11999 February 01

I was in the laboratory. There was a jet pack strapped to my back. I wanted to test it out, but i did not want the others to know what i was doing. I thought that i would have to be careful that the jets did not send me flying across the room. I leaned against the yellow metal cabinets in the lab room and fired the jets. My feet lifted off of the ground a little, but i pushed myself back down. I could hear the jets roaring behind me. I then realized that the floor behind me was burning. I could see the black smoke wrapping around me. I turned off the jets and tried to put out the fire. There was a black spot burned into the floor. I then realized that $A14 was coming into the lab. I had to clean up the mess before he got there, as i did not want him to think that i was fooling around. I then realized that there was some smoke in the air. I tried to wave it around as $A14 came into the lab. He asked me how i was. I mentioned the strange smell in the room. I then realized that the door to the lab to my left was open. There was a man standing in it, wearing only a white towel. I realized that he had just gotten out of the shower. I thought that the smoke would mix nicely with the steam from the shower. The window on the back wall of the lab also seemed to be open. I knew that the smoke would drift out with the wind that was blowing in through the open window in the bathroom. I started to clean up things in the lab. There were several packages on the floor. I collected them together and placed them under one of the counters. I knew that some of the bags were from the people who had previously been in the lab. One of the clear plastic bags appeared to have a pair of black leather shoes in them. I arranged the bags under the counter and then moved them against the side wall of the lab. I thought that the others would eventually come back for them.

11999 February 04

We were evacuating the area. I was in a building which seemed like a parking garage. It was open and had white cement walls and a bare cement floor. It seemed very clean and factory-like. I was with the group of people who walked up the slope of the floor and rounded the switch-back corner. We were heading down one of the long corridors of the building, being led by the emergency workers. One of the men with us mentioned that he had forgotten his pen and would need it. He paused at the inside corner of the turn, where an exposed steel girder connected to the main structural column at the center of the turn. He could not seem to find his pen. I noticed that there was a blue pen on the opposite wall of the corridor, resting on a girder. Someone asked the man whether the pen on the other side of the corridor was the one that he was looking for. He said that it was not with a definitive shake of his head. I continued down the corridor with the others. I came to an area where several sets of stairs climbed to the upper levels. The stairs seemed to switch back and forth on their way up. They were enclosed by white metal railings which ran parallel to the floor. I noticed that there was more than one set of stairs. There was a set in front of me and a set to my left. It also seemed that there might be more sets beyond them as the room opened up. I could see people walking up several of the staircases. I wondered which i should take to get out of the building. I asked, and the man in charge told me that it did not matter. We were simply to go up to the higher level and we would be taken care of from there. I looked back at the man before i hopped over one of the white railings and landed on the catwalk above me. The catwalk was rising up to the next level. I thought that it was good that i made it over the edge of the walk before it passed through the floor above. It cut very close to the wall as it passed. There was someone standing in front of me on the walkway. As we reached the street top, we both started across the open corridor of the outside mall. The ground was covered with grey stone bricks. It seemed as though we were going to do something. I looked back at the man who was with us. He seemed like an instructor, and it seemed as though we were going to take a class from him. I thought that we might practice Tai Chi. I ran with the other person over to the area and sat down at the table. There were several people with me. The table was small and round, and i thought that i should sit on the corner as i usually did. As i sat, i noticed that some of the people could not fit around the table. I thought that i should sit on the other side. I stood up and moved the small table closer to some of the people who were sitting around it. I was trying to place it in the center of the group. I had moved around the table so that i was sitting against the wall. I then noticed that $F15 was sitting in the corner of the room, to my left. He had his mouth open as he looked at me, wondering what i was doing. There was a woman sitting to his left who had her right arm draped over his left shoulder. I moved the table back towards him a little. I then looked down the length of the long rectangular table to my right. I thought that the table had gotten longer. I then noticed that the others had added a second table to lengthen the surface. Everyone was gathering.

11999 February 05

I drove my car down the highway to the south. I was heading out of the city. I turned off of the highway and came down a suburban road. It was cold outside, and the ground seemed to be covered with patches of melting snow. The air seemed damp. I then realized that the roads were very slippery. I thought about the highways being clear and i thought that it might be because they were well driven roads. I slowed down as i traveled to the west on the street. I was worried about skidding. I then turned down the narrow side street to the north. The road made a right-angle turn and headed to the east. The road was very slippery. I could see the blue car parked in the road in front of me. I tried to stop, but my car skidded and swerved. I could not see clearly for a brief period of time as i skidded down the road. I thought that i might hit the blue station wagon. My car finally came to a stop, and i could see clearly again. There was a small black car parked in front of me. I did not come close enough to hit. I then realized that i had managed to skid past the blue station wagon. I thought that it was very lucky that i managed to miss the blue car. I then thought how it was possible. I was outside of my car, checking on the cars around me. I looked forward, down the road to the east and realized that the road was a dead end. There was a cul-de-sac in front of the small red house at the end of the road. The house had white trimming and had white snow covering its room. There was a mound of snow around the left side of the cul-de-sac where the plow had pushed all of the snow from the road. I started to get back into my car when i head the sound of someone’s voice. I looked back to the small house, but could not see anyone. I then realized that they were calling to me from one of the windows. I could see a darkened window on the right side of the front section of the house. The front section of the house formed an indent on the right side of the house where the entry door was. The door seemed like a garage, but was really a porch with a white and red awning over it. I could hear the older man talking, but could not make out what he was saying. I thought that i should get back into my car. As i turned around, i noticed that there was a group of people who had come out of the house on the south side of the road. They were gathering around my car. I felt defensive of the car, and wanted to people to move away from it. I walked to the front of the narrow red car, which was facing to the west. I noticed that the small hood of the car was ajar. There was a man standing in front of the car, just off of the bumper. I pushed the hood closed so that the man could not take anything out of it. He seemed to be smiling thoughtlessly at me. I was annoyed with the family. I realized that they had gotten into my car. I looked into the open driver’s door and saw that they had filled the car. The man was sitting in the driver’s seat, still smiling innocently. I told him to get out of my car, but he did not listen. I was upset with him. I told him that i would call the police, but he did not move. I then pressed the horn of the car. I thought that the noise would wake others in the neighbourhood who might be able to help me. I was upset, and paced around the living room wondering what to do. The family then seemed to be leaving the house. The young woman stood in front of me. She asked me several questions. There was a young man with had, who seemed to be related to her. He mentioned that he wrestles on the high school team. I was interested in talking to him, but he walked out of the room to the left as i faced west. I then told the woman that i had wrestled at one point as well. She seemed interested. There seemed to be bunk beds to the right, along the north wall. They had white mattresses, but did not seem to be made. There seemed to be no other furnishings in the room. There was then a chair in front of me with a dingy yellow cover over it. I walked around the chair on the north as the man entered the room again. He was wearing a dull yellow, hooded, sweat shirt and grey sweat pants. I felt like challenging him, but sat down in the chair instead. The woman then told the man that i had been a wrestler. He said that he would be interested in wrestling me and placed his hands on my shoulders from behind. I wanted to wrestle him, but thought that i should not. I then realized that he had his arms around my upper chest. I knew that he could easily get a good hold, so i grabbed his wrists and stood up from the chair. I then bent forward and flipped him over me, being careful not to slam him onto the floor. I grabbed his arms under mine and held his back to the floor. I laughed as i spoke to him. He commented that flipping him would have been an illegal move in wrestling. I told him that i knew, but was not worried about it because i had let him down slowly. We joked as i held him there. We then talked for a few moments. I decided that i should go. I had to get someplace. $F4 was standing to my right as i faced west in the large open room. His family was still leaving from the door in the north wall. I could see $F25 standing against the north wall. I thought that i should leave.

11999 February 06

I was standing next to my car on the snowy city street. I had parked the car there earlier, but now realized that the car had been vandalized. I tried to figure out what had happened. I knew that i had gotten the number wrong. It was really 57th, and not 5th. I wondered how that mistake affected my car. I was having trouble understanding.

11999 February 07

I walked through the street of the older city. The buildings seemed very decorative. I knew that i was in Russia. I was traveling with some people, and i was visiting a family. I walked with the family down the street. The place seemed very foreign, and i was interested in all of the gothic buildings around me. There seemed to be several churches in the section of town through which we were walking. We then turned down a narrow side street to head back to their house. There seemed to be someone following us. The family did not want me to be seen by someone. I thought that there was something going on in the country that was not good. It was somewhat dangerous for me to be here, but the family seemed very friendly. I kept looking down the snow-covered driveway towards the street as we stood in the living room of the house. The family talked to me. The walls of the room were made of a polished wood, and there seemed to be many ornaments hanging on them. The ceiling was white and clean. I felt strange in Russia. I wondered whether i would be able to leave. I kept talking to the family about the events outside. I did not seem too concerned about them, but i wondered how i would get home. Then one of the younger men of the family came into the house. He told them something. I thought about speaking Russian, but did not think that i could remember enough of the words. I tried to form phrases in my mind but could not. I felt very comfortable here, even though i was worried.

11999 February 08

I was at my grandfather’s cottage at $P26. I had driven up with my grandfather. We walked across the upper bedroom. He was showing me to the bed in which i would sleep the night. I woke up and walked across the large room. It was now light, and i could see some of the other bunks in the room. I did not know where in the room i had slept. I realized that my bed was against the front wall of the room. I thought that i had to help my grandfather do something in the cottage. I walked towards the stairs on the back side of the room when i came to the small window. I looked out the window to see what kind of day it was. It seemed cloudy out as i looked at the ground. The grass was somewhat brown around the gravel road which ran across the view of the window. There was a lawn between me and the road, and a thicket on the other side. I wondered which road i was looking at. I thought that it was the road which ran around the back side of the cottage, but it seemed too close to the cottage to be that road. I could not think what road it was. I looked back across the room to try to figure out which side of the cottage i was looking out. I seemed confused. I could not concentrate on the direction. I thought, perhaps, that it was the road which led to the lake. There seemed to be a dirt road which stretched from under me to the dirt road i had been looking at. I walked back into the center of the room, trying to figure out the direction, when i noticed that my grandfather had come up to the bedroom. He was standing out on the front balcony of the room. I decided that i wanted to look out from the balcony over the woods. It seemed like i had not been to the cottage in a long time. I thought about looking out over the lake from the balcony. As i approached the front door of the room, i could see a very thick tree trunk standing in the center of the water. It went out of my view as i approached my grandfather, who was standing on the balcony. I then looked at the tree trunk again. It was very large and did not seem to have grown naturally in the water. I approached the shore of the water, realizing that the trunk was from a tree which had fallen over into the water. I could see the pine branches under the surface of the water. The branches on bottom part of the tree, which were closest to the surface of the water, had been cut to the level of the water. I looked back to the shore, where my mother was standing. I told her that it was strange that the branches had been cut to the water level. It seemed as though the tree was placed into he water purposely. I told my mother that the tree had been placed in the water. She had been standing on the shore watching the tree. I could see the large round disc which was formed by the roots of the tree sticking out of the water as i wounded the tree, moving over the surface of the water. I then thought that someone must have cut up the tree and stuck it into the water. I could see it in several sections under the water in the small bay. I floated around the front of the roots, looking at the twist of branches. It seemed very dark and hard to see in the low light of the day. I then looked around the edges of the small bay. I wondered whether the tree had been placed in the bay to discourage boats from driving into the bay. I thought that the people who owned the bay might not want boats rowing into the secluded bay. There seemed to be a building on the peninsula to the east as i moved to the south, towards the entrance to the bay. The entrance seemed to be very narrow, and i could see the water splashing over the rounded rocks. I thought that only small boats would be able to make it into the bay anyway. I was then back at the cottage, looking out over the water. My grandfather had left the room to do something. I thought that i should make myself breakfast. I looked into the refrigerator to see what i could find to eat. I grabbed something from the top shelf in the refrigerator, realizing that it was warm. I remembered that the power was off. I quickly closed the refrigerator door. Then i realized that there was some food out on the counter which should have been in the refrigerator. I opened the refrigerator to put the food back. I noticed that there was some food in the refrigerator that belonged in the freezer, so i opened up the freezer on top and placed the food into it. None of the food seemed cold. I worried that it might go bad soon. I closed both doors of the refrigerator and thought that i should only open them when i was going to take things out. I did not know what i was going to make for breakfast, however. I thought that i should eat something small, but then i thought that i wanted some pancakes. I opened the refrigerator and looked for the things to make pancakes. I pulled the putter of off the shelf on the top of the door. I started looking for the flour when i realized that it should not be in the refrigerator. It should be in the cupboards with everything else i needed. I then turned to the right and started across the room to the back side of the cottage. I wondered whether my grandfather would want some pancakes as well. I walked out into the main part of the house, thinking that my grandfather was outside. I looked out the window on the back of the cottage to see the cottage next door. I could see people sitting at tables in the windows of the other cottage. I remembered that the cottage had been converted into a restaurant. I thought that it might be nice to eat there. I thought that i wanted pancakes, though. Then i turned around to see my grandfather walk into the front door of the cottage. He walked over to the back side of the living room. The room seemed vary large and empty. I then noticed the other person who had entered the cottage with my grandfather. He was younger, and i knew that he was here to look at the cottage. I thought that my grandfather was trying to sell the cottage. They sat down on the furniture in the living room. I wondered why my grandfather had not been able to sell the cottage before now. I listened to them as they talked. The man asked what furnishings would be left in the cottage. There was another young man with him. My grandfather said that everything in the cottage would be left. I remembered that i had wanted to take the chopping block from the kitchen with me. I thought that I should try to sneak it into the back of the car. I thought that the chopping block was left over from my great grandfather’s hotel. My grandfather walked the young man into one of the back rooms. I looked to the left as they spoke, and realized that there was a large open room between the kitchen and the back bedroom. I did not remember this room being there. I thought that it was the old shower room. I remembered the far side of the room from when i was young, but i did not remember the rest of the room. I walked down the side of the room, along the narrow kitchen, and turned right into the side door of the room. The inside was a dirty white, spattered with brushstrokes and stains from different colours of paint. The room seemed very crudely constructed. I thought that it might be the old shower room. I thought that people would take showers in the middle of the room, under the long white bar which hung from the ceiling. I then decided that i had to go to the bathroom. I thought about walking into the shower room and using the toilets to the left, but decided that i should use the real bathroom which was on the other side of the kitchen from me. I backed out of the room and turned to the left, walking down the narrow length of the kitchen. The floor of the kitchen was uneven and spattered with paint stains. I thought that it would be interesting to liver here. It would be living like a poor artist. I thought that it would be interesting, though secluded. I came to the toilet at the far end of the corridor and walked up to the toilet. I then realized that there was a urinal to the right. I walked over to the urinal and unzipped my pants. I then realized that the urinal was not what i had thought that it was. It seemed more like a sink. I did not want to urinate in the sink, but i noticed that i was supposed to urinate on the wall under the sink. It was designed to divert the urine into the drain that was on the floor. I urinated against the wall, thinking that the overhead shower would be used to wash it down. Then i realized that my grandfather was upset. He had left the cottage and walked to the west. I thought that he might be in the cottage next door. I thought about taking the chopping block and placing it into the trunk of my car. If my grandfather was asleep, he would not know. I would have to make sure that he did not go into my trunk, though. I thought that it was unlikely that he would. I wondered whether i would be able to take it to my car without him seeing. I knew that he might not want me to take it now, as i had not taken it when we were cleaning out the cottage. I wanted to get it into my car, however. I then realized that my parents were with me. I asked where my grandfather was, and someone replied that he was in the bell tower of the white building next door. I had thought that he had gone into the cottage to take a nap, but thought that he would not be able to see me take things into my car. I looked at the white church-like building as i rounded the back side of it. I stared at the bell tower, trying to look into the large windows to see my grandfather. I then saw him from the side of the building. I realized that i would not have been able to bring the chopping block to my red car because it was in view of the bell tower. I could see my grandfather standing in front of the large window, facing away from me. He was looking out over the lake. I decided that i should go back to the cottage. My mother was with me as i started walking back. I crossed the wooden porch of the building as i headed to the cottage. The building seemed like a general store. I stepped off of the edge of the porch and turned to help my mother down. There were many small things following us. They seemed like young children for a moment, but then i thought that they might be animals. I reached up at the edge of the porch to take the cat from my mother. It was $X8, but it was very young. It was a siamese cat, with bright blue eyes. I could see that it was a little scared of being carried, but i tried to be careful with it. I then noticed the other siamese cat jump off of the porch below me. I thought that it was $X8 as well. I numbered them and told my mother which was which. I then wondered which was the real $X8. I curled up the one in my arms and held it near my chest as i walked towards my grandfather’s cottage. I came to the large rock which circled the front of the cottage and tried to climb up it. I was still holding the cat and could not keep my balance on the rocks. I asked my mother for some help, but she did not seem to understand. She stood to my left, placing some of the animals on the top of the rock. I told her to push me forward as i climbed up the rocks so that i would not fall backwards. She still did not listen. I then was aware of an animal which jumped off o of the rock to my right and darted into the woods behind me. I thought that it must have been a wild animal. I could hear it running through the dry leaves of the forest. I then tried to climb the rocks again when i heard the animal run up behind me. I hoped that it was not a wild animal. My mother told me that she was not strong enough to push me up against the rock. I thought that she was not really trying.

11999 February 09

I was in the front room of the house, which seemed like the porch of my grandmother’s house. We had to get ready for the wedding. I looked through the closet for something to wear, but i could not make up my mind. I took out my blue dress shirt and put it on, but i could not decide on which pair of pants i should wear. I hung some of the clothing over the white towel rack that was near me. My mother was then sitting on the couch near me. We had to get going. I thought that i could wear my denims under my dress pants. I then thought that it would be uncomfortable because the dress pants would bunch up around the denims. I wondered whether i could wear the denims to the wedding. I did not feel like being formal. I was in the back seat of the car. My grandmother was in the passenger’s seat as my mother drove. We were heading through $P3 when i realized that i had not put any pants on. I thought that we could buy a pair of pants for me to wear, but i realized that it was Sunday. I asked my mother, “None of the stores are open today, are they?” They said no. I told them that i had forgotten my pants. I then looked down to my lap and noticed that i had a pair of grey dress pants over my legs. I thought that i could put them on, even thought they did not go well with the blue shirt that i was wearing. I then realized that the only tie that i had brought was bright blue. I looked at myself wearing it and thought that it did not go with the shirt. I wondered what i should do.

11999 February 10

I was in the bedroom of the large house. The walls were white and the curtains near the bright window were light blue. My mother was sleeping on the large bed in the center of the room. The telephone on the right side of the bed then rang. I walked over to the dark wooden table and picked it up. It was my father. He told me to wake him up in ten minutes. I looked at the red numbers on the digital clock by the telephone as i hung up. The clock said “1:08”. I thought that the clock did not really have the correct time. I would have to add ten minutes to it. I looked again at the clock and noticed that it said “1:11”. I thought that i should probably take my shower, but i realized that i would not have time to do so before i had to wake up my father. I looked back at the clock and realized that it must have been more than ten minutes since he had called. I pressed the button on the intercom and called hi. I hoped that he did not notice that i was late. My mother then walked into the room with a basket of laundry. The basket was made of light blue plastic. As she passed through the room, i notice the pair of torn black socks that were sitting on top of the basket. I remembered that my grandfather was here. I could hear him walking on the lower floor of the house. I watched him as he walked into the back room of my parents’ house and opened one of the windows on the west wall. He then turned and walked up the south end of the room. He was heading up the stairs to go to bed. I was in the back room as i watched cautiously him climb the stairs. I realized that he had left a glass of water in the back room on the table. I thought that he was forgetting things again. I then thought that he should not have left the window open and wondered why he had. I thought that i should close the window so that the house does not lose any heat. It should not have been left open even for some fresh air. I then noticed that the back door of the house was open. I walked over to it and closed it. I felt worried and wondered why it had been opened. I noticed that there was something written on the back of the door in black letters. I felt scared and wondered whether someone had been in the house. My grandfather should not have left the door open. I turned around and realized that the door on the other side of the house had been opened as well. I looked out the door and down the hill towards the woods. It was very windy, and the trees were swaying. It was very dark outside, and i thought of people sneaking around in the woods. I could see dark images in the trees, but could not make out what they were. I then remembered that i had seen these things before. I remembered that i had a dream about people doing things in the woods behind the house. I wanted to sneak out of the house to check out the woods, but i thought that i had better not. I closed the door and walked into the front section of the house. I looked out the front window to see a older man walking down the road, carrying a set of chairs. I walked into the west side of the house where i could get a better look at the road from the windows on the front of the house. I walked into the formally decorated room. The chairs and couches were deep red, and everything seemed very clean and proper. There was a white and burgundy oriental rug on the floor. As i walked into the room, i realized that the window on the back side of the house was open. I walked over to it, thinking that it was really only a decoration. It did not really open to the outside. I wanted it closed anyway. I tried to push down on the top of the window, but it was difficult to move. Then a yellow piece of glass broke off of the window inside edge of the window. It was one of the stained glass panels. I tried to push the window down, as if closing it. I realized that there had been a small bug on the top edge of the lower window as i closed it. It was crushed between the two window frames and left a large red stain on the white wooden frame. It was a shaped like a termite. I moved back into the center of the room, which was now empty. There was a large multi-pane window on the west wall with white sections of glass in it. There were more of the small bugs flying around in front of the window. I wondered what they were. I did not want them in the house. In then reached over my shoulder and scratched my back. I wondered suddenly whether one of the bugs had bitten me.

I was on the tour in the mid-western United States. We had stopped in a picnic area. It was sunny out and the sky was very clear and blue. There was a slight breeze and the leaves of the trees waved in the wind. I was in the middle of a small corral with $F10. There were other people handing around on the grass near us. They were also on the tour with us. I talked about the scenery around me. It seemed very beautiful. There was a ridge to the north which was covered with a red rock cliff. I could see it through the dark green leaves of the tree under which i was standing. I was standing next to the wooden corral fence, which was to my left. There was a woman with me with whom i was talking. We then had to get back on the bus. Our tour was leaving. The bus started to drive out of the canyon. I was on the left side of the bus and looked out the window at the stone cliff which stretched up to the mountains. I did was on the wrong side of the bus. I wanted to see the red rocks of the canyon which were on the other side of the bus. There was a cliff off to the right which dropped into the canyon. There seemed to be various trees on either side of the bus that passed by. I tried to look out the right windows, but could not see anything. I knew that we were traveling on the rim of the canyon. I knew that the rocks were beautiful. I then noticed the snow capped mountains in the distance. The snow was very white against the dark grey of the mountains. They were amazing to look at, and i wanted to take a picture of them. I then realized that i did not have my camera with me. I remembered that i had left it on the fence in the park. I walked up to the front of the bus. $F10 was sitting on the left side of the bus. I asked him whether he had taken me camera from the fence. He shifted his weight, reached into the right pocket of his black leather jacket, and pulled out the camera. I returned to the back of the bus with the camera. I continued talking with the woman in one of the back seats. I felt strange for leaving $F10 in the front of the bus. It seemed as though i should be traveling with him rather than talking to the others on the bus. I pointed out the glaciers to the woman. They were very old. I then noticed that there was a lot of snow on the ground around us. It was very deep, but the air did not feel cold. It still seemed very warm out. The bus then turned right on the road and headed into a long paved driveway. I could see the side of a large mountain out the window. The center of the mountain had two rock-slide strips which formed a V. They were grey and covered with crumbled stones. The green trees of the mountains grew on wither side of them. I wondered whether we would be able to see a rock slide while we were here. I then thought that i could hear the sound of rocks falling, but i could not see any movement on the slope. I decided that the sound must have been delayed from an earlier slide. One of the men on the bus then pointed out the figure in the mountain. He described the mountain and the slides as a woman with her legs over the edge of the hill. He said that it was an old occidental legend. I tried to see the figures in the rock that he was describing, but i could not make out the woman. Instead, i decided that the vertical lines of the mountain could be seen as many different people. The man then mentioned the sun disc to his father as they spoke. I thought of New Mexico, where the sun disc was used in designs. I looked over the tall buildings that were passing slowly on the left side of the bus, but could not see the sun disc image that the man was talking about. The bus then stopped in front of the red brick building, which was on the edge of the waterway. It was on the other end of a long grassy lawn from us. My mother said that she could make out the sun disc image in the building, but i still could not see it. I got off of the bus with everyone else. I asked the driver where the luggage was, and he told me that it was in the lower compartment of the bus near the front of the bus. He said that we could not miss it. I thought that the situation seemed strange as i walked out the side of the bus. I could see that my parents were crawling into the side compartments of the bus. The bus then started moving. I felt tense and tried to warn the bus driver that my parents were still in the bus. The drive kept going. He did not hear me. I ran after the bus for a while, but realized that i could not catch it. I stopped running and looked around on the ground for a rock. I thought that if i threw a rock at the bus i could get the driver’s attention. I looked around the ground near the side of the road but could see no stones. There were only small pieces of gravel and pieces of blacktop which had broken off the side of the road. None of them would be good for throwing. The bus then turned to the right again. I thought that it might be heading around the block and wondered whether i would be able to catch it. I turned to the right and ran across the edge of the block. I caught up with the bus only a little when i noticed that it was turning around. I stopped running as i watched the bus drive off of the right side of the road, into a small parking lot, and then turn around to head back towards me. I wondered whether the bus driver would see me and wonder why i was chasing the bus. The bus driver did not stop, however. As he drove by, he leaned out the side window of the bus and started to yell something to me. He seemed to be mocking me as he drove by. He was wearing a dirty tank top as he passed. He continued on, driving away from me. I was annoyed and disappointed. I knew that i could not catch him, so i picked up the rest of my bags and walked back towards the hotel. I then realized how heavy the black shoulder bag was. I walked to the south and into the front door of the small hotel. The building was pale green and seemed run-down and dirty. It seemed to be in the middle of a city. The walls of the building were cement. The front counter of the hotel was against the south wall of the room. It seemed that the north wall was composed of windows. The place seemed like an old gas station. There was another person standing to my right as i walked up to the desk and asked the manager some questions. He seemed unkempt. I asked him about the bus and wondered what i could do about it. I told him that my parents had gone into the luggage compartment to get their bags when the bus driver drove off. The man then told me that the bus driver had left the bags at the hotel. He motioned to the bags on the counter to my right. There were four white wickets on the counter. I recognized them as ours. The bus driver had lied to us. I told the man that the bus people had taken my parents on purpose. I was upset and grabbed our things. I walked to the right, into the doorway in the south wall. I turned right and headed down the long hallway on the other side. I headed into our room. I felt angry and confused. I then noticed that the door to our room was opened. I worried that there might be someone inside. As i approached the doorway, i could see two men standing in the back of the room. I felt angry. They had taken our things. The room was almost empty of our luggage. I yelled at them, but they did not seem to care. I felt mad and wanted to strike at them. The man started to pass me, not paying any attention to me. I grabbed the small wooden stool that was against the south wall and hit the man with it. He did not seem to notice. I demanded that he give back our things, but he did not seem to notice what i was saying. I was angry that i could not get the men to give our things back. I wandered out of the room, upset. I came into the small courtyard which was near the office. I noticed some runners who were coming towards me. I watched them as they ran. It seemed dark out. There were several other runners following the first group. I thought that they must be part of some event. I then noticed that they were carrying beer mugs in their hands. The mugs were made of glass and had rounded bottoms. I thought that they might be $G4. I asked them if they were. One of the runners told me that they were not part of $G4, but said that he recognized the name. They stopped near me and gathered around in the courtyard. I was then back in the hotel room. The men had left. I knew that they had taken our things with them. I spotted a CD case between the large bed and the south wall. I thought that the men must not have seen it. I thought that i should take it and put it in my car where the men could not get it. I quickly grabbed what i could from the room. Everything seemed very disorganized. I found the keys for my car sitting on the bed. I thought that man had taken them. I hurried out into the hall and gathered the rest of my bags together. The man returned as i was getting my things. He walked into the room and looked around near the bed. He wondered where the CD case had gone. I thought that i had to get our other things from the men before they carried them all away. The man started to rearrange the room so that i would not be able to find things again. I yelled at him. I felt frantic. He looked at me but did not seem to show any emotion to me. I pointed my finger into his chest as he stood in front of me. He was wearing a white tee shirt and i noticed that he was thin but muscled. I felt angry but confused.

11999 February 11

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house with $Z. We were looking out the window to the east. It seemed somewhat cloudy outside. There was a very large television antenna on the house next door. It was blue, with brass-coloured poles. I pointed it out to $Z. He then mentioned that the television station, which was picked up by that type of antenna, was very good. I then noticed the large zeppelin moving towards us. It was very close to us. All i could see was the white undercarriage, which looked like a large ocean ship turned up-side-down. I watched the command deck as it moved towards us. I then noticed that it was passing very close to the neighbours’ house. I thought that long white antenna which hung from the underside of the zeppelin would scrape the house. It seemed to just make it over the house. I told $Z that the antenna had come very close to hitting the house. I wondered why it was flying so low. I looked to the north, over the back yard. I could see the tops of the forest below. There were only a few tall pine trees sticking above the canopy to the level of the house. I wondered why the zeppelin would be flying so close to all of the trees. I then looked out over the valley to the rugged mountains beyond. I was then on the zeppelin, looking out the window at the space between my grandmother’s house and the neighbours’ house. I realized that it was very windy, and that the zeppelin seemed to be out of control. I then watched the zeppelin as it tipped suddenly in a heavy gust and moved across the street. I turned around to look out the window on the front of the zeppelin. I could see the blue house on the other side of the street approaching. We were going to crash into the front of it. I could see the black material which formed the top part of the zeppelin above me. It wrinkled a little as we bounced off the side of the house. I thought about the gas in the zeppelin exploding, but remembered that it was helium rather than the hydrogen that they used to use in the old days. I wondered whether we would loose enough gas to come to a rest on the ground. I realized that the wind was very strong. The zeppelin rotated and started around the side of the house. I told the other person that we should be safe as long as the balloon does not pop all at once. As we passed into the back yard of the blue house, i noticed the three power lines which ran from the house. They were blowing in the wind and seemed to brush the top of the zeppelin. I hoped that they did not break and start a fire on the balloon. The zeppelin then started to lift from the ground and head to the east on the wind. I thought that there was a cable attaching the zeppelin too one of the corporate buildings on the north side of town. The zeppelin landed in a small gravel lot at the edge of the city. It seemed very small. I thought that it must have shrunk with the loss of air. The person picked up the small boat and carried it into the building. I walked into the small dark room of the building. There was a work bench in the center of the room. The person placed the boat on the bench. I realized that the boat looked very much like the model tug boat that i had in my apartment. The boat on the table was very clean and had purple paint on the forward doors. I then realized that it had a name on the aft roof. The name was just like my last name, but it was missing a letter. I wondered whether the boat belonged to my father., I then realized that my mother’s name was on the front of the boat. I thought that it was my father’s gift to my mother. I wondered why it was here. I then decided that i could not let my mother see the boat. I started to pull the black blocks from the small holders along the front deck of the boat. I then realized that my grandmother had arrived. She was worried about the zeppelin crash. I did not want my grandmother to know about the boat because i knew that she would tell my mother. I noticed that my mother was with her. I quickly pulled the last of the tags from the front of the boat. They were small black pieces of folded paper which had red letters along one side which spelled out my mother’s name. My mother asked me what i was doing as i was pulling the large on from the center of the front deck. I told her that it was just cleaning up the ship. I removed the red cellophane from the folded black cardboard and tried to insert the black paper back into the holder. I then realized that the black piece of paper was cut into the shape of a spider. I thought that it seemed very much like a halloween decoration, and pointed it out to my mother as a way of distracting her. I then wondered about the lettering along the back of the boat.

11999 February 12

I was in the house where the party was to be held. There seemed to be several people in the front of the house as i sorted through my closet in the small bedroom. I could not decide what i should be wearing. I had to get dressed. My mother left the room a little while ago, walking across the main section of the one-level house. I stepped out into the hall, looking for the other people. I wondered where they had all gone. I then looked through the round window in the swinging door. I could see $K1 approaching me from the other side of the door. I turned to run back to my room. I knew that i had not put on my pants yet. I was wearing a white dress shirt and my underwear. I headed back to my room, running down the sidewalk of the street. The man then started talking to me about $F1. He wanted to know whether $F1 was a musician of any type. I knew that $F1 never learned to play the piano. The thought disappointed me. I continued down $P1. I seemed to be in my car.

11999 February 13

I stood in the small crowded room. There were several other people in the room with me. It seemed as though i were at a fraternity party, but i did not know any of the people in the room. The room seemed yellowish and had a linoleum table in the center. It seemed like a kitchen. I stepped out of the room to the east, though the opening in the wall. It seemed as though the wall were only partly constructed. I stepped into a dark part of the house as i backed away from the people in the room. I felt uncomfortable near them, for some reason. I turned had started to drive my car to the east, down the length of the parking lot outside of the mall. I had to find a parking space. There seemed to be someone else walking with me. I turned to the right, rounding the snow bank. I circled around the edge of the small lot looking for a place to park. The other person was right behind me. As i came to the small extension on the south side of the parking lot, i realized that there were no more parking spaces there. It was simply a place to plow the snow. Beyond was a grove of trees. It seemed dark, and the woods seemed very wet. I knew that there was a pond in the woods, as if the woods were part of a swamp. The trees seemed entangled with black vines. I tried to walk back to the edge of the fairgrounds, where the men in the room were. I thought that this town was small enough that there must be some parking near the fair. I asked the other person whether there might be parking on the other side of the fair. I could see the main road through the woods to the north. I tried to walk back to the fair grounds, but realized that there was water in the way. I could not get around the water in the trees. The man then crossed behind me and walked into the water to my left. I wondered why he was getting wet. It was cold out and i thought that the water must be near freezing. I then realized that the man had walked into the water until the water was over his head. He turned around underwater and looked at me. I felt uneasy. There was someone else standing at the edge of the water to my left. I felt uncomfortable with the man. I no longer trusted him. There was something wrong. I continued on, down the edge of the water. I had to get back to the fairground. This place did not feel safe.

11999 February 14

I was in the small rectangular room, which seemed to be on the top floor of $P7. We were setting up for a play. I walked to the west end of the room. There was a pill-shaped hole in the floor near the south wall of the room. There was a beat-up gold-coloured couch between the wall and the hole. I knew that the hole led down to the first floor. It was a very long fall. The knelt down at the west end of the oval-shaped hole to help the other person. He had to crawl into the hole. There was a darkly stained wooden bar which cross the long diameter of the hole. It was hooked to the sides of the hold in such a way that it was allowed to rotate. I could see the face that was attached to the center bar, where the bar flattened out and widened. It was the face of the man who was to crawl into the hole. I grabbed the bar with my right hand and twisted it slightly. I then thought that the man needed the head to see. His body started to crawl down into the hole. I rotated the bar around so that the head was looking down. I then thought that, if the man saw how deep the hole was, he might get frightened, and the body would lose its balance. I stood up and walked back across the room. I came to the opposite side of the room and sat down on the floor. I was sitting cross-legged. I looked to the west, to my left, to see that the hole near me was covered up with a large, olive green pillow. I grabbed the pillow and tugged at it, making sure that it would not fall through the hole. We had to have the holes covered up for the performances.

I was in the place where the other members of $G3. We were supposed to be helping with something. There was an older man there who was also part of $G3. He was trying to get everyone to do something. I was hesitant to follow him, but i walked down the path between the small modern buildings and into the garage of the small house. We were supposed to be working on something. The man then criticized me for wearing sneakers. I remembered that he had demanded that everyone wear steel-toes work boots. I knew that i had my work boots in the other building, but i did not want to put them on. They were uncomfortable. I also knew that the job that we were doing did not require them. There were no heavy objects that we could drop on our feel. The man told me sternly that i should have worn my boots. I snapped back at him, saying that, if i thought it necessary to bring work boots to a volunteer position, then i would have done so. The man stormed away, and i paced around the room. There was someone else kneeling on the floor near us who had overheard the conversation. I walked through the room where the other brothers were gathering. I started down the sidewalk. I was leaving the place. As i wounded the corner to head down the sidewalk of the city area, i suddenly remembered that i had driven my car to this place. I was slightly relieved, as i thought that it was getting cold again. I turned around and started to head back. I trudged through the snow that had fallen on the ground. I was wearing my work boots. I leaned forward slightly as i walked, carrying my black bag over my shoulder. I thought that i would have to be careful getting my car. It was parked where the others were working. I could not let the older man see me wearing my work boots.

I was in the congressional hearing. It was the “red scare” hearing, being run by senator McCarthy. They were asking me questions about my writings. I knew that i was thought of as a rebellious artist. I felt uncomfortable here, and knew that i could stand up to them. Senator McCarthy was scolding me form something that i had done. I suddenly stood up from my chair and raised my right arm into a nazi salute. I shouted, “Heil McCarthy!” I knew that it would make a simple statement against the hearing. I then started chanting, “Sicht heil!” Then i realized that the rest of the crowd, who was filling the large room behind me, also started to chant with me. I thought, for a moment, how it was strange tat the entire room could chant in unison. It was a great protest against the oppressing system, and i felt goods about it. I then woke up suddenly. I was sleeping in the wide bed in the small room. I noticed $A91 standing off of the foot of the bed, on the right side of the room. He was digging things out of the closet in the right wall and packing them into a bag. I told him that i had just had a strange dream. I started telling him about the hearing, though i knew that it was not part of a dream that i had. I had been lying in bed thinking about the events. There was someone else who entered the room from the door in the wall in front of me. $A91 kept packing as i told him about chanting the protest. I then wondered whether it could have really happened. The trial no longer seemed like part of history, but rather part of some recent event.

11999 February 15

I was in the small cafe which ran along the east edge of the department store. I had to leave. I started out the building. There were some other people with me. I stood outside of the store. I was with my parents. I would not be coming back to the store again. I thought that i had to go back inside to do something. I walked down the east side of the grocery store. There was someone i had to say good-bye to. It seemed as though $F19 were somewhere in the building. I also had to get something. I paused at the edge of the cash register line. The registers were facing the east wall of the store, and were all the way against the back wall. I walked to the east of them, where the entrance to the office was. A woman at the second register called to me as i started to walk past her. She said that it was in the back room. I knew that i had to pick up something. I wondered where $F19 was. My father seemed to be with me in the building. I knew that someone else was waiting in the car. I thought that i should say good-bye to her. Then there was a man on my left as i approached the back wall. He said something that i did not quite understand. I watched him as he walked away from me. I knew that he was bringing me something, but i was confused as to why he was walking away. He walked over to the line of registers and then turned and walked towards me again. He spoke of the thing that i was supposed to pick up. I felt strange about leaving. I knew that i wanted to, but the change was somewhat disturbing. I followed the man into the back room of the store. It was actually a small area in the northeast corner of the building which was surrounded by a short wall. The wall was bluish grey, had square panels inset from the metal frame. I spoke to the man for a moment. Then there was a dark grey dog standing to my left as i faced north. The dog’s fur was mostly black, but it had flecks of white in it. It was a tall thin dog. I pet it, but seemed to startle the animal. It backed away, running into the short grey wall. I moved towards it, petting it on the head. I then started rubbing my fingers over its nose. It grinned and opened its mouth to play. I thought that i might be teaching it something that its owners might not want it to do. I turned and stepped away from the dog. I had to get my things and leave. I was in the kitchen area of my grandmother’s house. I had left the others in the car outside while i came back in to get something. My father was with me in the kitchen. I walked into the other room and started changing my clothing. I took off my denims and started to put on a different shirt. I then got confused, realizing that some of the clothing was dirty. I remembered that i had wanted to change into a different set of clothing, but i could not remember which set i had decided upon. I pulled the bleached denims from the chair in front of me and started to put them on. They were the pair of pants that i had been wearing before. I was going to put on the older pair, but they seemed too dirty now. I thought that i should wear the dirty pair because i was going someplace where they would be appropriate. I collected my things and started back into the kitchen. My mother then came into the building. They were getting ready to go. I walked to the far wall of the kitchen and took my jacket from the hook. I then realized that my black camera was also hanging from the hook. I took it as well. I walked out of the house and headed for the car, which was parked on the street in front of the house. I stopped outside of the passenger’s door, adjusting my jacket as i held the camera in front of me. My mother was in the back seat of the car, with my grandfather. My father was walking around to the driver’s side of the car. I told them that my grandmother would be coming with us. I then realized that she would have to fit into the back seat with my mother and grandfather. I hoped that they would all fit. It seemed as though it would be a long trip. I started to get into the car, adjusting the camera over my arm. I wondered whether my grandfather would recognize the camera. I knew that it used to be his. I wondered whether he would remember giving it to me, or whether he would get upset that i had it.

11999 February 16

I walked through the forest when i spotted a bed. It was in the middle of the woods. I thought that it was very strange. As i approached, i realized that there was someone sleeping in the bed, under the white sheets. It was $F4. He was lying on the springs of the bed. It seemed that there was no mattress. I then started to hear the music. It reminded me of an old sixties song. I tried to figure out what it was. I then realized that it was a song by the Partridge Family. I wondered why it was playing here. I looked around the bed and noticed an old yellowing cassette tape. I remembered that it had come from long ago. I woke up suddenly. I was in a fitness center. There were large men lifting weights near me. I felt strange. I spotted $F10 with the weight lifters. I felt as though i should relate to the men, but i was unsure what i was doing. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my reflection. I remembered that i had torn the lid of my right eye. I looked at it in the mirror. I was standing in front of a sink as i lifted the dangling piece of my eye lid. I thought that i had to clean the cut well so that it did not get infected. I carefully washed my skin with the water from the sink. I then heard the man speaking behind me. It was Bob Hope. He was saying something about the water, but i was not sure what. It was some kind of a joke, but i did not understand it. I was in a kitchen. I walked away from the sink when i noticed the snake on the floor. It seemed to be playing with the small kitten. I was suddenly concerned that the kitten might be hurt by the snake. The kitten did not understand what it was playing with. The snake lunged for the cat and started to attack it. I felt panicked and tried to do something.

11999 February 17

I was running from the group of people, who seemed to be part of the government. They were after me. I knew that they wanted to arrest me for war crimes, but i knew that i had not committed any. I crossed into the center of the large parking lot. It seemed dark out, but there were lights from a building illuminating the area. I could see a group of men standing to my right. They were vary tall and thin and were wearing tan trench coat. I knew that they were from the government. They had $F21 with them. I thought that they must have captured her. They must be asking her questions about where i was. The police were also in the parking lot. I was careful to avoid them. I ran into the building. The place seemed like a fancy reception room. The people inside were dressed for a formal dinner and there were tables around the room with people sitting to eat. I thought that i should be safe in the room. The people would not be able to find me in the crown. As i started through one of the double french doors at the front end of the room, i caught my right sleeve on the brass door handle. I looked down and tried to pull it free, but i could not get the material of my coat off of the door. I seemed to be in a passageway that was leading into one of the large white dining rooms. The light in the room seemed to be yellowish, as if to mimic candle light. A waiter walked toward me from the dining room. He was carrying a silver tray and was dressed in a black suit. He noticed the problem that i was having with the door and tried to help me. I managed to get my coat off of the door and walked to the center of the dining room. The police then ran into the room. I then saw the tall men in trench coats follow them through the open french door. I walked slowly through the room so that i did not seem out of place. I wondered whether the men would spot me. I looked around the room as i walked between the tables. I was looking for $F21. I wondered what happened to her. I then noticed $F30 standing in front of me. I told him about $F21, thinking that she would need to be protected. Her bodyguards were after me because they thought that i had done something to her. I told $F30 that $A56 and $A208 were after me. They were the body guards. I took off my long tan trench coat and hung it up on the wall of the room. I then told the rest of the people to continue eating. I did not want them to worry about the men searching the room.

11999 February 18

I walked through the debris of the old house. It seemed abandoned and crumbling. I could see the cross slats of wood which used to hold the plaster on the wall. The beams in the wall were visible at times as i moved through the large bedroom, which seemed like the middle bedroom in my parents’ house. I looked up and noticed that there was no roof on the house. There were tattered pieces of clear plastic hanging from the rafters and splintered beams. I could see through the roof to the sky. It seemed grey and hazy, but still bright. I walked into the large bedroom of my parents’ house. My mother was in the middle of the room. I felt concerned about the condition of the house. Something seemed wrong. I asked my mother about it. I then realized that this section of the house did have a roof. I looked up the stairs to the third floor as i walked across the hall to the large bedroom. I could see the underside of the plywood on the roof between the large cracks in the floor above me. I told my mother that we would be safe on this side of the house. It seemed that we needed to be protected from the weather. I then noticed something moving out the front of the house. I looked out the front window of the house and through the horizontal cracks in the front wall to see that there was something moving past the house. I then realized that it was the house that was moving. I felt anxious and wondered where the house was being taken.

I ran through the large empty house. I knew that there were commandos on the roof. They had come to rescue us from this place. I looked out the large window on the side of the room to see the ropes hanging from above. They were black chords and dangled loosely. I walked into the center of the large room and looked up at the ropes to see if i could see the commandos coming down the ropes. I was supposed to greet them and tell them of our troubles. I then noticed that the ropes were not attached to anything on the top end. They were simply suspended in the air. Something seemed wrong. The director then called out to stop shooting the film. The director was upset and said that there was not enough expression in the footage. He wanted to see my expression as i realized that the ropes were not attached to the roof. I felt bad for upsetting him.

11999 February 19

I sat at the large wooden table in the classroom at $P7. It was $A40’s class, and he was at the front of the room teaching. I felt out of place here. It seemed that i had not been here in a very long time. I was wondering why i had come back. People started to come into the classroom for class. I felt as though i had to get things ready, but i could not find my notebook. $F4 was sitting to my right as i looked through my things. I felt nervous and out of place. I stood up and walked into the center of the room, where there were several old-fashioned lift-top desks. I opened the lid on one of the desks and looked inside for my book. I then noticed that $A4 was starting to sit down in the chair that i had left. I warned him that i had been sitting there, but he sat down anyway. I walked back to the table and checked the drawer on the side of it. I could not find the book and started to feel worried. I looked through the various note books and text books in the drawer, unpacking things as i searched. I finally found it in the bottom of the drawer. I became interested in the other things from my drawer, though, and continued to look through it. I suddenly felt frustrated and picked up my note book and left the room. As i crossed the street, i saw $A111 walking on the side of the street. I walked over to him and handed him the book that was in my hand. It was his book, and i was returning it. There was another man standing with him, but i did not know whom he was.

11999 February 21

I was in the gymnasium where the other two people were playing on the court. I started to float around the room. There was a young man playing basketball on the northeast end of the room. I floated over toward him. The other man was trying to get something down from the ceiling. I thought that i could help, but the other man was there before i was. He pulled a basketball from the cables and beams over the net. The young man stood on the floor with a basketball in his hands. The second man took down the darkened ball and returned to the floor. I noticed that there was another smaller ball still caught in the wires above the net. I thought that i should get it down to show that i could be of use. I then thought that the ball might have been put there for a reason. I talked to the young man, asking him whether he wanted the small ball down as well. The small ball was bright orange with heavy black lines around it. It seemed more like a children’s ball than a basketball. The young man said that i should take the ball down. I floated up to it and pulled it from between the wires. I let it drop to where the people were on the court. I felt out of place all of the sudden. I realized that i was floating over the other people. I knew that the others could not fly like i could. I did not want to draw that much attention to myself. I started to drift back over the room. I kept thinking about the young man. He seemed nice, but i was hesitant to talk to him. I started to drift out into the hall, which was to the west.

I was standing on the edge of the road with my mother. My father was near us. I thought about hiking through the woods to the south of us. It seemed to be $P8. The road on which we stood seemed to be on a hill, which sloped down to the east, behind us. We stood outside of the blue car. There was something about the car. We were talking about it. It seemed as though the roads had gotten icy and we were not able to drive the car. I looked into the car and thought about the design. It was shaped more like a pickup truck, with a small forward cab and no back end. I then realized that there were no doors on the sides of the car. I told the other person about my idea for a car. It would have only one door in the back of the car through which both the driver and the passenger would enter. There was a man sitting in the driver’s seat trying to understand what i was describing as i spoke from the opening in the back end of the cab. I told him how the front seats would rotate to the inside of the car, allowing the passengers to step out the back door. I told the man that the space between the seats would have to be deeper. I motioned to the black console presently in between the seats and told the man that it would have to be removed to make room for people to walk. He seemed skeptical. I told the man that it would have to be a custom model which would not be for general sale. I watched the car pan away from me as i looked it over. I then thought that the car might not be as safe in a crash because there would be no easy way to get people out.

11999 February 22

I was in the bed in the small bedroom at the top of the stairs of my parents’ house. It was still dark out, but it seemed as though the sun were about to some up. I felt tired, but was very alert. I knew that the alarm was going to ring soon, and i did not want to get up. There was something glowing red to my right as i lay on my back on the mattress. It seemed to be the alarm clock. I knew that it would play the radio when it went off. My mother was then in the room. She sat on the left edge of the bed. She was concerned for me. She told me to go back to sleep. I told her that i was going to wait for the alarm to go off before i woke up. She then stood up and walked into the other bedroom. She was heading to the other side of the house. I got out of bed suddenly and watched her walk away. I then realized that i should get back into bed because i told her that i was not getting up yet. I froze in place for a moment, watching her step up into the hallway on the other side of the house before i turned around and ran back to my bed. I then looked back to see whether she had noticed that i had gotten out of bed. She was standing in the hallway, looking back at me curiously. I thought that she was suspicious of the noises i was making, but did not really know whether i had gotten out of bed or not. Then i heard the radio start to play. I turned it off and pulled the covers up over my shoulders.

11999 February 23

I was with the two other people in the open space. We were being chased by the bad guys. They were part of a mob. I ran around the side of the white van. We had been driving in the van, but the man were firing guns at us. I could not see the men, as they were hiding in the trees which lines the edge of the open field. The van was sitting with its back to the water at the edge of the field. The ground seemed bare, and the trees leafless, as thought it was winter. It did not seem cold outside. I hid behind the van as i watched the bullets ricochet off of the side of the van. I knew that we would have to get into the water and float down stream. It was our plan to do so. I thought that we would have to sneak into the water without letting the mobsters see us. I then noticed the other man in front of me. He was facing the van, hiding from the bullets. He then grabbed the back of the van and adjusted it, lowering the back end into the water. The back door of the van then opened. I wondered whether there was water in the van, or whether the two people remaining inside had to hold their breath. They swam out of the truck and started to float down stream, to out left. I floated after them. We had to stay under the water so as not to be seen. The current seemed pretty swift, so we did not have to swim much. I popped my head out of the water as we moved. I realized that it was dark and thought that they would not be able to see us if we stayed close to the water. The water then became very shallow. I crawled over the rocks, following the other two people. I moved my arms, pulling myself over the smooth rocks of the stream. I then realized that the stream flowed into a small channel which went into a large structure. There was a tall structure to our left, around which the stream curved. It seemed like a large water tank. I could not see the right wall of the building, but i knew that there was a dirt path on the right side of the channel. I could hear the bad guys running down the path to our right. I thought that we would have to be quiet, but i knew that the sound of the water over the rocks would mask our movement. Then one of the men with us was captured. I heard the bad guys firing guns at him. I knew that he had been killed. I swam around the curve of the channel into the darkness of the building. I looked ahead of me and saw that there was a small square window on the left side of the channel. I could see one of the men with me crawling into the hole, which was illuminated from the interior. It was our way to escape. I had to make it to the hole. I then realized that there was someone else following me. He was not with us, but he was swimming in the stream after us. I knew that he was innocent to the events going on, but he was in danger. I looked back to see that the bad guys had discovered him. He was breathing very heavily as he struggled through the water. The bad guys stepped down the dirt slope of the channel and started hitting him. I knew that he would not be killed, but i felt sorry for him. One of the bad guys stabbed him with something sharp. I did not think that the man would survive. I stayed motionless in the channel ahead of the violence. I did not want to move and let the bad guys know where i was. I sat on my back, leaning on my elbows to see what was happening behind me. I could see one of the bad guys swinging a bat at the man. It struck the man across the side of the head. I thought that he might be dead. I decided that i should try to get to the square opening, which was across a short field to my right. It was light again, but the bad guys did not notice me. They were busy with the other man. I then realized that i was on a sandy surface, and there were many other people gathered, as though on a public beach. I was anxious, and had to get off of the beach before the bad guys noticed me. I started to run into the crowd, even though i knew that they were gathered for a sport. I scrambled through the crowd when i realized that i was running across a groomed volleyball court. The players were gathered to my right, getting ready for the game. I realized that i was disturbing their court. They would be mad at me. I ran across the sand and ran into the locker room on the other side. I would be safe here. I then started to run through the showers in the center of the large open room. The floor of the room seemed to be made of dirt, but the showers hung from a metal bar in along the center. I stepped into one of the showers to clean myself off. I then ran to the next. There were other people in the shower room. I wondered what they would think of me. I then walked into the darkened shop. I knew that it was quite a while later. I was here to rendezvous with the other people with whom i had escaped. I thought that the other person did not know that the third member of our party had been killed. I wandered into the shop, being cautious not to attract too much attention. I did not want the bad guys to find us. There seemed to be a counter to the right from which people were serving food. The light seemed fluorescent. I then noticed my partner standing at the end of the room. I walked toward him when i noticed that there was another man standing to the right. He had blonde hair and was wearing a dark pee coat. I realized that he was the man who had accidentally followed us down the channel. He just happened to show up at our rendezvous. I felt as though he might give us away. I walked over to my partner and told him about the third man. We then realized that the bad guys had entered the room and had noticed us. I ran to the left side of the store, where the shelves were. I could not let them see us. My partner separated from me, but the other man with the blonde hair stayed close to me. It felt strange to be with him. We ran into the area of shelves. The wooden shelves were sectioned off from the rest of the store, and were full of televisions and electronic equipment. I then thought that the other man should not be seeing all of the merchandise, as i knew that it was stolen. I ran through the aisles of the shelves. The shelves seemed very tall, and i knew that they were surrounded by shelves, making a small section of the store with only one way out. I listened to the bad guys on the outside. Then i realized that they knew that we were in the store. They came into the area of shelving and started after us. I felt protective of the man with the blonde hair, and grabbed onto his shoulder, dragging him in front of me. I tried to head down the second aisle of shelving, but realized that one of the bad guys had cut us off. I then pulled the man to the right and tried to head down the first aisle, back to the door. A second bad guy had entered the door, however. We were trapped. I looked behind me and could see one of the bad guys approaching us from outside of the shelves. He could see through the spaces between the merchandise. There was an object wrapped in black plastic on the shelf to my left. The man on the outside stabbed a long silver knife through the plastic to try to cut us. I then thought that we could climb up the shelves. I felt desperate and knew that we did not have any other choice. I darted down the second aisle and started running up the wooden shelves. I knew that the shelves were unstable, and i thought that i could push them over. I started to push against them with my legs as i climbed. I made it to the top of the shelves when one of them tipped over. I hoped to trap the bad guys in between them. Then i was aware of a security guard in the store. I spoke out against the bad guys, saying that too much violence was allowed. I then turned to the austral officer in the blue pants and light blue shirt. He was thin, and had a rounded face. I told him that all of the lawlessness was not his fault. I knew that he was only the store security. I blamed the police for the crime in the area. I then realized that all of the shelves had fallen over and had been compacted into a few shelves. The shelf on the floor then lifted and folded into the one shelf which remained on the back wall of the store. I grabbed onto the shelf and started to tip it over. I knew that it would end the situation. There were some pieces of plywood hanging over the top of the shelves. I grabbed onto them as i pulled the shelves forward. I knew that i could hang on as the shelves fell. I then wondered how i would get down. I decided that it was not that far to jump. I noticed that the board to which i was holding on was dangling from a very thin nail in the back wall. I quickly grabbed onto the edge of the plywood that was nailed to the wall, letting the loose boards fall around me. I was cleaning up the area. I noticed that there were many push tacks in the wall. They were from the many years of hanging the tapestries over the wall. I asked the security guard whether i should pull all of the tacks from the wall while i was up there. He told me that i should. I started pulling out some of the red tacks. There was a large cluster of clear tacks above me and to the right. I realized that there would be a large number of tacks on the floor under me when i was done. I could see the man with the blonde hair and the austral guard picking up some of the boards below me.

11999 February 24

I walked down the street in the downtown section of $P6. The buildings around me were made of grey stone and tall. I had just left my parents as i came from the north side of town. I remembered driving with them down the hill through the suburban section. The sun seemed bright there and it seemed like autumn. I was heading home, though, and i had to say good-bye to my parents. My mother wanted me to stop in $P6 because she knew that i wanted to look for something in one of the stores there. I stood in the sidewalk in front of the shops. I had just said good-bye to my mother. She went home with my father. I wondered what i should do. I looked behind me at the store. It seemed to be closed. Something was confusing me. I then looked at my digital watch. It said that today was the fourteenth. I also noticed the line across the center of the watch, which ran just above the time. It showed the days of the week. There was a black bar above the mark for Sunday. I was surprised and wondered whether it really was Sunday. I had thought that it was Saturday. I looked back at the sign on the shop and read the hours. The second line of the sign said that the store would be open Monday to Sunday from nine to four. I realized that it should be open. It was still early in the morning. I wondered whether the store would be open yet. I looked across the street, which seemed like the center corridor of a mall. I walked across the corridor to the small alcove on the other side. There was a display window to the left which seemed to be mostly empty. I could see a few items in it which seemed to be related to the comic store. There was a large yellow object and some red and blue objects in the booth on the other side of the window. I thought that the person from the store had simply not set up the window for the day yet. I then turned around and noticed the man standing behind the counter on the side of the corridor. He was also from the comic store. Another man came to him from the store and walked behind the counter, which seemed to be a large grill. They were getting set up for the day. I turned and looked back across the street to my right. I could see that the door to the comic store was ajar. I wondered whether the store was open this early. The window of the door was covered with a dull yellow paper. I walked into the store. There was a diner counter along the right wall, with a few waiters behind it. The rest of the room was full of small round tables. The back end of the room was lower than the front half. The floor seemed to be covered with wood. People had come to the store for food early in the morning. A waiter then came up to me. I told her that i was just looking for someone at the moment. I knew that i was not, but wanted to look around the back of the store for a moment. I walked into the store, trying to see whether they were set up for business yet. I thought that i was thirsty and thought that i would stop at the counter on the way out to get a drink. I thought that i would like a malted chocolate shake. As i turned around to head back to the front of the store, a man sitting at one of the tables to my right stopped me and asked me who i was. He mentioned my name. I realized that he was someone from $P7, but i did not recognize him fully. I said “yes” to him, thinking that he did recognize me correctly, even though i did not remember him yet. I reached out and shook his hand. He was wearing a tan sports coat with a white shirt and a red tie as he sat on the left side of the square wooden table. He grabbed my hand and we shook, but i realized that he had given me a special handshake. I questioned him about it, but he did not seem to notice. Then i realized that he had a pin on the left breast of his jacket. It was an orange shield from $G3. I realized that he was in the same fraternity as i was and told him. I then shook his hand again, making a point of doing a special hand shake. I realized that he was $A68. I then noticed that the person sitting across the small table from me was $F26. There was a woman sitting on the right side of the table. I spoke to them for a moment as i looked over the food which was left on the table. It seemed as though they had just finished a meal. There were scraps of meat left on a large platter on the left side of the table. $A19, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table from me, then offered me some food. I told her that i had just eaten. I had a small white carton in my left hand, which was the soup that i had ordered at the counter. I then felt slightly uncomfortable and wondered whether they would ask me to sit down. The person on the right side of the table, who seemed to be $F16, pulled up a blonde wooden chair and tried to fit it in front of me, at the table. The table was down a step from where i was, and the chair would not fit easily into the space between the table and the stair. $A19 tried to pull the table towards her to allow room for the chair. I felt somewhat intrusive. I sat down and took some of the food from the plate in front of me. I ate a little of the food that they had left. I then thought that i should drink my soup as well. There were no spoons at the table, however. I reached to the left and pulled a spoon from the next table over, which was just behind $F7, who was sitting on the right side of the table from me. The spoon was cluttered together with several other pieces of silverware. The silverware seemed large, and there were two large spoons in the pile. I pulled the smaller of the two spoons from off of the white napkin. $A19, who was sitting across the table from me, then mentioned that she needed a fork. I told her that she could simply take one from the table next to us. No one would notice that it was missing. She said that the waiter would notice. I told her to just take the entire place setting. It would make it less obvious that we had taken anything from that table. She pulled over the entire napkin with all of the silverware on it. I then woke up suddenly. I realized that i had fallen asleep at the table. I looked down and saw that i was sitting in a small bed which was set into a wooden chair frame. I had been under the blue blanket and white sheets. There was a white sheet on the mattress. I suddenly felt nervous, because i did not think that i would have fallen asleep. I wondered whether everyone else at the table had fallen asleep, or whether i was the only one. I hoped that i had not been asleep for a long time. I looked at my watch and it seemed as though i had only been sleeping for a half an hour. I wondered whether everyone else had slept as well, or whether i was sleeping in front of them. I felt uncomfortable and hoped that i did not sleep in front of them for a long time. I thought that it would have been impolite. The rest of them seemed to be waking up as well, but i did not know whether they had just gotten sleeping waiting. We then stood up to leave. I had to get going. I then thought that i was still thirsty. I thought about the malted shake again. We walked out of the store and into the mall. We were walking into the large entrance atrium. The walls of the room seemed to be made of a yellowish stone. We started down the stairs towards the entrance door. I could see the bright diffuse light of the day outside. All of the sudden, we were walking in the other direction, heading down the stairs, down the corridor. We then turned to the left and walked into the doctor’s office. They had an appointment. We were sitting on the large couch on the south wall of the doctor’s office. The doctor was sitting to the north in a chair. I then realized that the doctor was a psychiatrist. I wondered whether i was intruding on the session. I thought that i should probably not be here. I stood up from the red leather couch and said that i would be leaving. $A68 hugged me good-bye. It was unexpected, but i hugged him back anyway. I then started walking back down the corridor. $A19 and $F16 were with me. I had to catch the train. We were standing in the underground tunnel through which the trains passed. There was a large silver train which ran down the main tunnel past us. It seemed like an Amtrack train. The tunnel was curved slightly to the south in both directions, as if we were on the top edge of a large circular tunnel. I then told the others that i was leaving. $A68 was walking away from me, heading down the tunnel to the east, but turned around and opened her rms. She walked towards me and hugged me good-bye. I spoke to her for a moment. As i spoke, i noticed a train coming out of a smaller tunnel in the south wall, heading toward us. As it entered the main tunnel, it turned to the west, joining the main track through the tunnel. I told her again that i had to go and turned to head down the tunnel to the west. I had to get to the place where i could pick up the train. I knew that the trains would not stop for me in the middle of the tunnel. $A68 walked with me. There was a narrow tunnel running off to the north, in the right wall of the tunnel. It curved slightly to the east. $A68 started up the tunnel as we passed it. I looked up the tunnel and could see that it ran up hill for only a few metres before it ended on the outside of the terminal. I thought that i would have to go to the outside of the terminal to catch the bus, but i knew that i had to buy my ticket first. I told $A68 that i would have to go to the next door on the right wall to get my ticket. Just past the tunnel, i walked into the door which led into the ticket office. The office was long and narrow and ended with a door to the outside on the north wall. I walked to the center of the room, in front of the ticket window which was on the west wall o of the room. There were several other people hanging around in the room. I told the large woman in the window that i needed a ticket to someplace. I pulled some money out of my wallet, thinking that the ticket should be less than ten dollars. The ticket woman then told me the ticket price. I could not hear her clearly, but it sounded as though she had said a number in the twenties. I looked through my wallet and hoped that i had enough money to pay for the ticket. I did not think that it should have been that expensive. I handed her a ten-dollar bill and pulled a five out of my wallet, thinking that i would tell the woman that i did not know the tickets were so expensive. I wanted to make it seem as though i thought that the tickets were under ten dollars so that she could tell me the price again. The five seemed to be very new, and had a slightly different design than i was used to. I started to hand the woman the five through the round hole in the glass window when i saw her handing me change. She had a few quarters in her hand. I put the five away and took the quarters.

11999 February 25

I was in the large house for the party. There were several other people gathering with me. I stood in the front hall of the building. We were dressing up in costumes to play some type of game. I knew that it was an adventure game. People were dressing up as different types of monsters and knights. We would have to make it through the house, gaining points by slaying the monsters. I thought that i should get a sword. There was a long sword with a double handle standing in front of me. It belonged to one of the knights. I thought that i should have one so that i could slay some monsters, but i knew that i would have to gain a sword by fighting the smaller monsters. I had to start at the bottom of the game and work my way up to a knight. I then noticed that there was a woman standing at the top of the stairs in front of me. She was dressed as a slime monster. I thought that i did not want to challenge her because i knew that i was only a beginner, and not strong enough to kill the monster. I turned around and started down the stairs. I wondered whether i should go to the basement level of the building. It seemed as thought the building had three levels. I knew that the basement was dangerous. I walked into the corridor of the basement. It was very dark. I thought that this was the dungeon and that there were many nasty monsters hidden here. I started to walk down the corridor to the west, knowing that the corridor made a rectangular within the building. I looked around, but noticed that there were no monsters in the basement. The floor seemed to be completely empty. I turned down the corridor to the south and walked to the back end of the building, where i then started to the east, down the back corridor. There was a small corridor which ran to the south, towards an exit door. I turned down it to see if anything was there. There was a small bed in the center of the corridor with several things scattered around it. Everything was dark. I thought that i should hide in the small corridor and jump out at someone as they passed. I went to the other side of the bed and crouched down against the east wall. I then saw someone coming down the corridor. He approached slowly, trying to see whether there was anything in the area. I had a black sheet over my body to hide myself, but he saw part of my shirt under it. He did not know who i was, and thought i was a woman that he knew. He called to me as he approached, telling me that he could see me. I then charged out of the darkness and jumped him. We spoke for a moment. I then walked up the stairs on the north side of the building and started to walk down the corridor of the second floor. It was much brighter there, and there were many people hanging around. I turned down the south side of the second floor corridor, heading to the west. It seemed as though the rooms on the second floor were being used as part of the game. I thought that it seemed like a rooms party.

11999 February 26

I was in the large room, which was the office at $G2. The room seemed very modern, and had several large grey desks in it. The desks were in two rows down the length of the room. My desk was on the western edge of the room in the row on the south, facing into the room. I stood up from the desk to do something. $A52 was sitting in a desk on the north side of the room, one row away from me. I walked up to her. I knew that she would be leaving her job to move out west. This was her last day. She seemed somewhat happy. I mentioned something about the job, and she mentioned that there was a new boss coming in. I then mentioned something about my job and she said that my job had ended. I was confused. She stood up, still smiling about her departure. I asked her about my job and she told me that i was no longer working for $G2. I then asked her who was paying me for the next day. She said that i would not be paid for the next day. I felt upset and confused. I asked her why my job had ended and she told me that the new boss had done it. She then walked around the side of the desk and past me. She told me that i would have to ask the new boss about my job. She walked up to the heavy woman in the bright white dress. The woman was smiling as she talked to several other people in business suits who were standing in the office. The woman greeted $A52 with a smile and talked to her in a warm and friendly tone. She was the new boss. $A52 then walked out of the room. He was leaving for the west. I felt slightly insecure and thought that i should speak to the new boss about my job. I walked up to her and stood beside her, waiting for her to finish with her other conversations. She then started walking around. I did not know what to do. I then noticed the two students standing near my desk. They were the student workers for $G2. I said hello to them while the woman was talking to the other people. They asked how things were going and i told them that my job had ended. They seemed surprised. I then started after the woman. She seemed to be talking to $A60. I walked into the room on the south. I thought my new boss had walked into it. I looked to the left and saw the kitchen. It was empty of people. I thought that the lunch rush was over. I then walked to the right, down the narrow stone corridor in to the back section of the kitchen. The back room seemed older than the rest of the kitchen. The air seemed humid and warm. I turned around and headed back out into the main office. I had to find my boss. I came back into the main room when i realized that my boss was no longer there. She had finished talking to everyone and had walked back into the interior of the building. I walked to the west, down the corridor on the north side of the room. I knew that there were offices down the corridor. The hall was shifted to the left a little way down. I walked to the left, down the corridor, but i could not find the office in which my boss was. I wondered where she would be. I then walked back to the place where the corridor bent and walked into a door. There was a short narrow corridor on the other side of the door. It seemed older than the rest of the building. It was a dark green, and there were doors down the right side of it. I thought that my boss’s office might be behind one of the doors, but i was not sure. I walked up to the dark grey door which was the last one of the corridor. I tested the handle and slowly opened the door. I found that it led into another corridor. There was a single door at the end of that corridor, which i was sure led into an office. I did not want to open it, however. I felt that it would be awkward to just walk into the office. I had to find out what happened to my job. I felt unsure and nervous.

11999 February 27

I was on the west side of the house in the country. We seemed to be visitors here. I ran around the front of the house, which was facing south. I started to fly. $K3 was walking towards me. She asked me a question and i answered her. She then turned into the front door of the house. The door seemed to lead to a large screened-in porch which ran from the front of the white house. The house seemed old and plain, with dull chipping white paint. I flew higher into the air. $K4 was sitting in a lawn chair in front of the house. He talked to me. I thought that he might be surprised at the way i could fly. I soared into the air. I shifted position in the air and took off skyward. I knew that changing positions was the most efficient way to fly. I then flattened out my body and started to glide on the air. There seemed to be large mountains to the south. The field in front of the house, over which i was flying, was covered with flattened, dry grass. I thought that i would turn and swoop down in front of the house. Then there seemed to be cars driving across the field towards the house. They seemed to be old cars. The one below me was a dark blue or black and was designed like a car from the early fifties. I then thought about poser lines again. I wanted to make sure that i did not run into any. I seemed to be too high up to run into any, but i worried that there might be some near the south edge of the field. I swooped down and headed towards the house. I walked into the front of the house. There were various people in the front room of the house. I seemed to be with my parents as we visited the house. Someone was talking about dinner. I wanted to help do something, but i was unsure about what was going on. I felt as though i should do something. I then noticed the two people at the table with the menu. They were looking over the food items on the menu. I wanted to do something, but i was unsure as to what i should be doing. A person, who seemed to be a female waiter, leaned over to the couple and started to explain the menu to them. It had something to do with a train ride. The descriptions on the menu were intended for a complete train ride. The waiter explained that, in the old days, the people on the long train ride from the north end of the country to the south end had to order all of their food at the beginning of the train ride. She said that most of them would select most of the items on the menu and eat them over the course of the train ride. I imagined a train which ran from the north end of England to the southern end. In the old days, it would have taken a few weeks to travel. I walked to the north, across the patio off the back end of the house. There were several green shrubs growing out of planters in the middle of the patio, which was surfaced with large slabs of grey stone. There was another small cafe table on the patio with two people sitting around it. They were looking over one of the red menus as a waiter leaned over to them. The waiter was wearing a white shirt and black pants. She explained to the couple that the drinks on the menu were expensive because they were for large quantities of the drink. The couple were asking about soda pop with their dinner, but the prices were all for seventy-two ounces. The waiter explained that the drinks were really not as expensive as they seemed. She then explained about the train as the couple at the black cast-iron table looked over the front of the menu. The menu was mostly red, with flourished vines and decorations around the sides. There was a picture of an old british general in a safari cap in the center of the designs. The train was part of the British Tea Company. I thought that the large decoration on the menu looked rather attractive. I turned around and walked back into the dining room of the house, thinking about the train ride. I thought that it might be interesting to take such a long train ride over such a large area of territory. Then i noticed the young girl setting things on the large dining room table in the center of the room. I was here with my parents. We were over for dinner at this house. I felt as though i should be doing something. I then noticed that cassette tapes in the box below me. I had been arranging them. It had something to do with traveling through the city. I remembered heading down the street, thinking about the train ride. I traveled down the suburban street, which was heading to the west, towards the center of the city. I then looked back down at the cassettes. There was a row of orange tapes on the left side of the carrying case. I noticed that they were not labeled on the end. I wrote a name on one of them. I then noticed that i did not number the tape. I remembered that i had numbered the earlier tapes and wondered why i did not label this one. I looked at the tapes on the right side of the case. They were white and had a short title on the left side of each tape. There was then a number spelled out on the right. I thought that i should do the same for the ones i was labeling, but i had already written on one. I wondered whether i could reproduce the cover labels. I looked at one. It was a dark design of a house with pink and light blue trimmings. It seemed to be a very narrow house, like the kind they have in San Francisco. I thought that i could print out another cover, but then i realized that i had done them at the house where the young girl was. I had used their xerographing machine to make the copies, and i did not want to intrude on their resources. I wondered what to do. I liked the design, but knew that i could not do it anywhere else. I looked back to the tapes on the right side of the box. They had a logo on the front of them that i thought was interesting. It was a half-toned question mark with a lowercase E on top of it.

11999 February 28

I was standing on the sidewalk on the east side of the large stone building. The building seemed like a church. I was talking to $K7 and $K5 on the sidewalk. They had to go someplace. The street to the east of us seemed to go up hill as it traveled to the north. There seemed to be an open field of grass on the east side of the road just up the hill. There were trees lining the edge of the field along the side of the road. I thought that the area to the south of us was suburban. $K7 told $K5 that they had to leave and headed towards the car, which was parked just to the south of us against the sidewalk. $K5 grudgingly followed $K7 to the car and they started to pull out of the parking place. I got into the large blue car which was along the curb near me. The car was facing north. $K7 started to drive away when she stopped her car parallel to mine. She seemed to be doing something. I then realized that she was towing the car which was parked behind me. I remembered that it belonged to $K5 and that it had gotten stuck. She started forward suddenly and the car i was in jerked to the left, moving over the curb and onto the sidewalk. $K7 had towed the second car into the side of the car that i was in. The car i was in slid into the stone wall of the large building and bounced back into the car being towed. I thought that $K7 was not paying attention to what she was doing. The car i was in, however, was my grandmothers blue Cadillac, and my grandmother would be upset that it was damaged. I knew that $K7 knew what she had done, even though she did not stop. I drove my grandmother’s car from the curb and turned it around to head down the street to the main intersection. I turned right and headed west, though the four- or five-story buildings of the small city. I thought that i would come to the highway and could get back to my grandmother’s house before $K7 and $K5 did. I knew that the street they had taken was just a back way to get to the same highway. I thought that i would probably come out in front of them. The city around me opened up, and the buildings ended as i came to the intersection of the highway. The road that i was on ended at a road which curved from the southwest to the north. I could see that it continued to curve and head back to the west just before it merged with the highway below me. There was a car coming down the road from the southeast towards me as i approached the corner. I did not stop at the intersection, but continued to make a turn to the right. I had to get onto the highway to head back to my grandmother’s house. I knew that $K7 would be coming out of a street just a little ways to the north from where i was. I thought that i would probably seem them stop at the intersection just as i was passing them on the curved part of the road. I then realized that my car was sliding on the road. I tried to slow down, but it was not turning to follow the road. It was heading across the intersection towards the guardrail on the other side. The guard rail was made up of square vertical rods which were dull yellow. I could not steer, and the car crashed through one section of the rails. The front end of the car was hanging over the edge of the road below, and the car started to tip forward. I realized that the car would fall over the edge, so i reached out the passenger’s window and grabbed onto the rails near the side of the car. I pulled the back end of the car down and got out of the car. I thought that it could have fallen over the edge very easily. I thought that i had lost control of the car because the steering had failed. I thought that i would tell my grandmother that it was from when $K7 hit the side of the car. It had to be the reason.