12017 January 01

I moved around in the white area that seemed to be on the western or northwestern side of the larger area. $G4 was with me. A white counter seemed to be in the center of the room, and several stools were on the long sides of it. We seemed to have chatted for a while in this place, and then we ran to the northwest. I followed two others across the grassy field toward the road. I looked around on the ground for markings and noticed a fluorescent-green blob in the middle of the grass. I had asked the two ahead of me if they had seen markings. As i approached the western edge of the road, the two people ahead of me had started walking. They turned to the north and then south as they reached the eastern side of the road. They were pacing to catch their breath. I watched the man just ahead of me. He wore a dark gray sweatshirt and was wearing shorts. He had his hands on his hips as he turned from the north to the west and then started walking south, his mouth open to catch his breath. His features were East Asian. He had a rounded face with pronounced cheek bones and short black hair. He glanced at me as he walked past. He seemed very attractive, but he must have noticed that i was staring at him. I looked down at the black asphalt pavement, trying to find marks. I could not see any trail marks, and i wondered where the trail was. I then noticed a splatter of green goo on top of a small rock on the eastern side of the road. The ground on the eastern side of the road was covered with rounded rough stones, which looked like volcanic rocks. They were all a little less than a deci in diameter. I watched the rock with the fluorescent-green paint on top as i approached. I then noticed the tan plastic bag, which seemed to be embedded in the asphalt. The bag had been wadded up and cut so that only a short tuft of plastic was visible, looking like a plume about three or four centimeters tall and two or three centimeters wide. I said something to the other two about the marks as i approached them. As i passed the midway point of the road, i heard something hit the pavement just to the south of me. I turned to look but could not immediately see anything on the ground. I had pulled my right hand out of my pocket and wondered if i had dropped something. I then heard something else drop. This time, i spotted a white piece of candy falling. It must have come from my pocket. I pulled the loose material of my purple running shell into my left hand. The candies had fallen from the jacket pocket. I turned my attention back to the east. I felt suddenly bad that i did not pick up the fallen candies, thinking that i had been littering, so i bent over to pick up one that had fallen in front of me. I then continued walking to the northeast, heading off of the road and onto the rocky ground. I was aware of the reservoir that was to the north of us. The road sloped down from where we were to cross the reservoir. I remembered coming to this place before. I had crossed the reservoir many times, and i remembered how beautiful it was. I mentioned this to the others. I looked to the north, across the narrow valley. I could not quite see the detail of the water, because the sun was setting to the northwest and produced too much glare. The road started to descend just to the northwest of me, turning to the northwest as it descended the hill. I could not see where it crossed the reservoir, but i knew that it curved back to the north at the bottom of the hill, just over a rise in the hill to the north of me. The body of water ran to the west in an elongated oval. I could see part of it where it met the rounded hills to the north. The hills were covered with grassy fields. Another oval section of the water seemed to protrude to the west along the southwestern side of the larger oval. I knew that the water also ran to the north and northeast of us, but i could not see it well over the hill to the north of me. I started walking to the north, looking at the reddened sunlight on the rough surface of the rocks around me. This place seemed beautiful. I had been to this area many times before, but it seemed very beautiful now. I walked to the northwest, approaching a small mount at the edge of the steep hill. It allowed me to look out over the eastern half of the reservoir, which seemed to bulge to the south on the eastern end. I felt cautious as i walked onto the small protrusion in the hill, wondering if the stones might shift under me and roll down the slope. The water was hard to see with the sun, but i knew that it would be even more beautiful when the sun set. $F70 walked to the east of me, stopping to the edge of the hill as well. The top edge of the hill ran to the southeast from where i was. He was nervous about getting too close to the edge, but i said that the ground should be safe to walk on here. I looked around. It felt very good to be here.

12017 January 02

I was in the large living room with the off-white walls. I had to gather the things together and put them away. I felt anxious and hurried. A large wooden surface was to the south of me, and it was covered with a number of small wooden things. I grabbed some of the ornaments from the eastern end of the surface and started packing them up. I then decided to move to the other side and get the objects from there as well. I was now on the southern side of the wooden surface, which seemed to be the deck of a small sailboat. The boat was in the center of the room, more to the north than the south. It seemed to have a white hull with a red stripe on it that matched the red details on the low cabin cover in the center of the boat. I had been taking items from the bow of the boat, just in front of the cabin cover. I moved to the west, to the stern of the boat, and looked at the smaller items there. The items seemed to be carved wooden figures that were posed in small scenes. I picked up several of the objects, which seemed to have square bases, and packed them into a bag or box that was on the floor under me. I then looked back to the boat. The ornaments were no longer on the polished wooden surface of the boat, which had distinct bands of narrow boards running the length of the boat. I felt confused. I had to pack the rest of the things, but they were no longer on the boat. Something had happened, and i started to feel upset that i did not know where they were. My mother was cleaning up something on the western side of the room. She was facing south and bending over to do something. It seemed that she was vacuuming. I looked back at the surface of the table. I had returned to the eastern side of the surface, but the ornaments there were gone as well. I felt upset by this. All of the wooden items that i had had on the piano were missing. I was now standing to the east of the black player piano, which had its keys facing me. My mother was to the west of the piano. I asked here where the things had gone. She stood up suddenly, angry with me. She scolded me, and i thought that she had thrown the items out. This made me feel very hurt and upset. I yelled back at my mother. I then went to find the things, heading up the stairs that ascended to the north along the eastern wall of the room. I turned to the west and entered the small bedroom upstairs. I stood in the northeastern corner of the room for a moment, gathering some of my things from the floor to the south. I seemed to be standing on the stairs still, because i seemed to be slightly lower to the floor that i should have been. This place seemed very confusing. Someone was to the west of me now. I looked at the things on the ground to the south of me. A white puffy couch was in the middle of the room, facing east. The black plastic bags of things were on the floor in front of the couch. The things seemed to be clothing. I stared collecting it. I had to get everything i could, but i started to feel distraught because collecting all of it seemed like too much to do.

12017 January 04

The man turned the car to the north, pulling into the parking space on the side of the road. The small black sports car stopped in the space, facing north. The large gray dog got out of the car, but the man said that he had to demonstrate the trunk of the car. I could see that a small crane-like apparatus was over the back of the trunk. It blended in with the black curves of the car, curving up from the rear of the car like a cresting wave, curving to the north at the top. It was formed of two arms that came together at the top, forming a point that hung over the trunk. A winch and a metal cable seemed to be in the arms. The man was annoyed that the dog had gotten out. He wanted to demonstrate how the lift worked in the back of the car. He went after the dog, which had already started ascending the stone steps that led to the west from the northern side of the parking area. The steps seemed to lead to a tall overlook on the edge of the mountain. The man grabbed the back legs of the dog as the dog was halfway up the stairs. He pulled the dog back down, and the dog flopped to the ground. I felt uncomfortable about this, thinking that the man was treating the dog cruelly. The man dragged the large thin gray dog back to the car and threw him roughly into the back seat of the car. I felt concern for the dog. We were then moving to the east down the road. The dog was in the back of the car. I looked back to see that the dog was defecating. I could see the poop falling onto the road behind us. The back seat of the car must have been designed so that the dog could defecate directly onto the road. I chatted with the person to the north of me. I was now sitting in the back of a van as someone drove to the northeast of me. We were still heading east down the road. Two cats walked forward from the back of the van. They were large gray cats, and they seemed very friendly. I pet the first one, and it rubbed its face against my chin. I was reclined to the west, resting on my left elbow as i faced north to talk to the woman. I liked being with the cats, and it felt good to nuzzle them. I then looked up to the west. We were in a car that was now moving to the west. The scene had changed, and i felt nervous about something. The road ran straight to the west, and the college campus was along the northern side of the road. The buildings seemed cubical and spread out, though they occupied a small amount of land. The larger building seemed dark, and the smaller ones looked like white cement blocks. The ground was dirt, and it seemed that the entire campus was under construction. Something about this seemed curious. I watched the buildings as we passed, thinking that something did not feel correct.

12017 January 05

I stood on the southern side of the street, which seemed to be the eastern end of Paden Street. I watched myself as i moved from the northern side of the street and started crossing the street, heading southwest. As i watched myself reach the middle of the street, i heard the sound of a telephone. I had just reached the southern side of the street, but i thought that i should answer the telephone. I turned to look at the house on the northern side of the street, feeling annoyed that i would have to head back to get the telephone. I paused for a moment, wondering if i would make it back to the telephone before the answering machine picked up. It rang a few more times, and then i hurried back to the north. I was now aware of people sitting on the porch of the house to the east of the one i was heading for. Both houses seemed to be old wooden houses with porches that ran across the entire front. The porches seemed old and worn, and they had thin railings with thin round bannisters. I ran up the stairs on the eastern end of the southern side of the porch of my house. It seemed that i had run to the door, which was straight ahead, but i was still on the porch as i answered the telephone. I was aware of $A664 and his parents sitting on the porch to the east. They stared blankly as they watched me run to the house. I answered the telephone, but was not sure i had reached it in time. I wondered if i caught it before the answering machine picked up. I then started speaking to my father. I chatted for a moment before i started walking to the north again, this time on the street that seemed to be Garden Avenue to the west of Mudd Hall. I was in the back of the small truck. The metal room around me seemed small, and i crouched down as i held the receiver to my right ear. The truck seemed to be a delivery truck, and i seemed to be in a cargo container. As i spoke on the telephone, i wondered suddenly who was driving the truck. I thought that it was automated, and i hoped that it could drive itself safely. I felt a little concerned, but i felt that i had something to do in the small metal container. I would have to shower before i got to the place. I moved to the north. A small shower was now in the center of the container, which was longer north-to-south than east-to-west. Low thin walls created a rectangular tub. The smooth walls were red and shiny. Metal bars rose from the walls to support the shower head and to form a ring around the tub. I realized that i did not have my towel with me. I felt annoyed by this, but i realized that a brown towel was on the rack on the western wall. I would have to use it so that i could shower before we arrived. I looked up into the gray plastic shower head as the water started coming out.

I had been doing something with the other people, who seemed to be people i knew from high school. They were somewhere to the southwest of me. I felt uneasy as i moved to the northeast, heading into the small building. The building was dark, and i felt nervous about something. I could hear the people outside of the building, to the south. This building had only one small room. It seemed like a small cabin, but it was nicely kept and not crudely built. I looked to the south, but i could not see the people. I wondered if they were people i knew. I looked to the southeast to see out the window, but white blinds covered the window. I raised my left had to try to part the horizontal slats of the blind, but i realized that they were all attached, forming zigzag screen that could be folded. I moved to the west, past the door. The window in the upper part of the door was covered with something dark. I could not see what was outside the cabin. I then looked up at the window to the west of the door. I was still facing southeast. The window seemed to be open, but i could not see clearly out of it. I could only see part of the sky and the top of a large pine tree. The image was blurry, and i was having trouble making out details. I then realized that the corner poles of a metal swing set were in the foreground. I could see the chains of the first swing.

12017 January 08

The man and i were running on the tail through the wooded area. We were heading to the east, and the vegetation on both sides of the trail was dense and green. Everything seemed damp because of the recent rain storm. The trail that we were following was wide and covered with short grass. At times, it seemed to have worn tracks where tires would roll over it. I thought that it must have been an old jeep trail. We ran up and down the small rises, descending overall as we ran east. We crossed another open right-of-way. Someone commented on the mud of the tail. The ground seemed very dry, but i saw a large puddle on the northern side of the trail ahead of us. It was at the bottom of a long shallow hill. I thought that the water must have accumulated from the rain. The man with me seemed like $F71. Another man was ahead of us on the trail. He stood on the southern side of the trail, telling us to go around the puddles. He seemed like $A710. He said that we did not want to get muddy yet, implying that there would be more mud coming on the trail. The trail narrowed, and the vegetation seemed to be getting thicker around us. We avoided another large puddle on the trail. We then moved through what seemed like a short tunnel. Branches and vines hung over us, but the ceiling seemed solid, as though it was made of cement. It only appeared to be a few meters long, and, as we came out the other side heading southeast, i saw the large water puddle taking up the entire trail. This must be the mud that the other man was talking about. I knew that we would be going through it. The other man running with me and i ran directly into the puddle. The calm surface of the water was spotted with dots of green algae, and the water looked swampy. As the water rose above my knees, i fell forward into the water to swim. A white chicken had been floating on the surface of the water. Startled, it took off to the east. I started swimming down the center of the channel to the southwest. The other person was following to the east of me. The water entered a square cement tunnel ahead of us. I continued swimming, but became aware that the water was flowing to the west in the tunnel. I stopped swimming and tread water for a moment. I watched the northern wall of the tunnel moving past us as the current carried us west. The water seemed to be moving quickly, and i started to worry that the current was too strong to swim in. I was not sure what was at the other end of the tunnel, but if we reached a drop off, we would not be able to avoid it in the current. I mentioned this to the other two people who were with me. We were now standing in the knee deep water, which was rushing to the east past us. I looked at the southern wall of the cement corridor. The wall had vertical openings in it that seemed to lead to side corridors. I felt confused, thinking that the water was flowing to several different places from this chamber. I asked the others where the water went. We would have to go down the narrower passages, and i wanted to know if it was really safe. I glanced down a tunnel to the south, noticing a small deer lying in the water. Its head was up, on the eastern side of its body, and its back was turned toward me. The head was staring off to the southwest. The fur of the deer seemed soaked, and i thought that the deer had been trapped in this place. I felt bad for it, thinking that we should help it get out. I noticed light from somewhere down the tunnel to the south, but this was not the tunnel that the dear was in. I then looked to the southeast, noticing that the cement wall was divided into small sections that did not connect. They were at angles so that the edges overlapped but left space to walk between. I could see a cement terrace to the southeast, and i thought that this was part of the park in the middle of the city area. I told the others that we should take the exits from the tunnel. The man then said that the water came out by the two falls. He motioned to the north. I turned to the north to see a cement fountain behind me, on the other side of a dark window. The water we were standing in was flowing to the north, under the window. It ran into a square chute, which allowed the water to flow to the east and west. Openings were on the eastern and western ends of the northern side of the cement tray, allowing the water to pour out into the pool below. The tan cement tray seemed to be only a deci deep, a little over a meter wide east to west, and two-thirds of a meter wide north to south. I realized that the falls were not as dangerous as i had feared, and i felt more relaxed here. I thought that it would be easy to follow the water over the chute. I also thought that we could easily head to the southeast into the park. I then remembered the deer, and i wondered what we should do about it. I felt concerned for the animal. The others started looking to the southeast for the deer. I was not quite sure which corridor it had been in, but i was sure it was one of the openings in the southeastern wall. Other people were now coming into the chamber. They gathered in the center of the room. I was then aware of a man in a green uniform to the west. He had come in through a doorway in the southern end of the western wall. He seemed to be an official. The others with me noticed him and headed to the east, walking around the curve of the room and heading north. The center of the room was now filled with seats, which all seemed to face south. They looked like theater seats, with yellow rubber cushions. Tourists were gathering in the room and taking seats. I realized that some of the people with me had sat down in some of the chairs. I thought that they had done this so that it seemed that they belonged here. The tourists must have come in with tickets, but we did not have any tickets for the exhibit. I wondered if the people were sitting in seats that the tourists had tickets for. I looked around, not sure what to do. I backed to the north, into the center of the room. The yellow plastic chairs were mounted on short walls. They seemed to be tightly clustered together. I sat in one of the chairs. I would have to strap myself in fro the ride. Black straps crossed the chairs, most of which seemed empty. I thought that the screens on the ceiling would light up. This ride seemed like a momentum ride. I then felt the seat under me vibrate. It jerked up. The ride had started, but i was not strapped in. I would have to strap in quickly. Something started to feel uncomfortable about the ride.

We moved to the west, and i started driving the vehicle across the water. I felt uneasy about driving the boat on the water, but my parents wanted me to do so. My father said that the house was on the shore just a little up the lake. I could see out a very narrow horizontal slit in front of me. The lake looked cold, with pale gray skies reflecting in the darker gray water. The land on both sides of the lake or river was covered with small dark houses. The lake seemed to run north to south, and it seemed to be only a few hundred meters wide. I steered the boat to the south, thinking that i could curve out into the center of the lake and then turn more directly in to shore. I looked out the narrow view hole to see the dark shore house of the shore approaching from the west. The land behind the houses sloped up gradually on both sides of the lake, and the land was pale tan. It seemed to be open farm fields that were covered with snow. I realized that i was too close to the western shore, so i turned the boat to the south, circling toward the eastern shore. I would have to adjust the arc so that the boat traveled down the lake and turned to the western shore near the cottage. I then realized that i had been turning the boat in a circle in the middle of the lake. The boat was moving very quickly, and i thought that i should slow it down so that i had more control over it. I kept turning it along the shore and back out into the water. I looked through the viewport, but could not figure out where the cottage was. My parents were behind me, and my father kept telling me that the house was on the other shore of the lake. I was then aware of other people in the boat with me. They were gathered in seats behind me. I felt nervous, not sure how to control the boat. It kept swerving dangerously close to the shore. I looked out to the north as we came very close to the eastern shore. I then realized that the boat was now running over the sandy beach on the eastern shore of the lake. Someone behind me pointed this out, and i felt tense and nervous. I knew that i had two controls, one for the thruster on each side of the boat. I had to increase the thrust on the starboard side of the ship to turn the boat back out onto the water. I saw the small dark-brown rocks sliding under the boat as i struggled to turn the boat back to the west and out into the lake. I worried that the boat would be damaged. I pushed something with my right hand and the boat turned to the northeast, sliding off of the sand and back into the water. Someone behind be sounded relieved, saying that i had turned the boat just in time. I looked down the shore to the north to see a mound of snow along the beach. It was piled up by the plows, and we had turned just before we were going to hit it. I did not think that the snow would have damaged the boat. I watched the western shore of the lake turn past us again, and i became frustrated that i could not control the vessel. We then headed east, and seemed to head toward the shore again. My mother was upset, and she said something to me. I turned the boat back to the north. My father then scolded my mother for yelling at me. He seemed to think that i was doing my best to control the boat. He then called my mother a “bitch”. This seemed very harsh, and the both paused their conversation. They then chuckled at the word suddenly. We moved to the east, over the shore.

We drove to the west, down the street, which seemed like Main Street near Page Avenue. The person with me mentioned the saying about the universe beginning with a bang but created with a sound. I remembered this idea. It was from old philosophy, and i told $F57 about this as we crossed the southern side of the area. $F57 seemed interested in the idea, and he asked me about the story that i had mentioned. I told him that the saying was based on a Bible passage. I could not remember what it said that the universe was created with, but i knew that the two parts of the saying seemed to state the same ideas about the creation of the universe. The universe began with something. I thought that it was a mystical concept that usually got confused with the sound of creation. The first statement talked about how the universe was created. I then said that, elsewhere in religious texts, it said that god uttered a sound when creating the universe, and the sound was “aum”. $F57 seemed interested in this idea. I told him that the Christians and the Jews say that this word or sound is the name of god: “Yehwa”. It was the sound of creation.

12017 January 09

I had been talking to my parents about something in the hotel, which was now to the south of me. I faced north, feeling that something strange was happening here. People stood on the lawn and paved patio to the north and northeast of me. I felt like i had something to do, but i stood for a moment. I felt good about something that had happened. I took a step to the north, and i was aware of a light shining from behind me. One of the people to the northeast of me said something. I looked up into the sky to the southwest, over my left shoulder. The sun was just a little to the west of due south, but it was behind the hotel, so i could only see a bright glow in the sky. A second light was glowing in the sky. It was brighter and cast a whit light onto the blue of the sky. It seemed hot enough to have blue or green hues. I felt suddenly concerned about the light. I could not see the source of the light, but it was just below the top edge of the building. The burst of white in the sky only lasted a few seconds, but it seemed to be moving slowly to the west. I felt concerned about what was happening. I thought that a meteor might have hit the atmosphere. I remembered the one that had burned up over Binghamton a few days ago, and i wondered if this was a piece from the same debris filed. I stepped to the west a little to see around the edge of the tall hotel building. The light was dimmer now and looked like a planet in the sky. It moved to the west. I thought that it looked like an airplane against the dull blue sky. The bright light moved north across the western sky. The land to the north of me had dark trees or other vegetation growing, and i watched the light move slowly over the tops of the trees, heading east. When it was o the northeast of me, a man fell from the light. The ship was something special, and we should not be seeing it. I watched the man fall. He was a cartoon figure. He was drawn with blocky shapes and dark outlines. His shirt was white and looked like cut paper. His arms were over his head, which was pointing down and to the west. The man fell into the trees to the northeast. I thought that the government agents had thrown him out of the airplane. People should not see this. I turned back to the south. I was now to the south of the hotel building. The people were still gathered to the north and northeast of me. Someone then started talking about the event with the airship. I asked if he was referring to the pilot who had fallen from the airplane. I knew that i was making the story up. I had to pretend that i did not know what was happening. I then worried that i might have admitted too much, letting people know that i was aware of the incident. I should have pretended not to know what had happened.

12017 January 12

I watched the television screen on the northern side of the room. I had been staying in the house by myself, but someone was coming home. I looked at the screen to see a cartoon leg. It was grey and shiny and ran diagonally from the upper left center of the screen to the lower right center. It had something to do with the show Sponge Bob. The background of the screen seemed pale yellow. I could hear my grandmother entering the house through the cellar door. I seemed to be in her living room. I would have to quickly turn the television off. I did not want her to know that i was wasting my time watching television. I crouched down to the west of the low surface, which held the brown plastic console. I pressed the black button on the console, which seemed to be an old video-game console. The television did not turn off, and i started to feel tense, knowing that my grandmother was getting closer. I wondered if she could hear the sound of the television. I should have been studying for my test, but i had not done the work. I pressed the black button again, this time more distinctly. I then ran to the north to get out of the room. I stopped in the small bedroom that was to the north of the room. The bedroom was not lighted, but i started to get dressed. I then turned around to see my grandmother in the living room. She was taking off her blue coat on the eastern side of the room. A red pop-up tent was set up on the floor to the west of her.

12017 January 14

I felt something pinching on my buttocks. I felt my left butt cheek, but i could only feel the spot where i felt discomfort. I turned around to look at the spot on my skin. I could see a small red spot that looked like a pimple. I scratched it with my finger, noticing that the red spot seemed to be the end of something that was inserted into my skin. I thought that this was some kind of ingrown pore. I pressed on the skin, seeing the white shaft under the red tab. I tried to grab the tab to pull it off, but i could not get it. I pressed the skin further to expose more of the white ribbon. I grabbed the top of the ribbon, which seemed to be about five millimeters wide and only a millimeter or so thick. I pulled on the ribbon, surprised that it was so long. As i pulled it from my skin, i could see that the lower part seemed to be segmented. It looked like a tape worm. Annoyed, i tried to pull the entire worm out of my skin, thinking that i would have to pull carefully so that i did not break the worm. I continued to pull the worm out for a moment. It seemed very long. I felt upset by this, thinking that i must have had a serious infection. I threw the upper part of the worm onto the sink, which was on the eastern wall to the southeast of me. I then looked back down at the worm. The part that was now being pulled from my skin was dark gray. It seemed much wider. I hoped that i would not have any effects from the creature. I continued to pull, seeing that the lower part of the worm was encased in a thin clear-plastic sheath. The worm was now a few centimeters wide but not much thicker. I pulled the length from my skin, tossing the exposed parts on the ground. The worm did not seem to end.

I moved to the east down the suburban street with $G4. I had set a trail earlier with some other people, and i remembered that we had come from the south, through an open park area. I visualized the area as i followed the others to the east. The area around us was filled with trees. The day seemed sunny and the leafs on the trees were dark green. The other runners ahead of me started to turn to the southeast, heading through the open area of cement paving stones that was part of the park. The open area was on the southern side of the street that we had been following, and it had several large cement planters in the center of it. A small stone building was in the western side of the park, shaded by tall old trees. I looked behind me, waiting for the others to catch up. I was making sure that no one fell behind. A few people were jogging slowly behind me, coming from the west and drifting to the south, off of the sidewalk and into the park. I spoke to someone as i walked backward. I remembered that we had set the trail up the hill to the south, but i new that $F57 had also set part of the trail directly to the south from here. I felt that we might have made a mistake my setting up the hill to the south. $F57 was probably expecting the trail to head to the south from the intersection that seemed to be on the western side of the park. I looked back to the southeast, seeing $F57 jogging with the others. He was shouting cheerfully to the others as he ran. I looked back to the west, thinking that everyone had caught up, but two people were jogging to the north along the street that ran along the western side of the park, where we had come from. They were women, and one was wearing a bright-red shirt. I would have to slow down to make sure that they were in front of me. I looked back to the southwest, feeling that $F57 might be upset that the runners were not following the trail that he set. We were passing the junction and heading toward the tail i set with the others, which went up the hill to the overlook. I pictured the overlook on the southern side of the hill, facing out over the valley to the south. $F57 then mentioned the temple on the hill, which i thought was the overlook. I was relived that he wanted to take the others up the hill and over the trail to the temple. I pictured the dirt trail arching to the southwest as it ascended the hill. It then curved all the way around the southern side of the hill and descended to the north quite a way to the west of us. I started walking to the south, down the street from the eastern end of the park area. I looked to the west. $F47 was still catching up. He seemed tired, and i worried that he would not be able to run the entire trail. I told him that he should short-cut the trail. I tried to think of how we had set trail earlier. I remembered coming down from the temple and stopping at a park-like area, with dark-gray cement paving stones covering the ground. We had drunk some beer at the area, where several dark-gray planters were filled with red flowers. I spoke to $F47 as i walked to the south, looking to the southwest, down the street i was approaching. I told him that this seemed to be the street that ran all the way to where we had come down the hill. I then said that it was the street, noticing the thick dark-green trees on the bottom of the hill to the southwest. No other side streets should head to the south from this street because of the hill. I then noticed the cement buildings just to the west, beyond the trees. This was part of the university campus. This had to be the right street. I told $F47 to walk to the west down the street until he came to the road to the south. I said that he would come to the other park where we would be stopping for beer. I remembered the red flowers, which seemed like pansies, in the meter-tall cement planters. I remembered standing near the northeastern corner of one of the planters while drinking beer from a can and talking to someone. I visualized the road as if moving down it. The scene panned past the light-gray campus buildings. I was looking for the park on the street, hoping to recognize something familiar as my view moved west. I tried to describe the flower pots to $F47. It seemed the most noticeable and distinct feature of this park. I then turned to the south. I was now standing in the store. The others had headed to the south, and i would have to catch up with them. A young girl entered the store from the north, and i heard her talking to her mother, saying that she had never seen snow before. She must be visiting this area. I headed to the southeast, moving through the round racks of clothing and heading for the lower end of the stairs. The stairs ascended to the west at the southern side of the store. I started to climb them. The girl and her mother were behind me, and the girl mentioned that she would be buying a jacket. I thought it was because she had no clothing for cold weather. I thought that i should tell them that it was not too warm upstairs. As i reached the top of the stairs, i saw people queued up along the southern wall. They were facing west.

12017 January 15

The others continued to gather their things from the forest around us. We had been hiking east in this area, and now we would be heading back. I turned to the west and started jogging back down the wide trail, which as covered with worn grass. The ground seemed soggy, so i thought that i might get my feet went. I then realized that i felt very light. I did not have my backpack on. I realized that i still had to pack all of my gear from the campsite. I turned back to the east, annoyed with myself. The others were still collecting their own things, but i wanted to start jogging back before most of the others. I then thought that the weight of the backpack would make my feet sink into the muddy ground more, which would make my feet more wet. I decided that i did not care about this. I would still have to take my things back. I was then on the southern side of the camp. I was back at the main campsite. The land sloped up slightly to the south of me, and i could see a wide field of something like corn or thick grain covering the wide shallow dome of the hill. The country around me seemed very flat. On the eastern end of the field, about two hundred meters from where i was, the thick green trees stood. We had gone to a place to the east, in the small forest. The dirt trail ran out of the forest and entered the northern side of the field. IT was a dirt road with deep muddy ruts across the field. I now stood a few meters no the north of the field, in the tall grass of the campground. The division between the fields seemed to be in the different types of plants that grew in them. A short stone wall might also have been between the two, but it was too short for me to see. I had run down the road, but it seemed that i still had to go for something to the east. I wondered what i should do. It was a little past twilight. The southwestern sky still seemed to glow slightly, but i could see stars across the rest of the sky. I then noticed the light shining from the east. A small vehicle or a bright flashlight was coming out of the woods on the dirt trail. I felt cautious of the vehicle. It seemed to be a four-wheeler. I thought that i had to take something to the people that were still in the woods, but i felt hesitant to do it. I watched the truck drive down the road, getting closer to me. I thought that i should catch it and try to give the stuff i had to the people so that they could deliver it to the others. I did not want to go back to the forest now.

12017 January 19

I headed to the south, into the large building in the middle of the city. The building seemed like an old apartment. It seemed to be sepia and gray colors. I entered the room from doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall and headed to the northwest. The other person was with me. The large room was open, with no furnishings. Tall windows ran across the northern wall, letting in bright light from the city. They seemed to have thick wood or stone frames that curved at the top corners. The ceiling was very high in the room. I started across the floor, noticing the thick ropes that ran east to west across the floor. I slided under the ropes as i made my way across the floor. This was some kind of obstacle course. As i reached the center of the room, i started to feel cautious of how we were proceeding. Others were moving quickly across the room and seemed to be enjoying themselves. I felt cautious, thinking that this was some kind of trap. The room seemed threatening. I felt that dangerous people had set up the room, and that they were actually watching us from the north somewhere. The people seemed like thiefs or travelers. I felt uneasy, and i looked down at the ropes to the south of me, aware of others to the east of me making their way to the north through the obstacle course. I thought that they would all die. I was not sure what to do, and i started to feel uncertain of what i should do. I looked at the dark jellybeans that someone had given me. I was holding them in the palm of my left hand. They were oddly shaped. I had bitten into one, and they seemed to taste of licorice. I could feel the dense material in my mouth as i bit down on it with my left molar. It seemed tough, like rubber. The man to the east of me then said that the beans were poison. I turned to look at him. He showed me a bean that had been broken in half. I could see a small tan seed in the center. The man said that this was the poison part. I looked down at the bean in my hand that i had bitten in half. I could see the small seed in it. I had not yet eaten it. I started to feel worried that i had swallowed some of the poison, though. I headed back to the south, not sure what i should do. I then realized that i was still chewing something in my mouth. I could feel the dense chewy material under my molar. I reached into my mouth and pulled out the rest of the dried jellybean. I passed through the doorway in the center of the southern wall, coming into the smaller kitchen. I felt sleepy. Something was wrong. I must have eaten one of the poisonous seeds. I did not know what i should do. I then woke up, becoming aware of my surroundings. I was lying on the table that was in the center of the kitchen. My head was to the east. I sat up. I wondered if the man who had showed me the poison had saved me. I felt confused as i stood up on the floor to the north of the table. I walked to the northwest, toward the doorway to the northern room. I stopped in the doorway. I was on the second floor of the apartment, looking down at the large open room where the ropes had been. The room was now empty. I wondered what had happened. I leaned against the eastern side of the door frame and slided to a sitting position. I then focused on the large window in the northern wall to the north of me. People climbed onto the window ledge from outside. About ten people seemed to be sitting or standing on the window sill, and they were all looking into the room. I wondered if they could see me. They were all dressed in black, and i thought that they were the thiefs returning. They seemed to be aware of me, but none of them were looking directly at me. I focused on the woman who was sitting on the eastern end of the window sill. She wore a faded black sweatshirt with the hood pulled over her head. She sat with a slouch, her straight blond hair curving around the sides of her face from under the hood. I was scared of these people, but i did not know what i should do. I sat and watched them, thinking that someone had saved me from the poison. I did not understand why they would keep me alive, but i thought that they had some purpose for me.

I jogged down the northern sidewalk of Paden Street. I had just turned on to the eastern end of the street from the south and was moving west. A car was driving toward me from the west. It seemed to be an old car, and it had a noisy muffler. The engine chugged slowly. The man in the driver’s seat was dark-skinned with a wide round face. He had something on his head like a bandana or spotted hat. A second man was sitting in the passenger’s seat. The driver watched me as he drove past to the east, and i felt uneasy. He scowled at me as though he did not like having me on the street. I continued down the street, but i could hear the car turning around behind me. I thought that the man was going to attack me. I thought that i would have to turn into one of the houses early and run through the back yard. I did not want him knowing where i was actually headed. I turned into the driveway of $A285’s house, imagining myself running through the back yard to hide behind the garage. I listened for the car, wondering what it was doing. I thought about how i could run away several times, thinking of different ways that i could hide around the houses to get away from the men. I then sat up and got out of the bed. I had come into $A285’s house, but i knew that i should not be here. I wondered if $A285’s mother still lived here. I was in a bedroom on the bottom floor of the house, directly to the north of the front door. I knew that i should not have been in the house, and i felt as though i had been doing something in the bed that i should not have been doing. I thought that i had copulated in the bed. I would have to take off the sheets. I pulled off the white sheet, thinking that it would probably seem strange to the mother of the house that the sheets were missing. I thought that it would be better than having her realized that someone had been sleeping in the bed. I pulled the dark-gray comforter back over the top of the bed. The bed was on the eastern side of the room, with the headboard against the northern wall. The headboard seemed to be formed of brass poles. I backed away from the bed, looking at the round table in the western side of the room. Pink dumbbells had been left on the table, but i thought that i could take them with me. I then realized that i was still wearing the leather apron. I untied the long apron and pulled it off of me. I hung it on the back of the bed and started to the south. I wondered what i would do if the mother came in to the front door as i reached it. I would have to leave quickly.

12017 January 20

I walked to the west, down the large road through the commercial district on the outskirts of the city. I seemed to be to the west of the urban area. The land here was very flat, and the air was gray and cold. I was walking on the sidewalk on the southern side of the road, but i strayed to the southwest as i crossed an old asphalt parking lot, heading toward a small shop. The brown storefront seemed dirty, and the glass windows seemed to be boarded up. I thought that this place was a nursery, but it now seemed to be closed. as i approached the door on the western side of the northern face of the building, i thought that the building was under construction. I was here looking for work. I looked through the open door, seeing an empty space inside. A crude wall covered with plywood ran along the western side of the room, and metal studs formed an unfinished wall running to the south from someplace just to the east of the door in the northern wall. I called into the room, hoping that someone responded. I did not feel at ease here. I walked past the door and headed down the western side of the building. The building seemed to be formed of smaller units, and i came to a building near the southern end of the western side of the structure. A large garage door was open in the dingy white structure. I called in through the door, now seeing several people standing in the room. They seemed to be construction workers. I asked the man in the green insulated overalls if he was offering the job. He did not seem to know what i was talking about. I then asked him if the foreman was here. The man seemed to go somewhere to look for the foreman. I knew that the foreman would know about the job. I then started to wonder why i was here looking for a job. I did not want to work construction. I already had a job. I felt confused, wondering why i was here looking for a job. This did not make sense.

12017 January 21

I had been riding on the bus with the other students, which all seemed like students from my high school. We were traveling south. The bus had stopped for something in the middle of the city, and some of the students were now heading south. I stood in the narrow area, looking to the south. Two other students were with me. I felt as though i had to do something, and i knew that i would not be returning on the bus. At first, i seemed to be on the bus, standing on the eastern side of the northern end of the bus. The other two were to the south and southwest of me, one near the western side of the bus, and the other standing in the aisle, both about halfway down the bus. I said something to the man near the western wall. He seemed like $F4. I then turned to the east and looked down the street to the south. The others had already started walking to the south. I focused on the large cement planter in the center of the street. It was full of flowers. I remembered this from some time before. The center of the planter, which was only about a half meter from the ground, was filled with angel trumpets. The plant was tall and green and had many white trumpet-shaped flowers. The flowers came out of green bulbs, which had faded-green parts extending up the sides of the flowers. The lower part of the flowers or the green bulbs seemed to be spotted with brown patches. I remembered the flowers from before, and thought it was interesting that they were planted here. I turned to the north. I knew that i would not be getting back on the bus. The others had left without me, but i had something to do. I walked away, heading into the city. I felt a little uncertain about leaving. Someone was with me, though, and they knew that i would be safe. I wandered to the north, thinking about this place. I was heading back to the house, which was now to the northeast of me. It now seemed to be later, and the others had already returned to the school. I was now back. I saw $A667 to the south of me, sitting under a tree on the green grass at the western end of the park. The park was an open field in the middle of the city area. Houses seemed to be on the western side of the narrow street that ran down the western side of the park. $A667 knew that i had not been missing, but i thought that the others might still be looking for me. I thought that i should tell them that the bus had not forgot me. I knew that they had already reported me as missing to the police. I took a few steps toward $A667. He continued to sit cross-legged, smiling at me. He wore a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. I turned to look to the northeast, where a large brown stone building stood. It seemed to be the school. I would have to return to the school and let them know that i had come back. I hoped that people were not upset. I would have to act casually and pretend that i was never really missing. I then noticed the police officer walking toward the east. She was walking on the sidewalk along the northern end of the park from the corner of the side street. I felt uneasy with her here. She was short and wore a dark-blue uniform. I said something to $A667, who was only a few meters from me, and then walked to the north, toward the sidewalk, which now seemed to be several meters away. I approached the police officer. She now seemed to have a heavy round figure, and she waddled when she walked. As i reached her, she seemed to be less round and heavy. I said hello, and she replied without paying much attention to me. She seemed almost dismissive. I introduced myself, telling her my name. She looked at me over her right shoulder, and i realized that she was holding a cell phone to her left ear. I followed her awkwardly as she turned to the north and headed up the street to the west of the school. The street was about ten meters from the street that ran to the south along the western end of the park. She put the phone down, and i told her my name again. She recognized who i was. I knew that she was one of the people investigating where i had gone. She told me that i had been bad. I told her that i had missed the third bus, which i had been traveling, so i had decided to go back on another bus. I knew that this was not true, and i hoped that she did not try to find out more. I headed toward the school building, trying to avoid the woman’s questions. She lectured me about how i irresponsible i had been by not telling others where i had gone. I wanted her to go away. I headed to the east in the building. I was on the western side of the building. An old set of cement stairs ascended to the north along the western wall of the hallway. The hallway opened up to the east of the stairs. I walked up the stairs, and the woman followed me. She was still trying to ask me questions. The stairs were suddenly crowded with students. They were all high-school aged. I stopped on the stairs as the woman asked me more questions. She was lecturing me as she stood to the west of me. I looked to the north at a small crowd of high-school students. I noticed a man standing on the near side of the crowd. He wore a blue button-up shirt and denim pants. He had short blond hair. He stared at me with concern. He was $A711. I said something to the woman and then looked back at the man. He was actually $F4. He was with me when we had left the bus, so he knew that i had not actually missed the bus. He knew that i had intentionally wandered off. I did not want him to feel uneasy because people believed that i had actually missed the bus. I turned to the police officer to the west of me and told her dismissively that i was fine. I felt annoyed with her, and i turned to the north and walked up the stairs. The stairs now ascended in the middle of the hallway. A corridor ran down the western side of them, creating a space a few meters wide between the stairs and the white plaster wall of to the west. A balcony seemed to run across the western wall near the second floor of the building. The balcony seemed to be crowded with students, but the students were actually crowded along the edge of the stairs. I walked through the crowd, hoping to get away from the woman. The students were looking at the drawings that were hung on the wall to the west of them. I reached the top of the stairs, and looked at some of the sketches. They looked very nice. Some were obviously high-school drawings, but others looked like the artwork of experienced artists. I stopped near the top of the stairs, staring at a drawing to the west of me. I hoped that the woman was not still following me. I would have to pretend that i was no longer paying attention to her. When she did not bother me again with questions, i felt glad that she was no longer there. I leaned to the west, over the hand rail of the stairs. I stared at the picture for a moment, commenting to no one that it was very nice. I tried to remember the content of the drawing. Most of them seemed to be on a theme, but i could not quite relate the different pictures. I turned around and headed back down the stairs to the south. As i descended, i looked across the hallway to the southwest. An open area was to the east of the stairs, and it continued as a corridor to the south for several meters, ending in a plaster wall. Windows seemed to be high on the wall, letting in light from outside. I could see a large metal-framed entryway with glass windows on the eastern end of the southern wall. It seemed old, with thick green frames and supports. The glass door in it looked familiar. I knew that i had been in the western wing of the school, which was to the west of me. I thought that the main corridor of the wing ended on the second-floor balcony just to the west of the stairs. I remembered walking down the corridors to get to here. I had not found the room that i was looking for, however. I was now on the eastern end of the building. I looked across the atrium to the southeast at the door, thinking that it might lead into the other wing of the building. I wondered if the classroom that i was looking for was there. It seemed like an English class. I crossed the atrium and stopped in front of the metal-framed glass door, which now looked to the east. I could see an outside corridor to the east. A wall extended from just north of the door to the east, forming part of the corridor. The southern side of the corridor seemed to be a store front. A display of pumpkins was just to the north of the recessed store entrance, and a display of something containing tan dry grass was stacked across the front of the store, to the east of the door. I remembered this store from before. It seemed out of place here, and i was surprised to see it. It was not the corridor of classrooms that i had expected, however. I turned around and looked around the area where i was. It seemed strange that a store front would be in this old gray stone building, which was a school. I walked back to the north, carrying the cake in my arms across the atrium. I felt confused. I tried to think of where the other corridor to the school had been. I was now in the store. I seemed to be in an aisle that ran along the northern side of the store. Refrigerated shelfs seemed to be along the northern wall, and i was somewhere in the middle of the aisle. I was not sure how i had come here, and i was not sure where i should go. A man was wearing a white apron to the west of me. He seemed to work in the store, so i asked him how i would get back to the school. He seemed confused, and did not know what i was talking about. I realized that a door was in the middle of the northern wall. Someone had carried supplies in through the door and turned to the west to put them in one of the refrigerated cases. I walked out the door to see if i could see the rest of the building. To my surprise, i could see countryside. I paused in the doorway, still talking to the man. The steep rolling hills surrounded the area where i was, but i still thought that i was in part of the old gray stone building. The gray metal door had swinged open to the east, blocking my view to the east. A wall seemed to be just to the east, though. A section of the store extended to the north just to the east of the door. It was made of dull cinderblock. It was not the building that i had been looking for. I looked to the west, noticing a large old wooden barn off the northwestern corner of the store. The barn was two stories tall, with a plain wood front. It seemed to be have been painted red, but the paint was worn and chipping away so that it looked like bare wood. I could not see the school building, and i started to feel upset. I did not know what i was doing. I said something to the man, but he still was not sure what i was talking about. Feeling desperate, i walked through the door, heading north. A worn dirt drive led to the north from the delivery area of the store. I looked to the north, into the field. It was quite beautiful, with steep rolling hills and bright green vegetation. The tall reeds in the middle of the valley were golden tan. I was upset that i could not find the school, but i pretended to be more upset than i was so that the man would not think that i was imagining the school. I glanced to the south. The man was still standing in the doorway of the building, watching me with concern. Looking back to the north, i noticed the reedy plants in the center of the valley. The dirt path that i had been following led to the north, across the small valley. A tree stood just to the west of the path in the middle of the area, its branches windswept to the east. It had silvery leafs. To the east of the path from the tree, the tan grassy plants started. They ran to the east quite a ways. To the east, i focused on some of them. They looked like large seed heads of grass, but the tall seed pods were black and thin. I heard the door close on the store to the south of me. I looked back to the south, now only seeing a grassy hill sloping up to the south. The hill was spotted with small pale plants that had yellow flowers. I felt distraught, unsure what i should do. I then felt more relaxed. The area around me was beautiful. I headed north along the path, thinking that i could follow it out of the valley. I knew that it would be a long hike, but i felt comforted to know that this area was so nice. I reached the middle of the valley, where another dirt path crossed. I turned to the east and started jogging. I looked back to the south, noticing that the hill had a regular slope across its width. It had angular features on the eastern end of the hill. I realized that the store was disguised as a hill from this direction. The front of the store would be to the east, where i knew a large parking lot opened up in front of the store. I started jogging faster to the east, thinking that i had a long way to go. I then decided to snack on the cake that i had been carrying. I followed the path through the tall grass and weedy vegetation. I was now heading to the south, across the rougher vegetation. The path was worn in the vegetation, and seemed to cross some trampled cedar bushes. The bushes were flat against the ground and covered the rocks that were to the east of the large asphalt parking lot. I ran toward the northern edge of the parking lot and followed the worn path as it ran along the eastern side of the lot. The store was to the west of me now, but i could not see it. I was paying attention to the path. I noticed the fronts of a few cars as i jogged. A person had gotten out of a red car, which was parked just beyond an off-white old American car. The land to the east was wooded with dense pine trees. The green area that i was jogging on was only three or four meters wide, and it ran between the trees and the parking lot. I knew that the road was to the south, and i thought about following the path to the road. As i reached the road, i though about what was to the east. I had to get back to somewhere, and it seemed to be to the east of me. A truck came to a stop to the east of me. The trees had hidden a tall wooden fence that separated the trees from a housing area. The road came out of the housing area and ended on the main road. Everything around seemed to be heavily forested. The white truck paused for a moment. I looked at the grassy area around me, between the trees and the parking lot. I thought that i had parked near the trail head. I had to get back to my car. It seemed like quite a way, but it also seemed to be just to the east.

12017 January 22

I was floating on the water on the southern side of the area. Two other people were on inner tubes to the southeast and southwest of me. Both of the men were facing south. I moved between them and put my arms around their shoulders. Roughly, i pulled them backward so that we all fell into the water. As i did this, i wondered why i was being so rough. It seemed strange. They were pulled off of the rafts, and we all started to swim. I paddled myself to the south and then turned back around to the north. I was in a small space between two docks. It seemed like a boat slip, but it was very small and square. I turned to the north. A crowd of people was sitting on the surface of the dock behind me, all facing north. I swimmed under them, heading through the open space in the dock. As i passed through the opening, i felt a net catch on my face. IT must have been the net that hung down from the dock to prevent birds from flying under the dock. I felt annoyed and pulled the net off of my face. I started to swim forward again, but i was still stuck on the net. I was under water, and i realized that i was holding my breath. I did not feel panicked, but i angrily jerked the net from my forehead and tried to push through to the north. I had to get out of the doorway and up to the surface.

I was on the southern side of the small square lining room. I had entered through the eastern end of the southern wall. I stopped suddenly, just in front of the couch, which was against the southern wall. A low table was against the northern wall to the north of me, but something was on the rug. I looked at the yellow and brown checkerboard carpet, noticing the snake sitting on it. It was long and thin, and curved back and forth. Its head was to the southwest and its tail was to the northeast, and it was in the northeastern part of the room. I did not want to step on it, because i was not sure if it was poisonous. It seemed to be striped, but the stripes were not distinct. Its tail was flat, like a vertical fin. It reminded me of a sea krait. I was not in my native land, so i was not familiar with the reptiles here. I thought that it might be dangerous. I then realized that the snake was now hard to see. The checkerboard pattern on the floor was composed of squares that were about twenty centimeters on a side. I realized that the snake had changed its color to blend in to the floor. It was matching the yellow and brown squares under it. I could only see a shadowed outline along the edges of the snake where the light betrayed the illusion. I then noticed a second snake on the ground to the north of me. It seemed to be coming out from under the wooden table. The table seemed to be cheaply made in an early 1970’s style. The second snake started to move toward me, and i quickly backed away. I wondered if the eyes had round pupils. I remembered that, in the United States, snakes with round pupils were usually not venomous, but this was not my country, so i was not sure if that lore meant anything here. I wanted to take pictures of the snakes, thinking that they were something special. I thought that it was interesting how they camouflaged themselves. I went to get my camera. I was then standing on the eastern end of the southern side of the room again with my camera. I focused on the snakes, but i could not see them. I looked to the north, but i could only see a small round area in a dark background. I was looking at the books on the table. The two blue canvas-bound books were lying on the table on top of each other. They were both within a cardboard box as a set. I tried to focus on the snakes, but i could not see them. I looked around, but the snakes were not in view. I thought that their camouflage was very good and that it must be better when viewed through the camera lens. I looked back through the eyepiece, realizing that i was now looking at the floor of the room. I spotted one of the snakes, but it was very hard to see. It was wound back and forth in front of the two books, which were now on the floor. They had brown covers, and the snake was blending in almost perfectly. I thought that they were very good at camouflage. They were almost invisible on the floor.

12017 January 23

I sat on the northern side of the large dining-room table. The dark-brown wooden table took up most of the space in the rectangular dining room. I was sitting a little to the west of the middle of the northern side of the table. My father’s family was seated around the sides of the table. My father’s mother was to the southwest of me on the opposite side of the table, and my grandfather seemed to be on the western end of the table. My father and his brother were seated to the southeast of me. Other people seemed to be around the table as well. My father’s family was young, as though i were in the 1960s. My father’s mother then said something about the green pot or vase that was in the middle of the table. I remembered that it was something i had had with me. She said that it was her vase. I felt uncomfortable, wondering how i would explain that i had the vase from my father’s mother. She was unaware that i was actually her grandson because i had somehow shifted in time. I did not want to let them know that i had moved through time, but i felt uncomfortable being here with them. Something was wrong with this situation. I turned to the northeast and started climbing along the wall, looking at the vases and pitchers that were on the shelf along the upper part of the northern wall. I was holding on to the shelf as i climbed. I then paused for a moment, looking at something on the shelf. I was still speaking to my relatives as i climbed. I knew that they would think that i was crazy. I thought that this was better than them knowing that i was actually related to them. I did not want them to know what was coming in the future. I realized that i was near the eastern end of the northern wall, so i turned around and started climbing back to the west along the shelf. The shelf, however, was very narrow, and i could not really stand on it. The others were still seated around the table in the room below. My father’s mother was on the eastern end of the table now. My grandfather was still on the western side of the table and the boys were still on the southern side. More people seemed to be around the table now. I was nervous about climbing across the wall, thinking that i would slip on the narrow ledge. I wondered how i could hold on to the narrow ledge enough to keep my balance. I grabbed on to a thin relief that was part of the shelf where the dishes were placed. A chunk of the shelf pulled off in my hands. It seemed to be part of a plaster relief on the wall. I tried to climb back to the west, but i started to feel restless and reckless. In anger, i started throwing some of the ceramics from the shelf. I knew that some of them would be there in the future, so i was not worried about breaking them. I continued to grab things from the shelf and throw them into the pool in the center of the room. The people were not seated around the edges of the pool. I looked over my left shoulder to see a dark vase splash in the water of the pool. I knew that my relatives would have called the police on me. They would not know why i was doing these things. I thought that the police would be here soon. I threw something else into the pool. I hoped that some of the things did not break. I knew that some would have to survive until i was alive, but i started to feel upset and reckless. I knew that i could not break the things that i had known in the future, but i no longer cared to preserve them. I reached the western end of the wall, and i thought that the police had arrived. I turned and jumped from the wall, hopping over the room and landing on the western end of the southern side. I passed through a doorway and came into a small square kitchen that was off of the dining room. I had to get away. I thought that i should jump out the kitchen window, which to the south of me. I knew that it was on the second floor of the house, and i thought that i might kill myself doing so. I wondered if i would actually die. I wondered what that would do to the time line. I could not think clearly, though. I felt frantic and distraught. I had to do something, and i felt like jumping out the window.

12017 January 26

I headed to the northeast across the rural area. The land around me was mostly flat and covered with forests. I could see to the northeast ahead of me, watching the land from high in the air. A main road ran east to west to the north of me. I seemed to be crossing a field of tan grasses to the south of the road. I knew that i was heading to the house, which was on the northern side of the road. A dirt road ran through the forest on the northern side of the road. I looked down at the road, seeing that it curved in a large semicircle from the road and back. A second drive ran to the north from just west of the center of the semicircle. The house was on the northern road. I thought that i could go along the western curve of the road until i hit the smaller road to the north. I watched the land for a moment, knowing that i was traveling from the south to the house. I was then in the house with my parents. I stood on the southern end of the room. The walls were covered with brown fake-wood paneling, making the room look like something from the seventies or early eighties. Low furnishings were along the walls. Everything seemed dingy. My father said something to me, and then he turned to the north, doing something with the black electronic device on the low wooden table near the northern wall. I moved toward him, seeing that he was pulling the VHS tape from the VCR. I was not sure why he was doing this. The equipment seemed old and outdated. I turned to the southwest and started to wander around the house. It was dark in the house, and i felt as though i was hiding here. I headed down the hall to the east. As i passed a doorway to the north, i stopped, noticing a man standing in the middle of the room. The room was decorated like the one i had been in, with old dingy wood paneling. A man stood in the center of the room. He was short and thin, with dark clothing. He had wavy blond hair, and he seemed surprised to see me. I knew that he was an intruder here. I charged toward him, pushing him against the northern wall. I felt suddenly angry with him for being here, but, after i pinned him against the wall, i started to feel bad for him. I backed away and let him go. This was not right. I felt upset that i had tried to reason with him. I followed him out of the room to the south and down the hall to the east, but i could not see him. He was gone. I felt upset. I headed to the north, down the old hallway. The colors seemed to be dark yellow and brown. The walls were covered with tan tiles, and the carpeting on the floor was mostly dark yellow with dark speckles. I passed through a doorway, coming into a stairwell on the northern side of the building. The floor here was covered with brown linoleum tiles, and the stairs were to the east of me, running east to west. The window in the northern wall was made of translucent glass tiles, and it had large single-plate windows in the western part. I moved toward the window on the northern end of the western wall, noticing that the dark metal frame had been bent inward. Someone had broken the window to get into the building. I thought that i should tell someone about the window, but i was not sure what i should do. I headed to the west, uncertain.

I headed to the southwest across the outdoor area. It was dark now, but i could see the details of the land under me. I was running, hurrying to get somewhere. I came to the creek, which ran from northeast to southwest. I hopped over it, careful on the rock on the other side. The ground was wet, and i did not want my feet to sink into the grassy area. I hopped carefully across the area, making my way to the north until i hit the flat rocks of the parking lot. I started walking more easily there. My grandmother was standing near the southern side of the parking lot.

12017 January 28

I stood on the eastern shore of the body of water, staring to the east. The water seemed like the Atlantic Ocean. I knew that it was a very large body of water, but i could see the other shore to the west, and it did not seem that far away. I would have to carry the rock to the other side. The round gray stone was about three-quarters of a meter in diameter. I thought that i could easily swim across the water, but i would have to walk with the stone. I looked at the tan sand through the bluish water, thinking that i could probably carry it. I picked up the stone with the long strand of cloth. The rock was slung in the cloth, and it felt very heavy. I stepped into the water, thinking that i could wade across. I then thought that the water became deep very suddenly after a little while. I stopped just off the shore, when the water was barely to my waist. I moved the rock ahead of me, feeling it fall farther down that the land that i was standing on. It felt very heavy, and i knew that i could not swim with it across the water. I tugged at it, trying to pull it back up, but it felt too heavy.

12017 January 29

I was in the store, looking to the southwest at the books on the shelf. The yellowish books were recently published, and they were the latest book in the series. I talked about it with the other person for a moment. We spoke for a moment, and then i turned to the east and walked into the other store, which seemed to be across a hallway from the first. My father was in this store, to the south of me. He was sitting just to the north of the coffee table, which seemed to be the coffee table in the back room of my parents’ house. My father had placed the two copies of the book on the floor to the north and northeast of him. I looked at the books on the gray floor, saying something about them to my father. They seemed to be some kind of catalog. I pointed out the books, saying that i liked them. I then said something about them being translated in this country. MY father asked what i had meant. I explained that the books were printed by Dell in their native country, but that they were printed by Scholastic in this country. We chatted for a moment. I then looked down at the letter in my hand. I started to feel upset about it. I held the letter to the south of me, reading it. $K1 had written the letter to me, pointing out something that i had done. She was trying to accuse me of something. The paper mentioned article 44 of the legal document. I turned to the east as i read. My mother seemed to be to the east, and i explained to her that i had already read the letter. I said that $K1 had sent the letter to me a long time ago. I tried to pretend that the letter had no real significance. It had something to do with something i had done long ago. IT was trying to make me feel guilty for it, but i was angry that it had been brought up. I thought that i would deny that the event happened.

12017 January 30

I felt hurried. I had to leave the house and go somewhere. My mother stood to the northwest of me, trying to give me something. I seemed to be in the kitchen of my parents’ house. I had to rush. My mother held up the jacket. It was a red vinyl jacket with white sleeves. Black print filled up most of the chest. My mother referred to the jacket as a chemistry jacket. This seemed like a strange name, but i knew that it was correct.

I was jogging with the others, heading to the west down the dirt trails through the forested area. We reached the crest of a very steep hill, and the others descended down the center of the slope. I looked down the dirt slope, thinking that it would be very slippery. A woman in jogging shorts was crouching down on the ground near the bottom of the hill. A man was standing to the south of her. They seemed to be near a stream, though they were only part of the way down the slope. I moved to the north, passing to the north of a green leafy bush that was on the top of the slope. The trail ran down a narrow path to the north of the bush, descending the slope to the west at a shallower angle. The ground here also seemed dryer, so i thought that i would not slip as much. I started jogging carefully down the hill. My feet started to slip on the uneven ground, so i regained my balance. I crouched down, aware of the others gathering at the bottom of the slope to the southwest of me. I continued to make my way down the narrow worn trail in the hill. I seemed to be wearing something red and white. I then looked at the skin of my right thigh, realizing that there was a block spot on it. I discovered that the trail was covered with ticks, and they were getting on my skin. Annoyed, i thought that i would have to get them off when we were done with the run.

12017 January 31

I remembered being with $A712 on the second floor of the old school building. We had been in the large room on the northern side of the hallway. He moved to the north of me now, but this was not when i was with him. I remembered being with him last summer. We had slept in the bed in the classroom. I remembered someone holding up the tan sheets as if folding them. They were sweaty from us. I thought that we had struggled in the bed as if wrestling. I felt very good remembering the event, and i missed having him with me. I wanted to spend time with him again, but it seemed like such a long time ago. He was here again, but the situation had changed. I felt nostalgic about the previous summer and missed the experience.