12000 February 01

We followed the professor down the hall of the academic building. I remembered that i had taken a class with him before, but the other person had prevented me from graduating from the class. The other person walked with us. He was talking to the woman as we walked. I felt upset that i had been forced to fail the class previously and that i had been blamed for things which i did not do. I thought that i would have to do nothing to upset the professor. As we walked into the lab room, the man and the woman walked on the opposite side of the large black lab table from me. The professor sat down at the table in front of me. The man was then on my side of the table he picked up a glass bottle from the table and unscrewed the black plastic lid. He smiled at me, trying to get me in trouble. He placed the bottle back on the table. It made a clank as it hit the edge of the blackboard on the right wall. The professor looked back at me suddenly. He asked what i was fooling around with. He was annoyed with me and seemed impatient. I was upset that i was being blamed for things i did not do. I shrugged and said that i did not know what he was talking about. He seemed unconvinced and frowned at me. I then picked up the open bottle which was against the wall to the right and screwed the top back on as the professor watched. I said that it should not have been left open. I read the paper label on the jar. It said “Tn” in pencil. I told the professor that it might have contained tin, even though no solid objects could be seen in the liquid. I said that it might be dissolved in the solution. The woman, who was sitting on the armchair on the other side of the table laughed, which caused the professor to laugh. I looked at the bottle and could see small black particles in the clear liquid. The professor then commented in a snide tone to me that there was no tin dissolved in the water. The woman started to make a remark as well. “Fuck you.”, i told her harshly. I felt upset that everyone was accusing me of things. I knew that the liquid could have been anything. There was no outward evidence that it was really water.

12000 February 02

I rolled over in the bed, which was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. I had the sheets over me. I felt strange, as though i should get be getting up. I tried to get out of bed, but did not seem to be able to do so. I shifted position. I felt as though there was something i should be ding, but i did not really feel encouraged to do it. I sat on the edge of the bed. I now seemed to be on the back porch of my grandmother’s house, between two buildings. The sky seemed to be a bright orange and the light was oddly coloured as it reflected off of the buildings. My mother walked past me. I spoke to her. There was something i was supposed to be doing. I could see a person in the room of the house to the north. there was a large rectangular opening in the wall of the building to the north of me as i sat on the railing facing south. I seemed to be fairly high off of the ground. The man behind me stood up and walked from west to east. He was $A240. I tensed my back as he passed near to sit up straight. I was sitting on the south edge of the room as he walked behind me and sat down on a bench. I should have talked to him, but i did not know what to say. I seemed to be having trouble concentrating on what was going on. Everything seemed really strange.

12000 February 05

I drove my car up the hill on the dirt road. I was familiar with this place, as though i had been here a long time ago. It was secluded. I was heading east up the road, driving through the forested area. The road was open, with low bushes and undergrowth on wither side that slowly rose to a thin forest. The leaves were light green and it seemed like summer. There was an older man walking up the hill on the right side of the road. I passed him and started to come to the crest. The road curved to the left and started up a steeper hill. I remembered that we had used to run up this hill as part of a work out in high school cross country. I thought about running from the school to this place and then back. This place seemed to be on the southeast side of $P6, but to the east-northeast of $P7. The road curved to the left again and started to level off. I knew that this was the top of the hill. The vegetation around me seemed to spread out into an open field. I looked over the small valley. It was mostly covered with tall field grass but had a thin covering of tall trees through the center of it. I came over the top of the hill and started along the east side of the valley. I was still above the level of the field. I then wondered where o could drive. There was no longer a road. I remembered that it had faded out as i rounded the top of the hill. I imagined driving my red car into the thicket at the top of the hill. I thought again about the cross-country team. As i looked out over the valley, i wondered how one could get from the south side of the valley to the north. There did not seemed to be any road which connected the two. I wondered whether there was even a trail. I thought that there had to be a trail connecting the road with the valley or runners would not be able to find their way. I noticed a paved road which ran along the north edge of the valley, right below the rounded hill. It curved around the base of the hill. A truck drove down the road. I then noticed two men standing on the road to the north of me. They seemed dangerous in some way. I stood still along the eastern slope of the valley, hoping that they did not see me. They were looking down into the valley for something. I realized that they were hunters. They were looking for deer in the valley. As i looked to the west, through the thinning trees of the valley, i could see a few deer grazing on the grass in the field. I tried t remain still as the hunters moved down the paved road and turned left into the gravel drive that ran into the valley. I remembered that the drive was part of a park. There were some other people walking down the trail. The dirt path ran from the paved road on the northwest corner of the valley along the bottom of the hill at the south edge of the valley. I wondered whether it connected with the other road that i had been on. I knew that it did not. I saw the hunters move to my right. A family of four which had been walking on the dirt trail suddenly stopped and pointed north, at the deer. The deer suddenly started running to the north. They hesitated as they reached the road. The hunters started into the center of the valley after them. I then noticed that there was movement to my left. I was standing very near the road. I tried not to move as the man walked out of the back of the large truck with something. I was in some type of enclosure, and it was dark. The light from the door to the north silhouetted the man as he brought a hand truck of boxes into the shed. I stood up and walked out of the shed to get out of the man’s way. It seemed to be cold outside. I squinted in the bright light of the grey day. I had been sleeping in the shed. I was in front of a store. I had stayed in the shed over night. I decided that i had better move on. I was traveling to someplace, but i did not have a car. I was walking to the southeast. I thought that i could have taken my car, but i wanted to walk. I felt defiant by walking. I started down the snow covered road, which was surrounded by shopping plazas. I seemed to be at the edge of a city. I headed to the east on the road. I wondered where i was heading. I was then heading south on a road, thinking that i might be lost. I looked around at the snow covered ground as i walked to the north. I tried to remember whether i had seen this place before. I should have traveled this road many times before. I turned right onto the small country road and headed east again. There was an old covered bridge ahead of me which actually seemed like a barn. The wooden beams on the inside of the structure were dark streaked with snow. I remembered this place. I was heading in the correct direction. I moved west down the road.

12000 February 06

I was in the crowded room at the east end of the theatre. We had finished a show and everyone was cleaning up their things. The room around me had piles of boxes and other supplies. I walked down the ramp from the door of the theatre into the clutter. I thought that i should look around. I wondered whether i had collected all of my things from the play. I looked through the piles on the north end of the room. I remembered that the actors had not used any of my props, but i wondered whether i had brought anything else. I decided that i should not take anything that did not belong to me. I heard the young boy talking. I turned to the south and walked through the aisle of the aircraft. I was with the group of people who were in the upper level of the aircraft. As i walked down the aisle, i noticed that the room was fairly nicely decorated. There was an orange couch along the east wall. There was a lot of room. I thought that i was part of the special group. We were from the same office, and got to share the special accommodations in the upper floor of the aircraft. It was not as crowded as the passenger sections, which were on the lower levels. I walked all the way to the south end of the room, where the width of the room narrowed. It seemed slightly darker there. There was a young boy sitting on the east side of the room, where the seats faced north, to the front of the aircraft. There was something wrong. A man then walked to the back of the airplane as i returned to the north end of the room. He started to talk to the boy. The boy was afraid of him and said that he did not want to speak with the man. I then remembered that the boy had said something before about the man. He had mentioned that the man had abused him. I looked about the north section of the room, where the room widened. There was a small section of space to the west of the room, which was flat on the south side but had curved northern and western sides. There seemed to be a silver elevator door on the southwest side of the area. The north wall was made of squares of glass. It was a large window that looked out at the front of the aircraft. As i stood in the main section of the room, i noticed that there was a woman reclined in a lawn chair in the quarter-circular area on the north side of the alcove. She seemed to be sun bathing, her button-down shirt open to expose a tighter bathing suit. She wore a wide rimmed hat to keep the sun from her eyes. I suddenly wondered whether she was outside of the room on a balcony. It did not seem likely, as there would be too much wind at the front of the aircraft. The area still seemed like a balcony, however. I asked the person standing to my left whether it was a balcony. She said that it was not. I thought again about the strong wind that would be blowing past the building as it flew. I then heard the young boy protest loudly as the man tried to lead him toward me from the rear of the seating area. The man was leading him down to one of the lower levels of the building. I remembered that the man had not been nice to the boy before. Others then started asking why the boy was complaining about the man. I knew that they would investigate what the man had done to the boy. I followed them all down to the lower level of the building. I was on the south end of the corridor, which ran in the same direction as the passenger room that i was in, but was on the bottom floor of the hotel. I could hear the man talking angrily at the people who were with him. He was trying to tell the boy what to do and did not want the others to interfere. I felt that the man would be punished for what he had done. I walked to the north end of the corridor, past the room where the people were arguing, which as on the west side of the corridor. I then realized that i could hear the conversation clearly. I realized that the speakers in the hotel were on and that the conversation was being broadcast throughout the building. I thought that i should warn the people that they could be heard. I did not want to hear them arguing. The man yelled again. I turned to the east and walked into one of the elevators. I turned around to face the door and found the control panel to the left. It had the volume control for the speakers. I turned the speakers up, so that the people in the room could hear them over the conversation. They should know that the conversation could be heard everywhere. If they knew, they could turn off the microphone.

12000 February 08

I moved down the city street to the east. It seemed dark outside, as though it were almost night. I started to glide over the pavement. I then spread my arms out and started to fly. There was a car approaching me from the other direction. I felt strange about seeing it, as though i should not let the driver see me flying. I then noticed that the driver was $F14. She looked up as my with a surprised look on her face. I remembered that she was aware that i could do many things that others could not do. I wondered whether she was aware that i could fly so easily. I thought that i should say hello to her. I tried to slow down, but had some difficulty decelerating. She watched me as i passed over the car. I then realized that she was not watching where she was traveling. She drove her old faded blue car into a red car that had been parked on the side of the road. The front end of her car crumpled. I was worried that she might be hurt. I tried to drift backwards, but i seemed to be fighting momentum. I finally slid back over the car. She backed away from the other car and turned to the north, into the entrance to a small parking garage. I flew after her. Once inside the garage, her car circled around and turned back towards the entrance. I felt concerned for her and hoped that she was all right. I landed next to the driver’s side of her car. It did not seem as badly damaged as i had thought. I was then on the passenger’s side of the car. The interior of the car seemed unkempt and cluttered with small items. I was sitting in the passenger’s seat, talking to $F14. I felt strange, but content, as though there was some special significance in our meeting. We spoke for a few minutes.

12000 February 09

I sat in the chair, facing the west. There was a woman on the south end of the sofa, and $A14 was sitting on the north side. The sofa seemed very modern, with no legs or arms. It seemed dark green. The woman was asking me about the study of biology. It seemed as though she wanted to know why i was interested in it. I felt as though i were going to be studying biology again. I thought about what had interested me in the field. The woman said that i seemed to have an interest in plants. I thought about the statement and did not think that it was truly accurate. I knew that i had studied plants, but that i did not really enjoy learning about them. She then mentioned that i also focused on another aspect of biology. I remembered studying the other section, and knew that i had been interested in it. She asked me what part of biology i would be interested in focusing on. As i thought about it, i could not think of any single field that interested me. I had simply studied different parts of biology because they were interesting at the time. I remembered that i ad also studied marine biology for a time. I then remembered that $A14 was sitting on the chair. I jokingly said “I am, of course, interested in herpetology.” as i motioned to $A14. The woman looked at $A14, a questioning look on her face. $A14 then shifted position to sit up. He explained that he was a professor in herpetology and that i had worked for him for several years. I tried to remember what i liked studying. The woman then started talking about the new facility at the college. She said that there was nothing like studying in a picturesque location. I ponder the new building at the college and thought that i really liked the old run down lecture halls of the art class. I pictured an old room with steam pipes running across the ceiling. The fluorescent lights of the room cast a greenish-yellow light, and the students sat around the rim of the room on armchairs. They were drawing. There seemed to be something comforting about the room. I then wondered whether i would feel uncomfortable in the class anyway. I remembered that i always felt agitated in lectures. I felt trapped and would usually fall asleep.

12000 February 10

I walked into the hallway of the house. It was my mother’s new house. It seemed strange to be here. It was a very nice house, and i wondered why my mother had moved. It did not seem like the correct house. I moved to the south, down the tall narrow hall. The walls of the hall were painted dull yellow, and there was darkly stained wood trim al around which was nicely polished. Some of the doorways and windows were trimmed with white. There was a set of stairs at the end of the hall. I thought that i should go up to the next floor. I knew that it would be where my new room would be when i visited. I climbed the stairs and turned around to the north. The room was long and oddly shaped. It seemed that it was already decorated, though not furnished. There was a dull, greenigh yellow carpet on the floor and the ceiling seemed to be slanted on the sides. I felt somewhat excited to be in a new place, but it seemed strange that my mother would have moved. Something was not right here, but i did not know what.

12000 February 12

I spoke to the man about the objects. They had something to do with the islands which ran along the eastern coast of the mainland. I thought that they were related to the islands in some way. I told the man that there were a few of them for each island. Then i remembered that the islands were the Florida Keys. I remembered that i had spent some time on Key West and told the man about the objects there. It seemed to be the largest of the keys. I remembered how it had a small suburban area on it and wondered whether the objects could have really come from there. I then was looking at the islands from far above. I could see them as long narrow strips of land running along the coast. I wondered whether i was looking at a map.

12000 February 13

I spoke to the others in the city area. $F10 was one of the other people to whom i spoke. The second person seemed to be female. There was something that was going to happen. The city had many low buildings. There was a light blue sky overhead. We looked to the south, down the slope of the hill towards the water. There was a tyrannosaur emerging from the water. It was very large and would attack the city. I thought that tyrannosaurs did not really grow as large as the one which was coming, but i knew that we had to take cover. I thought about running to the east to get out of the animal’s path. I knew that the rest of the crowd would be running to the north, away from the animal. I contemplated what it would be like running across the fleeing crowd. I then turned and ran to the west with $F10 and the woman. There was a building to the west which had a long open corridor running through the center of it. We ran down the center of the corridor to the center of the building. The walls of the corridor were plain and seemed to be made of smooth stucco. The hall was very tall and opened into a wider corridor. There were glass walls on the south and north of the widened area. The hall seemed to be running west-southwest. I looked out the window on the south side of the building, trying to see where the dinosaur was heading. I knew that we could watch him from here and make sure that he did not come to close to us. I wondered whether we were safe in the corridor. I could see the tyrannosaur towering over the city buildings as it headed out of sight to the north. I spoke to the others, asking whether we should move to someplace safer. There was a doorway to the north which led downstairs. We ran down the flight of stairs, which doubled back to the south and came out in a dark corridor. I told the others that this underground corridor should be safe. It ran under the one that we had come from. I looked around, thinking that we could still head for someplace safer. We started walking to the west, down the abandoned corridor. The place reminded me of the basement of an old school. The walls seemed to be pale green in the dim light. There were few lights in the corridor, and the view got darker as we moved to the west. There was a section of the hall on the south which was cordoned off by a low metal railing. I wondered whether it was another set of stairs which descended to a more secure level. As we passed, i decided that the stairs descended to the east, dropping down to the level of a door in the south wall. It was not a more secure level. We continued to the west. The corridor then seemed dingy and unfinished. The two people walked ahead of me, shining their small flashlights down the corridor. I was having trouble seeing. I knew that there should be a bomb shelter in the area someplace. We stopped at what seemed to be the end of the corridor. The walls seemed to be covered with dirt. There was another railing to the south. I walked around the west side of it and climbed down into the dark area. I was having trouble making out where i was as i did not have a flashlight. There seemed to be something nestled in the small area between the stairs and the main section of the corridor. I rounded the bottom of the stairs and looked back to the west at the small area. I tried to focus in the dark. I then made out the form of a small grill. The place was a small brick fire pit for barbecuing. It seemed dirty and full of black ash. It was not what we were looking for. We started speaking. We seemed to be in a very dark section of the old house. I could not find what i was looking for. I then turned to the east and walked across the living room of my grandfather’s old house. My mother had just moved in. I thought that it was strange that my mother had moved into the house so recently. It seemed like a very clean house. I thought that the other people might be impressed by the fancy new place. I knew that it was my grandfather’s and walked around through the living room to see what furnishing had been left. I passed into the sun room on the south end of the house. There was some electrical equipment on the floor. I recognized an old reel-to-reel tape recorder and wondered whether i could use it for anything. I looked it over as it lie on the ground. I then spotted the second reel-to-reel standing to my right. It seemed to be on top of a brown box. I walked around it, thinking that it was probably in better shape. I then walked to the north again, along the front of the house. I came to the porch. There were people sitting on the north end of the porch in benches. I sat down on one of the benches, facing north. There was an old woman sitting behind me. She made a comment about something. I looked over my left shoulder to a spot on the wooden floor boards. It had to do with what she said. I did not think that it was too serious, however, and dismissed it.

12000 February 14

I was laying on the couch which was along the east wall of the room. I felt restless and started moving around on the small bed. I wondered whether i would be disturbing any one else in the room. I wanted to do something, but did not want to make any noise that might wake others up. I reached for the lamp which was on the table to the south of the couch. I could not see anything in the room, but i knew that there were other small beds along the edges of the room with tables near them. I felt my way to the top of the lamp and turned on the switch, but nothing happened. I thought that the power might be out to that specific lamp. I then felt alert, as though something were wrong. I slipped out of bed and started walking to the south, toward the dining room of my patents’ house. I had to turn off the lights. I flipped some of the switches along the wall near the door to the dining room, but the lights did not seem to come on. Something was wrong. I tried several of the switches, but i could not get the lights to work. I wondered whether the poser was out. I realized that it could not be as i was able to turn on some of the lights. I then realized that some of the lights were on dimmer switches. I rotated the knobs on the panel near the door and then pressed them. The lights in the dining room came on. I reached around the corner from the door and turned on the lights in the kitchen. I started to feel uneasy. There was still something wrong. I became aware of the darkness outside the windows on the front of the house. I felt afraid. I backed into the back room and tried to get the rest of the lights to work. There was a yule tree in the southeast corner of the room, to the north of the entrance door. Some of the lights were on, but the rest of the string lights would not turn on. I felt cautious and thought that i had to get more of the lights working. I felt frightened and knew that something was going to happen. I quickly tried to tie up one of the strings of lights that was on the floor in front of the tree. I thought that i could tie the separate strange into a know and use it as a weapon. Something was coming from the front of the house. It walked into the front door of the house and into the dining room. I looked down at the red and white strands in my hand. They were partially looped. The black wolf then charged toward me from the dining room. I thought that i should swing the chords at its face. They would hurt the animal. The wolf looked confused as it approached me. I wondered why i would be afraid of it.

12000 February 16

I walked down the path to the north, between the two buildings. It was gloomy out and seemed like morning. The air was grey and it seemed to be drizzling. There was an older woman walking with me. The building to the west of us seemed to be a church. I knew that there was a smaller building to the southeast of it. The smaller building was some kind of cafe. The woman told me that she had started charging for coffee because there could no longer afford to give it away. I knew that she was referring to the cafe, where people came to eat breakfast. It seemed like a country place. We walked to the west, along the north end of the church, which now seemed like a country fire station. It was a large white building with wooden siding. The woman turned to walk down the path to the south, back to the small eating place. She was carrying a black strainer for a coffee filter. I was heading towards a building to the northwest. I knew that the raw coffee was stored in that building. I thought that i was heading there to get something to eat. I asked the woman whether they were charging for the tea. I felt as though i should get some hot chocolate. I then wondered whether i would have to pay for everything i ate. The woman joked about charging people for the food as she turned back to face me. She asked what they expected her to do. She said that they could not afford to give away everything. I turned to the north and walked into the living room of the house. The boy whom i knew was there. He was with his older brother. I knew that the parents were in the other room of the house, to the west. The room i was in was rectangular and stretched to the north. The floor was carpeted in a dull aqua, and the walls were plain and painted a cream green. There seemed to be no furniture in the room. I knew that the entrance door was to the south. There was a corridor on the north end which ran east-to-west, connecting to the living room, where the parents were. I had come to visit the boy. I sat in a cushioned chair facing north as he talked to his brothers. The older brother started to wrestle with him. I found them amusing. The older brother seemed like he was in his late teens, which the one i knew was still in his middle or early teens. The youngest brother just watched. He seemed to be around ten. I was interested in the fake fighting and wanted to join in. It felt inappropriate to do so, however. They tumbled in front of me. I then decided that i should just join in. I grabbed the eldest brother and wrapped my arms around his waist. He did not seem to mind and tried to escape. I dropped to the ground and help onto him, squeezing. I told him that he could give up any time he wanted. His head was down near my waist, so i wrapped my legs around it and squeezed with my thighs. I felt as though we were still playing. I was then standing, facing south. I realized that the older brother was no longer in the room. Something changed. I thought that i must have fallen asleep. I wondered what happened. I did not think that i could have been asleep for that long. $A119 stood to the south of me. I asked him what happened. Something seemed wrong. He told me that i had punched the older brother. I was confused. I did not remember doing so and told $A119 that i did not do it. $A119 said that the brother was upset and want to his room. I felt confused and concerned for the brother. I said that i did not want to hurt him. I did not understand how this could have happened. The youngest brother was still walking around in the room.

12000 February 18

I sat against the brick wall of the building, facing north up the city alley. There were two men coming down the alley. They were criminals, and i felt weary of them. I knew that they could not hurt me, though. One of them turned to the west and started playing around with a third man. They were going to fight. I felt as though it was not a serious fight. The second man came towards me. He stopped in front of me and looked down at me. I felt slightly nervous, thinking that he was trying to get me to fight him. I thought that i really should not fight. I stood up and looked up at him. I then noticed that there were two people on the roof of the tall brick building behind the man. They were watching me. I felt encouraged by their presence. They knew that i could stand against the other man and that i could fight him off. I started walking around the other man. He got ready to fight me, but i knew that it was a friendly fight. We were not going to really hurt each other, but simply tag each other. I wondered whether i should have my hands in front of me as a guard. It felt humoured, as though i were having fun.

I walked to the north, down the dirt driveway, away from the house. My relatives were gathered in the driveway. They seemed like my grandfather’s side of the family. The driveway sloped down as it traveled to the north-northeast. There was a forested hill ascending to the southwest and descending to the northeast. The vegetation all around us seemed very thick, as though it were late summer. The sky was grey, though, and it seemed as though the sun were setting. There was a blue car parked to my left as i walked down the driveway. It was in a line of cars. My relatives were getting into the cars to leave the family function. My grandfather was being helped into the back seat of one of the cars by my mother. I wanted to walk down the hill to the main road. It seemed that we were on the edge of a small town. As i looked over the tree line down the hill from me, i noticed a very tall tree sticking up from the rest. It did not seem to have many leaves on it, and its trunk was very straight. The branches on it were short and reminded me of A pine, but they were very widely spaces out along the trunk. My family started to leave in their cars, and i thought that i should leave in my car, but i wanted to walk. my home seemed like a long way away. I felt defiant by walking. I did not want to listen to my mother complain, though. I focused on the tree again. It seemed much taller, and the top was curved. It arched over head, standing out above the rest of the trees. I wanted to get a picture of the tree. I tried to focus my camera on it, but found that i could not fit all of it into the lens. I moved from side to side to try to get a better view of the tree. It seemed to be a really long branch, but it was very tall. I walked down to the bottom of the driveway and looked back up the hill at the tree. It now seemed too far away to take a picture of. I wanted to make sure that it seemed towering in the image. The i looked to the north, across the main road. There was a four way intersection. Some of my relatives drove into the intersection in their car. They waved good-bye to me as they passed. I remembered that i wanted to walk home. I felt distant and defensive. I walked across the intersection and into the area of heavy undergrowth. The thicket was over my head, but had a trail weaving through it. I ran along the trail. It seemed misty out, as if it had just rained. There was something wrong with what i was doing. I felt as though i were in a dangerous area. I was worried that someone might grab me as i walked through the thicket. I thought that i should get back to the main road. It did not feel safe here. I wandered back to the south, past the large wooden building. It seemed to be part of a lumber yard, though it was closed. I felt uneasy in this place, as though someone were watching me.

12000 February 19

My mother drove the car to the north, down the country road. We came to the main road and turned left. It seemed dark out, and i remembered driving past here before. There was a large building on the north side of the road. I remembered that it was a modern temple of a christian sect. It was called Freedom Hall. My mother asked me about the plain yellow building as we passed. It was dark out, and the yellow building was illuminated on the outside. There were people walking around the large grassy lawn around the temple. My mother backed up the car past the building, wondering what it was. We then backed down the road which ran to the north, down the east side of the building. There were several people outside. Several of them were jogging. I realized that several of these people were in good shape. I thought that they must believe that staying healthy is good. They were wearing silvery running suits which liked shorts with cross suspenders. My mother kept driving the car past them. The area around us became wooded and we rounded a corner. I looked out the back window of the car as my mother drove down the road. I asked her why she did not turn the car around. I knew that she did not want it to appear that she was watching the people. She wanted to back up far enough so that she could turn around and head back without any of them knowing that the same car had driven by twice. I turned and looked out the back window of the car again, wondering how my mother could drive so easily in reverse. I wondered where the lights on the back of the car were coming from. The road straightened out and we started to drive up a long hill. I thought that we could turn around once we reached the top because we would be out of sight of the joggers. They had been heading north on the road, but we had not seen any of them past the fields of the building’s lawn. I had thought that they would be jogging down the road, but i did not see any of them. My mother then stopped the car. I told here that we had a little way to go to reach the top of the hill. She was surprised that we were not at the top already. I turned and looked out the front of the car as we started forward. I thought that the people would not know that it was the same car when we drove by again. I watched the road in the darkness as we drove through the wooded area. I knew that the joggers would be on the side of the road approaching us. My mother then drove around a sharp corner to the right. There was no shoulder on the road. The steep hill ascended sharply from the side of the pavement. There were tall reeds growing along the base of the hill. I hoped that there was not a jogger coming around the curve. We passed no one. I drove the car down the road and back toward the building. It was daylight, and the building on the west side of the road seemed like an old stone college building. It was grey and a few stories tall. I knew that it was part of the special school. I stopped the car by the curb in front of it. There were still several people walking around. I looked to the east, across the street. I seemed to be in the center of a larger campus. There was a building on the east side of the street. I walked across the street and into the small crowd that was gathered on the lawn. The were students of the special school. I felt nervous and out of place, but i was interested to know what was going on in the building. There were people playing instruments in a small group on the lawn. There seemed to be an organized fair going on. I knew that it was part of the school. I wanted to join in with the students, but i felt that i was not part of their group. I walked into the front hall of the building. The room was plain and grey and had a raised level on the east side. I stood by the entrance door on the west wall of the building, thinking what i should do. I looked to the north, where there was an opening to another hall. There seemed to be people gathered there. The adults in the room looked at me as i passed the doorway. They seemed curious. The younger people were sitting in a circle around the room talking and doing things. I walked to the east, into the back of the entrance hall. There was another door on the east. People passed me as i wandered. I looked into the door and saw that it was a music class. More young adults were sitting in a circle with older teachers walking around them. The atmosphere seemed very friendly. I wondered what kind of music they were studying. I wanted to study music as well. I was then in the room, listening to the children play. There was a group of children sitting in chairs on the west side of the group. They were gathered closely together and were all facing the east side of the group, which contained only a few children. The east side was spaced out more and they had keyboards on stands in front of them. They were the students practicing the music. The male teacher in the light grey sweater and tan pants stood on the north side of the group and encouraged the students. He said “Improvise. Improvise. Improvise.” in an encouraging tone. The child right in front of him was playing something on the piano. The teacher placed his hand on the student’s left shoulder as the child sat. The child had a round forehead and sat slightly slouched in his chair. His head was down as he reached out to play that black keyboard. The keyboards seemed like low quality synthesizers. I could barely hear any sound coming from the group. What i could make out seemed discordant, as though the boy were simply hitting random keys. One of the female teachers to the east of me commented to another female teacher that the boy had an arpeggiator. They laughed at the joke. I looked at the boy and thought that they had given him an arpeggiator so that what he played sounded better. I wanted to join the group, but still felt very distant. Someone then spoke to me. There was a group of older men sitting on the east side of the room. I walked over to them and sat down in one of the light tan, metal folding chairs which was facing south. There were young men to the east of me who were also facing generally south. There were younger boys to the south of us who were facing us. The group seemed to have been discussing something. I felt uneasy as they joked with each other. I then noticed a black-and-white photograph hanging on the wall to the east of the younger boys. It seemed to be a large magazine which had been posted to the wall. The photograph on the front depicted two young men on either side of a younger man. They were all in water, and the younger man was floating on his back. The man on the left was holding the younger man’s head, as if ready to dunk it under water. I thought that the magazine was sexual in nature. The men were all very detailed and attractive. They were smiling. I thought that they were stimulating the younger man by forcing him to hold his breath under water. It was a sexual game. The younger man had smooth skin, but not as much muscle detail as the other two. There was text across the top of the page which was very light yellow and seemed to be sloppy. The letters were very rounded and bloated. There seemed to be very few letters in the name. I felt suddenly as though i was not part of the group of men i was with. They joked with each other, but i did not feel as though i could joke with them. Then one of the men to my left noticed that i was looking at the magazine on the wall. I noticed that the small area of the wall was covered with several magazines. They all had the same logo on the top with different black-and-white images on their covers. I was interested in the magazine and wanted to know what it was about, but i felt embarrassed to let the others know. The man who had noticed me held up one of the issues in his left hand as he faced me. He joked to the others. I knew that this group did not feel uncomfortable about such sexual practices. I thought that i had never been brought up with such openness and felt as though i wanted to join their group. I felt too old, though, as if it were too late for me to be joining them. I then noticed that there was a magazine rack behind the younger boys to the south of us. The magazine rack was filled with the same magazine. I then realized that only the right side of the magazine rack was filled with that magazine. I thought that it might be for sale here. The left side was filled with another kind of magazine. I realized that things in the room had been arranged into patterns. I looked at the wall to the east again and realized that all of the black-and-white magazines had been gathered together over the edge of the magazine rack. I looked directly to the east, over the heads of the men near me, to see that the rest of the wall was covered with a different kind of magazine. This magazine had darker photographs on the cover and was decorated with blocks of red and dark blue. The left side of the magazine rack seemed to be a light grey with streaks of yellow. I felt out of place and stood up to leave. I was out in the hall again. I started to walk towards the front door when i looked into the classroom to the east. I saw the group of people again and the teachers. I then realized that i was in the center of the gymnasium. I told the two other people who were with me that i had to go. I picked up my classical guitar, which was standing to my left, and started toward the exit door on the south end of the west wall. I passed $F7, who was one of the two men with me. I held the guitar in front of my and started to play a few chords. I wondered whether i would impress anyone with my playing. I started to play some notes, but my hands were not on the frets correctly, and it made little sound. I was disappointed. I walked outside where there were many people gathers. I felt out of place and sad. There was a small orchestra gathered in the center of the lawn. I wanted to be part of the school, but i knew that it was too late for me to do any of these things.

12000 February 20

I was with the other person as i wandered through the large rooms of the place. The building was mostly white, and there were exhibits in the room. There was something significant here, but i could not figure out what it was. The exhibits stood in the center of the rooms and took up a large amount of space. They were dark in colour, and contrasted the white of the room. There was someone speaking to me as i looked over the exhibits. I had to figure out what they meant. The person was Q. I was annoyed with him and did not want to hear what he had to say. He was simply here to torment me. I walked to the south, down the east wall of one of the rooms. There was a long, dark grey object on display in the middle of the room. I knew that it had some significance, but i did not know what. It was narrower on the end that was facing me, and there seemed to be a spike pointing down. It seemed like the bow of a boat, but i was also reminded of a whale. The exhibit seemed to be hanging. As the other person pushed against it from the west side, it started to rock from north to south, pivoting on the top edge. I felt frustrated and wanted to figure out what was going on. Q then started asking me questions again. He enjoyed the fact that i could not figure the exhibits out. I wandered around the museum, trying to avoid him. I felt frustrated. I walked past the large black statue which was like a whale again. Q pushed it as i passed so that it started rocking again, but, this time, with enough force so that the narrow end facing me started oscillating from side to side as well. I did not have an answer for him and wanted to leave.

I followed the others across the dark area of thick overgrowth as we headed to the west, towards the house. We walked into the front room of the house. It seemed late in the evening, and everything was lighted with strange coloured lights. It seemed as though someone were trying to make the house more mysterious. It seemed like Halloween. I looked around at the items ion the large entrance room of the house. There was a set of stairs which ascended along the back wall of the house, heading to the south. The main room of the house seemed to have items placed on the floor, as if they were exhibits. The others looked at them. This place seemed to be a museum of some type, where people stood on the outside f the roped-off areas and looked at the stacks of old things. Several of the stacks seemed to be trunks. There was something special about where we were. I felt as though i were part of the museum and could go into the others rooms where most people could not. I was looking for something,. The people with me seemed to be people from high school. They walked back out the front door of the house as i looked around the small room. The walls of the room seemed to be pale green, and were thinly plastered so that the cross slats were still visible under the plaster. The room was dimly lighted, and it seemed that no one knew that i was here. I thought that i should leave. I wondered what i was doing here. I walked out of the house and back across the small fenced-in yard. The chain-link fence ran along the east side of the yard, to my right as i ran away from the house. It was over three metres tall. As i started into the yard, i realized that the weeds were very tall as well. They had grown over my head, and some of them had thorns on their branches. I started to follow the others through them, but got caught in some of the barbs. They did not really hurt, but i could feel the pinching my skin. I tried to pull free, but, as soon as i removed one branch from the sleeve of my shirt, another would latch on. I was aware of people standing on the outside of the fence. They were watching me as i moved. They seemed to be humoured by the situation. they were encouraging me to climb over the fence, but i felt as though doing so would be forbidden. I started to walk through the weeds again, but felt the prickles grab onto the leg of my pants. I got frustrated, and pulled the large leaf away from my pants. It seemed like the leaf of a burdock plant. I decided the scale the fence. I turned to the fence and grabbed onto the large wooden beam that ran along the top edge of the fence. I thought that it was strange to have a beam near the fence, but i thought that it made the climb easier. I could rest on the beam rather than having to fumble over the top edge of the chain-link fence. I remembered that the others had already climbed over the fence. Something seemed out of place. I felt very anxious and though that there was something wrong with the situation. I could not focus on what, though.

I followed the other person across the small field. There was snow on the ground and bare trees lining the open areas of ground. The other person walked ahead of me across the field, leaving tracks in the snow. He had a flashlight, as it seemed to be somewhat dark out. I had no difficulty seeing where i was going, however. I then noticed that there were strange patterns in the snow. They looked like imprints left by small pine branches. They were lines with a few, short, main stems with several thin lines branching off of them. I had my camera in my hands and thought that i should take a picture of it. I knelt down near the level of the snow. There seemed to be an orange light coming from the south. There was a man walking along the south side of the field, just on the other side of the tree line. I asked the man who had been walking with me to bring the flashlight back so that i would have enough light to shoot the picture. It seemed too dark out to do it without the flashlight. The man walked through the snow toward me. He did not follow his old tracks, however, but walked directly toward me, though the intricate patterns on the snow. I shrugged and frowned as he approached me. I told him “Never Mind.” He then realized that i was looking at and asked “You wanted to take pictures of the patterns?” I nodded and stood up. He was $A241. He turned and walked back to the northeast, following the short chain-link fence across the side of the field. There seemed to be a cliff beyond the fence. I then got closer to $A241 as he stood on the edge of the cliff. He turned to look as me, smiling, as he faked terror by flailing his arms. He leaned forward and fell over the cliff. I looked down the side of the cliff and saw a small area of snow just below the top of the cliff. I knew that $A241 intended to land in the ledge. There was a raised area on the outside edge of the ledge which would have stopped him from rolling over the ledge. The raised area seemed to be a column of rock which had been separated from the top of the cliff through erosion. The ledge slanted down to the left, where it broke off and ended. I watched $A241 roll across the ledge and up to the raised rock that formed a point on the left side of the ledge. I thought that he was trying to scare me. He then lost his balance as he got to his feel and started tumbling to the left, over the edge of the ledge and down the tan wall of the cliff. There was no longer any snow on the ground. The ledge seemed covered with broken rocks. I felt suddenly anxious as i watched him roll over the edge and disappear from sight. He would be hurt by the fall. I noticed that there were two women walking along a narrow trail on the opposite side of the gorge from me. They were wearing shorts and short tee shirts, and stood in shock, their mouths gasping. I called to them and asked them whether they had a portable phone with them. I said that we needed to call emergency. There seemed to be a road to the southwest which crossed the gorge to my left. The women replied that they did not have a telephone. I ran past the person who was with me and headed towards the road. I remembered that there was a house near us. I was panicked and thought that i could either stop a car or go to the house to get help. I felt worried about $A241.

12000 February 21

$F10 and i walked up the dirt road towards my grandfather’s cottage. I spoke to $F10 has we went, describing the area to him. We rounded the corner and headed east on the dirt road. I looked to the north as we walked. There was a large bush on the side of the road which had a set of golf clubs under it. The clubs were in a dark blue golf bag. The bag was on wheels and seemed to be chained to the bush for security. A single club was lying on the ground. I thought that it was strange for someone to lock up their clubs in a public area like that. We then crossed the lawn of my grandfather’s cottage. I told $F10 that i would unlock the door. I then wondered whether the door was really locked. I remembered that the cottage was usually left unlocked. The area seemed safe enough. I walked past the front of the cottage. I thought that the front door would be locked, but i knew that i could get in from the screen porch off the back. I told $F10 to wait by the front door and i would let him in. I pulled the keys out from the right pocket of my pants as i walked across the front of the cottage. I walked into the side door of the screen porch and started across the porch. The place seemed to have been abandoned for some time. There were cobwebs all over the ceiling and the chairs seemed to be covered with dust and dry leaves. The chairs were wicker with high round backs. I looked at the screen door on the back side of the cottage, noticing that it seemed to be locked by a small hook latch that was secured through an eye hole on the wooden frame. I then noticed the window on the right side of the door. It had a square frame with a smaller frame in the middle of it. The smaller frame seemed to be broken, with its small door crooked and hanging by one of the hinges. The place seemed run-down and out-of-use. I then turned to the west to open the main door to get into the cottage. I wondered whether the door would be unlocked. I thought that it should be since people tended to leave things unlocked around here. As i grabbed for the door knob, i noticed that there was a small cluster of red spiders in a web behind the knob. I withdrew my hand, thinking that i did not really want to disturb them. The screen porch seemed full of spider webs. I walked to the east end of the porch. There was a door there which faced the east, off the back of the porch. It seemed like and old unused screen door and seemed damaged from lack of use and maintenance. I walked into the front door of the cottage with $F10. The place was dark and unused. I felt nervous as we walked around the room. I then noticed a cluster of small red spiders which had fallen from the ceiling onto the floor. They started to scurry for cover. As i watched, i thought of the spider that i had seen in my old apartment. I remembered that it had a broken leg. I then noticed that one of the spiders in the center of the room was holding one of its legs against the front of its body. The leg was tucked along the top of the other legs as the spider moved. I looked more closely as the spider hobbled around in a circle and started toward me. I realized that the leg was not really broken, but simply folded. It was not really a leg at all but a small claw. I wondered whether it was really a spider, as spiders did not have claws. I watched it as it approached me, thinking that scorpions had claws like this. I then noticed that the animal had a long tail and two distinct claws on the front of its body. It was a red scorpion. I felt suddenly frightened as it moved towards me. It moved awkwardly, but i knew that it would attack me as though i were a predator. I backed away and thought about crushing it with the white magazine that i held in my hand.

12000 February 22

The horse stood in front of me. It seemed that it was trying to tell me something. I knew that there was some significance to the horse. It was tall and thin and had a pale grey coat. Its head was to the left of mine as it stood facing me. I tried to move with it as it rocked from foot to foot, as if it were trying to dance with me. I knew that the movements were important, but i did not know why we were doing them. There was something wrong. We could not get the movements correct. We stopped and then started again. I was worried that the horse might step on my feet. As i looked down i realized that i was only wearing black socks. I could get hurt if the horse stepped on my foot. I wanted to figure out the movements, though.

I watched myself run from the house towards the edge of the road as the bus pulled between myself and the spot from which i was viewing the scene. The house was single level and seemed very modern. I remembered that i had been talking to someone, but that i did not really want to speak to him. I knew that i had to get onto the bus, but the person kept interrupting me. I spoke to the driver as i walked to a seat near the front of the bus. It seemed dark inside the bus. The driver smiled as he talked to me. I sat down and started looking through something that was in my lap.

I was in the garage where it was dark. There was a woman with me. The man stood across from us. there was something wrong. I knew that the man was really a demon. I told the woman that i would protect her. I felt as though there was no real danger involved, and it seemed as though i were watching television. I picked up something from the work bench in front of me as the man moved from the shadows to my right. I then focused on his face and torso. There was a stripe of light across his face to make the lighting dramatic. He snarled at us as though he were going to attack, his eyes glowing green. There were ridges on his face that looked like monster makeup. He then charged towards us. I felt suddenly violent. I fired the gun at him, but it did not seem to have any effect. I then hit him in the hear with the metal object that i was holding. He fell backwards to the cement floor. I jumped on top of him. I was worried that i had not knocked him out. I knew that i had to kill him so that he would not bother us. I punched him in the face and then grabbed onto the chest of his shirt. I lifted his upper body from the ground and slammed it back down. I thought that i could hit his head on the pavement and kill him. I then grabbed his head and banged it onto the cement floor. I felt enraged and scared. I slammed his head into the ground several times. On the last time, i heard a dull cracking sound. I realized that i had split his skull open. I stood up and looked down at him. I felt angry with him and thought that the body should disappear because he was a demon. I then wondered what i should do with it. I felt suddenly worried. I had to get rid of the body so that no one knew i had killed the man. I wondered whether he would bleed too much on the floor. I would have to clean it up. I grabbed the man by the chest of his blue wind breaker and started to drag him to the door of my parents’ garage. I thought that i could take him into the field out back and leave him there to rot. I then thought that it would be too noticeable. Someone might see the remains. I started to worry about what i could do with it. I thought that i could bury it, but i did not really want it to be so noticeable. I then wondered whether i could burn the body. I remembered that there was a bonfire before. I was frightened and wondered what i should do. I dragged the body back to the center of the garage, thinking that i should just leave it for someone else to deal with.

12000 February 23

I was in the large room with the other people. It seemed like a dining room in a hotel. The place was dimly lighted and the floor and table cloths were dark red. It seemed as though i were at a semi-formal event. I sat on the south wall of the room, facing north on the south side of a long rectangular table. There were other people around me as i looked over the food on the table. Someone was at the entrance door to the room, which was on the west end of the north wall, to the west-northwest of us. There was something wrong. I could not understand what it was, but some of the people would not be coming. I wondered whether there was an accident. Something seemed wrong. The others started to feel upset. The people in the room started to move towards the door. I wondered about the others who had been coming. I thought of $A231. We then moved to the north, onto the dirt road which ran along the north side of the place where we had been. Everyone was gathering onto the bus. Something felt wrong with the situation. I climbed onto the back of the bus, which seemed almost like a pickup truck. I was on the driver’s side of the bus with the woman to my right. We seemed to be sitting on a small shelf on the back side of the bus. I looked through the small windows on the back of the bus to see the other people seating themselves in the back seat. I then wondered what we would do if the bus was attached. It seemed that there might be large raptors in the dense jungle around us. I thought that we would have to crawl through the small window on the back of the bus to safety. I then decided that the windows would not be wide enough. The back of the bus was silver, with the top edge rounded as if streamlined. The windows were narrow, with one on each side of the bus. They seemed somewhat dirty and narrowed at the center of the bus. They curved down as they widened on the outside of the bus. I looked at the window on the right-hand side of the bus and imagines letting the woman go through. I looked through the small windows and realized that there were much larger windows on the sides of the bus. I wondered whether we would be able to swing around the side of the bus and climb in before the monsters could get us. I was then standing on the dirt road behind the bus. A car drove past the bus from the other direction. It seemed to be a jeep. I still felt as though something was wrong. I was not comfortable here. The bus then started to drive away. I knew that we were in the second car, but i was worried about keeping up with the bus. I did not want to loose it. I felt unsafe here. I started After the bus on foot, the woman running on my right. I then remembered the men who had driven past us. It seemed that they were following us. I could not see them clearly, but i had the sense that the jeep was circling us. I then saw the green truck pass us from the other direction. It was an old beat-up pick-up truck with a seventies design. It seemed rather large. There were two men in the truck, and there seemed to be a shotgun rack across the back window. The men seemed occidental and were wearing brown work jackets. I felt strange, as though something were dangerous near us. I the looked behind us to see that the man who had been traveling with us had been captured. A police man stood next to him, holding him by the arm. The man seemed like $A242. The area on either side of the road now seemed to be forest. The trees were thinly spaced and tall, with a green and yellow light filtering through them. They seemed artificial, as though the forest were only a few metres deep on either side. We seemed to be in a corridor. I felt relieved that the man with us had been stopped. Then i wondered why i did not care about him. I turned and continued on with the woman. We came to a corner in the long tunnel. The light in the tunnel seemed fluorescent, and the place seemed old and not heavily used. It seemed as though we were in the lower halls of a school. I wondered whether we were supposed to be here. I then felt as though we should not be along in the area. We should have stayed with the bus. I looked down the corridor to the right, but could not see the bus. I thought that we had to catch up to it, but i did not know where it had gone. We had to get back with the others to be safe. As we walked down the second corridor, i started to feel as though we were in a secure area. I wondered whether we should be here. I walked down the hall to the south with the woman. We stopped in the center of the hall. We seemed to be near a junction, where the hall was wider. The woman looked back up the hall to the north. We stood just to the south of a doorway. The door was in a wall that crossed the hall just past a cross junction. There was a desk on the opposite corner of the intersection, to the northwest. There seemed to be a woman behind the desk. I noticed that there was a wooden shelf on the east wall of the hall. It was nestled into the corner between the corridor’s wall and the small wall that had the doorway in it. There were pamphlets on the shelf which were printed in a bark blue ink on ashen yellow paper. The title of the pamphlet had a round symbol on the upper left which seemed to contain a crudely cut arrow head. I read the title of the magazine and recognized the name as a tribal name. We were in a reservation for occidentals. I told the woman that we were no longer in the United States. I smiled as i thought that we were really no longer in the jurisdiction of the United States. I looked back at the counter where the woman was to see two people moving in front of the counter. The man stood directly in front of the counter and wore a green uniform. It seemed to be a ranger’s uniform. I felt uncomfortable and thought that we really should not be here. I thought that they could arrest us for not really doing anything because the laws were different here. I thought that we would have to be careful as we continued on. I started to wonder whether there was security here. I felt uncomfortable and thought that we should get back to safety. I looked behind us as we continued to the south, past several black doors in the cement walls of the corridor. I noticed that there was a metal robot following us. It was cone-shaped, with a sphere for a head and had a plain metallic exterior. We started to run down the corridor. I thought that we had been caught by the security. We turned to the right, down one of the side corridors. The robot followed us. Then, there was a second robot. The woman turned to the right again and ran into one of the room. I thought that i would divert the robot down the main corridor. I passed a junction where a corridor branched to the left. The robot turned suddenly to the left. I thought that we could split up and confuse the robots, but the second robot was not following me. I thought that the robot which turned was trying to head me off. I knew that the hall down which i was running turned to the left and joined up with the corridor that the robot was following. I wondered whether there was a way out at the end of the corridors. I thought that i should run to the end of the corridor and then turn around, letting the robot make the full loop itself. I came to the end of the corridor, where it opened up into a larger area. There seemed to be cars and other vehicles stored in the large cement room. I turned around and started running back down the hall before the robot could round the corner.

I walked from the center of the house. I was at $P19. I had a feeling that there was something dangerous outside. I knew that it was by the window in the center of the house. I realized that it was a small dinosaur. It was some type of raptor. I felt that it would attack if it knew that i was there. I thought that i would have to run up to the third floor to hide in the south end of the house. I felt scared of it. I ran down the corridor in the south side of the building. I thought that i could see it out the window as it stood in front of the second-floor window on the north wing of the house. I ran up the stairs to the third floor and thought of hiding in the closet.

12000 February 24

I walked between the single-level buildings which seemed to be part of a high school. The drive which i was following ran to the north, towards the main road. I felt dazed but somewhat happy. I did not seem to care what was going on around me. There were people moving around me, as thought there were some type of street festival going on. I came to the tall green chain-link fence which separated the school from the main road. There was a man ahead of me who reached the fence and started to open the gate. I wondered whether i would be able to leave the gate. There seemed to be many people walking down the sidewalk outside of the fence. I had the sense that the main part of the fair was within the fence, however. I pushed open the tall chain-link gate and walked onto the side walk. I turned right and started to head to the east. I felt uncomfortable, as though someone was alerted to me and knew that i was leaving the confines of the school. I had the sense that there were two people behind me by the gate. They were watching me suspiciously. I continued walking along the sidewalk. I knew that i was not far from home. It seemed as though i were in $P76. I knew that the road to the east had an intersection with a road to the north. I could turn there and head to my parents’ house. As i watched myself walk down the sidewalk, approaching my point of view, a green car passed me and then my point of view. It seemed to be watching me. There was a large house on the north side of the road which seemed to be yellow. It was an old farm house. I felt as though i did not belong with the crowd from the school, and i had to get out of the area. I then felt as though the area were someplace foreign. I was an outsider. I tried not to act suspicious as i walked down the sidewalk. I glanced up at a small tree which was growing from the side of the building on my right. It seemed to be suspended from a metal arm from the building. I noticed that the bottom leaves of the tree were a rich blue. The top leaves were a rusty red, which i thought was more normal. I thought about the plant as having come from another planet. It seemed natural to me, but i knew that it was out of place here. As i passed under the tree i kept looking at it. I felt somewhat dazed, as though i could not think of what to do. I was aware of the green car driving past me on the street. I felt uneasy about the people watching me. I thought that i might be from another planet, but could not let the people know. I wanted them to notice that i was staring at the plant, though. I felt confused and unable to focus on what i was doing.

12000 February 25

I walked across the large restaurant. The room was open and contained few decorations. It seemed like a cafeteria, with long rectangular tables. I spoke to someone as i moved across the north end of the room. I looked south, at the passing tables. It seemed as though the people at the tables were from my high school. I recognized some of them. I then thought i spotted $A6, sitting at a table against the south wall. I wondered whether i should go to talk to him. I then noticed $A6 sitting at one of the tables in the center of the room. I felt very happy to see him. I sat on the bench across the table from his and said hello. I felt uneasy, as though i were not really well acquainted with him. It seemed strange to see him after so long. I wanted to talk to him, but did not really know what to say. He smiled and greeted me before taking a bite out of his french-bread sandwich. I started talking to him. I remembered that we had not seen each other in a very long time. He mentioned that he was working in a financial business. He then mentioned his wife and children. I was surprised to hear that he was married. I asked him about them as i looked closer at his face. He did not seem to have changed much over the years. I was comforted to speak to him again, even if he was not close friends with me. His hair was ear-length, and he was wearing a denim jacket. I felt very interested in him and continued to talk to him as he stood up. I noticed that he was not wearing anything under his denim jacket. I could see his skin and noticed that he was very detailed on his stomach. I thought that he must still keep in shape. I felt uneasy, but wanted to relate to him.

12000 February 26

I walked from the side walk across the lawn, to the north. There was a small house in front of me with a very narrow entrance way under an inverted-V-shaped roof. The house seemed to be surfaced with stone and trimmed in yellow. It was a single level house. The air smelled like Florida, and it was warm and humid out. I walked into the front door of the house. This was my grandfather’s old house. It was dark inside, and there was furniture around the room which seemed to be packed for shipment., I remembered that my grandfather no longer lived here, and that the furniture was being sold with the house. I felt as though i should take some of it. Some of it seemed sentimental to me, and i wanted to keep it. I felt uneasy, though, as though someone might have me arrested for being in the house. I wanted to take some of the furnishings out, though. I held a small mantle clock under my left arm as i headed back for the front door of the house. I thought that i could take it to my new house, which did not seem far. I then started thinking about the houses around the area. I could not remember which house was mine. It seemed that the house i was in was some strangers. I knew that my mother would want to save the stuff in it rather than let it be sold with the house, but i could not remember what i was doing with it. I felt confused as i stood by the door. I thought hat i should bring the stuff to my car. I walked around the back of my red car, which was parked by the curb in front of the house. The road in front of the house was curved, as though the house were on the outside of a small circle of homes in a community development. It was dark out, and it seemed like summer. The grass was stiff and the ground soft, as though i were in Florida.

I sat at the back of the gymnasium with the rest of the people. The event seemed to be over, though, and everyone was wandering down the bleachers. I was sitting near the top of the bleachers, on the south end of the west wall. It seemed that my parents were with me, but they were talking to a man in front of me as i stood up to leave. We seemed to be at the level of the main gymnasium floor, but it still seemed that we were in the bleachers. I turned around and headed to the southwest, towards the door which was in the wall. I wondered why no one else was leaving through the door. It seemed the quickest way to leave the building. I walked through the door and found a double door made of glass. It seemed to have vertical metal bars over it and i thought that it was a security door. I was in a very large sports stadium, and this door led into one of the back corridors. I walked through the door and let them close behind me. I then wondered whether they would be locked from this side. I tried the metal handle and found that the doors were locked. I turned and started down the cement corridor. I thought that i should head down the nearest set of stairs to get out of the building. There was a security officer near me. I wondered whether he would be upset by my wandering. I turned to the south and headed down a set of stairs. The stairs wrapped around to the north and came out at a lower level. I wondered whether this was the level to the main floor of the gymnasium. I was lost. I complained to the guard that i could not go back the way i came because the doors were locked, but i did not know how to get back to the center of the stadium.

12000 February 27

I floated on the body of water, near the shore. It was dark out, and there sere several trucks parked around me. I paddled the small kayak thought the trucks. I wondered whether they would start moving. Some of then seemed like busses, and i was worried that they might not see me when they started to move. The area seemed to be someplace abandoned for the night. There was a sharp light illuminating the surface of the water from a street light on the shore, to the west of me. I paddled around the large trucks, following $F10. He was in the other kayak. I paddled up next to $F10. It seemed that the other boats around us had been damaged from a storm. There was a small row boat just off to my left. It seemed to be a motor boat at first, but it did not have a motor. I joked with $F10 about it. There was something troubling me. I felt as though we should not be here, and i knew that we had to get to somewhere. $F10 was on the other boat. I pushed him over and watched him bob under the water. He started paddling under the water. He surfaced again next to me. I started to feel as though we might be discovered in the area. I thought that we should leave. $F10 submerged again and reappeared on the other side of me. I then noticed the small motor boat bobbing in the water with its nose in the air. Something was wrong, but i did not know what.

I walked across the dining room of my grandmother’s house. I could hear my relatives yelling at each other up stairs. They were very mad at each other and were arguing about something. I could hear $K7 yelling about something. $K18 then yelled back. I felt uncomfortable having them arguing. I felt strange as i walked across the room. There was something special about what i could do. I looked at what i had written on the west wall of the room. It was a complex physics equation. I knew that it was important. I knew that i had a good grasp of spacial bending. I thought that the equation represented a theoretical warp in space. I started away from the north end of the room, wondering how i could use the equation. I knew that it would not be complete. I then remembered that the other person was very good with energy equations in physics. I thought about what he had done and realized that his energy formulae could be used to create a warp. If the ideas were combined, a single model for field augmentation could be created.

12000 February 29

I walked to the west, across the downtown section of the city. The area seemed like $P35. I approached the main block, which seemed like la large shopping area. I walked to the south of it. It was late at night, and i was wandering somewhere. There seemed to be a group of people gathered outside one of the buildings to the west. I thought that it was a bar. There were red and white lights shining through the front window of the place. Some of the people outside seemed like they had come from a dance club. I walked to the south of them in the long corridor of the mall. It seemed that all of the stores were closed. The walls of the corridor were plain black, and there seemed to be a record store to the north of me. I walked past the crowd of people who were hanging out in front of the bar on the north side of the hall. It seemed to be the only place open at the moment. I thought that it must be one of the mall bars. I walked up the step and found myself in the top corridor of the building. There was a young man standing in front of me. He seemed hispanic, with short curly hair and a dark complexion. He seemed very young. He was wearing a white button-up sweater with red lines along the collar and buttons. The man was then lying on the floor to the right of me. I bent over him and kissed him on the lips. I felt strange, and wondered why i would be kissing him. It seemed that i was not really interested in him, but that i simply wanted the experience. I rubbed my right hand across his back as we kissed. Then i stood up. I felt strange. I wondered why i had kissed the man. I thought that i did not really even know him, and wondered whether he was safe to be with. I thought that he might have some disease from being so sexually active with many other people. I wiped my mouth off as i walked to the west. I came to the west side of the shopping area and started to wander. I wondered where i should go. I kept trying to remember what i was doing. I did not feel comfortable here. I walked around the central section of the town.

I drove my car to the south, thinking that i had to get away from something. I was heading to the desert in the southwestern United States. There was snow all around, and it seemed somewhat dark out. I felt as though i had to get to somewhere safe. I drove carefully, as the road seemed slippery. I wondered where i was. There seemed to be forest around me, though it was separated from the road by a wide snow-covered shoulder. I thought that i might be in Alaska. I felt lost and wondered whether there was any civilization near me. I had to get to a place that i could live. I then noticed the snowmobiles on the right side of the road. I watched the truck i was driving pull in front of me as i watched the snow mobiles move through the trees on the southwest side of the road. The dark coloured truck came to a stop and i looked at the snowmobiles through the passenger’s window. There seemed to be a pond just off of the road. It was oval-shaped and slanted to the northwest from the road, which now ran to the south. The ground all around it seemed to be trimmed, with several bushes here and there. I thought that it was the town park. I remembered this area from before. I remembered that the town was to the east on the south side of the road. I felt relaxed that i had found civilization again. I walked around the west side of the lake, hoping to get to the center of the small town. I wanted to get to someplace where i felt comfortable. I walked down the snow-covered road. There seemed to be high mounds of snow on either side of the road. It seemed as though there was an old farm house to the west which had worn wood siding. The road seemed to make a square to the east of the house, which was facing away from me. There was someone else walking near me. I felt somewhat safe, but thought that i still had to do something. I started to roll up the paper towels which had come apart. I was on the southwest corner of the square road, trying to roll the thick blue towel back onto the roll. I thought that i must have dropped the roll on the ground when i had driven here. It had something to do with my life in the other place. I wanted to get it rolled up before i went into the house to talk to the others. There seemed to be a man helping me roll the towel. I felt agitated and upset. There was still something wrong. I wanted to feel safe here, but i felt as though the people who knew me from before would find me. I looked at the long spool of thread in my hand as i rolled the last piece of blue thread onto it. The other person helped me by rolling up one of the other spools. He was sitting on the ground with his legs apart, facing me. He seemed to be wearing dark blue snow pants and a heavy winter parka. I felt uncomfortable and started to tell the man why i was trying to get away from the other place. I told him that people were hunting me because i had killed someone. I felt upset and worried. I had to find a place to hide.