11997 January 03

I stood outside of the large gymnasium watching the clouds move in. I could see them as they crossed over the power lines that stretched down the road. They were coming in from the south. I walked into the gym, where many people were gathering. I had to get my things from my locker. I opened the locker and pulled my things out. I found that six things were missing. Someone had stolen them. I looked through what was there to figure out what was missing. I was missing my bottle of olive oil. I was upset that my things were taken, and i walked around the dorm, not knowing what to do.

11997 January 04

I went up the ski slope with the others. The slope was not that steep, and it was very sunny out. The slope was very wide, and lined with trees. It seemed like there was a road off to the left of the slope as we skied up the hill. The snow covering was mostly slush. I watched it as we slid through it. It had a brownish tint to it. I thought that it was amazing that we were able to ski up hill on this slope. It must have something to do with the ground conditions. The others went down and up the hill across the large open field. At the top, we started heading towards the lodge. It was a small grey building with rough wooden shingles on the outside. I walked into the front hall of the building. There were many business men there. They were standing before video screens which were spread about the lobby. They were trying to get information on what was going on in the area. There were four black towers which housed the video screens. The business men talked to the monitors. It was some sort of automated teller service. There were four lines around the lobby, which led to the four towers. The towers were thin now and contained a thin television at the top. The towers rotated to face the person to whom they were talking. I looked around the small lobby. There were four desks with long lines of people at them. They were all rich people who had come to the resort. They complained about having to stand in the line. There must have been some sort of booking problem.

I had to deliver the cargo in the large tractor-trailer. I drove the truck up the steep winding road that twisted up the side of the mountain. There were many switchbacks. I was having trouble slowing the truck down as it climbed the mountain. The brakes were not enough to slow it. I was worried that we were going too fast around the sharp corners. There was a cliff to my right as i rounded one of the corners. I had to slow the truck down, but i was worried that i would not make it to the top. I sped up as i rounded some of the corners. It was a problem with the hill. I could not control the speed of the truck. I finally made it to the top of the mountain. The crest was very sharp and i could not see over. I knew that it would be hard slowing down on the other side. I would have to shift into first gear and use the brakes. I rode the truck to the resort lodges at the bottom of the hill in the center of a remote town. The streets were lined with swiss chalet shops and decorated with winter frost. I had to deliver the cargo to the restaurant in the back section of the square. I pulled the truck up to the curb and looked down the wide walkway to the right. The restaurant to which i had to deliver was down the sidewalk and to the left. I walked down there to see if the place was open. It was night, and i thought that i might have to come back in the morning to deliver the shipment. I was not happy about having to come back.

I came to the building to see the professor. I was walking through $P20. I realized that the professor was not in this building. Something must have been wrong. I looked in the phone book to see if i could find his office address. I then noticed that the categories in the phone book were out of order. The professor was not listed under the correct category. His office was not really in this building. The book had just listed him incorrectly.

11997 January 07

I was watching the show on television in my parents’ bedroom. There was some liquid running over the desk so i started blotting it with the tissues. I patted my face to get the water off of it. I looked in the mirror. My lips had become coated with bubble gum. I pulled the elastic substance from my face. It was all part of my grooming. I combed my hair and pulled some more of the bubble gum from my lips. Then i cleaned the stuff out of my ears.

I climbed out of the window of the house and onto the wide ledge that was etched out from the corner of the old brick house. The niche was a cubical cut into the corner of the building, close to the roof. The bottom was sloped slightly downward to the corner of the building, and the top of the niche was formed by the continuation of the building to the roof. A spire hung from the ceiling of the niche and continued down the outside of the building, like a corner spire. It was very decorative with gothic carvings. I walked out to the spire, nervous not to slip and fall off the side of the building. It seemed very high up, though i seemed only to be on the second or third floor. I grabbed on to the spires which hung from the ceiling. They were made of a smooth sandstone-like rock. There were several spires very close together in a decorative fashion. It was like a group of icicles that were designed to give the building an old-church feel. I was between the different spires. I wanted to climb out through the spires, but i had gotten stuck. I tried to squeeze out, but one of the spires broke off and fell to the ground. I looked down to my right, where the driveway ran along the side of the building. There was a short chain link fence on the other side of the driveway, separating it from the next yard. My father stood in the driveway, just in front of the seventies-style car. He looked up at me as he heard the spire crack and fall. He was upset that i had broken the spire. I tried to get out of the spires, but i seemed stuck. If i tried to pull out any more i would just break more spires. I tried not to make them crumble.

11997 January 08

I drove my car to the top of the hill in the middle of the large city. There was a park on the top of the hill, with large grassy areas that rolled down the sides of the hill. It was spring time and the bushes and trees were green with leaves. People wandered around the park, enjoying the sunny day. A biker rode up the hill on the twisting road that wound up the side of the hill from the city. I watched people for a brief period. I would have to go down the hill and back to the city soon. I started down the road, but i found that it had been blocked off. There had been some sort of explosion, and the police were not letting people go down the road. I had to get down. I had not heard of the explosion on the news, and wondered what was going on. I wanted to see it. I rode around on the top of the hill, feeling hurt and sorry for myself. I had to get down, and i thought about driving down the bike path. If the police stopped me, i imagined that i would tell them that it was their own fault. I drove through the narrow corridor between the hedges where the bike trail ran down the hill. I could not let the police catch me. The trail ended on a sidewalk which ran through the park. I turned right and headed towards the city streets. I only drove a short way on the sidewalk before i came out to the street. I drove over the corner where the park ended and onto the street. There was a row of apartment buildings lining the street across from me. I had made it safely back onto the street. I started down the road when a police car passed me in the other direction. I had just made it and got away.

11997 January 10

I rode the small motorbike down the hill of the suburban area. There were periodic buildings around me. The hill was short, and curved slightly to the left. It seemed warm out. I was wearing a pair of orange shorts. I had forgotten to change while i was at home. I was fine now, but i was worried that it might get colder later, and the shorts would not be warm enough. I felt rather chilly now. I wondered why i had worn shorts to begin with, as it did not seem that warm out. I wondered why i was not cold. The small train came up the hill on the left side of the road. It was a kiddy train from some sort of amusement park. Several people rode on the back of the train. They were wearing ponchos, to keep in the theme of the amusement park. They were all from the mexican museum, and were on the scenic train ride around the area. I rode my bicycle to the bottom of the hill. There was a building on the right side of the road, at the intersection with the main road. It was the museum. I got off of my bicycle and walked it to the bike rack on the side of the building. The building was a tan adobe style. It was very plane in design, with no window on the side wall. It stood two stories tall. I tried to lock my bicycle to the rack, but there was a lady in the way. She had left her bicycle leaning against the edge of the rack so that no other bicycles could be locked up. I tried to move her bike, as she had left it, but it was locked to the rack.

I drove along the road that went over the top of the rounded hill. There were grassy fields all around, with short stone walls dividing them. $F5 was in the car with me. We came over the crest of the hill and stopped at the T in the road. There was a very scenic view of the valley beyond from the corner. I looked down the side of the hills into the beautiful valley. I then turned right and continued on in the car. $A33 was ahead of me as i ran down the trail in the woods. We had to get back to the start of the run. I followed the rest of the hashers as they headed back to the start. I followed $A34 up the rocky hill. He was charging up the hill, so i was encouraged to do so as well.

11997 January 12

I was at the gas station, trying to fix my car. I was waiting for the other person to help me, but he was not around. He walked by me, knocking one of the handles off of a pump. I was feeling upset so i drove away. I thought that the leaking gas might be a problem, but i did not want to deal with it. I started to fly over the city. The city was crowded with tall tenement buildings. It was dark out, and the light on the streets had a dull, rainy feel to it. I flew into the windows of the buildings and through the long halls of the buildings. I passed down one corridor and slowed as i approached the open window on the other side. There was a dull yellow cloth hanging over the window. I slipped through it carefully so that i would not tear it down. The window on this side of the building was smaller than on the other sides. I thought that i should go back to the gas station because i had forgotten to pay the bill. I would have to leave a tip as well. I flew over the narrow street, looking down at the dim street lights and the many people moving around in their ragged clothes. I walked into the lavatory where the electric sander was sitting below the counter. I went to wash my hands. I was in the lavatory at the gas station. I pressed the small handle on the soap dispenser, which was in the shape of a man’s head. It was a caricature sculpture of a man with slicked back black hair and a grin on his face.

I ran into $F13 on the edge of the quad. I said hello to him, but felt strange about talking to him. I was uneasy with him around. I walked into the old stone dorm building at the edge of the quad. $A35 was there. He was living with $F13 in the dorm. I had to sneak into the dorm room so that $F13 would not see me. I did not want him to know that i was there. I held my denim jacket over my head as he passed so that he would not notice me. I walked the halls of the dorm. The lady showed me the new suite where my office had been moved. I walked through the plane white corridor of the A wing of the dorm. My office was through a door at the corner of the corridor. The corridor turned to the left and headed into the building. I remembered about my office moving from before. I had not realized that i was now in the same building as $F13. I was right near where he was living now. I went to my room.

11997 January 13

We were driving up the west side of the lake. I looked over the map of where we were heading. We were heading towards $P21, at the top of the lake. I thought that we could head just a little to the east and go to $P6, but we were heading back towards $P14. My mother was driving the car. I realized that the doors of the car were not closed that tight, so i tried to pull them shut from the inside. We drove down the dirt, country road and onto $P22. It was raining lightly outside and the road was all muddy. We were up there to visit my grandfather, who was staying on someone’s cottage. He had sold his. I could see his old cottage as we drove by. There were Boy Scouts outside. It must have been converted into a camp. The Scouts were wearing blue and brown uniforms. Some of them must have been Boy Scouts and the others Cub Scouts. I walked over the mud ruts in the road and stopped near my car. There was an old man in the road. He would not let us pass until he could take some pictures of the scenery. When he finally moved, i could see a couple of bicycles on the beach across the small bay. We were in North Bay. I started moving really fast across the beach. I thought that it was fun to move so fast through things. I maneuvered through the people that were scattered across the beach. I flew through the people as i crossed the room. The room was filled with alumni from my fraternity. I landed near the fireplace in the living room and looked around. $A36 was there with me. I greeted him as “Master Stu” and shook his hand. I had not seen him in a while. Then i noticed $A37 lying on the floor near me. I bent over and shook his hand. He was wearing a red and white jersey. I walked out of the living room and went to check my mail. My pictures had finally come in. I opened the while plastic envelope and looked through the photographs. They were photographs of me and the brothers of the house. I flipped through the stack. The first section was mostly of brothers. The second section had mostly pictures of the parents who had come to the formal function to see the house. I was in the living room, where my father was laying down with the upper half of his torso in the fire place. Someone in the room stated that it was a good thing. I was unsure. My father stood before me as i stood in the fireplace. I could see a Christmas scene on the other side of the room. There were Christmas decorations all around the room. I looked out the back window of the plant room and could see my mother sitting in the manger scene. I walked around the side of the house, but she was no longer there. I could see the party in the house with Tom and Debbie. I remembered walking into the large hall where they were having their party before. The hall was crowed with people then. I walked into the celebration and looked around. I had just arrived in town and placed my bags by the door as i entered.

11997 January 15

I was at my parents’ house when someone pulled into the driveway of the house. It was night outside, and i could see the lights shining up the driveway. I did not know who they were, and felt distrustful of them. I hid below the door so that they could not see me. I could hear them moving around outside, and i was afraid that they might come to the door. I did not want to let them in. They could not be trusted. I waited just below the door for them to leave. Then i realized that they were moving things onto the truck. I could hear the noises of the motion. I was suspicious of them, and sat up to peek through the thin curtains of the window to see what they were up to. There was a red puck-up truck in the driveway, parked right next to the back porch. It was a dull red, with a thick black stripe running down the side. The truck seemed rather large for a pick-up. There were some kids sitting in the cab. They were moving around and talking to each other. It seemed like part of a family. I wondered if they were some kind of poor, vagrant family. Then i saw the sign on the side of the truck. It said “artificial insemination”. The parents were unloading things from the truck and taking them in through the basement door under the porch. They had managed to break into the house and were taking things. I realized that they were here to steal the cows from the basement. I walked into the kitchen and opened the cellar door slightly. I wanted to peek down to see what they were up to. I noticed that i was casting a shadow on the wall of the basement at the bottom of the stairs. I could not let them notice me. I reached up and flipped the switch for the light in the room where i was. The shadow did not go away, however, it simply became brighter. I backed out of the door way and started talking to $Z in the dining room.

11997 January 17

I walked into the large living room where the fish tank was. It sat just inside the doorway to the right, against the wall. The room was painted a bright golden yellow, and the fish tank was large and had a bluish tint to the glass. It looked as though it had not been cleaned in a little while. I had a bag of fish that i had carried into the room. I had to empty the fish into the larger tank. I had already emptied one of the bags in, and should do the rest before the fish suffocate. I picked up one of the bags which had a blue betafish in it. I had to remember to keep the betafish separated or else they would fight with each other. I placed them into small, round bowls on the counter. Then i looked back at the main tank. The glass was cracked across the front of the tank. Then one of the fish jumped out of the bowl. They were always trying to escape. Then i noticed that there were several more fish lying on the ground. Their bodies were dehydrated and withered. They had all jumped out of the tank when i was not looking, and had all died. I quickly tried to get one of the fish back into the tank. I then looked back into the big tank. There was a very large fish swimming in the murky green water. It looked like a trout. It must have eaten the other smaller fish. I felt distressed. I looked down to the floor again and could see the broken pieces of the fish tank scattered around. I spotted a fish amidst the rubble, but as i bent down to pick it up, i realized that it was just one of the tank decorations. It was a porcelain fish, with dirt over it. I rubbed the outside clean so that the natural enamel could show through. I would have to clean up the broken pieces of the fish tank. I was upset at the mess. The other people mingled around the room, not really paying attention to the fish tank. Then i realized that one of the plastic bags of fish that i was going to empty into the large tank had tipped over and the water in it was running out. I could not deal with the pressure i felt so i walked out of the room and down the aisle of the bus. I sat down next to $F10 and started talking to him.

11997 January 18

I stood at the edge of the canyon with my parents and my grandmother. The area around us was coloured a dull orange and red, and the light was very hazy and bright. We would have to cross the canyon on foot. I started down the steep slope of the cliff. I had to start across the canyon. I wondered whether anyone would be able to follow me over the rough terrain. I was worried that they were not in good enough shape to make it. I jumped across the dry river bed and started up the other side of the small ravine which connected to the side of the canyon. I looked over the rocks on the other side. There was a small niche through which i could climb up the other side of the ravine. I decided to wait for the others, though. I knew that they would not be able to climb the other wall. My grandmother would complain about the difficulty and refuse to climb. Then $K7 came walking down the shallow, loose gravel slope from up the ravine to the left. She had walked over the top of the cliffs, where there was a path. I looked out to the right and across the main canyon. We would have to get across it. We were heading in a direction that would lead us around the rim, as the direct route was just too difficult. We would never be able to cross the buttes and rivers of the main canyon. We would have to go up the other side of the ravine. There was no way to get down into the main canyon from here.

Someone had brought the snake to the concert. I remember it being around someone’s neck earlier. We noticed it as we unpacked the car and brought stuff into the hotel room. It had been out in the car all evening, and had died from the cold. It lay on the floor just in front of the large bed, its skin withered. It was a very large snake. It seemed a couple of meters long and several decis thick. It had been hiding in the wicker basket in the car, and no one had remembered it. Then it started to twitch a little. The snake was alive after all. It had just been in a state of deep hibernation. The woman was still upset about the snake being dead. It was wasteful of such a large snake. I hoped that it was dead, because i did not like being near the snake.

I was taking a shower with the others in the high school locker room. The tiles were coloured a bright aqua. I realized that i had forgotten my soap. I wrapped the white towel around my waist and walked out into the locker room. There was a room full of lockers on the right side of the hall. I watched myself walk into the room. There was a television sitting above the lockers that ran against the far wall. A glass door was pulled over the center of the lockers where the television hung from a black support. The television was not working properly, though. $A38 walked from the right side of the locker room and played with the set. He was fixing it. I thought that he was still stuck-up because he acted superior after fixing the television. I remembered that he always had ego problems. The other brothers were discussing what had to be done. They stood at the top of the stairs. Something had happened downstairs. There was a surprise downstairs. $A39 walked up to me. He was wearing a light blue shirt. He told me to go downstairs for a solution to the problem. I was wary of what might happen. I walked down the stairs, which had a wooden rail running down the left hand side. It was a polished, stained, wooden rail. The brothers were calling the parents downstairs. It was the right thing to do. I could tell that $A39 really believed that they should do the right thing. I was disappointed that they wanted me to do it, but i did anyway.

11997 January 20

I walked around the room where all of the people were hanging out for the party. The walls of the room were a bright white, and the architecture was very modern, with thin, rectangular columns along the walls. A person brought a small brown box into the room. The box had fancy brass trim all around it. It was a bomb. I somehow knew this. He placed the box on the floor to the left of the entrance door to the banquet room of the hotel that we were in. I told the others that were standing with me that something was wrong. I kept thinking about the bomb, but i did not want to tell the others about it directly until i was sure it was a bomb. I started to feel panicked, and told every one to clear the room. People walked out the back entrance to the room and into the courtyard. I brushed past the large plants that sat by the french doors on my way out. There were white curtains on the french doors. Once outside, i told the others that i thought there might be a bomb inside. It was a psychic feeling of mine. We were all in some sort of danger in the room, and it seemed to be a bomb. There was still something dangerous in the room. I wandered back into the room and stared at the wooden chest on the floor. I wondered whether there was a bomb inside, or whether i had just scared myself and made it up.

11997 January 21

I walked into the downtown area of the city. It was a bright day outside, and the city was very clean and open to the sky. The tan stone buildings formed a corridor which led towards the underground tunnel where the city was. There was a set of glass doors across the face of the tunnel, where the entrance to the city was. There was a tan cement wall on all sides of the glass doors. The city was underground, because that is the way things were in the future. I walked into the tunnel, which was more like a mall. There was a wide corridor with glass walls on both sides. The stores behind the glass walls seemed to be closed. That was the way things would be in the future. The tunnel was actually a passage into the future, but everything kept changing. I had to get away from the city. It was not a good place to be. There was something wrong here. The place was very empty, and i did not feel safe. This was not the correct future. Something had happened to the time line. There were glass buildings in the corridor that were part of the city. I ran out of the corridor and back outside.

11997 January 22

I walked across the open square in the small adobe village. The ground was made of dirt and everything was dry. The ashen buildings that surrounded the central area of the town were all single-story, and had very few features on their surface. There was no one around in the town, and everything was quite. I wandered up the wide short stairs that rose along the far edge of the open space. They curved around the outside of the area, which seemed like a television room with many viewing seats. I had followed the corridor from the outside square and had come into the television room of the community complex. Seats were carved into the stone of the steps, with deci high partitions between them. It was dark in the room. Everyone was elsewhere for the evening. They were probably sleeping. I walked over the seats, stepping on the partitions between the chairs. I wondered whether i should climb on the walls of the right side of the room. I was afraid that someone might come in and get mad at me for walking around in the room while no one else was there. I walked around the back of the room and onto the counter that wrapped around the left side of the room, which was a kitchen area. There were cupboards on the walls to my right as i walked. I stepped over the sink, which was just to the right of the window. It was a small window that led outside to the back of an alley. There was a garbage dumpster just to the left of the window outside on the street. I wondered whether i should jump out of the window and run away into the alley. I could easily jump out of the window and get away. I jumped off of the counter instead and wandered back into the center of the room. I wondered what would happen if someone actually came into the room and found me there. I could escape out the window.

11997 January 23

I sat in the classroom at the $P7 with $F5 and $F4. It felt kind of strange to be here, but i knew that we did not have to stay in the class. We could leave for lunch. I had not thought of this until just now. People were still coming into the classroom, and soon the room was full. We got up and started to leave for lunch when $A40 showed up. He started talking at the front of the classroom. $F5 then started taking orders for lunch. He had already collected quite a few from the other people around the room. I wanted to leave, but i had to stay at the restaurant while the others were here. I ordered fries from the person at the counter, paying them in cash. The others were eating fries with catsup and cheese over them. I just wanted mine plain, but waited for the others to stop eating before i went to get my order. I ordered just plane fries. Then $A5 said that he would pay for the fries for everyone. I was quite surprised. I picked up my bags and started driving around the city while i waited for the others. I drove down the highway and over the ramps and down the other side. The bus continued down the road. I sat on the left side of the bus, watching the streets go by. Then i climbed out the window of the bus as we approached the cathedral in the downtown area. I hung on to the outside of the bus and rode on the small ledge below the windows. The bus pulled up to the curb in front of the cathedral steps and the people started to unload. There were many people getting off of various busses and going into the cathedral. There were metal rails put in place on the stone walkway before the stairs of the cathedral to help herd the people in the correct direction. I still hung on to the outside of the bus, even though i knew that people should not be riding on the outside of the bus. Then i saw the police officers helping people into the large cathedral-like building. I wondered whether they would arrest me for vagrancy if they found me riding on the back of the bus. The bus waited for a few minutes after the people got off, and then pulled off to the left into a lot where the tourists were waiting. The tourists were here to see what would happen to the immigrants that had just gotten off of the bus i was on. I hopped off of the bus and tried to mix in with the tourists. I walked up the stairs of the building with my parents. We had been here earlier, trying to settle the immigration court case. The immigrants were being detained for the moment. I could pass through the guards as a citizen. They would not know the difference. I thought of what it would be like to be detained against my will. It did not seem pleasant. We were here to visit the rest of our group, who had been detained in the building. I knew that they could not arrest me again as i walked through the wood-decorated corridor of the court room that was the entry way of the building. There were white and tan chairs sitting around the room, but they were all empty. I felt uncomfortable here. The man behind the desk watched me as i walked down the security check in the corridor. I decided that i should change my shirt so that they wont recognize me from before. I quickly pulled off the white knit jersey and put on the purple tee shirt. There was a camera on the wall to my right, hanging just above the cork bulletin board. I tried to catch up to my parents in the dark corridor. I reached the end of the hall and turned left to head down the stairs in the old building. My father walked out the door of the building, but my mother stopped just inside. I turned around and headed back up the stairs towards the main door to the building. They wanted to continue down to the first floor.

11997 January 24

We were cleaning up the black box theatre. I walked into the plane room with the black walls. The room was rectangular, with very high walls. There was nothing in the room but the black boxes on the floor. I picked one of them up and brought it to the back room. I was taking the set down with the others. The original set was black and white in design. I walked around to the back side of the theatre, following the stairs around the corner of the building as they went up to the control room. I closed the door as i entered the room. I could see the white stage in the small theatre below from the plexiglas window of the sound room. The theatre was dark. All of the lights had been turned off as people were preparing to close the theatre. I felt somewhat lonely and depressed. The lights were still on in the control room. We had to finish moving the scenes again.

I sat i the large sink in the small bathroom talking to someone on the phone. I sank down in the tub and a little bit of water splashed over the side of the white porcelain sink on the left wall of the small room. I looked over the edge of the tub to see that there was a second sink below me into which the water had fallen. I was not worried about the water splashing over the edge of the tub, as it would fall in the tub below. There was someone in the doorway behind me, but i did not pay attention to the person. I was on the telephone with $F15. He was at the recording studio playing in the band. I wanted to go to join him. I reminded him that i had some files on his computer that i needed to get.

11997 January 26

I was in the back yard at my parents’ house with the others. Some of them were brothers. There was a green canvas tarp stretched over the back yard between the house and the garage. It was supported by square wooden poles. It was lightly raining outside, so we walked under the tarps to get from place to place. I felt anxious. I looked out the side of the tarp down the back yard. I could feel the rain falling on my head. People were watching me from the other side of the tarp. I felt strange. I ducked down to walk under the tarp. I followed the corridors of the tarp to the garage. I walked back around past the sheds to $X3’s pen. The pen had been overgrown and worn. It was an old place, and did not feel quite right. I looked out across the large field behind the pen. The stubs of the cut field grass were golden in colour, and the sky was a dull grey. $A41 stood behind the barn in the field. I wrapped part of the blanket around my head. It was kind of like a turban. I stood behind the barn where $A41 was. I felt very strange. It was very uncomfortable to be here. I walked back under the tarp where the other brothers were.

11997 January 28

I was at my grandmother’s house when i remembered that the animals had escaped from the zoo. The zoo was near her house, so i could see some of the animals running past her house. I walked outside where i suddenly saw the black panther wandering around the back yard. It wanted to play with me, and started batting at me with its paw. It grabbed my hand with its mouth. It did not bite me because it was just playing with me, but i was afraid that it might bite down. I did not know what to do with it.

11997 January 29

I had been kidnapped by the people and was being held in the car. They were driving me somewhere, and i wanted to get out. I was scared of what might happen. The car was not mine, and i did not recognize it. We drove down the narrow asphalt path. There was a short lawn on either side of the road, with bushes just beyond. We were unsure whether the road actually went any place, though. It just came out in the golf course. We realized that we could go no farther. We turned the golf cart around to the left and tried to circle around on the road. The path was too narrow, however, so we drove out over the grass of the lawn. I knew that we were someplace in $P4, but did not know that this road did not come out anywhere but in the golf course.

11997 January 30

I rode to my house on my bicycle. I had come to my grandmother’s house on $P1. $K2 was there, riding his motorbike in the street. I realized that he was the Masked Rider. He revved his bike and took off down the street. He was wearing the bright green, white, and blue helmet and bike suit. I walked out into the intersection at the corner and watched $K2 as he turned his bike around. I pretended to rev my own bike, even though i was standing in the street without one. I was joking around, pretending to get ready to charge down the street. I stepped to the right as a car came down $P1. I let it go by. Then $K2 passed by me, riding on one wheel. He sped off down the road. I followed him down the road to where it ended on the other side of the block. I walked up the small dead end roads just on the other side of $P23. It was autumn out, and the sky seemed very gloomy. I walked south on the street. There was a small yellow house to the west, at the corner where the street turned to the left and headed east into the old suburb. $K2 had already made it to the house, but i continued to wander. I felt lost. I had gotten confused by the twisting streets, as i had not been here in a while. I turned around and headed for the small yellow house at the end of the road. $K2 must already have made it there. There was a wooden fence around part of the yard. It had flat, vertical boards across its surface. Then i realized that $K1 was at the house. She was there with the large dog. The dog seemed like a german shepherd. I started to play with the dog, but it snapped at me and grabbed onto my hand with its mouth. I knew that it was just playing, as it was not biting down hard.

11997 January 31

I stood at the side of the zoo looking out over the animal pit. There was a short wall made out of stucco with part of a window opening in it. We stood on one side of the wall watching the animals down the slope on the other side. The wall was a dull reddish brown colour and the sky was a bright blue. I spoke to $Z, who was standing to my right. Then i saw the small animal climbing the tree in front of us. The tree was fairly young, and was only three or four meters in height. It grew wide and not so tall. The animal was some kind of raccoon. It climbed the tree and started playing around on the first set of branches. It was a squirrel as it moved in abrupt motions on the tree limb. Then i noticed the large brown bear walking under the bottom of the tree. The bear came up to the tree and started to climb. The raccoon in the tree quickly scurried farther up along the limb that it had been hanging on. The other animal was a reddish colour and climbed the tree easily. It was slightly larger than the raccoon and i knew that it was a cousin to the raccoon. The sloth climbed out along the limb to get farther from the reddish animal. The sloth was a blonde colour. It climbed uneasily out before it lost its balance and slipped around the branch. It hung up side down under the branch for a moment before it lost its grip and fell to the ground. Then the two red animals in the tree began to argue. They growled and snarled at each other. I knew that the larger one was an australian species. They both swiped at each other, and then took off down the tree and across the grassy slope. I stood at the top of the grassy slope with $Z watching the fight. We discussed what the animals were doing and what kind of species they were. The two animals made it to the bottom of the grassy hill when they came to a stop. I recognized one of them as a gazelle. I could tell by its tan pelt and black stripes. I did not know what the other one was, and neither did $Z. The gazelle leapt suddenly and started running back up the hill. It ran to the left of us, charging up the slope. I was worried that we were too close to the animals and hopped back to the other side of the fence. I looked to my left down the paved path, which ran along the crest of the slope. I saw $Z hop over the wire fence just behind me. Then i noticed the large tiger just on the other side of the fence. It was crouched down in the grass as if it was ready to pounce. It jumped towards the fence and hopped over. It had escaped. We were suddenly worried about the tiger being on the loose. We ran into the large house which was on the other side of the path from the hill. It served as the visitors’ center for the park. I quickly closed the doors behind us and locked them. I then walked into the dining room where the large windows were on the outside walls. The windows were two section windows that stretched from the ceiling to the floor, and were open on the bottom. There was a screen on the outside that let the warm summer breeze blow into the room. The white lace curtains lifted in the breeze. I could see the lion standing on the path outside the window. There was a pine shrub on either side of the window, providing shade for the house. Then i noticed the pile of blue clothing on the ground just outside the window. There were two bodies on the ground. I looked at the shredded blue safari uniforms and realized that the lion must have eaten the tour guides. The leaders of the expedition were dead. I slid the lower section of the windows to the floor, closing the windows so that the lion could not get in. I looked out again and could see a plate of brownies on the counter just outside. There was some other food as well, sitting along the counter. It seemed to be part of a banquet. I ran out of the dining room and across the kitchen. There were more plates of food on silver platters on the island counter to the right. It was being prepared for the banquet. I ran to the opposite end of the kitchen and looked out the window of the side door. I could see the tour bus pulling into the driveway. It made a large turn in the cul-de-sac and prepared to let its people off. They would have to be warned that the tigers were on the loose.