12000 January 03

I walked through the small room of the house. I was wearing a housecoat. The others were talking about the honey that was inside of the bee hive. I knew that the hive was living on the inside of the housecoat. As the other person mentioned the queen’s chamber as the place where all of the honey was stored, i pictured the open space on the underside of the housecoat as if it were filled with honeycombs. I could hear the bees buzzing inside of the boat. I imagined a small cavern dripping with honey. I then thought that i should take off the housecoat so that we could get the honey out. We would need to use it. I tried to sit down on the chair so that the housecoat was hanging over the back of the chair. I was going to try to slip out of it but leave it standing by propping it over the back of the wooden chair. I hoped that i did not get stung as i slowly slid my arms out of the coat. Once i was out, i was glad that the bees did not bother me. I then noticed that my mother was in a housecoat. She was trying to collect more honey. I talked with the others, but the situation seemed strange.

12000 January 04

I brought some of my things into the new apartment. The place seemed rather large. It was modern, with plain white walls and a relatively low ceiling. The room i was in seemed to be a bedroom. It was square in shape and had a large bed against the north wall. I suddenly wondered why i was moving out of my house ands into an apartment. It seemed strange that my mother would have me move. I felt frustrated and did not really want to look around the new apartment. I felt tired. There was another person in the apartment who seemed like $F10. He was standing in the living room, which was to the west of the large bedroom. There seemed to be several people living in the apartment with me, and i wondered why i wanted to live with so many people. They seemed to be college students. I walked towards the east end of the house, thinking that i had taken the largest room of the house for myself since i was the one who had moved in first. I then thought that i owned the house, so i could do as i pleased. A younger an walked up to me. He was interested in renting one of the rooms. I thought that there were not that many rooms left. The students seemed to be moving in around me. The man looked into the room which was south of the large bedroom. It seemed somewhat cluttered, and i wondered whether he would be interested in staying. He seemed like $F12 and i felt interested in him. I then wondered which room he would be in. I thought again about my room, which was on the west side of the house. It was very large, and the room that we were looking at seemed small. I walked back to the west, passing the front door, which was on the north wall just past the square white bedroom. As i reached the other side of the house, i heard a noise. It sounded like a muffled clank. I realized that it was the door bell and went back to the front door to check. It seemed late at night, and the other people in the house seemed to be sleeping in various places around the house. There was a delivery man at the door. He had something for me. I felt strange, thinking that i owned the house but was only one of the people living here. There was a paved driveway outside the door as i walked out. The delivery man was walking down the driveway toward me, passing the dark blue car. It seemed to be light out and i could see the green shrubs which lined the north side of the driveway. I felt confused and uncertain about what was happening as i walked back into the house.

I was trying to teach something to the class as i stood in front of them. It seemed strange that i would be teaching them. I felt as though i were not really a teacher, but that i was quite able to explain something to them. I turned to the board and started to write the equation on it. It seemed to be a parametric equation with fractions on either side. I then tried to focus on the board. The chalk numbers were smudged and i could not read what i had written. There seemed to be two fractions added together. I knew that the one on the left should have a four on the bottom, but i was starting to be uncertain. I asked the class what the number was. I joked with them that i was not able to remember what i was doing from time to time. They confirmed that the bottom number was a three. I rewrote the solution to the equation. I wrote the solution to the equation on the board. It was the square root of three plus one over the square root of three. I turned to talk to the class to continue with the lecture. I noticed that there was a boy sitting with his chair against the back wall of the classroom. He seemed to be sitting between two of the rows. His hands were behind his back and i knew that he was scribbling on the chalk board behind him. I looked around the classroom and saw the boy suddenly stop what he was doing. He was trying not to act suspicious. I knew that he was trying to get his friends to laugh with him. I ignored him, thinking that it was silly for him to write on the board and silly for me to worry about it. I turned and walked across the street. I had to get something from my car, which was parked on the opposite side of the street. As i rounded the front of the large american car, i wondered why i had left the classroom in the middle of a lecture. I decided that i had run out while the class was taking a test. I had to get back, quickly, though, and tried to hurry. I noticed that there was something on the roof of my car. I had left my folders there. I was glad that they had not been stolen and felt distressed that i had forgotten them. There were two men in blue business suits standing to my left. They were talking to each other. I grabbed my mandolin from the car and started back to the school building, which was to the north of me. I was in the hall heading to the east, toward the classroom. The doorway to the classroom was at the end of the hall on the right. I did not want to bring my instrument into the classroom, so i set it down on the east wall of the hallway, between the two china cabinets. One of the polished wooden cabinets was in the center of the east wall. The other was against the north wall. The walls seemed to be covered with a white wallpaper that had purple and blue flowers down it. The hall seemed very clean and polished. I left the guitar against the wall and walked back into the classroom. The students were still taking their test.

12000 January 05

I walked down the aisle of the grocery store collecting food from the shelves. I tried to think of what i needed, but was not really sure. I looked to the east, down a long aisle. I could see the dairy section of the store and thought that i should get a gallon milk. I then decided that there was not really that many things that i needed from the store. I seemed to be in a hurry to collect the things. I walked to the center of the store, where the cash registers were. I stood behind a woman, who seemed like $A157. She was in a queue at one of the registers. I turned to face north, away from the front of the store. I placed the things that were in my arms down onto the top of a display box. The box was brown cardboard, it’s top a little above my waste level. I tried to remember what else i would need before i turned around and got on the end of the queue. I then remembered that i was supposed to pick up a gallon of milk. I had forgotten. I left my things on the top of the box and ran to started walking quickly to the east. I then decided that i hurry back so that i do not lose my place in line. I started jogging down the aisle of the store. I was wearing flip-flop sandals. I thought that it was strange for me to be wearing them in a store. I came to the end of the milk aisle and skidded to a stop, my left foot in front of me. The sandal twisted around my foot. I looked down at my dark grey sock as i grabbed a gallon of milk from the shelf. The sandals were loose and were sliding off. I wondered what the man, who was standing in front of me, thought about someone wearing sandals in a store. I turned with the gallon of milk and to headed back towards the register queue, fixing my sandal as i went. I came into the center of the store and walked over to where i had placed the rest of my things. I looked back to the queue and noticed that a man had gotten onto the end of the queue when i was gone. He looked at me as if curious about what i was doing. I picked up my stuff and turned around to walk south, across the street. The street seemed more like a driveway. It was in the middle of a park. I looked over the green grass to the south as i reached the other side of the road. There was a tall tree with a wide trunk and thick leaves. I then noticed a fine white film on the edge of the ground near me. I realized that it was part of a spider web which had fallen across the road. It was a thick flat cobweb which was hanging from the mound of gravel on the side of the road. I pulled at the end of the web, trying to sever it. I did not think that it should be hanging on the side of the road. As i broke the end which was caught on the top of the gravel pile, i noticed that there were other fine strands holding it up along the grass. I dropped the piece which i had severed and looked over the we. It lie on the ground between me and the large tree. I wondered how the spider could have sun suck a thick web over such a distance. It was a dull which, but had ripples of iridescence on its surface where the light reflected off of the strands. I picked up the rest of my things and turned again and walked across the road. There was a man who had been standing next to me. He watched me as i carried my bags and the leather satchel across the road. I thought that i had taken the satchel from my mother’s things so that i could have an extra bag to put things in. I dropped my things on the other side of the road and knelt down to go through them. I thought that i would have to clear everything out of the flat leather bag and put into my black cloth briefcase. I opened the flat bag and saw that it had several large piece of a heavy paper in it. The paper seemed like sketch paper. I turned over the first tan sheet to see that it had an illustration on the back. It was a cartoon picture of a very steep ski slope with many people on it. All of the image was in a pale brown except for the figure in the center. It was an image of Mr. Magoo. He was wearing a blue coat with a red collar and was standing on a pair of skis. The cartoon portrayed him sliding down the hill backwards through the crowd. I wondered whether the cartoon was anything special. I asked my mother about it. She was standing to my right. I flipped through several more cartoons. There was a loose piece of paper in the pile which seemed to be the torn corner of one of the images. I turned over one of the images to find that it had the top left corner torn off from about half of the way across the page. I searched for the corner and held it next to the rest of the sheet as i looked at the image. The image was of Porky Pig. Porky was standing in a light blue vest with his hands together at his right hip and his right leg slightly bent over his left. He had a coy look on his face, as though he was purposely playing bashful. I looked at the torn corner of the drawing to see the artist’s name in pencil. It spanned the tear. I read it as Arnold Shultz. I looked again at the first drawing to see that the same signature was also on it. I asked my mother who the artist was as i flipped through the rest of the cartoons. She said that he was someone important. She said that he had been married to a Princess. I did not know who she was and wondered whether she was from a mediterranean country. I wondered whether the pictures were worth something. It seemed like they had come from my grandfather’s stuff. There were two pictures of Porky Pig’s head coloured in dark blue. The images seemed interesting.

12000 January 06

I walked behind the other men. It was very dark out, and we seemed to be part of the army. We were doing some kind of training. I felt as though there were some person watching over us as we moved. It seemed very cold and rainy. We walked into the center of a trench which was filled with water. We were supposed to be swimming through the water. I looked up as i moved through the dark clear water to see a line of cages. They were submerged just below the surface of the water, and we were supposed to swim under them. I thought that this seemed very strange. I suddenly wondered whether the cages would prevent us from coming up for air. It seemed that we should not get trapped under them. I then realized that i had been under the water for quite some time, but i did not feel out of breath. We were heading in one direction when we had entered the water, but now we were heading in the opposite direction. I thought that we must have made two left-hand turns in the trench. I then decided that i should take a breath . It did not seem right to be under water for so long. I came to the surface on the right side of the cages. I knew that we were not supposed to surface as it would give away our positions, but i felt as though i should do it. It was still dark out and there was an artificial fog flowing over the water. I was then out of the water, following the rest of the line of men as we marched. The stopped suddenly and i started to walk along the left side of them. They were wearing dark blue uniforms with a black stripe down the pants and formal coatees. They seemed like people from $P7. I recognized several of them as people with whom i had graduated. I felt uneasy with the situation, but was glad to see them again. I felt like i wanted to befriend several of them, but i held back. $A164 was at the front of the line. I shook his hand as i turned to face the battalion of people. I greeted several of them.

I left the house and headed down the hill into town. I thought that $F12 was coming to visit me in my house and i thought that i should give him directions. I knew that the house was on top of the hill and thought that $F12 might find that interesting. It would have a good view of the city. I was then driving up the curvy road which climbed the hill to my house. I imagined telling $F12 directions to the new house. The woods around the road were thin and had no leaves. It seemed like late autumn and the ground was a rusty grey. I turned a corner to the right and headed into the slope of the hill. The road ahead of me turned back to the left as it continued up the hill to the northwest. There was a modern house just up the hill from the road, over the corner. The land between it and the road was forested. It seemed very sunny out. I then came to the top of the hill, thinking that i should be able to see my house. I was sure that it had a view of the valley and thought that it should be close to the edge of the hill. Instead, the road leveled out and i started driving across the top of the hill. I wondered where my house was as i watched the tree line ahead of me, expecting the peak of the house to rise from the trees. The land on wither side of the road seemed to turn into lawns as the road curved through a suburban area. I then saw the peak of my house. It was a brick building and seemed to be three stories tall. It was an older house, and the third story was an attic. The house seemed very narrow, with a wing off to the right. I drove up to the house and stopped in front of it. There was a house to the left, across the street from it which was made of yellow materials. It seemed to be another old victorian house. I spoke to the person who was with me as i stepped out of the car. The person seemed to be my mother. I looked over the house, commenting on the condition that it was in. The front porch was on the wing of the house, and seemed to have very heavy features. There were two large columns supporting the flat roof of the house. I told my mother that the columns would need to be painted. As i looked closer at the large columns, i noticed that they had dull yellow marks on them. The center of each column had a distorted line running down the center of the column. It was a design made with a heavy paint that was blurred into the background brown paint on the column. There was a small cross mark at the center of the column. I thought that the columns would have to be painted anyway as they did not look gook. I turned around and walked to the other side of the room. I was in a very large room which seemed to have two levels to it. There was a single step which ran across the center of the room. I was in the upper half, which seemed to be on the west side of the house. All of the people had come for the party. They seemed like people from $P7, and i knew many of them. It felt good to see them again. I knew that my mother had set up the party. I then started talking to a group of people who standing in front of me. I felt as though i would like to know them. $A44 was in front of me. I shook his hand, and we spoke. I then wondered whether there was any more food left. I felt hungry, but knew that i had eaten enough. Someone said that i should have more, but i knew that there was not any left. I thought that i had prepared the food but wanted to leave the rest for the guests. I then remembered that someone had a platter of fish prepared in the japanese fashion. I looked at the person who stood in front of the me with the round platter of fish. The fish seemed to be fried and sauteed in several sauces. I knew that some of it was octopus and some was squid. I was sad that there was none left, but i did not want to take any food away from the others. I told the person to my right that i did not really need any more food.

I was in the small class room, which seemed more like a small library room. There were books on shelves on every wall. I knew that i was not the instructor of this class, but i was teaching someone. $A6 sat in a wooden armchair in the center of the room. I was teaching him physics. I knew that this was not my class, but it seemed as though i were asked to explain something. $A96 was standing next to the black board at the front of the room with me as i spoke to $A6. I thought that i would have to let $A6 take the test that i had made. I tried to think of what i should ask on the test. I remembered that $A96 had given me a final exam which was specific to my interests. I thought of a problem of the exam and asked $A6 to solve it. It was a simply electromagnetic equation, and i knew that he would solve it quickly. I then realized that i would have to come up with more questions, but i did not know what to ask. I wondered whether any of the questions which $A96 had asked me would make sense to $A6. I felt frustrated that i could not think of anything to ask him.

12000 January 07

I looked at the black and white image on the front of the newspaper. It was a photograph of several people standing in front of a bulldozer with one person standing on the roof of the yellow vehicle. I realized that the person on the roof was $A44. I was suddenly interested in the picture and wondered what $A44 was doing in it. The man looked very much like him, and i tried to read the caption to confirm that it was. $A190 was sitting in the wooden chair across from me as i looked carefully at the image. I told him that $A44 was in the picture and he walked over to my left side. He leaned over and looked at the image. $A44 was standing in a dark jacket on the top of the bulldozer’s roof with his left arm up and his right arm down in a flexing pose. He was facing his left. I was excited to see him in the paper and realized that he must be in town. It felt good to know that someone i knew was so close. I wondered whether i could meet him. I felt anxious about the situation.

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house with my father. The room seemed small and it seemed late at night. I heard someone drive on the driveway, which was on the back side of the house. I knew that my mother had come home late. She was out celebrating. I looked at the small television monitor of the kitchen downstairs to see my mother and father walk into the room. They were naked, and seemed to be laughing and giddy. The kitchen seemed pale green even though the camera image was black-and-white. I felt uncomfortable watching them, wondering why my mother was running around naked with the other man. I hoped that my father, who was with me, did not feel bad about my mother with my other father. I looked at them small screen to see my mother running back and forth across the camera. She was laughing merrily. She seemed quite a bit younger and was thin. She then slipped and fell back onto the floor. My father had to step over her as he passed by the camera. I noticed that she had strong leg muscles as she started to get up from the ground. My father helped her up and they started running around again. I could hear them laughing. I tried to shut off the camera so that my father, who was with me, did not find out about what my mother was doing.

12000 January 08

I walked up the steep slope of the hill outside of the house. We seemed to be in the country. There was field grass on both sides of the road. The hill seemed small, but very steep and ran down to the west. I stood over it, looking at the black pavement that was ran down the road below me. The pavement seemed to be a separate piece of black top which was placed over the real surface of the road. I shifted the long black piece of pavement so that it was aligned with the hill. It did not quite seem to fit the road. I pulled at it from the top until it was fully covering the hill. I then realized that it might slide of a car were to drive over it. I looked down the slope of the hill, noticing that the road made a sharp turn to the south at the bottom. I could hear a car coming from behind me. It was dark out, and i wondered what would happen when the car hit the mat on the road. I watched as the car drove over the crest of the hill below me and onto the mat. The mat slipped down the hill and the car lifted off of the road. It crashed head-first into the ground beyond the sharp turn. There was another car that had just come around the turn which came stopped as the first car crashed. I felt humoured by the scene, but then i wondered whether there was someone inside of the first car which had crashed. I was at the bottom of the hill. I looked at the dark red car, which seemed to be from the fourties. Its front end was crumpled. I then noticed that my red car was sitting near by. It had a large dent on the back end. I realized that the older car must have hit it as it crashed down the hill. I was annoyed that i had damaged my own car in the collision. I wondered what i should do. I thought that i should clean up the mess. I started to pick some of the pieces of clothing which were on the west side of the room. As i gathered some of my things, i was suddenly aware that the small was wandering around the room. I walked around to the other side of the large white structure, which was on the north wall of the room. It seemed like a bed, but had a wood surface. The baby alligator scurried under the bed. I thought that we should get it out and put it back into its cage so that it did not crawl around all night. I then realized that it was able to climb up onto the bed where i had been sleeping the night before. It was still somewhat dark in the room, which seemed to be in the basement of a house. I walked around to the east side of the bed and looked behind the headboard, which was on the north wall. There was an open space under the head board which was very dark. I could see only silhouettes in the space from the light that shone in from the other side. I knew that the alligator had fallen into the space, but i could not seen it. I did not want it to remain there. I started to prod the space with a pole to get the animal to fall to the ground where i could catch it. I then saw the silhouette of its head on the shelf in the center of the dark space. Tapped the stick near it, causing the black blanket that it was on to collapse. The baby alligator fell to the floor on the other side of the bed. As i stood up, $A166 came through the door and down the wooden stairs that were along the north wall of the room, behind the bed. This was his house. The stairs seemed to be made of unfinished two-by-fours. As he came down, i told him about the alligators. He did not seem concerned. He said that he should let the larger alligator out of its cage. I climbed onto the bed because i felt as though it might be dangerous. The large alligator crawled out from under the bed. If growled as it walked. $A166 said that it would be in a bad mood because it had been locked up all day. I felt frightened of it and pulled my feet away from the edge of the bed. The alligator moved casually toward $A166, still growling. $A166 held up a large brown furry teddy bear. The alligator grabbed onto it with its mouth and grumbled irritably. I still felt frightened by the animal.

12000 January 12

My mother mentioned something about the boats. I looked out over the water to see the small narrow row boat. Someone said that the boats were probably antiques. I knew that they were being rowed from Cuba to the shore of the United States. The other person said that they were sailed in the old fashioned way. I then saw the wide wooden boat moving towards me down the river. It seemed like a scene from a Vietnam-War movie. I said that the boats did not seem to be that original. I walked towards the ocean along the sandy beach. The ocean was to the south of me. The other two people had come to shore in the small boat. An officer came running towards the beach. I knew that he could not do anything to them until they had stepped onto the land. I felt strange and unfocused. I was worried about the people in the boat and thought that the officer in the tan uniform might shoot them. One of the people from the boat then announced himself as a government agent. I wondered whether he could out-rank the officer. I knew that he was an agent from the United States, but that we were no longer in the United States. We seemed to be on a beach in South America. The two men stepped onto the beach. I thought that the officer would simply be able to shoot them. I then noticed that the agent from the boat was Dana Scully. She was wearing a brown dress coat and dark pants. She told the officer that she was a government official and hinted that she knew people in the local government. I then realized that the military officer was at a disadvantage because he had to follow the orders of his government. Dana walked up to him and grabbed onto the front of his uniform very aggressively. She dragged him across the beach, passing to the west of me to the northeast. She then pushed him into the trunk of a palm tree and started to scold him. She said that she knew very important people in the local area. I suddenly realized that she would be able to threaten the guard. I felt more secure, but was still aware that i was in a dangerous country.

12000 January 13

I was swimming in the pool with the other people. They seemed to be many people that i knew. I tread water near the center of the pool as some of the others swam past me. $F4 was with me in the pool. I wondered whether i should try to do laps. I then remembered that i did not have my goggles with me and did not want to get water in my eyes. I pushed off from the east end of the pool and started to do a few over-hand strokes. $F4 pushed off right after me. He was trying to follow me, but he was swimming seriously. I knew that i could swim faster than him as i had been doing it for a long time, but i did not feel like racing. I slowed down and tread water near the south wall of the pool as he swam past me. There was a woman standing on the west end of the pool as $F4 approached. She seemed like the instructor. As i reached the west side, behind $F4, i mentioned that i should probably go to get my goggles. I thought that i should start doing some laps. I walked along the edge of the pool back to the east and into the locker room. I bent down to reach my black padlock, which was attached to a duffel bag in front of a set of tan lockers. As i started to dial the combination, $A162 walked up to my right and started getting things from his locker. He started talking to me and i worried that he was watching me dial my combination. I turned the dial on my lock, acting as though i had forgotten the combination. $A162 asked me a few questions and i answered him. I started my combination again, but again cleared it as if i could not remember. Finally, $A162 left his locker and i looked at my lock. The combination started with something in the thirties, but i could not remember the rest.

12000 January 14

We walked toward the mall. The man with me asked how we get through the building. I remembered this place from before. I had come into the mall before and had taken a right into one of the rooms, only to discover that the room was a secure area. I knew that, if we headed straight through the building, we would be able to make it out the other side. The three of us walked through the glass doors at the end of the building and into the long white corridor. The man asked me where we needed to go. He seemed worried and anxious. I told him that we would have to walk straight through the building. We started to move down the hall. Something seemed strange about the place. It was very clean and had many people walking the halls. I remembered that it was not like this before. The floor was brightly polished and the walls were a bright white. We walked up to the small machine which was mounted on the top of a white pole in the middle of the hall. It was a card-reading machine. I inserted the security card into the slot and the machine blinked a green light. It was the way for us to get through security. It was not necessary for us to go through the machine, and i thought that we would have to use the card on the office down the hall. The man with me was tall and thin and walked to my left. The woman walked behind me and to the right. We continued down the hall. There were people who watched us as we moved. We were sneaking into the secured offices. I thought that this place was really a laboratory. I pulled my security card out of the machine and thought i had actually stolen the card from the older man i knew. We then backed into the center of the hall. I acted as though we were looking for some store in the mall as i looked over the signs which hung in the center of the corridor. I wondered whether the store in the center of the mall would actually have a number. Other people in the hall were watching us as i read the red shapes on the sign. The red shapes formed semicircles which indicated certain rooms of the building. I knew that we were looking for the office which was just past the center store. I wondered whether the store would even have a number. There were two men in business suits in front of me as i focused on the black sans-serif numbering of the sign. They stared at us as they walked past on my right. The man in front had blonde hair. The store was number 440, and the two offices beyond were 441 and 442. I thought that we wanted 441, even though i felt as though 442 were a better number. We walked to the office which was on the left side of the hall. There was a name on the brown wood paneling of the wall. The name was formed of metal which was shaped into a decorative metal script. It started with a D. It was the name of the man whose office we were going to enter with the card. The exterior wall had a 1960s design to it, with polished paneling and metal trimmings. A woman then started asking us questions. We were standing in front of one of the stores. We had to act like we belonged here. We spoke with her, acting as though we knew about which we were talking. The man with me then knocked over a rack of clothing. I knew that it was a distraction. The woman fretted over the dropped material, but the man walked past her and into the store. I thought that we should help clean up the mess. I bent over to grab one of the poles which had grey and white wide-stripped material wrapped around it. There were several thin strips of cloth hanging over the main pole. I thought that we should really clean up the entire mess, but i did not feel like i wanted to. I knew that it was a distraction. I picked up the main bar and handed it to the woman. I knew that we had to act like someone else so that no one got suspicious. I remembered that our security cards had been counterfeit. I then headed across the hall to where the book shelf stood against the wall. There was another card reading machine in the wall to the left of the shelves. I took out my security card and slid it into the reader. It seemed to fit loosely. I then waited for something to happen. I noticed that the book shelf was not attached to the wall and rotated out from a hinge on the left side. It was really a secret door which led into the lad. I thought that it was a good disguise for a door. I pulled the book shelves away from the wall and looked at the brown paneling of the wall. There was a door there, but it was hidden in the detail of the wall. Then the bookshelf started to close again. I stood where i was and let it close against my back. I thought that we had spent too much time looking at the wall when we should have been opening the door. I slid my card into the small card reader to the right. The reader had a small gold-coloured tray on which i placed me security card before i slid it into the center of the machine. There was a red light on the right side of the machine which i watch, waiting for the machine to change from the red light to the green light. The small green diode light was just to the left of the red one. The machine did not change. I then felt the pressure of the cabinet pressing me between itself and the wall. I tried to slide the card through the machine again, but the machine did not seem to read the card. Then there was a security woman to the left of us. She asked whether there was a problem. The woman with me leaned over the edge of the book case and looked at the card reader. She suggested that i slide my card to the left on the tray as i pushed it into the slit. She did so and the green light came on. I thought that the reader must not have been aligned to the card and was not able to read the data strip on it. The book case opened again and i grabbed for the edge of the door on the wall. The door seemed flush to the wall and i had difficulty grabbing hold of the door. I then decided to push on the door to the left. It opened outward and allowed me to grab onto the edge of the first door. The doors were small and shaped almost like triangles. I thought that we would have to crawl through them. I turned to the woman, who was sitting on the brown wooden bench to my left, which was facing the wall. I told her about the small doors. The security guard then started asking us questions about why we were here. He was really a man in plain clothing. I told the man about the experiments that we were doing in the lab. I had to make something up which sounded believable. He listed as i explained to him that i could not say much. I thought that we would have to get away. I had to make it sound as though we were studying something secret. He seemed familiar, though. I told him about the german man who was with us. He was part of the experiment. The man then asked about something, referring to it as “temporal”. I placed my right arm over his shoulder and my left hand over his mouth. I tried to act as though we were discussing an important secret. I told him, “Don’t mention that here.” I acted secretive, knowing that i was implying that our experiments had something to do with time. I wondered whether he would think about time travel. I hoped that he would be curious but not ask any more questions. We sat on the bench and i tried to discourage the man from asking too many questions. Then, the man who had been walking with me walked out of the lab and stood next to me. “Gunther.”, i said as he approached. I then wondered whether i had told the man with whom i had been talking that Gunther had a different name. I remembered telling him that he was a german scientist, but i could not remember mentioning his name before. Gunther was wearing only a blue and black striped swimming suit. He was very skinny and had a good deal of detail on his body. I asked him what he was doing. He seemed nervous and asked me which way led out of the mall. I realized that we had to leave quickly. I told him to walk straight. I looked down the corridor and could see the glass doors at the other end of the mall as we started hurriedly walking in their direction. I hoped that we could get out as we passed through several waves of people. Then i heard someone call out and a buzzer alarm sounded. We tried to ignore it and kept moving. Two security guards in brown uniforms were near the door. They turned and started toward us. I thought about charging them and jumping to kick them. The skinny one with black hair moved in front of me. I grabbed onto the left shoulder of his shirt and tugged it towards me. I pretended to be attracted to him, thinking that i could confuse him long enough to get by. I tore the shoulder of his shirt, pretending to ravage him. His head tipped back, as though he were joining in the action, but his expression was one of uncertainty. I knew that we had to get past them and head to the door. I then started to think that we would have to take more violent measures to escape, but i felt as though i did not want to do so.

12000 January 15

I walked through the lower room of the hotel. I was on a trip with my parents. It seemed like it was early in the morning and my mother was with me. The lower floor was filled with people. The decorations of the hallways seemed darkly coloured, but everything was clean and festive. As i walked across the large room, which seemed like a dining room, i thought that i should go swimming. I wanted to get some exercise. My mother followed me as i walked. I then passed into a long narrow room with cream-green walls. There were tables in the room with people seated at them. As i passed one of the tables in the center of the room, i noticed a man sitting in a chair on the end of the table. He was $A85. I walked around him to the other side of the table and stood to his left. I called his last name. He looked at me, but did not seem to know who i was. His hair was blonde and stood up a little on top. He shook my hand, but was unsure how i knew him. I then told him that i knew him from $P7. He still did not recognize me, so i told him my name. He look confused. He said that he did not remember the name. I felt somewhat hurt and wondered why he could not remember me. The man on the other side of the table then stood up. I recognized him as $A151. He seemed much thinner than i had remembered him to be. I greeted him and spoke to the people at the table. $A85 asked me what i was doing in the hotel. I told him that i was with my parents. My mother was then standing to my left. She spoke to them cheerfully. I felt uncomfortable having her around. I thought that it was strange to always be seen with my parents. She started speaking to everyone at the table, asking them questions. I looked down the table, noticing a younger man at the end. He was the younger brother of $A85. I had not realized that $A85 had a younger brother .The younger brother seemed annoyed with the cheerfulness of my mother. I thought that we should continue on to where we were staying. I walked through the hall of the hotel and down the street. We were staying in a small motel farther down the road.

12000 January 17

I jogged down the road, which seemed to be on the back side of my parents’ house. It seemed like a cool summer day. I noticed $F12 jogging out of the woods in front of me. I knew that he had not been running that much, and he was moving somewhat slowly. I turned from the paved road and started toward him along the dirt driveway. I said hello and asked what he was doing. He staid that he was thinking about doing some sprints around the small roads. I looked over the field around us to see that there was a dirt road coming out of the woods which ran into the paved road. There was then a second dirt trail running from the road to where i was. They formed a loop. $F12 said that it should not be more than 990 metres. I thought that it was about eight hundred metres. I felt uncomfortable about running fast. I did not think that i could keep up the pace, and i did not want to let $F12 know how slow i had become. I then saw $F12 on the dirt road as we approached him. He was getting ready to start a run. I called to him and told him that the $F12 with me was thinking about doing sprints. The second $F12 nodded and started a slow sprint down the path. He was wearing a blue running singlet. I could see that he had a lot of chest muscle as his left arm swung forward and in front of his face. He stopped after a few test strides and looked back. I thought that the three of us would be running the fast loops. I felt uncertain.

12000 January 18

I walked through the busy store, following $F20. I had come to visit him. The store seemed very large with many rooms. I had been talking to $F20 for some time, but now he had to do a few things in the store to help customers. As he started to walk away from me, i tried to ask him about something. I asked whether he had any customers who had just replaced the pick-ups on their guitars and had thrown the old pick-ups out. He looked over his right shoulder at me as i followed him through an aisle of clothing. I knew that he wondered why i wanted an old pick-up. I told him that i needed an antenna. I then told him about the problem that i had been having in my house with radio noise. I told him that i needed the pick-up to try to track it down. He said that i could get one. He was busy, however, and needed to wait on some customers. I saw an austral man of middle age standing in the center of the room, his lower body hidden behind a rack of clothing. He stood tall and was wearing a dark blue coat. He had slightly curly hair. I walked toward the west wall of the store where there was a narrow staircase that climbed to the north behind a partitioning wall. $F20 paused on the stairs. I wondered whether he would be able to get the pick-up now. We walked up the stairs and came out on the walkway which overlooked a part of the store. It seemed late in the evening, and i was in a green room. The place seemed old and dingy and seemed to be part of an apartment. I had the sense that there was traffic out the window to the south. A man then walked over to $F20, who was standing on the north side of the room, in the corridor. I walked over to him. The man seemed nervous. He was the manager of the store. He was talking to $F20 about leading the woman around the store. She seemed to be an inspector who had come to look over the store. The manager then told me that i should lead her through the store. He smiled very falsely, seeming tense. He told me that i had to take the woman around the store. I thought that he was asking me because i was not as familiar with the store. He thought that he could hide things from the woman. I remembered that i did not work for the store but knew that i had come there often enough. I wondered whether i had to do as the manager asked simply because i had been in the store for such a long time today. I started to lead the woman to the west, down the corridor, thinking that i would answer all of her questions honestly, whether the manager wanted me to or not. She asked me whether there was a basement to the building. I knew that i had just come from there and told her yes. She started off to the east. I tried to catch her, knowing that the stairs to the basement were to the west, but she found a door on the north side of the corridor and walked into it. I followed her. It led into a dark room with a very low ceiling. The ceiling seemed to be made of roughly poured cement. The ground was uneven. It was part of a basement, but not the larger part that was in the store. I told the woman this as she walked around the room. There seemed to be things stored in here. I knew that they were a fire hazard. The woman then pushed on the door on the east wall. The door opened, but she could not get out as there were things stacked in front of the door. I could see day light coming in from around the edges of the objects, which seemed to be mattresses or pieces of plywood. She then left the building. I walked to the door, which was on the east side of the north wall. I knew that it would lock from the outside and did not want the woman to get locked out. The door was metal and painted red. I then heard the sound of a child calling out sadly from outside the door. I walked through the door, but did not want it to close behind me. I looked for something on the ground to prop it open with. It was very dark outside. I noticed a stack of red punching pads on the ground outside of the door. They were for Tai Bo. They had tags on them which said that they were to be thrown out. I remembered that there were yellow objects outside of the other door which were interesting to me. I thought that i should drive behind the store late some night and gather things that the store was throwing out. I then realized that the door had closed behind me. I walked out into the parking lot, which was surrounded on four sides by the building. There was an entrance drive to the northwest. The area was full of recreational trucks. I could only see the dim streetlight reflecting off the edges of the trucks. The woman then approached from the west, walking with the small child on her right. She held the child’s hand. I told her that the door had closed and locked, so we would have to walk around to the front of the store.

12000 January 19

I walked up the hill of the park-like area. It was sunny out and there were many people around. The place looked like the west side of $P3, just across the railroad tracks. I was moving up the hill to the south, heading towards the tracks. There was a large brick building at the top of the hill in front of me. It seemed collegiate and had an air of darkness around it. I had to get the chair to it. The chair had a metal frame with light green cushioning on the seat and armrests. I paused near the top of the slope, letting the chair roll ahead of me a little. It seemed as though i had been in the building previously. There were people there that i had been talking to. The chair then started to roll away from me to the west. I was not concerned and let it roll down the paved path. I watched it as it rolled. It then seemed very large, like a metal tower. It started to tip as one of the wheels his the grass on the right side of the path. I felt somewhat concerned, but did not take any action. The chair tipped to the north and fell over. I wondered whether it would roll all the way down the hill. It bounced slowly on the ground, moving as though it had a great deal of mass. It then started rolling down the hill. There was a road along the west side of the grassy area with a sidewalk to the west of it. I noticed some people on the sidewalk take note of the chair. I then thought that the chair might roll down the hill and hit someone. I watched as the large chair rolled down the road very quickly. It rolled over a man in a blue and red shirt who had been walking down the sidewalk to the northwest of me. I thought that i should tell them that it was not my fault. I worried, though, as i did just let the chair roll down the hill without thinking of what it might do. I felt concerned and raced down the hill. I started down the street, which had low buildings on either side. There was a group of people on the sidewalk to the west, tending the injured. I approached them. There was a large blue blanket covering someone and several people gathered around. The large blanket had streaks of red in its fuzzy surface. It did not seem that anyone was hurt that badly. $A190 was standing to my left, looking intently at the person under the blanket. I asked one of the people there what was wrong with him. The man on the south corner of the blanket said that he thought that the man under the blanket was disabled. He seemed to mean mental disability. I could then hear the man under the blanket stuttering. The blanket was pulled back and i could see the man. He seemed like a hobo. He was wearing a dark green trench coat and had a scruffy beard and hair. His eyes were unfocused and he shook and twitched. I told the others that he was just having a seizure. I said that we should try to comfort him, but i knew that there was nothing that we could do.

The person flipped through the pages of the book. She mentioned something about the Nazis. I started to get confused. I knew that the dates in the book were later than the nazi era in Germany. She said that she did not think that the dates had anything to do with Hitler as she flipped through the old text. The pages were yellow and the text seemed handwritten. I told her that the fourties would have been in the center of nazi rule in Germany, and that it was the correct time. She agreed. We placed the book at the foot of the door of the room and hurried back into the stairwell. We were leaving the book in the principle’s office. As we ran up the stairs and into another hallway, i thought that i should go back to get the book. The person who was with me ran off to the west, down the white corridor of the floor on which we were standing. I tried to think of what i wanted to do. There was a pale orange door in front of me which seemed to be an office. I thought that i should run back down to the principle’s office to get the book. I hurried back into the stairwell. I thought that i would have to go up to the next floor where we had left the book. As i entered the narrow stairwell, however, i noticed that the stairs went down in front of me and that there were no stairs to the east, where the upward flight should have been. I realized that i was already on the top floor of the building, which meant that i would only have to go down one floor. I walked out the door of the stairwell on the floor below. I came to a balcony which overlooked wide hallway. The hall seemed orange, with a dark orange and brown carpet. I could see the door of the room that i was trying to reach below me. I remembered that i had to go down one more floor to get to the office. As i looked at the office door, i could hear people singing a cappella songs. I knew that the performance was being set up in the hall below. I turned and ran to the northeast, through the small and onto the balcony overlooking the larger section of the lobby. I ran down the orange metal stairs which wound down to the floor. I could see some of the people gathered to set up the tables for the show. There were two people standing in the center of the room with black clothing on. They were the singers who were warming up. $A130 was standing in the crowd. I sped past him and then past the singers. I walked back through a small corridor which cut from the lobby to the hall on the south side of the building. I ran through the orange door and into the small conference room. The stuff was piled on the floor under a table on the east wall of the room. I walked over to it. There were two guitars on the floor, with several other musical things. I knew that they were not mine, but wondered whether i should take them. I knew that they belonged to the woman. The guitar on top was cheaply made. It seemed like it was plastic. The neck was detached. I flipped the guitar over and looked at how thin it was. It did not seem of good quality. Two men then came into the door on the north side of the room. I started to look through the other items that were on the ground. There was an old cardboard box which had drawings on the sides. I picked up the box. It was empty, but, according to the pictures on the box, it had contained various musical items. There was a picture of a pair of dice with red squares on the surface. I thought that it was a system of randomly picking notes when playing. There was another drawing of an abacus with red beads on it. It had something to do with rhythm. Another drawing was of a small instrument. It was coloured with yellow blocks. I put the box down and tried to arrange the instruments under the short table. The second guitar was small and poorly made, but the first seemed nice. It had a wide body, even though it was so thin. I folded the head across the body and tried to slide it under the table. I wondered again whether i should take the guitar to use it. I was not on the west side of the room, facing the west as i stuffed the black shirt under the glass plate and then tried to slide the guitar on top of it. The man to the south of me mentioned that the guitar was nice. I said that we should not take it as it belonged to the woman.

12000 January 20

I walked up the white tile stairs to the small enclosed area where the pool was. The area seemed like a patio with a short chain-link fence around it. The pool was small and square and covered with small white tiles. It seemed as though i had just finished doing something and was not hot. There was a man in the room to the north. He could not see me, but i thought that he should probably not see me in the pool. I thought that i should not go swimming, but i could wade into the water. I stepped into the shallow water. It seemed very warm. I wondered whether the man would some into the room while i was wading. I walked across the north end of the pool. The water came up to my waist. There was a square area in the center of the pool which was deeper than the rest. The area was about a metre and a half across and left about a metre of shelf in the rest of the pool. I then noticed that my green tee shirt had fallen in the water on the southeast corner of the pool. It drifted down through the water and started to drift toward the hole in the center. I thought that i did not want to have to go down into the hole to get it, so i tried to grab it with my right foot as it reached the edge. I scooped it up and moved to the southwest corner of the pool. I was aware that the man in the next room was moving. I sat on the south side of the west edge of the pool, looking to the east. There seemed to be a mirror on the wall just over a sink to the east of the pool. I tried to look at myself in the mirror. I thought that i could pose for myself to see how i looked, but i felt embarrassed. I hoped that the man did not come in as i turned to the south and pulled down the white shade over the small window that was in the wall. It was dark outside. The glass behind the shade was steamy and there were several bottles of shampoo on the shelf in front of the window. I hoped that the man did not come into the room so that i could continue to fool around in the mirror. The man then spoke to me. There was something wrong. It was very dark, and we were standing on the back side of the house, with the house to the north of us. The man mentioned that there was something wrong and that we would have close the fence. There was a tall chain-link fence to the south of us. On the other side of it was a dark field. I could only make out a few faint white figures in the darkness. They seemed like wolves. A few of them wandered up to the fence. The man let them in. They were the friendly dogs. I knew that there were several that were mean, though. They were the coming threat. The man let the creme yellow dogs into fence. I looked out into the darkness to see a few more white figures appearing. I felt tense. I knew that some of them would attack. A second wolf came up to the edge of the fence. The man talked to it and it seemed to acknowledge him. It was his way of testing whether the dog was good or bad. There were many more figures coming out of the darkness. I knew that they were not all good. I felt nervous and turned to walk into the house. I felt as though i had to warn someone. The house was a place where i used to live on $P2. I walked through the narrow corridors of the dark building. I remembered that the back stairwell went all the way up to the apartment where we used to live. I turned the corner of the white wooden stairs and came to a wall. The wall was new, and had been built in the middle of the flight of stairs. It came down from the ceiling and then met a fake piece of flooring which was resting on one of the steps. I reached under the flooring and tried to lift the bottom piece off of the stairs. I thought that i could squeeze under the wall and continue up the stairs. I came into the upper part of the stairs and opened the door. The door led into the front hallway of the apartment. I had to warn someone about the threat of the animals. I felt scared and tense. I then realized that the apartment was not vacant as i had thought. There were furnishings in the living room and a dull incandescent light glowed dimly from a black lamp which hung over the back of a cushioned chair. I stood on the southeast corner of the room. I wondered where the people were. I turned to the south and headed into the bedroom. This used to be my old bedroom. I pushed open the door and walked in. There was an object projecting from the west wall which blocked my view of the rest of the long room. The room stretched out to the south. There was a light on beyond the barrier. I walked to the left of the barrier and saw a woman in robes looking over the bed, which was against the west wall. I realized that she had just put her child to bed. The bed was covered with dark grey sheets which had a lighter grey rectangle in the center and a black region along the edges. The woman was wearing dark coloured robes and had long black hair. I called lightly to her so as not to wake up the child. I then worried that she might be frightened of me since i had broken into the house. She turned around and, with a sense of urgency on her face, walked over to me. I told her of the approaching animals and said that she needed to be cautious. We walked into the living room of the house. There was a man sitting in the chair as i looked around the room. I remembered this place from before. I thought that i should leave the apartment, though. I told the person that i should leave and started towards the front door. I then remembered that the hallway was not supposed to be used I thought that i should tell the woman that i had broken the wall over the stairs in order to get through. I stood to the west of the man, who sat in the low cushioned chair watching the television on the east wall of the room. The east wall was broken into sections, with the center section recessed all the way to the front wall of the house. I remembered that there was a closet behind the north side of the east wall. I then asked the man about the balcony outside. I could see out the screen door which was in the center of the middle section of the wall. It seemed dim outside, as though it were very early morning. I could see the back side of one of the white columns which held up the roof over the balcony. I thought that i could go out the front of the building and back down the stairway. I thought of the approaching animals, though, and felt frightened. I then turned around to look across the large living room. I mentioned that i had been here before. I could see out across the uneven lawn on the north side of the house. I remembered playing here when i was little. I knew that it was not as safe now. I spoke to the man as i walked across the grass. It was day time. The other people were collecting on the grass. I thought that i should go back to my room and gather my things. I would have to leave the building before the animals came. I walked into the small room from the door in the south wall. The room was narrow east to west. There were many books and papers scattered on the floor. I hurriedly sifted through them, pulling out what i needed. I had to get out of the building before the animals returned. I felt frightened and worried. I picked up my blue back pack and tried to stuff several of the books into it. I grabbed the large packet of paper which was bound within a rust-coloured cover. I thought that i should stuff it into my back pack, but i had to get out of the room. I did not like the fact that my things were so messy, but i had to get back to the others quickly. I stacked the books and papers in my hands and ran from the room. I had to rejoin the others in the courtyard. I was afraid that the monsters would come back.

12000 January 21

I walked out of the small cottage and onto the sandy beach. The air seemed cool, and it seemed like late autumn, but it was very bright out. I stepped across the rough rocks that stretched across the beach. The sky and ocean water to the west of me were both very blue. There were some people in the water in front of me. I thought that it might be cold. They seemed to be in the pool, which was part of the ocean, but it was covered by the white roof of the building. There seemed to be a screen wall to the west, which came down from the roof, into the water. I then focused on the man who had walked around the side of the house from the south. He was from next door. He was young, and i thought that he was very attractive. He had smooth tanned skin and nice proportions. I was interested in him, but i did not want to act too forward. He walked into the water near the house. My parents were talking to someone else on the north end of the pool. I wanted to introduce myself to the man, but i was not sure i should. I then noticed some of his friends walking through the water from the south. I turned to look at the man again. He was leaning back against the pool wall below me and to my right. I noticed the detail on his chest. He had shaved his chest hair, and there was black stubble down his front. I still thought that he looked attractive.

12000 January 22

I walked along the dirt road which climbed over the forested hill and down the other side. My relatives seemed to be following me. I thought that i was leading them through the forest. This was the long way home, but i wanted to see the top of the hill. I knew that my grandmother and $K7 would complain. I rounded the top of the hill from the north and headed down the hill on the dirt road. The road curved around the east side of the hill, where there was a small clearing to the west of the road. I knew that this mountain was a special place and i enjoyed visiting it. I thought that my relatives really did not have to follow me. I wanted to see the special places. The clearing then seemed to be a room in a museum. I knew that it was a display of the mountain. The room was rounded on the west side and colored red. The floor was a polished creme-tan marble, and there was a brass railing which curved around the east side of the room, running from the glass door on the north to the glass door on the south. The curved east wall of the room seemed to be a tall window. With wide flat panes. The north and south doors were slightly higher than the floor in the center, and the floor rose to meet them on the outside of the railing. There were plaques suspended in the center of the room on posts. They described the special area in which we were. I knew that it was a large asteroid crater. We were simply on one of the edges. I then pictured the crater in the center of the volcano from above. It seemed massive. There were round domes in the center of the crater where the lava had erupted many years ago. I looked over the three-dimensional map that was in the center of the room. It seemed amazing that the volcano was so large. $K7 wondered whether there would be an eruption while we were here. I told her that the volcano was dormant, but then i remembered that there had been an earthquake several years earlier. I told my relatives that the earthquake had originated in the volcano. I walked around the table in a clockwise direction as they did the same on the opposite side of the table. I then wondered whether the volcano was capable of eruption again. I looked out into the forests that surrounded us and thought about the large scale of the crater. I thought that we must only be on one of the edges. I wanted to go out into the crater and climb to the top, but i knew that my relatives would not want to go. I thought that they did not have to follow me and that i should simply go. I looked to the southwest, out over the valley below us. $K7 then gasped, “It’s so big!” I knew that it was very vast and again pictured the landscape stretching out before me. I then wondered how we were able to see it from where we were. $K7 said that it seemed so far away. I suddenly wondered what she was talking about. She would not be able to see the other side of the crater from here. I looked out across the trimmed grass of the park to the southwest. I could see the woman moving away from us on the paved walkway that ran along the edge of the river. There was an overpass in front of her, under which she passed. I wondered whether $K7 was talking about the woman. $K7 then stated that the woman seemed to be so far away, and i realized that she meant the that the woman had covered such a long distance in such a short time. It had something to do with the vastness of the crater. It made distances across it seem deceptive. There was a city to the south as i started along the path across the park. I wanted to walk across the crater. I started to wonder about the river, however. It did not seem that a river should be so close to the edge of the path. The woman should have appeared to be on the other shore. I drove through the streets of the old city. I was heading in a generally southerly direction. I was heading for the restaurant where i would meet the others. I drove along the main road which was on the west side of the city. I then looked down at the directions. They told me to look for a store. I stopped the store on the left side of the road and turned down the street to the left just after it. I was then supposed to look for route 79. I wondered whether the directions had just mentioned the building at the corner. The directions said nothing about turning. I hoped that i was going in the correct direction. I pictured the city from above and remembered that there were two main roads running from the north to south. They merged on the south side of the city. I then saw a second main road approaching me as i drove east. There was a road sign on the road which had three black numbers in a white crest. I thought that this was not the road which i needed. I tried to remember where i had seen the sign for route 79 before. I decided that the road i had been on was a main road heading south and it might have been the one. I started to circle around in the city streets. I was heading southwest on a busy street when i came to a traffic light that intersected the north-to-south street in the middle of the tall buildings. The buildings seemed only five or six stories tall and were separated from the road by wide sidewalks. I turned left onto the other main road, thinking that i could travel south to the restaurant. I turned to the right and walked west, across the dirt parking lot of the restaurant. The room was dark and there was a bar along the north wall. It seemed like evening. The others were waiting by the bar for us. I joined them and talked for a while by the booth table. There seemed to be food on the table, and it seemed as though a long time had passed. We were in the living room of the house, sitting on the light blue couch which was along the north wall. There was a large square wooden coffee table in front of the couch with food on it. I was interested in the conversation, and thought that we should continue. I turned to the southeast and started across the field. The other person said that i should join the game. I knew that i was unfamiliar with the sport and felt slightly uncomfortable about playing. I then realized that $F4 had walked onto the field with me. He seemed the age that he was in high school. The coach had told him to come out onto the field. I thought that we would have to go out in pairs since we were linked together by a thin red chord. It was the way that the game was played. I wondered whether i was supposed to be out on the field. The coach said something to me, but i was unsure about what he was talking. He seemed to act as though he did not expect me to run out onto the field. I did not want to leave, however. I thought that i should be able to play.

12000 January 23

I looked at the dark screen as the images showed two men fighting on the balcony around the edge of the high tower. I felt as though one of them was a good guy and the other a bad guy. There were others in the room with me as we watched the screen. Then the good guy fell backwards against the thin stone railing of the balcony. The railing crumbled and he fell over. The camera angle changed and we could see his tall thin figure falling down the edge of the cliff, away from the camera. He was wearing black armour which covered his entire body and seemed to be leather. I stopped the image. The good guy should not have fallen. We were disappointed that he did. I rewound the scenes to watch the event again. $A192 stood to my right as i slowly backed up the film. He commented on the action taking place. I wondered whether he was aware that i was reversing the action. The good guy leaned forward at the edge of the balcony, the crumbling stone railing reassembling itself behind him. Small pieces of light grey stone rose from the bottom of the picture to attach to the decorative columns of the railing. There was a voice from the film. The good guy spoke. I could not make out the words, but knew that they were in reverse. He seemed very skinny, with his skin drawn tightly across his cheekbones, forming stretched wrinkles. He seemed to be wearing a light green body suit. The image then changed to the bad guy. He stood on the balcony, talking to the good guy as the good guy fell. The words sounded short and muffled in reverse. $A192 seemed agitated with the images. The image then panned back to the good guy. I pressed a button on the small remote that was in my left hand. The image stopped momentarily and started to run forward. The good guy said something, but it sounded muffled and garbled. I turned and left the room. It seemed a great disaster that the man had fallen from the ledge. Something should be done. I walked away from the opening in the tower wall and back to the other side of the building. A small group of people rushed past me. They went to help man who had fallen over the edge. I thought that he was actually hanging onto part of the cliff below the tower. I hurried out the doorway on the other side of the tower as several people rushed past me. I was on the balcony which encircled the tower. I ran to the left, counter-clockwise around the tower. I thought that i could come out on the other side of the crowd. As i rounded the far side of the tower, i noticed a large number of people at the corner of the building. They were all facing the other way, looking over the balcony at the man who had fallen. I came up to them, realizing that they were still holding onto the rope that held the man. I hoped that we could pull the man from the cliff. As i squeezed through the crowd, i noticed that they were pulling the thick rope horizontally across the balcony. The rope then moved suddenly. The man must have fallen off the end of it. I moved to the center of the crowd, noticing that the rope that they were pulling had a metal bracket in the center of it. The rope did not go down the cliff, but ran from one side of the balcony to the other. There was a second piece of rope running from the bracket which ran down the hill. It was the rope which the man had been attached to. I could see the short piece of rope just below the bracket, however, with a frayed end. It had broken. The people seemed disappointed. I then noticed that there was a small section of rope sticking out of the small white pipe which protruded from the ground just below the broken railing. I told the others that we had not lost the rope. I stepped off of the small walkway that was on the hill and reached my hand into the small pipe. I hoped that the rope did not slip further. I grabbed it with the fingers of my left hand and pulled it up. There was no weight on the end of it. I looked down the steep slope of the hill, thinking that the man must have rolled the rest of the way down the hill. The people had to go rescue him. I looked down to the bottom of the hill, thinking that i could have easily rolled over the edge if i was not careful. I walked back across the slope of the hill and up the gravel drive which ran on the east side of the tower. The hill was to the south of me. I kept trying to think of what had happened. There was some great significance to what had happened. I kept trying to think as the others ran down the slope of the hill. I was then in the tower again. There had been a large stained glass window in the south wall of the dark room, but it had been broken by the fight. I looked at the window. It was in the same place as the video screen that we had been watching earlier. The image on it had changed. There was a cloud pattern on the top section of the window which depicted flames burning between the clouds. I knew that it was inspired by the man who had fallen. The artist had a dream about the images. I looked at the image to the right, which was the older image. The older image was a view of the blue sky with white clouds in it. I looked back and forth between the two images. The fire in the new one had been inspired by the dream. There was some great significance to it, but i did not know what. I felt as though some great social paradigm was being changed. As i compared the two images, i realized that there were clouds on the side of the old image. I compared them to the new image and thought that they looked the same. All that must have been changed was the fire in the center of the image. The old image had, fire, though. I tried to compare the two images, but could not decide whether the fire had changed between them. I thought that it might be difficult to decide because the flames kept moving. Then my attention was drawn away from the two images that i held in my hands to the large screen on the wall. It was the stained-glass window. The image was changing on the window. It used to be a large dark grey cross in the center of a black background, but the cross was moving. The image zoomed into the top of the cross and an image appeared. It was of a man with his hands stretched down to his sides. He was wearing white robes and there was bright blue light around his head. I knew that it was the man who had fallen. He had somehow become an important image. There was a second pane below the first which showed the man with his hands stretched upward. He was wearing a cape around his neck which was opened to expose his metal breast plate. There was red light around his head and clouds down the side of the image. I felt as though he had become very significant in the society in which we lived. I worried that replacing the old christian images would anger many people. I wondered what the significance of this new image was. It seemed very important.

12000 January 24

I walked down the side of the wooden fence, away from the fields. I was heading south down the dirt path. It was a bright sunny day. I felt as though i should get back to the house. I looked to the north, back up into the field for a moment. I could see the large brown horse inside of the fence to my right. It stood still, grazing on grass. Farther to the north, there was another horse. It was smaller and had a pale fur with grey legs. It seemed well muscled and started to trot towards me. I realized that it saw me laying on the ground with my right foot raised. I had the heel of my right foot on the toe of my left, but i quickly dropped it to the ground when i realized that the horse might interpret the posture as a desire to go for a ride. I felt uneasy and a little frightened with the idea of riding the horse. The horse slowed and looked less enthusiastic. I turned and headed down the driveway toward my parents’ house. After a few steps, i remembered that i should do something and turned around to head back for the garage. I had to make sure of something. As i walked into the garage, i realized that i could no longer see the horse. It had escaped from its pen. I looked around the garage and realized that i had left the door open. The horse and $X3 must have escaped through the door. I felt worried and knew that i had to go find them. As i walked back out of the garage, i thought that the horse might be in the field to the north of me. I was agitated and uncomfortable. I walked down the driveway, thinking that i should fly upward to get a better look around. I could hear noises coming from the neighbours’ house. I was nervous. I spread out my arms and pushed downward through the air. My body lifted up from the driveway, passing the green branches of the small trees to the east of the driveway. As i rose, i realized that everything was very dark and foggy. I would not be able to see that far. I felt frightened. I looked back to the house and could barely make out the edges in the grey fog. I then felt very scared and tried to scream out in frustration.

I moved the things around in the small bedroom of my parents’ house. I could hear my mother downstairs, talking to $K1. I had to get all of my things together to leave for the day. I felt rushed, as though i were going to be late. I grabbed some of the papers that were on the small bed. Some of them were for the game that we had been playing in the back room of the house. I grabbed the papers and thought that i should take them into the back room and place them with the rest of the game. I could hear $K1 talking downstairs. I looked through the small file on the floor to see several maps and charts that went with the game. I thought that it might be “Diplomacy”. I then decided that i had to get all of my things together and leave quickly. I stacked some of the paper on top of the tall dresser that was against the north wall of the room, next to the door. Several of the papers were for the game, and the others i needed for work. I thought that i would bring the ones for the game down to the back room as i left. I then remembered that i had to get my lunch from the table. I was in the car, driving to work. I suddenly realized that it was dark out and that i did not have my headlights on. I wondered why i had not noticed that my headlights were off before. It was still early morning, and it seemed as though i was already half way to work. There was a black pick-up truck approaching me in the other lane. I realized that i could see the truck fine, but knew that i should have my lights on anyway. As it passed me, i pressed the button on the left side of my steering wheel to turn on the lights. I looked at the straight road ahead of me. I recognized that area and thought that i should be farther along that i was. I was still far from work. There was a car in front of me in the darkness. I could only see the reflective tape along its back fender. It was dark in colour and seemed like a small hatchback. It was traveling slowly and did not have its lights on. I wondered whether i should flash my lights at it. I then remembered that this area of road had a slow speed limit. A sign passed by, but i did not get to see what it was. I started to slow my car, knowing that there were some sharp turns ahead. I followed the car ahead of me through a sharp turn to the right, through a wooded section of the road. I then started to feel nervous as i stepped on the brakes to slow down for the next turn. I realized that i was not sitting in the driver’s seat of the car, but to the right of it. I wondered why i was always trying to drive the car while not in the driver’s seat. I then remembered that i always have dreams about driving the car from the back seat. A speed-limit sign passed me, and i could see that the limit was thirty miles per hour. I stepped on the brakes, hoping to slow the car. I seemed to be traveling too fast. I could not see the speedometer, though, as it was obscured from my view by the driver’s seat. I thought that i really should drive from the seat. The road made a sharp turn to the left as it rounded the top of a hill. I felt uncomfortable with the speed as i watched the headlights pan across the valley below. I could see the city in the distance. I was then traveling along the bright road in the center of the city. It seemed like morning, and the sky was a bright grey. I knew that i worked to the right, on another main road. I remembered working in this place long ago. I watched the side streets as i passed them, trying to remember which was the short cut over to the office. I knew that one cut over to the main road on the other side of the block. I looked down one of them to see that it was just a small alley that did not go anywhere. I drove to the second and slowed down. The second was a driveway which led into a large grocery store. The front of the store was red and yellow. I seemed to remember this store from before. I was stopped in front of it as i watched an elderly man walk across the driveway from my left to the waiting car on my right. I was no longer in my car, but standing in front of the store. The market looked old, but i thought that it might have better prices than the small shop where i normally picked up supplies. I thought about the small street-side store near my office and wondered why i never simply stopped in the large grocery store instead. I thought that things must be cheaper here. I decided that i would have to come here the next time i needed food.

12000 January 25

I was at the east end of the classroom. This was the classroom that i had been in when i was in sixth grade. I remembered the place. I knew that i had come back here. The children were in the room, but they left. I walked around behind the teacher’s desk. The teacher was a heavy woman who sat in a chair in the center of the room. I told her about my problem. I remembered that i always thought about returning to my youth as a smarter person, and now i was actually doing it. It seemed strange. I wondered what i should do. I did not feel as though i should be here. I told the teacher that i had already received a college degree as i walked away from her and back towards the desk. I paused, considering the degrees that i had, and then told her that i actually had four degrees. She was $A57, and was surprised to hear that i had four degrees. She was not sure what i should do, but she told me that i should go see $A238, who was the principle. I thought that it might be best if i explain things to him. I walked out of the class room and into the hall. The hall was very wide and there were people walking around. I felt uneasy walking through the people. I did not belong here and i felt threatened by some of the other children. I moved to the right side of the hall. Watching the children play in the center of the hall. $A180 seemed to be standing on the left side of the hall, where some children were playing a game. I thought that i could carefully walk down to the end of the hall and take the stairs to the lower floor. I tried to remember where the office was. I decided that it was in the middle of the building. As i headed towards the west end of the hall, i noticed an old set of stairs descending along the north wall of the hall. I had forgotten about them. I took them down to the first level. The hall below seemed darker. There were children playing there as well. As i rounded the bottom of the stairs and started to head east down the lower hall, i noticed two young men lying on the floor. The taller one was wearing a white jersey with brown sleeves. They were doing sit-ups. They were both very skinny, but they were trying to get into shape. I walked around then and started to cross the hall to the south side. I then realized that i was walking in the center of a small game of baseball. There was a pitcher on home plate to my right and three basemen standing clustered together to the east. I ducked as i passed over the pastel red chalk lines which marked the bases. I then spotted the two wooden doors which marked the entrance to the main office. I crossed the hall and went into the office, which was on the north side of the hall. There was a black counter on the west side of the room which was made out of heavy plastic boarding. It had light grey and silver trimming along the top edge. The secretary sat behind it. She was reading something on her desk, which was recessed below the counter on the other side. She did not seem to take note that i had come into the room. There were more counters to the north. The one on the east wall to the north had two women talking behind it. One of them had an orange shirt and her fake blonde hair up in a bun. The principles office was to the east of me, behind a large wooden door. I did not know what to do. I thought that i would wait until someone asked me what i was there for. I walked over to the wooden bench to the north of the principle’s door and sat down, looking at the receptionist to see whether she noticed me. She did not look up from her desk, but i assumed that she knew that i was there. She was going to wait until the principle was free. I looked back at the door, which was ajar. I could see part of the principle as he sat at his desk, flipping though papers. I looked down at the computer disks which i held in my hand. I pulled them out of the black book and looked them over. There were several large floppy disks which were yellow. The smaller disks were blue and in front of the older ones. I shuffled them and then placed them back in the box. I thought that i should tell the receptionist that i wanted to see the principle.

12000 January 26

I drove north on the road. I was heading back to $P22. I wondered whether i would remember the way. It seemed as though my grandfather were watching me from over my left shoulder as i looked out the front window of the car. I could see the road ahead which turned off to the left. I thought that it must be the entrance road. It ran along the south side of a forested hill as it ran northeast. I could see the headlights of several cars on the road as they drove away from me. I then noticed that the road ran parallel to a second road. Both of the roads branched off of the one which i was driving, but the one that i had seen first merged with the one to the south of it not far up the hill. I wondered why there was a second road. I remembered that it was the correct way to travel, however. I turned to the west, following the road. I then started to remember that there were a few more turns that i had to make before i could get to the cottage. The directions seemed more complicated that i had remembered. I was heading south on the road as i approached the intersection. There was a road sign which said that the crossing road was Route 37. The sign was green with white letters. I turned left and headed east for a short time before stopping for a left-hand turn. There was a housing complex to the north of the road which had a tall stone wall around it. This was where i was heading. I looked to the north as i started to turn into the entrance of the complex and noticed a second sign for Route 37. I knew that i had the correct route number. I thought that it was important to remember this number as it was a main road for getting to the cottage. I drove into the entrance to the complex. The road turned to the east as soon as it passed through the wall. There was a booth and a guard to the east. I stopped my car on the curve of the road and got out. I seemed to be here, though i would have to tell the guard something. There was a house to the west with a row of flowers separating the driveway from the entrance road to the complex. There was a young man crouching behind the flowers, watching me. He had curly, dark blonde hair and seemed like $A239. The other person was talking to the guard on my right, but i kept looking at the young man behind the flowers. My friend then approached me as said that there was someone here that i might know. The house to the west of me was my grandmother’s. I wondered whether the young man really was $A239. It then seemed that there were people around me. We were fooling around. One of them grabbed me from behind and held my arms back as the other moved towards me. The second person them tapped his fist on my forehead. I woke up suddenly. I was in the large bed in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. I could see someone’s arm and shoulder over my head. It was their arm which bumped my head. I realized that it was $F12. I had been sleeping in the same bed with him and had shifted position so that i was lying diagonally across the bed, with my head under his shoulder. His arm and shoulder seemed nicely muscled, but i felt embarrassed about being on his side. I shifted position so that i was on my side of the bed again.

12000 January 27

I looked around the small room. The room seemed like a bathroom. $A190 was to the south of me, along the wall of the room, and the woman was standing to the west. The room was dull yellow with dusty gold decorations. $A190 was inspecting it to get it ready. The woman had her back turned to us as she did something in the small oval sink. I looked over the curtains which hung over the window that was to the south of the sink on the west wall. I noticed that there was a loose string handing from the top of the right curtain. $A190 mentioned that he needed something to fix something else in the room. I remembered that i had my pocket knife with me. It could act like a screwdriver. I then asked $A190 whether there were any loose threads that he wanted to cut, as my knife had a small pair of scissors. He mentioned the curtains and i looked for the thread near the top. I had to finish cleaning up. I left the room and headed west down the narrow corridor. I tried to be quiet, as i knew that i probably should not be in the basement of the house. I did not want the landlord to hear me moving around. I came to a set of wooden stairs which descended into the center of the corridor. I walked to the north of them, aware that $A220 had just opened the door on the top of the stairs to se who was down here. I acted as though nothing special were happening. As i passed the wooden stairs, i pretended that the dull yellow roll of cloth that i was carrying over my left shoulder had gotten caught on the wood. I stopped and reached back to fix it, pretending not to notice $A220. The curtains had gotten caught on the wood and i had to pull several strands off. I continued to the west, out of the building and onto the driveway. The ground out side seemed snow-covered, and the day was bright. I walked back into the house. I wanted to look around the basement. I turned to the left at the bottom of the stairs and headed into the large open room on the north. It had plain cement walls and was empty. I noticed the metal door at the end which led into the back yard. This part of the basement was under the owner’s section of the house. I looked around the room but noticed nothing special. I quickly turned and walked back to the main corridor and out the door. I walked into the living room area on the west side of the building. $A220 followed me into the room. There were others in the room. I looked out the window on the west side of the house and noticed smoke rising past the window. At first, it seemed like steam from a dryer vent, but then i thought that it was heavier. I turned to the east and started across the room. My grandmother was sitting on the south side of the room. I told $A220 that i thought that there was a fire in the dryer. I walked out the door on the east end of the room and down the narrow stairs into the basement. The basement looked very modern and had plain cement walls. I turned to the north and walked into the long narrow room. There were appliances on wither side of the room. $A220 walked in and passed me on the right. I looked at the large machine to my left, wondering whether it was the dryer. I lifted the lid only to see clothing soaking in water. I thought that it must be the washing machine. There seemed to be many machines around the room. There was a pair of bright red shorts and a blue house coat floating on the top of the water in the washing machine. I closed the lid and continued down the room. $A220 had come to a machine on the east wall near the north end of the room. He opened the glass lie and had pulled out a pair of red pants. They were wet. I told him that it was the washing machine and that it was not what we were looking for. I started back to the south, looking again at the west wall of the room. There was an old machine to my right which had rounded corners and a fancy lid. The lid had dark pink decorations around the border. I did not think that the machine was a dryer. I backed up from it, wondering what it was. I looked around the room at some of the other machines, but then focused again on the machine in front of me. It was very wide and had two parts. I realized that it was a stove. The part on the left was the oven and the right was where the burners were. I then noticed smoke coming out of the top of the oven. That was where we had seen the smoke from. Someone said that dinner must be done. I reached for the oven, but was back in the room upstairs. It was my grandmother’s house. The room was large and long east-to-west. There were many tables set up in it. This was a holiday dinner and everyone was coming. I wondered why $A220 was there. People sat around at the tables and started to eat. There were several courses of food. I then realized that i had been falling asleep. I was not paying attention to what was going on. My grandmother placed a plate of corn muffins in front of me. It seemed that everyone was falling asleep, so we decided to have dessert quickly. I tried to stay awake, but was not sure whether i was. I then stood up and walked to the east. I was in a large structure which seemed like an outdoor parking garage. There was a large cement wall to the north and several pillars to the south. Cars drove past me as i cross the parking lot. I walked away from the tables, which were on the west side of the parking area. The west side was separated from the rest by the narrow passage between the building to the north and the square cement columns. A blue car passed me as i walked along the front of the store. I felt as though i should be doing something. There was someone watching me from one of the cars. I felt as though i should return to the dinner area. I started to fly. I hovered near the cement ceiling, drifting slowly to the west. I held my hands out in front of me. As i approached a cement beam in the ceiling, i lowered my hands and my body drifted down under the beam. There was someone to the southeast who was watching me from the blue car. I drifted around the corner and back to the dining area.

12000 January 28

I was standing in the line with the rest of the students at the back of the auditorium. I was on the southeast side of the auditorium. I was in the last line of students. I felt as though someone were watching us. I noticed that the women in the line in front of me were fooling around. They turned to the east and were laughing. I wondered whether the old female monitor would come over and yell at us. I felt defiant, as though i should not be part of the student crowd, but i did not move. One of the women in front of me was Madonna. She was searing a bright red dress what seemed to be made of a silky material. The other women were in long white dressed. All of the dresses seemed very fancy and elegant. Madonna leaned backwards into one of the other women, kicking one of her feet forward as she laughed about something. I kept thinking that i was too old for this place. Even though some of the other people were as old as me, i knew that i did not belong here. I felt defiant of the authority that wanted us to stay in the lines and wandered across the room, leaving the students behind. The monitor would object, but i tried not to think of here. Then the students seemed to be gone, and i was on the northeast side of the room. I walked back across the rectangular room to the southwest, which now seemed like an outdoor tennis court surrounded tightly by a bare forest. I was aware of some small animal which darted across the court and down the hill on the north side. I walked to the north edge of the court, thinking that the animal must have been the cat which was here. The hill was steep and covered with bare trees. It seemed like late autumn, and everything was damp. I looked down the hill and into the room of the apartment. The brick apartment complex ran along the bottom of the hill, and the apartment on the west side did not seem to have an outside wall. I could see all of the large yellow room. It seemed like a warm room. There was a woman crouching down in the center of the floor by the missing wall. She seemed startled by the cat, which stopped abruptly once it was in the room. The woman had been wrapping a present, but now looked behind her, to the southeast, for the cat. The furnishings of the room seemed cozy and clean. The woman spotted me and i waved. I then turned and started back across the short stretch of bare ground towards the small building on the south side. It was wet outside. All of the other children had been taken inside, but the monitor had not approached me. I felt that she was upset with me, but i knew that i was old enough to make my own decisions. I did not belong with the smaller children. I looked at the white toy which was still laying on the wet ground. The dirt below my feet seemed muddy as i walked to the west along the narrow path. I kept thinking about all of the experiences that i had had which separated me from the rest of the children. It seemed as though i had lived a long life before i had come here. I then noticed a book on the ground. One of the children had left it out in the rain. There seemed to be a picnic table between me and the small wooden house where the monitor was. A small chain-link fence ran between me and the table. I looked at the table and noticed that there was a large white book on it, partially buried in some damp fallen leaves. I noticed that the black letters on the cover of the large book were cyrillic. I remembered that i could read Russian. I picked up the book, noticing that there were a few smaller pamphlets near it. I wondered whether the female monitor was watching me from the window. I thought that i should bring the book in the house and show them that i could read it. It would prove that i had experiences that were beyond my years. I felt uncomfortable, though. I knew that i should not be in this situation.

12000 January 29

I drove down the highway, heading to the east. It seemed as though i were driving to my parents’ house. I thought that i had just left my grandmother’s. The highway was crowded with cars. I then noticed one car which was traveling in the wrong direction. I felt as though it were vary dangerous and tried to avoid it. The highway seemed to be wedged between two tall cement walls. I drove over a few small hills and around some tight corners with the rest of the traffic. Then i noticed another car coming towards me from the wrong direction. It was a green american which seemed like a seventies model. I remembered the first car which i had seen. I then noticed that there was a good deal of traffic moving in the wrong direction. I could see a tractor trailer approaching in the right lane on the other side of the curve from me. It disappeared behind the cement wall to the right of the road as the road made an S-turn. I wondered why all of the traffic was moving back up the road. I thought that something must have gone wrong. I wondered whether there was an accident ahead. The road was then in a tunnel, with fluorescent lights overhead. All of the cars ahead of me slowed to a stop. They seemed to be looking for parking along the right side of the road. I felt somewhat impatient and wanted to get past them. Then i realized that some of them were turning around. I came to the end of the tunnel, where the bridge started, and i noticed that there was a rope across the entrance to the bridge with yellow warning triangles hanging from it. Two guards in dark blue uniforms stood at the entrance to the bridge. I wondered what was wrong. I then realized that the president was here. I realized that they had closed the bridge off for security reasons. I wondered how i was going to continue home as i walked out the end of the tunnel and looked around the open area near the edge of the river. I wondered whether i should call my parents and tell that i was going to be several hours late. I then thought that the inaugural speech had not even started yet and could go on all night. I would be more than several house late. I thought that my grandmother would call my mother in a few hours to see whether i had made it to her house. I thought that they might worry, but i did not feel like finding a telephone. I walked back into the tunnel and into the stairwell which was on the south wall. I thought that the cars that had turned around must have gone up the road and turned to the south to take the next bridge over the river. Several people followed me as i walked up the cement stairs. I came out two levels above where i started. I wondered whether i would be able to cross the river from here. I came out of the stairwell and headed to the east, but noticed that the bridge was roped off with the same yellow triangles at this level. I then thought that i could walk back down the tunnel and make it to one of the other roads. AS i started to the west, however, i noticed that the tunnel was also blocked off. I remembered that part of the ceremony was being held in the building. I wondered where to go and looked back to the east, at the shore of the river. I started to walk to the south with the others. We were on a path which ran along the grassy shore to the river. It seemed cold out and the river bank was muddy to the east of us. The muddy bank stretched into the shallow river in several areas, making narrow peninsula which ran along the shore. I then noticed an alligator crawling through the water between one of the peninsula. It was moving towards us. I pointed it out to the others. I then wondered what an alligator was doing this far north. It would be too cold for it to survive. I was afraid that it might come towards us. I told the others, “I can’t tell whether it’s an alligator or a crocodile.” I remembered that an alligator would not attack us. I said, “Crocodiles are very territorial and will attach us.” The animal started to move slowly toward us. I felt as though we should get back into the building. We ran back up the path to the wooden deck that ran along the north wing of the building. There was a short set of stairs that led to the north, up to the deck. They ran along the east wall of the building. The people followed me up and started running into the door which was to the west of the stairs, on the north wall of the building. The deck stretched into a notch of the building to the west. I looked back at the approaching animal, afraid that some of the people would not be able to run fast enough. I knew that Crocodiles were very fast. As i watching the animal approach, i could not tell whether it was an alligator or a crocodile. It seemed very fat, like a crocodile, at one point as it charged the stairs. I wondered whether it would be able to run up the stairs. It stopped about half way up the stairs. I looked down at it as i helped the last of the people into the door. The animal was shaped like an alligator, but its body was covered with large light brown scales. As i looked more closely, i noticed that it was actually covered with thick horizontal plates. It also had a very narrow nose. I thought that it might be able to climb the stairs, so i hurried inside and closed the door behind me. I looked out the large window on the east wall of the corridor in which we were. The others were to the south of me. I looked around the muddy bank of the river to see if i could spot the other animals. I did not know what they were. I said, “I don’t know whether they are crocodiles or alligators. They have strange plates all over their bodies.” A man looked out the window on the south side of the group. He said, “They don’t seem to be taking care of their young.” I noticed that there were smaller animals moving around. I remembered that alligators took care of their young and crocodiles did not. The man was trying to say that they were crocodiles. I then mentioned that they were covered with large plates. I looked out the window and realized that the water was filled with small white animals. As i watched them, i realized that they were large fish. They had come to the shore and were swimming around in a crowded school. I thought that the lizards could eat them. The fish then started to swim away and i walked to the south. I came out near the entrance to the tunnel. I realized that i had come from the north, where the area was cordoned off. I could see the barrier in front of me. I wondered how i had wandered into a secure area. I walked past the barrier and started to head for the tunnel. I then noticed that the driveway from the tunnel had a section which went off to the south. I wondered whether anyone would be bothered that i was in a secure area. A security guard was then to the east of me, standing near the booth at the entrance to the bridge. He was $A192 and was eating a jelly doughnut with his right hand. He was wearing a dull yellow shirt. A second man then called to me, asking me to wait. I turned to the north to see a man in a white and yellow striped shirt jobbing towards me. He was slightly overweight and his shirt had wide vertical stripes. His face was round, with short black hair above it. $A192 started to approach me as well. I thought that i should say hello to $A192, calling his name, but decided that it would probably not be a good idea to let the other guard think that $A192 might be doing me favours. The second guard asked me where i was going. I asked him whether it was okay to drive my car down the road to the south. I wanted to take the next bridge over the river. It seemed very late and i did not want to wait for the bridge near us to open. He said that i could not go down that road. I then asked whether i could drive my car out of the tunnel and back onto the other side so that i would not have to be driving against traffic. He said that it would not be allowed. I felt frustrated and wanted to leave.

I wandered through the dark corridor of the crowded building. There were many small corridors to the room, as though i were wandering through the stacks of a library. There seemed to be some urgency, and i knew that the others were trying to follow us. The others were to the south, but they did not know exactly where we were. I was with the Rebel Alliance, and we were being hunted by the large war ship that was floating in space, outside of the dust cloud to the south of us. There was a woman in front of me. I told her that i thought the war ship might have found us. I then walked around the corner to the right, where the other woman was standing. She was looking at the computer screen on the south wall all of the dark chamber. We had been scanning the small ship for tracking devices. I thought that the shuttle, which had returned from the war ship, might have been carrying a tracking device. The computer screens lit on the wall and text scrolled across them. It listed three tracking devices present. I felt upset and worried that the war ship would be coming for us. I then read the line-by-line description of the devices. They were not located in the shuttle, but in the equipment that we were looking at. I realized that the people who had returned in the shuttle did not bring the tracking devices. A white line drawing of the computer system on the wall appeared on the large tan screen. It showed the tracking devices as red dots. I told the other person that the war ship knew where we were. I felt as though we had to evacuate the base. Then i realized that they tracking devices had been in the base. I looked at the wood cabinet at the lower left corner of the computer consoles. There were plastic shelves on the inside of it, but the shelves were held up by a black plastic liner inside of the wood cabinet. I noticed that the lower right corner of the lining had been pulled away from the wood. That was where the computer said one of the tracking devices was. I pulled back the black lining. The back of it was a light grey and had a small black box attached to the lower corner. It was one of the tracking devices. I kept telling the other person that we needed to evacuate the base. I then wondered whether the devices could hear us. I thought that we should not mention that we knew about them or the war ship might attack sooner. I stood up and started down the corridor to the north. I had to tell the commander that the ship knew about us. I then wondered why it had not attacked already. I realized that it was because of the people with us. We had been hiding with the special ship and some of the others. I told the man that the war ship was after our special ship. That was why they never attacked before. They were simply waiting for the right time. We had to get out of the base. I ran down the long white corridor on the north end of the base, but there did not seem to be anyone around. I was outside in the middle of a building complex. The buildings were tall and ashes. They seemed like beach-side apartments. I looked to the northwest, but could only see a few children playing in a parking lot in front of one of the buildings. I wondered whether everyone had evacuated already. Something seemed wrong, and i was still panicked about leaving. I walked to the east, down the long corridor. My father was with me. He asked whether everyone had left the base. I told him that i could not find the commander. He had disappeared. I walked to the north, out the door and on top the terrace of the tall building. The terrace actually seemed like a metal grate which ran the length of the building. I thought that we should warn the others. I started to run to the west over the grate. I was then floating. I wondered whether i should do so. I thought that others might see me and wonder how i was able to fly. I thought that i should go after the commander, though. I flew off the edge of the grating, slightly unsure whether i would fall once over the edge of the platform. I continued to float towards the ocean beach, which ran from the west-southwest to the east-northeast. There was a man and a woman digging a hold in the sand at the edge of the paved path below me and to my left. The woman looked up at me as i passed. I looked at the man as i passed. He was not wearing a shirt and i could see the muscles in his back move as he dug. He had smooth skin and seemed nice. He was wearing blue shorts and the woman was wearing a light unbuttoned white shirt. I passed them and headed out over the water. The commander was swimming with someone else. I passed over them, realized that the commander was teaching the other person to swim. I then realized that the other person was $A11. I felt attracted to him and felt good to see him. He looked at me and recognized me. I had floated past them and tried to turn around. I still had some momentum carrying me away as i slowed and forced myself the other direction. $A11 was swimming towards me. I wondered whether he would swim past me, thinking that i had held my position. I tried to slow and stay over him.

12000 January 30

We were driving down the road to the north east. There was a tornado in the sky, though i could not see it. I knew that something was wrong. I looked out the square window at the end of the house. There was a person standing on either side of the window, looking out. I could see the light grey clouds in the sky with a lighter grey rift down the center of the window. I did not see any tornado. I then moved my vision to look out the side window of the car. I still could not see the tornado. I knew that we were in trouble, though. I looked back out the square window and wondered whether the thin grey line down the center of the view was the tornado. I then looked to the north as we traveled on the road. I could see the dark black funnel cloud over the top of the trees. I then remembered that there was an old red barn just up the road from us. I thought that we would be able to hide there. I then wondered whether i remembered the road on which we were traveling. I looked ahead. There were fields around us and the road curved to the right ahead. I thought that the barn was just past the curve, on the left side of the road. We rounded the corner and i saw the small red barn. I then wondered whether the barn would really be safe. It did not seem that it would. I looked off the right side of the road, mentioning to my parents that i did not think that there was enough of a ditch for us to hide in. I noticed that there actually was a deep ditch, though.