wall. I acted as though i was supposed to be here. The mother came into the room and froze when she saw me. She then became frightened and ran back into the other side of the house. She would call the police and tell them that i was here. I was not worried, and felt somewhat confused. I did not know why everyone was after me.

11998 January 09

I was in the room of the house with the others. There was something going on outside. I looked out of the back window to see the back yard of my grandmother’s house. There was a man running around in the back yard. There was something wrong with him. I moved away from the window and told the others that it was nothing to worry about. I knew that he would be detained. Then i heard the helicopter and the machine gun fire. I realized that the other person was trying to shoot the man in the back yard. I knew that the sound was from heavy artillery. I could see light flashing across the back window of the house as the helicopter flew past. I knew that they were using heavy shells to fire at the man. I became agitated that they were using heavy gauge shells and firing at the man. There was no need to use such drastic measures. The man could easily be captured. I was upset that they were firing at all, and knew that they would kill him. I did not want the man dead, and neither did the others with me. I ran to the window on the back of the house and looked out. I could see the man lying on the ground in the small fenced-in area at the back of the yard. There was a large pool of blood around his body. The second man stood over him, hesitant, as the bright light from above lit their features. The woman to my left gasped in horror as she saw the dead body. I felt upset that the man had been killed. It was unnecessary to do so. I turned and stormed away. I was very angry with the gunman. The gunman then started to follow me. He wanted to explain his actions. I knew that he would say that it was his only choice and that he did nothing wrong, but i was very upset and did not want to listen to him. His german shepherd ran along side of him as he followed me towards the house. I ignored him and climbed the wooden steps to the entrance of the house. I closed the door behind me, knowing that it would deter the man from following me. I did not want to speak to him. I walked through the narrow house and out the front door. As i walked through the front door, i knew that the man was just walking into the back door. He wanted to talk to me to explain what he had done. I closed the front door and walked away. He caught up to me on the lawn. He put his hand on my right shoulder and tried to explain that he had done what was he had to. I was not interested in listening to him. The german shepherd with him jumped happily at me. I pet it. I then sat on the couch with the dog. The man tried to talk to me. I pet $X6 as she sat on my lap. I was very upset and frustrated.

11998 January 11

I was on Main Street in $P3 and there was a parade moving down the street. It was moving to the east. I was with my parents and my grandmother, and some other relatives. I watched some of the floats move down the street as i rode my bicycle along the side of them. I then found myself very far from where i had started. The parade was not yet around me. It seemed like i had traveled to the beginning of the next city. There were brick buildings on the south side of the road, on which i was riding. I then crossed the street and headed towards the houses on the other side of the road. The houses were up on a hill from the road. The hill was very steep, and met the sidewalk on the side of the road in a cement embankment. The hill was grass, but had several trees on it. I walked up to the porch of one of the houses. It seemed to be a place that i knew. The front door to the pale green house was to my left as i climbed the stairs of the porch. I looked into the open front door. There was a woman in the living room. It was dark, and there was a table in the center of the room. A young boy was walking around by the table, amusing himself. The room was lit with an orangish glow. I then realized that i was a stranger here. These people did not know me, and i thought that i probably should not have been standing in their house. I walked back out onto the porch just as the woman noticed me. She did not seem alarmed, but interested in why i was there. I walked out of the house and started riding my bicycle down the steps of the front porch. The first set of steps was very short, so i did not worry about falling. I then looked down the other sets of steps that led from the house. The front path led off to the left, but i did not want to go that way. That is the way from which i came. The path also led forward and to the right. The right path had a short set of steps before it continued on, but the way in front had a long set of steps leading down to the main sidewalk. I thought about going to the right but realized that the path only led to another house. I looked to the right to see the front of the house. There was a black, chain-link fence across the front of the yard, with a gate over the walk. The house had a strange feel about it. I decided that i should travel down the long steps to the sidewalk. I came to the side walk which, i suddenly realized, was very slanted. It rose up hill rather sharply to the west. I had thought that this cement strip was a supporting wall for the hill, but it was actually a sidewalk. I looked to the right, up the hill. There was a fence on the left side of the sidewalk to prevent people from falling down the steep slope. The steep slope led down the main street below, where the parade was still passing. I rode my bicycle up the hill towards the other road. This place was familiar to me. I then emerged on Main Street again. There were cars driving down the street. I suddenly realized that the parade was over. I thought that i would have to ride my bicycle back to where my parents were. I thought that they might be worried about me.

11998 January 12

I was in the bedroom of the small cottage. Everyone was gathered together in the one room to sleep. We were trying to stay sheltered here. My mother and father were sleeping on the big bed against the right wall of the room, and i was sleeping on the smaller bed on the front wall. The bed spread on my parents’ bed was orange. My mother started complaining that she was getting cold. I felt very warm in the bed that i was in. I then realized that they were probably sleeping under the older blankets, which were not as warm as the ones that i had. I pulled the covers off of myself and looked at them. The sheets were heavy, and white. They were very warm. I told my mother that i had all of the warm coverings and asked her if she wanted any of them. She said that she would and started to come over to my bed. I was going to switch beds with her. There was someone sleeping in the chair to the left. As soon as i got up, he moved over to my bed, where it was more comfortable. I walked to the opposite side of the room and looked at the doorway to the left of the stone fireplace. I noticed that there was a crack between the pink curtain and the fireplace. It was letting cold air into the room from the other side of the house. I asked my father about it. He thought that we should fix it as well. I tried pulling the pink plastic material over the entire doorway, but it would not longer fit. My father started unrolling another sheet of the plastic from the large roll. I did not think that it would be necessary to use entirely new plastic, but i let him unroll it anyway. I then thought that we had to cover the gap in the top of the doorway, so it was probably good to start with a new sheet.

11998 January 13

I was in the small room with several other people. There were things scattered all around the room. It seemed strange that everything had been torn apart. I realized that elves must have been in the room. They had messed everything up. We walked down the stairs into the main part of the small shop. It seemed fascinating that elves had actually been here. I spoke to the woman with me about them. Something did not seem right, however. I was anxious, and sensed uneasiness around me. I looked at a spot on the wall where a painting had hung. The painting had been torn from the wall. There were several other artistic objects around which had been taken. I then realized that everything that had been related to artistic expression had been removed. I was frightened. I told the woman that the elves must have been drow elves. I told her that drow elves came to steal anything that had to do with artistic expression. They were the dark elves. I felt that they were bad. They disliked everything that was creative. I then thought about the word “drow”. It seemed odd. I thought about how it was spelled and realized that it really was the right word. They were drow elves, and they were dangerous. I imagined a black figure that was more like a shadow than a solid body. It was a drow elf.

I was in the driveway with my parents. I had to leave to get to the play. I took my backpack off of my back and walked over to the small car. It was a new car that i had just purchased. It was not a great car, but it ran. At first i thought that it was an old Volkswagen. I wanted to take it when i went into the city. My mother was near by. I thought that she might be nervous about me driving the new car, as it was not in the best of condition. I wanted to drive it, however, so that i could make sure that it ran well. My father got in the other car in the gravel driveway and left. He was heading somewhere. My mother stood on the other side of the small american car. It was some kind of Chrysler, though it looked more like a Honda. My mother asked me if i was taking the car. I told her that i was. She seemed to think that it was a good idea. She thought that i should see how well it ran. I then walked back across the kitchen of the small house. There were several other people there. I had to get some of my things together before i left. I would need a lunch. I felt rushed. I should have packed everything before. Now i was running late. I quickly packed my things on the small kitchen table. I took some of the blueberry pastry that the other person was making. The other person was sitting at the edge of the kitchen table, and was a relative of mine. The lights in the room were not on, but the sunlight from outside was enough for me to see everything. I then hurried back outside to the car. I ran across the driveway, but i could not see the car. I was facing the back of the yard, which had a line of trees along the back side. There was a shallow hill in front of me which led down to the dirt driveway. The driveway ran along the edge of the property, with woods just beyond. The driveway exited onto the main road to my left. I then noticed the small family of deer that had walked from my left and had started to cross the road. I knew that i would disturb them as i ran for my car. I then noticed the small boy in the blue and white, horizontally striped tee shirt to the right of the deer. He was with his parents. They were watching the deer. I then started forward, moving towards the deer. I had to get to my car and leave. I then started accelerating abruptly, making a sudden turn to the left. The deer were not startled or afraid, which relieved me. I then started to fly. I turned to the left and headed over the gravel driveway in the back of the house. I could not see my car anywhere. I wondered where it had gone. I continued to circle to the left, passing on the side of the house and turning back around to the large open lawn to the front of the house. There was a gravel drive that ran from the front of the house to the other dirt road, in which the deer were. I was flying faster and faster, and wondered whether i could keep it up. I then realized that the lawn was slightly up hill from me as i approached the main dirt road. I started to head toward the ground. I landed heavily on my feet and ran to a stop. I did not have enough lift to make it up the hill.

11998 January 14

I was in the small restaurant. I sat at the round table in the back of the room. I was in Italy, but i did not understand what the other people in the restaurant were saying. My grandmother was the waitress of the restaurant. She came over and served me a plate of food. I was glad that she was there. I would not be able to understand the Italian. I ate some of the food that was on my plate. I could see another round table in the room which had three older men sitting around it. They were wearing white shirts with traditional italian vests and hats. They spoke only in Italian, and i could not understand them. I felt lost. I ate my meal. Then my grandmother brought me a check. I wondered how much i should tip my grandmother. It seemed strange to have my grandmother wait on me. Then i felt as though i did not want to leave the restaurant. I did not know where to go. I could not speak Italian, so i had to remain where someone spoke English. I decided that i would have to go. I started to get up from the table when i realized that i had left some fried chicken wings on my plate. I decided that i should eat them. I sat back down, looking at the check on the table. I had already paid the check, but i wanted to finish my meal. I then noticed that there was a large bowl of red sauce to my right. It was mounted high with something which seemed like chili. I remembered that i had poured it from my dish earlier. I had forgotten about it. I decided that i should finish it. I dipped one of the wings into the chili, thinking that it was something that was not normally done. I liked the taste, though. I felt the need to leave the restaurant, however. I started to get up from the table when a group of young women walked over my table and started to sit down. I thought that the table should have been cleaned before they were seated. I did not want to interrupt them and decided that i should go. One of the women grabbed my left arm and pulled me back into my chair. She told me that they did not want me to leave. I looked around at the women who had just sat down at the table. They were all very attractive. I was flattered that they wanted me to stay. I relaxed and continued to eat my meal.

I was in the restaurant, but i did not feel comfortable there. I was in Italy, and i did not know how to speak the language. My grandmother was standing at the front of the restaurant with several of my italian relatives. They were getting ready to leave. I did not like being in this place, as i did not know how to communicate with anyone. Someone called to me. I then turned around and looked down the street to see my relatives moving off. The young oriental man called to me and told me to follow them. I started after them, but they quickly disappeared around the corner of the white restaurant. The building had a plaster facade and was very simple in decoration. I rounded the corner and could see only the oriental boy riding away on his bicycle. I flew after him, down the narrow street of the city. The street was cobblestone, and curved slightly to the right as it ran down hill between the white buildings. I could see the intersection of a main road ahead. I thought that i was in the middle of a small italian city. I flew around a tight corner and tried to stay up with the boy on the motorbike. I could not loose him, or i would not know where to go. I thought about flying in front of him and to my relatives. I thought that it would surprise them that i could fly. I imagined the old man with the group gasping at the sight. Then the boy on the bicycle came to a stop. I suddenly realized that we were back in front of the restaurant. I then remembered that the boy had a white box on the back of his moped and i realized that the boy was only out delivering food from the restaurant. I asked the boy where me relatives were. He was shocked to see me. He was upset as he asked me why i did not follow my relatives. I told him that i had followed him because he had told me to. He became frustrated and walked into the restaurant. I did not know how i was going to get back to my relatives. I wondered whether i would have to walk. I then thought that i did not know the way. I looked down the country road which ran along the gradual slope of the hill. The hill was covered with golden field grass. I remembered the road from the last time that i was in Italy. I knew that it was a long way to walk if i was to get to my relatives house, but i could not think of any other way to get there. I was disappointed and sad that i had been left behind. There were some men with me as i stood on the dirt road looking down the road to the northeast. I knew that my relatives’ house was to the southeast of me and i thought about walking. I wondered how i could cover the distance. I thought about the country road which led from their house. I wondered whether i could follow it by memory. I then decided that i would not be able to make it. I walked through the restaurant. I would have to stay here until someone came for me. I felt frustrated and anxious. I wanted to do something, but i could not communicate with anyone in the restaurant. I walked into the main room of the restaurant, which was not a dance floor. It was night, and there were many young people in the room. I then heard the laughter from behind me. It was teasing laughter. I turned around to see several of the boys backing away from the back window of the room. There was a boy standing on the outside of the window looking in at the party. He was well dressed and looked quite handsome. The boys in the room joked about him and moved away from the window. They said that he was homosexual, and laughed at the idea. I thought that they could tell he was homosexual because he was so nicely dressed. Everyone else would not have dressed up so nicely. I looked at the boy as he peered to his left into the room. He was wearing a golden tan jacket with a white shirt underneath. His hair was black, parted in the middle, and curled slightly at the ends. It was fuzzy on the sides of his head. His face looked very young, and i thought that he was very attractive. I did not see why the other boys would pick on him. I then noticed that there was another man standing behind him. The other man was also nicely dressed and leaned towards the window. I guessed that they were lovers. I walked back across the room and through the narrow corridor of the restaurant. I stood in the front room looking out the large window. It seemed like springtime outside, and there was a breeze blowing through the window, moving the white curtains slightly. It was bright and sunny outside, and it seemed as though there was a large tree in the front yard. I was upset and wanted to leave, but i could not go anywhere without speaking the language. Then i saw the oriental boy again. He was wearing a white apron and was helping to get the tables set up for the dinner crowd. He noticed me and made a comment about my still being here. I was upset and wondered when the others would come to get me. I wanted to leave. I then walked up the stairs into the large open room where i had been before. As i reached the top of the stairs, i could feel water dripping on my head. I looked up to see that the rain was coming into the opening above the tall window. I could see a dark blue evening sky outside. I was upset that i could not leave. I wanted to do something. I walked towards the large window in front of which i had been standing earlier. It was dark now, and i was unhappy.

11998 January 15

I was in the dark room in the center of the house. My father was there for a moment as i collected my things. The room was long and seemed like part of an old victorian house. I walked from the living room, where the dim light from the lamp to the right lit the wall and ceiling. I stood in the kitchen looking into the long living room, watching myself walking from the living room into the kitchen. I then looked at the open jar of peanut butter that was on the table in the center of the room. I waved my hand over the jar to get the bugs away from it, but the long stick-like bug had gotten caught in the peanut butter. I remembered that the bug had been bothering me in the other room. It had been flying around the lamp. I pulled the long, thin bug from the peanut butter and threw it away. I then looked into the peanut butter jar and noticed that there were a few long thin legs from the insect still stuck in the peanut butter on the far side of the jar. I realized that i could not get them out, and was upset that the peanut butter was ruined. I got up and walked through the parking garage. It seemed dark, and everything seemed dingy. I was unsure about the area around me. I was with some people. Then i started talking to the parson next to me. I was looking for my car. I stepped off of the train in the parking garage and looked around. The walls of the enclosed area were cement, and seemed dirty from age. The small silver car then continued along the metal tracks on the ground. I thought about following the business men, who were riding in the small car, which seemed like a roller coaster car. I thought that i should follow them so that i did not loose them, but then i realized that the tracks turned away from me as they headed to my right and ended at the far wall. The car rolled to the end of the tracks and then reversed direction. It started back along the tracks. I knew that it would turn again and head towards the back wall on the other side of the long rectangular hole in the ground, which seemed like the space between two railway platforms at a terminal. I then walked to the left with my mother and my friends. We had just come from our car. I wondered what we should do. It seemed that i wanted to do something, but i did not know what. I looked around at the city around me. We were standing in a parking lot at the edge of a parking garage. It seemed like this place was a small town, but i could see tall buildings around us. To the north, i could see a tall glass skyscraper with advertisement boards on the top. I then looked to the west to see the back of the bank. I realized that this place was bigger than i thought it would be. I wondered whether we should go to see a movie. I spoke to $F2 and $F3, who were very young. I wanted to go out and do something.

I walked out of the small grocery store. I had been looking over the green apples on the counter of the store. My mother was with me and wanted to get some of the apples. They were not the right kind, however. I walked down the side of the street away from the outdoor market. $K3 was with us. We talked about getting the apples. I did not want to go back to the store. I felt strange about returning for the apples. My mother kept telling me that she wanted the apples. I turned back and headed down the dirt street to the west. I then turned to the left, heading through a space in the wall of the mall’s corridor. I came into a small grocery shop. This was not the same store in which i had seen the other apples. I walked around the outside of this store. The center of the store was lower than the rest and was square. The outside of the store surrounded the center of the store like a balcony. There were stairs on the south side which dropped into the lower level. I walked around to the southwest corner of the store and started to head down into the opening. The walls around me were made of black stone, and were plain. The lower level seemed small, and seemed to be an entrance to an underground area. I then turned to the left and walked around the table of green apples. I thought that they looked like good apples. I picked up several in my hand and started to take them over to the cash register. I stood in line in front of the register. My mother was there. She still wanted to get some of the apples from the other store. She thought that it would be nice to have both kinds of apples. I did not want to go all the way back to the other store. I felt embarrassed about having to return for the apples. I was then up at the counter. The man asked me if i wanted to check out. I was getting annoyed with my mother, who was still collecting other things in the store. I told the man that we were not ready yet. I then motioned the woman, who was standing behind me, to go ahead of me. My mother then decided that she did not know what she wanted to get. I felt uncomfortable standing in the middle of the store.

11998 January 17

I was walking along the sidewalk in the downtown section of the city. I was on the sidewalk on the right side of the street. It was night, and there was a crowd of people ahead of me. I then realized that the crowd was a large line of people waiting to get into the club on the right. There was a rope between me and the people. I realized that they were all trying to get into the homosexual club. I thought that it must be homosexual night at $P48. I was amused by this. I looked over the men in the line as they started to enter the building. There seemed to be a very long line. Then i spotted $A113 in the line. I waved to him, surprised to see him in the line. He waved back reluctantly. I continued on down the line when i noticed several other people whom i knew. They were brothers. I noticed that $A114 was one of them, and i waved hello to him. I was surprised to see them there, and never knew that they were homosexual. I continued on down the line, saying hello to several people. Then i came to the pavilion near the end of the line. The area under the pavilion was partitioned into a back and forth maze through which the line had traveled. The partitions were made of single pieces of two-by-four which were nailed to the main posts that held up the pavilion. The pavilion was entirely made of wood, and looked like a picnic area. I then noticed $A115 standing against one of the partitions in the pavilion. I said hello to her and asked her what she was doing here. I told her that i had seen several of the brothers and had been surprised to see them. She said that they had all gotten free tickets for the show. I then realized that they were not here for homosexual dance night. There was a concert in the small concert hall, which seemed like $P48. I asked $A115 what the tickets were for and she said that the brothers were going to see They Might Be Giants in the concert hall. I told her that i thought it was “cool”. I walked down the street again towards the line of people waiting to get into $P48. I was surprised to see so many people going into the homosexual club, as i carried the square white box of pizza down the street. I thought that i would pretend to be delivering the pizza. That way, no one would think that i wanted to get into the club ahead of them. I carried the pizza into the door of the club. The center of the room seemed to curve downward into the theatre. There was a bouncer to the left. He asked me some questions and i showed him the pizza that i had in the box. I looked into the box to see the circular eggplant. It still had the dark purple rind on it, and a center of a yellow cheese mixture. I noticed that it had been cut into pie-slices, and that one of the slices had been moved to the outside of the circle so that it would fit in the box better. I tried to close the box so that the eggplant did not get cold. The man was interested in it, but i had to deliver it to someone. I then noticed that the eggplant had spilled. I looked inside of the box to see that the pieces were messed up. I could not control the balance of the box, and i was upset that i was spilling the food. I looked into the box and noticed that there was only one slice of eggplant left. It was torn apart a little. I was disappointed, and thought that i would have to explain this to the people who wanted me to deliver the material. I felt that i had let them down as i tried to keep the last piece of the pizza in the box. The box fell forward, though, off of my hand and the last piece dropped onto the floor.

I turned to the left as i drove down the road. I came to the bridge. On my right was a narrow body of water. I then realized that the water on the left was part of a waterfall. I remembered being at the falls a while ago, but i did not know how to get to it. I thought about the road that i had traveled to get there, and though that i now knew how to get to this area. It was simply off of the main road as i traveled. I was happy that i knew the road now. I then thought about the other part of the creek, where the other falls were. I wondered whether the creeks were the same and whether they ran from one set of falls to the other. I thought that i could go hiking with $F12 from one place to the other. I knew that he would like to see the waterfalls. I then decided that the falls could not be on the same stream. I pictured the area in my head. I could see the map of $P8. The other set of falls, to which i had known how to get, was on the northwest side of the mountains. Where i was now was on the east side. If the two creeks were the same, they would have to travel around the north of the mountains and run down the east side. I decided that the idea was not too probable. I looked to the right of the road as i drove. I wondered where the waterfalls were. They should have been ahead of me. I drove through the water on the bridge which ran along the small area of water on the left side of the road. I realized that the falls were created from the water pouring off of the right side of the bridge and into the natural lake. I then wondered why i was driving through such deep water. It seemed strange that my car would run in such deep water. I crossed over the bridge, thinking about the water that was on it. I then saw the opening to the right where the water poured over the side of the bridge and down into the falls. I then noticed several people walking on the sidewalk on the right side of the bridge. There was an old woman in a tan coat who was just about the cross the opening where the water poured over the side. As i passed her, i realized that i would splash her with the spray from my car. I continued on to the end of the road. The area was very open and flat around me. The land seemed to be dry and had only grass growing on it. There was a dirt pull-off on the right side of the road as i stopped at the intersection. I knew that there was a tourist house down the road to the right. I turned right and headed for the house. I walked into the front entrance of the house and looked around. I walked through the entrance hall and turned to the left, into the next room. I came to the stairs that went up to the second floor. I was in a room at the front of the building. I looked to the left to see the entrance hall through which i had walked earlier. I had come in a circle, but i was not able to walk from the small chamber, in which i was now, back into the entrance hall. There was only a small rectangular window which connected the two rooms. The place seemed very nicely furnished. It seemed to be decorated in late eighteen hundreds styles. The wallpaper in the entrance hall was pale green with dark wood trim around it. I knew that the house was very old and was now open up as a museum for people to walk through. I walked up the curved staircase which ran up the inside wall of the front room and turned right into a narrow stairwell. I came into the bathroom. The place was familiar. The walls were green and blue, and had fine wood trim, which was painted pink and green. I looked over the tub, which was on the back wall of the room, and noticed a single spire hanging from the ceiling. It had a curved railing of wood spiraling around it as it pointed down near the back outside of the tub. I thought that it was a strange decorating detail. I then looked at the small window on the back wall of the bathroom, over the back side of the tub. It was small, and higher than the ceiling in the rest of the bathroom. I then realized that the ceiling above the tub was very tall. It seemed strange to me that the house would have been designed in such a way. It did not seem like something that they would have done in the old days. I then decided to walk through the rest of the house. I passed through the doorway where the ranger was standing. The ranger was wearing a green uniform. I drove the car through the tall gate and into the small room. This was all part of the tour. The road curved to the left across the center of the room. On both sides was forest. It was a fake scene, with many stuffed bison standing between the trees. It represented the bison which used to roam this part of the country, but which were now gone. I thought that this place must be part of the game farm. I was in the general area of the game farm, though i thought that they had live animal exhibits. I came to the end of the room and passed into the other. I then noticed that there were live horses in the next room. As i walked, it seemed like i was walking through a barn with stalls on both sides. Then a black and white shaggy dog came out from one of the pens. It wagged its tail and acted interested to see me. I thought that it was a nice dog. Then the dog grabbed onto my ankle with its hands. It was trying to be friendly. I pushed it off and continued on. As i turned to go, the dog followed me, again wrapping its arms around my leg. I pushed the dog off and walked into the other room. I found myself in the reception hall of the old building. The main lobby was to my left as i approached the counter, which was on the left wall of the room. There were two people behind the counter and several standing in front of it. The counter was polished wood, and had a tall front with a desk behind. There was a man standing in front of the counter just before me. He was looking through a set of photographs that he had just gotten back. I looked over the top of the counter to see that there was another set of photographs sitting on the surface of the desk behind it. I recognized several of the pictures as mine. I had brought my film here for developing. The man with the pictures seemed confused. He did not think that the pictures that he was looking through were his own. I realized that they must have gotten the rolls confused. Some of my pictures were in his stack. I told the man behind the counter that the stack of pictures on the desk were mine. The woman behind the counter lifted the small stack and placed them on top of a yellow disposable camera. I had brought the camera in for development. Then the woman on the outside of the counter started talking about the music that we were hearing. I listened to it and realize that it was a classic rock song. I thought that it was typical of the time period in which the house was built. I then remembered that i had started the song when i went up the stairs into the main hall. I told the others that i had wound the victrola at the top of the stairs. I was the one who had started the music. I remembered walking up to the old green victrola and winding the handle on the right side of it. The classical music started playing. I then walked down the hall into the small bedroom. I had to get my things ready to go. There was a large bed with its headboard against the left wall of the room. On the right wall, which was very near the entrance door, was a wooden dresser. On the opposite wall, near the foot of the bed, was a window. Cloudy daylight came into the window. I had to get my things together to leave. I walked over to the pile of books at the floor of the bed. I started collecting the books and tried to pile them up. I had to get them into my bag. I stuffed my backpack. I was in a hurry. Then i noticed the small, clear plastic toy behind me, just in front of the dresser. It was some kind of balance. It had a small tower section on top of which should rest a balancing arm. The arm was on the floor near the tower. It had bulbous ends for extra weight. I wondered whether i should take that as well. I turned back around and picked up my yellow rain jacket. It was a heavy plastic jacket. I wondered for a moment whether i would need it. I picked up my things and walked down the street on the side of the building. It was dark out, and it was drizzling. I would have to cross the street to catch the school bus. Something did not feel right about this. I felt as though i were being rushed into doing something, and that i could not tell the others.

11998 January 18

I looked out the window in the back room of my parents’ house. I was looking to the west. I could see the man in the middle of the back yard. It was sunny out, and the grass was green. Then a large bumble bee flew into the man. It circled him and then started buzzing around the yard. The man waved his hands in front of his face, trying to catch the bee. I did not understand what was going on. It seemed strange that the man would want to catch the bee. Then the bee flew towards me. I was not afraid of it and watched it as it bumped into the window in front of me. It was a very large bee, and was carrying a contact lens in its arms. I realized that the bee must have picked up the contact lens that the man dropped. The man was trying to get the lens back from the bee, but the bee was flying away. The situation seemed somewhat silly.

I was directing a play, which was being held in the open area at the back end of the store. The actors were wandering around between the cubes which were set up on the floor. Some of the cubes were stacked on top of each other. It was the main set of the play. Several things seemed disorganized. There was extra debris lying around on the stage. The production had not been set up yet. I tried to get everything together, but i was not ready for the production. I was worried that it might not get done in time. I then realized that i did not know much about the play. I did not know how i would be directing it. I was afraid that i would not be able to tell people what to do. Then one of the actors came up to me. He was looking for some of his props. He wanted some cookies to use. I did not know what to get him. I then decided to walk through the super market. The play was being staged in the back of the super market. I walked through the aisles. The store seemed familiar. It seemed as though i was in a department store. I walked down the main cross aisle of the store. There were tin barrels to my right. I turned to the left, into one of the aisles towards the front of the store. It was the bulk candy aisle. I was looking for butter snaps from the actor. He needed cookies as a prop. I would also need some finger pies. I was looking for old-fashioned deserts. I looked around for the peanut butter wafers, but could not see them on the shelf. I picked up some kind of cookie and ate a bite. I realized that i was not supposed to be picking out the cookies one at a time. It might be considered shoplifting. I knew that they had cameras in the store, and that they might be watching me. I did not care. I had to get the cookies. I was, however, nervous about doing so. I then noticed the butter cookies in the tray near the top shelf. The bulk bins for the cookies were slanted downward so that customers could see what was in them. The butter cookies were like the ones my mother’s father used to buy me on the avenue when i was little. I thought about getting some of them for the play, but decided that they were not what i was looking for. I walked towards the front of the store, carrying several cookies in my hand. I wondered whether store security would be mad at me for taking some of the cookies out of the packages. I did not care. I needed the cookies for the play. I did not have to pay for them, as i would be taking them to the back of the store for the play. I knew that i should pay for them, but i was not in the mood to think about it, so i walked to the back of the store.

11998 January 19

I was traveling down the narrow corridor between the old brick walls. There seemed to be vines or shrubs growing over the top of the wall. The space between the walls seemed to be less than two metres wide. There was a sharp turn in the narrow road that ran between the walls. The road took a sudden turn to the left and then quickly turned to the right, so that it headed back in its original direction. I drove my car around the sharp turn in the road. As i rounded the corner, i passed another car which was heading in the other direction. I then noticed that there was an older woman in a car rounding the corner. She was forced off of the road by the other car. I watched her sit in her car against the wall of the corner. I started down the aisle, but kept thinking of the old woman. I decided to go back and help her. She was in a very small car, which was not working. The roof of the car seemed dome-shaped, and had very little metal surrounding the glass windows. She did not know what to do, and i wanted to help her. I then realized that she was very frail. She sat hunched in her car, unable to figure out what she should do. She was wearing an old greenish grey coat. I could see that her arms were very skinny, as if they were only bone. I realized that she could not do anything for herself. She was unable to move or help herself, and she could not figure out what she should be doing.

11998 January 20

I was trying to cover up the murder plot. I cold not let anyone find out that i had killed $A90. My mother was with me, and she understood what had happened. I wondered why i would have killed someone. Then i realized that i had not really killed $A90, but someone named “Mr. O’Roark”.

11998 January 21

I was in my parents’ house. The house seemed very open, with no walls, and i could see out into the yard to the west. There was a strong wind blowing through the open frame of the house. I realized that i could hear echoes on the wind. I yelled out something and it was repeated by the wind. There was something spiritual about the event. I then started to smell the chemicals. I asked my mother what the smell was. At first it seemed to be some kind of cleaning detergent, but then i realized that it was simply a natural odor. I thought that it might be an odor from some kind of food. I then realized that it was the smell of a deodorant. The horse, which was with us, complained of the odor. I saw it wrinkle its nose in distaste. Then i saw the cat on the edge of the sofa. It acted very surprised. It pulled back its ears and opened its eyes wide. It then ran off as the gorilla came into the room. The gorilla was playing with several blue balls that were bouncing around the room. I spoke to my mother about the odor. Then i remembered about the wind that was blowing through the room. It seemed like a very special wind, and i felt good to have it blow through me.

11998 January 23

I was at my parents’ house, in the back room. There was a noise coming from outside. I looked out across the yard to the west. Something seemed wrong. There was something outside that should not be there. It was night, and i knew that there should not be anyone out there. I could hear voices. I then noticed the bright light in the sky. I was anxious and unsure. The light was a helicopter hovering over the back yard. It was illuminated, and seemed hard to focus on. I felt that something was wrong. I called to the others to tell them that there was something wrong. I told my mother about people out in the back yard. They should not have been there. I walked out the front door of the house to cautiously look around. I was a little scared, but i wanted to know who was outside. I could hear music coming from somewhere. I knew that there were people out in the back yard. I started to float to the west. I was carrying a flashlight with me. It was the large white light that my parents kept in their kitchen. I then noticed a small group of people sitting on the northwest corner of the lawn, at the bottom of the hill, around a camp fire. I shined the light on them and realized that it was $A29, $A31, and their children. I started to float to the west over the hill, shining the light on them. I realized that they would not know who i was because they would not be able to see into the light. $A29 then said that they had better leave the camp. He thought that i had come to send them away. I moved over the lawn with the light, drifting east up the gradual slope of the hill. I then noticed the orange cat creeping down the hill towards the group. I realized that they were simply spending an evening outside. I did not want to disturb them. All four of them got up and started to clean up the camp area. I moved over to them and said hello. They realized that i was not the helicopter that had been circling the area. I lowered the flashlight from their eyes, but dropped it from my right hand onto the ground. The large white flashlight broke on the ground. A dim light shined from it. I spoke to the neighbours about what was going on. They seemed unnerved by the events as well. I then heard another noise coming from the south. I looked across the road which ran in front of my parents’ house. I could see the driveways of other houses across the street. They did not used to be there. It must have been a new set of houses. I thought that it was a very strange night, and something seemed spooky about it. Then i saw the two cars drive by on the road. They were heading east. The second car was a large american car and was pulling a trailer behind it. The trailer looked like a square tent with screen mesh on all sides. The edges of the tent had a nylon fabric around them. I could see through the mesh. There was a jack-o-lantern inside the tent which was illuminated from within. It had a large grin on its face. There was also a candle on the bottom of the tent to the left of the jack-o-lantern. There were several other objects on the floor of the tent. I thought that this night was in some way special. People were out celebrating something. It was a warm summer night. I then heard the sound of people talking. It sounded like they were cheering and having a celebration. I looked across the street to see that there were tents set up in the woods. People must be out camping for the celebration. I did not see any people walking around on the sites, but there were candles lit in front of the tents. The candles were decorations. I then noticed the chair which was sitting at the edge of my parents’ driveway. The candle on it had tipped over. I walked over to the chair and fixed the candle so that it did not burn the chair. I looked at the candle as i knelt on the east side of the chair. The other person stood on the west side of the chair. The candle had fallen backwards and had burned a small spot in the back of the chair. The chair was wooden, and had a wicker section in the center of the back. I then noticed that the candle had several branches, each with its own wick. The candle was shaped somewhat like a hand, but i thought that it looked like a cactus. I leaned some of the wicks over so that they did not burn the sides of the cactus. I did not want the plant to be damaged. I then noticed the jeep driving down the road. There were several young men in it who looked like surfer punks. They had punk hair cuts and were tattooed. I thought that they were nicely detailed and muscled. I wondered why they were driving by. It seemed strange. It must have been part of the celebration.

I was with my parents in the large brown barn. We were standing in a room which was between two sections of the barn and was open to the outside on both sides. I flew through the center of the barn. The interior of the barn seemed well furnished. The inside walls were made of roughly spread plaster and were off white. I flew out the front of the barn and over the gravel parking lot outside. I landed in the small room, where the other man was. The room was off white, and had black leather furnishings. The man was near a control panel. He flipped a large yellow switch on the blue control panel. The switch was causing the time shifting that i was doing. I was not in the correct place in time. This was a universe similar to mine. I had been out hunting the monster. I remembered that this had happened before. I had chased the monster through time before. I thought that i must have been repeating the time line again. It was part of the jumping. I saw Lieutenant Barkley in the room. He was fading between different dimensions. I had to find the monster again. I was a little scared of what i was doing. Then i started to wonder why the monster was still alive. If i had killed it before it should not be alive now, because when i killed it i did so throughout the time line. All occurrences of the monster in time and space should have been destroyed. I had to go out to find the monster. I told the young austral boy that he should go home now. It would not be safe to hang out here. I told the boy that he should take the subway home now. It would be the safest way to travel. It would be much safer than walking the distance on the street. The door on the left side of the cement corridor slid open. There was a glass booth on the other side, which was drawn in blue and black ink. It was a cartoon of a man in blue denims and a black leather jacket. He was drawn to look like a tough person. The blue and black ink created heavy shadows in the background of the picture. This glass elevator booth was part of the subway. The boy was part of the animation and walked into the booth. He asked the man whether he was waiting for his boy friend. I thought that it was not a good question to ask the man. He might get mad at the implication. The man smirked, however. He was surprised that the boy had asked such a knowledgeable question. There were many other people in the subway now. I thought about how safe it had become since the monster had come. It never used to be a safe place. I had to sign up for the hunt. I walked around the end of the bus and into the adjoining corridor. I seemed to be under some kind of old cement structure, like a highway overpass. There were people gathering around a Volkswagen Beetle, which was standing on the left side of the area, against a large cement supporting post. The people were gathering to sign up for the hunt. I thought about signing up and decided that i could tell them that i had experience hunting the monster. I had done it before and had killed the monster. I would have to explain that i did it in another time so they could understand how the monster could still be alive if i had killed it. I then decided that it still made no sense. If i killed the monster in time, then is should never exist anywhere. There was something wrong. I knew that the events that were happening did not make any logical sense. Then i saw the woman. She was sitting before a black plastic counter in front of a blue and black instrument panel. She was running the holodeck simulation. I then realized that this was not real. It was all an illusion. That is why the monster kept coming back to life. The woman was controlling the monster. Then i saw the instrument panel behind her light up. There was a blue aura around it. It was a short circuit. The scene then changed so that i was looking at Ensign Kim. I saw him start to fade out. The short was changing the holodeck simulation. It was causing Ensign Kim to shift into another dimension again. He was surprised as he faded out. He then faded back in suddenly, gasping for air. It was hard to breath in between dimensions. I then saw the woman again. She slouched backwards into her chair, grabbing her chest. The short circuits were killing her. They were causing the illusions to distort, which was reshaping her body from the inside. She grabbed her body in various places, her mouth open in pain. She then fell forward, grabbing her ears. The scene focused in on her hand moving down from her head. There was blood on her fingers. It was for dramatic effect. The scene then followed the hand as it moved down to the off white carpet. She would spread the blood on the carpet as if by accident. It was for dramatic effect. The camera would focus on the red blood on the white carpet after she collapsed.

11998 January 24

I got into the car on the snowy suburban road. There were two-story houses on both sides of the street. My parents were watching me as i got into the car. I put the car into reverse and tried to back down the highway. There were trees on both sides of the road, and it was dark out. I was in the middle of the country. The car did not seem to be moving fast, and i realized that there was something wrong with the car. I jerked the wheel and the car skidded to the left suddenly, sliding to the curb on the other side of the road. My mother gasped as she saw this. She had been watching from the side of the road in front of the two-story house. She panicked and wanted to know what happened. I remembered that she had been afraid that there was something wrong with the car before. I was frustrated with the car and got out. I walked into the living room of the house and sat down. My cousins were there, and the television was on. The living room seemed to be off colour, as if it were from an old photograph. Everything seemed sepia-toned. The people in the room seemed to be from the fifties. The kids climbed around the arm chair as they watched television. I sat down on one of the chairs, agitated. Something was making me feel uncomfortable.

11998 January 25

I was happy about purchasing the new house and looked at the front of it from the street. The person who had previously owned it pulled out of the short driveway and headed down the street. I opened the white garage door, which was on the front of the building, and started to walk into the garage. I thought about leaving the garage door open, but then wondered whether that would be safe or not. I decided that no one would come into the house through the garage door for a little while, so i left the door open. I walked through the front room of the new house. I had just moved into the new house, and was just finishing the unpacking. I was in the front hall of the building as the old tenant left. It felt strange to be here. I looked out the windows of the front porch. It seemed cold here, and i wondered whether the house was well insulated. I had never seen the house in the winter and did not know whether it was good or not. I then felt unsure that i had made the right decision in buying the house. It seemed strange that i had moved all of my things into the house already. It seemed as though i had not really seen much of the house. I suddenly wondered what the basement was like. I had never been down there. I thought that i should check it out to find out what it was like. I then thought that it was strange that i had already unpacked everything i had into the house. The rooms were sparsely furnished, but they did not seem to be furnishings that i recognized. I walked through the kitchen of the old house. It had very large windows with wooden frames. The house seemed very nice, and i was glad to own it. The cupboards were painted white, and were made of old hard wood. The ceilings were also somewhat tall. I then looked out the windows on the front of the house. I noticed that the glass was double-paned and that it was well insulated. I noticed the white clips on the inside of the outer piece of glass which would release the storm windows. The screens would be placed in separately. I was on the front porch. All of the openings of the old porch were covered with glass. It had been an open porch, but the previous owner closed it in. In the summer, the glass would be removed and the screens would be put in. I felt a little cold standing on the porch, so i walked back through the house. I then walked to the back side of the house, where the driveway was. I could see the yellow garage across the back yard. The area seemed to be covered by a roof which stretched the fifteen or so metres from the house to the large set of garages. I could not see the roof, but i knew that it was there. I then realized how nice this house actually was. It had a large yard and a nice barn near it. I thought that it must have been very expensive. I was excited about the new house as i looked at the windows on the front porch. I walked out into the driveway between the barn and the house and started to run to the left. The place seemed very nice, and i felt lucky to have purchased it. I then came to the edge of the yard and turned around. I realized that there was a large patio off of the side of the house. It was very long in front of the single level house and had squares of grass growing in patterns across it. I thought that i would have to invite people over to have them look at the place. I felt wonderful. I knew that there was a nice view of the lake to the right. I started to fly as i moved back over the patio and across the back side of the house. There was a line of shrubs at the top of the hill on my right and a large tree ahead of me. The tree was planted just inside of the shrub line, where the crest of the hill curved back towards the far corner of the house. I heard someone coming down the road, and did not want them to see me running around the yard. I landed near the tree and tried to come to a running stop. I slowed down several times and finally stopped on the ground. Then i saw the three people walking down the road towards me. I realized that one of them was $A116. I called out his name and he smiled at me. He started across the lawn towards me to say hello. I then noticed that another person in the group was $F19. She was wearing torn running tights and a grey sweatshirt and was speaking to the austral man to her right. I called out her name and she looked at me and smiled. I then looked at the austral man and realized that he was not the same man that i had seem walking with them moments before. He seemed different. I did not know who he was, but he seemed very familiar.

11998 January 26

I was walking down the hall of the college-related area. There were many people walking from one place to another. I remembered that i had just come from my dorm room. I was the only one who was in the dorm room. I wandered around the edge of the large square room. It seemed strange that there was no one else there. It was somewhat dark. I could see dim morning light creeping in around the window shade. I then walked out of the door and down the hall. I seemed to be in some kind of mall. There were people wandering around the corridors. It was some place related to the college, but it seemed more like a mall. I then noticed one of the men walking past me. He was not wearing a shirt, and he was nicely detailed. I then realized that many of the younger men from the college were wearing summer clothing. I noticed one of the men in front of me. He was standing in front of a shop window looking into the shop, which was on the right side of the hall. He was not wearing a shirt, and i thought that his upper body was nicely proportioned and detailed. He had short red hair. I then noticed the person standing behind him. The other man was a little shorter, but was still nicely built. As i passed the first man, however, i suddenly noticed that his penis was erect and was sticking out over his shorts. I was surprised that he was standing in front of the window so casually in public like that. I started to turn down the side corridor just past him on the right. I then brushed my right leg with my wrist. I realized that my own penis was erect. I felt embarrassed, but realized that i was wearing shorts over it, so no one would notice. I then walked into the large open area in the center of the mall. This was a main corridor between class rooms. I was interested in all of the people around me. It was interesting to see the young attractive people walking through the halls. I then noticed a man walking down the hall. He, like the others, was well built. He had very nice proportions and detail in his upper body. I watched the detail on his back as he walked away from me. I then saw him moving up the escalator to the next level. I noticed that he was wearing a swim suit. He also had nice shape to his legs. I decided that i should follow him upstairs. He had gone up the escalator which ran along the left wall of the large corridor. There was a balcony around the edge of the upper level. The balcony did not overhang the lower level, but was flush to the brown, polished wood of the walls in the lower area. The building seemed old. The ceiling was off white, and the floor seemed like stone. I walked to the shallower stairs on the right wall. There was a ramp which ran up the side of the wall on my right. It started about four metres away from me and rose only a half metre or so as it approached me. It then met the bottom of the stairs which started up to my right, cutting into the wall. I walked down the length of the short wooden wall which ran along the outside of the ramp. I walked to the end of the wall and rounded it to start up the ramp. As i stepped onto the ramp, i could see the tan conveyer belt that covered the ramp. It started moving me towards the bottom of the stairs. There was a guard standing at the corner where the ramp ended and the stairs began. He was heavy-set, and was wearing light green trousers with a slightly darker green uniform shirt. I wondered whether he would try to stop me from walking up the stairs. I passed him and started up the stairs. I then noticed that each of the individual stairs had a tan conveyer belt on their steps. The belts were moving into the back of the step. There was a sign over the stairs asking people whether they liked the belts on the stairs. I stepped on the belts but found that it was hard to stand. My feet slid forward and i started to fall backwards. I held onto the railing on the left to prevent myself from falling. I replied to the sign vocally, saying that i did not like the stairs, as they would make me break my neck. I came to the next level, which opened into a large lounge. The area in front of me had several pale green couches in it, on which there were several people relaxing. To my left was an area which was partly enclosed by a short wooden wall. The wall was polished and brown, and looked as though it had an early-thirties design. There was a counter on the back wall of the room, and several wooden tables around the floor. This was a coffee room, and there were several people hanging around for lunch. I then noticed $A117 standing at the counter on the other side of the room. His back was facing me, and he was pouring coffee. I thought that i could have lunch here sometime. It seemed like a nice place, and i knew that there were several attractive people around. I then thought that i probably would not fit in here. I realized that i worked quite a ways away, to my right, which seemed to be to the west. I thought that i should be hanging out with the people i work with, even though i did not find them as interesting. I turned to the right and then to the right again down another corridor. I thought about working here. I felt that it would be interesting to hang around with the attractive boys. I imagined that i would have to measure them for clothing by wrapping a tape measure around their chest, but then i thought that they were all too young. I crossed the main corridor of the mall and turned to the left. I then noticed that there was someone following me. I ignored him at first, but then noticed that he had his hands up behind me, as if to choke me. He had long black hair. I turned to see that it was my old roommate. I said hello, and greeted i him warmly. I put my left arm over his shoulder, and spoke to him as we walked down the hall. Then i thought that he might not like me putting my arm around his shoulder. I lowered my arm and held it onto his back. He left his arm over my shoulder. Then i noticed the other two in the hall ahead of us. I knew them both. The one on the right was $A91. I said hello to him, calling him $A118. The four of us then continued down the corridor.

11998 January 27

I was walking down the road in the middle of the country. The area around me was open fields. The field on my right seemed to be a corn field which had been harvested for the year. It was grey and damp outside, and the air seemed somewhat cold. There was a road off to the right and ahead of me which ran between the farming fields. I had to collect some things and meet the others down the road. I then realized that my car was quite some distance away. I thought that i would have to drive it down the road to the right and leave it up by the grassy fields near the top of the rise. The field was on the left side of the road, and was where we had collected in the past. I knew that the other members of $G4 would be collecting in the picnic area on the left side of the road, however. The picnic area was closer to where i was and had a wooden picnic table in it. I thought that i would simply drop off the things at the picnic area and then leave my car up by the field. Then i realized that if i dropped my car off by the field i would have to walk all the way back to the picnic area. I would eventually have to walk out to get my car. I realized that i did not want to do this, and that i should bring my car to the picnic area. I had to bring the things for everyone at $G4. I turned around on the side road and started to walk back towards the main road. I decided that i would go back and get my car and bring it to the picnic area, near where i was. As i walked through the archway over the dirt road, i saw some of the other $G4 driving their cars towards me. They were also bringing their cars to the picnic area. A large white rover truck pulled off of the road to my right. I could see $A121 in the vehicle. She stepped out of the driver’s door and started to round the front of the truck.

11998 January 28

I came back to the place. It seemed as though i had just come back from a run. The others were collecting in the doorway to the building. We had just come back from some workout. The woman standing in the door asked me whether i would be walking home. I told her that i would, thinking that it would be good to walk after the workout to stretch out the ligaments in my calves. I paced in front of the building on the hard dirt ground. There were two men standing around the doorway with the woman. I then realized that if i walked home i would have to walk the two miles to get back here for the morning workout. I did not mind walking two miles to home now, which i knew was to the west, down the country road which went over the hill. There were green trees growing on either side of the road as it rounded the top of the hill. I started to walk to the east from the front of the building, to where my car was. I could see the red car parked on the gravel drive. I got into the car, thinking that i did not want to walk home. I knew that the woman would be upset with me, but i did not feel like walking all the distance the next day. I then thought about sitting in my car for a while, so that the woman might simply think that i was going to sleep in it. I started driving to the west. I realized that i did not have to back out of the driveway and take the other road around because i could follow the gravel road until it met up with the road that ran over the hill. My feet felt sore from the run. I pulled off my socks and looked at my feet. My left foot seemed to have blisters on it. I held it up as i drove, letting it air out. I then thought that i should hang it out the window to let it get some air. A car passed me in the other direction, and i thought about the police stopping me for having my feet out the window. I sat in the passenger’s seat of the car, hanging my feet over the driver’s seat. I then wondered what the police would think of me driving the car from the passenger’s seat. I tried to press down one of the pedals, but was unable to do it from the passenger’s seat. I thought that i would have to move back into the driver’s seat to go the rest of the way home. I held onto the wheel and shifted position again, pressing down the pedal that i could not get before.

11998 January 29

I was in the hallway of the college building. The place seemed like a modern lab. I felt uncomfortable. I was with some other people, but something was wrong. I felt as though i should get out of the building, but i kept wandering around in the halls. There was someone who was trying to talk to me, but i did not want to speak to him. I had some close friends with me, but all of us would have to leave. $F12 was there. He had to go, and i was sad to see him leave. I knew that i would miss him. He walked to my left, down the white corridor of the building. There was someone else left with me. We stood in front of the large glass window, which was on my right. I looked out the window, into the city street below. I could see $F12 walking across the street to his car. I felt lonely again. Then i decided that i would have to leave. I did not like the party. I started talking to the young girl. She was dressed in a white summer dress which had blue and purple flowers on it. The other woman and i felt sorry for the little girl. I told the woman that we would have to leave the building. I was worried about leaving because i thought that the people would be watching. We had to get the girl out. She was not safe here. I felt badly for her. I then started talking to the girl with the woman. We managed to walk out the front door of the building with the girl. I thought that we would have to disguise the girl so that she would not be detected. We walked into the party, trying to act like nothing was wrong. I then wondered why we had come back into the place where everyone was. He had already taken the girl out of the building and could have taken her to safety. I then picked the young girl up and held her with my left arm under her legs. I realized that we would not need to disguise her after all. We had already escaped. I wondered where we could keep her until we were safe. I walked out of the party and over to the large green car. I placed the girl in the car. The woman was following me. I wondered where we could go. The back of the car was a large open area, which seemed like the back of a large flat-bed truck. The girl was sitting within the truck, which seemed to have wooden sides. We had to get her to someplace. She was supposed to be someplace.

11998 January 31

I walked through the rooms of the large white house. I remember the house from before. I seemed to have had a dream about it. I thought about buying the house but i thought that it would be very expensive. I looked out the window to the east. I could see the decorative side of the house next door. It was a white brick building, with fancy wood trimming around the edges. The trim was black. The building looked very formal. I thought that the house in which i was must be very formal as well. I could see the two cement paths leading away from the french doors, through which i was looking. They arced towards each other and met about four metres down the lawn. It was the patio i had remembered from my dream. The lawn of the house was nicely kept up. It was an old house, but it was well maintained. I turned to the left and walked into the room on the front of the house. I remembered all of it from before. I had been here to look at the house. The room in front was small, with plain white walls and a large window in the front wall. There was a fireplace in the center of the left wall, in the middle of the building. On it hung a few wicker baskets which were left by the previous owner. I looked around the room and noticed that there were several things which had been left. I was interested in them and excited that i could use them in the house when i bought it. The room seemed nicely designed, with fancy white woodwork around the edges. There seemed to be a shelf in one of the walls which had carved spires supporting it. I then walked to the left, into the smaller room in the center of the house. It had a window as well, and there were several small decorations left around it as well. I turned to the left again and started through the doorway which led back into the center hall of the house. As i started through the doorway, i noticed that there were several magnets hanging on the wall to the left. They were old decorative magnets, and i thought that they must be collectors’ items. I was interested in them, and wondered what i would do with them once i bought the house. I then walked into the hallway. There was a set of stairs leading up to the second floor in front of me. The stairs ran along the back wall of the hallway, and disappeared into the ceiling. They ran upwards to my left, and ended in the hall to my right. I suddenly realized that i had never been up stairs. It seemed strange that i would not have seen the upstairs before i bought the house. I then heard voices coming from upstairs. I could hear a woman speaking. I realized that the realtor was here and that she was leading some other person through the house. I quickly walked to the left, towards the french window. At the end of the hall, i took a right into the main living room. It was a very large room. I walked to the right, to the other end of the room, where the doorway back into the hall was. This doorway entered the hall just at the bottom of the stairs. I listened to the other people talk, and i wondered whether i should allow them to see me in the house. I had made no appointment to view the house. I realized that they must know that i was there, as my car was parked out front. I thought that i would tell them that i just came to look at the house again. I thought about going out into the hall to say hello, but decided that i should not. Then i heard a man talking from the main hall. It was the woman’s boss. He had just come in. I realized that he must have seen my car out front. I decided that i should hide. I walked forward, toward the large wooden door that was on the north wall of the room. It was the door to the cellar. I could see a light on in the hallway leading down to the cellar through the uneven cracks between the door and the frame. The door was very worn, and was very heavy. The handle was a vertical piece of wood which was crooked. I then realized that i had not seen the cellar of the house before. I wondered why i had not. I thought that i should hide in it while the others were here. I grabbed the door handle, but did not open the door. I felt very strange about being here. I kept wondering why i had never been in the cellar before.