11999 January 01

I watched the movie scene around me. It was part of the new Star Wars movie. Luke and Han were trying top sneak out of an Imperial base. I knew that it was supposed to take place before the other three movies, so the two of them must have been very young. It also seemed that the princess might be with them. I looked down the corridor to see a guard heading towards us. We had to pretend that nothing was out of the ordinary. The corridors were flat on the bottom and top, but had curved walls. The walls seemed to be made of a glossy plastic that was very dark. There was little light in the long corridor. The guard approached and we realized that we had been discovered. Han drew his pistol as he moved behind the guard. I remembered that the internal sensors would detect gun fire. I thought that, if Han fired his gun, we would be able to set off the alarms like we had hoped to do. Han fired and the alarms started to go off. He then turned his gun at the ceiling and fired at the sensory nodes. The nodes were small white objects that hung at the edge of the round openings in the ceiling. The round openings were evenly spaced down the corridor. Han fired at several nodes, taking out the sensors in a large area of the corridor. I then thought that if he took out a large enough range, the people on the bridge might think that there was some kind of system malfunction. We could escape from the space station in the commotion. We were above the corridor, on top of the station. Han was still firing down into the round openings at the sensory units. I could see that the round openings formed a large grid across the top of the ship. I then started to wonder where in the movie this scene was from. It seemed that Han and Luke should be much younger. I then realized that they had not even met before the first movie. I started to wonder what i was watching.

I was watching the scene from the movie happening around me. I knew that it was a scene from the Star Wars movie, but it did not seem to be set in space. There were people gathered around me who were dressed in torn ragged brown clothing. They looked as if they were from the middle ages. We were at an encampment in the forest. I then realized that this was one of the scenes from the original movie which had been cut out. I remembered that the movie was originally shot in an alternate style. I realized that one of the people in front of me was Luke. He was being harassed by some of the people in the encampment. The movie was set in the Middle Ages, and the characters were slightly different. Then there was a man on the side of the crowd. I knew that he was Ben. He ran off to the right side of the picture, around a small mound of dirt. The angry men in rags followed him, trying to capture him as well. Then i heard the noise of a light saber and i knew that the men would be killed. I thought that it was not shown on the screen because it was too graphic. I remembered that this was the scene where Luke and Ben had first met at the bar. It was simply set in a different period. Luke referred to Ben as “Kenobe”. I remembered this scene from the original movie. I then turned to walk away. I was in some kind of large building. The corridors were very long and it seemed as though i was in a school. I then realized that i was in an enemy base. I had to get out of the building without being noticed. I started heading down the long corridor to the south, but then i noticed a person walking towards me. He was wearing a dark military uniform. I turned around and headed to the west, down a small crossing corridor. There were elevators on the south wall of the cross corridor. I had to find some way out of the building without being noticed. I walked down the cross corridor to the second hallway, which ran parallel to the first. I looked to the south but notice more people coming. They seemed to be students at a military school. I turned around and started back across the cross corridor. Just then, a group of three students walked out of the elevator. I decided that i should try to act casual. I hoped that they did not notice me. I then realized that i was wearing civilian clothing. I thought that i had on my faded denims and a flannel shirt. I then realized that this movie was supposed to take place in the future, so i would not be wearing such dated clothing. I thought that i might be wearing clothing which more plain in style, such as black trousers. I wondered whether anyone would notice that i was not in uniform. I thought that there must be some people on the base who were not in uniform. Then one of the people called out to me. I had to get away. I turned into the second corridor and ran to the north. I then quickly turned to the west and came into a large gym. The gym was full of people doing various things. I knew that the man was running after me. I ran diagonally across the gym towards the outside door. There were many young men in the gym working out. I thought that some of them might be athletic enough to catch me. I ran past one young man who was getting ready to dive. He was wearing only blue swimming shorts and was nicely detailed as he stretched his arms over his head. I then noticed some men working out on benches. I hopped over the first of them when i noticed one man lifting weights. I had to hop over him, but i hoped that he did not come after me. I slapped him on the head as i jumped over him. I thought that the movie would show me stepping on his head, but i could not do that now because it would be too dangerous. I ran out the door and came into the side yard. There was a short grassy hill to the west with a chain-link fence running along the top of it. I kept running to the southwest. I thought that i would have to climb the fence to get out. I thought that that might slow me down enough for them to catch me, but i had no alternative. Then i noticed a section of the hill which curved away from the building. I could see that the fence made a few right angles to get around the curve of the hill. I knew that if i jumped from the near part of the hill across the curve, i could make it over the fence easier. There was a white cement building on the other side of the curve from me. The fence ended at it. I noticed that the spikes along the top of the fence were turned down. I was glad, as i would not cut myself trying to climb the fence. I placed my hands on the metal bar and swung my feel over the fence to my left. I landed on the grass on the other side and continued running. There was an ocean beach to the south of me. I was heading for the sane. The back side of the beach seemed to be a tall dune of water-cut sand with grass growing over the top. I did not think that anyone was still following me, but i thought that it was still safer to run without looking back. I thought that i would look back once i reached the beach. I then started to slow down. There were some people picnicking on the grass to my right. I turned around to see if anyone had come after me. There seemed to be a man following me. I was ready to face him, but i was unable to focus on what was around me. I knew that there was a man there, but everything started to fade.

11999 January 02

I walked through the area at the entrance to the old cement factory. It seemed as though i had just walked through the grounds of the factory, but i knew that they had been closed. The grounds had been reconstructed so that people could not simply walk in. I turned around to face the entrance gate to the factory grounds. It was a sunny day. I looked over the structures around me. I realized that some of the buildings were new. They had build new things on the old cement factory. I looked to the left, down the road which led into the factory. There was a steel chain-link fence across the entrance road, and a set of high-power transformers just beyond. I realized that they had torn down one of the larger buildings of the cement factory and replaced it with the transformer substation. I remembered that the old structure that they had torn down was somewhat dangerous. I thought that they might have replaced it because they did not want people walking on it. I sat on the ground as i looked around the area. I then noticed the small cat which had walked over to me. It was mostly black, with thick fur. I thought that it might be wild, but it came over to me and bowed its head. I started petting it. It was a very friendly cat, and rolled over so that i could pet it some more. I then noticed a dark car driving to the gate from the inside of the factory grounds. A man in a dark suit with a white shirt stepped out of the car to open the gate. I thought that i should move out of the gravel driveway so that the car could pass. I looked down at the cat, which was rolling around on the ground to my left. Its fur was white on its underside. The gate opened and the car started forward. I stood up, collecting my things. I had to get out of the way so that the car could pass. I thought that i should go back to my car and leave the area. I picked up my shoes and books and walked towards the wall of the factory, out of the road. I then turned around and looked to the north, across the street. There seemed to be a large gravel parking lot on the other side of the street from me. It was covered by some tall structure, which i could not see. Only the vertical cement columns were visible. It seemed like an area under a highway overpass. The road, which ran along the near side of the overpass, seemed to be down hill from me. There was also a short grassy hill on the other side of the road, just under the chain-link fence which surrounded the parking lot. As the dark car drove past me, i saw the black cat running away across the grassy hill to my right. I noticed a few other cats running around the area. I then noticed that one of the cats was much larger. It seemed to be playing with something as it disappeared from view behind some object. It seemed to be a dull orange with grey stripes across its back. I thought that it might be a wild cat. I moved to the left to get a better view of the animal. I realized that it was a large feline. I thought that it might be a tiger which escaped from the zoo. I was afraid that it might attack me, so i ran to down the street. I noticed a door on the left which led into one of the buildings of the old cement factory. I pulled open the door, noticing that the door latch was loose. I thought that i had broken the lock to get it. I ran through the door and closed it behind me. I had to collect my things and get them ready to make a run for my car. I was not ready to head to my car at the moment. There were two workmen in white overalls who walked past me. They must have been doing some work on the old building. I walked to the right and into the large room. The room opened to my left as i walked in. I dumped my books and shoes on the ground. I wanted to get them together into a bundle that i could easily run with. I also needed to get my car keys out so that i would not have to dig through my pockets when i got to me car. I hoped that the tiger would stay on the other side of the street and not notice me. I collected my books in my arms, with my old shoes piled on top. I then noticed that there was another pair of black sandals on the ground. I thought that i had placed mine on my feel. I realized that the pair on the floor was very long. I thought that they were not mine, but belonged to the workmen who were in the area. I placed them back on the floor to the south of the column, noticing that there were several other pairs of shoes from the workmen on the floor. I started toward the door. I then realized that i was not wearing any shoes. I thought that i could not run across the debris of the factory grounds with bare feet. I turned around and dropped all of my things on the ground to the east of the tall square cement column. The column was crumbling around the edges, and was covered with peeling white paint. I looked through my things, trying to find my shoes. I pulled out my pair of black sandals and slipped them on my feel. I thought that it might be better to use my shoes, as they fit on my feet better, but i did not want to waste time putting them on. I picked up my books again. I was now standing on the west side of the column. I picked up my shoes and held them between my books and my chest. I started for the door again. I turned left and walked out the second set of doors. As i passed the first set of doors, i noticed that there was a workman on a ladder outside. I could see him through the round windows of the doors. I walked out the swinging doors and turned to the left, facing the workman. The doors were in small cement archways. The workman was working in the second archway from me. I told him that there was a tiger wandering around. He said that he did not see the tiger. I then looked to the north, back over the ground towards the parking lot. At first, i did not see the feline, but then i noticed it playing very near us. It then started to come towards us. I reached for the white door into the building and tried to pull it open, but the handle was loose and pulled off. I remembered that i had broken the handle earlier when i came in. I thought that we would not be able to latch the door. The workman and i ran into the building and closed the door behind us. I realized, however, that the folding door had not been closed properly. There was a large gap between the two doors of the entryway. I asked the workman how we could unfold the right-hand door. I knew that it would not latch because the handle was missing, so i thought that we would have to hold it back against the tiger. I told him to close the left-hand door. I hoped that it would seal off the area before the tiger got here. He swung the door closed, but it still left a gap wide enough for the tiger to get through. I was worried. I backed away from the door just as the tiger entered. I had a crutch in my hand and thought that i could use it to back the animal away. I walked around to the west side of the door and back down the corridor, watching the light orange cat. It did not seem to be coloured like a tiger. I thought that it might be one of the domestic breeds. It started to walk towards me. I lifted the crutch and pointed it at the cat. The tiger spread its legs and dropped its body into a defensive position. I realized that it was scared of the crutch. I then realized that the animal was not as wild as i had thought. It was simply scared. I thought that we could possible control it.

11999 January 03

I was leaving the house, heading down the road to the north. I would be turning to the west at the end of the road, but there was something i had forgotten. I turned around and went back to the house. I kept thinking of different songs by Beck. I wondered for a moment what i was forgetting as i headed away from the house. I then realized that there was a woman on the left side of the road. I knew that she was $A180’s mother. I seemed insecure thinking about $A180. I did not trust him. I wondered what i had come back for. I then started up the road again. I kept thinking about the music on CD. I knew that my parents were at the place where i would eventually be going. I turned right and headed into the hotel. The inside of the hotel seemed fancy, with white walls and darkly stained woodwork. I started to wonder whether i had remembered to bring the stuff that i was supposed to. I was having trouble thinking about it.

11999 January 04

I was in the play with the other people. We were running through a scene. I was standing near a door, against the back wall, on stage-right. There were two other people standing on the opposite side of the stage from me, at a second door in the back wall. A man walked in through the door in front of me, he was supposed to make his entrance, but it did not seem times correctly. I moved out of his way. I was supposed to be along the stage-right wall after he came out. Something was not going correctly. We tried to run through it again, but it still did not work. We seemed to be in each other’s way. I felt frustrated, but continued on as if it were working correctly. I grabbed the set of chairs that were in the center of the stage and started to move them off to the side. They should not have been there when the man made his entrance. $A200 was standing on the front end of the stage, directing us. He asked me not to drag the chairs. I did not realized that i had been making noise. I grabbed the back of the dinner chairs and lifted them from the floor to move them. I then realized that i had several chairs to go. I asked the director whether he wanted me to carry each of the chairs individually. I had an entire table and six chairs to move and mentioned that it would take some time if i did not drag them all together. $A200 seemed disappointed. He said that the play was not going well. I felt bad as i carried two other chairs back to the wall.

11999 January 05

I walked into the dining room of my parents’ house. It seemed like the holidays. There were a few other people in the center of the dining room sitting around the table. I walked over to them and stood behind one of the chairs at the table. We started talking about the chairs. I asked my mother something about the style of the chairs. I noticed that all of the chairs did not match. She did not want someone in the family to know about them. I pulled it out from the table and looked it over. It had thick curved arm rests and ornamentation on the legs. It was different than some of the other chairs, which had thinner legs and arms. My mother did not want people to know that the chairs were not original. I told her that we had refinished all of the chairs anyway. I looked at the one in my hands. It had a pink cushion in the center of it. I remembered that we had the cushions put onto the chair. The cushion was a medium pink, with darker pink patterns over it. It made the chairs look old. I wondered whether any of the chairs had the original seats on them, but decided that they did not. I then looked from one chair to the other, noting the differences in the designs of the chairs. The one i was holding seemed plain in design, with thin arms and legs. The legs were bowed out a little while the arms bowed in. The wood seemed very smooth. The chair to the left of the small serving table was heavier. The legs were wider, and there was a square piece of wood in the center of the front legs for decoration. The square was beveled on all sides. I then looked to the back door of the room as $K17 walked in. We had not expected to see her over the holiday, but were happy that she could join us. I said hello. The others got up from the chairs to greet her. I walked into the kitchen with everyone else. I placed the white cup by the stove. It was full of honey. I was making myself some tea. $K1 stood to my right and looked at the cup that i was playing with on the stove, She wanted to know what was in it. I looked back at the cup and noticed that i had filled it most of the way with honey. There would be little room for the tea. I dipped the lid of the cup into the honey and scooped some out. There was a small bowl on top of the lid. It seemed appropriate to use it to hold the extra honey. I knew that $K1 did not approve of the way i was eating the honey. I thought that i could eat the honey from the cup to make more room for the tea. I turned around and was standing by the outer edge of the center counter in the kitchen. $K3 was on the other side of the counter. I noticed a small bird which had flown into the room. I pointed it out to my relatives. It seemed mostly white, but had dark coloured wings and brightly coloured patches on its body and head. I thought that it was not a normal bird for this area. It flew over to the counter and i could see that it had very long tail feathers. It seemed like an exotic bird, and i wondered from where it had come. The bird was then in the small cup that was on the counter in front of $K3. I pointed it out to the others, thinking that the bird was getting a drink. I then thought that it was really taking a bath. I peered over the top of the cup to see the bird’s head. It had yellow strips hanging over the sides of its beak. I thought that they looked as though they were made of felt. I wondered whether the bird was wearing a costume. All at once, the bird jumped out of the cup and started flapping its wings. It hopped onto the counter and squawked out some words. I did not understand what it said, but we realized that it was a domestic bird. We wondered how it had gotten in the house. I thought that it might have came in with something that $K3 had carried with her from the southern part of the country. The bird then jumped up onto $K3’s white sweater and started climbing towards her right shoulder. $K3 closed her eyes. She was uncomfortable with the bird on her. I thought that it would be interesting to have the bird on her shoulder. It seemed as though the bird belonged there.

I was in the back seat of the car as my father drove through the factory yard. It was getting dark out, and the sky was clear. We were in the process of looking at a new car. Something seemed to be stuck, however. He father backed the car down the ramp. I looked out the front window of the car to see the large stack of wood move away from us. I then started to wonder how the car had slid off of the stack. The near side of the lumber pile was too high to act as a ramp. I did not understand how the car had driven up it. Our car then moved around to the left side of the pile. I looked back at the pile, still trying to figure out how the car could have gotten over the wood. I then saw the old blue car approaching us. It drove up the side of the pile, but only got one set of tires onto the wood. The car started to roll over onto the other pieces of wood in the area. I knew that my father was in the car, but that he would be safe because the car was an old fifties model, with a very heavy roof. The roof of the coup was white. I could see my father through the front windshield of the car as it came to a rest on its roof. He got out of the passengers side of the car and looked over it over. I could see that one of the windows of the car had been cracked by the roll. I knew that my father was going to buy the car to fix it up. I turned around and spoke to my mother as we moved. We were driving down the road to the south in the suburban area. My grandfather was in the front passenger’s seat. I looked out the passenger-side windows to the west to see the large round buildings. They were shaped like huge doughnuts, standing vertically. I thought that they had an interesting design. I could see into the lower apartment as we drove by. The sides of the lower apartment seemed to be made of glass, and i could see through most of the lower room. The building near us had the curtains drawn, however. The curtains were vertically stripped with very thin lines of black, dark greys, and dark browns. My grandfather then stirred in the front seat. He was unhappy, and said something. I looked back out the window to see the lower floor of the next building. I wondered how stable the buildings were with so little of them touching the ground. I noticed that the bottom of the building was not perfectly rounded. The structure joined the ground in just below a set of stairs, which descended the curve of the inside wall. I could see where the round shape ended and the building became straight to join the cement foundation. The inside of the building seemed to be a dark grey under the stairs. I wondered how it was constructed. Then my grandfather started complaining again. I looked into the front seat. He wanted to get out of the car. I then realized that my father was no longer driving the car. He had gotten out to get the old fifties car. I remembered that he was fixing it up. My mother was unsure about him fixing the car, and complained that he only got the car so that he would have an excuse to sandblast the windows inside the house. It seemed a strange thing to do, but it seemed plausible. I looked around the area as my grandfather got up from the chair and walked away. I did not really want to wait here, but i did not know what else to do. The others sat at the picnic table to my left as i sat in the single chair facing west. I turned my head to the north. Then someone approached me from the west as i was looking to the right, to where my father had gone. There was a woman standing with a man. The man seemed to be a camp counselor. He said that the woman would have to come with him to do something. She was supposed to be taking care of the tour group, however. She was wearing tan shorts and a white tee shirt. The man asked me whether i would take care of the group of children for the woman. I stood up from the chair, unsure that i knew what to do as a counselor. I asked the man what i was supposed to be teaching the children. I did not think that i knew enough about the area to instruct them. The man said that i should get them settled for the moment. He then walked off to the north with the woman. I turned to the south, following some of the campers into the dining room of the lodge. There were still some people sitting around the picnic table at the south end of the dining room. I had to show the group the rooms in which they would be sleeping. I entered the hall at the south end of the dining room, looking down at one of the children, who was very young, and seemed to have a very large head on his body. He had a white shirt and dark hair. I turned right into the sleeping room. Several people were already in the sleeping room settling in. They seemed to be older. There were bunks along the west and east walls of the narrow room. The west wall had four bunks across it, while there were two to the south of the door on the front wall and one to the north. There was a woman in standing to my left as i faced west. She was standing in front of the last bed on the west wall, folding some of her clothing on the bed. There was a man in the bed to the north of her, and another man in the bed to the north of him. I looked at the two men as they were settling into their beds. The man on the left was wearing a white button-up shirt to bed and i thought that he had a very attractive face. Then i noticed that the man on the left had the front of his loose shirt open. I could see his smooth chest. I thought that it was attractive. I felt uneasy with them, however. I then started talking to some of the younger children who were running around the room. I thought that everyone would be taking a nap for a little while. I then realized that i was falling asleep myself. I opened my eyes, realizing that i was sitting on the end of the bed near the man who had his shirt unbuttoned. I did not want him to think that i was trying to sleep with him, so i stood up and walked to the east side of the room. I sat down on the edge of the bed to the north of the door. My right foot was on the bed and i leaned my head against the metal bar to my right. I placed my right arm over my right knee and closed my eyes. I was then standing outside of the lodge. It was a bright day, and there was a garden area below me. I seemed to be standing on the balcony of the lodge. I jumped off of the balcony and flew over the narrow ravine to the roof of the building across the garden. The garden stretched through the ravine and had bright green plants. I then noticed that there was a tiger wandering in the garden below. It was a pet there, and could not escape. The garden was part of a zoo. I walked along the edge of the room, looking down at the tiger. I thought that i would be safe from the tiger on the roof. I did not think that it was part of the tiger’s pen. I jumped off of the roof again and glided back to the balcony of the lodge. I turned around and looked over the garden. There was a stream running through the center, with several bird baths and flowering bushes. I then noticed that the tiger was standing on the dark red roof of the building opposite me, on the same roof from which i had just come. I realized that i was in the tiger’s pen before. The tiger looked at me. I could tell that it was trying to catch me. It watched me as it ran back down into the garden. I flew off of the balcony and moved slowly thought the air. The tiger watched me as i drifted. I then turned to the east and started to fly out over the water. The tiger splashed through the shallow grass of the edge of the pond, but i knew that he would not be able to swim all the way across the water. The water was the edge of his territory. He could not get to the forest on the other side. I curved to the left, out over the deep water. The tiger swam after me, staying below me. I then noticed the tall fence at the opposite edge of the pond. I thought that i would be able to make it over the top of the fence, where the tiger would not be able to get me. As i approached the fence, however, i realized that it was taller than i had thought that it was. The top part was covered with a grey material which blended in with the low clouds. I realized that i was not high enough to make it over the fence, so i tried to fly higher. I was too close to the fence to easily make it over, though. I reached the fence and started pulling at the air with my arms. I had to pull myself up to the top of the fence. I finally reached the top edge of the fence. I grabbed onto it and looked back down at the water. The water did not seem to be that far below me. I thought that someone could easily climb the fence and jump into the water for fun. The tiger had turned back, however. It was swimming towards the land back near the lodge. I thought that i should hop over the fence and fly out through the forest. I wanted to look around for a little while, though. Then i heard my mother calling me from the lodge. I replied to her, but i did not hear a response. I decided that i should jump off of the fence and fall a little before i flew. I knew that my mother would worry about me falling, but i knew that i was wearing a flying suit. I pushed away from the fence and started to float downwards. I realized that i was flying vertically, without moving down too quickly. I thought that i had not dived enough. The effect of my falling was lost. I thought that i should have had my head down as i jumped off of the fence. It would have made me drop faster. I swooped low over the water, thinking that it would annoy the tiger. I flew over the water and landed on the balcony of the lodge. I then pretended that then tiger could jump up to the balcony. I quickly ran through the small window of the building, parting the white cotton curtains to my left. I ran down the narrow hallway, thinking that i would be barging into the dorm room where i had left the others. I thought about what they would think of me in my flying suit. I thought that they might not recognize me.

11999 January 07

I walked from the shower room into the locker room. I felt uneasy. The others in the shower room had been picking on me, and i felt upset and abused. I did not know what to do. I walked over to the line of lockers. The lockers were dark grey and were stacked two high. I stood to the southeast of the lockers, which ran southwest to northeast. There seemed to be a wooden bench in front of the lockers which was attached to the floor. I was wearing only a white towel around my waist. I felt sad and upset. I then noticed $A175 standing at the end of the row of lockers, to the southwest. He was there to reassure me. He reached his left arm over the top of the lockers. I was then standing farther away from the line of lockers, to the northeast. There was an aisle which ran through the row of lockers, dividing the row in two. The lockers now seemed to be running north to south. The aisle led west to the showers. I watched $A175 as his hand reached into the crack on top of the lockers. It was the seam where the two rows of lockers met back to back. I knew that he had something hidden in there. It was supposed to make me happier, but i had known that it was there. I looked to my right, where the north side of the aisle started. There seemed to be a mirror on the end of the row. I could see over the top of the lockers, where the seam was. The seam seemed to be pried apart on the lockers that were near me. I looked back to see that $A175 had already found the harmonica that was in the locker near him. I reached over the lockers near me with my right hand and searched in the crack for the harmonica. I could not find one in the locker. The metal of the locker inside of the slit was a lighter grey, and the edges of the slit were uneven and rounded, as if part of something organic. $A175 talked to me, trying to encourage me and cheer me up. It did not seem to be having too much of an effect on me. We walked to the northeast corner of the room, which was darker than the rest of the locker room. There was a round table which stood in front of the office. The office was on the corner of the building, and protruded into the room in which i was. There was a webbed glass window over the top half of the front of the office on both of the interior walls. The west wall of the office had a metal door in it which was open. I walked around the edge of the tan formica-topped table. I noticed that there were many pieces of yellow notebook paper scattered on the floor. Some of them seemed to have large black print on them. $A175 told me to ignore the mess. It was part of his filing. I wondered whether someone had done this on purpose. I walked into the doorway of the office. The office belonged to $A175. I felt uneasy looking over the scattered papers. $A175 pushed the papers together into a rough pile with his foot. I bent down to look at the trash can to the right, just inside the door. I reached into the pile of junk and pulled out a CD. It was in a cardboard case that was a deep blue with yellow and white lines smeared horizontally across it. It also had a face on the left side of the cover. I recognized it as David Bowie’s album, Low. It seemed strange to see it here. I thought that the design on the jacket was very nice, though.

I was sitting on the floor, looking through the basket of cards in my lap. I had just gotten the cards together so that i could send them to people. There were two other people in the room to my left. They were just coming in from outside. I started talking to the man about the cards. It seemed as though one was for him and the other was for the woman who entered with him. I was unsure whether i should be talking to them about it, but i kept on describing what i was doing. I picked up the blue envelope from the basket and showed it to the man. It was the card for the woman. I told him about it. I then realized that the envelope was sealed. It should not have been, as i would be changing the card now that she was here. I turned the envelope over and carefully opened the back. I did not want to tear it. I then stood up, still looking at the card. I could see the cartoon on the front. I had made the cards. I thought about the illustration of $A121. I hoped that it was humourous to her. The card jested about here. It was one of my jokes. I was in $P19. $G3 were gathering together for a meeting. I collected the cards together and thought that i should go somewhere while they met. I did not seem to be part of their company. I walked to the front of the house as they formed into a line to do into the meeting room. It was very dark outside. I looked out across the front lawn. It seemed as though i was the only one in the house. I stood in the doorway of the small porch which extended from the front of the house. It seemed snowy outside, and i was worried that someone might break in while no one was here. I reached around the door with my right hand and tried the door knob to make sure that it was locked. I then pulled the door closed and walked back inside. $G3 were meeting in a room to my right. I was then in the room. I started joking with someone. I seemed to be in a lecture hall. I was at the front of the room, joking with the person to my left. Everyone else was watching us. I was joking about someone. The joke was about this person making claims that a large belt was all right. I wrapped the black strip of leather around my waist and let the other person hold the ends. It was much too large for me. I was then aware of a man on the left side of the audience who was sitting in a chair at the end of the second row. He was very overweight, and i thought that the belt might actually be his size. I made the comment that the man about whom i was joking said that the belt was okay. I laughed and said that no one could possibly wear a belt this big. I then felt uncomfortable, thinking that the fat man might be upset by the comment.

11999 January 08

The apartment was very long, and had light green walls. It ran north to south. I was with $F4 and $F7 in the room. I turned to the south. There was something wrong. I then saw that the east wall of the room was on fire. I was agitated by the scene and worried that the house was on fire. The fire seemed too large for us to put out, and i worried that the building would burn down. The branches of the trees, which hung over the side of the deck, were burning. I watched as $F4 sprayed water on one of the branches. The fire went out, but i knew that he did not have enough water to put out all of the fire. I watched the branch as it re-ignited from the heat of the fire behind it. $F4 started to walk away fro the fire. I wondered why he did not continue to extinguish the flames. I looked to the right. There was an older man standing on the balcony which hung off the side wall of the house. He leaned forward to one of the smoldering branches. The end of the branch was still red, but the man seemed to place his mouth against it. I thought that he was going to blow on it, but he seemed to be kissing it. I thought that it must burn his lips to place them against hot coals. I then hurried over to the section of the kitchen where the tree branch was starting to catch fire again. I picked up the fire extinguisher which $F4 had placed on the ground. I did not understand why he did not put out the fire completely. I hurriedly tried to spray the branches so that they did not re-ignite, but i realized that the handle of the fire extinguisher would not press down. I looked down at the red canister and realized that the white cap was still on the top of it. It was not the same extinguisher which $F4 had been using. I thought that i should pull the white pin out of the left side of the handle, but decided that i should use the extinguisher which $F4 used. I looked around, but i could not find it. I wondered what to do. I felt anxious. I then noticed that there was light coming from the cracks in the wood floor. There was fire below us. I thought that the floor might collapse. We had to get away. We walked out of the kitchen and into the room to the west. $F4 seemed unconcerned with the fire, but i tried to tell him how dangerous it was. He did not seem interested. I then realized that $F7 was not with us. He was still in the kitchen. I looked back to see that he was talking on the telephone. He wandered to the north. I was worried that the fire would eat through the floor underneath him. I had to get him out of the kitchen. I walked back into the long narrow kitchen. I could see him sitting on the floor against the north wall. I looked down between the floor boards and could see white smoke billowing in the room below. I was worried. I walked to the end of the room, where $F7 was sitting on the couch against the west wall. I told him calmly that there was a fire. He seemed upset and did not want to listen. He kept talking on the telephone. I was worried. I was then on the outside of the building. I had walked around the east side of the building. The first floor was exposed on that side. It was below the ground on the other sides. I walked into the lower apartment with the other person. We were looking for the source of the fire. We knew that it was in the lower apartment. As we walked into the long room, there did not seem to be any smoke or file. The room opened up to the west. It seemed round and decorated with gold padded-leather material. There was nothing wrong in the apartment. I realized that the fire must have been a trick. I looked up to the ceiling to find out where the smoke and red light was coming from. I could only see a large duct which was covered with thin wooden boards. The boards were painted a dull yellow to match the gold in the rest of the room. I thought that there must be some kind of special effects inside the duct which would make us believe that there was a fire. I wondered why someone would try to trick us like that. I was standing in the north end of the apartment. It opened up into a large storage room. It seemed somewhat like a warehouse. There was a motorboat on a trailer to east of us. I stood next to $Z and talked about the items in the room. I thought that they might be stolen, but then the place seemed like a store. It should have been closed now. I thought that we might be intruding. The room seemed filled with new camping equipment. I thought that we should leave. I walked out the door of the lower apartment and down the side of the building to the south. I was walking down the length of a dirt trench when i walked through the large spider web. I tried to shake the sticky strands off of my hand.

11999 January 09

I woke up in the small bedroom of my parents’ house. It was my old bedroom. The bed was along the south wall of the room, and everything seemed very white. I seemed confused, at first. I did not intend to sleep as long as i had. $K17 was standing in the door to the room. She was about to say something when we heard the sound of a car in the driveway. She rolled her eyes and complained, “Not another one.” She turned around and headed back down the stairs. I looked out the window of the room. The window was open and i stuck my head out. There was a white truck in the driveway with a woman sitting on the hood. She was wearing a white vest and tight white shorts. She had long blonde hair and was very attractive. She asked me a question. It had something to do with a place. I thought that they were not really interested in the answer. They were up to something, and just wanted to draw me away from the house. There were two more women in the truck. They were both very attractive as well. The one on the hood tried to pose as she spoke. I told her how to get to the place. She seemed disappointed that i did not want to join them. I knew that it was a trap of some sort. The woman on the hood of the truck pouted as the truck started to back down the driveway. A second woman jumped onto the hood as they paused in the road. I realized that they were riding around on the hood of the car. The truck started forward and the hood popped open. I thought that it was dangerous for them to be riding on the hood. I then opened my eyes and realized that i had been asleep. I was confused and did not know exactly where i was. I was driving the small car down the country road. I stuck my head out the sun roof. I seemed to be having fun, but i was disoriented. I was driving on the dirt road. I suddenly realized that there was a large yellow tractor in front of me. I tried to slow down, but the car did not seem to respond very well. I was driving behind the tractor, getting frustrated that it was driving so slowly. The tractor was swerving from side to side as it drove town the road. The back of the truck was open, and had a large cylindrical tank mounted on the top of metal poles above it. The truck was painted with a worn and chipping yellow paint. I thought that the driver of the tractor was swerving on purpose so that i could not pass. I then realized that the tractor was turning to the right. I drove past it on the dirt road. The road then ended in the small town. There were short buildings on the main street. I did not know where i was. I thought that i must have been driving for a long time. I thought that i must have driven into the country to the south of my parents’ house. I thought about the complex network of roads and small towns in the green hills to the south of my parents. I turned to the right, thinking that i should keep heading north. It would eventually get me back home. I felt lost. I then drove under the overpass on the main street. Something seemed wrong. I thought that i might be heading the wrong direction. I turned my car around, circling over the dirt shoulder under the overpass bridge. It was dark under the bridge. I glimpsed a narrow alley leading off to the side of the road, between one of the bridge’s supports and a dirt mound. I thought that there might be someone back there who did not want me to see them. It seemed like a place where criminals would hang out. I looked back down the road and walked out from under the shadow of the bridge. I was pushing my bicycle down the sidewalk, thinking how strange it was that there were no people around. I then noticed the older woman in the light blue and purple dress. She was suddenly in front of me, walking towards me. I moved to the right to let her pass. I felt distressed. I called to her and tried to ask her a question. I then noticed that there were other people walking on the sidewalk. I asked the woman where i was. I was confused, and acted dazed. She told me that i was in New Hampshire. I realized that i had traveled to the north. I thought that i had guessed wrong before. I would have to travel to the south to get back home. I felt lost. I told them that i had been driving a car, but was now on my bicycle. I told them that i did not remember how i got here. I started to wander back down the road. I realized that i was very far from home and would not be able to get there on my bicycle. I felt desperate.

11999 January 11

I felt frustrated. I had to drive someplace. I was in the room with my mother. There was someplace that i had to go. I had been driving my relatives around. I stood up. I got out of the car on the passenger’s side and walked around to the trunk. I had to unpack the things. I looked in the trunk to see the box of chocolates. I realized that the round apple-sized chocolates were unwrapped. I asked my grandmother why they were no still in their foil. She was weary of my questions, knowing that i would have some complaint. I told her that they would go bad much faster without the wrapping. I touched one. She told me not to get my fingers all over them if i was not going to eat them.

11999 January 12

I was riding my bicycle down the highway. It seemed as though i was headed north into $P3. The road curved to the left as it turned towards the river. I was moving fast along the right side of the road. The land around us seemed to be flat, and it seemed damp out. I felt slightly unsafe as i rode beside the cars. I knew that i would have to get off soon. Then i thought that i would have to tell my relatives how to get to $P3. I would have to describe the exit to them. It seemed easy. I explained the exit as i turned off of the highway. The exit was straight but had a Y in it. The pavement seemed very dark. I felt as though i was moving too fast down the ramp. I wondered how i was going to explain it to my relatives. There was a bridge ahead on the narrow road. There seemed to be a car at the intersection ahead facing me. It had just come off of the bridge. I seemed confused, but turned to the right, heading towards the bridge. I would have to tell my relatives how to take the turn. I crossed the green, steel-beam bridge. I was then standing to the right side of the bridge. I was on the slope of the rocky hill. The bridge seemed to be above me. At times, it seemed to be elevated; at times, i seemed to be on the other side of the bridge on the embankment to the road. I was going to start my hike up the mountain. I was wearing tan shorts and hiking boots. I seemed to have a backpack on. I then noticed the group of people next to me. They had kidnapped the woman. They were trying to go someplace. Then one of them mentioned the tower. I knew that i should not tell them how to get to the tower. It would be dangerous to let them go there. I felt unsafe around them. I had to avoid them and pretend that i did not know that they had kidnapped the woman.

I walked into the apartment. It seemed early in the afternoon. The room was dark, as if all of the shades were pulled. The room seemed orangish from the diffuse light. It seemed warm and sunny outside. I felt as though i were in California. The main room of the apartment was plane, with no decoration on the walls. I had entered through the front door on the east wall. There was a dark grey couch against the south wall and there were doorways in the west and north walls. I could see images in the darkness of the room to the west. It seemed to be a bedroom. I felt as though we might be intruding in the apartment. I seemed to be with my grandmother. She walked into the apartment as if she were comfortable there. I then saw the man jump out of the bet abruptly. It was my father. There was something suspicious here. My father seemed surprised and embarrassed that we had found him in the apartment. Then a young woman walked out of the bedroom to the north. She seemed younger than i, and was shocked to see us there. She had long dark hair, and seemed mexican. She was wearing a plain white dress. I wondered whether my father was having an affair with her. The woman walked into the back bedroom. I walked into the kitchen to the north. It seemed as though i was waiting for something. I thought that i should leave, but did not know whether that would be a good idea. I did not feel comfortable in the apartment. I stood between the counters along the north wall and the counter which stretched out from the east wall. There was a stove top on the counter to the south of me, which was part of the extension from the east wall, which now seemed to be the south wall. A young woman then walked out of the master bedroom, which was past the extension, in the west wall, which now seemed to be the north wall. She was younger than the woman that i had seen earlier. She seemed groggy displeased that i was there. I spoke to her as she walked to the sink on the east wall of the kitchen and filled up a blue tea kettle. She placed the tea kettle on the stove. I apologized for arriving so early in the morning, but i told her that i was following my grandmother. I felt very uncomfortable hanging around. She did not speak to me, but walked back into the bedroom. I looked at the large aluminum tea kettle that was on the stove. It had a whistle cap on the spout which seemed to have steam coming from it. I walked out of the kitchen area and into the dark of the apartment. I was then outside of the apartment. It seemed bright outside. I opened the black metal screen door, which seemed to have cast iron vine designs on the bottom left corner of it. I opened the door and peered into the dark apartment. The young woman walked out of the back bedroom. I was looking for my grandmother. I had to find her, and i thought that she might have come back to the apartment. I asked the young woman if she had seen my grandmother. She did not answer me. I then noticed that there was a family on the cement steps which led up to the apartment next door, to my right. I looked at them. They seemed mexican. There was a woman with three young children. One of the children was a boy. There was then a man near them. He was attacking them. The woman was carrying a brown paper bag of groceries. She called for help as the man grabbed something in the brown paper bag. He then turned and ran across the bright green grass of the apartment complex. There seemed to be a line of trees to the north of me, down the wall of the building against which i was standing. The met up with another pale orange stucco building which sat at a fourty-five degree angle to the first, across the bright green grass of the lawn. The man ran towards the other building. I then noticed that there was an alley between the building and another to the south of it. There was a white picket fence running between the buildings, which the thief hurdled. I could see the packaged bundle under his right arm as he hopped the fence. I thought that it was the woman’s pig. The woman had said something, which i thought might be translated as pig. I thought that she spoke Portuguese. I then looked back at the family. The woman was upset and called for someone to help her. I then focused on the short figure which was moving down the wall from the north. It seemed like a woman in a long white dress. There was a white bird cage on her head, and i could not see her face. She moved as if she were dancing, swaying from one foot to the other as she stepped with very wide paces. I knew that she was some kind of spirit native to the people. I felt anxious about seeing her. It seemed a special thing to see such a creature. She was then wearing a black robe, which hung from the white bird cage. I knew that she was an elf. I thought that my tradition called the spirits “elves”. I thought that they were pretty much the same as the spirits in the family’s tradition. The elf spoke to the family for a moment. I moved away from the tan stucco wall of the building, watching the short woman who was the elf. She then walked towards me. She had a round face, with sharp, angular cheek bones. She seemed old, and had short white hair which was flecked with grey. She smiled widely, and seemed very pleasant. I felt lucky to get a chance to meet the elf. She was wearing a black dress which had sparkling white leaf patterns across it. I walked with her through the small patch of tall narrow trees. She then told me that i would be killed by a locust tree. I thought of a heavy branch falling on me. She seemed very serious, but i felt as though i did not understand her completely. I knew that she was telling the truth, but did not seem concerned. It seemed as though there was nothing i could do about it. I then looked up as the wind blew through the trees near us. I realized that all of the trees around us were young locust trees. They had a few leaves on them, but were mostly bare. I thought about small branches breaking off and falling. I moved away from the woman. She told me again that i would die from a locust tree. I did not seem to mind. I knew that it would happen, but did not seem concerned, as though i had accepted it as fact.

11999 January 13

I was suddenly standing in the grass looking at something. I had gone through this scenario before. I had suddenly found myself in some place. There was always another man with me. He was competing with me in some way. We were supposed to view the thing. This time, i felt as though i were viewing something that was uncomfortable. I turned around and looked up the grassy hiss towards the car. The grass was dry and dead, but the air was warm and very bright. I started up the hill. I had to get back before the other man. I did not see him near me. I thought about what i had just seen. It felt disturbing. I ran across the flat part of the ground just at the bottom of the hill, following the worn path where the grass was flattened to the ground. I thought about following the tracks we had made on the way in. It felt as though i was being more clever than the other man by running along the path to get back to the cars. I had to lose him. There was a small fenced-in area to the right. It was surrounded by a metallic chain-link fence which made a corner. The path curved around the corner and started up the hill. I ran down the path and started running up the hill. My right foot slipped on the steep slope, so i slowed and tried to be more careful, noticing that there was a thin cement post from the guard rail lying in the center of the hill. I realized that the hill was steep enough that the guard rail had fallen over. The post was still connected to the rest of the fence with thick metal chords. I grabbed onto the post and used it to pull myself up. I then realized that there were several sets of guard rails which had fallen over the side of the hill. The thin cement posts lay across the hill with the chords still running through them. I climbed past them and made it to the black car. The car was facing down the road, to my right. The road seemed to come off of a hill to the left and descend to the right. I started around the driver’s side of my car when i noticed that there was someone standing on the driver’s side of the red pickup truck to my left. It was not the man with whom i was competing, but it was his helper. I seemed upset, and asked the man, “What the hell was that?” I extended my left arm out towards the thing that i had viewed. The other man was on the passenger’s side of the truck. I could see him walking around the front of the truck, out of the corner of my eye, as i demanded an answer from the other man. I seemed somewhat frightened by what i had seen. I then turned around and realized that the other man had taken my black car. I realized that i must have left the engine running. I was upset and angry with him. I ran to the side of the red truck, thinking that i would speed after him. I got in and started down the hill. The man, who was by the truck, called to me. He did not want to be left behind. I felt angry and thought that i should just leave him, but i felt bad about stranding him on the hill. I had to catch the other man. I could see the black car down the road. There was a cliff on the right side of the road as the road sloped down hill. Just beyond the cliff was a sharp turn to the right. I spotted the black car just before it made the turn. It did not seem that far away. I drove the truck down the hill as the third man called to me. I decided that i should let him get in the truck. It was unfair to leave him on the top of the hill. I put on the brakes, but the truck did not come to a stop; it just slowed down. The man called to me, giving me instructions about slowing. I knew that i would have to put it into gear to get it to stop. I did so. I felt aggravated at the entire situation.

11999 January 14

I walked east, into the parking lot with the other two. One of them seemed to be $A137. We had just come from a run. It seemed like a cold day outside, but the sun was still shining from the horizon. I then asked them whether either of them were heading to Vermont for the weekend. I knew that there was a special run there on Sunday. One of them laughed and commented that it would be of no use now. I turned and walked back down the road. The parking lot now seemed to be to the south, and i was walking west. There was a short grassy hill to the north which leveled out into a lawn. There seemed to be a house and several large trees on the lawn. My car was in the other parking lot on the north side of the road, just before the curve. The curve was to the west, and curved sharply to the north. I then realized that it was now Sunday, and that we had just finished our run, which should have been at the same time as the one in Vermont. I wondered why i did not realize this earlier. My question to the others must have seemed strange. I then was worried that they would pick on me. I walked south into the gravel parking lot towards my car. It was a white Saab. The car was facing to the east as i walked north toward it. It was dark out, and i thought that i could hide in the darkness. I was wearing a white running shell with dark pants. I thought that if i crouched down near the car, i could blend in with it. They would not be able to see me as they drove by. Car lights passed over the area from the south and disappeared. I stood up and got into the car, which was facing south. There was movement to the left of me and i turned to see the passenger’s window of the blue truck next to me roll up. It was an old, early-sixties-style truck. I realized that there must have been some people in the truck who had seem me hide near the car. I felt unsafe and got into my car. I had to get away from the area.

11999 January 15

I walked into the hall of the high school. I felt as though i were coming back to the place after a long time. The walls of the hall were made of brick, and the floor was shiny and light coloured. The building seemed very modern. There were other people in the hall with me, sitting around the outside edge of the round table. I was standing behind the table, next to the wall, at the end of the hall. There were two people on the other side of the table from me. They were sitting in black, curved, plastic chairs. I then saw $A23 walk into the building. I remembered that he was here before. I was interested in seeing him again. It had been a long time since i had seen him. I thought that he must come to the school often. It seemed as though he were young enough to be a student there. He started to walk to the left side of the table from me. I waved my right arm in the air to catch his attention. He smiled and said hello to me. We spoke for a moment. I then started to wonder why he would have been in a high school. I knew that he was already in college and should no longer be in high school. I realized that $A23 was heading into the meeting in the room behind me. I then decided that i should go into the meeting as well. I wondered whether $A23 knew that i was part of the $G7. They were having the meeting in the room. I walked into the room. It seemed as though that others had already started the meeting. I worried that i was late. They were all sitting around the large rectangular table, which was covered with a fake brown wood. I walked to the left along the outside of the table. I could see $A61 sitting at the end of the table. I knew that $A60 was somewhere in the middle of the table on the side opposite me. $A54 also seemed to be sitting at the end of the table to my left. The only seat which seemed to be open was on the end to my right. It felt strange to sit at the end of the table, but i did not seem to have any other choice. I started to sit down when i realized that the others in the meeting were getting ready to watch a slide presentation on the wall behind me. I would have to sit low enough so that they could all see. I decided to sit on the floor below the table. I then shifted my position. I was in the bedroom of one of $G3. There was someone else in the room with me, but he was not the owner of the room. I wondered who was living in the room now. I looked over the black book bag on the floor, trying to figure out whose it was. I then noticed the piece of notebook paper on the floor. It seemed to be someone’s pencil-written homework. I looked at it closely and noticed $A201’s name at the top of the paper. I felt as though i should not be intruding in the room. There was someone standing in the hall just outside of the narrow room. I stepped over the objects piled on the floor and walked out of the room. I crossed to the east side of the building and sat down on the bed which was along the east wall. It was a single bed, and the room around it was small. I knew that it was my apartment. I had rented the room. I looked out the window. There were white curtains which drifted casually in the summer breeze. I felt despair as i looked out the window. I did not like being here. I then felt the dog lying on the bed next to me. It was $X3. I pet him and hugged him. I still felt lonely. The dog was sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed as i pet it. I kept looking out the window. I thought that i should not leave the dog home alone. It would not like being along. I felt sorry for it, but i had to go to work. I then thought that it was not really $X3. I remembered that $X4 had died a while ago. This was the second $X3. It seemed to be a golden retriever. I then heard the people walking down the stairs outside of my room. There was a hallway outside of my room, and a set of stairs that ran up to the north, just to the right of my door. I looked out of the open door into the polished-wood hallway to see the two landlords walking towards the front door. They were very old, and the man was in front. He had white hair and held his head forward and hunched as he walked. He seemed to be wearing a light-coloured plaid shirt. They walked out onto the large front porch of the house. I knew that the porch was wide, and extended the entire length of the house, with tall white posts running up to the roof two stories above. I tried to sneak out of the house. I did not want the landlords to see me. I floated through the open door behind them and started flying into the air to the west. I then hovered in front of the porch. I knew that the old woman would see me. I did not want her to think that i was simply flying. I had to make her thing that i was up to something. I pretended to dance, moving in swooping motions through the air, with my left arm out, as if holding a partner. She told the man to look at me, and then mentioned that i was dancing. I thought that i might be practicing martial art’s patterns. I then decided to make them think that i was frying away. I flew to the east and curved around the side of the house. I landed on the back lawn, out of sight of the two. I had to make them think that i had left. I was really going to sneak back into the house. I walked carefully across the lawn towards the house.

11999 January 16

I was outside of the house, which seemed like the house of $F10’s parents. There was a layer of snow on the ground ands it seemed very grey outside. The path, which ran diagonally from the house to the corner of the lawn, was plowed and dark with wetness. I was trying to start a fire. I brought the pieces of firewood into the lawn and tried to make a pile. I then wondered how i was going to start the fire. I placed the tan shaggy pieces of bark-like material at the base of the pile. I was going to use it as kindling. I walked to the edge of the lawn to get more pieces of wood. As i returned, i suddenly started to wonder why i was building a fire outside. I realized that there were people watching me from the house window on my right as i dropped the firewood onto the pile. There seemed to be several shacks attached to the right end of the house. I felt confused and embarrassed. I should not have been trying to start a fire on the lawn. It served no purpose. It would have been better to start it indoors, where it could warm the house. I picked up a couple of the logs and started towards the building. I could see the sheds and run-down wood of the roughly constructed buildings. I walked up the old wooden stairs and onto the porch of the green trailer. The house was old and the green paint on the walls was chipping. I wondered whether this was the same house that i had been in front of before. Something seemed out of place. I decided that i was entering the house from the back end. It was the work area. Something still did not seem logical, however.

11999 January 18

I walked through the tall unfinished buildings. The city seemed very confined. The buildings seemed to be parking garages. There was a narrow channel between the buildings down which i walked. I knew that the runners would be passing through the cement trench on their course. I thought about them passing under me as i moved. The runners had to hop over obstacles as they ran down the sidewalk. There was a heavy cast-iron lamp posts on the right side of the sidewalk and a large paring garage on the left. I looked to the left and could see the tall buildings. I then noticed the opening on the second floor of the brown wooden building. There was a sign under the opening which announced that no ladders would be allowed. I climbed up the front of the building and into the wide opening. It was the entrance to the bar. I looked into the door to see the large open room inside. I thought that the bar had been closed since last night. I sat on the ledge in the entrance of the bar and looked back out over the street. I seemed to be very far up. I wondered how i was going to get back down. I carefully looked down to the sidewalk, over the edge of the building. I was nervous about the height. It seemed to be more than a few storied back down to the ground. I thought that i would have to hold onto the ledge as i swung myself over and then drop to the ground. It still seemed like a long fall. I worried that i would not be able to do it without getting hurt. There were some people walking on the street to my right. I watched them as they got out of a car and started down the sidewalk under me. There were three austral men in dark blue jackets. I watched them hesitantly as they walked under me and to the left. They talked aloud to others. I thought that i should not annoy them. It felt strange to be in the city. I then realized that $F7 was in the building to my right. I called out his name. I could hear my voice echo off of the building across the narrow street. I knew that there were balconies on the light blue building to my right. I could hear $F7’s reply. He told me that he was in someone’s apartment. I was glad that he was back, and wondered whether he would be able to help me. I called to him, but it seemed as though he was busy with someone else. I wondered how i was going to get down from the nightclub. I turned around and looked into the large wooden room again. I walked into the room, wondering whether any of the people inside could help me get down. The room had a very tall ceiling and seemed almost cubical. There was a second level which was visible around the back wall of the room. The place was empty. The walls were all made out of thin wooden boards which reminded me of a sauna room. I could hear people in the kitchen at the back of the room, and there seemed to be a light coming through a door in the back wall. I did not want to disturb anyone though. I wondered when they would be able to put the ladder back into the street so that i could leave the nightclub. I turned and walked back to the entrance to the building. I did not know what to do. I then noticed that there was a small alcove to the right of the entrance door as i faced out. I could see several book bags on the floor and in the cubbyholes holes along the back of the alcove. I realized that several of the students from last night must have left their things here. I put my own backpack onto my shoulder. Then a man walked out from the back of the club. He said hello. I hoped that he could help me down. I talked to him about the club, letting him think that i had been there since last night. He asked me about the canvas, mentioning that it was a requirement to get into the club last night. I thought about a green mesh hammock, and realized that i would have to imply that i had brought one to the club last night. I hoped that the man could help me down.

I was driving down the highway with my father. We were in California, and seemed to be heading south on route 101. I remembered that i had been her before. I looked off to the right and noticed the fancy stone building which was shaped like an old roman temple. It had several large columns holding up the stone cross bars, which supported the gilded statues of lions. It seemed very fancy. I pointed it out to my father, telling him that it was the racing track. I told him that i had been here with my grandfather. He seemed to comment that the track was still around. I watched the road as we drove. I knew that i had stayed here with my grandfather. I pointed to the next exit off of the road, which was a cross street. There was a large green sign pointing to the right. I told my father that it was a very nice beach. I remembered walking there with my grandfather. I remembered sitting by the beach, watching the people. I then pointed out the bridge which crossed over the highway as we continued on. I had told my father about the bridge before. I remembered telling him that it had fins. Now he would be able to see what it looked like. I spotted the black railroad bridge as we passed under it. There were large silver fins along the length of the bridge. They were decorative, and looked like large scales. They were oriented so that they were almost perpendicular to the length of the bridge. We passed under the bridge and i pointed to the right, saying that it was the hotel in which we stayed. I could see a section of town to the right with cluttered buildings. There seemed to be a very large church in the center of the clutter. It was dark brown. I then looked to the left, noticing the clutter of tall buildings in the center of town. There were tall mountains all around us. I looked out the front window of the car and could see the steep slope of the grassy mountain ahead of us. I then looked to the left again and saw a small lake in the nook of a mountain valley. There seemed to be stairs on the north side of the valley which led down the steep mountains to the lake. I thought that they were wooden stairs which belonged to the houses. They were access points to the lake. I then realized that they were actually natural rock formations. They were the ridges of bedrock which stuck out of the ground on the side of the mountain. I thought that they were too steep to actually climb up. I watched the one on the east end of the lake, which now seemed like the north end of the lake. It seemed to be the corner of the mountain. I looked forward again to se the tall mountains right in front of us. I disappointedly asked my father why i did not bring my camera with me on this trip. It seemed strange that i would have left it at home. He then turned to the car to the left. We were on a dirt trail that headed up the slope. I realized that the rocky trail was someone’s private driveway. It seemed secluded, but i thought that it must be the property of someone who was rich. I knew that my father was going to visit a friend of his who was very rich. The road curved to the right. I noticed where the old path went to the left. It seemed very steep, but the new trail was not as steep. We came to the top of a hill. The car stopped and my father pointed out the alternate route to the left. We were at a point where the stairs connected together again. I looked and noticed that there was a third trail which was worn through the grass of the slope. It was newer than the one that i had seen. I told my father that the older trail was even steeper than the one that he had pointed out. I described what i was looking at, telling him how we could not see the steepness of the older path because it was on the slope below us, hidden from our view. We then continued driving. We turned to the right, driving up the steep slope and up the side of the mountain. I felt uncomfortable to be in the wealthy person’s land. I then noticed that there was a wooden ceiling very high above us. I realized that the mountains were built into the house. The white rock was visible through the short alpine grass. I could see the outside wall of the room as it fir along the steep slope of the rocks. I told my father that we were in the house already. He drove the car around another corner and noticed the square wooden columns that stretched up from some of the rocks. They were very decorative and stained lightly with a reddish finish. He realized that we were in a building as well. All of the sudden, we were standing outside of the black jeep as the wooden elevator carried us upward. I thought that we were being taken into the main part of the house. I felt very confused and distressed. I was not comfortable here. We were then in a room which seemed like a nicely decorated kitchen. There were two women in the room and a man. The man seemed to be a security guard. One of the women was dressed in black, and seemed very attractive. She said hello to my father, smiling excitedly. I thought about the woman who had been following us. The woman them dodged my father around a chair. He laughed and chased her in jest. I thought it was strange that he acted in such a way. I knew that he was not as playful with my mother. I thought that the woman might be a girlfriend of him. Then i could see the woman who had been following us. She fired an automatic rifle into the abdomen one of the guards outside. The guard fell. The man, who was with us, then reacted to the sound. He was a security guard, and told the two women and my father and myself to get into the basement. I knew that we were not in danger here and wondered how i could tell the woman with us that she should break off her attack. We walked around the east wall of the building and into the large living room. I thought that we should be safe here. I then saw the large explosion on the television that was sitting on the left side of the corridor into the living room. I started down the slope of the corridor, but was caught by the images on the television. The explosion was set off by the woman. It was intended to cause and avalanche. I watched the stones roll down the side of the hills on the television. There was a window to the left, higher on the wall. I could see the surface rocks of the mountain outside, just outside of the window. I wondered whether the events out the window and on the television were related. I did not feel the ground shaking, as it seemed to be on the television. I wondered whether the rocks would come through the window. I continued down the stairs, looking out the windows on the left side of the room. The windows were all square, with four panes that were separated by white wooden dividers. The windows seemed like old barn windows. The second woman from the house then ran up the set of stairs which ran along the left wall, and ascended to the left as i faced the wall. I could see a window over the stairs. Nothing seemed to be happening outside. I then realized that this place was some kind of haven for a society. There was a woman standing above me on the stairs. She drew a short sword with her right hand and swung it outward at me. I caught it and took it from here. She did not seem to mind that i had it. I looked over the plastic black. It seemed ceremonial. I walked through the rooms when i noticed that there were several women around. They were all very attractive and were wearing little clothing. Their clothing seemed to be pastel coloured and cut like negligee. I tried not to act out of place, because i knew that they were protective of their secrecy. I stood at the top of a step which led into a small white room. There was a staircase on the left side of the room which ran up to another level. I bent over and picked up the two silver swords which were on the ground. One of them was strangely shaped, with very decorative curves to the blade. The second sword was plain. They both seemed like toys. Then there was a woman in front of me. She held out her hand and i handed her the two swords. I felt uncomfortable in the house. It seemed as though the women were part of a secret organization, and they did not approve of me being in the house. I turned to walk back into the other room when i noticed all of the children walking into the house from the door, down the short white corridor to my right. They walked around me as they ran into the room. I followed them down the steps into the living room, which was very large, white, and decorated in a modern design. I then noticed that one of the young men was holding a rifle on his right shoulder. He was standing in a military pose. I realized that he was practicing. I then noticed the other man to the right who was wearing dress white pants and a coatee. He fastened the bottom buttons on his jacket as he moved to the left. The person on my left pointed him out to me. I seemed to be reminiscing about the uniforms. I remembered them from before. Then $A162 was standing to my left. I knew that he was an officer. I noticed that all of the other men in the room were standing at attention as the older man walked through the aisle. I seemed to be standing in one line of men. The other was in front of me, facing to my left. The older man walked in front of me and to my right. He seemed to be a general. I felt as though i was not taking the event too seriously. Then $A162 looked closely at my collar. I realized that he was inspecting the polish on my pins. I then remembered that i was not wearing my pins. He seemed very serious when he asked me where my pins were in an authoritative voice. I smiled and told him that i had placed my pins in storage a long time ago. I knew that i had been out of a battalion for a long time. I had graduated from college already. He smiled in return, knowing that i was not taking the event seriously. I told him that i probably had my pins packed away at my parents’ house. Then my attention was drawn to my right as i heard two people arguing. I turned to see $A153 standing to my right. There was a younger man in front of him who was angry. He challenged $A153, punching him back with both of his hands. The young man had short-cut blonde hair. $A153 pushed back and the two started grabbing and punching each other. They fell to the ground. I moved towards them to break them up. It felt as though $A153 was a friend of mine, and i wanted to protect him. We pulled the two apart. The young man still tried to lung for $A153. I blocked his way with my right arm, keeping him back. He tried to move around me, but i moved with him, walking him backwards across the room. He kept trying to go around me, but i kept moving with him. Then there was an older man in the room near us. He seemed to be interested in what we were doing. I suddenly felt as though my actions seemed embarrassing. I thought that the old man might think that i was dancing with the young man. I tried to act casual as the old man asked me questions. I did not feel comfortable near him. He walked over to the edge of the room and sat on one of the bleachers. He leaned back with his arms up over the back of the bleachers. He smiled at me and asked me what i was doing. I did not want to talk to him and walked out of the room. I decided that i would have to sleep up stairs. I had not planned on doing so, but i did not want to stay down in the gymnasium. I walked into the small room. It seemed to be in the center of the upper floor, with several rooms off to all sides of it. One of the rooms seemed to be a bathroom. There were two couches in the center of the room, facing each other. I thought that i might have to sleep on them, as the bedrooms might already be filled with $G3. There was a dark pink blanket over the couch on the other side of the room from me. I thought that $A120 was sleeping on that couch. The couch seemed to be set into a tan cabinet. I wondered where to sleep.

11999 January 19

I walked across the department store. The others were standing among the racks of clothing just beyond the stairs. I noticed two tan cigar-shaped objects on the ground near one of the racks. I bent down to pick them up. I knew that they had fallen from the top of the rack. One of the men near me then told me that they were his. I was disappointed, as i thought that i could keep them. I placed them back on the top of the rack and started to head for the stairs. $A202 asked me whether i was going up to the parking garage for drugs. I knew that it was a good place to get drugs. I told him that i was not going to get drugs. He asked me what kind of drugs i was going to get. I thought about getting some medication and told him that i was getting pain killers. He followed me up the stairs to the first level of the garage. I walked out across the green lawn. I then noticed a crowd of people sitting against the short cement wall on the other side of the lawn. I started over to them when i noticed that $A203 was standing on the near side of them. She was wearing a tan jacket. She seemed surprised and uneasy to see me. I said hello to her as i walked to the other side of the crowd. I wondered whether i was intruding on her crowd. I then walked up the stairs to the next level. That was where the drug dealers hung out. It was a lot darker up there, and the cement of the parking garage seemed dirtier. I could see a single person standing to the right as i came off of the stairs. I did not seem interested in him. I continued down the alley between the row of hedges. I was watching Superman stumble down the grassy corridor. He had lost all of his powers. There was a man standing in front of him, telling him that he would not succeed. He kept walking forward. Then i noticed the power line hung overhead. It was low to the ground and Superman walked into it. The blue electricity sparked around him. I wondered why it would not hurt him when his powers were gone. He stumbled to his knees, grimacing against the pain of the electric shock. He continued on, though, pulling the sword out of the ground near him and dragging it with him. The man seemed disturbed that Superman was still able to continue. I then noticed the second power cable and wondered whether Superman would hit that one as well.

11999 January 20

I was walking with $Z in the snowy area. It seemed like the arctic. I started to walk over the ice-crusted snow. My feet broke through, leaving deep footprints in the greyish snow. I then found myself in the office. It was a small white room with only a desk in it. The dark grey desk was against the west wall of the small office, and, at times, seemed like a table. It seemed as though the door to the office was behind me. There was a fat man sitting behind the table in a business suit. There was something that was not correct about the place. We had just been promoted into new positions, but i knew that everything here was fake. This was not the real world. I wondered what to do. I then realized that the man behind the desk knew who i was. I could not let him see my face. I turned to face the far wall of the office. There seemed to be a high window to my left and a large painting on the east wall. The man was talking to us. $Z was sitting in the black chair with the wooden arm rests in front of the desk. The man started to address me, trying to figure out why i was avoiding his gaze. I turned away, speaking to him, trying to make some excuse. I then started coughing in an attempt to distract him from my face. I bend over and started coughing from my chest. I realized that there was phlegm in my throat. I tried to cough it up. I stood up and started moving things at the end of the room. I decided that i should pack my things to leave. I had to do something to keep the man from guessing who i was. I then noticed $F4. I picked up the large red object and handed it to him. I told him that it was a gift. He seemed unsure of how to receive it. I felt strange giving it to him, as though it signified more than i intended it to. I looked down at the red object and saw that it was a set of three red ribbons. The ribbons were made of a thick woven fabric and were knotted at the end. They seemed to have black ornaments across them. $F4 held the object in front of him, not quite sure what to do with it. I turned around and grabbed more of my things. I had to pack them into the car. I then picked up the CDs from the pile of things. There was something pleasant about them. I was happy to have them. I held the five of them in my right hand and looked at their spines. I read the labels. The one on the top was a dark blue. I packed them in the car, which seemed to be in my grandmother’s driveway. I turned around and to see $A153 standing in front of me. He was carrying a large water jug in his arms. I grabbed the jug to put it in the car, but he did not let go. He was joking. I squeezed the jug. I thought that we were trying to crush it, even though i knew that it would not break. $F153 then pulled back and i wrapped my arms around the jug again. It was some kind of challenge. He was not wearing his shirt, and he seemed to be well built. I thought that he was stronger than i, and that he could squeeze the jug better. I tightened my arms around the jug with him. We laughed as we stumbled with the effort.

11999 January 22

I was outside the old brick elementary school. I had just come back from running. $F1 was playing basketball in the court outside of the school. He was playing with the other people. I thought that i would like to join them, but i had just gotten back from running and did not feel as though i should. I needed to take a shower. I was then in the red truck, which belonged to $F1. I was driving away from the high school. I then decided that i had to go back for something. I drove the red pickup truck around the corner. I came to the end of the short road, which went down hill to the intersection. I thought that i had to be careful not to hit anything, as i came to a stop at the corner. I turned the truck left, realized that i was not really familiar with the truck, and was not sure that i could drive it properly. I knew that the young men were playing basketball on the courts on the right side of the road. The school was up a short hill to the left. I knew that it was not too far. I could see the men at the basketball court to my left as i started to slow to make a turn towards the school. I then realized that i was not yet at the correct intersection. I continued on down the road. The road on which i was then merged into a larger road, which came in front he left. The other person in the car with me said that we were not heading in the correct direction. I wondered whether i was still going in the correct direction. I then noticed the large wall ahead, on the right side of the road. It was pink, with maroon edging. It seemed very decorative, in the style of an old chinese fortress. I remembered the building from before, and realized that i had missed the turn off for the school. I would have to turn around. I turned to the left and drove down the narrow side road which ran parallel to the main road. I was on my bicycle, and $Z was with me. $Z was a woman. There was a crown of people milling around on the paved walkway. There seemed to be a concert going on in the park. I then noticed the woman with the microphone. She had shoulder length brown hair which was combed into a wavy seventies style. She was wearing a white turtle-neck sweater with a brown ornate vest over the top of it. The vest seemed to have fine patterns of many colours on it. She was singing slow, inspirational music. I turned around and started walking away from the singer. Then there were two people in front of me. A young man and woman in black leather jackets were standing in front of me. They seemed to recognize me. I said hello. There was a short fat woman who waddled up to my left. She was interested in me, and recognized me as well. I looked at the young woman as i spoke to her about my music. She had a set of green strings hanging from the left side of her nose. They had three or four brass beads on the ends of them. It was some kind of jewelry. The young people asked me a question. I said that i did not know the answer. Then the singer stood near me. She rubbed her right hand over my back as she asked me a question. I thought that she was very attractive, but i was hesitant of engaging her. I did not quite feel comfortable in the crowd.

11999 January 23

I was in the small room, which had no walls. There were bumper cars in the room which were hanging from poles in the ceiling. It was some kind of ride. I was in the center of the room with $A54. He was trying to fix the cars. I walked to the corner of the room. There was a yellow track running along the ceiling, parallel to the side of the room. I was looking over the cars that were hanging from it. I knew that they were powered by electricity from the floor. The cars seemed to be small and pill-shaped with red striped down the sides. $A54 was worried about the ride. I walked back to the other side of the room, where the cars came together. It was where the people would get on the cars. There was a track on the ceiling which was off of the main track. It was where the cars were stored. There were several cars hanging from that section of the track. I lifted one of the cars and lowered it back into the track. $A54 was nervous with my actions. I knew that it would be all right.

I was in the back yard of my parents’ house, in front of the shed. My parents were with me, but started walking back towards the driveway. I looked south over the peaks of the mountains that stretched across the skyline. I then noticed that there was a strange shape in the curve of the hills. I remembered that it was a tall tower which had been built in the town south of us. I looked over the reddish hue of the sky. It seemed like evening, and the mountains seemed to be casting shadows onto each other. The sun seemed to be setting in the east, to my left. The sky over the jagged mountains was a light blue, mixed with shades of purple and red. I then noticed that there were several other buildings among the shapes of the mountains. I started to notice many tall city buildings. They had lights on them as the day started to darken. I suddenly realized that the city to the south of us had grown in size. I turned to the left and asked my mother to come over to me. She was reluctant and wanted to get back to the house. I asked her about the city buildings. I did not know where they had come from. She did not seem interested. I was surprised to see all of them.

11999 January 25

I got on the motorcycle and started to ride down the narrow road. I was following the thin lines that i had been making. I stretched out my hand as i moved to the south. I seemed to have thrown something out in front of me. It created a long white line which would be my path of travel. I had been marking the path with white lines. I visualized the map and could see that there was a circle at the turn that i was making. I started to drive to the west, down the corridor between the tall green hedges. I threw the two white dice out in front of me. They made two white parallel lines. I then thought that the lines would mark the trail, but realized that i did not need two. I could see the two parallel lines on the map extending from the circle at the right-angle turn. I thought about bringing back one of the dice. I held out my hand and it came to me as i approached the corner of the hedges. They turned to the left, turning the corridor with them. I caught the dice as i rounded the corner. I seemed to be wearing a black leather jacket. My mother was standing at the corner on the west side of the lane. She was doing something to the bushes. I continued on. I watched the white dice tumble right in front of my torso. I could control their motion by thinking about it. The dice flew forward. Then i reached out my hand and drew them back. It seemed as though i were being very agile with my control o of them. I headed south down the road. There was a sandy hill to the right, with tan dry grass over it. There seemed to be an ocean beach beyond. The road sloped downhill as i drove south, concentrating on the motion of the dice. I then realized that i was not paying too much attention to the way that i was driving. The motorcycle started to wobble. There seemed to be someone to my left as i started to float. The motorcycle had jumped and was now gliding slowly through the air. I thought that i would be able to control my motion. The man to the left would see how i could manipulate my body in the air. The bicycle dropped under me, crashing to the ground. I did not pay attention to it. I tried to angle myself so that i could land on my feet. I then realized that i was descending too fast, and that it would not be comfortable to land flat on my feet. I fell towards the large piece of slate which was on the crest of the hill overlooking the beach, to the right of the road. I landed on my feet, but tumbled forward, making a somersault to absorb the momentum. I came to rest back on my feet and continued walking along the beach. The other person approached me. I circled to the west, walking over the sand. I thought about what i had been doing and felt somewhat special. I then realized that the woman was standing near the edge of a small roped-in area. There were wooden stakes in the sand which circled a small area of the beach. I seemed to be inside of the area. There was a small wooden platform to my right, on top of a wooden stake. The platform seemed to have a sign on it and several red objects. It was of some importance to the area. I then noticed the large snake on the ground. It was trying to fight the large tan scorpion what was in the ring with it. The woman stood over the snake. She was in charge of them. I then realized that i was walking near the cobra’s head. It moved to strike my feel, but i shifted position to stay out of its way.

11999 January 26

I walked into the large church. The chapel was very open and seemed old. All of the walls were lined with wood. The place seemed special in some way. I started to fly through the openness of the room. I felt very good. I then realized that the people in the church might not want my flying around. They would be suspicious of my actions and would want to question me. I felt unsafe in the chapel as i hovered near the balcony at the back. I drifted out into the antechamber and started to float down the hall. The hall outside had plain, smooth, yellow walls. The stone floor slanted upward to the back of the church as it headed for the exit. There was someone watching me. I knew that he was afraid of me because i could fly. He wanted to find out about me. I did not want him to know anything. I pretended that i did not notice him and drifted towards the exit.

11999 January 27

I was in the north wing of $P7 with the other people. I could seem myself as i walked out of the class room. I was the president of the Planetary Alliance. I knew that there was a ship hidden under the school. I could see the blueprints of the room that i was in and the rest of the floor. There was an image of a small ship under the floor. I knew that it was hiding from us, but that Mr. Garibaldi was unable to locate it with sensors. I knew that he had used passive sensors so that the ship would not know that we were looking for it. I was determined to find the ship, however. I knew that it was in the building. I told Mr. Garibaldi to use an active sensor sweep. It would alert that ship that we knew about it, but it would give us its exact position. I started down the stairs of the mail hall. I then realized that the monster that we had scanned in the basement was not angry. It knew that we were after it and it roared loudly. There was a burst of fire at the bottom of the staircase as i started down into the basement of the building. I turned around and decided that we should proceed more cautiously. I told the person with me to activate the “bot”. It would have to deal with the dragon automatically.

There was a man sitting on the bench in the park-like area. I knew that he was psychic. Something was strange about the situation, however. I walked over to the man and punched him in the left shoulder. Then i saw another man walk over to him and start strangling him with a white rope. The situation did not seem real. The chair that the man was sitting on then lifted off of the ground as the fork lift picked it up and started to take it away.

11999 January 28

I walked along the steep slope of the wooded area. The ground on the slope was exposed. The dirt was dark and crisscrossed with roots. I dug through the tangle of roots when i noticed that there were CDs on the ground. I started to collect some of them. I thought that i would be giving them to $K1 as a present. I looked at the blue CD which was in the stack that i had on the ground. I then stood up and started walking to my left. $K1 was then with me in the room. She asked me what i was doing, using a tone which seemed to speak down to me. I told her that i was collecting her present. I then wondered whether she would be bothered that i was giving her things that i had taken from the ground. I was in the small room of the house. It seemed as though it was night. The room was long in the north-to-south direction, and the walls seemed to be a dull yellow. I was lying on the couch, which was against the east wall of the room. There was someone else who laid down next to me, near the outside of the couch. He was with another person. I thought that it was unusual for him to lay down next to me on the couch, but was glad that he did. I thought that it would be warmer to have someone sleeping near me. It seemed as though the third person were laying down on the coffee table. I could feel the man next to me as he leaned against me. I thought that it was unusual for someone to be so close. I moved my left arm up towards my head, brushing against the man’s leg. I realized that he was facing the other direction from me. He seemed young. I thought about holding him, but decided that he might be uncomfortable. I then could see in the room. I could see the man lying next to me. He was wearing a pair of blue sweat pants what were pulled up to his knees. His lower legs had some hair on them and were nicely shaped. He then lifted his chest from the table and looked around at me. The other man, who was on the outside of him, turned around and looked at me as well. The first man asked me if i would turn around the other way, placing my head in the same direction has theirs. I was glad to do so, but mentioned that the light from the window would now fall on my face. As i sat up, I noticed that the man’s face looked very young. It seemed like the face of an infant with a white bonnet around its head. I looked at it as the other man talked to me. Then i noticed $F12 walking into the room from the door on the south end of the west wall. He was obviously upset. He walked over to the couch against the east wall which was to the south of us. There seemed to be a square support column against the wall between the two couches. I told the man near me that i wanted to find out what was wrong with $F12. I stood up and walked over to the couch where $F12 had laid down. I sat on the north end of the couch, near $F12’s head. I ran the fingers of my left hand though his short black hair. He was comforted a little. I felt sympathy for him. He then maneuvered on the couch so that he was lying to the north of me, with his head on my lap. I pet his head, trying to make him feel better. Then the older woman walked into the room. She seemed to be wearing a nurse’s outfit, with a white apron on her chest. She stopped in front of us, staring in shock at us. I continued to pet $F12’s head and shoulders. She seemed disturbed by the scene and asked what we were doing. I told her that i was comforting him. She stood for a moment, her mouth agape. She then continued on. $F12 shifted position and i hugged him tightly. We then stood up and walked out of the room. The other people were with us. We headed down the narrow hall. It then seemed as though we were traveling on a motorcycle. We turned left and continued down the narrow alley towards the center of town, where the shopping areas were. I thought that i should look for some CDs in the center of town. I knew that the town had a good used-CD store. I was with the others, however, and i had to go where they were going. I did not want to impost my wishes on them. We got off of the car and headed to the store on the corner of the small courtyard. The ground seemed to be covered with yellow cobblestones, and the buildings all had wooden posts supporting the over-hanging roofs. We walked into the small video store. The others were looking for some videos to rent. I was not interested in looking at videos, but i noticed that there were several other things around the store. I noticed the small shelve of used board games along the back wall. $F5 walked over the games. I remembered that he liked playing strategy games. The videos were to the right, in the back corner of the store as i faced the back wall. I then thought that i should look through the CD collection of the store. I knew that it was small, but that it might have something that i was interested in. $F4 walked with me as i moved into the center of the store.

11999 January 29

I walked down the hall of the apartment building. The hall was white, with a light grey carpet. I passed the landlord as i walked. I felt uncomfortable around him. I walked into the doorway which was on the right side of the hall, pulling the door closed behind me. I was in $F12’s apartment. He was lying on the couch against the far wall. He was sick, and i came to visit him. I sat in the small chair that was in front of the couch and asked him how he was doing. I wondered whether the landlord was following me. He was suspicious of our actions. Then the door of the apartment opened and the landlord walked in. I was annoyed that he did not even knock.