12012 January 01

I talked loudly to the others in the room. I had been acting as part of the film, and i was expressing something to the other as i joked around. I stood on the western side of the square room, which seemed filled with people and filming equipment. The walls of the room were dark, and most of the people in the room were sitting in the center. Much of the equipment in the room seemed white or pale in color. It seemed that i was finished filming most of my scenes, and i felt a little uneasy staying here. I was on my way out of the room, but continued to chat with the people for a while. I remembered that i had started the film project with awkward acting, but i had finished most of my scenes very well. I was uneasy at the start because i was unfamiliar with this situation. I started walking to the west, feeling very good about what i had done here, but feeling like i was starting to miss it already. It was good to work with these people. Something started to feel strange, though, and i felt that something was wrong. I moved quickly through the building, coming to the western end. I then realized that something was wrong with the building; it was on fire. I stopped with the other person on the western side of the old building, which seemed like a school building. I looked back to the east, down the long darkened hallway of the building. The eastern end of the hallway was engulfed in orange flames, which poured upward from the southern wall. I felt panicked and realized that the others might be filming in the small wing of the building to the north of the fire. They would have to get out of the building. I thought that we should ring the fire alarm, and i started looking around for an alarm switch to pull. The others with me started moving to the east again, and a few seemed to run through the metal doorway in the northern wall, just to the northeast of me, which seemed to lead to a stairwell. I noticed a white metal switch on the wall directly to the east of me in the dimly lighted corridor. It was an alarm switch, and i moved toward it to pull it, but realized that it was much more modern. I was actually in the next building to the west. The building i was in was more modern, made of brick walls and tile floor and seeming like a building from the middle of the 11900s. It was connected to the older stone building that seemed like an academic building or school. If i rang the alarm here, it would only ring in the building that we were in, and the actors in the small room would not hear it. I had to find an alarm that would ring in their building. I had just come from their building, so i walked back down the hall to the east. The hall turned to the south, where it ended after a few meters. A doorway in the eastern wall on the southern part of the corridor connected the two buildings. Smoke seemed to be coming through the doorway, and, for a moment, i could see down the hallway of the other building to where the fire was. As i stood in the doorway, i looked at the wall to the east of me. It was burning, with small flames coming out here and there. Another person stood against the northern side of the doorway, just in front of me. The corridor in the other building ran north a short way to the main east-to-west corridor, just like the building i was in. A white square alarm switch was in the center of the wall to the east of me, but it was surrounded by orange flames that produced black smoke up the wall. I would not be able to grab the white handle and pull it down. I felt panicked and wondered what to do, talking to the other person about it. I tried to swat at the button to put out the flames. I swinged something at the underside of the button, trying to pat out the flames. The object swinged up and hit the bottom of the white box, and i realized that the button was actually on the bottom. I had hit the button and the alarm went off. The flames around the button also dimmed, and i thought that the sprinklers in the building would be coming on. I wondered if the others in the filming room would get wet. The water would ruin the equipment, but it would stop the fire near them and warn them that something was wrong.

I replied to the other person as i walked to the south, down the narrow corridor from the building. I seemed to be walking over a flat cement walkway, but also descending a narrow set of cement stairs. The walls on either side of me were made of darkly stained rough vertical boards. I was looking down at the lower part of the eastern wall on the southern end of the corridor. An electric outlet had been in the lower part of the wall, but the upper socket of the outlet had been removed, leaving an oval hole in the black plastic fixture. The white socket below it was still in place. I also noticed, with some disgust, that the upper socket had been filled with feces. Some of the teenagers in the area must have stuffed dog feces into the opening so that it could no easily be used. This annoyed me. I knocked the turd out of the hole, but realized that the socket was still not around. The teenagers must have taken the outlet. The lower socket was still in the wall, but it also seemed to have a turd near it. I looked around for a minute, upset that the teenagers had done this. I did not have a socket in the wall anymore, and i did not want to have to clean out the feces to put a new one in. When i looked back down at the fixture, though, i realized that i could still plug something into the lower socket, so it was not really that bad that the upper socket had been taken. I turned around, looking at the area around me. I was outside of the dark-brown building, but the area around me had brown walls to the east and west, and a roof over the top. The narrow corridor that i had been in was in the center of the structure, and the ground down the center of it was cement. A cement path also ran to the west of the corridor, between the corridor and the outside wall of the structure. I also noticed pale-tan outlets in the bottom of the western wall at regular intervals. Enough outlets ran along the outside of the building that i would not have to worry about plugging something in. I felt better about the situation now. I turned to the southwest, where there was a gap between the end of the southern wall and a small shed-like structure, which seemed to be part of a dumpster. I heard the sound of footsteps coming from the other side of the western wall, and i knew that someone was approaching the narrow passageway, so i stepped close to the gap, staying out of sight. I wanted to see who was coming through. I stopped just to the north of the opening as a woman walked through from the west. She recoiled slightly, startled to see me there, but i acted as though i was simply trying to head through the doorway myself. She was wearing a long dark coat, and she continued to the east, trying to ignore me. She walked quickly, as if nervous of me. I excused myself for startling her and walked through the doorway. I turned to the northwest on the other side, heading across the gravel lot toward the edge of the lawn. The lawn was ragged, with tall weeds growing in the small rectangular area. I realized that this area was also part of my property, and i wondered why i had not maintained it better. The dark-green rectangle also seemed to have some trash scattered over it. I thought that i should clean it. I glanced back to the east, noticed that the woman had gotten in to a car and was driving off quickly to the east. The car was pulling a trailer behind it as it moved along the southern side of the dirt lot, throwing up some dust behind it. I turned my attention back to the dirty area on the southern side of the lawn, to the north of me. I had been cutting the grass to the north of the messy area, and i realized that i would have a lot more lawn to cut if i actually cleaned up this area. It felt good to have this place, and i liked the idea of discovering new parts of the house.

12012 January 02

I was moving around on the eastern end of the darkened room. The walls of the room were black, and the room seemed to be in the basement of the building. The room was filled with pieces of wooden construction materials, like old wooden panels and two-by-fours. I was arranging things in the room for the bands, which were going to be performing here later. I turned to the west to speak with the man, who seemed to be the drummer of the band. He had long frizzy black hair, and i felt happy to talk to him. I then started talking to his brother, who, i realized, was Eddie Van Halen. It was good to see him, and i was glad that i had the opportunity to work with him. I asked him about the stage, referring to the low platform to the east of me, and he said that he wanted to have a platform for the guitarist as well. I had pushed the small crates together to form a platform for the drummer. I realized that i would have to put another small platform together for Eddie. I started to push several more cartons together for the guitarist’s platform, just to the north of the drummer’s platform. Both of the platforms were near the eastern wall of the room, on the cement floor. I would have to put something across the top of the cartons, because they did not look stable enough to set instruments and people on. They would be able to move relative to each other, making them hard to stand on. I tried to lay some flat pieces across the top of them, but could not seem to find the right one. I wanted a large wooden board to cover the cartons, but i could not seem to find anything. I arrange a plastic grate, which seemed to be some kind of tray, over the white cartons on the northern side of the area, but i could not get it stable. I then thought that it might be too flimsy to support the weight of a person. I felt frustrated and annoyed, trying to figure out what i could do to make it better. I really wanted a piece of wood. I then remembered that i had carried several thick pieces of wood downstairs with the other person. I felt annoyed that we had taken them away when we could have used them for the stages. I turned to the south, looking over the flat panels of wood that had been tossed around the crowded basement area. Several of them seemed to be pieces of old wooden doors, but they did not seem big enough to cover the cartons. I kept thinking that the ones that we had brought downstairs would have been better. I tried out several other flat pieces of wood on the boxes. They were all shaky, but eventually, i found something that would do. I stood up, thinking about the bands here. I was helping to manage a music festival, where small bands would compete in a contest. Someone reminded me that i should be getting information from the bands, and i realized that i had been spending a lot of time with Eddie Van Halen. I should have been taking care of the other bands as well. I started walking across the room to the west. I felt that i had been remiss, and i decided to start getting information from all of the bands here. The person to the north of me said something about the bands, and i tried to think of the names of the bands. I told the person that i could only remember seven of them. I then started to list them out, counting them out on my left hand. I stated three and then took a moment to remember the fourth. I wondered if i could get all seven. I looked at the man, who was $F44, and realized that i had not mentioned the name of the band that he was in, so i stated it and continued walking to the west. It was good to see $F44. He smiled widely at me, and he was wearing a bright blue shirt. I reached the western end of the room, thinking that i still had to get things done, and feeling that i had not been doing them. I was spending too much time per band, and i was falling behind. I started to worry that some of the bands would be upset with me. I would have to get to the bands faster.

12012 January 03

I crouched down on the eastern side of the cabin, which was part of the campground. The other person was standing in the middle of the dirt road that ran north to south on the eastern side of the cabin. Others were standing to the southeast of me. We were trying to do something. I moved around a little, noticing that something shifted near me. I focused on the tall wooden pole right in front of me. It was a utility pole, but it was not in the ground. I realized that the pole was a new pole, and it was leaning against the old wooden pole, which was set into the dirt ground, just to the east of me. The new pole had tipped a little, and the bottom, which had been shaved into a taper, was near me. The pole seemed unsteady, and i wanted to knock it over. I knew that the others would not want the pole tipped over, but i felt mischievous. I pushed on the bottom of the pole, suddenly wondering whether it would swing back and hit me. It was on the northwest of the fixed pole, but it was tipping to the northeast, seemingly caught on the power lines overhead. The pole would tip to the north-northeast, but i wondered whether the bottom of the pole would swing up slightly as the pole fell, causing it to hit me. I must have pushed the pole anyway because it had fallen, and the back end did not hurt me. I was moving around the area again. The others were still trying to figure out how to do something, and i was now standing in the center of the dirt road, looking back to the west at the cabin. I pointed out the fallen pole to the other person, surprised that i had actually pushed it over. I did not want them to think that i had caused the problem, so i tried to describe it as haven fallen by itself. I felt guilty about what i had done, but i did not want the people here to be upset with me. I felt that they were anyway. I was in the house with the family, moving around in the room on the eastern side of the house. Someone had mentioned something that made me think of Mexico City. I remembered that the city was actually called Mexico. I had seen it on a map as “Ciudad de Mexico”, but the locals simply called it “Mexico”. Someone to the north of me had said something about the city, and i imagined that i was in history class. I knew that $A40 would be insistent that everything be done his way, so he would want me to call it Mexico City. When someone asked me about it, though, i said “City of Mexico”, knowing that it was a direct translation. The person to the northeast of me seemed confused, but i acted as though i did not know what was confusing them. I would have to explain that it was not “Mexico City” when the Mexicans say it. The family moved around me on the western side of the room. I knew that they were upset with me, but i tried to ignore that. It then seemed that they were getting ready to sit down for a meal. I felt uncomfortable here, feeling unwelcome, and i was not sure what to do. The others moved to the south, toward the dining room, but i moved to the west, doing something in the large room. I then came back to the east, entering the dining room from the west and walking around the southern side of the table. My mother had come into the room from the north. Something fell onto the floor near my feet, just to the northwest of me. I looked down to see a white chunk of something on the floor. It looked like a boiled potato. I accidentally knocked it with my foot as i tried to back up to see it. My mother bent over to pick it up, and i suddenly worried that the family here would think that i had spilled the food. They seemed distrusting of me, and i thought that this could be another excuse not to like me. I started moving to the east, wondering what i should do. I continued to think about City of Mexico. I stepped out of the house on the southern side of the building, coming onto a narrow street. The street seemed foreign. It was very narrow and picturesque, with brick buildings. I started down the street to the west, down the slight slope of the hill. I remembered coming up the hill earlier. The street made several sharp jogs from side to side, around the quaint city buildings and the stoops on the front of the buildings. I moved to the west, feeling happy to be here. I started thinking about Mexico. I moved suddenly back to the east, heading up the hill to the front of the tan house. I seemed to be moving in loops on the street. I could have headed to the post office to the west to deliver the letter to Mexico. I thought about the language again, listening to the words that were being spoken around me. It was Italian, and i could recognize some of it. I knew that i should know more Spanish because i had taken it in school. I turned back to the west and headed down the street.

I was traveling with the group of people, but i felt a little out of place with them. We seemed to be traveling in the large bus. Two women came to the west of me as i lay on my belly on the upper shelf of the vehicle. They were rounded women, and they had clipboards in their hands. They had taken the survey before, and were coming back to ask more questions. They asked me about something, and i said that i had answered the questions. They seemed unhappy with me, so i told them that i would answer the questions. I looked at the paper in my hand, which was folded. It was a survey form. I had already completed it, but i would have to write some more comments on it. I realized that i did not have a pencil anymore. I had been holding the yellow pencil a moment ago, but had given it back to the women. I leaned over the side of the shelf that i was on and said that i would need a pencil. I could see a scattering of pencils on the surface below me, and i reached for one. I had been using the yellow mechanical pencil with the red eraser, which i could see on the table below. I could not quite reach it, and i said something about it. The two women were talking to each other to the west of the table, and i was afraid that they would become annoyed if i asked them for a pencil. They seemed upset with me already, and i though that they did not really want to deal with me. I grabbed the pencil and sat back up. I looked to the south, noticing the ground moving outside. We seemed to be driving through a narrow gorge, with a tall brown rock wall of sedimentary rocks to the west. I remembered this from before. We were entering the campground from the north. We had started near here, and i mentioned this to the man, who was standing just to the west of me now. I could see the water channel along the eastern side of the road. The channel was very straight, and it ran just at the edge of the road. The dirt road had only a few small rocks along the edge before the ground dropped off into the water, which was a few meters below the road. We passed a narrow driveway that crossed the water on a narrow square strip of land. This seemed to be where were had started the run, and i said this to $Z. I wondered suddenly where we would stop, and i said something to the driver of the bus, who was to the southeast of me. He replied, commenting on the water. The camp was just to the southeast of us, and the driver slowed the boat to a stop, docking along the western side of the channel. I was standing on the deck just to the west of the control cabin of the boat. The captain of the boat was inside, looking out the window to the south. Below be, to the south, i could see the large wooden deck on the front of the ship. A yellow metal chain ran between thin metal poles along the western side of the deck. The chains ran up to the landing that i was standing on. They stopped only a deci or so off the southwestern corner of the cabin. $Z was still standing to the west of me, on the landing. I pointed out the deck, thinking that we should go down to it. It was about two or three meters below us, but i did not think that we could squeeze between the pole and the cabin to get to it from here. $Z seemed enthusiastic about running on the polished wooden deck. The captain then said something about it, and i thought that we should make our way down to the deck. I thought again about squeezing through the chains, but realized that it would be too difficult, and i could fall between the western side of the boat and the dock. I talked about the deck as i led $Z into the cabin, saying that there should be stairs down to it. We entered through the doorway in the southern end of the western wall, on the lower part of the cabin. The captain was standing in front of a large ship wheel on the eastern side of the cabin, looking out the large glass window over the front deck. I headed to the north, climbing up to the upper level of the cabin, which was about a meter higher than the front end. As i stepped up, i noticed a set of two or three steps set into the western end of the upper deck. They seemed to be part of a trap door, and i wondered if the stairs down were underneath them. I asked the captain about this, and he said that the stairs were not under the trap door, so i turned my attention back to the north, looking at the rest of the room. We wanted to find the stairs down to the deck, which the captain had said were in the cabin. A round table sat in the northeastern side of the room, and it had four wooden chairs around it. I started moving the chairs, thinking that i would have to lift the reddish oriental rug to find the stairs down. $Z helped be, but i paused, thinking that we should not be moving these things like we were.

12012 January 04

I stood to the east of the large wooden desk, which was facing west. The desk was on the eastern side of the room, in the northern half. The walls of the room were mostly wood, and the floor seemed to be wood as well. Windows on the eastern, southern, and northern walls let in bright diffuse light from outside. The room seemed fairly empty of furnishings. I had just moved into this room, and i was looking around at the mostly bare walls wondering if i should put up anything on them. I felt that we would be able to decorate them over time. Another person was sitting to the west of me as we thought about what to put on the walls. As i moved to the north, the other person approached the desk, looking at the large white piece of paper that was on it. The paper had been left here by $F16. I looked at it as the other person folded it on the desk. It was a large sheet of white newsprint paper with two circular drawings on it. The drawing on the top seemed larger than the one on the bottom, and both were composed with patterns of black lines. I knew that these were drill plans for a marching band. The man had folded it so that only the upper drawing was showing, and he was holding it up to the eastern wall, deciding where to hang it. I liked the poster on the wall, but wondered if we should open it up to show both drawings. The man glanced back at me before letting the bottom part of the drawing fold down. I looked over the bottom drawing, realizing that it was darker, with many more marks around the bottom of the circle. I said that i agreed with the man, thinking that the lower drawing was too much. The man hung the white piece of paper to the south of the other poster on the eastern wall, showing only the upper circular drawing. I then turned my attention to the southern wall, realizing that a lot of light was coming into the windows. The bare wood frames had white horizontal blinds across them, and i started arranging the dark-green curtains over the sides of the windows. My mother had given me the heavy green curtains, which seemed to be made of a material like felt or velvet. I was trying to adjust the tieback on the left side of the curtain because the curtain there seemed to be lifted up by the tieback. I pulled on it for a moment, but could not get it to adjust properly. I finally backed away from the window, looking at the green curtains. I realized that the blinds in the window were now closed, so i tried to open them back up before i backed into the room. I turned back to the north, noticing that there were more posters in the room now. I could easily put posters up on all walls of the room, but i thought that it might be better if we added them slowly. I glanced at the white drawing on the eastern wall again. $F16 seemed to be the person standing on the western side of the room as i walked to the north, toward the door in the northern end of the western wall. As i turned around, i had been out of the room and was just reentering. More people were in the room now. $F16 was sitting on the couch, which was about a meter from the western wall of the room, facing east. He sat in the center, with a person on either side of him. He was pointing to the white drawing on the eastern wall, commenting on it to the others. I thought that he had recognized it as his and was telling the other people what it was. A tall thin dark-skinned man sat next to him, to the north of him, listening to his description. As i came into the room and started down the northern side, i realized that the windows on the southern wall were bare. The curtains and blinds had been taken down. I was a little annoyed by this and wondered where they had gone. The others must not have liked the green curtains, and i imagined that some of the people here had told $F16 that the green curtains did not look good in this room. I thought about the curtains, and decided that they probably did not look good. I then thought that i had put them up because my mother had bought them for this room. I could not well my mother that the curtains did not look good in the room and would not have to leave them up. I walked around the eastern side of the desk, heading south, looking along the southern wall for the curtains. I was aware that $F16 was watching me from the couch. As i approached the southern wall, i spotted the curtains and blinds folded up on a chair that was against the western side of the southern wall. I walked back to the desk and sat down, realizing that the windows were now very bright without the blinds. I wondered if anyone could see in easily. I glanced at the bright bare window to the north of me, realizing how open they seemed without blinds. I would want to put the blinds back up. I then realized that a group of people were sitting to the north of me, watching what was happening inside the square glass window, which was actually the southern side of a glass cube. The people were seated in chairs, facing north, watching the brown triangular mass attached to the top of the inside of the glass cube. I realized that it was a bee hive, and someone commented on the honey. For a moment, i could taste the sweet flavor of the honey as someone touched the rich-yellow material in the cube. The people shifted in their seats to get a better view of the hive. I moved to sit down in the chair behind the desk, noticing the large yellow and black bee on the western side of the exhibit. A large bee had come from the east and grabbed the smaller bee, picking it up. I thought that the larger bee was the queen trying to organize the workers. As the bee was lifted, though, i realized that the orange object lifting it was actually a human hand. Someone was reaching into the cube from the east, showing the people how it worked. I watched this for a moment as a woman to the southwest of me started talking to me about something.

12012 January 05

I walked into the office, which seemed to be the offices of $G6. I entered from the eastern end of the southern wall and turned to the west, into the busy office. Something had happened, and the people in the office were acting wild. I knew that it had something to do with the news. $A313 had asked me to come back here, and she was standing just to the west of me, leading me to the northwest. She glanced over her right shoulder as she talked about the job that she wanted me to come and do. She seemed to be wearing a white sweater over a dark shirt. The sweater was unbuttoned in the front, and it had black flecks across the stitching. I looked at the people in the office to the west and southwest. They seemed to be panicking about the event, even though none of them really seemed scared. I felt that they were really using the event as an excuse to act wild. They seemed to be wrecking the office. There also seemed to be orange and purple balloons near the ceiling. I walked to the northern side of the office, feeling annoyed with the people here. It felt awkward to be back here, and i was really not sure what i should be doing. I passed to the north of a wall that separated a small section of the room from the rest of the room to the south. A round table was set against the northern side of the wall. $A313 stopped near the table, but i walked to the west, toward the doorway in the western wall. I started to feel impatient. I had come here because $A313 had said that there was something that i should be doing, but i was not sure what i should be doing. She was aware of the others in the office, but she seemed indifferent to them. I mentioned the people acting wild to the south, but $A313 did not seem to be paying attention anymore. I glanced to the north, into the small room that was through the doorway in the northwestern wall. A xerograph machine was shaking violently as it spit out pieces of white paper. I thought that someone had done this to the machine on purpose. It was part of the overdramatic actions of panic that everyone was portraying. I told $A313 that i thought that it was annoying. I wanted to turn off the machine so that it was no longer wasting paper, but i turned back to the southeast instead. Glancing to the south, i could see the people running around the office, creating havoc. I did not understand why they were doing this, and i felt that they were overreacting to the event. I started to become annoyed with this place, wondering why i had come back here. I was not sure what i was doing, and i did not think that there was really anything for me to do. I remembered walking to this place from the south, along the eastern side of a grassy lawn. Tall green trees stood along the eastern and western sides of the lawn. It had seemed sunny before. When i looked out the large window that was the southern wall of the office now, though, i could see strong winds blowing the trees and tossing debris against the glass. The sky seemed dark gray, and it seemed to be raining heavily. I moved to the southeast, heading nearer to the glass wall. I stopped on the southern side of the room, wondering if i should head outside. I wanted to leave, but the storm seemed rather intense outside. Someone asked me something from the west. I turned to see $A614 standing on the western side of the round table in front of me. He smiled at me and chatted with me about why i had returned here. He then asked me what job i would be doing here. I did not know why i had been asked back here. $A313 had not yet told me. He asked me about the contract, and i told him that $A313 had asked me to come back. He seemed confused, and tried to get me to clarify which job contract i had come back to work under. I told him that $A313 had called me up and asked me to return. I remembered walking with her along the eastern side of the yard outside and entering the building. I told $A614 that i had not yet been told why i had been asked back. I realized that everyone had a contract for the work that they do here, and i did not understand what that meant. This made me feel out of place here. I headed to the east, walking down the corridor toward the exit to the building. I started to worry about the storm again, but, as i turned to the south and walked down the sidewalk outside the building, i realized that the wind was not blowing at all. The day seemed very pleasant, though the sky was light-gray with clouds. I turned to the east, heading down one of the city streets. The street had ended at the park-like lawn that i was crossing. It was a wide street, with cement sidewalks. The tall building on the north was cement, with small windows on the upper floors. The building on the southern side of the street seemed equally as tall, but did not have as even a surface. I walked down the northern side of the street, wondering where i had parked my car. I was heading back to it. I started to look through my pockets for something. I pulled my cell phone out of my right pocket, looking at the screen. The glass had been broken across the bottom right of the screen, and i felt upset about this. I pulled some other things out of my other pockets and tried to switch which pockets i was carrying things in. I turned to the north, gliding over the cement on my bicycle. I wanted to get out of the way while i fooled around with the things in my pockets. I could not shuffle everything in my hands while i was riding my bicycle. I had ridden my bicycle under the structure, which seemed to be a cement parking garage. I stopped on the cement walkway, which was on the western side of the garage. The garage ran against a building to the west, and the sidewalk in front of the building was very wide. Steps seemed to be to the west of me as well. As i looked at my telephone, i felt nervous about someone behind me. I looked over my right shoulder, to the southeast, to see a black car pull to a stop to the southeast of me. It looked like an early seventies sports car, with a white stripe along the side. I thought that it would not be able to hit me because it could not drive up the steps to where i was. I noticed the man sitting in the driver’s seat and decided that he was not actually interested in me, so i continued to the north, walking down the street. I turned to the west, heading down the street that was to the north of the parking structure. I looked down the long street, noticing the tall cement building to the west at the end of the street. The buildings here seemed like they were from California, with soft cement faces. I headed to the west, but realized that this was not the street that i had parked my car on. I must have gone too far to the north. I thought that i could turn to the south at the next block and look for a familiar street to the west farther to the south. I then realized that i could not remember how i had walked to the office. I knew that i had parked my car on one of the streets to the east of the office area and walked, but i could not recognize the buildings where i was. I felt annoyed, trying to remember where i had parked.

12012 January 06

I was in the center of the small room as the others continued acting out their roles in the play. A bed was against the northern wall of the room, extending into the center. I curled up on the southeastern corner of the bed, pretending to be a dog. A woman was sitting on the bed to the north of me, and she was speaking to the audience, who seemed to be to the east. Several other people were standing around near me, facing east. The person to the southwest of me was also a woman, and she stood very stiffly, with her arms down along her sides. I shifted position, thinking about what the audience would see of me. I had my back to them, and i was supposed to be playing the part of the dog or cat, curled up on the bed. The play seemed to be something by Shakespeare, and i listened as the others talked. I thought about this play as i turned to the north, moving around the small room. $A190 was to the northwest of me, and he started talking with me about the play. We seemed joking about something, and then he started pushing against me. He turned his body so that he was in a martial-arts back stance, and he jabbed at me a few times. I blocked his hands by swatting them away, and then i moved closer to him. I knew that he had studied martial arts, and i wondered if he was actually trying to hurt me. I watched him for a moment, and then decided that he was just having fun. As he tried to kick me with his right leg, i grabbed the leg and pulled him down. We ended up on the floor with our heads to the east. I was on top of him, and i tried to wrap up his arms to gain control. I became distracted by some of the low-hanging branches of the Yule tree, which was to the southeast of us. I had hit some of the branches as we moved around on the ground. $A623 seemed to be to the south of us. She had said something about the tree, but she really did not seem to be paying attention to us. I looked up to the southeast to see the red ornaments hanging from the bottom of the tree. I pushed them out of the way so that we would not be hitting them as we wrestled. I also pushed some of the small wrapped presents away. I then turned my attention back to $A190, trying to keep him under control. I was a little nervous about him, knowing that he was more skilled in martial arts than i was, and that he was also stronger than i. I wrapped my left arm around the back of his neck and tried to trap him in a front choke. I thought that i could trap him in it.

The car had been coming from the east, across the grassy field, but we had just stopped. I felt very upset and angry as i stepped out of the northern side of the car, which seemed to be a van or SUV. I was exiting from the large door on the passenger’s side. I could see all the way through the vehicle as the others got out. Something seemed to be secured to the rack on the top of the car. I felt angry with $F58, who was getting out of the driver’s side of the car. She had done something that had upset me, and i said something negative to her as i started walking to the west, toward the front of the car. $G4 was around us in the large field area of dry tan grass stalks. The ground seemed rocky under the grass. I turned to the east, walking with several other people from $G4, talking about the run. I then started jogging with them. $F57 was ahead of me, and he started talking about THC. He said something about the brownies as we started jogging over the small mound. I commented, saying that it would be good in brownies and cookies. I watched the ground as i stepped over the top of the dark mound and started down the step on the other side. The ground to the east of the wooden step was covered with small short square brown ceramic pots. They were tan on the inside but glazed dark brown on the outside. The pots were gathered close together on the ground, and the two people ahead of me simply walked carefully over them as they continued to the east. I thought that it was strange that we would be running on the pots, but i followed the others. I was doing something for $G4, and the conversation continued with the other people. I turned to the north, looking at the yellow sheet of paper that i had in my hands. The man to the west of me said something about the paper, and i looked down at the names i had written on it. A man stood to the northwest of me as i leaned the paper up against the tree to write on it. $F57 stood to the west, commenting on the person. I knew that the man was $A624, and i was trying to write his name down. I was taking money for the run, but i started to feel confused about what i was doing. I looked at the yellow folder in front of me, thinking that i had to write their names down. I looked at the name i had written on the top of the paper, though, and realized that it was the wrong one. I scribbled it out and got ready to write again, but i was not sure what i should be writing. I looked at the few words that were no the top of the paper. I knew that the others had given me twelve dollars each. I looked at the cash in my left hand, realizing that there was not that much there. Only two people had paid me so far, and i calculated that in my head, realizing that i should only have a few people written down on the list. I felt frustrated as i leaned the paper against the tree to the north of me and started writing. I crossed out one of the names, thinking that only two people had purchased shirts from me. I then thought that $A624 was not buying a shirt. I was just getting money from him.

I moved around on the eastern side of the gravel area, near the white house trailer. Several people were there, and i was talking to them. I listened to the conversation and started thinking about something. I then turned my attention to the large screen that was showing pictures to the south of us. It seemed like a television screen, but it was large and covered most of the southern wall of the room, which now seemed to be an auditorium. I sat on the western side of the room, on a long wooden bench. The walls of the large auditorium were dark, and i watched the movie as i leaned forward, resting my arms on the wooden bar in front of us. The floor of the auditorium seemed to slope steeply down to the south, and there were several rows of wooden bars on which we could sit. The room was not that distinct, but i could tell that the bars ran east to west on the western half of the room, mirroring the other set on the eastern half. Parallel bars ran along the ceiling above the seats as well. The seats seemed to be floating in the center of the room. A large woman in a heavy coat sat to the west of me on the tan wooden bench. I leaned forward, resting on a bench that was around my chest level as i watched the screen to the south. I then felt a little unbalanced and fell forward. I grabbed on to the seat in front of me, which was the wooden bar i had been resting on. I realized that the floor was quite a way below us, and i did not want to fall. I pulled myself back up on the seat in front of me, and then pushed myself back onto the bench where i had been sitting. I felt that the woman to the west of me would be disapproving of my actions, but i did not say anything to her. I glanced down into the darkness below me, feeling nervous that i had almost fallen out of my seat. I tried to remain seated as i listened to the movie to the south. Something seemed strange about it, though. The sound was garbled, and i realized that it was a stylistic sound. I told the woman that the voice was garbled intentionally. As i listened to it, i recognized the south as backwards music, and i told the woman that it was a voice singing backward. I listened more, noticing that the sound turned to a harpsichord or organ in reverse. I told the woman that it was a concerto, thinking that it could be played on organ pipes. I looked at the rail fence to the south of us, noticing the large round reel of recording tape attached to the northern side of it. We were siting on long wooden benches on the western side of a dirt area. Trees shaded us from the bright sun, which was high in the southeastern sky. I stood up, moving toward the large gray plastic reel on the fence. The tape around the reel seemed to be a few centimeters thick, and i realized that the sunlight was falling on part of it. I did not think that the magnetic tape should be in the sunlight because it would ruin the tape. I stood close to the reel, wondering what could be done to protect the old tape. I then realized that the metal axle, which the tape was hung on, was not secure. It had an end that hinged, but the hinge was not turned to the side, allowing the reel to slip off. I pushed the rounded metal end of the axle to the west so that it would prevent the tape reel from slipping off. I then backed to the northeast a little, looking at the reel and wondering what i should do about it. The end of the thick dark-gray tape was on the top of the reel, facing east, and i wondered if it would be all right in the sun. Maybe the end of the tape blocked the light from reaching the important stuff below it.

We seemed to be moving to the east in a small group. We seemed to be walking, but we also seemed to be riding in the back of a car with seats facing each other. The others were discussing the political situation that was happening. I looked at the television on the northern wall of the room. The man on the screen, or the man to the northeast of me, was talking about holding an open session of the political body. It was a controversial event happening in this country. It had something to do with British politics. The face of a woman came on the screen. She was talking before a group of people. She seemed dressed in eighties formal styles, with her whitening hair tied back under a small embroidered hat. She said that she would be suing the group. I knew that she was the Prime Minister. I watched the television screen periodically as i sat in the back of the car with the others. The two black cushioned seats faced each other, and i was sitting on the southern end of the western seat. I caught glimpses of the screen to the north as it passed between things, or people passed in front of it. Someone in the back of the car to the east of me said that the people causing the alarm were trying to maintain a session of the court, but that Parliament did not want this discussion to happen. The members of congress were trying to stop the session from happening so that the events would not take place. The woman was standing against them, though. Someone said that the area where they had brought up the session was controlled by people who opposed the new ideas, so the members of the legislature there would vote to close the session and the woman would not be heard. The scene on the screen changed several times as the different characters talked. The woman seemed to be riding in the back of a limousine as she discussed this with the man in the dark suit. Several other men were smugly saying that they could get the legislature to close the session before the issue could be brought up. They were in a different scene. The woman the replied to them, saying that the session was not in the area that they had stated, so they could not control the legislature there and shut down the session. She said that it would be in another area that would not be in favor of closing the session. My father was sitting to the north of me in the car, and he started telling me about the political issues in this exchange. This was a tense moment where certain parts of the political administration were trying to block new ideas. The scene then showed the police in tan trench coats as they moved into the room of the house where the family was. The family had been trying to delay the new ideas, but the police had been sent in to stop them. The scene focused on the five or six family members who were standing to the east of the officers. They stood in a close group with nooses around their necks. At first, i thought that they were going to be executed, but then i realized that they were using the treat of killing themselves to keep the officers away. The officer in charge put his hands on his hips, spreading the front of his jacket. He did not seem to believe the family and smile in a dare. The family suddenly swung to the north on their ropes, hanging themselves in the center of the room. The officer stood and watched for a moment. The family had expected him to rush to their aid, but he was letting them know that he would not rescue them. This would surprise the family. They started twitching as they hung in the center of the living room. The scene focused on the boy in the center of the group. He hung with his hands held together in front of his body, at chest level. As he started to twitch and loose consciousness, though, his hands separated. There was some significance to this, and the scene now seemed to focus on the boy.

12012 January 07

I had woken up in the apartment in the foreign land. I walked to the west, looking out the large windows that were in the western wall. The room seemed very plain, with few furnishings. The land to the west of us sloped down slightly. At first, i seemed to be looking at the brown and green shrubs and uneven ground just outside, but then i realized that i was actually looking at the trees and sloping land of a wide valley. I could not see the hills on the other side. The land looked very picturesque. A small town covered the slope of the hill to the southwest of us. I spoke with the others for a moment as we looked out the window. I then turned to the north, walking through the doorway and into the small white room to the north. The room did not seem to have any furnishings. A set of double wooden french doors was in the northern wall of the room. I crouched down near the bottom of the door, where a crude wooden pocket had been attached to the side of the door. The pocket was about a deci deep and six or seven centimeters wide. The top of the wooden box was open, and i dropped several of my things into the pouch, which had an opening about two centimeters in width. As soon as i let go of the objects, i realized that i would not be able to fit my hand into the slot to retrieve the coins that i had dropped in there. I tried reaching in. I was able to grab the papers and wallet that i had dropped in, but i could not reach the ten centimeters or so to the bottom to reach the coins. I was annoyed by this, but thought that i was not loosing much by not being able to get the coins. I stood up, talking about our travels with the other people. Out the window in the glass door, which now seemed very wide, i could see a long grassy slope running down from the building where we were. A rounded grassy hill rose to the north, and a long flat feature ran along the bottom of the valley from east to west, at the foot of the hill. I realized that the flat pathway was actually a railroad track. The station was to the north of us at the foot of the hill, and several people were walking toward it. I did not get a good look at the station, but it seemed to be nothing more than a small tan shed on the southern side of the tracks. This place seemed very nice, and i said something about it to the other person as i looked back to the west. We were now standing on the ground to the west of the hotel that we had been staying in. We walked to the north, along the dirt path that had been worn into the grass. Several small white kiosk tents were set up west of the path. I spoke to the other person as we headed north, starting down the hill toward the railroad station. A large body of water seemed to be to the west, beyond the tents and down the long shallow hill. I suddenly realized that a train was coming, and i thought that we would have to get on it. Other people jogged to the north, passing us in their hurry to get to the train. I approached the station and stopped near the gate. A small crowd had gathered to the west of me, along the railing made of thick round metal pipes. The pipes had been painted bright yellow, but the color was faded and much of the paint had been worn off. I seemed to be standing near a gate, where the people to the west were standing in front of the railing. We now seemed to be inside a building, and i looked across the two sets of tracks to the north of us, glancing to the northwest at the arched openings in the western wall. I had seen the train coming from the west outside the station, so i knew that it would be coming through the tunnels any second. A man stood to the east of me. He seemed anxious to get to the train. I felt a little anxious too, and i leaned forward a few times to get a better view of the dark gray track beds in the tunnels to the west. I did not think it was safe to push past the yellow gate, but the man near me seemed impatient, and pushed open the triangular metal bar that pivoted from the west. He walked to the tracks, saying that the train was coming slowly, and implying that it would not run over us just because we were crossing the tracks. I realized that we must be allowed to do this, so i walked past the gates myself. Many of the people were now standing to the northwest of me, waiting to the south of the northern set of tracks. The southern tracks seemed to pass through the station, so i must have crossed over it, but the northern tracks stopped in the building. I walked up the dull-pale-yellow tiles of the eastern side of the floor, walking beyond the terminal bumper at the end of the tracks. A thick dark metal beam stood on the northern side of the tracks, just to the northwest of the bumper. The bumper was more than a meter below the level of the tiled floor of the station now. I stood with the others on the southern side of the tracks for a moment, now at track level. We waited for a while, but the train still did not show up. I started to pace back to the east, walking along the northern side of the tracks until i reached the eastern wall. I then crossed the tracks, just in front of the dull red bumper, heading south. I felt nervous about crossing the tracks, but i knew that the train was not coming. A voice then told us that the train would not be coming. Someone said that the train was not yet ready. I decided that this was why the train had not yet come. I felt a little disappointed, and i knew that we would have to get the train at the next station. I started moving to the east, and was in the car. I sat in the passenger’s seat as my mother drove. I started looking through my things, thinking that we would have to catch the train at the next station to get to the other country. I suddenly realized that i would need my passport, and i looked through the things in my hand to see if i had it. I realized that i had left it in the wooden pocket on the door of the house. I worried that it would have been taken already, and i knew that i would have to got back to get it. I set the objects i had in my left had on the counter to the north of me, trying to find my passport. I opened my brown leather wallet but could not see the passport in it. The wallet seemed very thick, with a red card and several small white paper cards sticking out the top edge. I felt disappointed and told my mother that i had forgotten my passport in the room. She had driven the car to the south, down the dirt road away from the station, and was just turning to the east on the main paved road. I told her that i had forgotten my keys and would have to go back. She became very upset and pulled over to the northern side of the road. I could see other cars driving out of the dirt road behind us, and i thought that they were the other people heading to the next station. I then realized that we had come to the station from out hotel, so we would actually have to drive back to the west for a little way to get to our hotel. I asked my mother if we would be able to make it, and she did not seem to think that we would. I started to worry that we would miss the next train in the other station. I looked at the things on the counter to the north again, noticing the thin blue thing under my wallet. I did have my passport. I turned to the west and walked across the room of the hotel, which seemed like a lobby on the western side of the building. This was a new hotel, and we had just come from our room to the east. It seemed that we had just woken up. I looked out the windows to the west to see the land sloping gently to the west. It was very similar to the scenery that we had seen before, but this was a new place. It was different, and i could see a larger town out the window to the west. A man moved around just outside the window. He seemed to be a gardener working on the shrubs just outside. As the two other men and i got close to the window, i thought that the man was actually behind a window in a small office of the hotel. The office seemed to be in the southwestern corner of the building, to the south of us, but the man was still to the west of us. I realized that the man was in another small office to the west, and the window that looked outside was to the southwest of us, in the western wall. I watched the man as he turned back to the north, noticing his arms under his short-sleeved shirt and thinking that he was actually rather skinny. $F45 stood to the north of me at the window, and he motioned to the man, letting me know that he thought the man was attractive. I glanced to the south, into the office in the southwestern corner. A large round woman sat behind a desk just inside the window. She did not seem attractive, and her clothes seemed rather tight around her fat body. She turned to look at us when she noticed that we had looked at her. I turned back to the southwest, looking at the man in the other window. I thought that he was too skinny to be attractive.

12012 January 08

I stepped out of the northern side of the car, feeling very angry. I said something to my mother, who had gotten out of car from the driver’s side, on the south. I asked her a question, but she did not answer me. I felt suddenly upset and started throwing the clothes from the laundry basket that was on the object to the south of me.

I was thinking about the movie that i had seen where the dark-skinned man had died. There was some significance to the “black” man dying, and i tired to figure it out. It seemed like a very good plot, and i wanted to explain it to the other person, but i could not quite form the plot in my mind. I ran through the events where the man was killed. It seemed that he had died in an accident, but it was important that he was dark-skinned because it had special significance in the plot for him to die. It had a social message that i liked very much.

12012 January 09

I talked with the other person as we moved to the northwest, across the landscape. I looked to the north of us, noticing that all of the vegetation here was glistening. As i looked closer, i realized that small sparkles scattered across the ground were diamonds. The land seemed suddenly picturesque, with a rolling meadow to the north, lined on the north with wide green trees. The path we were driving along wandered generally to the northwest, and i looked at the short wide tree as we passed. This place was part of a science-fiction story: a planet where diamonds were very common. The blades of grass had small gems along their lengths, and the leafs of the tree had diamonds along the outer edges. I knew that the plants here were producing diamonds. I then thought about this and realized that it did not make much sense. Diamonds were produced by high heat and pressure, and they could not be produced as a byproduct by plants. I mentioned this to the other person, saying that this place was not realistic. He told me that i should not question the reality; i should just accept it as part of the movie.

It was snowing heavily as we drove to the west, down the road in the middle of the rural area. $A419 was driving the car down the road, and i felt a little nervous about it. It was dark, and we could not see well in the snow. We were talking about something, but i was nervous about his driving. We passed down the snowy road, and i was aware of the shrubs along the northern side of the road, and the dense trees to the south. A home seemed to stand to the north, in the darkness. I then noticed the car parked on the southern side of the road ahead of us. The road seemed to go around the car, as if there was a pull off on the side of the road and the car was parked on the small island of land between the pull off and the road. The car was facing east, and it did not seem to be covered with snow like the ground and bushes. The car was a seventies-model large tan car, with a square front end. It looked like an old Cadillac. We were heading down the road to the north of the car, but, as we approached it, we seemed to be directly in front of the car. $A419 swerved to the north, back onto the main road, but he hit the front end of the dull-green seventies car, nicking the front corner with his bumper. He continued driving to the west, past the car. A dog started barking, and i heard the sound of a screen door closing from the north. The man from the house must be coming out to see what happened to his car. I felt suddenly worried. I thought that we should have stopped, but $A419 kept driving to the west, down the road and into the dark. I started to worry that the man would be coming after us. I wanted $A419 to hurry down the snowy road so that we could get away before the man could catch up with us, but we could not drive fast in the falling snow. I worried that he would catch us. I watched the road ahead, finding it very hard to see. I then realized that ice was forming over the edges of the front window, and over the top edge of the door to the north of me. I reached out and chipped off a flat piece of ice from the window, tossing it behind us. The snow was freezing on the window, making it hard to see. After a moment, we were approaching an intersection. The snow had suddenly cleared and i could see the intersection more clearly. We had followed the road to the north, and red lights of the car passed to the east across the intersection, barely visible in the clearing snow. I felt a little relieved that we had reached the intersection before the man had caught up with us. We could turn the corner and get out of sight before the man could catch us for hitting his car.

12012 January 10

I was driving the car down the road to the east-southeast as i spoke to the others. Two or three other people seemed to be in the car with me. As we came over a rise in the road, i noticed a police car stopped on the southern side of the road ahead. The road was only one lane wide, and a wall or barricade ran along the southern side where we were. As we approached the white police car, i noticed that the three or four officers that were standing around the car had their guns drawn. One of them seemed to have an assault rifle. The one on the side of the car was wearing a motorcycle helmet and looked like a California Highway Patrol officer. He crouched down on one knee, aiming his pistol at us as we approached. I felt suddenly nervous, wondering if these people were actually police officers. I warned the others about it, and they became nervous as well. I started to slow down the car, but was afraid that they might attack us. I slouched down into the seat so that my head was behind the steering wheel. I was reaching up to steer the car as we came closer to the police car. As we approached, though, they lowered their guns and let us pass. I watched them as we speeded past them, noticing that they were still looking to the west. They were expecting another car to come down the road. Wall-like structures stood on both sides of the road, making the passage a narrow channel. There was no place for us to turn off, and i noticed more police cars ahead of us. We seemed to be moving fairly fast, and i was nervous about what might happen. I then looked in my rearview mirror to see a large white tractor-trailer very lose to us. It must be the vehicle that the police were after. I quickly looked ahead, trying to find a place to pull off of the road. The road was too narrow, though, and the walls blocked the sides so that we could not pull off onto the grass. We passed another police car, where several officers were standing around the sides of the car. The car was pulled into a small turnaround on the southern side of the road. As we approached, i noticed that a small road curved off to the north. The police officers started motioning to the road, and i realized that they wanted me to turn off of the main road so that they could deal with the truck without having us in the way. I felt very nervous, and i tried to turn to the north, but i realized that we were moving too fast to make the turn. In panic, i continued to the east down the main road. I realized that i would have to pull off, but i was not sure how to do it. When we passed the last police car, we had passed through some kind of division, where a low wall or fence ran from the south to north, breaking only to let the road though. I had to get off of the main road, and i was upset that i did not slow down enough to turn, but i was nervous about the large truck behind me. I could see the truck behind me still following me very closely, and i was worried that, if i slowed down, the truck would run into us and push us off the road. I then saw the road that curved off to the south. The area to the east of us seemed to be an airport, and i turned to the southeast, onto the exit lane that curved to the south. I headed to the south for a moment, moving down the western side of the structure. A narrow gully now seemed to be to the east of me as i ran to the south. I was actually in the metal structure of a ship, and i was running through the rooms on the western side of the hull. The ship did not seem to be entirely constructed, and the area down the center of the hull was open to the east of me, creating the gully. I thought about the men following me as i moved through the metal compartments of the ship. I had crossed the southern end of the ship, which seemed to be the bow, and was heading to the north along the eastern side. I imagined the men coming after me, and i thought that i could hide from them. I realized that there was only one man on the ship that i would have to be careful of. I could hide from him and let the police find me. I knew that the police were running through the ship looking for the man. I ran to the north on the eastern side of the ship, but i realized that i could easily trap the man by closing the doors between the compartments. It would take him longer to open the doors that it would for me to close them. I imagined that the man was to the north of me, and i turned back to the south and ran though one of the doorways, pulling the door closed behind me. The man would have to work the handle to get it closed. I then hoped that the doors ahead of me were not closed. As i continued to the south, i imagined that the doors had blue touch pads on them. The pads would respond to me, but not to the bad man. At first i thought that they would need a code to open the doors, but then i realized that they could simply read my biometrics. I slowed down, realizing that i would only need to close one of the doors because the man would not be able to open them without the proper ID. I thought about this as i moved around the eastern side of the ship. I was again on the northern side of the ship, but it was now a darkened gulch. The gulch narrowed at the northern end, and i was standing on the eastern slope, near the northern end. It was night, and the sky above seemed dark blue. I was aware of the main character standing on the slope to the northeast of me. I heard a loud voice from somewhere, echoing across the canyon. I knew that this was the voice of the main character, whom i was portraying. The character was singing aloud, but was unaware that he was doing so. He was not that smart, and i thought that he was same actor who played the boy in the movie Up. I knew that he had to be careful or the bad people would hear him and know that he was in the gulch. A large house seemed to be to the north, at the end of the gulch. It would be bad if those people caught the boy. I wanted him to be quiet, but he was actually unaware that he was singing. The south was blurry and distant, which is how the boy would be hearing it. As soon as he realized that it was coming from him, it would become clear. This was part of the plot of the film. I felt worried about the boy, whom i was playing. The people from the north were going to hear him. A light then came on at the northern end of the canyon, and it became daytime. I stood on the steep slope of dull-red and tan rocks on the eastern side of the canyon, very near the top. I could just see over the top, and i noticed the boys in dark-blue uniforms marching in a formation from the north. They were prisoners, and were forced into marching by the bad men in charge of this place. I was hanging on to the rocks near the top of the canyon as the group approached me. I had to stay out of sight so that they did not get me. The leader of the group, though, stood just above me on the cliff. He was an adult, and he was wearing a long dull-green military jacket with a flat-top hat. He knew me, and i remembered him from before. He crouched down and mocked me as i hung on to the cliff. He knew that i could not escape anywhere, and he seemed very comfortable that he had me. He told me that i might easily fall off of the cliff as he stood back up, smirking at me for a moment. I felt uncomfortable here and wondered what i should do. $Z was to the north of me, and the steep slope. I realized that he was standing, though. There was actually a ledge just below us, so i did not have to hang on. I looked down at the rock, realizing that the man was unaware of this. I could still escape and upset the man. I then noticed the guards to the north, on the slope. The ledge seemed to run around the northern side of the canyon, and the guards with guns were standing on a wider part of the ledge to the north of us. I felt upset and trapped here, and i wondered what i should do. I looked back up the cliff, realizing that i was still holding on to the thick dry root that projected from the soft dirt of the cliff. As i started to release the branch, i realized that it was split up the center, and the core of it was hollow. It opened up as my hand slid down it, allowing the branch to open. Inside, i could see insect burrows in the wood, and thick yellow jackets sitting in several of the chambers. I suddenly worried that the wasps would attack me, so i let go of the branch. I imagined them swarming, so i hurried to the north, along the ledge. Many people seemed to be working in the canyon now, and i moved through them. I stopped on the western side of the canyon where a man in white painters overalls crouched in front of a short flight of wooden steps. The bees now seemed to be all over. A few dark insects were hovering on the northern side of the canyon, and i could now see wasps in the wooden stairs that the man was painting gray. I worried that they would swarm, and i tried to back away.

I came to the upstairs of the house, which seemed like $P19. I entered the room from the southern end of the western wall. The room seemed to be a bedroom, and others were still sleeping here. I had come looking for something, so i had returned to this room. I headed to the east, where a small room was off of the one that i was in. It seemed like an alcove in the southern end of the eastern wall. I realized that $A311 was sleeping in the small bed there. He stirred as i approached, so i backed away and headed to the north. I was sharing the larger room with him, but i had been sleeping in the large bed to the north. The bed seemed to be in the center of the room, and it was covered with a light woven white spread. $F10 was in the room with me, to the west, as i moved to the bed to find my telephone. I pulled the covers from the western end of the bed, where a square niche in the center of the bed was hidden. Several electronic devices were on the floor here, and i laid on the bed, facing west, to look at them. Most of them seemed to be tape recorders and recording devices. I was annoyed and turned around on the bed, pulling the white bedspread over me. I felt tired and wanted to go back to sleep. $F10 was to the southeast of me now, and he talked about the telephone that i had hooked up. I remembered the white desk phone that i had wired in this room. He seemed concerned about it and asked me where i had gotten the cable to hook it up. I could not quite remember where the telephone wire had come from. I glanced down. I was now standing in the hallway, facing east. The bed was in the northern wall of the hallway, and several scraps of wire were lying cut on the floor. $F10 said that the telephone cable from the phone in the entryway downstairs was missing. He seemed to imply that the other people in the house were upset. I pictured $A59 and some others downstairs. The entryway was on the southern side of the building. I told $F10 that i had taken the cables from the upper hallway, where there were many scraps of cable still lying around. I looked at some of the longer pieces of wire on the gray floor of the hallway to the east of me. I started to feel nervous about the other people in the house. I worried that they thought that i had taken the cable from downstairs. I wondered if the telephone in the entryway was now broken because it would not be plugged into the wall. I felt bad, thinking that the others would suspect me. I was looking down at the entryway on the southern side of the house. It was a large rectangular room with a wooden floor. The house seemed run down, and i turned to the north, moving through the eastern doorway in the center of the northern wall, heading into the house. This house seemed to have a very strange design. I headed down a darkened hallway and turned to the east. I stopped for a moment, looking down at the small rectangular opening in the floor near the eastern wall. This was the entrance to the bedroom where i had been. I looked down the hole, wondering how i had climbed down before. It seemed very inconvenient to enter the room this way. The house had a very strange design, and i knew that it had been reconstructed from its original design. Looking down, i could see an old door on the western side of the wall below. The white door was dingy, and it had an arced top and a small window the center. The window was covered with a series of small rounded columns that were bordered on the top and bottom by flat pieces of wood. The design seemed very Spanish to me, and i remembered seeing this same design on doorways elsewhere in the house. I hopped down the hole, slowly descending. I did not feel comfortable climbing down the space, but i knew that it was the way to get to the room. I then wondered why $G3 had given up the other house that they had. The other house had been remodeled recently, and all of the living spaces in it were designed for reasonable access. This house seemed jerry-rigged, creating corridors in places where corridors were not originally intended. I looked to the east, across the room inside, feeling suddenly nostalgic for the other house, which would have had a set of stairs descending into this room. I knew that $G3 could not afford to redesign this house, though. I wondered why they had moved out of the nice remodeled house, which seemed to be green and white, and then i realized that they had lost that one a while ago. I moved to the east, into the bedroom where $A311 and $F10 were. $A311 seemed to be sitting on the bed in the alcove in the eastern wall, wrapped in the dark-green light woven bed spread. I thought again about the cables, thinking that i might have taken them from downstairs. I felt bad about this.

12012 January 11

I drove to the south down the narrow road in the small suburban area. The houses on the eastern side of the road seemed to be old, and a stream ran to the west. The muddy waters of the stream were flowing over the sides of the road from here to there. I felt nervous and mentioned the flood waters to the other person in the car with me. We seemed to be driving down the road in $P111, heading toward the narrow corner. I stopped the car on the side of the road because there was water to the south of us. I felt uneasy about driving, and i turned to the west to talk to the other person about the flooding. As we talked, i noticed several young people in the water to the west. They seemed to be playing soccer or some other kind of game in the shallow water. I looked at them for a moment, thinking that they looked rather interesting. I then realized that they were playing in the waters of the creek, which were moving very fast because of the flood. I wondered how they could play. I started at them for a moment. One of the young men in the group, who had frizzy blond hair, stopped when he noticed i was staring at them. He seemed annoyed and said something to me. I looked away, and they continued with their game. I then looked back down the street to the south. The muddy water was coming around the corner to the south of me, at the bottom of the shallow hill. I told the other person about this. An old black pick-up truck then came around the corner, and i wondered how it was able to drive through the rising water. I turned back to the north, heading up the hill a little. This area was no longer like $P111. The hill to the north of me was steeper, and the road forked to the northwest and north. A building sat in the center of the fork. It had a stone foundation that formed the lower floor on the downhill side. I walked through the door in the center of the southern wall of the building and came into the small room. I had entered the room from the north. The people inside were getting ready to act in a play, and i was one of the actors. I stood in the central room of the building, facing south. The thick plaster walls of the building were painted pale yellow, and they seemed to be arched near the ceiling. The room seemed to be long north to south, with the southern wall curving outward. There seemed to be columns on the northern side of the room, supporting the floors above and separating the room into a large area and a slightly smaller area to the north. The western end of the room was open to a smaller rounded room with a flat northern wall. This is where we were getting ready for the play. I felt nervous, thinking that i could not remember the lines. I started thinking about my part, but i suddenly remembered that i did not know the lines for the last part. I spoke to the other person about this, nervous about doing the scene in a few minutes. We started looking for the small books that were our scripts. I had to check the lines to refresh my memory. I moved to the north, leaning against the northern wall of the room to the west as i grabbed the black book from the table to the west of me. The book was in a small duffle bag. I looked at the black front cover of the book. It was a glossy paperback book with a dark-red medieval artwork on the front cover. The artwork seemed like a plant with decorative arching branches, or maybe a dragon. I also noticed the face of someone, which looked like a drawing from an old church manuscript. As i flipped through the colorful pages of the book, i realized suddenly that this was not the correct book. I mentioned this to the other person as i put the script back to the north of me and looked for the other one. I then picked up the other black book and opened it up to the seventh chapter, walking to the south slightly as i did. I hurried to find the right words for the scene, but i suddenly remembered that we had never actually performed the seventh scene before. Our previous performances had omitted the seventh scene from the play. I told the other person this, and then mentioned it to the director, who was standing to the southwest of us, just in the main room of the building. He seemed like $A146, and i told him that we had never performed the seventh scene of the play before. I thought that it was a final scene of the story, and it was usually left off of the performances because it was not necessary for the story. I then realized that several people were acting already. I looked to the north to see $A610 and several other people performing the scene. To my surprise, they were performing in the room to the north of us, and i could see them through the wide doorway in the northern wall of the rounded room to the west of the main room. I had expected the play to be held in the main room in the center of the building. I glanced to the east, thinking that the audience would be sitting in the main room, but they were not. The audience was still sitting in a smaller room to the east, through a doorway in the eastern wall of the main room. Some members of the audience were leaning to the side to try to see the actors in the room to the north. This did not seem like a good situation, and i wondered why the play was being run this way. A few of the audience members started to walk into the central room so that they could get a better view. This was not a good situation, and i started to feel annoyed about it. The director seemed to agree with me. He was standing to the southeast of me with his arms crossed, looking into the room. He then turned and walked into the central room. Several long tables were set up on the southern side of the room. $A146 had grabbed one and was starting to move it. Another actor moved to help him, and i started toward the tables. We were going to get them out of the way so that we could set up the audience in this room, where they would actually be able to see the actors in the small room to the north.

12012 January 12

The car was parked on the northern side of the road, in front of my parents’ house, just to the west of the driveway. It was facing west, and i was carrying objects to the trunk of the car. The trunk of the pale-green car was open, and i started loading the flat objects, which seemed like large books, into it. I was then aware that the other man was near me. He got into the car and started driving to the west, down the road. I was very annoyed with him as i moved along with the car. I was in the back seat now, and i leaned forward and chastised them for taking the car. He acted as though he were unaware of what he had done, but i knew that he was trying to take the car. I hit him on the right shoulder and told him that he would have to turn the car around. He eventually pulled off on the northern side of the road as we started up the hill on the western side of a creek valley. The ground sloped up from the road to the north of us, toward the tree line of the forest. He turned the car around, saying that he was taking it back. I continued to the west, carrying the things in my arms. I still had an armful of objects, which i was trying to balance as i walked. I was now walking across the parking lot of the plaza, moving parallel to the storefronts. I seemed to have come from the east, across the larger parking lot, and was now passing close to the plaza. I started to feel uncomfortable here carrying the objects. I did not want people to see me with the objects. In the center of the southern face of the plaza was a recessed entrance. I walked into the recess, under the roof, and sat down on the wooden bench on the eastern side, just to the side of the door. I started shuffling the objects in my hands. I seemed to have several pieces of metallic jewelry with shiny round bangles on it. The jewelry looked Native American. I started to put it on, thinking that it would be easier to carry. I hurriedly put on several pieces of jewelry, placing several necklaces around my neck. They felt heavy on me, and i wondered if it would look strange to the people around me. I then started to wonder whether people would think that i was trying to impersonate a Native American by wearing the jewelry. My clothes also seemed to be crudely woven, and i was wearing a brown cloak over my shoulders. This, too, seemed like a bad stereo type of a Native American. I did not want people to think that i was pretending to be Native American, and i felt nervous here. I walked to the south, moving quickly away from the bench. I had the long objects in my right hand. They seemed to be pieces of a plastic bumper of a car, although some of them looked like poles or spears. I thought that these would make me look like a stereotype as well. After walking about ten or so meters from the plaza, i turned to the east and started walking across the parking lot again.

I walked into the house, heading to the south. This place seemed like $P19, even though it did not look like it at all. The house was on the southern side of the street in the middle of the small town. It seemed to be a pale green house on the southern side of the area of town that was on the southern side of the hill. I had come down the hill and was now walking through the central corridor of the house, pushing the bicycle along with me. I came to the southern end of the corridor, wondering where i should put the bicycle. I said something to the person to the southeast of me. He was in another room just off of the main hallway. He stepped into the hall to talk with me. He was $F57. I glanced to the south, out the back door of the house. A deck was on the back side of the building, and i could see a narrow space on the eastern side of the deck where people had left bicycles. I asked $F57 where i should leave my bicycle. He showed me the room just to the east at the end of the corridor, just inside the exit door. I looked to the east to see a narrow space between two wooden walls. Several bicycle frames were already set between the walls, and i could see that there was no room for my bicycle. I had ridden a large tricycle here, so my tricycle would be even wider that the bicycles in the small space, so i would not be able to put my tricycle there. I backed my bicycle out of the room, telling $F57 that the space was designed for bicycles with narrow handlebars. I looked into the larger area to the east, but did not think that it would be a good place to leave bicycles, so i headed to the south, leaving the building. The building seemed to be rather modern, and i found myself on a wooden balcony at the back side of the building. The balcony was rounded on the southern end and actually seemed to be a landing for the stairs that ascended the building. I had entered on the ground floor to the north, but i now seemed to be a couple of flights from the ground here. The balcony looked out over a narrow alley that ran to the south. I noticed a few police men walking up the alley. They were dressed in black riot gear and were wearing helmets. I realized that something was wrong in the alley below us. I moved down the stairs, noticing that people were being stopped in the alley. A crowd had gathered near the bottom of the house. I imagined a group of riot police detaining people. A woman complained about the police on the street below. She seemed to be wearing an orangish-red sweater as she walked to the north, toward the house, paralleling an officer in black gear. I turned to the north, still standing on the landing or stairs. I could see a small group of police gathered under the overhang of the landings of the stairs, next to the apartment building that i had been in. A tunnel ran through the bottom of the building, heading north, and the police had stopped people at the entrance to the tunnel. A crowd had gathered around the officers. Something must have happened here, and i was very curious as to what it could be. I felt a little nervous being so close to the police officers, though, so i headed back up the stairs.

12012 January 13

I was running to the east, down the dirt trail. I had just been talking with the others about something, but i remembered that something important had to be done, so i was heading to the east to do it. The dirt trail i was following was on the northern side of the area, and the forested last sloped up gradually to the south of me. I seemed to be at $P52, on the road just to the south of $P97. The large white things were floating in the air around me. The looked like old bombs or wind blimp, with egg-shaped bodies and ten or so wide fins spreading out from the back. The backs of the fins ended in the plane of a round disk. I slowed to a stop, looking at the white objects floating in the air. They were about a meter and a half long each, and about a meter wide. They were significant. I watched them for a moment as they all shifted to the south slightly with the wind, starting with a ripple from the north. These were viruses, and they had some importance here, but i felt nervous about them, thinking that they were somehow dangerous. I was worried about what would happen to them. Looking up to the east, i could see one bobbing slowly on the breeze over the center of the trail, about six or seven meters from the ground. One or two more were hovering to the south of the trail, in the trees. They had drifted to the east with me, and were now hovering. I knew that they should not float away, and i was relieved when the wind shifted and the viruses drifted into the trees. I wondered if they would get stuck here. I then felt that something was going to happen, and i was waiting for it. The wind shifted again, and the white objects started moving through the trees, which seemed to me like hair. I turned to the west, looking at one of the white objects high between the thin trunks of the tall leafless trees. The white objet hit the tree suddenly, and seemed to deflate around the thin pole of the upper trunk. I felt suddenly nervous, thinking that this was the moment i had been waiting for. I knew that the virus was catching and i felt very concerned. The tree suddenly turned dark brown and seemed to wilt. The virus was killing the tree, which was actually hair. I knew that this plague would spread quickly around the world. I felt suddenly upset, moving quickly to the southwest. The plague would cause hair to fall out, and i could feel the hair on the left side of my body being affected. I held up my left arm, feeling the hair falling out of my skin. Someone then mentioned the source of the sickness, and i thought that it had to do with monkeys. I was running to the west now, and i came to the old wooden building. The building faced southeast, and i turned to the northwest to head into the open doorway on the front. I paused in the doorway, looking at the mirror or reflective surface to the west. I could not see myself clearly, but i could see that my hair was long and dark gray on my head. I pulled on the left side of my temple, noticing that the hair came out of my head very easily. It seemed strange that i had hair again, and i was annoyed that it was falling out. Some people then came out of the door to the north of me, stopping because i was in the way. I looked at them. They were younger, and one of them had a small monkey on his or her arm. It seemed very strange, but i knew that they had something to do with he plague. I focused suddenly on the small brown monkey. It sat in profile, with its tail curled up to the left and its head facing right. Its face was long, like a baboon’s face, with a leathery patterned top of the snout. The monkey seemed somehow significant. I pushed the people away suddenly, feeling unsafe near them. The monkey reached out for my right arm and bit me on the forearm. This was another way of spreading the plague. The three or four young people seemed aggressive, and they were hostile toward me.

I moved around the small room, cleaning up some of the things on the large square coffee table to the northwest of me. This was my birthday, and people were just getting ready to leave. The couch sat to the south of the coffee table in the crowded run-down room, which seemed to have many orange and red colors. $F5 and $F4 had just stood up from the couch and were getting ready to leave. Friends of mine had been staying over for the party. I moved along the eastern side of the table, noticing the dull-green headgear on the ground just to the north of the northeastern corner of the table. It looked like wrestling headgear, and i realized that it belonged to $F7. He had brought his wrestling things in case we decided to have a match. We never did, though. I thought that someone had told him that there would be wrestling, even though there was none planned. $F7 was just leaving to the east, and he seemed to be to the southeast of me at the moment. I should mention his things to him so that he did not forget them, but i did not get to say anything. It seemed strange that he would have brought wrestling gear. I looked at the olive-green headgear again. It had brighter green rounded ear pads and wide olive-green cloth holding them together. It looked like it would cover most of someone’s head. I then noticed a pair of shorts and some other wrestling gear on the floor just under the northeastern corner of the table. They all belonged to $F7. I could see his name in blue hand-drawn letters in the center of the headgear. $F5 started gathering the wrestling gear up from the floor. He said that he would take it to $F7, but i felt skeptical. It was strange that the gear was here, and i started to feel upset that $F5 was taking it.

I was in the brightly lighted room of the modern school building. The southern wall was filled with large windows that let in the diffuse light of the sun. Many children were moving around the room, and i seemed to be one of them. I seemed to be in middle school, even though i knew that i no longer belonged here. I was from someplace else, and had simply come back to this place. I felt older than i was, though i did not seem to be back in time. A few teachers were standing to the south and southwest of me as i sat on the edge of the wooden table, facing west. They kept telling me things, and i felt upset by what they were saying. They were trying to explain that i was only a child and that i would be restricted to this place. I felt very upset, and i wanted to throw water on the female teacher, who was circling around the eastern side of the table, ending up to the north of me. I said something to the northeast in protest, but the teachers did not seem to care what i thought. I looked down at the ground, feeling defeated. Something felt very wrong here. The ground was dirt, and thin wisps of grass seemed to be trying to grow from here and there. The sun was bright overhead, and i was standing in a small courtyard to the north of the building. I thought that i would defy the teachers and go for a walk in the dense forests to the south of the building. Someone was still asking me questions, so i told the man that i would wander around the northern edge of the grassy yard. This was a lie. I knew that i was better than this, and that i could make it to the forest to the south. They would not know that i had been there if they assumed that i was wandering to the north. I did not belong here, and wanted to get out. I did not care what the people here said. I also felt distrust of the man to the southwest, who seemed to be principal here, dressed in a dark-blue suit with a white shirt.

12012 January 15

I was in the house with $G4, standing on the southern side of the small living room. The others were gathered here, but some of them seemed to be outside, setting trail. I moved around the area, trying to do something. I realized that there were fewer people in the room, and suddenly thought that some of the people were already out running. I started to feel upset and anxious, thinking that i should be with them. $A343 was now to the north of me in the room, and she spoke to me for a moment. She was talking about the run, but i felt distracted. I had to get something done.

I was in the small room, trying to clean things up. I had to get my things together so that i could leave, but i felt distracted or confused by something. The man in the room seemed angry with me, and i felt upset that he was complaining to me. He was to the northeast of me as i tried to get my things together. The man’s wife was still sitting on the eastern end of the bed, which was on the western side of the room. She sat very still and did not say anything. I ignored the man, and he stomped out of the room to the northeast, angry with me. I was not quite sure what to do, so i continued packing. I layed the blue suit out on the bed to the southwest of me, trying to figure out how i would put everything in my duffel bag. I put the bag on the northeastern corner of the bed, trying to figure out how to get stuff into it. The bag was dull red, and i packed several things into it. I wanted to get all of my things into the bag so that it was easier to take away with me. I then remembered that i would have to pack my shoes, so i stuffed them into the red bag, along with some other clothing. I felt anxious and tense as i quickly tried to stuff things hurriedly into the bag. I then noticed the red airline blanket on the bed to the west of the bag, so i quickly rolled it up and stuffed it into the bag, which i was now holding in my right hand. I felt confused, not quite sure why i was trying to leave here so quickly. I also did not understand why the people were so angry with me. This situation was very strange, and i did not understand what was happening.

12012 January 16

I was in the white room with the other people in the house, which seemed to be $A235’s house. $A235 was standing to the west of the square dark glass-top dining-room table that was in the center of the room. We had been talking about something, and i felt uncomfortable about it. I looked down at my cell phone, which had a white screen full of text. I could not understand what i was looking at, and i mentioned it to the others in the room. The top line of text was in bold and looked like a headline. All of the characters were from the Latin alphabet, but the character on the right end of the headline looked like a foreign glyph. It was heavier than the rest of the text, and looked like the letter O with a tipped chevron cutting into the upper right side. The chevron was tipped so that it was pointing into the O. The line of the chevron was thinner than the line of the O. I looked up at $A235, curious about the symbol. No one seemed to know what i was referring to, thought. I walked to the west, toward the others, glancing again at the symbol. I noticed a pointed tail or serif on the lower left side of the letter. It was almost like the letter was a backward lowercase A. I tried to figure out the exact shape of the letter, but the chevron, which seemed important to the glyph, distracted me.

I sat in the large theater with $F45. We were sitting in the center of a row near the back of the central collection of chairs. We seemed to be sitting just to the south of an aisle, which crossed through the central section. The stage was to the north, about ten meters below where we were sitting. Everything in the room was dark, and the show had stopped for a moment. $F45 sat with his chin on his right fist, watching the stage. I thought that i was supposed to do a song next. I remembered that i had two songs planned for this performance. One of them seemed to be “We a Bad People”. We sat for a moment, and i wondered if i was supposed to do something with my music. I was aware of the man in the light booth at the back of the theater, which seemed to be only four or five rows behind us. He called to $F45, asking him about the drums. I knew that $F45 was supposed to play drums for my songs, and he stood up and walked down the aisle on the eastern side of the theater, between the central section of the audience and the thinner wing section to the east. A doorway to the east of the stage led to a backstage area, where $F45 would go to get the drums ready for the songs. I now seemed to be sitting on the western side of the central section, looking at the usher, who was standing in the cross aisle to the northeast of me. I noticed suddenly that many of the seats in the audience were now empty. People were getting up for the intermission. I said something to the usher, who seemed to be slightly overweight, with a black scruffy short beard on his round light-skinned face. He stood with his legs apart, staring to the south as a few audience members stood up in front of him and walked down the cross aisle to the west. The usher then looked at me, telling me that i could move down to a seat closer to the stage. The people in the lower part of the audience were clearing out, so the ushers were letting us get closer to the stage before the next part of the show started. I felt good about this and walked down the steps to the lower part of the theater. I came to the flat area right in front of the stage. The floor was brown. I crossed from the east, heading northwest across the open area in front of the stage. As i turned back to the north, i noticed that there were no chairs on the lower part of the audience. People had been sitting on the floor. I did not think that $F45 would like this, but i noticed several chairs on the western side of the audience. They were cushioned with tan leather pads. I walked over to one and sat down, realizing that i was now facing southeast, not directly at the stage. I decided that $F45 would still prefer to be in a comfortable chair near the stage rather than sitting on the floor. I also thought that we would simply be listening to music, so it would not make much of a difference which direction we were facing. I then heard the drums in the distance. $F45 must be practicing in the back room for the songs. I looked to the northeast, at the darkened corridor near the stage. It still seemed to be below the level of where i was sitting. I was now standing near the back of a small section of seats, which seemed to be crammed up against the front of the stage. I thought about the songs that i was supposed to do, and i started to feel nervous. Something seemed wrong, and i wondered if i should really do them. I started to search through my blue backpack, looking for the lyrics to the songs so that i could practice. I could not remember which songs i was doing, but i remembered that one of them was “We a Bad People”. I started to feel very anxious as i pulled some papers out of my bag. The papers were folded into a small square. I started to feel very uncertain about the music and was not sure that i should sing the two songs. $F45 was then standing on the eastern side of the small section of chairs, leaning toward me. He asked me about the songs. I knew that i was supposed to do the two songs, but i told $F45 that i could not find the lyrics. He seemed impatient with me and wanted to know if i was actually going to do them. I could not find the sheet, and i did not want to do the songs anymore.

12012 January 17

I stood in the bedroom of the college dormitory, packing some things into my backpack. I was facing north, putting things into my bag, which as on the surface to the north of me. Windows in the northern wall of the room let in diffuse light from outside. An alarm was ringing in the building, and it seemed to be a fire alarm. People were supposed to be leaving the building, but i did not think that the emergency was word hurrying for, so i wanted to collect my things before i left. As i picked up my bag and headed down the hall to the west, i thought that the alarm had something to do with the earthquake. Others were walking down the hall around me, and i started thinking about things. I suddenly realized that i had not done any work for my class. I was back in the dormitory room, standing to the south of the table. It seemed to be the end of the semester, and i felt that i had not been doing any of the work. I suddenly felt very upset about this, thinking that it would now be obvious that i had not been to classes. I turned to the east to get something, thinking that my parents would see my report card and realized that i had been getting zeros in all of my classes because i had not been attending them. I walked to the bookshelf, which was on the eastern end of the southern wall. I focused on two new books that were on one of the middle shelfs. The paperback books were shades of black, gray, and white on the spine, with large white letters that spelled out the titles A Wrinkle in Time and A Wind in the Door. I bought new copies of these books at the college bookstore. This also upset me, because my parents would also know what i had been buying at the bookstore, and they would want to know why i had not been reading these books for my classes. I was very depressed about this. I finished packing my bag and headed down the hall to the west again. I was upset that i had not been paying attention to my studies, and now it was too late to do anything about it. Several other people in the hallway seemed to be hurrying, but i did not feel as though i was in any hurry. I turned to the north, but then i started to wonder where i should go. I still felt bad because i had not done my college work, and i felt that college was now over, so i had wasted my time here. I came into the cafeteria where the others were sitting. $F4 and $F5 were sitting on the northern side of the white rectangular table. I sat down on the southern side of the table, but felt too upset to stay here. I moved to the east. I could not stop thinking about how i had done nothing while i was here. I was walking down a cement path to the south of the large stone college building. The building seemed to be from the early part of the 11900s, and seemed to be made of cement that was molded to simulate stacks of stone. I started to despair, but i did not quite know what i could do. I stopped at the end of the path, realizing that the building to the east of me blocked the path. The buildings here were connected so that the building to the north joined the building to the east. The building to the east also had a short extension just to the south of where the two buildings met, creating a small area with buildings on three sides. The path ended in this area, at an old metal door with a large glass window to the east. The building to the northeast seemed to be under construction, and did not seem to be there for a moment. A large dirt pit with construction tape seemed to be in its place. I turned back to the west, grabbing the shovel that had been resting against the eastern wall, to the north of the door. I headed back down the path to the west. Just as i cleared the short wing of the building to the south, i turned to the southwest, following the paved path across the quadrangle. Short bushes ran along the western side of the path. I jumped on the flat part of the shovel, sliding over the cement path as i headed to the south, across the quadrangle. I was surprised that the shovel slided so easily over the ground, especially since the hill did not seem that steep. I seemed to be moving fairly fast down the path. I was heading south along the western edge of the path. I wondered for a moment whether i was sliding over the asphalt path or whether i was on the grass to the west of the path. I now seemed to be riding over the wood-chip mulch to the west of the path, so i swerved to the east a little to get back onto the path. I avoided a metal modern bench that was on the side of the path, passing to the east of it. I seemed to be moving very quickly now, even though the hill did not seem that steep. I realized that the main road was to the south of me, and i was approaching it rather quickly. $Z seemed to be near me, and i was saying something to him. I knew that i was leaning back on the shovel in order to slow it down. By leaning back, the metal blade of the shovel would scrape against the ground. It did not seem to be working that well, though, so i jumped off of the shovel and started jogging over the pavement. I was tense for a moment as i decelerated. I stopped on the asphalt sidewalk that ran along the northern side of the road. I spoke to $Z as i walked to the east, now on a sidewalk on the southern side of a road. I stopped after a little while, thinking about sliding some more. I talked with $Z about sliding, saying that we would need a steeper slope. I suddenly realized that we were standing near several small cement structures. One of them stood to the east of me. It was featureless. I also noticed that i was standing on the edge of a drop off. I looked to the north, over the edge of the cement structure. Students were gathered on the green grassy lawn below, lounging in the sun. At the bottom of the tall cement wall that i was on was a pool of water, and several students were swimming in it. I imagined jumping into the water, but then thought that this might be dangerous. I thought that i should enjoy the view from up here, but i felt nervous so close to the edge. I considered that i could have slided the shovel over the edge by accident. I then thought that the water of the fountain might have broken my fall. I headed back up the sidewalk to the west with $Z, talking about the shovel. I said something about sliding the shovel down a hill, but did not see a hill near us. I then looked across the road to the north, noticing a long grassy hill sloping up to the north. Old stone college buildings sat along the top of the hill. I crossed the road, saying that we should slide down the hill. I put the shovel down and started sliding again.

I left the others and came into the room on the second floor of the house. I felt very upset and did not know what to do. I had not been doing something, and now i felt that i had failed because of it. There did not seem to be anything that i could do, and this depressed me. I moved to the window in the southern wall, leaning on the counter with my arms wide as i glanced out. A sink was in the center of the counter, right in front of me. I could not stop feeling despair and hopelessness. $F10 came into the room behind me, from the door in the northern wall. He said something to me, and i responded, but i continued staring out the window into the twilight. I could see an array of planters or pots on the ground to the southwest. They seemed to be part of a garden, but i could not quite make out what they were. The ground was divided into grids that seemed to be bordered with white. The feeling of hopelessness and anxiety came over me again. I had failed, and i did not know what to do now.

12012 January 18

I was sitting on the eastern side of the round table, just in side the large glass window of the restaurant. The window was to the west of me, and i was sitting with my parents. I had noticed the people moving around in the parking lot outside the window, but had not payed much attention to them. A man had come from the north, wearing a dull-white sweater. He stopped on the sidewalk directly in front of the window, turning to the west to talk to the others that were in the parking lot. He seemed anxious about something as he talked to them for a moment, but i did not pay much attention to him. My mother was sitting on the southern side of the table with me, and my father seemed to be to the north. As i continued eating, my mother pointed out that the person who had stopped in front of the window was actually $A626. I looked up, trying to see where the man went. I had noticed that he had walked to the southwest, between two cars, but was not aware of where he went after that. I noticed two or three women standing to the west of the cars that were directly to the west of us. The cars were parked facing the restaurant, and the women were talking to each other behind them. One of the women was wearing a black padded parka with fake fur around the edges of the hood. I then noticed the man standing to the south of them, facing west. He was wearing a dull-white knit sweater, and i knew that it must be the same man that i had seen before. I could not quite tell whether it was $A626 or not, though. He had short blond hair on his head, and it was cut very short, very much like $A626. As he spoke to someone else, though, he turned a little to the north, and i realized that it was him. I was standing now, and i turned back to the north to say something to my parents about $A626. We seemed to be at our house, standing to the south of the dark small building. I turned back to the south to see $A626 working in the small grassy yard on the other side of the short bare-wood picket fence. The grass was dry and worn, and $A626 seemed to be nervous or anxious about what he was doing. A rusty flat-bed trailer with its front to the east stood just to the south of $A626, and $A626 was putting things into it. I walked to the west a little, across the wooden deck that was on the southern side of the house. My father was coming from the north, and i commented to him about the situation. I then thought that i should help $A626 load the things onto the trailer.

12012 January 19

People were talking about the wrestler who had committed suicide. I felt bad about the incident, and i wandered around the small room on the northern side of the cement building. The rooms seemed bare, with cold damp cement walls. I felt bad about the wrestler, and wanted to do something. I turned to the west, looking up the cement ramp on the southern side of the area. I seemed to be outside the large cement building now, to the east of it, yet still covered by the roof overhang. The small room to the north was now part of the entry cove that i was standing in. I started to the west, up the ramp, which was the way to get into the building. It seemed that there might be stairs no the north of the ramp, but i was walking up the long ramp. A woman stood on the ramp ahead of me. She seemed uncertain about where she was going. She was wearing a long tan coat and had short puffy black hair. I was carrying a few things that seemed long and thin in my right hand as i headed up the ramp. The woman stopped at the top of the ramp, standing in front of the entry door to the building. She seemed confused, and i realized that the door must be locked. It seemed to be a weekend, and i realized that the door of the college athletic building might be locked. I asked her about it, but she did not respond. She backed away to the east, confused, so i tried pushing on the metal handle on the right side of the door. The handle turned down and the door opened. The woman must not have tried to open the door. I walked into the building and started down the corridor. This place seemed like the field house of $P7 for a moment, and i thought that the wrestling room was on the northern side of the building, to the northwest of me. I started heading to the north, but then i heard the sound of wrestling to the west of me. I could see a large open room to the west, through a doorway, so i headed toward it. The building now seemed like $P172, and the room seemed to be the hockey arena. As i entered, i noticed that the floor descended in wide steps to the west. The steps seemed to descend for quite a way, and people in red jackets were sitting on the steeps, watching a wrestling match on the floor below, to the west. The people on the cement bleachers were the wrestling team, and they must have been watching an exhibition match to the west. I had my camera with me, and considered taking pictures of the match for a moment, but then thought that i probably should not. I was too far away, and i did not feel comfortable heading through the team to find a closer seat. I then noticed an opening in the northern wall of the room, which looked down over a much larger space to the north. I walked to the northern end of the step that i was on, passing behind a row of men sitting, watching the match to the west. I stopped at the cement doorway. I could see down into the large gymnasium, where a dark-green rubber track seemed to run around the floor. People were gathered here for some sports practice, though i could not tell exactly what it was. Several of them were wearing white sweat pants and matching jackets. The stairs ended at the opening where i was standing, and the floor to the north was five or six meters below me. I held on to the eastern side of the opening as i looked around, aware that some of the wrestlers on the cement bleachers were watching me. I was nervous standing on the edge, and i did not feel comfortable sitting with the wrestling team, so i moved to the south, across the bleachers and into a darkened corridor that led west. I could see light from another room at the western end of the corridor, on the northern wall of the corridor. As i approached the room, i could see that it opened up on the southern side of the corridor. The empty room had plain rough cement walls, and a black curtain hung over an opening across the northwestern corner of the room. The eastern part of the curtain was open slightly, letting in some light from the room to the north. I felt uncertain as i looked around the empty room. I was not sure where to go, and i started thinking about the wrestler that had committed suicide. I then realized that i could hear noises from the wrestling match. The red mats of the match were just to the north of me, on the other side of the curtain. The corridor i had walked down must have sloped down and ended at the same level as the mats where the wrestlers were competing. I moved close to the curtains and tried to peek out, but i could not clearly see anything. I also felt a little uncomfortable watching the match from here, thinking that the wrestlers might think that i was strange for trying to get so close. I turned to the southeast, thinking about the wrestler that was in the news. The news had mentioned the dead wrestler, but it also mentioned $A600. I thought that $A600 was a friendly man, and i felt interested in meeting him. I then thought about the suicidal wrestler. I wandered around the room in a big arc, ending up heading to the north, where benches ran along the northern wall of the room. As i walked to them and sat down, the benches were actually black plastic seats that formed three or four elevated rows. I sat in the front row, in the second or third chair from the western end. $A117 sat is the chair just to the east of me, and someone was sitting just to the east of him. A person in the row just behind us asked about the suicide. I felt uncomfortable. $A117 stood up and turned to talk to the man, explaining to him what had happened. I listened to the details, but felt very uncomfortable. I glanced at $A117 every once and a while, but tried to stay staring to the south. I felt upset as $A117 told the story, but i wanted to hear the details. I felt that i had some kind of relation with this event, but i knew that i really did not. I just wanted to be closer to the wrestling team because i liked the sport, but i really did not know the wrestlers that well, nor had any personal connection to the wrestler who killed himself. As i glanced at $A117 again, i noticed that he had stopped talking, and was covering his face with his right hand. He could not continue with the story because he was too upset. I felt bad for him, but did not feel comfortable saying anything. $A117 then turned to the east and walked away. He seemed to be crying a little. He turned to the north at the end of the seats and walked into the next room. I wandered to the southeast, thinking about the situation. I wanted to relate to these events, but i knew that i did not. I came into a small square room from the wide opening in the western end of the northern wall. Red padding covered the southern wall of the room, and a large red mat covered the floor. The mat on the floor was white near the edges. A young man was pacing around in a circle on the eastern side of the room. He seemed tense, and he was wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and matching sweat pants. He seemed to have several layers of clothing on his upper body. He had a narrow face with short black hair. I realized that he was the wrestler who had killed himself. I felt sympathy for him, but then thought that he was not really that attractive. His image was not as clean as the other wrestlers, and i knew that he was not really a good wrestler, but he always tried to be. He practiced very hard with the others, but was still not that good. I pondered him as i moved around the room. There was something very interesting about him, and i felt very bad that he had killed himself and that i did not really know him.

12012 January 20

I said something to the others as we walked to the east, down the northern shoulder of the paved road. The others were part of $G4, and we were watching the people in the race. Several of the people with me were going to do the long run, and we were on our way to the starting line. The runners who were already in the race were jogging along the northern side of the road, heading to the west. I watched several of them as they passed. I then noticed a police officer in a dark blue uniform walking to the west near the runners. He was wearing a helmet with a plastic face mask. I commented to the others on the trail that the runners were running, and then mentioned the police officers who were on the side of the road. As we passed one of the officers, i felt as though i wanted to do the run with everyone else. I enjoyed running and wanted to do a long event again. $A594 was walking to the north of me, and i told these things to him. He seemed to be one of the people who would be doing the race. I talked about the run as we walked into the small room of the house, to the east. I was worried that if i ran on the trail i would make my injuries more severe. Several of the others were now asleep in the room to the east. I had been sleeping on the sofa, which was against the northern wall. I felt indecisive, wondering whether i should run in the race or not. I was moving with the others again, heading down the road to the south, toward the beginning of the race. We seemed to be driving in an SUV. Trees were close to the road on both sides, and the old road seemed rather narrow. We had turned off of the main road. We slowed down, not quite sure where the beginning of the race was. No people were wandering around outside, and i felt that the race would not start until tomorrow morning. I pointed out the clearing on the western side of the road, where many campers and vans were parked. They filled a large grassy lot that was spotted here and there with trees and bushes. As we passed, someone said that people must have been camping there. I knew that we had a room that we would be staying in, but we still had to get there. We moved to the west, and i looked at the trailers on the southern side of the road. We were walking now across the large gravel lot. The trailers looked like team trailers. They were large boxy metal compartments with few details on the outside. The sides were painted dark, but the tops and corners were left metal. As we passed to the south of a row of trailers, which all looked shiny and new, and which all looked the same design, i noticed that the back doors of the trailers had a brown plaque in the center. As we passed close to one, i read the name, realizing that the trailers had come from Cornell University. I mentioned this to the other people. I then stopped, realizing that the others with me were heading south, across the street. We were now on the northern side of the grassy area, which seemed like the edge of $P63. I walked to the east of a thick old tree and stopped on the sidewalk, just to the south of the road. An intersection seemed to be just to the west of where i was, but the others were heading to the north, across the street. I started to jog with them, because they were running the trail from $G4, but the arch of my foot started to hurt. I did not expect this injury, and was disappointed that my foot actually hurt. $A82 ran past me on the west and stopped at the road. He jogged in place for a moment, looking around, and then started to the west. The others had crossed the road and were jogging down the dirt trail into the leafless woods beyond. The trail had been set to the west, so $A82, who had set the trail, was turning to the west to follow the others. He only took a few steps, though, before he realized that the others were not jogging ahead of him. He stopped, looked confused, and turned around to search for the rest of the runners. I knew that $G4 had set a trail here yesterday, and that the trail then had a long false trail through the woods to the north. The runners had run the trail yesterday, and were now running it again because the old marks were still on the ground. I told $A82 that the others had followed the old trail to the north. He turned to the north just as i could see some of the runners coming back through the brown dry leafs of the trees. I crossed the street to where the marks were as the runners reached the street and turned to the west. $A82 started to the west, with them. I noticed several other people who had been walking to the east on the northern sidewalk of the street. They stopped uncertainly as the runners came out of the trees in front of them and turned to the west. I recognized one of the men to the east of me. He seemed like $A37. He and the other man seemed to be part of a fraternity. I knew them, and wondered if they would be interested in the runners. I wanted them to know that i was with the running group, and i wanted to chat with them. I chatted with them for a moment, but they seemed uncertain about associating with the runners. We walked to across the intersection to the west, down the street with the buildings on both sides. The runners had turned to the south and headed into a bar. It must be a stop on the trail. I followed them across the street. The two men from the fraternity turned with me, and i realized that they were having some kind of function in the bar as well. A curtain hung over the opening of the small restaurant, which seemed to be a pizza restaurant. One of $G4 pulled open the eastern side of the curtain to let us enter, and i walked through. I wondered if we were intruding on the fraternity’s private party. As i looked around the restaurant, someone mentioned the private party, saying that only people from Cornell were allowed. I looked at the metal and glass warming counters along the southern wall, and over the dark small round tables around the room. I could not see where the other runners were gathered right off, but they seemed to be to the southwest of me. A started chatting to another $G4, who was standing to the southeast of me. He was wearing a brown and orange plaid jacket, like the one that i was wearing. The two people from the fraternity had stopped just inside the doorway, but i knew that they were meeting the rest of their group here as well. I realized that we were stopping here for more than just beer. It seemed that $G4 would also be getting pizza.

12012 January 21

I stepped through the tall grass on the southern side of the bridge. I had been jogging down the road to the east, and i had come to the old bridge, which i had crossed several times before, and i was trying to cross it again. The bridge was blocked off by a short wooden barrier, just before the main deck. I stopped at the old barrier, thinking that i should simply hop over it. I felt unsure about doing this, though. I backed to the west, noticed that tall green reeds had grown through the wooden deck to the west of the barrier. I had walked down the worn path through the reeds, which ran along the metal southern rail of the old girder bridge. I walked back to the barrier, which seemed taller than it had in the past. The authorities did not want people walking across the bridge anymore, but i still felt that i could cross the bridge. I hesitated near the barrier, not quite sure what i should do. I was then aware of two people to the south of me, across the creek, which flowed east to west. One of the people seemed to be a police officer. I was nervous about crossing the barrier, but i moved past it anyway. I crossed the open wooden deck of the small one-lane bridge. A similar metal and wood barrier blocked the eastern side of the main deck. As i approached it, i felt unsure whether the bridge beyond the barrier was complete. The deck seemed to be missing on the eastern entry to the bridge. I thought that i could cross on the wood anyway, but was unsure. For a moment, i contemplated what i should do. I then turned back to the west and ran toward the barrier. I hit it as i came to it, breaking the wood on the southern side. I was breaking open the barrier, thinking that it should not be there anyway. I felt angry and did not care if i was destructive.

12012 January 22

I followed the other person to the southwest, across the open grassy area of the island. This was a scene from Lost, and we were just entering the housing community on the island. The houses to the southeast of us looked modern, and i commented on this to the other person. The houses were small and brown, and they were spaced out across low hill to the southeast. I had been thinking about the plot of Lost, and something seemed special about this place. I turned to the south, realizing that i was entering a grassy quadrangle between various buildings. A large building sat on the southern side of the quadrangle, and it appeared to have just been built. It was dark brown, and seemed mostly open to the outside. The bottom floor was one large room, with a darkly stained wall of horizontal boards to the south and a polished wood floor. Something seemed very elegant in the sparse room, and i said something to the other person, who seemed like $F10, that it seemed to be a meditation room. I imagined going there to practice breathing for a while. Something seemed special about it as i approached, and i was fascinated with it. Few furnishings seemed to be in the room. A large pillow or cushioned area was on the western side, and a few white details were on the southern wall.

12012 January 23

I walked to the north with $F10, heading through the building. It was dark now, and the corridor we were following actually seemed to be an alley. We had come from an open area to the south, which widened from the eastern side of the alley, and were now heading to the street to the north. We walked along the wall on the western side of the alley. The walls and street seemed damp. We slowed near the end of the alley, noticing the lighted doorway to the east, which seemed to lead into a pub. We crossed the alley and walked to the east, through the glass door and into the building. The place inside seemed like a pub, but i thought that it was actually a diner. A man sat at a bar that was set into the northern wall of the room. He turned to stare at us as we came into the room, making me feel a little uncomfortable. I moved through the room, finding it hard to squeeze through the space. A large pool table was in the center of the room, and i walked along the northern side of it, between the table and the bar. $F10 walked to the south of the table. The room felt crowded as we moved through it, but we eventually came to the more open room to the east. This room seemed to be a bookstore. $F10 asked the man there for something. I looked at the man to the south of me. He nodded his head, understanding what $F10 was talking about. The man said that tipping the head back was related to playing the game. I thought about someone facing west, holding a game controller in their hands and tipping their head back as they pulled back on the joystick button on the controller. $F10 talked about having the button replaced. He was now standing to the northwest of me. I stood just to the east of a wooden bookcase, glancing to the northwest as the salesman came out of the back room from the northwest. He walked to east along the northern side of a wooden table full of books and then turned to the south, ending up to the east of $F10. He was carrying a gray box in his hands, and the box seemed to have a wide rounded dull-red button on top. He said that the button was free every other replacement. This surprised $F10. I listened to them as i glanced at the things on the top of the bookshelfs. I noticed the neck of a string instrument, like a mandolin or ukulele, sitting on the northern end of the top shelf. I was interested in it and tried to take a closer look. $F10 then asked the man how much it would cost to have the button replaced normally. The man told him that it would be a thousand dollars. This surprised me, and i why a button would cost so much. I continued to look at the things on the shelfs.

12012 January 24

I rode my bicycle to the east, down the street in the suburban neighborhood. I was leaving this place to get to somewhere specific, and i wanted to make a stop before i left. I turned the car to the south, down the short street. There were four or five houses on either side of the street before the road ended in a grassy lot. I had to get something from one of the house on the western side of the street. I then suddenly wondered what i was doing here. I remembered that $A419’s house was the last house on the western side of the street. I drove toward it, slowing down as i turned my car to the west, starting into the driveway on the northern side of $A419’s house. I felt nervous about being here and suddenly decided that i should not stop in to say hello. I looked at the small white house. It had vertical wooden boards on the bottom floor, and a small stone stoop in the center of the house. A garage stood on the northern side of the house, at the end of the short driveway, and a large kitchen window was in the southern side of the eastern wall. I focused on the kitchen window, noticing that the white plain curtains were drawn and a yellow incandescent light was glowing from inside. I hoped that $A419 did not see my car here. I did not want to talk to him right now, and i did not want to have to explain why i was here. I quickly turned my car around and started back up the street to the north. I actually intended to stop at the house just to the north of $A419’s house. This house belonged to $A613. I had to stop over to pick up some dumbbell weights. I realized that $A419 had no idea that he lived right next to $A613. It seemed like an awkward situation. A large arched multipane window was on the front of $A613’s house, but it was darkened, and no one seemed home. I knew that $A613 must be inside, and i started to hope that he did not see me either. I pulled into the curb, just to the south of a white car that was parked in the driveway of $A613’s house. I glanced into the small dull-white car, noticing that the dumbbells in the back were probably the ones that i was here to pick up. I suddenly realized that i did not need them. I was on my way to the gym, so i would not actually need to get the weights from $A613. I felt very nervous here, and i wondered what i should do. I decided that i should leave here. I headed north again and then turned back to the west. I crossed the darkened rooms of the house. I had just woken up, and i felt confused. I had heard something in the house, and i was wandering around trying to figure out what it was. I paused in the middle of the room, hearing voices around me. I realized that someone must be at the door to the northeast. I turned and looked across the empty rooms of the house. The plaster walls seemed to be painted creamy blue, and the wood trim along the floor and around the doorways was darkly stained. I started to move back to the east, trying to figure out who had come into the house. I felt a little worried, thinking that someone had been at the door and had now entered. I wandered through the dark room to the east. I then heard the dog barking with someone, but i could not see anyone in the rooms. Something seemed very strange. I turned back to the west and crossed the twilight-illuminated room, coming to the lighted room on the southwestern side of the house. $F1 was in the room with another woman. I suddenly realized that it was her birthday. It was a Monday, so it must be her birthday. I had started talking to her, but i mentioned her birthday anyway and wished her well. She smiled for a moment, but then turned her attention back to the other woman, who was to the west of her. I stood for a moment, feeling awkward. Something seemed out of place here, but i was not quite sure what.

12012 January 25

The other person was driving the car to the north, heading toward $P110. I was sitting in the passenger’s seat, and i looked at the red dial of the speedometer. The person was accelerating, and was already going over the speed limit. The person seemed like $F63, and i warned him that he might get a ticket if he speeded too fast in this area. I then remembered that he had a trooper card that would allow him to speed and not get fined when he was stopped. I looked at the dark road ahead. We were approaching the tavern on the eastern side of the road, and i told $F63 that a police car might be ahead. I knew that they would be watching the cars with radar either near the tavern or near $P110. We passed the tavern, and did not see any police cars. As we continued down the road, we approached a rise, preventing us from seeing all the way to the intersection ahead. I imagined a police car sitting on the eastern side of the road, facing south, just to the southeast of the corners. $F63 now seemed to be driving slower, but i still wondered if the police car was there. As we came over the rise, i tried to see through the dark to see if a car was there.

12012 January 26

I continued cleaning up things because i had to get ready to leave. I headed to the east, into the house. $F10 and his parents were in the room. I entered the rectangular living room from the doorway in the northern end of the western wall, and i turned to the southeast. $F10’s mother was standing on the eastern side of the room. Couches seemed to be arranged on the eastern side of the room so that they formed a C shape, facing west. $F10’s mother stood in the gap between the eastern and southern couches. I talked to $F10, feeling anxious about packing. I then suddenly remembered that i had left something in the classroom to the west. I felt annoyed with myself for forgetting, and i did not want to have to go back to the classroom right now. I told $F10 that i had left my things in the classroom, and i said that i would have to grab them before i left. I started feeling worried about getting my things together. I was then sitting in the back of the van, facing north. $A594 was sitting to the west of me in the back seat, and i talked to him about getting my things together. The van seemed to be heading to the north. A woman in the seat behind us then asked me about Alabama, asking me what it was like when i was there. I told her that i had never been to Alabama, though i admitted that i had driven through it. I then wondered if i had told the woman that i had been to Alabama before. I felt nervous that i had. I told the woman that she might be thinking of Arizona. I said that i had been there to see the Grand Canyon. I then said that i liked the state of Arizona. I remembered being in the state, and i remembered the tall forests in the northeastern part of the state. I said that i liked the state from the tall forests in the east to the Grand Canyon in the west. I still felt worried that i had said something incorrectly before about where i had been.

12012 January 29

I ran across the tan area of dry grass. I had been with $G4, but they were standing behind me at the moment. I seemed to be headed east, and it seemed awkward to be running again. I did not think that i could do it as easily as i had been doing it. I thought about my stride and hoped that i did not strain any of my joints again. I then shifted my weight and started running with my weight forward. With my legs, i push out behind me and to the sides. I suddenly started to feel better as i ran, and i wondered if this running style would be better for me. I then realized that i was turning my toes out as i stepped onto the ground. This did not seem like a good idea. I slowed, running to the west now across the area. Several people from $G4 were still behind me, to the east, but i felt that they would start running and catch up to me. I was going slowly. I could not keep up with them anymore, and i felt bad about it. The area around me was now very narrow. The land to the north and south sloped up steeply on either side, and seemed to be covered with dull gray scrub brush. I thought that $F58 would be coming up from behind me now. I knew that she could easily catch me, and i did not want her to think that i was actually this slow. I slowed down more, so that it would be obvious that i was not trying to run at a good pace. I did not want to speed up because i was worried about injuring myself. I said something about running slowly. I then heard voiced from the north of me, somewhere up in the scrub above me. The others must have been running on the upper trail. I mentioned them to $F58, who seemed to be closer to me now.

I moved through the room on the western side of the building. Something started happening, and we had to be cautious. A red light appeared to the south of us. It hovered in a short column on the southern side of the room. It looked like a collection of glowing red rods moving up and down. White sparkling lights appeared on the tops and sides of the rods. I knew that the red area was dangerous to anyone caught within it, but i also felt relieved that we were safe here. We knew how to get out of the way of the red area. The man was to the south of me as the red area disappeared. He moved quickly to the east, heading to the stairwell on the eastern wall. As he reached the stairwell, though, a patch of glowing red lights appeared in the center of the square stairwell. The man had jumped into the center of the well. He was Spider-Man, and i felt suddenly surprised and upset that he had been caught in the red area. He disappeared from sight, and i thought that he must have fallen down the center of the stairwell. I rushed to the stairwell and looked down. I was then in the white metal compartment, which seemed like a service elevator. I was the man who had been hit by the red lights, and i was now in the elevator cart at the bottom of the stairwell. I was facing south, and the white booth seemed to be on the southern side of a room. I realized that the lights would make me feel angry, and i started hitting the wall to the south of me. I had to let out my anger by hitting things so that i did not die like the others. This was important. I had found a way to save myself from the effects of the red lights. I thought about this as i turned to the west and walked across the grass. I was on the northern side of a road in a residential neighborhood. $A595 was standing to the west of me, and i said something to her. It was good to see her, but i had to get somewhere. It seemed that i had given her something. She moved to the north a little to grab the manual rotary mower from the center of the grass. She had been mowing the lawn or doing some gardening to the south. I felt a little uncomfortable knowing that i had interrupted her. She moved off to the north. I still wanted to talk to $A595, but i did not feel comfortable doing so. A modern house was to the north of us. A stone retaining wall ran just to the north of me, and a garden or grassy lawn ran from the top of the wall, which was more than a meter tall, ran to the dark single-story house. $A595 walked along the western side of the house, where i saw $A605 standing. I wanted to say hello to him, but i felt uncomfortable here. I tried not to pay attention to them, but i glanced back at them to see that they were now hugging and kissing each other. They sank to the ground and $A605 lifted his legs and wrapped them around $A595. He was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, and i thought that his legs were nicely muscled. I tried to ignore them, so i turned to the southeast and started walking back toward the main road. The main road came from the east and turned to the south. It seemed to make a loop on the western end, turning back to the east only about fifty meters south of where the first turn was. The area to the west of the road was grassy, with a raised mound in the center. I crossed over the eastern part of the mound as i headed back toward the road. I felt disappointed that i had to leave $A595 and $A605.

I was in the small rectangular room on the western side of the house. I had been talking to $F13, who stood to the northwest of me. The room seemed pale, and the couch along the northern wall had a metal frame, like a porch couch. I looked at $F13 as we talked, and i noticed that his face looked much older. I said something to him, but turned back to the east. I had to get something so that i could go. I turned the car to the south and started driving down the western side of the parking lot. A large building ran along the southern side of the lot. It seemed like a mall, and it was surfaced with tan stucco. I noticed that the cars parked on the western side of the lot were flat, with dull-green colorings. They seemed like military vehicles. I felt a little nervous about them as i continued to the south. A few cars were parked in the westernmost row, facing west. The northernmost car was facing east, though, and, as i started driving past it, i noticed that a man was sitting in the driver’s seat. He had curly dark hair and wore a pair of glasses. I felt nervous about him as i drove past. As i reached the southern end of the lot and started turning to the east, i noticed several more cars, which looked like small long humvees, parked at an angle against the wall of the mall. They slanted to the northwest from the wall. I also noticed that several of the vehicles had men sitting in them. To my surprise, all of the men looked the same. I realized that they were not real people. They must be automated drivers in the vehicles, and i started to feel unsafe here. I drove to the east, along the mall. I noticed a strangely shaped woman walked to the west on the southern side of the driving lane. She had a normal-size head, but her body was tiny. She was one of the drivers of the cars. I felt very nervous about these robots, and realized that many of them were wandering around this area. I spotted one to the southeast of me. It was facing south, talking to someone else. This robot was nothing more than the head and shoulders of an old woman, with curly gray hair. Tiny legs supported the shoulders. I was very nervous about them and tried to avoid looking at them as i passed. I worried that they might notice me and try to stop me.

I was in the small rectangular room on the northwestern side of the house. I was talking to someone, and then i moved to the north, into the smaller room. $A598 was sitting on the small bed that was against the northern wall. He pushed me down so that i was lying on my back, with my feet facing to the north. I was talking to him about something, but i started to feel a little annoyed that he was pushing against me. I then realized that he was fooling around. I started to sit up, but he pushed me back down. I was amused by this and started to struggle against him.

The other person commented to me as we continued down the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. The area around us was open, but buildings were on the sides of the street, like on the outskirts of a small city. The person pointed out the building to the southeast of us, which was set back from the road a ways. It was a tall gray building, and it looked old and run down. The man said something about the building, and i commented on it. We passed two men, who were walking down the street to the west. As they passed, i glanced at one of the men. He was an older man, with wavy black hair and a blue windbreaker. After we passed him, he said something to us angrily. I looked back over my right shoulder, unsure about what he was saying. He scowled at me, seeming ready for a confrontation. I asked him what he had said, but realized that he was probably just trying to start a fight, so i turned back to the east and walked away. After a moment, i glanced back at the man to make sure that he was not following us. He was wearing a teal shirt, which now seemed to be pulled up in the center of his back. A dark scab or hole was in the center of his back, and the shirt seemed to be caught on the top of it. His waist was rounded below the bottom of the shirt. I ignored him and moved on, talking to the other about the building. The person pointed out the rounded structures on the front of the building. They looked like silos that had been constructed out of cement into the front wall of the building, but they were conical, with pointed tops. The tops were not there, however, since they would have extended above the roof line of the lower part of the building. A taller part of the building was set back from the main northern wall. I talked about the rounded sections, noting the dark scraggly features that covered the rounded cement forms. I said that the structures were fake pine trees. As i looked at one, i noticed that the open top edge of the partial cone was cracked and crumbling. The building was old and abandoned. I said that the fake structures were probably hiding something on the upper levels. We had walked past the building now, and we were looking back to the southwest at it. I pointed out the tall pine trees that were planted at the top of the lower roof, blending in with the wide cement cone bases below them. The building now had a tall cement tower extending from the central section of the roof, looking like a tall federal building from the early art-deco era. The front of the building had recessed vertical areas where the windows ran down the face. Two tall pine trees were planted on the lower roof, and they extended most of the way up the building. I realized that they must have been quite small when the building was designed. They were now getting old, and the upper branches had turned gray and were dying. I told the other person that the pine trees and the building were nicely designed, but that the structure was now ruined with age and neglect.

12012 January 31

It had to do with repeating circumstances. There was some significance to this, and i tried to keep this concept in mind. Time was repeating itself over and over again. I felt excited to be a part of it, and i tried to focus on what was happening as i headed down the hall to the north. Many people moved through the building, and i was having fun being here. The hallway ended in a T just to the north of me, but i turned to the east just before. An opening in the eastern wall allowed me to see the entryway of the building, which seemed to be a parallel hall to the one i was in. I could see myself and another young man standing in the other hall, just to the south of the thick white plaster column at the end of both halls. The opening between the two halls ran from the ceiling to the top of a short wall, which was about a meter and a half tall. My parents were standing to the east of my other self, listening to my other self and the other man talking. My other self was much younger, and i thought that he was in high school. My father noticed me suddenly and looked up at me as i stopped in the middle of the opening. He seemed suddenly concerned. I felt uncomfortable, and decided that this situation was not quite correct. I backed to the north, blocking my view of the others behind the thick white column. I would have to do this in a different way so that my father would not recognize that i was an older version of the man he was talking to. I slowly sneaked back to the south, moving into view of the others. My parents were now standing a little to the north. My other self turned suddenly, realizing that we were there. He seemed surprised to see me. This was a better situation, but i still felt uneasy with it. My other self stared for a moment in surprise, but then started to the north to round the column. I said something to $Z, who was with me, and started backing down the corridor to the south. I could not let my other self catch me. I had to act as though this was all a terrible mistake, pretending that this distortion of time was unintentional.

I stood with the group of young people in the dark area. I was a woman, and i stood to the northwest of the others in the narrow hallway. The hallway seemed to run east-northeast to west-southwest. The man demanded that i do something, but i did not feel like it. He was lying on his back on the ledge, which was set into the southern wall. His head was coming out of the wall, and his feet were facing into the wall. His right knee was up, and i could tell that he was wearing black leather pants, which matched his dark jacket. Someone else sat near him, and both seemed to be shades of black and sepia. The man seemed demanding, but i did not do what he requested. Instead, i caressed the right side of his bald head, and then bent over, rubbing my cheek against his cheek and neck. It felt erotic, and it seemed to please him, but it was not what he wanted. I was then aware of someone to the northeast. I felt cautious, and i backed away from the man, telling him that someone was coming. The corridor was a darkened street now, and another gang was coming from the east-northeast. I would help defeat them, but i had to hide so that they did not know i was here. I ran to the southwest, rounding the building as the gang came into sight from the narrow alley to the northwest. I ran to the south, flying into the air. I rounded the southern side of the building and started to fly upward. I would fly over the roof and defend the people below from the approaching gang. I knew that i had special powers to do this. I was still a woman as i hovered over the building for a moment, wondering what i should do. I then wondered whether the other gang would be watching for me. If they knew i was coming, they could see me fly over the top of the building. I thought that i would have to use the special goggles with the narrow red opening across the front to scan the area for the other gang. I could see whether they had spotters on the roofs before i attacked. I swerved to the west, moving quickly down the street to the west. I turned quickly around a road sign and headed back to the east, ready to attack. I felt daring, and i wanted to act out the superhero plot.