12015 January 02

I hung around the festival in the small square area on the southern side of the fields. I seemed to be surrounded by tables, where people were selling things. I had to head to the north, and i could see the larger field on the northern side of where i was. The row of tables also seemed like a short stone mound separating the small field i was in from the larger one to the north. Large vehicles were moving in the northern field, getting the area ready for the festival. I headed a little to the northeast, but realized that i could not get out from under the tent by heading north. A low chain-link fence ran just behind the row of tables. I would have to go around the eastern side of it. I headed to the southeast now, toward the southern end of the eastern side of the area. I stepped under the tables there and started walking to the north outside the tent. A man was still setting up his table near the northern end of the tent. He asked me if the vendors could start selling now. He had thought that i was someone who worked at this festival. I had been an employee at previous festivals, so he must have recognized me. I told him that i was not sure when the vendors could start selling. I looked at something in my hand that showed the time. It seemed late enough that the vendors should be able to open their shops. I then asked the man what time was stated in their contracts. I shrugged and continued to the north, into the northern field. I approached some other people, who seemed to be a family. I stopped in the middle of the northern filed to talk to them. The filed really was a room in their house. They stood to the west of me as i chatted with them. I then noticed something moving to the southwest of where we were. I could not see the walls of the room, but a flat square area was to the southwest of us, and it seemed like another room, but it was not separated by anything from where we were. The ground started to swell, and it formed into the image of a large snake. The head and tail of the snake were not visible. The thick coil of the snake sunk back down into the ground and reemerged in the shape of a dragon. The head was facing north, and the body dipped into the ground and then arched back up to the south. The body then rose to form two bodies. The one to the north was a small theropod with large teeth, and the one to the south seemed to be a more fictionalized version of a two-legged dragon. They were in the next room to the northeast of us now. This seemed very strange, but i warned the family that the dinosaurs were near us. We had to get out of this area before they came after us. Everyone ran from the kitchen. I headed directly to the north, through a doorway into the next room. The young woman was following me. We came into a place that seemed like a garage. The cement walls were dingy and the room was dark. Boxes were on the floor in various places. I turned to the west and ran to the end of the room. At first, i did not see anywhere else to run. I then realized that a square black metal door was set into the western wall. It looked like an old fire door for a furnace. I told the woman that we could escape through the door, adding that it would be too small for the dinosaur to get through. I pulled the heavy cast-iron door open to see a short set of stairs descending steeply into a brightly lighted room below. Other people then ran into the room from the doorway in the southern wall. The rest of the family had escaped from the dinosaur and had followed us into the garage. I looked down the stairs. I seemed to be looking into a busy kitchen. Men and women with white coats were preparing food around the wooden tables. The woman with me ran past me on the north and headed down the stairs. To my surprise, she shank in size as she descended the stairs. I followed her down the stairs a few steps, noticing the perspective change as i started to shrink too. I stepped back up the stairs, looking at the people in the kitchen. I then ran all the way to the bottom of the stairs. One of the cooks looked at me and smiled as he continued to roll something out on the counter in front of him. I was now standing on the cement floor of the kitchen at the bottom of the stairs. I seemed to be no more than a few decis tall. The men and tables were much higher than i was now. We ran across the kitchen floor to the southwest to get away, passing to the west of a table and to the east of the old black oven.

My grandmother had told me that i should go to a place for answers, so i headed to the west, entering the chapel of the special church. The long rectangular room was filled with empty chairs. Only a few people were sitting in the room. I then spotted my grandmother and a tall man in gray standing on the western end of the room. A tall object was near the man, and i thought that it was an altar. My grandmother must have been helping with the service here. I waved to her, but she did not see me. I wondered how i could get her attention without disturbing the quiet of the area. The floor of the room sloped down to the west, toward the front. Tall thin arched stain-glass windows seemed to be high on the white western wall. I stepped back out of the room and then back in, waving at her. I felt uneasy, but i also felt something for my grandmother that made me want to say something to her. I was almost worried about her and wanted to be with her. The man with her seemed to be the priest. He had come across the stage from the north. I headed west across the room toward my grandmother. I then realized a queue of people sitting on benches against the southern wall of the chapel. They were waiting for something. I thought that they all had research questions that they had to ask. I was here to get answers to a similar question. This was not a normal church. It was a non-religious place, and my grandmother had wanted me to be here. I headed to my grandmother, and then i headed north into the other room. The other room was crowded with people who were all sitting around round tables. I found my relatives to the northwest and walked over to their table. I stood to the west of the table, looking at the papers that they were researching. They were looking something up. I looked at the large white piece of paper that $K17 had on the table. She was sitting on the western side of the table, and i was looking over her left shoulder. She asked me to explain something about the paper. He hand moved along the right edge, where a brown stain ran down the side of the paper. I was not sure what she was asking, but i thought that i could tell her how the paper got stained. It seemed like a coffee or tea stain. She then talked about the name that was written on the paper. She said that it was Steineger. Large black letters were written in a calligraphic style in the center of the paper, but she was pointing to the name in pencil near the bottom right corner. I told her that we were trying to figure out names for a book. I could now see the Chinese writing in pencil near the upper left of the paper. I told her that we had translated the names out of Chinese for the book. I then added that the black writing in the center was Cyrillic because we were trying to translate the names in to Russian for our book. I quickly added that we were guessing at the Cyrillic spelling of the names. I told her that we needed better translations of the names for the final book. She nodded in understanding and looked back at the paper. More of my relatives stood around the table to try to research the papers.

I woke up on the eastern side of the large bed, which was on the southern wall of the room. The room seemed to be the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. Other relatives of mine were lying on the bed near me. A second bed was to the east of me with a few other people on it. I got up from the bed to do something. My grandmother was still lying in the bed. She asked me if i had gotten wet. I looked back at her to see that she was rubbing the covers with her hand. She said that i got water on the covers. I told her that it was probably the other person. I was not wet. $K17 was in the room to the north of the bed. My mother was near her. People were starting to do something, so i headed downstairs to join the rest of the family.

12015 January 03

I had just finished jogging up the steep hill from the town. I was headed to the west, and i stopped at the house. The trail ahead turned into a dirt path that ran along the northern side of the street, between the pavement and the old metal guardrail. Snow was still on the ground in areas, and most of the trail ahead looked to be covered. I could only see patches of the trail between the snow cover. The dirt of the trail was red. I was standing in the driveway of a house that was on the northern side of the road. The others were in the house near me. The house was to the east of me, just down the hill. The driveway ran from the road in front of me and turned sharply to the east, running along the northern side of the western end of the small brown wooden house. I backed to the east, along the side of the house. I wanted to go running up the trail, but i did not feel ready yet. I had hiked this far, so i wanted to continue. I sat down on a bench, which was under an overhang or carport on the northern side of the western end of the house. The heavy wooden planks that supported the northern end of the overhanging roof were rough and darkly stained. I looked at the transparent orange-hued plastic square that i was strapping to my left foot. The square was divided into three sections, and my foot fit into the central section. I thought that the two outer sections could slide away from the center to provide support on snow. The squares seemed thin and made of cheap plastic, but i had to put them on my feet. Another person sat down to the south of me. I was now on a bench on the western side of the building, facing west. I pulled on the straps of the plastic thing, tightening it to my shoe. I then started putting the other plastic thing on my right shoe. I was then back under the overhang on the bench against the northern wall of the house. The light was dim under the overhang. I felt anxious and tried to get ready to go. I had to put my insulated pants on. I leaned back, looking slightly up to the south at my ankles as i pulled the pale-gray pants up on my legs. I suddenly wondered how i had gotten them on over the wide plastic paddles. I then wondered why i was wearing them. It did not make sense.

I lay on my stomach on the white living-room carpet. My head was to the east, and another person was lying to the north of me. We were watching something in the room. I then noticed the green frog toy moving on the floor near me. It was made of cloth, and it lay flat against the carpet. I noticed, however, that small green frogs had hopped under the toy and were moving it toward me. This seemed strange. I leaned up on my elbows and looked at the toy. It was hidden from view at the moment by the blanket that was bunched up on the floor. I pulled back the blanket to see the toy again. I pet it, thinking that the frogs were hiding under the green frog-shaped toy to stay warm. They moved a little to the north, where a white ottoman stood, just to the east of me. I told the other person about the frogs, saying that they wanted to stay warm. The person actually seemed to be a yellow Labrador retriever. The dog pushed the ottoman to the southeast. The leg of the ottoman was coming down on the frog toy, so i pushed the ottoman off to the northeast, telling the dog not to push the chair. The dog reclined to the north as if not wanting to bother anymore. I looked at the green frog, which was now moving to the west. The other person walked to the west of the frog and looked at it with me. It was heading toward the door that was in the western wall. We did not want it to get outside where it was cold, so we tried to stop it. The other man picked up the cloth frog, but it no longer had live frogs under it. I only saw a small white object moving in the center. It was some kind of bug. I felt confused. The bug continued to crawl toward the door, to the northwest. I backed up a little, realizing that i could not see the bug clearly because it was so dark in the room. I turned to the narrow old wooden door in the western wall. It was set into the wall by almost a deci, and it had two narrow windows on the upper half. I turned on the light switch just to the north of the door and looked back down at the bug on the floor. I could not see the long slender legs of the spider as it crawled toward the door. I spoke to the other man as the white body of the spider headed up the door, still trying to get out.

12015 January 06

I headed to the west, across the abandoned area, which seemed like a factory yard. The area was forested, with thick old trees and lots of green, but i could see cement structures here and there among the trees. The others were walking with me, and we were talking about something. I then noticed the large curved white things that were leaning against the western side of a tree that was just off the southern side of the trail that we were following. I rounded the tree to see that the two long arcing things were actually tusks. They were attached to a small skull, which was leaning against the bark of the tree. I moved between the two tusks to get a look at the skull, which seemed sharp near the upper mouth and had a wide rounded cranium. I grabbed one of the tusks and moved it a little. The tusks felt warm to the touch, which seemed strange. I wondered if the sun had warmed them during the day. I asked the others about the warmth. I started to feel a little uncomfortable here. This place was not what it had seemed. It was not simply an abandoned factory complex. The wooden buildings on the southern side of the trail were part of the trees and were interspersed with the trees. I heard a dull thud to the south of me as i pulled on the northernmost tusk. The two tusks were wobbling in oscillation from when i moved them. The skull was sliding up and down against the tree bark slightly. I looked to the south to see where the noise had come from. The southern tusk was now curving to the south, and the bottom edge, which had been cut off and was worn, was tapping the wooden door of an old shed. The red paint on the door was dull with weathering and was chipping off. The tusk must have hit the door and created the sound. I thought that i could move the tusk so that it was hitting the window at the top of the door instead, but i knew that it would probably break the glass. I was then aware that my mother’s father was standing to the west of me, watching me. I wondered if the tusks had something to do with hunting or fishing, which he enjoyed doing. I felt nervous about this place, thinking that there was something here that i had not known about. I told my mother’s father that i did not understand this place, adding that the things here were not what we thought they were. I turned to the north and moved around among the trees. It was night now, and the forest was dark. I held the long wooden bow in my right hand. We had thought that it was something else, but it was really an archery bow. I had taken it away from the tree where the skull was. I looked at the buildings. The others seemed hesitant about this area, but i told them that there were no crosses here warning us not to enter. I looked up in the trees. A wooden platform ran across the front of a row of trees to the northeast of me. It had a wooden railing across the front of it, and the railing was lashed together with thick black ropes. The ropes formed Xs along the front. They were the crosses that we had seen from a distance. They were not really warning crosses; they were just part of the architecture. The others were still worried about being in this place, but i felt that it was special and wanted to find out more about it. I did feel uneasy about people that might come after us. I then heard the noises from the west. The bad guys were coming. They would not want us in this place. Dogs barked from the west. We had to leave or they would attack us for being here. I jumped down from the short thing that i was standing on and started running to the east. A tall wooden fence was to the south of me, with a few pine trees in front of it. We had come from this direction. I wanted to get out of sight around the eastern end of the fence before the people from the west came into view. I hoped that they could not see me running. I turned to the south at the eastern end of the fence and followed the open area a short distance. The ground was grassy, but it seemed to be cut grass along the perimeter of the area. I was still carrying the bow with me. I thought that i might have to use it against the dogs that were following me. I thought that, if the dog came after me, i could hit it with the bow. I did not have any arrows to shoot the dogs, so i would have to stab at the dog with the end of the bow. The bow was strung. I looked back to the north. It was dark, but light seemed to be shining from the northwest. I then looked forward again as i approached an old low stump. I continued running, stepping on the stump and propelling myself into the air. As i floated in slow motion for a moment, i turned my body around to face the dogs as they came. To my surprise, a large number of small dogs rounded the fence. I had expected only a few. I could not see the dogs exactly, but i could see highlights from their fur in the pale light. The pack seemed to have fifteen or twenty dogs. I felt suddenly afraid. I was not sure that i could defend myself against so many. I floated in the air, holding the bow out so that i could hit the dogs with it. They ran under me. They could not get me, but i could not remain in the air forever. I would eventually have to descend to the ground. I was scared and wondered what i should do.

I was with $G4 in the small area. We seemed to be outside, but the area had walls or some other kind of barriers around us. Other members of $G4 brought the man to the group that i was with. He was their captive, and i thought that $G4 had captured him as part of the game. We had captured him before, and i remembered how we had held him in the area. I thought that he was attractive, and i commented on him as he came into our group. He seemed to be bound with his hand behind his back. He had a cute face, with wavy brown hair. I then realized that this was not the man that they had captured before. This man was taller and had a more muscular build. The other man had been thin, like a runner’s build. I looked at the man as he was moved to the north of me. He still seemed attractive. I asked him where he was from. He did not answer, but the others told me that he was from an island. This was all part of an imaginary game. I knew that the island did not really exist and that the man did not really come from there, but we were all acting out parts of a game. I was then confused, wondering why we were doing this. $A699 and $A539 showed me some maps of the islands. I looked at the maps to the east of me. The maps were tan, with pale blue areas showing the water. The islands were to the north of a large landmass, which seemed like Africa. I knew that it was not really Africa, but it was shaped like the northern coast of the continent. I felt a little confused, thinking that the islands could not possibly be where they were describing them. I pictured the islands as tropical sandy islands in shallow water. The water was shallow for quite a way from the land. I walked to the west as i thought about this. I was on the street now, and other $G4 were with me. $A633 was starting the closing ceremony to the run of $G4 to the east, on the northern side of the street. I hurried to join the group, still thinking about the islands. There was something special about the islands. I stopped on the northern side of the group. I realized that i was standing to the south of the man again. I still found him attractive, but i could not let him know that i was interested. I moved to the east of him, turning my back on him for a moment as i watched the others start the ceremony. I was aware of his presence near me, and it made me feel erotic.

12015 January 07

I woke up suddenly to find myself in a strange place. I was in a small bedroom, which seemed to have brown and tan features. I was not sure how i had gotten here. Something had gone wrong. I tried to move, but i was not able to move properly. I wondered if i had been drugged. I then hear men talking in the room. I tried to see where they were, but i could not find them. I was not able to turn my view that far. As they spoke again, i realized that they were behind me. I was reclined, facing west, and one man was to the east of me, and another was to the north. I asked where i was, starting to feel concerned. The men stayed out of my sight. I tried to move again, but i realized that one of the men had actually grabbed me. He was holding me in a double-arm bar and pulling my arms back. I tried to get out, but i could not pull free. I then realized that i was sitting in a chair, and the man was sitting under me. I could feel his legs under me. I looked down to see his legs wrap around mine in an attempt to hold me still. He was wearing blue lycra shorts, which i thought was a singlet. He moved his legs around my hips to try to try to hold me still. I could not pull free. I then looked to the north. The second man was sitting behind a desk. I realized that he was actually very young. He looked like he was barely seventeen. He sat slouched forward, wearing a baggy white T-shirt. He had bushy black hair that stuck out at the sides. He sat with him mouth open, and he seemed unsure what to do in the situation. He seemed impartial, and rotated his chair to the west and then north, saying something to the other man. I wondered if both of them were just teenagers. This seemed strange. I wondered why they wanted to hold me, and i struggled to get free.

12015 January 09

I stood on the northern shore of the body of water, facing south. I was with the group of people at the outdoor event. The area around me was grassy, and trees and bushes were to the north. I spoke to someone. A woman was near me, to the west of me. I said something to her as i watched a man pass me on the north, heading east. We seemed to be on a dock or boat in the water. To the east of us was a series of wooden poles that were mounted in the ground. I thought that they were racks for storing paddleboards or kayaks. The man walked through the poles, pausing for a moment to move something that was leaning against them. He was having a hard time walking between them. The boat that we had been standing on suddenly moved to the south. The man reached the eastern side of the poles and walked into the wooden and tin structure, which seemed to be a sheltered dock. The wooden lean-to had corrugated metal on the sides and roof. An old wooden dock structure ran along the edge of the water under it. A man was already on the dock, and the man i had been watching was heading to join him. I noticed that he had a fishing pole with him. I thought that they must have been fishing from the docks. Our boat drifted to the south, into the water. Another boat to the east of us was also in the water. We turned to the east in the river, cutting them off. I thought that the person piloting our boat should have known better. A man on the western end of our boat then cast a fishing line into the water to the north of our boat. I thought that we were cutting in front of the fishing line of the other people, and i did not think that we should be. I watched the red and white bobber float on the water to the north of us as we floated past. We missed his line, and their boat passed to the west of us, coming around to the southwest of us. I looked off the rear of our boat, noticing a mob floating in the water, just under the surface. We had just missed it. This was good because i thought that it might get tangled in our propeller. I then realized that the mop was floating after us. It must have been caught in our draft. I watched it, hoping that it did not get too close to our propeller. I then wondered if the other boat had put it there intentionally because we had cut them off. The mop suddenly sank to the bottom of the narrow water channel. It dropped suddenly, as if it were not in water, and i thought that it had finally fallen out of our draft. I thought that it belonged to the other boat. We moved down the channel. The man who had been steering our boat from the western end of our boat stood up and walked past me, heading east. He was dark skinned and thin. The woman with me then asked if i liked him. I thought that this was a strange question, but i thought about it. I did not remember the man being particularly attractive, but i did not think that he was unattractive either. I told the woman that i might be interested in him. The bus we were on then turned to the south, heading into the parking lot. I looked up through the skylight. We were passing through a gateway, which seemed like a tollbooth. Thin metal poles suspended a crude fiberglass ceiling over the entryway. I watched it pass over the top of the bus, and i ducked as it neared me. An event was happening here on the northern shore of the lake. We had pulled south to the shore and stopped on the green grass of the park, which was to the north of the water. I chatted with some of the other people around. I then headed to the northeast, across the grass. We had been doing something mischievous in the park, but it was now time to move on. The other person was following me. I thought that we should leave this area. I looked across the shallow hill to the north of us. It sloped up to the north, toward the ceiling of the large room that we were in. The grassy hill had round cement columns at various places across it to support the ceiling. I headed toward an exit to the room, which was in the eastern half of the northern wall. I then noticed a yellow dog sitting near one of the cement posts, just to the southwest of the exit. I told the woman that the dog was nice as we approached it. She stopped to pet the dog. The dog seemed sad, so we pet it to comfort it. I rested my head on its side as it let the woman pet its head. The dog was facing west and was lying on its left side. As i rested my head on its chest, i noticed that the fur of the dog actually smelled dirty. I tried not to mind, thinking that the dog needed our comfort, but i eventually had to get up because it did not smell good. I hoped that the people around me did not think that i was treating the dog badly by ignoring it. I looked down at the dog, which was now a boy. We started chatting, and the people around me were chatting with each other. The people gathered here were from $G4. They were celebrating the end of a run. The boy to the north of me smiled at me and offered me a can of beer. I thought that he should not be involved in any drinking of beer because he could not possibly be old enough. I did not say anything, however. I took the white can of beer and looked at it. It seemed like an old can. I looked around the room to see that the others were drinking. I pushed open the lid of the can, not sure about drinking it at the moment. One of the people to the northeast of me then said that he wanted some of the beer. I did not really want do drink it, so i held the cup over the man’s face and dumped most of it into his mouth. I spilled a little down the side of his face, so i apologized to him. I then had some of the beer from the cup myself. Looking around, i suddenly realized that we were in a classroom. I started to feel uncomfortable about drinking beer here. I knew that we should not have any alcohol on school property. I then noticed that people were watching us from the window in the northern wall, to the northeast of me. They seemed to disapprove of what we were doing. We could not let them know that we had alcohol here or we would get in trouble. We would have to hide the beer. I then realized that the boy with us would get in trouble because he was too young to be drinking alcohol. I put down the blue plastic cup that i had been carrying, trying to hide it under the shelf that was against the northern window. I did not want the people in the window to see it. I then noticed a second window to the northwest of me. This one seemed to lead into a small studio booth. The booth was dark, but two men entered from the northern wall of the room and looked at something in front of the window. The other people with me started to leave to the northeast. I looked back to the first window, which seemed to lead outside. The other people were still watching us disapprovingly. I decided to leave the room as well before we got in trouble. Everyone else had already left. I then thought that i should take the cup that i had hidden under the shelf. It would probably still smell like beer, so i should not leave it in the classroom. I looked under the shelf, but it was gone. Someone must have picked it up already. I headed out of the school. I passed some other people side and headed north. Someone then asked me about the postcard that the boy had mentioned. I thought that i should explain it as a reply card that would go into a greeting card. I did not want to give them any specifics because i worried it would get the boy in trouble.

12015 January 10

We had to get going. I was with my family in the room. My parents were leaving to the northeast, but i was not quite ready to leave. I had to get my jacket, but i realized that i was not fully dressed. I felt rushed, and i hurried to get my things together. My grandmother was inn the room i had entered, and she asked me a question. I replied as i tried to quickly put my shoes on. I then realized that i did not have something to put my right shoe on. My grandmother continued to do something on the southwestern side of the room as i looked for something to wear under my shoe. I turned to the west and started looking through the pile of clothing that was on top of the dryer, which was against the northern wall of the room. I hoped to find some socks, but i could only find pieces of colored cloth and scarfs. Frustrated, i pulled out a red mesh scarf from the pile to the east of me and put my foot into it. I then slided my foot into my boot. The red scarf was very long, and two of the corners stuck out of the boot. I worried that it would look too fancy, but i thought that it actually looked good, though i still did not like wearing it. I pulled up on the two ends of the scarf as i started walking to the northeast. I then realized that the two ends of the scarf were stuck over one of my shoulders. I looked down at my tan shirt, trying to get the ends of the cloth to look right. I realized that they probably looked like suspenders, which did not bother me as much. I decided that the red rubber ropes looked good over my shoulders, so i left them. I walked to the north, following the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street as i crossed the bridge. The modern bridge had a cement wall on the eastern side. Two men had started crossing the bridge in front of me, but i passed them as i hurried to the north. I played with the red straps that were over my shoulders as i passed them. The straps were actually ropes that dangled from the overhead bars. The bridge did not actually have a deck. We had to swing on the overhead bars to get across. I reached the northern side of the bridge and turned to the east, swinging from the second set of crossbars that ran down the center of the gorge between two thick metal rails. I paused for a moment, looking at the two dull red elastic ropes that i was swinging from. I pulled on them, not quite sure how to use them to swing. I was aware of the two young men watching me, and i did not want to seem unsure about what i was doing, so i started swinging on the ropes again. One of the men spoke to the other, mentioning the bar that they were going to. He called the bar “Waterworks”. I pictured a place with many pipes and an industrial design. I had heard of the bar before, but i could not remember where it was. I seemed to remember that they served house beer there. I swinged to the eastern end of the ladder and then started to turn to the north again, on the next street, which was also a long ladder suspended over the center of a gorge. I was having difficulty grabbing the ropes. I realized that i was still wearing the thick leather riding gloves. I pulled the one from my right hand and put it in my pocket. I then took off the right one and put it away. I would look better swinging if i did not have gloves on. I wanted to look good for the young men following me. I continued swinging to the north, thinking that i was heading to a bar as well.

I entered the pub and headed to the east, across the dimly lighted room. It was the middle of the day, but little light was coming into the pub from the outside. The bar ran along the northern wall of the western end of the room. The eastern end of the room opened up a little and was filled with small wooden tables for dining. The tables were tall enough that someone could stand at them or sit in the high chairs around them. I stopped at the bar on the northern side of the room while waiting for my seat. The bartender gave be two pints of beer. I did not expect to receive two pints, but i took them. One glass was tall and thin, with a bell-shaped top. It had a light-color been in it, which i thought must be a wheat beer. The other pint was a regular pint glass and had a dark-brown beer in it. That was the malty beer that i had ordered. I took the two glasses to the south and put them on a table while i switched my jacket from one arm to the other. I had taken off my jacket at the bar, but i still had on a second jacket. I started to put both pint glasses down when a man walked up to me from the east. He said that he would take me to my table. I followed him to the east, but did not have all of my things with me. He brought me to the table in the center of the room. It had two chairs: one on the southern side and one on the northern side. I hung my jacket over the southern chair and put the light-colored beer on the table. A woman came out of the kitchen to the southeast, carrying a plate of fried food. It was the food that i had ordered. I was surprised that it had arrived so quickly. I then realized that $A103 was sitting at the table to the south of me. I said hello to him. He was sitting on the southern side of the table, eating a meal. $A341 was sitting on the northern side of the table, across from $A103. He stood up to greet me. I said something to $A103. I then noticed that $A341 had walked over to the table where i was sitting and started eating some of the food that was brought to me. I thought that this was strange. He then took a sip of the beer that i had put on the table. He must have thought that the food was free. I felt annoyed that he was helping himself to the food, but i did not say anything. I turned back to the west and walked over to the table to the south of the bar, where i had put my jackets. My beer was still sitting on the table. I picked it up, switching hands so that i could hold the beer and both of my jackets. When i headed back to the east, however, i realized that everything had been cleared from my table. The man must have thought that i had finished my meal and taken the extras away. I felt upset and annoyed. I walked back over to the table, not sure what to do. I wanted the other beer back and i wanted some food.

12015 January 11

I headed to the east along the southern ends of the market aisles. I was in a large grocery store, and i could hear the others talking to the north of me. $A707 and her daughters were talking on the northern side of the store. They did not know that i was here, and i looked up the aisles to the north to see if i could see them. $A725 was talking very loudly, which i thought was funny. I followed them to the east, walking parallel to where they were, trying to catch up. I could hear them talking to the north, but i could not see them. I then crossed an aisle and saw $A707 with $A725. $A725 looked at, and i waved at her. $A707 could see me, but she just smiled in reply. I knew that they did not want to talk to me, so i did not bother walking up the aisles to greet them. I continued to the east.

12015 January 12

As we opened the back door to my parents’ house to head out, the cat walked out the door in front of us. It was a dark tabby cat, and i knew that it should not be outside. It seemed dangerous for the cat to be outside. My mother was behind me, and i called to the cat to get it back inside. My mother walked out the door past me and motioned the cat back inside. It turned to the west and headed back into the house. We walked across the porch and started walking to the north up the driveway. I looked back at the door as my father came out. The cat came out with him. I thought that he was not concerned about the cat getting out, but i thought that the cat was very old and was not used to being outside. Annoyed, i walked back toward the house and grabbed the cat. I started to carry it toward the door of the porch, but decided that i would carry it to the garage instead. We were heading to the garage to see something. I thought that i could keep the cat calm while we looked at the motorcycle. The motorcycle was actually a scooter, and it seemed to be newly constructed. The man showed it to us. It had a strange shape, with flat sides and a base that was wider than the top. The back was trapezoidal. I thought that the boxy back was actually open so that things could be stored under the seat of the motorcycle. I was supposed to ride this bicycle, and i told my mother about it. I moved toward it. I was aware of my father as i looked over the bicycle. He was standing to the south of me. I thought about the flat metal panels that were on the sides of the motorcycle. I wondered if they would get hot from the engine. It might be too hot to touch, so i thought that someone might burn their legs on the red metal plates when the motorcycle was running. I was then sitting on the bicycle with the other person. My father was still to the south of me, behind me. I looked at the second motorcycle, which was to the east. I was sitting on the red bicycle, but i was leaning to the east with my shoulders hunched over. I stared down at the dull-red tank near the top of the other motorcycle. It must have been the bicycle that my father was repairing. The tank looked small, and the metal of the gray frame was dusty. I focused on the chevron-shaped design on the back of the round object. I then realized that the handlebars on the motorcycle were missing. My father must have taken them off to work on the bicycle.

12015 January 14

I tried to read the writing that was on the northern wall of the room. My friend stood to the west of me, looking at it as well. The wall was dull yellow, and the writing seemed to be formed of large letters that were a slightly different texture than the smooth surface of the wall. They became pale when viewed in the correct light. The words were printed backward, and i knew that it was some kind of puzzle. I stepped backward, trying to see the letters more clearly. They were in a thick serif typeface that had very narrow letters. I first word seemed to be “mysterious”, and it was followed on the left by the number 8. I pronounced the number, combining it with the following word to say part of a phrase. It seemed like the beginning of the clue. I told this to the other person. I felt a little excited that we were figuring out the puzzle. We moved to the west, trying to read the rest of the text on the wall. I looked at it, trying to repeat the phrase in my head. I then realized that something did not seem quite right. I ran the phrase through my head a few times. We now seemed to be in a room to the south of where we had been. Something seemed wrong. I thought that we had not actually solved the part of the puzzle correctly, and i tried to write down what i had figured out. I had a pad of yellow notebook paper in my hands, and i was trying to write the first words of the saying. I realized that something was wrong, and i tried to read the words again. I looked back at the wall, but we were now looking at the southern end of the western wall. We were in the doorway to a corridor that led east to west. The short corridor to the north led back into the northern room, where the first part of the puzzle was. I tried to understand the first part, but it seemed that we had skipped too much of the puzzle to get the correct phrase. I thought that the other person did not have the correct answer to the puzzle, and i wanted to get it. I walked back to the north to look at the beginning of the phrase. I walked down the corridor, noticing the cafeteria counter to the west. The eastern wall of the corridor was covered with brown wood paneling. I looked at the glass over the food counters. The counters started out near the corridor on the southern end of the opening, but turned to the northwest and headed into the room. A large woman in a white uniform was serving food on the southern side of the counter. I noticed a letter on the metal pole that held up the top of the food counter. The pole supported the upper piece of glass over the glass guard on the front. I realized that letters were written on each vertical pole. We had not read these letters before. The other person was missing part of the puzzle. I told the woman that. She seemed to have something to do with the puzzle. She seemed to be pleased with what i was doing, and i told her that i should start at the beginning. I felt good having her watch my progress. As i headed back to the northeast to the first part of the puzzle, i realized that i could not quite turn the page on my notebook. I tried writing with the pencil, but it would not write on the paper. The top sheet of paper was made of plastic, and the pencil did not make any marks on it. Frustrated, i tried to turn the page to get to a real sheet of paper. I tried writing the first words, but they did not seem correct anymore. I had to read the words from the beginning again, and i wanted to write out everything they said. I then looked to the west, noticing that the words continued down the wall. I had not read these words before. We had missed so much before.

12015 January 15

$F45 was with me as i drove the car to the south. We were going to have dinner somewhere. I drove along the eastern side of the large white building, which seemed to be a dining hall on the college campus. I remembered this building from a long time ago, and it seemed as though i had not been here in quite a while. I turned the car to the west and drove along the southern side of the building. The white building had rough stucco on the outside. I could not remember how to get in to the building, and i thought that the building might have actually been redesigned since we had eaten here last. We were driving down a narrow alley, with a chain-link fence to the south of us. We passed several openings in the white building, which seemed to be docking bays or maintenance entrances. We came to the western end of the building and turned around. This building looked very familiar. I remembered working on it when i was younger. I had been part of the construction team that was renovating it. It now looked very different. I looked up to the east, looking along the southern wall of the building. The wall was white and seemed to be a raised facade, like buildings in warmer climates. The surface had ridges and curved openings between the horizontal bands of the outer cement shell. I thought that i had worked on the outer wall at some point. I looked down as i headed to the east, walking through the glass doors on the southern end of the western side of the building. I came into an open lobby with thick round columns in the center. The columns were covered with a metallic brown coating. I remembered painting them when we did the building originally. As i passed one, moving quickly to the east, i noticed the scratches and dents in the fading paint. Quite a bit of time had passed since i had worked here, and the building was in need of repair again. As i moved along the southern side of the room, i realized that the large room to the north of me, on the other side of the columns, was actually a cafeteria. The lights were off, but i could see the features in the natural light that was coming in the windows. The cafeteria was closed at the moment. I wondered if we could still get food here. I started moving down the hall to the east. As i passed a doorway, i noticed a small white room full of people to the north. They were all facing west, and i realized that they were waiting for the cafeteria to open. It would open in a little while, so we did not have long to wait. I looked around for the menu, which i thought would be posted on a board somewhere. The people were waiting to enter the doorway in the western wall, so i looked at the board to the south of the doorway. It was a white board and had something written on it in red ink. The writing was small, but it did not seem to say what was being cooked today. The people then started entering the area to the west. I followed the others. A chef was standing to the north of me as i came into the center of the small kitchen. He was serving food. He handed me a plate of tacos. I could see that they were made from ground beef. $F45 would not eat them because he was a vegetarian. I hoped that there was something here that he could eat. I then saw him to the west of me. He had pushed ahead of some of the other people to get to the tray of vegetables. I felt annoyed with him, thinking that he was being rude. A young blond woman was standing near the table, and $F45 pushed his way in front of her. She seemed surprised and backed up. The chef to the north of me was annoyed by $F45’s actions. $F45 started digging through the food in the warming trays on the counter to the northwest. He put his plate of food down on a low counter to the east of the warming trays. He should not have been serving himself food. I then saw the chef reach behind him to place a glass of liquid on the low counter. He was unaware that $F45 had put a plate down. The weight of the glass knocked the plate from the counter, spilling the vegetables on the floor. I felt uncomfortable, knowing that $F45 would not easily be able to get another plate of just vegetables. He would be upset, and i knew that he would talk negatively to me to get out his frustration. $F45 picked up the plate from the floor, scooping the vegetables back onto the plate. The chef looked over his shoulder at him, saying that the food had been on the ground, so it should not be eaten. $F45 lifted the food from the floor and dumped it into the large open pot that was on the stove to the northwest. I was surprised that he had done this. I knew that it would upset the chef. He had contaminated the rest of the food on the stove. I started to feel uncomfortable here, realizing that what $F45 had done would anger the chef. I thought that we should leave this place. I turned and headed back to the southeast. I walked quickly down the alley to the south of the building, trying to find where we had parked the car. We had to get out of this place because the chef would have called the police to arrest us. I saw the thick white structure on the southern side of the alley. It looked like a stairwell, but it was not part of the building. I thought that we had parked on the eastern side of the structure. I worried that we would not find the car before someone came after us. I rounded the eastern side of the white structure. Cars were parked in the eastern side of the structure, facing west. I was annoyed to see that the car was elevated in a small metal lift. The lift must have been used to fit more cars in the parking spaces by allowing them to be stacked. Our car seemed to be about half a meter off the ground. I felt anxious, thinking that we would not easily be able to drive the car out of the lift. $F45 walked around to the southern side of the car and got it. I looked at the northern side, but i could not get to the passenger door because the car was too close to the wall. I would have to wait until $F45 backs the red car out. I then realized that the door on the back of the car was open. It opened to the back seat like a hatchback, but it seemed more like the upper part of an SUV rear hatch. As $F45 started the car, the hatch slowly closed automatically. I was happy that this happened. I then noticed that the lift had also lowered as he started backing out. I got into the car. I wondered where we could go for dinner now. Our plans for the evening had been ruined. We would not be able to make it to $P18 for the movie now.

12015 January 16

I came down the stairs of my house and turned south into the living room. $F45 had been cleaning up the living room, but he seemed to have moved things around. The cabinet under the television, which was in the southeastern corner of the room, looked different. It was taller than normal, but the electronic devices in the cabinet did not look correct. $F45 must have taken some of them out. I felt annoyed that he had changed things, and i started to feel upset with him. I looked at the things on the shelfs. Several of the shelfs seemed to be filled with computer equipment, but it was not the correct computer equipment. I pulled one of the black devices from the shelf, looking at it. It looked like a CD drive for a computer. It had been removed from its case. I lifted it up, looking at the metal underside. Several screws were stuck to the bottom of the case. I grabbed one, realizing that they were magnetically attracted to the disk drive. The screws and a few other metal pieces had stuck to the bottom of the flat device. I looked at the lights on the front, thinking that this might be an old modem. I stood up, wondering what $F45 had done with the old VHS player that was on the shelf. The shelfs were very tall now, and i was looking at something that was at my shoulder level. I felt very annoyed and turned to the south. A dresser was against the southern wall of the room. I had not remembered a dresser being there before, but i thought that some of the DVDs might have been put in the dresser. I opened one of the drawers, finding an old cable box. I became very upset, thinking that $F45 should not have moved all of the equipment around. I headed to the north, into the music room. Things were different here as well. A dresser was against the southern wall, and it had a wooden bird on it. I felt very upset that things had been moved, and i wanted to hit the door near me. $F45 then came down the hallway behind me. I turned to talk to him, but i felt too angry to say anything. I wanted to scream. I walked back into the center of the room and then turned back to the door to scream in anger. I woke up suddenly in my bed. I sat up quickly and turned to the east, throwing my feet over the edge of the bed. I still felt very upset, and i wanted to scream anyway. I tried to scream, but i could not make a proper sound. I tried again, but my voice was not quite working.

12015 January 17

The man was playing piano in the living room to the north of me. The piano was against the eastern wall of the room. Someone else was in the middle of the room. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that something bad was happening. The other man had been driving a car, but he should not have been. I thought that we should not let him drive. I paced around, and the scene changed. The other man was there again. He had already driven the car, but he should not have. He had to make sure that he did not drive the car again.

12015 January 22

I looked at the small town to the west of us as we traveled to the south, down the road. I had come here for the film festival. The mountain town was familiar. I had been to this festival several times before, but it seemed like a while since i had been here. The mountains to the west of the town were white and tan. They looked picturesque. I noticed some of the buildings that we were passing. A small shopping plaza was on the eastern side of the road. It was U-shaped and seemed brown. Several plain brown buildings were among the trees on the western side of the road now. All of this looked familiar, but it seemed that we were passing the town. I then remembered that we would be staying at the hotel to the south of the main village. We had not stayed that far from the festival before. I wondered how we would get back to town for the festival. Something about where we would be staying made me feel uncomfortable. I wandered around near the hotel, which seemed to be to the southwest of me. $F45 was with me. I wandered around the area, trying to think of how we would get back to the festival. I thought that we would have to take some kind of public transportation. I thought about the busses and the public rail system. Time seemed to pass, and i was carrying something as i continued to the south, out of the hotel. The others were walking with me. The area to the south of the building was under a wide flat roof, which was suspended by round cement pillars. I walked around the eastern end of a long metal bench and put down the things that i had beer carrying. I turned to the south to see a train coming toward us. It was tan with dark sides. It moved to the west of us and turned sharply to the east. It as now stopped to the northwest of me. I realized that this might be the train that we were supposed to take into town. The others headed for the train, which seemed to be only one car long. I felt suddenly rushed. I walked back to the east to grab my duffel bag from the bench. I was worried that i would miss the train, and i was upset with the others for not waiting for me. As soon as i had picked up the bag and started back for the train, the train started moving to the east. I had missed it. I was upset. The next bus would not come for a very long time, and i did not want to wait for it. I started walking to the north, thinking that i might walk all the way to town. I looked back to the south a few times, wondering what i should do. I walked up the western side of the parking lot, which was to the east of the hotel. I shifted the large mattress over my shoulder to carry it better. Many people were standing on the western edge of the northern side of the parking lot. They seemed to be waiting for a bus. I wondered if they were waiting for the bus that would go into the city. I slowed as i neared them, wondering if i could catch a bus here. I felt unsure. A man was to the west of me. I said something to him. I then picked up the large object, which seemed like the mattress, and put it over my right shoulder. I then looked to the south again. A bus was heading up the center of the parking lot toward me. I quickly stepped out of its way. It did not stop for the people on the sidewalk. It stopped to the east of me, at the northern end of the lot, where the lot met the east-to-west street. The bus then turned to the east on the road. I did not want to take that bus, and the others here were not interested because it was heading out of town. It must go to one of the small nearby towns. I wandered for a moment, not sure what to do.

12015 January 24

I ran to the east, and the other person followed me. We were heading somewhere specific, and i felt that we had to get there. I came to a gray stone wall, which was very tall. We had to get up it, and i looked for a way to get over. We had come this way before, so i knew that there was a way up. We seemed to be in a suburban area, and we had run into the paved lot that was lower than the surrounding area. Trees and houses seemed to be at the top of the wall to the east of me. I moved to the north, where the lot was surrounded on three sides by the wall. This was where we had climbed before. I saw a metal catwalk overhead and thought that we had climbed to it. I started climbing up the metal cable that ran down the wall to the east of me. I then wondered how i could climb up the cable. It seemed too thin to grab on to. We had done this before, though, so i knew that it could be done. I asked the other person how we could climb. He was to the south of me now. The wall to the east of me seemed to be a building now. I pulled on the two cables. They were actually thick rubber chords. I was not sure how to use them to climb, and i asked the other man how i would use them. I tugged on them. I grabbed one in each hand and pulled myself up to the catwalk. I grabbed the bottom of the catwalk and started moving along the wall to the south. After a little while, i started swinging along the narrow rail that was attached to the wall, making my way to the north, where the flat ground was. I climbed up to the ground and moved a little way to the northeast. The other person said something about the trail that we were following. We were now in a lightly forested area, and the leafs seemed to be colored and falling from the trees. I pointed to the northeast, indicating where i thought the tail went. I remembered that the trail had gone that way before. I then turned my attention to the east, looking through the gap in the fence. The new trail might go this way. I pulled open the gap in the chain link fence, which was on the northern end of the fence. I started to cross the narrow ledge, which ran along another section of fence on the northern side of the area. The land to the south of the ledge dropped off steeply. I quickly realized that something was over the ledge, making it dangerous to cross. I tried pulling the object up. It seemed to be a section of chain-link fence, which had fallen over the ledge. It had been buried under dry leafs. I did not realized the danger of the tail at first, but, as the other person asked what i was referring to, i pulled back the loose section of fence that had been leaning against the tall northern section of fence. The loose piece of fencing ran the length of the northern side of the area. I pulled the section to the south, dumping the dry leafs into the pit, which i now realized was to the southeast of me. I had been trying to cross the narrow cement ledge, which was on the edge of a large cement pit. The pit seemed like a dry swimming pool that had been abandoned, but the walls were rough unfinished cement with square corners. I had exposed the narrow cement ledge, but it seemed too narrow to cross now. This was how we must have crossed before. The other person agreed that the ledge was too dangerous to cross now. I turned to the northeast, wondering where we should go now. A woman caught up with us as i paced around for a moment in the field to the northeast of the pit. The small field was in the center of the wooded area. The man was to the south of me, and the woman stopped to the west of me. She said that the couch was still there. I remembered a couch in the middle of a field from a long time ago. We had stopped there on a run with $G4 the last time we came this way. I turned to the northeast to see a corridor cut through the tall grass and weeds. It led to a clearing in a field where an old red couch stood. I remembered the field from before and commented on it to the woman.

12015 January 25

I was looking at the large group of people that was gathering for the activity at the camp. They were forming teams to the south of me so that they could start the relay. I thought that i should get in line with one of the teams, but i was not sure where i should go. I did not recognize any of the people that i saw. I wanted to join the fun, but i felt uncomfortable doing it with people that i did not know. I started to the south, looking at the large number of people forming lines along the western end of the pool, to the east of me. I tried to find a group that i recognized, but i did not see anyone i knew. Frustrated, i moved around to the southern side of the pool. The people were starting the relay race in the water. This was part of the camp activity. I felt bad for not joining, but i was not sure how to do so. I would have to tell people that i did not want to do the swimming race. I walked to the east now, heading along the side of the pool. Rails ran over the top of the water now. They were thick round white rails, and they looked like part of a roller coaster. I looked back to the west to see a man riding a cart down the rails. The cart was H-shaped, with the four ends curving down to meet the rails. The man was standing on the rear part of the frame and held on to the cross bar, which passed across his lower abdomen as he leaned forward. The cart was rolling smoothly along the rails to the east. I thought that the man must have a sail or something to pull the cart forward. The cart did not seem to be propelled from the track, so something else must be driving it. The man seemed familiar. I thought that he looked like $A118. He had bushy black hair and wore a dark lifejacket. The ride then seemed somewhat dangerous because it was not easily controlled. I wondered how the riders would slow the ride when they reached the end of the rails, which were now running over an open pit. I thought that water was at the bottom of the pit. I wanted to try the ride, but i was still skeptical that it was safe. I started walking back to the west, looking at the white rails. A man was walking toward me from the west. He seemed to be a counselor at the camp. I asked him how the rail cars worked. I then saw people moving to the west on the rails. I asked what propelled the cars, and then i asked if they were just running down hill under gravity. The man said that they were driven by gravity. I headed to the western end of the pool, were people were still gathered to watch the events. The teams would start on the eastern end of the pool and ride the carts to the west. They would have to jump off of the carts and into the water. I looked down into the pit. The water had been drained, and all i could see was red dirt on the floor of the barn that we were in. The dirt had strange rounded patches on it. These must be the spots where people had smoothed the mud as the water was draining. The people that had been on the western end of the pool were now lined up along the western wall of the barn, which was several meters from the floor of the pit. They were watching the people race. This race now seemed dangerous, and i was not sure that i wanted to do it anymore. I looked back to the east to see where the rails came out of the old wooden structure in the center of the barn. The people were starting on the second or third floor of the barn and gliding west. They would then have to jump out of the carts and down to the mud floor, which seemed to be four or five meters below. This seemed very dangerous. Someone to the west then mentioned the agreements that had to be signed. I realized that the participants had to sign waivers to acknowledge that this was a dangerous sport. I looked up to the east to see the man on the northern track doing something. He was still signing the agreement. He looked like $A726. He said something to someone on the western side of the room and put down the paper and green pen that he was working with. He moved to the edge of the platform and jumped down. I gasped suddenly, thinking that the fall was quite large. He stepped on the floor below him and jumped to the dirt ground below. It seemed like a long fall, but i realized that he must have stepped on several things on the way down. He had jumped from an opening in the third floor of the building. I looked at the dull-green vertical planks of wood that covered the lower part of the eastern wall. He must have first stepped onto the second floor, which was at the top of the green wall. A set of stairs descended from a southern part of the second floor, running in front of the wall. He must have stepped on them as well before jumping down to the dirt. It still seemed like a long way to fall. The man moved to the west to do something.

I sat on the right side of the cabin of the large airplane as we started moving. I could see the land around me, and i realized that we were heading down the center of a road. We seemed to have come from a runway to the northwest, but we turned to the south and started rolling down the city street. This seemed strange. To the south, the street ran up the steep hill, which had apartment houses and shops on both sides. I thought that this must be how the airplane takes off. It would gain speed going up the hill and then take off when it got to the top. I felt worried as the airplane started to accelerate up the steep slope. I looked out the window to the west of me, watching the brick apartments pass. I thought that the noise of the jet airplane must be very loud for the people in the apartments. I looked to the south, seeing the street ahead of us. I then noticed that we were crossing under power lines, which crossed the road. I felt suddenly concerned, thinking that the wires would be hitting the top of the airplane. I knew that the tail fin of the airplane was tall enough to catch the wires. I looked back to the north, behind the airplane, to see the b lack wires torn from the poles on the sides of the road. The broken wires fell to the ground behind us. I complained to the others, saying that the wires might be damaging the aircraft. I looked ahead of us again to see three more wires go over the top of us. I then saw a metal lamppost that extended out over the street. The gray metal arm of the post passed over our head. It was too sturdy a structure, and i knew that it would damage the airplane. I looked back to see it strike the tail of the airplane, making a thick dent in the front of the tail fin. I started to feel worried, thinking that this was not right. The airplane reached the top of the hill and was now in the air. I worried that it would not fly properly because of the damage caused by the streetlight. I sat nervously, watching the ground outside the airplane. We were still not really flying. The airplane was very low to the ground. The voice of the female pilot talked about flying to our destination. I could see her at the head of the cabin. I leaned forward and told her about the damage to the rear fins. I said that the ailerons might not work. I looked back to the tail of the airplane. I could see the side fins of the jet now. They seemed very short, and they curved down oddly, as if they had been bent. We flew away anyway, but were still heading down the road. This did not seem right. I was nervous and upset. $F4 was on the airplane with me. I told him that i hoped we got to our destination safely. This did not seem right. I watched the pine trees pass the window to the west of us. I then looked to the south. We had been following the road, but the road now ended in a T intersection. We were going too fast to turn, and we were not high enough to avoid the large church to the south of the intersection. We crashed into the front window of the church. I closed my eyes, wondering what i should do in a crash. I thought that many people in the church would be injured by the airplane crash. I also thought that the airplane must be significantly damaged now, and i felt a little relieved that we would end the flight. I was glad that the ride would finally be over. I waited for a moment for the airplane to stop so that we could get off. I then realized that we were actually to the south of the church now and we were turning around. The airplane turned to the east and then to the north, starting to fly over the parking lot to the east of the church. The female pilot said that we would still fly. I felt very upset, thinking that this airplane was too dangerous to be on. We had to get off of it. I looked out the window to the west now, seeing the broken roof of the church slowly passing the window. We were still flying, but we were moving very slowly. The airplane turned to the west and started up the very steep hill over the street. I was afraid that the airplane would not fly properly, and i wanted to get off. I then noticed metal structures on either side of the road. Thick metal towers supported horizontal beams that ran along the sides of the road. The towers and beams seemed to have gears or wheels in them to operate some kind of transport system. I then realized that the wings of the aircraft fit between the upper and lower beams of the horizontal rails. This system must have been designed to allow a large aircraft to pass up the hill. I watched the right wing of the airplane as we headed slowly up the hill. It did not seem to be fitting correctly through the slots in the towers, and it struck one of the towers, denting the tip of the wing. This was not good. The wing had been damaged, and i did not think that the airplane was safe to fly. I then noticed a black chair hanging loosely between two of the towers. The right wing flew into it. The chair started to get dragged over the wing, but then the lower part of the chain caught on one of the metal poles on the side of the road. The chain tightened and the airplane came to a sudden stop. I said that this was a good thing, and i told the people around me that we should just stop flying. The pilot, however, seemed determined to fly. I could not be on the airplane, and i grabbed on to the chain and lowered myself to the ground. The airplane was facing east now, and it seemed to be on a large girder bridge. I dropped down to the cement deck of the bridge, telling the others that we should get off of the airplane. I told the pilot that we should get out of the airplane. The airplane then took off, leaving to the east. I stayed on the ground in the middle of the metal structure. I was standing in the middle of a four-lane road. Traffic was stopped to the east of me. I could see several tractor-trailers facing my direction, waiting at a light. I hoped that none of them were trains, because i thought that a train would not be able to stop until i could get out of the road. I felt nervous, thinking that i had to do something about the airplane. I ran to the north, up the driveway and around the western side of the building. The grass around the building was green and seemed very thick. I ran to the northeast, across the grass and started to the north of the building. I came to the top of a steep hill, which sloped down to the east, dropping four or five meters to a grassy area below. The land to the north, west, and south of the hill seemed to be higher ground, and the building was to the south of the area. $X23 was standing at the top of the hill with some of other $G4. $X23 jumped down the steep hill, sliding down the grass and into the small space at the bottom. I started running along the southern side of the area. $F58 and $F57 were standing on the northern side of the hill. $F58 seemed to be just to the north of the top of the slope, and $F57 seemed to be at the bottom. I heard $X23 hit the grass on the bottom of the hill, but it made a soggy dull sound. The bottom of the pit must be wet. I looked down the hill to the north of me to see a muddy spot where $X23 had landed. Someone then said that $X23 had been injured by the fall. I stopped to look down into the soggy grass at the bottom of the slope. $X23 had climbed up the hill to the east of the grassy area and was now walking toward me along the side of the house. He was to the east of me, and the building was to the south of me. I passed him, noticing that he was limping a little. Someone moved to him as he went to the west of me. I continued down the hill to the east and came into the parking lot. I felt upset, and i complained about the airplane. I was not sure that the others cared, though. $F58 did not seem interested. I worried about $F4, who was still on the airplane.

12015 January 26

I was moving the things from my grandmother’s house. I felt anxious, thinking that i did not really want to move all of the things here. There was too much stuff to fit in my car. I moved to the south to pick some things up. I seemed to be in a basement area, and many boxes of items were stacked against the northern wall. I told my mother, who was to the west of me, that i could not fit everything in the car. I grabbed several things from the stack and moved them to the southeast. I looked over the things, feeling lost. I was not sure what i was going to do with all of the things. I felt upset about all of the things. A large metal bin was against the southern wall of the room. It was pale green and had several things stacked on top of it. Several of the things seemed to be pieces of furniture. I then looked to the west, noticing the small square end table. It had thick darkly stained wooden legs and a glass plate in the center of the top. I said something about it to my mother, who was to the east of me. I then moved to the table, looking at the trinkets that were on top of it. Three or four small objects were on top of the table. I picked up a dull-brown wooden egg and looked it over. I thought that i would have to keep the egg. I put it back on the triangular metal stand. I then moved back to the east, looking at the things left to the east of the green bin. I suddenly realized that only a few things were left. I mentioned this to $K15, who was standing to the west of me, in front of the green bin. I felt better about all of the things, knowing that there were few left. I headed to the north.

12015 January 27

The scene focused on the woman to the east of me. She was sitting behind a desk or table, working on a laptop. She had long dark hair and seemed to have Indian features. The person said something about her, and she stopped what she was doing suddenly. She stared into the camera, looking worried. What the person had said must have upset the woman. She sat quietly and started to look worried. The scene then panned down, looking under the table at her crotch. Her pants were open in the center, and i could see her vagina. Her legs were covered with yellow patches of cloth, which seemed to be pants. Something about the cloth made me think that it was glued to her legs. The two cloths covered the top of her thighs, but left the bottoms exposed. The cloths ran from her hips down to her knees and had bare edges, with a few loose threads starting to fray. A hand moved into frame, pointing at the woman’s vagina, which seemed to have a purple marking over the top of it. I thought that the person who had spoken must have made the purple mark. The scene then looked back up at the woman’s face. She still looked concerned as she stared back from the scene. I then noticed purple eye shadow over her eyes. It looked like the same purple as i had seen on her vagina. Something about the purple was special, but i was not sure what. The scene then switched back to the vagina, focusing on the small opening down the center. The woman’s hand appeared in the frame, and she touched the purple area. The index finger of the hand then pressed into the opening as if scooping something out. The scene changed back to the woman’s face. She was now smiling as if she had done something wrong. She acted obviously innocent as she brought her hand out from under the table and moved it to her mouth.

12015 January 28

I paced around the large lecture room. The room was filled with wooden fold-up seats that faced north. The room also sloped down to the north. Someone else was walking around on the northern side of the room. I felt upset. It seemed to be the end of the semester, and i felt that i had not been to any classes. A doorway seemed to be in the western end of the northern wall of the room, and i thought that it let to the class here the law professor was. A man walked into the other class. I was nervous about going there because i had not finished the course. It seemed that i had never really attended the classes. I started to feel more anxious and upset. I did not know what i could do.

12015 January 29

I left the theater and came out onto the streets to the west of the building. Something felt wrong, and i had to do something. A woman was waiting with the others on the city street outside the cinema. The cinema was a large brick building to the east of us. It had no features, and i thought hat we must have come out through a side door. I grabbed the woman’s left arm with my right hand, urgently telling her something. I said that this was not part of the real world. The events that we saw were fictional. We had to get back to the other place. I motioned the woman to the south. We walked to the south, down the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street.

I was suddenly aware of where i was. I found myself in a pub-like building, facing the video screen to the south of me. I was sitting in a black plastic chair, which seemed to be attached to the console that the screen was part of. The chair seemed to be part of a video game that i was watching. $G4 was to the west of me, in the pub. They had come into the pub recently. I still felt confused, not fully aware of where i was. It seemed as though i had been watching the golf game on the video screen and was now suddenly aware of my surroundings. I tried to move, but one of $G4 sat on my lap to use the video game. He started playing with the controls, and i moved to the east to get out from under him. I slided out of the seat. The man was actually ordering pizza for $G4. I felt agitated, feeling that something was out of place here. I wandered to the east, looking around the pub. I entered the kitchen, which was to the southeast. A large metal table was in the center of the kitchen, and someone seemed to be working to the south of it. I still felt agitated, not knowing what i should do.

12015 January 30

I moved to the east across the southern side of the room. The people were rehearsing the play on the northern side of the room. I felt irritated that the rehearsal was not going well. A group of people came into the room from the northwest. They were here for the rehearsal, but i did not want them here. I did not think that they could act well. They seemed to be mentally challenged children. I walked around the western side of the room as i watched the others, who were stretched in a semicircle from the eastern side of the room across the northern side. I felt very uneasy and frustrated with the actors, and i did not know what to do.

12015 January 31

I was upset with $F45 and i walked across the dull-white room to the east. He had left the doors of the house open, and i was annoyed with him. I pulled a door closed in the eastern wall, but i still felt a draft. I held up my right hand, feeling the cold air from somewhere to the south. I moved along the wall, making sure the windows were closed. I felt that $F45 did not care about the house. I then noticed that the door in the southern wall felt very cold. The screen door must have been left open. I tried to pull it closed, thinking that the storm door would keep the house warmer. I then noticed the orange cat to the southeast of me. It sat on the ground outside, in the small enclosed area. It must have been $X14. He should not have been outside the house, and i worried that he had been let out when it was so cold. I opened the door and called to him, but he did not want to come to me. I called again, and the cat walked over to the door. I held the door open for a moment, but the cat did not want to come in. I worried about it and tried to get it to come into the house. I felt very upset that it had been outside for such a long time. I bent over and pet it, trying to make it feel comfortable. The cat was gray and white. I tried to pick it up to carry it in the house, but it wiggled free. I grabbed it by the tail to prevent it from running away. I then lifted it by the tail and pulled it inside the house. This seemed a strange thing to do, but i felt that it had to be in the house. I started petting its head again to try to calm it. It scowled as i pet it, and it seemed to growl in disapproval. It was a solid gray cat now, with white spots around its mouth and underside. It looked like $X1. I realized that it was not really our cat, but i thought that we should keep it. I tried to pet it to keep it calm, but it was not working. I wondered what i should do. The cat then ran to the south, into the dirty room. The room actually seemed like it was outside. It was colder there than the rest of the house. I walked into the room to look for the cat. The walls of the room were white, but the paint was old and was chipping. This place seemed to be in a barn or shed. An old rusting car was in the center of the room, surrounded by a wooden structure, which seemed to be a feed pen. I tried to find the cat under some of the things here, but i cloud not see him anymore. I then saw a man walking on the southern side of the area. He was on the opposite side of the wooden structure that filled the center of the room, and i was looking at him through a square opening in the wall. I felt suddenly uneasy of him, thinking that he should not be here. He had dark skin and long braided black hair. He did not see me, and he continued to walk to the west. I did not want him to see me, thinking that he might have claimed the area to the south. He seemed to be pacing back and forth along the southern side of the area. I stayed crouched behind the car and out of his sight for a moment. I then sneaked back to the north, heading into the house. I tried to close the metal outside door in the southern wall. I then moved to the western wall and pulled the large thick metal door closed. It did not latch fully, so i opened it to try to close it again. It was made of heavy gray cast metal. A man was in the driveway of my parents’ house now, to the east of the door. At first, i was worried that he would see me, but then i realized that he was a police officer. He was looking over the cars that were parked on the eastern side of the driveway. The cars faced east and west, and the police officer was checking them over and writing something in his notebook. I was still upset, and i wanted to get out my frustration. I wanted the help of the officer, but i felt too upset to deal with him right now. I slammed the heavy metal door, thinking that the south would attract the officer. He would think that i was up to something and come to check out what was happening. I was still angry, and i started yelling as in walked into the back room of my parents’ house. $F45 descended the stairs to the south, surprised at the noise. He seemed concerned, but i ignored him. I felt frustrated and wondered what i should do.