12023 January 01

The road ran to the west from where we were, and i spoke to the others as we stood in the northern side of the road. I had been heading to the east, but the others started heading to the west on the street. The road seemed to curve to the south, just to the east of us. I said something to the others as i looked to the west, down the street. Buildings were on both sides of the street, very close to the street. To the north, a cement structure seemed to be a parking lot. It had a driveway that ran into the bottom floor where people could pull in from the road and drop people off. The building seemed like a casino, and i thought that this place was in Las Vegas. I mentioned the city to the others as i said something about the area where we were. It had started sleeting. Fine white crystals were falling from the west. The building on the southern side of the street seemed academic. The others walked down the southern side of the street as i turned to the east to look for something. We were supposed to be doing something here. I headed back to the east.

I sat in the driver’s seat of the car, facing west. The other person was to the north of me, but did not seem to be in the car. I started the car, aware of someone to the west of me. The car was dark, and something seemed wrong with it. I could see out the windshield in front of me, but i could not see the dashboard lights. Something was not right. I reached for a dial on the southern end of the dashboard. It controlled the lights for the dashboard. I wanted to turn the lights on so that i could see what was wrong with the car. It did not feel right. My fingers hit the plastic of the dashboard, but i could not feel the light switch. It did not seem to be where it should have been. I felt around a little, feeling the rounded surface of the edge of the dash. I then realized that i could see a triangular gap under the southern end of the windshield, just above the dashboard. I wondered if the dashboard had fallen down. I moved my hand down, feeling for the knob. I found it lower that it should have been, and i tuned on the lights. The orange and red lights of the dash illuminated, but they were all facing down, below my chest level. I could not see any of the dials. I felt disappointed, thinking that the dashboard of the car must have broken and fallen down. I felt annoyed, thinking that this car might finally be breaking. I had thought that it was in good shape, but i now thought that i might have to get another one. I knew that it was time to get a new car, but i had thought mine would be okay for a while. I wondered if this car was safe to drive. I headed to the west.

12023 January 02

I followed the others into the northern end of the lecture room. We came in through a door in the western wall, which led to the aisle at the back of the room. The chairs in the lecture room faced south, and the floor sloped down to the south, to a shallow stage. The room seemed crowded with students. I started arranging my things in one of the chairs in the back row on the western side of the room. A single aisle seemed to separate the two sections of the room into east and west. I was aware of a professor standing to the south. He already seemed to be talking, and i remembered coming into the room around a white stone fireplace, which was near the northern wall on the western half of the room. It seemed that i had come into the room late, and i hurried around the eastern side of the thick chimney to get to the eastern side of the room. The room seemed flat and small, with folding chairs that faced south. I could hear the professor lecturing from the south, so i thought that i should now get back to my chair. Walked slowly back to the northwest from the center of the eastern side of the room. The lecturer was talking on the southern side of the classroom, and i thought that i was late getting here. He seemed very serious in what he was saying. I hoped that the lecturer did not mind that i was late. Another student walked ahead of me, ducking as he crossed the central aisle of the room. I headed for the last row of chairs on the western side of the room. As i approached the white chairs, a man came from the west and sat in the second or third chair in the back row. My clothes had been on the chair, and my books were still near the chair. The man seemed hesitant as he sat, and he looked at me, trying to figure out if the chair was already taken. I waved my right hand at him, telling him know that it was okay for him to sit there. I said that i would sit in one of the other empty seats. I sat in the first chair in the aisle. As i sat down, i was aware that the chair was wicker, and i pictured it as an old wicker veranda chair, with a thick rounded back and thick armrests. I pictured the white paint on the wicker as chipping with age. As i sat down, though, the chair sagged under me. I realized that this chair was broken, and said “On the other hand, this chair is broken.” I stood up and moved to the third chair in from the end, which was the chair i had been sitting in before. As i sat down, i was annoyed to find that this wicker chair was also very low. I could not see the lecturer over the person siting in front of me. I felt annoyed, but i started to sort through my books to get them ready. The man to the west of me was sorting through things as well. I glanced up, noticing that the sloped ceiling had several shelfs on it. The shelfs faced north and were at regular intervals along the ceiling. Glass bottles and white objects, which looked like scrolls, were stored on the shelfs. Something about the shelfs made me think of an industrial kitchen. I tried to focus on my books, aware that i had been late again. I wondered suddenly how i had spent so much time in lecture rooms when i was young. I thought that i was always very tired and that i would start to fall asleep quite a bit. I thought that i probably stayed up too late back then. I thought that i could do it differently now that i was older and more interested in the lectures. I was then aware that it was quiet. The professor had walked up the central aisle and was standing at the back of the room. He had asked everyone a question about what they would do. I held my pen in my right hand, waiting to take notes on the notebook, which was on the arm desk of the seat. The question seemed to have something to do with making interpersonal connections. I started to feel nervous, realizing that the room had been quiet as no one answered the question. I wondered if we were supposed to provide an answer. The woman that was sitting just to the east of me then took out her cell phone with her right hand and called her mother. I realized that this was a good answer to the question. I thought that others would start doing similar things to demonstrate an example of what to do. I wondered if i should take out my phone and text someone, but then i thought that it would not really be an original answer to the question. I felt uneasy, not quite sure what to do. I became very aware of the professor, who was standing not far to the northeast of me. I did not want to imitate the others, but i was not sure what to do. I wanted to give a verbal answer to the question. I glanced again at the shelfs on the ceiling. My attention was then drawn to the south, where two men entered the room from the west. They seemed to walk onto the stage at the southern end of the room. Both were wearing mostly white. One man was taller than the other, and they both took large steps onto the stage, as though making a performance entrance. The taller man seemed to have a tan sash tied just above his left elbow. I suddenly recognized the men as performers from a band. They said something to the professor as they entered the stage. $F67 was standing to the southwest of me new, in the row ahead of me. I told her about the performers, saying that they looked like members of an old band that i remembered. I felt as though i could not quite remember the band, but i told her that it was one of the joke punk bands from the eighties. I remembered the bands as playing punk-style music and having lyrics that made fun of different things. I tried to explain this to $F67, but i felt that i really did not know about this band. She did not seem to know what i meant about joke songs, so i started singing one that might fit the genera. I was not sure of the song, but i started singing about smashing guitars at the mall. I repeated the line, which seemed like the chorus of the song. She shook her head, indicating that she had not heard of the song or the genera. The band moved to the east and then to the north. They seemed to be on a stage on the northern wall of the room now, and they started singing a song. The music was not familiar to me, but it sounded like it could have been close to light-hearted punk. I moved a little to the east. The music then changed, and the guitars were more prominent. I realized that the chord progression and the melody was the exact same one i had been singing. I thought about the way they singed the lines, and i thought that the melody could have been part of a country song. The nasal quality of the voice also seemed more country. I looked to the east, into the next room. The eastern wall was open now to a smaller room beyond. The room had cabinets around the outer walls, and a set of cabinets that were in the center, just to the south of center. The two men in white were near the eastern side of the room, and a third man, who was wearing blue jeans and a dull shirt, moved a cabinet near the center of the opening to the room. The cabinet had parallel struts along the back, and i realized that it was the soundboard on the back of an upright piano. I could not see the instrument that well, though, because the man was standing near it. He then bent over and picked the instrument up, turning it so that i could only see it from the side. It seemed rather small now, but i remembered that it had the soundboard from an old piano. I was surprised that the man could pick up a piano so easily, and i wondered what the instrument really was. He turned to the northwest, slightly toward me. The instrument was at least a meter and a half long, and he was holding it with a hand on each end, like an accordion. It varied in height, but it was mostly around a half meter at the ends and almost a meter in the center. It seemed to be a series of wooden cabinets in a row. $F67 was still to the southwest of me, and she asked in surprise if it really was a piano. I told her that it must have been made from one. I could not believe that it was actually as heavy as a piano. I was closer to the eastern end of the room now, and the man with the instrument started walking sideways to the west, keeping the instrument facing north. As it passed me, i noticed that many of the cabinets had brass strings running vertically over them. A thin fretboard with four to six strings was near the eastern end of the instrument, and a wide set of ten or more strings was to the east of it. The instrument seemed to have several sets of strings that could be played independently. The band continued to play from the northern side of the room. I started walking to the south. A long counter was to the east of me now, separating me from the kitchen to the east. The metal counter had cabinets under it and a metal shelf running over it. As i reached the southern end of the cabinets, i started to put my notebooks on the shelf. Just as i set them down, one of the musicians put a music book on the shelf. I thought that i had been keeping my books there to reserve my seat, but the musician had wanted to take the position. I looked at the white book that he had placed on the shelf. It had a soft cover with a black metal spiral binding. The cover had cartoon images in blue and red clustered in the center. The man looked at me. He was standing to the west of the counter. He was the shorter of the men in white. He had a square face, which was very familiar, and medium-length straight blond hair. I had moved to the southwest of the end of the counter, and i could see the book through the shelf. I thought that the man was trying to reserve his seat, and i thought that i could leave the seat for him. The counter then was to the southwest of me, and it ran along the western wall of the large room. The band was performing to the south, and i thought that i should go back to my seat.

12023 January 03

We traveled to the east in the car. The area seemed rural, with rolling hills to the north and small houses here and there. It seemed that we had traveled through a town, and i was watching the road signs to see where we should go. I knew that we would have to make a turn onto one of the roads. We turned to the east and headed down into a shallow knoll. The land was mostly covered with green glass, but trees and bushes were here and there among the houses. The car was then stopped, and $A14 walked to the northwest to do something. I continued driving the car to the east, thinking that i had to get to someplace. The narrow one-lane dirt road went up a low hill and through an area where the trees were widely spaced and grass was on the ground between them. I stopped the car, thinking that the cabin that we needed to get to was just to the northeast of us. It seemed to be a simple cabin. This area seemed tropical, and i thought that it was in another country. I thought that i could leave the car here and head to the cabin, but i realized that $A14 would need the car. It would be a long walk back to where i had dropped him off, and i thought that he would not be able to walk as far. I knew that i could jog more easily, and i thought of jogging back to where $A14 was. I got in the southern side of the car, which was now facing west, and i started to drive to the west on the one-lane dirt road. I was still adjusting my position in the seat of the car as it started moving. I did not yet have my seatbelt on, and i wondered if i needed it. It seemed that i would only be driving a short distance. I decided that i should use it anyway. I drove past a small clay house, which was on the southern side of the street. As i headed up the hill on the western side, the road seemed to be flat, and i seemed to be in a small village. The road was crudely paved, and it ran between buildings with little lawn. I remembered that i had to make a turn to get here, and i hoped that i remembered what the intersection looked like on my way back. I would have to return in the same direction. I headed to the northwest, approaching an intersection. An old gray stone church seemed to be on the northeastern side of the street. The dull-gray pavement that i was traveling on ran to the intersection, but it then curved to the northeast. A narrow dirt lane seemed to continue to the northwest from the intersection. A path also seemed to head to the southwest. As i approached the intersection, i wondered if this was where i had to make the turn. At first, i had decided to turn here, but i then thought that the narrow road to the northwest, which seemed to be nothing more than two tire tracks warn into the grass, looked very familiar. Old colonial houses seemed to be on either side of the lane. I headed across the intersection. I then realized that the road divided into two lanes. For a moment, i could not remember in which lane i should be driving. I thought that i should drive on the left side of the road, but, at the last minute, i moved to the right side, following the Y around a median that had a rounded southeastern end. An old car with a rounded back was parked on the northeastern side of the northeastern lane. It looked like an old car from the fourties. I continued, noticing that the road headed downhill slightly. I then noticed that embankment walls rose on both sides of the road. They were dark gray and seemed dingy. I realized that i had gotten onto a highway that leaded back to the city. I felt annoyed. I did not want to be on this road. I knew that it would take me out of the way, and then i would have to find a way to get off the highway and turn around. The road curved to the west and continued down hill. The land was more open now, with fewer trees. It seemed gray, and hills rose to the north and south. Cement structures seemed to be on either side now. I looked for a way to get off of the highway and turn around, but i did not see any exits near us. I passed under a bridge, but it did not have an exit onto it. I then noticed a sign ahead that mentioned a turn-around. A large low building was on the top of the embankment on the northern side of the road, and it seemed like an airport. The land to the south of the road descended a shallow hill into the valley. The road seemed to curve slowly to the southwest. A cement bridge crossed the road ahead of me, coming from the airport and descending to a small low building on the southern side of the road. I noticed a brown chevron on the stone wall on the northern side of the road, to the west of me. It seemed to indicate the turnaround. I put on my turn signal and slowed as i moved into the northern lane. The exit ram was a round hole in the stone wall. I turned into the hole, following a round tunnel that descended slowly to the west. The walls of the tunnel were covered with small white rectangular tiles. The tunnel did not have a paved roadway in it, and it seemed very strange to drive in it. I wondered if people in this area entered the tunnels at high speeds. They would be able to drive their cars up on the walls as they rounded the tight corners. The color of the tiles changed to tan as the tunnel started curving to the south, passing underneath the road that i had been on. I felt a little uncomfortable driving in the tunnel, not quite sure where the road was and where the curved walls began. I thought that this type of construction was probably common for this country, but it seemed strange to me, and i was not comfortable driving in it. The tube curved back to the east, but it did not seem to head back up to the roadway i had been on. Instead, a wide opening was in the southern wall, just as the tunnel started to straighten out. A brown chevron pointed to the south, right at the eastern end of the opening. It indicated that i would have to turn south to follow the turn-around. I turned to the south, coming out of the tunnel, into a large open room. The ceiling seemed domed, and the room extended for more than a hundred meters to the southwest. The southern wall curved in a large circle, and the white ground had thin lines that radiated outward from a column that was now to the west of me. I followed the eastern wall of the room, thinking that i probably had to follow it all the way around until it headed back north to the highway. I noticed people in the room, though. Small groups of people were standing here and there, talking, and others were walking across the large space. I rode my bicycle to the southwest, but a woman was walking near me and got in the way. She had been talking to some others as she walked. I turned to go to the south of her, but she seemed to wander toward me. I started pedaling down the shallow hill; the ground of the room sloped down to the west. I thought that i could ride my bicycle closer to the southern wall to get away from the woman, but i noticed a family sitting on the cement steps to the southwest, near the wall. A small boy was sitting to the northwest of them, and he was rocking back and forth as he played with something on the ground. I did not want to have to ride the bicycle so close to people. It seemed difficult. I tried to speed up, but the woman seemed to remain to the north of me. I felt annoyed with her and tried to hurry to get away. As i reached the western side of the room, i curved to the north, remaining in an arc that was about halfway from the outer wall to the central column. The woman stayed to the east of me. A wide set of cement steps now descended to the north, spanning the full width of the room. I said something about the stairs to the woman as i approached the top step. It would be hard to ride down them, but i started over the top step. I muttered a noise of discomfort as i bounced over the steps. Some people were sitting on the steps, so i had to be careful not to hit them. At the bottom of the steps, the wide corridor met an intersection. I wondered if i would have to head east to get back to the highway. I looked for the brown chevron markers on the wall, hoping that they would indicate which way the turn-around went. The signs seemed hard to spot on the tile walls of the building.

12023 January 04

I jogged with the others to the northwest, and we entered the field from the eastern side of the southern end. It was dark out, but i could see the dim details of the field to the north of me. The field was rectangular, and it was covered with cut dry grass. The northwestern corner of the field seemed rounded, and the eastern side was bordered by trees with full leafs. I stopped in the middle of the field. I had to figure something out. Some of the others continued to the northwest, toward the center of the western side of the field. Something about the field was very familiar, and it reminded me of Lambs Corners. I felt uneasy, and i turned to the east to head back. I had to do something.

I jogged with the others through the forested area. It seemed dark out, but i could see everything in the forest. Very little undergrowth covered the ground, and the trees were mostly thin and young. We were heading east, down an open corridor between the trees, but some of the people had turned to the north. The ground rose slightly to the north, but it then seemed to descend. I knew that a number of people had turned north to look for a trail, but i could only see a few pushing through the branches of some pine trees. I slowed, noticing that only one person was jogging ahead of me, to the east of me. Another person was to the southeast of me, jogging with me. I thought that we had not seen any trail marks in a while, and most of the others had headed off to the north. I decided that the trail must go to the north and that we were off trail. I said this to the people with me as i started to turn to the north. The ground seemed to be covered with dry leafs that had been packed down. The man to the east of me continued heading east, though, so i called to him, telling him that the trail must be to the north. I could not seem the man to the south of me, but i knew that he had turned with me and was following me. I started to feel concerned for the man who continued to the east. I felt that we were being left behind of the main pack, and the forest was too dark to wander alone. I could not see any trail marks, so i would have to follow the pack, hoping that they were still following the marks. I was about to say something to the man to the east when i heard the creaking of a rusty hinge. I thought that the man must have found an old cabin in the forest, and he had gone to investigate. I felt annoyed. I did not want the man to get separated from the group. I continued to the northwest, though. I was then out of the forest on the southern side of a field. A trench had been dug near the southern end, and a dirt embankment rose to the northwest and west of us. The embankment was held in place by a few stained logs, which formed the vertical L-shaped wall that held up the near side of the embankment.

12023 January 05

I was in a downtown area of the small town. This place seemed like Collegetown. I was on a short street that ran north to south, and i was on the sidewalk on the western side of the street. A small stone church was on the eastern side of the road, and i felt interest in it. I thought that i would have to back to the north, where the college seemed to be. I turned to the west, now in the bedroom that i was staying in. This building was part of a society, and i was now living here. I was new to this place, though, so i did not quite know what i should be doing here. The others were meeting for something, so i quickly got my things together on the large bed, which was against the western end of the northern wall of the room. I stood to the east of the southern end of the bed, leaning over the bed periodically to grab things from it. Someone was in the room to the southeast of me, and i knew that i would have to get to the meeting. I sat in a chair on the eastern side of the living room, which was to the east of my bedroom. The others were sitting in folding chairs, in a circle around the room. The young men and women talked about something, and many were smiling at the jokes. I sat quietly in the chair, trying to figure out what i should do. I felt a little out of place here, but i knew that i belonged here. I watched the people on the opposite side of the circle form me talk happily. A woman sat just to the south of the eastern end of the circle. She had shoulder-length black hair and an oval face. A young man with wavy light-brown hair to the north of her started singing, and she joined in. The rest of the group then started singing the song. Several people started rocking and swaying in their chairs as if dancing. I wondered if i was expected to dance. The woman glanced at me several times, and i felt defensive, thinking that i would dance with the right music, but what they were singing was not interesting to me. I hoped that they did not think that i was not dancing on purpose. The woman then leaned forward in her chair and said something to me. I felt awkward. I was not sure what to do. The others then started to disperse. They were celebrating some event by breaking into small groups and doing things. I stood up, wondering what i should do. I headed back to the west, toward my bedroom. The large living room had plain white cement walls. Thick square columns were on the western side of the room, and my chair had been just to the northeast of one of them. I headed to the west. A wide corridor ran to the west from the southern end of the western wall of the room. A stairwell seemed to go up and down on the southern side of the hallway, with a landing at the top of the upper stairs. My bedroom was to the west of the northern side of the landing. I walked into the bedroom and stopped at the eastern side of the southern end of the bed. I considered singing with the others, but i was not sure if i should. I grabbed my guitar by the neck. It had been lying on the bed, just to the northwest of me. The neck was facing east. I wondered if the others knew that i could play guitar. I wondered if i would be able to play something interesting for them. I headed back across the landing and down the stairs, staring to the east on the northern side of the hallway. A group of people passed to the south of me, heading west. They were smiling and laughing as they played some game. Everyone had broken into small groups, each of which was playing a specific type of game or routine. I crossed the living room, watching some of the people who were doing things to the south of me. I wondered what i should do. A narrow corridor ran to the north from the eastern end of the room, flush with the eastern wall. I passed a man just as i entered the corridor. He seemed heavyset, and i was familiar with him. Just after i passed him, i stopped to the west of a square opening in the eastern wall. The opening seemed to lead into a lower room, and a small niche of the floor in front of the opening was missing. A piece of plywood seemed to be standing on the western edge of the niche. I stared over the plywood at a plastic crate in the center of the opening. The plate was resting on a metal grating, which seemed to be made of metal bars running north to south. As i leaned over the plywood to look at the grate, i recognized the thin black metal bars and the curved railing that was on the eastern end of it. The grate was actually a metal railing with balusters. It was the kind of railing that would be on the side of an old house from the fifties. I smiled at this. I looked back to the crate. It was about three-quarters of a meter tall and wide, and about a half meter deep. It had diagonal plastic grating over the front, and the black plastic had been painted to make it seem camouflaged. I could see that the sides and the corners had not been painted, though. I watched the box for a moment, considering it, but i was then in the basement area of the old church. I remembered the church from before. I had come back to this place, and i thought that i had traveled down a tunnel from the house get here. I thought that i would have to leave this place, and i headed to the west. I knew that the street was on the western side of the church. The basement room had gray cement walls and seemed old and worn, but it was clean. A narrow rectangular slot was high in the western wall. It was at my chest level, and it was about a meter and a half wide. I would have to climb through it to get to the sidewalk outside. The sidewalk seemed to be at the level of the bottom of the slot. I was still carrying my guitars. I started to climb with them in my hands, but i realized that i would have climb up first and then reach down to get them. I put them against the wall. My blue electric guitar was in my right hand, and i leaned it against the wall under the northern side of the slot. I had a large acoustic guitar in my left hand. It had a tan wood body, which was shaped like a cello. The head was wider than normal. I rested it against the cement wall just under the southern end of the slot. As i started to climb, the wooden guitar tipped to the southeast and fell on the floor. I moved quickly to catch it. I did not want it to get damaged. I propped it up against the wall again. A vertical recess was now in the wall, running directly under the wide slot. As i arranged the head of the instrument so that it was in the corner of the recess, leaning against the lower edge of the opening, i was aware of a woman walking down the street outside. She came from the south, and she stopped just to the northwest of me, bending over a little to look down at me. She wore a brown wool coat and had heavy brown boots. She seemed to be wearing stockings. Before i could try to climb up through the opening a second time, a woman in a dark wool coat pushed open the glass door that was in the northern end of the western wall. I realized that the door led outside. I would not need to climb up the stairs; i could simply walk out the door. I walked to the north, to the door. I was in the city now, heading east along the northern sidewalk of the street. I had to get back to the house where the society lived. I remembered the tunnel that i had walked down, and i thought that it had brought me here from the east. As i reached the southeastern corner of the block, i looked to the north, down the short city street. I noticed a small stone church on the eastern side of the street, in the center of the short block. I realized that this was the church that i had been walking past earlier. I had been heading in the wrong direction. I would have to walk to the north to get to the house. I changed direction and walked north. I had entered the field along the narrow dirt road. The road was nothing more than two car tracks in the dry yellow grass. I stopped, looking to the north, thinking that i should be able to see the house. I knew that, if i walked to the northern end of the field, i would be able to get to the house. The man to the west of me then said that i could take the shortcut to the house. I stopped and looked around. He had not been walking with me, but he had come up behind me. He said that the house was just over there, and i looked to the east. The grassy field ran about fifty meters to the east before descending in elevation. I could see the slate roof of a large house just over the crest of the drop-off. This was the house that i was looking for. I thought that the path to the north would lead to the road that would lead to the house, but the man was right in that i could walk the dirt path across the filed toward the house. I looked at the man again. A short hill rose steeply just to the west of the path. It was covered with yellow short grass and had leafless trees growing along the top. A group of people then came from the south as i spoke to the man. They were other members of the society. They were riding what looked like a metal trailer. The trailer had four sections of black metal grating, and they pivoted on the edges where they connected. The platform undulated as the people moved to the north. A young man smiled in my direction as the waving platform glided or was carried to the north. He had wavy light-brown hair that was longer on top and cut very short along the sides. A second group of people seemed to precede the ones on the metal rack. They were also heading north. I knew that these were members of the society who where doing these special things as part of the event. As the metal rack passed to the west of me, i noticed that it looked a lot like the railing that i had seen used as a grate over the bottom of the opening in the corridor. I said something to the man with me as i turned back to the east. Others had started walking down the dirt path through the grass, which led to the house. The man said that i could get to the house through the tunnel to the east. I thought that the others were trying to get me to be more like the group, and i felt a little awkward. I started to the east, across the field. I entered the small room of the house. I seemed to be at the northern end of a hallway. Just to the northeast was an opening in the wall, and something was blocking it. I moved to the eastern side of the opening and looked to the west. A light-blue wall was to the west of me, and it had a small square opening in it. The opening was a little less than a meter from the ground and about seven decis square. The man was to the east of me, and he was somewhat heavyset. He said something about the tunnel, and i climbed into the opening. Once i was through, i realized that i was not in the house where i thought i would be. I was in the back of a vehicle, which seemed like an ambulance. I thought that the members had played a trick on me to trap me in the ambulance. I felt a little annoyed. I thought that i would just open the back door of the ambulance and step out. A white sheet was down over the door. I lifted it up so that i could get to the door, but another cloth was behind it. The second cloth seemed like felt or light wool. I lifted the second cloth to find a third. The third was white and thin, like a sheet. I continued lifting layers, thinking that i would eventually reach the door. After four or five sheets, i found the metal door. Two metal handles with orange rubber coverings were on the sides of the door. I grabbed both handles and pulled them open. I could hear the ambulance start as the door swinged upward. I stepped out of the vehicle, slightly annoyed that the others had tried to play a trick on me. I then reached back for my guitars, but i realized that i did not have them with me. I wondered where they had gone. I tried to remember where i had them, and i remembered having them in the basement of the church. I thought that i must have left them someplace, because they did not seem to be with me. I closed the door of the ambulance, and the vehicle pulled away to the north. A heavyset man with blond hair came from the east down the narrow corridor. I was about to head to the west to take the corridor back to the south, to get to the living room. I said something to the man, and he realized suddenly that i was not in the ambulance. I told that i was not. He seemed shocked and worried. He was to the north of me, and he stood with his weight on his left foot, his arms down and out. He looked surprised, and he said that this was a problem. He seemed unsure what to do for a moment. As i started to the southeast, he rushed to the north, into the corridor that had been to the east of the ambulance. I knew that he would have to call someone to let them know that the ambulance was empty. This seemed to be an issue for him. I walked to the south, back to the living room. I thought that i should head back to the main room. I wondered how i could better interact with these people.

12023 January 06

I was in the northeastern section of the large room, which seemed like a cafeteria. I had my food with me, and i thought that i would have to find a table to sit at. I speaked to some of the people on the northern side of the room. I knew my friend were still to the east, getting their trays of food. I was one of the first people in the cafeteria, so i thought i would find a table for us to sit at. I was carrying something white in my right hand. I walked to a round table, which was near the western wall of the room. I thought that i would find a good chair to sit in, so i looked at the chairs around the table. One to the southeast of the table was green, with a rounded back. The chairs seemed to be in many different styles. A short dull-white one to the northwest of me was a padded cylinder that had a curved back on a third of it. I turned to put my food on the table, but i noticed that the table had crumbs and pieces of food scattered across it. The table must not have been cleaned from the last people that were here. I decided that i would sit down with my food and wait for the others. The table might get cleaned by then. I looked at the green plastic chair to the north of me, where i was going to sit. It was facing west, and it had food on the seat. A woman had come to the table to the north of me. I told her that the table was filthy. I was then aware of a woman to the west of me. She seemed to be a maid here, and she stopped what she was doing and looked at me. I felt uneasy, hoping that she did not think that i was disparaging her work. I knew that she had a lot of work to do, and the people before had left a large mess. I stood for a moment, wondering what i should do. I then realized that several people had sat at the table already. One person seemed to be on the southwestern side, and a few were on the westerns side. Three others were on the north and northeastern side. Two older women sat on the northern side. They seemed familiar, as though i had seen them before. I realized that most of the spaces around the table were taken, and i realized that there would not be enough space for my friend. I thought that people were still cleaning the rooms, and my friends would still be coming. I looked to the east, across the wide open space of the room. The eastern wall of the room seemed to be open to the kitchen, and i remembered when i used to work in a cafeteria.

12023 January 07

I had been in the room with the other person, but i moved into the hall to the north and walked east. I felt cautious. The creature had been outside, and i could not leave until i made sure that it was gone. I carried the object in my arms as i turned to the south, heading around the eastern side of the small building. The dinosaur had been on the southern side of the building before, but it should have left by now. I was being cautious to make sure that it was gone. I walked slowly, looking around the southeastern corner of the building. The building seemed to be the northern wing of a larger U-shaped structure now, and the area to the south of it was a small courtyard. I could not see fully into the courtyard, so i moved slowly, looking for any signs of the tyrannosaur. I took another step and saw the head of the creature. It had reddish skin, and it was standing close to the building, facing east. It squawked and shifted its weight on its legs. I felt scared, and i ran back to the northeast, passing through the door. The dinosaur would be after me. I wondered if i would be able to keep the door closed. I realized that the large white object that i was carrying was like a piano. I pushed it up against the door to the east of me, hoping that it would distract the tyrannosaur. I headed down the hall to the west and turned to the south, into the bedroom. $Z was still in bed. I had to wake him, but the eastern wall of the room was mostly windows, and they looked out into the courtyard. I could not hear the dinosaur coming through the door, so i thought that it might have stayed in the courtyard. I crouched down. The room was small on the western side. It was rectangular. The southern half of the eastern wall was open to the eastern section of the room, which was at a slightly higher level. Two or three steps rose where the two rooms met, and a partitioning wall blocked the center of the opening, leaving only a meter to the south and two or three meters to the north. The partitioning wall was dark. I crouched down on the stairs, looking out the windows. The glass just to the south of me seemed to be tinted red. I spotted the tip of a tail hovering near the top of the window, to the southeast of me. The tyrannosaur was facing east and standing very close to the building. I thought that it must have seen me and was waiting for me to come around the building. The tail fluttered up and down. The partitioning wall blocked my view of the rest of the creature. I had to wake $Z. The bed was to the east of the partitioning wall, on the upper level of the room. I stood up to sneak into the upper level, but $A682 was already standing up to the north of the bed. The tyrannosaur had seen him, and it croaked a roar. I rushed to the north, and $A682 followed me. I turned to the west at the door, thinking that the tyrannosaur was breaking through the window to get into the bedroom. $A682 stopped at the door, holding it open with his right hand. He seemed amused and said that he wondered if the dinosaur would make it into the room. I felt annoyed with him, because he was not taking this seriously. I pushed the door closed and pulled him to the west. We turned to the south in the next room. I worried that the dinosaur would come after us, and i felt tense. $A682 ran to the south into the room, but i was not sure where we could go. A small alcove was in the southern end of the eastern wall of the room, and a set of steps rose to it. The alcove was about two meters deep, and it was filled with a curved couch. I looked at the couch for a moment, wondering if i could hide under or behind it. $A682 had run to the south to hide. I worried that the creature could find us here. There was no good place to hide. I felt upset.

I moved to the northwest with the other person. We had been on the southern side of the area with the others, but we had to get somewhere. I turned to the north on the western side of the area, where the large buses were. I seemed to be walking down the center of a bus, which was open. My grandmother was behind me. We had to do something, and i felt anxious about it. A set of gray steps descended to the north at the northern end of the bus. I started down them, but we had to get something. A girl and a woman came from the southeast and crossed the bus. They were trying to get into their car, which was just to the west of me. The woman had gotten into the western side of the car, but the girl walked through the bus to get into the eastern side. It seemed strange that she would have to walk through our bus to get to the car, and i mentioned this to my grandmother. I stepped down the stairs to the north and headed to the northeast. We had to wait for something before we could continue. Three others were waiting in the outside area. The small area was to the east of a lot structure, which seemed like a mound of dirt or a low wall. To the east of the structure was a small grassy lawn. A path seemed to head east on the southern side of the lawn, and others were moving about to the east. I spoke to the people near me, referring to someone who was to the north of us. We had to wait for him to come before we could do something. We spoke for a while. We had to do something. The man to the east of me had several bills in his hand, and he started taking some of them out. He was going to pay the person to the north. I looked at the three or four bills that he had pulled out of the white envelope, and i said that we did not need as much as he had. The bills were white, and the man pulled out a bill from the center of the stack, which had “50” printed on it. The man would take the bill to the north-northwest to give it to someone so that we could leave. I felt that we had to go soon.

12023 January 08

I was with many of my relatives as we cleaned the house. We had been cleaning for a while, and it seemed like we were trying to finish so that people could leave. I felt a little tired, and i thought that i would have to take a shower before we finished. I moved to the east, into the bathroom that was on the northern side of the house, which seemed like a cottage. My grandfather seemed to be to the west or southwest of me. I was talking to him as i walked into the bathroom. I thought that i had to get ready so that we could leave. I knew that the others were already starting to leave. I had a dark blue towel in the center of the room, and i was moving it in my hands as i thought about getting undressed. The shower stall was on the eastern end of the northern wall. I moved around as i thought about things. I felt hurried and somewhat anxious. I seemed to be in the center of the bathroom for a little while, trying to figure out what i should do. I then turned and headed to the southwest, across the larger room. The others were still cleaning the house, but i had to hurry to leave this place. I headed out the door to the south, exiting in the center of the southern side of the small cabin. I stopped in the doorway with a few others. A man was head of me on the lawn outside. I realized that i was not wearing any shoes. I decided that i did not mind, and i started across the grass to the south. The thick green grass was covered with a layer of damp heavy snow. It would make the ground soft to walk on. I followed the other man to the southwest, walking in a long slow arc that curved southward. A solid wooden fence seemed to be along the western side of the yard, which was narrow and stretched for a ways to the south. A short hill, which was about a half meter tall, sloped down steeply from the western fence on the southern side of the yard. The people i was following stopped in the middle of the yard and turned to each other. I stopped just to the north of them, looking down at my bare feet in the snow. The ground was not cold, but i realized that i was standing on a thick patch of thistle. Only the leafs were on the ground, but they were frozen and covered with small crystals of snow. I moved my feet up and down for a moment, feeling how soft the thistle felt when it was frozen. I turned to the east and started walking across the yard. It was a bright sunny day, and i wanted to fly. I turned northeast, heading into the back yard of the house. Looking north, i could see that the small square house was on a hill, as were all of the others houses in the neighborhood. The house seemed to be on the southern end of the row. A short low hill about a meter and a half tall rose steeply on the eastern end of the yards, and it ran for a few hundred meters to the north of me. The hill was grassy, and the lawns to the west of the hill were smooth grass, with on interrupting features. The land then seemed to slope down again, this time less steeply, to the west, just before the houses. I could see the roofs of the houses to the north of the one we had been staying at. They all seemed to be simple one-story houses. I noticed flags flying above the two houses to the north. The flagpoles were to the northwest of me, though they seemed to be just to the east of the houses. The flags seemed to be faded rainbow flags. I thought that several homosexuals must live in the neighborhood, and this seemed correct from what i remembered about the neighborhood. I was aware of some of the others with me to the southwest of me. I thought that i should fly over the back yard and houses. I then looked back to the north. I had moved to the northeast some more, and was now on a road that ran north. The area looked familiar. This street was to the east of the house that i had been at. A row of small apartments ran along the western side of the street, to the northwest of me. The lot directly to the west of me seemed vacant, and i knew that i had crossed it to get here. The road seemed to head south from where i was, but it did not seem to go far. This place seemed very familiar. I thought that i had seen it in a dream before. I looked up the street to the north, looking for something that i recognized. Several people were sitting on the sidewalks to the east of the apartments. A woman sat in a folding aluminium chair in front of the nearest building. She seemed to be sitting just to the south of the entry door. In front of the next building, a man was standing to the west of a rounded barbecue grill. The lid was tipped open to the east, and he was moving something around on the grill with his a long utensil in his right hand. Something had happened here in a vision i had had earlier. I then remembered that we had come out of a tunnel on the eastern side of the street last time. I took a step to the north, searching the eastern side of the street for a tunnel. A short hill rose on the eastern side of the street, with several houses at the top. The hill was only a meter or so tall. About twenty-five meters to the north, i saw an area where the street was recessed. I took a step to the northwest to get a better look. A large cement culvert was under a raised structure. This could be the tunnel. I turned to the south, looking for other details. The road to the south continued with a large field of dry grass on the western side. A small building was on the east, with a thick tree in front of it. The small pinkish building seemed like a pub, and it seemed to have a small dirt lot around the northern and western sides. This did not seem quite right. I remembered that the hill on the eastern side of the road had continued to the south, but the road to the south seemed flat. The hill should have been steeper. I felt very unsure if this was the correct place.

12023 January 09

I was standing to the east of the picnic table, looking to the west. I could see myself sitting on the southern side of the small gray table, and $F71 was sitting to the west of me on the same side of the table, and another man was to the north of me, across the table. We had been here with some others, and it seemed as though we had come for some event. $F71 and i were talking to the other man. The man had been saying something. $F71 then asked me if i liked sex. I said “It’s okay.”, not really sure how to describe my feelings for it. I knew that i was being honest and that such open honesty might upset $F71, but i had said it. I then added “It’s never been great.” I felt a little uncomfortable, knowing that $F71 would be upset with the conversation. I hoped that he would not be. I headed to the southwest, walking along the sidewalk of the open area. The picnic table seemed to have been on the northern side of a beach, near a building, and i was now walking down a cement path that ran west along the beach. The sandy beach ran to the south of me, starting just at the edge of the path. Two women were walking along the path, heading in the same direction that i was heading. I tried to let them pass in front of me and continue on, but they walked very close to me, at the same pace that i was walking. One woman was to the north of me, and the other was to the east of me. I felt a little annoyed that they kept moving close to me. I tried to ignore them, glancing to the south at the sand. The flat sand on the beach seemed packed, and someone had scraped a checkerboard design over its surface. The squares were about a deci wide, and they were bordered by areas where the sand had been disrupted with a small rake. The opposite squares were flat packed sand. I tried to move ahead of the women, but they stayed close to me. Annoyed, i wandered to the southwest, crossing over the sandy ground. I could not see the water, but it did not seem to be that far away to the south. A dark barrier rose to the west, crossing the beach and extending out into the water. The ground seemed lower near the dark object. I turned to the northwest, heading toward the wall to the west to put some of the things in my hands down. A round squat table seemed to be near the wall, and i thought that i would put my clothing down there. The table looked like a cement cylinder that was about a meter wide and about a half meter tall. I then noticed that the ground was wet here. I was wearing flip-flops, and i could see my feet sinking into the sandy soil. A yellow water rose around my feet. This did not seem right. I thought that the water was polluted. I then thought that the ground had been saturated by urine. I felt annoyed. I started back to the east to get off of the wet ground. As i turned, i noticed a man sitting on the small round table to the northeast of me. The man was facing south, and i realized that the table was actually a toilet. I thought that the urine from the toilet must be injected into the ground, and it was leaking up. I was annoyed that the toilet was so unsanitary, and i walked to the southeast to rinse my feet off in the water. The sand ahead of me was filled with shallow puddles of water, and i shook my feet back and forth in the water to get the urine off. The heavy yellow liquid on the sides of my feet looked like an oil now. I headed to the northwest again, still carrying my things in my arms. I was ready to leave this place. The others were also ready to go. A car was parked along the northern side of the small gravel lot, facing north. It seemed to be alone. I knew that it was $F71’s car and that he would be driving us back. I sat in the passenger’s seat of the car as $F71 sat in the driver’s seat. I then saw two people running toward us from the north, crossing a grassy lawn. $A840 was in front, waving her arms for our attention, and $A815 was following her. They had rounded a building to the west of them and started south, toward us. We were supposed to give them rides back, so they were trying to get our attention so that we did not leave without them. $F71 started driving the car to the north. He seemed very upset about something, and i felt worried about him. He drove the car to the northern end of the small yard, but he did not stop as we approached the black structure that was along the northern end of the yard. I tried to warn him, but he did not seem to want to stop. I felt annoyed and upset as he hit the brick wall. The wall seemed to be a self-standing structure about two and a half meters wide and about three meters tall. I sighed with disappointment and said “Well, it’s your car.” I felt annoyed with $F71. I looked at him, but he was staring to the north. He leaned forward over the steering wheel. He seemed upset and determined. $A840 was just outside the window of the car, and she waved to him. He ignored her and continued driving the car to the north. We started to pass along the eastern side of the brick structure, the side of the car scraping on the brick as we pushed past. The black side mirror of the driver’s side hit the southeastern corner of the brick and got crushed against the car. I wondered why $F71 was doing this. I was angry that $F71 was being so bitter. I started looking through the things in my arms. I had a small duffel bag of clothing. I suddenly wondered if i had gotten my jacket from the table where we had been sitting. I looked through the bag for it, but i worried that i had left it. Two people were in the back seat of the car. The man right behind me asked me about a blue jacket. I said that i had one that i was looking for. He said something that made me think that he had picked it up from the table and taken it with him. I was glad that he had it.

12023 January 14

I followed the others to the east across the outdoor area. They seemed to be a large group of $G4, and we moved in roughly a line. We seemed to be following a raised embankment, like a road, but the group turned to the southeast and started through the forested area to the south of us. I followed the others into the forest, thinking that the trail we were following was rather complicated. I then realized that the people turned a little to the south and started up a narrow trail. The area ran uphill to the south, and the others were climbing the slope at an angle. We were slowed down as everyone started walking in a single file up the narrow path that was worn into the snowy ground. I glanced to the east, noticing that i was in a clearing that ran to the east. I could see a raised embankment to the east, which i thought was for railroad tracks. I wondered if the trail curved back to the tracks, and i wondered if we could shortcut to the tracks from here. I followed the others up the hill instead, aware that i was moving on cross-country skis. I moved along the northeastern side of the group, passing a few people. They seemed to be stuck on the hill. I could feel my skis moving through the snow as i stopped just to the northeast of the line of people. I could not easily push my way back into the line on the trail, so i waited a moment.

I was with the group of runners on the eastern side of the city. We were moving through the narrow streets, between the tall buildings. The people with me seemed like $G4, and we headed to the south on the streets. I was talking with $F71, who was running with me. We then turned to the east and entered the small room of the building. We had been to this place before, and it seemed very familiar. The room was empty, but it was part of a pub. The main room seemed to be to the north of us, and we were on the second floor. I paced around in the room, which was on the southern side of the building, on an upper floor. The room was open to the west and southwest of me, and i moved around in the northeastern part, as if pacing after a run. A narrow room ran to the north from the eastern side of the room. The others seemed to be to the north of me. I thought that the bar was along the eastern wall to the north, so the other $G4 had stopped there for a drink. A woman was in the room to the southwest of me, near the southern wall. She was talking to someone. I then noticed a window in the western end of the southern wall. It seemed to look out over the city, so i walked to it. I was aware of the woman to the east of me as i approached the window. I felt that she was nervous with my presence, so i tried not to pass too close to her. She seemed to be wearing an old gray denim jacket that was punk in design. We seemed to be fairly high up from the street, though i thought that we were only on the second floor. The window looked to the southwest, and i could see the tall buildings of the city outside. The southern side of the city seemed to be sharply defined, as though on a coastline that curved from the east to the southwest. It felt good to see the city. I then turned to the north. A small wide window was in the northern wall, facing north. I walked to it. It was darker, and i realized that it looked into another part of the building. I looked through the window at the large open room below. The room seemed to be part of a store, but i thought that it should be part of the pub that i was in. $F71 was then to the east of me, and he was talking with some other people. I thought that we had to get back to the place to the west where we had come from. The others would continue on the run, but we had to leave early. I thought that we would be walking back to our cars. I started walking to the south, aware that i was not wearing shoes. The cement paving blocks of the patio to the south of the building felt cold to my bare feet. $F71 was still talking to the other person, and i told him that we would have to leave. I started walking to the southwest, down a path. I pictured the city in my head, seeing the long road that ran along the southern side to the center of the area to the west. I started walking down a path that ran along the southern side of the building, passing through a garden area. I thought that $F71 would follow. This place seemed familiar, but i was not quite sure that i recognized it. Something ran to the south of us. It seemed like a river or railroad. I then recognized the dark metal girder bridge to the southwest, and i knew where we were. We had come through this park before, and i knew that we had to head along the road, which i pictured as a red line, to the west. The path i was following through the narrow park curved back and forth gently as it headed west. Thick bushes of grasses leaned into the path from both sides. I wondered if $F71 would remember this area from the last time we came here. I thought that we could follow the stream that was just to the south of us, and i tried to imagine how we would head back to the main part of the city from here.

12023 January 15

I had been doing something with the others, and i followed them to the east, along the northern side of the area. A building was now to the south of us. It was a gray plain building, with large windows in the northern face. I stopped in front of the wide window to the south of me. It was in the eastern half of the northern face of the building. Two people were sitting on the southern side of a counter just inside the window, but they were at a lower level than i was. The counter seemed to be about the level of my feet were. A woman in a red shirt sat on the eastern side of the couple, and the man sat on the west. She was facing mostly west as she talked with him. He sat facing roughly north, with his left elbow on the counter and his right hand holding a sandwich near his chin. He wore a tank top, and he seemed well muscled. I felt attracted to him, and i looked over his face. His face was rectangular, with a narrow chin and rounded cheeks. He had chin-length black hair that fell in locks down his head. He glanced up at me as he chewed and stared at me for a moment as if considering whether i was trying to interact with him. He then glanced back at the woman. Something about him seemed attractive, but i realized that his face seemed oddly shaped. It seemed very long and flat, though his skin seemed oddly uniform. $A601 had stopped just to the east of me. He seemed to be to the north of a door that led into the building. I said something to him and then turned to look back at the man. I knew that i should not be staring at him, but something about him seemed to draw my attention. I was also aware that $A601 wanted to me continue on with the others.

The man mentioned the name, and i thought about it. The name seemed to be Mike Taylor. I remembered the name from before, and i tried to remember it. After a few moments, i was thinking about the name, and i thought that it was really Chris. I tried to remember the last name, and i could see the names printed to the northeast of me. The last name was Paige. I realized that i had two different names, and i wondered who Mike Taylor and Chris Paige were. A third name then came to mind. I said the first name, which seemed like Matthew, and the last name came to me. The last name started with a P and seemed somewhat long, like Pugliano. It seemed so familiar that i wondered if it was the name of an actor or someone famous that i had heard before.

12023 January 16

I sat up. My legs were to the east of me, but i turned them to the north and let them fall over the edge of the large bed. The surface of the bed seemed gray. I moved to the edge and sat on the eastern end of the northern side. Another person had been on the southern side of the bed, and he stood up and moved to the southeast. I had a plate of food on my lap, and i stirred it with the form in my left hand. The plate was covered with thick pasta noodles that had a thin red sauce on them. I contemplated how i should eat the food, and i said something to the man about it. I also seemed to have a second plate to the east of the first. It was a smaller plate. I looked at the pasta, stirring it with my fork.

12023 January 17

The two men had been arguing, and the first man had walked away. I was standing to the northwest of the first man as he carefully walked to the south along the wall of a building. He had left to the north but was now sneaking back into the area. The other man had been to the south of the building. They both seemed to be dressed in hero costumes. The first man was dressed in a dark uniform that seemed mostly blue. He seemed like Captain America, but he also seemed like Daryl from Walking Dead. The second man was dressed in a light-gray one-piece suit. He seemed to have gray hair, and i pictured him standing stiff to the south of the white building. I heard the sound of a car engine, though. The second man was driving out to follow the first. He did not know that the first man had sneaked back into the area. The car came from the sound and speeded to the north, heading for the white building. The first man, who was to the south of me, had been walking in a partial crouch. He jumped against the southern edge of the white building as the car approached. The car passed through the building, and a dog barked from inside. After a moment, the first man pushed himself away from the building and moved to the western side of the alley, where another cement building stood. I looked over the white building. It was a simply cinder-block structure that had been painted white. It had a low flat roof, and a rainbow design had been painted on the southern end in oranges and yellows. The design had faded over the years, and it was now very pale. A short chain-link fence ran from the southeast corner of the building to the south, flush with the western wall. I had seen this building before; it was very familiar. The grass on the lawn of the alley was somewhat shaggy and dry. It was green with thin blades of grass, but i could see pale blades of dry grass scattered through the green. The first man walked southeast, heading into the driveway that ran to the south of the white building. I moved southeast as well, circling in a wide arc so that i could see the first man in the middle of the yard between the buildings. He had moved to the southwest and now seemed to be to the south of the smaller gray building. I was then aware of a white car to the south of us. It had come from the east, and i realized that the second man had driven around the area in a circle and had stopped to the south, where he could see the yard. The white car was facing northwest, directly to the south of the white building. I wondered if the first man knew that the second was watching him from the south. The first man looked to the northwest at the cement building. I looked to the west at the roof of the building, knowing that the man was trying to get to it. The roof was corrugated and sloped down to the south-southeast. The first man had a jet pack on his back, and he activated it. I felt cautious of the second man, who was to the south. The first man lifted onto the roof, landing in the center. The slant of the roof seemed to throw him off balance, though. The pack was to the south of him, and the weight of the pack pulled him back. He fell backward and landed with his legs spread to the north. The second man started approaching from the south. Other men were then around the building. I felt suddenly alert, thinking that the other men were dangerous. The two men who had been arguing seemed unaware of the other men, but the second man stopped just short of the building. He was staring at the first. Two of the other men approached from the west. They seemed threatening.

12023 January 20

$F71 and i were walking to the north along the eastern side of the road. It was dark, and it seemed that we had just come from a run with $G4. We had left the others and were heading back to someplace. $F71 was talking about something, and i was thinking about the run. I then heard the sound of a cell phone ringing. I stopped and looked out across the field to the east. The field seemed to be a large lawn of cut grass. In the dim light, the grass seemed dry and damp. Short trees and bushes spotted the lawn here and there. I remembered that $A815 had dropped her phone somewhere on trail. I remembered that she had gone back down the trail, looking for it. I pictured the trail heading through the forest to the northeast of us. I thought that we had finished to the southeast of us, on a road that was near the southern end of the open lawn area. The lawn seemed to be a park or golf course. I told $F71 that i could hear the phone, and he stopped and listened. As it rang again, it seemed that it was not far from us. We walked onto the grass about ten meters and stopped to listen again. This time, the ring seemed very close to us. $F71 was to the west of me, and i said something to him. He started talking to me, but i looked around on the ground, thinking that the phone should be just to the east or southeast of where i was. I could not see anything. I listened again, hoping that it would not stop ringing. When it rang again, it seemed farther away and to the south. $F71 started to say something, but i turned to the south and took a few jogging steps. I looked around on the grass for the phone, but i could not see anything in the dim light. A low bushy tree was to the east of me. Just as i started to round it, i noticed the cell phone on the ground to the southeast of me. It was a small gray object. When i picked it up, the screen on the down side was still lighted. I turned it over but could not read anything on it. It had just stopped ringing. The phone seemed to be a small gray flip phone. I thought that $A815 had probably tried to call the phone, but i had just missed her. I wondered how i could get in touch with her. I decided to dial the first number that was on the phone. I held the phone to my left hear, thinking that i was calling $F67. I said hello and asked the person something. I thought that $F67 would be the first person on the phone, but i realized that i was talking to a man. I thought that it must be $F67’s father. He seemed confused. I spoke more slowly, asking if $F67 was there. I pressed the phone to my ear, trying to hear more clearly. I stepped to the west. A small cement building was now to the west of me. It had been on the eastern side of the road, and i had walked to the north of it when i entered the field. I moved against it as if trying to go someplace where there was less noise around me so that i could hear the phone better. I hoped that $F67 would pick up. I then thought that i was talking to her, and i thought that i should tell her that i had found $A815’s phone. I would have to ask her if she knew how to contact $A815 without her phone. I then wondered why i would be calling $F67. She did not really know $A815, so it did not make any sense that i would have called her to find out what to do with the phone. I seemed to be in a room now, standing near the western wall. A square column was to the east of me, and a balcony or beam spanned an opening in the southern end of the eastern wall, to the south of the column. The wall seemed to be pale yellow.

12023 January 21

I had driven the truck to the east, along the road that ran on the northern side of the area. The area just to the south of the road seemed to be filled with pine trees, but it seemed to be part of a golf course or other large lawn area. I parked the truck to the east of the patch of pine trees, on the western side of a small parking lot. The large orange construction truck was facing west. I was aware of a small building to the southeast of me, along the southern end of the eastern side of the lot. It seemed to be a reception building, but it was closed at the moment. Something seemed wrong with the truck that i had been driving. I had brought the truck here for work, but something seemed wrong with the mechanisms on the truck. I moved around the western side of the truck, heading to the northern side. I remembered that this had happened before. A part of the truck was not working correctly, and i remembered that it had been ruined before by a faulty pressure system. I looked at the pipes and gages on the lower part of the back of the truck. I knew that one of them was stuck, and i thought that it would ruin the piece that i needed to do my work. I would have to head back to the office, which seemed to be to the northeast, and tell my boss that the equipment was not working properly. I could tell him that it just needed a small pressure gage replaced. As i moved a little to the east, i noticed that water was dripping from some of the gaskets and pressure release nozzles. The pressure was building up in the system. This is what would ruin the unit that we could not get to work. I wondered how i could release the pressure and spare the unit further damage. I walked around the back of the truck, noticing that more water was dripping from some of the pipes and boxes. I thought that something would break and the system would need more repair. As i reached the southern end of the eastern side of the truck, i noticed a narrow pressure release that was sticking out to the east from the rounded end of a pipe. I realized that i could pull the release and let some of the water pressure out. I thought that the water might be steam, though. I moved to the south a little and tapped the release with the fingers of my right hand, trying to see how hot the pipe was. It did not seem that hot. Before i could pull the release open, though, a spurt of water splattered over my right shoulder and chest from the nozzle. I backed to the south, letting more water spray from the pipe. This would release the pressure from the system so that further damage was not done. I backed to the south. My black car was parked just to the south of the truck, and i thought that the spray would get water over the back of my car. I wondered if i should move my car. I did not. I stood for a moment, looking around. I looked up at the southern sky, seeing that it was now dark. I remembered that i had come here as it was nearing sunset to start the job, and it was now dark. I would not be able to finish the job. I thought that i would have to get back to the office, but i knew that i would not be able to drive the truck. I thought that i would have to call my boss and let him know that the truck was stuck at this place. He would be upset. I wondered if he would leave me here. I then thought that i had not clocked out at the office, so i was technically still working. I wondered how i would get back to the office from here. I thought about this for a few moments as i moved around on the southern side of the lot, to the west of the small building.

12023 January 22

I stopped just outside the door of the building. I felt rushed, and i thought that i had to hurry into the building to get something. The man to the east of me, who was ushering some young children from the school building, distracted me. The building was to the east and south of me, and the double metal entry door was open to the south. I hurried into the building, walking a short distance down the entryway. I suddenly wondered if i should be in this building so late in the day. I was not a part of the school, so i thought that people might not want me in the building. I had entered anyway. I turned hastily to the east to head down the long narrow corridor of the building. A woman was standing in the middle of the corridor, about thirty meters to the east of me. She stared sternly at me, and i hesitated midstep as i noticed her. I would have to tell her that i was here for something. I did not want to be stopped. She seemed angry as i approached her. I stopped near her, asking her what she wanted. She leaned to the north, reaching into a doorway with her right arm. When she leaned back into the hallway, she held a shotgun in her right hand. It seemed to have a sawed-off barrel. I felt nervous, wondering if the woman would shoot me. I wondered what i should do. I did not feel afraid, though. I was aware that she could not shoot me without consequences in the school. I asked her why she was pointing a gun at me, but she did not answer. She just scowled at me. She moved to the doorway in the southern wall of the hallway and then back to the center of the hallway. I wondered if she really would shoot me. She then walked to the north, into the small room. I glanced to the south, noticing that the room to the south was an office. It seemed to be divided into two rooms, with a small rectangular room just beyond the door and a larger room to the south. I started walking to the east again, hurrying to get somewhere. I wondered if i should have stopped in the office to talk to someone first. I turned to the north at a junction in the corridor. The corridor to the north seemed to head up the northern wing of the school. As i turned, i saw the same woman step out into the hall from the west. She walked to the eastern side of the hall and stopped, staring at me the entire time. I felt nervous of her, and i wondered what i should do. I noticed that she was standing just to the west of a double metal door that led outside. One of the doors seemed to be open. I continued walking to the north, still not sure what i should do. I did not think that i should confront the woman.

I walked to the west on the southern side of the street. I seemed to be on a college campus, and the building to the south of me seemed to be Mudd Hall. It was down a small slope from the road i was walking on. Another person was walking to the south of me. He came from the east and quickly passed me, but slowed to my pace as he was to the southwest of me. He said something to the person to the north of me. Something seemed familiar about the person. I thought that i recognized his face, but i could not quite see it at the moment, because he was facing west. I wondered suddenly if he was $F11. I thought i should say hello, but i was not sure if it was he, so i did not say anything. I watched the man as he walked. He had short black hair. He then turned to say something to the person to the north of me. He smiled. He had medium skin, and i realized that he was not $F11. He seemed to be of Indian descent. I turned my attention to the south, looking over the roof of the building that was just to the south of us. I leaned to the south and flew over the building. I headed generally to the southwest, but i could no longer see the buildings under me. I was just thinking about flying. I seemed to be flying for a time, and then i walked to the west, down the hall. I was on the northern side of the hallway, and i could not see the southern wall. The person to the north of me said something, and i bent down, noticing the puddle of water on the wood floor. A small rectangular bin was on the floor to the west of me, in a narrow section of the hallway. The narrow section seemed to divide the hall from a room to the west. I crouched down, wiping up the puddle of water that was to the east of the bin with the small towel that was in my right hand. I responded to the person to the north as he walked to the north, entering a room. He pushed the door to the room open to the west. The door swinged shut after him. I decided that i needed a better towel, so i pushed the door open again, entering the rectangular bathroom. The room was long to the north, with a white tiled floor and tiled walls. Sinks seemed to be along the eastern wall, and a few toilet stalls were against the western wall. I grabbed a maroon towel from the wall to the west and headed back to the south. I said something to the man as i exited the bathroom. He seemed to have gone to the northeast, into a stall on the northern wall. I walked to the window in the southern wall, now seeming to be in the bedroom to the west of the hallway i had been in. A brown tray of water had been leaking on the floor from the mechanism that sat just below the window, on the floor. I felt annoyed with the tray. I grabbed the eastern end of it, trying to remove it from the top of the dehumidifier. The bin was now a rounded black plastic container. I was going to dump it, but i then realized that i should not have the dehumidifier running this time of year. It was something that i would have running in the summer time. I lifted the black plastic container from the top of the dehumidifier and turned counterclockwise to the north. The container was like a flattened cylinder with rounded ends, and it was about a half meter long. I carried it back to the north, feeling frustrated that i had left the dehumidifier running in the winter. It would conflict with the humidifier that i was using in the same room. I wondered if that was why the humidity in the room never seemed to get too high.

I talked to the other person as i stepped into the car to the north of me. The car was facing west, and i seemed to get into the rear driver’s door. We were talking about the man to the north of us. He was getting in the northern side of the car. $Z, who was to the west of me, mentioned something about the man, but i felt uneasy about taking him with us. I looked at the two women to the east of us. The man would be leaving them here, and i did not think that it was right. I felt worried for and concerned about the women. They seemed scared. As i sat down in the back seat of the car, i asked $Z if the man should really be leaving the women. Someone had said that one of them was the man’s wife and the other his daughter. I watched them for a moment. They both stood with their heads slightly bent forward. They seemed East Asian, and they both wore simply clothing. The woman on the north was a little taller than the young girl on the south, but they both seemed short. I wondered if the woman was just short for her age. I told $Z that i was not convinced that the woman on the north was old enough to be left behind. As the car started moving to the west, the two girls followed the car, moving with their arms and legs stiff. They seemed upset but did not cry. I felt very concerned for them. The woman on the north had a rounded face, and she looked like a girl in her early teens. The younger girl seemed to be under ten. This situation seemed wrong. The car contained to the west, and was to the southeast of it as i watched it head into a tunnel in the large mountain.

I sat in the eastern part of the northern side of the room. $F71 was to the west of me, and he hugged me. I was facing south, staring at nothing. I could feel the tightness as $F71 squeezed me, and it felt very nice. I then realized that he had his legs around my hips as well as his arms around my torso. I relaxed as he hugged me. It felt very nice to be held. I then realized that the way he was tightening his legs and arms was sexually arousing me. It felt very comforting. I wondered if i should copulate with him. I then realized that my mother was standing to the southwest of me. She seemed to be folding cloths to the south of her, but she was aware that we were hugging. I thought that it would be nice to copulate with $F71, but i felt a little uncomfortable doing it in front of my mother. I thought that we should be in a more private room.

12023 January 23

I walked to the east along the northern shoulder of the road. I had been talking to the others, and it seemed that some of them had gone to the east. I looked down at the pavement in front of me. A narrow driveway headed to the north, and i was crossing it. The drive sloped steeply down hill to the large white building, which was about twenty-five meters to the north of me. The building seemed to be on a college campus. To the east of the drive was a second drive, which was about ten meters past the first. The area between the two drives seemed to be a small garden, with a thin short tree in the center and several bushes. The tree and bushes were dry from winter, with no leafs. The gray and tan plants under them were all dry. I had to clean up some of the things in the garden area. I looked down at the shoulder of the road at the eastern end of the drive, just of the road. I cleaned up some of the plants along the edge, making sure that they formed a straight line. A small patch of greenish-gray moss was a centimeter or so farther onto the pavement of the drive, so i pushed it back to be is line with the other small plants at the edge of the road. I stood up, looking at the border of the road. I took a few steps to the south, walking out of the drive and following the curve of the roadside to the east. Some gravel or dirt had spilled into the road from the edge, so i sweeped it back to the side of the road with my right foot. I walked to the east, noticing some more gravel, so i sweeped it to the northern side of the road with my right foot as well. I wondered what else i should be doing. I continued to the east, talking to someone who seemed to be to the west of me. I started to describe someone to $Z, saying something about the man that concerned people. The man was then to the southeast of me. He was sitting in a chair in a room that seemed black. A spotlight seemed to have focused on him as i talked about him, lighting up his features. He sat upright in surprise, holding up his left arm. He lifted his elbow and held his arm across his chest for me to see. He wore a flannel light-blue button-up shirt. His left hand was missing, and a long white bone stuck out where the hand would be. The hand seemed to be a humorous with a broken end. The man had an oval pudgy face, with chin-length graying hair that curled out at the ends. He stared back at us as he held his arm out, indicating that he could be what the others had said about him, because his arm was missing. Something seemed strange about the bone, though. It was too thick, and it extended beyond where his hand should be. I looked at the cuff of the shirt, noticing that something blocked the area of his arm where i would expect to see his hand. The bone seemed to extend about a deci past this, making his forearm seem noticeable longer than his upper arm. I stared to point this out to $Z, who seemed to be to the northwest of me. Something did not seem right about the man. I was then aware of the others around me. Someone was to the northeast of me, and several people sat to the south of me. The people to the south seemed to be sitting in a booth, which seemed like a jury box. They seemed to be administrators, and they had been listening to me as i had mentioned the accusations against the man. Something seemed strange about the man. The scene to the south of me then changed. Again, the area started dark, and the light widened from a small area to fill the space. The man with the gray hair was sitting on the eastern side of a bed. Another man was to the west of him, holding a thin wool blanket up to his shoulders. He had a round face and a balding head. He seemed very unattractive. Two chubby women stood on the eastern and western sides of the bed, leaning over the men. All four of them seemed to be copulating, but the man with the gray hair frowned in indifference toward us, as if he did not care what the accusations said. Someone said that this scene would be scandalous, but the people in the scene did not seem to care. The man with the gray hair said something to the other man as he rotated his feet to the east to stand up from the bed. The bald man dropped the covers obediently and moved into a kneeling position. His feet were now to the south, and he was leaning on his hands. He had a round unattractive body, and he seemed to be wearing a loose brown leather collar. He stared down at the bed in front of him with a look of concern on his face. The gray hair man mentioned wrestling, and i wondered if the bald man was supposed to be in the down position for a match. This seemed very strange. The scene then panned to the east and focused on the face of one of the women. Her face filled the scene, with darkness around the edges. Her face was large and flabby, with bright red lipstick and heavy colors of eye shadow. She seemed very unattractive, but the man with the gray hair was supposed to wrestler her. She had frizzy unnaturally red hair that padded the scene around her face. She seemed uncertain, though. She smiled nervously, her lower face pudgy and wider than her forehead. The man pushed his left hand into the fold of her right cheek. She wrinkled her brow, looking surprised. She skeptically eyed the hand in front of her face as it withdrew and again inserted itself into the fat of her cheek. She did not seem to enjoy what was happening to her, but she seemed to try to smile. It was obvious that she was very uncomfortable, though.

$A14 said something about the printer as he reached to the south of me and took the small square pieces of paper from the printer. He was standing to the east of me, and he had reached in front of me with his right arm. The printer was a white drum that was about three-quarters of a meter long. It was covered with a dark-gray plastic hood. The small squares of paper had black borders and looked like old photographs. They were about four centimeters wide. The images on them seemed like a photograph of white petals, with some petals fading into pale gray. $A14 then reached across the printer with one of the small images and pushed the white square back into the western end of the drum. I wondered what he was trying to do. A narrow slot was just above the drum on the western side of the printer, and he seemed to be inserting the stiff paper back into the slot. He then pulled the paper away, and i realized that he was trying to unjam something from the slot. I asked him something, and he said that the pictures tend to jam in the printer. He walked to the north of me and stopped to the west of me. I suddenly remembered the small white square of paper that had been wrinkled. It had been tacked to the wood of the mailboxes that were on the southern wall to the west of the printer. $A14 reached for the small picture, unpinned it, and handed it to me. I told him that i had seen it before. I thought that it had been causing the jam before. $A14 must have been checking to make sure that other small squares of paper didn’t get caught in the printer. $A14 had the small white wrinkled paper in his left hand. He was looking at it as he talked to me, telling me that it would cause streaks on all of the printed paper that came through the printer. I thought that the edges of the film must have scratched the color off of other sheets.

12023 January 25

I stood in the entryway of the house, talking to $A14. The door to the house was to the north of me, and $A14 stood to the west of me. The entryway seemed wide, and the door to the north was a double wooden door. $A14 and i talked about something, and i seemed interested. I also seemed distracted by something that i was supposed to be doing. I was then to the east of the entryway, in the dining room of the house. I stood to the south of a rectangular dining room table, and the woman to the north of me had asked me to sit for a while. I sat on the eastern end of the southern side of the table. Someone sat to the west of me, and the woman sat to the north. Small plates of salad were in front of each of our places. I thought that i could eat the salad to be polite. I had already eaten dinner, and i was not hungry. Someone then came to the western end of the rectangular table with a large plate that was heaped with cooked shrimp. I thought that i would not be able to eat any. I hoped that they were not planning a full meal here. $A14 was then sitting on the western end of the northern side of the table. He was talking to the man who was sitting to the west of me. I realized that the man was being interviewed. The man responded to a question that $A14 had asked. I realized that the man was $A664. He had come here seeking something from $A14, and he had not known that i would be here. I was interested to see him, but i knew that he was probably not happy to see me. He did not know that i knew $A14, and he probably wondered why i was at dinner here. I listened to what they were saying, not joining in on the conversation. I felt that $A14 had invited me here as a friendly gesture, so i seemed out of place in the business conversation that he was having with $A664. It seemed that $A664 had shown up unexpectedly to ask for something. I thought that it would be nice to get to know $A664 again. The last time i saw him, i had asked for his Facebook address so that we could connect online. I had not expected to get another chance to ask him. I arranged my napkin in my lap, watching the conversation quietly. $A664 leaned back in his chair, glancing at me. He seemed upset and frustrated that i was here. He leaned forward and back again, showing his agitation. I felt a little uncomfortable and disappointed that i could not talk to him again.

12023 January 26

I sat on the eastern side of the small group of people, watching the movie to the south of us. We were in an outdoor area, along the western edge. The movie was on a wide television screen, which was suspended about a meter and a half from the ground. I stood up from the chair that i was sitting in, and i told the others that i had to leave to get back to somewhere. I did not want to leave yet, but i felt that i had to go. the rectangular grassy area seemed like a park, and trees surrounded it. The trees were mostly leafless, and the leafs and grass seemed to be dry, with autumn colors. I said goodbye to the people i was with and walked to the west. I knew that $P19 was to the west of me on the other side of the small wooded area at the western end of the park area. I pictured the house on the western side of a street that ran north to south. I knew that a path ran through the trees to the west of the park and came out across the street from $P19. The southern end of the park seemed to be about ten meters wide. As i entered the path between the trees, i thought that my house was really to the northeast of here. I wondered if i should have walked through the trees to the north from where i had been watching the movie with the others. I decided that i would cut diagonally to the northwest to get to the road to the north. I did not want to go to $P19 at the moment. I really needed to get to my house. A grassy area seemed to be to the north of the path just before the path met the street. I thought that i could walk diagonally to the road from the path. I could see the house to the west now, thought the thin leafless trees. The grass to the north of me was green. A small area of cut lawn was to the north, with a large tree growing on the eastern side of it. The grassy area seemed to be separated from the grass by a thin row of low shrubs and dry weeds. I turned to the north, realizing that i was almost to the road anyway. As i started to the north, i noticed a man coming from the east on the northern side of the small grassy area. He seemed to be walking out of a driveway. I reached the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street and started walking to the north, aware that i was still barefoot. I looked down at the cement pavement that i was walking on, aware that the man from the east was approaching me. I felt cautious of him, and i continued past him. I started to feel tiny pricking sensations on the bottoms of my feet. I had started walking around a thick tree, which was growing just to the east of the sidewalk. I looked down to see small thorns on the ground. They looked like tiny sections of barberry branches, but i thought that they came from the large tree. I knew that i would be past them in a moment, so i took a few long strides to get out of the area where they had fallen. A neighborhood seemed to be to the north and northeast of me. IT seemed like Cayuga Heights. The sidewalk i was on curved to the east, following the road. As it curved, i thought about how i could get to my house. I was not sure how the streets here ran, but i thought that i could go either north or east to get to my house. I looked to the north and noticed that the road that ran north from here was covered with gravel. I had thought about going in that direction, but i decided that i should walk to the east on the paved road. The gravel would hurt more on my feet. As i turned to head east, i noticed a young girl walking along the eastern side of the road to the north of me. She was heading away from me, and she seemed to be walking a lion, which was to the east of her. I realized that it was better than i did not run past the lion. It might have tried to attack someone who was running. Just before the girl was out of sight, though, i saw her turn to the east and head into the trees and bushes on the side of the road. A few meters to the east, i saw that the lot on the northern side of the road seemed to be an area where some event was happening. The event reminded me of a carnival, but the vehicles looked more like farm equipment related to an equestrian event. Small pavilions and vehicles were parked here and there on the lot. A blue truck or small square metal corral was in the southwestern corner of the area. Several pavilions or tents seemed clustered in the center, and a small vehicle drove around them. I then noticed the girl on the western side of the area. she was walking with an older person now, and the lion started trotting ahead of her. I realized that the lion was staring at me as it trotted to the southeast. I slowed to a walk, realizing that the lion was stalking me. The girl called after it, and i walked to the northeast, through the metal gate that was on the eastern end of the southern side of the area. The woman and girl were then to the west of me, and the lion stood to the north of me, staring up at me. The man was to the southwest of me, and the lion was standing to the south of me. The scene seemed to change for a moment, and the man was saying something to me. I said “the good, the bad, the not so bad, and the things we left undone”. Something about the statement seemed interesting. I then thought that it might be better to say “the good, the bad, the things we left undone, and the things we’ve never done”. I thought that it rhymed better, but i realized that “the good” did not fit into the rhyme scheme. I pondered the words in my head, trying to figure out the best way to make the statement. The scene then changed, and i was at the back of the yard, on the northern side of the yard. The lion was still staring up at me, to the southeast of me. It seemed very thin, and it was not as large as a lion. It held its head low, as though it was wary of me. I knew that it was considering attacking me, and i started to feel uncomfortable. I was not sure what to do, but i did not want to get attacked. I stood up tall, facing southeast. I tried to make myself seem more impressive. The lion crouched a little in caution, but it kept staring at me. I moved to the side, hoping to get away from it, but it started following me. I started to feel scared, and i asked the young girl to help me. I moved again, but the lion move close to me, remaining low as if it was ready to attack. I started yelling at it, thinking that i should scare it. I then felt very upset, and i thought that i should start attacking the lion. I started yelling “No!” over and over again to the lion, but it would not leave me alone. I started to feel panicked.

I drove the car to the west on the country road. The land around me was forested, but it seemed like a modern forest. The trees were full with leafs. An intersection was about a hundred meters ahead of me. About halfway to it, i noticed some birds sitting on a utility pole on the southern side of the road. $F71 was in the passenger’s seat of the car. As we approached the birds, i thought that they looked rather strange. They had large curved tan beaks like parrots, but they heads were covered with fuzzy white feathers. Four of them sat on a cross arm of the utility pole. The wood stretched to the north from the pole. The birds crowded together on the short arm, and they leaned to the north as they looked down at us. I wondered if they were baby bald eagles. Their shapes seemed strange for birds. Their heads seemed large, like a parrot, but they had the colorings of an eagle. I watched them as we passed, but i realized that $F71 had fallen asleep in the car, so he would not be able to see them. I stopped the car just before the intersection, deciding that i should back up to let $F71 see the birds. I spoke to him as i stopped the car, waking him up. I asked him if he saw the birds, but he said no. I looked in my rearview mirror and saw that the road behind me was clear, so i backed up, pulling off to the southern side of the road. A dirt road had seemed to head to the south just to the east of the utility pole where the birds were, and i pulled off the side of the road onto the dirt. The birds were above me, and i glanced up to see them. The sun seemed to be setting over the hill to the west, just behind them. I thought that i could open the sun roof to let $F71 see the birds. I looked up, but i could not see the birds out the passenger window. I felt frustrated that i could not get a good view of them for $F71. I wanted to roll down my window or open up the sun roof, but i realized that the heater was on in the car, and it was making a lot of noise. I did not want to scare the birds, so reached for the dashboard with my right hand to turn it off. It did not shut off right away. I felt frustrated that i could not do this correctly. I pressed the button again on the dash, starting to feel upset and tense. I told $F71 that i was trying to turn off the heater so i could open the sunroof. I then looked up at the tan roof of the car. I could see the outline of the window, but i could not see the buttons to open the roof. I felt even more frustrated, and i was not sure what to do. I glanced again out the window, realizing that it was now dark outside. The sun had been setting, and it had taken me so long to try to get everything right that the sun had set. I felt very upset. The scene was dark for a moment, and then i was out of the car. It was day again, and i was standing near the northern side of the road. The birds were standing on a horizontal wooden pole to the northeast of me. $F71 was to the east of me, and i pointed out the birds to him. They seemed strangely proportioned, with large beaks and rounded heads. They seemed lower to the ground now. A few other people wandered around me as we looked at the birds. I then realized that the birds were in a small wooden shed, which did not seem to have a ceiling. I spoke to the others about the birds, asking what they could be. A large brown eagle was then to the east of us, sitting on a surface inside the shed. It opened its wings and turned its head sideways to look at the man to the east of me. It was trying to get us away from the babies. The brown bird seemed to verify my idea that the smaller birds were baby eagles. The adult eagle had an oddly small head, with a three or four thin crests sticking out the back top of the head. We backed away from the young birds as the adult fanned its wings. We had to be careful that the adult did not attack us.

12023 January 27

I was visiting this house with several other people, and we were standing to the northwest of the house. We seemed to be near a pool. It was a bright sunny day. The others started heading to the southeast, passing the narrow western end of the house. They crossed the small yard to the south of the house, which seemed to be crowded with short pine bushes. I ran through the bushes, stopping just to the north of a structure. We were near the eastern end of the structure, which seemed like a cement platform or partial wall. Someone was crouching in the bushes just to the southeast of me, and i stopped for a moment. The man was not wearing a shirt, and i could see his bare back arched over at the level of the bushes, as if her were floating face down on the bushes. I recognized his torso as $A837, and i thought that he had stopped to look at something on the ground under the bushes. I asked him if he was okay, because he was not moving. He did not respond, but i knew that he was all right. A man was to the east of me. I thought that he was the neighbor. He had walked over to the short wall that separated his yard from this one, and he asked what was going on. He seemed to be concerned in the way $A837 was leaning over in the bushes. I told him that $A837 was okay. I headed east, passing to the north of $A837. I was going to climb up onto the platform to the south of us to follow the others. I stopped just to the north of $A837, noticing that the others had been stepping on the branches of the pine bushes to climb. The joints in the thick branches had formed nubs where the people had been stepping. I stepped onto the rounded areas, using them as steps to ascend to the south. I stopped at the edge of the structure, which now seemed to be the foundation of a house. A square wooden windows frame was in the western wall of the foundation, just a deci or so fro the northern end of the wall. A man was sitting over the window, trying to do something with the wood inside the frame. A second man was standing to the northeast of him, watching and commenting. I thought that they were trying to prop the wood inside the window to secure the frame, but they had not been able to get it to work. The man over the window pushed a narrow piece of wood down from the top of the window, and then he tried to wedge it back into place at the top of the window. I thought that it would force the sides of the window out a little. The men were trying to get the window frame to widen to its correct width. I noticed that the cement corner of the building was slightly cracked, though, and i realized that what they were doing to the window frame would put more pressure on the cement pillar. I tried to caution the man about this, but he pushed the board up to the top of the window and hit it into place with a hammer. The corner of the building seemed to respond by shifting position. The other two backed away from the building. I worried that the house would fall over if the pillar moved out of place. I left, moving to the southeast across the basement area of the building. The basement room was very wide, with cement-block walls and a cement floor. People seemed to be moving quickly about. I knew that they were here for a party, and they were playing the games that were spread out throughout the large basement. I headed to the north, down a corridor on the western side of the room. The corridor seemed to run the length of the house, and smaller rooms were separated on the eastern side of the basement. Only simple cement walls that extended from the eastern wall divided the rooms. I noticed that several gaming tables were set up in the various rooms. A black round table with a domed top to the southeast of me seemed like an air-hockey table. Several other game consoles were around the room, but they were spread out, making the rooms look fairly empty. People moved between the consoles, but few seemed to be playing them. I thought that $A244 had purchased most of the old games here. This seemed to be her house, and she had invited the people over for the party. I moved to the north, into the center of one of the rooms. I stopped to the south of a round white table. I recognized that carnival game, and i wondered if i could play. As i approached the console, though, i noticed that the mechanism that should be within the clear plastic top was missing. A small box of round black metallic pellets was sitting in the center of the table. I thought that $A244 must have bought the console, which stood on a rounded pedestal, and that it was disassembled when she bought it. She was probably going to fix it up but had not gotten around to it. I moved to the northern end of the room, which now seemed to be the western end of the building. I had walked the entire northern side of the building, and only a few people were moving around. The room at the northern end of the western side of the building had more people gathered in it. It seemed to have a service bar along the western end of the northern wall, and people were standing in small groups, drinking and talking. I passed through a doorway in the northern end of the western wall, coming into a small room. A television was in the center of the northern wall. The walls of the room were light tan, and people were seated on couches on the eastern side of the room, watching the television. I had been in this room before. I thought that i had started in this room when i had walked around the basement. The people here seemed to be from $G3. I was surprised to have come back to this room, realizing that i had made a full circle of the basement. I looked to the east, through the doorway and into the room to the north. It seemed strange that this television room had been so close to the rest of the party, and i seemed to be checking to make sure that it was adjacent to the room where the bar was. I had not noticed the eastern part of the building when i was in this room before. I felt a little confused that it was there. I moved to the southwest, toward the doorway in the western end of the southern wall of the television room. I was going to wander back out into the basement.

12023 January 28

I spoke to the others around me as we stood near the center of the western wall of the room. We seemed to be at a party or event. The room was dimly lighted, and the center, which was to the east of us, was full of people dancing. A woman came out of the door in the western wall, just to the west of me. I turned and started talking excitedly with her. She seemed to be $K1. She was excited about another person. I leaned close to her as we walked to the southeast. She told me of the man. I had a suspicion that i knew who she was talking about. She said that his name was Jack. She paused for a moment, and then she said that he was Jack Mohan. The last name seemed to refer to the man whom i was thinking of. I thought that he was a very attractive as well, but his first name did not seem to be Jack. I asked the woman about this as we curved to the east, heading across the dance floor. As we rounded the center of the room and started walking to the north, i though that the man’s name should be Liam Mohan. I pictured the man with a wide face with high cheek bones. He had short black hair. As we turned to the northwest, still holding each other’s arms, i saw a man to the northwest of us. He was facing west, but i could see that he had short black hair and a smooth wide face. He seemed like the man that i felt attraction toward. I glanced at him as we passed. The woman continued to talk about the man as we headed west along the northern half of the room. I told her that the man was nicely built. I felt interested in him. As we reached the western wall of the room, we turned to the south. We seemed to talk for a little, but then the scene changed. I had said goodbye to the woman. I had to get somewhere. I turned to the east and started walking down the center of the plaza. This street seemed like The Commons, and i seemed to be walking from the western end. It was a sunny day. I had something in my right hand as i walked. The buildings on both sides of the street seemed to be three or four stories tall, and they all seemed like apartment buildings with shops at the bottom. I noticed the pattern in the sky to the northwest of me. I looked up to see the map covering the sky. It seemed that a planet was very close to us. I continued walking as i looked at the picture of the land. I could see the northern part of Africa across the sky, with the Nile River standing out on the eastern side of the continent. As i continued walking, i glanced up again, noticing that something seemed strange about the river. I could see erosion patterns along the river. It looked like the eastern part of the Nile Delta had washed to brown mud. I thought that the river must have flooded enough to erode the land around the river. The river seemed eroded to the south of the delta, and a wide area on the eastern side of the delta showed where the water had fanned out as it made a turn to head to the sea to the north. I looked ahead and then back to the map, which was now to the north of me. It seemed strange that the river would show so much erosion at this elevation. I was surprised that i could see details that looked like erosion details when the land should have been quite far away from me. I started to think about what these details could really mean. I then heard a growling noise from behind me. I glanced back to see an animal walking just behind me. I thought that it might be a small black panther. I felt nervous of the animal, and i turned to see it. It looked like a small cougar. It was tan, and it seemed very malnourished. It was to the west of me, looking off to the northeast. It had its head low and did not seem to be in a threatening stance, but i felt scared of it. I turned and started yelling at it, hoping to scare it away. I was afraid that it would attack me. I then felt something on my right thigh. I turned back to see if something else had been attacking me.

12023 January 29

$F71 and i entered the party, where many other people were gathered. This had something to do with New York City. We reach the top of the stairs, which ascended to the south, and we turned east, into the room. I noticed $A14 sitting in a row of chairs just to the east of the stairway. The stairs entered on the northern side of the floor, with a wood railing along the sides. I walked with $F71 to the second row of chairs to put our things down. This place seemed to be an old house, but it had been converted into an event space. The rooms were filled with many people. As $F71 and i put our things into the chairs, i thought that i should introduced $F71 to $A14. I had told $A14 about $F71 a few times, but i had never introduced them. I turned around to say hello to $A14, but he was no longer sitting in a chair. The two women that he had been with had stood up, and they were starting down the stairs. $A14 was just disappearing below the sloped ceiling on the northern side of the room when i called his name. He was wearing a dark knitted coat over a pale-yellow or white sweater. I moved quickly to the stairway and looked down, but he did not hear me. I felt annoyed, thinking that this was the second time that $F71 and i had been close to him at an event but where i had been unable to introduce him to $F71 because he had left just as we arrived. I moved around the southern end of the banister and started down the stairs. I noticed a black knitted coat draped over the western hand rail of the stairs. I thought that $A14 might have just gone downstairs for food. I knew that the buffet was in a room to the west. I descended the stairs and stopped at the bottom, looking around for $A14. I could not see him.

12023 January 30

I followed the others to the west, along the northern side of the shallow river gorge. We seemed to be following a path for a running event. I hurried along the rocks on the northern shore, trying to find places to step that were not in water. Several of the others had walked along the southern side of the creek. As i reached the western end of the area, i realized that i probably should have crossed to the southern side when i could. The rocks curved to the south ahead of me. I would have to head south, across the water. A cement wall seemed to rise to the west and southwest of me. The wall blocked the western end of the gorge, and ran along the southern side of the water at the western end. I stepped carefully onto the brown flat rocks to the north of the water. A person ahead of me was already trying to find a dry spot to cross. The water looked narrow enough to step across to the south of me, so i tryed following the other person, but i was trying to cross a little to the east of where she had crossed. The water here seemed shallow enough that i should be able to step on the wide smooth rocks of the bottom of the creekbed and only get the soles of my shoes wet. I sat down on the edge of the brown rock to put my feet down to the lower rocks were the water was flowing. As i moved my left foot, though, i realized that it was below the water. I could see my sneaker move up and to the south as i raised my left leg to step onto the rocks to the south. I followed climbed onto the rocks near the tall cement wall. The wall ran only about five meters from the west, and then it seemed to run to the south. I moved to the corner of the wall, where several of the others had gathered. A black round metal tower was standing about two meters to the east of the wall. A narrow metal walkway ran from the upper part of the tower to a point about a meter from the northeastern corner of the wall. The tower seemed to be less than a meter in diameter, but it widened where the platform met it into a cylindrical section that had a round platform on top. I climbed up the side of the tower, holding on to the black metal rods that composed the tower. I was then aware of someone talking to the east. He seemed to be one of the directors of the race. He sternly said that i should climb back down from the tower. I realized that the others had stopped near the bottom of the tower and seemed to be looking to the east, at the director. I thought that the director was standing on a platform with several other people. He seemed to be facing south, wearing a long black coat, as he spoke to a man to the south of him. Others were gathered on the eastern side of the stage, watching the officials. I felt uncomfortable because i had done something wrong in the race. I climbed back down the tower to where the others were waiting. I was supposed to have waited with them before continuing the run. The official then said that we could go, so i started climbing again. I thought that he had been trying to indicate that the race did not go up the tower, but i noticed a pink powdery mark on the southwestern end of the round platform. I complained to one of the other runners that the mark was obviously a trail mark, so the run should have continued this way. I continued back up the tower to the walkway.

I moved quickly to the west, following the others along the northern side of the deep rocky gorge. The light-brown walls were made of brittle sedimentary stone. Someone was just to the west of me as i crossed over the rocks near the water. I then stopped, thinking that we had to do something. I turned back to the east and started away from the western end of the gorge. The rock that i was walking on then ended where a natural alcove was set into the northern wall of the cliff. It was about a meter wide and ran all the way up the cliff. The raised level of rock that i had been walking on did not extend across the alcove. I had carefully crossed the alcove before without getting my feet too wet, but i realized that i would now have to cross back. I did not want to get my feet wet, so i stepped carefully in the shallow water of the gap so that my shoes did not sink below the water level. As i got to the other side, i thought about the explosive charges that we had placed in the rock of the cliff to the west. I thought that i would detonate the charge as i headed back to the east. Something seemed strange about this idea, thought. I realized that i did not have a detonator in my hand. I should have had one if i were going to set off the explosion. I quickly visualized the charges that i we had put into the wall. I saw a small metal object that had four fins radiating from a center point. The fins were about four centimeters long, and the object was about two or three centimeters tall. I had pushed it into the stone of the wall like a stake, and the explosive charge was underneath it. The explosive canister seemed to be only about two centimeters in diameter and about a centimeter tall. As i pictured the metal clamp on the stone, with the explosive under it, i wondered why we would be blowing up parts of the cliff wall. The explosives seemed so small, but i thought that they would be very powerful. I thought again about hitting the leaver on the detonator in my left hand, but i was not holding a detonator. I was aware that i was actually carrying nothing. I then was aware of an explosion from the west. I continued to the east to get farther away.

12023 January 31

The cat moved to the north of me and started rubbing up against my leg. The cat was $X24, and she was rubbing against my right leg, which was to the northeast of me. I bent over and started scratching her on the back of her head. She lifted her head into my hand, seeming pleased. I continued to rub the back of her neck, but i knew that she would not want me to pet her far that long a time. However, i seemed to be petting her for quite a while. She seemed very loving, and i was surprised that she did not get uncomfortable. I pet her for a while, surprised but pleased that she seemed to be enjoying herself. The dog then moved close to me, pushing its head up against my right chest. The dog was to the north of me, and i was crouching down, facing northwest. The dog seemed very concerned about something. I put my right arm around the dog, trying to comfort it. It was a medium-sized dog with short brown fur and a sturdy body. Something seemed wrong with the animal, and i pulled it closer to my body to comfort it. The dog put its face next to the right side of my face, and i continued to hold it, starting to feel concerned about it. The dog then mad a quick whining noise. I pulled my face back, looking at the dog. I asked it if something was wrong. It made the noise again. I was not familiar with the type of noise, and i looked at the dog curiously. I could not see the entire dog, because it was so close to me, but i saw its throat bulge a little as it made the noise again. It held its hears down and looked at me out of the side of its eye. Something seemed wrong with the dog. I hugged it again. As i put my head against the side of the dog’s neck, i could hear the dog’s heartbeat. It was very fast. I felt very worried about the dog, not sure what was wrong with it. I then wondered if the dog was actually concerned for me.