11983 January 03

I was standing in front of $P31, talking to a man. He wanted me to join the group. He took me into his car and drove me around to the back of the school. He drove the car along a foot path. I did not like the fact that he was driving on the foot path. I complained to myself that he was a damn business man who though that he could go wherever he wanted. I came to the high school and i walked into the front office. The room was a kitchen. $A66 was standing in the room in front of the stove. I was then given some papers. I put the papers into the desk at the back of the class room. I then sat there and listened to the teacher talk.

11983 January 15

I was in my house when a car came up the driveway. I was then outside of the house as the fire trucks pulled up. They had come to put out the fire that was in the upstairs of the house. An older person and i went over to our neighbours’ house and stayed in a car. A little while later, the same car pulled into our neighbours’ drive way. It was a blue Rabbit. It drove away, taking the trailer in which we had been staying. We then stood looking at our neighbours’ house. I was then in our house. I was very afraid to look up the back stairs to where it was burnt. The blue Rabbit suddenly came up the driveway. I was afraid and hid behind the door. A man sneaked in. I asked him why he had done all of the things to our houses. He said that it was to protect his cover. He said that he burned the upstairs to kill a witness to a murder. Then he took the trailer to kill the other witness who was inside. I then remembered these people. I tried to think of what i should do next.

11983 January 19

I sneaked into the house where i found a friend of mine from school. We walked into the house for a little while. Suddenly, we heard a noise from downstairs. My friend said that they were coming home and told me to follow him out. I did not go out. I picked up the grey blanket and laid down behind the chair in the room, covering myself with the blanket. A man and a woman walked into the room. They sat down on the chair and started talking. They did not notice me. I then decided that i had better get out of the house. I moaned and walked to the door, where i then laid down and curled up. The man said that i was sleepwalking. He woke me up. He sat me down on a chair and asked me questions. I took some change out of my pocket and then tried to put it back in. The man saw the change and ordered me to give it to him. He attacked me, and i stabbed his hand with a knife.

11983 January 23

I was in a house with an old woman. In the house was a lot of furniture. I left the house and appeared in the street near a tall building. I got on a bike and started riding down the road. Slowly, the bike started to change into a motorcycle, and then into a race car. I was speeding down the road of the city. I then stopped running and walked up the path that led to the old woman’s house. I opened the front door and walked into a hallway. I opened the woman’s door to find nothing there. The woman next door opened her door and yelled at me. A policeman came and arrested me.

11983 January 31

I was standing on a stone in the middle of the ocean, talking to $Z, whom i could not see. We watched a small island float by before we turned and walked inland. We walked into the woods and sat down in two chairs. We then started to talk. It was an important discussion.