12002 February 01

The man was submerged in the large drum of water. I could see the ice forming over the surface of the water. This was some kind of trick. The man was not supposed to be seen by the people to the east of me. I felt as though we were trying to hide him. I noticed that the top of the water was frozen, and i wondered how the man was able to breath. I climbed onto the hood of the light-green car. The car seemed to be a large mid-seventies american car. I sat on the roof of the car as i looked to the east, over the top of the barrel on the hood. I placed my foot on the top of the barrel, trying to break through the ice without letting the audience to the east know what i was doing. The piece of ice on top separated from the sides of the mouth of the barrel. I looked at the barrel to see the man inside take a breath. He seemed oriental. There was a rim around the mouth of the barrel, which should have hid the man from view as he took a breath. I was then standing on the northeast side of the barrel as the other man stood on the south side of the barrel. We both picked up the barrel and dumped it out. I still felt concerned for the man inside. The water poured out onto the ground, but nothing else came out except small chunks of ice and sea weed. I looked at the pile of debris once the barrel was empty. This was part of the trick. The man had disappeared. The trick had been performed successfully. I left the others and walked to the west, into the room which seemed like my parents’ garage. I had to collect my things and get going. My mother was in the room, to the west of me. I picked up a few things and started moving to the north. It was hard to see where i was going. I started to think of the road which headed north. I seemed to be traveling on it. I watched myself ride the bicycle to the north, through the forested country side. I was in $P24. It was a bright sunny day out, and i wanted to enjoy a long bicycle ride. I thought that i was on the road which headed up near my grandfather’s cottage. I wanted to ride out to the cottage, but i remembered that it was quite a way from the main road. I tried to picture the area as i watched myself ride. I seemed to be floating in the air as i contemplated things. I knew that it was a twelve-mile ride to the road which led to the cottage. I then thought that this could not be correct. It should not be a long trip from the main road to the cottage road. The cottage road was eleven miles long, and should start only a little way from the main road. Something seemed wrong with my logic. I wondered whether i should bike all the way out to the cottage. I had just biked a very long way to get here. It seemed that my house was far to the south, on the road on which i was traveling. I should probably just turn to the east and make a loop on the main roads. I thought that i could travel through $P101. I wanted to make a look as i traveled. It did not appeal to me to drive down a road and then have to come back. The cottage road had no outlets on any other roads. I then wondered whether i could go part of the way down the road and make a turn to the north, cutting across to $P102. I remembered that there was a canoe carry which crossed the cottage road as it ran between the two lakes. I wondered whether the carry led all the way to the road on $P102. I turned to the west and started to ride my bicycle down the road toward the cottage. I had a mile or so until i reached the edge of the forest. I could get a better look at the roads from there. I was again above myself as i watched myself bike down the cottage road. The land to the northwest was covered with new apartments. I remembered that this used to be an open grassy field. I biked to the northwest, trying to cross through the white swiss-style building. I realized that the apartments were in my way. I watched myself ride the bicycle over the top of tone of the buildings from above. I seemed to be flying high over the houses. I descended as i watched myself pedal over the brown roof. I realized that the ground on the back side of the building was three stories lower than the room. As i came to the edge of the roof on the bicycle below, i felt worried that i might ride over the edge. I watched me on the bicycle rode over the roof and land on the wooden balcony of the upper apartment. I then realized that i could simply hop the bike from balcony to balcony, all the way to the ground. I was now on the bicycle as i hopped over the edge of the third-floor balcony and landed on the second-floor balcony. I started to feel worried about this. I did not think that i would be able to control the descent well enough. I worried that i might land on furnishings on the lower balconies. I watched the small end table on the second-floor balcony approach as i fell toward it. I managed to land just to the inside of the table. It seemed close, but my body moved on, hopping over the wooden railing on the east side of the balcony. I could see the furnishings below. There was no space top land, but i did land safely, as if this action was not real. I then hopped over the eastern edge of the lower balcony and landed on the grassy hill. I rolled down the hill to the small white building on the eastern edge of the building complex. I rolled into the back of the building. I found myself in a garage where people were repairing cars. It was dark in the building, and the ground seemed to be hard packed dirt. I passed a mechanic who was working on an old car at the back of the room. I walked to the east of him, thinking that i could get out of the building through the main doors. As i approached the end of the narrow garage, i noticed that the bay door on the south was closed, and the one on the north had a car stopped in the middle of it. I remembered the young mechanic who was working on the sports car to the north. Is i got close, i could see that there was not enough room around the sports car for me to squeeze my bicycle out of the building. I wondered whether i could open the southern bay door to get out. Once outside, i walked over the gravel driveway, looking at the green car which was sitting in front of the tall wooden fence to the east. I started to talk to the others outside.

12002 February 03

I sat in the back seat of the car as my parents’ drove to the southeast. We seemed to be to the northwest of $P14. My father mentioned that he wanted to take Route 4 back to town. I remembered that $A166 had mentioned Route 4 before. I thought that it must be a back road which runs between the two main roads. I knew that there was a main road, the one on which we were driving, which left the city from the northeast and arched around to the east, where it met a second road which ran directly out from the city, to the east. I thought that Route 4 must cut through the rolling hills of the countryside between these two roads. I wondered why i had never noticed it before. I traveled this area all the time on my bicycle. I looked out the back window of he car as we continued down the main road. It was a bright sunny day, and all of the trees were full of green leaves. I could see the curve in the road behind us. We had just passed a car, which was parked in front of a white farm house on the east side of the road. We were traveling to the southeast. There was a woman in the car with us. She seemed to know this area as well. She mentioned something about Route 4. I felt excited to see this road. I felt as though it would be someplace special. I positioned myself so that i could see the entire back window. This car has a very wide window, which let me see a good deal of the scenery around us. I could see the thin blue sections of the frame which held up the roof, but nothing else seemed to block my view. My father then pointed out the road. I looked to the north, out the back window to see the dirt road on which we were traveling. The road was one lane, and was nothing more than two tire ruts in the flattened tan dirt of the dry ground. We started down a steep hill. I watched as the ground on wither side of us rose to steep hills. The road was carved through the center of a rise. The road descended sharply. I then felt the car drive over something. I looked out the back window to see a pile of greenish horse manure covering an area of the road. The car shifted to the east slightly, traveling for a moment in the ditch near the edge of the dark stone of the cliff. I then noticed something orange on the cliff to the east. I could not wee what it was, but the woman said something about it. My father then said it was Iroquois. I asked him what he was referring to. I wanted to see the paintings on the cliff. I felt upset that i had missed them. My father said that his father had taken them here when he was really young. I looked out the window to the west. I could see a sharp ridge at the top of the steep grassy slope. The top of the ridge was made out of black rock. There were several children on the ridge. They seemed to be throwing snow balls at us. I thought that they were too far away to do any damage. I felt endangered by then anyway. One of them was in a blue jacket. I hoped that they did not hit the car. I turned to the east and walked into the center of the small room. We had stopped in this house at the bottom of the hill. There was an old man who lived here. He was a Native American. He knew a lot about this area. I wanted to ask him questions. This place felt special. My mother then said that she was tired. She lied down on the bed which was against the east wall of the room. The walls of the room were off white, with a slight green or blue tint. My mother pulled the white blanket over them. The blanked was covered with intricate blue designs which resembled flowers. I looked to the north. I could see the road out the window. I then looked to the west. I felt that something was wrong. I could see the large corral on the other side of the street. There were some people walking into front of it. This place seemed to be a raceway. There would be many cars collected there. I thought that this place was on a reservation. A large truck then broke through the tan wall of the arena and headed toward us. It turned onto the dirt road and started to the north. I thought that this might be the danger. I said something about it as i looked back out the north window. I could see the over-sized truck running into other cars as it headed down the road. I imagined that it would be heading for us. I then wondered whether this was real. I thought that the truck was only a story of mine. I felt that something was wrong here. I turned to look at my parents. They had been asleep on the couch. I suddenly felt as though i had been sleeping for a long time. I must have just awoken. I then noticed that my parents were entirely covered with the blanket. As i moved toward the form on the large bed, i realized that it was too big to be my parents. I was then close to the edge of the bed as my mother rolled over. There were other people in the bed with them. I realized that they were occidental. I then spotted a dark skinned man sleeping on the other side of my mother. I felt cautious of him. He looked at me. As he rose, i realized that he was Native American, with long black hair. He sat up and got out of the bed. I felt that this was not right. There was something scary here.

12002 February 04

I sat at the small white table in the middle of the grocery store. I seemed to be on the north side of the store. There was a freezer section on the north wall. I looked up from the round white plastic table as the man walked to the east, away from me. We had been talking about something. I looked to the north to see the display in the white freezer shelves. There were food items lines up on the shelves. They were separated into two categories, with labels on each item. I looked at the labels on the items in the case to the left, and then at the labels on the items to the right. The case on the right represented american products. The ones on the left were the canadian versions of the products. I looked at the numbers on a certain item. The american number was “96”, while the canadian number was “94”. I had thought that the canadian number would be much better than the american number, but it was only slightly better. I stepped back and looked at more of the items on the shelves. There was really little difference in the items. The case on the left then seemed to be decorated in blue ice, while the one on the right seemed to be in red. I was sitting back down at the table as i looked at the cases. I was surprised to find so little difference in the numbers. I then looked to the southeast, across the table, to my side. There was a magazine in the center of the table with a large photograph on the cover. The photograph was mostly yellow and brown in colour, but there was a picture of a man in the center. He stood with his right side toward the camera, his right arm elevated over his head so that his hand was out of the frame of the image. He seemed very skinny, but i felt drawn to the photo. I knew that he was a killer who had been sent to jail. His story was a controversial one. I looked away, not wanting to look at the image, but my eyes were drawn back to the blue hue of his skin. I knew that Americans would be fascinated by the horror in his story. He was sentenced to be executed, but he had requested that the relatives of his victims be there to watch him die. He wanted to look at them while he was dying. It seemed to be a disgusting story. I knew that people would be attracted to the horror of the story.

12002 February 05

I left the living room of the small house and headed to the north, up the short flight of stairs to the back part of the house. The back part was only a few metres higher than the front part. I came into the large room. The others followed me, speaking as we walked. I grabbed the potted plant from the floor and moved it to one of the shelves along the north wall. The wall above the shelves was covered with bubbled glass. There was a similar shelf and windows along the west wall. The plant was a lily that my grandmother had given me. It had never grown too well, but i decided that it might need more light. I then looked up at the white ceiling. The ceiling was also the roof of the house. It sloped to the west and east and seemed to be made of a translucent material. I could see the green metal rafters. I picked up another plant and brought it to the shelf on the west wall. The person who had been following me spoke. I looked up, noticing that there was a small skylight between the metal beams of the western half of the room. There was another to the south. I thought that the plant should do very well under the window. It would get enough light and might even flower. I put the plant down on the floor and reached up to look at the window. The window was in a wooden frame, which was lightly stained. A black screen covered the inside of the window, and the glass pane was opened. The pane opened like a door to the west. There was a crank to elevate it. I was surprised that it had been opened. It was certainly warm enough to have the fresh air, but i though that it might rain.

12002 February 06

I was flying in the airplane. There was someone sitting next to me. He seemed like someone whom i was somewhat familiar. I remembered that i had flown the airplane before. I remembered taking off from the small airport. I watched the small prop plane sway from side to side as i flew it over the rich green leaves of the woods below. The plane was mostly blue, with yellow on the nose and front of the wings. I started to wonder how well i could fly this plane. I knew that i was not that good at it. I thought that it might be dangerous for me to fly.

12002 February 07

My mother and i walked to the east along the city street. I could not see my father anywhere. He had just been with us, but we were walking to the west, and he was behind us. Now we could not se him. My mother was worried that something had happened. I looked to the south, into one of the shops on the side of the street. My mother continued to the east. I walked into the shop. It seemed crowded with many small trinkets. I thought that my father had come into this store, but i did not seem him. I stepped around the counters, which were piled with junk. I decided that he was not here, so i turned to the east and started to head toward the door. The door led to the side street. I had turned down the side street and walked into the store from the side entrance. As i headed out of the store, walking between two tables of piled dark items, one of the old men approached me. He was one of the two old men who had been standing outside the store as i walked in. They were both wearing white button-up shirts under light-blue sweaters. The man who approached me was shorter, and had a dome of white hair. He extended his right hand toward me, holding out a small dull-yellow pamphlet. I knew that he was trying to sell a religion to me. I felt annoyed with him and tried to walk past him, but he stepped in front of me. He smiled as he spoke of his church. I pushed him aside and headed for the glass door. I was agitated by him and thought that i had to find my father. I passed the second man and turned to the north, walking back to the main street. I then started to wonder whether my father had simply headed home. If he had gotten separated from us, he might have simply gone back to the car. I wondered whether we could call him. I then thought that he could call us. My mother had a cell phone. I held the small black cell phone to my left ear and listened. I could hear my father’s voice. I was relieved to hear that he was okay. He had gone back to the car. My mother and i were standing in front of the store. We could head back to the north to meet my father. My mother was also relieved to hear that he was all right.

12002 February 09

I walked to the east, around the south side of the large room. This place was a gymnasium, and the others were practicing on the mats in the center of the room. I was interested in the sport that they were practicing, but i felt as though i did not belong here. I was not really a part of their group. I rounded the southeast corner of the mat and started to the north. The woman, who was leading the athletes, gave them some instructions. I felt interested in the sport and thought that i could probable still do it, though i knew that i could not do it as well as the younger athletes. The woman was standing on the northeaster corner of the mats. She watched me as i walked past her and into the main corridor of the building. The room, which was the gymnasium, was on the south side of the corridor, with not wall between it and the corridor. The woman started telling the athletes what they should do, smiling as she spoke. I carried the stuff past her and turned to the east in the corridor. I thought that i had to get somewhere. She told the people in the room to remember to come to the track meet tomorrow. I knew that she was talking to me. The athletes were runners, and were training for their meet tomorrow. I thought that it might be fun to go to the track meet, but i remembered that i would be going to a wrestling meet in the afternoon. I did not think that i would be able to make it to both games. I had to get up to my room and get my things so that i could head out to the match this afternoon. The woman was following me as she continued to speak. I opened the door to the stairwell on the eastern side of the building and started up. The woman stepped into the stairwell with me and told the athletes that their ext exercise would be to run up the stairs. The runners started passing me as i climbed the stairs to the north, on the eastern side of the stairwell. After a few of the passed, the woman said that they should all run to the top. I thought that the runners had already had a difficult exercise, and it seemed a lot to do the stairs as well. I shifted the pile of white sheets in my hand. The woman said that the runners should go all the way to the top, and, when they were finished, they could run the stairs on a street downtown. She mentioned the street by name, and i pictured the main street in the center of town where all of the old stores were. I turned to the south and started up the second flight. As a blonde-haired runner passed by, i muttered that the woman must be taking revenge on them for something. The runner snickered and continued. I reached the landing and walked through the black metal door and left the stairwell. I came into the hallway of the second floor, shifting the large pile of sheets and towels in my arms. I took a few more steps, and then realized that this was not the floor on which my room was. I was staying on the third floor of the school. I looked down the hall at the small tables and chairs which were set up in the middle of the corridor. They were surrounded on the north and south by tall white Romanesque columns. I remembered that this was where the second floor classrooms were. I felt annoyed that i would have to go back into the stairwell and climb to the next floor. I shuffled the large pile of cloth in my hand. I was having difficulty carrying it. It was not heavy, but it seemed way too bulky to be carried. I thought that i should have had a laundry basket with me. I turned to head back to the stairwell.

12002 February 10

We were driving down the highway in southwestern United States. My father mentioned taking one of the other roads, but i knew that this one was the way to go. I noticed the tall statue of the man on the north side of the road as we drove to the northeast. I remembered that this road was dedicated to Jackie Chan. The statue was of Jackie. He stood with his arms crossed in front of him. He seemed very well built. As we drove, i noticed several other statures. There was one standing in front of a tall red cliff. I tried not to stare at the statues as i spoke to my father. We were then driving to the southeast. We came to the end of the road. There was a highway which ran to the east and west. We had come down the mountain on the winding road to meet it. My father said that there was a quicker way from Phoenix to the highway. He said that we could have taken the cliff road. I felt defensive, because i had chosen the road that we had taken. I told my father that the cliff road was closed. I was not sure that this was true, but i said it anyway. We walked to the east, over the rough trail along the red stone cliffs. My mother had stopped at a store behind us. I said that the cliff trail was no longer opened and that something must have happened to it.

12002 February 11

My mother told me to take care as i started to walk to the east, toward the downtown section of the city. The man then asked my father if he wanted to her some music. I knew that the man had written the music himself. My father seemed interested. The man was an old friend of my father. The woman, who was standing near us, was also interested in the music. I thought that i might lie to hear it before i headed to the city. I listened for a moment as they spoke. The man then asked my father again whether they would like to hear the music. My father said yes and the three of them turned to the north and started to walk into the light-brown van which was parked on the side of the street. I stepped in with them. The woman looked around as we stood in the middle of the van. She was young and had light-blonde hair. She was wearing a tan trench coat. I looked around at the inside of the tan van. There was a bench seat to toward the back of the van which seemed to have tan fur along the bottom. As i looked down, i noticed that there was a large square cut out of the floor. The corners of the square were rounded. I could see the cement ground below. Something about the hole in the floor made sense. The woman said something about the tickets. I then realized that we were traveling to the north on the road. The main part of New York City was to the east of us, on the other side of the river. I was supposed to walk over to do something. I suddenly felt that i had made a mistake by following these people into the van. I mentioned that i wanted to head to the concert in the city. It seemed that we had traveled quite a way from the city already. The woman asked about the concert. I said that i would have to take a cab back. I did not feel like doing it, however. I wondered how i would get back. I looked to the north, down the long corridor. We were traveling on a conveyor belt. The building around us seemed like a set from a movie. The white stone walls were very tall on both sides, and there were square stone columns to the east which framed the doorways. There seemed to be a canal of water below us. Someone referred to the young boy with us as we approached one of the doorways. There was a ramp extending from the doorway to the platform on which we were traveling. There seemed to be a separate ramp below the one which was even with the platform. The man said something about the second ramp. I knew that the young boy would be dropped off on the lower ramp and left. The ramp was bright red, and i felt uneasy about it. As we started to pass the main ramp, i turned and walked to the east and stepped off of the platform. The others continued on. I had to get back to the city, but i realized that we must be back near where we started. I could go into the building to our room. I crossed the ramp and headed into the tall white building. As i stepped into the main lobby, someone had handed me a set of keys. I looked at the ring, which was filled with many keys. All of the keys had a head made of white plastic with some kind of logo on it. I glanced at one of the numbers and noticed that it was near one hundred. I then looked up at the door to the east. A woman in a tan uniform walked through the door ahead of me. As the door swung closed again, i noticed the small oval sign in the center. The black sign said “100” in white letters. The sign had a glossy surface which was rounded on the edges, like a bubble. I could see the white light refracted along the upper edge of the oval as i stepped through the door. I wondered where my room would be. I looked at the keys again and noticed that the red key on top had a small rectangular brass label in one corner. The number on the label was “080”. I had to be on the right wing, but i was unsure. I turned to the south and looked around at the people in white. This place seemed like a hospital. Something felt wrong. I wondered why i was here. I worried that i might have been assigned to a mental ward where i could be captured. I glanced around at the people. I felt very uncomfortable here. There were two small grey doors to the north of me as i moved to the west. They seemed to have the number “80” on them, but i thought that they might be lockers and not rooms. I hoped that i would not be confined to a small room. Just beyond the grey doors, tow room opened up to the north. There were counters and medical people all around. There was a brown counter to the west of me with several nurses behind it. I was still not sure whether this was really a hospital or our hotel. A large woman walked up to me, asking me whether i needed any help. I felt confused and showed her my key, asking her which room i was in.

12002 February 13

I looked down at the television as i started to stand up from my chair. My parents were seated behind me and to my right. The television was to the southwest of me, at a slightly lower than the level of the floor on which i was standing. We were watching South Park, but it was not an episode which i thought was that good. I wanted my parents to see the show. There was a music video on the television. I knew that it was part of the show, but it seemed to be a distraction. I watched the woman singer dance around the small set. She was wearing white stockings and a black vest, as though she were from a cabaret show. She danced around a pole in the center of the screen. She was then lowered into a hole in the white floor. I felt disappointed. I had hoped that my parents could see a funny episode of South Park. I knew that my father would have enjoyed a good episode. I started to walk to the television. It seemed that we really were not interested in watching this episode. I then mentioned the movie to my parents. My father seemed to have seen it and laughed about it. I mentioned one of the jokes at the end of the movie, “God damn mother fucking cock shit cunt Barbra Streisand!” My father remembered the joke and laughed with me. I looked to the west, across the man-made pond. The edges of the pond were made of large slabs of rock. This place seemed to be outdoors, but there seemed to be walls around us. The large rock slabs were placed with narrow spaces between them, which were filled with tan gravel. The northern edge of the pond was round and sloped into the water. I suddenly felt worried that the water in the creek bed might be rising. I climbed a little higher on the thin tree trunk. I remembered that i had been standing on a second larger tree trunk which had fallen to the west. The fallen trunk was resting against the east side of the one on which i was climbing. I looked down, behind me, to see it the fallen trunk was under water. I thought that the water level must be rising. The fallen trunk seemed lower in the water than before. I felt worried. I jumped to the north shore of the pond. The others were around me now. I told them that the water level was rising. When i looked back into the pond, though, i could see that there was only a shallow layer of water on the bottom of the man-made reservoir. I felt confused and wondered what i had been looking at before. The cement pond was now empty.

I rode the motorcycle to the north, through the streets of the small town. I felt as though i had to get to somewhere. The streets of the city seemed narrow. This place felt like the north side of $P3. It was very familiar, though i knew that i had not been on these streets before. I thought that i would be heading to $K3’s house. I remembered that they lived on the top of the hill on the north side of town. I looked at the houses and old brick buildings which stretched up the hill. The narrow road on which i was riding really seemed like a sidewalk. I thought that it must be a very old road, too narrow for vehicles. I then came to a cross street. The path that i had been following ended at a set of stone steps. There was flat ridge which divided the stairs into two sections. The ridge was just wide enough for me to ride down it on the motorcycle. I gripped the handle bars tightly, feeling tense, as i steered the bike over the top of the ridge. I rode down to the street below, pleased that i was able to control the motorcycle so well. I continued to the east, thinking that i would have to ride around to the top of the hill. The hill rose to the north, shaped like half a bowl. The buildings of the town stretched up its sides. I knew that $K3 lived on the eastern side of the bowl. I rode up the slope of the hill, to the east. There was a large church on the north side of the road. The church seemed very old. It was made of stone, and had no space between it and the road. It seemed to be made of old white marble, with gold trimming around the top of the columns which lined the windows. There was another road which ran from the east-southeast to west-northwest on the other side of the church. It was up hill from where i was, but the street on which i was traveling ran into it on the east side of the church. I thought that i would have to turn right on the road to get to $K3’s house. It was then night, and the area around me was dark. As i rode the motorcycle, i was aware that there was someone following me as i traveled to the north. As i steered through the rural streets of the suburban area, i tried to keep track of the person behind me. I wondered whether they were really following me. I drove down the dark street which was overhung by large densely-leafed trees. I then turned around suddenly. I saw the man riding his bicycle toward me. I tried to act as though i were trying to figure out where i was supposed to go. Before i traveled too far to the south, i noticed that the man was also turning around. I quickly turned around again and confronted him. He avoided me by walking past. I yelled at him, asking him why he was following me. He did not seem to be concerned with my questions. Someone else was walking by me from the north. The man who was following me sat down on the metal-frame lawn chair, pulling his knees to his chest. He smiles, as if he found the entire situation humourous. He had a round face with chin-length thick black hair. The other person said something to me. This was no longer real. I was aware that there was something strange here. The man on the chair suddenly seemed interesting to me. I had an interest in talking to him. I walked toward him, trying to get him to talk. I then noticed that he was wearing summer shorts. I could see the detail on his calves. I thought that he had nice legs. The man behind me said something else, but i was focused on the man in the chair.

12002 February 14

The man stepped into the driver’s seat of the red car. The car seemed to be a large convertible from the fifties. I was sitting in the back seat, just behind the driver, and there was someone in the passenger’s seat. The seats of the car seemed to be covered with white leather-like material. The man started driving the car to the east. He seemed to be driving very fast. I then noticed that the white roof of the car was not attached to the car that well. I remembered that the man who was driving had been loosening it before we started. I knew that he wanted to remove the hood of the car. I thought that he was trying to do it in a “fun” way. I felt slightly uncomfortable driving down the dirt road so fast. It did not feel safe. I watched the front edge of the roof, where it attached to the polished chrome bar on the top of the windshield. I wondered whether the roof would lift from the car or push back into the car. I felt worried that it might fall into the car and hit us. It then seemed as though we had turned around and were heading down the road again to the east. As we accelerated, the roof started to bounce on the top of the windshield. It then lifted and flew off the car to the left. We continued to drive down the road. The car felt strange and exposed. I wondered whether we would now get dust in our face from the road.

I walked to the north with the group of people. The room was large, with a high ceiling, bright white walls, and polished wood floor. There were no furnishings in the room. I looked back to the south, to see the last of the group enter the room through the double doors in the south wall. We had to escape. The troops were after us. I looked to the north again. There seemed to be a large multipane window on the north wall, with a large deep sill. There was a doorway on the north end of the east wall. As i reached the center of the room, i realized that the troops had already entered the building. The Storm Troopers from Star Wars stopped in the doorway to the room. They would capture us. I watched $A249 run to the north of the door and slip into one of the closets. He was an android. If the troops found him there, he could claim that he was not a part of the group. I then saw $A309 running to the closet on the other side of the wall, in the next room, to the east. The Storm Troopers ran into the room and rounded up the group of people. I moved through the room on the east. It seemed that i could be ignored by the soldiers. I was some kind of slave in this place, and i could play ignorance to get away. I glanced cautiously to the west as the others were being captured. I knelt down and arranged something on a low shelf on the north wall. I had to look like i belonged here. I was then outside, facing north, fixing something in a garden. I glanced to the northwest to see the soldiers herding the prisoners into large cars. I tried not to notice as i took care of the garden. The cars drove to the south, down the gravel driveway toward the road. I was working in a garden just to the east of the driveway. I looked at one of the large red trucks as it paused on the road just off the driveway. I could see the prisoners crowed into the back seat. I felt bad for leaving then, but i knew that i would have to stay free if i was to do anything. I wondered how i was going to rescue them.

I looked to the north as we headed east, passing along the south side of the small plaza. It seemed that we were walking on the sidewalk in front of the plaza, but i knew that we were in a car. There seemed to be a small triangular section of shops in the middle of the mall. It was surrounded by sidewalks. I looked at the stores in the small block and noticed that one of them was a music store. I was interested in the shop as i saw the instruments in the window. I wanted to visit it, but i felt as though i did not live in this area. I was only visiting. I then remembered that i would be driving these people to somewhere near here. I could easily come back to this mall to shop. As we passed in front of the small block of shops, i noticed some other stores which seemed interesting. I then noticed the display of instruments on the wall to the east. There were several guitars and mandolins hanging from the wall. I felt excited to get to visit a store in a real city.

12002 February 17

The others and i walked to the south, down the country road. There were houses around us, and the road was shaded by tall green deciduous trees. The road seemed narrow and not well traveled. We were heading to the cinema. We were traveling to the west. The road ahead turned sharply to the north as it looped back to the east. I started to climb the steep hill on the corner when an older man, who was standing to the west of the turn, mentioned something about the cinema. He said that the place was not there any more. I remembered reading the advertisement for the movie in the paper. I also remembered trying to find the theatre once before. I was unable to find it and went away disappointed that i could not see the movie. I felt discouraged again. I asked the man to where the cinema had moved. I thought that there were many more cinemas in town, but most of them had closed. This one used to be in a small pale-green building. I pictured the small cement building closed and abandoned. I felt sad that so many cinemas in town had closed. The old man said that he was unsure where the new cinema was. I remembered that the old one had a street address of 333. I continued up the hill and started walking down the road to the west. I felt disturbed, and wanted to see that the theatre was not there myself, even though i knew that the old man was right. I felt angry that i had wasted my time trying to do something that i could not, and i wanted to feel justified in doing so.

12002 February 18

I turned back around to the west to face $K1. We were walking across the large parking lot of the small community college. There were grass medians around the edges of the lot, and there seemed to be few cars. $K1 said something about the school. She had registered for several courses. I looked down at the papers in my hand. Something felt out of place. I wondered where i had to go to get to my class. $K1 the looked up from the papers that she was holding in her hand. She was standing to the south of me. We had just walked through the glass doors of the college. The doors were to the west of us. The ceiling in the hallway was fairly low, and the light from in the building seemed dim compared to the sunlight outside. $K1 seemed surprised when she told me that i was not registered to be a student here. I felt as though it was not a problem. I remembered that i might not have bothered to properly register before coming to the classed. I told $K1 that it did not surprise me and that i would have to find the registration booth. She asked why i would not be registered. She seemed very concerned. I told her that i was used to people getting things wrong. I said that, after taking courses at $P52, i was used to an administration which simply did not work. I walked down the wide hall to the east, looking for a registration office. I passed some kind of desk on the north wall, noticing a semicircular counter just beyond it. There were two large secretaries sitting behind it. They seemed to be stereotypes of college office workers. I walked over to the one nearest to me and asked her where the bursar’s office was. She shrugged and said that she was not sure. Then she glanced to the other woman, to her left. The first woman seemed to be wearing a white sweater with red and pink designs on it. Her hair was curly and she seemed to be wearing white horn-rimmed glasses. She turned back to me and told me that she did not know where the office was. I asked her “Then where would i go to register for classes.” I felt frustrated with them. She did not have an answer for me. I turned around and started to walk away, feeling very annoyed. I was then standing just to the west of a man. He seemed young, and seemed to want to cause trouble. I thought that i should just ignore him. It seemed that i had somehow walked into him in the hallway. There was something interesting about him. I thought that he was somewhat attractive. I looked at the smooth skin on his right forearm. There was something special about him. He moved toward me, talking as if he was challenging me. He tipped his head back slightly. I was not intimidated by him and turned to walk back to the west. I had to find the office. I was outside of the building again. This campus was rather small, and i wondered whether the office was in one of the small brown and black buildings to the northwest of me. I felt anxious and frustrated that i could not do something which seemed so simple. I then turned to the east again. The man was standing behind me. I felt aggressive toward him, but did not want to get into a fight. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could see that he was nicely detailed. He did not have a lot of muscle on his body, but his tone was very sharp. As he spoke, i noticed a tattoo on his throat. There was a dark pattern on the left side of his neck, just to the left of his esophagus and just above his collar bone. Below it was a wider pattern made of a single thin line which turned at angles and crossed over itself. There was some significance to this patter. I felt drawn to it. I looked at the man again. He had blonde curly hair, and seemed very familiar to me. He was very attractive. I thought that he looked like $A304. As he spoke to me, i started to feel strange. I did not feel like i was in danger, but there was a sense of tension, as if i should beware of him. I held up my arms in and looked at the palms of my hands. I noticed that there was a tattoo just under the heel of my palm which looked just like the one on the man’s neck. There was a thin-lined open pattern under it. There was something special about the pattern. As i looked at both of my hands, i could see that i had the same tattoo on both of my wrists. The two tattoos were symmetric with each other. I felt that there was something special about them. I had some special relation with this man. Someone then told me his name. It seemed like Kevin. I remembered his name from before. I had heard someone mention it when he first ran into me. I was then facing the west, standing just inside the main doors of the college. There were things on the floor. I bent over to pick up my books. As i collected my things, $F14 said something to me. She was standing just behind me, to the east. I looked around at the things still on the floor. There seemed to be several torn books and old folders. The students must have left their trash everywhere. I wondered how the school managed to pick it all up every night. I then thought that it was rather inconsiderate of people to leave the large mess. I looked to the west, noticing that i was in a small storage room. There was a wooden chair to the south of me, and a work bench along the western wall. There were several jars on the counter, once of which was narrow and yellow. I moved through the room, picking my things up. There seemed to be something in the center of the room which extended to the ceiling. I thought that it might be a small gas furnace. $F14 walked to the west of me, picking up some things from the floor. I gathered some more of my books and tried to clean up this place.

12002 February 20

I moved around the outside of the small house. The house seemed to be in the middle of a business area, but it was surrounded by thick rows of weeds and pine trees. I thought that this house might be located near the north end of $P103. My mother was standing on the east side of the house as i rounded the north. The house seemed small, with white wood siding. I felt that it was a very nice house. I felt interested in it, and thought that i should buy it. As i moved through the house, i wondered whether it was really what i was looking for. I pictured the floor plan in my head. I could visualize the three main rooms on the first floor. They seemed to be bedrooms. I thought that the two large ones, which formed an L along the east and north side of the house, were for the people who lived in the house. The third one, which was fitted into the others on the southwest side, was smaller and to be used for guests. I moved through one of the bedrooms. There was a good deal of light coming through the windows of the house. I noticed that the master bed was partly tucked into an alcove in the wall. The walls were light grey and the bed was covered with dark grey spreads. I thought that the alcove would hide the head of someone sleeping from the morning light. I then wondered whether people would be able to see in the large windows. I knew that the bedrooms were in the basement of the house. I knew that this neighbourhood was mostly composed of commercial and industrial buildings. The people around here could not be trusted, and i felt that they were thugs. I wondered whether there should really be windows in the bedrooms. I knew that they would let in the bright sun, but i also knew that, because the bedrooms were in the basement, people on the outside could easily see in. I was then standing on the north side of the house again, in the dirt driveway. I thought that the windows could be made so that they are all on the interior of the house. The house could have a courtyard in the center of it which would allow light into the windows of the bedrooms. I remembered that the center of the courtyard was a large cement block. I thought that there might be something about it which needed to be repaired. I said something to my mother, who was still standing to the east of the house. I then wondered why i had bought this house. I remembered that i already had a house. Something was wrong with this situation.

12002 February 21

I was in the upstairs bedroom of my grandmother’s house. My mother had just gone down stairs. I felt that there was something that we needed to take care of. There were several things scattered on the floor. I thought that these things needed to be cleaned up. There was something unsafe about having the mess on the floor. I then realized that there were several large black insects on the ground near some of the piles. This house had too many places in it where insects could get in. I wanted to tell my parents that the house needed to be sealed. I walked to the south, thinking that i could clean up the mess. I then noticed that there was a small hole in the wall to the west. I could see large green bugs pushing through the hole. They looked like the small plastic models of ankylosaurs that i had when i was a child. They poured through the hole in the wall. I looked to the east, at the tan kitchen counter. There were several doughnuts still spread out on the counter. I thought that we should keep the food away from the bugs, but i did not think that i had enough time to clear off the counter. I wondered what i should. I started to move some of the items of food when i noticed that the small black bugs had already crawled over the counter. I did not know what to do.

12002 February 22

I was in the small bedroom of the house. I felt uneasy, as though something was bothering me. It seemed dark in the room, though i was able to see some of the things in the room very clearly. $F10 was on the couch to the north of me. I felt as though i was upset and had talked to him. He was being playfully aggressive, though, and i felt like wrestling with him. There seemed to be a struggle, but i felt as though i was not a part of it. I wanted to compete with $F10, but he seemed to be wrestling with someone else. I then noticed that he was pinning someone on the small cot in the middle of the room. The person was under a white sheet. $F10 was on top of him, his legs locked around the other person’s legs and his arms pushing down on what appeared to be the other person’s arms. $F10 was wearing nothing but a white pair of gym shorts. I walked around to the north of the cot and told $F10 that he was not really wrestling with me. He had attacked the old man. I felt concerned, knowing that the older man might have been hurt by the sport. $F10 also seemed concerned. He said that he had thought that he felt a bone popping out of joint, but he did not think that it really was. I really wanted to challenge $F10, but i was suddenly worried for the old man. I felt conflicted. I wanted to do something physically challenging.

12002 February 24

I carried the baby upstairs. He was amazingly quiet. I wondered whether i had some special way with the baby. It was pleasing that he was not yelling, as he usually did. I placed the small baby down on the dresser on the north side of the small bedroom. There was a small white bed to the west. I thought that i should change the baby’s diaper. I thought that i could show my knowledge in such matters. I then wondered where the diapers and powders were. I realized that i did not know what his mother normally used. His mother seemed to be $A310. I ran to the south as the baby slept, wondering where i could get the white powder and ointments for the baby. I then walked half of the way down the stairs and asked $A310 where the powder was. She seemed to be alone now. I knew that $F10 and $F35 had been with her. I wondered where $F35 had gone. I turned around and walked back into the room where the baby was. I felt rushed because i did not want to leave the baby by itself for so long. When i got back into the bedroom, though, i noticed that the baby was covered with a small white blanket. I suddenly felt foolish for leaving the baby uncovered. I wondered who had come in to put the blanket on the child. I then realized that there as someone sleeping under the white covered of the bed in the center of the small room. The baby was lying on the east edge of the bed. $F35 must have come up to the room to take a nap. I felt uncomfortable, as though i had failed in what i had intended to do.

12002 February 25

I walked along the north side off the living room in my grandfather’s house on $P12. I was living in this house. My parents had come to visit me. My mother was cleaning up several things in the room, and i was starting to feel annoyed with her. My father was standing on the south side of the living room, looking at something in his hand. It seemed to be a magazine. I walked to the west, up the stairs to the second floor. I turned east and started to walk across the narrow white bedroom. It seemed that the master bedroom was to the south of this one. I realized that there was a lot of space between the north wall and the bed in the center of the room. My mother must have cleaned up the room. I thought that the extra space was nice. It was much easier to walk by the bed, not. The top part of the north wall seemed to slope to the ceiling, as though it was the underside of the roof. As i passed the bed, i noticed that my mother had stacked the pillows along the south wall. The bed was now pushed up against the south wall so that it looked more like a couch. I turned to the north. I seemed to be in the kitchen of my house. I noticed that there was a large pepper shaker on the counter of the kitchen. It was round and seemed to be made of plastic. I wondered why it was there. I then realized that my mother must have bought new salt and pepper shakers. I looked over the sink and saw my old shakers. I felt annoyed that my mother had bought something that i did not need. I walked to the east and looked down at the bench. I felt frustrated. $F4 was then in the room with me. He said something as i started to sit down. The white bedroom seemed to be just to the south of us. $F4 then picked up a small book from the end of the bench that i was about to sit on. The small book had been on top of my black backpack. I did not want people reading the notebook, but i did not feel like getting up to take it from $F4. $F4 squeezed the ends of the paperback book so that the front and back cover bowed outward. I thought that there must have been a rubber band around the center of the book. He looked into the small pocket calendar and read something. I did not think that i should be concerned with what he read, but when he spoke the words aloud, they sounded uneasy to me. I had written the words in my book. As $F4 read them, i thought that they sounded egotistical. $F5 seemed to be in the room as well. $F4 walked to the north as he looked at several more quotes from the book. “I am an angel”; he quoted. I wondered why i had written these things. I felt upset, but too lethargic to do anything. I was embarrassed about the words. I wondered why i had written them.

12002 February 26

I ran down the stairs and into the back room of my parents’ house. It seemed to be late at night. The back room was lit with the indoor lights, and there seemed to be sheets and blankets scattered on the floor. I felt as though something had taken place in this room earlier. I thought that it might have been a gathering of people. I felt that i should be getting ready for bed, but i was excited and did not want to settle down. I looked out the large window in the north wall of the back room. I could see some people jobbing into view. There actually was no back to the house, and i was watching them through the wall. The runners stopped and sat down to stretch out. I felt interested in them and wanted to go out and join them. I jumped up and down in front of the tan couch, which was along the north wall of the room. There was something about the runners which interested me. I wanted to go out with them. I turned to the south and started to run across the room. I would have to get dressed to go running with them. I ran up the stairs to the second floor of the house.

12002 February 28

I walked to the south, across the room of the apartment. It seemed to be late in the morning. There were several people walking around in the apartment. The main room of the apartment was long and narrow. The place seemed modern, and the room was oddly shaped. There were several small rooms to the east, which acted as the individual bedrooms. I had lived in this place once before. I walked to the south, across the living room of the apartment. The north part of the room was narrower, with a flat wall to the east. Two of the bedrooms seemed to be to the east and northeast of where i was. As i walked to the south, the wall to the east of me turned to the east and then back to the south. Of the second part of the wall, which was farther to the east, there was a door, which seemed to lead into a kitchen area. The western wall of the apartment ran to the south-southeast, at an odd angle from the rest of the walls. The east wall ended just south of the kitchen and again jogged to the east, so that the main room opened into a large dining area. There seemed to be another bedroom to the east of the dining room. The decorations of the room seemed very plain, and something was red and orange. I looked at the large window which covered most of the west wall. There seemed to be a sliding glass door in the middle of the window. I pulled the off-white drapes closed over the northern part of the window. Someone had said something about making the room dark. I thought that there might be people who wanted to sleep late. I walked to the west of the large puffy black fake-leather couch. I thought that i should close the drapes on the rest of the window, but there did not seem to be enough drapes there. I wondered how i would be able to close out the morning light. The sky outside the large window seemed to be bright but covered with white clouds. The woman mentioned something about covering all of the windows. I looked to the east, into the center of the apartment as i pulled the thin white curtains over the large window. I could not get them to cover the entire window. To the east, i noticed that there was a rectangle in the center of the ceiling, just in front of the kitchen, which lifted to a domed frosted-glass sky light. I told the woman that we would not be able to cover up the light from the sky light. I looked back to the west window, pulling the thin strands of curtain over the window. The strands hung from the rod above, and did not seem to be connected to each other. They hung as individual ropes. As i pulled the ropes over the window, i noticed that there were pieces of a plant caught in the loops of one of the ropes. The woman said that she did not expect to cover the sky light, but that we should be able to do something about the main window. As i walked to the southwest, into the dining area, i told the woman that i had lived in this place before with $A311. I told her that the white ropes on the curtain hooks actually used to be trellises for vines. I remembered that there were thick green vines on the white ropes. They blocked out the light of the window. We walked into the dining room as the others moved around the apartment.

I walked to the west, into the house. I looked to the south, across the floor of the apartment. This wing of the house ran to the south, and was the main part of the apartment. The west wall was covered with a large glass window, which looked out into the gravel parking lot. The east wall was broken into several sections which gradually moved to the east as the wall ran to the south. The center of the main room was open and empty. I had just escaped from prison. They had captured me, thinking that i had done something wrong. I had to get away from them. I knew that they would eventually track me back here. I wondered what i should do. I looked at the empty room to the south. I could see the empty desk in the southwest corner of the room. I realized that the police had taken my computer. I wondered whether they would find all of the things that i had stored on my machine. I knew that they might find all of my artwork. I wondered whether they could find the illegal documents that i had there. If they found them, they could make an excuse to keep me in jail. I felt that i had to do something, but i did not know what. My parents were away now, and the apartment was empty. I thought that $A311, who lived with me here in the apartment, must be away at work. The others from the apartment would be back soon, but i could not stay. I knew that the police would be looking for me, and this was an obvious place for me to go. I then heard a car pulling into the gravel driveway. I thought that it might be the police, but i then realized that it was probably one of my housemates. I walked to the east, out over the grassy hill to the east of the apartment. The hill seemed to slope very steeply to the east. I thought that the town was very far below us. I started to float over the hill. I wondered what i should do. I turned my back to the east and started to tumble backwards. As my head came near the ground, i rotated my body so that i slid, head-first, down the hill. I then glided upward, bringing my head back up. I realized that i might have hit my head on the ground as i was tumbling. I decided simply to fly away to the east, without any of the tricks. I was aware of someone to the northeast watching me as i flew.