11996 January 01

I was in the school cafeteria. I was serving lunch to people. $G1 were there. I talked to them for a while. We were in a classroom. I looked over the photographs of the tower. They were good pictures. Then i read the rest of the pamphlet about the photo contest. It was part of a psych test. I did not really understand what i was supposed to do with it. $A100 was watching. I was unsure about the test.

11996 January 04

I was being held in a nazi camp. The camp was in the middle of a forest, and there was a large log cabin. I walked through the long wooden hallway of the cabin and outside. There were people wandering through the halls. The Nazis would not let me go. I wandered around to the outside of the cabin. The forest was thick with growth. There was a man there. He knew of a way in which i could escape. I felt unsure of following him. I did not want the Nazis catching us. He was playing a fiddle as he walked away into the woods. I followed him. I was worried that the guards would catch me trying to walk away. My anxiety was high as i followed the man to a small encampment. There were others there gathered around the campfire. The man kept playing his fiddle, trying to act like nothing unusual was happening. The group was a band of gypsies. The Nazis must not really like them, but the man was a Nazi in action. He just disguised himself as a Nazi so that they would not suspect anything from him. He ran a furniture store. He closed the doors as i walked inside. There were people outside the store who wondered what was going on. The man quickly sneaked me into the back room of the store. I was in a large blue bunny suit. People would think that it was a large doll. He was going to hide me in the back of an amp case and ship me out of the store. I hoped that it would work. The others wandered into the store. I sat motionless as they looked about. I could see them from inside the suit. I was worried that they might notice me. They looked over the amp case. It was a large black box with guitars mounted all around it. The men came and loaded me onto the back of a flatbed truck. The truck had metal rails along the side so that stuff would not fall off.

My grandfather was sitting on the chair in the center of the stage. He just sat there and smiled as the other people in the front row of the audience asked him questions. It was all part of the show. I left the stage and wandered out into the hall. Billy Crystal was just to the left of the door, talking to a woman. He was trying to pick her up and was leaning against the railing, trying to act cool. Then he took off his baseball uniform, which was blue and white. He started talking to the woman about sex.

11996 January 05

My grandfather was at my parents’ house to visit. My mother wanted to discuss matters with me. My grandfather though that she wanted to talk about him moving to the area. She did not want him to move. She wanted to discuss alternatives. I went to pack my phonographs. There was one playing upstairs. I listened to it as i walked into the front hallway. It was the dance version of a song. I went into the kitchen and packed the vanilla and chocolate cookies into a bag. My mother still wanted my opinion. She asked me what i thought about my grandfather. I told her that i thought that he was forgetful.

11996 January 06

I was upstairs in my grandmother’s house. The room was smaller that it really is, and was attached to another room and house. $F11 was there with me. I was teaching him how to play guitar. I was playing several riffs on the bass that i was wearing. They were tricky, so i played close attention to the neck. The riff started out with a low G and jumped up across a pentatonic scale. It then switched to something new. I was worried about hitting the wrong notes. The red bass was fretless and hard to get used to. I could be off on a lot of the notes. The room was very thin in length, and there were some members of $G3 in the doorway, listening to the music. Then i saw someone in the window, outside of the room. I looked and there was nobody there. I could see the edge of the roof sloping in fro the left. I kept staring out the window to make sure no one was there. Then i saw the person lean in to take another peek. He was hiding on the edge of the roof. I stabbed the head of the bass at the glass to scare him off. I was annoyed that he was spying on us. He ran away along the ledge outside the window. Then he appeared in the window on the front of the room. I hit that window with the bass too.

I walked down the hallway of $P7. $A459 was standing outside of the classroom, at the entrance to the science wing. I recognized him, even though he had short hair. We walked into the classroom. It was $A87’s classroom. The school felt very different. I sat down and watched as people walked around the classroom. I walked by the pole in the center of the room. There was a scientific movie showing on the wall of the room. I went to lean back against the post. I leaned into someone. It was $A11. I said “excuse me”, but he did not seem to mind, so i leaned back against him again. He was a comfortable cushion. I moved over a little to get more comfortable against him. I watched the movie on the wall. The images were rather obscure and awkward. The class lingered around the room. I was lying on the cot in the corner of the room. I woke up and the class was gone. $A100 was there. She said that they had all left. I went out to find them. I wandered around the park looking for them. There was a man and woman in front of us. They were talking about the dogs in the park. Then they pointed out a black dog up by the round house. They said that it was a jackal. It had the long narrow nose and large ears. I mentioned that they were closely related to the African hunting dogs. You could tell by the narrow face. I led $X3 back to the van. There were several other dogs in the van. I laid down and held on to his collar. The van stopped fro a moment. Several people moved around the back. I stayed still, lying on the floor of the van. The van started moving again. Then i looked up and realized that $X3 was gone. I was only holding on to his collar. He had snuck out.

11996 January 07

I was getting ready to go. I started packing my things. My grandmother was there. She pointed out a bright patch on the wall. It was a spectrum. I looked around the room and realized that the spectrum was coming from the overhead light. The hanging crystals on the light were falling off. They were dangling in font of the bulb and casting the spectrum on the wall. I had better fix that. I would need a screwdriver. My grandmother had already taken out the green toolbox. She was looking through the toolbox for the screwdriver. I looked as well. I needed a philips-head, but all of the screwdrivers in the green metal box were flat head. There was a short screwdriver with a black loop of wire for a handle. I could not find a philips-head, so i decided to use my pocket knife. I looked at the light and decided that i needed a philips-head screwdriver. I went back to the box, but my grandmother had moved it. She had also repacked the tools. I dug through the box, looking for a smaller philips-head. I cut my finger on one of the screwdrivers. They had been sharpened. Someone had put them through the automatic knife sharpener and had created a blade on the tip. I asked my grandmother who had sharpened the screwdrivers. I tried to show her the cut on my finger, but i could not see it. I walked upstairs to find my laundry. There was sunlight coming in through the window. I continued down the road. I was out in the country. There were thicket fields on both sides of the road. On the left was a large open field. The road dipped into a shallow valley and curved right gradually up the other side. There was a swampy thicket on the right side of the road. In the thicket was a very large plant. It was rich green, with a thick stalk in the center and a giant loaf on top. There were several of them, and i thought that they looked very pretty. I wanted to get a picture of them. There were people coming down the road behind me. I thought that i could wait until they got there. I could ask one of the m to stand in the picture. The plant was at least as tall as a person, and it would be good to have something in the photographs to measure proportions with. I lifted the camera and looked at the plant. The sun was low in the sky behind me and was going down. My shadow was in the bottom of the picture. I tried to move so that my shadow would not be in the picture. I walked back up the road a little way, hoping to get it out of the photograph. I had to hurry. The sun would be down any moment. My shadow should not have been a problem. I tried to take the picture before it was too dark, but i was too late. The sun set, and i lost my light. I was disappointed. I continued down the road. There was a VW Beetle following me. The night became foggy, and i walked faster through the city streets. I thought that, if i walked faster, i could avoid the cars. Then i jumped into the air and flew over them. I flew down the narrow alley as the cars passed below me. Then i noticed the wires strung across the alley. I dodged a couple of them and slipped between a pair of one over the other. I scrapped one of the wires. I was worried about hitting it, but i realized that it was okay because it was a telephone line and not a power line. I walked into the back door of the house. I had to get my things together so that i could leave. $K21 was in the front closet of my grandmother’s house. I walked past and gathered my clothes so that i could pack them. $K3 was there as well. I took my stuff out to the car on the street. It was parked on the road, right in font of my grandmother’s house. I got to take the new car. I made sure that everything was out of it first. Then i walked back into the house. The inspector was there as i walked into the room. I hoped that everything would be all right. She pointed out the pink in the oriental run in the center of the room. It was on a deep-colored stained wood floor. She thought that the pink might be an illegal shade of pink. I told her that it was not an illegal shade, but i was unsure. I hoped that it was not. I was afraid, thought, that she might be right. I remembered how some shades of pink can cause violent behavior in people. I remembered looking through the latch-hook set earlier. It was in the box in which the rug kit had come. I showed the inspector the pattern from the rug. I looked over the floral pattern of the rug. There was also a deep forest green in the rug. I remembered how the dark forest green would counteract the pink’s influence. I remembered how the government controls people by using color schemes. They also had low frequency signals in television broadcasts. It tended to make the population unhealthy. It was an easy way to keep people and the population under control.

11996 January 08

I drove down the city streets. There were trees along the sidewalk. It looked like a rather nice neighborhood. I walked down the back hall and into the back bedroom. I could see the cockroaches in the little caravan across the floor. They scurried away as i came. One ran into a couch near me. I tried to get it out. I left it and walked into the other room. There was a vast cornfield outside. The boy ran outside and into the cornfield. A man was chasing him. I watched from above the cornfield as they both ran through it. The man was going to catch the boy, so i attacked him from the air. The boy ran ahead and lost him for a moment in the cornfield. Then the man caught up with him again. The boy made it to the edge of the block of corn and looped around. He ran back into the block from another row. I attacked the man again to keep him at bay. Then i picked up the boy in the truck and drove into the cabin. I talked for a while to the people in the cabin. Then i walked up the side of the stream. It was winter, and there was ice on the water. There was a squirrel on the ice. I was inside of the cabin. It was a log cabin, with sparse furnishings. I talked to $F24 for a while. The others in the cabin had a pet, however. It walked around the floor and looked like a cartoon animal. It liked to be near the new people in the house and like to jump on them. I was unsure about this beaver jumping up in my lap as i sat down in the chair. It jumped up in my lap, so i started petting it. Then a man came in the front door of the cabin. The beaver did not like him and growled at him. I wandered back along the edge of the stream. There was a squirrel swimming in it. I tossed it a stick so that it could get out of the water. I headed back home. I climbed up the rocks at the edge of the stream. They were broken into large slabs. The ground was grayish brown. There were several slabs of stone that had been stacked up on top of each other. A couple of them were standing on end and looked like dominoes.

11996 January 09

I was at the ceremony. Many people were gathered there. I was supposed to stand up and make an announcement. I had to tell everyone about the car. I got up and read the stickers from the podium. I felt rather strange reading the stickers. That was what i was supposed to do, but it seemed like they did not really need me to be there. Anyone could have read the stickers. The stickers in my hand said that the car was a 1994 model, and that it was being sold for “21.00”. I thought that this was not really an exciting rehearsal. Everything i was doing was very simple. Then i wondered if it was the rehearsal or the real thing. I walked away from the podium and sat down. I thought that all the people were here for $K1’s wedding. I left the ceremony. I ran into $F26 in the other room. One of the other men in his room complained about his girlfriends. He mentioned $A502 and $A83. I thought that they were the two that i liked. I did not really get into a discussion about $F26’s girlfriends, however, so i left. I walked down the silver hallway in the upper section of the skyscraper. A man walked up to me and started to ask me questions. He wanted some information, bud i did not know what he was walking about. I did not know the information he was looking for. I was on the top floor of the building. There were six round elevators at the sides of the cylindrical building. The building was for special people. I looked over the glass outside of the top of the building. There were three tall towers around the building. They were the elevator towers. Red lights blinked from the tops of them. I was on the rooftop terrace, above the city. I admired the round building. There was another building nearby. I looked off of the terrace i was on and could see an apartment with a deck all around the outside. There was a horse walking around on the terrace. It was a stocky horse, with yellowish-blond hair. Its main was pale blond and nicely groomed. The horse started jumping and kicking. The woman on the balcony tried to calm it down. The horse was mad and started chasing me. I ran back into the building. I crossed the hall, which ran along the outside of the building and into the circular auditorium. $F26 was inside, talking to some girls. I pushed aside the wooden armchairs that were set up facing the podium and ran out one of the side doors of the theatre. I ran down the country road. There were green pine trees all around and a lake to my right. I drove along the north tip of the lake and then started down the east side, where the town was. I was in $P24. I crossed the road and walked up onto the porch. I walked out of the shed and up to the edge of the porch, where the fiver flowed past. There were houses on the other side of the narrow river, which ran down the street. The lake was beyond the houses. Two people started to pass the porch on the water. Two boys were paddling their boards up stream. They watched me as i walked into the water. I started to float down stream. I looked across the street. There was a lean-to shed with a family sitting under it. They were dressed in plaid flannel, and i knew that they were hicks. The man was yelling at his wife for something. I followed the current down the street. There were stores on the right-hand side of the water. The current flowed over the long porch of the store. It was separate from the main flow of water. I drifted down the front of the store. The building had a small jog in it that protruded into the stream. I watched as the water poured by and followed it down stream. I was off of the main tourist stream. They would have taken the main current in the center of the street. I came to the edge of the store, where the main door was. There was a dirt driveway and parking lot on the side of the building. There was a gate over the entrance drive .It hung from a wire that ran away from the building. The gate floated away from the building on the wire as i passed through. Then i noticed that the stream turned just at the other side of the drive. It was a detour. The stream ran over the smooth rocks, toward the mill. I walked along the side of the stream, hoping to pick it up again. I walked into the parking garage under the large cement building. There were several strange rock formations there. I looked over the rocks. A couple of them had some interesting inclusions in them. They looked like japanese writing. I thought that the rocks were cool and inspected them carefully. Here was someone else walking around near me. I did not know who he was. I looked over the fingerprint patterns in one of the ashen-brown stones. I noticed that one of the stones was shaped like a face. All of these were natural formations. I talked to the man and we introduced ourselves. He seemed very nice. He said that he was a “geoarachnid”. I knew that he studied something similar to the stones, but i did not understand the word. It seemed out of place. Then i noticed a stone that had a very detailed face print in it. The edges of it had interesting curly designs.

11996 January 10

I was in the parking lot by the house. $F5, $F4, and $F6 were there. The place was near my grandmother’s house. We were meeting after a long time. $F5 gave me sixty-five dollars for making photograph copies. It seemed strange that $F5 would give me money. I was not sure what to do with it. I felt thankful that he paid me, but uneasy that he actually did. Other people from $P7 were there. It was a reunion. They gathered around my grandmother’s house. Then they all headed out for $P142. I gave them directions to the place. I told them to go out across the back yard and follow $P86 to $P23. Then cross the tracks to the park. I would follow in a moment. I finished what i was doing and started to the park. I headed out $P1. One of the others who had stayed behind asked me why i was going a direction that i told the others to go. I told him that it was just as quick and did not really matter. We walked off down the road.

11996 January 13

I followed $G3 down the side of the cliff and into the gorge. We were climbing down the cliff with ropes. $A311 was using a bright orange climbing rope. I recognized it from my Boy Scout days. It had been mine long ago. We walked down the gorge after having come off of the left cliff. We ended up at $K3’s place. That was where we hung out and had the party in the basement lining room, but then the time came to leave. I asked $A311 what he had done with the rope as we started walking down the street. He did not know where it had gone. I wanted to have it with us so i went back into the red brick building to look for it. I walked through the short hallway and into the gym. People were cleaning up after the tournament on the court. They wanted everyone out. I walked to the bleachers against the back wall to look for the rope. I could not find the red and white striped rope. I saw one of the men packing a red rope. I checked it out, but it was no the one. One of the men there wanted me to leave because they were closing the building. I had to get the harness for the dog before i could leave. I could not find the red rope to hold the harness together. The man told me to just leave. He said that the dog would stay with me. $X6 had walked with me all the way here. She stayed by my side. I did not trust her, however, and wanted the harness. I tried to put a leash on her, but it did not work without the harness. I walked away from the clean-up crew and toward the side fence of the back yard. The house was too my right, and the law in the yard was dry and green. There was a tree in the back corner of the yard. I realized that i could not get over the small chain-link fence, which looked worn and old, so i walked toward the house. I walked out the driveway on the other side of the house from which i entered. The house was on my right and was dingy white. There was a trellis hanging off the side of the house. There was another house to the left. I was in some old suburb. I walked down the street and up the stairs, through the white stone retaining wall. There was a patch of bright green grass at the top. I was in a very fine community. Then i noticed the wall that arched around the right side of the park. There were houses on top of it, and pink and yellow flowers dangling over the edge. Then i noticed the large statue of the RCA dog in the wall. It was about four meters tall, as high as the stone wall, and looked rather plump. It did not have a phonogram, but it was definitely the RCA dog. I pointed out the dog. Then i looked around at the well-designed houses. The road arched around the outside of the wall, curving down the hill until it reached the ground on the other side of the park. The grey dog started to run around the small grassy park. I called him to come to me, but i called him $X6. I knew that the name was not right, but i could not remember the dog’s real name. I watched him run around the park. I admired the place. It was beautiful. Then i wondered where it was. Was it some place in Santa Barbara? Was it in Florida?

11996 January 14

We were running from someone. They chased the large group of us to the edge of the gorge. The first bridge was out. We would have to take another way across. We could take the train trestle. It was an old bridge with two stone towers at either end. We started across the bridge. A single car rolled over the tracks and over to the other side of the bridge. We carefully made our way across the bridge. The tracks stretched above on one level. To our left was an open section of the wooden bridge floor, which rose slightly to meet the upper deck of the bridge. We walked to the right, though, into the dark tunnel. It was an access tunnel that ran across the length of the bridge. It should be easy enough for us to go through. We started through the tunnel when we noticed that it was getting narrower and shorter. Then we came to a metal panel. It was riveted across the tunnel. We should be able to break through it easily enough, but wondered if the access tunnel be blacked from the other end as well. It would definitely slow us down. We went over the top of the bridge instead. I ran into the tower at the other side of the gorge and into the hallway. The walls were made of stone. There was a set of stairs leading up on the left. The people chasing us were coming down them. I closed the door to the stairwell and stood back. There was a knight on the other side. I took a sword from the man who was standing behind me. The knight ran down the stairs and into the corridor. I stood at the entrance to the main hall, where i had shut the large wooden doors. I stabbed the knight as he entered. He fell to the ground. I backed away, toward the door, and he stood up again. He lifted his sword to attack me so i stabbed him again. He collapsed to the ground. I opened the doors and walked into the dining chamber. There was a great feast put on by the king. The king came through the corridor. We moved to the side to let him pass. He was wearing a heavy robe and had several men at his side. Everyone was eating dinner in the great hall. The man i had stabbed was lying against the wall of the corridor. He was no longer wearing any armour, and his shirt was off. His body fell over. I walked down the corridor with Merlin. We started up the decorative stairs at the end of the corridor. I started telling him things about the future. He wondered if we had cured all ailments. I told him that we had cured quite a few diseases, but that there were many new diseases showing up. Then i heard a squeaking noise. It got louder as we walked up the stairs. I saw a small bundle of fluff and debris against one of the walls of a corridor. As i looked closely, i noticed a mouse nibbling at something. It was making the squeaking noise. I then walked back down the stairs and tried to catch up with Merlin. I ran into the main hall, which was busy with people. I could not see Merlin anywhere. There was a cooperative market to my right, just before the hall opened up into the main area. It had several leather bags hanging from the inside of the entrance arch.

11996 January 16

I was on the bus driving down the busy road. It was a four-lane road. It reminded me a lot of Route 7 in $P175. There was a goat on the left side of the road. The driver was worried about hitting it. I looked over her shoulder as we drove past. Then we heard the report on the radio. There was a lost goat, and they said you could call in with information. I asked the bus driver if she could call it in. She did not have a telephone. She asked the others on the bus if any of them had telephones. I looked at the cars around us at the busy intersection. I could see many people talking on cellular phones. There were so many phones around, but none that we could use to call about the goat. We pulled over at an old service station. The place was abandoned, but we could use the phone. We reported the goats at the intersection of Route 9 and Route 7. I hung up the headed back into the front lot. Then the goat came around the side of the building. It rounded the left side of the white garage and headed for me. I stood still on the pavement. I thought about the significance of Aries and the symbol of the goat. I wondered if they would like me. I thought how animals usually liked me. The male goat lifted its front hoof and eyed me. Then the female came running from behind the building. They were both white and had curly hair. The female ran past me and stopped just behind me on the pavement. Then the male come over. I scratched his back as he walked close to me. I tried to lure them into the back of the truck. They followed me as i walked onto the bed of the truck. Once they were on, i closed the red metal gate. They jumped up at me and tried to make friends. $F14 drove the truck out of the lot. I fed the goats milk from the baby bottles. They had not eaten in a while. We drove down the highway, but the road was not good. There were too many bumps. There was also no shoulder to the road, and there were trees all around. We were out of our state somewhere. We started swerving from one lane to another. I was having trouble steering the station wagon from the back seat. We headed south on the interstate. I noticed a car off of the road to the right. It had rolled down the steep embankment and ended up by the reddish soil, under the tall pine trees. I decided that i would have to drive from the front of the car. I pulled over near the large field on the right. We were just past the old run-down barn. There was a man walking down the side of the road ahead of us. I was cautious of him. It was very dark out now. A car pulled up behind us on the shoulder. I got out of the passenger’s side of the car and walked around the front of the car, to the driver’s side. I then started driving again. I thought that the lights were very dim in the dark.

I walked through the wooden corridor. It was an entryway. It seemed like part of a church. I had to deliver something to the people there. $F14 was there. There was a phone message. The man said that she was “a full figured woman”. I left the hall and walked into the house. $F20 was in the kitchen. The main counter was on the far wall from the main house. He had three younger brothers. They were all hanging around the house. They had just come from somewhere, and they all had their shirts off. They were all skinny and detailed, kind of like $F20. They joked and laughed. Then they ran up the stairs. $F20 was in a white shirt and yellow tie. He was in the kitchen, pacing. We were getting ready to go. Then the twins were back near us. They were near the street on the other side of the room. The third brother had gotten stuck under a car that they had bee working on. $F20 was mad at his family. He yelled that they were the worst ever and left the room. I kept packing the bread at the counter. I placed the slices into an empty bread bag. I knew that $F20 did not mean what he said. He was just upset. Then his mother came into the kitchen. She wanted to know what $F20 had done with the cable stuff. I knew that he had fixed some of the televisions while we were here. I looked to my right, down the counter. There were some bags on the floor. I looked into them. They were some of the bags that we had packed. I saw several patch cords and some cable wire in one of them. It did not seem like the stuff she was looking for. I told her that i did not know where the cable stuff was.

11996 January 17

I was home for Christmas. There were several cars in my parents’ driveway. I went up to the garage to get some things. There was music coming from the garage. It was the ghost. I walked into the garage and he started playing the music. I tried to leave, but i could not move. He was controlling me. I knew that i was a better controller of emotions, however. He could not trap me. I became heavy with concentration and started singing to the music. He lost his control and i left. The ghost started singing a sad song. He sang “lay my hair in the water”. I thought of the image and how interesting it seemed. I would have to write a song about it. I walked away from the garage and over to the barn. I had to get some things. Then i noticed the storm coming from the west. The sky was off-white and was filling with dark clouds. Five wisps of grey clouds spread out from the tree line on the opposite hill and darkened the sky. I closed the garage door and went to secure the barn. The storm was coming in quickly. I closed the barn and ran for the house. A sudden ball of light fell from the sky on the other side of the house. It exploded with a sudden crack as it hit the tree line. I had to tell my parents of the storm.

I was at the ocean. The beach was in a cove, and the ground was somewhat rough. The sand was covered with small pebbles. I was swimming out into the waves. The sky was grey. I was doing swim-practice laps to a whistle. I was having trouble with my stroke in the ocean, however. I was not used to the waves. I stopped at the edge of the pool to catch my breath. $A62 was standing at the edge of the pool. He was the swimming coach with the whistle. He handed me a kickboard. Then i saw a man standing at the other edge of the pool. He threw his kickboard into the water about half way down the pool. Then he dove in and swam underwater toward the board. I started swimming as he surfaced.

11996 January 18

I was in the second-floor hallway of my parents’ house. I walked down the hall. There were flowers on the edge of the floor. They were large pink and red blossoms with ruffled petals. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. My parents wanted to punish me. It had something to do with November 11 and 62 inches. My mother told me to go to my room. I did not think that she was serious. It did not seem right. I walked into the back room. There was a new disc player there. It was for movies. They might not have wanted me to see it, so they were telling me to got to my room. I was back in the kitchen. My father came in. He told me to go to my room. I asked him why, thinking it was all a joke. He said “Because.” I laughed and ignored his request.

A man walked up and started talking to me. I thought that it was $F7 at first, but soon realized that it was $F5. We talked for a while. We were in a large lecture hall. Many students were walking around. I walked out of the lecture hall. I was wearing my bathrobe. I wondered if the kids in the lecture hall could see me. They were sitting on the stepped rows of chairs, facing the front board. I was in the entryway, outside the front of the room. I slowly slipped into the hotel room on the right. There was a table in the middle of the small room and some furniture around the walls. I turned left and walked into the bedroom. There was a red shirt from $P7 on the floor. Someone had just undressed. I thought that this might be $A240’s room. I had better leave before i was discovered. I put the hood up on my robe and walked out of the room. I did not want to draw attention from the lecture hall.

I walked across the creek by my parents’ house and up toward the front of the house. I walked into the front hallway of the house and into the back room. $K3 was on the telephone. She handed me the white handle. There was something wrong. I could hear my parents on the other end of the telephone. They had interrupted $K3’s phone call. It must have been important. I could hear my father’s voice as he talked to someone else. I knew that my parents were up in $P140. I could hear the woman reply to my father. She was distressed, and my father’s voice was somewhat grave. Then the telephone conversation was interrupted. I could hear $A503’s voice. I remembered that he was up at the cottage with my parents. I wondered if the woman was $A504. $A503 was having some sort of problem. I did not know what it was about. Then the phone line went dead. I hung up the telephone. I wondered how the lines could have been interrupted like that. I did not understand how one call could interrupt another when no one requested an interruption.

11996 January 19

11996 January 21

I was on a ski trail from $G4. There was a lot of snow on the ground. We came out of the woods and skied by the house. The other member of $G4 was there. He was kind of a jerk, and i did not want him to join $G4. I skied away with the others. We started down the long hill at the edge of the field. The field stretched away to the right. We started to round the corner at the bottom of the hill at the end of the field. I looked behind us. I could see the guy following us. We crossed the bottom of the field and started up the other side. The guy was still following us. There was a steep hill in front of us. $A266 was ahead of me. He skated up the ice on the hill all the way to the top. I tried doing the same thing. I was not strong enough to make it to the top. I struggled up the rest of the way. We stopped to talk at the top. I had several round discs with pictures of the members of $G4 on them. $A266 and i were looking them over. Then we started joking over one of the ones that $A266 had. We started wrestling for them.

11996 January 22

I placed another picture on the side of the wall. The wall was dark pink and was about a metre wide. It was the edge of a bookcase that rested up against the wall to my left. I was formatting the images into the panels of the short wall. I placed $A493’s picture on the top panel. $A1 and $A58 were on the next two panels below. I had to match each person to an instrument from the panels. $A1 and $A58 were matched with violins. I placed a couple more pictures on the wall. There was a small orchestra playing in the center of the room to my right. I walked over and joined them. I got to play one of the low string instruments. I bowed at waist level. What i was playing was out of rhythm with everyone else, though, and they were annoyed. I did not feel right. I got up from the chair and started to walk out the back of the garage. I walked out the garage doors and into the underside of the tall structure. There was a four-foot-high chain-link fence running away from the building. I stumbled a little because i felt sick. I then vomited on the pavement behind the school. A man walked over to me and asked me if i was all right. I told him that i was. I was just coughing. I walked to the other fence, which separated the pavement from the baseball field. I looked onto the baseball field. I could see $A255 up to bat. $A118 was there as well. I could see $F16 behind home base. He was with the line of lacrosse players just coming out onto the field.

Mark Hamill and Carrie Fischer were sitting on the couch. I remembered how they used to be in love. They kissed politely. They were no longer going out with each other, but they were still polite friends. I remembered their big kiss in Star Wars. It had been removed from recent versions. Then Mark had to leave. I sat down next to Carrie. We were actually having a relationship. She said that she was much older than i. I told her that i did not mind. I remembered how young i was when i saw Star Wars. She must be quite a bit older than i. We started to kiss on the couch. We became very passionate. Then we slid down into the couch and started making out. She rolled on top of me. I did not really want to have sex with her, but i wanted to “make out”. She started humping me, even though we were both still dressed. I could feel myself getting stimulated. I felt uncomfortable doing this. Then we got up. She said that we should go into the bedroom. I looked at the view of the city below from the large glass doors on the side of the room. Then i thought of how inconsiderate staring at the sights was at the moment. I should be paying attention to her. I thought about her as the leading heroine, but i did not want sex. I walked down the hill in front of her house, toward the city. The road wound tightly back and forth between the beds of brightly coloured flowers. The flowers were pink, red, and white. I walked into the open gym. There was a gym class going on. I was uninterested in participating in it. $F4 and $F5 were there. They were on a team. I hung on the chin-up bars as they left the gym. I was feeling very apathetic. I watched as they walked past $A62 and out the large hanger doors.

11996 January 23

I was running through the factory yard. The place seemed run down. There were large stacks of lumber all around. Some of them were piled logs. I was with someone else, and we were running from the bad guy. Then a drill bit poked out from one of the piles of lumber. It caught the man with me. It looked like it went through his back, but it actually tore through the sleeve of his shirt. He ripped off the red and black plaid sleeve and got free. Then other drills poked out from the lumber piles. It was a trap. The bag guy was an old Vietnam veteran who had hidden in the factory. He planned these elaborate traps. The man with me dodged the drill bits as they stabbed at him. It was very much like an old television show. Then one came up from the floor. It went under his shirt and cut him slightly. He ripped off his shirt to get free. I went to help him get out of the lumber piles and into the open court where it as safe. Then the other men came out. The man jumped up on a pile of lumber. He was going to get himself trapped. I started up after him when one of the drill bits started toward us. The large bit spun over my left shoulder. It was not moving that fast. Then i noticed several buttons at the base of the bit. It tried to stop the bit by pressing the buttons. I got the head to hold position, but the bit kept rotating. I pressed another and it backed up slightly. I tried some more and it shifted position, but i could not get it to stop its advance. Then i saw the red reset button at the top of the panel. I pressed it and all of the drills retracted. We were safe for the moment. Then the tough guys came out. They were all wearing blue jeans without shirts. The man jumped over my right shoulder and off of the wood pile. He was quickly attacked by the group of men. I saw the skinny one below me try to sneak behind him. I jumped off of the pile and attacked the skinny one. I knocked him to the ground. I had to get help before it was too late. I ran toward the fence on the outer edge of the yard. No one was following me. I had to get help for the man who was with me. I ran down the corridor at the edge of the factory. The walls were made of a brown wrinkled material, which looked like paper-lantern material. I rounded the corner to the left and came to the outside door. It was wired. I kicked it open. The alarm went off. We would get caught if they found us here.

11996 January 25

We walked across the long dirt parking lot. $F4 wanted to hike. We walked down the grassy trail from the parking lot, toward the visitors’ center. We looked over the map of the hike. I could see the trail in a dashed line that looped around a mountain. It went out into the woods and came back on the other side of the mountain lake. It was a very long hike. I realized that the others probably did not realize just how long the hike was. I told one of them that it was quite a way around the loop. I even noticed that we had to cross over $P115. They did not seem to notice. They set out from the visitors’ center. I quickly adjusted my backpack and started to follow them. There were many tourists milling around in the center of the visitors’ area. A woman passed me with a couple of her children. I started after the others. I only made it to where the old railroad tracks crossed the wide grassy paths. I remembered that i had to have my bandana with me. I had forgotten it. I headed back toward the center to get it.

They were filming a television show in the small room. The front of the room was open, and there was camera and lighting equipment. I recognized the room. It was part of the nursery school i went as a child. I walked into it. The walls were painted pale green, and the room was cluttered with objects from the film. I walked through the door at the end of the room and into the other room of the old house. I remembered everything. The back room was where we used to nap. I showed my mother around. I showed her the small closet where i used to hang my coat. I was upset to see all of it again, and i felt like crying. I walked into the side room. There were instruments all of over the floor. I could see the acoustic guitar that the two women used to play. Then i noticed the fretless bass on the ground. I wondered for a moment if it was $F20’s, but then i realized that it was not. I could see the large paddles off of the head of the instrument, which i looked over. Then my mother pointed out the small instrument in the center of the floor. She asked me what kind of guitar it was. I told her that it was an electric violin. She picked it up and put the pieces together. They slid together like a flute. I took the instrument and tried playing it. Then i noticed the other kids coming into the other room next to us. They were a band and played together. I really wanted to play with someone. Then i stopped playing the violin. I went to put it away, but i had gotten the bow caught in the strings. I tried to untangle the string from the tuning keys on the violin. I placed the acoustic guitar back onto the black case on the floor. It was coming apart again. The face was loose from the rest of the instrument. It was an old classic guitar. I layed it into the case and closed the lid. I accidentally closed the wrong side of the lid. Stuff spilled out of the pocket near the head of the case. A small package of pop rocks spilled into the guitar case. There were also some green and pink pixie sticks that fell out as well. I tried to clean them up quickly and place them back into the case. I should not disturb the instruments of the other children.

11996 January 27

I was going down the channel in a boat. There was a lot of ice on the water. We were heading back from where we came, but there was a lot of water flowing down the narrow channel. There were railroad tracks to the right of the channel, by the road. The hills rose farther on. The water was muddy and high from all of the flooding. Our boat kept filling with water and sinking below the surface of the water. The water was cold. We emptied the boat and got back in it. We continued down the channel. $F4 was there with me. We drove down the channel. Then we met the large flat boat coming the other way. There was not enough room in the channel for both boats. We turned around and looked for another way around. We could follow neither the road nor the railroad tracks. There were logs jammed in the channel. Then we realized that the large boat was actually jammed with several other small boats. We could squeeze by if we undid the jam. We slipped our boat past the large boat. The code was 5080114.

11996 January 28

I was in the auditorium meeting at $P7. $A186 was addressing the audience. I watched as he talked. I was on the left side of the auditorium, in the second section back. $F6 walked into the auditorium. He was dressed in plain clothes. I probably should have changed. Then i saw $A53 sitting a couple of seats down. I joked with one of the other boys there. Then i left the room with everyone else. The meeting was over. I walked out of the side entrance on the left and walked to the front hall. I then walked back into the auditorium from the back. Registration was taking place, and there was someone speaking from the stage. There were teachers sitting in the chairs, and there were signs along the back row of chairs. The signs had teachers’ names on them and denoted which classes were being taught. The signs were white with red Helvetica-like type. The one in front of me said “Bob Bida 38-88”. I thought of $A227. The sign below it, on the back of the chair read “Art #A”.