12001 February 01

I walked back into the hotel room, as i had done several times before over the past few days. I was staying with my grandfather. I had just come back from working somewhere. I remembered doing this before. I walked to the north, along the east side of the room. The entry door was on the south wall, to the east of the bathroom of the room. There were two large beds on the west wall and a few dressers on the east wall. I looked at the clothing which was lying on the southern bed. It was my grandfather’s clothing. I thought that the hotel staff must have come in to straighten the room. I remembered that they were taking care of my grandfather because he was unable to take care of himself. I thought that my grandfather must still be in the shower, which was down the hall to the east, on the south wall. I wondered whether he was able to find his way back to the room. I knew that he could not remember things for too long. I looked over the white stack of folded clothing on my grandfather’s bed as i walked between the two beds. The spreads of the beds were plain, dull blue, and seemed slightly unclean. I was on the north side of my bed, looking at the small leather bag of toiletries that i had brought with me. I thought that room service must have placed them out for me. I thought that i should place them somewhere where my grandfather would not notice them. I knew that he would get confused and think that they were his. I turned to the east and looked at the dark wooden dresser along the east wall. I moved my bag to the north side of the television, where my grandfather would not easily see it. Then i heard a woman’s voice from out in the hall. I thought that it was room service. She said something about room 215. I knew that she was talking about my room. I wondered whether she had heard me in the room and thought that i was an intruder. I turned to get more of my things from the bed. I suddenly felt full and remembered that i had just come from a large lunch. I had been at the conference with the other people while my grandfather was at his class. My mother was then in the room to the west of me. She had come to arrange things. I turned to the east and slowed my car as i approached the entrance to my parents’ driveway. There was a large field between their house and the neighbours’ house. I wondered whether there was anyone living in the neighbours’ house. I then noticed that there was a blue car parked half-way between the two houses. It was on the north side of the road, facing to the north. I wondered whether it had been following me. I turned into the drive way, looking at the patch of tall grass which had grown in the center of the field to the east. I thought that my father had not cut that area of lawn for a while. The patch seemed to form a triangle on the ground, with the bottom along the road. The car happened to be parked in the center of the south side. I looked up the driveway to see that it was dirt, and that there were no other cars parked in it. The parking area to the east of the house was open, and i thought that i could simply turn my car around in it so that i could easily pack my things. I looked over the tan interior of my car and thought that i could get the passenger’s door near the door of the house so that it would be easy to load things. I stepped out of the passenger’s side of the car and looked across the interior of the car from the back of the car. I could see that the arm rest by the driver’s seat was pulled up. I thought that i should put it down before i started loading. I then walked to the west, into the house. My mother approached me from the west. I wondered what she was doing here. It seemed strange that she would be home at this time. I then realized that she was making lunch. I felt full, and remembered that i had just eaten. I opened the refrigerator and looked inside, remembering that i had pizza here. I thought that i did not need to eat it because i was full.

12001 February 06

I headed across the parking lot, to the southwest. The school was behind me. I was on my bicycle as i passed the people who were walking across the paved lot. It seemed cold out, and i was aware that it was winter. It was warm for a winter day, though, and i did not have a large jacket on. I thought that it was odd for me to ride my bicycle to work. I knew that i would not be able to ride it home because it would be too dark. I looked ahead of me to see the grey clouds on the horizon. I wondered whether it would start snowing before i came home. I thought that i would have to put my bicycle on the bus in order to get it home. I came to the edge of the road which ran to the south. I thought that i could simply let my bicycle glide over the curb. It felt strange for me to ride the bike. I thought that i might have been out of shape, since it had been a long time since i had ridden my bicycle. I turned to the left, and started to follow the road into the small suburban area. This place was familiar. As i rounded the corner in the road, turning to the west, i was aware of a man jogging slowly at the edge of the road. I was on the sidewalk which was below the road, down a short steep slope of thick green grass. I felt out of shape as i tried to jog on. As i passed the man, i tried to maintain a good pace, but felt exhausted. A woman in a pink pair of shorts then rounded the corner above me, coming up to the man from behind. I thought that i should be able to run like they were, but i felt as though i was having great difficulty moving. The tall green grass brushed against my thighs, slowing me down. I was expending a lot of effort, but not really moving that fast. I tried to press on. I started thinking of the area around me. The land seemed wooded. The road sloped down slightly as it headed to the west. I remembered that there was a building on the south side of the road. I had been there a few times before with $F34. She then said that the building had moved. I said that i remembered being in it as we drove to the west down the road. I looked at the tall trees on the south side of the road to see freshly cleared dirt. As we approached the clearing, i realized that the cabin was no longer near the road. It had been moved back into the woods. They must have moved it to make it look more scenic. I remembered that the cabin was the main cabin to the camp site. $F34 said that they had redesigned the entire area. I looked to the south as we drove, noticing a large section of roods which had been cut out. The area formed a large rectangle near the road. There were many men standing around at the edges of the area. They were not wearing shirts, and i realized that they were the construction crew. I told $F34 that the area was beautiful, then wondered whether she might think that i was referring to the men. As we drove on i looked over the small sections of forest that had been cut out. The trees got shorter just past the main camp site, and the ground no longer seemed dark and covered with rich soil. I noticed a row of tightly packed palm trees with tan bark along the back of one of the square sites. There were a few men standing shirtless in the side. The ground seemed sandy and covered with short scraggly grass. I realized that there were many such squares all through the woods. I asked whether they had partitioned up the squares as camp sites. $F34 said that they had. I told her that this place would make a great camp site as we followed the road around a corner which turned us to the northeast. I noticed that tall metal towers which were just beyond the camp site. They were high-voltage towers which carried power lines. They seemed thick, with a sturdy iron frame. I realized that they ran along the hill to the north of us, curving along the ridge with the road. The camp sites were under the power lines. As we turned around, i looked to the east to see that one of the old rusty towers was flanked by two newer, thinner towers. The new towers were silver, but still had many crossed girders in its supports. We started to head back down the road toward the camp sites. I looked at the monstrous towers. $F34 said something about them, and i told her that they would be a health hazard to the campers. They ruined the camp sites.

12001 February 08

I had been traveling on the long road with some of the other people. I stopped at the top of the hill and turned around to face north, the direction from which we had come. I could see down the steep hill toward the ocean. The road was dirt, and traveled down a shelf, which ran along the east side of a cliff. The cliff was brown and made of porous weather-smoothed rock. The others with me continued traveling to the south on the dry road. The road turned to the west not to far away. The land around me was dry, but covered with stiff grass. I walked back down the hill toward the ocean. I did not want to leave this place with the others. I looked to the east as i started down the road which descended along the side of the cliff. There were a few fishermen standing at the top of the rocky cliff. Just as i spotted them, one of the fishermen jumped from the cliff. I knew that the ocean rolled at the bottom of the cliff but could not see it because a spur from the cliff blocked my view. I listened for the splash as the people disappeared from my view. I waited for a moment, but could hear no splash. For a moment, i wondered whether the distance had caused a very long time delay in the sound. I decided that i should have heard the splash by now. I wondered whether the men had landed on the rocks. I started to feel concerned and started down the road to the bottom of the cliff. There was someone walking with me. He was $A296. He was wearing a pair of denim pants and a tight-fitting tee shirt. He seemed young. He asked my if i was “gay”. I was surprised by the question. Then i wondered whether he was asking because he was interested in me. I did not know how to answer him. I talked to him, avoiding the question as i walked across the small tan room. The walls of the room were lines with couches, which had all been opened up into beds. I felt uncomfortable and wondered what $A296 wanted. I then noticed a thin grandfather clock standing in the southeast corner of the room. It was made of fine dark wood and had a very narrow body. The head was carved with victorian peaks and had different tones of wood inlayed in patterns on the front. The clock seemed familiar.

12001 February 09

I woke up in the center of the dark room. This seemed to be the house of $F10’s parents. I had been staying here for some reason. I felt strange. There was a single cot in the center of the room on which i had been sleeping. It was dark in the room, even though it seemed to be morning. Other people were now in the room. I felt out of place here, and thought that i had somewhere to go.

12001 February 10

I ran close to the north side of the cement wall at the base of the building. The wall was made of cinder blocks and was the foundation of the large one-level building. The ground around the building rose to meet the top of the wall on the west side, but was about three metres below the top of the wall on the east side. The two metres of ground between the top of the wall and the building was cement, as though the wall contained the entire foundation of the building. The building seemed very spread out. It was also made of cinder blocks, but was painted blue and white. I thought that it was part of a college. There was a metal railing along the top of the wall. A man stood on the north side of the building, just under the overhang of the roof. He was trying to shoot at me, but i was stranding on the ground below the wall, out of his range. I tried to climb up over the wall by grabbing onto the lower railing, but the man started shooting at me. I quickly dropped back to the ground and ducked. I started to run to the east, realizing that the man could see the top of my head. I quickly ducked and changed direction. I wondered whether he would be tricked. I ran up the slope of the hill, crouching down until i could no longer hide below the wall. I quickly rolled over and sat on the ground, facing the east to see where the man was. I imagined that he was standing over the edge of the railing where i could easily hit him with my bullets. I then ducked and ran back to the east along the wall. I thought that i had to stay out of his sight. I decided that i should run around to the east side of the building. I ran down the side of the building, noticing that there was tall grass below me. I thought that the tall grass would make a noise as i ran through it. I thought that i should move away from the building a little so that i was running on the dry dirt. As i reached the northeast corner of the building, i realized that the dirt was far from the corner of the building. I did not want the man on the platform to hear me running, but i wondered whether he would be able to see me if i rounded the corner on the dirt. I quickly ran past the edge of the building, trying to stay as quiet as possible so that the man could not hear me. I suddenly realized that i was quite a distance from the building. I looked back at the building. It was several hundred metres from me. There was a large field of cut grass between me and the east side of the wall. I started to round the eastern edge of the field, just outside the line of grass. I noticed that i had passed a car which was sitting on the northern edge of the field. The dark-blue car was facing south-southwest, just in the grass of the field. I looked through the window to see if any one was in the car. I could not easily tell. I then focused my attention toward the building in the distance as i ran to the south along the eastern edge of the field. I tried to see if i could spot the man on the terrace around the building. I could clearly see the yellow and white building, but i could not see the man. I realized that he should be able to see me. I wondered whether i could sneak back to the building and come up behind him without being seen. It seemed that i was very exposed. I was then back on the eastern side of the building. I ran down the corridor between the eastern wall of the building and the tall object. I stopped near a vending machine. I was now in the center of the building. I wondered whether the man would be after me. I looked at the vending machine on the east side of the corridor. I could see the outside sky to the north of me. It was dark behind me, in the center of the building. The corridor was wide and seemed like part of a cafeteria. There was someone near me as i looked at one of the large dark vending machines on the south wall. There seemed to be something wrong with the machine, which was plain black on the front. I thought that the refrigerator was stuck, and pulled one of the large screws out of the front of the door. There was a dull-silver horizontal bar across the center of the door. I looked at it after i had removed one of the screws. A large an in blue jeans and a pale blue tee shirt walked down the slope of the cement floor from the north. He was over-weight and waddled slightly as he moved. I was trying to put the two bolts back into the door. The bolts had large round heads with grooved along the edges. I looked down at the second bolt, which was on the ground in front of the approaching man, as i tried to get the first one in place. I then bent over the pick up the second. The man passed me, heading into the center of the locker room. I thought that the bolts had not been placed back in the correct place. I looked at the first bolt, which was just over my eye level on the side of the east wall. I tried to screw the second bolt into the cement wall just to the right of the first, but realized that something was not right. The head of the first bold had unscrewed. I had accidentally placed the head of the first bolt in the second hole while leaving the shaft of the first bolt in the hole on the left. I pulled the head out of the hole on the right and looked at the shaft. It was crumbling. I thought that the metal must have corroded. I could see a tan center to the bolt and thought that i might have damaged the bolts beyond use. I placed the second bolt in the right hole and screwed it in anyway.

I walked to the east, down the dirt road. There was a couple walking to the left of me. They were older, and the woman was wearing a long black coat. She said something to me as i passed. I replied politely. I suddenly felt as though i should talk to them as i walked. A child ran past us on the trail and down the road. It seemed sunny out, thought the air was a little cool. The ground around us was brown, with small sprigs of green growth here and there. We came to an intersection of the trail. The dirt road crossed the trail. Beyond the road, the trail ran up a steep hill between a thicket of leafless shrubs. I knew that i was intending to turn to the south, but i did not want to continue walking with the woman. I wanted to continue on and leave them. I felt uncomfortable leaving them, however. As we reached the intersection, the couple started to turn to the south. I thought that i should continue to the east so that i would be able to separate from them. I knew that i could simply turn to the south later and come out ahead of them at some point. I headed up the steep gravel path of the hill and came to the top of the hill. I passed between the two buildings and come to the crest of the hill. I looked at the land behind the house. I could see the green grass of the steep slope as it dropped away from me. The grassy hill was almost like a cliff. I was facing south, looking over the edge of the hill. The land beyond seemed wet and spotted with thick bushes. I wondered whether i would be able to get down. I started to walk to the west, looking for a trail through the forest. I remembered that there had been one here before. I was familiar with this place. I noticed that the crest of the hill sloped down to the left as it entered a forested area. The trees were deciduous and seemed to be covered with late summer leaves. I stopped at the edge of the forest. Something seemed wrong. I knew that i was trespassing on someone’s land. I wondered whether they would be mad about me running through their woods. Someone ran out of the woods toward me and headed up the gravel trail toward the house. I turned to the south, realizing that i was again standing in front of the old farm house. The house was white, and seemed worn, even though there was a new coat of paint on the outside. The other person with me walked to the door on the west end of the north wall of the house and opened the screen door. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that we should not be entering the house. I was then inside of the house with a few other people. It seemed strange to be here. I knew that the house was open, but i knew that we were not the owners of the house. I felt uncomfortable here and thought that we should leave. I looked around, confused. The space inside the house seemed empty. The room seemed like a garage, with various farm and automobile tools hanging from the walls. There was a balcony where the second floor would be above us. The floor seemed to be dug into the dirt of the ground. The others with me were looking over several of the items in the room. I still felt uncomfortable here. The east wall of the room was only one story tall, and seemed to separate the large room that i was in from the next one. The doorway in the wall was at ground level, higher than the floor of the room. There was a wooden ramp which extended from east to west across the room, suspended in the middle by a cement pillar. A man then walked into the room from the west. He was one of the men who was with me. He was rolling an old car tire over the boards from one room to another. I thought that he was fooling around. I felt that we should not be playing with the things in here. The man rolled the tire all the way to the east side of the room. As he reached the doorway on the east side, he stopped prodding the tire with the palm of his hand and let it roll into the other room. He then ran back to the west to get another tire. A second tire came over the board quickly, but the man was not as good at balancing it this time. The tire rolled to the south and slipped off of the board. The man caught it and tried to get it back onto the board. I felt uncomfortable and thought that owners might be mad at us for fooling playing with their things.

12001 February 12

I looked at the letter that was in my hands. It seemed to be a bill of some kind, but it was not from any company that i was familiar with. I thought that i must have been sent someone else’s mail. I knew that it happened many times before. I remembered that a few of the other letters, which had been sent to me, were addressed to someone else. I turned the envelope back over and read the address on the front of the envelope. It was addressed to me at my correct address. I felt confused. I did not know why i had been sent the letter.

I walked to the southwest along the cement path. It was dark out, but i could see the land around me very clearly. There was a gorge to the south of me. It seemed like i was approaching the dam on $P97. The night was very clear, but i thought that it might actually be cold out. I looked to my left, out over the water of the lake. Everything seemed very bright, as though there were a full moon. I thought that i had to get to someplace, but i did not feel encouraged get there. I looked to the south to see if i could spot the place where the path crossed the waterfalls above the dam. There was a bridge in the area. I looked down to the southeast to see the gorge where the water flowed out of the lake. The cliffs seemed rough and made of igneous rock. I turned to the west and walked around the corner of the large stone building as i looked over the edge of the cliff at the stones of the gorge. I walked to the north, under the large entrance arch of the building. This was one of the college buildings. I felt as though i had not been to this place in a very long time. It seemed early in the morning, and i thought that i really should be heading to my office. I came into the entrance hall of the building. The interior of the building was made of wood. The walls were finely polished and had an aged look to them. I looked to the east in the room. There seemed to be a central column in the middle of the room. It was part of a kiosk. The vertical slats of polished pine covered the top and bottom of the counter, leaving the middle section open. It seemed to be some type of service counter, but it was closed at the moment. The central area was dark, and there seemed to be a metal cage over the opening. A woman stood on the north side of the kiosk, reading something on the counter. I looked around, thinking that there was a student cafeteria to the east. I thought that they were serving eggs and pancakes for breakfast. I felt hungry, and thought that i should get some food here, but then i remembered that i was no longer a student. I felt nostalgic. I had not eaten breakfast here in a very long time. I thought that i should buy a meal. I looked at the students sitting on some of the wooden tables on the north side of the cafeteria, then to the counters along the south wall. It seemed that there were a few signs over the counters on the south wall with the menu on them. I felt out of place here. I then turned back to the west, noticing a few students around a billiards table. This place was the student union. I knew that it was an old building, unlike the fancy student unions in most modern colleges. It did not seem to have the nice design, but i thought that the wooden walls and low ceiling made the place seem cozier. The light in the room was warm as well. I decided that i should not stay here and turned to leave. As i started to walked back through the stone archway on the outside of the building, i realized that me feet were cold. I could feel the stone slab under me, in the center of the arch. As i looked down to see that i was not wearing any shoes, a man walked up to me from outside and stopped just to the west of me. I seemed to know him and mentioned to him that i was not wearing any shoes. I wondered how i had walked the distance to this place without hurting my feet. I thought that the ground must have been very cold. The man walked past and into the building. I looked to the north. I was not standing in an archway on the north side of the building. I could see the open expanse of the campus to the north of me stretching out in the darkness. The buildings seemed lighted by bright street lamps. I started walking to the northeast, along the paved path. I could feel the cold ground under my feet, but it did not feel uncomfortable. I enjoyed the feeling. I looked down at my dirty white socks and thought about the feeling. I felt special in some way because i could walk around campus in the winter and not have it bother my feet. I looked at my bare feet again as i walked over the black gravel of the path. I felt amused.

12001 February 14

I move swiftly down the steep hill in the suburban area, heading to the west. I was on the sidewalk on the north side of the road. There seemed to be a small one-story house with light-green siding to the north of me. The small yard around the house was enclosed by a short chain-link fence. Just past the house, the lawn opened up to the north. There was a large brick building on the corner ahead of me. It was a school. The large grassy lawn of the school started up the hill to the east, ending at the fences of neighbourhood yards. I felt as though i was trying to get somewhere in a hurry. I turned to the northwest and cut across the yard of the school, but i noticed that there was a large fenced in area where the tennis courts were. I tried to think of where i was going. It seemed that i had to get there in time. I ran back to the south, trying to get around the tennis courts and onto the large paved parking lot that ran along the east side of the school. As i reached the school building, i wondered why i had parked so far from where i was going. I knew that i would have to get my car in a hurry when i had to leave. I did not think that i would want to walk back to my car at the later time. I turned around and started back toward the street which ran up hill. Suddenly, i found myself trapped inside the fences. I had forgotten that they do not have an exit on the back. I felt frustrated and anxious. I still had to hurry. I had to get back here before something started. I ran around the fences to the south and made it back to the road. I glided up the sidewalk on the north side of the street. I was on a bicycle, but i was not pedaling. I realized that i had been moving so fast that i was easily able to make it up the hill with little effort. I leaned back and relaxed in the chair, placing my feet on the handlebars. As i sped up the hill, i noticed two people getting out of a car that was parked on the near side of the street. I realized that the driver was $A53. He was already out of the car, even though the car was still backing carefully into the parking space. I said hello to them as i coasted past on my bicycle. I wanted to talk to $A53 again. It seemed as though it had been a long time since i had seen him. I also felt that gliding up the hill on my bicycle might make a good impression. It was not an easy thing to do, and i thought $A53 might be impressed. I then wondered whether i had enough momentum to make it all the way to the top of the hill. I leaned forward and started to pedal a little, but it did not take much effort to keep moving. I turned to the north just as i made it to the top of the hill, heading down a small suburban street. The street seemed to head into a neighbourhood; it was not a well-traveled street. I stopped on the west side of the road and walked over to the bicycle that was chained to a street sign. I grabbed the lock and tried to open it. I could not remember how the key fit into the lock. I was then aware that the others had walked up the hill behind me. I explained to them that i had left my other bicycle here from before. I wanted to get both of them back down to where i needed to be. As i tried to figure out the locks on the chain, i started to wonder how i could get both bicycles down to the school. Something seemed wrong with my logic. I thought that i might have driven a car here. I could not figure out how i had wanted to get both of the bicycles home.

12001 February 15

I sat up in the bed, which was on the south wall of the room. The room was warm, and the light was dim, as though it was morning and the shades were drawn. $F7 was standing on the small shelf where my bed was. He was talking to someone on the floor. This place did not seem to be my house. I felt as though i was staying with friends. $F4 was standing on the edge of the shelf, just to my left. $F7 and $F4 were pushing each other in play. It seemed that they were pretending to argue about something. I looked down to the floor to my left, which seemed to be quite a way down. There was a man standing in the center of the room. He was watching us. There were several other young boys sleeping on the floor near him. I then realized that $F7 was getting angry with $F4. I wondered why. I knew that they were not arguing, but their play seemed to be getting more serious. The man in the center of the room then spoke sternly, telling them to stop what they were doing and get down from the platform. I looked back at $F7, who was still pushing $F4 back against the wall to my right. He had his back to the east end of the platform, where the ladder descended from the bottom edge of the bed. It seemed strange that $F7 would be mad. The man yelled at them again, and $F7 reluctantly climbed down from the loft bed. I looked over the edge of the bed and down the stairs as $F4 stepped off of the ladder and onto the floor.

12001 February 16

I was lying on the large bed in the small white room at $P19. The light woven blankets were pulled over my head. I started to float above the bed. I knew that i was able to fly, but i could not let others know about my ability. I felt annoyed that i had to hide my abilities. I started to drift out of the large window on the west wall of the room. I soon found myself floating over the gravel parking lot at the back of the house. I kept the blankets and covers draped over my head so that it might appear that i was still asleep. I was then aware of a few people around me. I tried not to make any distinct movements. I did not want them to know who i was under all of the covers. I could see some of their feet below me as they walked cautiously around me, trying to figure out how i was floating over the parking lot. I had to pretend that i was asleep and unaware that i was floating. I then heard $A123’s voice. He was one of the people around me. I started to drift away. I floated around the south side of the house and came into the front yard. I thought that i had to sneak back into the house without anyone spotting me. I was then in the small bedroom again. I laid down on the bed and pulled the covers off of me. $A36 came into the room and said hello to me. I thought that he might have been one of the people who were standing around me in the parking lot. I told him that i had just had a strange dream about floating. I tried to act as though i was not aware that i was really floating over the parking lot. $A36 seemed astonished with my description. He told me that it was not a dream. I pretended that i did not believe him at first. He said that i really was floating out over the parking lot. I felt really tired. I thought that i should go back to sleep, but i knew that i had to clean up the room before the others came. $F15 sat in front of the desk on the north wall of the room. He spoke to me as i laid back down on the bed.

12001 February 17

I walked down the wide street, heading to the north. I seemed to be in the middle of a modern city, where all of the buildings were only a few stories tall. The land around me seemed flat, though i could not seem much over the short buildings. The sky was deep blue, and it seemed sunny, but not that warm. The other people walked with me. I was looking for some people. I walked down the corridor to the north until i came into the large lecture room. I felt as though something were wrong. This place was in danger. I knew that the tidal wave was coming, and i had to warn the other people. I wondered how i would tell them. I knew that i had seen this event before, but i could not tell them that i had. It would seem too unbelievable. I knew that everyone would have to evacuate the island. I walked across the east side of the large conference room. The room sloped down to the north, with many rows of dark-grey, fabric-covered chairs in the audience. There was a small group of people at the north end of the room standing near a small wooden podium, under the large white projection screen. Other people were clustered around the room. Many of the people seemed to be from $P7. I thought that i should know a lot of them. I said hello to many of them that i recognized. I still felt uneasy, and thought that i had to warn everyone. I looked over the audience. I noticed $A231 sitting in one of the chairs at the back row of the auditorium. He seemed older, with white hair and a pale face. I thought that it had really been a long time since i had seen all of these people. I looked around the room, recognizing several other people. $F6 was standing near the south wall of the room, talking to some other people. I walked over to the group where $F6 was and told them about the tidal wave. I said that we all had to get off of the island before it was too late. They did not know whether to believe me or not. I tried to convince them that i really did know what was going to happen, but they seemed skeptical. Then the alarms in the city sounded. I could hear a distant siren howling. They signaled the approach of a tidal wave. The people started to leave the building. I felt that the situation was urgent, and wanted to hurry. I ran out of the lecture hall and started up the corridor to the south. I thought that i would have to get the others so that we could leave together. I thought that i had to find the woman who was with me. I could not leave her behind. I thought that the group that i was with had to leave the island together. I ran up the steep slope of the hill to the south. I called the woman’s name as i came to a junction in the corridors. I seemed to be on west side a lecture building. There were large conference rooms to the east with corridors between them. I called down one of the corridors to the east. People around me walked quickly, trying to get to someplace safe. I called the woman’s name and heard a faint response. I ran down the corridor to the east and asked the people there who had answered. I stepped out into a hallway, which seemed to be the front hall of the large building. There seemed to be glass doors along the east wall which looked out onto the roads. The lobby stretched very far to the north and south and seemed to be a few stories tall. There were white columns supporting the ceiling. I could not see the woman for whom i was looking. I called her name again and a young girl, who was sitting on the white tile floor, answered me. She had the same name as the woman whom i was calling. I realized that she was lost, and wondered whether there was anyone to take care of her. I felt concerned, but i had to find the woman. I turned and ran back into the large room where the lecture was. There were few people left. Everyone had run to the south. I felt frantic and wondered what to do. I ran to the south, down the wide city street. I thought that i was ahead of the others. I remembered that i had left the conference room before them. They would probably catch up to me in a little while. They had said that they had a boat to get off of the island. I thought that the woman, whom i was looking for, was still to the north of me. I remembered that she was wearing a green dress. I stopped in the corridor and looked down the flight of stairs which descended to the north. I called the woman’s name again to see if she would answer. I started running to the north and yelling her name. I had to find her and get her to the boat before the wave came. As i looked as the people moving through the large halls of the building, i thought that my voice was traveling quite a distance. I thought that the sound traveled through the other people in the room. Their presence helped the sound resonate down the hall. I thought that it would help the woman hear me. I stopped near a man in the corridor and asked him to open his mouth. I knew that the vibration of his throat would help the sound travel. I watched his throat as the sound traveled through the corridor. The woman then walked up to us from the north. She had heard the sound of my voice echoing through the corridors. There were other people with her. They seemed to be the rest of the group from the boat. I wondered whether there was really room for all of the people on the small boat. I looked to the south, down the wide street of the small city. All of the buildings around me were very short, and i could see the rise in the land just to the south of us. I thought that the wave should roll in front he south, and i wondered how much time we had. The flood should wash through the city streets. We had to get somewhere. I ran to the south, thinking that there was a safe place somewhere. The others followed me. I climbed over the obstacles which were left behind in the street. I crossed to the southeast, heading off of the street and into a small grassy field near the large white hotel. We had to get out of this place. I stepped over the edge of a small hill and onto the tile roof of the building. The roof sloped down steeply. I sat down on it and slid to the bottom. I knew that it was safe, because i remember this being the solution when i had seen this event before. The narrow slide then twisted. I slid around the bend and followed the slide to the bottom. This place seemed like a water slide which had been dry. I jumped off the bottom of the slide and into the sandy pit at the bottom. I turned around to see the others following me. The slide seemed complicated and hung in the air to the south of the grassy dune. I then noticed some of the others just climbing onto the top of the dune. The dune was on the other side of a small grassy field from me. The crest of the building, which was the slide, ran from the top of the dune to the east, curving around several times before ending near where i was standing. I realized that it would have been shorter for the people to simply slide down the dune and cross the grassy field. I called back to the others who were just starting onto the dune and told them to take the short cut. I then turned to the south and started running down the sandy trail between the ragged grass. We had to hurry.

12001 February 19

I was in the large room in the center of the house. This house seemed to be owned by my relatives. It was old, and seemed somewhat run down. I had been sleeping here, in the old bedroom. The walls seemed to be dark weather-stained wood, and the ceiling was very tall. There was a large dingy window on the east wall which let in some sunlight. The house seemed in need of repair. I then noticed my guitar sitting on the southeast corner of the room. I did not want it sitting by the window, because i thought that it might get wet from the rain. I tried to get over to get it, but i seemed slowed by something on the bed near me. I felt concerned about the guitar. As i reached it, i realized that it had been sitting under a leak in the roof all night. It was all wet and seemed to be crumpling from the water. I felt upset about the damage to the guitar. I carefully picked up the guitar and carried it over to the bed. I would have to cover the leak on the roof so that my things did not get wet again. I felt upset that the house was in such poor condition. I walked out into the hallway of the old house. The house seemed like a very nice house, even though it was very run down. It was an old victorian house, with narrow hallways and tall ceilings. The walls seemed dingy and not maintained. I walked to the south, down the corridor toward the stairs to the next floor. It seemed that i was on the second floor. The leak was coming from the floor above me. I walked to the narrow stairs. The stairs were surrounded by thin wooden railings which had spinals that were carved with decorative curves. There were two thin posts at the bottom of the stairs which gave the staircase the appearance of being from an old house from New Orleans. I came up to the third floor and crossed out over the large rock. The house seemed to be built on top of the exposed bedrock. The rock was dull red, and looked like igneous rock. The roof of the third floor stretched over the exposed rock. I looked over the rock, trying to find a place where water could leak into the house below. I knew that it had to be in one of the rooms nearby. There seemed to be a wall to the east of me which was still part of the old house. To the west, however, i could see pale sunlight seeping across the large stone, as though the wall was open in that direction. I walked to the south, looking at the victorian designs in the hallway. I thought that this was really a very nice house, even though it was in such poor condition. I thought about $K4 buying the house. He lived here with the rest of his family. I knew that there must be many leaks in this old house. I turned to the south again and walked down a narrow cement corridor. This place seemed to be part of a city tunnel. I came to a turn where and looked around the corner to the west. I could see a set of stairs which led up to the street at the top of the hill. I thought that this was the back yard of the house. There seemed to be graffiti on the south wall of the tunnel. I turned around and headed back across the large rocky surface to the other side of the house. I wondered whether anyone ever came down the stairs from the street and got into the house. It seemed that the house was not too secure. There were several rooms to the west of me. I turned and walked over the rocky ground toward them. It seemed that there was an entire apartment on the third floor of the house. I could see the large glass window on the south side of the small apartment. The building seemed old and abandoned, but i knew that people lived here. The large glass window looked in over the empty kitchen counter of the apartment. Everything seemed to be painted with a thick dark green paint, but the paint had started to chip with age. I wondered whether this apartment was where $K1 lived. I turned and walked to the north. This place seemed very interesting to me.

12001 February 20

I drove down the country road to the west. I was passing through $P5 and starting to drive up the steep hill out of town. It seemed to be late in the afternoon. I drive up the steep hill. There was a row of white houses on the south side of the road. They seemed old. I came to the top of the small hill and started to drive up the second half. I then noticed that small blue house on the house side of the road. It sat back from the road and had a long gravel driveway that ran to the west side of it. The grass in front of the house was short and green. The house was slightly higher than the road, and the lawn sloped up to meet it. I remembered that my father had left his truck at this house on his way back home. I walked down the gravel driveway toward the house. I felt that i had a long way to walk if i wanted to get to my parents’ house, and i was starting to get tired. I decided that i should drive my father’s truck the rest of the way home. There were a few cars parking in front of the house. I knew that the blue one was my father’s. I got into the blue car and started it up. Something was wrong. I knew that i would not be able to drive this car home. It had some kind of trouble. I tried to turn the car off, but the engine would not stop running. I felt suddenly concerned. It seemed that the car was not easy to control. I tried to park it in front of the house, but it would not stay still. I was worried that the car might roll away if i did not keep my foot on the brake. I then decided that i would have to pull the key from the ignition. I thought that i would have to use the other car to get home. I then wondered whether the people in the house knew what i was doing. I did not want them to know that i would be taking the other car back to my parents’ house. I got out of the small white car and sat on the large brown chair. I hoped that the people in the house had not heard me trying to stop the other car. I looked back at the house. It was now short and white. It seemed very close to the gravel parking lot. I started the large brown wheel chair and rode it down the slope of the driveway. I tried to let the chair coast so that the people in the house would not hear the engine. I thought the engine was like a chair that my mother had. I wondered whether the people in the house might think that i was stealing it. I turned the chair onto the road and continued up the steep hill to the west. As the chair moved, i looked down at the seat below me. It seemed that i was holding the seat in my hand. I could see that the colour on it was dull and chipping. I thought that the chair needed to be repainted. There was a black zigzag down the center of the chair. I thought that it was a design from the maker of the chair. The black lightning bolt had white on lines around the sides of it. I then noticed more detail in the colour of the chair. It was light brown, but had shades of darker brown smeared across it, giving it an uneven tone over the surface. There were also fine splatters of red paint over the surface. I thought that someone must have sprayed the red on. I liked the way it looked. It seemed like a nice way to decorate the chair. I then realized that there were some areas of the chair where the paint had chipped. I tried to touch up the empty areas. I dabbed the paint brush, which i was holding in my left hand, into the brown paint and smeared it around on the pallet to try to match the tone. I then painted over the hole in the paint. I looked at the repair and thought that it looked very good. It was hard to tell that it had been repaired. I wondered whether i would be able to fix the rest off the painting. I was then aware that my mother was watching me from the west. I looked down to the lower right corner of the painting. I thought that i would have to fix the corner as well, but then i noticed that the colour on the corner was clear. I could see the frame through the side of the image. Something was not right. This did not make sense to me.

12001 February 22

I flew over the thick green trees of the forest. The shallow hills rolled below me as i headed to the southwest. The hill seemed to climb more to the north of where i was. I was looking for a route back to where i had come from. I remembered that i had followed a line over the trees to get here. I watched the tall trees pass below me, looking for some features which looked familiar. I remembered that i had been following the black power lines for part of the way. They were suspended by large steel towers. I flew across the slope of the hill, heading to the west-southwest. I crossed over a clearing in the trees. It ran to the southeast. I realized that it must be a right-of-way for a pipeline. I then thought that i could simply follow the pipeline back to where i had started. I knew that it came out in the same place as the power lines. The others were following me as we headed down the slope, gliding over the power lines in the right-of-way. We had to sneak into the area. I drifted from side to side as i glided low over the trees. We had to remain low so that no one would spot us. It now seemed dark out, and i realized that we were trying to sneak in when no one could see us. I then thought about how we were floating. I had my arms spread out to balance me as i glided through the air. We were wearing special flight units which allowed us to levitate. I thought about how the units had to be adjusted to each of us to compensate for our weights. They were perfectly balancing us in the air so that we had more control over elevation. I looked at the staff in my hand. It was part of the levitation unit. It was black and had harp spikes poking from the end of it. I looked at the man flying to the right of me. He had a curved staff attached to the unit on his back. It looked like half of a wing with large black spikes sticking out of it. I knew that all of our pieces came from the same machine. We had taken pieces so that each of us could fly. We then flew over the edge of the trees and lowered ourselves into a clearing at the edge of the large factory complex. There was a large metal chain-link fence between the factory and us. I thought that we would not be able to land on the other side of the fence because someone might see us in the air. I walked toward the fence, spotting a man near the large white cement building to the south of us. The others stood near me as i walked cautiously toward the factory. I then noticed the small fenced-in area just in front of me, in the middle of the grassy lawn. I realized that the circular area contained real grass. It was surrounded by a small wooden fence. There was some significance to the patch of grass. As i looked closer at it, i realized that there were old worn wooden spikes poking up from the ground. I knew that they were part of an old structure which had been here. The fence was protecting what was left of the structure. I then felt suddenly worried. The others had walked to the west. I realized that someone was coming and that they would find us here. I quickly sat down on the ground near the circle. I thought that if i pretended that i was meditating near the old relics, the people from the factory might not think i was a danger to them. I glanced to the west to see Dewey from the television show Malcom in the Middle. He looked curiously into one of the small white buildings and then entered. I felt nervous and worried that he would be found. I could not move, though, so i closed my eyes and pretended to be focused. I was trying to make it appear that none of us had entered the facility. A man walked into the doorway of the large building to the south of me. He spotted me, but did not seem concerned. He then turned to the east and walked to the small white cement shed. I knew that the others had entered the shed. I knew that they could handle themselves, but i was still worried about Dewey. As soon as the man disappeared into the shed, i could hear the others talking to him. They were probably making excuses as to why they had come to the factory. I thought that i should try to get Dewey and sneak him out of the factory while the man was busy. I stood up and started walking toward the shed. As i walked down the corridor, i realized that i had left the light in my bedroom on. I turned around and walked back to the bedroom door. I had to turn off the light so that it would not shine down the corridor when the door was opened. I reached into the room, which was the shed, and turned off the light. I tried not to open the metal door too much. Once the light was off, i rushed back to the grass and quickly sat back down. I hoped that the man would not be able to tell that i had just come from the room.

I was driving in the car with $F12. We had just been walking around the large city and were now heading to his house. We stopped at a set of train tracks which crossed the road. We were facing east as we waited for the train. I wondered whether we were too close to the tracks. I thought that the nose of our car might actually be over the tracks. It would be dangerous of there was actually a train coming. We crossed the tracks and start to head to the west. I remembered that $F12 was driving me to the park, which was on the west side of the city. I felt strange, and knew that $F12 was going out of his way to take me there. I did not want $F12 to go out of his way. I was, however, glad that he was going with me. I told him that i did not really have to go to the park. I told him that he could do what he wanted to do. He turned the car around. I suddenly felt disappointed. I knew that we would head back to the house. I wanted to be with him for a while so that we could talk. I felt lonely for a moment. I spoke to him, trying to make conversation. I wanted to spend more time with him, but i knew that we would not be able to talk to each other if we went back to the house. We drove down the suburban street to the west. When we came to the end of the street, we continued to the west, walking over the lawn of the large yellow house. We walked into the garage, which was on the lower floor of the house. The others were waiting for $F12. They were all supposed to have a meeting. I felt agitated and wondered what i could do. I then decided that i should go running while they were in their meeting. I wanted to see more of $F12. I walked into the room on the north side of the house as $F12 walked to the west. I was going to get my running clothes. $A297 was in the room as i entered. I said hello to him.

There was an airplane crash in the middle of the large city. Someone explained it to me as walked down the street. They described how it had landed in the middle of the street downtown. I tried to picture a map of the city in my head. It was large and had many streets, but i was having difficulty viewing it. It seemed obscured by something. I could then see people walking through the streets of the city. There were tall buildings all around them. I knew that these people were now dead. This seemed like a major tragedy. I then saw the reporter talking in the subway station. He pointed to something above him. I looked up to see a large crack in the ceiling. Part of the roof had collapsed into the subway tunnel. I could see part of a space shuttle sitting on a part of the debris which used to be the road above. I looked around to see nothing but twisted metal and dusty debris in the subway station. there were large girders and I-beans stabbing through the corridor. This had been a terrible accident.

12001 February 23

I was in the small room of the house. I seemed to be on the second floor of $P19. I stood up and walked to the southwest corner of the room. $A21 then asked me a question as i crossed. I felt uneasy about answering, so i replied with a joke. I knew that he was trying to find out something about me, but he was too uneasy to ask me a direct question. I thought that we should get downstairs to here the others were gathered. There was a large meeting going on. I walked out of the room and turned into the lecture room. There were people seated in folding chairs in the center of the room. The walls of the room where white, and the ceiling seemed rather high. I would hear the lecturer at the from of the room. He was asking some questions. This place seemed like a college classroom. The lecturer asked something about the name of a chemical molecule. I found he question interesting. I had not expected the lecture to be on science, but i liked that fact that there was science involved. I started to walk along the north of the room. The room sloped down slightly to the east, where the large blackboards were. There seemed to be wooden trim around the board and podium. I then noticed someone standing up from their seat in the audience, to the south of me. I realized that it was $A298. I thought that she must have gotten bored with the lecture and was leaving. She was wearing a purple dress with large black flowers on it. I looked back to the east, where there were some other students standing in front of the boards. They were trying to answer the questions. It was darker near the boards, as if the lights had been turned out there. I thought that this class as interesting and tried to figure out what questions they were answering. I looked to the west to see that the section of chairs along the back of the audience was full of people. I had walked down the aisle in the center of the audience to where there was an aisle running across the audience. The carpet on the floor was red, and the seats now seemed like theatre seats. I looked to the south, down the crossing aisle to see a buffet table along the south wall. I walked over to the table and looked around for some food. The table was covered with a dark red table cloth, which had many glasses of drinks on the top of it. It seemed that most of the people had already been to the buffet to eat. There was a large tray in the center of the table which had many tiers of scraps on it. There were muffins and doughnuts scattered across the middle tier. They sat under a layer of plastic wrap. I thought that i should take one to eat, but i felt as though the lecturer was watching me. I wondered whether he would be annoyed with me for coming late to the lecture. I then noticed that there were some scones on the tray to the left of me. They had swirls of blue in them, and were covered with black chips. They looked very good. I picked one up with my left hand. I then turned around to find a seat in the crowd. Before i could head into the audience, though, i spotted the lecturer walking to the west of me. I realized that she was $A299. She seemed to be talking to me. I tried to pay attention, as though i had been in the lecture all the time. She said that i should write an essay on the topic of the lecture. She said that it should answer the question “What is a hydrene in acid?”. She then turned away and continued walking to the back of the lecture room. I thought about the question, but did not think that i understood it. Something seemed to be wrong. I did not think that i knew enough about the subject to be able to answer properly. I wondered what i should do. I then wondered whether she meant “hiding” in the question. Something did not make sense to me.

12001 February 24

The woman described the trail to us as we stood in front of her. It seemed as though i was part of this program because i was supposed to be a leader of the group. She described that we would be on a very long hike and that we had to get ready for the trip. I thought that i would probably like to go on a hike. I pictured the map of the trip in my head. I could see the white map with a thick orange line on it. The route ran along the lower right corner of the map. It seemed to travel quite a way. The woman then said that the trip would be a five thousand mile hike. It sounded very long to me. I then realized that the people around me were already starting the hike. They started to walk off to the northwest, across the edge of the parking lot toward the road. I seemed to be standing on the northwestern side of a parking lot. The area around me seemed tropical. It was very hot, and the vegetation was very green, with large wide leaves. The ground seemed sandy. I realized that the hike was already starting. I was surprised, and felt concerned that i had not gotten supplies together. I realized that we should have gotten them already. The men started jogging slowly over the island of dry grass at the edge of the parking lot and across the narrow road on the other side. There was a second road which ran off to the northeast. Thick palm vegetation grew on all sides of the road. It seemed that the road might be heading off to the mountains. I thought that the men leaving seemed like soldiers. I thought that this might be a military hike. I felt very uncomfortable about the hike. I still had to get my things out of my car. I told the woman that i was ready and started after the others. I could see the dirt trail which led to the north, along the edge of the north road. The dirt on the ground was orange and dry. I started to follow the others, across the road and down the trail, but then i stopped and thought that i should return. I thought that i had to get my supplies. I knew that i could not make it without my things. I had to have water, food, and clothing. I thought that i could catch up to the others, but felt uncertain. I then spotted $F24 jogging down the trail ahead of me. I thought that i could jog as well. It would make it easier to catch up with the others, who were walking the trail. I felt as though this was a race. I also felt that, if i jogged, i might wear myself out too quickly. I was no longer in good running shape. I thought that i would have to conserve my energy. I felt anxious about the hike. I jogged through the crowd of people near the side of the building. I realized that the trail ran through the building. The large stone building seemed like an old school building. I was near the south wing of the grey building. I ran up the stone steps and through the large wooden door of the building. The corridors inside were clean and white. The floor was polished tile in a checker-board pattern. I spotted one of the yellow arrows on the wall which told me which way to go. I turned to the right and followed the long corridor. The doors on either side of the hall were wood, with mottles glass windows. The place seemed like an old office building. I knew that the rooms around me were really offices. I came to the end of the corridor and turned left. I ran down a couple of steps and came to an area where the corridor opened up into a wider area. There seemed to be a glass window on the left, and an entrance to the library on the right. I thought that the runners must have turned to the right ahead. I started down the corridor when i spotted an arrow on the wall. I turned down the corridor to the east. I ran out the back door of the building and looked around the large lawn. The back of the building seemed to be a playing field. There was a long green one-story building to the northeast, down the slope slightly from me. I could not see the other runners. I thought that they could not have gotten that far ahead of me. I should have been able to see them across the lawn. I could see other people walking around and playing games. I wondered whether the arrow in the building was really for our run. It could have been for some other purpose. I looked back up the stairs of the building to see some of the school athletes coming outside for a workout. They were wearing red and white football jerseys, but looked like track runners. I knew that the others had come out in the back of the building, but i was not sure where. I thought that i could run around the outside of the building and see if i could find them on the north side. I would have to cross the trail somewhere. I then remembered that i needed supplies and thought that i should go back to get them. If this were a dream, i would be able to fly back. Then i would have no trouble catching up to the others. I was then at my car. It was in small parking lot off of the main one where we had started. Thick vegetation surrounded the edges of the lot. I reached into the trunk of the tan Honda and pulled out some food. I pulled out a small plastic bag of bagels and other dry foods. I then pulled out a half bag of green fig bars. I did not remember having them, but was glad that there were some in here. They would last a long time on a hike. I put some of the food into the pack that i was carrying. I then noticed that there was a box of pizza in the trunk. I thought that i should take several pieces of it. It would not be good in the car for too much longer. I picked up several of the pieces of pizza and tried to wrap them up so that i could pack them in the bag. I felt anxious and thought that i had to hurry. I then realized that there were too many pieces of pizza. I could not eat all of it. I hurriedly tried to stuff what i could in my pack. I started to worry about the race. I felt that i was very far behind and wondered how i would ever catch up to others. I thought that i could always fly back to where they were, but then i remembered that it would be cheating. I thought that i should do it anyway. I looked around, realizing that i was actually in the trunk of the small car. I could see the scenery pass around me through the back window. We were driving north on the small dirt road. I saw the school building to the east of us. We would be able to catch up with the others in the car. I looked behind us again to see a few other cars following us. I wondered whether they were after us. I thought that they might be the officials. I thought that they might try to stop us. The police car then put on its lights. I was afraid that we would get caught, but the car which was right behind us pulled over instead. The police pulled over just behind them. I felt relieved and hoped that we could make it back to the others. Someone in the car then mentioned the border guard. He said that we would run into them once we got to Canada. I turned around to look out the front window of the car just as we made a sharp turn to the right. The trees and bushes crowded in on the narrow dirt road. I could see the border patrol ahead of us. They had places orange cones in the road to stop traffic. We were already at the border with Canada. We must have overshot our target. I thought that we should go back. We did not want the hassle of dealing with the guards.

I was in the basement room of the house. The floor was cement, and the rough walls were painted white. I looked at the drum set which sat in the middle of the floor. It made strange foreign noises as the man played it. I wondered how it could produce such sounds. The man then stood up and left. I walked over to look at the set. It seemed very strange. I picked up the sticks and played a little on it. I liked the way it sounded. It was not a drum sound. It made a noise which did not sound like any instrument i had heard before. I tried hitting different things in the set. There were a few tall metal cones in the back of the set, connected in the middle by a white plastic bar. There were also some black wooden blocks in front. As i hit them, the drum beat changed rhythm. I thought that the blocks must control the rhythm of the beat. I did not think that the new rhythm as interesting. I tried to switch the set back to what it had been playing, but it stopped all together. I focused my attention on the metal spikes in back. I realized that they were part of a folding board. The spikes were attached to the board. I thought that it probably had function outside of the drum set. The person must have simply been using it because of the sound it made. I wondered what it was really used for. I reached for the board and started to fold and unfold it. Part of the board stayed on the ground as i folded it over onto itself. I thought that the spikes might grab into dirt to keep it from moving. It might be used to get traction for something. I then realized that it was folding in the same direction many times. It seemed like a trick. I tried to figure out how it continually folded, but could not under stand it. I was then unable to get it to fold properly. I then saw $F15 and $F20 coming back into the room. I went back to my instrument. I had a guitar and a small amplifier. $F20 started setting up the drum set again. I thought that we would jam for a while.

12001 February 26

I climbed up the stairs on the west side of the building. The building seemed to be $P94, but it was black and had dark brown windows on all sides. I came to one of the upper floors and walked around the western edge of the large hole. The floors of the building were only two or three metres wide and circled the outside of the building. In the center of the building was a large rectangular space which was open from the roof to the bottom floor. I watched the people on the other side of the large room walk along the ledge and seat themselves in front of small place settings. The place settings consisted of a brown place mat and some books, all of which were set on the tan wooden floor. There also seemed to be some black cushions for people to sit upon. The people were all part of a meeting. $A265 walked along the eastern wall of the room, looking down at the black cushions as if contemplating which seat to take. He seemed to have some white papers in his left hand as he walked south. I knew that the cushions were very near the edge of the hole so that we could look over the edge into the lower floor. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable and nervous. I remembered that i was afraid of heights. I was on the north side of the room as i crouched low to the ground. I felt panicked and told the others that i was afraid of heights. I then remembered that i was no longer acrophobic. I wondered why i was scared. I crawled to the south, along the eastern edge of the room. I thought that i could crawl to the southwest corner of the room to lay down for the meeting. I thought that i would be able to see the fireworks, which were downtown. I looked out the western wall of the building to see a red burst of fireworks low to the horizon. I knew that i wanted to attend an event that was downtown near the fireworks, but i had to be in the meeting. I wanted to lie near the window and watch the show. I was then terrified again and put my head down. I was afraid to move across the ledge.

I walked to the east, between the houses of the small suburban area. There was a large lion running on the north side of me. The lion had come from the back side of the small blue house. I remembered that i had been sneaking around in the back yards of the houses. The lion had, at first, seemed to be a dog. I ran down the street, looking at the lion. I suddenly realized that the lion might be dangerous. I knew that it was a wild animal and might attack me if i did not treat it properly. I stopped on the sidewalk and turned to the south, walking between two cars and into the street. I talked playfully with the lion. It had a large mane and stared intently at my face as it ran. I turned in the street and started running to the west. As i passed one of the cars, i dropped the red leash which i had been carrying. One end was still attached to the lion. I Bend over to grab the leash as the lion watched me. It seemed to have a gleeful expression on its face. I started to pick up the brass chain that was on the end of the leash, but realized that it had gotten stuck under the tires of a car. I was worried that the lion might think it was trapped and get angry. I quickly unwrapped the chain from around the tire and looked back at the lion. It did not seem anxious. I felt very uncomfortable around it.

12001 February 28

I was in the rectangular area with the other people. I stood on the north side of the area, looking south. Everyone was moving around in the area, as though they were walking through some ritual. The ground was tan dirt. I could not see any walls, but the area around us seemed dark, as though we were in a very large room. It seemed that we might be in an old stone temple. There were several snakes on the ground. I knew that the large tan snakes were part of the dance. I watched as several of the snakes moved over the dusty floor. They did not slither like snakes, though, but seemed to waddle over the large tan stones on the ground. Several people passed in front of me. I then saw a large snake rear up in front of me. It was facing away from me and had a thin dark-green vale over its head. I could tell that the snake was a cobra, and i wondered why no one was concerned that the snake might be dangerous. I realized that this might not be real. I looked to the southwest to see a second snake with its head in the air. It stood very tall and had a large mesh vale over its body. It started to move to the west, wobbling unevenly over the floor. I realized that it was not really a snake, but a prop on the movie set. The snake rotated as a ridged body as it moved to the west. As it circled in front of me, i thought that i could see a man under the vale holding on to the midsection of the snake. I thought that this movie had poor special effects.