12006 January 01

I walked across the large living room of the apartment, carrying my things with me. I was leaving this place and had to clean all of my things out. The bare plaster walls were pale yellow, and the wood floor was dark brown. I carried my things to the west, hurrying before something happened. I felt that i had to get my things into the new place before someone came. I hurried over to the door and tried to open the lock. There was a small metal key in the black padlock which was hanging on the door. I tried to turn the key in the lock, but it did not seem to be opening the lock. I felt frustrated and had to hurry to get into the room. I then realized that the key was bending in the lock. I felt frustrated and did not care whether the key was broken. I backed away from the tree trunk and looked at the lock which was hanging from it. The lock controlled the strings which would lower the ladder of the tree house. There seemed to be someone to the northwest of me as i tried to open the lock. I felt anxious and angry. I looked up a little above the lock to see that there were several strings traveling up from behind the small door to the top of the tree. I thought that one of them would lower the ladder, but i realized that it would not be as simple as pulling the correct string. There had to be some security mechanism to the lock, so i though that there was a combination of strings that had to be pulled in order to make it work. If i pulled the wrong set, the ladder would be locked in the tree. I looked up at the white nylon strings, touching a few with my fingers. I wondered if i could simply pull a few. Two of the strings formed a V near a small branch, and a long thin brown spider sat between them. The strings looked like webs. I pulled one string near me, but nothing happened. I would not be able to guess the security sequence that the lock would activate. I walked around to the western side of the tree and looked up at the tree house. The others were now starting to gather around the base of the large tree. I looked up at the wooden platform which was sitting on top of the thick tree trunk. It looked as though it was made of fresh wood. This was my new apartment, but i did not know how to get in. One of the others in the crowd asked about a key and started suggesting ways to get into the tree house. Someone suggested that we get into the tree house through the house. I looked around. We were now standing on a patio to the south of a tall light-gray house. The house seemed new, and had a wooden fence running from the southeast corner around the eastern side of the yard. The yard seemed to be covered with gray paving stones, and the tree grew in the center of the patio. The house was two story, and there were white ropes running from the top corners of the house to the tree house. Two more ropes ran from the large multipane window in the middle of the second floor, supporting a small white square platform. The platform was suspended between the house and the tree house, and there were white banners hanging from several of the ropes around it, making it look festive. I remembered that $A409 had walked across the wooden platform during his wedding, but it now looked dangerous and unbalanced. I did not think that it would be a good way to get into the tree house. People talked for a moment, trying to figure out a better way, but i could not think of a better way to get into the tree house. I wondered what to do.

I was standing in the dining room of the small restaurant. The room was very nice, though there was a feeling of wear to the surroundings. The house seemed to have been part of a very old house which had been converted into an eating area. There was a ground of people sitting to the south of me at a large rectangular table which was covered with long white linen. There seemed to be something special about this place, but i did not know what it was. The people who were eating were wearing dark suits with ties, and i felt that this was a special function. I then noticed the young men crouched down on the floor just to the south-southwest of me. They seemed to be looking for something in the detailed decoration of the oriental rug. One of the men had his back to me, his right knee on the ground as he searched with the others. He was wearing a gray jacket and matching pants which had a faint vertical striation in the weave. The back of his jacket was open at the bottom, and i could see the white of his dress shirt around his waist as he leaned over. He wore black shoes with black socks. I thought that they were searching for something special, but i did not know exactly what it was. There was something hidden here. I thought that there was a hidden compartment in the floor which could be opened by pressing part of the rug’s design. The dark red rug was covered with black swirls. There was a hidden compartment in the floor, and i knew that it contained something special. I wondered if i could be able to find this special thing before they did. I turned to the north and walked through the doorway and into the other room. The other room was smaller, and had fewer people in it. The northern wall was short, and the roof slanted down to meet it at a steep angle. I looked down at the thin wood boards which ran across the floor. The boards ran east to west and were covered with a thick coat of gray paint. This room reminded me of a bedroom in my parents’ house. This was a special place, and there were many things hidden in it. People had discovered some of the secrets of the house, but i knew that there were many more. I started to turn to the west when i noticed a thin piece of wood running between two of the boards. There was a round piece at the end of the thin piece of wood. I bent over and pressed in on the round shape, finding that the board receded into the floor and then sprung back up. It was a leaver. I pulled up on the board and noticed that a panel on the western end of the northern wall opened up. I felt excited with my discovery and looked in the small compartment to see if i could find the thing that everyone was looking for. To by disappointment, the compartment was empty. Something must have been removed from it before. I then noticed the black box hanging on the western wall of the compartment. I pointed it out to $Z as i reached for it. It seemed to be made of black plastic, and was dulling with age. There was a glossy plate on the front of it that i pressed. The box opened up, and i realized that it was a cover for an electric box. This must have been put here when the house was remodeled. $Z commented on the box as he reached in on the west of me. He was standing to the south of me. Discouraged, i walked back into the room to the south. The floor was now clear, so i decided that the men must have given up for a while. I then noticed that the rug covered most of the floor, so, if there was a hidden compartment on the floor, it was improbable that it would be found by looking for switches on the rug. I then noticed that the tables seemed to be mostly empty. The people who had been eating seem to have left. There were only a few scattered about the small room. I looked over the rug as i turned to the west, not noticing anything special in the patterns there. The room opened up to the west, opening both to the south and to the north. The western section of the room seemed to be square, and the eastern section was a small rectangle stretching from it. There was someone sitting in a folding chair just to the north of me, against the eastern wall, near the corner where the wall turned to the east. The person seemed female. I noticed a thin strip of wood in the darkly stained wood floor near the person’s feet. I bent over and lifted it. It was another leaver, like in the other room. Before i could pull the leaver too high, it slipped out of my hand. I realized that it was opening a large section of the floor to the west of us. I reached down and grabbed the leaver again and tried to pull it up. I could feel the resistance as it reached about thirty degrees. I was lifting the weight of the trap door in the floor. I looked to the west to see that a hexagonal opening was lifting on the floor. The opening was covered with six triangular doors which matched the wood of the floor. The doors hinged from the outside of the hexagram, revealing a large black canvas bubble. The balloon rose up as though the inflating to push the doors open. I realized that the leaver, when pushed to vertical, was used as a pump to push more air into the balloon. I pumped the balloon a few times, excited to see what would be exposed. The black balloon had a heavy boarder on the bottom of it which seemed to have a dull white trim. I felt a little disappointed that the balloon did not stay inflated after i stopped pushing on the leaver. I decided that it must have worn out over time. I backed away from the trap door, glad that i had discovered the secret of the house. This had something to do with the Arc of the Covenant. I realized that this was an important find, but i also realized that the Arc had great power. It had been hidden in this house to keep it out of the public, and i knew that i should leave it here. I had discovered it, but i would not be able to let anyone know about it. This seemed like a significant decision, and i knew that it was the right one.

12006 January 02

I walked into the small room with the rest of the crowd. I had a large white ticket in my hand, and i was going to watch a taping of Saturday Night Live. I sat down in the chair on the side of the audience. The stage was to the north of where i was, an the western side of the room. I looked up at the dark platform. I wondered how i had come here. I knew that i was not that interested in the show. $F45 must have gotten me tickets. He was sitting two seats to the east of me. I sat down and waited for the show with the others. Several of the seats around me were empty, but there were people sitting to the east and south of me. There was only one row of seat in front of me. I tried to see the stage, but could not make it out fully. There seemed to be a short wall to the north of us which partially blocked the stage. I felt a little uncomfortable, and realized that i had gas. I farted a little, but tried to keep the rest in. The dark-skinned man in the black sweater to the right of me leaned away. He mentioned my name and said that my fart stank. I wondered how he had known my name. I did not know him, but i thought that $F45 must have mentioned my name. The dark-skinned man was short and thin, with short black frizzy hair. Finally, he stood up and walked away. I felt embarrassed that i had made the man so uncomfortable. I looked back at the stage, trying to figure out how well we could see the show. The stage seemed to be facing east, and we were facing north, just to the side of the stage. I decided that we would have a pretty good view of the actors. I then realized that the hall was very narrow. I said something to $F45, who was now sitting next to me. Someone then announced something, and i realized that the doors were closing. I was facing west, directly toward the stage, and the room was now very narrow, with only four of five seats per row. The stage was very small, but the large window behind the stage seemed to have things moving past it. I realized that we were on a train and that we were moving. The train was taking us to the show. I felt embarrassed that i had not realized that this was a train before. I spoke to $F45 about the train, trying not to hint that i thought that this was actually the performance space. I looked out the front window to see the other train car ahead of us. I then told $F45 that this room would not be so bad for a small show. I looked to the west to see the people crowded into the back of the car. Looking out the front window again, i could hear the other person discuss the tunnel through which we were traveling. The woman said that the ceiling had just been painted a dark green. I looked at the mottled colour of the cement ceiling just above the car. I was now walking in front of the car, noticing the spatters of gray and olive-green which were on the ceiling. I could still hear the woman’s voice telling us about the person who had just painted the hall. As i walked along, i had to stoop to get under the low ceiling. I noticed the outline of a decorative design on the ceiling ahead of me. The outline was made in yellow paint and seemed to be unfinished. It formed a fancy diamond-shaped pattern that i thought looked Hindu. The woman mentioned the name of the pattern as i passed it. She then told me that i should head to the north, into the chamber of the tunnel. It seemed that the trolley would catch up with me eventually, so i turned to the north and wandered away from the black train car. I looked over the patterns on the wall. The tunnel opened into a large area with square pillars supporting the ceiling at regular intervals. I turned a few corners as i looked at the designs on the walls. I then decided that i should head back to the trolley and turned back to the south. I looked down at the bare cement floor and realized that there were no metal tracks in the floor. I quickly ran to the south, thinking that the train would make a loop in this section of the building to catch up with me. I noticed the metal tracks in the ground ahead of me. There was a red bench to the west of the tracks which ran parallel with the western wall. Just to the north of the bench, the tracks made a right-hand turn to the east and looped back through the center of the room. I started to follow the tracks to the east, but realized that the red bench was probably a bus stop. I turned around and ran to the bench just as the black train car appeared in the hall to the south. It turned to the north and ran past me, looping around the room and heading back to the south. I felt upset that it did not stop at the bench, and i worried that i had missed the train to the show. I did not know where to go. I looked around. To the north, i noticed that the corridor sloped up and curved to the east. The walls and floor were painted white with brightly coloured shapes. It looked like a child’s room, and there was a crudely shaped purple arrow on the ground pointing around the corner. I decided that it was pointing the way to a children’s show, like Sesame Street. I turned back to the east and started walking. I had to hurry because i did not want to miss the show. I was worried that i would not make it, and i started to feel upset. I walked into a small shop in the center of the plaza and asked the woman at the counter where i would find the stage for Saturday Night Live. She gave me an unspecific answer.

I was in the bathroom when i heard the boys making fun of someone. I stepped out of the men’s room and into the corridor. There were two lavatory doors in the northern wall: the men’s room, directly to the north of me, and the women’s room, just to the west of it. The doors were large light-brown wooden doors, and the heavy plaster walls were off-white. A group of boys backed out of the door to the women’s room. They were teasing the other boy, who seemed to be $F31. This other boy was homosexual, and had been using the women’s bathroom. He seemed shy, and was letting the other boys push him around. I felt mad at the other boys. I walked into the men’s room and saw one of the boys teasing $F31. $F31 was walking across the northeastern side of the room with his head down, trying to ignore the bully. He was wearing a red sweater and dark pants. I grabbed the bully from behind and said something to him in his right ear. He was a tall skinny boy, wearing a white and blue shirt and denims. He did not resist, and i knew that it was because i was mentally forcing him to do what i wanted. I walked him out of the bathroom and into the women’s room. As i left the men’s room, i noticed a student standing in the hall, listening to what was going on through the door. He was weaning a tan trench coat. I walked the boy into the women’s room and sat him down in one of the chairs of the classroom, facing the projector screen in the center of the northern wall. We were going to be showing the documentary on Martin Luther King, and i felt that they should see this because of their ignorance abusing the homosexual boy. I turned around and walked back out into the hall. As i pushed through the door of the women’s room, i startled two boys who had been standing just outside the door. They were both wearing tan trench coats. One of them was $A59, and the other seemed to be $A81. They backed away quickly as i came out. I looked to the west quickly to see a small group of students standing just to the west of the bathroom door. I turned and walked into the men’s room. I walked up to a stall on the northern wall and urinated into a toilet bowl. I then walked into the women’s room again, noticing that the line in the hall was longer now. The young girls were waiting to use the bathroom, but could not because i had been showing the documentary in there. As i entered the women’s room, i looked at the people who were sitting at the tables. The tables were in rows, running east to west. There were several rows of tables, and most of them seemed to have people at them. They were being forced to watch the film. I looked to the west and noticed that there were several boys hovering around the western wall of the lavatory. I realized that several girls were standing in front of the western wall trying to use the urinals, but the boys were ogling them and making them nervous. I thought that i should not have taken up the women’s bathroom so long. I then noticed that $A59 was sitting at one of the tables just to the west of me. The black-and-white video was playing on the northern wall, but several of the students did not seem as interested in it. Martin Luther King was speaking in the video, and i realized that i had never heard his entire speech before. There were parts of it which applied to all people, and not just to the struggle of dark-skinned people in the late 11960s. I then noticed a boy standing at the back of the room. He was one of the bullies, and he complained about the film. I was sitting at one of the last tables of the room, on the eastern side of the room. I turned around and said something to the boy. I knew that it did not make any sense, but i thought that it had some power over the boy. I spoke more words to him as i walked up to him and grabbed him by the shoulder. I was aware that $A59 was watching me from the west. I walked the boy to a table and sat him down, knowing that the words i had said to him focused my intentions and made him obey me. I then listened to the documentary myself. I was aware that it was straying from the topic. There were scenes of people marching in the streets, and fuzzy gray pictures of arts and crafts. I recognized the music as something by Jefferson Airplane. The music was probably fascinating to people from the 11960s, but i realized that it was boring to modern children. The room had been almost full of students when the video was started, but, as i looked around, i noticed that many of the tables were emptying out. Only a few students remained. I felt bored myself, thinking that the documentary was not quite what i thought it was. A woman then walked near the door in the northern half of the eastern wall. She was a teacher, and she turned around and asked when the women’s room would be free to use again. I apologized for the inconvenience and told her that the movie was not as interesting as it should be. I said that the scenes of people marching did not mean as much to the students as it did to the people who made the documentary. I felt disappointed.

I backed my car out of the long driveway and onto the road. I was in the middle of the woods. This place seemed to be my grandfather’s cottage at $P26, but the cottages were to the north of the road here, at the ends of long driveways. The driveways ran downhill slightly from main dirt road. The area around the brown wooden cottages was covered with a young forest of thin trees. The trees were bare, and there was snow covering the ground. The snow seemed packed and old, but i knew that it had just snowed within the past day or so. I drove down the main road a little ways to the east, following the tire tracks i had made coming out of my parents’ cottage. I retraced the tracks, which were worn down to the bare dirt of the road, and followed them into the next driveway to the east. As i turned in to the driveway, i noticed that the road to the east was covered with heavier snow than the road to the west. I knew that the road to the west was used more and that it would be clear. I remembered that i had taken a new route to the cottage, however, coming up the road from the east. I remembered driving over the small hills and steep inclines to get to the cottage. I remembered that my car had a little trouble coming across the empty fields in the middle of the wilderness which led to the cottage, and i thought that i might have a lot of trouble driving back that way now that the new snow had fallen. I though that i might get my car stuck going that way. I tried to picture the map of the cottage area, trying to think of a better road. I could see the crude blue patch in the center of the map which represented the lake. The spot ran east to west, though i knew the lake was longer north to south. I decided that it was crudely drawn and did not match the exact shape of the lake. There were many blue lines running from the lake which represented the rivers out of the lake. I had come from the east, along the southern shore of the lake. It was not the normal way that everyone got to the cottage, but i remembered taking it before, across the marshy land and through the rolling hills. I thought that my parents would have taken the road from the west. I drew the roads on the map with the pencil as i thought about them. The road to the west connected to the main road, which ran north to south along the western side of the lake. My parents would then have to travel south on the main road and turn back east on another main road. The road i took simply cut over the hills at the eastern end of the lake, making the trip much shorter. I though that i should not take that road back, though, because of the danger of getting stuck in the snow. I backed out of the driveway of the neighbouring cottage and turned to the east on the road. I followed my tire tracks in the snow back to the east on the dirt road, turning with them into the driveway of my parents’ cottage. The fresh snow on the drive was deep, but i drove farther than my tracks led, running into the snow and coming to a stop. I walked into the cabin and told my mother that i was leaving. She was worried about me traveling in the snow, but i told her that i would be leaving. I then said that i would look at a map to find the best route home. I knew that she would worry about that, but i pictured the red lines of the map in my head and thought that i could find a more direct route. I did not want to travel all the way around the hills on the road that she knew. She told me that she wanted me to stay on the roads that she knew, but i told her that i would see what was the best way. I left the cottage, thinking that i would not be traveling over the hills to the east. I would have to take the dirt road to the west and then find the best route from there.

12006 January 04

I had been working in the office, at the desk which was facing the southern section of the eastern wall. I had been working on something for a long time, and i felt tired. I decided that i should show the notes i had taken to my boss before i left for the day. I picked up the pad and started to the west. I had been working here for only a short time, and it seemed that i was helping out here because my father had gotten me the job. I did not feel comfortable with the job, which seemed to relate to the construction business. I walked to the desk, which was near the western wall. The room seemed to be crowded with furnishings. It had cement block walls and it seemed that the beams of the ceiling were left exposed to give the room a modern feeling. There seemed to be a woman working to the north, in a corridor which ran to the north flush with the western wall of the main room. Her desk was facing west, toward the entrance door. I handed the hand written notes to the young man in the yellow button-up shirt as he looked over the folder on the side of this desk. He took the folder and started to make comments about the completion of the report. I felt annoyed at his assumptions. He told me that the notes were not good enough for his report, and i told him that the notes were actually not part of the report. I told him that they were for the book that he had asked me to work on. I stressed that i was still gathering information and that i was not finished with the book. He shrugged as though he was uninterested in the project. I walked to the north, into the small file room of the building. The file room was crude, with unfinished cement-block walls. It was also darker than the outer room. I felt upset about working here. I felt as though i did not belong here. I looked to the east, into the trunk of my car. I had already left work, but i felt bad about not being there. I thought that my boss would expect me to be working on the project until it was finished, but i did not feel that i should be spending all my time at the office. I looked at the computer screen which was showing a letter. I had been scanning the old glass sign which was in the wooden frame. I wanted to use the letters from it to make a design for the book i was working on. I looked closely at the e in the lower word of the sign. The sign had two lines of gold text in a thick cursive stroke. I wanted to use this text because i had been unable to find any type that was thick enough and had a hand-written feel. I decided that i had to stop working on it. I put the sign back down into the trunk of the car and placed the paper back on the desk. I felt frustrated about my work. I knew that the people there expected me to work more hours, but i did not feel that it was worth my time to put in more time that i was scheduled to work. I turned to the east. I was standing on the sidewalk just to the west of the small hatchback car. The car was facing south on the suburban street. There seemed to be houses to the west of me, up a short steep grassy hill from the sidewalk. They seemed as thought they were built in the 11950s. I thought about my situation as a man walked to the west of me. I did not know what to do as i sat down on the cement wall, which ran to the east of me. The man walked to the north and turned east. He was driving a car, and he turned to the south on the main street. I was sitting, facing west, and i turned my head to look to the south as the car departed. I was sitting on a cement embankment just to the east of water. The ground below me was soggy, with thin wisps of grass growing from the dark dirt. I realized that i had actually sat down on a small bridge which led across a gap in the wall to the steel structure of the main road bridge. I moved on the small span, feeling it sway with my weight. I thought that it might be old and decrepit, so i moved to the north, along the wall. I had to think of something to do about my job. I felt that i should just not go back. I had no real obligation to stay there, and i felt insulted that my boss disregarded me so easily. I looked to the north, down the corridor of the office to see my boss walking to the south. He was wearing a yellow button-up shirt and light-gray slacks. I realized that he was young, with an attractive face. I wondered if that had something to do with his attitude. He could have gotten the job without being able to actually do it. I decided that i should leave this place. I wanted to focus on my art and not have to explain every little thing i do to my employers. I walked to the north, down the rural road. I slowed my car down a little as i approached the car ahead of me. It was stopping on the right side of the road. I could tell that there was something in the road ahead of him, but i knew that there was enough room to pass. I realized that there were some elephants in the road. I thought that they had escaped from the circus and that the people around them were trying to get them back into their cages. I realized that the elephants were upset and might be dangerous. I did not think that it would be wise to stay here. As the truck ahead of me pulled over, i turned to pass it. There was a large tractor-trailer on the side of the road ahead of it, and another pulled off to the left. I cautiously drove down the road to the west, noticing the old house to the south. I passed one of the elephants, but then noticed that there were two more farther up the road. There was a man scolding them and pulling on their trunks to get them under control. I worried that this would only make them mad and start them rampaging. I watched them carefully as i approached, hoping that they did not start to rampage. I could tell that the man was only abusing the elephants and making the situation worse. I decided to get off of the road before anything happened. I walked into the large farmhouse with $Z. I started talking about my job and realized that i would have to leave this place. We came into a small room of the old farmhouse. The walls of the room were pale green, and there was a desk near the western wall. It seemed that this place was an office, but no one was here at the time. I looked out the window to the south to see that we were on the second floor of the house. I told $Z about this. The tin roof of the house ran down from below the window, ending about two metres away. I could see the back yard of the farmhouse with a white barn on the other side of the lawn. It seemed to be night outside, and i felt depressed here. A peaked roof of the house ran from the west of the window to the south, ending just beyond the section of tin roof below the window. I then looked out the west window, noticing that we were higher from the ground. I pointed out that this was the first floor from the entrance, but it was really the second or third floor of the building. There was something significant in this distinction. I felt out of place here and wanted to get out. The others headed back out the door of the room, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall. I looked out the western window again and though about flying out of the window.

12006 January 09

I was talking with the others about something important as we stood outside the short red brick building. The building was to the northwest of us, and the area to the southeast seemed to be open and dry. The ground was dirt, with only a few patches of dry grass and weeds here and there. $Z stood to the east of me, telling me about the others. The subject had something to do with academics or high school. It was important that we complete something. We stepped into the dark-red van. We were driving to the north-northeast along the road. There was a tall steep hill to the east of us which was covered with dry brush. I focused on a small house on the top of the hill. It was a single-level adobe house with a wide flat roof. There seemed to be some damage to the house. I pointed out the house to $Z, who was sitting next to me on the bench seat in the back of the van. $Z turned around to look out the window at the house. There was a large forked tree trunk hanging over the edge of the hilltop just to the north of the house. The ends of trunk were white, as though they had just been split. I thought that there might have been a bad storm. The damage to the house also seemed related to the tree. As i looked back at the house, i realized noticed the power lines running from it down the hill. The power lines had been torn down. They were pulled across the top of the hill, catching on the tree and pulling it out of the ground. I thought that it must have dragged the tree across the top of the house, tearing open the roof. I spun around to look to the west, out the other side of the vehicle. There was a right of way running almost parallel to the road. It seemed to run directly north, but the road slanted slightly to the north-northeast. Through the narrow strip of tall thin trees which separated the right of way from the road, i could see that the black power lines hung low in the right of way, resting against the reddish-tan trunks of the thin pine trees to the west. The area to the west of the right of way seemed to be forested with similar pine trees, all of which had green crowns and few lower branches. I said something about the power lines, pointing out that something had happened to them. I then saw the metal frame of a power station to the northwest. The rusted girders, which surrounded the transformers, had been cut about halfway up, and the top part of the tower was missing. The power lines had been dragged through it with such force that they cut through the metal tower. I felt concerned, feeling that something significant had happened here. Something was wrong and i felt as though a tragedy had occurred. I looked around at the damage to the area. The lines had been dragged down by something, and they had been pulled out of place, destroying the things near them. As we pulled further from the right of way, i lost sight of the power lines, but i became aware that there was a small forested town to the west of the road. We came to an area where there was a hill to the west of us, and i could not see anything outside car but a rock wall. I then heard the warnings coming from the town. There was an announcement that the town should be evacuated. I realized that whatever had pulled down the power lines was affecting the town. I did not think that the power lines would have much effect on the town, but i though that an airplane might have crashed into them. There could be something dangerous about the plane. I ten saw a large gorge of gray rock to the west. There was a wide stream of water flowing down the steps of the gorge, heading under the road where we were. It seemed that the road turned here to the east, following the gorge downstream. I thought that this might be a dam, but i was really concerned about the airplane and the destruction it might have done to the town. This was a serious matter, and i felt very concerned for the fate of the town.

12006 January 12

I walked to the south, along the forested path in the small neighbourhood. I had been walking for a while and was enjoying the area. This place seemed like $P17. I turned to the east, heading up the gravel driveway of the large dark-gray gothic house. The house seemed to be an apartment, and some of the people were sitting on a porch on the northern side of the house. One of the men walked off the steps of the porch as i came to the eastern side of the house. He walked up the steep slope of the driveway just behind me as i headed back to the road. I wanted to continue to walk. It seemed that i lived only a little way to the northeast, but i wanted to stay out walking for a while longer. I thought that i should walk to the north, through $P17 to the northern edge of the cliffs. This area was bordered on the west by a cliff, and i remembered that the northern section of this cliff had curving roads and paths which ran down the cliffs, through a large gorge. The scenery was nice, and i felt that i had not been there in quite a while. I then thought about how far it was and wondered whether i really wanted to go that far. I decided that it would be a long tiring walk, but i really wanted to see the cliffs again. I came to the main road and turned to the north on the sidewalk. I was heading down $P77, toward $P19. I then noticed a woman walking on the southwestern side of the road. I was walking to the west, down the center of the street, which now seemed to be $P133, and she was walking up the hill toward me, from the intersection of $P77. She was wearing a white jacket and had dark-red hair, which seemed to be coloured. I looked at her as she passed, thinking that i knew her. She looked like $A397, but i was not sure if it was she. I watched her as she moved to the east of me, walking to the curb side of a truck on the south side of the road so that she could open the driver’s door. She looked up at me as she pulled the door open, nodding in greeting. I thought that she was greeting me, but i was unsure. I could not tell whether it was really she. I decided to continue walking. I was aware that she would probably be traveling in the same direction as me. I came to the intersection and turned to the north on $P77. I started floating as i rounded the corner, thinking that it would be a quicker way to travel than running or walking. I was reclined, with my feet in front of me as i moved. As i rounded the corner of the intersection, i realized that i was drifting into the left lane. I was thinking that i should ride against traffic, but decided that i was no longer walking, so i should be moving with traffic. I swerved back to the right side of the road, noticing the car approaching from ahead of me. The light-brown and white early-11960s car rounded the corner ahead. I moved my arms as though pushing the air past my body. I heard the sound of a motorcycle engine turning the corner behind me. I thought that it was the woman. She was driving in the same direction as i was. She would probably know that i was heading to $P19. I concentrated on moving my arms to my side as i sat in mid air. I thought that this method of transportation was much faster than riding a bicycle. I also realized that the motorcycle noise was rising to a higher pitch as the bike accelerated. I wondered how fast i was able to go like this. I could hear the motorcycle catching up to the left of me, but it did not pass. I thought that i must be moving relatively fast because the bike was not passing me yet. I thought that this mode of transportation must seem interesting. I looked ahead of me as the road curved to the southwest. My legs were up in the air in front of me, and i could see the hairs on them blowing in the wind. The area around me was suddenly open, with a gentle grass hill running down from the road to the northwest. To the south of the road seemed to be a cliff. There was a large body of water to the northwest. I could see that the sandy tan shore around it curved to the west of me, forming a deep bay. The road i was on curved around the southern side of the bay. As i started to round the corner to the southwest, i looked at the hill on the other side of the bay from me, realizing that i could simply cross the bay and head straight to $P19. I mentioned this to the woman, who was now riding parallel with me. I then turned to the west and headed out over the steep hill which now led down to the bay. I started flying over the trees, and i started to wonder if i would be able to make it all the way across the bay. I was not sure that i could float so high over the ground safely. I looked at the sine of houses in the center of the hill to the southwest, thinking that would meet the woman at $P19.

I walked around the northern end of the dining room of my grandmother’s house. It was early in the morning, and i had just woken up. The room was dark around me, the only source of light coming from the windows. I looked at the pile of clothing on the chair in the northern end of the room. I noticed that there were three or four pair of gray underwear on the blue cushion of the captains chair. I realized that my mother had thrown out all of my white short underwear and replaced it with the longer gray underwear. I was annoyed with her for doing that. I thought that i should not wear the gray underwear, but continue to wear what i had on. I then thought that it might feel dirty after a day, but i decided that i could deal with it until i got home. I did not want to wear the gray stuff and let my mother control my choice. I walked into the living room, pulling on my shirt. My mother said that we were going somewhere. I think that we were going to the store. I was standing outside of the small store now. The store was to the north of me, with its glass door just to the northeast. It seemed like a drug store, with bare walls and large windows running along the top of the store. I thought that i should go into the store, but then thought that i already had. I looked at the object in my hand. It was a small white bag with something inside. I started to unwrap the top of the bag to see what i had. I could not remember whether we had been in the store or not. There was a group of young women to the west of where i was. They were getting back into the bed of a large pick-up truck, which was parked just to the west of us, its tail to the store. The women wore black winter jackets and seemed to be part of a high-school group. I looked at the small box of drugs that i had in my hand. I pulled the foil wrapped tablets out of the box. They were square and seemed to be dark green. My mother asked me the price of the drugs. I looked at the large tablets, thinking of the price. I said that all of the pills were a certain price. My mother then told me what the price of each tablet would be. In harmony with her, several of the young women in the group also told me the price of each tablet. I felt groggy, thinking that i could not focus on the math to figure out the individual price even if i wanted to. They were much better at math than i was anyway. I could not have calculated the price so easily.

12006 January 13

I looked to the west, down the length of the cluttered room. The others were now in the apartment, and i felt as though i should get out. The northern wall of the room was bright blue, and the southern wall seemed to be mostly glass. Bright light came in from the gray sky outside. There seemed to be an old cushioned couch in front of the window, covered with clothing and personal items. I felt that this place was not too clean. A young child was playing with something on the floor just to the west of me as i stood up. I walked to the west, carrying some of my things. $A391 said something as i moved toward the exit door in the southern wall. I continued across the gravel parking lot, to the west. I felt upset about having to move so suddenly. I walked around to the western side of my black car, which was parked on the southern edge of the parking lot, facing south. I felt as though the new people in the apartment had broken some of my things. I looked at the small round piece of cracked glass that one of the new tenants had handed me. It was not the piece of glass that i had owned. They had found a new one which they were giving me in its place, but i was unhappy with the substitution. I sat down on the ground next to my car, feeling very bad. $Z was sitting to the north of me. He asked about the piece of glass. I showed him the rectangular piece of glass with rounded corners, which looked like a shattered jet window. I told him that they were trying to please me by giving me something which resembled what i had lost, but i knew that they could not understand why i liked the piece of glass. I told $Z that the piece of glass that i had was really part of a shattered car window. It had a memory attached to it from my time with $F10. He nodded in understanding. I was then standing as i looked at the small pinkish-tan shell in my hand. The tenants had given it to me as a replacement for the one they had lost, but i did not think that it looked like any thing special. I then looked down on the ground and notice that there were several more shall shells. I bend over to look at one, noticing the large pores on its surface. The shell had rounded ridges fanning out on its surface. The ridges seemed to curve more toward on e side of the shell than the other. As i looked at the large shell, i could see that the pores in its surface were really rather deep. The shell was now the side of a notebook, and the pores were thick holes about a centimetre across. I felt suddenly weary of the holes, thinking that there might be large insects living in them. I felt suddenly fearful of what could be inside the pale holes and dropped the shell. I was thinking of the shattered window of the car as i walked to the west. There was a pub across the narrow dirt road on the western side of the parking lot. It seemed like a crude place, but i wanted to head into it to remind myself of something. I thought that the patrons might insult me for being an outsider. The bar seemed to have something to do with the fractured window.

12006 January 17

I looked to the south, into the other room of the house as a wave washed over the floor. The water was only a half metre deep, but it pushed its way across the room, flowing out the windows in the western wall. I said something to the others, who were standing near the window, holding it open. The water was filtering through the screen. There was a second large window in the southern wall of the living room. There did not appear to be any furnishings in the house. I watched another wave roll across the polished wood floor of the house, rising to a metre high before it washed out the western window. I could see the water outside the house spilling down the side of the building. We seemed to be on the second floor of the house. To the west, i could see a parking lot several stories below us. We seemed to be in an urban area, and there was a brick building to the southwest. I held on to something on the western wall, trying not to get pushed away by the water. I hoped that the others by the window held on. I could tell that they were trying not to get swept away by the flood. I then looked to the east, looking out a window to see a large wave coming toward the front of the house. I warned the others as the large wave swept through the room. Suddenly, everything moved. I looked back to the north so see that the northern side of the house was missing. The house had been built on the side of a rock cliff, and the water had just caused the house to fall from the cliff. I saw the black rock of the cliff moving away to the north as the room tipped to the south. I looked to the west now, seeing the jagged edge of the brick outer wall of the building. The scene behind it was moving. There was a man in a light-coloured sweater just to the southwest of me, in the corner of the room. He was floating in the air as we fell. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to me. Preventing him from landing on the bricks when the house hit. I thought that we would be okay once we came up from the water.

12006 January 20

I headed to the east, along the gravel driveway, which ran to the south of the large house. The land around us seemed very flat with few trees. There seemed to be a large field to the south, across the main road from where i was. The main road only seemed to be a few metres from the driveway. The drive left the road to the west of the house and curved to the east, running in front of the house. There seemed to be new woods growing to the north. I had been with $F10 and his parents. We just got back from somewhere, and his father was standing near the front door of the dark-coloured house, his right foot on the cement stoop. I said something to both of them as i wandered to the east some more. There was an old car sitting in a patch of tall grass just to the east of the house. It had a rounded hood, and i thought that it was probably from the 11950s. I thought that my father would probably like the car. It was dark pink, though i thought that the original colour must have been red. It looked faded. The front fenders were rounded over the tires, and there seemed to be a large flat space between the front bumper and the rusted chrome grill. I realized that the car was an old Cadillac and wondered whether i could buy it as a collector’s item. I moved to the front of the car. It seemed very large, with features that seemed both very old and relatively new. The main body of the car seemed to be from the 11970s, with square features around the cab. I felt excided about the car, looking over the grill to determine if it really was an old Cadillac. There were black letters on the front grill which said something like “Diplomat”. I thought that it was the make of the car. I then turned my attention to the east, where there was a large dark-gray building. The design of the old church seemed gothic, with square towers and gabled roofs. I was excited to see the old building, and i thought that i could look through it to see what was in it. As i approached the porch embedded in the southwestern corner of the building, however, i realized that someone had bought the house and was renovating it. I felt disappointed that i would not be able to explore the abandoned house. I pictured the dusty empty room on the second floor. The walls were grey from years of dust, and everything seemed dingy. There was something special about the house. It had a warm feeling to it which made we want to explore it, but i knew that there were now people living here. I floated through the house and then flew out the southern wall of the building. I could see $F10 and $A232 walking on the ground below. I felt wonderful as i flew, thinking that i could fly to new places here. I then realized just how high i was off the ground. I was surprised that i had soared so high so quickly. I could see the small trees below me. I felt very happy here.

12006 January 24

I woke up in the small bed, in a room which seemed to be the garage at my parents’ house. I felt very comfortable sleeping there and did not want to get up. I had been sleeping here for a while, and i remembered that there were things happening in this room. I was standing now to the east of the couch, which was facing south, in the center of the room. I wanted to get back under the green blanket which was on the couch. I remembered the warm feeling of lying there and wanted to feel more of it. I thought that it would be very nice to be there with $F45. I was again lying on the couch under the blanked. The couch now seemed to be a bed, aligned north to west. My head was to the southern end of the bed. I was aware of something at the door, to the east. I looked at the door, which was in the southern end of the eastern wall. I could see the large black horse on the other side of the door. It looked like a drawing in black ink, with no highlights or shadows. There was a white line along its neck which seemed to be a decorative detail. I was worried about the horse. I remembered that a similar black bull had been at the door earlier. It broke through the door to get at us. These creatures were symbols of the Zodiac, and they were trying to break into the room to get to us. I stood up from the bed, watching the horse as it kicked the door in with its back legs. I realized that i could not prevent it from smashing the door, so i turned to the north and looked for something to defend us from the horse. I grabbed the metal garden rake and moved toward the door to chase the horse off. I swinged at the horse, striking its front leg with the teeth of the rake. The blow injured the horse, and i was glad that there was actually a way that i could hurt it. It backed out of the house, and i followed it. The ground outside was covered with snow, and there were dark leafless bushes to the east. The horse backed through a gap in the bushes, and i swinged the rake at it again, hitting the branches. The blow hurt the horse, and it retreated farther.

I was in the room with the others. We were trying to solve something here, and we had come very close to discovering the secrets of this place. I walked across the large room of the old stone building. This place seemed like a chapel of an old church, with arching ceilings and stone support ribs. We were here looking for the object, and i felt excited that it might be here. I walked with the others to the south wall of the room where there were several square cubbyholes in the wall. They were arranged three cubbies across and about five tall. These were the crypts where the mystery was kept. I tried to figure this out, but i was having a hard time trying to solve the mystery. The priest, who was standing to the west of me in his white robes, admitted that things had changed over the years. He said that the crypts were not as they had been when the objects were hidden. I worried that the precious object had been tampered with and would no longer be here. I noticed the cement carving on the top of the central cubby. It was a flour-shaped decoration with a small urn in the center. The urn was chipped on the bottom, as though it had been vandalized. I then realized that the top part of the carving was missing. The small piece of urn was all that was left. The man to the east of me took the last piece of the urn from the top of the crypt. I thought that the last piece was, at least, the significant piece. This was a holy site, and there was some significance here that we were looking for. I wondered if the piece of the urn was holy and whether it was related to Jesus. I then focused my attention on the center cubbyhole in the wall, noticing that it was open. The contents of the small crypt had been removed, and i felt slightly disappointed. The side walls of the cubby ran only part way into the space of the wall so that i was able to see the contents of the next crypt over to the west. There seemed to be a marble statue lying in the other tomb, but the center one had only a small white stone object in the center. The marble statue was of the dead person of the tomb, who seemed to be of medieval royalty. It seemed that the treasure from this tomb was taken a long time ago, and i felt disappointed that it was not here for us. I wanted to find out what it was. The priest said something about the great debt owed. I thought that the people who had originally hidden the treasure had borrowed a great deal of money to keep their secret secure. Over the years, the treasure was used to pay back a part of the debt, however, the priest said that it payed back an insignificant amount of the total debt. I felt that the people who loaned the money had taken the treasure, and if let that the secret which was hidden here was lost as the treasure was used. I knew that the priest was related to the Vatican and that they were not the ones who would have taken the money. I mentioned the other money sources to the rest of the group as we started walking back to the east, across the small chamber, toward the exit door of the building. I thought that the people who hided the treasure might owe their debt to the Hebrew temple. I mentioned this to the others, stating that the only other large source of money outside the Vatican was the Hebrew temple in Jerusalem. The others snickered at the idea, and i felt that they did not believe me. They thought that i believed in things which were only suspected to be true. I still hoped that they were laughing at the idea of the temple being in Jerusalem. I tried to think of the others who had enough money grouped together. I could only think of three places where money was collected for these purposes: the Vatican, the Hebrew temple, and the United States. I walked to the north, thinking about this. I then realized that there was no answer to this mystery. The answer we had come here to find had been removed from its hiding place. As the priest walked to the west of me, across the wide stone courtyard, which was between the old stone buildings, i sayed that it would be nice to know the answer. I sayed that i was disappointed about not being able to find the answer, but i was somewhat satisfied that we at least knew about the blood of Christ.

12006 January 27

I was on the second floor of my parents’ house, and it seemed as though it was nighttime outside. The wind was blowing very strongly, and the house was swaying with each gust. The storm outside was very strong, and i was worried that the house might fall over in the wind. I moved to the doorway of the small bedroom on the eastern side of the house and looked to the north. I put my left hand on the doorframe and felt the house sway to the east as the sound of the wind rushed around the house. As the house swayed back to the west, i pushed into the wall, trying to get it to rock wider. I wanted the house to fall down in the wind. The wind then hit the house again, and i watched the shadows of the doorframe and me, which fell to the ground to the northeast of me, sway to the east. I pushed into the eastern end of the doorframe, but i could not get the house to sway enough to fall over. I then though that it might actually be unsafe to be in the house when it fell, so i walked down the back stairs and into the dining room of the house. I walked to the west, thinking that i should help my parents do some work on the house. As i started out of the door on the western side of the dining room, i noticed a man out the window on the front of the house. He was doing some work on the front of the house. He was not wearing a shirt, and i thought that he was quite attractive. He had medium skin and short black hair, and i wondered if he was the boy from down the street. I thought that he was too young to be $A180, but i thought that he could be one of $A180’s younger brothers. I then realized that i had been staring at the young man, and he realized that i was standing in the window of the house. I smiled at him and walked to the west, into the other part of the house. I came into a sitting room in the western part of the house, where my mother was working on a chair. She was filling the tops of the back padding of the chair with white fluffy stuff. I turned to the south and headed out the front door of the house. My parents were out on the front lawn working on things, so i asked them what i could do. I told them i was finished with what i had been doing inside. I had only said this so that the young man who was working on the house would not think that i was just fooling around inside, even though i had. I felt bad about not helping when they were all working. I felt out of place here and turned to the south, thinking i should fly. I lifted into the air and swooped to the east. I saw $A406 and his wife walking town the road toward us. I guessed that the boy who was working on the house really was theirs. I looped back around so that i was facing west. I was in the house again, looking out the west window, into the side yard. There was a woman climbing up the rough stones on the western side of the house. The orangish-tan stones were part of the foundation, but they were really part of a large stone building. I was in a tall old building. I felt as though i really did not belong here, but i wanted to see what was happening. I watched the woman turn to the south as she reached the top of the stone cliff to the west of the building. She turned to the south and started up the metal stairs just below the window. I realized that the stairs ran up the side of the building. I looked down as the woman ascended, followed by several other people. This was the secret entrance to this special building. I had not been in this part of the building before, and i felt that i was discovering something new and special. I turned to the north and looked into the large room on the northwestern corner of the building. This was a special meeting place. I walked into the room, which had a tall arching ceiling. The room was plain and worn, but i felt a sense of wonder being in this place. This was a very special meeting room. The others walked around the western side of the room to the northern end, where a man stood directing them. The man seemed to be a mentor, and the others were there to learn special things. I looked up the walls of the room, noticing the metal heading ducts which ran up the walls. I thought that they were not as pretty as the polished woodwork of the rest of the room, but were added to the room many years after it was built, so there was really no where else to run them. It was the only way to heat the room. I did not like the way they looked, and thought that they should do better for this room. This was a ceremonial room, and the heating ducts could have been put into the walls. I thought that they could have taken enough time to properly open the walls and reseal them without causing noticeable changes to the room. I thought that this room really should be in a warmer climate. It would have to be in one of the southern states, or some place where the winters were not that cold. I then noticed that the young people were crossing the room through the creek bed, which now seemed to be in the northern end of the room. They were getting their feet wet, but this was all part of the ceremony. I wanted this building to be in a warmer climate. It only seemed appropriate.

12006 January 30

I walked out of $K3’s house and headed north, across the sandy ground. The house was a small one-level building with a blue tile roof. It was very near the ocean, which seemed to be to the southwest. There were some tall deciduous trees to the south and west of the house, and i felt that we were on a small island near the sea. I felt nervous because there was a storm coming. We had to get ready for it. I looked to the north, across the wet ground. My relatives wanted me to come out to pick up the lawn furniture, but it had already been blown away. I could see the white plastic lawn chairs sitting in the shallow water to the north. There were thin reeds of grass growing up through the water, and it seemed that this water was part of an ocean bay. I felt annoyed that they had asked me to get the furniture. None of them had come out to help. I sat on the large mattress from one of the recliners and tried to paddle it out to get the chairs. The water was rather deep where i was. I was careful to balance on the mattress so that i did not tip myself over into the water. As i reached the chairs, i tried to nudge them back to the south, but they did not move so easily. They were floating in the wavy water, and i could not push them without moving myself to the north. There was a strong wind blowing from the southeast which pushed me back as well. I felt that i was paddling very hard, but i was not able to push the chair back quick enough. I felt troubled and thought that i was in danger from the storm here. I it was becoming very windy, and i decided that i would not be able to push the chairs back myself. Instead, i decided that i had to get back to shore before the storm front hit. I started paddling the small mattress back, but a large wave rose from the south, washing over the land near the house and pushing me to the north. I realized that the storm surge had arrived. I felt worried and tried to stay afloat. I could see a second larger wave coming after the first. The second wave rose over the beach and covered the house as it rolled past. It pushed me to the north. I held on to the mattress, but worried about my family, which was still in the house. I tried to paddle, but realized that i was being swept to the north. I remembered that there were some tall trees on the northern side of the small bay, and i thought that i could catch myself in the trees to prevent myself from getting swept away. As the storm surge rose again, i wondered if i would be able to hold on to the trees.