11996 February 01

I walked down the street of the small city. The buildings were partly residential, and most were only three or four stories. The others were walking along the street with me as well. Then we came to a fence at the end of the street. The road was blocked off with a metallic chain-link fence. One of the men in the crowd was joking. He ran behind the fence, even though we were not supposed to. Then i saw the police officer pull up. I pretended i knew nothing about the joker. I cart wheeled across the top of the fence. I was the joker. I knew i could not be caught. I watched the joker cartwheel off to the left. On the right was a large brown building made out of old stone. It was some sort of factory. Then someone started yelling from the roof. It was a group of hooligans. They were all young and drinking beer on the roof. The one up front was wearing blue jeans with a blue denim vest. He did not have his shirt on. They were picking on the cop because the cop was unable to get them. The policeman called for backup on his hand radio. I looked for a way to walk over to the main part of downtown $P14. I was heading for $P35, but the streets were blocked off due to construction. There was grass growing down the center of the street. A pile of dirt was lying on the right side of the road. It was from the landscaping they had been doing. The other person next to me said that they had closed the street to grow grass. I thought that it was some kind of ecology project. I though about them growing grass on the roof. Then i told the man that he could not be correct. I walked to the next street back to look for a way over. It was actually a path between the buildings and let up the tall apartment complex, where the hooligans lived. I walked into the back door of the complex. This was where the kids were. I walked into the front hall of the complex. There were rooms off to the side. I could see the cop at the front door. I walked past and pretended i did not hear or see him. I did not want to make it easy for him to get in. I walked across the hall to the right of the glass front door. I crossed to the back hall and used the urinal against the wall. Then $A96 came in the front door. He was inspecting the place. I moved to the right, down the wall to wash my hands. Then one of the kids walked down the stairs behind the wall and entered into the front hall. He looked at us to find out who we were. Then he walked into the back room and sat down on the couch to watch television. Then i heard the cop come in. I ran my hands under the water to try to get the soap off. The cop noticed the new pay phone against the wall to the left of the entrance. $A96 had noticed the phone earlier. I walked into the television room to see what the boy was watching. There was a commercial on the television about a new box that could play all of the video games. The woman on the scene said that she would sell it for fourty dollars. I did not think that it was worth much. The new thirty-two-bit boxes would be coming out soon. The old ones would not be able to compete.

11996 February 04

I was in the front room of the house. I walked across the room from the back doorway. Then i heard the singing from outside the house. I peered through the blinds, out into the front yard. I could see several kids walking around from the side of the house. They were boy scouts, and they were all singing songs. I looked out the side window and could see the meeting hall. There was a large window on the side of the building with many panes. I could see the kids inside with a couple of adults. They were all singing, and they were looking at me. I moved away from the blinds and sat back down on the left side of the bus. $F10 was with me. There was rain coming down from the roof of the bus. I was all wet, but i opened p my small black umbrella anyway and put it over my head. $F10 was seated on the bench in front of me. My umbrella went over the top of his and dumped water over his. They kept us from getting hit by the raid from the roof of the bus, even though we were both already wet. The bus pulled around the block by $P128. It pulled up to the corner, in front of an old market. We got up from our seats to get out. I stopped at the edge of the bus. There was a large puddle on the ground outside of the bus. I had my shoes in my hand and did not want to get my feet wet. $F10 was already out of the bus and standing on the sidewalk. I got out of the bus and walked toward the corner. I was in downtown $P6. There were few people on the wide street. The buildings were three- of four-story brownstone. I looked down the street to the west as the bus pulled away. There was a storm coming in. I had to get o the store. I started walking toward the east, hoping i could get to the store and then back to my car in time. Then i decided that i had better just go to get my car. I turned around and headed toward the storm. I could hear the thunder from the clouds. I had to get my car so that i could get home. The air was dry.

I sat on the bus as we drove down the road. There was a light covering of snow on the rural road. Then someone came over the speaker and warned us about crossing the reservoir. We came down the hill and stopped at the edge of the road across the reservoir. The road was flooded and there were chunks of ice floating over the surface. The bus drove on. I was worried because we could not see the road under the water. We made it quickly to the other side. Then the man came on the speaker again and warned us not to cross the reservoir. We had already crossed, however. Then i noticed that the man who was warning the driver over the speaker was on the bus. He was in an official uniform of dark blue. He had a hand microphone in his hand as he stood near the side bench. He was short and heavy and held onto the overhead rack with his left hand. I wondered why he was warning us about the road across the reservoir. I looked out the front window of the bus. I could see the lights of the town in the valley below. I thought that it looked very tranquil and pretty.

11996 February 05

I could fly with the plastic sheets. I held it over me and it caught the wind. It lifted me into the air, and i sailed above the parking lot. Then i noticed the power lines across the way. I tried to avoid them as i moved away from the bad men. They were moving things to their car in the gravel parking lot below me. There was a small shop on the inside of the lot. I hoped that they did not see me flying overhead. I was waiting for the wind to blow me onward. They spotted me. I moved away only a little and came down in the next property over. The men tried to sneak over from the back yards. I could see them sneaking through the shrubbery at the edge of the wide back lawn. There was a short chain-link fence running along the edge of the lawn. On the front, it ran along a drop off. The back lawn was cut several feet below the front parking lot. Then and old woman walked out the flower shop. I was in the lot in front of the flower shop. She greeted me and started talking about $F1. She knew him, and she mentioned that he west to the university on the hill. I told her that i was friends with $F1. I knew him from a long time ago. I also told her that i used to go to the same university. Then i walked out of the gravel parking lot and into the back door of the school. It was an elementary school. I was not supposed to be outside. I was not worried about being caught, but i was worried about getting yelled at. Then the fire alarm went off. I wondered if it was because of something i had done. I walked back out the rear entrance of he school. I looked back down the yellowish-tan tile hall of the school. Then i walked out the door. The kids were still wandering around inside. I looked around the small lot out the back of the school. There were some icicles hanging from the roof of the school. As i looked closer, i noticed that the gutter was sticking out from the edge of the roof, and that the icicles were flowing around its edges. I flew up toward the icicles. I flew up around the tall pine trees from which the icicles were hanging. I had to circle up toward the top of the tree. It was the only way to gain height. I passed over one of the branches that was frozen solid. It was white and spread out like the edge of a snow flake. There was a garage on the other side of the lot from the school. It was a large white barn with the main door on the front. I circled toward the barn to try to gain altitude. Then i caught my part leg on something on the ground. It was a pipe sticking out of the driveway. I pulled myself free and started to circle up again.

11996 February 07

I flew over the surface of the small lake. It was a long lake, but it was very narrow. There was a bridge across the center of it where it narrowed to about four meters. There was deciduous forest all around. I went over the path that crossed the bridge and followed it around to the edge of the lake. $F10 was there. We were out hiking with $F52. I was glad to see him, and felt peaceful to have his company. We started down the other side of the lake. We passed some lean-tos at the base of the mountains.

11996 February 08

I walked over to the monkey bars at the other side of the large building. Then i was outside in a park. There were other kids with me. I played around on the bars for a while. Then the man came up to me. I watched the other kids on the swings to the right of the monkey bars as i watched myself talk to the man. He said that i had to meet someone. The man’s name i was to meet was Harold James, and he went to Boston College. (Sea Sick?)

11996 February 09

11996 February 14

I walked into the bedroom of my apartment. There were two beds in the room. I walked to the one against the right wall and sat down. $F10 was there. He came in and hugged me hello. Then both of us layed down on the bed. We kept hugging each other. I was happy that he was there. I moved my head to the left and rested my chin upon his right arm. I thought about him wrestling with me. He could get me in a headlock from this position very easily. The thought of fighting sounded interesting, but we just lied there. I felt happy.

11996 February 15

$F4’s family was moving. I walked across the large square room in the upper floor of the house and into the long narrow room. The room was rather messy. $A358 was there. He was packing several of his things to be moved. There were papers and clothes all over the house. Then $A186 came into the room. He brought in a woman, who was looking over the house. She might be the one to buy it. $A358 kept cleaning up. There was a small grey metal desk on the left wall, by the door, and an unmade bed on the far all of the long narrow room. $A186 and the woman walked out of the room. I asked $A358 how $F4 was doing. $A358 walked out of the room to bring me down stairs. We crossed the big room and went out into the stairwell. The ceilings were somewhat low. We walked down the stairs and into the television room. $A184 and $F4 were sitting on the old yellowish-cream couch, watching television.

11996 February 16

I was on the front porch of my grandmother’s house. There were several people there, and we were all talking. $F11 was supposed to come. He was very upset, and i was worried about him. He drove into the driveway and walked in. He did not really say much. He walked into the bathroom. I was still worried about him. The others continued talking. $F11 stuck his head out of the door to answer a question. He had been sitting on the toilet and had not pulled his pants up yet. One of the girls started making fun of him because she could see his penis. He ducked back in the bathroom and closed the door. I really wanted to go up and visit him.

I had the hookup for the computer. I had a jack with a small plug that was to go into the back of the computer. I looked it over and realized that i might not be able to plug in my headphones with it. I looked through the small cardboard box that came with the jack. It should have an adaptor. There were several objects in the box. One was a metal catch plate for the back of the computer, in case i put the thing inside. Then i found a small plastic bag with adaptors in it. There was a dual plug there that would allow me to hook up both the adaptor and my headphones. I was happy that it would work. I had to move the computer first, though, before i could hook everything up. I walked to the desk in the other room and started arranging the hardware. It was $A120’s room, and the desk was a little messy. I was supposed to be moving in. I moved several books and papers from the desk. There were more of $A120’s papers on the floor. He had been sorting them earlier in an attempt to clean up. He took the papers and filed them by the bookcase along the left wall. He started to clean up some of his things as he joked about me moving in. $F15 was there. I cleaned out a place in the front of the desk so i could move things. $F15 and the others started talking about a clown. The clown’s name was Houdini. He was not the same as the magician. $F15 wanted to demonstrate a clown joke. He grabbed me and lifted me up in his arms. He lifted my legs with his right arm. I thought of how easy it was for him to lift me. It must be easy because he was strong. My left arm dangled. It was part of the joke. He passed me over the desk and my left hand swept off the desk. I was supposed to be a human broom. Then he brought me over by the bookshelf, which covered the wall, and started sweeping again. Then i saw $F29 come in the door. I wondered what he must think. I hoped that he did not get the wrong idea. $F15 put me down. $F29 then repeated the joke with a doll. It was not funny. I felt uncomfortable for him.

I was reading through the book. I was looking it over for mistakes. Then i noticed that one of the pages had two different pages on it. It looked formatted differently than the rest, but it just had two pages squeezed onto one. The next page was the same. Those were the two pages that had been combined. There was a table in the right column of the page. I had to mark both of them as mistakes.

11996 February 17

I was in the math class. I had to take it. $A100 was teaching it. I was out of place here. I had studied physics at a college level, and this math was very simply for me. I did not want to be in a high school math class. $A100 checked the books. The grades had been altered. She accused one of the girls in the class. I did not pay much attention to them. $A100 tried to correct the grades, but they still came out wrong. Too many of them had been changed. There were some children sitting at the table behind me. They worked diligently on their work. Then some other teachers came into the room. $A100 wanted to impress them, but her grade book was still wrong. She acted lie everyone in the class was getting a good grade, but she could not show them the books. She was nervous and wanted to impress them. I thought that i could teach the class. It would be easy. I already knew the material. After all, i had been to college and none of the other students had. I wrote out some equations on the blackboard. I would be happy to act as a substitute teacher, though i might feel odd teaching my own class.

11996 February 18

I was in the library at $P7. I was looking for some bus schedules. I walked into the center of the room, just past a row of books. I looked to my right, at the shelves on the end of the row. There was a shelf of books under a small arch. I pulled some of the books off of the shelf to look through them. There were some folded-up newspapers in one of the books. The yearbook was in the red plastic folder on the shelf. I looked through the newspaper for some information on the busses. Then i realized that i was looking through the wrong paper. I had the sports section and train schedules. The papers were the older issues. I remembered that the new issues were hanging on the rack. I looked over and saw some other people reading some of the newer papers. I placed the books back on the shelf. They were too tall, however, and i could not get them to it back on the shelf. I walked over to the racks of papers. I needed to find a bus schedule. Then i realized that my bus pass would not be any good in $P6. It only worked in $P14. I walked down the side of the library. I sat on the right side of the bus. We drove down the road between $P176 and $P177 and out into $P69. The bus pulled up toward the large colonial mansion and turned left, into the drive. The drier got out and switched to another bus. Someone told me that it as the end of her route, and she was taking another bus back to the garage. I remembered what was going on. She was going to be on route four, which would go back to the station through $P178. We drove along the front of the mansion and stopped at the end of the drive, which was near the edge of a cliff between the buildings. One of the men on the bus wanted to get off and take a picture. We were on a sight-seeing tour after all. He wanted a picture of the sun setting over the cliff. I thought that it would be too dark to take pictures. The bus then started driving along the edge of the cliff. The sky looked too dark to me for a good picture. Then we started heading down toward the water’s edge. As the cliff parted, i could see the lower part of the sky over the lake. It was lighter and would have made a good picture. I walked back into the library and between the stacks of books. I pushed on the stacks and they wobbled. I pushed again and they stared to fall. All of the stacks moved together and tipped over. I was between two of the shelves and got caught under the books. There was only one shelf on the top of me, so i could lift it up and get out. The people in the library did not know what happened. They did not know that i had caused the shelves to fall. I played innocent and acted like i did not know what had happened. I wandered back into the main part of the library, but the alarm had gone off. People were leaving the building due to the fallen stacks. I walked back outside and wandered around. No one would suspect that i had done anything. One of the men here asked me where i had been. I was supposed to be wrestling $A176. I got on the mat and we circled each other. We locked with each other and wrestled. He was on me for a moment. I held him around his waist, but then realized that i was not accomplishing anything. I let him go and we circled each other again. Then i realized that the referee was not paying attention. He had wandered off to my left to talk to someone. $A176 and i waited for him. I looked at the clock. It was stopped at 1:41, but then it got reset. I was behind three to one. Then someone pulled a cart out onto the mat. It had to be unloaded. I went to help. I pulled the left-over bread and sandwiches off of the rack and put them onto the cart. $A176 grabbed the cups and put them on another cart. I could see the pizza boxes behind the cement column between the shelves of food.

11996 February 19

I was in the bedroom. The bed was in a booth with a table in the center. I had to make the bed. I was very tired and should get to sleep. I would have to wake up early in the morning. $F10 was in the room with me. He would be sleeping in the next room over. My mother was worried that i had to get up so early. I got ready for bed. Then i wandered around the guest room at the edge of the house. I looked out the window. It was night outside. The family that was putting me up for the night was in the other room, sleeping. I was restless. I looked out over the lights of the small town below. I could see light decorations on the front of the building that cured with the road in front of it. It reminded me of Christmas. I was on the road, looking down the hill and down the road at the light. I could see myself looking out the window, up in the bedroom. It was warm outside, even though there was snow on the ground. The pine trees at the edge of the path were thick. A girl walked up the path. She glanced me as she passed. I felt peaceful to be here.

11996 February 20

I was sick. I could not wake up entirely. I had to pack my things. I started to collect my things in the small room. $G3 were there. They wanted me to stay. I could not. I had to leave.

11996 February 21

I was hiking up in the mountains. There was a woman with me. The storm started to come in. It was a thunderstorm. We listened to the thunder come in. I went into the trunk of the car to get stuff. There was a leather bike helmet there. I pulled it out and looked it over.

11996 February 22

I was on the bus with the group of people. My mother was driving the bus. We pulled up to the corner in the city. There were low buildings and houses all around, and the sidewalks were wide. There were no trees or lawns. We stopped just before the railroad overpass, and people got off. The other group of people with me got off, and i was supposed to get off with them. I wanted to stay on the bus. I got off of the bus with the people and remained in my seat. I thought that i could find out which was the best way to go and ten i could remove the second me. I got out and walked around the front of the bus with the others as i rode away on the bus. I was headed to the market downstairs. I id not think that this bus would go down toward the market, but it made a right at the next corner. It was heading in the correct direction. I got off near all of the shops on the crowded downtown street. I started to walk toward the market. The bus started moving up the street. I was on the left side of the bus, and i was moving with it. The mattress i was standing on had gotten stuck under the bus’s tire. It was being dragged up the street. The bus rounded the corner of the street. The mattress started to rotate under the bus. I moved so that i would not be thrown off. I was not worried.

11996 February 24

I was supposed to deliver the news to the small town up the dirt road. The place was called Tinkertown.

11996 February 25

I was riding on the bus. We drove along the shore of the lake and out onto the sandy point. It was $P22, but all of the houses were gone. There was nothing left but the tan sand. I walked off of the bus onto the point. I could not believe that all of the houses had been torn down and the land stripped. There was a large ditch on the side of the road. It led down to the water. I walked down into the ditch. $Z walked up the shoreline toward some of the buildings that were left. I started digging through the sand at the bottom of the ditch. There were several pieces of broken furniture under the sand. The houses had been destroyed and buried. Then $Z found the man who lived in the house up the shore. He was a mad man. He came after us and was going to kill us. I looked over the broken television in the pile as i hid inside the crowded house. The man would try to come in after us. I could defend myself from in here. The room was filled with a lot of broken furniture.

I was packing the car to leave. I had to go to see $F10. I piled the baggage into the car. Then i walked around the outside of the pool. There were people ice skating over the surface of the pool. I thought that it looked interesting, so i decided to try it. I put on a pair of rollerblades and went into the grocery store. I skated down the aisles. I was not that good, though. There was a group of younger kids there. They watched me as i went uneasily around the corners of the aisles. I wondered what the girls with them thought. I was uneasy about them watching me.

I was packing the car. I was leaving $F10’s place. I was on my way to see $F12. Unfortunately, i would only be able to see him for a couple of days. I walked back into the house to get some more things. I looked out the window and saw a boy on his bicycle in the driveway outside. He was making mischief. He squirted water at me. He missed, but he was daring me to come after him. He was defiant. I thought that he was just being a brat. I walked back across the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. I heard people talking about $K2 leaving on the other side of the house. It was $K3 and $K4. I looked out the back window. They all sounded upset. $K2 had left the house. I could see $K1 in the large white car on the back lawn. She was getting ready to go somewhere. $K3 asked $K1 if the car was all right. She wondered whether it would make it over the rough ground. She thought that the poles on the bottom of the car might catch on the uneven bumps in the graveyard. $K4 drove the white car across the lawn. He got it stuck in the middle of a ditch at the edge of the lawn. Everyone was very tense and upset.

11996 February 26

I climbed around the base of the cliff in the soft dirt. We had to make our way back up to the top where everyone else was. I climbed across the rocks. $Z was following me. I passed the sandy part and was careful that i did not break too much soil. The sandy section could slip off of the dirt cliff and we could fall. I pounded my feet into it to get a better foothold. Then i came up to the edge of the wooden balcony, which hung overhead. I grabbed onto the railings and tried to pull myself up. There was a chair in the way at the edge of the wooden deck. There was a boy on the deck who was trying to help us up. I could not climb up because the chair was in the way of the railing, and the boy could not move the chair because i had grabbed part of its leg to hold on to. I could not see anything to hold on to. I grabbed on to the chain that was hanging off of the balcony. I had to get up to the top. The chain was connected to the chair, so i still could not push the chair out of the way. I climbed up the chain and grabbed on to the bottom of the staircase, to the right of the deck. I climbed up onto the stairs. $Z followed me. I was safe again. My parents were worried about me. My mother was in the dining room. There were some other relatives there. They were dressed in black and white stripes. There was a large open arena in the other room. It was somewhat dark and there was a crowd of people around the outside, watching the game. My parents were playing with the clowns. It was some kind of sport. I walked to the back of the room. I could see $K3 and $K1 standing in the crowd, watching. They were up next. I walked to the old wooden dresser at the back of the room. It was like the ice chest in my parents’ dining room. I picked up the shoe box of old photographs from the top of the dresser. I flipped through a couple of them. I found one of $K4. He was dressed up in costume like Tarzan. He was quite well built in the photograph. I was surprised. Then the game was over. My parents had won. They would be back for another game. Some of the people in the green and black jerseys shook hands with my parents as they exited the ring. The crowd started to file out. I walked out with them. I talked to $Z as i walked out the door. I mentioned that this was not Saint Louis. It was much different. I spoke of how this place was similar to “Saint Louis” in sound. It was based on the rhyme of the two words. I was confusing the two, but could not remember the real name of where we were. Disneyland in Florida came to mind. I said that this could not be Saint Louis because there was no arch, and it was definitely not cold enough. I wondered what the other people in the crowd thought of our conversation. The man to my right had heard what we were saying and glanced our way a couple of times. Then i saw my parents in the courtyard of the buildings. The single-level buildings ran along the edges of the long courtyard. They had red curve-tile roofs and ashen-yellow stucco walls. The courtyard had short-cut grass and short hedges around the sides. My parents gathered around the bronze statue at the end of the rectangular courtyard for a picture. My relatives were there as well. I was to gather with them for a picture.

11996 February 27

$F10 and i were in the large auditorium. There was a stage in front of us, and many people gathered on the wooden gymnasium floor. There was a band getting ready to play on the small low stage. It was Perl Jam. We stood around in the auditorium, waiting for the concert to start. $F10 painted out the large prism hanging from the centre of the ceiling. I told him that i knew about it. I had seen the spectrum shining across the wall of the theatre. We walked around the hanging piece of glass, which seemed to be a large rectangular slab. I told them about when i was little. We used to watch movies from this theatre. I remembered sitting up in the balcony and watching the movies through it. People would have to site on either side of the prism so they could get a clear view of the movie screen. I remembered how things looked through the prism. I then walked into the hall on the right side of the theatre. I turned right, into the first door, which was the bathroom. I walked to the left of the door and used the urinal. Then i watched myself wash my hands and walk back out into the main theatre. I walked over to my table on the main floor and sat down. The chair was too short. It must have been switched while i was away. The table was too high for me to sit at in the chair. I tried to switch the chair with the one at the table behind me. The tables were long and rectangular. The woman across the table from we was disturbed that i was shuffling the chairs around. I lay back on the table and looked up at the ceiling. I was sleeping next to $F10. We were under the same blanket, but i tried ton to be too noticeable. I was afraid of what others in the room would think. I tried not to look too conspicuous. I looked up at the ceiling and noticed the round tins. There were crests on the ceiling. They were from old beer mats. The pictures on the crests were of occidental men. I wondered if i could collect a couple of them. I looked around the ceiling and walls. The mats were everywhere. I noticed two in the corner that portrayed squaws. Some of the crests were rusted, but one of the ones overhead seemed fairly clean. I wandered around the room looking at the crests. Then i remembered the story of the two campers. I could see them leave the campsite. It was dark out, but they had to hike back to get stuff. One of them had forgotten his boots. They would have to turn back to get them before they started out across the rocks. I watched as $F10 and i hiked back down the dark trail and through the narrow gorge. It was almost like a cave. They would have to go back for the boots before they climbed down the rocks at the other end of the cave. They started down the cliff at the other side of the cave. I looked out over the valley. I could see the lights of the small towns in the valley. The street lights ran in a grid at an odd angle to us. They ended on a curved line at the base of the mountain. Then i noticed the search lights moving over the surface. For a moment, i thought that we would be safe once the lights hit us, but then i saw the man running away from the town. There was a helicopter shining its light on the man, who was running toward us. We were already heading down the side of the rocks. We had to be cautious of the man coming toward us. He was an escaped criminal. I went down the side of the rocks first and hid around the edge of the cliff. $Z did not follow me. He continued down the trail. I could hear him run into the escaped man. I did not know what had happened, but i knew that the man would come after me. I tried to hide behind the outcrop of rocks. The man had captured $F10. I hoped i could hide until he is very close to me. Then i could ambush him. I had a red and black horizontally stripped shirt on. I thought that it might give me away. I jumped down to a lower position and tried to hide there. Then i saw the young boy coming after me. He was rather small. He threatened me as he stood in front of me. I was worried about $F10, and i was mad at the boy for what he had done to him. The boy did not think that i was serious. He started to attack me. I lifted him up and tossed him over the edge of the rocks. He fell several meters onto the rocks below. He was wearing a blue T-shirt and white shorts. He was injured but not dead. I pushed several large boulders down on top of him. It was daylight again, and i could see him rather easily. I rolled the rocks over him, hoping to kill him. Then i tried to burry his body with some of the smaller stones. I ran back up the hill to find my mother. I was worried about her. She was not in the room at the top of the hill. What could the boy have done with her? I looked around but could not find her. I was panicked. The people could search the area for her, but then they might discover the boy. I could not let them do that. I checked under the couch for my mother. I was desperate to find her. It was getting dark, and i would not be able to see her. I was worried for her. I wondered if she might be in the closet. It was too dark to see already. I would need more light.

11996 February 28

I was with $A111 in the public room. I felt uncomfortable. He was related to me. My mother came by and started talking to me. She collected food from the buffet. I introduced $A111. I told her that he was my brother. I felt uneasy. She was surprised. I felt really strange standing in the room. I explained to my mother that he was the son of the wife of one my uncles. It was an odd relationship. I watched the old man walk between the aisled of the tables in the dining area. The woman was there as well. He was my uncle, and she was his wife. She scowled at him uneasily. I walked down the street. Up ahead was the apartment in which $A111 used to live. I remembered being there several times before. The house reminded me of an old firehouse. It was pale green on the front, with white trim. It had an inset lower floor with a large garage-like door on the front. It used to be an old firehouse in $P127. I walked into the house. It was for sale now. I was thinking about renting it. There was a large curved window across the front of the house on the second floor, above the large door. The rooms were very spacious. The floors were stained wood, and the walls and ceiling were a clean bright white. There were furnishings in the rooms. I walked to the end of the large entrance hall, where the cross hall joined it. The cross hall was actually an open set of rooms. There was a wall along the front side of the hall, but the back section opened up into rooms. The room at the end of the main hall was a bright white with rich green and wood furniture. There was a maroon and green oriental rug across the floor of the room. The couch faced away from the main hall, and sat just at the edge of the rug. The hanging lights were square and off-white opaque glass. Then the others came in. The woman was there to show us the apartment. We walked up the stairs and into the apartment. I was disenchanted that the apartments available were not the nice ones downstairs. I was not sure that i wanted to live with other people. We walked through the bathroom. The walls were black, and were decorated with rough “tex-mex” designs. The paint was matte and had no finish on it. I turned to the right in the long rectangular room. The others followed the wall to the left and into the rest of the apartment. The shower was at the right end. I turned on the water. The other person noted the rest of the bathroom along the wall to the left. The toilets were in the other rooms, behind the doors on the open wall to the left. There was a door on the far wall. It opened the opposite of the others. It was the women’s room. Women were considered left handed, so the door to their room was hinged backward. I went back to turn the water off in the shower. It was spraying across the shower room from the floor in two areas. There was water collecting on the floor, so i turned everything off. I walked down the hall to the other rooms of the apartment. There was a drum set and some other instruments around the room. There was a white guitar on one of the couches. As least i could have friends with the musicians if i moved here.

We were driving down the highway. The land around us was flat. The highway ended on the other main road. We turned left and walked down the city street through the suburb. We walked over the hill in the suburb. To our left, the suburb went down the hill toward the main city. There was a basketball court on the left side of the street. A group of kids walked toward us from the court. $F1 was with me. He could have played basketball with the kids. I knew that $F1 wanted to, but that he knew that i could not, so he walked with me. We followed the road over the hill and down the other side. We headed toward the large bridge with the ornamental towers. I could see the city in the valley with the river running through. The bridge was very tall and went from the hill i as on and led down toward the riverbank on the near side. The bridge was an old-style suspension bridge. It was a foot bridge. I was wary while walking over it. It was very tall, and i was unsure about the height. $A223 and i walked down the stairs at the end of the bridge. I was scared of the height and the metal slats that were stairs. I got to the bottom and looked back up at the bridge. It was a pretty sight. I wanted to get a picture. I walked around on the old streets of the lower city. There was a small canal running down the center of the cobblestone street in the courtyard. A female tourist walked out from an archway between the old flat wall buildings. There were red flowers in boxes outside the windows. I made sure that i did not stand in the water as i positioned myself. I then realized i did not have my shirt on.