12014 January 01

The bus drove across the lawn to the south of the house, turning to the south. It then started backing up to the north. I was on the large bus, which seemed like a yellow school bus. I was riding on the bus with a number of people who seemed to be related to $G3. I felt excited to be here. We were heading to the house to the north, which seemed to be $P19. We had come here for an event, and the others on the bus with me seemed to be alumni of $G3. I knew several of them, and it felt good to be with them. I headed to the north, crossing through the downstairs room of the house. It felt good to be in this place.

12014 January 06

I was in the dining room or kitchen of my grandmother’s house, facing north. My mother was sitting on the eastern side of a long table on the northern side of the room. She had said something, but i was paying attention to the sound on the radio. A voice was talking on the radio, and it seemed to be part of a song. I was having fun listening to it. The music seemed to have changed, though. It was not as resonant as it had been. I asked “Whatever happened to the reverb on the radio?” I thought about the sound, thinking that the reverb in the music had something to do with strong emotion in the music. I missed the old music, but thought about the sound, thinking that I could create something that had a similar feel to it. I started singing the next lyric to the song, but realized that i was not singing the correct one. I thought about this some more. I then ran down the basement steps, heading south. I turned to the northwest in the basement and ran diagonally across the room. I stopped in the small storage room in the northwestern side of the basement. I looked at the wooden shelfs that were against the western wall of the basement. I seemed to be looking for something, but i was not sure what. I wanted something good. I then noticed a large magazine, which looked like a comic book. It was blue with cartoon figures on the cover. I felt excited, thinking that it was some kind of children’s book. I looked down at the gray plastic serving cart to the south of me where the book was laying on a short stack other magazines. I was disappointed to realize that the magazine was really a coupon book. The cartoon figures on the cover were really cereal characters. The main one seemed to be Tony the Tiger. I was then walking back up the basement stairs. I was again singing the song from the radio. I was trying to remember the melody, thinking that i could use it in a song later. A television was mounted on the western wall of the room, in the northern end of the room. My mother was still sitting at the table, facing the television. I could hear the sound of the television as i came into the southern end of the room from the cellar stairway, which came into the eastern end of the southern wall. My mother looked at the television and asked where the controller was. She wanted to change the channel. I told her that i did not know. $K4 then answered a question about something. He seemed to be standing in the doorway to the lining room, in the center of the western wall, to the south of the television. I suddenly felt that my mother was accusing me of having the television controller. I felt annoyed and uneasy.

12014 January 07

I was heading to the south, across the parking lot toward the mall. I was with my relatives. $K3 and $K4 were with us, and several other relatives. I felt agitated and wanted to do something. I knew that i would be able to leave my relatives and go do something by myself for a while. My mother told me that we would have to meet up at a specific time. She said something was happening then. She became very strict, trying to make sure that i confirmed the time with her. I felt impartial and did not want to bother with the exact time schedule she was creating. She said something about meeting after the hour. I replied to her, but still did not pay much attention. I was with a young woman in the toy store. The aisles ran north to south, and we were standing just to the north of a crossing aisle. I pointed out the table in the aisle to the north of us. It had a small tank of water on it. The tank looked like a large goldfish tank. Playing cards were submerged in the bowl. I thought that they were actually magic cards and that the water was part of some trick. I pointed it out to my friend. I walked to the west a little, grabbing the packages of tarot cards from the edge of the table. I looked at the designs on the front of them. I did not like the design of the first set of cards, so i put it back on the table. I thought that it was a fairly cheap deck design. I looked at the second deck, noticing Gollum on the cover. I thought that the deck might be designed around a Lord of the Rings theme, but it seemed more generic. I looked at the card in my hand. It had a skull-like thing in the center of it, but it was decorated with six long objects. I thought that it was the six of wands. I showed it to $F43, who was now standing to the west of me. She thought that it was always coming up in the deck, and smiled to say “Figures.” The girl whom i had been with now walked down the hall to the west. I thought that it might be time to go, and someone talked about the show. I did not want to go, and i knew that the girl could not go without me. I was supposed to be watching her. She stood by the gate of the dog pen on the northern side of the hallway. The pen was part of the show. It seemed that the show would display trained dogs. I told the girl that we were not going to the show, and i started to feel impatient. She would not leave the doorway and wanted to go into the show. I felt frustrated with her and headed to the east to leave this place. I knew that the girl would not be able to pay for the show by herself, so she would have to come back with money. The hallway to the west now seemed to lead to a show in Las Vegas. I was upset with the girl, and i thought that $K3 would have to come back with us to pay for the girl’s ticket.

12014 January 09

I was in the back seat of the car as my mother drove to the northwest. We were heading to $P6. I had to get ready while she drove, so i put on my running shoes. I wanted to go for a run before i had to be to school. I thought about running to $P6 from here, but it seemed like a long way. I thought that i could tell my mother that i would run to school from here and meet her there. I then thought that it would not be a good idea. It would take me a long time to get to the school from here, and i had to be in by a certain time. I tried putting on my other shoe, but i did not have a lot of room, so i hopped into the open truck of the hatchback car. I wondered how i could actually do a run if we were already running late. I felt frustrated and did not know what i should do. We were heading to $P7 now. I looked down at the shoe that i was putting on, and i noticed some tacks on the floor of the truck. I started picking them up and putting them together. They must have fallen out of my shoes. I should not leave them in the truck for my mother. I wanted to explain this to someone, and i pretended that i was describing it to someone. We then drove to the west, coming to the front of the $P7. The other students were getting off of the bus that we were riding on. I noticed that they were all wearing gray school uniforms. I was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that i did not fit in here. I was here to be a student, but i was much older than the other students. They would think of me as a teacher rather than as a peer. I felt nervous as i stepped off of the bus. My mother was on the ground outside, and i said something to her about breakfast. This situation did not seem right. I wondered if i could teach here. I told my mother about the small cafes in the $P208, which was to the northwest of where we were. I remembered eating at one of the cafes a long time ago with $A42. I was not sure what to do, and i thought about teaching here. I imagined that i would tell the students “I’m not a teacher, but i play one on TV.” I looked at the large book that was now to the north of me. I was in the English class, and the book was not really a textbook. It was more like a test. I felt uneasy as i flipped through the pages. Two other students were sitting to the northwest of me. i thought that i should be taking this test, but i did not know what i should do.

12014 January 10

I was in the large church in the foreign place. We seemed to be visiting this place. I was looking around at the large marble structures of the chapel. Something then hit the floor, and the building shook. I wondered if it was actually an earthquake. I could not see anything that had fallen, but the loud thud made me think that something had. I wondered if it was actually a quake, and something had really fallen as a result of the shaking. I pondered this, trying to figure out if it was reasonable. $A456 and $A499 were with me in the church. They talked about Cthulhu, mentioning that it was to the northeast of us in the church. I wondered if this church really worshiped Cthulhu. I headed to the north, into the old house. The room i was in was small. The wooden walls were warn and dimly lighted. The eastern wall was covered with book shelfs, but few books were on it. The shelfs had only a few trinkets here and there, but a large statue was in the center. The statue was of a large stone gavel. A man was near the shelfs, looking over the gavel. I headed to the north, into the room. We were investigating this house. I noticed the bright pink yarmulkes on the wooden shelfs that were set into the eastern end of the northern wall. I pointed them out to the others and then turned to head back into the other room to the south. $A456 and $A499 were reading from a large book, which lay open on the table on the western side of the room. I moved close to them, noticing that the book was an old bible. I said that what they were reading was a call to a rabbi. A woman in the room looked at me curiously, not understanding why i was calling to a rabbi. I explained to her that the objects around the house were actually Jewish, even though this house was inside a church. I then wondered about the quake, trying to think why it would have happened here. I headed across the main chapel to the south. Tall thick columns were on the southwestern side of the room. I walked around the western side of them. I thought that the vibrations of the quake came from this area of the building. I wanted to point out the source of the quake to the others. I thought that it would be a volcanic uplift under the chapel. As i started around the column, i noticed the rock at the base of the column. The ground just to the southwest of the column was covered with a blue and black stone. It looked interesting and out of place here. I thought that it might be from Hawaii. I wanted to look up the origin of the stone. I started back to the west, but realized that i could not look up the information in the bible. I would have to look it up in an encyclopedia. I then wondered what i would look up. I could not remember the name of the volcano on Hawaii that i was thinking of. I thought it might be called “Kali”, but that was really the Hindu deity. I decided to look for “Hawaii” in the book. I found a small map of the islands in the book, but it was not large enough for me to read the text and figure out what the name of the volcano was. I then thought that i had to defecate. I could bring the relevant books of the encyclopedia into the bathroom with me to read while i sat on the toilet. I grabbed the book on the state of Hawaii. I then remembered that the volcano was called “Kilauea”. I thought that i should grab both books for K. I headed to the north, toward the hallway where the bathroom was. I walked down the hall for a ways and then turned to the east into the bathroom. I stopped just in the room, noticing that the stalls on the eastern wall were occupied. None of the stalls on this floor were open. I then turned to the south, noticing three stalls. I looked them over, noticing how grungy they looked. I did not want to use them. The doors of the stalls were open, and small basins were attached to the doors. The water in the basins looked dirty, and the toilets were not clean. I did not want to use these stalls. I turned to the north, trying to hang my towel on the hook, but i realized that the object on the wall was not really a hook. It was a soap dispenser for the sinks. The sinks were set into a small island counter near the northern wall. I felt annoyed and was not sure what i should do. $A499 came into the room from the west. I turned to the south and headed into the next room, thinking that i might be able to find more toilets there. $A499 followed me. I thought that the locker room to the south might have better toilets. I stepped through the doorway, pushing open the swinging door. Instead of coming into a locker room, i found myself in a garage. The large room had a cement floor and oily machinery around the walls. This was a place where mechanical items would be fixed. A workman came from the east, passing us as we stood. I was still wearing a towel, and i felt awkward standing in the garage. I headed back to the northeast, into the bathroom.

I quickly ran into the room and closed the door behind me. A man was on the other side of the door, to the east of me. He banged on the door, but i knew that i could not let him in. I felt anxious and worried about him. I then noticed the window in the wall to the southwest of me. I thought that the man would come to the window in the southern wall. He would see me at the door and know that i was not letting him in. I had to get out of view, so i sank down and tried to hide near the bottom of the door. I stayed on the ground for a moment, looking across the room, which was lighted by the light from the southern window. I could see two rooms to the north through the doorways in the northern wall. A man was doing something in the eastern room. He was unaware that i was in the room to the south. A woman was in the western room, searching for something. I thought that the woman was a detective. She was trying to solve a mystery.

12014 January 11

I drove through the fields of cut green grass, heading to the south. The radio reported that there would be rain for the games. I thought that the games were rugby matches that would be played on the fields. As we passed over the field, i noticed something tall growing in the middle of the grass. It looked like a patch of weeds. I told the driver that this was not right. Weeds should not be growing in the middle of the playing fields. I was in the left front seat of the car, and the driver was in the right-hand seat. The car turned to the southwest, and i looked at the muddy fields to the south. I said that the fields must be for sports. I then added that they would be muddy for the game. I turned to the northwest and walked a few paces until i was back on the gravel road. Once on the road, i turned to the west. A policeman was now sitting in an SUV to the north of us. I felt annoyed that the policeman was there, thinking that he was going to question us. $A351 had been driving, and i thought that he did not come to a full stop before turning. It was not illegal, but the police officer would complain to us. $A351 was driving the car i was in, and we were driving to the west on the road. The police car was facing east, so the officer was trying to turn around to come after us. $A351 then speeded away, trying to get away from the police car. I felt suddenly uneasy. I did not want to be in the car with him. He was racing, and i thought that he was now going ninety miles per hour. He was trying to outrun the police car. I worried that he would get in an accident, and i fastened my seatbelt. We were approaching an intersection, and i thought that $A351 would turn the car to the northeast. I felt upset as we headed down the city streets. The streets ran up and down very steep hills. The car turned to the east, heading off of the road and heading down a narrow passage. We started heading down a flight of stairs. I was filming the event from outside the car, using an old video camera. I watched the car descend the stairs, and i wondered why we did not fall down the stairs. The stairs seemed so steep that i thought that the car should roll over down the steps. I then realized that the stairs were not really that steep. It was just the camera angle that made them look steep. We turned to the north in the city, coming to a large open area. This was where the $G3 run was starting. Others were already gathered here, and i wondered if we were late. Some of the groups had already left on the run, and i thought that the group from $P6 had left. I looked around, noticing a blue mark on the ground to the east. I yelled for the others to follow as i headed for the mark, now jogging. I had started the run, and i wanted to catch up with the others. The others started heading toward me. I looked over the ground for more marks, but i noticed that the ground was covered with blue speckled marks, which looked like the trail marks. I looked carefully at them, looking for the round blue marks from the powdered tennis ball that marked the trail. The trail marks would not be in paint; they would be in powder. Others wandered to the south to look for marks, but i headed down the short street to the east. I still found several more powder marks on the ground. I thought that i was on the trail, but the people to the south also seemed to be on trail. A group of people followed me as i headed down the short street. I stopped near the end of the street, thinking that the marks might go to the south, along the block wall. I searched for new marks to follow.

12014 January 12

I followed the other person to the west as we descended the metal stairs in the modern building. the cement walls of the building were smooth and white, and the stairs seemed to descend down the center of a wide corridor. The woman with me stopped for a moment, and i stopped just to the east of her. We were standing on a railing in the middle of the stairs, and one set of stairs started down to the north of us. We had to pick the correct route to descend the steps. I said something to the woman, wondering which way was the best. she started descending to the north. I was crouching down on the platform, and i pretended to sway backward. I knew that it would be dramatic, but i realized suddenly that i could fall off the side of the platform. I sat down quickly so that i did not go over the edge. The woman continued down the steps, turning to the west. I thought about how i could have fallen backward. I would have tumbled over the edge to the east of me. I would probably have hit my head on the metal rails on the way down. I felt suddenly uneasy, thinking that i could have died, and it did not feel like a concern. Uneasy, i stood up and walked down the stairs to the west, following the woman. The stairway became narrow, and the flat white cement walls were very tall. We were then heading to the east, entering a room. I thought about the plot. It had something to do with the android. I thought about this. The android had left, but the plot had not yet finished. This did not seem correct. If it ended like this, then the bad person would have won. I thought that there must be another part of the story. I then noticed the edge of the magazine sticking out from under the table to the north of me. A couch was against the northern wall of the small room, and a small metal and glass coffee table was to the south of it. The magazine seemed to be under the eastern side of the southern edge of the table. I pulled it out a little and looked at the picture on the front. I then thought that sections of the android were under the table with the magazine. A hand was under the table, and i thought that it would come out and try to replicate itself. I felt tense. This was a turning point in the plot. The hand crawled across the counter on the northern side of the room. The woman was on the eastern side of the room now, and the counter was to the north o her. The hand stopped, and eyes opened up on the knuckles. The woman moved around the small kitchen area, but she did not seem to notice the hand, which was staying very still on the counter near her. I wondered why she did not see the hand. It seemed strange that she was walking past it, and i started to feel annoyed with the plot.

12014 January 14

The tree had fallen in the assault, and we were under it. I looked up at the tangle of branches above me. Someone talked about Bloody Marilyn. I was not sure what that was, but, when i looked up, i could see blood all over the tree. I felt tense, thinking that we were lucky to have survived the attack. I moved to get out from under the tree. The tree dripped blood around where i was, hitting my shirt. $F4 was with me, and he pointed out the blood. He said that the mess disgusted him. I headed to the north, toward the building. I had to find shelter. The people who were attacking us would still be in the area, and we had to hide from them. I could not let them know that the tree had not killed us. I looked at the building to the north, seeing that it was a police station. I stopped, thinking that it should have been invaded as well. This was the plot of the movie we were in. I continued running to the north. We were now under the building, running down a corridor, which seemed like a sewer tunnel. People were in the water ahead of me, but the roots and vines that were extending from the wall attacked them. I stopped, realizing that i could not get through the tunnel to escape. This was not good. I thought that the people would drown in the water if the vines dragged them down. I did not like this story, and i thought that we should changed the plot.

I headed to the south, across the college campus. I felt uneasy as i passed the large buildings. The building to the east of me now seemed like $P98. It had a small cafe in front of it, near the center of the building. I remembered this cafe area from when i was here. I felt as though i should stop here, but i was not sure what i should do here. A crowd was in the cafe area. I then noticed $A591 and $A205 sitting on opposite sides of a table against the eastern wall of the room. They spotted me, so i waved at them. I liked them, but i felt that i did not know them well enough to hang out with them. I felt awkward here, so i thought that i should leave. I wanted to be with these people, though, and i wondered how i could hang out with people. I headed to the south, through the crowd. I was anxious, and i wondered what i should do here. I felt that i had to do something. I walked a few paces and then looked around. The people were suddenly gone. Something had strange. I felt alone now that no one was here. I was sad, and i headed back to the north, across the campus. After a moment, i came to a small crowd of people. I started to pass through them. I then noticed that several of them were wearing blue band shirts that had the name of $G3 on them. I stopped in the middle of the group, speaking the name of $G3 aloud to see if anyone would turn around. Several people looked at me curiously, but no one said anything to me. I watched several of the people in the crowd, trying to see if anyone might be a part of $G3 and might say something to me. A few women were standing to the northeast of me, and they made fun of my knit hat. I felt awkward, but i ignored them and looked back to the northwest. A man in orange was giving orders to the group. He seemed like $A120. He sat on a bench, which was elevated slightly above the others. I noticed that he had an oddly rounded belly, which hung out of his shirt. I started to feel out of place here, not quite sure what i should do. I watched the others, but i did not think that they wanted to relate to me.

I was with the other students in the corridor of the building. I moved from side to side in the crowd, trying to do something. We were playing some kind of game, shifting from side to side in the corridor as if trying to tip the corridor over. We all tumbled to the west, which seemed humorous. As i stood up in the corridor, i heard the door close to the south. the woman had come back to the school. I had to get something from the woman to the south. I walked to the door and knocked. The old wooden door was old and heavy, and it stood recessed in an archway. The wooden paneling on the sides of the archway was darkly stained and looked worn. A man opened the door. He looked at me and said “No.” before turning back into the room. I felt uneasy. A nun then came to the door. I said i had to give a message to someone, but i thought that i did not really know what i wanted to get back. I just knew that something had been left here and i had to get it. The nun nodded and me and went back in the room. She returned with a large overweight woman in a dark sweater. I realized that she was not the woman i was looking for. She was for the other man. I motioned her to the other man, who was standing to the southeast of me, near the wall. I would have to ask for something more specific, but i was not sure what i needed.

12014 January 16

I hurried as i drove down the narrow road, heading generally to the northeast. I had to leave the place, and i was trying to get up the hill to the north. The city seemed to be in the valley to the south. The road ran diagonally up the hill, and i realized that it was very close to the edge of the cliff. I felt uneasy as i rounded the curves along the cliff. The road had no guardrail and seemed very close to the edge of the cliff. It seemed very treacherous driving. I imagined driving off the cliff. I watched the white gravel along the southern side of the road as i drove. It was not usually dark when i came this way. I then wondered why i had come this way. This path seemed very dangerous. I usually drive around the cliff to the northwest, which was not as dangerous as this. Why had i come this way?

12014 January 19

I felt hurried as i moved around the counters on the southern side of the kitchen. I had to make a sandwich for lunch so that i could get to work. The counter ran along the southern wall of the room. The house seemed to belong to $K3 and $K4. They were in the kitchen with me. I turned the loaf of bread in the plastic bag to face me so that i could reach into the open end. As i pulled out a few slices, however, i saw white mold spots on the bread. I became annoyed and pushed the loaf away from me. $K3 and $K4 were to the northeast of me in the center of the kitchen. I mentioned the moldy bread and looked around the kitchen for another loaf. I felt uneasy and tense. I passed along the eastern wall, noticing a safe in the wooden cabinet that i had opened. I closed the cabinet and headed to the north, leaving the room. I felt very uneasy here and did not want to stay. I felt that my relatives did not really want me here.

I backed the car to the south, pulling it out of the driveway of the house. Other people were in the car with me, but they could not get out of the car while the car was in the garage. The garage was too narrow. I stopped the car and they got out. They hurried across the street to get into the bus, which was waiting. I felt exhausted. I had been doing something for a while, and i felt unclean. I wanted to shower. I moved to the north and i was in the bathroom. I started to shower. I was in the water, and i was covered with soap. $A550 was in the shower to the east of me. The shower was in the northern wall of the white bathroom. $A550 joked around about something. I pushed him back, and we started wrestling. It felt good to joke around and horseplay with someone else.

12014 January 22

I was jogging with the small group of runners. The area around us was forested, and the trees were green with summer leafs. The ground seemed dry, and the bare dirt had a slightly reddish color. We were stopped for a moment, and i started talking about the woods to the north of us. We seemed to be on the southern end of a long rectangular park. I mentioned the trails that ran to the north, thinking that we would be jogging them soon. I said something about them, talking about the long trails that ran around the perimeter of the lake, which seemed to be in the middle of the rectangular area. I thought that the trails were only four or five miles long, and i mentioned this to the others. The distance seemed longer, thought, and i felt a little uneasy about saying that i had been on the trails, thinking i might not be talking about the correct trails. I felt a little nervous, thinking that the other runners might think i was lying about being on the trails. We started moving to the east, along the northern side of a structure. We were then moving west, down a long path between two structures. The path seemed to be part of a corridor. I noticed the stacks of things ahead of us. I was happy to be distracted by the objects, because i did not want to talk about the tails anymore. I thought that some of the things in the stacks were mail. I had received some of the things in the mail. I paused to look at a tall stack of thin black cases, which looked like DVD cases. I lifted on up, noticing the picture on the underside, which seemed to be the cover of the case. The picture seemed to be from an X-men movie. I felt interested in the video, but thought that it was one of the cheap videos that the movie companies sent in the mail, so it had no real value. I put it back down on top of the tall stack of black cases, which were piled up to the east of the square support column in the center of the store. The others had continued to the west, along the north of the column, and i felt that i should start after them. I felt anxious to continue, but i was also interested in the boxes of things that were in the store. I moved to the south a little, noticing the large boxes of games on the metal shelfs, which ran to the south from the southern side of the white cement column. The box that i had picked up was a maze game from the movie Tron. I remembered the game from when i was young, and i felt excited to see it. I then thought that it must be an old version of the game to be in this place. I turned the box in my hand. The picture on the side looked like the head of a person who was wearing a golden Colonial helmet from the old Battlestar Galactica series. I put the box back on the northern end of the shelf, thinking that the game was probably too old to run on modern computers. I then considered that i did have a new Windows machine, so it was possible that i had an operating system that the game would run on. I moved to the south a little, looking at some of the other boxes on the shelfs. I wanted to take some of them with me, and i knew that they were free, because they had come in the mail. I noticed another square cardboard software box with a similar image of a Colonial warrior. I realized that this was a different game from Tron, thought. It seemed to be a game that i was more interested in. I felt excited looking over the things in the boxes. I would have to grab some of the boxes to take with me. I then started to feel anxious about heading back to the other runners. I put down the boxes, thinking that i would pick them up as i headed out of the store, and i looked at the things to the south. I started walking farther to the south in the store. I wanted to know what was being given away in this area of the store. Several of the items on the eastern side of the aisle seemed to be electronic devices. I then noticed the racks of phonographs on the western side of the aisle. I remembered that people were printing phonographs again. I felt excited, but was not sure what i should do. I had to get back to the others. I wandered a little way farther to the south, but decided that i had to head back to the north. I glanced again at the phonographs to the west, thinking that i really had no use for them, but it was good to see them in print again. I started jogging to the north, thinking that i would have to pick up my guitar before i continued on. I had left the guitar standing against the thick white column, which was on the eastern side of the aisle. Just past the column, the aisle seemed to meet an east-to-west aisle, which was the main aisle of the store. I was disappointed to see that my guitar was not where i had left it. As i neared the column, though, i noticed a man holding a guitar. I thought that it was mine, so i grabbed it as i approached. The man held on to it, and i felt annoyed with him. He then told me that the guitar was his. I looked at the instrument and realized that he was correct. Annoyed, i looked to the east, seeing another person holding my white electric guitar. I entered the crowd of people to the east, stepping up onto the round cafe table. I seemed to upset a few dishes as i crossed the table, heading to the east. The man with my guitar was on the northern side of the table, to the northeast of me. I tried not to knock too many things over as i jumped down on the eastern side of the table. I grabbed the guitar that the man by the table had been playing. He let go of it so that i could take it. As i pulled it from him, he dropped a pick onto the table. I knew that i had to take by brown pick with me as well. I asked him for it, but he did not seem to have it. I looked down on the table. The man had dropped a white pick. I then noticed a mottled red, white, and blue pick on the table. I thought that it must be mine, since i had one like that. As i examined it, however, i realized that it was too worn and rounded to be my pick. I mentioned this to the others at the table. Frustrated, i took the guitar and hurried to the north, thinking that i had to catch the others. I wanted to get out of this area with my guitar before the people in the crowd said something. I tried to run to the east, down the paved sidewalk on the northern side of the area, but i could not move easily. I was holding the white guitar under my right arm, and i could see the head of the guitar in front of me as i tried to move. I started to strain, trying to force myself to move to the east. I was on a bicycle now, and i tried to pedal down the cement path to the east. The path seemed to run along the northern side of a low chain-link fence. I was frustrated that i was not moving. A man then ran up from behind me, passing me on the north. He was $F57. He turned and chatted with me for a moment. I would have to keep up with him. I started moving to the east, following the man down the path. The man also seemed like $F16. I followed him as he jogged, but it seemed hard for me to get the bicycle moving. The man then turned to the north, and i could see him running along the slope of a small gully. The grassy slope ran down to the west, to a cement narrow cement canal, which seemed to be a drainage channel. The man moved to the northwest, stepping over the canal and heading up the short hill on the other side to the tall chain-link fence that ran along the ravine. As he pulled open a gap in the chain-link fence, he turned to me and called out “Left, right, left, right.” He was encouraging me to pedal on, but he was calling the pace faster than i was able to bicycle. I called to him, telling him that it was a lot harder to pedal the bicycle and that i could not pedal as fast as the pace he was calling. The man was $A608. I rode the bicycle down the grassy slope of the ravine, heading to the northwest. As i reached the fence, i was careful to stay on the short cement wall near its base. It seemed more dangerous to ride the bicycle through the fence that it was for $A608 to run thought it. I passed through the hole, but i had to be careful to stay on the stone wall on the western side of the fence. Someone then called to $A608 from the street to the northwest. The street ran east to west, crossing over the canal. $A593 was standing on the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, trying to get $A608’s attention. $A593 was upset, and he told his brother that Iraq had attacked Iran. It seemed to be a very serious matter. I knew that the attack would mean war between the two countries, and i knew that this was really only a political game. $A593 encouraged $A608 to watch the news, telling him that it was important. I knew that $A608 was following current events and that he had an interest in these two countries. I wondered what the significance of the attack was.

I sat on the western end of the northern bench of the wooden picnic table. The man in the green T-shirt was sitting in the middle of the southern bench, and he was talking about something. $A548 seemed to be sitting directly to the south of me. The man had just told us something, directing his conversation to the other man, who was sitting to the east of me. The first man had a long brown beard, and he was talking about sending paperwork through the mail. I interrupted, asking him about mailing things. The bearded man agreed with my statement, so i told him that it was the reason that i had sent him a blank form. I then said that i would have to fill in the information on the form later. I felt a little uneasy telling the man this, but i continued to tell him that i had not put any of my personal information on the form. This statement did not seem to be related to the topic of conversation between the two men. The man in the green shirt leaned to the west a little, asking me if i was a government agent. He sat with his hands tucked into his lap and his shoulders slightly hunched. I leaned a little to the left as i replied, saying that i was not an agent. I then added that i did have some of my information stolen from copied mail. This did not seem to be a true statement, but i continued telling him this. I said that the green form had spaces for social-security information and other personal details. I then told the man that it was different when i worked for $G6. He did not seem to understand, and i thought that he might be suspicious of what i had said. I clarified by telling him that, when i worked or $G6, that i used to put things in the mailbox near $P209. I pictured a mailbox on a wooden post on the eastern side of a street. The street seemed to be in an urban neighborhood, but it had no sidewalks or curbs along it. I then told the man that i would leave my office, which was in $P209, and drop off the letters in the mailbox. This seemed strange, and i felt uneasy telling the man this information. I started to worry that i was telling the man made-up stories. I stood up from the bench, thinking that i had to get something. I quickly put on the clothes and headed to the east. I had put on a bathrobe, which seemed like a dress. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that i should leave. I headed down the darkened corridor to the east. The corridor also seemed to be a narrow street, with small cubical houses on the sides. As i passed the small blue house on the southern side of the street, i noticed the small pond on the hill to the south of me. Other small houses surrounded it. The pond was dry, and a narrow stream of water flowed from the northeastern side of it to the southwestern. The steam pooled a little in the northeastern part of the muddy bottom of the pond. I had said something to the man about getting water from the pond, and i was now disappointed to realized that i had told the man that part of the pond was still full. It was not true. I turned to the north, following the corridor into a small central area of the building. I thought that i would have to get water from the tap to fill the aquarium. I then realized that this would be cleaner water than water from the pond, and i wondered why i thought it would not be as good as water from the pond. I turned to the east and headed up the grassy slope, which seemed to be a set of cement stairs. The grass of the slope was covered with mud, so i had to be careful as i ascended. I did not want to get my shoes too muddy. I stepped over a thick flow of mud, crossing to the southern side of the slope. As i reached the top of the slope, i stepped between the two buildings and entered the parking lot to the east. I felt suddenly exposed here, aware of the people to the southeast, who were getting into the black car. They seemed dressed for a formal event. I was still wearing the silver dress that i had put on, and i felt suddenly embarrassed. The dress was very stiff, and i felt as though i could easily fall over in it. I then thought that i would not be able to get up if i did fall over. I turned back to the west and walked into an alcove on the front of the building. I did not really want people to see me in the dress. I looked down at the stiff metallic material. I wondered what i should do. I then thought that i should try to see what i looked like in the dress to see if it was too embarrassing. I wished that i had a mirror on one of the walls to the west of me. I looked at the door in the western wall, noticing my reflection in the glass. I looked strange, with shoulder-length hair and a long tubular dress. I then noticed some people walking toward me on the other side of the window. A few women and their dates were heading toward the door. They seemed to be dressed in skimpy formal dresses. The tall woman in the short black dress snickered as she saw me. She had long dark hair. I felt embarrassed and turned to the north to head back into the alley between the buildings. I had seen my reflection, and did not think that i looked good. I also realized that i still had a goatee, which looked strange with the dress. I quickly put my hand over the goatee as i paced in the alley, wondering what to do.

12014 January 23

I walked to the north, heading into the basement area on the southern side of the house. I had just entered the small cement room, which seemed like a garage on the lower floor of a house. The cement was clean and smooth, looking as though the house was new. My mother was sitting in an old metal lawn chair on the eastern side of the room, at the base of the short set of cement steps that led up into the next room. I stopped suddenly, noticing a large black spider on the red metal lawn mover to the west. Several large black spiders were on the top of the mower, and i noticed that they were black widows. They I felt frightened of them and backed away. I was going to warn my mother about them, but then i noticed one near my mother. I was afraid it would bite her. Before i could warn her, though, i saw that the spider was actually on the ceiling above her and not on her. I worried about them. I wanted to warn my mother about them, but something on the ground to the west distracted me. I looked to see what it was.

I was in the hospital, but i had to leave. I moved down the hall, carrying a large pink bundle of blankets to the east. The blankets were actually a distraction. I should not have been in the building, so i was carrying the blankets to make me appear to be doing something official here. I carried the box east. I reached a door at the end of the hall and tried to push my way through, but i was having trouble carrying the box through the door. It seemed too bulky to fit. Annoyed, i took the large bundle of blankets out of the cardboard box and carried them separately. They were actually very light. I headed down the cement steps of the corridor and stopped in the room below. The room widened on the southern side of the corridor, and a few large metal front-loading washing machines were against the southern wall. I dropped the bundle near one of the washing machines on the western end of the room. I then continued to the east. A long wooden table was against the northern wall on the eastern end of the room. I had to get the papers from the table and leave. I started grabbing the papers, but i seemed to be having trouble getting all of them together. I focused on the papers, but i could not get them into a single pile easily. I started to worry that the people near me would get suspicious. A man on the eastern end of the table then asked me about working here. I told him that i did not work here anymore. I said that this was my last day, and i tried to act as though i was happy to get the job over with. He still seemed suspicious. He then asked me about the man who edited the picture. I felt nervous. I did not know the answer. I thought that i should say $A448 did it. The other man then mentions $F45. I told the man that i did not know, hoping that he would accept the answer. I worried that he was still suspicious of me. He then asked me again if i worked here. I told him that i was a construction worker. He asked me if i was lying. “Really?”, i said with exasperation. I then thought that he might think that i seemed too well educated to be a construction worker. I mentioned that i have a biology degree from a college. I stressed that it would be absurd that i would lie about these things, implying that it would be more likely that i lie about being a construction worker because it would be considered below the status of an educated person. I turned to the east and slipped on a pair of shoes, which were on the floor near the eastern wall. I then headed out the door to the east. I felt nervous, thinking that i should not have hung around in the room. I wondered how i could leave without leading the man to my car. He still seemed suspicious, and i worried that he would follow me to see where i went. I felt uncomfortable. I stopped outside, waiting for a moment to make it seem that i was in no particular hurry. I then walked to the northwest, along the side of the tall modern brick building. I thought that i could lead the man into the upper parking lot. I decided to start walking, so i headed to the west, going between the buildings. I thought that the lot curved around the building, so i would be able to follow it around to my car. I would just have to get the man out of sight before i reached my car. I started to fly over the law. I glanced back to see if the man was following me. I looked forward just in time to avoid hitting a small tree. I was heading toward the curving road to the east of the building. I thought that i would go around to the front of the building. I floated over the pond, concentrating on the wind and how i was floating. I did not want to fall into the water. I decided that i should stay close to the shore just in case i started to fall. A wall ran on the eastern side of the pond. I moved toward it and grabbed it, starting to climb. It had spaces in the stone-block structure where i could reach through the wall to grab hold of the stones. I paused for a moment, hanging on to the stones. I thought that i should pass through the holes to get to the other side of the wall, but they were too small for me to fit through. I then wondered why i thought that i could move though the wall. I headed to the south, along the wall. A small room was in the top of the southern end of the wall. I could see a few people talking there. They seemed to have been in a meeting, but the meeting now seemed to be ending. I hung on to the wall for a moment to hide from them, waiting for them to clear the room. I did not want them to see me pass by. I then realized that my arm was still sticking through the wall. The men would be able to see my arm on the other side of the wall. I pulled my arm out of the hole and dropped down into the crowded room below. If the men looked over the wall to see who i was, they would not be able to tell which one of the people in the room i was. The students were moving around in the room. I headed to the south with a group of students, moving toward the stairwell. Class had just ended, so they were all leaving the area. I tried to blend in as we walked out the door. Some of the students were walking to the southeast, down the paved drive toward the main road, where they were going to pick up the busses. I headed to the south, into the parking garage. I acted casually as i looked around for my car. I looked up the slope of the parking lot, thinking that my car was at the top. I headed up the slope, but did not see my car. It was not there. I then realized that it was actually in the lower lot, which was to the southeast of where i was. I crossed the lot to the south, heading toward the other lot. The lot had many yellow cars in it. I thought that my car should be parked in this lot, but i was not sure which one it was. I looked over the cars, but i did not see the correct one. I looked at the western end of the lot to see several yellow cars, but none were mine. I headed there to get a closer look, but could not see my car. A man then asked me which car was mine. I felt confused. I told him that my car was a Gremlin. He seemed to know it, and he said something about a truck. I thought that my car must have been hit. I then thought that i did not actually drive a Gremlin. My car was a Volkswagen. I pictured it as a yellow Rabbit. I looked to the west, noticing the yellow taxi lifted on an assembly line in a factory. I thought hat this place had its own body shop to repair cars. I felt annoyed, thinking that they might have damaged my car so that they could repair it. I headed to the wall to the south. A service counter was set into the wall. I wanted to ask them where my car was, and i felt that i should demand an answer. I stopped at the counter. No one was there, but a few people were moving around to the south. I had to wait for them to come. I felt annoyed, and i thought that i might have to call $F45 to come pick me up. I did not want to rely on him, though.

12014 January 24

The kittens were running loose in the back of the airplane, and i felt upset as i tried to gather them together. I was holding one of the kittens in my arms, trying to keep it from running away as i looked for the other. The back end of the airplane had several seats that were facing to the north. The carpeted floor ran between the metal walls, which curved into a parabolic cone to the south of me. I tried to clam the cat that i was holding. I then heard the other cat hissing. I called its name, and it hissed in reply. I told the other person with me to call the cat’s name again, hoping to locate the cat by the sound of the hissing. The other person nodded in agreement and moved to the east. I thought that the other cat was actually an adult. It was traveling with the kitten. I carried the kitten to the south, to the back of the room. I could hear the other cat near me, but i could not see it. I realized that it was on the opposite side of the pile of things on the floor. I put the kitten down, trying to get the other cat to come. They could not see each other. I tried to call them together. The adult cat was mostly white, with orange spots. It was on the eastern side of the plane. The kitten was now on the western side. They both ran toward me when i called, and they met at the southern end of the pile. The cats started to purr once they were together. I had to keep them near until the airplane took off. The cats then started to run around. I felt nervous. I had to keep them in this area, and i did not want them running under any equipment or out any doors. I knew that they would not be able to get away once the airplane was in motion. I tried to grab the cats to keep them together. A female steward then entered the small area form the south. She had entered the airplane from the corridor that connected this airplane to the other airplane. The gray kitten was startled and ran to the south, out of the airplane. I felt upset, thinking that the kitten would be left behind. I yelled to my mother, telling her that the cat had run away again. I ran after it, worried that the airplane was about to take off. I came into the back of the empty airplane. I could not see the kitten. I looked around under the seats, but could not see it. I started to feel more and more anxious. I then noticed the adult cat here. I would have to grab it as well. A warning came over the loudspeaker, telling me that the other airplane was about to leave. I did not pay attention to it. I tried to coax the adult cat to come to me. I grabbed the adult cat and carried it back on to our airplane. I then yelled into the other airplane, telling my mother to see where the kitten was. I felt upset with my mother, thinking that it was her fault that the kittens were on the airplane to begin with. She came into the room, and i closed the door once both cats were in the airplane. I put the cat down on the metal floor. The airplane was now leaving, so all doors should be closed. The cats would not be able to escape the airplane anymore. The tail of the aircraft then shifted, rolling backward from the main part of the airplane. This was part of the takeoff procedure. The motion startled the kitten, though. It ran into the next room to the north. I followed it, thinking that i could play with the kitten while the airplane was taking off. It would distract the cat from the motion. I then hoped that the airplane did not crash. I remembered being on the airplane when we were taking off before. There had been a possibility of a crash before. I then thought that this must be a different timeline than before. we did not have the cats to deal with the last time this happened.

12014 January 26

I said something to the others as i stepped out of the small cabin and onto the wooden steps. The steps were on the eastern side of the cabin, and the people were sitting on the ground to the south of the stairs. We had gotten trapped in this place, and we had survived here. The man that i had left it the cabin seemed to be a leader of this group. I had asked him a question, but he was cleaning up at the sink in the small bathroom, which was on the western side of the cabinet. He seemed to be looking in the mirror and shaving when i left him. The other people seemed comfortable her, and i knew that we had been through a stressful event. It seemed as though the zombies had attacked us, but we had come to a place where we were safe. I turned back to the west and entered the cabin again. This time, i heard talking to the north. The man had left the cabin, and was now to the north of the cabin. He was talking to the other group. The others were not good people, and i felt suddenly upset that the man that was supposed to be leading us was dealing with the other group. I walked back to the east, thinking that i would tell the others what was going on. They would be upset that the man was cheating us. I then walked back to the west. I was now to the north of the cabin, and i could see the others sitting around a small campfire. The man to the north of the campfire was wearing a heavy jacket, which looked like a military jacket. I felt nervous about these people. I stood still in the darkness of the woods, knowing that the men could not see me. The others also seemed to be watching the gathering around the campfire with me. I then turned my attention to the cat that was on the ground to the north of me. I tried to get the cat to come toward me, but it ran around the small pile of wood that was on the ground. I worried that the bad guys would see me, but then i simply stood up and went to get the small child, who was running around the pile of wood. I knew that standing up would make me visible to the bad guys, but i thought that it would be good for them to know that we were here. They would now see the others with me. The man on the northern side of the campfire looked over to me suddenly. He looked worried.

I stepped to the east, across the northern side of the small room. I was looking out the large window or opening to the east of me, where i could see the city. The buildings of the city seemed small, and trees grew on the streets, blocking many of the city’s buildings. I thought that i should fly home, and i imagined soaring up over the city and heading to the southeast. I thought that i could move very quickly through the air. I felt a little rushed, thinking that i should leave soon. I wanted to head out, but i thought that i should probably bring my jacket with me. I was aware that i was wearing running shorts, but i thought that i should put on my yellow windbreaker because it would be cold moving through the air. I walked to the southeast, where a wooden coat tree stood. I pulled the black long-sleeve shirt off of the tree and then grabbed the yellow running shell. I was aware of the person on the southern side of the room, and i realized that i would be leaving him here. The man approached me. He was $A618. He had been staying at my house, and i realized that, if i flew home now, $A618 would still be here. He was not ready to leave yet. I could not ask him to stay here while i was gone, so i would have to wait for him to leave before i could go. I was disappointed that i could not leave and wondered how i could hurry him along. He asked about the oil in his car. I had been doing some work on his car, but i did not know about the oil. I told him that i could not really feel the oil. I then thought that i should be able to feel the oil, because i was able to feel the other problems with his car. I thought that i could put my hands on his car and concentrate, and i would feel the problems with the car as though it was something wrong with my own body. I then thought that the oil was a liquid, so it must be harder to feel the liquid. I had been touching the metal and feeling the solid parts before.

12014 January 29

I turned to the north and started walking away from the others, who seemed to be my relatives. We were visiting New York City, and we were in a museum. I started walking to the east, down the length of the long room, which seemed to be in the center of the building. Tall thin trees grew along the northern side of the room. This place seemed like a forest, but i knew that it was a museum. I liked it here, and i liked seeing this part of the city. I thought about my parents, who were with some other relatives. They had gone off to do something, but i had stayed in this place. I would have to meet up with them later. I then wondered when i had told them that i would meet up with them. It seemed strange that they would have wanted to wander the city without me. I walked back to the east. A short set of steps ascended to a doorway in the western wall. I started up the steps, but could not put my right foot down on the top step because a man was lying there. I started to move my foot, but the man shifted his position, getting in my way. He was not trying to purposely block my way. He simply was trying not to be in the way, but he seemed to be panicking about what to do. I felt annoyed with him, thinking that he should stop panicking and simply think. I bent over and told the man that he should have simply stayed still, implying that it was the smart thing to do. I then stepped to the south of him and continued out the door. In the hall outside, i turned to the north and then started walking back to the east down the hallway. Just after i started to the east, i bumped into the knee of a man who was sitting on the bench on the northern side of the bus or subway car. The man wore a gray suit with a white shirt, and he had his right ankle resting on his left thigh. He had fuzzy gray hair that was combed down on the sides of his head. He dropped his foot to the ground as i apologized for bumping into him. He then scolded me, telling me that i was a bad person for what i had done to the man on the floor. I still felt annoyed with the man who had been lying on the stairwell, so i ignored the older man and continued walking to the east, feeling justified for what i had said to the man on the stairs. The man on the bench continued to grumble at me, making negative comments about the suit i was wearing and how it defined the kind of person that i was. I thought about the suit as i turned to the south on the eastern end of the room. The suit must have looked expensive to the man. He must have thought that i was one of the rich people who did not care about others. I found this idea amusing. I walked into the small room to the south. I wanted to see more of this museum, but i started to feel uncomfortable here. I did not want to stay, so i thought that i should meet up with my parents. It now seemed like a long time since i had talked to them. I wondered if they worried about where i was. I turned to the west on the southern side of the room. I would take the corridor to the west, thinking that the doorway was on the southern side of the western end of the building. I noticed the large pamphlet on the counter to the northwest of me as i walked down the room. I grabbed one, thinking that i could read it later. As i reached the doorway in the western end of the corridor, a man from the museum started talking. He was standing in the doorway. I realized that he was talking to the other man in the corridor with me. The other man was to the southeast of me. The museum employee seemed to be wearing a dull-yellow uniform, and he smiled widely as he spoke. I felt a little annoyed with him, not wanting to be caught in a conversation. I walked past him as he spoke to the other man. I then realized that the pamphlet that i was carrying was probably not free. I turned to the north and put the magazine down on the counter that ran along the eastern wall. The employee continued to talk, turning back and forth between the man in the corridor to the east and me. I did not look at him. I flipped to the back of the magazine, realizing that the book had a small white price tag on the lower right corner. I was disappointed because i did not want to pay for it. I opened the back cover. I had put a sheet of paper in the back of the thin book, so i would have to take it out. I pulled the red and yellow paper from the book and closed the book. The book now seemed older and thicker than it had before. It had a tan cover, and the binding was starting to fray. Think will have to put the book back. I carried it toward the man, who was still talking about something. I felt a little annoyed. I then turned to the west. I would have to leave this area. I thought about my parents and wondered where i should go. I seemed to be sitting in a car now, and i looked to the north at the door of the building. The building was the museum, but it also seemed like a small general store. I was waiting for $F45 to come out of the store, which was green. $F45 then came out of the doorway carrying a backpack. He started to walk south, toward us. The car i was in then started moving to the west. It should not be moving. I was suddenly annoyed, thinking that we would be leaving $F45 behind. I turned to the west. I was sitting in the back seat of the car, just behind the driver. I told the driver that he should not leave yet, but he continued to move to the west. We were heading down the street of a neighborhood. I became very annoyed, and i told the driver to stop. I looked behind us, noticing that $F45 was walking after the car. I wondered how he was able to keep up with us. I then became very annoyed with the driver. I started repeating the word “stop” in an insistent tone. The man stopped the car suddenly. I looked back, but $F45 was now farther down the street. The driver started complaining. He seemed upset that i had told him to stop. We were moving again. I wondered how i had upset the driver, and i felt annoyed that he did not simply stop. He seemed to be flustered and could not think about what he was doing. He had medium skin and black hair. He seemed Indian, and i thought that he was familiar. I felt uncomfortable knowing that i had upset the man, but i was annoyed with him because he could not do something that seemed so simple. He said that he would have to continued to the west on the road until he could turn around. This did not seem logical to me. The land around us seemed flat now, though the road was recessed a little. The ground was tan with dry short grass. We came to the end of the road, and the man turned to the northeast. I still felt annoyed with him. We had to get $F45.

12014 January 31

I ran down the dimly lighted hallway of the basement of the building. The walls were formed of gray stone. Four or five people were standing in the hallway to the west of me, looking at the gray metal electric panels in the wall to the north. I stopped near them. The gorilla was looking at the machines with the other. The gorilla stood to the east of the men. I felt nervous of the gorilla, thinking that it was a special creature and could be dangerous if it knew that i did not belong here. Something was wrong with the machines, and the men were trying to fix it. I felt that the authorities were upstairs to the southeast of us. They did not know that the men were here trying to fix the machines, which seemed to have something to do with the water reservoir. The reservoir seemed to be to the northwest of us. I felt nervous here. If the men started fixing the machines, the authorities would know that they were here. I thought that the machines were creating poison gas. The authorities were trying to kill off the masses. The gorilla did something to the machines, but it did not fix the problems. I started to feel uneasy here, thinking that we had to leave before the authorities came. The gorilla scoffed at the machines, calling them “useless”. I did not understand the issue. I knew that the machines were causing the problem, and i did not understand why the gorilla did not think that the machines could do anything about the problem. Something seemed strange and confusing. I started walking to the west, away from the others. I felt that i had to get away from here.