12022 January 02

I got back onto the bus as it was heading west on the southern side of the street. I had left my things on the sidewalk on the side of the street, and now i needed to collect them from the bus. I had gotten on the bus on the western end of a block, and i would be getting off in a few blocks. I knew that our apartment was now on the southern side of the street near the end of a block. My mother seemed to be in the apartment. I was now standing on the western end of the northern side of the bus, and the driver was to the southwest of me. I looked up the aisle to the east to see a pile of things on the ground. I told the driver that i had left my things on the other bus. I then realized that this bus was smaller than the bus i had traveled earlier. I had left my things in a relatively orderly pile, but the things were now dumped into a pile with other things that had been left on the bus. I started gathering some of my things, but i noticed that several things were missing. I asked the bus driver about this, but he did not seem to know what was missing. I felt disappointed that i could not find all of my things. I pulled some of the things out of the pile and put them on the side of the street to the south. I was then digging through the pile on the street for my things. I realized that i had gotten off of the bus, and i wondered if the bus would wait for me. The driver did know that i was unloading things from the bus. I looked through the things on the street, and i realized that i could not find my large gray duffel bag. I mentioned this to the men who were setting in the seats on the southern side of the bus, to the southeast of me. They also seemed to be sitting on a bench on the southern side of the street. I felt annoyed that i could not find all of my things, and i headed to the south, into the building. This place seemed like a thrift store. I thought that some of the things had been brought here. A pile of things was just inside the door, and i looked through them. I still did not see my large gray duffel bag. I moved to the south, down the aisle of the narrow store. I thought that some of the other things must have been brought here. A glass counter seemed to be in the center of the western side of the store, and a man was standing behind it. Another man was to the east of him, on the eastern side of the store. I asked them if they had seen a large gray duffel bag. I said that i had left my things on the bus and that i was now trying to collect them. They asked what was in it. I told them that it had my clothes. I felt disappointed and continued to the south, down the store. One of the men said that i should let them know if i needed anything. I reached the back of the store, to the south, and i realized that a set of stairs ascended to the south along the western wall. The old wooden walls of the store seemed dusty. I walked up the stairs, noticing two women putting dull-red covers on a bed, which was against the southern wall. The room on the upper floor had more space in it, but it was filled with furnishings. I thought that my things might be here where the linens were kept. One of the women looked at me, and i told them that i was looking for a large gray duffel bag. One of the women seemed to know what i was talking about. She asked if something was in it. She reached down behind the eastern side of the bed and lifted a heavy dish that had orangish-red designs on it. At first, i thought that it was a dish pattern that my mother had. I remembered the pattern with flours and a woman in a flourished dress pouring water into a curved container. I started to say that it was a plate i know, but i realized that the design was much simpler. The orange on the outside of the plate was more of a gradient, and large roman numbers were near the top of the design. The number seemed to be “VI”, but a second smaller number, like “I” was to the left and higher than it. The numbers were not set at the same level. In the center of the plate was a picture of the top of a tower. The tower had a flat top with fake battlements. I told the woman that it was not the plate that i had thought it was. I said that my mother’s design was more floral. Disappointed, i wandered to the south, down the hallway toward the front of the store. I then noticed some electronic things on the western wall. I moved to one, which was a small black keyboard. I thought that it looked like mine. I knew that some of my things had been picked up by this place, so i thought that this keyboard must have been one of my things. I did not want it back, but it let me know that i did have some things here. I played a chord on the keys, which seemed smaller than the keys of a regular piano. To my surprise, the keyboard was turned on and made a sound. I thought that the batter must still be charged. To the north of the keyboard was an Atari gaming device. It was black with silver trimming and seemed to be one of the more modern computers. It had a large square patch in the center with a round button in the center of the square. The square had four pictures, one in each quadrant. I thought that they were the games that the device could play. I had wanted an Atari gaming console that worked, but i was looking for one of the original consoles. This one was much newer. I continued to the south, toward the front of the store. I was noticing more and more interesting things here, but i could not find the things that i was looking for. A set of stairs descended to the west near the front of the store. I thought that they must lead to the entrance of the lower level of the store. I had not noticed them when i came into the store. I descended the stairs, noticing that the wood on the walls and on the stairs was worn bare. This set of steps seemed rarely used. As i came into the lower level, i looked to the south, down the central aisle of the store. Some men were moving things into the store from someplace to the east. I moved up the aisle to the south a little to see the things that they were carrying. They were coming out of a side corridor that ran to the east in the middle of the store. I did not remember the corridor before. A door opened on the southern side of the corridor, and the men carried what appeared to be music equipment through. They seemed to have amps and speakers. One of the men had light skin and shoulder-length fuzzy hair. I wondered if any of the things that they were carrying in were from my things. I moved a little to the south, beyond the corridor. I then noticed that the hallway that i was in was rather wide. This was not the same store that i had been in before. The southeastern corner of the intersecting halls ran at an angle, and the short wall was a case with a large glass window. Different guitars and string instruments hung in the case. I realized that this was a second part of the thrift store, which was to the west of the original store. This seemed like a very large store, and i wanted to look around. I then became aware that the bus should have been waiting for me. I wondered if the driver had continued on. I then wondered if i had reached the apartment where i was supposed to get off or not. I was not quite sure where i was, and i wondered how i would find the apartment.

12022 January 03

I walked to the east, across the parking lot that was to the southwest of the large building. The building ran along the north and east of the northeastern corner of the lot. People were gathered in the lot for some event, which seemed like a concert or party. It was dark, but the parking lot was well illuminated. I thought that i should be leaving the party soon. I thought about walking back to my car. It was to the north, on another road. I remembered parking it in a lot on the eastern side of a road that ran to the north-northeast. The road seemed to be in a commercial area, and the lot seemed to be to the west of a large store or shopping plaza. It was not that far away, but i knew that it was starting to snow, and it would seem like a distance to walk at this time of night. I remembered walking to the south on the western side of a road as i walked to the large factory where i was now. The road that the shopping plaza was on ended on a road that ran north to south, which is the road that i remembered walking down. Stores and low buildings were on the western side of that road. The north-to-south road then ended on a road that ran east to west. The intersection between the north-northeastern road and the east-to-west road seemed to be only about fifty meters apart. The land around the northern two roads seemed open and mostly flat, but a high forested hill seemed to be to the west of the northern face of the factory. The tall plain building with no windows to the north of me seemed like the main building of the factory. I walked along the southern side of it and into the wide opening in the wing of the building that extended to the south. I would have to tell the others that i was leaving here. It seemed as though i would be telling people that i was leaving my job. I felt a little uncomfortable about this, but i did not care if the people were upset with my decision. I continued into the large open space of the building. I thought about walking to the north on the other road. I imagined talking to my mother, who would be worried about me walking in the snow. I would have to tell her that it was not that far to walk. I had parked relatively close to the event. I then thought about the roads, wondering if it would be easy to see when the snow started to fall. It was dark, and if the snow got heavy, it could be hard to see the oncoming traffic. I imagined walking back along the western side of the road to the north. The snow was very heavy, and i could not see that far in front of me.

12022 January 05

I moved across the area to the southeast. I was outdoors, and the uneven ground was covered with thick green grass. I seemed to be crossing the low rise of a hill, which had a dirt driveway running east to west across it. I looked at the shapes on the ground, which were formed by small blocks. The shapes outlined the foundations of small houses. I knew that the houses were being planned for this area. $Z walked to the northwest of me, and i talked to him about the houses. I thought that they looked like very nice places. As we stepped inside the eastern end of a rectangular outline, i mentioned to $Z how nice i thought the houses would be. $F4 was to the west of me now. I continued speaking to him. I was also aware of two other people to the northwest of us. I moved to the south again. The ground rose to a short hill, and a set of stone steps ran up the northern side of the eastern end of the mound. At the top of the mound, which was about a meter and a half tall, was another outline of a house, formed by small pale blocks that were about the size of large bricks. The stairs led up the slope and into the northern end of the eastern side of the house. The outline had a square indentation in the northeastern corner where the stairs ended. I walked to the west, into the outline. I was very interested in this area, and i felt good talking to $Z about it, but i was cautious of the other two to the northwest. I stood on the eastern end of a kitchen, which would be just inside the house. I looked back at the top of the stairs, thinking that the door to the house would be very close to the top of the stairs. I told $Z that there was no entryway around the door. It seemed strange that the door would be in the kitchen wall with nothing separating the kitchen from the outside. The surfaces in the kitchen seemed pale green, and a wall seemed to be to the east of me. The man and woman to the west were getting closer to us, and i felt uncomfortable about having them near. I thought that we would have to leave. I said something to $Z. We would have to change something about the scene. It was part of the plot, which i seemed to have seen before. I talked about the bird, thinking that we had to do something to it, because something about it was special. I looked at the rectangular card, which seemed like a postcard. It was a modeled scene from this story. The background of the scene was bright reddish-pink and orange and had a starburst gradient from the center of the right side of the image. A man stood on the left side of the image, and a small animal, which seemed like a bird, was on the right. The man wasn’t wearing a shirt, and he turned to face forward, holding his arms out as he flexed in a challenging stance. He was smiling, as though confident, but he seemed to be humored by the situation. I thought that we were transforming something that had a relation to the man in order to hide him. Something changed, and the man and woman who had been near us were now to the east. I felt wary of them, and i said that we had to hide the bird. I felt that the man and woman were coming after me. I drove the car to the west, trying to get away from them. I thought that they were following closely in another car. I looked ahead, down the four-lane street, which sloped down the hill to the west. It seemed like State Street on East Hill. I thought that i had to stop the people from taking something. I drove the car quickly down the road. There was not a lot of traffic, but i knew that Los Angeles had heavy traffic on the roads. I wondered if i would be able to weave in and out of traffic to get away from the man and woman. I thought about speeding, but i thought that it might be dangerous on these roads. I looked over my left shoulder to see if they were approaching in the lane to the left of me. I felt concerned about them. I thought that i should shoot out their tires, but i did not see their car near me. I thought that they must have slowed down a little on the slope. I worried that they were still coming after me, though. The road curved to the north and started more steeply down the hill. The road ended at an intersection just inside the tall buildings of the town. Some cars ahead of me were stopped at a stop light, and i hoped that i could go straight through the light and get out of sight before the others came down the hill and saw where i went. I knew that the road that went straight, through a commercial district, curved to the west. As i reached the intersection, the other cars were starting to move, and i decided that i should turn to the east on the other road. The road was wide enough that i thought it would lead somewhere. A couple of cars had come from the west on the other road and had gone east. I quickly turned the corner and started to the east, but i realized that the road actually not go anywhere. I looked at the large building in front of me, realizing that it was the Capitol building in Washington. It seemed to have steps leading up to the front of it. The wide road i was on ended at the bottom of the steps. Annoyed, i started to turn around. As i faced north, though, i realized that a large stone block was on the northern side of the road, separating the entry lane of the drive from the exit lane. A small circular drive was to the east of the pale-tan block, which had no features and was over three meters tall. I could not see the top, but the small cubical building seemed to be some kind of monument. I turned to the northeast and headed for a small drive that ran between the parts of the driveway, running between the large monument to the west and the circular part of the drive to the east. As i headed toward the opening, i was aware of two people walking from the west. I cut in front of them, and i had to be careful not to hit them. I then thought that they would be upset that someone like me was driving near the Capitol. They seemed to be senators, and i thought that the one on the north was Mitch McConnell. I walked past the monument and turned to the west, starting down the sidewalk on the northern side of the stone structure. The large white duck walked to the south of me. It wore a denim jacket that was connected to the denim leash that i was holding. The duck seemed to be important, and i wanted to keep it safe. A man was on the sidewalk to the west of me. He had a dark case on the ground in front of him, as though he was selling something. I stopped to the north of him and started talking to him. He smiled as he spoke, and he seemed very comfortable with me, as though we knew one another. I was still thinking about how i could hide. The man reached for the duck and took off the duck’s denim jacket. The duck seemed to be wearing blue-jean overalls under the jacket. I realized that the leash was not attached to the duck, though. It was attached to the jacket. I felt worried, and i told the man to stop. I said that the duck might get away, and i told him to hold the duck. If the duck was off the leash, it might run away.

12022 January 08

I moved to the north, into the eastern side of the room. $F10’s family was sitting around the room, and my family seemed to be there as well. My parents were sitting on the northern and southern sides of a round wooden table, which was against the eastern wall. $F10’s parents seemed to be in chairs on the western wall and on the western end of the northern wall. Other people seemed to be in the room. I thought that it was nice that our two families were together, but then i thought that it seemed somewhat strange. I wondered what would bring them together.

I said something to the other person as we walked to the north, along the western side of the area. We had been doing something that seemed related to work. I felt anxious and thought that something had to be done. The other person walked along the western side of me as we rounded the western end of the small booth. The booth had a counter on the northern side and a low wall on the southern side. Four thin poles supported a roof over the rectangular area. $A678 was standing near the booth, facing north and talking to someone on the other side of the counter. The man on the northern side of the counter blocked the direct view of $ZMARSHALL. A man had come from the south, behind us, and he complained to $A678 about work. $A678 turned to the west and said something gruff to the man. He was trying to tell the man that he was working on what he could and that the man should stop asking. I suddenly realized that $A678’s pants were unzipped, and his erect penis was pointing up, along his abdomen. $A678 realized this and quickly turned back to the north to cover himself. I looked to the north, moving my head close to the woman who was with me. I said that we should not have seen that. I continued to the north, thinking about work. I felt that something had to be done, and i felt a little stressed about it. I turned to the northeast and approached a round table where people were sitting. They seemed to be some of the managers from my office. I felt uncomfortable here, and i thought that i should be doing something. I moved to the eastern side of the table as two women, who had been sitting on the southern and southwestern sides of the table, stood up and started to leave. They were heading back to the office, to the northwest. I thought that they should be getting back to work. We had something to do. Something felt uncomfortable here, though. It seemed that something had to be done, but i was not sure what. I felt anxious. I headed to the west, passing to the north of the table where the others had been sitting. I mentioned some of the things that were related to work. One of the women who headed to the west seemed like $A643. Something was not right, and i was not sure what it was.

12022 January 09

The people were sitting in the lawn chairs in the outdoor area. My parents were with me, and i started walking to the south, down the center of the small space. My mother said something to the woman to the west of me, who was sitting in a chair, facing east. My mother was making some comment about a current political decision. The woman stood up and walked to the south. This seemed somewhat strange. We started moving to the south in the truck. My father was driving the pickup truck, and i was sitting in the passenger’s seat. My mother was in the back seat. As we passed a driveway to the west, i saw the woman doing something. The dirt driveway ran into an area that was surrounded by thin trees and bushes. Neither the trees nor the bushes had leafs; it seemed like winter, though there was no snow on the ground. I then heard a metal clanking sound as we continued past. I thought that the woman must be doing something in the yard. As we drove down the road, however, i continued to hear the metal clanking sound. It sounded like someone moving a large metal bin. The land to the west of the road was a field of dry grasses. I could still hear the sound of the metal as we continued, and i wondered what it was. I turned around to look behind us. The woman was running behind us, pushing a wheelbarrow in front of her. The old beat-up wheelbarrow seemed to have been red, but most of the paint had chipped off of the tarnished metal sides. I thought that she must have been angered by what my mother said, and she was chasing after us. I then wondered how she could keep up with us. She was about twenty-five yards behind us and seemed to be maintaining the distance. This did not make sense, and i mentioned this to my parents. I looked ahead. My father was following another car on the road, and a speed-limit sign passed on the west. I said that we must be traveling only thirty-five miles per hour, thinking that we were in a speed zone. This still did not make sense. The woman should not have been able to run even that fast. I looked behind us as we passed over the low rolling rises in the road. I could still see the woman running after us, pushing the wheelbarrow ahead of her. She seemed farther from us now, but she was still keeping within sight. I wondered if she would be able to follow us all the way to the end of the road. We seemed to be on North Road. We then went down a slight slope as we approached the bridge. I looked behind us, but i could not see far enough over the rise of the slope to see if the woman was still following us. I turned back to the south, looking down at the pavement in front of us. The pavement started to slope upward steeply. I knew that this was the beginning of the bridge. My father had stopped just before the slope, but we then drove up. I wanted to look back to see if the woman was still coming, but my vision seemed obscured. I could not really see the bridge that we were on, but i knew that it was a suspension bridge with a high arching deck. I thought that we would be able to see the woman as we drove over the deck of the bridge, but i could not look back at the time. We drove down the southern slope of the domed deck and stopped at the end. We then turned to the west and drove about fifty meters before turning to the north into a small parking area.

The others continued to talk in the small living room of the cottage, and i mentioned something to them as i left the room and headed to the north. We had to leave, but i had to do something first. Another person walked with me. I stopped to do something in the small room to the north. The room was rectangular, with bare wooden walls. It seemed like a storage room. The other person turned to the east and walked along the southern wall of the room, leaving through the doorway in the eastern wall. I moved some of the things in the room around. I felt that we had to leave soon, but i had to get something from this place. I put something down in the center of the room and then turned to the southeast. Several thin poles, like fishing rods, seemed to be against the southern wall. I put one of the poles in its place. I thought about the older man who was in the main room. He stood on the western side of the group there, and he seemed to be in charge of the family. We were going to say goodbye as we left him. I felt hurried to get things together so we could go.

I said something to my mother as we moved to the north, into the center of my grandmother’s kitchen. We had to clean up things so that we could leave. My mother replied to me and headed to the south, leaving out the side door of the house. I turned to the east and started cleaning up some of the things in the sink. I was aware of the older woman to the north of us. She moved from the east and sat down on the low shelf along the northern wall of the dining room. She sat in the doorway of the back door. She was one of my relatives. I moved to the sink and moved some of the items in it around. A dish tray seemed to be tipped up in the right-hand sink, and several things were in the left-hand sink. I grabbed the box that i had used earlier, and i filled it up with water. The box seemed to be a blue box that had held dishwasher detergent. The top was cut off. I had rinsed out the soap from the box before and was now filling the box with water. I started drinking from the short edge of the box, realizing that the woman to the north could see me. I would have to tell her that i had cleaned the chemicals out from the box. I then thought that dish detergent would be easily rinsed out of the box. I thought that it would leave residue on dishes, so the small residue left in the box probably would not harm me. It seemed strange, though. I thought that the woman to the north might be concerned if she knew that the box was for dish detergent. I put the box back into the sink and flattened it. I could take it out to the recycle bin so that she would not be able to see what was originally in it. The box was mostly a murky blue, with a lighter blue half crescent extending from one edge. I piled several of the other recyclable items from the sink in my hands. I would have to take them out to the garage. I felt a little rushed, thinking that i had to leave with my mother to the south. I put the items back into the sink and then picked them up again, trying to arrange them better. I carried them to the north, thinking that i would take them out to the garage. The woman was lying down in the doorway now. As i approached, she sat up. She was $K23. She wore a simple dull-yellow dress that had large purple or blue flowers on it. I said something to her as i passed to the west of her and headed out the door. Once outside, i turned to the northeast and entered the opening in the garage. The southern side of the garage was open, and i could see the wood beams that held it up. A set of stairs seemed to ascend to the north, on the western side of the opening. I put some of the things on the ground, but i looked at the black electric guitar as i held it out. I thought that i should leave it under the stairs so that i had it when i came back to my grandmother’s house.

12022 January 12

I moved to the south, down the road. I seemed to be on Warren Road, approaching the top of the steep hill. I stopped for a moment near the top of the hill as a woman appeared from the south of me. The road now seemed like a narrow path, and we seemed to be in a forested area. The sun was bright on the autumn-colored leafs. The woman talked to me for a moment and then continued on to the north. I continued riding my bicycle to the south, starting down the steep hill. The land to the south of me seemed like a narrow creek valley with steep sides. I thought that i would have to cross the valley to get to the top of the southern hill, but something seemed to be obstructing me. I knew that there was a bridge that crossed the valley. It seemed to run mostly east to west, and it seemed to be to the south and above me. I thought that something was blocking the bridge, like an accident or traffic stop. I imagined a crowd gathered at the bridge, trying to cross. I wondered if i could head up one of the other roads on the southern side of the valley, to the southwest of me, and get to the bridge on the other side of the blockage. I turned to the southwest, following a narrow paved road diagonally across the slope. The road descended only a little, and it seemed more open than the road i had been on. I was aware of another road that ran east to west, just to the south of me. I could see part of it through the trees and just over a rise on the leaf-covered ground. I was trying to get to the west side of the bridge so that i could see if i could make it around the blockade. A man was then riding a bicycle to the east on the road. He was yelling a warning about something, but i could not quite hear him. I wondered if it had something to do with the emergency that was blocking the bridge. He stopped to the south of me as i reached the intersection where the road that i was on met the main road. Another narrow road seemed to run diagonally up the hill to the northwest. I asked the man what he had said, said that they were looking for the person who shot someone. He continued with a description, but i could not quite hear. I remembered the woman i had passed just before i started down the hill, and i hoped that it was not she. I yelled back, asking for the description. I stopped at the intersection. The man was now to the southeast of me, and he yelled back to me, saying that they were looking for the woman with the wide smile. I thought again about the woman i had talked to, but the description was not really that descriptive. He could be referring to anyone. I headed to the south, now in a building on flat ground. I was not sure where i would go to get around the blockade. I still had to get to the south. The corridor i was on ran east to west, so i headed to the west, down the hall. The corridor ended in a small entryway. I pushed open the door to enter the entryway, but i found that the entryway was filled with people. They were standing around the walls of the small square room. I felt hesitant, wondering if these people were being held hostage here. A man stood in the center of the room. He had something in his right hand, and i wondered if it was a gun. I pretended that i did not know what was going on. I pushed by bicycle to the west, through the room. The large windows that were on the western wall and western ends of the southern and northern walls were covered with metal shutters. Only a little light came into the room, making everything in the room seem brown. I hoped that the man did not shoot me as i pushed my way through. I pretended that i did not know that there was a hostage situation, and i said something to the others. They replied back. As i reached the metal door in the western wall, i pushed on the handle, but the door was locked. Someone in the room said that the building was on lockdown because of the shooter. I felt annoyed, and i headed back down he hall to the east. I wondered how i would get out of the building. I turned to the south and headed into another corridor, which seemed like a long room. I had been pushing the bicycle, but i had left it in the corridor to the north while i checked out the rest of the building. The part of the building to the north seemed like an old school building, but this place was much more modern. I had entered the western end of the room, and the room ran about twenty or thirty meters to the east. It had bright-yellow walls with thin dark beams running up the southern wall, across the ceiling, and down to the northern wall, making the room look segmented. The white also seemed like glass. The room was filled with students, which surprised me. They did not seem to know about the hostage situation. Small square tables were around the room, and several were along the southern wall. This place seemed like a cafeteria or study area. The students were gathered here and there and seemed to be happily talking to one another. The northern wall seemed to be glass, and it let in light from outside. I wondered why this area was not locked down. I walked into the room a little and turned to the south, where a glass door led outside. I pushed the door and found that it was unlocked. I felt frustrated. I could have simply left this way. I did not have my bicycle with me, though, so i would have to go back to the northern side of the building for it. I wondered if the gunman was still in the building. I was standing to the north of an old brick building now. My bicycle was to the west of me. I had to head back through the small square window in the wall to the east of me. A small square section extended to the north from the building. It was about three meters by three meters. The window was in the western face of it. The window was about a meter and a half off of the ground, and i tried to lift by bicycle and put it through the opening. The tires of the bicycle did not seem to fit through the opening. I thought i had brought the bicycle through the opening before, though. I was aware of some people to the north of me. I tried to push the bicycle through the window, but i could not get it to fit. I was sure that i had done it before, but i felt confused and frustrated.

12022 January 15

I walked with the others to the south, along the eastern side of the large room, which seemed like a theater. I seemed to be good friends with some of the people i was with, and i chatted with them as we sat down in a row of seats, which seemed to be at the front of the theater. The seats of the theater were in curved rows, and they all faced south. My friends and i sat on the eastern end of the front row. I started to sit down in the easternmost chair, and a man started to sit a little to the west of me. I wondered if i should sit closer to $F71, but i decided that it would be okay for me to sit here near the other man. I moved the chairs forward a little so that i could sit facing more to the west to talk with my friends. The man sat in the seat near me, and i was talking to him. I felt very interested in him. He seemed like $A826. I was aware that $F71 had sat down a little to the west with some other people. He was talking with interest to the person to the west of him. I felt a little awkward being attracted to the man near me. The man mentioned something, and i looked to the north. An empty chair was to the east of the man. I was not actually sitting next to him. I thought that someone else would be there, which made me feel a little more comfortable. I then noticed the small collection of brightly colored rounded objects to the north of me. I picked them up, showing them to the man and stating that i wondered what they could be. The objects seemed to be hollow rubber objects of various bulbous shapes. They seemed hollow and to be made of soft rubber, like dog toys. Most of them seemed pale red, but some were pale blue with white patches. Some seemed to have conical points, like three-dimensional star shapes. I suggested that they might be for juggling. The man and i spoke about the objects for a moment. They seemed to be attached to a central chair or ring, which kept them clustered in a somewhat spherical bunch. We joked about what they could be used for. I then glanced to the east as something attracted my attention. Most of the theater seemed white, and the cement floor was open to the east of us, leading to a wide corridor. A group of people was heading toward us from the corridor. They spoke to one another as they walked, and they wore dark clothing. I thought that they might be the performers. I suddenly hoped that we were not in their way. I thought that i would have to move my chair back into the row to the north of me. The others with me then started talking to me. I was standing as they moved around me. $F16 moved to the west of me, and he mentioned that he had walked the rest of the distance. He had been talking about having to get to someplace, but he did not have a ride. It seemed like a long distance to where he had to go, and i asked him where he was talking about it. He said that he walked the rest of the way to Greene. That seemed like a long distance away, and i was surprised that he had walked that far. I thought that someone should have driven him. Someone else mentioned Greene as a place. Another person then mentioned that they were thinking of creating a bus route, which would go to Cortland and then to Greene. I thought that Cortland would be the station hub for the bus company. This seemed to make sense, but i could not quite remember where Greene was. I told the other person that Cortland seemed mostly on the way to Greene, thinking that Greene was one of the exits off of the highway, but i was still not quite sure. I tried to picture where it was. I then remembered that it was not near Cortland, so it did not really make sense for a train to go from here to Cortland and then to Greene. I looked to the east as i sat down in a seat on the southern side of the vehicle, which started moving to the east. I held up the white electric guitar, which was in my left hand, as i sat down so that i did not hit the ground with it. I thought that i should be careful with the guitar. I thought that we were on a train that was heading to Cortland. We were heading to the hub station. I was still trying to think about where Greene was in relation to Cortland. Something seemed strange, though. I realized that there were no longer any train tracks running from here to Cortland. I looked to the east again, noticing that the vehicle was pulling onto a paved road from a wide paved area on the southern side of the road. We really were in a bus and not a train. The bus followed the road to the east, through the forested area, and the road quickly turned to the north. I said something to the others with me. A table was to the northwest of us as we stood near the southern side of the small room, which seemed to be outdoors. This seemed to be a tourist area, and the people behind the table seemed to be selling souvenirs. A man and a woman seemed to be standing behind the table. I talked with some of the others. We then walked toward the table. We had been staying in a place in this foreign country, and it seemed that we were getting ready to leave. I was not interested in getting any souvenirs, though. The others walked to the southern side of the table and looked at the things. A man was standing to the west of me as i stood to the south of the table. I felt very interested in him, and i chatted with him about this place. It seemed that our trip was almost over, and we would be leaving this place soon. I looked at some of the small items on the table. I did not feel interested in any of them. The women to the east of me started talking about the decorative masks on the table, and one of the women held a small mask over my face. she said that i should wear it for the goodbye celebration. The mask seemed to be made of cheap wood, and it was painted dull dark green. I wondered if i should wear the mask. It seemed to be about a deci wide, barely coming out to the edges of my eyes. It was shaped like an isosceles trapezoid with rounded corners at the top, with egg-shaped eye holes and a narrow slot for the mouth. I could not see the front of the mask, but i knew that it had vertical striations on the cheeks. I wondered if i could use a simple mask of thin plywood. I could make it cheaply and not have to buy one of the masks from this place. I thought about this as i turned to the south. I had a mask in my right hand, and i said something to the others as i walked down the western wall of the living room of the house. This is the place where we had been staying. The woman from the northern side of the table was still to the north of me, and i said something to her as i moved a black object from the western wall, exposing an area in the wall. Something that seemed like a fireplace extended into the room from the western wall, and it had wooden walls on the north. It extended about three-quarters of a meter into the room. The black object, which seemed like a tall suitcase, was leaning against the northern wall of the inset section of western wall. The lower part of the wall was open to an unfinished cubbyhole. I noticed four small rectangular bags on the ground. They seemed metallic in color, and i knew that they were presents that my mother had purchased for people. We had not yet opened them. I tossed the thing that i had in my right hand into the compartment, thinking that we would open the narrow bags, which were lying on their sides with the closed opening to the south, on New Year’s Day. I mentioned something to the woman about the holiday as i continued to the south. I stopped in the middle of the room, wondering if i should get a gift for the woman whose house we had been staying in. I then thought that my mother had probably bought a gift for me, but i knew that she did not. I wondered if i should get something myself for her. I did not really like buying gifts. I paced to the north, wondering what i should do.

12022 January 16

I talked to some of the people as i made my way through the crowd, heading to the north. I felt out of place here, and i thought that i had to get somewhere else. I was leaving this event. Large buildings, which seemed to be four or five stories tall, seemed to be apartment buildings. A body of water was to the north of the apartments, and i walked across the paved lot, which sloped down to the water. Some people were walking with me. I started walking through the water. It did not seem that deep. I knew that i would be stuck in the mud, though, if i stayed in the water. I was then on the northern shore of the water. I turned around, thinking that i had to go back to the south. The two men with me were still crossing the water. The water seemed to be a murky river, with slow silty water. Some old wooden docks extended into the water from the northern shore to the west of me. Several boats were on the docks. The water to the south of me was clear. I felt concerned. I would have to get back across the water, but i did not want to walk back through it. I thought that i would not be able to make it back across. I asked one of the men still crossing to help me. The man directly to the south of me seemed hostile, though. He cursed at me and stuck up his middle finger. I felt disappointed and hurt. He would not take be back across the water. I was now stuck on the northern shore. I thought that i would have to find my own way back, and it seemed like a long distance. I then decided that i would wait here, thinking that someone might eventually come for me. I doubted that anyone would come, though, and i thought that i would be standing here for a very long time before anyone noticed i was missing. I was at the edge of a field of low-cut dry grass. The ground near the water was dirt. I was aware of trees growing along the shore, between the water and the field, to the north of me. An old dirt road seemed to run to the north along the shore, but i could not see it. I felt upset, not sure what to do. The man to the south of me was paddling to the northwest, floating on a large sheet of plastic. Another man was floating to the northeast on a smaller square of clear plastic sheeting. The sheeting curled under him, forming a simple boat, and he was reclined on it. I turned my attention back to the first man, who had stood up on the water and fallen into the white boat on the dock nearest me. He seemed very drunk. I decided that i would take his sheet and float back to the south. I did not care if he minded.

I stood in the eastern side of the bar, watching myself move into the pub from the south. I was to the south of me, and i stopped and looked around at the people in the pub. The walls of the pub were dull black, and booths and seats were along the eastern wall. A group of tables was on a raised platform to the south, in front of the front windows of the building. The bar was to the west of me, and it seemed to extend from the northern wall and fill up the center of the room. I felt alone here, and i was not sure what to do. I thought that i should head home, and i started walking to the south. I stopped in front of the others, unsure what to do. I walked around to the western side of the bar, walking north toward a back entrance. $F71 was then on the eastern side of the bar. I had been with him, and he had asked about getting drinks. He called to me, asking about the drinks. I felt frustrated, but i spoke back to him. We had ordered two growlers of beer to take with us, but $F71 seemed confused with the order. I walked back to the eastern side of the bar. The male bartender was standing in front of a tap on the northern wall. He was starting to fill up a tall narrow bottle, but he hesitated, staring at us. I told him that we wanted two bottles of beer, but $F71 said that we wanted pints. The bartender seemed annoyed with us. I felt frustrated, and i slowly asked $F71 if he wanted a pint of beer. He said yes, so i told the bartender that we wanted one pint and one bottle. I did not want to stay here and drink. I looked at the vessels that the bartender had under the tap. The tap had a metal tray under it, and an empty pint glass was on the tray. the bartender had started to fill up a pint glass, so he must have dumped it out when $F71 was indecisive. I walked back to the western side of the bar. I would take my bottle of beer and leave to the north. As i waited on the western side of the bar, though, it seemed that some time had passed. I realized that neither $F71 nor i had paid for the beer. I thought that i should pay the bartender before he got annoyed with us. I then wondered why he would let me leave without paying. I still did not have my bottle of beer, and i realized that the bartender did not say anything about it in a while. I wondered what had happened. I looked at the tall brown bottle under the tap near the northern wall. It was still there. I wondered if the bartender had simply not filled it all the way yet. I felt upset. I then noticed that a female bartender came to the tap and filled the bottle the rest of the way up. She then took the bottle and walked to the south. I thought that i would have to pay her for it, but i realized that she had taken it for someone else. I did not see the male bartender anymore, and i thought that he must have left. Maybe the female bartender was not aware that i had ordered a bottle. I felt annoyed. I walked to the southern end of the bar, where the female bartender had stopped. She wore a white button-up shirt. The southwestern corer of the bar was separated from the central area of the bar by a wall that extended from the western side of the bar. The wall seemed to have thick rotor-carved wooden spindles running to the ceiling, and a shelf to the south of the poles had glass bottles of alcohol. I glanced at the new bottle that someone had put under the tap to the north. It had something written on the front of it, which looked like “BARDOU”. It was the name of the drink that i had ordered, which seemed to be a type beer with something mixed in. I realized that this was a popular drink and not just something that i had ordered. I told the woman that i had ordered a bardou. She glanced at me as if annoyed. Another waiter did something to the east of her. I felt upset with the situation.

I walked to the north, passing along the western side of the large apartment building. The buildings seemed three or four stories tall, and they were boxy and dark tan. A parking lot sloped downhill to the north and ran along the western side of the building. The lot filled the space to the north of the building as well, and large trees grew on the medians between the parking lanes. I felt upset here. I had left the event that was happening to the south, and i had to get away from something. Someone was talking to me about the others, whom i felt were a threat. The person described them with different colored hair. As i looked to the southeast, he said that some they had red hair and then blue hair, and they changed color from there. I felt nervous about the people here, and i saw that some of them were sticking their heads up over the cars that were parked in the lot. A large green dumpster was at the western end of the median, to the southwest of me. Several humanoid creatures stood up from behind it. I felt nervous about them, and i thought that i had to get away. As the man described the creatures with red hair, i knew that he was talking about one extraterrestrial with red hair and a second with blue hair. The other would then have successive colors as they went along. I pictured one of the dark-gray creatures to the southeast of me as pale with a red mohawk. These seemed to be the two creatures that the man was talking about, and i remembered them from an old movie. I then realized that that movie was not the one that i was watching. The extraterrestrials that i was picturing should not be in this scene. I moved a little to the west as the creatures formed a line to the south of me. There were many of them, and i felt that we were out numbered. The main character was standing just to the southwest of me. He seemed to be Deadpool. He tried to joke with the creatures as they approached, to diffuse the situation. His comrades had left him alone. He joked with the lead creature, and moved forward, hugging it around the abdomen. The furry creature was much taller than a human. Their legs and arms were skinny, with joints at proportions that seemed more like an insect. The leader did not seem amused by Deadpool, and he pushed him roughly back to he northwest. I felt nervous. I looked to the west as Deadpool stood alone at the southern end of the large open field of low-cut dry grass. I felt annoyed with this situation, and i walked to the north, reentering the mansion. I felt annoyed with these people, and i wanted to leave. I had to pack my things to head home. I spoke to some of the people as i passed them in the entryway. The small entryway was on the northern side of the building, and it led into a narrow room, which seemed like a sitting room. The others were in the small room. I passed through the room and opened an old wooden door in the southern wall, walking into an entryway to the south. Two or three stone steps led down into the second entryway, and i stopped just in the room. I turned to look at the man to the north of me as someone described him. He smiled warmly at me. He was tall and thin, with a rectangular face and curly red hair that was shaved on the sides. He wore a brown suit jacket with a matching pair of pants. The clothes seemed like a tweed material, and the style of the jacket seemed English. A young girl stood to the east of him, and a young boy to the west. The man was the main character from a television show. He seemed to be a professor, and he seemed to solve problematic situations. I thought that the makers of this show were trying to create a character like Doctor Who. I did not want to be a part of the television show. I turned to the south. A corridor ran between two stone walls, heading into the other part of the house. Before i headed to the east, i stopped to look out the large window in the heavy wooden door to the south. Men had been working on the patio outside, and the large square paving stone that was in front of the door had been ripped up. A square wooden frame was now around the area where the step used to be, and dirt filled the area inside the frame. I looked down at the dirt, noticing some small foot prints and several large paw prints. I knew that the paw prints were from a large dog. I stared at one of the prints below me and then at a more perfectly distinct print in the center of the southern side of the area. The print seemed clean, and i noticed how the nails of the dog seemed to have square edges where they went into the packed dirt. The edges of the paw print were very sharp and well defined. I turned to the east and walked down the short corridor, which was only about five meters long. I would have to shower and pack before i could leave. I thought that the shower was in a room to the north, so i would have to come back through with my towel and clothes. I then noticed clumps of dry dirt on the ground under me. I felt annoyed, thinking that i would be stepping on them with my bare feet after i showered. I would have to clean off my feet. I kicked aside one of the clumps, thinking that i did not care anymore. I passed through the doorway at the end and turned to the south. It was getting late, and i realized that i would not make it home until after dark. I felt frustrated that i had stayed so long. The hall that ran north to south was very short, and it ended only about five meters to the south of the doorway i had entered through. I passed through a doorway at the end of the hall and came into my room. I realized that my mother might not know that i was running late. I still had to shower and pack my things. I thought that i would have to text her when i left this place. I was annoyed that i was running so late. I reached into the left pocket, but i was having trouble getting my hand into the pocket. I felt frustrated, and i tried to force my hand into the pocket. I could not feel my cell phone, and i become upset again.

12022 January 17

I looked to the west, down the center of the highway. Someone mentioned how low we had been flying. I remembered something happening while we were in the air, and the airplane seemed to have stalled. We were now flying very low to the ground, just over the highway. This seemed strange, and i wondered why the airplane did not fly back up into the air. I then realized that there were power lines running over the highway. The airplane would have to wait until it was out from under the lines. I watched the thin black lines pass over us for a moment. I then saw a clear spot ahead. The airplane started to accelerate. I then saw more power lines ahead. I felt frustrated. The airplane slowed a little again. We seemed to be approaching a bridge. I thought that the lines might be clear once we passed under the bridge. I then wondered about the other cars on the highway. I wondered how we were able to keep the wings over the highway. It seemed that they should be much wider than the road. A hill rose to the northwest of us, and it had tall trees on top. I thought that we would not be able to head up into the air soon because it would be too dangerous. The airplane then started to accelerate again. It tipped to the north. I thought that we would be heading for the trees, and i worried that we would not be able to pull up fast enough to miss them. The airplane kept turning, though, and it started flying along the eastern face of the hill, which was open ground that was covered with snow. We seemed to be getting very close to the ground, and i felt tense. The airplane tipped onto its side as it started turning back to east. I hoped that we would be able to get up into the air soon, but the airplane turned until it was upside down. I sat on the right side of the cabin, looking out the window in front of us. I worried that we would crash, and i told the others that i was worried. The airplane did not hit the ground, though. I wondered how it was able to stay aloft when it was upside down. The window in front of me became blue, and i realized that we must be climbing into the air. I thought that we were heading almost straight up. We climbed for a little while, and i realized that the engines might stall if we continued to climb too quickly. I then heard the engines slowing down and becoming silent. I thought that the pilot could simply restart them as he had before. I wondered if we were high enough off the ground this time, though. I heard the engines restarting. The scene was obscured, then, and i started walking to the east down the corridor. I felt uncomfortable with something, and i didn’t want to be here. I stopped in the middle of the corridor. The corridor was now open on the northern side, and another gray cement corridor ran to the north from the northwest of me. I spoke to some people, but i felt agitated. I headed to the north, crossing the small parking lot between the corridor i was in and the one on the eastern face of the large building, which ran to the north. The building seemed to be an airport, and the corridor along it seemed to have a glass eastern wall. I felt upset as i walked to the north, up the corridor.

I headed to the south, into the small apartment in the urban area. We seemed to be on the southern side of the city. I moved around in the small room of the apartment, doing something as i faced south. My mother was to the northeast of me, and i mentioned something to her. I looked up to the south as i head an airplane overhead. It sounded like a propeller airplane, and it seemed very noisy. I thought that it was circling in low as it headed to the airport, which seemed to be to the north of us. I looked around in the sky as i listened to my mother talking, but i could not see the airplane. I then spotted it low to the south of us. It had curved from the west and was now heading north. It would pass to the east of us, but it went behind the large building to the east of me, and i could not see it anymore. I bent down to do something to the south of me, still hearing the airplane as it passed to the north of us. We then heard a loud crashing noise and the ground vibrated. I looked over my left shoulder at my mother, who was to the northeast of me. I said that the airplane must have crashed. I rushed out the door of the house and looked to the north. I could see smoke to the northeast of us, not that far away. The city around us was filled with low buildings, and a two story building, which seemed to be surfaced with brick and painted white, was to the north of us. White smoke was rising near the northeastern side of the building. I had thought that the airplane would have crashed farther away, but it seemed rather close. I felt anxious as i looked for any sign of what had been damaged on the ground. i then noticed the yard to the east of the white building. A tall wooden fence surrounded the yard, and smoke was billowing out from the yard. Something near the fence was a solid patch of bright blue; it seemed like either the fence or the building. I looked at this as i called to the others, telling them that the crash was not that far away. It seemed that there was a small block just to the north of us. The lot across the street was empty, and the block seemed to be only about twenty-five meters deep. The white building and the houses were on the next block to the north, at the eastern end of the block, which seemed to be about fifty meters away. I heard sirens approaching from the north, and i thought that they were traveling down the street that ran along the eastern edges of the blocks. I was glad that i did not have to call them, because i had been distracted by the disaster. I talked to the other person to the east of me, now back inside. I was trying to explain where the airplane had crashed. The person held a map to the north of him, on the table to the north of him. I looked at the map, which was mostly pink. It had thin dark-pink lines marking the streets. I looked at the lines, trying to find out where the blocks would be. At first, it seemed that the map did not have enough detail. A heavy line ran to the north from the center of the city, ending at the south on a heavy line that ran east to west. The lower line ran to the west, where it met a curving line. The curving line started higher up the vertical line, ran west, turned to the southwest, and then turned to the south, running down to the bottom of the map. Several other streets crossed inside the thick lines, which i thought were highways. I tried to figure out which highways these were. I did not remember any highways like this near where we were. I decided that i was looking at the wrong part of the city. I would need to look at the southwestern section of the map. As i looked down, i realized that the streets depicted were only of the center of the city, which was to the north of us. I rotated the map a little, but i decided that the map did not show a wide enough area for us to see where we were. I turned the map, rotating but thinking that i had turned it over. The land was now green, and the roads were white lines. The same cluster of lines was near the top center of the map, but a long tangle of lines ran down the left edge of the map. The section of the map that we wanted was now hanging over the near edge of the table. I was standing to the southwest of the map and the man was standing to the south of it. I pointed out the cluster of lines bent down over the edge of the table, saying that this was the part of the city that we wanted. I pushed the map up so that the lower left corner was on the table. I then looked at the lines, trying to recognize something from our area.

12022 January 18

I sat down in a lawn chain on the southern side of the group. A road or path ran north to south, just to the east of us. The others sat in chairs to the north of me, facing west. My mother seemed to be in a chair that was near the edge of the road. Another woman was sitting in a chair closer to me, but it was farther from the road. the woman near me seemed to have a fake-straw sun hat with a wide rim. My mother was walking to the other woman about the other man. I felt uncomfortable about something. The other man moved from the west and sat down in a chair to the south of my mother. He was visiting us here, and he seemed a little uncomfortable. He was $A618, and he sat in the chair, leaning forward as though hesitant. The woman near him said that he could live with her and her girlfriend. It seemed strange that she would invite $A618 to stay in our house. Something about this conversation seemed out of place, and i was not comfortable with it. I started talking to the man, asking him where he lived now. Someone implied that he lived here, in town. I had not known that he had moved back to he area, and i asked him where he lived. He said that he lived on “9w”. I thought that he was referring to route number, and i pictured where that was. I realized that the road was in Albany, and not here. I felt confused, and i asked him if he actually lived here or if he lived in Albany. He listed street names, and i thought that he was telling me places around where he lived. I recognized many of the street names, and i knew that they were on the hill to the west of town. I said “So you live downtown.” I then thought that it seemed odd to refer to the place as downtown when it was on a hill on the eastern side of the main part of the city. I pictured the roads on the eastern hill. The hill was rounded, and houses covered all of the slope that i could see. Tall trees stuck up between the houses, making the slope look less regular. We were moving on one of the streets on the southern side of the slope. The slope also seemed to curve down to the south. We had traveled east, up the hill on the road that ran up the southern face of the hill. We then turned to the north. This place seemed very familiar, like the hill between Collegetown and Ithaca. I spoke with the others about houses. One of them seemed to be $F4. The long narrow road ran uphill to the north now, and the area seemed more near the outside of the town. Houses were on both sides of the road, but they were space farther apart, with more trees and bushes between them. We were looking for houses on this road. I could see a large moving van at the northern end of the street. Someone was moving in to the large brown house that was just to the northeast of the end of the road. I remembered the house from before. It had seemed like a very nice house, but i knew that it had been sold. I told the others about it, though, even though we could not see it. The yellow moving truck was blocking it. As we reached the end of the road, i described it as a very nice house, and i said that i knew someone who had bought the house. We could then see the house, but something seemed wrong. I realized that i could see the foundation of the house and only parts of the outside walls. The stone foundation stood about a meter above the ground, and the dark-brown walls had rough uneven edges. The eastern and western walls were still standing, with a roughly peaked roof, and to walls seemed to separate rooms in the center of the house. The interior walls were made of thick wood, as if cut from a single massive plank. The top of the eastern wall had vertical carvings on the top that were painted pale blue. They seemed Celtic or Scandinavian. Someone in the car with me mentioned that the house had burned down. I realized that the person was right. Only the thick dividing walls still stood. I remembered being in a large open room on the western side of the house a while ago. It was open to the peaked roof, but a second floor ran along the northern side of the room, forming a balcony. Something about the room seemed very familiar. I then remembered that the house had burned down just before the others were to move in. I was glad that the people did not lose anything in the fire, but it seemed disappointing that the house had burned. The walls with the painted carvings at the top seemed very interesting to me. I then turned to the west and we continued driving down the road. The houses to the north had wide grassy lawns, and this read seemed to be the northernmost road in the development. It also seemed to run along the top of the northern hill.

12022 January 22

I was in the rectangular room on the southern side of the house. Other people were in the room with me, and we were talking about something. Another room was to the southeast of where we were. The two rooms seemed to be about the same size, but the one to the southeast was shifted so that it as not directly to the south of the room that we were in. I moved to the room to the southeast as i spoke to some of the others. We had to do something, and it seemed as though we had to leave to the northwest. I thought that we had to get things together for something. I was then back in the room to the northwest. Others were still to the southeast of me, though. The doorway to the room to the southeast was in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room that i was in. A service window was in the wall to the west of the doorway. The window had a stainless-steel counter and a shelf near the top of the window. I was joking with some of the people, and i jumped up and lay on the counter, with my head to the west. I was reclined on my right side, with my right hand propping up my head. I was pretending to pose like a fashion model. The people to the southeast laughed at the joke.

12022 January 23

I moved to the southeastern part of the room, which seemed like a gravel parking lot. The others had been doing something to the southeast of me, but we needed to get things together to head to the northwest. My car was parked along the southern side of the area, facing west. It was a small white hatchback. I opened the trunk and tried putting more things into the car. Several instrument cases were already in the car, and i thought that i needed to pack them better. I took a guitar case out of the rear passenger’s door on the northern side of the car. I brought the hard black case to the back of the car, where i tried to fit it into the trunk. It seemed that i was missing many things, and i felt annoyed that i did not have them in the trunk. A large black guitar case, which looked like a case for an acoustic guitar, was near the back of the truck, behind the rear seats of the car. I put the case i had been carrying on top of it. I then remembered that i would need to put some things from the other people in my car. I would be driving them back to someplace. I felt a little frustrated, thinking that i had too many things packed in the car and that i didn’t have enough space to put more. I wondered how i had fit all of the instruments into the car before.

I stepped into the corridor from the south. I seemed to come from a corridor to the west, which merged with the east-to-west corridor. A wall separated the two corridors on the western end. I had to go into the bathroom, but i thought that i would be interrupting the people who were waiting in the queue for the doctor’s office. I reached the end of the separation wall of the corridor and turned to the north. The doorway to the doctor’s office was to the northwest of me. The office seemed to be dark. I started toward it, passing four or five people in the queue. I wondered if they would be annoyed that i would be passing them. I would have to explain that i was just using the bathroom. I then stopped, realizing that the bathroom was to the east. I started walking back along the southern side of the queue. I would have to cut through the queue to get to the bathroom, which was through a doorway in the northern wall. I realized that one of the people in the queue was $A518. I said hello to her as i cut in front of her to head to the bathroom. Another person i recognized was farther to the east in the queue. I stood in the doorway of the bathroom, and i said hello to the man. I felt very interested in him, and i wanted to talk to him more. I could not see him, but i knew who he was.

12022 January 25

I woke up, and it seemed to be much later than it had been. It was still daylight out, but the light was dim and gray. I was in a tent, and i unzipped the flap to the north of me and leaned out. Small insects started buzzing around my face. I brushed them off, thinking that it was strange that there were so many insects near me. I leaded my head through the flap. I was sitting down with my legs crossed to the north of me. I looked around at the gray world outside. The air was filled with insects of different sizes. They had not been around this area before, and it seemed strange that they had suddenly shown up. I stood up and moved to the north, leaving the tent. I had to do something while the others were getting ready. I moved some things around to the west of me. They were low on the ground relative to me when i was standing. My parents were near me, and they were to the southeast of me, talking about something. My mother said goodbye to me as she started walking to the south, down the western side of the city street. She was going somewhere with my father. I said goodbye as she turned to leave, but i felt disappointed that she did not say more. I stood to the west of my car, which i had been arranging things in. The car seemed to be chrome or dull metallic. It was parked on the western side of the street, facing south, and i stood on the sidewalk to the west of it. A large apartment building seemed to be to the west of me. The building was the southernmost on the block, and an intersection of a narrow street crossed the north-to-south street we were on. My mother turned to cross the intersection, walking in the road, along the edge of the sidewalk. My father walked just behind her, to the northeast of her. My father was taking her to the station. I started jogging toward her, calling her name. I wanted to hug her goodbye. As i jogged across the intersection, i was limping. Something seemed to be wrong with my right foot. My mother turned as i approached her, and i hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. I said i would see her. She told me that it would be a long time until i saw her again. I smiled as i turned back to the north, telling her that it would only be two weeks. As i walked back toward my car, something seemed strange about the situation. I suddenly wondered if i would actually see my mother again. Something about the moment made think that i would not see her again. I felt concerned, but i then thought that it could not be true. I had a definite feeling about when my grandmother was going to die, but i told myself that i did not have the same feeling about my mother. I then wondered if my grandmother would not want to stay down south for two weeks. It now seemed that my grandmother would be at the place where my parents were going. If my grandmother decided that she did not want to stay, it might mean that my parents would have to come back early to take her back. I stopped just to the east of my car, which now seemed to be a rolled or folded section of chain-link fencing. The dull metal fence formed a low concave surface just to the west of me, with the southern and northern ends higher than the eastern and western ends. Large insects were sitting on the fence in the concave section. They had thick bodies that looked like a squat tapering stack of disks. The front of the insects were about four or five centimeters thick and looked like rusty bolts. The bodies then tapered in diameter for about three centimeters before turning into a solid rod that ran another two or three centimeters. They were facing different directions on the wire of the fence, and they had paddle-shaped wings that spread out from their backs. There were four wings on each insect. Something about the shape of the insects seemed very regular, though. I wondered if i should be near them, worrying that they might sting or bite. I then realized that they looked too artificial. I leaned over the bugs a little and stared at them, realizing that they were not actually insects. They were metal sculptures of thick insects. They seemed slightly brown from rust, but they looked almost polished and smooth on the surface. They were interesting.

12022 January 26

I drove to the west, across the parking lot. The other person was to the southwest of me, following me in a car. I had tried to stop my truck as i entered the eastern side of the lot, but the ground was covered with ice, and i started skidding. I had to make a corner, but i was having trouble with the truck. It seemed that i had come into the parking lot because i had missed a turn. I knew that i could use the wide area of the parking lot to turn to the south, where i had to go. I made a large arc in the center of the lot, but i still felt as though i was sliding to the west as i made the final turn to the south. I reached the southern entrance to the lot and was able to come to a stop. The entrance seemed to be on the western edge of the lot, and it led out onto a street that ran to the east and west. I turned to the east. Suburban houses were on both sides of the street, with lawns in front of them. The road sloped down very slightly to the east, and i could see where it leveled off and started back up. The dip was about a hundred meters to the east. A second road turned to the south, and i would have to take that road. I slowed my truck to make the turn, but the truck continued through the intersection. It was slowing down, but it was not slowing down enough to make the turn. Annoyed, i thought that i would have to come to a stop just past the intersection and make a U-turn to get back to the road to the south.

I was in the small room on the northwestern side of the house. The walls of the room were dark gray with a bluish hue. I was talking to the young child in the room. He was interested in cinema, and we were talking about films. I was aware of people to the southeast of me, in another room. The other room was connected to the room that we were in with a doorway. The doorway was in the eastern end of the southern wall of the room i was in and in the western end of the northern wall of the room to the southeast. Many people seemed to be in the room to the southeast. We were here for some event.

12022 January 27

The people said something to me, directing me to the west. I was in a waiting room of a medical facility, and they told me where to go. I felt very uncomfortable here. The person was directing me to the office for assisted suicides. I was not sure why i would have to go to this place, and i felt that i did not want to have an assisted suicide, but i said nothing. I walked across the small room, passing to the south of a curved counter that ran parallel to the western wall. The counter curved and met the western wall at its southern end. A man behind the counter directed me to the north, pointing with his right hand out the door to the west and then to the north. A large opening was in the western wall to the west of me. I walked through and turned to the north in the corridor. I walked slowly, not wanting to continue, but i did continue, feeling very uneasy. A person came down the hall from the north and walked into a room to the east. Someone was holding the blue metal door to the room open, and the man walked through. He wore pale-blue scrubs and walked with quick steps. As the door closed, i realized that this was the correct office for euthanasia. The metal door was old and worn. The bright blue paint on it was chipping along the upper left side, exposing dull gray metal. The door had no window or other feature, but it looked like it had been dented near the center. I reached for the handle, which i expected to see on the northern side of the door, but there was no handle on the door. This seemed strange. Red letters stuck in the center of the door confirmed that this was the correct office, but i did not have a way to open the door. I thought that, because of the special nature of the office, it would not have a handle. I felt unsure of what to do. I did not want to go in, but i felt as though i could not go back. A man then pushed open the door from the inside. The southern edge of the door swinged out. Nervously, i entered into the southern side of the room. A table was set up to the northeast, facing southwest. Two people were sitting behind it, and a sign on the table indicated different ranges of the alphabet. I thought that i would have to go to the correct range to register my name. I moved toward the man who sat on the southeastern side of the table. He had dark skin and slouch slightly into his chair, with his knees pointing out. He sat up as i approached. The large white sheets of paper on the table had several names written in black. The main pointed to the names and asked me something. I looked down, but could not quite figure out which name was mine. I pointed to a name, but it was not mine. Something felt wrong. I pulled my left hand back and said that it was not my name. I then realized that i might be in the wrong category. The man indicated another table to the northwest. The other table was on the northern side of the room and faced south. It seemed to have a different set of lists, which were printed in much smaller type, though i could see nothing on the dark brown table. I felt confused, not sure if i would be on the old list or the new list. I was not sure what to do, and i felt as though i did not really want to do anything.

12022 January 28

I had been driving my car to the south, up the steep dirt road in the forested area. The road seemed like an old logging road, and it was sunk a little into the forested area. The steep hill sloped up to the southwest, and the land to the west of the road seemed very steep. I was having trouble getting the car up the narrow one-lane road, and i thought that i would have to find a place to turn around before i got to the top of the hill. The forest around me was lush, but there were few ground plants. I turned around in a small pull-off on the eastern side of the road. I turned the car into the pull-off and then backed out onto the dirt road. As i was backing out, i noticed some animals on the dirt road to the south of me. I slowed down and looked behind me to see where they had gone. They looked like a small family of raccoons. I turned back to the north, but the raccoons were jumping around on the road in front of my car. I moved slowly forward, hoping that they would get out of the way. The hill to the west of me now seemed very steep, with thin trees and some weeds growing on it. Several raccoons were around my car. They were headed to the north on the road. I felt annoyed that i would have to go slowly, so that i did not run into them. I then noticed a very large raccoon on the road to the south of me. It had come down the hill from the west. I quickly realized that it was actually a bear. I thought that it must be a mother bear, and the other smaller animals must be the bear cubs. I felt nervous, thinking that i would have to be careful of the baby bears. I did not want to hit the big bear either, or i might make it mad. The bear turned suddenly and ran away, down the road and around the corner where the road curved to the north-northwest. She disappeared from sight around the hill to the west. I started the car moving again, but it stalled. I felt nervous. I could not get the car started again, but i could let it roll to the north. I then realized that several of the windows were down, and i would not be able to roll them up without power. I pressed the button to roll them up anyway, but they did not work. I felt annoyed and worried as i let the car roll to the north, hoping to get out of the area before the bear came back. I considered restarting the car on the slope, but i then remembered that i would not be able to start a car with an automatic transmission by rolling it. I felt tense as i rolled down the dirt road. As i rounded the corner, i could see the main road below. The hill curved to the west so that it sloped up to the south from the main road, which ran east to west. As i approached the road, i looked across the sloped to the west. I could see an old house on the side of the hill. Trees now surrounded it, and it looked abandoned. I thought that i would not be able to go there for help. I turned to the west onto the main road. I still could not roll up the windows or start the car, but the car was still rolling to the west. The land sloped down very slightly to the west, running between the steep hills. The slope on the road kept the car moving, but it was moving very slowly. I hoped that it would speed up as it continued on the smoother paved road. The land here seemed to slope up to the northeast of me and down to the southwest, with steep hills to the north and south. The valley opened up into a wide area to the southwest. The road to the west curved to the northwest, though, before curving back to the west. I could not see this, but i remembered it from before. The small brick buildings on the northern side of the road seemed to be part of an old school building. I was in a suburban area now, and the large brick building to the north seemed like an old school. More buildings were on both sides of the road around me, and the main part of town seemed to be to the west of me. I looked at a tall wooden building to the north of me. It looked like an old square steeple with no top. The wood siding was painted white, but the paint had dulled with age. Letters on the building said something like “Water Town”. I thought that this place was to the northwest of Albany, but it seemed to be quite a way from Albany. I knew that the car would come to a stop before i got through the town, and i hoped that it would get close enough to an inhabited area that i could call someone. I walked to the west, along the southern side of the house. This seemed to be my parents’ farmhouse, and it seemed as though i had been living here. I had to get things ready. My parents were just leaving for work, and i had to get ready for school. My parents headed to the northwest, across the driveway, which was on the eastern side of the house. I felt rushed, and i thought that i did not have my things ready. I turned to the north and walked up the driveway. I then felt annoyed, thinking that i did not actually have my car with me. My mother mentioned the red car, and i spotted the red car parked on the western side of the driveway, just past the northern end of the house. It was close to the large garage, which was at the northern end of the driveway. I moved toward it, realizing that it was actually a truck. It seemed out of place here, but i thought that it must be the truck of the workers who were working to the east of the house. I looked back down the driveway. I remembered that i had parked my car on a road that seemed to be to the north of us. It was a distance away. I felt annoyed and discouraged. I was not sure how i was going to get to school. I walked back into the kitchen area of the house. I told my mother that my car was stuck in a place near Water Town. I remembered it stalling there. I added that Water Town was somewhere to the northwest of Albany. I felt very frustrated, and i started to pace nervously. I was so upset that i felt like i was going to cry in frustration.

I moved to the east and picked up the tea pot from the counter, which ran along the wall. I was in a small kitchen area, which seemed like the kitchen area to an office. The tea pot was blue and white porcelain, with flowers patterns on the side. I recognized the pattern, thinking that the pot belonged to my mother. I lifted the lid and put it back down, realizing that it was actually too big for the pot. It was not the correct lid. I wondered where the correct lid was. I looked around. The northern side of the kitchen area was open to a large office. It seemed to meet the office through a large opening in the western end of the southern wall of the office. A man was to the north of me at one of the desks, and he seemed very unhappy. Someone said that he had dishes in the office. I thought that he had dishes with a similar pattern to the tea pot that i was holding, and i thought that he must have gotten the lid mixed up with one of his. I then thought that he had tried to take all of the dishes from the office. I felt upset, thinking that the flowered ones were mine, and i did not want him to take them. I moved to the north. I wanted the correct lid for the pot, and i thought that i should take it from the man’s desk. I felt angry with him, and i did not care what he thought about me taking my tea pot. I looked around, trying to find the correct lid. I was still in the western half of the kitchen, and the kitchen to the east of me had a white L-shaped counter that ran along southern and eastern walls. A sink was on a low counter, which was set into the main counter on the eastern wall. I looked in the sink, but i did not see my things. I then headed to the southeast, in to the main office. I wondered what i should do. I looked around, but i could not see what i was looking for, so i headed back into the kitchen. I then realized that my pot was no longer on the counter where i had left it. I thought that the man must have taken it while i was not there. I felt very upset. I headed to the north, crossing the wide hall that ran along the northern side of the kitchen. To the east, i could see some dishes on a shelf on the eastern side of the room. I walked stiffly toward them to take a look. I thought that the man would be upset if i took back the dishes, but i did not care. I stopped in the room, looking at some dishes that were stacked to the northwest of me on another counter. I saw my pot there. I walked up to it and picked it up. I then noticed a small lid with the same pattern in a small sauce dish just to the south of the pot. I thought that the lid went with the pot, so i thought that i would take it. The pot was now shaped like a conch shell, and the lid was the spiraling tip of the shell. A small pearl was on the tip of the lid. I took the lid and the pot to the south. I was aware that the man was watching me from the west. He scowled at me, but i tried to ignore him. I then looked at the dishes in my hand. I realized that i had a small square sauce dish as well. He white dish was chipped on one edge, and a crack ran across most of it. It was not my dish, so i thought that i would give it back, but i carried it to the southwest anyway. I walked into another part of the office, wondering if the man was following me. I had to put the tea pot somewhere that it would be safe. I would say that it was my grandmother’s tea pot, and i knew that i had gotten in from her. The room to the south was empty, with large white support columns around the walls. It looked more like a banquet room in a hotel now. I turned and headed west.

I was talking to the man to the east of me as we stood on the sidewalk to the north of a large building, which seemed like Schollcopf. I was aware of the building, but i could not see it directly. I could see the large field that was to the south of us. I then noticed an object in the sky. A round parachute was coming down in the middle of the playing field, about two hundred meters from us. This seemed very strange, and i thought that something concerning was happening. I moved a little to the south, getting a better look. The parachutes seemed to have beds on them, and people were lying on the beds. I thought that this would be very dangerous. The parachutes were attached to the beds, but i thought that the beds could easily tip. Some of the people seemed to be sleeping. I then saw a man fall from one of the beds to the southwest of me. I ran around the western side of the building to get to the fields. To the south of me was now the parking lot. The man that had fallen was lying still on the pavement. I ran to help him, but others were still coming down. The man moved as i reached him. He seemed okay. A woman to the northeast of me then asked when the busses were coming to take them back to Corning. I realized that the people in the parachutes were tourists, and the chutes had taken them from their destination to this place. They would have to travel to the southeast to get back to their starting point. I was moving to the southeast with them on the bus. I then wondered why i was on the bus with these people. This did not make any sense. I left the bus and headed back to the north.

12022 January 29

I was talking to the other person as i started walking to the west. I had to get back to some place, but i thought that i would have to walk through the campus first. I looked to the north, noticing signs for the large universities. I was heading west, but i paused to look at the signs for the schools. They both seemed like Ivy League universities, and i thought that i had been to most of them before. One was to the northeast of me, and the sign for it faced southwest. It seemed to say Cambridge. I remembered being at that place before. The sign for the university to the northwest of me was just to the north of me. It also faced southwest, and it said Harvard in large maroon letters. I realized that i had never been to Harvard, so i decided to walk through the campus. I headed to the north approaching the large academic building that was now in front of me. The building seemed to be made of stone block. The heavy white wooden entry door was in the center of the building. I seemed to be entering from one end of a long wing of the building. I walked up the stone steps and entered the building, thinking that it was probably a library. As i came into the building, i entered a hallway, heading south. It was very plane, and i realized that i was not quite in the library yet. A balcony ran along the upper floor of the hallway on the western side of the corridor. The corridor seemed to be about ten meters long and about six or seven meters wide. It had a short corridor running to the west about five meters. A table was set up in the western corridor, and i thought that this building might be for registration. I continued to the south, following a set of stairs up to the second level. I passed through a doorway and came into a wider room. It was still not the library. The corridor ran to the south a little further and then turned to the west. The corridor was now just an aisle in the center of a larger room. Shops seemed to be on the sides. I thought that this was the campus store. Clothing was on shelfs and tables to the east of me as i neared the corner in the aisle. Directly to the south, i noticed a display of rounded stones. I stopped at the corner before turning west to look at the stones. Someone was to the east of me in one of the shop sections, and someone was to the south. A doorway in the southern wall led to a small alcove, and a square set of shelfs set into the southern wall of the alcove held the stones on a display. The stones were spread over the vertical surface. Most seemed purple or blue, but a line of stones near the bottom seemed white or clear. A man stood in a narrow opening in the eastern wall of the alcove. The stones seemed interesting, and i considered looking at them more closely for a moment. The person to the east of me then greeted me. I turned to see that it was $A610. I greeted her and chatted warmly for a moment. It was nice to see her. She was wearing a loose white dress that was made of a textured material. we spoke for a little while as i glanced at the rounded rocks on the southern wall. A metal chain now seemed to be in the display as well. I turned to the west and continued across the room. More people were around the room now, and i became aware of what i was wearing. I was not dressed in nice clothing. I seemed to be wearing things that would seem unusual to others. I came to the western end of an area and turned to the south and east. I was now on the eastern end of the large room, which seemed like a dining room. I was here with others, and we were supposed to eat dinner here. This place was fancy, but i knew that we had reservations. I walked through the doorway at the western end of the dining room, aware of my clothing. I looked down to see that i was wearing a light-brown leather kilt over a pair of blue jeans. It seemed strange that i was wearing jeans under the kilt, but i knew that it was cold outside, so i had to stay warm. I was aware that others were watching me as i walked across the room. I had on a heavy coat, but i could see the multicolored knitted had under the brown hood of my jacket. I knew that it was the hat that had a mohawk fringe on the top. I walked between the round tables, heading east. My family was to the south of me. We were looking for a place to sit. I paused near the eastern side of the room, looking at a table to the north of me. It seemed large enough to seat all of us, but i was not sure if we should sit there. It seemed that we should keep a distance from others because of the pandemic. I stopped near the eastern end of the room and turned back to the west. My parents were in the southeastern part of the room. I walked past some seated people, thinking that my clothing confused them. A saw an empty table in the western side of the room, and i stopped just to the north of it. Everything in the room seemed brown and tan, with a warm light.

12022 January 30

I came from the west and stopped near the others, who were sitting on the southern side of the hallway. The southern wall of the hallway was missing, and a small courtyard with flagstones on the ground was to the south. We were in a school, and the others were talking about something. I was still standing, and a woman was standing to the north of the group, to the northeast of me. She seemed to be a teacher, and the others were her students. The students seemed new to this place. I looked at the wooden wall to the north. A doorway to the cafeteria was behind the woman, and i said something, referring to the room as the “buttery”. A young woman, who was sitting just to the south of me, facing east, asking about what i had said. She said that the room was the auditorium, but i knew that she meant cafeteria. The teacher then asked me why i had called the room “the buttery”, shaking her head as though it did not make sense. I told her that the room was where people would butter their bread and then said it was another term for a cafeteria. She seemed to understand. I knew that this place had always referred to their cafeteria as “the buttery”.

I was standing in a small area with several other people. The room was mostly to the south of me. Someone pointed out the sign to the southeast, which was a large set of letters mounted on the tan wooden wall. The letters were in dark green, and they spelled out a name. Someone tried saying the name, but they could not quite pronounce it, because they were intoxicated. The person to the southeast of me then said that i would not be able to pronounce it. I did not think that i was intoxicated, and i tried to read the sign. I read the first word at the top, which was a long word. When i got to the second word, though, i started to have trouble. The word seemed to start with the letter C, but this did not make sense. I tried pronouncing what i was reading, but the word seemed hard. I then realized that i already knew what the sign said. The second word was “market”. The M at the beginning of the word had a large curve on the left side, which had looked like the letter C. I mentioned this to the other person. I did not need to sound out the word, because i knew that the sign said the name of the market.

We had to change the data for something. I remembered doing this before, but we had to change it again. It had something to do with the programming that we were doing, and i thought that something needed to be changed so that the program would be more secure. I walked to the east, thinking about this. We had changed the things previously, and i thought that we had to do it again. I remembered that the scene had repeated itself in the past, and there were two large black duffel bags that had the alternate things in it. I seemed to be in a partially closed corridor on the southern side of the large auditorium. I stopped at a door that was set into the southern wall and started to push it open. I stopped when i noticed two men walking past me. They were the men that had repeated the event from before. They walked past me, to the north of me, heading to the west. The first man was slightly taller than the second, and he wore an olive-green sweater with dull-yellow bands around the collar and sleeve cuffs. He had dark short choppy hair that was flat to his head, and he wore a pair of dark denims. I remembered that he was the man who had change the contents of the duffel bag in the past. He was carrying the black duffel bag now, but the contents had not yet been changed. I felt very interested in him. The man following him was around my height, and he wore a shirt that seemed brighter green. I felt attracted to the second man, but it was the first man who had changed the contents of the bag previously. I remembered that the scene had repeated twice in the previous iteration, so i thought that there should be two versions of the backpack that had already been changed. We needed them to do something. I called to the men as they started to turn to the south to head through a door in the southern wall, just to the west of the door that i was about to walk through. The men glanced at me but continued walking toward the door. I realized that this was an awkward place to speak to them, so i stepped through the door and tried to talk to them in the corridor outside. The men stopped to the west of me, and the man in the olive sweater stood straight as i confronted them. I asked them about the previous iterations, asking if the man still had the two duffel bags that had been changed. The men looked at me skeptically. I said that we needed the contents of the two bags that had already been changed so that we could prevent the problem from happening in this iteration.