11995 February 01

I was with a group of people. They passed to my right as i stood at the top of the hill. They gathered in a group just below me and to the left. I was purposely standing back a little from them.

11995 February 02

I was in the back yard of some house. I was facing the road, looking down the length of the side lawn. The grass was green, and the lawn was about seven metres wide by fifteen metres. There was a row of shrubs along the edge to my right. They were rounded and leafy. Some were not doing that well. There was a half-metre drop about halfway down the lawn. To my left, there was a grey house. It was rectangular with wooden siding. There was a porch on the lower level cut out of the side, with a white pole supporting the second floor.

11995 February 03

I was walking down the path, which could have been a waterfall, and the others with me were saying that $A393 had disappeared from the office. No one had seen her for several days. They mentioned that they had found blood at work where she was last seen.

I was on the bus with my grandmother, and we were traveling down from the railroad tracks. As we turned at $P86, i looked to the left and could see the city skyline. There were many tall buildings and a lot of lights. We passed them by and ended up at the station. We both got out and walked into the terminal. We were not sure where he next airplane would be, so we asked around. The man in charge stood up at the front of the room, wearing a dull-yellow shirt and a dark tie. He said that there would be no further flights out. I got up and asked him why we should not just go across the street and get a flight there. He got mad at me, telling me that i could no whatever i thought, but it would do me no good. I walked out of the terminal and onto the pavement. There was a white airplane loading to my right, and a grey bus unloading to my left.

11995 February 05

I parked my car at the corner and started to walk. I went down the road, with the woods on my left. I hoped that i was not going too far for the first time out. As i rounded the corner and started trudging through the snow, i was worried about getting fatigued. I wondered if i had gone too far. I was on the paved path, moving through the low-level pine trees. The path was raised above the forest, and was covered with dusty snow. I wondered if i could make it back. Then i saw the house in front of me. It was a yellow house next to the white one. They were on the flat side of a T crossing. The address on the house was 190, and it was printed in big digits over the door, which was framed by a fake southern Victorian porch. I had parked near the house, so i was back.

11995 February 07

I was in the locker room with the tan lockers. There was a shower room to the left of my row of lockers. I went over to my locker and tried to open the lock. I could not get it to open. I tried the combination several times, but still could not get it to open. The people walked around me, and i was going to be late. I opened the door of the house and walked into the living room. The man followed me in. He was suing me and i was mad at him. I ignored him and continued to remove the tape strips from the floor. I was collecting them in a wad in my hands. The man said something to me as he stood behind the tall-back leather chair. I rolled up the holiday lights and placed them on the black wooden rocking chair at the other side of the room.

11995 February 08

We were in the room with a large group of people. It was kind of like a party, but there was a man on the platform speaking. The lights were rather bright and coloured. Everybody was wearing summer clothes. The man speaking was encouraging the crowd. He said that they should be going to the club. Everyone was enthusiastic. I felt nothing. Everyone started moving toward the door to head for the club. $F10 and i headed out the front door of the old house. We crossed the lawn and walked past the tall pine bushes. We entered into the large gravel parking lot. I was surprised at how few cars were there. Then i looked behind us and noticed that there was no one following us. There were no people coming. From the lack of cars in the parking lot, i decided that they must have left before us. $F10 stood by the car in his blue pants. He wanted to do something, but i did not want to go. We walked across the street and over the lawn of the city hall.

11995 February 09

The street was crowded with people who were fighting giant ants. The people were going to throw smoking sticks at them to chase them away. I told them not to, because that would make the ants mad. They did not like the smell of the sticks. The man picked up a pile of sticks and threw them down the street toward the ants. I heard the ants getting mad. I knew that they would swarm, so i ran into the door on the left side of the street that i was on. It was a society meeting room. I was afraid that the ants would still come after me, so i ran through the back door and into the kitchen. There was a set of stairs going down from the terrace that the kitchen was on, toward the cafeteria. I got to the back door and wondered if i should run out. Would the ants find me easier out in the alley, or would it be better if i stayed in the building? Then i saw a man walking up over the grassy patch on the top of the cement columns. I could see him outside through the window to the right. He looked like a “red neck”, and he had a large black rottweiler on a leash. I walked out the door. He was ready for the ants. I looked down the alley to my left to see a blue Cadillac driving up the road toward the intersection under the lights. Then some giant ants crossed after them. I was wondering if the people were safe. I felt nothing as i watched.

11995 February 10

$A57 was teaching our class. $A1 was asking me things, and i told the teacher that i knew how to do the problem. She asked me to demonstrate. I went up to the blackboard and showed them how to do the geometry. The circle was to be cut by two parallel lines and then crossed with a line from another angle, showing that the earth was round. I knew these things before i was supposed to. $A57 smiled when i got the problem right. Then $A66 was at the back window, pointing out something wrong outside. I went over to the window and saw the bear lying still on the grass outside. Its fur was matted, and it looked dead. I said so. Then i noticed the lion run around the hedgerow to my right, before it dove into a break in the hedges. Suddenly, the bear got up and chased the lion. We knew then that the bear was alive. I walked back into the room. $A59 started telling me how i was not trying to go anywhere. I did not argue with him. $F11 was standing near by. $A59 asked me how i was and what i was going to do. I did not want to answer his questions. Just then, the telephone rang in the kitchen. I left the party to answer it. It was my mother. She wanted to know what i would be doing for New Year’s Eve. It was New Year’s Eve now, and people at the party in the other room were cheering. I could not really hear what she was saying. I told her that i would not be celebrating New Year’s Eve, and i felt depressed again. I walked out the back door where the race track was. A race car speeded around the corner to my left and raced down the track in front of me. Then there was someone standing by the door who turned and walked in. I followed him to try to find out who he was. I went in the main door and into the dark basement. The white metal doors on the right wall closed just as i entered. I opened them and saw the man down the cement hall, about to walk into another door. He was wearing black pants and a black shirt, and a white shirt underneath. It looked like $A65. I walked down the hall and into the room. It was a bathroom at $P7. The man was $A53.

11995 February 11

I left the party and walked across the grass toward the small tan house with the green roof. The owner was out in back, so i climbed up onto the tiled roof. It was steep, and i balanced over the crest. I was trying to break in. The owner of the house was still in the back yard. $Z warned me that he was coming, bit i kept looking around. I found a skylight and opened it. The room inside was cluttered with junk, and there was a cone-shaped wood stove. I knew that the owner would be here any minute, so i slipped out the front door. He came in to check things out, and only saw the brown wooden door with the heavy latch bolt drift shut. He came outside to see who was in his house. I was walking down the street, and $Z was in front of me. The owner was wearing a black tee shirt and had black curly hair. $Z and i were walking down the street, following it around the corner and down the hill. I looked back across the cut lawn of the suburb to se the man walking around his house. Suddenly, he spotted us. $Z started running down the hill, and the man chased him. I ran down the hill. The man caught $Z. I kept running down the hill, through the white-walled corridor. I was telling the man in front of me to keep running. We went through the double doors at the end of the corridor and did not know which way to go. It was Gerry Mathers as an adult. He was holding his ants, and said that he had to use a toilet. He did not know which way led to the lavatory. I told him to forget it and keep running. We turned right and went upstairs to where the party was. $A59 was sitting in the chair by $F11. I wanted to do something and felt uncomfortable standing there. I turned around to see $F12 sitting in the chair, watching me. It was good to see him again. I smiled and went over to him. I asked him what he was doing back in town and went to hug him hello. I stopped in the middle and stood back. I did not want everyone else in the room to think negatively of us. MY mother asked when we were going out to eat. I had only done one thing at the festival so far, and did not want to leave so soon. My family was all sitting on the couches, with a party going on around them. My mother wanted to go and eat, and she asked “Jubu” what she thought.

I thought that i should get up and write down all of my dreams. I remembered that the previous one was about Iowa food stamps and how i tried to break into this guy’s house. I had to remember that it was similar to the story of Rainir. I had to remember to write that down. And my friend’s name was Sicght. I even had to remember how to spell it.

I walked over the large flat bedrocks and onto the city street. I stepped over the crack on the edge of the pavement, where the rocks and the mountain forest started. I looked down the crack, which was no more than five decis wide below me, and saw that it was a gorge. The bottom was at least fifteen metres below me. Then, to my right, i noticed that there was a rope tied to both sides of the rock, and then left dangling into the gorge. People climbed up and down that rope, which had knots for gripping. I imagined that people would have to use their legs to climb up and down that rope. Then i was at the bottom of the gorge. I was walking down the narrow channel which was wider at the bottom, toward the swimming hole. The gorge opened up into a natural amphitheatre, with a small waterfall and a very deep pool. There were several people swimming there. I watched the flabby man in the yellow swim trunks as the other man stared at me in question. The water did not look too deep near the edge of the stone where the man in yellow was walking. I turned and walked back down the gorge. At the other end, i realized that i had come out in the city. There was a small moss-covered grey shed to my left, just before the end of the rocks. Then i saw the cross road that went up hill toward the parking lot. It was just next to where the rope should have gone down. I thought that it would be better just to walk up this way than to climb back up the rope.

I walked through the thin woods and down the dirt road of the golf course. There were some people standing guard at the corner where i was walking. They were wearing colonial white dress uniforms and i was wondering if they would let me pass. I kept walking, and they ignored me. As i walked down the road toward the exit, a black limousine turned off of the main road and started toward me. I paused on the road, which was in the middle of tan open area of the course in some rural area. As the limousine drove by, the president and his wide greeted me from the window. I kept walking until i reached the main road. There were a few more people standing guard at the entrance to the golf course. I knew some of them, so i stopped to talk. It was good to see them again.

11995 February 12

We were in a forest, I was running, and $F4 was there. The forest was brightly lighted, and not too dense. We came to the motorcycle and i tried to start it. There was a white building in front of us. It had a white marble face with an overhang by the door, and i could only see part of it. It was in the forest. As i stood by the motorcycle talking to $F4, $A10 ran by. A girl was chasing him. I waved hello at him as he passed. I then waked across the weight room, past $A53. It was not that bright in there. I walked out of the glass doors and down the hall. I passed through the wrestling room, where $F4 and $F5 were practicing.

11995 February 14

We were reporters in the camp. We came to visit the Russians and do a report on them. They were staying in what appeared to be a trailer park. We went into the room where there was a desk. The man sat behind it and started talking to us. Then the monkey started playing with things. He was getting into everything. I saw him climb into the wire insulation by the steering. He struggled his way in and finally made it. The plastic latch-tube insulation broke off, and the monkey ended up wearing it as an armoured vest. Then i saw him hop over by the engine block. He pulled an insulator cap off of a loose wire and then hopped away. I knew that the insulator cap missing would be dangerous. Then i saw the wire fall against the engine block. The school bus started making noises like the engine was being taxed. The bus driver looked up to see what was the matter in his view mirror. We all fell forward in our seats with the sudden acceleration. I looked back t the wire to see that it was glowing white hot at the tip, and that it was fusing itself to the engine block. I looked forward, down the bus again. The children showed little concern. The engine sounded like it was about to stall. Then, suddenly, there was a light behind me. I was sitting in the back row near the engine block. The back of the bus burst into flames. The children screamed and started running out of the bus. I opened one of the side windows and wondered how all of the children could make it out in time.

I walked down the narrow white halls of the school building. The police were there, and they were looking for the killers. I did not want to be questioned by them and was afraid that they would stop me. The police were telling all of the faculty and students about the suspicious stranger. I turned around at the corner of the hall and headed back. As i passed a room, a teacher leaned forward over a chair and told the other teacher that a female teacher was missing. He mentioned her by name. I leaned into the room and asked her which teacher she said was missing. She stared at me, slightly afraid of me since she did not recognize me. I did not want to cause a scene, so i walked down the hall toward the stairs. I was uneasy and worried that someone would stop me. I entered the stairwell and started down. There was an emergency exit door at the bottom level. I walked out of it, and that set off the fire alarms. Everyone would have to leave the building. I rounded the corner of the building and walked along the edge of the rise in the lawn. I was hoping that no one would notice me walking away. There was a fireman following, but i tried not to notice him. Instead, i started at the relief at the edge of the sidewalk to the left. The houses started just beyond, and the sidewalk led off towards the suburban area. I would be safe once i passed them. Then i noticed that one of the statues in the relief was alive. It was a man, standing to the right of the walk. He was dark skinned ad well build, and wearing a crude Viking costume. He was singing an opera song. I watched him. The fireman behind me commented on his singing. He said that he was singing an aria, but that it was in the style of a march or a symphony. He did not find it all that interesting. I watched the man as he sang. I noticed that he only had two straps of his costume which came over his chest, and i could see his nipples. Then i noticed that there was a third nipple in the center of his chest. I thought that it was strange at first, but then realized that it was all part of the costume. I noticed several other nipples on his abdomen. I continued on. We drove down the suburban road through $P17. $A67 was driving and was surprised that i remembered the song “Come on Eilene”. I told him i remembered it very well and started to sing a few bars. He was amazed. Then $F4 pulled the car around the bottom of the house. We were in some mountainous region of Colorado. The road weaved around the rough terrain. On the hill in front of us was a condominium on stilts against the mountainside. Another was to our left. I told $F4 that i remembered when we stayed. I remembered lying on the balcony with my arms around him. We were sleeping under the stars.

11995 February 15

I was at $P52 with a group of people. We were picking up things from the lawn. We were standing near $P73, by a road which ran slightly up hill. The people asked where they were. They were discussing which quadrangle we were actually on. I pointed to the southeast and said that the quadrangle there was the quadrangle in $P138, and the one to the north of us, just beyond the row of trees was another. We continued cleaning things from the lawn before we eventually moved on.

I was driving down the city street, It was a small city, and it looked like a 11950s mid-western town. I pulled to the left of the cement median as i approached the intersection. I was not sure that this was the correct lane to be in until i saw the signs by the stoplight. I made a left and walked down the crowded corridor of the shopping mall. I was looking for the restaurant. I turned left down the side aisle of the mall and saw the ice-cream shop. It was an open cafe, where the waiters were dressed in creme-yellow and brown uniforms with ruffled bibs. I ordered a cinnamon roll with ice cream in it. They served it to me on a white plate. I was not happy with it. MY grandmother said that i should toke it back. I did not want to; it would do. I looked off of the balcony around the edge of the house. I could see smoke coming out of a window on the lower level of the building. I though i saw flames as well. I climbed down the ladder from the terrace to get a closer look. As i got closer, i realized that it was just steam coming out of a vent near the window.

11995 February 16

I was in the bass bedroom of my parents’ house. $X3 was there, and he was not feeling all that well. I laid down on the bed and pet him. He put his front legs up on the bed. I could see that he was shaking from weakness. I helped him onto the bed and let him lie next to me. I pet him. Then i noticed that there was a green slime over the edge of the sheets. I sat up and saw that $X3 had vomited all over the floor as well. I pulled up the green comforter and hoped that he did not get it all over the house. I hoped that it would wash off of the covers. I pet him.

11995 February 17

We were in Deutschland, in a city in Bavaria. It was a decorative city, with a lot of Enlightenment-era architecture. The two of us were going to separate from the group and drive around for a while i the car. My mother started driving to the south on the main highway. We passed through some very nice sections of the city. Soon, we were driving along a highway, and i looked down at the map. I was wondering how we would get around in a foreign country. We did not really speak the language. We passed by a sign and i checked on the map to find out where we were. We had taken a wrong turn back in southern Deutschland, and were now traveling south through northern Italy. I looked up at the highway. There were several compact cars traveling in front of us on the divided road. There was a cut grass along the shoulder to our left, and all of the trees looked like they belonged in a garden. I remembered coming this way when i was in Italy with my grandmother. The road was very picturesque. We pulled off to the right at the rest stop. There was a small park off of the road. I kind of remembered being here before, when i was in Italy last. I looked down the hill from the parking lot to see the square of white stones embedded in the ground. The grass was cut rather roughly over them. There were stables around the back half of the ring. They were all open and facing in, toward the ring. They were made out of white wood and had the look of wear, as did the painted white stones in the courtyard. There was a brown horse in the shed to the right. He had his back turned to me as i walked around the courtyard. There was an old motorcycle in the back shed, next to a chariot or cart. I crossed back across the yard and started into the house. I could hear a ticking noise coming from the sky overhead. I could not see anything in the evening sky as the noise passed, but i knew that it was a bat. There were a lot of them here in Italy. I entered the ashen clay house and crossed along the left side of the living room. My uncle was standing in the kitchen by the counter, at the other side of the room. He was curious as to why i came back in. I walked by him as he headed into the living room. I had forgotten something in the kitchen, and was going to do it.

11995 February 18

$A410 and $A411 were in the kitchen, arguing. I walked past, looking for things on the shelves. I placed the small book with the brown leather binding on the back side of the book shelf. As i was there, i started straightening some of the other books on the shelf. $A411 and $A410 were arguing about money. $A410 said that he was not going to pay her any more. They were divorced, and she was living in this house with another man and some children. He said that he would not pay her the two-hundred-dollar allowance. She became worried. She did not know how she would get by. I walked out of the room and down the hall, toward the living room. There was some food in my hand, and i was snacking as i went. The television was on in the living room: an old black-and-white picture with bluish hues. Suddenly, i heard the smoke detector in the other room go off.

I walked along the rocks, following the yellow dashes that marked the trail. There was someone on the top of the rocky mountain as i headed along the side. He was joking with me. I realized that i could not keep following the yellow lines, as they went along the side of a cliff. The mountain was simply getting too steep to keep climbing. I told this to the person above me. Then i looked down the side of the rocks to see that there was water under the cliff and near where i was. I went down, and $Z followed. We were worried about sliding into the water, but i realized that there was a ledge just under the water, and that there was a cavern underneath where we were. We walked along the wooden path by the water and into the shed that was built into the cavern. When we went into the door, we could see that it was a boathouse. The ship had been hidden in there for a very long time. Then we realized that the pirates were coming down the cliff above us, and we had to leave quickly. We got into the boat and sailed it out into the lake. It was an old wooden boat with big white sails. We moved out across the murky water. There were thick trees on both sides of the long water way. I was worried about where we were going, but i noticed that we were following the telephone poles in the middle of the water. Then i noticed the high-tension electric towers stretching off into the distance, down the lake. The sky was deep blue behind them, and something felt uncomfortable.

11995 February 19

A group of us were driving around the suburban street. I was showing $F16 how to steer the wheel chair that we were all on. $A120 was there too. We went down the street and into the long parking lot. We circled the parking lot as i moved $F16’s hand with the steering joystick. We were looking for the correct street to drive down. We walked up the stoop of the brownstone apartment house. The banisters were rounded and painted white with some shading. Inside, we looked at the apartments. The room was long and narrow, and there were blue objects along the wall. It appeared that there were enough apartment rooms for all of us to live in. there were even some up the flight of stairs to our left, but i liked the ones on the bottom floor.

I was walking up the trail that circled up the side of the mountain. I had been here in some previous dream. I thought that i had gone down the trail to the left. There was a house there. It was a wooden house which was very far off in the woods. I continued up the path as i had done before. The trail had circled up the side of the mountain, through the thinly spaced forest. As i rounded the other side of the mountain, i remembered that i had come here with $F12 the last time. I thought about him and remembered the last time that i saw him. He was riding off on his bicycle.

11995 February 20

$A14 was leading me into the corridor. There was some secrecy involved as we walked into the glass and cement building. HE opened the elevator door and we both stepped in. He wanted me to be part of the secret society. The secret door at the back of the elevator opened up, and i could see a large stuffed elephant. It was pink and white. $A14 said that it would always be behind the door. We walked down the passage to the left. The passage looked like the entrance to a back stage area. It led into a long narrow room. My parents were there, and i had to introduce the society to them and vice-versa. I was worried that they might embarrass me, or that the society might not like them.

11995 February 22

We were living up in a ceremony. We were practicing for graduation. $A65 was there as well. I was talking to him, though he would not be graduating with us. Then we saw the film of the fieldtrip. It was a dirty black-and-white film, with poor contrast and focus. $A96 made the comment that they were exploring. I did not think that that is what was happening, so i asked the professor by the chalkboard if they were exploring. I told him that $A96 said they were, but that i did not think that was correct. Then i knew that $A96 was on the other side of the front table, behind me. He asked why i did not like his answer. I felt uncomfortable, as i did not want him to hear. I told him that they could not be exploring because they had already been here too long. They finished exploring long ago and were now just hanging around, but i did not know why.

I walked across the scrap yard and into the main entrance of the building. In the front hall, i ran into someone i knew. He was surprised to see me, and i said that $F11 had been down to visit me. I knew that $F11 was here, and i wondered if i should find him. He then looked around the corner from the front window, where he had been talking to $A402. He greeted me. I felt uncomfortable because i had been avoiding people. I walked out across the scrap yard again, circling a pile of machinery. It looked more like the front of a construction company warehouse. I rounded a large yellow piece of machinery and headed back toward the main entrance of the white building. I noticed a black metal pillar embedded in the ground. As i stepped over it, i looked to my left at the giant yellow machine. I noticed that the metal pillar was part of that vehicle. It was attached to the front-left of the machine. It had fallen and impacted itself into the ground. There was another pillar on the other side of the machine, but it was still suspended in the air. I knew it was very heavy and could hurt someone if it fell as well.

11995 February 24

I was driving down the road. There were open fields all around me. Then the two children by the side of the road threw the frisbee in front of my car. The grayish-white puppy with them ran after it. I stopped the car and swerved to avoid the dog. The two boys were smiling. They had purposely thrown the frisbee so that the puppy would get hit by the car. There was an adult in a red polo shirt to my left. He and the little girl with him were mad at the boys. I started to drive on. The two boys were ahead of me again, and they threw the frisbee in front of my red car. The car was an old 11950s convertible. I was mad at the boys, so i threw something at hem. I hit the one in the white sweater. He got mad and threw a small rock at me as i drove on. The pebble missed me and went under the steering wheel. I acted like i had not noticed the boy’s anger or actions and drove on. I knew that they could not catch up to me in the car, so i did not worry to look back. I was sitting on the right side of the car, and the steering wheel in front of me was a light grey and white. There was a small dent on the top of the door under my right arm, but i knew that the rock from the boys did not do it. Then i came to a stop at the intersection. I looked to my back right to see who was behind me. It was the man who was standing across from the children. He had been out jogging. I walked on down the hall and did not want to talk to him. He followed me and kept asking me questions. I looked around at him. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see how detailed his upper body was. He was slightly built. I decided that i had had enough of avoiding him, so i tackled him and wrestled him to the ground. He kept trying to talk to me, even after i pinned him down. I had his legs wrapped in mine, and i was holding his arms under mine. He would not stop talking, so i lifted his back and pushed it against the edge of the white bathtub. I arched him backward.

I drove down the road by the side of $P7. I was looking for a place to park. I passed up several parking spots along the road, wondering if i could get one a little closer. Then i noticed that there were no parking signs as i got near the field house of $P7. I kind of expected that this would be the case, so i decided to turn up the next side street to my right to see if i could find a place to park. As i got to the main intersection to the southeast of $P7, i decided that i should head up to the front of the school instead. I let the red bronco-like truck pass me on the left, and then i checked for other cars. There were more coming, so i turned and headed up the hill. As i got to top, i noticed that there were a lot of people walking from $P7’s lawn. They looked like older alumni and their wives. It seemed like competitive drill had just ended and everyone was walking out. As i drove past $P7, i could see people in formal attire: men in coatees and women in evening gowns, as if to a prom. I only saw them when they were in the headlights, as it was very dark outside. I swerved around several of them. A little way farther down the road, i pulled into a turn off road on the right and started to turn around. I checked to make sure that there was no traffic coming. I wondered how it had gotten dark all of the sudden, as it was just daylight before i passed in front of $P7. I thought mow those things always happen in dreams and wondered why i did not find it unusual. I pulled my car into the service garage. It was normally a tire garage, but they were going to do work on my grandmother’s car. She walked up the stairs to the left and across the walkway above. Then she came back down. I though that it must be exercise. My mother was there as well. We asked the mechanics when her car would be done. He told us the price and my grandmother started complaining. She was not angry, but rather sounded confused. She was acting incoherent, and i was afraid that she would embarrass us. The man said it would be more money to do stuff other than tires. My grandmother did not understand and asked the man if he had ever gone up and down the stairs before. She was enthusiastic that she had just done it. I felt sorry for her, and she was becoming dumb. Eventually, we drove off.

11995 February 25

I was hiking up this mountain with several other people. The trail stretched up the side of a very tall mountain. We were only half way up when we met the female tour guide. She asked us how we were. The map showed that we were about half way up, thought we seemed to be coming back down. The picture showed the trail below us in red. That was where the stairs led down, with the rock face to the right as we ascended. Three were some deciduous trees to the left. The path we were walking had something to do with predicting things. Where we were on the mountain would determine some sort of prediction.

I was sitting in a chair at the a-cappella concert. The group was at the front of the room, singing a song. The room was very plane. There was a moderate size audience sitting in the chairs around the room. The people finished their song, and then nothing happened. The singers were upset that the audience was not paying any attention. They showed their annoyance vocally as they got up and left the room. They pushed their chairs abruptly to the side as they left. I got up and walked out of the room. As i crossed the street, i saw several people at the corner picking a fight with the guys in the denim jackets. I watched them start to fight as i headed across the quad.

11995 February 26

I was in the room with someone else. He was sitting at the desk, looking over things; i was standing behind him. There was water on the floor, and i noticed that there were alligators floating around us. We ignored them and kept working at the desk. One of the alligators, however, started to approach us. I remembered that you could hit them on the nose with a stick to get them to retreat. We did not let it get too close to us. I tried to step on the alligator, which was no more than a deci long. The ant kept running under my feet, and i could not stop on it. Finally, i killed it. Then i jumped on the airplane and dropped my bags on the seat to the left. The airplane was wide, and the seats were like a school bus. We were heading out for a musical show. I looked over the seats to the right side of the plane. There were some amps and rack equipment up against the left side of the plane, just below one of the windows. I sat in the black leather seat near a window so that i could watch out. There were several people around me.

11995 February 27

I was on the bus when we drove out across the flat rocks and into the water. The current shifted us, and we were drifting over the shallow falls. There was a woman standing in the middle of the river, and she was worried that we might be hurt. The bus shifted again in the current and slid down another level of the falls. We were in a gorge, where the falls made a slow turn before dropping another level. The bus we were on was a platform which was floating on the water. It had pale-green cast-iron railings that were sturdy and shaped into repeating arches. Smaller pillars from the railing folded outward and landed on the rocks under the water. They acted as anchors to stop us from slipping. The current pushed us over one rock as the feet were going down. The woman in the water was still worried about us. I turned around and walked up the street. There was a man on the sidewalk who had planted dynamite between the rocks. He could have caused the bus to slide farther down the waterfall. I tried to walk away, but there was something wrong with my foot. I realized that my big toe had turned into a ten-pound weight. I was no longer able to run. I wondered what really happened to the bus and thought how it was normally docked by the edge of the lake.

I was with the ground of people, sitting on the corner. The bus drove b, and we were on it, but we kept lying on the ground. Everyone around was dazed and incoherent. $F27 was there, and we were both on LSD. We got on the bus, and i thought how hazy i felt.

11995 February 28

I was walking around the store, trying to buy some of the things that i needed. My mother and grandmother were both there. I was uptight as i shopped. I told my mother that i would be leaving tomorrow. She did not expect me to leave so early, but i insisted that i was going to leave tomorrow. I was picking out supplies that i would need to take with me. I walked down the street and thought about moving tomorrow. My mother was worried about me going. I moved things around the room, which was my bedroom from $P2. I was going to move tomorrow and give up everything i had at the moment. I no longer wanted to stay here. Then i realized that i had two jobs to go to tomorrow, and that i might lose them and then be without a job. I told my mother that the thought had crossed my mind. Then i walked across the room to where the meeting was being held. There was free Coke by each of the chairs, thought it was caffeine-free Coke. The black plastic chairs with the metal legs were arranged in a circle, and the analyst sat near the soda machine. The room was a small conference room with fluorescent lights. It seemed like a help group. They were discussing psychological problems. I started toward the opening behind me, talking to the person to my left. I mentioned that i would be leaving and that i was not happy where i was. I also realized that i should be at my jobs at the moment. I was only slightly worried about missing them, even though i was anxious that i was not there. I thought that i should have started to leave, but that my jobs were keeping me here. I walked through the opening at the back of the room. It led down the hall and out into the back road. I followed my mother into the rundown gas-station office. The register drawer was open with money in it, and there were old broken pieces of equipment scattered around. The large cockroaches started crawling around on the counter as my mother rummaged through the drawer under the counter. I told her that i would not be able to leave as i had a job to go to.