11995 January 02

I was in school at $P7. It was a math class with $A100. I was not paying attention to the book on my desk when she asked about the book. She wanted to know that Newton thought about the electron. I did not know the answer, so i made one up. I knew when Newton was alive and told her about the particle aspect of the electron. I also told her about charge and atomic structure. I was tired and falling asleep. She asked me about Mandelev’s views on the same subject. I told that i had not gotten to them yet. She pointed to the left page of the book where it gave a reference to Newton versus Mendelev. It was a footnote, so i looked it up in the back of the book. The pages in the back were inked out in black. Only a few words showed on the pages. She left me to read, but i kept dazing and falling asleep. Then i went to lunch. I had an English class with $A101. It was in the morning, and i had another class with $A48, where i thought that i forgot my book. I had six classes: three on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and three on Tuesdays and Thursdays. $A100 was the first class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and $A48 was the first on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I was in the lecture hall. The guy up front wanted me to give something to the teacher, who was falling asleep behind me, in the front row on the left side of the room. I did not want to do it. We were in an auditorium, with creamy tan walls. It was a science class. The guy handed me a dish with something black in it. I wondered whether it was the black beans from the day before. I did not want to give it to the teacher. I had already missed the end of class because i had fallen asleep. I left the room. The halls outside were empty. It was the second floor hall in the north wing of $P7. $F4 walked past me. He smiled at me as the bell rang. I headed for the center stairs at $P7. I tried to think what class i had next, but realized that it was lunch. I forgot to pack my lunch that morning, so i would have to go out to lunch. I was hoping that i could sign out. I walked to the back locker room and out the garage exit. Then i was on the street behind the school. There was snow on the ground and the trees were bare. There were cars along the road, and someone else was with me.

11995 January 03

I had to feed the dog because no one else was going to. I stirred the food in the dish. It was brown dry dog food, with the bean casserole in it. It was cold from last night. I took a bag off of the counter and scooped out a handful of red dog food. I mixed it in with the rest of the food in the dog dish. I knew that it was not good for the dog, but i did not feel like taking the time to do it right. I then placed my papers in the rack at the edge of the desk. The room was dirty, so i moved my guitar onto the bed. $F16 was on the couch, so i talked to him a bit. Then $A119 came into the room and placed his papers on the rack where mine were. I got annoyed but walked back across the basement toward the couch. Things were hanging from the ceiling. It looked like the house had been taken apart. Electric wires dangled. There was a clock on the chair that was overheating. So i took the irish setter out for a walk. I yelled at the dog to some to me. I called it Aleph for the sake of people listening from the windows. I thought that $A120 might have heard me. The dog was really $X3. I hugged him and petted him. I then continued up the road. The dog became my mother, and she was driving the car in front of me. I told her to watch out for the person in the middle of the road. We drove by the person, who had his arms out. He was clothed in a red and black poncho. We passed him, and i looked back. It was an old indian woman in a blue robe with her son. She had a streak of light blue paint on her nose. We rounded the corner and i held my mother in my arms. She said that she did not like the old dog food. She said that the table scraps made her sick. I remembered how greasy the bean casserole was. She said that it was not that bad because the grease was hot, and it killed the old germs. I felt sorry for not taking the time to feed her properly. Then i could not understand why i treated the dog so poorly.

11995 January 04

I was skating in the parking garage, and there were all these four-foot safety walls which created a maze-like pattern. I came around a corner and headed down an aisle. There were construction people working on the building across the street, to my right. The person behind me followed me around the corner. I started to out-skate him, but found that the corridor between the safety walls that i was skating in came to an end. I looked behind be to see where $Z was, but he was gone. I leaned over the wall next to me and found him crouching down behind it, hiding and smiling. I hopped over the wall and continued down the aisle in the other lane of safety walls. I then rounded the wall at the end of the aisle and turned to come back. There were two bronze statues on the ground in front of me. One was broken, missing its base, but the other seemed intact. I picked them up and brought them back to the others. The others were sitting in the living room. I went into the bedroom to the west-northwest to collect my things. I was in the living room where people were gathering, so i tried to get my things out of the way. I picked up as much as i could, including my blue winter jacket. My arms were full, and i felt as though i would drop something. My grandfather mentioned the brown mug that i left on the end table. It was shaped like a honeycomb, with a wooden handle and a spout. It was a stein, and had $F10’s last name on it. I started back toward the bedroom when i saw $F1 on the couch. She was very young, and she teased me about having a dirty house. I had forgotten to clean up something, but my mother complained that my underwear was dirty. I looked down and noticed that it was stained. It did not really matter to be, but i thought that i probably should have worn another pair.

11995 January 05

I woke up and stepped out of bed. The first thing that caught my attention was that the closet door had been left open. It was closed when i went to bed, and i wondered how it got opened. Then i remembered that my parents had come in through it last night. I remembered that it was dark at that time. I closed the closet door and started down the stairs in the hall. My father was in the bathroom in the next room, taking a shower. I walked through the institute’s back hallways, where my father’s car was parked. I climbed into the blue Taurus and drove it out to the parking lot. I felt that i should leave it where it was, so i parked it parallel to the path on the other side of the drive from the building. I hoped that he would find it easily when he was done with his shower. I then started down the path. There was snow on the ground in a thin layer over the brown grass. The leaves rustled along as i walked past the man in a brown trench coat. He was walking the same direction as i, but i was moving faster. I then started to lift my legs from the ground and float forward. I turned around and talked to the man, finishing our conversation. I turned around to check where i was going, just to make sure that i did not walk into anything. There was a chain-link fence to the left of the path, blocking off the gorge. I started floating, but the fence ended, and the gorge did not. I put my left foot down and pulled myself toward the center of the path, away from the gorge. I spoke to the man behind me again. He was walking fast to keep up with me. I slowed down my floating and turned forward again. We were entering a fenced-in corridor, with the same galvanized mesh as before. This time, it was towering on both sides. I looked back to see the younger man, to whom i was talking, jogging to keep up with me. I told him to lift his legs and float like i was. We started to move faster between the fences. I tipped to the side as we rounded a corner, pretending that i was flying a small jet. I wondered why i could not just lean forward and put my arms out to fly. It would be just like the flying i used to dream about. We both started walking again as we entered the atrium of a building. A crowd was gathered there. I man walked with me, up the short green grassy mound in the center of the atrium. This was the atrium in the city. The police were hiding out behind the cement hut on top of the mound. They had their guns out and were looking up at the gunmen on the balcony. The man with me showed his badge to the officers. I remembered that i too was a police officer and should show my own badge. The gunmen on the balcony said that they were not going to wait anymore and that they were going to shoot the hostages. I moved so that i could not see them anymore. There was a gunshot, and one of the people who was standing in the atrium collapsed and rolled off of the mound. I looked up to the sky above and then to the balcony that circled the second floor of the atrium. There were gunmen all around us. We were the hostages. I collapsed and rolled down the hill, hoping that they would not shoot me. I heard another gun shot. I lied still in the girl’s arms as she tried to talk to me. The gunmen were rummaging through the crowd. $F5 tried to shake me awake. He knew that i was faking and was annoyed with me. I opened my eyes and looked around at the people sitting near me on the grass. The lady with the gun shuffled through the papers in her folder. I would not sign the agreement. She said that they were out of contracts. $F5 was annoyed by the news, but i was relieved. I started walking through the crowd when i ran into my father. I asked him if he found his car and told him that i hoped that he did not mind me moving it. I then went to check on the turkey in the oven. It was a double oven, with the turkey in the top one. There were a lot of children running around the kitchen, and the orphan-seer was setting the table. I went to check on her. The table was about to fall over. The legs were not nailed in all the way, and they looked like scraps of old lumber nailed to an ironing board. The children kept running around, and the orphan-seer was getting upset that she was losing control. I remembered some of the children from my nursery.

11995 January 06

My father and i were driving in the car, looking for a sign. We passed through the area where the bees were swarming. I quickly rolled up my window, but some of them came into the car. They flew to the floor on the passenger’s side, so i lifted my feet out of their way. I told my father that i had heard that this kind of thing was happening all over the country; bees were suddenly swarming and stinging people. We drove around a corner in a field, where there were more bees swarming. I looked down at the ones on the floor. They were all clustered together. My legs were up on the back of the seat, and i was wearing shorts. We rounded another corner in the woods, and we saw a sign for a curve to the left, but we did not want to take it because someone might get into an accident. I walked around the swimming pool and onto the sand, where all of the people were gathered around the fire. It was a beach party. We were outside of the black modern-design house. $F4 followed me inside. I shuffled some things on the overlook. The room was cluttered and decorated with late-seventies plastic furnishings in bright red and yellow. The party was over and my parents came in asking how it was. I said it was fine and started to clean up.

11995 January 07

I was walking down the road toward the lake. It was in a suburb, and there was a thin line of trees running between the road and the shore. I pushed over the dead tree into the lake, thinking that the garbage man would take it when he comes. The people on the deck behind me said that they concurred, even though i could not see them. The boat came from my right to pick up the garbage. The man complained that he might not be able to put the tree into his boat. I told him that he could tie a rope to it and float it down the river. He agreed and commented that the correct end was forward. I crossed the boat to look at the tree from the other side. Then, the boat, with me on it, started down the lake, moving around the peninsula and into the bay. I looked at the large houses on the shore. There was a yellow house of wood and a tall brick building, which looked like an old firehouse. My grandfather steered the boat into a garage at the back end of the bay, and we started to disembark. $K13 and $K12 were there, commenting on the junk in the boat. I unloaded some of the stuff and put it on the small convertible Volkswagen Beetle. The car was dark olive green. I helped my grandfather lift the old wooden bicycle off of the boat. He said something to me, but i did not want to listen. I rolled my black bicycle back and forth by the Beetle. I did not want to go with my grandfather.

11995 January 08

We walked around for the back of $P54, trying to get over to the house. I stepped on the logs so that i would not get my feet in the mud. The man following me was doing the same. He was Steve Martin, and he was hopping across the bigger logs, which were over the water. As i walked, i noticed that the water was getting deeper. It was still a silt-like mud colour. I tried to stay on top of the large logs. For a moment, i thought that the logs were becoming spaced out so that i would have to step into the water to get from one to the other. I looked up to see the wedding party already standing in the moving water. The flood was washing the logs across the yard and up stream toward the gorge behind $P54. I looked down the road to see a large parade float moving between the buildings. It was of a fat woman on a bicycle. She was lying on her back, with her feet in the air. A second person was on the back of the bicycle, sitting up and smiling. The reporter asked Rosanne Arnold what she thought of her float. Rosanne commented in reply.

I was in the front room of the house. $F10 was having a party, but only $F29 and i were there. $F13 arrived shortly, but disappeared down the hall. $F10 and $F13 said that they would be back in a moment, so i sat down and watched television. I got board and was upset that they were off without telling me again. I went down the hall to where $F10’s bedroom was. I opened the door and went in. There was no one there. I then realized that i was in a girl’s room. I thought that it must have been the room of $F10’s sister. I walked out and closed the door behind me, thinking that it should have been the correct room. The other room on the left side of the hall was a bathroom. I then saw the other room farther down the hall. I realized that it was $F10’s room. I started to open the door without knocking, but someone was standing behind it, preventing it from opening all the way. I tried to open the door farther, but the person told me not to come in. It was $F29. In the room, i could see part of $F10’s back. He was standing near the door, not wearing a shirt. $F29 pushed the door closed and i went back down the hall to the living room. I was mad that they would not let me in. I walked into the auditorium and sat in the back row for a moment, where they would not be able to find me. I then went back into the living room. $F10 was there and could see that i was upset. He asked me what was wrong. I told him that i wanted to do something and that i was bored. I was quite insistent. I then saw $F13. He was smiling. I asked him where he was. He told me that he was in the room with the others. I got more upset and left the house, though i still had some strong feelings for $F13. As i walked out, i crossed the porch and headed down the street. The house that i had been in was that of $F1. I walked up the driveway when i heard a voice calling from farther down the street. They were addressing my by $F1’s name. I did not look at them, but simply ignored them. I hoped that $F10 got the point this time. At the end of the driveway, i looked behind $A285’s house. There was a dinosaur lying, curled up, near the back porch. I knew that it could not be real, but, for a moment, i had doubts. A group of people was interested in it and came out of the house to see. They pet it. I wondered again if it was real. It then moved its head to see the people. It was red and yellowish-tan, with a wide mouth. It opened its mouth, and i saw a line of square teeth on the top and bottom. The woman with the black hair, who was wearing blue denims, put her arm inside the dinosaur’s mouth. The mouth closed and the woman smiled, jokingly looking down at the little boy. Then she winced, as if the teeth were hurting her. Without letting her go, the dinosaur inhaled the little boy. Everyone laughed. Then the dinosaur grabbed a man and pulled him its head. I could then see that the dinosaur was made of packed mud. There were vertical lines where the tool had carved the slab-like lower jaw. The dinosaur then slammed its head on top of the man. I felt the ground shake with the blow, and i wondered whether the man was all right. The head lifted, and the man was covered with mud. He got up and went toward the dinosaur’s rib cage. He was smiling as he tried to pull the controls out of the monster. I left the driveway and headed back down the street. I still felt mad at $F10. At the end of the block, the cars were stopped. There was a yellow moving-company tractor-trailer on the other street, slowing down traffic. There was also a white truck in front of it, trying to pass it.

11995 January 09

Some of the animals gathered on the ledge in the doorway to the room. There were a couple of squirrels and other small critters. I laid down in front of them and raised my hand into the air. I sprinkled the red dust on the animals and myself. The animals become festive and giddy from the drug. I tell them of its properties.

I sat up in the bed. $F4 was in the room. He was going to wake me up at eleven-thirty, so i laid back down to rest some more until then. Then $F4 put on his jacket and left the room. I got up and went to the bathroom, brushing my teeth. I looked up at the white and grey pattern on the stucco ceiling. I noticed a new pull-chain hanging between the light and the shower. It was a light switch that i had never noticed before. I realized that i must have been noticing it now only because the light was coming from a very sharp angle across the ceiling. It was early in the morning, and i probably had not seen the light like this before. I finished brushing my teeth and started to put the suitcase in the trunk of the car. It was filled with generic food products. I was supposed to go out and sell them to all of the local stores. I did not really feel like doing it, though. My mother told me that it never hurt to ask. After all, i had to sell them some time. I told her that most major supermarkets already carried their own line of generic products and would not need mine. I got in the car, and my grandfather insisted that he drive. I did not want him to drive, but i did not object. I was worried that he would not be able to do it correctly. He crossed the intersection and drove into a driveway. He said “Ooops. That was a mistake.” and quickly turned the car around and drove out. I thought that he was driving too fast. As we came to the intersection, i spoke to $F4, who was sitting in the passenger’s seat. I looked down $P58, toward the Price Giant and thought about the food in the trunk. I did not want to ask people to buy it, so i turned the car in the other direction, feeling somewhat depressed.

11995 January 10

We were driving down the road in the small suburban area. I was in the back seat, and my parents were in the front. We pulled off to the right and started driving through a graveyard. All of the graves were very ornate, with gothic symbols and flourishes. As i walked behind my mother, i looked at the graves and realized that all of these people were witches. The head stones were very close together, with white picket fences between some of them. There were several shaped like altars, and others like tables with photographs and trinkets boxes on them. My mother walked across the corner of one of the plots. I felt something shift and became worried that she might have disturbed the spirit. I kept following her through the endless rows of head stones. As i brushed against one, i had a feeling like a cool wind blowing over my face. I started to float over the stones, following my mother, faster and faster. I was not afraid that the witches would harm us, but afraid that we were being inconsiderate of the graves. We found ourselves in a new section of the cemetery. There were couches and ottomans lines up as if they were in a furniture store. Then, we came into the store where there were many headstones for sale. There were quite a few people there, looking at the merchandise. There was a stand-alone blind in front of me, to my left, with a set of glass shelves behind it. Several small headstones were arranged on a table to my left, with a small white tag telling what each was. To my right was a collection of sliced crystal rock. They came in several sizes from about two to three decis down to about three centimeters. They were semi-elliptical, like geodes. I walked forward, past the shelves where there was a display with a bunch of square labels on a black surface. I mentioned that the products which were being advertised were from ShopRite. A woman was impressed that i knew and asked me how i knew. I told her that i used to work in a grocery store which sold these products. I rubbed one of the dull red labels. It was for a can of soda-pop. The dull green label next to it was for a different flavour. We drove down the street again, where the side of the road was filled with food racks.

There were some occidentals around, and the settlers were trying to talk to them. I was an occidental, but i was from another tribe. I sneaked around to the back of the stones. A man was holding a white mast flag between the two stone slabs. I hit him over the head and knocked him unconscious. I then sneaked into the camp from between the stone slabs. A settler and an occidental were discussing things in the middle of the circle. There was a small black dog sitting in a cauldron to my left. The cauldron hung from three metal poles which formed a tripod over the fire. I knew that the dog was dead because i had killed it, but i could not let anyone else know that i had done it. I called to the dog, acting as if there was a problem when it did not respond. The tripod fell to the side slightly. The dog just stared at me with bulging yellow eyes. I kept calling it. Others joined me to coax it on. Finally, someone lifted it out of the kettle. There were red blotches on each of the dog’s ears. I pointed them out, asking what they were. I knew that i had made the dog bleed. The shaman looked into the cauldron. He shook it, shifting the water, which clouded with silt. He said that the sacred soup was spoiled. I could see black particles moving back and forth in the water. I turned and headed onto the porch. It was a wooden-log porch. My mother was in the house.

11995 January 11

The yellow school bus came to a stop on the back country road, so i got off. I was not sure whether this was the correct place or not, but i decided to walk to the corner to see. I could hear the bus trying to start up again behind me. I ignored it and did not look back. Instead, i kept walking down the sidewalk, carrying the green army bag on my back. Progress was slow. Eventually, the bus started. It turned around and headed in the other direction from me. I knew then that i had gotten off at the wrong stop. I thought about walking back home and about how far away it was. There was a country town just around the block from me. I walked around the corner and to the main cross road. There were several buildings at the main intersection. Most of them were shops. To my right was a brown building with a large glass window on the front. Beyond it was a parking lot, with a drive-through bank just beyond. I walked past the street bums, toward the parking lot, crossing the street from the plastic bus-stop shelter. I wondered when the next bus would be arriving. I was pacing my schedule. As i crossed the street, some people walked by, asking me questions. The man with the reddish hair was harassing me, but i ignored him. There was a backpack on my left shoulder. Much of the town was owned by the same company, which was a large corporate company. The people in the room with me only owned a small printing organization, but they were planning to take over. A group of businessmen in jackets bowed in acknowledgement to the person seated on the red couch in front of me. He was sitting cross-legged and had long frizzy blonde hair. The people bowing had just made and agreement to sell their part of the town to him. He owned the printing company, along with several others in the room. They were all joining forces to push the corporation out of business. Everyone around us was celebrating the new year. This was a great way to do it.

11995 January 12

Many high school students were gathered around the station. They were from my high school. We walked toward the train. It was a dark metal train, with smooth streamlined features. It reminded me of something from an old comic. $F4 stepped up onto the steel girder. I got on and grabbed onto the steel girder. The atomic train started moving. We were not moving down the track that fast. We ran over a car, but did not stop. I was surprised that the car did not affect the motion of the train. I wondered how often a train like this would run over something on its daily routine. We then hit a person. I could see blood splatter across the tracks. Then this maroon, early-seventies car pulled in front of us. It exploded into small pieces as we hit it. $F4 and i both covered out eyes from the debris. Eventually, the train pulled into another station and we got off. As we walked away, we could see the radiation glowing from the body of the engine. It was an atomic-powered train. The rest of the people gathered on the black couches across the lawn. The dog started digging where the white styrofoam cover was. There were potato chips and cheese puffs under the cover. People were pleased that the dog found them.

We pushed the cart up the cement ramp which ran along the side of the white building. The building’s wall was curved, and we were at about the second floor. We went through the glass doors and across the balcony which overlooked the court below. There were a lot of people milling about below us. When we got to the other side of the balcony, we walked into a short corridor with silver grained railings. I sat down into one of the rolling chairs that we had been pushing and $A386 started to give me a push. She was smiling and having fun. I rolled back down the incline and across the balcony. Below me, there was a corridor which ran off of the main court in the direction from which we entered the building. On the right, just as one enters the corridor, there was a room with glass walls. Inside, people were sitting at round white tables. The room was very bright. I walked over to the table where $A206 was sitting and said hello. The rest of the alumni and faculty were enjoying the reunion. I spoke to $A206 for a while. He asked me how i was. I said that i was fine, but i was hiding the truth. I walked out of the room and across the hall, into the store. It was very open, with jewelry cases around the back walls and in front of the side window. Logan 5 was there, and he asked me some questions. I heard the odd whining off in the distance. Logan 5 wanted to know what i was selling. I heard the sound again. [It was a cat outside the window, howling.]

11995 January 13

We were playing golf in the back lot of some golf course. I was with the other two people, who were bragging about their games. One was shooting down a fairway to my right. It was only about a deci wide, and i thought that it should not be so hard to get the ball in there. I kept hitting the ball around on the green that i was on. There were red and yellow flowers on the hill which ran down from where i was.

We walked through the white walls of the mall. There were three of us, and we walked down the stairs and into the store. The store was crowded with reddish packages. It was a toy store. We were ready to leave, but i walked back in to look at the shelves of black and white boxes. I walked back down through the store and out the door. We exited through the back of the mall, into a parking lot. It was a small parking lot, with a row of trees not too far from us. It was raining to our left, but the pink awning over us was keeping us dry. I mentioned that it was not raining to the right of us yet, but, just then, it started. It was pouring heavily, but we started to leave anyway. We did not get wet. Then i heard the telephone ringing, so i quickly tried to get the door to the cabin open. I fiddled with the lock for a while before it opened. The telephone was on the fourth ring when the answering machine picked up. I got inside and looked around the small room. $F5 walked in with me. I showed him the recording equipment i had on the bench, which stood along the wall next to the door. It was a white tape deck. He put his arm on my shoulder and started making passes at me. I ignored him. I sat down on the bench to play with the instruments, and $F5 sat next to me. He put his arm around me, with his hand on my right hip. We got up from the table. I saw $F23 place the board game down as the others got up. The people behind us had doughnuts on the table. They were arranged on a checkerboard. $F25 was playing. I walked over to the door. My grandmother came in. She was younger, with black hair. She was bundled up in a black jacket, with a scarf around her neck. She was surprised that we would not be going to church.

11995 January 14

We drove down the road toward the river. We could see the brown water flooding the banks. There was a flood, and it was grey and raining out. We rounded the corner to the left and drove along the river’s edge. There was a slight hill with a thin forest on it, leading down to the river on our right. The traffic was detoured ahead because of the water in the field. We drove across the bridge, over the highway and slowed down on the ramp on the other side. There was a grassy meadow to our right, running out from the road. I had a ferret in a cage there. We were trying to figure out how to get the ferret to work with us. We knew that ferrets could dig quickly into the ground, but we had to plan things better than that.

I was on a slope in the forest. It was autumn. The crest of the hill curved around to the southwest, getting slightly higher as it went. I recognized the place from somewhere before. I moved around the knotted tree trunk in front of me. One of the other people mentioned that i had been here before with my father. I remembered it as i stepped over the black bark of the fallen tree. It happened before in a dream. I thought about what it meant for it to occur again in this dream. Then i wondered if i had written the occurrence in my dream diary. I remembered that i did not, because it happened the day before i started the diary again. Then my father was behind me. He was yelling to us to help him with a tree. It was a very large fur tree, and it was leaning over. My father was holding it up. Suddenly, it fell, and we tried to find my father under it.

The halls of the school were narrow, with few features. It was rather dark, and there were a lot of people moving back and forth. Everyone was wearing grey uniforms as though they were from a science-fiction movie, and they were carrying around books. They were all in a hurry to get somewhere. I turned around and walked out the door. I was at an intersection with a brownish field on the two opposite corners. I could see the city in the distance. To my left was a short grassy hill with a building on the top. All of the grass was tall and tan. I turned around to see the tractor-trailer unloading fresh vegetables into the side bay of the dark-grey building. They were delivering food to the prison-school’s cafeteria. I noticed that the school was no bigger than a trailer home, although, perhaps, twice as wide. I walked up the stairs leading into the kitchen. They were wooden stairs. Instead of going in the door, though, i walked across the roof. I lifted the square, rusted access hatch and climbed in, fitting the access hatch in through the same opening.

It was time for my grandfather to leave, and i turned around to head for the cottage. It was not there. The lot was empty. I noticed a small square mound where it used to be. As i walked away from it, i could see some trees in the front which had been cut down. I looked behind the cottage to see the whole plot of small trees fallen against a few trees which were not. I turned around and asked the person where the cottage had gone. He said that it was there. I walked back to where i was to find myself on the back porch of the cottage. I was surprised that it was there, but i still did not know where the rest of the cottage was. I turned around and found that i was standing in the living room. My mother said that the cottage was here all the time. I felt foolish for not having seen it. I followed her into the kitchen, where she told me that my grandfather had left. Through the window, i could see the new family arriving. They had two children, a girl and a boy. I took my food into the living room where they were going on with their business. They played around me. The furniture was different, but that was because my grandfather no longer owned this place. I felt as if i should leave, so i picked up the dishes i had been using and started toward the kitchen. The father was sitting across from me in the living room and the children were playing to my right. I knew that the mother was sitting on the couch. The family was $A29 and $A31 and their children.

11995 January 15

I walked into the ballroom where the people were gathering. It was a square room, with stone walls and gothic decorations. The ceiling was about seventeen metres overhead. It was decorated with tan and white tiles in an arching pattern. There were tall leaded-glass windows along the far wall, with red drapes hanging open on them. I wanted to leave because i did not feel comfortable with all of the people there. I turned left as i exited the room and headed up the stairs to the right of the room. As i got to the landing where the stairs doubled back, i could see my shadow falling on the window in the far wall. It reminded me of an old movie of a count. I raised my arms to make a V over my head. I thought that the shadow looked like Count Dracula. I continued up the stairs and onto the second floor. There were rooms up there that i had not known about. They were decorated in blue and green. The corridor led down past a dresser, into one of the room which was occupied. I walked into the one on the left. There was a double bed with blue and green thick stripes across it and a shower to the right. I left the room and went down the narrow corridor to the other quarters. This must have been where the priests slept. I looked into the room at the end of the corridor. There were suitcases on the bed with some of the contents removed. The woman asked me if it was all right for her to sleep here. I checked the room next to the ballroom. It was empty. I lifted the corners of the bed spread to see that there were no sheets. This meant that no one had claimed the room. I wondered where the sheets were kept. I stepped back down the hall and found a linen closet on the left. I opened it and found a bundle of sheets.

11995 January 16

We were parking the car for the long road trip. The orangutans were on my grandmother’s front porch, and we were putting the monkeys in the boxes. They were supposed to do something on our week-long voyage. One of the monkeys started jumping around and ended up on the stack of brown crates next to $F1’s house. Everything was ready to go. We went inside my grandmother’s house. We walked down the hall and into the dining room. The living room was off to my left. I could only see the dining room in front of me, tucked with a table into a rectangular room with no windows. I remembered suddenly that i had forgotten my tapes. I would have nothing to listen to on my trip down. I wished that i could go back to get them. My grandmother was sitting at the table, facing away from me. She was in the end sear, wearing a red sweater over a red turtleneck. $K2 walked by, carrying something, and $K3 carried something out to the table. $K3 was wearing a yellow sweater with tan pants. $K4 said something about watching colour television. He turned on the television screen at the back of the stove. There was a picture, in black and white, of a mountain. He then turned on the colour. Only a slight hue was added to the picture. I did not think that the colour was that impressive. It could have had a more intense colour.

I walked down the hall of $P7 toward $A48’s class. He was in his regular room, but there was a chalkboard on all four walls. I was not supposed to be here. I was wondering why i had taken class after all this time. It was so long since i had studied anything. I sat down in a chair. $F4 sat next to me. I asked him what we were doing. I had not done anything for the class. $A48 asked me if i knew the answer to question ten. I told him that i had not prepared for the class. He was cross with me, telling me that i had better start studying. He turned back to the board and continued writing. I should have told him that i was going to take a week off to go on a trip with my father. We would be driving down for two days, staying two days, and then taking two days to get back. The rest of the students in the class then started doing their homework. I had not read the book at all. When $A48 asked me about it, i did not know any of the terms. He said that i had better study.

11995 January 17

I was on the roof of the mansion. I hoped that nobody could see me. There were people in the front yard playing volleyball. They were the X-Men from several years back. I noticed something in the window in one of the roof gables before i climber oven the roof. I stopped on the other side, by the edge of the pool. I looked to mi left and saw a set of foot grips on the gable near me. They continued up a set of black metal stairs. I walked down the hallway to the room at the end. $A65 was in room five. There was a bed behind him and a heavy blue suit of metal. It was rounded and smooth like a robot. It was just like the armour that i was wearing. Behind me, there was the sound of a horse and covered wagon coming. The man to my right fired into the trees, hitting the rider with a rifle slug. I had to hide when the others came. The occidental by the fire was going to get rid of them, but we had to hide where they could not see up. I jumped over the short table and hid on the other side of it, under the cover of the brown stove chimney. The other man hid on the opposite side of the table, just behind the stone wall. He was facing me under the table. I suddenly smelled the manure and realized that the table was covering it up. We heard the man coming. He was killed. We got up and looked around at the pine-tree forest around us. We had to collect the metal armour and leave before the robotic guards found us. They would be coming after the ones who shot the men. They would be coming from the lighter sky in the east. We turned to go.

There was a problem in the command control room of DS 9. Everyone had just woken up, and something seems to have happened during the night. Dax looked at the controls while Cisco watched. They no longer seemed to be where they were. Dax said that they were fourty-five megaparsecs away from their expected location. I could see the Enterprise sitting in a dust with the light of a galaxy in the distance. They had to start back. The engines started and they moved from the fog bank. There were three smaller things next to them. One was red. As the Enterprise moved, the three things tried to latch onto it. The square flat one and the silvery chevron-shaped one attached to the lower section of the ship with magnetics. The larger white one, however, could only attach its tip with magnetics. It swayed as the ship pulled away and finally disengaged. A red space helmet spun as the main ship passed. There was another ship flying overhead of our ship. It was grey, with red running lights, and it was shooting at the asteroid above us. The striped metallic balls started firing phaser weapons at the asteroids. There were many of them. Then they suddenly returned to the rack, eliminating a full row of other balls. The controller said that the war games were called off and that the balls could stop practicing. Now they could attack our ship for real. I looked up at the rectangular rack suspended by the ceiling and then to the man in the white shirt. The other bad guys were standing around watching the balls in the rack, ready for combat. I ran across the room and into one of the aisles between the metal shelves. I was afraid that i was outnumbered.

11995 January 19

I did not have anywhere else to go, so i tried to sleep on the porch of my grandmother’s house. I was a little cold, so i pulled the blanket over myself. $K7 came to the door. She did not think i should be out on the porch, She walked over by the window, and i rolled over. I was sleeping on a shelf in the middle of the upstairs room. I jumped down and growled. I was actually like an animal.

We were walking down the hill. There were houses to our right, and a hill to the left. The buildings blended together, and i passed an alcove between them. Next, i came to a picture window. Then i realized that the people i was with were no longer following me. I walked back down the corridor, past the display windows. I turned left into the alcove. On all o the walls, there were posters of a hand drawn horse. They were all in different colours. I realized that all of the horses were facing the same direction. That was the way i should go. I started through the maze. The horse pictures showed me which way to go. I came upon a horse in a stall. There was a low white wall behind it, and decorated sheets hung around the stall. I walked around to the other side of the horse, toward the head. The people there greeted me and passed out the Halloween candy. We had to get back to school, though. I looked around the city streets and realized that we were down by 3rd Street. We had to get back, so i started walking i the direction of the school. I then remembered that i had forgotten something. I went back toward the green house. Everyone else continued toward the school. I walked onto the porch on the side street. $A387 was there, and she got into the car. I got in with her, and the car started rolling backward, out of the driveway. I put the car into drive and drove it back up the driveway. It started sliding backward again. We tried to drive it back up, but it was sliding on the ice. We slid sideway, through the snow on the lawn when we heard a crunch. We had gone over the curb and tore something on the car. We kept sliding. We rounded the corner and started sliding down the hill backward. There were pine trees and snow on both sides of the road. I was in the back and $A387 was in the passenger’s seat. I was trying to steer the car on the road as we slid backward. Then we could see the building coming up at the bottom of the hill. The car spun around and stopped in front of the garage. The car used to be a sedan, but when we got out, it was a four-wheel drive. I walked around to the back of the trunk and looked under it for any damage. I saw the bright blue suspension running from the undercarriage to the axils. One of the supports was broken. I hopped it would be okay, as it was not our car. $A337 stood behind us on the green grass. It was sunny and bright outside.

I was driving with $F4 and $A42. $A42 was in the passenger’s seat, i was in the back, and $F4 was driving. We were going very fast. We started around the building. $F4 was going to follow the grass around to the other side. I tried to warn him that they had put up fences around the back of the building so that you could not go around. $F4 continued. He drove fast over the grass and straight into part of the fence. I thought he was going to break through, but instead, we used the fence as a ramp and sailed over the grass. When we landed, we were just outside of the golf course fence. There was a crowd of people playing around the hole to our left. They were wearing golfing plaids and bright shirts, and they were appalled that we were being so reckless. $F4 started the car and headed up the hill toward the row of houses so that we could get back onto the road. We heard sirens coming for us, so we drove out of someone’s driveway and out the road. We headed away before the police could get there. As we approached a road near the far edge of the golf course, we could see the ambulance and police coming from our right. That was the road we needed to take. As we approached the intersection, we started right along the turning lane. All the sirens were on the other side of the bushes from us, on the main part of the road. We had slipped past them.

11995 January 20

I was in an apartment with some others. It was long and narrow, on the front side of a building. We were playing board games. They were discussing the game. It was a little different from the one i had played before. When one of them finished, he asked me if it was like what i had played before. I told him mine was a little more like medieval campaigns. I could not describe it any further because i heard the telephone ring. I went out of the room to the black wall phone. I picked it up. The other people in the building wanted us to leave. They said that we were being too loud. I walked around the room. It was a mess. Everything was piled all oven the place, and i had to clean up my stuff. I looked to the wall by the door for the porcelain shelf-sink. There was a silver drinking fountain where the sink used to be. Everything had been changed. The garage was quite messy, and i was looking for the sink in the piles. I noticed a bumper from an old car made out of porcelain. Then i noticed the sink behind it. It was upside-down, so it was hard to recognize. I opened the door to the garage and started out. $A47 said that he was cooking breakfast for everyone. He walked out toward the barn, and i headed down the hill toward the house. As i got near the house, a white sports car slowed down on the road and pulled into the driveway. The man in it was wearing a denim vest, and i knew that he was bad. I ran around the front of the house. I wondered if i could fly like in my dreams. I jumped off the ground and sailed up to the roof of the house. I was afraid that the bad people would come. I watched them from the peak of the house. I did not see them coming yet, so i went in the house. I ran down the corridor of the second floor, worried what they might have done to those people eating $A47’s breakfast. There were two people playing a board game outside a room. The room was long and had a glass door. The two people were on the left side of the hall and were alarmed to see me running. I was headed into the room so that i could get a view of the garage from the window. I started to open the glass door when i heard something downstairs. I let go of the door and turned to run up the stairs. It would be safer up there because i could not get trapped. If they came in, i could fly out of the windows. I ran down the length of the third floor room and peered out the windows. It was nighttime already. I had been there all day and nothing had happened. Then i heard guitar music coming from up by the barn. Everyone was around a campfire, singing. I was wrong about the bag guys. I went out the window and started to fly over toward the campfire. Suddenly i heard $A29 calling $A26 by the garage. He was quite worried because $A26 had wandered off. He found $A26 and scolded him for walking off. The other person, whom $A26 had followed, said that $A26 was only being safe. He was following someone so that he would no be left alone in the dark. Then i noticed that the guitars had stopped. They had noticed me floating in the night sky above the trees. The moonlight must have been bright enough to illuminate me.

11995 January 21

The room was very messy. There were piles of laboratory equipment all over the place. $A96 was trying to clean up. He had to pack everything. The woman came into the room and asked me what was going on. I told her that $A96 had to leave and that he had to pack all of the laboratory equipment by tomorrow. There were many large metal pieces of equipment and many pieces of laboratory glassware. I didn’t know how it was all going to get packed. I picked up my suitcase and walked out of the loading bay toward the bus. I got on the bus and placed my bags into the seat next to me. I was hoping that i had all of my stuff and that i had not forgotten anything. The bus driver was unsure about my baggage, but started the bus forward anyway.

11995 January 22

I was waiting for the bus on the back country road. There was a forest behind us, and a path leading into the bare trees. There was a covering of snow on the ground. The bus came and we got on. There was one other person who got on before me. I got on and looked back toward the forest. There was another person coming, but he was not in sight. I knew that we was supposed to get on the bus, but did not say anything. The bus started to pull away and the there was still no sign of him from the forest, though i knew that he was almost here. The bus pulled around the corner, and the man showed up. He was wearing a red jacket with a white pull cap. The bus rounded the ramp and crossed over the street that we were on. I looked down and could see the man running toward the bridge. He was trying to catch the bus. The man kept running, even after the bus passed. Then the bus driver found out that there were people whom he had left behind. He turned the bus around in the hotel parking lot and started to head back. There were a couple of people running toward us. The first one we passed was wearing a black shirt with thin white horizontal stripes. He wanted to get on the bus and hand been left behind as well, but he was not the one that i was looking for. Farther down the road, there were there other people running for the bus. One of tem was the man in the red jacket.

11995 January 23

I pulled up to the intersection from the side road. There was a field across the main road from me. I was thinking that $A46 would be out with the runners somewhere at the other side of the field, to the north-northwest. It was autumn, and i thought that i should go up and start a fire in the field to burn away the grass. I imagined the charred ground after. I flew out on the main road, making a right from the road i was on. I was in the small helicopter. I was sitting reclined, with my feet out in front of me, and i was moving along the shoulder of the road. The cans passed me on the left, and the helicopter sway as they went by. I had to keep paddling my feet up and down from time to time to keep the rotators going. I started talking to the guy with me. Then i noticed that there was a lot of wind drag coming from my feet. The wind must have started blowing toward me. I hoped that the helicopter would stay up, but i was not worried. We came to the channel, and the drawbridge was already rising. Since we were flying, i knew that we could go over. I saw my legs slide up the green ramp of the raising bridge and then over to the other side. We turned the corner and drove along the channel. I knew that the others did not do it, and i told $Z that Angela Lansbury is the one who did it. Then $F10 finally pulled the car into the parking lot of the camping area. There was a grove of pines with ashen sand under them. I looked at his parking job and noticed how crooked it was. I teased him for that. Then we started toward the forest.

11995 January 24

My parents and i were walking through the house. The walls were cream blue, and they were modestly decorated in a plain American fashion. We walked past the bear in the living room and headed up the stairs. There were two cubs sitting on the bed. We realized that they were not adult bears and that their mother was in the other room. We did not want her to get angry, so we sneaked around the corner and left the room from the other side, where we did not have to walk past her. We ended up on the back porch, overlooking an open field. It was late summer, and the field grass was ready for cutting. We walked off of the porch and down toward the white railing fence. I leaned on the fence for a while, talking to the people with me. Then we turned and walked across the short patch of mowed grass toward the brown wire fence. We were leaving.

11995 January 25

I walked up the stairs of my parents’ house and entered the brass bedroom through the door in the wall. The door exited directly from the stairs. I went into the room, and my mother was there. I walked through the bedroom and started looking for my shirt. There was a rack of clothes where the bed was. I searched through it, thinking that i had left all of my real clothes in $P14. I had to get dressed, though, because $K3 was coming for the ceremony. My mother found my yellow sweater folded in the bottom of a plastic bag on the rack. It is not what i was looking for, but i should probably bring it back to $P14 with me. I put on the yellow short-sleeved dress shirt and headed down the street. There was a group of people collecting on the stairs. I could see that they were gathering around one man who held a stack of money in his hand. He was passing out the bills. I could see, however, that they were Swiss bills, and that they would do no good, so i sat down with the group of people on the right side of the street. They were arranged in a circle and formed a large crowd. They all focused their attention on me as i was forced to sit on the two chairs, one stacked on top of the other. As i sat down, the plastic legs of the top one slid out, and the chair fell on top of the other one. No one seemed to mind, and i guessed that it would have to do.

I was outside the laundromat with my mother. There were brown cabins all around us. It as all part of the hotel, and the laundromat was a big cabin with a yellow inside. I was getting dressed as my mother folded the clothes. She was at the hotel for business. I walked down the corridor and into the lecture room. I sat down in one of the middle rows. The professor was lecturing on a whiteboard. I was not paying attention to him and started to fall asleep. The lecture ended, and i did not know what had passed. I should not have been there. I picked up my book bag and started to go. I realized that i had left the carton of eggs in it. They were in the front pocket. I checked them and found a couple broken. They would have to make it home. I hoped that they did not spoil.

11995 January 26

I was out at recess, outside the school. It was a red brick school building, with a very wide front yard. I was on the side yard. Some one told me that it was the Oetna school district. They even spelled it out for me: “O E T N A”. I thought that the O and the E should be a single letter, like a ligature. I was fooling around in the side yard and i fell down near the chain link fence. On the other side of the fence, i heard conversation. There were three girls sitting on the other side of the fence. They were hidden behind a low rise, which the fence ran along. I sprayed them with water and then pictured myself running away. I ran into the front yard of the school, by the traffic circle. I ended up in the bathroom where the karate class was practicing. I watched them for a moment.

11995 January 27

I pulled my car up toward the left curb o the road and got out onto the sidewalk. There was a cement building with a large glass front and a metal overhang. It was striped red. Across the street, there might have been a river beyond the park. The road curved away from the store that i was going into, following the bend in the river. I walked into the chemical store and picked up a gallon-size brown glass jug. It was a poisonous chemical, and i was worried that they might suspect that i might use it, but i knew that it had to be mixed with the other chemicals that i had picked up. I walked into the other room and looked into the mirror to see how i looked. I was dressed up in the black dinner jacket, and my hair was long and wavy. It came down to my shoulders. I thought that it looked better than before. Then i noticed that there were gaps in my teeth. I had braces on. I realized that my teeth were pulled together in part of my mouth, leaving gaps between groups of other teeth. I showed my parents, complaining that the orthodontist did in when he tightened them last time. I looked back in the mirror to see how they looked. I noticed that one of the gaps was wider than the rest. I felt the area with my finger and realized that there was a tooth missing. I looked to the bed on my right, searching by the pillow. I found the tooth under the pillow. I tried to put it in. I supposed that i should wear a mouth guard. Then i walked out into the arena. The others were rolling a yellow cheese roll down the entrance that i was on. They started sliding it across the ice rink, trying to slide it into the small boxed-in area. I grabbed the cheese roll as it passed and moved along the ice with it. Someone skated along the side of me, waiting for the chance to steal it. I smiled at him and slid it to one of the red boxes. I then looked down the rink to watch the others play. I thought that this would be a wetter version of hockey. I saw the hockey players skating down the rink. There was a great net in the middle of the rink, going down the length of the rink. I thought that it was interesting as i watched the skaters circle around it.

11995 January 28

The room was white, with several fancy decorations. It was a ballroom, though it was not that large. The people were dressed in late-twenties styles, with formal suits and white dresses. They were wearing a lot of gold and silver jewelry. Some people asked about me. I told them that my knee was still injured and that i still could not run. I did not like complaining, but people kept asking me. I left the room and went down the front stairs of the hotel. At the bottom of the stairs, there was a trench dug between the edge of the stairs and the sidewalk. I could see people walking down the city street. I walked around the black metal structure in the center of the stairs and tried to cross the trench. I looked down to see water flowing through the metal gratings at the bottom of the cement ditch. It looked like a sewer entrance, but the water was clear run-off. I could not cross. Then i decided to lower the ramp from the black metal cage in the center of the stairs. It lowered to the sidewalk and i crossed over. On the other side, i noticed three light switches on the left of the main entrance. I turned one up, and the ramp lifted back up. The stairway entrance was decorated with small green shrubs.

11995 January 29

We were walking down the narrow hall, trying to get away from the men. The hall was dirty, with cement walls, and there was brown stagnant water on the ground. The three of us ran down the corridor. There was moss growing on the walls. As i passed one of the people i was running with, i noticed a black long scaled object sitting on a ledge along the right wall. As i continued, i noticed that there were several in the water as well. They were alligators. I thought for a moment that we were in trouble, but they did not attack us. I was not afraid of them. I asked the people with me how we could get the alligators to attack the people following us. He gave a quick command and the alligators charged at the people after us. The three of us continued to the end of the hall. I turned to the left and removed the panel with the blue handle. There was a small compartment with two metal doors on the back side. They both had blue pull handles. There was a sign on the door which said “Pull handle to release air lock”. We realized that we were no longer on earth but in a ship. That would explain why we were walking on the walls and ceiling for part of our flight. We could not pull the locks, so we went back down the corridor for a way. There were crates on our right, and we checked them out. They were filled with old electronics and things that people were throwing out. There was a wooden desk that i recognized. I thought that the television was in it, but then i noticed that the television was in a cabinet on the other side of the room. I then noticed that there was a large pile of cornmeal in the middle of the lawn. The man was explaining how you could mow over it and disperse it over the lawn. I ran the hand mower over the pile, and it blue out across the lawn. I then mowed over any of the smaller piles which formed when i mowed over the first pile. I explained the process of spreading cornmeal by the statue.

We drove through the corridor in the center of the building. I parked underneath and we walked to the front. We were in England, and we were going to see some of the sights around town. I looked across the river, which was just across the street from us, and saw a skyline of modern buildings. The old section of town was to our right and down the river. We turned around and walked around in the palace. After a while, we ended up in the front room, which overlooked the river. It was a cream-coloured room, with ornate baroque decorations. The ceiling boarders curved in to the white ceiling. I leaned against the table and wanted to get on with the tour. The man and the woman showed me some papers they had picked up. They placed them on the oak table and i looked over them. I noticed that there was a logo and a crest for $G3 on the stationary. It was very decorative, with fancy script all down the page. I asked them where they got it, not realizing that there was a chapter in England. Then i realized that the organization probably started over here. They told me that they got the papers next door, where the university was hey said that it was in the connecting building. I looked out the window and to the right, along the building. The building was black and dark-red. I noticed the corridor through the building below me and to the right. It was an archway in the red brick of the lower building, with a black metal portcullis. That was the corridor through which we drove. We now stood in the middle of it, by the entrance into the center of the building. I was impatient and wanted to do something. Since i drove, i had to wait for everyone else, but i just wanted to drive on to the restaurant in the brownstone down the river, in the old section of town. I wanted to see more of the town. $F4 was not here, but i wanted to leave. I asked who had come with me in my car, and $F5 said that he, $F4, $A358, and $F23 had come with me. I wanted to go.

11995 January 30

I walked across the ramp and up to the upper terrace of the temple of the sun. The tour group was collecting in the aisles of the outside plaza. The large stone blocks were built of ashen stone, shaped as giant pedestals. Everyone thought that the flat surfaces were just open spaces, but i remembered the wooden structure which used to be on them. They were very decoratively carved and made of dark stained wood. I walked down the corridor that led into the interior of the temple. The tour guide was smiling on the right in her brown and tan jacket. The hall opened up, and many of the people turned down the left corridor. I walked straight, toward the hall of the sun bird. There was a small raise on the right, about bench height. The right wall curved back and created a type of stage. I sat on the edge of the raised area, admiring the stone carvings on the left of the corridor. There was a trench before the edifice where the pool used to be. There were lights there now, shining up at the square features of the great wall with the carvings of the sun bird in the center of the main square. Its wings were stretched upward, as rays of light spread out around it. It was quite beautiful. I admired it for what it used to symbolize. Then a child started climbing around it from the left terrace. He was part of the main tour group. I ignored him. Then Steven Wright stood at the edge of the pond. He was facing me, and the song by Prince went through my head as i heard the lyrics: “there are thieves in the temple tonight”. I then pictured a video shot of Steven standing stoically, faking a bad dance to the music. Then it was of him standing again. I thought it would make an interesting video.

I ran down the hill in the back yard, toward the willow tree. I was wearing a black cloak and black pants, I was gliding every once and a while in the air. As i got toward the bottom of the hill, a man in a red leather jacket proclaimed that a million dollars had been won. He waved the bills in his hands. The investigators were following me down the hill. Then a strong wind started blowing. The bills all flew away and i started to fly a little. The investigators passed by me and checked in the bedroom for evidence. One was standing by the bed in a tan trench coat, his back toward me. I backed out of the room and looked down the hall outside, to the left. There was a plastic wall lamp handing with dried flowers under it. Then i noticed that the two decorations twisting up from the flowers were actually ringneck garter snakes. I cautioned the investigators that there were snakes all about. I then noticed a red viper crawling on the floor by the bed. It was not very safe here. I walked don the narrow corridor of the room, past the bed and toward the front of the ambulance. We could not let anybody know that we were here. The ambulance started to take off, so i stepped out the door t the right and onto the curb. The group of people then saw me. I tried not to act too suspicious. The policeman came up and asked me what i was doing in there. Fox Moulder started to remove his rubber gloves, stating that he worked for the government. The officer backed off. Then i was in the back of the long narrow van, holding the door to the white cabinet shut. The man on my right tore off a piece of tape to hold it shut. The man on my right just stood, watching. We were all worried that we would get caught, and then hoped that we were safe from the snakes. There was someone coming from behind us, toward the front of the trailer. We quickly got up and ran down the corridor to the right and into the other room with pale-green walls. Outside the bedroom, we were questioned, and we did not feel that we were still in danger.

I walked through the open white lobby of the aquarium, toward the ride. We got into the small submarine and took a tour through the tanks of fish. We passed a bright red sea turtle ad had a squid lunge at us. The ride was very much like a rollercoaster, but it was tense. I got off with $K2. He wanted to go on the other ride with his parents. I did not feel like going. The other ride was not on a track like the first, and you had to steer the submarine yourself. I saw one depart, the parents, who looked like they were from the fifties, smiling as they bumped into a rock overhang. Then i saw that the ship was not free to travel on its own. It was attached to a yellow pole which was attached to this man’s tongue. He smiled with his mouth open and waved his tongue, bouncing the ship around. I sat down in the cafeteria across the hall from the escalators, which came up from the sides. $Z sat down across from me. I picked up the wooden box next to the other instruments. It had four long narrow mandolins in it. I inspected one and then put it back.

11995 January 31

We drove around the curve on the forested road. There was a huge cement arch over the road ahead. It had pale-yellow brickwork and writing on the top announcing that you had just entered the park. The forest was very picturesque, and i thought about how amazing the old arch was. I had never know that such a thing was up here in $P24. We drove around the road. It was a bright day, and there were lakes all around us. I looked back toward the gate as we rounded the pond to see a tall pinnacle mountain. There were rocks protruding from the ground like in $P24, thought they were dark and moss covered. I wondered why i had never been there before.

I picked up the small planted shrub and placed it by the window. It spit water out onto the man, and he started to dissolve. The girl and i wondered what we should do. The plant was spitting acid in the living room. We had placed it in front of the large picture window. I picked up the telephone and tried to call for help. The doctor stood on the other side of the counter, and he asked me what was the problem. I explained that the plant was spitting acid on everybody and would soon come out and attack. He asked me for my identification, but i did not have it in my wallet. The plant started spraying people in the doctor’s office, so we left the building. I stood outside, watching the nurses come out the front door. The building was a dark brown block building, with black metal railings and an entrance overhang. There was a ramp leading down from either side of the main door. The doctor stood in front of us. He asked me if $K2 had any allergies. I started to drift backward on my bicycle. I told the man that $K2 had a lot of allergies. I told him that $K2 was allergic to everything. $Z started around my right on the red bicycle. He and i circled the parking lot and drove around toward the back of the building. As we passed between the building and a garage, i noticed that there was a stack of cement rubble on the wall to the left. The ground was dirty, like the back alley. $Z looked at the rubble and said that it was the remains of the original building. I remembered a long narrow building with an arched roof sitting across the street from the Grand Way parking lot. It used to be an army/navy store. As i turned around toward the main building, i could see the front section of the old store. It was run down and the torn ceiling girders still hung over the patched posterior. Inside, i could see tables of clothing and articles of old posters hanging by the windows. I walked inside and ended up at the counter in the living room. $K3 was cooking us porridge. I watched as she stirred and noticed that the kettle was full of palm-sized white triangles with hollow centers. She stirred them for a moment and then poured them into three bowls. The last bowl only had a little porridge in it. She and $K4 took the first two. I had hoped to get more, but i did not complain. I sat down at the counter and started eating. The little girl with blonde hair and a pink dress climbed up onto the stool to my left. She started to pull at my shirt and climb across the counter in front of me. I tried to ignore her.

There was a group of us standing on the grass behind the school. We were dressed in brightly coloured battle armour. One of the people shot a cork-shaped object up into the air. It was fired from a gun on his wrist and had a thin white string attached to it. I grabbed the line just above the cork and held it. The others were fighting with each other to get it back. I tugged at it until the string broke. Then i started away from the group. I was watching myself from a video screen. The sky was red and everything else was a shade of blue. I was represented by a yellow line across the screen. I was trying to fly, but i could not keep the yellow line angled upward in the direction i was heading. Then i realized that the line was a laser beam coming from some gun i was controlling. I kept trying to keep the yellow line up, but the laser beam kept targeting the ground. I wondered what effect it would have. I watched for a moment after it hit a patch of plants. The plants grew larger in a sudden burst of growth.