11998 February 01

I was at the fraternity house, but i did not feel comfortable there. I stood in the front hall. There were people in the living room, but i did not want to walk into the crowd. I felt as though i did not belong in the house anymore. I walked past the chair in the room. $A23 was sitting in the chair that was against the front wall of the house. I wanted to say hello, but i did not want the other brothers to see me here. I walked into the other room. I then walked up the basement stairs which led into the front hall. I peeked around the corner to my left to see the brothers gathered in the living room. They were in the middle of a meeting. I knew that i should not interrupt them, as i did not belong in the house at the time. I thought that i could sneak out of the house without letting them see me. I turned to the right and started to head through the dining room when i heard people moving. I realize that the meeting just ended and that the brothers were heading towards the dining room. I was disappointed that they would find me in the house. I did not feel comfortable here.

11998 February 02

I was in the front of the large department store, near the cash registers. The registers were along the south wall of the building, and the door was to the east. I was with my grandfather. We had just purchased something and were walking to the exit of the store. I spoke to the female cashier as we started to walk out. Then i noticed that there was something wrong with my grandfather. He was upset for some reason, and was trying to storm out of the store. He was unstable, however, and was walking very uneasily towards the door. I told the woman that it was all right as i walked after my grandfather. I was worried about him. We had just eaten dinner, and i knew that he was weak from the exertion. He was upset and wanted to leave the store in protest. I followed him out into the dark parking lot on the front of the building. There seemed to be a bus on our right as we walked to the east. My grandfather was trying to run away. I then realized that he might be suicidal. I tried to walk after him, but he turned to the left and climbed into one of the boxcars of the slowly moving train. I was worried about him. I ran after the train and grabbed the side of one of the boxcars. I looked forward, toward the front of the tractor-trailer as it started to pull forward. I could see the conductor in the rear-view mirror. I wanted him to see me, so that he would know that there was a problem and stop the train. I saw him look back into the mirror at me, but he did not seem concerned. I climbed into the back of the truck and tried to find my grandfather. The truck was a corridor which led to the east. I walked down the hall until i reached the small platform against the back wall. I felt upset that i could not find my grandfather. The platform was black, and was about a third of a metre off of the ground, with black sides. There was a wall on the back of the platform, as if it were some kind of small stage. I realized that i was in the burlesque section. This was a stage for strip shows, but it was not open now. I walked to the right of the stage and down the short set of stairs. There was a corridor behind the stage which ran left to right. I could not see my grandfather anywhere and wondered where he had gone. I was worried about him. I knew that i could not go into the older part of the hallway in either direction, as they led to the back stage areas where the strippers were. I sat down on the stairs by the stage and felt very uneasy. Then a man walked out from the corridor to the left. Several women were following him, wearing black and pink lacy dresses. I was uneasy with the man. I knew that he was the manager of the strippers. I asked him where my grandfather had gone. He would not answer me, and tried to get me to stay for the show. I felt very uneasy here.

I got off of the bus and walked into the elevator of the building. The steel door closed behind us and we started to move. We went up for a while. Then the elevator stopped. We waited for the door to open, but the elevator started down again. I realized that someone on the lower level must have pushed the button to recall the elevator before we got a chance to get off. The elevator was full at the moment, so we could not really let anyone else on. I thought that the group of people waiting down stairs would have to wait for us to go back up and unload our things. I looked through the glass window on the back of the elevator as we passed out of the building and turned to the right. We were moving along the sidewalk on the outside of the building, riding along on the two silver tracks. There was a metal overhang on the side of the building which protruded over the tracks. It was decorated in art-deco style with different shades of metal in triangular patterns. I looked up the street to see the glass bus stop on the corner. There were several young men waiting for the elevator. They were all wearing greenish blue uniforms, which seemed like Scout uniforms. I was impatient, and thought that they would now have to wait for us to start the elevator again and go back into the hotel. The elevator followed the tracks around the corner to the right, to the front side of the hotel. I got off of the bus with $X3. He was very excited and tugged me towards the front of the hotel. He looked very young and skinny, and had rich brown hair. I pet his side as we walked into the front of the hotel. He was very excited and wagged his tail vigorously as he sniffed around. There were many people in the front lobby of the hotel as we entered. A bellhop in a dark blue uniform with red trim walked past me on my left. $X3 was on a leash on my right.

11998 February 03

I was sitting in my car at the edge of the field in the back of the high school. It seemed grey outside, and somewhat cool. There was grass on the ground and i could see a white soccer goal on the right. I then saw the soccer team run out onto the field from the opposite side of the field from me. They were wearing black shorts with dark long-sleeve jerseys with a purple diagonal stripe across them. They ran towards me along the edge of the field, in front of the goal. I watched them as they started to loop around the field. They were warming up. I then remembered that soccer players have nicely built legs. I looked at their legs, but realized that they were all wearing long shorts and knee pads. I could not see any of the detail in their legs. I then pulled the car out of the parking space. I would have to go down the street. I drove the truck down the suburban street. There was a short hill on the north side of the street at the edge of the sidewalk. It rose a metre or so to the front lawns of the houses. The lawns were green, and seemed well maintained. There seemed to be flowers growing in beds in front of the houses. I then thought that i should park the truck. I pulled the truck up against the north side of the street. I was facing east. I then decided that the truck was not parked in the correct spot. I pulled forward a little to park in the open spot closer to the school. The truck rolled forward slightly, but then would not stop. The brakes did not seem to be working well. The truck rolled forward across the small intersection into the short dead-end street before it came to a rest. I would have to back the truck up into the side street. I started to cross the intersection when i noticed a car coming from the north. It was headed down the hill towards the intersection. I waited for it, but it stopped to let me pass. It was a white car. I backed the truck across the intersection and tried to park it along the side of the road, but it was not cooperating. I turned the car to angle it into the curb, but the back end of the truck swung around and rolled up onto the lawn. I could not park like that, so i pulled the truck forward and tried again. The truck would not stop moving. I pushed against the front of the truck, trying to roll it back into the parking space. I then looked down to the ground and noticed that the road was cracked. There was a drop off of a few metres just off of my left foot, which i was using to brace myself against the truck’s weight. I looked down the short cliff to the pavement below. I was worried that the truck might roll forward over the edge. I tried to push it back.

I was in the large auditorium, in the high school. There were many other people gathered there. I stood against the west wall of the room, which was covered with a dull orange cloth. The place looked like a conference room. I felt anxious about doing something. I then walked to the south, heading for the bar on the south wall of the room. There was something on the bar that i was thinking about stealing. The wall to my right opened up into a small space around the bar. The bar did not seem to have much space behind it, and seemed to have coats hung up around it. There were not that many people gathered in this section of the room. I then saw the clay jar that was sitting on the counter. I wanted to take it. I knew that it was important to everyone in the room, but i knew that i could walk out of the room with it and no one would notice. I picked up the jar and started to head back, up the side wall. I was walking towards the door in the north end of the room. As i approached it, a large group of boys started to walk out. I was worried that they might notice that i had the jar, but they did not say anything. I then looked at the dice that i had in my hand. They were actually old bones which had been carved and painted with dots. I noticed that the black dots on the sides of the dice were not numbered correctly. They were not cubical, but shaped rather oddly. I thought that they were not of much use as dice. Then the woman walked over to me. She knew that i had taken the dice from the counter. She started to point out the shape of the dice to me, noting how they were uneven. She then took the dice from me, handing me the large shell instead. She said that she would carry the dice because no one would suspect her. The rest of the room had been emptied of people. They were all heading to the other room in the school. I looked over the shell. It was an old conch shell, but had several bugs in it. I noticed the dead cockroach in the end of it. I put the cockroach back into the shell, as i thought that it was part of the ritual value of the shell. Everything seemed to be part of some ceremony. I then walked out into the hall to the south of the room and started down the hall to the west. There was outside light coming in a window at the far end of the hall. It was relatively dark where i was. Then, an austral boy stepped in front of me from the darkness on the right wall of the hall. He had been waiting for me. It was part of the game. He was part of the group that was trying to get the bones. I felt confident that we had tricked him. He though that i was still carrying the pennies. He walked up to me and asked me about the first years. I was supposed to answer him truthfully, and hand him what ever he asked for. I knew that he could not get the pennies, because i did not have them. He then asked me about the bathing suit that i wear. He wanted to know whether i stitched it. I asked him why i would stitch my suit, feeling smug that i could elude his questions. He asked me some other questions. I again asked him why. I knew that he was not being clear, and that i could distract him by asking him to be more specific. He got frustrated and left, heading back to the north. I walked to the end of the corridor and turned left. I then noticed the girl moving towards me from the right. She was still carrying the jar. The others had not asked her any questions. I then realized that i was limping. I had been injured previously. She was walking slowly. I had expected her to be in the gym by now, where it was safe. We only had to get the jar to the gym on the south end of the school. We walked down the corridor. There were windows on our right which let the outside light in. We walked past some janitors who were cleaning up the hall. They were wearing dark blue jumpsuits. I looked down at the black vacuum cleaner as we passed. It was made of plastic and had several tubes sticking out of it. I took one of the tubes and looked at it. I then handed it back to the janitor. I continued down the hall with the woman towards the other gym.

11998 February 04

I was waiting for some one in the open, outdoor area. It was grassy, and it seemed grey outside. It was somewhat cold as well. I did not know where they were, and i was anxious for them to get here. I rode my bicycle around the area for a moment. Looking at the things on the fairgrounds. I wondered where the other person could be.

11998 February 05

I was in the cinema with some other people. There were not that many people in the audience. The first several rows of the theatre were filled with people, but the rest seemed rather empty. The theatre was rather small, and it had red velvet chairs. I sat in the center of the theatre with the other person, watching the movie. There were glowing green images moving around on the screen. They were supposed to be ghosts. I felt a little afraid of them at first. They seemed to be shapeless phantasms with sad eyes and a mournful mouth. They then started to come out of the screen and float over the audience. I was afraid of them and realized that they were real ghosts. The man who was with me stood up on the chair to my right and started to conduct, as though he were directing the ghosts. It was all part of the show. The ghosts started circling the ceiling of the theatre. They moved faster and faster until they were a blur. It was a show intended to awe the audience. I relaxed a little, but still felt a little scared of the events. Then i got up and started running around the theatre. It was part of the show. The audience was supposed to participate in the event. They were supposed to run in a circle under the spirits, screaming and laughing. The man, who was dressed in white pants and a dark coatee, spun his right hand in the air, commanding the ghosts to spin faster and faster. He smiled and laughed as the show went on. The ghosts became a single blur overhead. I watched myself run around in the circle, thinking that this was fun. Then i noticed that the others in the audience seemed horrified. They did not know what to do, and were afraid to join the show. I wondered why they were so hesitant. I started to speak to the other person. He wanted to know the best way to head towards Montreal. I knew that interstate 87 ran north to $P25. I wondered if that was where he wanted to go.

11998 February 06

I was walking down the left side of the street of the suburb. It seemed like autumn, and the ground seemed brightly coloured with leaves. It was warm out, and the sun was shining from my front and right as i walked. I then saw the men in uniform march into the center of the street. They approached me from the other side of the street. I stopped for a moment to watch them. They were wearing white pants and bluish grey coatees. They were marching in formation with riffles over their right shoulders. Then they turned in the center of the street and started to march into a formation. I realized that they were the drill team from $P7. I wondered what they were doing here. Then i noticed that $A43 was marching on the right front corner of the group. I was happy to see him, and wondered whether i could get a chance to talk to him.

11998 February 09

I walked into the comic book store and looked over the racks at the books. I remembered that i had once had a dream about coming into a comic book store. I remembered that it was what had started me reading the series A Distant Soil. I flipped through the bound graphic novels in the white cardboard bin on the middle shelf when i realized that several of them were from the A Distant Soil series. I wondered whether they had actually finished the series. I had always wanted to read the ending of the story, but never got to. I wondered whether the dream i had before meant that i should start reading the series again. I looked over the books, but did not recognize any of the story lines. I realized that they must be later issues in the series. I wondered whether the store had any of the earlier issues. I wanted to continue the series.

11998 February 10

I walked down the road in the small town. It seemed late in the evening, and we were heading towards the train tracks. There was a small station at the end of the dirt road on which we were walking. It seemed like autumn out, and the sun was just starting to set behind the leafless trees of the small town. I was with my mother as we walked up to the tracks, which ran perpendicular to the road, and got onto the train. There was a crowd of business men walking onto the train with us. They were all heading home. I seemed very young, and was smaller than everybody else. I thought about the entrance to the train terminal. It was on either side of the road. I wondered whether we had taken the correct one. I pictured the tan stairway entrances on either side of the city street. They both led to the underground terminal. I then looked out the window of the train to the north. The sun was red in the sky to our left. I could see the featureless buildings of the city start to pass by as the train headed down the tracks to the east. The city seemed very dark. I knew that it would not be safe at night. I looked forward and saw that the tracks curved to the right ahead. I wondered whether we were heading in the correct direction to get home. Everything seemed very strange.

11998 February 11

I was in the small basement apartment of the house. The room was large and rectangular, with wooden paneling on the walls. There was a man with me who was supposed to be doing my finances. I was trying to buy a new television set, and the man was looking over the paper work to see whether I could get the money to do so. He was somewhat heavy-set and was wearing a cheap business suit. The suit was a light blue. He had a white shirt and dark blue tie. His hair was thinning on top, and it seemed somewhat greasy over his round face. He stood in front of the long low table which was against the west wall. There was a long picture window on the west wall. The window was high on the wall and a hazy light shone through it. The table against the wall was about a metre and a half tall, and had several shelves below it. It was brown, and seemed like a cheap piece of furniture. The shelves were supported by wooden poles which were vertically striped with bevels. There were several things on the lower shelves. The man had his briefcase on the top shelf, where i had several appliances. The appliances were black, and seemed to be cheap stereo equipment. The man then lifted a set of papers from his briefcase and turned towards me. It was the application that i had filled out for the money. He mentioned that the name on the application was $A124. I agreed with him but then realized that her name should not be on the application. I wondered why it was. Then i realized why and told the man that she was the person in my office who might have filled out the report. I watched myself walk over to the man and stand to the south of him. I looked over the paper. Her name should not have been on it, but it was easily corrected. I then looked past the man to the shelf that was below the window. There were several appliances there. I started to wonder why i would need money to buy a television when i could easily go out and get all of these appliances. I then looked at the television that was sitting on top of the small wooden counter on the south wall. I was standing on the north side of the man. The television was black and was the one i had owned for quite some time. I thought that i probably should not get a new television now, as the technology was changing. I knew that the wide-screen digital televisions would be out soon and that they would be the only televisions supported. I thought that i should wait to buy a television. Then i wondered why the man was here. It did not seem right that he had come. I then realized that i had really asked the woman here to do my finances so that i could buy the new house. I watched myself walk from the south side of the woman to the north end of the room. There was something strange about being here. I had just purchased this apartment. I walked to the north into the next room. I had to get something for the woman. Something did not seem right. The situation did not seem real.

11998 February 12

I was lying on the edge of the large bed. $F14 was sitting next to me. I watched the two of us as we talked. There seemed to be something mysterious in what we were doing. I did not think that i was still as close to $F14 as i would have liked to have been. I knew that we were not doing anything sexual, but it seemed strange that she was here with me. I then noticed that $A125 was there. $F14 stood up from the edge of the bed. I felt somewhat confused. I did not know what was going on. Then $A125 sat next to me and put his arms around me. I did not know why he was acting this way. I wondered why $F14 had wandered off. I then remembered that i had had dreams a long time ago of sleeping with one of $G3. It seemed strange to be doing so now.

11998 February 13

I was walking down the street in the suburban area. It was somewhat warm outside, and there was snow on the ground. The packed snow was slushy and worn away in several areas. I walked from the street and turned right into the driveway. There was a large white house to my left as i walked into the driveway. It was a college cooperative. I did not live in the house, but i wanted to follow the trail which led across the back yard of the house to the other side of the block. There was a drop off on the right side of the driveway which led down to the creek. As i wandered along the driveway i noticed a woman on the porch of the large white house. I turned left and walked onto the porch to say hello. I knew her from before. I was glad to see her and asked how she had been. Then a man walked out of the house and stood on the left of her. He was not wearing a shirt, and he was nicely detailed. I was interested in him and said hello to him as we talked. I then realized that the woman might notice that i was interested in the man. I did not want them to think that i was staring. I felt very attracted to him. I decided that i should continue on, so i said good-bye and left the porch. I walked back across the driveway and followed the trail through the sparse woods to the large white house on the back side of the lot. I walked around the right side of the house. I lived in the upstairs apartment. I climbed onto the white stairs which ran up the side of the house and started to ascend. I had never used this set of stairs before and wondered where they led. I looked up and noticed that the stairs did not go all the way to the top of the building. They simply ended. I thought that the rest of them must have fallen down from disrepair. I could see the complicated set of stairs and porches that wound up the side of the house. I thought that $A16 never fixed anything around here. It was always falling apart. I walked into the large kitchen of the upstairs apartment and moved around. The room was crowded with cardboard boxes. They had all been packed. I had just moved into this new apartment. Something seemed very obscure about being in the room. Everything i looked at seemed hazy, as if i were dreaming. I moved through the apartment. I then realized that the landlords had turned on the cooling. I did not like the apartment to be so cold in the summer. The cooling made me feel sick. I walked around the apartment and looked over the air vents on the floor to make sure that they were all closed. I climbed the stairs into the attic and checked the air vents up there. The room was large and fairly empty. It seemed somewhat like the kitchen to me. The floor and slanted walls were made of unfinished wood. I then noticed that there were two black stoves on the east side of the room. One of them was glowing red hot. It was small and shaped like a pumpkin with a flat top and legs on the bottom. They were electric heaters. I thought that they should not have been left on, but i did not want to turn them off. I thought that they could help keep the house from getting too cold. I thought that i would not tell the landlords that they were running. It would keep me warm since i could not keep all of the cooling out. I then knew that $A16 was coming up to my apartment to make sure that everything was all right. I did not want to speak to her. I could hear her knocking on the kitchen door downstairs. I felt strange, as though i could not figure out what i should be doing. I then heard people moving on the balcony outside of the window to my right. I turned to see two austral women walking up the stairs to the balcony. They lived in one of the other apartments. I watched them as they passed. They were wearing winter jackets as they turned to the right to walk along the balcony to their apartment. I then turned away from the window and headed back across my apartment to the kitchen. My mother was in the kitchen, helping me unpack things.

I walked into the hotel room. $F21 was with me. We were trying to settle down for the night. I placed my things on the bed. We were somewhere up north. We were not able to travel where we wanted to go, so we ended up in a hotel room. I placed my bags on the large yellow bed. It seemed as though we were in $P24. I was supposed to be camping, but there was something wrong. It seemed like it was raining outside as i placed the large yellow tent on the ground under the pine trees. $F6 was with me. We were supposed to be camping, but we were being forced to sleep in the cabin instead. Something had happened up north, and we would not be able to travel up there.

11998 February 14

I watched the small cars move along the elevated track in the center of the room. The track seemed to be a toy track, but i knew that people were riding in the cars. The track turned a sharp corner in front of me and started to head away from me. On the right side of the curve, however, was an elevated section of the track that looped into the air. The end of the loop was in the air. The track simply ended. I watched the small car zoom around the track and speed through the loop. As it reached the end of the track, however, it was engulfed in a purple and yellow flash of light. It disappeared. I then realized that this was some type of teleport device. The car had teleported to safety. I knew that we were using the teleport device to escape from the tyrannosaur that had been chasing us. I looked across the room and saw the dinosaur following us. It charged towards the car, but could not catch it before it vanished into the purple light. I was then in the room with the others. We were on the other side of the teleport device. There was a purple circle of light in the center of the room. A car appeared in it and jumped to the floor in front of us. It was the rest of the people. Then the purple circle grew. It started to flash and spark. Something large was trying to come through the portal. I realized that it was the tyrannosaur trying to follow us through. I told the others that it would manage to break through the portal. The portal was building up energy to make the jump with the dinosaur. I told the other that we had to get out of the room. I then realized that we could trap the dinosaur in this room. It would not know how to escape once we locked it in. We would have to get out of the room and close the entrance before it was able to teleport through.

I was with the others on the road in the middle of the country. They were going to drive me to my car, which was at the barn down the road. I rode with them in the back seat of their car. I had left my yellow car on the country road where we had been running, and i thought that i would go back for it later. We approached the intersection with the other main road. There was a Y in the road that we were approaching before the intersection. We started to turn right onto the Y. I knew that my parents’ house was in the other direction. I would have to go straight through the Y and take a left at the intersection with the main road. We came to the old wooden barn. The grass was green and there were shrubs all around. It seemed like it was summer. I thought that i would get my red car and drive it back to my parents’ house, then i could get my yellow car later. I then realized that i could not get both cars at once, as i would have to drive one of them. I realized that this plan was not going to work. I wondered what i should do. I got out of $A29’s car in front of the barn and walked around the left side of the building. My car was parked in back. $A31 was with us. I would have to drive my car out to where i had left my other car. I got into the red car. It seemed as though it had been a very long time since i had driven the car. It seemed old, and empty inside, as though the inside had been stripped. I watched myself drive the car forward. I could not get out of the driveway, however, as the large tractor was in the way. It was a large blue and yellow tractor. I tried to squeeze my car out through the space between the tractor and the trailer that was parked close to it. I grabbed the nose of the trailer and tried to rotate it slightly so that i could squeeze through. $A29 watched as i tried to get my car out. I had to get my car out. It seemed important that i do so. I had to get going.

11998 February 15

I sat on the bottom bench of the bleachers. $A126 was standing in front of me. He was talking to me. I felt strange to be speaking to him. Then two other wrestlers sat down on the bench to my right. They were fooling around with each other, jabbing at each other and mock wrestling. I spoke to $A126 when i noticed that the two others had fallen over the top of me. I tried to ignore them, but found it amusing. I was interested in their playing and would have been happy to join in. They wrestled each other, and i wanted to join in the sport again.

11998 February 18

I was driving my car down the road which seemed to lead through campus. My mother was in the car with me. We were on the long road which ran through the center of the college. I got out of the passenger’s side of the car and started to unload things. $X4 was in the back seat of the car. I could see him walking towards the door of the car. My mother told me to make sure that he did not get out of the car. I closed the door to keep him in and gathered some of the packages that i had taken from the car. I stood by the door for a while gathering things. Then i noticed that my mother opened the door of the car and let $X5 out of the car. $X5 ran across the sidewalk and up to one of the buildings. I knew that she could find her way home again, since we only lived on the other side of the field from where we were. The field was to the south of us, and was plowed for the season. In front of us, on the south, was a single-level building made of brown bricks. It was one of the dormitories. I realized that if $X5 could be let out of the car, and since we were not that far from our home, $X4 could probably be let out to run as well. I opened the door and let $X4 out of the car. $X4 ran over to the front of the building where $X5 was. Then my mother started to worry about $X4. She said that she did not want him out of the car. I asked her why $X5 could go out running but $X4 had to stay in the car. She said that $X4 was not as good with directions and might not find his way home from here. I knew that $X4 was not feeling well and was getting rather old. I started after $X4. I could see both of them sitting in front of a building across the quad from where i was. I was looking through the space between two dormitories. I walked after them, into the small section of the campus which looked like a housing development. There were two-story houses on the curving streets with wide lawns around them. I crossed the yard and walked onto the porch of the house where i had seen the two cats. I looked around but could not see them anywhere. I then walked into the house. I remembered the house from before. A woman lived here who used to watch me when i was younger. The front room of the house was dim and there were many trinkets on shelves and tabletops around the room. I did not see the cats here, though. I felt a little strange about being in her house without her knowing about it, but it seemed necessary. I decided that i should leave the house before anyone got mad. I walked out onto the porch and looked in both directions for the cat. I wondered whether they were lost for good. I was afraid that they would not be able to find their way home. I walked back across the street and around to the back of another house. I remembered this house. It was a cooperative from college. I then remembered that this is where $A127 lived. I walked into the back door of the house. I came into the small kitchen. I placed a silver skillet full of water onto the stove and turned on the gas burner. It would be boiling in a little while. I then walked to the front of the house and up the stairs. I paused as i started to enter the room on the back side of the house. I could see someone sleeping on a large leather chair in the center of the small crowded room. I realized that i should not be in the house. I could not let them see me here. I quietly sneaked back down the stairs. I the heard the person start to stir. I had to get out of the house before they found me. I walked out the front door of the building when i realized that i had left the skillet on in the kitchen. I thought that i should turn it off. I ran around to the back of the house and walked back in through the back door. I could hear the man coming down the stairs. I checked the stove. I had already turned it off. I then ran out the back door and hid just below the window. The porch on the back of the house was nothing more that a stoop made out of old wood. I sat below the window. I had to get back into the house. I thought that i should climb back up the side of the house and sneak into the second floor window. I could not pass by the window, however, or the man would see me. I moved to the side of the porch and hid below the window to the kitchen. I could see the man walk over to where the stove was. I had to climb up the side of the building. I then looked around the corner of the house and down the driveway. The lights of a truck shined down the driveway towards me. I realized that i had been seen, and that there was no use hiding anymore. I watched as the truck pulled forward. It was actually a reclined tricycle. The man pedaling it had long, unkempt hair and was silhouetted in the light. I recognized him. It was $A127. I noticed that he was not wearing a shirt as he pulled up next to me. He was somewhat detailed, though his abdomen was getting fat. I said hello to him as he pulled up.

I walked across the large bus terminal with my parents. We were meeting the others here. We followed them through the center of the building. I thought that this was not the way most people would go, but i knew that my relatives were familiar with this place. They knew how to walk through the building to the other side without getting lost. This place was some kind of hotel. I felt strange, and did not really want to go with any of them. They were heading to someplace specific. We walked down the long stone hall towards the exit door on the other side of the building. The hall was made of tan coloured stone, with patterns of black and white on the floor. We walked out the first set of doors and stopped in the entry hall. My parents continued through the second set of doors and went outside. I was supposed to wait with $K11. She stopped in front of the two wooden doors which led outside and looked through her purse. I was afraid that she was looking for another cigarette. I did not want to hang around her if she was going to be drinking and smoking all the time. I then was aware that there was a gambling machine to my left, on the side of the entryway. $K11 walked over to the machine while still looking through her purse. She was going to buy a lottery ticket from the machine. We then walked out of the building and into the large room. I was with several of my other relatives. $F19 was with me. We were at my relatives’ house. They were having a large party. I thought that the place looked very fancy. We were led into the party and our coats were taken. I looked into the room on the left. I could see many people dressed in old english formal wear. The women were wearing fancy white dresses and the men were in grey coatees. I thought that this was all very formal and expensive. Then i realized that $F19 was not used to such formal places. I wondered whether she felt out of place or not. I then looked around the large room that we were in. There was a long table in front of us which was covered with white linen and had flowers and food all along it. There were others in the room dancing and talking for the christmas party. I stood on the edge of the room looking at all of the wonderful things in the room. My grandmother was to my right, on the other side of $F19. I looked up at the high ceiling of the room. The room was somewhat modern, with plane white walls and a ceiling that sloped upward towards the center. There were windows on the opposite side of the room from me which were dark, as it was night outside. On the right wall was a large brick fireplace. The brick covered most of the wall and extended all the way to the crest of the ceiling. Everything was decorated with pine and white ribbons. I then hoped that $F19 did not think that i came from an upper-class family. This was a rare occasion for me. I did not want her to think that i was privileged. I then remembered that she had seen my grandmother’s house when she came down for Thanksgiving. It was not all that fancy. I would have to tell her that this was from the other side of the family. They used to be rich, but were now mostly middle-class.

I walked through the camp. There were people collecting in front of the crude buildings. I kept thinking about the war that was going to be starting in the Middle East. I then started humming an old song in my head. I thought about the song “Ohio”. I started singing the part about four people being dead. I then realized that the song would apply to the modern day circumstances. There was something going on in the country that would cause people to die. I started running lyrics through my head, adjusting the song for modern times. I hummed, “four dead in Puerto Rico.” I thought that this was significant because of all of the people that were suddenly coming into the camp from Puerto Rico. I looked to the left. I could see a long line of people crowding towards the entry gate to the camp. They were all trying to get into the country. The ground here was tan and very dry, and it seemed very hot out. There were tall trees with bare trunks and there were ragged patches of grass in various places. I was worried about what was going on as i walked out the driveway towards the main road of the complex. As i reached the main road, i passed a man who was pulling signs out of the ground. I realized that he was pulling up the old political advertisements. I watched myself turn to the left on the main road and grab the plain white sign. It was a light-weight plastic sign. I handed it to the man. He thanked me and asked me if i would also grab the one for Schrirer while i was there. I looked off to the left side of the road. There was a narrow patch of grass just beyond the metal guard rail where many political signs had been posted. I looked them over but could not figure out which one was for Schrirer. They all seemed to have pink stripes across them with some blue sections on the bottom. I then reached forward and grabbed the small pink sign that said had Schrirer’s name on it. I pulled it from the ground and handed it to the man, who was standing behind me and to my left.

11998 February 20

I was working for the corrupt man. He was some kind of crime boss. He was thin, and had long black hair. He wore a loose shirt and seemed like a drug lord from television. I was supposed to order food for his wedding, but i knew that we could not get the thai food that he was requesting. I was trying to trick him in some way. I could hear the telephone ringing. My mother was supposed to call me and i was supposed to answer the phone. She was going to pretend to be the thai restaurant calling to tell me that i would not be able to get the food that i had requested. We were plotting some way to get the food from the restaurant across the street. I knew that we would have to disguise the food from the new restaurant. I picked up the telephone in front of me, nervous that i had forgotten about our plan. I pressed the button on the front of the telephone, but the other phone kept ringing. I thought that the phone had been ringing for a little while as the boss talked to me and the other members of the clan, so it would not seem strange that i was trying to answer it. They sat along the side of the table with me. I kept trying to answer the ringing line, but could not seem to pick up the call. Then one of the men told me that the telephones did not transfer calls from one phone to the other. I hung up the black telephone i had answered and stood up from the table. I walked to the right and answered the ringing telephone. It was my mother. She had called just after one, like we had planned. I acted disappointed as i talked to her. I listened to her calm voice as i started to act upset and disturbed. I walked to the right, into the next room, trying to make the others think that i had come across a problem. The boss seemed concerned with what i was listening to. I looked across the street into the parking lot of the shopping plaza. It was the plaza in which my mother was. I could see someone holding a yellow beverage cup from the restaurant there. The cup had a plastic lit with a straw sticking out of it. I thought that we would have to tell the others that the food will no longer come from the fancy restaurant. My mother would have to disguise it before she brought it over. We could make them think that it was something special. I then stepped into the center of the house. The corridor was exposed to the outside in front of me and behind me as it led under the roof between the two sections of the house. It led to the internal courtyard. There seemed to be large hogsheads to the left in a subterranean cellar. I turned around and started to walk towards the exit door. I had changed the food and should now get out of the building. Then i saw the crime boss standing in front of the dark wood door. He was holding a shotgun up in front of him, pointing it at me. He was upset. He accused me of ruining his wedding. His wife was with him and was very upset. She was wearing light flowing robes. She was crying and upset that the man was threatening me with a gun. She ran off to the left, crying. The man was mad at me for ruining his wedding food. I told him that there was nothing that i could do. He seemed convinced by me.

I was talking to the man about the way in which buildings collapsed. He had shown me several examples of how the buildings had been destroyed in linear fashion. Then he said that we could witness how a building could be collapsed in volumetric fashion. I looked at the white building across the grass lawn. It was a plain white cement building with a flat roof. I wondered how a building would be collapsed volumetrically. Then i wondered whether the walls would bulge outward and crumble as if the building were filling with water. The building started to shake and then simply crumbled to the ground. I wondered why this was different than previous examples. I knew that we were now working with another dimension of collapse, but i could not visualize why it was special. I then felt the ground shake. I knew that it was an earthquake. I watched the white building on the edge of the hill start to fall down. Then i mentioned to the other man that i had seen this building before. It was a famous building. It sat at the edge of the hill and had a rounded front. It was very modern in design and had blue glass on the curved side. The roof was flat and hung over the side walls. We were watching the building from the plateau on the top of the hill. I could see past the house to the valley beyond. The earth kept shaking and the building started to collapse. I told $Z that this building was famous for its design. He was not aware of that, and wondered where i could have seen it before. I told him that there were several pictures of this building in various magazines. He understood why. I then realized that all of those pictures must have been taken before it collapsed. We walked towards the building. Suddenly, i recognized the spot where we were. I looked down the hill from where the house was. I remembered that there used to be an old victorian house where the collapsed building is. The victorian house was grey with black trim and had two tall towers on the front of it. I thought that we must be here before they built the victorian building. $Z remembered the building as well and told me that it was constructed after the modern house had fallen. I had thought that it was a very old house. As we headed down the hill i could see other buildings which were all part of the victorian mansion. They must have been integrated into the mansion after it was completed. I was amazed to see what all of it had looked like before the main house had been constructed. I had thought that it was all there at the same time. We started to pass by some of the old buildings as we walked down the hill. The buildings were to our left as we walked. They seemed like part of an old monastery. $Z pointed out a tall bell-shaped building which was ashen tan in colour. I remembered that it was empty inside and formed an archway in the center of the corridor. The corridor was covered but open on both sides and led between the main building and a smaller building just down the hill. $Z mentioned that the chamber inside of the dome was very resonant. I imagined monks chanting in the center of it. I then though about going in there to hum. $Z walked on my left as we talked about humming in the dome. It was a pleasant experience. Then i looked to the right. The dirty water of the river was flooding. I cold see Bart Simpson floating in the water. He was being swept away by the current. His dog paddled next to him, trying to get ahead of him. As they went down stream, the dog made it ahead of Bart and grabbed a rope in its mouth. It swam from the shore out to a tree, which was in the center of the flooding stream. Bart was headed right for the rope and could easily catch it. As Bart grabbed the rope, however, the end around the tree came undone. It was one of the comedy routines of the show. The dog was able to swim for the end of the rope, however, and secure it around the tree. Bart was safe. I then noticed Homer standing on the shore in front of us. He was happy that the boy had been saved. Bart breathed a sign of relief that he had been rescued and then jumped back into the water. I knew that this was part of the show. Bart was only allowed to swim once he knew that he was safe. Bart then started swimming down stream. Homer gasped as he watched, thinking that the boy was in trouble again. Bart then swam to the opposite shore of the river and climbed out of the water and over the cement wall of the parking garage. He chuckled as he started walking across the garage. Then Homer started to realize that the boy was never in any real danger. He said “Wait a minute.” in a suspicious tone. Then Marge giggled, jumped into the water from the near shore, and swam across the muddy stream to the parking garage. I thought that they were all very good swimmers. She climbed out onto the cement wall and started walking away. Homer realized that everyone was fooling him and became upset with them. I moved across the water and looked over the edge of the cement wall. The man was mad and wanted to run after everybody. I looked over the short cement wall on the edge of the parking garage. I knew that the others had climbed into the garage downstream to my left, where it was safer. I told the man that he should climb over the cement wall and go into the garage. I knew that it would not be safe to go over the wall, but it would be part of the comedy. I watched the water pour over the top of the wall and run across the cement floor of the garage. I knew that it would sweep the man across the garage to the other side. I looked across the garage to see the opening on the other side, where the water would pour out of the building and down to the ground. It was quite a fall. I wondered whether the man should actually do it. He did not seem to want to climb over the wall, however. I walked across the garage and looked out the other side. I could see across the street to the shops on the other side. It was raining heavily. I was supposed to meet the others in $P49. I looked out the large glass windows of the restaurant at the shops in the ground floor of the buildings across the way. Then i looked back. I was sitting at a round table. There were several other people on the other side of the table. The inside of the restaurant was brick, and seemed crude, but well maintained. The others were eating pizza. This did not seem correct. I was supposed to meet someone here. There was some significance to what i was doing. I looked back out the window across the parking lot. We seemed to be on the edge of a city. The area to the south of us was open, and had a highway overpass crossing it. There were several tall buildings and some empty lots of grass. There was a parking lot just outside of the window which filled the back half of the block that we were on. I looked back across the table to $F10. The waitress brought him a plate full of onions and a sliced loaf of pumpernickel bread. She gave me a small plate and some side dishes. These were our appetizers. I knew that the waitress thought that i would be sharing some of the onions, but i did not really want any. Then i noticed the object on the left wall of the room. The wall was brick and there was a glass entrance door to the left of it. On the wall was a white and black object. There was a circle in the center which seemed like some kind of clock, though i could see no face on it. It was, over all, shaped like a fancy S. There was a black swash on the left and top of the circle that swept upward and one on the right and bottom that swept downward. The symbol was not flat, but had a smooth arching surface to it. I realized that it was some sort of symbol. It signified something. I looked back at $F10, who was finishing his plate of fried onions. I then realized that the dish that the onions were on had the same elongated shape. The dish was white with small blue and green florets on it. $F10 had finished the onions. There was something important about this symbol.

11998 February 21

I was riding my bicycle around the edges of the city. I was on my way to work, but i had taken a detour to head around the outside of the town. I could see down the side of the hill to the outskirts of the city. The valley was dry, sandy, and surrounded by rocky mountains. The city was to the south of me as i headed down the hill. I then realized that i had already come this direction earlier. I realized that i must have turned off of the road to go for a longer bike ride. I had to get to work, however. The old factory section of town was to my right, just over the small rise to the southwest of me. I remembered the white cement buildings of the old factory. I pictured the white paint chipping from the windowless walls. I decided that i had to get to work. I had to get to the city before i was late. I started moving really fast on my bicycle down the street. I did not stop at an intersection, but instead, zoomed through it and turned to the right. I realized that this was not a good idea, as i did not know what was coming in the other direction. I turned left and moved very fast down the side street. I came to another intersection and would have to turn right. I imagined that i could speed through this one as well, swerving into the center of the other road to make the turn. I decided that i should not do it here. It did not feel right. I slowed as i approached the intersection and looked to the left. I could see a police car sitting in the middle of the road. The officer was standing by the hood of the car watching me as i passed. I did not stop at the corner, but rounded it to the right and continued on. I wondered whether i should have come to a stop at the corner. I then realized that it was not necessary to come to a complete stop as i was on a bicycle. I quickly pedaled towards the city. I was suddenly in the center of a very wide street which was packed with cars. The buildings on both sides of me were very tall and flat on the sides. I was still speeding through the streets. I was then very high above the street watching myself move through the traffic. I could see the cars below flowing through the streets as the lights turned green. The street was eight or ten lanes wide, and the buildings seemed extremely tall on either sides of it. The city seemed cloudy and surreal, but very crowded. As i peddled over the street, i suddenly realized that i had run through several red lights. I started to notice that the pedestrians on the side streets were aligned in certain ways when the light was green. I passed quickly over those intersections. I then noticed that the pill shaped pedestrians and cars were not as aligned with each other in the next set of intersections. These intersections had red lights. I was then on my bicycle in the street again. There were several other bicyclists around me. The light turned green and i started to head forward. A woman on my left then decided to turn to the right. She cut in front of me and i crashed into her. She looked back at me casually, but did not seem to mind. She was wearing a dirty brown jacket. She continued on slowly, ignoring every one else around her. She did not think that it was a problem. I was annoyed at her. I thought that she was just one of the rude people who lived in the city. The city seemed to be New York, and i seemed to be heading to the very tall tower in the center of it. I thought that it was the Empire State Building. I got off of my bicycle and started to walk it along the side of the street. I was in front of the very tall building. The door man watched me as i passed. He was wearing a long blue uniform coat. I wondered whether this city actually had a place where i could park my bicycle. I thought about locking it to a pole on the street. I did not want to leave it. I thought that the people in the city were too lazy to actually ride bicycles and probably did not have too many places where i could lock up my bike. Then i noticed a set of black metal racks on the corner of the building just past the doorman. They were attached to the side of the building. I walked past them and took my bicycle into the center of the tall building. I wondered whether it was okay to do so. I would have to walk through the building to the other side, as i did not seem to be on the correct side of the building. I walked my bicycle through the narrow hall of the building. The walls of the corridor were made of black polished stone, and were smooth and plain. The corridor then split ahead and headed off to the left and right. I headed first to the left, but realized that the passage did not go anywhere. I then crossed the hall and headed to the right. I noticed that the hall led through the fancy department store. I realized that i should not be rolling my bicycle through the department store. I turned back and came outside of the building on the north side. I looked to the south. I felt very tired and did not want to have to ride my bicycle all the way back home. It also seemed to be getting colder. There was snow on the lawn of the mansion which was in the center of the circle. I had just come from the mansion, and now though that i should be leaving. I felt too tired to go all the way back home, however. I decided that i should go for a bicycle ride to stay warm. I started to pedal to the north, heading up the hill through the suburban area of the city. There were houses and apartments all along the hillside. I turned left down one of the streets, heading downhill slightly. I wondered as i went whether this was a dead end road. It seemed that it might loop back on itself. I did not want to get stuck in a dead end. I then noticed the gravel driveway at the end of the road. It had a for-rent sign at the end of it. I then remembered this place. I had come to look at an apartment here once before. I could see the top of the apartment building as i approached the gravel drive. The building was round and had a penthouse on the top of it. I remembered that it was not in the best of condition. I had rented this place before. I wondered what people would think if i rented it again. The apartment was circular. It had a large hot tub in the center of the roof, which was circled by a black walkway. On the outside of the walkway was the apartment. There were windows along the inside of the apartment which looked out to the pool in the center. I thought that it was really a cheap place to live. I looked through the windows of the place and could see the show room on the opposite side. They were selling carpets and appliances. I did not want the salesmen to know that i was here, so i turned and headed back towards the door on the outside of the room. The door was up a short set of stairs from me to my right.

11998 February 22

I was on the road out in the country. I was here setting a $G4 run. There was a dense woods to the north of me. It seemed somewhat cold here and there were no leaves on the trees. The bark on the trees was also dark, as if it were wet. I walked into the woods from where my car was parked on the road. I wondered why no one was showing up for the run. It was dark out. I had a barbecue ready to go. I picked up the grocery bag of meat that had been lying on the ground in the trees. It was there for the end of the run. I was going to have people cook some steaks after the run, but no one had shown up. I felt disappointed. I brought the bag of charcoal out to the end of the road and thought that i should cook myself a hamburger. I did not need to use all of the charcoal on the run. I wanted there to be some left over so that we could build a large fire. I thought that i should start a fire now so that it was ready. I walked to the small fire pit in the center of the road. There was a small fire burning in it. I took a hamburger patty out of the bag and placed it onto the fire. I was upset that no one had come for the run. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already time for the run. I then remembered that everyone usually showed up late for the run. As i thought this, i noticed a car coming down the road towards me. It had its headlights on and seemed to be a pick-up truck. I grabbed the hamburger from the fire and tossed it back into the bag. I did not want them to think that i had given up on them. $A34 got out of the truck and walked over to me. He asked me about doing something. I was not sure of the date. I walked around the back side of the house, which was on the south side of the road. It was dark, and the house was white. I walked onto the back porch and into the kitchen. I grabbed the calendar from the left wall and flipped to the next month. I was looking the ninth of that month. I found that it was a Saturday. I turned around and told $A34 that the ninth was a Saturday and that it would be a good day. I then walked into the front room of the house. It was the back room of my parents’ house. $G4 would be gathering here after the run. There were several people already spreading out their sleeping bags and camping equipment. I then wondered whether my mother would be bothered by them staying here. I did not know all of them, and wondered whether they could be trusted not to take things from the house. I sat down in the chair near the front of the room. $K1 walked over near me. She had a large plate of spaghetti in a red sauce. The plate was oval in shape, and there were three meat balls on the end near me. I realized that she was getting enough for herself and for her husband. She bent over to get something off of the table to the right of me. As she did so, the small child walked over to the plate and started picking at it. I tapped the child’s hand with the pair of chop sticks that i had, warning the child not to take any of the food. $K1 told me not to hit the child. She said that it was all right for the child to pick off of the plate. She then held the plate in front of the small boy. The boy grabbed a bunch of spaghetti and dumped it over his head. I noticed that the boy was wearing a nicely pressed dress shirt. It was white, with thin blue stripes down it. I knew that it was now ruined from the spaghetti stains. $K1 did not seem concerned about it. I got up and walked back into the other room. It seemed like a long time had passed. There were two people in the kitchen. They were sitting on the couch that was to the left of the entrance door. The woman on the end towards me showed me a framed picture of $K1, her husband, and her daughter. It was a cartoon picture, and portrayed them in fancy formal dress from the early part of the nineteen hundreds. It was intended to portray them as snobbish and stuffy. The woman thought that $K1 was spoiling her daughter and teaching her to be a snob. I then noticed the dirty chop sticks on the floor to the left. I noticed them as i looked over the picture. I bent over to pick them up. They were covered with tomato sauce stains.

I was in the back yard of my parents’ house, sitting on the ground near the garden. I then noticed that there was a person walking across the back yard, heading down the hill and into the woods. She was wearing a black winter jacked and blue denims. She seemed to have a pair of black boots on. I wondered what that she was doing in the woods. There should not have been any one there. Then i realized that i had seen people walking into the woods before. There was something unnerving about it. I felt that it was important that i should know what they were up to, but i did not move. I watched as the woman walked into the trees and disappeared from view. There was something strange about all of it. Then a man walked out of the woods and started heading across the front lawn. He was wearing a tan jacket, and looked at me as he walked. He smiled at me. There were some others walking back and forth. They were bringing supplies into the woods. They kept smiling in my direction, as if they were not trying to hide their presence from me. I wondered whether these people were from down the street. I thought that they might have come into our yard from the field across the street. I watched one of them walk into the front yard and grab a bag of groceries from the front lawn. I realized that they had several bags of groceries on the lawn that they were bringing into the woods. My mother seemed to be standing near the house. I was concerned about what the people were doing in the woods. I knew that they should not be there, but what they were doing seemed almost enchanting. I followed them into the woods. As i passed through the tree line it seemed as though i had walked into a tent. There was something like fabric hanging from the air. There were people around me, and i knew that they were performing some kind of ritual. I did not feel afraid of them, and though that they might simply be pagans. I wanted to tell them that i could understand their rituals, but something did not seem right. I started to wonder whether they were performing an black mass. A person walked in front of me, carrying things off to my right. I then noticed the large black dog sitting in front of me. I thought that this might be the symbol for the devil dog. I felt cautious of these people. Then the dog looked to my right and i noticed that it was not a dog at all, but a very small horse. It stood up and started walking to my right. There seemed something circus-like about this place. I was not afraid, but i knew that they should not be performing a mass in my parents’ back yard. I seemed to accept them, however, as if i was in a trance. I then heard the woman mention the five-pointed star and other pagan symbols which were commonly related to a black mass. I did not know whether these people were actually pagans or simply trying to hold a black mass for other reasons. I felt as though i should not trust them and that i should warn others.

11998 February 24

I was in the large field which seemed to be $P50. There was a large crowd gathered in the field for what seemed to be a concert. They were all facing north. I was standing on the west side of the field watching the people. Someone was talking about the concert. They mentioned that there seemed to be a large mix of people at the concert. She did not expect that much variety of students at the concert. I told her that it was because the band playing was Led Zeppelin. I told the woman, who seemed to be interviewing the crowd, that Led Zeppelin drew a heavy crowd from the engineering and scientific students, who listened to classic rock. I thought that it was part of the social group in which they were brought up. I also knew that the average concert participants would be there no mattered who played. The others listened as i spoke. I was on stage as part of the band. I watched myself from the side. I stood on the west end of the stage, watching myself talk to the audience. I knew that talking to the audience was one of the things that i was known for on stage. I was having fun playing the music. The stage faced north, and the crowd was gathered around it in a semicircle, which faced south. I stood behind myself as i started to play the next song. I was laughing as i leaned towards the microphone. I wanted to talk to the audience more, but i knew that the crew and other band members wanted to play music. I had to wait to start the song, however, as one of the technical people waved to me from the back, right section of the audience. He was not ready with the technical part of the show. I thought about making a joke about getting to talk some more. Then i realized that the building behind us was on fire. I walked around the corner of the building. There was someone inside of the small room on the corner of the building. The room was only a few metres square, and had glass slat windows. The person moved into the room but did not close the door behind her. I thought that she should probably have closed the door so that the smoke and fire did not come in after her. The firemen then broke through the glass windows and managed to pull the woman and her child out. Then the building started to collapse. I wondered whether there were any other people in it. I listened over the headphones as the emergency crew spoke. There was a set of communication gear left in the fire. I wandered through the communication center, wondering whether anyone belonged to the headset. I hoped that no one was caught in the building. The communication center was dark, and there were black consoles on the walls with electric lights. There were video monitors on some of them, watching the fire. This is where they coordinated the firemen and rescue teams. I walked down the aisle between the machines and walked over to the desk on the right. I had been editing a picture. I placed the cursor in the center of the image and started drawing an object. I thought that this was interesting, because i was doing something special with the image. I was not simply drawing. I was assigning a section of a pre-existing photograph to various locations within my image. It was part of a mathematical formula. I looked at the enlarged photograph of the bumble bee. It was a mostly black photograph, with the bee in the center. There were fuzzy patches in the fur on its back where i had sampled the image. I thought that i was creating something special. I then grabbed the printed paper on my left. It was the final piece of art work. I looked at it, but it was not what i had expected. It looked like a photograph of several pieces of cake on a white background. I knew that the square area that was the surface of the cake was actually the mathematical result of the sample that i had made. The other lines outlining the cake and the other surfaces were also parts of the equation. The man then asked me what was wrong. He was standing in the center aisle of the room to my right. He walked around the end of the long table, in front of which i was standing, and headed along the edge of the table towards me. I showed him the image, telling him that it was not what i had expected. He agreed that it looked like pieces of cake. I then walked into the center aisle of the room and turned left. I crossed the aisle and turned right along another table. The printer was to my right as i approached the far wall. I looked over the print out. It resembled the pattern of a large cookie. I could see the uneven texture of the crust of the cookie. It seemed wrong. I did not intend to make a cookie. I pealed the cookie from the paper, watching the channels left by the evaporating liquid from the cookie’s surface.

I was in the store. There were several people wandering around the store as i looked over the items on the long tables in the center of the store. The sides of the store seemed to be raised from the center of the store. I was with $F14 as i looked over the items. There was something peculiar about what we were doing. She kept watching me, as if she was expecting some action from me. I felt very strange. I tried to ignore her actions and kept looking at the items on the table. Then we both turned around and looked at the items on the table in the center of the room. She was very interested in them. She picked up a set of pan pipes which were made of clay. They were nicely crafted, and i knew that she really liked them. I thought that she might buy them. I referred to them as a flute. I thought that they were probably expensive. Something seemed strange about the way $F14 was interested in them. I was then in front of a store. $F12 was with me. I hugged him and said good-bye as he started to leave. I did not want him to go. I told him “peace be with you”.

I was in the small room with the other people. We were on some kind of vehicle. I stood near the center of the room, looking at the entrance door. The walls of the room were white, and the entrance door was hidden to the left, down a short corridor that started in front of me. Another man walked into the room. The room was circular, and filled with seats that all faced the center of the room. Most of the seats were filled with people. Then the room started to vibrate and there was a humming noise. I knew that we had just transported somewhere. I knew that the vehicle that we were in was a teleport device. I pictured the vehicle as a saucer shaped object. It glowed for a moment with a red light before it shrunk between the folding space. It then unfolded someplace else. I then thought that the ship could not be sitting on the ground when it folded. It would have to be separated from all other objects. I then remembered that the ship gave off a jet blast of air, which lifted it from the ground just long enough for it to fold. The ship vibrated again and i knew that we had made the jump back home. I started to wonder how the air jets would work. It seemed that it would take a lot of energy to force the ship off of the ground using air jets.

I was in the diner, sitting at the edge of the counter which faced into the center of the room. There was a large window on the front of the room to my left. The room seemed yellow and white. There was someone talking to me. I opened up the old story book as he instructed me to do. I knew that the book had belonged to someone a very long time ago. There was something special about the book. I then noticed an inscription in the front of the book. It was made from a blue stamp. There was also a signature on the title page. I seemed fascinated by the history of the old story book. The man then turned and walked across the room towards the exit. He was wearing a dark suit and carrying his coat over his arm. I flipped the pages back and forth trying to figure out the signatures. I thought that it might be one of my grandfather’s books. I noticed that the blue stamp said “1012 EH”. I knew that this had something to do with Edison. I was amazed that the book had been owned by such a famous person. I then noticed that the signature on the title page was in pencil. It was dated “1895”.

11998 February 25

I rearranged the things in my room. I had just moved into the room with the others. This place was part of $P19. It seemed like a special room. I was living with one other person. I looked over the room. I would have the left side of the room. The wall of the left side was uneven, with a center section that stuck out into the room. On either side of the section, the room dropped back so that it seemed, overall, U-shaped. The wing on the left of the wall was narrower, though, and the one on the right had a bed in it. There were shelves above the bed. The entire center section of the wall was covered with a bookcase. I started unpacking my things. I wanted to arrange my instruments into the room. I was on my hands and knees near the dresser in the middle of the center wall. I place the blue plastic object on then floor. It was a guitar stand. I was glad that i would be able to stand all of my guitars up on the floor of this room. I placed another blue stand to the left of the first, thinking that i could arrange the electric guitars here. I seemed happy about the new arrangement. I then stood up and looked around the room. I wanted to get all of my things put away so that people did not run into them. I picked up the keyboard and walked it to the left side of the room. I walked down the narrow side and noticed that there was a space between two dressers on the inside wall of the room. I slid the keyboard into the space. I then picked up the book from the desk. It was the one that i had been working on. I then stepped back and looked at the room. There was a desk in the center of the room on the back wall with a chair to the right of it. I then remembered that there was a telephone in the room. I knew that the others would want to use the telephone, so they might want to come into the room. I wondered how i would react to this. The bed was a mattress on the floor to my right. I thought that people could simply take the telephone out into the hall outside of the room and use it. That way they would not disturb me as i slept. I imagined telling someone to use the telephone outside. They would have to bring one of the chairs out into the hall. I was in the small area of the house. It seemed like a small room at the top of a flight of stairs. I looked over the cover of the book and noticed that there were three editors to the volume listed. I knew that there should only be two and wondered who the third person was. I then turned around and walked over to the car. I walked around to the opposite side of the car from the house and pulled the object from the driver’s side door. It seemed like a long inner tube, but it had chalk writing on it. It was to promote the book. The woman had done the design. There were two objects. I looked the second one over as i removed it from the car. I could only see a little bit of the writing at any one time because of the curvature of the object. I read the bright orange letters which were the title of the book. They were bold letters with rounded corners, making them look like cartoon bubbles. They were outlined in red chalk, and arranged into three short words. The last word looked like “EDO”. I knew that the title had something to do with systematics. It was the correct title of the book, though i thought that it was really the title of the series and not the title of the individual book. I rotated the surface of the object some more. I noticed the rough blue letters. They were in all capitals and had very sharp corners with straight lines. The letters were dark blue, with light blue outlines. They formed the names of the editors. I then noticed that the third editor appeared on the tire. It was not correct. We had already finished the rest of the book and had never mentioned him. His name was “Evans”. I decided that we should remove his name from the inner tube. I wiped the chalk with my hand, wiping the name “Faust” from the tire. I thought that he probably added some extra help with the volume, but that we could not add his name throughout the entire volume at this point. The book was almost finished. I then walked back into the house and up the short flight of stairs. I looked to the left into the small room that was on the top of the stairs. There was a small table on the back wall, at the bottom of a second flight of stairs. The walls of the room seemed to be a medium blue, and the banister on the second set of stairs was white. The room did not seem well lit. There was a small window just behind the table that was blocked by curtains. I then noticed the book sitting on the table. I recognized it as a book that i had read as a child. I remember liking the book. It had a picture on the front of a man standing to the left of a golden pyramid. The area around the pyramid was blue, and there was an orange glow around it. The title of the book was in a dark yellow and read, “Fodd, the Man from the Island of Nowhere”. As i picked up the book with my left hand and started up stairs, i remembered that i had really liked it as a child and wanted to read it again. Then i started to wonder about the title. It did not seem quite correct.

11998 February 26

I was working at the supermarket near one of the registers. I was passing the items over the scanner. I turned away from the register and then looked back at it. Everything seemed hazy. I started running the pieces of paper over the scanner. They were coupons and i was scanning them in. The man then walked up from my right. He told me that something was wrong. I finished scanning all of the coupons and looked at the register. The man said that the total was incorrect. I leaned forward and pulled a white piece of paper from the top of the register. I looked it over and noticed that it was incorrect. It said that the sale was $667.66. I realized that this could not be correct. The man then told me that someone had been in my register while i was away. I then realized that i had gone on break and left the register on. I started to worry that someone had stolen some money from the register while i was gone. The number on the paper was incorrect because they had interrupted my sale. I had rung up everything that the woman had purchased, but then some man had taken money from the register, changing the total. I did not notice the change when i started to ring up the receipts, so i did not notice that i was decreasing the total to a very large number. I worried that it was all my fault for not locking down the register while i was away. I then thought that the numbers were very similar. I looked at them and noticed that the number entered on the register was $662.66. I thought that someone had probably typed a series on numbers on the key pad as they passed by. I thought that it might have been some young boy who did it as a joke. He had pressed the same number randomly several of times. The extra number came from when he slipped and hit the 2 button. I did not understand how this could have happened. I tried to tell the man that the money might not be missing. It may still be in the register. There was still the possibility that someone just played around with the key pad. I wanted to find out for sure, but i just stood near the register, looking around. Then the man walked around to my left side. He pointed out the food that was spread over the counter by the register. The food was divided into three sections. The middle section looked like a whole raw chicken which had been divided up into various parts. This had something to do with the theft. I still felt that something was wrong. I then noticed that the third section of food, which was on the end of the counter to the left, looked very much like the center section. It also seemed to be pieces of chicken, though these pieces looked fried. I then realized that they were the exact same pieces as the center section. The main breast of the chicken was in the center of the arrangement, with other pieces spread around it. The patterns of the second and third sections were identical, but the colour of the third section was a pale yellow, and the texture seemed uneven. The second section looked more like fresh meat. I then realized that the third section was probably a copy.

I headed down the street. I was driving in the car with $A33. It was a small blue car. We were driving in the suburban area. There was an elementary school on the right side of the road as the road curved to the left. I then realized that i did not have any money with me. I had left it at home. I told $A33 that i had forgotten my money. He said that it would not be a problem. I still wanted to go back home to get it. I was standing on the side of the road. I felt alone and knew that i would have to walk back home. I started walking on the right side of the road. It was slushy outside, and it seemed like it was getting dark. There was a bridge ahead of me with a tourist area beyond. I saw the tour bus driving towards me as i started to cross the bridge. I knew that i would have to walk on the sidewalk on the right-hand side of the bridge. The bridge was a green metal frame bridge. I then noticed the car that passed by from the other direction. I wondered whether it was my parents. I knew that they would be coming to get me. I thought that i might have left too soon. I decided to keep on walking and thought that, if it was them, they would turn around and pick me up. I looked behind me to see that the car was turning around. It had its headlights on as it drove over the side of the road and started heading back towards me. I continued down the hall. Then i realized that i should not be going this far. I turned around suddenly and started running back up the hall. The hall was narrow and made a sharp turn to the right and then another to the left. I flew down the hall towards the end. I then flew into the room. Something was wrong here. I thought for a moment that something had been stolen from the room. I looked at the stereo equipment and thought that some of it might be missing. Then i noticed that the television was on. I tried to turn it off, but it kept coming back on. I did not know why it was switching back and forth. I then realized that i was generating some kind of static. I reached for the screen and saw sparks from my hand jump to the screen. The television flickered on and off as the sparks hit it. I was floating in the center of the room. I felt that i had to get out of the room and get going, but i had to shut the television off first. I then moved to the east, leaving the building. I was standing on a cement walkway that led between two single-level buildings. The buildings seemed to be part of an elementary school. The building in front of me ran north and south. I looked to the south, but then realized that i did not know where i was heading. I ran back into the room and started away from the television. I started back down the hall when i noticed two doorways on the right wall, just at the entrance to the room. I realized that they led into my aunt’s house. I walked down the one on the left. As i came to the end of the short hallway, i looked back to see two corridors. They both went down stairs. I realized that they were two different continuums. I could see my grandfather standing at the bottom of the one on the left. He was wearing grey pants and a white shirt and was looking at something in his hands. That was not the direction in which i was supposed to go. I realized that i had traveled the wrong way. That was why the television was not working properly. I should have headed to $K3’s house.

11998 February 27

I was in the small living room of the house. I had slept on the couch the night before. I was awake now, and it was very early in the morning. The old woman, who had been in the house, was very sick. Everything seemed very strange to me. I could not focus on what was going on. It seemed very hazy and distorted. The air also seemed stale and humid. $F14 was with me in the apartment. I walked into the corridor that led away from the living room. The walls were a dark colour, and there seemed to be something wrong with the place. Then i heard that the old woman had died in the living room. I would have to stay the night again. I felt very uncomfortable here.

11998 February 28

I came down the stairs of the house and into the living room. The stairs entered from the north on the east side of the room. The boy was wounded. He lay on the floor at the bottom of the stairs. I walked over and looked at him. There was a large hole in his upper left abdomen. There was no blood coming from the wound as i looked into the hole. I could see a white organ inside. I realized that the end of the organ had been damaged. I lifted it with the fingers of my left hand and realized that the end of the organ had torn apart. The organ was fatty, and had a sponge-like texture. I stuck the needle through the end of the organ, trying to sew up the split. I was then standing on the other side of the boy, trying to sew up the end of the organ. I could see things inside of the organ, and tried to keep them from falling out. I joked with the boy that i could see what he had for lunch, as the organ was his stomach. I was not sewing the organ correctly, though. I knew that we really needed a real doctor. I tried to squeeze the organ back together and then pulled the short piece of black thread from it. The thread was still attached to the needle. I hoped that the real doctors did not notice how i tried to patch the cut. I told the others to call someone. I then realized that we would have to get the boy to the hospital. I thought that we should carry him to the car. I then realized that moving him might not be a good idea. I wondered whether we should simply call an ambulance. I then thought that it might be a waste of the ambulance’s time to come all the way out here to get him when we could simply take him to the hospital. I knew that we would have to wait for the ambulance though. I watched as the other two people tried to lift the boy, keeping him relatively flat. He winced. I knew that we could not tip him up or everything would fall out through his cut. We would have to place something hard under him to lift him. I thought that we should call an ambulance. I knew that they would come from the local fire company just across the street. We would have to take him to a hospital in the city, however. I decided that it would be easier to simply call for an ambulance. I knew that they would take a while to get there, however, as all of the emergency workers in $P51 were volunteers. I turned and walked out the east entrance of the room, which seemed separated a little from the room by the descending stairs. I turned right quickly into the small back room of the old farm house. The room seemed cluttered with items. It was just off of the kitchen, and had dark coloured furnishings. There was a counter which ran along the south wall of the room and seemed like a desk. The telephone was on the east side of the desk. I was going to call emergency, but the woman was already talking on the telephone. She was calling them. I wondered whether she called the direct number or whether she dialed 911. I then listened to the telephone as she dialed. There was nothing on the line. I realized that someone else might be on the telephone from another receiver. I thought that it might be the children from the living room. They might have tried to call emergency themselves. I ran back into the living room to get them off of the telephone so that the woman could call. As i walked into the living room, i hurriedly asked who was using the telephone. I realized that all of the children were sitting quietly on a bench against the south wall. They were quiet and attentive. They seemed afraid, as if some other authority had ordered them to sit there. I looked behind me to see that the man was standing in the doorway of the room. He had entered from the north wall. He looked stern. I realized that he was scolding the children for being on the telephone line. He was thin and had short blonde hair. I looked back at the children and noticed that the wounded boy was with them. He was wearing a green sweatshirt which had small blood stains along the lower side. It must have fallen over the wound, so the man did not know that there was actually something wrong. I walked back into the kitchen. I would have to use another telephone. $A131 was standing in the kitchen. She was the woman who had tried to call emergency before. I then decided to go out of the house to get the other telephone. I passed a man coming into the back of the house as i walked out the door. There was a man playing golf in back of the house. He seemed like a rich business executive. I knew that he was the owner of the house, and i did not want him to be angry that someone was on the telephone. I knew that he was fond of me, however, and that he would let me do anything i wanted. I asked him if i could use his portable telephone. He told me that i could. I hurriedly walked back towards the house and picked up the white portable telephone from the patio table. I started dialing the number for emergency.