12020 January 01

I put my hands on the railing in front of me, which was a short section of wall in a taller wall. To the east of me, i could see the lower floor of the area. The room to the east was wide, with white walls and plain smooth surfaces. The balcony that i was looking over faced directly east, but the eastern wall of the large open area to the east faced west-southwest. The ceiling also seemed to slant down toward the wall, ending a little above the level of my head on the outer wall. The northern wall seemed to be only around ten meters long, though it probably extended under the walkway that i was currently standing on. The area was empty of furnishings or objects, and only a few people walked north to south across it. I looked to the south, where a short wall extended to the southeast from the lower edge of the balcony. I doorway was in the center of the wall, and $A682 stumbled out of it awkwardly. I had caught a glimpse of him hanging on the metal bar, which ran horizontally across the small room on the other side of the door. The room seemed to be a closet. I wondered why he was hanging on the bar in the closet. He had his legs wrapped around the bar to the southeast of himself. He seemed embarrassed that he had stumbled out of the closet, and he looked around nervously at the people around him. He wore a pair of running shorts and did not have a shirt on. He seemed sweaty, as though he had been working out. I noticed that he had nice detail on his leg muscles, and i thought that he might have been doing some kind of exercise on the bar. He was embarrassed that he had fallen off the bar, though. His hair seemed oddly combed forward, and it was orangish red. He glanced up at me, but i had moved back from the balcony before he could get a look at me. He moved back through the doorway and disappeared from sight. I felt curious about what he was doing, and i wanted to catch a glimpse of the exercise. I headed to the east, now on the lower level. I thought that i would walk past the door to see what i could see. As i approached the doorway, i could hear him talking to someone else. A woman’s voice responded. They were discussing something, and i could now see their faint shadows moving on the southeastern wall of the room. I felt nervous, thinking that i did not want him to see me. I quickly turned and walked back to the northwest. I could see the large lower section of the mall now. The western wall was a ways from me, and it faced southeast, with a large store in the center. A cluster of blocks ran just under the edge of the balcony. They seemed to be counters and display columns for an island display. I hurried toward a gap between two of them, thinking that i should get out of sight quickly before $A682 could see me. I turned to the west and quickly passed between the objects, leaving the view of the closet door.

12020 January 02

I headed to the east, ascending the road from my parents’ farmhouse. Trees grew on the southern side of the road, with about ten meters of cut pale-green grass between the road and the trees. We seemed to have reached the top of the main hill, and i could see the road heading off to the south. This road seemed to be head toward town. Everything seemed remote, and the grasses seemed to be partially dry. The land on the northern side of the road sloped up a little, but the soil had been dug up and was in mounds here and there. I thought that the road crew was digging trenches for pipelines. I said something to the person with me, who was now to the southwest of me. We talked about something as we slowed at the top of the hill. We were trying to decide on something. I thought about the town to the south or southeast. It seemed outdated is some way, and i did not want to go back there. I said something to the man as he started heading to the southeast on North Road. I then turned back to the west and started driving back toward my parents’ farmhouse. I noticed the bare ground on the southwestern side of the street. I could see the hill ahead of me, to the west, but something seemed strange about it. The land beyond opened up into a wide green valley. This did not seem right. It should have been a small valley. I continued driving, realizing that the hill did not slope down quickly, but rounded down gradually. This was not correct. I did not recognize the surroundings here, and i started to feel concerned. A large field was now to the south of the road, but there should not have been a field there. I could also see a house ahead of me, also on the southern side of the street. The house was a small one-story brown country house, with a small pond to the southeast of it. A single bare tree was to the north of the house, near the road. The house seemed to be about twenty meters from the road. Another structure was to the north of the house, on the northern side of the road. The house seemed to be right at the edge of the hill. I could not see beyond the curvature of the hill, but i could not see that the valley beyond was wide, with low rolling hills to the west. This was not the correct road to get back to my parents’ house. I thought that i must have accidentally taken the road to the north at the intersection. The road would have run northwest from the intersection and then started heading west. This place did not seem at all familiar, though, and i still felt uneasy. I asked myself aloud where i was, looking at the small brown house as i drove past it. It had pale wood shingle siding that had dark weathering on the edges. It seemed very clean, and it seemed decorated with small glistening lawn ornaments. I turned my attention back to the west, looking over the edge of the hill. I could now see down a long slope toward a large stone mansion, which ran north to south at the bottom of the hill. The road i was on seemed to run directly to the mansion, forming an oval drive in front of the central door. The stone building was taller in the center and had dark features around the roofline. It looked familiar, like an old English manor, but i had not seen it before. I flew high over the grounds of the building, watching it as i circled around the southern side of it, passing over the south wing. I felt distressed looking at the building. This place was totally foreign to me, and i could not figure out where i was. The large lawn to the west of the building seemed well trimmed and green, with gardens forming darker-green patterns along it. I turned to the north, flying along the western face of the building. The building seemed beautiful, and i was interested in what it was. I moved down toward the ground, landing to the north of the building, near the lake. The lake seemed very wide to the north and northwest of me. I then wondered if the lake actually was to the northwest of me. I had not seen it there, but i seemed that i was near the eastern end of the southern shore. The shore of the lake was very rocky, with tall dark-brown rocks. The rocks had smooth features, and they seemed to be plates of layered bedrock that had been tipped up vertically. I walked to the east along the shore, stepping over a low ridge of rock, which as only a few decis thick. I had climbed over the fins of rock to get to the end of the narrow point, which jutted to the north, into the lake. I could not go any farther, though, so i turned and headed back. I still felt tense, so i turned back to the south, climbing over a tall rock. I was now on the eastern side of a tall fin, which separated the lower rocks to the east from the rocks to the west. I had been to the western side before, but i thought that i would head back on the eastern side. A water channel ran to the east, along the eastern side of the rocks that i was on. It seemed like a man-made canal, with a high eastern wall. The weather now seemed cloudy and overcast, and the water seemed chilly. I was aware of someone to the east, who seemed to be watching me walk on the stones. I tried not to notice as i continued to the south. I would have to climb back over the rocks carefully. The fin to the west of me was rather high here, though, so i would have to head farther to the south. A small building was just to the south of me, though. It was against the fin. An open space on the rocks was to the east of the building, but i felt that i should head though the shed. I walked into the enclosure through an opening in the northern end of the eastern wall. The shed was filled with objects, which seemed to be leaning or stacked against the western wall. Many of the objects seemed to be old boats or paddles. A small white plastic boat was on the top of the pile. The front end of the boat was shaped like a manta ray, and the back end had a short rectangular part running from the front. It had rounded sides, with purple stripes running diagonally from the upper surface, around the sides. I used to think that this type of boat looked nice, but it now seemed like a discarded child’s boat. Many of the things in the shed seemed old and in disrepair. I would have to climb over the pile to get over the wall to the west, but i did not think that the pile was stable enough. Annoyed, i decided that i would have to head back to the north and find a place to cross over the tall stone wall there.

12020 January 04

I was walking to the east, down the city street with the other person. I had something that i had to do, and i felt that i needed to get it done. I said something to the other person as i turned south and stopped on the southern side of the street. I knew that the large stone building on the southern side of the street was the courthouse, and it had something to do with what i needed to do. The building ran right along the edge of the road, and i started walking to the west, along the side of the building. I was still talking to the other person, who seemed to be standing in the middle of the street to the northeast of me. I wanted the other person to know something. I walked on the narrow sidewalk, which was no more than a meter wide, bordering both the street and the building. As i continued to the west, i thought that the building did not seem quite right. The courthouse had a wide arched entrance in the center of the building, and i thought that i should have passed it by now. I then thought that the building should have had other archways along the front. I pictured wide archways with thick sections of wall between them. I wondered if i simply had not reached the doorway yet, but i knew that i had come far enough that i should have passed it. I then thought that i must be in a corridor, and i thought that the corridor could be the passageway behind the archways. I thought that it probably ran the length of the building, but only a few doors went into the building from the corridor. I looked back to the east. I was not standing in a corridor but on the western end of a narrow porch. Tall thin square columns ran up the side of the building on the northern side of the porch, reaching the roof a few floors up. The style of the wooden building seemed French colonial. This was not the courthouse. I felt a little confused. I jumped to the west, hopping over a driveway that ran from a small house that was to the west of the large building. I watched my feet as i jumped, realizing that i did not need to put my feet down to continue moving. I held my feet in the air as i moved to the north, down the driveway and toward the street. I continued to move north, but i was floating rather than running. This was not something that could occur, but it was something that happened in my dreams a lot. I lifted my feet to the north of me, leaning back and floating in the air. I should not be able to do this. I realized that i was dreaming. I thought that i should wake up. I held my arms to my side as i floated on my back, thinking of waking up. I then tensed my arms and chest, focusing on waking up.

I entered the dimly lighted room from the south, passing through a doorway in the western end of the southern wall. This place was a pub, and i was here with $G4. Several of them were to the east. I turned to the east and headed for them but stopped in only a few meters. The bar ran along the eastern half of the southern wall, and several people i knew were standing along it. We had been here for a while, and i was starting to feel warm. I decided that i should take my running jacket off. I pulled it over my head. I could feel my T-shirt pulling up, so i grabbed the bottom of it with my right hand and pulled it back down. I started to throw my jacket into a large clear plastic tube that was to the south of me, just to the east of the door. It seemed like part of a pub game. I thought that the inside of the chute was filled with foam balls or blocks. Realizing that the others were ready to leave, i decided that i should grab my jackets. I had put them in the large tube. I leaned into the chute to grab my yellow running vest. I pulled out the jacket but noticed that i had left the mask i had been wearing in the chute. We were dressed in costumes before. I reached back in and pulled out the rubber head mask, which was decorated to look like a clown. I had been wearing it before. I made a comment about the mask to one of the others to the northeast of me. A few other people walked past me, to the north of me and headed south, through the exit to the room. Another smaller square room seemed to be to the south. I still had some things in the tube, so i leaned in to grab them, using my hands to support my weight as i leaned forward.

12020 January 05

I climbed into the tent, which was to the west of me. I was with other $G4, and we were camping along the western edge of the large grassy field. A short tree seemed to be to the southwest of the tent, on the edge of the field. I felt lonely here, and i wanted to be alone in my tent. I climbed into the tent and curled up in my sleeping bag, moving my feet to the north of me as i faced west. I was about to lie down when a flash of light shined on the top of the western side of the orange tent. I felt alert as i wondered what it was. I then heard a rumble of thunder. It seemed unnatural that a storm would be coming, but i felt that something was wrong. Someone to the east of me said that it was not safe here. I wondered if the tent would be safe, but i felt that it would not. I did not think that the field would be a safe place in a thunderstorm, even if i was under the protection of the tent, but i did not want to get out of my sleeping bag. I wondered what i should do, and i felt somewhat disinterested but concerned.

I got into the train with my mother and my grandmother. We had been traveling, and it seemed that we had just returned from somewhere. I looked to the south as the train started moving to the south, down the tracks. The tracks were suspended in the air, but we were still within a structure. Ahead of us, though, i could see that the tracks passed through a wall and headed into the center of the narrow gorge. The rock walls of the gorge were to the east and west of us, and the narrow chasm seemed rather deep. The rails descended into the chasm, which ended after twenty or thirty meters. Through the southern opening of the chasm, i could see the street of the town below. The town seemed like Collegetown. It seemed to be about thirty meters below us. I remembered that the train would drop as it left the gorge and started to descend toward the down. I wondered if my grandmother would be surprised by how high the train was. I looked at the street below as the train passed out of the gorge. I felt the drop as the train started to descend. The train seemed like a roller coaster. I felt excited on it. The train was then moving down the street below, which seemed like East Avenue. It stopped at the building in the center of the street, which seemed like Day Hall. The building was to the west of the street. We got off the train and picked up our bags from the cement sidewalk outside. We had to get to my house, which seemed to be to the northwest of here. I started walking to the northwest. I then suddenly realized that i had left my keys to my house in my jacket pocket. I remembered leaving my heavy jacket at $K36’s house, which seemed to be in Florida. I felt annoyed that i had left my keys behind. I told my mother that i did not have my keys with me. I had stopped at a gate in the tall cement wall, which as along the southern side of the lawn of the house. A stone walkway curved toward the northwest, to the stairs at the front of the house. A driveway was to the east of the lawn, and a large van or delivery truck was parked in front of the garage, which as to the east of the small dull-green house. I started across the lawn, noticing boxes of shirts that had been tossed onto the lawn. Some of the cardboard boxes had come open, and some of the white T-shirts were on the grass. I thought that they had been like this while we were gone. A delivery person must have thrown them there. I felt annoyed, complaining that the shirts were no longer clean. I put my bags down and started to pick up some of the shirts. I put them into one of the boxes, combining the shirts so that they would be easier to carry. My father paused to the southeast of me as i picked up a short stack of white shirts and put it into the open box. The shirts felt damp, and i thought that they must have gotten wet when it rained. I was annoyed that they were left out.

12020 January 06

I could hear the person entering the house on the floor below me. I felt annoyed. It was late at night, and no one was supposed to be in the house, but i knew that the other person was letting people in. The other person had let someone in before, and the noise i made when i got up had scared the intruder away. Now, it seemed that the other person had purposely left the door open again so that another intruder could get in. The other person had done this to annoy me, and i was annoyed that the other person was doing this. The other person thought that someone entering the house would surprise me, but i could hear them coming in. I was on the second floor of the house, and i started down the stairs into the back room of my parents’ farmhouse. I could see the long rectangular room stretch out to the north of me. A man in a loose-fitting jacket had come into the door in the middle of the eastern wall. He walked carefully so that no one would hear him. I had heard him open the door, though. I was angry with the other person for letting people into this house. I jumped down several steps on the stairway and landed hard on a step. The sound startled the man and he turned around and headed back for the door. He had thought that the house was empty. I yelled into the air for the other person to hear. They expected the intruders to surprise me, but i had scared them off before they could get to me. I stomped around the room of the house, thinking that i should scare off any other intruders that the other person had let in. I was in the dining room when the telephone rang to the southeast of me. This seemed strange. It was the middle of the night, so no one would have been calling. I wondered if someone was calling about something important.

12020 January 08

I woke up suddenly in my bedroom, hearing the sound of a pop and then a hissing noise. I focused on the sound, thinking that something was wrong. I then heard the sound again. It sounded like the noise of someone slashing tires on a car. My bed was against the eastern wall of the small room, which seemed tan in hue. I got up and went to the large window that covered most of the western wall. Thin white curtains hung over the window, and i moved them slightly, hoping that someone outside would not notice that i was peeking out the window. I looked to the north, along the side of the building. A parking lot outside ran the length of the building. It was only a lane wide in front of me, with room to parallel park cars along the western side, but to the north, it was wider, with room to park cars perpendicular on both sides. A large faded-black pickup truck was in the driveway just outside my window. The cab was to the northwest of me, so i could not see if anyone was in it, but i suspected that it was waiting for someone who might be in the parking lot to the north. I thought that someone must have been slashing the tires of the cars there. I stayed with my head near the windowsill, and i only opened the curtains a narrow crack, hoping that the people in the truck would not notice me. I then saw a man to the north. He appeared from around a car that was parked in one of the first spots along the building. He walked across the lot to the west. The truck slowly started to roll to the north. I hoped that the people in the truck had not seen me. I tried to remain obscured by the curtains. The man then headed back toward the building, disappearing from sight around the brick building. This long brick building seemed to be a college dormitory or apartment complex. I felt that the man was a threat, and i wondered what i should do. I had to stay hidden so that the people in the truck did not come after me. They seemed to be part of a gang that was trying to terrorize someone in the building. I thought that they might be whitists. I then saw the man to the north on the western side of the parking lot. He bent over near the rear end of a car, which was parked facing west. The car seemed to be an old eighties American car. The man hit the side of the car, and i knew that he had punctured the tires on it. The car was alone on the western side of the lot. I backed from the window, having confirmed that the man was indeed slashing tires. I headed to the southern side of the room, thinking that i should call emergency. I moved to the southern side of the large bed, which was against the eastern wall. A small wood end table was next to the bed. The telephone on the table was shaped like a honeycomb jar, and it was patterned with honeycomb designs. I picked up the receiver on it and called emergency. I stayed low on the ground so that i could not be seen through the window. I dialed the first three numbers on the telephone quickly, but i realized that i had typed them incorrectly. I then wondered if i would have to dial a different set of numbers because i was using the colleges telephone system. There might have been a code to get out to emergency, or i might have had to call a different number for emergency. I dialed “911”. A man answered, and i told him that i wanted to report vandalism. I said that it was dark outside, so i could not really see the man to identify him. I then wondered if the man on the telephone would bother doing anything if i could not give an accurate description. I then noticed flashing lights to the southwest. It was a police car on one of the roads across the narrow creek valley, which seemed to be to the west and southwest of the parking lot. The leafless trees in the recessed section of land obscured the lights. I moved to the northwest and looked out the window again. I was not as worried about people seeing me now. An elderly couple was walking up the driveway from the south. They headed toward the car on the western side of the parking lot, but i could see that the car had flat tires. The old woman stopped and looked at the tires. She became annoyed, shaking her head and heading back to the south. I looked to the southeast, seeing the cars that were still heading north on the road. I was now standing outside on the southern side of a street. A long shallow hill rose to the southeast of me, and i could see cars with flashing lights traveling from the east to the west on a street. I seemed to be standing along Route 366 near Game Farm Road. I looked around the open landscape. There was no snow on the ground, but the vegetation was lifeless. I felt out of place here. I thought that i should be leaving and heading some place else. I then thought that i had been in Ithaca too long. Something about this place seemed bad. I looked to the east, seeing the low modern buildings on the hill between the road and me. Tannish-gray branches filled the area around the building, obscuring parts of the northern side of the building. I thought that the building was part of the college’s nuclear reactor. It was not a power plant, but an experimental lab. I could see one of the domes on top of the building where the reactor would be. Something seemed very out of place, though, and i felt that i should not be here. I wandered to the east, across the parking lot near me. I could see the commercial buildings to the south of me, at East Hill Plaza. Everything here made me feel tense and uneasy. I wandered to the east, across the parking lot that was to the south of the reactor building. I then thought that this building might actually be the sewage treatment building for the hospital and not the nuclear reactor. The hospital would be the large white building to the north of the smaller domed building, which was on the northern end of the lot that i was in, to the northeast of me. I wandered southwest, feeling sad in this place. Something was wrong here, and i felt that i did not belong here.

12020 January 09

The superheroes were involved in some kind of plot here, and i was watching the scene from the southwest of the heroes. The land around us was bleak, and the air seemed misty or foggy. I watched the scene of the heroes near the house. The house was to the northwest of the heroes, down a slight incline. It was a small house and looked as though it might have started as a trailer home and had been expanded. A road ran to the west of where i was standing, running about ten meters to the south of the house. The lawn was matted and damp, as though it was late winter. Something seemed to have happened with the superhero team. It seemed as though they had some kind of conflict, but he issues had recently been settled. Two of the three heroes were women, and one of them seemed to be the person in question. The other two had accepted her into the team, but there was still some kind of hesitation or unease. This team seemed like the Watchmen. The two women lead the group, walking to the southeast around the corner of a wall, which was now part of a carport or porch covering on the southwestern side of the house. The man lagged behind a little as one of the women led the other around the corner of the wall. I moved a little to the east so that i could a door in the northwestern end of the southwestern wall of the small house. A wide porch or deck was attached to the house. It was made of simple two-by fours and seemed cheaply constructed. It had a clear plastic roof and a long outer wall that ran parallel to the southwestern wall of the house. A gravel driveway was between the house and the wall. The woman who had been part of the team wore a blue tight-fitting suit with a white stripe down the side. She had pale skin and straight black hair that thinned out near the ends. Her face was tense, and she had angular features to her cheeks. The new woman walked a little ahead of her as they rounded the end of the wall. The new woman wore simple clothing, and she had dark skin and a short afro. Her dress was mostly brown, but it had colorful orange and yellow floral shapes, which made the dress seem like a style from the seventies. They had walked toward me until they reached the end of the wall. Then they turned to the northeast to head toward the door. The new woman had rounded the corner first, and she seemed sad over something. I wondered why her eyes were tearing. Being at this house seemed to upset her. The first woman paused just after rounding the wall. She stiffened a little and told the new woman to be cautious. The new woman slowed but did not stop walking toward the porch. I thought that someone was on the porch, but i could not see the man. I then thought that the first woman was having a premonition about what was going to happen. She warned the new woman. Something that the new woman had done in the past would make the people in the house angry with her, so they might attack her. The second woman was already near the door and the edge of the porch, though. The door opened, and i heard a dog growl. I thought that the dog might attack the second woman. The second woman crouched down and talked to the dog in a sweat voice, as if talking to a child. The dog seemed happy with her, and it moved to her, wagging its tail. This was a good sign that the dog liked her. The first woman continued toward the porch, and a man now seemed to be standing just outside the door, waiting for the two women to approach. The scene then changed. We seemed to be standing in a doorway on the northern side of the house. A man was standing to the north of us, almost silhouetted in the light from the north. The light was not that bright, but it was the only source of light in the dark area. He wore a dark-blue tight-fitting suit. I knew that he had been injured, and he seemed to be one of the team members who had gone bad. The others seemed skeptical of him. Someone near me said that he was hurt. An older man with me then said something. He seemed to have been in a conflict with the man to the north, but they were trying to make the situation better. I thought that the man with me was Hooded Justice. He said that he had received a bullet wound, and there was no longer any blood flow to his legs. I was looking at the small group of people in the doorway to the west of me. The scene then changed to look back at the man to the north. The old man offered one of his legs to the new man. The new man was standing on his left leg. He was holding his right leg behind him. He said that his legs were fine, and he did not need the older man’s legs. I knew that the old man offered what he could to make up for something that had happened before. I wondered what would happen next.

I walked quickly with the others, heading to the northwest to get to the stadium. We were in a neighborhood area, but the buildings seemed like barracks or college apartments. The buildings were simple long buildings with one or two floors. They ran north to south on either side of the street. They had short lawns between them and the road. We had parked in this neighborhood, and we had to hurry to get to the stadium. The neighborhood seemed to have several short streets that ran north to south. We had reached the end of one of the streets and started to the west on a short street that connected the northern end of three or four other streets. A short street ran to the north from the northwest of us. The large stadium building seemed to be to the northwest, rising over the low buildings around us. Something seemed green and bushy, but i could not see any specific trees around us. I then realized that i had forgotten something in the cars. I felt annoyed. I told the others that i had to get something, and i headed back to the south. I thought that the others would be annoyed with me for delaying them. I stopped at the southern end of the street that had led north from the east-to-west connecting street. A large building was to the south of me, in the middle of a block. It seemed like an apartment building. I thought that the street to the west of it was the westernmost street in the neighborhood, and i thought that the street just to the east of it was the street on which we had parked. I watched the buildings around me as i walked south across the street. Something about this area felt uneasy. I was headed for the street to the southeast of me, and i decided to cut across the grassy lawn at the corner of the block. I hurried across it. I stopped on the southern side of the car, which was now facing west. I opened the rear door on the driver’s side and reached into a shopping bag that was on the floor. I pulled out a small clear-plastic bag of spices. I then closed the door and hurried back to the north. As i started down the sidewalk, i looked at the bag. I realized that the bag did not have dried spices in it. Instead, it had old stalks of wilted broccoli. I stopped, frustrated that i had grabbed the wrong bag. I stiffly turned around and headed back toward the car. I was aware of someone watching me from the west. I opened the back door again and rooted through the bag for the correct pouch, but i could not find it. I felt anxious to catch up with the others. I then looked up. I was now standing in the middle of the car, and the windshield was to the north of me. I noticed that the bottom of the windshield had small cracks in it. The fractures formed small frost-like crystals in the glass. I wondered if something had happened to the car. I looked more closely at the glass, noticing two holes that had been drilled in the lower part of the center of the window. The holes were about three or four millimeters wide. I noticed that one of the holes had something lodged in it, but the one on the left was mostly clear. I realized that something must have been mounted on the outside of the windshield. I pictured a small faded black plastic box on the outside of the glass. The box had been broken off of the car, though, and only one of the mounting bolts was left in the glass. I felt annoyed that someone had vandalized the car. I then heard the sound of cracking. The small cracks in the glass were getting worse. I thought that the small fractures had made the glass weak, and it was now starting to fracture more. I looked at the entire window, and i noticed that it was foggy everywhere except in the center. The glass had already shattered over most of the window. I felt frustrated. I could not easily see out the window now. I stood up so that my torso was out the sunroof of the car. I leaned forward to see the outside of the windshield. It still had one clear spot in the center. I rubbed the inner edge of the frosted area, and i realized that the fractured section of the glass was on the outside layer only. I could chip the cracked parts of the glass off the front of the window. I scraped some of the chipped glass off of the window as though it were ice. I felt tense and upset still. I then realized that i had gotten some of the glass in my mouth, and this annoyed me. I spit out some of the thin shards and pulled them out with my left hand. I wondered suddenly why i had tried eating the glass. I turned my focus back to the windshield and tried to scrape the rest of the broken glass off. I felt very stressed, thinking that i had to get the window clear so that i could go somewhere.

I had to unpack the things. I felt hurried here as i picked up one of the cardboard boxes and put it on a short stack of boxes to the west of me. I was on the northern side of an old brick building, which seemed like a factory. I was throwing these boxes out. They had something to do with things that my mother had brought me. I grabbed another box from somewhere and put it on top of the stack. I then decided to look in one of the boxes to see what was in it. I was now in a room, with the tall dull brick wall to the south of me. I turned to the north, where a set of metal shelfs was set up in the middle of the room. This place seemed like a warehouse. I pulled a cardboard box from the shelf and opened the lids. I had planned to leave the box here, but i wanted to know what was in it. In the box were glass objects, like small goblets or cups. They were decorative and made of a clear green glass. The glasses seemed nice, and i wondered why i would have to dispose of them. I then noticed some tin serving trays in the western end of the box, the end near me. They had Mickey Mouse paintings on them. I thought that they would be worth something, and i thought that i should not simply abandon them here. I wondered if i should keep these items. I decided that i should probably keep the entire box instead of just the trays. It had nice glass and ceramic objects in it as well. I was now standing on the eastern side of the southern end of the shelf, and the box was to the west of me. I turned to the north, again to the south of the shelfs. A man and woman were now standing to the east of the shelfs. The woman was wearing a long tan jacket, and she started talking to me. She seemed to have a slight English accent. I looked around at the dingy walls and shelfs of the store, which seemed like an old warehouse. I said something back to the woman, referring to the west. I then turned back to the north to get the box that i was going to save. To my surprise, it was now on the floor to the northeast of me, and the lid was open. I looked in the box as saw that most of the things in it had been taken out. I felt upset. I grabbed several things from the shelf, which seemed to have been in the box before. I grabbed some rounded figurines, which seemed to be crude stone horses. Some were painted red and others were painted green. I felt angry that the things had gone missing, and i was upset. I knew that the woman and the man had taken them while i was distracted. I stood up and yelled at them. They were now standing to the south of me, near the brick wall. A square opening in the wall seemed to be an old elevator shaft. It had a gate across it. I yelled at the two, accusing them of taking things, and i demanded to know where they were. The woman smiled at me smugly and said something. I grabbed her suddenly and pushed her against the wall to the south. I thought that i would have to threaten her with physical harm to make her tell me. I asked her where the things were. When she did not answer me, i pulled her from the wall and roughly pushed her back against hit. Her head hit the wall, but she was only slightly injured. I thought that i would have to hold her here until she told me.

12020 January 10

I had been heading to the north to get to the house. It seemed as though it had been a long trip, and i felt tired. I still thought that i had more traveling to do, but i was standing on the eastern side of a small gravel parking lot. The land around me seemed to be rural, and it seemed very flat. A small run-down house was on the western side of the gravel lot. Weeds grew up here and there through the dirty gravel. I was then closer to the house, and a small car started backing to the east from the southern side of the house. My mother was driving the car. I thought that she must have been heading out to look for me. She was unaware that i had just arrived here. I pulled the two small shopping carts behind me. I was heading northwest across the lot, toward the house, which was on the northern end of the western side of the lot. I had been shopping and was bringing the supplies to the house. My mother would probably realize that i had been out doing things when she saw me. She was then out of the car, standing to the east of it as i neared the front end of the car, to the north of the car. My mother then asked what had happened to the side mirror on the car. I turned to the south and looked at the black plastic cover over the mirror that was on the passenger’s side of the car. The plastic around the outside edge of the mirror was broken, and pieces were missing. I knew that my mother had been out driving the car a few times today, so i mentioned this to her. I asked her if it could have happened while she was out. I then noticed the broken glass in the driveway to the southeast, just inside the square cement gateway that was around the entrance of the driveway. I thought that my mother must have hit the cement column of the gateway as she drove through. I did not really want to point this out, though, so i headed back to the west to unpack. I was then in the small room. I pulled two bottles out of the basket that i had been carrying. They were for some kind of computer storage. They were small metal canisters that were about a deci tall and about four or five centimeters wide. They seemed to have purple stripes down the sides. I thought that i could use one of them to hold the computer files that i wanted to take from the place to the west. I looked at one of the small canisters, seeing that it said “10 db” on the side of it. I knew that the storage device must be able to hold ten dekabytes, but i thought that the use of lowercase letters actually meant decibyte, or even decibit. I then noticed the snake on the floor of the room to the northeast of me. The storage devices had something to do with the snake. I felt uncomfortable having the large snake wandering around the house. I moved to east, watching the snake move across the floor to the northeast of me. We would have to catch it, and i wanted to make sure that it did not get under something so that we could not find it. I tossed a worm from one of the canisters onto the wood floor to the northeast of me. The worm started squirming once it hit the small oriental rug, and the snake immediately went after it. The snake then slithered to the north, under the upright piano that was against the northern wall. I felt annoyed, and i tossed another worm onto the floor, hoping that the snake would come out from under the piano to get it. As i moved toward the center of the room, i could see that the snake was now under the red and white oriental rug. The rug had ripples in it where the snake was twisted back and forth. I tossed another worm on the floor to the southeast of the piano and to the east of the rug. The rug started moving in a wavelike motion. “Neat.”, i said, admiring the rippling pattern of the rug. I thought that the snake was using the texture of its skin to catch the rug as it tried to move. This was how the snake propelled itself, by pressing against the ground with specific points of its body. I was interested in the movement, but i still wanted the snake contained. I thought about the hive that was in the piano or case to the north. The snake lived in the hive in the case, and it produced syrup. I thought that it would have to eat things around the house to produce the syrup. I was then farther from the wall than i had been, and the case seemed much larger. People were now rolling barrels from the case on small handcarts. They had been collecting the syrup from the hive. The people would make things from the barrels of the syrup from the snake. I looked at the small bottle in my left hand. It had something to do with the storage of the data and the syrup.

12020 January 11

I was in the back seat of the car as we drove down the country roads. A man was driving the car up and down the steep hills on the narrow road. The land around us was covered with dense vegetation, which seemed to be drying for autumn. I told the others in the car that this place was the Catskills. I remembered these roads from a long time ago. Tall grass rose on both sides of the road, making it hard to see the forest on either side. We were traveling very quickly to the west. I then realized that the grass was very close to the car. The road was so narrow that we were brushing against the vegetation on either side. I thought that the man was driving the car too fast for these roads, and i started to feel uncomfortable. The road rose up a hill suddenly, and i could see a tight corner ahead of us. The hill seemed very narrow, and the corner turned suddenly to the north. The car passed around the corner, and i felt unsafe because we were traveling so fast. The road then continued to spiral to the east and then back to the south. I suddenly realized that this did not make much sense. The road should have crossed over itself if we were driving in a spiral. We were then on the long straight road heading to the north. I was driving the car. This paved road was wide, and it passed over open ground. We were descending a long slope from the tall hill. The land ahead of us seemed to dip into a bowl-shaped valley, with rounded hills on all sides. I could see an intersection ahead of us. The road we were on crossed another road. I could not see where our road continued, but i could see it leaving the intersection. I then realized that we were traveling very fast. We were approaching the intersection quickly, and a car was ahead of us at the stop sign. I tried to slow down suddenly, but the car did not slow down as quickly as it should have. I then heard the sound of a rocket engine, and i saw a bird flying to the east, high in the sky to the north of us. I watched the bird flying quickly to the east with its wings spread and not flapping. Something did not make sense. I stared at the bird for a moment, trying not to get distracted from my driving. The sound was gone, and the bird was still hovering in the sky to the northeast, over a low rounded hill. I then realized that i was very close to the car in front of me. I tried to stop, but my car was sliding. The car in front of me was gone then, and i was approaching the intersection. I was supposed to stop at the corner, but the car slided into the intersection. My grandmother was in the passenger’s seat of the car, and i knew that she was worried. The car was still moving, so i turned to the east to head down the other road. As we turned, i glanced to the west. I could see dark smoke rising from the horizon. I wondered if it was related to the rocket sound. I started driving to the east, but i wondered what was happening to the west. Something seemed wrong. I pulled off to the side of the road for a moment, thinking that i should stop. I then thought that i had already made the turn, so there was no need for me to stop and recover after the car slided into the intersection. I started driving to the east, hoping that no one noticed what had happened. I felt annoyed that i could not stop at the corner. I then noticed the police car sitting to the northeast of me, on the northern side of the road. It was parked in a small dirt lot, facing west. It then started moving to the west. Its lights turned on. I felt annoyed, thinking that the police officer was going to stop me for sliding through the intersection. I pulled off the southern side of the road as the police car passed me. I stopped on the gravel shoulder, looking for the lights behind me. I expected the police car to turn around and pull in behind me, but the car was not there anymore. I wondered what i should do. The police car was not turning around. I thought that the police car must have headed toward the smoke. I felt confused. I started driving again, but i wanted to know what was happening to the west. I was then suddenly aware of a car approaching from the east. It looked like a boxy American car, heading down the shallow slope on the northern lane of the road. Something about it seemed out of place.

12020 January 12

I had been in this place for a while, but i was now supposed to leave. I moved through the narrow streets and alleys of the city, which seemed to be a foreign city. Very few people were around at the moment. The buildings seemed modern but worn with use. I headed to the south, down a long corridor through a building. The ends of the corridor exited the building. I had left the main street of the foreign city to the north of me and was heading for someplace to the south. The corridor that i was in now seemed run down and dirty, and i thought that i might have left the safe section of the city. I felt cautious here, thinking that i should probably not be in this part of the city. I had to leave this city, but i was not quite sure which way to go. I thought that i should head back to the main street, though. I had to hurry to get to the airport to catch my flight. I turned to the west on the southern side of the corridor. I seemed to be in a small courtyard area. The large building to the north was white. The lower floor had a cement wall and was overhung by the upper floors. The upper floors seemed to have a plastic-like outer surface and large windows. Outside balconies seemed to run along the upper floors of the building. The land sloped down to the south of me, where a small grassy patch of ground was. Tall buildings surrounded it on all sides. I moved to the south, ending up on the southern side of the eastern end of the grassy area. I thought that a bus stop might be to the south of me, on the other side of the building, but i had to go back to the northwest. A raised cement walkway ascended to the northwest of me now, heading up to the second level of the white building. The walkway curved back and forth as it rose. It had red railings that curved outward from the cement and ended with a thin metal railing. A plastic cover was over the walkway, making it look like a hamster tube. It seemed very modern, but the plastic was foggy from sun exposure and scratched from use. It felt comforting to see the modern architecture, though. I thought that this might be a safer are because it was more recently developed. I thought that i could head back up the tube to get back to the tourist area. I could then take a bus from there to get to the airport. I walked to the northwest, now under the tubes and overhang of the building from the north. People were near me now. They seemed to be gathered around, waiting for the bus. I then realized that i did not have any of the local money. I felt a little nervous and wondered what i should do. I saw a machine to the north of the people that seemed to sell tickets for the bus. The machine said that it would take fifty cents. I wondered if i could pay with American money.

I had been at the camp, but i was now leaving. I headed to the south, into the small room. The walls of the room were covered with horizontal planks of unfinished wood. I headed for a small square door in the lower part of the western wall. As i reached it, i saw $A790 entering. I backed up to let her in. The small room was only a few meters wide, so it seemed like a cramped space. I said hello to $A790 as she came into the room. It was hard for her to push into the room through the small entrance. I then realized that another doorway was in the eastern end of the southern wall. It would have been easier if we both used that entrance. I mentioned this to $A790 as we stood inside the room. I turned to the door to the south, thinking that i would still exit through the opening to the west. As $A790 headed north, i noticed a piece of paper on the wooden floor to the southeast of me. I said something to $A790 as i read the paper. The paper had some writing on it, and it seemed to have to do with one of the other people at the camp. I thought that someone was in trouble because they had eaten colorful mushrooms. The paper seemed to have streaks of faded color down it now. I thought that the person must have gotten too much sun and eaten the mushrooms. This was worrisome, and i hoped that the person was all right. I wondered what i should do.

12020 January 14

I stood in the sunny area, facing north. Someone seemed to be standing to the west of me as we talked about something. This place seemed familiar, and i thought that we were somewhere in Endicott. The area around me was very open, with buildings along the northern edge of the area. I seemed to be standing on the street, which ran east to west, and the buildings were set back from the road, with nicely trimmed grassy lawns in front of them. The buildings seemed to be non-residential structures, and this place seemed like the area just to the south of the railroad tracks on Nanticoke Avenue. I thought that the buildings looked very different from what i remembered. Looking to the northeast, i noticed a small gap between two of the large buildings, which seemed like college buildings. I suddenly remembered a park that used to be in this area. I mentioned the name to the other person. It seemed like a two-syllable name that sounded like “Pakal” or “Prisil”. I mentioned the name followed by “Park”, wondering there it was. I looked down at the map app on my phone. It showed the name of the park on the right side of the screen, in the middle of a blank area. I realized that the park was just off to the northeast of us. I moved in that direction, talking about the park. I looked at the map again, thinking that the label for the park was in the middle of the buildings here. I thought that the park had been abandoned a while ago, but it was still showing up on the maps. This seemed amusing to me, and it felt good to remember the park. I thought that a street ran down the shallow hill from the south and ended on the road that i had been standing to the north of. My mother and i had walked down that road from our apartment at Nanticoke and stopped at the park. I pictured the park on the southern shore of the river. I walked up the shallow slope of the lawn to the south of one of the large stone buildings. The modern stone block of the building was pale gray. To the east of the building was a small tree, with a thick old trunk and thin wispy branches that reached to the east, shading a small area of grass. I wondered if this could be the park. I started talking to the other person as i stood in the small area that was shaded by the trees. This seemed like a small garden now. I moved to the north again, and the scene changed. I could now see the river to the north of us. The land here was more open, and i could no longer see the large buildings. We had gone down the slope behind the modern area to an area that was less developed. The hill sloped up to the south of me, and it was covered with tall unkempt grass. A road came down the hill just behind us, stopping at a road that ran east to west along the shore of the river. I looked at the grassy area to the north of the road. The houses were to the northeast and northwest of us, with mowed lawns. The area directly to the north of us was long grass, though. I thought that it was all that remained of the park. It was a small patch of ground with no trees. The sky was now overcast, but the sun was still bright. The ground to the north of us seemed damp, and i was aware of the muddy river shore on the northern edge of the small park. I talked to the other person about the park, saying that this area had been developed around what was left of the park. The park was no longer really a park. It had been abandoned and forgotten. Something about the area seemed sad, but it felt nostalgic and somewhat good to see it again.

12020 January 17

I said something to the other person as i moved quickly to the northwest, flying over the ground. I watched the brown ground pass under me as i spoke. Most of the land seemed forested. I then saw the large round hole, and i slowed over it. It was conical, and i knew that it was very deep. I could see dark sedimentary layers in the brown bedrock forming perfect circles within the hole. I told the other person that the hole was probably an old volcanic vent. I then thought that Mexico was full of similar volcanic vents. I thought that it had something to do with the comet that struck the area in the past. I remembered seeing deep lakes that had formed in the deep flumes. Someone near me said that the hole below us was very deep. I thought that this hole was also filled with water, and i knew that humans would not easily be able to descend to the bottom of it. I had something in my right hand. It seemed like a small tool, and i knew that i had to get rid of it so that no one could find it. I looked down the hole, seeing only darkness at the bottom. It seemed very deep. As we moved over the center, i dropped the tool into the hole, hoping that it would sink into the deep water. As it fell, i worried that it would hit the northeast side of the rim, but it did not seem to. I watched the small object, which was shaped like a screwdriver, disappear into the darkness. We continued moving to the north-northeast. I thought that the tool would continue to sink in the water until it was so far in the trench that the others would not be able to find it. I knew that it would be safe there.

12020 January 18

I ran with the others to the south, heading down the corridor of the building, which seemed like a science building at a university. The gray corridor had large windows on the eastern and western walls, and the corridor ended in a triangular room with elevators on the southern end. The eastern wall of the room remained relatively straight, but the western wall turned a little to the southwest to accommodate the width of the elevator doors. Something was wrong, and we were fleeing the area. I thought that the elevators might not work, so we would have to take the stairs. Someone had already stopped in front of the eastern-most elevator and said that it was not working. I stopped and turned to the east, not quite in the small triangular room around the elevators. I thought about the stairs in the building, thinking that one stairwell was on the southwestern side of the small room to the south of me. I was then standing to the west of a section of the building. The tan modern brick face of the wing of the building was three of four stories tall, and it ran from the main structure to the north of me. This narrow wing ended just to the east of me. I was aware that another wing of the building extended to the south from the main building and ended just to the west of me. A roof of higher floor spanned from one wing to the other above my head. The people were standing around a door on the southern face of the eastern wing. We had just left the stairwell and come outside, but we were still in danger here. We had to escape the area. The people were looking around as though they did not know where to go. Someone then said that we had to get to the place. I realized that the place was some kind of vessel that could take us from this place. It was to the west of us, but it also seemed to be at the top of the building to the west of us. We would have to go back into the building. Others started heading toward the door to the building, but i knew that the metal door to the stairwell would have locked shut after it closed. It could not be opened from the outside. I looked to the northeast, seeing a narrow section on the lower floor of eastern wing. The wing was on a slope, so the door where the stairwell exited was one floor down from the first floor of the building. I could see a glass wall in the middle of the eastern wing. It had a glass door in the center of it. I thought that the door might be locked, but i thought that we should try. I moved toward it. Someone reached the door before me and tried opening it, but it would not open. I then thought that we really needed to be in the western wing of the building. This was the wing attached to the ship. I turned to the northwest and headed up the cement slope that ran into the center of the building, between the two wings. A man was already at the glass door, which was set into the eastern wall of the wing, facing southeast. I thought that we should break the glass to get in. I knew that it would set off the alarms and alert the others as to where we were, but it was important that we escape the area. As i reached the door, i could see that the man was prying open the lock with a green bar, which had a wide end that looked like a crow bar or a chisel. He had opened the door, and everyone hurried inside. We had to get to the west. I wondered if the others would be after us. We had to hurry to the escape ship. I followed the others down the narrow darkened corridor to the west. We then turned to the south, into a small area, which seemed like a store. The others were heading through the store to the southwest. I stopped for a moment, noticing the instruments on the wall to the south. This place seemed like a music store, and i was interested in the instruments. I wondered if i could take a guitar with me. I knew that the others would think in ridiculous that i would carry a guitar with me, but i thought that i should take one from the store. I then thought that i should not take things from the store, but i did not think it mattered anymore whether i stole something from the store or not. I stood for a moment in the store, letting the others continue to the west. I felt conflicted. I knew that i should escape with the others, but i wanted to play guitar. I looked around the store, trying to find the right guitar. The store seemed cluttered with things, but the aisles were wide and clear. I could no longer hear the others to the southwest of me. I looked at the instruments on the western wall. They were guitars, but the selection was very small. I thought that the store must have a better selection somewhere. I then wondered if i could find a Gibson guitar. I decided that, if i could find a Gibson, i would take it as the guitar i would use. I turned to the southern wall, which had some things hanging from it. I could see an orange instrument hanging from it. I wondered if it was a Gibson. I walked toward it, pushing some of the other hanging things out of the way. I then realized that the body of the instrument was too small. It was really only a long neck with a small rounded shape at the bottom. Someone described the object with a word, and i knew that the word meant that the instrument was just a piece of wood that someone could practice chord forms on. It had no strings or pickups. I turned to the east, seeing a narrow triangular section of store between the southern wall and a corridor leading east. The area was full of instruments, and i could see several violins hanging over it. I thought that all of the instruments there would be classical string instruments. Across the aisle from it, to the north, was another triangular area. This area had woodwinds and other symphonic instruments. The store was divided into sections. I wondered where the guitar section was. I then wondered if i had already seen all of it on the western side of the room. I felt disappointed that i could not see any other guitars. I had started down the corridor to the east. I heard people to the north. I moved to the south and was then in a corridor to the south of the store. I thought that the others had run to the west. I wanted to follow them to get on the escape ship, but i had already delayed too much. I felt sad. I wondered if they would wonder where i had gone. I could hear others in the store to the north of me. I could run to the west, but the others to the north were too close to me. They would see me, and i would not be able to make it to the ship. I wondered what i should do. I did not really care if i was captured anymore. I then heard voices of the people to the north of me. They were people from the ship, and they seemed to be the Robinsons. I felt suddenly comforted that they had come back for me. I moved to the west.

The others were trying to get things together, and i was trying to help. We had to make the scene look convincing. Others would see it and think that something was happening. I knew that we needed to convince the others that the noise was coming from an unsuspecting source. I remembered that i had an old radio and several old speakers in my basement. The others stood to the north of the area, watching it. I quickly placed several electronic items on the ground along the eastern side of the area. An old black plastic case on the northern end of the equipment pile looked like an old CD player or phonograph turntable. I placed two metallic square speakers on the ground to the south of it, with a black portable radio and cassette player between them. Someone said something about the speakers, and i realized that w would not need the speakers for the portable radio, because the radio had its own speakers. I agreed with the person. I started arranging the two speakers so that they did not look so important. I was now arranging things against the southern wall of the room. The two speakers were on either side of a small stack of small electronic device, and the portable stereo was in font of the devices. One of the devices looked like a black metal switch box. I backed away from the pile and looked at it, thinking that the others who would see it would not stop to think about where the sound was coming from. They would just assume that the music equipment was making the noise. It would not matter that the extra speakers were useless in the system. I thought that we could fool the others who were coming after us.

12020 January 19

The woman and i ran to the south, leaving the cinema and heading toward the exit door of the mall. We were main characters in the movie, and i thought that we had to leave the theater and come back in another entrance. We were supposed to surprise the audience by coming back into the mall on the other side of the theater and doing a scene there. We stopped on the sidewalk outside. It was dark, and i suddenly wondered if we were simply supposed to head to a different theater within the cinema area of the mall. I motioned to the west, and the woman agreed that we had to get to the next entrance to the mall. We started running down the sidewalk. When we reached the next set of doors on the large white building, we turned to the north and headed back into the mall. No one was gathered inside the door. The woman seemed surprised, but i decided that my guess was right; we should have stayed within the cinema area and simply reentered another theater. I told the woman that we would have to get back to the cinema area. We ran to the north and turned east in the main corridor. People were walking back and forth in the mall, and we jogged around them as we hurried back to the theater. I thought that we were characters from a Star Wars movie, and i pictured us wearing loose-fitting white clothing form the movie. I wondered if people would recognize our characters. I then thought that we were professional actors from the movie, so i wondered if people would think that we were fans in costumes or if they would recognize us as the real characters. We came to a central junction in the mall, which was full of people. A cart was in the middle of the corridor, and it had a tall dark set of shelfs on the western end of it. The woman ran to the north of it, squeezing between the cart and a few people. I ran around the southern side. We then came to the eastern end of the corridor. The woman had reached the area before me. I was now with several other people. We were ready to do our scene. I heard the woman say something in surprise as i turned to the north. I could see the glass wall with doors in it that separated us from the cinema area. The woman had gone around to the other side of the area and was on the other side of the glass. The bag guys were with her, though. She called to me for help, and the people with me rushed for the door. They could not open the door because it was locked. One of the men tried pulling on the handle, which was on the northern side of the door. I saw the small keypad next to the door and ran to it. The man had tried to type in a passcode, but he did not know the code to get in. I thought that i knew the code. Numbers came into my head, and i thought that they were coming to me because they were the correct code. The woman was fighting off the bad guys on the other side of the door. I typed in the number carefully, wondering if it would really open the door.

12020 January 20

I walked back to the east along the northern side of the area. I was rejoining the others, who were sitting in the small rectangular area. The people on the northern side of the area seemed to be sitting on bleachers, facing south. The people seemed to be discussing something that we had to do. I looked to the north at some of the people on the bleaches as someone asked about the thing. A man who was sitting on the eastern half of the bleachers put his hand on something in front of him. He seemed to be holding something in his left hand, which seemed flat, like a book, and he had put his right hand over the top of it. He held his elbows out. He started to float upward. He had been chosen to do something. The people mentioned the thing that we would have to do. Another man in the crowd to the east of me said that he would go along, but the man who was floating objected, pointing out that only he was picked, so only he should go. I moved to the southeast, paralleling the man who was floating. He floated over the open asphalt parking lot and descended into a crowd of young people. They were gathered in the lot for something. Cars were parked in various places in the lot, and the teenagers seemed to be standing among a small cluster of cars in the northeastern section of the lot. A tall light pole was to the southeast of me as the man landed to the north of me. I was the man now, and i walked to the east as the other man approached. The other man was part of the group that i had been with before. He had come here to help. He seemed excited. He wore a pale-brown T-shirt that had large white writing on the front. He approached me, stopping just to the south of a parked vehicle. He smiled widely with his excitement, and he punched at the air with enthusiasm. I felt a little uneasy, thinking that his attitude was out of place among the people here. I did not want him to draw any attention, so i told him to relax a bit. I worried that he might start a fight with the students here. We seemed to be here for some specific reason, so we had to wait to see what that was. I then realized that the white SUV that had been just to the north of the man was now about a meter away. It seemed that the man had come in the vehicle. He then noticed that the vehicle was not where it had been. I looked at the back of the SUV again, noticing that it was now a few meters away. The man asked about this, and i said that the vehicle must have been rolling down the hill. The parking lot was sloped slightly to the north. I looked down at the rear wheel on the western side of the SUV. It did not seem to be rolling steadily, but it turned while i watched it. The man who was with me started after it. The vehicle then rolled down the hill all at once. As the vehicle crossed the street that ran along the northern side of the parking lot, i worried that a passing car from the west would hit it. It was not. It crossed the street and rolled into a small dirt parking area to the south of a small blue house. The small blue wooden house had old siding on it, and the paint was dull and worn. A small box was attached to the side of the house near the ground. It had white trim around the edges and a white X across the front face. The top of the box sloped down from the house. The vehicle bumped into the box, and seemed to roll up onto the top of the box. It then rolled back, because the dirt parking area was sloped to the south, toward the road. The car turned to the west and rolled a little way away from the house. It did not seem to have done any damage to the house. A pig was then outside the house, squealing in excitement. It hopped on top of the cubical structure that was attached to the western side of the southern face of the house. Someone now seemed to be outside of the house, coming out a door in the eastern end of the southern face. A porch overhang was over the door. I moved quickly toward the house, wondering what the pig was doing. The house was now an open structure, and i stepped into the opening where the southern wall had been. The other man was following me. I told him that there was some significance to the movement of the SUV. We had come here for something specific, and the rolling SUV might have been the start of the event. I moved into the open space of the shed, trying to figure out if there was any significance to the pig or the building. The pig was still on the outside of the building, to the southwest of me. The cement floor of the building sloped down steeply inside, ending in a narrow trough. The cement then sloped up even more steeply for about a meter on the northern side. The man moved to the west of me as i started walking down the cement slope. A wooden rail fence seemed to be to the north of me, with green bushes growing on the eastern side of it. The fence and the field behind it seemed to be within the structure, as if they were part of a diorama. I said something to the man. My foot then slipped, and i slided down the cement, landing in the narrow trough at the bottom, which was filled with water. My right foot went under, but i only got the toes of my left foot wet. I complained, but i was not upset. I pulled my feet up from the water, wondering what i should do. The woman was now standing to the southeast of me, within the structure. She told me that the water was infested with tuberculosis worms. They came from the pig. I shook off my bare feet, thinking that i should rinse them to get any disease off. I backed up the slope a little as the woman said something else. I still thought that this place had some significance, and i wanted to figure out what it was. I looked around, noticing that the eastern wall was covered with a large square picture. The artwork seemed thick, and it seemed to be composed of tiles. The tiles had curved lines across them, but the lines were broken by the edges of the tiles, as though the tiles had been painted before they were placed into the artwork. A thick dull-red border was around the square of tiles. I thought that i could remember the pattern. It might prove to be significant later. I looked around the room for other patterns. I noticed the round table near the western wall, which also had a tile pattern on it. I would have to remember these things.

12020 January 21

I looked to the west, across the bleak landscape. The sky was gray, and the tan dead grass was matted and wet. The land had low rolling hills but seemed mostly flat. It sloped down gradually to the southwest. A highway ran west-northwest to east-southeast, just to the south of me. I looked over the rolling hills to the south and west of me as i sat in the car, which was stopped in a dirt parking area to the northeast of the road. I was waiting fro something, but i felt that i had to go somewhere. A car then pulled into the dirt parking area to the south of me. The area was roughly rectangular, with rounded corners. It connected to the road with a short dirt section, which was to the south of me. The parking area was slanted northwest to southeast. The car pulled into the lot and stopped just to the west of me. It was directly in front of my car, and i felt uneasy about the people in the blue car. They were blocking my way forward. Their car faced northwest. I backed up a little and turned sharply to the south, heading for the exit to the lot. The other car rolled slowly to the northwest. I stopped at the edge of the road, aware of the sports car that i was driving. It had a long stick shift and a thin steering wheel. The stick shift was made of a thin metal pole with a rounded white knob on top. The plastic of the knob was faded with age, and the steering wheel seemed like one from an old Volkswagen Beetle. I turned the car to the southwest, onto the dirt road and started to accelerate. I seemed to be in a high gear, but i thought that older cars could start from second gear if done correctly. I wanted to accelerator the car quickly down the road, but i thought that i had to turn to the west at an intersection, which was not far down the road. It seemed to be about a hundred meters away, and i had to shift to the south to get into a turning lane. I would not have enough distance to get the car moving at a good speed. I had to stop at the red light for a moment before i made to turn to the west. The intersection seemed to be in the center of a wide shallow valley in a dry land, and the road to the west ran slightly uphill toward the rise in the distance. The road had descended a shallow slope toward the intersection. After i made the turn, however, i entered a small area near a house, which seemed to be in flat land with vegetation all around. The rectangular area seemed to have tall fences around the sides, and it ran southwest to northeast. A small rundown house was on the northwestern end of the southwestern side. The center of the area seemed to be filled with tall weeds and young saplings. The vegetation was dull and dry, like late winter. My father was in the house to the west, and i thought that he might have seen me drive into the parking lot. The road that i was on ran parallel to the northwestern side of the area. It was muddy and had deep ruts. I knew that my car would not get stuck, though. I drove my car to the west, but the driveway looked around the inside of the area. I followed the loop to the south along the western side, and i started driving back to the east on the southern side. I felt mischievous driving through the mud. I was driving around the loop quickly, and i was enjoying the ride. I realized that this was something that i was not normally allowed to do. My mother then said something. She was approaching from the northeast. I speeded around the muddy loop, again heading to the west on the northern side. I was showing off. The mud seemed deep in areas of the loop, but the mud did not seem to be naturally from this area. I thought that my father must have spread it over the road so that the trail would be muddy. I looked at the deep ruts ahead of me, and i hoped that the car did not get stuck.

12020 January 22

I walked to the south, down the gravel driveway of the rural house. The house was to the north of me, on the eastern side of the driveway. A small wide garage was at the southern end of the driveway, to the south and southwest of me. The lawn to the east seemed damp, but it had summer green grass. I had been following the others to the south. They had gone around the eastern side of the garage and now seemed to be behind the garage. They were doing something there, and i was going to join them. $A645 seemed to be with them, and this house had something to do with her. I looked back to the northeast, noticing a thin black net over the yard. It looked like a net for plants. I thought that the yard was a little messy. The net should not have been scattered over the entire yard. It was caught on the large black truck that was in the driveway. The truck was to the west of me, and just north of the garage. I pulled the net off of the truck, trying to bundle it up in front of the truck. I looked to the north, seeing that the net was catching on the bushy pine shrubs that grew along the western end of the southern side of the house to the north. The net should not have been spread across the yard. I pulled the net toward me, bunching it up to the south of the truck, between the truck and the garage. I hoped that it did not get entangled in anything as i was pulling it. I had seen it pull on the branches of the bushes by the house when i had started bundling it up. I was now standing to the south of the black pick-up truck, which was parked just to the north of me. The truck was facing north. I then noticed some items to the east of the truck, on the grass. They seemed to be a few broken branches and some random law ornaments. I had pulled them from their place when i had pulled in the net. I felt annoyed that they had been scattered here, and i thought that i would have to pick them up. I thought that $A339 might be upset with me if she saw the mess that i had created. $A645 was then standing to the south of me as i continued to gather the bundle of netting together. I spoke to her as i cleaned some of the things up from the lawn. She stood near the northeastern corner of the garage. She had been in the back with the others but had come out to find out why i was lagging behind. I felt frustrated that i was not being clean in what i was doing. I then headed to the south with $A645, into the building. We entered through a door in the eastern end of the northern wall and walked down the eastern side of the small room inside. The others were to the southwest, in another room. The building seemed very wide east to west but rather shallow north to south. The cement floor was dirty, and the walls were worn and stained. The wall that separated the southern end of the room from a corridor seemed to have only wooden slats across it. We came into the room where the others were sitting. They had sat upon various objects around the room. Someone then carried something to the south and put it on top of a stack of wooden boxes. Something cloth-like hung down from the western side of the bundle, and it caught on a black bucket that was on the floor. The bucket tipped over. I quickly grabbed the bucket, which had a plastic lid with a screw cap, and tipped it back up. The plastic can contained turpentine, and i mentioned this to the others, saying that some of it had leaked out. I moved it to the southern wall of the room so that it would be out of the way. I then referred to it as acetone to the others, saying that it was leaking.

12020 January 23

I was in the southwestern corner of a large cement structure, which seemed like a parking garage. The room that i was in was mostly open on three sides, with a solid wall only on the western side. A canal seemed to run along the western side of the building. We had been in this city for a little while. We were visiting. I turned to the southwest, now somewhere to the southwest of the room that we had been it. It seemed that we had crossed a wide square to the southwest of the cement building, and we were now in a market place. I told the other person that this place was Mexico City. I looked at the tan buildings on the southwestern side of the square. A street seemed to come from the west, and the buildings along the southern side of the street curved to the south along the southern side of the open plaza. I then realized that we had come a long distance from the station, where we had started. I felt suddenly concerned, thinking that we had to be back by a certain time. It seemed far from where we were, and i was not sure i knew exactly how we had come here. I told the others that we should head back. I thought about the layout of the city, thinking that the station would be to the east or northeast of where we were, so we should simply head in that direction. I was not really sure, though. I told the others that we should head in that general direction. I was with an older man and woman, and i was unsure that we could get back to the main square easily. We moved to the east, now in a car. The man was driving down the road, which seemed to be outside of the city. I felt tense, not sure where we were and knowing that we had to get back. The man seemed like a professor. I looked at the red dirt on the ground as we drove. The houses on the sides of the road seemed poor, and i thought that we were in a poor rural area. The road headed uphill slightly to the northeast along the slope of a hill. The hill rose to the north of us, and i looked at the houses below us on the slope to the southeast. A house with black walls was just below us on the road, and it was dilapidated but still in use. The roof was missing over the rectangular room on the southwestern corner of the house, and i could see broken furnishings inside. Someone described the house as i looked at it, and i felt uneasy here. I thought that this small town was a dangerous place to be. I looked ahead of us as we drove up the slope on the dirt road. I felt very uncomfortable, and i thought that we should head back to the city. We had to get back to our car. The man then turned the car to the southeast, pulling off the road. I could see a crude poorly maintained house to the south. The older man turned the car around and started traveling to the west again, back toward the city. He too felt that we should not be this far from the city. The road was narrow now, and trees and bushes crowded in on both sides. I did not think that this place was safe, and i worried that we would get stuck here. The man then mentioned Papaguay, implying that this place had something to do with the country. I thought that we had turned around at the border, which was just to the east of us on the road. I was unsure whether we were now in Paraguay or whether we had turned around before entering Paraguay. I asked the man “Este Paraguay o que donda?” This did not seem right, and i realized that it was not correct Spanish. The man corrected me by saying “Que dondo.” I knew that what he said was not correct Spanish either, so i thought that he did not know the language well. I wondered where we were, and i thought about how to get back to our car. I asked the man if he had his phone with him. I said that i had left mine in the car. I was annoyed that i did not have it with me. I wanted to see a map of the area. The man handed me his cell phone, and i held it in my left hand. It was an old small phone, which looked like a small block. It had a small LCD screen in the middle of it. I thought that the screen might be too small to render a map. I then realized that i could turn the phone over to see a larger screen. I played with it for a moment, realizing that it was oddly shaped. It was mostly covered with gray plastic, but it was thicker on the ends than in the center. It looked more like a game controller with small symmetric handles. I looked at the map on the screen, noticing that the blinking gray dot was us. We were in a hilly country, and it seemed that the road we were on was heading to the southwest, down a trough between two rounded hills. The hills ran roughly east to west, and seemed to form a thick cluster, but the land to the south was open. A wide valley seemed to be to the south, and tall pointed mountains were in the distance to the south and southwest. I tried to zoom in on the map to get more detail. The reddish land had many rolling hills, but i could not tell where the city was. I felt annoyed that the phone was so old. It had a three-dimensional map created with metal pins at different heights, but it did not have the resolution to tell us what was empty country and what was city. The wide river valley turned a little to the northwest on the western side. Just to the north of the curve was a notch in the range of hills. The pins on the map were gray, but they turned tan to match the area around us. I looked at the notch in the mountain range, realizing that it was the city. The road we were coming down reached the valley to the east of the city, so we would have to head to the west once we reached the bottom of the hill. I zoomed in to the gray area that was the city, trying to distinguish the regions within the city. I was looking for the market or the station that we needed to get to. I thought that the station should be obviously labeled on the map, but i did not see it. I zoomed in more closely, but the map had no labels on it. I could see most of the streets now, but i did not recognize the area. I felt frustrated. I was standing in the small cement room now, which seemed to be in the southwestern side of a large building. The wall to the north of me was open, with only a low cement wall across the bottom. The others with me stood to the southwest and southeast of me. Two or three young women came from the east, chatting and laughing as they talked to each other. They moved to the northeast of us. They noticed us and realized that we were lost, and they offered some help. I showed them the phone, indicating that i was trying to figure out the map. I thought that they might be able to point out where we were or where the station was. The women then continued to the west, and the man started driving again. We were inside the small cement roof of the larger cement structure, which seemed like a parking garage. This area was empty, and it seemed like a bus stop that had been built into the building. The man drove the car to the west, along the southern wall of the room. A tall structure was near the southwestern corner, and the man drove between it and the wall as he turned to the north. A green ATM machine seemed to be in the wall to the west of the structure. I thought that the man should not be driving through this area, and i said something to him. I wondered if the ATM had a camera that could be watching us drive past. I felt uncomfortable here. As we turned to the north, we passed through the gates, which was formed by the tall structures. I then realized that we had been in this area before. We had stopped here earlier in the day, and i thought that we might be near the station. I told the man that we had been here, and i aid that we could probably backtrack to the cars. I had been sitting on a bench in the bus stop. The bench was against the southern wall of the room. I picked up my shoes to put them back on. I had taken them off and was now in my socks. I looked down at my socks, annoyed when i realized that i had stepped in gum on the cement floor. I would have to take it off before i could put my foot back in my shoe.

12020 January 24

Three men came into the house from the east. I saw them open the door that connected the two sides of the house that i was in. I felt uneasy having them there, and i was annoyed with them. They seemed like teenagers who thought it would be fun to come into the house. I thought that they should not be here. They walked a few paces into the house, and then turned around and walked back to the east. They had come through the doorway at the end of the short hallway. The walls of the hall were white, and the wood of the doorframe was darkly stained. I walked down the narrow hallway toward the door to make sure that the door was closed. I hoped that they realized that they were intruding on someone else’s house. They must have been renting the place next door. I saw that the door was closed, but i realized that a board had been nailed over the door, and when they pushed open the door, they had pushed the board so that the nails pulled from the wall. I pushed the board back into place, but i could not secure the nails in the wall. I felt annoyed. I walked back to the west a little, looking around this place. In now seemed very familiar to me. The corridor to the west led into a small room, and i thought that the room was actually part of the other side of the house. The young men were in the room now, doing something. I thought that this was my grandparents’ cottage and that the room to the west was where my grandparents had their bedroom. I wondered how they had gotten into the bedroom from where they had been. I looked back down the corridor toward the door, which was now to the north of me. I could see that the men had pried open the door again. I felt annoyed, and i moved to the door. I could see the men through an opening in the northern wall. They were in a corridor, which was at a lower level than i was at. They were working on the walls, putting up panels of wood. Two of them were facing the eastern wall and a third, who was shorter, was facing the western wall. The western wall did not extend all the way to the west; it ended just a meter or so past where the man was working. The shorter man had wavy chin-length blond hair, and he was not wearing a shirt. I could see the muscles along his back, and i thought that he looked rather attractive. The three men were remodeling the eastern side of the house. I walked to the east, heading into the large room on my side of the house. The structure of the room looked very familiar, and i realized that it was the living room of my grandparents’ cottage. It was more open now, and it looked quite different. The room was almost unrecognizable. The wall on the northern side of the room had been taken out, leaving only a thin metal pole running from floor to ceiling where the eastern end of the wall used to be. I looked to the northeastern corner of the room. A rounded faded black wood stove stood in the beveled corner, but it was not like the stove that my grandparents’ used to have. Some of the walls to the north were open, exposing the vertical supports. I turned to the south and walked into the large empty room, which had a large multipane picture window that filled up the southern wall. The room seemed very bright, but all of the wood surfaces were unfinished and dusty. A large round stove in the center of the room was shaped like a wicker basket with loose weaving. I remembered the basket being out on the screen porch, and i told someone that it used to be out on the porch. Someone must have moved it into the center of the cottage when they remodeled. I felt excited to be in this place again, and i liked the feeling here. I walked to the east a little. A small back room was of the northern side of the large main room. It was up one or two steps from the main floor. I did not remember this area, and i wondered if it was an addition. This seemed like where the porch should be. I then realized that this should be part of the other side of the house as well. It seemed that i was walking in an extended loop that should have crossed over itself. I then noticed the wooden steps ascending to the north and northwest on the wall on the eastern side of the back room. The steps looked like part of a sculpture, but they also seemed to be actual steps that ascended along the wall to the west. Each step had checkered inlaid wood patters of light and dark wood. Some of the patterns formed diamond shapes with white rays from the sides. I suddenly wondered if the cutting board was still in the kitchen here. It had a nice striped pattern. I moved over the lower part of the stairs, looking at the patterns in the wood. I pulled on one of the steps, and it came loose. The people must still be building them, so they were not yet fixed in place. All of this was new to the cottage, but i liked it.

I came out of the house to the west and headed northeast, across the soggy yard. We were in a forested area, and the trees all around were still leafless. I noticed a woman pulling a large wooden box across the lawn to the south of me. A man was standing no the northeast of me, on the edge of the lawn, near a car, which was facing west. The woman seemed to be pulling the box to the northeast, toward the man, but she was having difficulty dragging it behind her. I realized that she needed help, but i did not respond right away. It took me a moment before i realized that i could help her. I turned suddenly and walked to the back end of the box. The long brown wooden box had dark designs on the sides, which looked like part of a modern print label. The woman continued to pull the box from the front, and i lifted the back to help her carry. We headed to the north, but we did not head toward the truck, which was waiting on the dirt road. I had expected us to put the box in the truck. Instead, the woman started walking up the stairs that ascended the steep hill to the north. I followed her. The hill was steep enough that the stairs started zigzagging from east to west. It was hard to carry the box around the tight corners, but we made it to the top of the hill. The ground on either side of the stairs seemed to be covered with dry leafs. At the top, the woman started walking to the west, and i followed her. We were walking on a narrow rise of land that had been eroded on both the southern and northern sides. I looked down the cliff to the south, seeing the black truce driving on the dirt road, heading west. I thought that it would meet us on the western end of the tall area, and we would have to carry the box there. A walking trail ran along the top of the cliff, heading west. I felt cautious because the trail was so close to the cliff, and i told the others to be cautious of their footing along the top of the cliff. Several of the trees near the edge of the cliff had trunks that were already over the edge, but the roots of the trees were firmly fixed in the dirt at the edge of the cliff. A small shack was then to the west of us, and i followed the others as they walked along the southern side of it. There was only a meter or so of dirt on the southern side of the shack, and i felt uneasy walking along this part of the cliff. It seemed somewhat dangerous. I told the others to be careful as we walked. The woman and the man reached the western end of the building and walked to the north. The land ended just past the shack, and they were walking on the roots of the trees along the western side of the small wood building. The wood on the outside of the building was weatherworn and bare. I stopped at the corner of the building, thinking that there was not enough space for me on the western side of the building, because the man and woman had stopped there. I backed up to the east a little, looking down at the edge of the dirt cliff below me. I looked off the cliff to the southeast and south, looking for the truck in the valley below. I felt a little uneasy about it, but i wanted to know where it was. A sapling to the east of me then tipped and fell down the cliff, taking a chunk of the trail with it. The gap reached back to the building, so i would not be able to climb back to the east any further. A man was still following us, and he was to the east of us, so i called to him and told him that he would have to go around the other side of the shed. I started to the west, but the path under me was eroding, and i started to fall. I grabbed on to the small trees near me and put my feet on some roots, but they did not seem stable. I tried to pull myself back up to the trail to the west, but i was having trouble. There did not seem to be enough land on the southern side of the shed any more for me to walk on. I called to the others: “Help.” I told them that i was stuck on the side of the building. The land on both sides of me had fallen away, and i could not step across to where they were on the western side. I thought that i could grab the woman’s hand and step across the gap to the west of me. I would not be able to pull myself across. I felt worried about the falling ground, though, and i wondered if i would be able to make it to safety. I wondered what i should do. I then thought that i could have climbed over the top of the shed. I walked around the western side of the building and headed to the north. Two people, a man and a woman, were standing in the small blue rectangular area in the middle of the forest. I walked toward them. The area seemed old and abandoned. It had been hidden under a layer of rotting leafs, but someone had pulled back a covering to expose the blue. I referred to the square blue recessed area as a pool. It was about a meter and a half wide and two meters long. I then realized that the area was more than just a recession. It had a rounded shape around it that suggested it was the hollow area of a boat. I corrected myself, saying that it was a boat. It had been buried in the forest, and the man and woman had uncovered it. I thought about the vehicle, and i said that we could tow the truck. I then corrected myself to talk about boat towing. I moved to the western end of the boat, where the bow was. The boat seemed to be a fiberglass-shell motorboat. It reminded me of something from the sixties or seventies, and it seemed very old and forgotten. I thought that it had been left here and buried by time.

12020 January 25

I floated to the south, down the center of the deep gorge and over the shallow water of the creek. The brown rocks of the cliffs to the east and west of me seemed very nice, and i liked the way this gorge looked. The creek was about five to seven meters wide, but it seemed very shallow. I had remembered it being deeper than this previously, but that was in the runoff season. Small rounded stones stuck up from the water to the south of me. The cliffs were almost vertical. Two or three meters of broken rock sloped down slightly from the bottom of the cliffs to the level of the water. I thought that this gorge would have more water in it during the winter. I then noticed the smaller gorge running off to the east. I looked down it as i floated past the opening. The opening was very wide, and the side gorge sloped up to the east, becoming narrower and ending after only fifty or so yards. I could not see a stream in it, but i suspected that one probably flowed when there was more rain. This area seemed very beautiful, and i wanted to take a picture of it. The side gorge had more plants growing among the rocks, and the slope seemed to be of broken brown rocks. I looked back to the south, trying to take in the wide view. I felt very happy seeing this place. It was very beautiful. I looked down the narrow gorge ahead of me, noticing the point where the gorge stopped suddenly. I knew that this was a waterfall. The shallow water was not running that quickly, so there probably was not much water flowing over the falls. I thought that the falls would dump into the lake. I was then driving to the east on the highway. The land sloped uphill slightly to the east, and the area around the highway was covered with cut grass that had dried over the summer. Trees were beyond the grass. A low cement bridge crossed a gorge just ahead of me, and i looked over the northern side of the bridge as i approached it. It had been raining, and i could see the tan muddy water flowing swiftly to the south, just under the bridge. The rushing water seemed dangerous, and i thought that it was probably hitting the bottom of the bridge. I drove over the bridge, and something felt dangerous here. I stopped just on the other side of the bridge, realizing that the amount of flood water was the danger. The gorge i had driven over was the gorge that i had been floating in. I remembered floating in it during the dry season. The gorge was at least twelve to fifteen meters tall, and it had a wide side gorge to the east. If the water was just under the bridge, which was on the southern end of the gorge, then there must be a lot of water filling the gorge. The cliff to the lake was only twenty or so meters to the south of me, beyond the trees. I wondered how that much water could fill the gorge with a waterfall so close. The amount of water was unnatural, and it seemed very dangerous. I was not sure what i should do. I told this to my parents, who were now with me in the room. I told them of the gorge. I then drew a picture of the gorge on white paper, making the sketch wide to show the perspective of the gorge. I pointed out the picture to my father, who was sitting to the south of me. I showed him the main gorge and the side gorge, and i told him that it was filled with water. He seemed surprised.

12020 January 26

I stood in the queue, which ran to the south. The southern end of the queue was not that far from me, and people were getting kites from someone at the end of the queue. I watched a man to the east hand a triangular kite to a young boy and his father. The boy stood in front of the father on the western side of the conversation. All three figures were silhouetted against the pale-yellow sky. The boy held up the bat-wing kite, which seemed very large. I told someone that the kites were really hang gliders. They were too big to be kites. I thought that the people would fly off of the cliffs to the west of us. I turned to the west, stopping at the road, which ran along the western edge of the area. I seemed to be on the road to the west of the Grand Way plaza. The southern face of the buildings seemed to be directly to the east of me, and i was looking across the street at the open playing fields of the junior high school. I was standing on a mound that rose from the building and then descended steeply toward the road. The others had carried their hang gliders to the west from the mound, running along the northern side of the playing field. The mound we were standing on had short scruffy grass and thin yellow stalks of some dried plant. I remembered this place from before. I knew that there were cliffs to the west, where the junior high school was. I remembered sitting on the cliffs a while ago. I was reclined on a rock at the top of the cliff, facing west. Someone was sitting to the north of me, and we watched the sun sparkle off the water below. The place seemed like it was not well known to everyone. I stood on the mound, thinking about this for a moment. I then turned to the north and headed up the hallway. People were doing something on the northern end of the hall. I could see them clustered there. I stopped and said something to someone. I was facing west, and i seemed to be looking at the same scene to the west that i had seen from the mound, but i was in the hallway. A man was to the northwest of me, and i had said something to him. I thought that we would be heading north to do something with the group. I then turned to the south to see $A550. He was standing close to me, and he was saying something to me. He wore a white button-up shirt that fit him loosely. The upper buttons were open, and i could see that the skin on his chest was bubbly or hairy. The texture seemed strange, and i wondered if something was wrong. The other man was now to the southwest of me. I was trying to tell them something, but i felt unsure, and $A550 was asking me to clarify something.

12020 January 27

I focused on the small window in the room to the south of me. I was standing in a hallway of a house. At the southern end of the hall was a doorway that leaded into a small bathroom. Another doorway seemed to be to the east of me, and a third to the southwest. The other two doors were closed, and they seemed to lead to bedrooms. I focused on the window, which was very low in the bathtub. Something seemed wrong with the window. The porcelain in the tub was pale green. I moved toward the window, trying to figure out what was wrong. The small rectangular window had two panes, which slid side to side. I moved the panes of glass, trying to figure out what was wrong with the window. Neither pane seemed broken, so i was not sure what could be the problem with the window. I thought that the dog was barking at the window, so it must have noticed something. I thought that someone must have tired to come into the house through the window. As i slide the western window back to the east, i realized that the eastern window had a second pane of glass on the outside, but the western side did not. The burglar must have broken the second pane of glass on one side of the window in an attempt to get in. I felt concerned as i turned back to the north and stood in the doorway of the bathroom. This house seemed to be $A536’s. I looked up the short narrow corridor, which ran north about five meters before turning to the east. $A507 was then to the northeast of me. She stood in a doorway on the eastern side of the hall. She looked at me curiously. I looked back to the south as i backed out of the bathroom. I took several steps down the hall, and i realized that i could still see the window from the hall. It was not hidden by the shower curtain, which hung on the eastern side of the metal bar that crossed over the northern edge of the tub. I thought that the dog must have seen someone trying to come into the window from the hallway. That was how it knew that someone was trying to break in.

12020 January 28

I was standing on the cement floor in the center of the room, which seemed to be my grandmother’s garage. I was aware of people gathered to the west of me, in the adjoining room. They seemed to be gathered for an event. $A532 was with them. I saw him standing just inside the opening that led to the other room. I thought that the people were here for his wedding. I wanted to go to the wedding as well, but i had to change my clothes first. I moved to the north, to the back of my car, which was now parked within the garage. The hatchback of the car was open and facing me. I hoped that i brought my good clothes with me. On the floor of the trunk was a dark suit set on a hanger. It had a bright green shirt in it. It was lying in the center of the trunk, facing south. A second set was lying just underneath it, facing southwest. It was slightly to the northwest so that i could see it. The jacket was black, but it also had a green shirt with it. The second green shirt was a long-sleeve button-up dress shirt, and it was dark emerald green. I wondered which shirt i should wear. I liked the first one, which seemed to be a short-sleeved button-up shirt. I then noticed the other short-sleeve button-up shirt, which was white with small green shapes covering most of it. I liked the way the pattern looked, but i thought that others might consider it not as nice. I then thought that it was short-sleeve, so it would be cooler to wear, and it would be under my jacket, so no one would know that it was a short-sleeve shirt. I set the three shirts in the trunk. I had to decide which i should wear.

12020 January 31

I had to hurry to get ready. I felt very rushed as i headed to the north, into the shower room, which was on the eastern side of the locker room. The shower room had a tile floor and small shower stalls along the northern and southern walls. I had been doing something with a group of other people, but i had to clean up and get ready for something. I turned to the north and headed into one of the shower stalls in the middle of the northern wall. It seemed to be the second shower stall from the west, and there seemed to be two sinks on the northern wall to the west of the western most shower stall. The place seemed somewhat run down but clean. I had a white $G4 towel with me, and i put it on the small white shelf that was just to the west of the shower that i was entering. Just as i started to enter the shower, though, i noticed a tan towel on the edge of the tub. Someone must have left it there. I thought that it might be someone from my group, so i thought that i could bring it with me and give it back to someone. I then remembered that i had left my plastic case with soap in it in my locker. I felt annoyed, and i walked back to the west, into the locker room. I walked along the northern wall of the locker room, trying to remember where my locker was. The tall gray lockers had mesh doors and ran east to west along the floor. I thought that my locker was in the second or third aisle on the western side of the room. I then noticed a woman in a light-blue uniform. She was cleaning something with water from a bucket on the floor. She leaned over near the northern wall to the west of me. I thought that i should tell her about the tan towel that i had found. I then noticed that she had a blue towel with the same pattern on it. It was hangover the eastern side of a large rolling rack that she had. She must have found it in the locker room. I noticed that the blue towel said Albany near the bottom left edge as it hung over the side of the rack. The rest of the towel was covered with $G4 symbols, so i thought that the towel must be from the Albany chapter of $G4. I told the woman that i knew who had left it here, thinking that there were only a few people visiting from Albany, and only one or two would have come into the locker room. The blue towel had the same repeating pattern of shapes that the tan one had on it. I knew that the tan one was from the Ithaca chapter, though. I told the woman that it was $F57’s and said that i would take it to him. I walked to the south, down an aisle that now ran south between the rows of lockers, which ran east to west. I was looking for my locker. I could not quite remember where it was, but i thought that i would remember when i saw it. I then thought that it was probably not a locker but a basket. I looked at the locks on the lockers as i walked. I then realized that i had left my white towel in the shower where i was going to shower. I hoped that the woman would not take it. I felt nervous about her picking up my things while i was looking for my locker. I then felt confused, not sure where i should go to find my locker. I could not remember where i had put my things when i came in today. I then thought that i did not actually have a locker. I had a bag with clothing in it. I wandered around the room, not sure what to do.