12021 January 01

I walked to the east along the southern wall of office. The office was a large room with high ceilings and many tables. It seemed like a dining hall with picnic tables. I had things to do here, but i felt distracted. I stopped just outside the door to a conference room, which was to the south of the office. People were gathering for the meeting, but i did not want to go in. I stood out side the door for a moment, and then started walking to the northwest. Someone to the south of me asked me about the meeting. I said something unspecific and continued walking away. I felt that i should have gone to the meeting, but i did not want to. I passed to the north of one of the tables in the center of room. It was covered with serving trays of food and stacks of wrapped food. I seemed to be at an event for $G4. Some people were gathered at a table to the west of me. I walked up to the northern side of the table and stopped for a moment. I felt uncertain about something. I thought that i had to do something, but i was did not know what. I started walking back to the south, and i was then in a car. I had come from the southeast, but i had to turn around and head back for something. As i approached the end of the road i was on, i seemed to be heading west. I knew that i had to turn to the south at the end of the road. Other cars were near the intersection, and i was not quite able to see what was coming from the north. Cars seemed to be parked on the other road just to the north and south of the intersection, blocking my view. I thought that some of the cars must be from the event to the southeast, which seemed to be in Shindagen Hollow. The road seemed to be the road to the forest I wondered if any of them were owned by people from $G4. I pulled out into the intersection quickly, checking to the north to make sure nothing was coming. I started heading south. A truck was stopped in the eastern lane of the road ahead of me, and a few cars were passing it. I slowed to let the cars get back into their lane before driving past the truck. As i passed the car, i could see that another car had been speeding up to the south of me to pass the truck. It had been going very fast, and the driver applied the brakes suddenly to stop. The car skidded side to side in the eastern lane of the road. As i passed, i noticed that it had crashed into the car that had been stopped. It was not able to slow down in time to stop. I worried about the accident, thinking that something must have happened to the first car, because everyone had abandoned it and headed north. The other cars i passed must have come from the accident. I could not step where i was, but i thought that i could go to the bottom of the hill and turn around. I would be coming back anyway, so i could see if i could help at the accident once i turned around. I wondered what had caused the original issue. The road to the south of the stopped cars had clumps of dirt i a line along the center of the lane. It looked as though the mud had flowed over the road from a flooded stream to the east. A red bicycle was lying down in the dirt in the center of the lane, and a second blue bicycle was standing up to the southeast of it. I hoped that the car did not hit the people on the bicycles. I continued down the hill to the south. I pictured the wide intersection at the bottom where the road split and ran to the south and southwest, into Shindagen Hollow. I turned around in the intersection, driving on a loop of tire tracks on the road. As i headed up, i turned to the northwest on a small road. I stopped just past the intersection. Something seemed distracting. People were to the east of me now, and i could hear them talking. I felt worried about something. I said something to the person who was approaching me from the southeast. It was then dark, and i thought that i should leave this area. My car was parked to the north of me, facing north. It seemed to be in a small enclosed area between tall buildings. I was in the car, and i started backing the car out of the area. The area seemed very tight to the car, and i felt annoyed that i had to be so careful. I backed around a corner and started backing to the west. I watched the corner of the brick building to the west of me as i rounded it. I seemed very close. I tried to slow the car, but the brakes were not working properly. I pressed the brakes, and the car slowed, but it did not stop. I felt annoyed. $F71 was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car to the south of me. I complained about the brakes to him. The car was traveling down a narrow alley, and i felt annoyed that i could not control it. I hoped that i did not hit the side walls. A white car was parked along the northern wall of the corridor, and i scraped the side of it as i started to pass it. I felt very annoyed and frustrated that i had hit the car, and i turned my car into the white car out of spite. The white car moved a little to the north as i scraped down the side of it. A woman seemed to be in the car, and she seemed shocked that i was damaging her car. I continued backing to the west. I felt very upset and confused. I was then leaning against the dashboard of the car. I had crouched down on the floor of the car in frustration, but i felt as though i had just woken up. The car was facing east, and my right cheek was leaning on the dashboard, just to the south of the steering wheel. I was aware of $F71 to the south of me. I felt as though i had been unaware of what had just happened, and i asked $F71 how i had gotten here. The car now seemed to be parked in a small area on the eastern side of a road. I told $F71 that i could not remember anything. I said that we had been eating dinner. I remembered sitting on the western side of the table and $F71 sitting on the southern side. I did not remember anything else after that until i had woken up in the car. I felt upset, and i seemed to be crying. I stepped out of the car, to the north of the car. We seemed to be in a small room, like an old barn. The room did not seem to have a ceiling, but it had walls of gray weatherworn wood. A small opening was in the southern end of the western wall, and i police cars had pulled up outside. The lights from the cars flashed on the walls. Time started passing quickly. I had told the police that i had no memory of what had happened. I said that i had been eating at the restaurant and then woke up here. They talked to each other and then to us. Someone mentioned that other reports had come in with the same story. Someone said that eighteen other people had woken up with the same memory loss. I felt a little relieved that i was not the only one. Someone then said that $F71 had also had a memory loss. I did not know about this. He had seemed aware when i had woken up. I thought that twenty people all together had missing moments of time. This seemed very strange. I started pacing, walking to the south as i thought.

12021 January 03

We were traveling to the east on the bus, and i looked to the south as we passed the large animal. Something was wrong, and the person with me commented on the animal. I looked off the side of the road to see the large giraffe sitting on the ground with its legs crossed under it. Its head was to the north, and it was staring in our general direction. I watched it as we passed, thinking that we had to do something for it. I told the other person that it was not a native giraffe. It seemed to be from a different country. I was concerned about it, and i turned my attention back to the north to get something. My mother was in the aisle of the bus, standing just to the northeast of me. A row of bundles ran down the center of the aisle, and my mother was on the northern side of the row. I was near the western end, and i walked to the north and started walking toward my mother. When i stopped, i was on the southern side of the long narrow stack of supplies. I told my mother that i was getting off of the bus, and i told her that the object had a space to record her information. I looked down at the narrow rectangular box that i held in my left hand. It was gray, and i had slided the lid to the east to expose the inside of the box. The bottom of the box was covered with a section of yellow plastic, which had thin fins to separate the box into small long compartments. I looked at the compartment near me on the western end of the box and told my mother that she could write her information there. I was telling her this because i would not be here to receive the information. I felt tense that i had to leave, and i knew that my mother would be upset. I looked to the east, down the road. We were approaching the intersection where i would have to get off. The bus did not stop, and i told the people that i would have to get off. I said that the bus would have to come back for me. The road to the south seemed to be covered with a tall wall of snow from a plow. The wall of snow seemed about three meters tall. I would have to climb over the snow and head down the road to get to the animal. It seemed dangerous, and i knew that the storm might make it hard to see where i was going, but i felt i had to do it.

I looked to the east as the car that i was in moved down the road. I noticed that the car started to shift to the north, into the wrong lane of the road. I wanted it to move back into its lane, but the car was still drifting out of it. I then realized that i did not have my hands on the steering wheel of the car. I looked down to see the steering wheel in front of me, but i was sitting in the back seat of the car. I reached over the back of the driver’s seat and turned the wheel, steering the car back into the lane. I seemed to be driving down University Avenue, and i was rounding the corners near the bottom of the hill. I started to feel nervous, because i was not sitting in the driver’s seat, and i could not reach the pedals from where i was. I felt a little annoyed by this, and i tried to move around the seat so that i could sit in the correct spot to drive the car.

12021 January 04

I thought about the trip that we were supposed to take. I felt uncertain about going on the trip. I knew that we were supposed to go to Russia for a while. I did not want to think about it, though, so i tried to sleep more. I was lying on the bed in my grandmother’s bedroom, with my head facing north. My grandmother was also in the bed, and i had my head resting on her chest. She lay on the northern side of the bed with her head to the east. I felt comfortable here, and i talked about the trip that we were supposed to take. I wondered how we were going to get along in Russia without knowing the language. I had studied the language a long time ago, but i knew that i was not able to speak it. I told my grandmother that it was a good thing that we would be staying in the tourist areas where people would be there to translate into English. She seemed surprised, and she told me that the tours had been canceled. She implied that my mother had canceled the tours because something about the trip had been changed. I felt disappointed, and i wondered what we were going to do. I then realized that i had not packed my Russian dictionary. I told my grandmother this, and she acknowledged. I felt concerned that i did not have any books to help translate the language. I started walking to the west, wondering what i could do. My mother was in the room to the south of me, and i turned to the southeast to walk around the house. I was annoyed that i had forgotten my books, and i wondered if i could make my way back to my house to get them. My house seemed like a long way off, and it would take time to get there and back. It seemed that i did not have time to go there before we had to leave. I asked my mother if we could stop at my house on our way there. My mother told me that my father had said that it was out of the way. I pictured us traveling to the southeast on the map. We were to the south of the city, and i thought that we were traveling across the southern point of New York State. I thought that my house was north of where we were, so we would have to go back. I was upset.

12021 January 05

I moved to the east, heading through the room on the northern side of the house. My mother was somewhere to the north of me, and an event like a party seemed to have happened here. I said something to my mother as i walked to the west, into a small room. A sink was against the western wall. I stopped at the sink and started rinsing off the object, which seemed like a square plastic beater. It was long and also seemed like a comb or brush of some type. It had white foam on it, and it reminded me of a toothbrush. A person stood to the north of me as i washed off the brush. Another person seemed to be to the south of me, also using the sink. I headed to the south. The small square room that i was in seemed like a closet. I grabbed a shirt from a hanger that was along the western wall and headed to the southeast, into the larger room on the southern side of the building. The short-sleeve button-up shirt had a blue gradient across one of the shoulders, and it seemed to have a faint plaid pattern across the front. As i started to take the shirt off the hanger and put it on, i heard a man to the north asking about his shirt. He asked someone where his pink shirt was. I wondered if the shirt i had taken had been his. I turned back to the north. The man had left the small closet on the western side of the hallway and was heading north. I looked at the shirt in my right hand. It was blue on the right shoulder, but it faded to pink across the left shoulder and breast. The pink was interrupted by a faint plaid pattern. I walked back into the closet and started to hang the shirt back up. Another person was in the closet with me, watching me. I smiled at him as i tired to get the shirt back onto one of the metal hangers. I was having trouble hanging it up, though. I tried to hurry, because i could hear the other man coming back toward the closet. I could not get the shirt hung up before he walked into the doorway of the closet. I smiled at him, saying that i had taken his shirt. He stared at me for a moment.

Others were in the small house with me. I stood on the southern side of the small room, and the other man was to the north of me, playing a song on a stereo. The man seemed very interesting, and i thought that he was someone that i had met before. I listened to the song, and i liked the melody. I started humming it. I moved to the north, and the man was now with someone else to the south of me. I thought about the song. I was aware that my mother was to the east of me somewhere. I thought about the melody of the song, and i wondered if i could play it. It seemed to be an original song, but i recognized in from somewhere. I then started singing along with the lyrics. I realized that the song was “What’s Going On”. I wandered to the south. I still had the pink rounded sponge in my left hand. I had been using it in the sink to the south of me to do something. Before i could head back into the small room where the sink was, a man said hello to me. He had been here, but it was still good to see him. I hugged him, and it felt nice to be with him. I then noticed the water on the floor to the east of me. I was still standing in the corridor to the south of the room. The water was running across the floor, flowing to the west. I looked up to the south to see that the water was flowing out of the small bathroom to the south of me. A toilet with something blue near the base of it was against the southern wall of the room. The water seemed to be pooling in a cracked area of the floor in front of the toilet. I knew that the water was coming from the sink. I had left the water running. I felt annoyed, and i hurried in the bathroom to clean it up.

I had been in the house with the other people for a little while, but i had to leave. I was in the corridor, which ran east to west, along the northern side of the large room. Most of the others were in the smaller room to the north. Which seemed to have two doorways leading into it from the hallway. I thought that the others were still on the couches in that room, watching television. I was chatting with someone to the west of me, but i had to say goodbye. I hugged the man and headed to the south, entering the eastern side of the large room. This room seemed like a living room. We had been doing something in this room before. Two short corridors ran to the north: one flush with the eastern wall and the other flush with the western wall. I had entered through the eastern corridor. The room was quiet and empty now, though a man seemed to be sleeping near the southern wall on the eastern side of the room. I headed to the south along the eastern wall, thinking that i had to gather my things from the small bedroom to the south. A recessed door in the center of the southern wall seemed to lead into the bedroom. I felt strange. I stopped near the southern side of the room and bent over and vomited on the floor. Something seemed strange. I thought that i had eaten something i should not have at the party. I heard a groan from the south of me. The man who had been sleeping on a chair or small bed stirred but did not wake up. I paused and listened for him, but he remained still. I wondered what was wrong with me. I had to urinate. I moved to the western side of the recessed area of the southern wall. I lifted the seat of the toilet to urinate, wondering if the man sleeping would mind. I then realized that i was not holding the seat of a toilet. I had lifted up the square brown and white mottled cushion of a wooden chair. The chair was wide and low to the ground. I remembered that we had urinated in something like this before, but this was obviously not a place to urinate. The urine would collect under the chair and drip onto the floor. I decided that i could not urinate here, and i put the cushion back down. I had to get my things. To the south of the chair, an opening in the western wall of the recessed area seemed to be a closet. It was dark, but i knew that my things were still there. I headed back to the north, this time heading out the western corridor. I entered the hall and met the others. They were all getting ready to leave to the west. I hugged some people goodbye. I then started talking with one man about this place. I said something about the room to the south.

12021 January 06

I was standing near the front of the audience in the theater. The wooden seats faced south-southeast, and i was near the southwestern side of the audience. I was facing north, looking at the few people who were in the seats. $A335 was then to the north of me. He had just entered the theater and was standing a few rows behind me. I said hello, and we started talking. It was good to see him. We had not seen each other in quite a while, and i mentioned to him that it had been a while since we had spoken. He agreed that it had been a while. I thought that we should have tried to get together more. A woman then came from the east, walking up the same aisle that i was in. She sat in the seat just to the east of me. I turned around and faced the front of the theater. I knew the woman, and i started talking to her. I told her that i had just run into $A335 here. I motioned over my left shoulder, to the north. We started talking about the event that was happening here, and i started moving to the northwest along the path. I was now outside. The path ran along the eastern side of an area, which seemed to be on a college campus. We passed between two buildings, but we were much closer to the plain stone one to the west of us. I then seemed to be to the north of the building, watching myself walk up the path along the eastern side of the area. The path ran north from the edge of the building, but it curved to the northwest, following the trees at the edge of the area. The center of the area was covered with cut grass. It was dark out, but lights here and there lighted the small quadrangle. A creek or shallow gully seemed to run just to the east of the trees, and another building with shrubs along the side of it seemed to close in the western side of the area. I watched the group of people walk to the north on the path. I watched myself follow the group. The others were gathering to do something, and i had gone with them. I turned to the north, now at the northern side of the area, which was rounded and narrow. An opening led to the north, but the others were gathering in a raised area of flagstones to the west. I stood on the eastern side of the raised area as the others moved to the west of me. I noticed the stars in the clear night sky to the north. I tired to recognize the patters, but i could not quite recognize the constellations. The stars seemed very nice, and i noticed a thin line of faint hazy stars that ran vertically near the horizon, just to the east of north. I thought that it looked like the Pleiades, but it could have been part of the Little Dipper. I took my cell phone in my left hand and started to look up the stars, trying to figure out what was in the northern sky at the moment. The others had gathered to the north of me. Someone was talking about the bus station. I knew that they were going to protest something. I felt uneasy about their protest. I knew that they would be in danger if they tried to break into the bus station to protest. The others started heading to the southeast, which i thought was the direction of the bus station. I felt uneasy and did not want to follow them. I looked at my phone, suddenly wondering where $F71 was. He should have followed the others to this place. I was annoyed that he was not here yet. I then looked up and noticed him approaching on the path. I was hoping that he would see me, but he turned around when he saw the others walking past him. I felt annoyed. I left the small things that i had been carrying on top of the flat flagstone of the short stone wall to the north of me. I thought that i would leave it here for someone to find. I tried to text $F71 before he got too far. I did not want him to wander with the others to the protest. I slowed down as i looked at the screen of my phone. I was standing near the southern end of the path, at the southeastern corner of the lot. The others were in a small room to the west of me, watching television. $F70 was with them, but he turned and said something to me as i approach. It seemed to be daytime now, and the room did not seem to have any walls. I said something to $F70 about the others, expressing my disappointment in the protest. We chatted for a moment, but i turned back to the north to pay attention to my phone so that i could text $F71 again. A low rectangular platform seemed to be between the room and me. I was standing near the eastern end of the northern side of the platform, which was less than a half meter from the ground. $F70 seemed to be standing just to the south of the center of the block. He turned back to the southwest to look at the television that the others were watching. As i looked at my phone, i saw the video of the drone, which was sitting on the street. The street seemed to have debris over it, as though something had been shattered over it. The drone stood on the ground, and it looked like a planet rover, with one folding metal arm on the northern side. I thought that $F70 had used the drone to help him set a trail. I was not sure why the drone was there, though. I knew that it was near the trail. I was about to ask $F70 about the video when i noticed a billow of gray smoke rising in the background of the video. The drone was on a street than ran east to west, but the street seemed to end only ten or so meters to the east of the robot. An opening in the rural buildings allowed the view of a large pale building in the distance to the southwest. The building had white vertical cement beams running down the front, with windows between them. The gray part of the building between the windows seemed rather thin. The building had exploded and was falling to the ground. I was surprised to see the demolition of the building in the video. I had known that it was demolished, but i did not think that we had filmed it. I felt excited about capturing it on camera. I moved to $F70 and showed him the footage. I then decided that i should rewind it so that i could show it from the beginning. A woman on the eastern side of the audience, to the southwest of us, turned around, noticing that i was excitedly telling $F70 something. I tried to get the video to run again, but it was paused on a single image. I expanded the image to get a close up of the building as it exploded. The others to the south of me now seemed interested in the video. Someone then pointed out something, saying “There’s the Wurlitzer.” I had zoomed in to the center of the building, which now looked like the stands of a large stadium. The image was to the south of me. In the center of the seating section was a wide flat white wall with no seats. The wall had arched doorways in the sides of it and a wide arch over the center. In the center of the wide area was what appeared to be a pipe organ. It looked like a carnival organ. I then noticed a man standing to the east of the organ. He seemed to be playing a hand-held instrument of some kind. He stood still as the stands collapsed around him. He started sinking with the falling stands. I tapped the screen, trying to get the video to rewind and play from the beginning, but i could not get the phone to work correctly. I felt annoyed. I moved a little to the north with the others. The video was now on the large screen to the north of us, and i was trying to get it to play. I had sent the image to the screen from my phone, but i could not get my phone to play the video correctly. A man moved to the eastern end of the screen and held it up higher. The screen seemed like a foil sheet. I told the man not to touch the screen. I felt frustrated, because i could not get the video to work. The people started to wander around as i tied to rewind the video. I then realized that the image of the building that i was looking at was not at the same angle as the building i had seen in the video with the drone. The still image that i had paused on now seemed to be from a different video. I wondered if i had two separate videos of the demolition on my cell phone. This seemed strange.

12021 January 07

I was in the small room of the factory, packing some of the things into a cardboard box. We were trying to take some of the things with us. The cement walls of the room were dingy, and debris was scattered on the floor. The other person had already left, and i picked up the box and walked to the door, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall. I was having trouble holding the box and some of the other things that i had in my hands. I seemed to have a bag with a handle in my left hand. I felt annoyed, thinking that i would not be able to carry everything in one trip. As i reached the door, i noticed that the cat was following me across the floor. I knew that the cat could not go outside, so i would have to make sure that the cat did not get out when i opened the door. The cat seemed to be $X24. I thought that i would take the box of bottled drinks to the car first, and then i would come back to deal with the cat. I would have to make sure that the cat was in a box so that i could take it to the car more easily. I pushed open the wooden door partly, and the cat moved for it. However, the door swung to the east, and the cat tried to turn to the east when she walked through the doorway. She found herself stuck between the wooden door and me. I let the door close, and she was kept in the building. I then walked to the west. It was sunny out, and the ground outside the building had a crumbling driveway near it. The driveway ran to the west, and i followed it. I thought that my car was just beyond the smaller building, which was on the southern side of the road. The main road seemed to run north to south about fifty meters to the west of us. I then stopped, realizing that my car was not parked on the street. I remembered that the other person had taken my car when the person left. I felt annoyed. I would have to leave the things on the ground outside near where the car would be just so that i could get them out of the factory. I put the case of drink bottles down on the dirt ground and turned back toward the building. To my annoyance, the cat had pushed the door open and was outside. I worried that it would run away, and i did not want it to go anywhere. I called her name. She started trotting to the west, toward me, but she stayed near the building. At the end of the building, she walked across the small plot of dirt, which seemed to be an old garden. The ground was lifted in small mounds and weeds were growing. The cat ran just to the south of me. I wanted to grab her before she tried to run past me, but she ran into a hole in the ground, which as on the eastern side of one of the larger mounds. I could see through the mound through a hole in the northern side, but i did not see the cat run past. The sun shined from the other side of the mound, and i could see that the passage through the mound ran above a lower passage that seemed to slope down steeply to the west. The cat must have run down that corridor. I felt annoyed. I was not quite sure how i could get the cat out, and i worried that there might be another animal in the hole that the cat might get in a fight with. I then noticed the animal coming from the west. I looked up to see a small brown bear cub walking around the small building. I knew that the mother bear might be nearby, so i had to get away from the mound. I worried about the cat, but i had to get into the building where i would be safe from the bear.

12021 January 09

I was standing in the southern part of the large living room, which seemed to be in the house of $A536 and $A451. The room seemed very white, and a partitioning wall ran east to west just to the north of me. The side of the room to the north of the wall was larger that the side that was to the south. $A451 was to the northwest of me, in the main part of the room. She seemed to be doing something to get ready for a holiday event. I moved toward her, wondering what i should do. I felt awkward here and did not know what to do. $A451 then asked me to do something on the eastern side of the room. I moved to the east, near the eastern end of the partitioning wall. A white sofa seemed to be just to the north of the wall, facing north, and a smaller matching love seat was near the end of the wall, facing northwest. $A451 asked me to finish one of the decorations. A thin wooden structure, which looked like a trellis, stood behind the love seat. She asked me to hang the thin glossy white fabric from it. I moved to the east of the structure and lifted up the white cloth. Hooks had been inserted on the top of the cloth to attach it to the wooden structure. I noticed that pieces of tape were used to hold the hooks against the wood. I started by putting the hooks over the tape that was already on the wood, thinking that the hooks would catch on the tape. As i adjusted the fabric, though, i noticed that it was long enough that it bunched up on the floor. I thought that i would be better if i could hang the hooks higher. I decided that i should move the tape up the surface of the wooden poles, which were on the outsides of the structure. I moved the tape up a little and tried setting the hooks again. I then noticed that the cloth that i was hanging had different colors on either side. The eastern side was white, but the western side was pale blue. I looked at the bottom and saw that it was still too long, so i moved the tape up again. This time, i realized that the tape was almost near the top of the wooden structure, where a round pole ran between the two square beams at the end. I realized that i could simply hang the hooks over the pole rather than on the tape that i had been moving up the square beams. I put the hooks over the top of the round bar and moved to the northeastern end of the wall to see how it looked. The side facing the chairs had silver sparkles in a wide pattern down the pale blue surface. They had the appearance of radiating from the top of the sheet to the floor. The thickly cushioned chair sat in front of the cloth. I then realized that the couches and everything in this section of the room were white, and i wondered if i should have hung the cloth so that the white side was facing the chairs. I felt uncertain, but i decided that i should turn the cloth around so that the white was facing west. I moved to adjust the cloth.

12021 January 10

I followed the other person as we headed east along the old road. We were traveling on a dirt path that had been overgrown with grass. All of the grass had dried up for the winter and was grayish tan. $Z was not sure that we could travel this way, but i thought that we would be able to follow the path to the east. A paved road seemed to be to the south of us, but i could not see it. It seemed to be over a slight rise. The land to the north of us was mostly open field, with brown leafless trees along the northern side. The land sloped down slightly, and i started rolling faster on the narrow path. I hoped that the path had been cleared of debris recently. I knew that tree branches must have fallen over the years. I wanted the path to be clear, though, so that we could use it. As i rolled down, i noticed some logs cut on the northern side of the path ahead of me. I realized that the crown of a large tree was resting over the path. It must have fallen over not too long ago. I could see the main trunk of the tree pointing to the northeast, where the roots must have been. The ends of several of the larger branches had been cut off, making room for the path. As i started rolling faster, i noticed that the narrow path of flattened grass ran around the southern side of the fallen branches, diverting from its original course. I rolled down the hill, slowly getting faster as i went. The other person seemed to be staying to the southeast of me as i moved. Several logs were sitting along the northern side of the path, with their rounded ends up. I passed very close to a few of them, and i leaned a little to the south so that my left hand did not hit them. The path then crossed an open section of field, curving a little more to the northeast. We stopped at the bottom, and $Z said something about the path. I stood up and put something down on the ground. We were doing something special here. I thought that i had been creating some kind of light that rose slowly, like steam. We wanted to mark the path with the light, but i thought that the people from the cars to the south would see the light and come to see what it was. We could not be caught setting the light. I bent over to the west, reaching my right hand toward the ground. I seemed to be creating the glowing substance from my hand and letting it fall onto the ground. It created a glowing white light. I hoped that the people in the cars on the road did not come right over. I had to set the light so that others could see it, but we did not want people to know that we had set it. I was then at the western end of the trail again. I reached down with my hand and poured the light onto the ground as i hurried to the east again. I wondered how i had gotten back to the upper end of the trail. As i crossed the field, i did not see the fallen tree the second time. It was now getting dark, and we had to hurry, because the light would now be more visible from the road. $Z had been waiting on the eastern end of the filed, and i met up with him as i finished setting the light across the fill. It seemed to be dark now. I told him that we had to hurry to the end of the trail so that we could leave. He had already come this way before, so i knew where the trail went. The trail curved to the northeast and started going through the open forest area. The small forested lot had little undergrowth, and the ground was covered with orange and brown dry leafs. I could see the path of flattened grass that ran around the trees, though, and i hurried along it. We had to get away from the field before the light attracted curious people. I said something about the path we were on to $Z as we went. The path then curved to the north around the eastern side of a large tree. I wondered if this was a path made by humans or deer. I could see a faint path leading off to the northeast, down the hill in the forest. I turned to the north and then northwest, realizing that the path would eventually lead us to the northeast. I wondered if we could have taken a shortcut by heading to the northeast. I headed northwest down a small slope and then followed the path back to the east. I could see a low brick building at the edge of an asphalt lot to the east of us. It was only about ten meters away. We had parked our car in the lot, to the north of the building. The dark-red brick building seemed rather modern, and it looked like an office building. I thought that we could get in our car and drive back to the beginning of the trail. It seemed that we had just set a trail for $G4. It felt good to be done.

I moved around the room of the house. I had to get dressed so that i could go to school. My mother was in the room to the east of me. I felt hurried and anxious. I thought that it would be cold out, and i wanted to find some warm clothes, but i was not sure where they were. I headed to the south, into the large closest. I entered through a doorway in the western end of the northern wall of the closet, and i turned to the northeast to look into the enclosed area where clothes were hanging. The clothes on the hangers were no the correct clothes. I had to find something else. I wondered if all of the clothes that i was looking for were in the dirty-clothes hamper. I felt frustrated, and i wondered what i should wear. I dug through some of the clothes on the southern side of the closet, and then i headed back to the north, into the other room. I then thought that i could simply wear something less formal to school. I had been thinking that i should dress up, but i thought that i could wear a sweatshirt. I wondered where they would be. I then thought that i could wear a long-sleeve T-shirt under another shirt. I thought that i even had insulated long-sleeve shirts, and i did not remember them being dirty. I wondered where they would be. I said something to my mother. I thought about the shirt, and i turned to the north to head back into the other room. I was on a small porch on the second floor of the house. I started climbing back through the small window in the southern end of the western face of the house. I had to step from the porch, which was to the south of the window, into the window. The window was only about a meter square, though, and i had trouble getting into it. I had stepped my left leg into the window, but i felt unsafe. I had to reach over the side of the porch to get to the window, and i worried that i would fall. I had done this before, though, so i should be able to do it again. I could not figure out how i slided into the window before, though. I felt uneasy, and i walked to the southwest, away from the house. I was now on the ground. I could see the porch running across the southern face of the old wooden house. The porch had a curved gothic roof above it, which seemed to have scale-shaped tiles on it. The porch was held up by wooden support beams, which ran all the way to the ground. My mother was to the east of me, and i asked her if she had a key to get back into the house. She told me to use the door. I could see a door under the porch on the eastern end of the southern face of the house. I told her that all of the doors had been locked. She nodded in acknowledgment and wandered back off to the east. I would have to get into the house some other way.

I headed down the long hallway of the building, moving to the east. The hallway seemed slightly jagged, with short sets of stairs here and there. I was talking to someone as i went. The person moved along with me, to the south of me. I lifted my feet and jumped down a flight of four or five stairs. The other person was jogging down them. I told the other person that it was easier to float over the stairs. I knew that i could fly over the stairs. I remembered doing it before. I lifted my left foot in front of me and floated over another set of steps. Rather than put my foot down at the bottom of the steps, i held it up, allowing myself to float down the hallway, which turned a little to the northeast. After another set of steps, it turned back to the east. I continued floating, thinking that this was a nice way of traveling. I wondered if the young man to the southeast of me would notice that i was flying. He seemed to be on a skateboard, though he still seemed to be walking down the hall. I wanted him to notice that i was flying. I thought that he would find it interesting. I then noticed that i was floating more quickly as i went down the hall. The boy in front of me, who now seemed to be in his late teens, was walking more slowly that i was floating, and i was catching up to him. I moved a little to the north to try to go around him, but he had started moving toward the northern side of the hallway as well. I forced myself to slow down and tried moving to the south, but the boy started straying to the south again. I felt annoyed, and i tried to pass around him on the north again. Again, he moved in front of me. I decided that he must have purposely been trying to block my movement. I quickly moved to the side of him and swinged my right foot under him. He fell backward. I stopped and apologized, pretending that i had bumped into him accidentally. I knew that i had purposely tripped him to stop him from blocking my path, but i felt concerned about him. I helped him back up and started talking to him. I had a book with me, and the man referred to it. He seemed very interested in the book that i had, and i knew that it was a special book. The man asked me about it, and i moved to the south, into one of the classrooms off the hall. I told the man that i was an editor, and i looked at the blackboard that was on the western wall of the classroom. Something was in the book that would explain something, and i started looking through the book as i walked to the northwest. I was outside on the city street, and i walked diagonally across the street. I flipped through the pages of the book, as i explained something to the man, but i could not find what i was looking for i the book. The book was filled with small colorful square pictures of birds, but i knew that i was supposed to find something in the text. The book had three or four columns of text on each page, and the pictures took up the full width of a column. A small paragraph of text was under each picture. I felt annoyed that i could not find what i was looking for, and i flipped forward in the book. I needed to see a larger section of text to find the quote in. The small paragraphs could not be used to create the concept that i was looking for. I sat down on the steps outside the small store. I had taken the book from the store, and i wondered if i could return it. I flipped through it again as i sat on the steps, facing east. It did not seem to have what i was looking for in it, so i did not think that i could use it. I hoped that i could simply go back into the library, which seemed like a store, and return the book so that i did not have to come back later. I wondered if i could just leave the book here. I then heard someone inside the store behind me. I thought that someone was still locking the door. I imagined that it was an older woman with a pale-blue dress and white curly hair. I stood up from the steps and started walking to the southeast, back across the street. I was still looking through the pages of the book. A man then came from the southeast, heading toward the steps. I heard the door of the store open. I turned to see an older woman letting the man into the door. I asked her if she could take the book back at the moment. I explained that we did not need to take it out of the library. She pointed down and told me to just leave it in the drop box. I realized that this would be an easier thing to do, so i thanked the woman and put the book in the slot, which was just under the top stair of the yellow metal stoop.

12021 January 12

I sat in the passenger’s seat of the card as $K4 drove to the north. We had been driving through part of a city that bordered a large river. We had noticed that the water of the river was rather high. We had seen the tan muddy water on the eastern side of the road, and it looked as though it was near the road that we were traveling. We reached the northern end of the city, and the road that we were on, which seemed like a highway, curved to the east. I looked to the northeast. The river ran just to the east of the road, and it seemed silty, like the water we had seen before. Rocks and grassy mounds stuck up from the water. A highway bridge crossed the river to the east of us, and it seemed very high. The river seemed like the Susquehanna River, but it also seemed like the Mohawk River north of Albany. I thought about this. The river seemed too narrow for either of the rivers, but i thought that it was probably deep here. We did not seem to be on the main highway yet, but i knew that we were heading there. I then noticed that the area around the road that we were on had small areas of cut grass. The road we were on was one lane, and it did not seem to be leading to the highway. I wondered how we had gotten onto this side road. We seemed to be on an access road to a grassy area on the southern side of the highway. I thought that the road would probably end before too long. I looked to the east as we drove north, toward the river. Several low buildings were near the road. They were rundown and seemed to be made of cinderblocks that had been covered with white plaster. The plaster was old and stained, and it seemed to be missing in large chunks here and there. The buildings seemed to be part of an old factory complex. A cracked cement courtyard was between several of the buildings, and people were playing baseball on it. The larger of the buildings was to the south, and another large building was to the east. A smaller building was on the northern side of the lot. I only caught a glimpse of the players, who seemed to be facing the building to the south, before they passed out of sight around the northern building. They seemed to be at a lower level that we were. The road turned to the east around the northwestern corner of the small building that had been on the northern side of the lot. Looking ahead, to the east, i could see that the road ended in a widened dirt lot. I could see part of the curving highway bridge ahead of us, but i did not see any way to drive to it. The river seemed to be just to the north of us. A man was walking along the northern side of the small building, following the dirt edge of the lot. He seemed very muscular, and he walked with heavy steps. He seemed to be a construction worker. He was wearing blue jeans and a shirt with a vest over it. We had been walking to the west, toward us, but he stopped, bent over, and picked up something from the ground. He then turned back to the east and headed toward the eastern end of the lot. Something about him seemed very attractive. I noticed that the pants on his jeans only came down to just below his knees, and i could see the thick calf muscles. We drove a little way to the east before stopping. I watched the man walk off of the lot and into a dirt area that seemed to be under one of the highway overpasses. I then looked to the south, seeing the people playing baseball on the low below us. The land at the edge of the lot we were in sloped down steeply for about four meters to the cement ground below. The cement ground seemed L shaped, extending to the east of the northern building. The man then turned to the south and headed down the slope, toward the game. I thought that the people playing baseball were all from the same office. This was a gathering for the office, and i knew that the others would be in the cafeteria in the southern building as part of the group played baseball. I watched the man as he walked toward the people playing baseball, and i wondered if he was part of the group. I now seemed to be on the ground and moving with the man. He stopped to the north of the people who were playing baseball and picked up a baseball that had fallen on the northern end of the lot. The others seemed to expect him to throw it; they acted as though he was part of the game. The man threw the ball, and it went high over the lot and punched through the plaster wall of the building to the south. The others in the game did not seem to mind. This seemed to be part of the game. I headed to the south, into the building, where the office people were having their party. The room seemed very wide and open, and it seemed to be filled with picnic tables. People were gathered mostly near the northern end of the room. People were moving around between the tables and talking around the buffet tables along the northern and western walls, but most of them seemed to be sitting at the tables, talking. Someone then mentioned the red head. I recognized the name, and i remembered that i had sent the man a card. I must have sent it to this place. I was surprised that the man was here, and i felt as though i wanted to meet him. It seemed as though it had been a long time since we had met. I looked around at the people in the room, thinking that most of them were exchange students. Many of them on the table to the south of me looked East Asian. I wanted to say hello to the man i had not seen in a very long time, but i felt awkward here. I was not sure if i should greet him. I moved to the east, thinking that i could check the table where the gifts were to see if my card was here. I thought that it would be in the box with the other cards. A man to the north of me said something, and i told him that i knew the redheaded man. $F71 was with me, and i thought that he was an exchange student as well. He probably knew some of these people. I was looking through some of the things on the table to the south of me, in the eastern half of the northern side of the room. The redheaded man came from the south. He was looking for someone in the crowd. I wondered if the man had told him that i knew him. I was going to say hello, but i suddenly realized that i did not remember his name. I felt uneasy about forgetting, but i said hello to him as he approached. He walked around the eastern end of a picnic table and walked up to me. He greeted me, but he seemed displeased. He then told me that i raped him. I felt surprised and appalled. I knew that it was not true, and i wondered why he had thought that i would do something like that. I told him that i did not do anything to him. I felt upset. I wandered to the west, not sure what to do and feeling distraught.

12021 January 13

I sat on the eastern end of the southern side of the table. A person was to the west of me, and two people were across the table from us. The person just to the northwest of me had shuffled some cards and was passing them out. The person asked me if i wanted to join the game. I picked up the handful of cards. There seemed to be many cards in the small stack that the person had handed me. I then noticed that two of the things on the top of the deck were black pieces of cardboard. I thought that they might not be part of the card game. Both pieces of cardboard had a small white dot in the upper part of the oddly shaped card. I flipped a few of the cards over, noticing that they were advertisements. They were the blank cards of the deck. I wondered if they were wild cards. I asked what the blank cards would be. I glanced at the person to the west of me, noticing that he had non-suit card in his hand as well. The person across the table from me said that the rules had not yet been determined. I looked back at the cards in my hand, realizing that i had enough non-suit cards to create a full hand. Something seemed strange about the game, though. I had quite a number of extra cards in my hands. I thought that they might not all be correct for the game. Someone to the east of me then said something. I turned to the east, now seeming to be on the second floor of the apartment. I walked through the doorway and into the room to the east, entering at the southern end of the long rectangular room. A white counter extended from the southern wall and ran along the eastern wall to the east of me. I moved to the counter, looking at the cards in my hand. Some people were doing something here. I moved toward the counter as someone did something near the eastern wall on the northern side of the room. The northwestern corner of the room seemed to be blocked off by medium-toned wall that did not extend all the way to the ceiling. The man in the room turned back to the south and headed toward me, passing on the eastern side of the counter and stopping just to the northeast of me. He asked about the Buddha. Other people were standing around me now, and the man at the counter just to the north of me asked about the Buddha. The man to the north said that he had not seen it and wondered where it could be. He added that he thought that it was not here. I said that i had seen it, and i looked at the counter to the east of me. The other man at the counter seemed to be standing near a cash register to the northeast of me, but the counter to the east of me had small items on it. A small set of white shelfs was on the southern end of the counter, and it started just to the south of me. I focused on a large round item that was on the counter among the smaller metal figurines. The rounded object looked like a bloated toad, with its legs folded under it. It was facing east, and a collar seemed to be around its neck. It had been carved from a white stone-like material. I pointed out the statue as the Buddha. I then scanned the shelfs to the east, noticing another copy of the statue on the top shelf. A third was just to the northeast of me on the counter, and it was carved from a pale-pink stone. I said that there were several of the statues around. The man behind the counter had come over and looked at them. A number of people were around me now, looking at the statues. I turned back to the northwest and picked up my cards from the table. I was back in the room with the others. I flipped over several cards, thinking that i should gather all of the non-suit cards into the front of the hand in case i could use them as wild cards. I then noticed some other pieces of paper in my stack of cards. I started pulling them out. One of the cards flipped over, and i looked at it, trying to make out what was on it. The drawing seemed to be an impressionist rendering of a scene using fuzzy white blobs of color. I noticed four or five white shapes on one end of the card. I turned the card fully over to see it, realizing that the white objects were small dogs or some other sheep-like animals. They seemed to be climbing over the backs of curved wooden seats in an auditorium. I realized that this was some kind of Tarot card, using the animals as the suit of the card. I counted the animals, wishing that i could remember the significance of the different numbers in numerology. That would help me guess at what the card meant. A second card had a similar painting on it. I could not determine what suit the white animals represented. I glanced at the person to the west of me. He was looking over his shoulder at me. I could see that he had one of the Tarot cards in his hand as well. I looked down at the cards in my lap, realizing that i had one flipped over so that it was facing the others. I picked up the cards, wondering what i was supposed to be doing with the deck. I had many different cards from several decks, and i was not clear on how i should be combining them for the game.

12021 January 15

I moved along the southern side of the small area, heading east. I had just entered this area with the group of people. I felt suspicious of the man who was leading the people here. I seemed to have been doing something with these people, and we had come from another area to get here. We were inside some structure that did not have any walls. I was aware of the square wooden beams that held up the corners of the roof, though. The man stood to the east of the group, and he was saying something. I felt wary of him and thought that we might be in danger here. He had done something before that betrayed the people who were following him. I felt cautious of what was happening, but i was not sure what i should do. The man told the people to drink something. I thought that it had a small key in it. The people were drinking, but i was not. I crouched down on the southern side of the area, which now seemed like the open deck of a boat. The drink had something dangerous in it, and it had to do with the lightning storm that was to the east of us. I felt worried and thought that i should leave this place. I then noticed the small brass-colored objects moving across the floor of the room. They were mostly cubical, but they had small notches in one corner and seemed squatter than they were tall. They slided to the north, starting to collect in a small pile the floor. I realized that the small metal keys that the people had taken in their drinks were attracting the gold-colored metal chips. The chips would collect around the people and would then attract the lightning. This would cause the people to be struck by lightning. I felt concerned about what the man was doing to the crowd. The man then moved through the crowd, heading to the center of the boat. He looked at me as he intently lectured the others. He then said that i was not going to be part of his group, and he lifted a pistol with his right hand and shot me. I was surprised and disappointed, but i was still watching the others. I knew that they would be in trouble once the lightning storm came. The man had killed me because he could not have anyone who was not blindly following him. I then realized that i did not feel that bad, and i wondered if the bullet had actually killed me. The man stomped back to the east, talking loudly to his followers. I knew that he had tricked them and that the lightning would kill them.

12021 January 17

I hurried to the north with the other person, heading down the street, which seemed to be on the college campus. The buildings crowded around the street, and this place seemed like Collegetown. I stopped in the rectangular room to the north. $F16 was with me. We hurriedly grabbed some things in the room. We did not want to be caught here. I knew that the others would follow us. I looked to the southeast, now able to see up the slight slope of the street, which seemed like College Avenue. $A35 and someone who seemed like $A36 were hurrying down the street toward us. $A35 seemed upset with us. I knew that they were trying to capture us because of something that we had done. I explained something to $F16, saying something about the number two. The others would think that we had done something one way, but we had really done it in such a way that there was a difference of two. The others were coming, though, so we had to leave this place. I thought that we would have to sneak out. I headed to the southwest, following a narrow alley that ran along the western side of an old stone building. I seemed to be watching myself run from somewhere to the north of us. I was then to the south of us as i came to the end of the corridor on the southern side of the building. Another corridor ran east to west. It was wider. $A103 was standing to the west. He seemed concerned about the situation, so i said something to him to explain. The others who were chasing us had run down the main road to the north. They seemed to have just passed the corridor that we were now turning east in. I was explaining something as we turned to the east. I thought that we had slipped past the others, but i really did not care about the fact that they were after us. I was interested in something else. I walked with the other person to the end of the corridor. We both turned to the north, into a small room. The person said something about needing water, and i pointed out that drink dispensers were along the eastern wall of the room. This was a freshman dormitory, and i thought that it had the fancy soda and drink machines so that it would appeal to the students. Something about the place seemed very appealing to me, but it also seemed artificial in some way. I looked to the west as the other person spoke. More people were coming into the room from the north. I noticed packaged snacks on trays on the western wall. I thought that the drinks were free, because that would keep the students happy. I did not think that the snacks could be free, but i wondered how the students would be charged for them. I wondered if they would have to leave money. I then noticed the price board above the shelfs of snacks. The board said how much each snack was. I turned back to the drink dispensers, thinking that they were actually free to all the students. I then realized that i was getting water from the dispenser on the northern side of the counter, which ran along the western wall. I thought that the drinks to the south were different types of soda pops and pops. I knew that the high sugar in the drinks was not good for the students, but it was what made the drinks appealing. I thought about a lemon pop in one of the dispensers. I complained about the sugar drinks to the man, who was now to the west of me.

12021 January 18

I was on the airplane, which as flying to the west. The room of the airplane seemed to be short and rectangular, and i was sitting near the eastern end of the northern side. I could see the ground below us. We seemed to be flying over the Southern Tier of New York. Something did not feel right, though. I could hear the pilot talking about something, and i watched the brown forested ground moving under us far below. Something should be happening that was not. The airplane suddenly turned around, curving to the north and then heading east. It then dove steeply. I wondered if we were going to crash, and i hoped that we did not. Something seemed very wrong, and i worried that someone had taken over the airplane. I was still on the eastern end of the northern side of the room, and i looked down at the rolling hills below us. The airplane leveled off, and we were now flying very low to the hills. I wondered if we were going to land somewhere. Something was wrong, and i did not know what we were supposed to do. The airplane was then on the ground, and people started getting off. Something was confusing to me. I could not quite figure out what was happening. This was not where we were supposed to be.

12021 January 21

Something was happening in the building, and i felt that we had to do something in response. I felt focused on the task as i moved with the others to the north. We had to solve the problem. The others started moving quickly to the north, across the grassy area, which seemed like a college quadrangle. I felt unsure and hesitated near the northern side of the building, which seemed like Mudd Hall. The others seemed to be following something to the north, but i felt cautious that we were being led astray. One of the men in the center of the group seemed very stern, and he led the move to the north. He seemed muscular, and he was dressed in a way that vaguely resembled Batman, though his clothes were pale bluish-gray. I followed the others eventually, wondering what we were supposed to do. I thought that the stern man was rushing into the conflict without thinking about what he was doing, and the others were following. I did not want to follow as blindly. We stopped on the northern end of the area, which now seemed like a beach. The large body of water was to the south of us, and the sandy beach stretched out to the north of us. One of the heroes was lying on the beach, injured. We moved around him. I was aware of the ship that was following us. It seemed to be ours, and it floated down and landed in the shallow water just off the sand. We gathered around the man with dark purple wings on his back. Something about him seemed important. He was injured, and i could see the burns over his wings and arms. He seemed only partly conscious as someone tried to roll him over onto his back. A crowd of people was gathering on the beach around us. They were not part of the hero crowd, and they gathered in an arch to the west and north of us. An automated voice from the ship to the southeast of me then said “Breach alert.” It was a warning to us. Someone on the beach repeated the phrase, not understanding what it meant. I knew that a breach was some kind of portal. I turned to see a bluish-white patch of light flickering just to the south of me, over the water. In a moment, someone fell through the portal and landed in the water. I rushed to grab the boy. He seemed to be in his late teens, and he was unconscious. His right arm was over his head and he was unconscious as i lifted him out of the water. I noticed the burn marks on his left side and up the underside of his arm. He had the same burns as the winged person. Someone from our group made the observation that the boy would eventually become the winged superhero. I realized that this was how it worked; we were brought to this place, and we were supposed to take on the roles of the superheroes that were in this story. Some of us took time to adjust to our roles. I thought that the stern man adapted very easily to his role as the Batman-like person. I felt concern for the boy, and i tried to help him. He was new here.

12021 January 22

I moved to the north, reaching the door at the bottom of the house. The others had already gone inside. I had been doing something in a room of the house, to the southwest of me. I felt interested in the young man who had been cleaning here, and i was following him to the north, into the house. I pulled open the large door. It swinged to the east, and it seemed to have gotten stuck on something on the ground. I left it propped open. It seemed to be a very heavy door. I headed up the stairs, which ran along the eastern side of the hallway inside. I then headed west. The man was in a room with another man. The young man now seemed to be a boy. There was something special about him. He seemed upset because he had to gather all of the things together and pack them. He was crouched down just to the northwest of the entry door to the room. The door was in the southern end of the eastern wall of the room. Just to the north of the door was an enclosed closet, which formed a short corridor, about two meters long, from the door to the main section of the room. I crouched down to talk to the boy as the man did something on the western side of the room. The floor of the room was covered with things, and everything seemed very messy. It seemed like a lot to pack, and i wondered if it could all be packed to leave this place. I encouraged the boy to pack some of the things up, and i picked up a few things from the floor. There did not seem to be as much on the floor now. I thought that maybe it was not that much to pack after all. It was just not organized.

12021 January 23

I headed to the east with my parents. They were following me. We entered the building from the west, but we entered the large rectangular room, which seemed to be an entry hall, through the door in the western end of the northern wall. The event was happening in the room to the north, and i felt nervous about being here. The event had something to do with $P7, and i thought that the people here would be from my high school. I said something to my parents as i walked to the southeast, taking off my jacket so that i could hang it on one of the hooks on the southern wall of the long rectangular room. The room seemed to span the distance across the southern side of the meeting room to the north. I hung my jacket up and glanced to the north, through a doorway in the eastern half of the northern wall. I could see several young men sitting along the eastern side of a long rectangular table. Some of them looked familiar, and i wondered if i knew them. I turned back to the coat rack to the south of me, stepping a little to the southeast, to where i had hung my jacket. I started to take off my hat, which i thought was my blue fleece. I then wondered if i should leave my hat off. I did not like the way my hair looked at the moment, and i felt a little embarrassed about seeing the others like this. I thought that it would look awkward for me to wear the hat indoors. I pulled the hat off and looked at it in my hands. I was facing mostly west. The hat was actually a dark blue knit hat. It was not the fleece i had expected. I realized that some people do wear knit hats indoors, and i thought that i would keep it in. I pulled the hat back over my head as i turned to the northeast and walked into the room to the north. Many people had already gathered here. A dense group of people seemed to be sitting at tables on the western side of the room. I wandered to the north, looking for a place to sit. Men and women were in chairs here and there, and my parents seemed to have seated themselves in chairs to the southeast. The room seemed like a pub, with a bar along the southern wall. Televisions hung from the ceiling, and people were sitting in chairs, ready to watch the presentation. I looked up at televisions, which were hanging over the bar on the southern wall. I started to sit in a tan cushioned chair that was facing southeast, on the eastern side of the room, but i noticed someone jacket sitting on the floor to the north of the chair, resting against the chair. I thought that someone must have been sitting in the chair. I move a little to the north, noticing a few more empty chairs in a small nook in the northern wall. I headed toward them, but noticed that they also had items next to them. I thought that i did not want to sit too close to anyone, because we still had to maintain a safe distance. I looked around the room for more open chairs. I had to be close enough to the bar so that i could see the televisions. I then noticed a television screen almost over my head, to the south of me. Televisions were all around the room, so i realized that i could find a seat anywhere and still be able to see the presentation. All of the televisions currently had the same still picture of something on them. The purple object was roughly triangular and centered in the frame. It seemed to be a folded material, but i did not get a good look at it. I moved to the north, passing around a partial wall that was in the middle of the room. The northern side of the room had several empty chairs in it. The chairs seemed like wooden folding chairs, and they were all set up to face south. I sat down in one, thinking that i could watch from here. A few other people were sitting near me. I was sitting just to the north of the dividing wall. The eastern end of the wall ran all the way to the ceiling, but the western end only ran halfway from the floor. I noticed the group of people who were sitting at the northern end of a table on the southern side of the wall. They seemed familiar, but i did not recognize them. I wondered if any of them were people in my high-school class. The man on the northern end of the table had a long rectangular face with a pronounced jaw. He had dark hair on his temples and sunken eyes. He seemed familiar, but i did not know who he was. I then noticed the taller man on the western side of the table. His face was squarer, and it had rounded features, like a boy’s. He had short blond hair that was combed to his right. I realized that he was $A618. He had not noticed me as he talked to the others at the table. As he glanced in my direction, i waved to him. He sat up taller and looked at me in question. He then seemed to recognize me. I wanted to say hello to him, but i thought that i would have to do that later. As the man at the northern end of the table leaned forward, i noticed that $A618 was wearing a gray uniform shirt with some metal symbols on the collar and down the buttons. I remembered that some others were wearing similar uniforms, and i realized that they must have dressed in the old uniforms. I thought about what i was wearing. It felt good to see these people. I smiled at $A618, thinking that i would have to go over to see him after the presentation. He was with the others at the moment, and i felt that i could not interrupt him. I then realized that i must look different to him. I then realized that i was holding my knit hat in my hand. He might not have recognized me because i was losing my hair. I then felt uncomfortable about losing my hair. I looked around, noticing a man entering the room from a corridor to the northwest. He had straight flat hair that came down to a straight line over his brow. I wondered if i was the only one here who had been losing his hair. I then thought that many of the others could probably afford to use hair-replacement products. I stood up, glancing around the room. I noticed a man walking slowly to the northeast. He seemed like $A151. He was heavier and seemed old. I started to wander around the room, feeling awkward here.

12021 January 24

I felt anxious, and i had to get my things packed. My relatives were in the room with me as i moved from the southwestern corner toward the east. We were supposed to be leaving for the vacation, but i did not feel ready. My cousins seemed to be on the northern side of the room, but i did not think that they were coming with us. I stopped near the car. I was standing on the passenger’s side of the car, and the car was facing slightly west of north. My mother came from the west, saying something. I felt upset and told her that i was having trouble doing something. I felt frustrated. I looked down at the hood of the car, noticing the white currency bills with Russian writing on them. My mother had already stopped at the bank to get the money that we would need in Russia. I knew that we would be going to Europe for our trip, and i knew that we had to take a detour into Russia. This annoyed me. The scene then changed, and i walked to the east. It seemed that we had already been on our trip. A service counter was set into the northern wall of the room to the east of me, and a woman and man were standing behind it. A woman was standing in front of the western side of the counter, so i moved to the eastern side and waited for a moment. I had lost one of my bags, so i was here at the counter to reclaim it. I pictured it as a blue bag with red straps. I realized that the second person behind the counter had not noticed me, so i walked around the woman standing in front of the counter and stopped near the western end of the counter. The western end was open, so i was standing partly behind the counter. I knew that the bags were under the eastern side of the counter, and i wanted to walk in and grab mine. I stood waiting for a moment, though. The woman who was behind the counter then noticed me and asked me if she could help me. I told her that i had come to get my bag and gave her my name. I moved back to the eastern side of the counter to wait. The second person started looking through some bags that were stacked to the north of a filing cabinet that was against the western wall of the area behind the counter. I thought that my bag would be under the counter on the eastern side of the area, but i waited for a moment. The second person behind the counter left, and only the woman was there, but she did not seem to know what to do. I felt impatient, thinking that the person would have to search through the bags to the east. I then realized that nothing was happening, so i walked around to the western side of the counter again, thinking that i could go behind the counter to grab my bag myself. I waited on the western side of the counter, though. When the woman turned to ask me what i wanted, i told her that i was looking for my bag. I knew that it had been left here when we made our trip. Someone passed to the west of me and started looking through the bags against the western wall of the small bedroom. I was on the southern side of the room. The man picked up a blue bag with red straps from the western wall. The western wall had a small jog in it, where it turned to the west. The bag had been against the southern wall of the jog. I thought that it was my bag, and i pointed out that it looked like the right bag. As the man opened it up to look in it, i noticed that it was not quite the same as my bag. The colors were right, but the bag had narrower red straps, and the trimming around the sides of the bag was also in red. The bag also seemed to have rounded corners. I told the man that it was not quite the correct bag. I felt distracted. I thought my relatives would ask where i had gone on the vacation, and i would tell them “Europa”. I thought that i would not mention Russia right away. I felt concerned about something.

12021 January 25

I moved quickly to the southwest, following the other person around the western side of the table or desk. We had been talking about something, and i had the paper in my hand that gave us the notes. A third person seemed to be in the room to the north. I put the paper down on the desk, feeling excited. I started writing some notes on it. The man to the southwest stopped and started talking to someone. I was still aware of the person to the north of me as i looked at the writing on the paper. The top third of the paper had a thin-lined box on it, and the writing in dark ink filled the box. The handwriting seemed to have uneven lines, as though drawn with a fountain pen. Something about the writing was significant. A signature seemed to be just under the box. I had written it, and it looked as though it said “J J Orff”.

12021 January 27

I was running to the south, down the long stretch of cut grass that wound side to side through the forested area. The wide grassy swath seemed to be part of a park or grounds. People were standing near the eastern and western sides of the grass as i jogged down the center. Other people were riding their bicycles on the course, but i was part of a running race. I thought that i had to do five laps of the course, and i was just starting the first length of my first lap. I would have to turn around at the southern end of the course and come back to finish one lap. I was running alone. I thought that i had started with some other runners, but they were doing the shorter course, so they ran much quicker than i did. As i rounded a corner, turning back to the south from southeast, i realized that i was nearing the southern end of the course. I could see a group of runners gathering at the southern end of the cut swath. They were getting ready to start another run. I hoped that i could get to them before they started, because i wanted to run with them for a while. I hurried to the south, heading toward the western end of the pack that was about to start. I reached them just as they started running, and i turned around and headed back to the north. I thought that i would be able to run with several of them, but they were all running very fast. I suddenly realized that i was behind all of them, and i could not see any of them ahead of me before the corner. I could not understand how they all got ahead of me so fast, and i felt disappointed that i was the slowest runner. I then thought that this was only my first lap, so i should not have been tired. I then realized that i had not been running long distance in a very long time, and i realized that my legs were starting to hurt. I felt annoyed, and i hoped that i could keep running. I did not want to stop in the middle of a race.

I thought that i should stop doing something as i continued to the west. I had been talking with the others, but i was now with only a few. The woman who had been walking with me stopped just to the east of me. I had been saying to her that i could do something better than we had been talking about. I wanted to show her, so i brought the rounded teapot to the west. A short stone wall ran along the western side of the area. I had been walking across a paved surface that had grass growing here and there. I stopped near the stone wall, holding the tea pot over the square slate capping stone on the square column in the wall. The wall was about a meter high, and the capping stone was about a meter and a quarter. I saw a few drops of water drip from the pot onto the stone. I held the kettle over the wall, thinking that something on the other side would use the tea. I started walking to the south, holding the pot over the wall with my right hand as i moved. I then glanced to the west, realizing that no one was on the other side of the wall. I could see the building about fifty meters to the west of me, but i realized that i could not see the ground just over the wall. I leaned a little over the wall, noticing that the wall was about ten meters tall on the western side. It sloped outward a little to the west, and i could see a road running along the bottom of the hill. This surprised me, and i felt a little uneasy. I then joked to the woman about the drop-off. I do not think that either of us knew that it was there. At the southern end of the wall, the woman started lecturing the man to the south of us, telling him that he needed to do something better. The man seemed upset by the rebuke and said that he would do better. The woman seemed to frown in acknowledgement, and she told the man that he could leave after he went to the southern end of the wall, read the list of questions there, and answered them. The man agreed. I stood to the southeast of the square stone column on the southern end of the wall and the man stood to the south of it. He was about a half-meter from the wall, and i was about two meters from it. He read the list and commented on what was missing from it. I knew that the statements of the list had to do with the man. I read the list. The second question had something to do with combs. The man read the question and said that he agreed with it, but he added that it was missing several items. He started listing out several names of combs, and i realized that he was listing out brands of combs. He mentioned the last brand as he combed his hair. I glanced at him as he pulled his black hair up and forward over the top of his head. I thought that it looked good. The others then started playing with his hair as the man stared into the mirror, which was now to the northwest of him. They were trying different hair styles. Some of the styles looked good, and others did not look as nice. His hair was long and dark, but it looked shorter on the sides that it did on the top. The man was then facing me as though he were still looking in the mirror. He had a round face. He combed his hair up on the sides so that it looked like a mohawk. He turned his head from side to side to assess how the style looked. As he looked at himself through me, i noticed that he had feathers on the top of his head. He had combed them into his hair. He had two large rounded plumes with black tips arcing over the top of his head. He moved his head side to side again as he looked in the mirror. I wanted to tell him that i thought the style looked good. Something about the look interested me. I wanted to say something, but i did not. I just watched as the man played with his hair. I felt very interested in him, though.

12021 January 28

I stood to the west of the low wooden bench, and $F42 stood to the north of it. The bench ran east to west on the northern side of the room. $F42 bent over to pick something up from the floor to the north of the bench. “Godzilla versus spray bottle.”, i said. He stood erect and looked at me, smiling at what i had said. He asked “What?” I repeated the phrase, thinking that it was the plot to a story. He said that he liked the idea, and he told me that he had been writing a story where Godzilla was on vacation. I thought that he should merge the two stories into a single comedy. Someone then said “Never let ideas stop you.” I felt excited about the story, and i walked to the north as i thought about it. I had to set things up.

12021 January 30

We moved from the north into the middle of the street. Something was happening, and we had to do something. The woman said something to me as i wandered down the street to the east. It was sunny out, and the street had an orangish glow to it. It felt good to be here. The others were doing something to the west, but i told the woman that i wanted to look in the shops to the east. I now seemed to be in the corridor of a mall. The corridor ended about twenty meters ahead of me, and the small rounded area at the end of the corridor was raised about a half meter from the corridor i was in. The floor seemed to be a darker gray than where i was as well. I walked into the area and turned to the south, entering the toy store. I felt that i was looking for something musical, but i wanted to look around the toy store. I entered the western side of the store and turned east. A rounded service counter was just to the east of the doorway. A woman behind the counter asked me if i was looking for anything special. I told her that i was not and that i was just browsing. I walked slowly to the east, thinking that i was not really looking for any toys for myself. I no longer had an interest in toys. I then wondered if it seemed strange that i would be looking for toys. The walls of the store seemed dark, and the boxes of toys were mostly white. I glanced at a rounded table to the north of me, which had small packages of science-fiction toys. The toys were in dark packages on the counter, and they seemed to be small model ships and characters. I then looked back to the northwest, noticing the stand on the western side of the table. I recognized the familiar design of one of the ships. The package was a cardboard baking with a small square plastic bubble on the bottom. A model ship was inside the bubble. It was roughly disk shaped, with a small gray cockpit hatch over the center. The disk was made up of square plates of clear plastic that had an orange hue. Behind the model was a picture of the space ship from the television show. The picture looked more like an old Cylon Raider. I then remembered this series of toys. I looked up at the packaging. The design on the cardboard backing was pale, and it was framed with white crystalline designs. In the center of the upper part was a furry face, which looked like Chewbacca. The face had its mouth open slightly, and the expression seemed somewhat surprised. Large white letters spelled out “Roc” across the top of the package, above the face. The top edge of the cardboard was cut to match the top edges of the crystals, forming a jagged peak. I remembered seeing these toys before. When i had seen them, i had noticed that all of the characters seemed similar to characters from Star Wars, but all of the space ships were similar to the ships from Battlestar Galactica. It was a line of toys that imitated two other series to sell their products. I turned to the south and made a loop around the store, heading back to the west along the southern side. I wondered if i should say that i was looking for toys for some children.

12021 January 31

We moved to the west, down the hall of the building, which seemed like a school. We had to do something here. We were talking about something that we were trying to find. I stopped near the eastern end of the hall and looked to the northwest as the woman behind me continued to talk about the thing. It was some kind of creature. I could see the stars on the dark image. The creature looked somewhat like a jellyfish, was triangular. The top of the animal seemed to be in the upper left of the image. It had a small round top, from which long pale rounded soft tendrils ran down in a fan shaped that opened down and to the right of the image. Thin diaphanous membranes connected the thick tendrils. Inside the cone-shaped fan, long thing tentacles descended to the bottom of the image, tangling around each other. The person behind me said that the creature was seventy-seven light years across. I could see the stars of the galaxy around it, and i realized that it must be very large and somewhat transparent. It would have to soak up the radiation from the stars that it enveloped, but i thought that it would not block all of the light or it would be detectable. I was fascinated with the creature.