12004 January 01

I looked up into the western sky, near zenith to see the pale blue of the evening. There was a tree blocking part of my vision, but i could see the moon hanging just to the left of the leafy treetop. There was a ring around the moon which hung diagonally in the sky. At first i thought that it might be some optical trick of the sky, but as i focused, i realized that the edges of the moon were very sharp and clear. I then realized that here were other large white objects in the sky near the moon which also had rings around them. Something was not right about the sky. I looked to the southwest and noticed that the stars were very decorative. They were pale yellow in the sky, and some of them had flourishes or decorative images around them. I was not looking at the real sky. This was a fake sky on the ceiling of a very tall dome. We were in a place that was not real. I should tell the others that this place is not real. We had been trying to find our way, but, in reality, this whole place was artificial. We could not find the way because there really was none. I crossed the street of the small city and looked across the river, to the east. I told the others that this place was not real. We had to escape. When they asked me how i knew that we were not in a real place, i told them that the stars were in the wrong positions and the moon was fake. I felt hesitant to tell them that i had seen the stars and other objects painted onto the sky. There was then something going on to the east. I turned and moved quickly across the calm water of the river to the small rocky island near the opposite shore. The island was just under the foot of a tall red metal suspension bridge which crossed the river to the northwest. I landed on the rock and could see that the others were pounding on a metal door which was in the stone. They had found the people who had trapped us here, but were unable to get through the door. I felt urgent and told them that we had to break down the door. We had to get out of this place and back to reality. They continued to bang on the door, but they could not break it down. I thought about kicking it, but i knew that we would have to find something harder to break the door with. I turned to the north and headed up the stairs. I turned east in the corridor at the top of the stairs but could not see anything in the plain cement hall which would help us. The other person came up the stairs behind me and headed to the east, past me. I turned to the west and looked down the corridor. I looked at all of the stray objects in the hall, trying to spot something which could be used to break the door. I then noticed the white metal emergency box hanging on the north side of the wall, just to the west of us. I rushed to it and pulled the red alarm over the top of it. $Z cautioned me about setting off the alarm, but i knew that it would not matter because none of this was real. I then opened up the white case and started pulling out the red fire hammer. I called to $Z, who had started down the corridor to the east, telling him that i had found something. After i pulled out the small hammer, i noticed that here was a large red axe hanging on the left side of the white cabinet. I pulled the other objects from over the top of the axe and took the axe with me back down the stairs to the others. When i reached the others, they were trying to break down the double metal doors. There was a crack between the two doors, through which i could see the people outside moving. I lifted the axe over my shoulder, but realized that the others had been prying the hinges form the door. I told them that i had an axe, and they let me through. I swung at the door and broke it open with one blow. We rushed through the door, finding ourselves in the basement of the large building. This place looked familiar. I thought that this was part of the school. As the others ran down the corridor to the east, i headed to the row of lockers on the south wall. I swung the pick at the lockers, puncturing the thin orangish-red metal. I thought that i would leave the pickaxe in the lockers and then follow the others, but i then decided that i might need it with me. I looked to the south, across the open room. This place seemed to be a pantry. This seemed to be where they stored the food for the cafeteria, which seemed to be somewhere to the west. At the end of the long room to the south was a glass window. I could see a football team practicing outside. Some of the players had moved close to the glass, putting their hands around their faces so that they could peer into the building. We could simply break the glass of the windows to escape this place. I then looked down the long corridor to the east, where the others had run. I could see them at the end of the hall, trying to break down a second door. I wondered why they simply did not go to the windows; they would be easier to break. I took the axe from the locker and headed to the east, thinking that i would use the axe to break the glass of the large windows in the room. As i entered the large room, however, i realized that the yellow-tinted windows to the east were at a higher elevation than they had seemed from the corridor. There was a large rock on the east side of the room which rose several metres. The large orangish-yellow glass dome arched over the room, enclosing it in a semicircle. The panes of glass in the dome were held in place by thick black square-edged beams. As i approached the rock on the eastern wall, i had thought that the dome surrounded the rock. As i climbed the sedimentary layers of the huge rock, thought, i realized that the grassy land outside the window was at the level of the upper surface of the rock. The rock seemed to be part of a waterfall, but there was no water pouring over it. Outside the glass was a wide grassy park with a city skyline beyond it. I could see people playing sports at the far edge of the park. The grass was bright green, and the trees in around the edges of the park were leafy and full. I was then on the ground of the room, looking up at the rock. This place was part of a museum. There was a large painting on the glass dome, just above the top of the rock. One of the others around me said something about it. I recognized the painting. It was a tan image of a landscape, and it was by Salvador Dali. The rest of the group with me came into the room. We had to escape this place, but i was now hesitant to break the glass. This was a nice museum, and i did not want to ruin it. I turned to the south, looking at the grassy ground and the large tree just outside the tinted window. I wanted to shatter the glass with the axe that was resting on my right shoulder, but i felt that it would be damaging to such a special place. I told the others that this was a famous museum. Someone agreed with me. I mentioned that this place was in New York City. It seemed that the park outside was Central Park. Someone then mentioned the name of the museum. It sounded correct, and i said so. I moved to the glass on the south wall, wanting to escape, but not sure what to do.

12004 January 02

I turned away from the two women and headed to the east. The women were in front of me. They were talking to the third woman, who was on the bench of the picnic table. We seemed to be sitting under the roof of a large pavilion, with the main bar to the south of us. The roof of the pavilion was supported with round metal poles. The picnic tables had had thinner round metal poles as their frames, and dark-red wood for tops and benches. The third woman was someone i knew. She sat on the south side of a picnic table, the other two women in front of her. I knew that the other women were homosexual, and that they were teasing the woman that i knew. The first of them was wearing a white lacy teddy, with high white leather boots. She had long bleached-blonde hair and a very nice body. She stood in front of the woman on the bench, caressing the sides of the woman’s face. The woman in white then moved close to the woman so that her breasts were in the woman’s face. They were both trying to get the woman to be erotic with them. In a moment, the woman in white stood up and headed to the west. I thought that the woman on the bench might actually be interested in being erotic with the two homosexual women. The second woman was wearing a faded denim jacket and had a black leather flop hat on her head. She teased the sitting woman with a few suggestive gestures before she too headed to the west. I then noticed that the woman at the picnic table, who was not sitting on the western side of the table, was $F14. She was wearing a white sweater with a red flower pattern across the chest. She seemed very unhappy as she turned to me. Her shoulder-length hair was curly and stuck out from the sides of her head a little. She seemed distressed, and i wondered whether she had been that upset by the other women. I felt worried about her and wanted to comfort her.

12004 January 03

I stood under the overhanging roof of the small building, which seemed to be the garage at my parents’ house. I knew that the short brown building was an apartment, though. The darkly stained building was to the west. I looked to the south, at the two tall pine trees which stood just off the south of the overhang. I looked up suddenly at the trees as the wind started blowing. The wing seemed rather strong, and the trees swayed and shook in the gust. I could see the branches of the taller tree knocking into the black power lines overhead. The taller of the trees stood to the south. To the west of it was a tall brown wooden utility pole with a wooden cross bar on top. The thinner of the pine trees stood to the north of the taller one, just off the end of the southeast corner of the overhanging roof. I hoped that the trees did not harm the power lines. I then remembered that the ground had been very wet from all the melted snow, and i was suddenly worried that the wind might uproot the trees. I backed away from the southern end of the overhang, worried that the power lines might come down near me. As i backed along the eastern side of the overhanging roof, i saw the thin trunk of the smaller tree pull from the ground and tip to the east. The thin pine fell to the wet grass of the lawn. Fortunately, it did not hit any of the power lines. I hoped that the taller tree did not fall. I thought that it probably would not because it was older and had deeper roots. The dark wet trunk of the pine tree tipped suddenly, however, and fell toward me. I jumped to the west, away from the edge of the roof, fearing that the tree might break through the tin roof and hit me. The main trunk of the tree fell just to the east of the roof, but i could hear the smaller branches hitting the roof above. I was happy that no damage seemed to be done to the roof over me. I thought that the tree must have brought down the power lines with it. They should be on the roof of the house, and i wondered what damage they might do. I then turned and headed to the west, entering the building. It seemed that some time had passed since the trees fell. I walked across the large white room of the house, which seemed to be the kitchen. $F32 was in the kitchen. She said that there had been a fire in the kitchen from the downed power line. It had caused an electrical fire when it had fallen. I moved toward her. She was leaning with her elbows on the southern edge of the square white counter top. As i approached, i looked at the countertop, realizing that there was a grey pattern burned into the top. The counter was really a washing machine. The electrical wire had hit the metal top of the washing machine and created a complicated pattern on the surface. I looked at the intricate fractal pattern and mentioned to the others around that it was really interesting. The grey pattern was roughly round, with tiny crossing lines that made it seem like a very large snowflake pattern. A spoke of the pattern as i backed away from the washer and turned to the southeast. I realized that there was suddenly a lot of grey smoke in the air. It was not from the electrical fire, however. Someone was cooking something in the kitchen. I found the smoke humourous, but had to get out of the kitchen. I stepped out of the house through the double french doors in the south wall. The others were outside with me as we joked about the smoke from the cook. I then turned back around and pulled the doors closed behind be, believing that it would close off the south end of the room and help clear the smoke. I explained to the others that closing the door would create a draft in the room which would pull the smoke out through the other doors. I then thought about it and wondered how it could work.

12004 January 06

I headed to the south, across the outdoor area. There was a row of short bushes and trees in the middle of the area, and the ground on the rest seemed to be covered with paving stones. I was panicked. Something was wrong. I could see the flames in various places all around me, but i did not know what was burning. People were running all around me, and i felt that i did not know what to do. I ran to the east, watching the people yell and run frantically around me. Some of them were on fire. I tried to remember what had happened, but i could not make out what was going on. I turned to the east and was back on the southwestern side of the plaza. I had to tell the others that their clothing was on fire. They should stop running and put out the fires. I was afraid that i would be on fire, though. Something about this situation reminded me of spontaneous human combustion. I ran after some people, trying to tell them that there were flames on them. I followed a woman down the northern side of the plaza. I reached for her as she ran to the south of me. She was wearing a dark blue suit which had started to burn. I wanted to tell her that she should put herself out, but then i started to become afraid that i would start to burn. I felt that people were trying to make me spontaneously combust. They could make it seem that i had simply burst into flames. I felt frightened, but i then became angry with them. I did not want to burst into flames.

12004 January 08

I walked to the north, up the southern flight of stairs from the main lobby of $P7. There were many students in the hall, and i felt as though i was back visiting at an alumni function. This place was quite different that what i had remembered it as, and i wondered whether i would be able to relate to the students. I passed several of them, wondering what it would be like to be a student again. I was then on the third floor of the building. I remembered that the north wing of the third floor had been redone since i had gone to school here. I walked down the wing, passing the students who crowded through the halls. I thought that someone might think i had never seen this area before, but i had been back in the building to visit once before. I also had a dream about this wing being redone. I was not sure how closely the dream matched reality. Once i reached the north end of the hall i started to turn around, looking at the posters on the wall to the east. A man to the north of me spoke, saying something about the wing. I turned to talk to him, joking about the changes to the building. He smiled. He had long curling hair which hung down to his shoulders. As i spoke to him, i thought that he looked very attractive. I did not try to talk with him, though, thinking that he was too young to be interested in me. I continued to look at the posters on the east wall as he turned and headed down the hall, to the south. I looked to the south to see him walking toward the main hall of the floor. I was interested in him and wanted to talk to him some more. I walked slowly to the south, looking at the things around me. I imagined telling someone about how this wing used to be. I saw a window in one of the class rooms and remembered that, when this wing was a shooting range, the windows on the north wall were boarded up. It was nice to see the sun coming into them now. The wall to the east was now dull yellow and seemed to be made of painted plywood. I turned and looked to the south again, at the crowd of people who had gathered in the open space around the stairwell. One of the alumni ceremonies was occurring there. I thought that the man that i had been talking to must have walked into the crowd. I would not be able to find him in all the people, and i was slightly disappointed. I stepped into the large room, stopping at the back row of chairs, which were arranged to face southeast. There was something at the south end of the room that everyone was looking at. I watched it for a moment. This was part of the event. I was interested in it and watched. I then knelt down in the center aisle of the audience, just to the east of the last row of chairs. Someone to the west of me then said something about the show. He said it was interesting. I turned to look and saw that it was the man with the long curly hair. He was sitting in the second chair in, just beyond the woman at the end of the row. I felt suddenly embarrassed, wondering if he thought i was following him. I had not even noticed him in the crowd, and felt uncomfortable because i had stopped near him so soon after talking to him, as though i was purposely trying to be near him. He smiled at me as we spoke. I wondered whether he was with the woman in the chair next to him. He seemed interesting in some way, and i wanted to get to know him.

12004 January 09

I drove the car to the south, up the long gravel driveway to the brown garage. The garage was to the southwest of the small white farmhouse. I had been out in the car, though i was not supposed to be driving it. I felt angry as i came into the garage, ready to confront by parents if they got angry with me. As i stood up in the driver’s seat of the old car, i could see my mother standing in the doorway of the garage. I was still facing south, but the garage door was now to the south of me. This place seemed to be the garage of my parents’ house. The hood of the car in front of me was very long and narrow, with a tan arching cover over the engine and maroon fenders. I had to step over the engine to get out of the car, but i had to be careful that i did not step on the fenders because they would be hot from the long trip. I hopped to the west, onto the grassy lawn. There was something going on to the south. I looked to the north of me to see the large field behind the house. It was separated from the lawn by a low rock wall which has several small trees growing along it. The field was full of tall tan dry grass. It seemed that there was someone crossing the field, though. I remembered that there was someone from the house next to my parents’ house. They had something to do with the house to the north of us as well. I remembered that we were thinking about crossing through the woods to the northwest to get to the road. I then turned to the west and started through the tall green field grass. My father cautioned me, saying that the man in the house next-door would be angry with the people for crossing his lawn. I stopped suddenly, crouching low so that the person to the south of me could not see me in the tall grass. There was a small grassy mound to the south of me which hid me from view. My father then said that there was a car coming up the road to the west and that i could see it from the cliff. I walked slowly to the west until i came to the edge of the field. The ground dropped away to the west. I crouched low and looked over the top of the dirt cliff and the road which curved from the west to the south below. There was a car traveling on it. I thought that anyone who was running across the field could easily run over the cliff and fall to the road. I then realized that the police were coming. I turned around and looked back to the east, across the living room of the house. I remembered this scene from before. It was part of a movie i had seen. The people in the house had invited a strange man into the house, and he had corrupted them. He was a murderer, and he convinced the people in the house that they should fight against the police. I did not want to be in the house again. I remembered how the man had mentally held everyone hostage. I walked across the living room, now heading north. The apartment was decorated in a style form the 1960s, and the people were dressed with clothing from the same era. It was the era in which the film was originally made. There was a low black coffee table just to the east of me. It had smooth round features and looked very typical of the period. I passed a wall which divided the northern end of the living room form the hallway, down which i was walking. At the north end of the hall, i entered into the narrow kitchen, where the others were collected. I had to escape the house before the strange man convinced the others to barricade the door and fend off the police. They were already facing west, down the length of the narrow kitchen, toward the exit door. I hurried between the people standing in the kitchen and started down the stairs at the end of the room. The stairs headed to the lower floor of the house, but the outside door was halfway down the stairs, on the northern side of the house. As i pressed through the door, i realized that several of the women from the house had come with me. They were concerned about the strange man as well and wanted to escape. As soon as i ran out the door, i know that the strange man would realize that we were escaping and be angry. I hurried along the northern wall of the house, heading to the west. There was a city street at the western end of the house. I turned to the south and ran down the sidewalk. The windows to the east of me looked into the basement level of the house, where there seemed to be a large recreation room. I was aware of the police officers, who were hiding in the buildings across the street, to the west. We had to get over to them. As i reached the southwest corner of the house, i paused, letting the women in the long sixties-fashion coats cross the intersection diagonally to the southwest. There seemed to be a bank on the southwest corner of the intersection with a niche in the near corner. The second floor hung over the wide niche where the entrance door to the bank was. A single column continued down from the corner of the brick building to support the upper floors. The police had placed sand bag barricades under the overhang and were waiting with rifles ready. I watched for a moment as the urgently ushered the women into the shelter of the bank. After the last woman had started across the street, i moved from the corner, heading toward the bank. I then heard a gun shot from the north of me. I turned so see a hand with a pistol hanging out the second-story window of the house. I was too easy to hit in the middle of the intersection, so i backed up and stood against the southwest corner of the house. I realized that i should have run to the south, across the side street, and then run to the west, across the main street. It would have been a safer way to travel. Something then changed. It seemed that time had passed, and i was watching the movie unfold again. It was much later, and two of the men were coming out of the house to talk to the police. I watched for the southern side of the house, peering around the southwest corner of the black cement building as the strange man and the other crossed the street casually. They were going to talk to the police. I remembered this part of the movie. The strange man would convince the police that nothing was wrong and get them to release him. The men were dressed in greyish button-up short-sleeved shirts that seemed typical of the early nineteen-sixties. As soon as they crossed the street to the west and disappeared into one of the buildings, i was again in the house. I felt that i could change something this time around. I was in the living room of the house. The room seemed disheveled, with broken bits of furnishings scattered on the floor. I headed into the kitchen, remembering how the movie had shown the horrible slaughter within the house. I had escaped it this time around. I stepped into the kitchen and looked down at the broken cans of food which were spread across the floor. The house had been destroyed. The white rounded refrigerator on the east wall was left open, and i could see the smears of blood and food across the inside of the door. Hunks of rotting food sat on the shelves. There was a dead person lying on the floor to the north of me. He was wearing a dark blue dress coat. Blood pooled around the body. A second person was lying along the south wall of the kitchen. I passed them as i headed back down the basement stairs. This time, i walked past the exit door and into the basement. The large recreation room seemed dusty and unused. There were large boxes in the center of the floor on the western end of the room. Bright light from outside came in through the windows which ran across the upper part of the western and southern walls. There was a set of cabinets under a counter along the southern wall. There was another body lying on the floor, just in front of the cabinets. I looked at the body closely, seeing the smears of blood on the floor where it had been dragged away from the cabinets. One foot of the body was in an open door of the cabinets, as though someone had tried to hide the body. I then realized that the face of the body was deformed. It was wrinkled and distorted, like a rubber ball that had been deflated. The skull had been crushed. The police would have to be told about the horrors here. They were not aware of them, and could release the two men. I knew that the strange man was very charismatic and would be able to talk his way out of arrest. I then turned to the west to see the two men walking back across the street, toward me. I was surprised that the police had released them already. The older man, with the short greying hair chuckled as something as he spoke to the younger man with black hair. The older man was the stranger. I had to get out of the house before they came back. They would blockade the door again, and i would not be able to escape. I turned to head back to the door on the stairs, but then i heard the men outside. I would not be able to run out without them seeing me. I turned around and headed into the middle of the basement. I would have to hide. I remembered this happening before, but i had escaped the house at that time. I thought that i would have to break one of the windows and climb out before the men could enter the room and find me. As i reached the western end of the southern wall, however, i noticed that the basement door had been left ajar. The men must have unlocked it and left it opened. I hurriedly opened the door and ran out as i heard them entering the building. I remembered that i should cross the street to the south first and then to the west to stay out of their sight longer. I hurried away from the house, disappointed that the movie could not be changed more.

I sat on the roof of the black automobile with $K2 as the car moved to the southeast across the mountainous countryside. We were traveling along the southern side of a steep valley between the tall rocky mountain ridge to the north and the smaller rounded hills to the south. The land around us was mostly forested. The car on which we were traveling was following the train tracks along the lower slope of the southern hill. We were thinking of sleeping on the roof of the can as we headed down the track, but i felt concerned that we might slip off the side of the car if the car took a turn. The sun flickered as we passed through some trees. I looked to the north so see a small stream just down the slope from the train tracks. There was a road on the other side of the stream. I wondered suddenly why we were driving our car down the train tracks. It seemed on odd thing to do. I knew that the train tracks would keep us going in a straight line, but i worried that we were not really in control of the car if we were just letting it drive straight on the tracks. $K2 reclined backward on the roof of the car, his lower legs still dangling through the sunroof. I then started to wonder if we would be in danger of hitting any other cars. I looked to the road to the north again and wondered whether our car could actually cause the crossing gates to close over the tracks. If not, a car could drive in front of us and we could hit it. Something seemed very strange with this situation. As i watched the ground to the north of us, i noticed that there was a small dirt road which ran in a loose S shape from the main road. The lower part of the S crossed the railroad track near us. I could see the crossing gate in the middle of the S, but the gates were not closed. They stood in the up position, though a small red car was stopped in front of them. A second light-blue car slowed to a stop behind the first. I started to feel less safe on the car. There were then trees just to the north of the tracks, separating the tracks from the downward slope of the hill. I watched them as they passed. The car rounded a corner to the east-northeast suddenly, and i saw $K2 slide off the passenger’s side of the car. I quickly grabbed his ankles so that he did not fall off entirely. He had fallen asleep, and was not ready for the corner. I was now standing in the sunroof of the car, and i pulled $Z back onto the top of the vehicle. I then looked to the east to see if there were more turns coming. The rails ahead of us passed through a narrow space which seemed very dark. I realized that we were passing through a tunnel. There was only one set of tracks ahead of us, and i was afraid that we might run into a train coming from the other direction. I knew that we should not be driving on the tracks because we were in a car, but it seemed like a good thing way to get someplace. I was suddenly worried that we would get caught using the train tracks in a car. It was very dark in the tunnel, but i could make out turns and intersections as we moved down the track. I was then aware that we were turning to the north slightly. We came out suddenly into a very large office. The track ahead of us looped up into the air at the eastern end of the office, turning to the north and then back to the west. Several old wooden desks were arranged around the marble floor of the large off-white room. The office workers in their dark grey business suits looked up at us, curious about the small car in which we were traveling. This was some kind of federal office, and i thought that the people here were part of an intelligence agency. We were not supposed to be here. I had to think of something to say that would allow us to leave, or the agents would arrest us and get rid of us. We had unknowingly made our way into a secret room, and we would have to talk our way out of it. As the car rounded the eastern end of the room and started heading back to the west, i was suddenly walking next to it, to the south of it. The agents in the room started asking us questions about how we got here. There was then someone else with us. He was accused of breaking the security of the base. I let them accuse him, knowing that he was trying to get us into trouble. I did not say anything as the others started asking the man questions. I had to make it seem that we were ignorant of what was really going on. I thought that we could convince the agents that we were carrying an important shipment somewhere when the man interrupted us. I would need to make it seem that the man was trying to steal our shipment. They would assume that we were part of their office, would thus think that our shipment must be some government secret. I stopped in the middle of the room, where the cylindrical glass spice jars sat on the floor. We had been carrying them. They were actually filled with on illegal substance, but i thought that i could act like they were part of a secret recipe. I mentioned to one of the investigators in the room that they were part of a special project and we were taking them somewhere. I bend over and started to gather the spice jars together. There was a puddle of light-tan dough on the floor, just to the north of the jars. It was cookie dough. I tried to scoop some of it back into the jars. I said something about the recipes that were used, implying that the dough itself was very important. There was a woman in a dark-brown business suit with a knee-length dress just to the east of me. She bent over and dipped her finger into the cookie dough. She then stuck her finger in her mouth, smiling at me as she tasted the special mix. I thought that i had convinced everyone here of our innocence. The other man was arrested.

12004 January 10

I crossed the room, heading to the north. This place was our new apartment, but i know that i had lived here before. This place seemed familiar to me. I was moving in here with $F14. It seemed as though we had just gotten married. I thought about the marriage for a moment. Something seemed suddenly wrong about it. I wondered why i had gotten married to her as i headed for the stairs which ascended to the second floor along the western wall of the room. The north wall was bright blue, and it had virtually no features. The bottom part of the wall was set forward of the upper part so that a balcony could run along the second floor of the wall. The stairs ran to the western side of the balcony. I stopped at the top of the stairs and looked back into the two-story plain white room. There were large glass windows on the second floor of the south wall, and an entrance door on the western end of the south wall. A door to the downstairs rooms was in the northern end of the eastern wall. To the east of me, the corridor ran along the balcony, bordered on the south by a plain white half wall. The corridor then continued to the east, into the rest of the apartment. I stood at the top of the stairs, thinking. Something seemed wrong with what was happening here. I could not understand why i had gotten married to $F14. I then noticed that there was a thin haze in the air of the main room. I tried to focus on it as i though about the marriage. I thought suddenly of $F14’s mother, deciding that there really was something wrong with this situation. I suddenly focused on the thin smoke in the air, worried that something might be burning. I spotted a small heating vent in the southern end of the eastern wall, just below the level of the windows. Grey smoke was drifting out of the vent. I ran back down the stairs and over to the doorway in the eastern wall. I opened the door carefully and saw that the room on the other side was full of the thin grey smoke. Something was on fire. I considered that it might be the furnace. I quickly picked up the telephone from the north wall and called emergency. I felt worried and wondered what i should do before the fire crew came. I told the woman on the telephone that there was a fire in my apartment. She asked me where i was, but i did not yet know the address of this apartment. I set the telephone down on the table, which was in front of the north wall, and ran out the door to the south. I was in $P124. I turned to look at the door as i ran out, but i could not see an address on it. I did not know what to do and felt confused. I backed away from the building. I had lived in this apartment complex when i was very young, but i had not lived in this building. I could only remember our old address. As i backed away from my building, i noticed that he general shape of the two-level building was round. I had exited from a door which faced southwest. The architecture was modern, though the building looked as though it was designed in the late 11960s or early 11970s. I expected there to be a rotating restaurant on the top of the building, but it did not seem that there was one, though i had the feeling that there was some central common room or lobby to the east. The building reminded me of a flying saucer, and i wondered if that was the intent of the designer. I turned suddenly and headed to the south, hoping to see an emergency truck heading toward my. There was a round driveway to the south of by building which ended on an old road to the south. The road ran east to west. Across the road from me was a tall rectangular apartment building. It was also part of our apartment complex. The east-to-west road ended just a few tens of metres to the east, on another street which ran north to south. The north-to-south street seemed to lead to the main road, to the south. The land around me was flat, and all of the bushes and grass were dry and dull tan or grey. The air seemed damp but warm, as though it was early spring. I headed to the southwest, where i saw a sign at the corner of the grass lawn. I was hoping that the sign had the address of the apartment building on it. As i rounded the sign, i could see that it only had the name of the apartment complex in pale-yellow letters on a faded blue background. I turned to the southwest, wondering what i should do. I hoped that the fire company would come soon. I then noticed a large parking lot to the southwest. A car drove down the east-to-west street near me, passing over a large bump in the road just to the southwest of me. Everything about this place seemed old, as though i had moved back to the 11970s.

12004 January 15

I glanced to he north as i headed along the street, to the east. I was traveling slightly up hill in front of the long grey stone building. The building seemed to be part of $P63, but it was not shaped the same and seemed more modern. My car was parked along the street, which was to the north of me. I had just left my black car and was traveling somewhere when i noticed the group of people sitting near the decorative minivan just to the north of me. There was a large bus in the street which had stopped on the outside of the car and was starting to back up as if parallel parking. There seemed to be something malevolent about the bus’s actions. I felt that the bus driver was being mean to the people in the minivan, who seemed to be hippies. The large bus hit the side of the minivan, pushing it back. I felt angry with the driver for being so mean to the students in the van. I watched as the van rolled backward, hitting the car behind it. The car then rolled back, sliding into the car behind it. The line of cars which were parked on the side of the street, slid back into each other, pushing each other down the hill. I felt suddenly concerned, because my car was just down the street. I watched a blue truck slide backward into my car. My car then rolled away down the slope of the street. I started after it, but the hill in the middle of the city was too steep, and i could not catch it. After only about one hundred metres, i came to an intersection. There were medium city buildings all around me. I crossed the street and ran into the corner door of the restaurant on the corner. The walls around the door were red. I was then is a phone booth near the bar of the restaurant. I had to call someone and let someone know what had happened. I would need a ride. I felt confused and did not know what to do. I spoke to someone on the telephone, but i did not know what to say. I was then outside the restaurant again. I ran down the steep hill of the city street, heading to the south, in the direction which my car had rolled. The street seemed to end just another block farther. Beyond the dark-grey buildings at the end of the street, there seemed to be a dock and shipping yard on the edge of a large lake. I ran into the building directly across the street from the hill. The front of the building was open, and there were many cars inside. This place seemed to be an auto-repair shop. I spotted my car near the center of the room. Deep white scratches stretched down the driver’s side, and the front fender was crumpled. I was mad that my car had been so badly damaged. As i walked around the car, though, i realized that the blue car did not look quite right. It was not the same shape as my car. I looked into the driver’s window and noticed some white papers on the passenger’s seat. This was not my car. I looked around the rest of the shop for my car. The shop was open to the west, with wide rectangular openings all along the wall. The openings were separated by thin supporting beams which had a metre or so of outside wall covering them. The east side of the room was dark, and there were people working on cars there. I walked deeper into the shop, noticing the large field of tall dry brown swamp grass at the edge of the water. There was a small utility building in the middle of the field. One of the mechanics was then to the east of me, asking what i was looking for. He was older and somewhat rounded, standing with his head slightly back as he squinted at me. I told him about my car and asked him what might have happened to it. He said that the sheriff had taken it. I asked him which sheriff, and he scoffed at me, as though the answered was obvious. “Which sheriff.”, he muttered in disbelief. I complained that i was in a large city, so i thought that there might be more than one sheriff for the various police districts. I felt annoyed and walked to the west, down the street. The buildings now seemed lower, as though i was heading out of the city limits. The area to the south of the road was now open, with wider spaces around the short modern stores. I had to find a telephone so that i could call the police and find my car. I did not know anyone else in the city, so i could not ask a friend for help. As i passed a small plaza to the north of me, i noticed that there was a martial-arts school in one of the storefronts. The lights were still on and i could see people moving inside. I walked into the room and saw the students practicing in the center of the room. I stopped at the door and bowed, thinking that i could show them that i knew their traditions. To the east, the instructor had walked into the next room. I would have to wait for him to return so that i could ask about a telephone. One of the students then noticed me standing by the door and stopped to ask me if he could help me. He seemed east-Asian and spoke politely. I asked him where the nearest pay phone was. He said that there was one down the street to the east in a store. I thanked him by using a martial-arts term and bowed as i headed out. He realized that i was familiar with martial arts and said something to me in an oriental language. I responded, and he smiled at me. I headed out the door and started walking back to the east. There seemed to be some restaurants on the south side of the street farther down the road, but i had to look for the store that the man had told me about.

12004 January 16

I climbed over the black metal railing and jumped into the clock tower. The bells of the carillon hung over my head in the open chamber of the bell tower. This seemed to be the bell tower of $P52. I ran hunched over to the north and ran down the curved flight of stairs to the clock room. I felt very nervous. I had sneaked in here and did not want to be caught in the clock tower. I had to be careful so that no one would find me here. I came to steal something. I was against the north wall of the clock room when i bent over to pick up the small yellow pin. It was something special. I quickly put it in the right inside pocket of my jacket. As i stood up and looked at the door in the northern wall, i realized that i could not get out of the clock tower without setting off alarms. I suddenly wondered how i had managed to climb up the side of the tower to get into the bell chamber. The idea of going back down the outside of the building seemed frightening, and i did not want to leave that way. I looked at the alarm on the handle of the door in the north wall. It was the only way out. I thought that, if i ran through the door and got out of the building as quickly as possible, i might be able to escape without being caught. I was tense and nervous and i pushed open the door and started down the circular stairs of the tower. I had to get out quickly, so i hopped over the railing of the stairs and floated down the center of the center of the stairwell. The room below suddenly seemed very wide and open. The floor below me was white marble, with black tiles scattered to form a circular pattern in the center. The grand staircase curved around the south wall of the oval room before coming to an end on the western side of the room. Before i could reach the ground, i saw $A103 walk out of a doorway from the west. He was met by a police officer, who had come from the exit door on the north wall. I realized that i could not easily escape the building now. I had to make it to the ground and pretend that nothing was wrong. I could not act as though i was aware that the alarm was ringing. The police officer turned to speak with $A103, so he did not see me land on the floor behind him. I tried to ignore him and started toward the door. Just before i got to the door, he called to me. I had to act like i belonged in this place. I spoke to the police officer, pretending that i did not know what was going on. He seemed suspicious, but did not seem to think that i was the one he was looking for. He said that i had to remain in the center of the room while he checked some things out. I felt uncomfortable. $A103 was watching me from the side of the room. I hoped that he did not say anything about me. I knew that he worked here in one of the offices, so he should have known that i did not belong in this building. I would have to hide the yellow thing so that no one would find it on me. I wondered if i could convince the police officer to let me leave the building.

12004 January 22

To the east, the lights flickered along either side of the train car. I was traveling with $G11 in the subway car. We were heading to New York City. The train car seemed to be old fashioned, with red walls and leather seats. As we moved, we started to walk to the east, down the tunnel of the old train station. The wall to the south of us curved up to meet the ceiling and was covered with small yellow tiles. The tiles were dingy with soot and grime. There was an opening in the wall to the north which led back to the train that we just disembarked. We continued to the east, passing through a narrow part of the corridor before coming into a long room. The walls of the room were flat and plain, and there seemed to be many display cases and wooden cabinets in the center of the room. There were some old things on display around the room, and i thought that the train station might have an exhibit of their history. Some of the others wandered on to the east as i slowed down to look at all of the glass cases. I turned to see the piece of faded cloth in the glass-covered table in the center of the room. The table was just to the east of a line of wooden cases. It then seemed much later, and i was walked to the east again. The entrance to the museum was ahead of us. My parents were with me. We walked up the two or three stairs on the outside of the stone building and turned to the north, walking into the small lobby of the building. The exhibit hall was to the east of us, but we first had to take things out of our pockets. I looked around at the plain white walls of the lobby as the others around us emptied their pockets and headed through the metal detector at the entrance of the exhibit hall. I looked down at the counter to the south of the entrance, reading a sign about the exhibit. This was an exhibit on Vudun, and no one was allowed to bring in electronic devices or other technological things. We would have to leave everything outside the exhibit. I knew that it had something to do with the beliefs of the religion. I felt suddenly uneasy about going into the exhibit. I was afraid that i could not get rid of everything that was technological. My mother placed some things in a white plastic basket in front of me. I looked down at my wallet, which was in my left hand. I wondered if i would be punished for bringing money into the room. I knew that the money had magnetic strips in it which might be considered a technology. I was uncertain about what i should do. I felt scared that someone might take action against me if i mistakenly brought something into the room that i should not. I had to get everything out of my pocket. As i pulled some things out of my pants, i noticed the woman standing to the south of the door. She was dressed like a Vudun priest. A asked her what i had to take out.

12004 January 24

I entered the house through the side door and headed to the north, up the short flight of stairs, to the kitchen. $Z walked past me on the west and headed into the center of the room, where my parents seemed to be, but i stopped just inside the room. This place seemed very much like my grandmother’s house, but it was much wider. I tried to think about something for a moment, but could not figure out what was happening. Something seemed wrong. I looked to the east and, for a moment, heard a voice which seemed to be part of a news report. They said something about the bombings. I wondered whether we should be heading to the basement of the house. It did not seem safe enough if there actually was a bombing. To the east, i could almost see the brown and read images of the city. My parents then said something about the danger as they started to move toward me, to the stairs down to the basement. I turned around to face behind me. I was now facing east, looking down the street. I looked to the south as the voice described the problems around us. I could see the image of the fat man in the dull yellow shirt speaking from a podium. This was some sort of news footage from World War Two. The voice made some kind of reference to the man. I had seen this video before. He was some famous Nazi who had risen to power. As i watched the man seemed to climb over the podium as he preached. He was suddenly on a bicycle in front of me, pedaling in circles on the flat pavement. I turned back to the north. The street was wide, but it did not appear to be made for automobile traffic. I still felt that something was wrong, but i could not determine what. I walked to the west, looking at the small building to the north. The house was very short. It seemed almost like a play house. All of the houses on the street were short. I continued to the west, listening to the voices as they spoke about the danger. I was then crossing the dining room of my parents’ house. As i came to the front hallway on the western side of the dining room, i looked to the south, out into the front yard. The view seemed dark, and the trees were brown and leafless. I focused on a small structure in the front yard. It looked like a black easel, which formed the shape of a car at the bottom. I remembered that my mother had bought it because it seemed like a good deal, but she did not really know what to do with it. My vision closed in on the structure in the front yard. There were two small dresses hanging from the front of the structure, facing the road. One was dark blue and the other was red. Both of them had white flowers on them and white collars. I thought that the structure was some sort of advertisement, but then i started to feel that it was very bad. There was something corrupt happening here, and i seemed to remember it from before. I looked to the north again. I was back on the long flat street, heading west. I remembered something about the young child. The little girl was, in some way, corrupted. This was from some movie, but i remembering being in the scene before. I walked to the west, entering the living room of the house. There was a crib just to the north of me which had some things in it. They had something to do with the child. I told the parents that the items in the crib were possessed by demons. I had solved this problem before, but i could not remember what the solution was now. There was some item that the young boy had stolen, and the item was really a demon in disguise. I bent over and looked closely at the objects. The father sat in a chair to the north of me, while the mother stood nervously to the east. I was not sure which of the objects was bad, but i pulled the stuffed white bunny from the crib. I was nervous about the child. I knew that it had gone into the room to the north of us, so i had to take care of the toy before the boy could come back. I pulled the bunny from the crib with the red down quilt over it. I then realized that there was a small green plastic knife in the crib. I took it and crushed it in my left hand, not sure which object was bad. I told the mother that i had to get rid of the bunny before the child got back. She asked me if i was sure, and i said yes. I headed out of the room to the west and walked to the north. When i came to the kitchen on the north side of the house, i started to stuff the toy rabbit into the waste basket, but i realized that the young boy was suddenly standing to the west of me. I felt frightened of him. He asked what i was doing, and i tried to distract him by not talking about the blanket. We had to get rid of the demon before he realized what was happening. I stuffed the blanket into the trash can, but he leaned over and started pulling it out. I did not know what to do. I stepped back as he retrieved the doll. He was angry, and i felt that he might do something bad. He started to complain about the people being against him. I remembered that this had happened before, but the scene was different. I wondered why i could not remember the way the movie ran the last time i was in it. The boy placed the toy in a small paper bag that was in the center of the kitchen floor. He then slid some carving knives into the bag with it. I worried that we might have lost the battle, but then i saw the child turn to the west to pull something out of one of the drawers along the west wall. The cabinets along the west wall were lightly stained, and the drawer was at the level of the boy’s head. I realized that the boy had left the red paper bag unattended in the middle of the floor, so i quickly snatched the bag and ran back to the living room. I felt scared, knowing that the boy was right behind be. I ran into the living room and closed the old white wooden door right behind be. The heavy door had a black cast-iron doorknob, but no lock. I leaned my back against the door so that the boy could not get in. He was angry with us. I urgently asked the mother how i could lock the doors, but she said that there was no way to secure them. I said that we could not let the boy in. I was then aware that there were two doors on the west wall of the living room. The child was banging on the door behind be, but there was a second door just down the wall to the south which also did not have a lock. I ran into the center of the room and dumped the contents of the bag onto the floor. I had to get the parents to believe me that there was something wrong with their child. The bag had several large knives in it and a few stuffed animals. I then spotted a small serrated blade at the edge of the pile. I pointed it out to the mother, saying that it was the blade i had noticed missing from before. This was proof that the child was lying, because he had said that he did not know what had happened to the blade. I picked up the blade, which had a small oval hole near the tip, and a light-green plastic nub at the other end. I remembered that the plot of the movie did reveal the child’s corruption by showing the stolen knife, but i really was unsure whether this was the stolen knife. It did not look as familiar to me as i hoped it would. As i picked it up, it seemed to have something to do with a sewing machine. I told the mother that the blade was proof that the child was possessed. I now had to find the demon. I looked at the two stuffed animals which had been in the bag. The demon was not really in the light-green plastic knife that i had crushed earlier. I picked up one of the butcher knives and held the point over the grey doll. Both of the stuffed animals looked like dead groundhogs, but i knew that one of them was a fake. I wanted to stab the grey animal, but i was not sure if it was the right one. I know that if i stabbed the stuffed animal and nothing happened, then the parents would not believe me. I could not decide which animal to attack. I moved the knife quickly to the brown animal, suspecting suddenly that its more natural appearance might be the real illusion. As i held the tip of the knife against the chest of the teddy bear, the doll changed suddenly into a small furry face. I knew that this was the demon, so i pressed the knife into it. The top of the face split open, and a dark black liquid oozed out. I had correctly killed the demon, but i still felt uncertain because this was not the way the movie had run before. I tried to focus on the situation, but i started to wonder why i had to act out this whole scene again when i had done it correctly once before. I backed away from the animal as the mother approached me. I felt certain that i had the right thing this time, but something still felt amiss.

12004 January 25

I walked to the large window in the south wall of the classroom. The rest of the students were in the room, but there was no lesson being taught at the moment. There were tall wide windows in the southern and eastern walls of the room which let in the bright light of the grey sky outside. I felt that something was wrong, though. I could hear the sound of people shouting in the street outside. I looked out the window to see the large vehicles moving to the west on the street below. They seemed like military trucks, with large guns on the back. I felt that we were in danger, but i was hesitant to say anything to the class because i did not want to be wrong. I watched the people moving below, aware that the men with the guns were protesters. The protesters seemed to be shooting at the other people on the street. I then noticed that the tank in front of me was turning its gun to face the classroom in which i was standing. I stepped back from the window and told the others that we had to leave. I was afraid that the large gun might be a grenade launcher. The children in the class room started to run and panic. I ran out the northern door of the classroom and into the hall. I realized that i would have to get out of the building as soon as possible. The school would be a target. I thought that the terrorists would surround the school and try to capture everyone in it. I ran to the west, down the hall a few metres, toward the stairwell which was in the northern wall. I was then in a short corridor on the first floor which headed to the north from the main corridor. I stopped just before the exit door and turned to the west, into a small narrow room. There was a window at the northern end of the room which looked out behind the school. There was another student with me. He seemed to be very young. He had very dark skin and a round face. He was scared of the gunmen, but i told him to relax. I looked out the small window, aware that there were troops to the east of us along the northern side of the building. The young boy seemed to be around my age. I thought about leaving through the window, but realized that opening the window would leave the window open, which would signal the gunmen that someone had escaped. I told the boy that i would be right back, and i ran to the east, out the door on the side of the room. For a moment, i seemed to be back in the corridor leading to the north, but then i was outside, running across the grass toward a fenced in tennis court. I stopped just after i crossed a paved drive and turned to look at the school. I did not see any troops at the back of the building. The protesters had not yet surrounded the school. I thought that i could go back for the boy. As i started back, though, i noticed that some of the older students, who were the ones protesting, had positioned themselves near the door that i had come out. I would have to sneak back into the building some other way. I walked back across the drive, heading to the southwest, across a small parking lot which was along the back side of the tall brick building. There was a small shop on the back side of the building which did not seem to be too well defended. I then noticed a young man in a white and red plaid shirt standing in front of the store. He approached me, carrying a rifle in his hand. His long face seemed rather awkward, as though he was still growing into it. His light-blonde hair was messy. He asked to see my identification, but i said something about not needing it. I did not want to pull out my driver’s license, so i said something to confuse the topic. He stood close to me, but i kept walking toward the shops. I had to make it appear that i was not interested in going into the school. I approached the first shop, which seemed to be a small oriental restaurant. The woman in the white apron asked me what i was doing there. I said that i just needed to get into the kitchen. She seemed suspicious, but let me pass. The man with the gun said something from behind me as i climbed down into the pantry of the restaurant. The pantry seemed more like a delivery bay. I was then aware that the man realized what i was doing. I knew that the restaurant and the school shared the same kitchen storage space, so i thought that i could sneak back into the school through here. The man had already run into the building, however. I hurried down the long aisle between the stock shelves, looking at the boxes and bags of bulk foods. I had to find my way into the kitchen before the other man did. I could not find the back of the store room, thought. I turned a corner and headed down another aisle, but i could not see where the exit to the cafeteria was. I felt confused. The store room was very large, and i worried that i might get lost in it.

12004 January 26

I wandered to the west, looking up suddenly to see where i was. I recognized the buildings in front of me. I was in downtown $P3, just to the east of the main shopping district. There were some tall red brick buildings to the west of me which seemed familiar. I remembered being on this side of town before. It seemed as though i had wandered over here many times and had to walk back to the west side, where i lived. I remembered all the streets which crossed through town, and i felt nostalgic thinking about them. As i looked to the west, though, i started to feel that it was a long walk. I wondered how i had come to this side of the city again. It seemed strange that i kept ending up here. I looked at the large grey building to the north of me as i started down the street. There did not seem to be anyone else around me, and the air was cool. I was then to the west of where i was. I looked to the north and saw the open stretch of land which used to be a parking lot. $P114 stood on the northern side of the empty lot, which had weeds growing up in it. I seemed to be on the main street through town. There used to be houses and buildings jus to the north of the street, separating the street from the lot of the shopping plaza. Now the area was mostly dirt. I could see the hill rising to the north, behind the plaza. Something seemed strange about this place. I felt as though the area had been abandoned, though i could see cars moving along the dirt road in front of the buildings of the shopping plaza. I turned from the main road and headed to the northwest, across the dirt and mud that was the parking lot. There seemed to me someone with me, to whom i said something. I was then rowing a small wooden boat across the dry grass and mud of the wide parking lot. I had been rowing the small wooden boat across town. I seemed to move fairly fast with each stroke. As i approached the northern end of the lot, i turned to see where i was heading. There was tall yellow field grass growing to the west of me. I had to stay in the shallow water that was now under me, but i did not think that i could row all the way to the northern end of the lot without running aground. I could see a few cars passing down the road to the north of me, heading to the east. I knew that i would not be able to row on the swampy land beyond the road, and i thought that i should turn back to the south. I started to feel uneasy about the situation. Something seemed wrong with what i was doing. I suddenly did not feel safe in the middle of the water. I knew that the boat that i was rowing was actually hovering above the surface of the water, so i was able to row any direction that i wanted, but i felt worried that i would get caught over the water and would not be able to row out of the swampy area. I started rowing to the south. $F1 was suddenly near me. He said something as i paddled to the south, thinking about the hovering boat. Something did not seem right about this situation. I felt suddenly nostalgic over this area. The view around me was reddened, and it seemed warm and cozy, but i could not focus on what was happening. It did not make sense that the boat was able to fly. I had to get out of this area before i was trapped and get to my grandmother’s house, which seemed to be to the west.

I was in the guest bedroom of my grandfather’s house at $P12. I was sitting on the floor against the southern wall of the room, on the eastern end of the room. My mother was leaning against the wall to the west of me. I was concerned for her because she did not seem to be well. She was wearing a nightgown and was huddled against the wall. I said something to her and she replied. She was pregnant, but something was wrong with the situation. I thought that she would be too old to have another child. She would be very old by the time the child could grow up. I was concerned about her. This was not right.

12004 January 27

I was watching the television from the bed in the hospital. I was here visiting someone as my mother turned on the television. The television was against the southern end of the eastern wall, and the bed was against the west wall. There was a window in the middle of the south wall which let the sunlight into the room. My mother seemed to be wearing something pale green. I watched the images on the television as they came in. This was an episode of The Munsters or The Addams Family. I felt excited to see it, because i realized that the characters were on a farm. This was one of the original shows of the series. I told the person in the bed that this was a rare episode because it was before the characters had moved to the city where they would have most of their adventures. There was an image on the television of Eddy Munster on a horse and Herman standing to one side. I remembered that they had started on a farm and had come into some fortune. The series was trying to play off of the western themes of the era, but it was not successful, so the series was moved to the city, where the rest of the show took place. My mother moved to the northern side of the bed as i spoke to the sick person about the show. It felt special to be able to see this episode, since it seemed so rare.

12004 January 30

I moved to the south, flying over the housing area of the large city. I could see the taller buildings at the center of the city to the east-southeast of me as i moved down the street of an older neighbourhood. The buildings seemed to be old row houses on either side of the street below. The street ran to the south, and i swooped down between the houses and i continued to the south. There was a bit of grass in front of the white and brick houses. It seemed like spring out, and i was aware of some children playing out in the street to the south of me. I remembered that these old neighbourhoods used to have coverings over them. I remembered seeing the glass peak of a roof over the street when i was higher. I visualized the rusted steel girders which crossed the street, resting on the roofs of the old buildings. The rafters of the roof were also metal and held the dirty glass panes. This roof used to be a protection against something that happened around fifty years age. Most of the neighbourhoods in this area used to have such glass roofs, but now the city only had a few that were still in place. There seemed to be something antiquated about this neighbourhood. I remembered that people would store cars in this neighbourhood because they would be protected from salt for a longer period. People would bring their old cars here and put them in the high garages, high above the street level so that they would not rust. I thought about the garages that were in use around fifty years ago, but were now abandoned. They no longer served any purpose. As i moved along the faces of the buildings on the western side of the street, i came to a narrow beam which crossed the street. It was one of the old walkways that people used to use to cross the street. I ran to the east, over the street, aware that someone was watching me from the east side of the street, to the north. I came to the other side of the street, where there was an old rotting wooden door in the wall of the building. The faded white paint on the door was chipping, and the glass in the top portion of the door seemed cracked and boarded. I walked through the door down the dark corridor to the back of the building. These places had not been used in a very long time. I wondered what the old man on the street would think of me entering this area. I knew that he had seen me go into the door. On the back of the building, the corridor ended in the air, with nothing under it. I looked down to see the gravel ground behind the building with some trees just beyond. I then noticed that there was an old car just to the north of me, suspended in a small addition on the back of the building. The addition seemed crudely constructed with plywood and thin wood beams, like an old shed. There were two levels to the shed. The old car on the top seemed to be somewhat rusted. It looked to be from the 11940s, with an old red finish. I could only see the rounded back end of the car, but i noticed that there were no tires on the rear wheels. In the bottom part of the shed, there was an old black car, but i could not see much of it.