12003 February 03

I looked at the photograph of the people standing on the stairs at the north end of the hallway in $P7. The people were standing on the lower flight of stairs, and i could see the upper flight behind them. I focused on the black decorative balustrades to the right of the people, on the flight leading up. They were made of thick metal, which i thought was old. They did not make things like that anymore. I then remembered that this was a new section of the building. I remembered the first time that i had come to the new section of the third floor. I had seen it in a dream previous, and was surprised to find that it looked very similar to my dream. I realized that the balustrades must be new, because they were part of the new building. I was in the hall now, looking at the railing near the students. I turned to the south and started to fly down the hall. There were some people in front of me. I was cheerful, but thought about this place as i flew. It seemed that i was back visiting.

12003 February 07

I was sitting on the western side of the classroom, listening to the teacher talk. The classroom seemed old, and the western, eastern, and southern walls seemed to be cluttered with academic things. The teacher stood in front of his desk on the southern side of the room, speaking to the class. My chair was facing east. Across the room from me, another student sat in a chair facing west. He was saying something to the teacher, describing the problem. I knew that there was something wrong with their ideas. I told them that time was really a function of changing space. I described the concept of time as a byproduct of space changing with respect to space. I told them to imagine a derivative of a variable with respect to time. Because time and space are related, according to relative physics, the time component could be replaced with a spacial component. All derivatives over time could then be represented as derivatives of changing space. I tried to remember the significance of this to field theory and remembered that time could be represented by the interaction of two dimensions of space.

I could hear the alarms going off somewhere in the building, but i continued talking to the other person to the left of me. The person asked what the noise was, and i told the person that the power kept going out. The alarms rang when the power was out and silenced again once the power came back on. I heard the alarm stop for a moment and then come back on. I continued talking to the person, referring to the book that i held in my hands.

12003 February 08

I was in the up-stairs room of the small building while the others were getting ready below. We were getting ready to do a play. Some people moved around me as i started to change my clothes. I had to put on a pirate costume. I then realized that the people dawn stairs were starting the show. I hurriedly pulled on a pair of grey sweat pants, knowing that i would not be able to make it down to the stage in time for my song. I then decided that i would purposely be late. I was not ready for the performance. I did not know any of the lines, and i did not think that i could fake the performance. I had been given the music and a script some time ago, but there had really been no rehearsal time. I was never asked in to practice the songs. This play was a Gilbert and Sullivan musical. I felt that i should make a point to the rest of the group because i had never been warned that the show would be so soon. I was down stairs as the rest of the cast finished their song. I stood in the small outside room of the building, looking in at them as there was silence. The building seemed like an old wooden church, with white wooden walls on the interior. The others were gathered in the larger room to the north. I could see some of the audience sitting on the western side of the room, facing east. The main part of the audience would be sitting along the southern wall, facing north, with a smaller section on the eastern wall. The stage was just as area of floor on the north side of the room. The cast was now clustered on the western side of the stage, their bodies facing to the southeast. They looked at me as the silence in the room grew tenser. $A192, the director, whispered to me to start the next song. “What song?”; i called back in a hushed voice. “I don’t care.”, he said impatiently and in a voice that others in the room could hear, “Anything!”. I was surprised that he had spoken so loud, and i was aware of the audience was listening to us. $A192 then mentioned a song that i was supposed to sing, now in an angry voice. He was not attempting to hide his agitation. I spoke back in a regular voice that the audience could hear and told him that i did not know the song. He walked over to me, humming the song as he came. The song was familiar, but i could not sing it. $A256 was standing with the group of people on the stage. She seemed distressed, as did the rest of the cast. The audience started to move around in the room. I told $A192 that i did not know the play. I said that i had never heard the songs before. He was angry with me, but i told him that i was never warned of the performance. I never heard about the rehearsals. I thought that they might have expected me to study the songs on my own. $A192 started to object to what i was saying, and i realized that i was exaggerating the situation slightly. I tried to correct my speech as i was talking. I told $A192 that he never called me to rehearse the play. I felt very defensive, and i was aware that the audience members were starting to leave the building.

There was something strange happening around us. I stood on the grassy hill in what seemed to be a campground. The land sloped down to the west, toward the town in the valley. It was night, and the air seemed very warm and heavy, as though it was summertime. The others sat on the ground to the north of me. I was standing, looking out to the northwest, telling the others that we had to be careful. There were things going on around us which seemed suspicious. There was a large domed green and yellow tent just to the northeast of us, which blocked the view to the rest of the camp ground. There was a large old tree to the north. Its draping branches swayed slowly. The others started to move, talking of something happening. I looked into the clear sky to the northwest to see the lights of a small airplane. It must be from the government. The others were suspicious that the government was doing something secretive out here. I watched the light move to the north, becoming obscured by the branches of the tree. I moved my head to see where the helicopter was traveling. It seemed to have a spotlight pointing to the east. I looked to the east, but the trees and the tent were blocking my view. I moved a little to the south, trying to get a clear view of the land to the east of the campground. Once i got a good view, i was amazed by the way it looked. Something special had happened to the land. There was a very large white moon hanging low over the horizon, taking up most of the eastern sky. Jagged hills reached up from the ground, making the skyline look almost like a lunar landscape. There were two large craters in the ground, one just on the other side of the tree line from the campsite, and the second just beyond it, to the east and slightly to the north. The ground around the craters was covered with lush grass. There was a light from the moon and a second from the north-northwest which cast shadows through the grass. There was a round pool of water within the rim of each crater. The water rippled with a wind. Then, a single jut of water spayed up from the center of both of the craters. I could see several other fountains shooting up all across the landscape, as though there were several more craters scattered around. The geyser died down suddenly, and i realized that this place was a natural land formation. The water was heated by a volcanic disturbance. I told the others about the amazing view as the geysers discharged again. We started walking toward the nearest crater. One of the younger men with us started running toward the crater. I called to him, warning him of the geyser, but he jumped headlong onto the ground and dunked his head into the water just as the geyser erupted. I thought that the water would be hot enough to burn him. We started rushing to pull him from the water. I knew that he was emotionally upset, which is why he ran to the water.

12003 February 09

I crossed the field of dry golden field grass and stopped in front of the small building. $Z seemed to be following me. The building seemed very small. I stuck my head into the small round opening on the north side of the cement structure. The stonework of the place seemed old and worn. I reached into the hole with my upper body, resting my weight on the damp stone floor inside. The wall just under the hole, through which i was leaning, was cracked and worn away. Something about it looked like a hearth. I could hear the man on the radio talking about the place. He spoke with a slight southern-United States accent, and i knew that he was a religious person. The writing on the mall below me said “RE-” on the middle line, and “LEGION” on the bottom line. The voice from the radio mentioned the full name of the society, which was some kind of brotherhood. He then added “But do you know why we like this name?” I knew it was because the last two lines could be reformed to read “religion”, and i thought that it was an annoyingly quaint attempt to be cute. I thought that such quips were used to keep the audiences from getting board. People would think it such a novel witty thing. I felt bitter, and answered his question in a mumble; “Because you’re a cult.” “Because it contains the word ’religion’.”; he answered himself. I felt the man was just being stupid, and i looked around the small room, which now seemed to be carved into a tree. There was another small door to the southwest. It too was down a short crudely carved shaft it the wooden walls. As i grumbled at the weak attempt at witticism from the radio announcer, i slid into the room at the center of the small hut and looked back out the small hole through which i had just come. I felt suddenly uneasy, realizing that i should not have entered the tree. This place was magical, and i could get trapped. I had to get out quickly, but the hole seemed very small, and the shaft to it too narrow for me to fit. I was suddenly afraid that i might get trapped. I thought about getting stuck trying to get back through the hole. I worried that i would not be able to get back out.

I thought about the tree that i had dreamed about. I tried to remember the words that i had seen on the bottom of the fireplace inside the tree, and the voice of the religious person that i had heard describing the words. I imagined that the tree house was some kind of evil fairy trap. If someone crawled in through one of the doors, the tree would trap them inside. I imagined an eerie field full of the tapered tree trunks, many of which would contain the remains of human bodies. It seemed like a horrible way to die. I then remembered that i had gone inside one of the tree houses. I felt that i had to get out, but i did not know how. It frightened me to think of being trapped within the tree. There was something frightening about the dark magic which created the trees. I then heard someone calling to me from outside the tree. My friend had come after me. I called back to him and thought that he might be able to open the door from the outside. I could sneak out once the door is open. I banged on the wooden door on the north side of the small room as i called to him. The door was dull red, and make of several vertical slats of wood which were held together by two cross boards. I grabbed the small sledge hammer form the low shelf to the left of me and started hitting the brass door knob with it, hoping to break the door open. I was then across the room as my friend started to crawl through the door. He looked like a medieval page, with a red felt shirt and a black mustache and goatee. I called to him, ordering him not to come into the room. I told him that it was a trap. I was afraid that he would not listen to me, though. He pulled himself into the room, and i felt suddenly frustrated and angry with him. He never seemed to listen, and he never paid attention to what was happening around him. I felt really angry with him as i walked across the large room. There were others in the room now. I yelled at the tall thin young man. He had short blonde hair, and seemed very young and skinny. I pushed him back as i yelled at him, hitting him on the side of the face and upper chest. I felt very angry with him. I then grabbed him in a headlock and threw him to the ground. He did not put up much resistance and tried to back away from he. The others in the room just watched as i pushed the young man around. I dragged the man to the center of the south wall and rested my weight onto him. He then tried to grab my head with his long thin legs. I suddenly felt as though we were wrestling in a friendly way rather than in anger. The man was trying to pull me off of him by getting a figure-four on my upper body. I had to be careful to block him.

I had just left my parents and was now on the bus, traveling east. I woke up suddenly and looked out the windows of the bus. It was still dark out, but i could see a slight glow to the northeast. It was still very early in the morning. I seemed to be the only person on the bus. The bus was traveling to the north on the country road, which seemed to be leading away from where my parents live. I thought that there was a cliff-top park to the northeast of us. The bus turned to the northeast, onto a small road which led into a parking lot. The driver must have been stopping at the park to pick up passengers. As the bus drove slowly down the aisle between the small parking lots of the park, i noticed a figure to the south of the bus, low to the ground. A light fell on the animal, and i could see that it was a tan cougar. It crouched low in the green wide-leafed undergrowth and watched the bus passed. It seemed to be out hunting, and i was worried that it might try to attack the bus. I warned the driver about the cat as he started to turn the bus around at the end of the parking lot. There was no one here to pick up, so he was heading back. We both watched the cougar as we headed back out the drive. It crouched, as though it was getting ready to attack, but then it rolled its head over and rolled through the thick green leaves of the ground vine. I then woke up again and found that it was already daylight. The bus was now full of people, and it seemed that we were traveling to the west. I wondered whether we were close to our destination. The bus was driving down the main street of a small town. There seemed to be a few old stone buildings on the north side of the road. This place seemed like $P95. We then turned to the northwest, into the front circle of a large light-grey stone federal building. We were already here, and we were getting off the bus. I knew that i had to get my bags to the airport. It seemed like only moments ago that i had gotten on the bus. My mother had planned the travel arrangements. I carried my large blue bag to the north, toward the front of the building, but i started to wonder whether i was really in the right place. I had not been paying attention to the stops that the bus was making, and thought that i might really be in the wrong place. I asked the woman in front of me whether this was $A119. I told her that i was trying to get to the airport there. I asked her whether there was an airport anywhere near us. As i was asking the question, i heard a small propeller plane flying over us. I smiled, recognizing the irony, and asked the woman if she knew the way to the airport. She told me that it quite a way to the east. She pointed to the east, and i looked to see the tall white stone building which took up the entire block. The top of the building had flat featureless sides, and there seemed to be a darker stone building in front of it. I realized that the airport was simply on the other side of the block. I thanked the woman and started walking to the north, thinking that i would go around the northern side of the block. I then decided that i did not want to take the time to walk. I thought that i could fly. I tried to concentrate on floating as i moved to the east. It seemed hard to fly, but i managed to rise into the air. I then wandered what the woman might think of my ability to fly. I thought that i should not show it off, but, as i glanced to the south, i could see the woman in the black robes rising along with me. She, too, had the ability to fly. I felt comforted and amused to see someone else who was able to fly.

12003 February 10

I was on the small bus as we drove to the east, over the dusty road. It seemed that we were flying in from space on the bus. There was something special about the group that i was with. I was then to the east of the small blue bus, watching it approach on the cement road. This place seemed like a military base. There was something on the south side of the road which seemed like a checkpoint. It was a white building which was right on the edge of the road, with a window on the side. I was driving the bus, but still watching the bus pass me to the south as it moved into a lane near the building. The lane was separated from the rest of the road by a thin cement curb. The curb guided all traffic past the checkpoint window and to the south, into the large garage of the building. I was on the driver’s side of the bus as the bus drove into the garage. I told the soldier, who was guarding the place, that i was not the regular bus driver. I said that the real bus driver was sick. I then looked back to the east, at the rest of the people in the bus. They were all wearing orange jump suits and reminded me of astronauts. The regular driver was then standing with me in the large garage. He said something to the guard, confirming that he had been sick. I walked to the north, where the others were standing. The guards wanted to talk to us individually about the mission. I felt unsure, as though something was wrong. Someone was then called into a meeting with the guards. I knew that there was something wrong happening. People were not returning from the meetings. I looked around the area where the others were gathered. I stood between several picnic tables. There was a table to the west of me and a few to the east. I asked no one in particular where the small black dog was. I knew that it had not returned. They looked at me from the red table just to the east. The table seemed to be at a lower level of the lawn that i was. I then said that the dog had been with $A47 and that he never returned either. $A103, who was sitting on the opposite side of the table from me, seemed concerned as he stood up. I continued by telling everyone that no one had come back from the interviews. They were worried now, aware that something was wrong. Someone said that we should search all of the grounds. I started walking to the southwest, thinking that i could fly over the city. I felt anxious about what was happening. I flew into the air, looking at the low black skyline to the south. I then turned suddenly to the east and flow into the passageway. This was part of the main building. The others, whom i had just left, seemed to have something to do with the X-Men. I was not part of their group, but i was helping them search for the missing people. I felt very anxious and frustrated. As soon as i flew into the corridor of the old abandoned building, i started to feel that things were too tense. I flew upward, through a square hole in the ceiling of the tunnel and found myself in a darkened part of the old building. Something felt very wrong, and i was frustrated by the sensation. I hovered over the opening for a moment, looking around at the dirty wooden floor of the east-to-west corridor around me. This place seemed like and old factory, and i started to think that the bad guy was in this building. I suddenly felt too scared and tensed my body, letting out an angry scream. I then turned to the west and flew down the corridor, expecting to run into the bad guy. The corridor ended after only a few metres, emptying into a north-no-south corridor. I turned to the north and flew into the old wing of the building. This part of the mansion was dark, and seemed to have been abandoned. I turned again to the west and continued past the doors of the living quarters until i came to the end of the hall. I thought that the bag guy might show up at any time, but he did not. This is the wing where the New Mutants used to live. They had disappeared, and this section of the house was now abandoned. As i turned around, i peered into the room to the north. It was dark, but i could see the roughly made bed and the scattered clothing. It seemed that the occupant expected to return. I felt suddenly sad for the missing members of the team. I backed out of the room and started down the hall again when i ran into some of the others, who had come into the hall to search as well. They were going into the rooms of the old students. I thought that they should not me messing with the New Mutants’ stuff. I followed one of the men into a room on the north side of the hall. As i entered, i saw him standing in front of the dresser, which was on the west wall, holding a bunch of money in his hand. He had found the money on the dresser, and he was smiling with glee at the money. I told him that he should not take the money, but he did not seem to pay attention to me. He walked to the small bed along the south wall of the room, to the east of the entrance door. I felt annoyed with the man and started to leave. The man started to play with several of the things near the bed. As i passed the foot of the bed on my way to the door, i noticed a backpack with roller skates in it. The skates had some plastic device on the heel of them. They belonged to one of the mutants. I remembered him as a young dark-skinned boy who used to skate around. He had the ability to shoot things at people. I thought that the device on the back of the skates allowed him to shoot some type of grappling line. There were some cans farther down in the bag, which i could see through the clear plastic exterior. They were the chemical agents for the devices on the skates. I thought about this as i left the room.

12003 February 11

I ran across the field to the southwest, along the north end of the old building. I had been out jogging for a while and came to the edge of the old factory yard. There seemed to be a residential area to the north of me, where i had come from. There was a dirt road to the south of me which led to the main section of the factory. The main buildings of the factory were to the west-southwest of me, encircled by a tall chain-link fence. I started to feel that i should not be here. There seemed to be someone to the south of me, on the road. I felt uncomfortable near the factory and decided to head back. I turned around, aware that the man on the road was still watching me. He was in charge of the area, and thought that i was a security risk. I ran back to the north, along the northern side of the small storage building. There were stacks of old furnishings behind the building. I remembered running through them before as i headed to the factory. I jogged through the aisles of old furniture, looking over the items which were piled around me. I started to feel interested in the items and wondered whether i could find anything that i could take. I looked at some of the small appliances on the north side of the aisle. I thought that some of them looked interesting, and i wondered whether i should take them. I just continued to the north, along the side of the old barn. I knew that the man was still following me. I had to loose him. I looked to the northwest, across the small green pasture which was just behind the barn. There was a line of trees on the opposite side of the small field, and i noticed a large sheet of clear plastic spread out over the western end of the field. the plastic covered the dirt path which led from the small rural area beyond the tree line to where i was. I had placed the plastic over the path on my way through. I felt pleased with myself for planning ahead. The plastic would deter the man form following me. I was then on the other side of the field, running down the street of the rural area. The wood houses around me seemed somewhat old. I headed to the northeast, down one of the narrow streets, I thought that i might be able to lose the man if i could get out of sight around a corner. I then stopped, letting the man catch up to me. He did not know that i was the one that he was after. I spoke to the second man casually, hoping that the security guard would not suspect me. We were standing at the intersection of the main road and the narrow side street which ran to the northwest. The side road seemed to lead along the south side of a wooded hill. There was a large yellow house on the corner, to the northwest of us, on the north of the side street, which was now heading west. The field spread out to the west of the house, and we now seemed to be standing at the bottom of it. The grass in the field was rough and filled with tall weeds. As i said something to $Z, i noticed a fire burning in the middle of the field. Someone had started a camp fire, which was now starting to ignite the trees on the northern edge of the field. The trees seemed to be damp from the autumn, but they started burning quickly. We were then back at the intersection, looking at the bright flames rising from the top of the forested hill. We had to warn the others. I ran into the large grey house that was on the corner of the streets, heading up the stairs on the south side of the building to the second floor. There were others in the house. I told them of the fire as i looked out a window to the northwest. I saw the fire to the north-northwest of us, burning the trees on the hill top. I then wondered why the fire would be in that direction. The house must have been in a different position than i had thought. I expected the flames to be to the west of us. I warned the others and then looked around at the landscape. This seemed to be a rather rural town, with many trees between the houses.

12003 February 14

I stood to the north of the pond, watching the people at the camp. Everyone was having a picnic. I could see my father in the crowd, and i thought that the people here might be from his office. I stood on the northern edge of the pond, looking out over the water. There was something strange about this place. Several other young men were with me, and it seemed as though we might have just gone swimming. I felt somewhat happy here, though it seemed hard to focus on what was going on. I turned to the north and found myself in a small crudely made shack. There was a counter to the east of me and a small white sink against the north wall. There were several other people crowded into the small kitchen. A woman was doing something to the west of me. I could hear the music from outside, but, suddenly, the music started to fade. I realized that the knobs on the north wall controlled the power for the sound system. I had turned on the tap of the sink to get a drink, but the round silvery knobs on either side of the faucet also controlled the power to the music. I had to leave the water running. I thought that this was a strange thing as i turned the cold water back on. I could hear the dance music power back up as i turned to look out the window on the south side of the building. I seeded to be in a food pavilion. There were a couple of men in the crowd looking toward us as the power came back on. One of the men was wearing only red gym shorts. He seemed middle aged and flabby, with mid-length short hair. He started dancing again once the music was going. I turned back to the north again to see a young man turn off the water from the sink. I knew that he simply did not think that the water should be running, but i still felt annoyed with his ignorance. I told him not to turn off the water and reached over to turn the cold water back on. I told him that it was powering the music.

12003 February 15

I turned to the west and walked away from the woman. I had been standing in front of $P19, thinking that i should go in. I wanted to hang out with the people there, but it did not feel right for me to do so. I headed down the street, thinking that i might be able to go to the fraternity house next door. As i ran, i felt that there was something special happening. I leaned forward, aware that i was not moving. I felt myself falling forward, starting to do a forward flip, but i was moving very slowly. There was a strange tingling sensation in my body, and i was aware that i was distorting time around me. I wondered what the woman would think of me moving slowly through the air. It must look interesting. I took another leap forward and felt myself drift through the air as if manipulated. I could not move my limbs fast, but the time dilation was slowing my motion enough that i appeared to be hovering in the air. I was still carrying the two white beer mugs in my right hand. I then landed and started to the west at a regular pace. I was now in the house to which i had been heading. The floor of the large living room was made of dark wood, and the walls were white. There was a group of people sitting on the western side of the room. I paused on my way to them, feeling out of place here. Someone then called my name and invited me into the party. I felt uncomfortable and unsure joining them, but i walked over and had some beer with them.

I carried the baby to the east, down the north side of the street. I felt very protective of the child, even though i knew it was not mine. Something felt very out of place, and i thought that i had to deliver the child to the woman quickly. There was something wrong, but i was not sure what it was.

I looked out the passenger’s window of the green car so see the baby deer running with its mother. The car was in the middle of the large grassy field. The field grass was yellow and already trimmed for the autumn. The land sloped up to the north, cresting just in front of the car so that i could not see what was on the other side of the field. The fawn ran to the west, along the crest of the hill, toward the car. I then saw the large wildcat jump on the fawn. I felt distressed and protective of the fawn. I ran to the east, watching the cat capture the fawn to the north of me. I felt that i had to do something, but i did not know what. I could not let the fawn be killed. This had something to do with the child that i remembered caring for.

12003 February 20

The child walked into the room through the door in the northern end of the eastern wall. The living room of the house was white, and all of the furnishings in the room seemed to have white cloth on dark wood frames. There seemed to be a fireplace in the middle of the eastern wall with a white sofa facing it. I was behind the sofa, watching myself stand in front of the sofa. There was a woman standing to the south of me, and the other side of the glass-topped table which sat along the back of the couch. The child was dressed in dark clothing as he dropped his backpack onto the northern end of the couch and continued to the western side of the room. I said something to the woman from the east of the couch. I then suddenly noticed that the child had run out the front door of the house, which was in the center of the southern wall of the room. I realized that something was wrong. There was a bomb in the black backpack. I told the woman and ordered her to run out of the room to the north. I then though that we should really get out of the house. I ran out the door to the east, the same door through which the child had entered. There seemed to be a brick patio outside, with a large pool in the center of it. Just as i got outside the door, the bomb exploded. I thought that the shards of debris from the house would probably kill me. I wondered whether there was some other way that i should have gone.

I sat on the ledge overlooking the bar. We had come here to relax a bit. $F12 was sitting to my left. We laughed about something as we drank some of the beer. There were two people in the bar below us. The bar room was made of bare wood with unfinished round tables in it. I took the small wooded object in my right hand and joked about tossing it to one of the men in the bar below. It was some sort of food item that the man could catch in his mouth. I fumbled with it for a moment, trying to get a better look at it before i tossed it. It looked like the wooden pog in my left hand, and i confused them for a moment. I said something to the man on the floor below, who was moving toward me with his mouth open. I had already tossed the pog at him, but i still had the pog in my hand. I thought about the traveling that $F12 and i had just done. We were driving across the country. I felt very happy with the trip. I laughed with $F12 and tossed the wooden coin to the man below. He tried to catch it in his mouth.

12003 February 23

I floated around the plaza between the large stone buildings. The buildings were very plain and reminded me of the plaza in $P6. I flew down into the courtyard between the large brown buildings. There was someone speaking about security as i moved. I looked over the long building to the west as i descended, listening to the voice reason the security of the buildings. People would need to be able to leave through any exit of the building so that no one could predict where they would come out. This was why there were so many exits to the buildings. There seemed to be a smaller building to the north, and a long building to the east. The buildings seemed roman to me, with plain featureless walls that sloped into the building. The bottom levels of the buildings did not seem to have any windows, but there were terraces and arched entryways on the upper levels. There seemed to be pale yellow trim around the windows. I thought that i could leave anywhere in the building, and no one would be able to follow me because they could not predict where i would come out. The ground of the plaza between the buildings was covered with yellow paving stones. There were thin trees growing up in rows down the length of the courtyards. I landed on the ground, thinking about the multiple exits of the building. I rotated as i reached the ground, facing east so that i could see through a narrow passage in the brown building to the interior courtyard. There was a military officer walking through the passage toward me. This place was a secure facility. I flew into the air again, thinking about the large number of exits. I looked over the upper levels of the building to the west. I suddenly wondered how all of the doors on the upper floors could be exits. They were part of the numerous exits, but, because they were not at ground level, no one would be able to use them to get out of the building. I passed by several terraces as i headed to the north, trying to figure out why there were so many small windows and doors on the upper floors of the buildings. I then realized that the proportions of the building were wrong. I was still standing on the ground, yet the building looked as though it was below me. The details of the terraces and archways on the building were really phony. They were much smaller than i had thought. I knelt down to look more closely at them, thinking that they might be some kind of trick to fool people into thinking that there were more exits to the buildings than there really were. I leaned forward and peered into the tiny windows and doors. I could see the wood inside each window, where the holes had been drilled or chipped into the small model of a building. I turned to the south and started dancing around the small cement object. I hummed loudly, and though i was chanting. A woman stood to the west of the cement headstone watching me. She must have thought that this was some kind of ritual. I looked down at the stone as i moved around it, picking up the decorative objects which were on top of it. I rounded the north side of the stone and backed to the south. I bumped the headstone as i passed, and it started to wobble. I quickly steadied it with my right foot. I thought that my balance was very good, and the woman might think that i was very agile. I moved around the cement stone, which now had red, blue, and yellow decorations crudely painted on it. I picked up the solid white object which was on top of the stone. There was some significance to the object. It looked like a plaster replica of a small bottle with the bottom cut off. I chanted something and then put the white thing back down. I felt humoured by my actions and continued to dance. When i was on the south side of the headstone again, i picked up the white object again, thinking there was something important about it. I looked it over, and then looked at the white plastic bulb on the small alter. The bulb had a narrow nozzle on the top of it, and i thought that it was some kind of air blower. I put the blower back on the stone and started to gather some of my things form the blue seat of the bus. I had been sitting on the left side of the bus as the bus moved to the east. The bus was now at the stop, and i had to get off, but i had to collect all of my things and bring them off of the bus. There were too many items on the seat near the window, and i did not think that i could carry them all at once. I felt hurried, but had to get all of my things off of the bus. I was heading to the small special place where the headstone was, to the north of the bus.

12003 February 27

I was driving down the road to the west. There was something wrong, and i felt cautious. It seemed that a storm had passed through just ahead of us. Thick power lines hung on both sides of the road, drawing my attention. The emergency was affecting them, making them short. They shook, thought there was no wind. My attention was then drawn by a wooden pole on the north side of the road. There were black wires running over the top horizontal brace of the pale, and a second set attached to the street side of the pole. White smoke was drifting up from the upper section of the pole, between the two sets of wires. The electricity was shorting and burning the pole. I felt anxious as we drove past the pole, watching the white charge of electricity arch down the guide wire on the northern side of the pole. I then noticed that there were wires bowed low over the street in front of us. I turned the red truck to the north, driving onto the shoulder of the road to avoid the wires. I stopped just as the tires of the truck crossed the muddy ditch. I could not let the truck get stuck here. I quickly backed out of the ditch, worried that i might be trapped under the power lines. I felt scared of what was happening. Several other cars passed me and drove under the low-hanging wires. I thought that i could follow, but then remembered that my red truck was taller than most of the cars. I did not know what to do.