12004 February 05

I turned to the south, looking out from the kitchen of my grandmother’s house to see $K23 coming in the front door of my grandmother’s house. I was surprised to see her. Some of the others surrounded her to greet her. She smiled and waived at me from the door in the hallway before she turned to the west and said something to someone in the living room of the house. I walked toward her to say hello, thinking about how odd it was to see her. It had been a very long time since i had seen her. I then thought that she was really dead, so it should have been a very long time. Something changed, and i suddenly found myself driving to the east, down the suburban street. There were small houses all around me it the tightly packed neighbourhood. I drove the car down the narrow street. The parked cars on either side of the street made the road very narrow, and i started to feel worried about driving here. I then thought that i might be intoxicated. I did not feel right. I came to the eastern end of the street and turned to the south. There did not seem to be a road to the north. Instead, there seemed to be a short driveway or turnaround in front of some of the houses. As i rounded the corner, i could see that the road to the south only ran about thirty metres before turning back to the west. As i drove slowly toward the next corner, i noticed some small animals in the road. I slowed down so that i would not run over the animals. As i approached, though, i noticed they were moving slowly to the south, into the driveway of one of the houses. I then realized that the animals were brown rabbits. There seemed to be a little more than a dozen of them slowly wandering up the paved apron of the driveway. I wondered why wild rabbits would be moving so slowly. This situation seemed very wrong. As i rounded the corner, i continued to think about the rabbits. The road to the west was crowded with parked cars on either side of the street. I felt uncomfortable driving again, and worried that i might run into one of the cars. I felt worried about driving, thinking that something was wrong with me. I wondered whether i was drunk. I tried to focus on where i as heading, trying to make sure that i did not swerve into the parked cars. I then noticed a black car parked in the middle of the street ahead of me. I went to slam on the brakes, but i seemed to be moving slowly. Before i could react, my car hit the black car in front of me. I could not slow down fast enough. I suddenly felt worried about what i had done. The small black hatchback car lurched forward and drifted off the south side of the street. I continued to drive to the west. I could not be caught here. I was worried that i was drunk and did not want to be stopped for hitting another car. I hoped that no one would know what i had done.

12004 February 11

I looked at the yellow cage in the center of the room. The walls of the room were cement, making this place seem like a factory. I tried to focus on the thick square metal bars of the yellow cage where the others were being held. There was something about this image which seemed familiar and threatening. This scene had happened before. I remembered the large stone building with the formal architecture. It seemed like the parliament building in London. The last time this scene happened, the building was where the cage now stood. I knew that this had something to do with Harry Potter. He was part of the story. He had saved the building in the previous version of the story, but then he managed to change reality and replay the event. This time, things did not work out as well as the first, and there seemed to be something almost malevolent in Harry. He was angry and he cast a spell on the yellow cage. He was destroying something. I know that the scene would have to be played over once more, but i was afraid that Harry would just get worse, becoming more and more destructive. I started to feel upset. This was not right. The yellow cage sunk into the ground as the spell took effect. This had something to do with the destruction of the city. I knew that Harry would kill more people in future iterations of this scene, but i did not know what to do.

12004 February 14

I headed to the east, just to the south of the line of cars in the parking lot of the building. There seemed to be a thin roof over the line of cars. The roof extended from the western side of the grey building to the east. There was a small extension of the grey stucco building which extended to the west. Just to the south of the extension was the entrance to the building. I was heading directly toward the entrance, but i thought that i would have to do something else before i went to my apartment. I was carrying something in my hand, and i was thinking that i had to take it over to the meter on the wall of the building near the parking lot. I was aware of a man standing to the east of me. I was wary of the man and tried not to notice him as i walked toward the utility meter on the outside wall of the building. I thought that i should replace something in the meter with a small red pencil-shaped object in my hand. The man was walking toward me, and i felt uncomfortable. He was dressed in a blue uniform, but i knew that it was a disguise. He did not work for the hotel. As i approached the meter, i was also aware of another man behind, approaching from the west. I felt as though these people were trying to deceive me. The man in the blue uniform headed me off, moving between the large black meter on the wall and me. He told me that i would not be able to use the water because all of the water in the building had been shut off. I could not let them suspect that i was aware of their deception. I also could not let them manipulate me. I looked at the man, who had medium skin and dark black hair. There was a thick black moustache on his face. I looked at him as though i thought he was being fooling. I held out the stack of black plastic flower pots which were in my hand and told the man that i did not need water. I said that i was just transplanting something. I wanted to make him feel as though his statement was stupid so that he would be thrown off guard. I looked at the car near the meter. They were parked so close together that it would be impossible for anyone to get into any of them. The large car at the eastern end of the row, near the wall where the meter was, seemed to be my car. It was a light blue or tan mid-sized american car. I thought that the men must have parked me in so that i could not get away. I had to pretend that i was not affected by their actions. I turned to the northwest and headed toward the entrance of the hotel. I noticed two men in blue uniforms heading toward me. They were the real utility men, and i realized that they were going to confront the men who had tried to stop me. I felt satisfied that they had caught the fake men, but i still felt as though i had to get out of there. I walked through the glass doors to the north and found myself in the hotel room. The room was still messy. The tan sheets of the large bed on the east wall were bundled near the foot of the bed, and there seemed to be many things scattered on the floor. I realized that the room service had not cleaned it since we had checked out. I wondered if room service had not touched the room because they thought that we were still renting it. We had actually checked out a day ago. I walked to the north side of the room. There was a small dresser against the northern end of the west wall. Its drawers were open and various articles of clothing hung out. I realized that several of the things in the dresser were my mother’s. She must have left them there. I started to pull some of the things from the dresser, thinking that i should collect them and get them to the car before room service realized that i was here. They had to think that we checked out of the room the previous day. I started pulling the mess of plastic bags and loose clothing from the dresser. I wanted to pack up my mother’s things and take them with me. I looked to the east, spotting our grey duffel bag, still on a shelf of the large wooden cabinet. I thought that i could put some of my mother’s things in it. I turned back to the dresser on the east wall and pulled a tan and black plastic bag from the middle drawer. I could see several cases of makeup through the thin plastic of the bag. My mother had juts purchased the makeup while we were here. I started to think that she was just not thinking when she left it. I would have to pack all of our stuff up and leave the room. I hoped that i could do it in one trip without letting the hotel staff know.

12004 February 18

I walked to the west, across the grassy ground. I was thinking about the large reptiles that were living in this time period. Many of them were dinosaurs. Someone said something about the large orangish-red animal which was standing in front of us. It was facing the west as it stood under the leafy branches of the large tree. It was generally shaped like a frog, with a very thick body and pronounced backbone. $Z mentioned that it should be safer in this area because there were mostly amphibians here. We did not have to worry about the dinosaurs, which might attack us for food. There seemed to be something wrong with his statement. I realized that we could not make any assumptions about the creatures here. The large animals were amphibians, but there was no reason to assume that they would not be dangerous. I told $Z that the large amphibians could easily be aggressive carnivores. Just then, the large animal turned to face us. It was now shaped more like a tyrannosaur, with a large boxy head. I was afraid that it might bite and started to back away, but there was no longer any area around us. It seemed that the animal was just moving in space, a reddish background behind it. The creature opened its mouth, exposing a row of sharp teeth. I did not want it to bite, even though it now seemed to be no more than a cartoon.

12004 February 23

I rode by bicycle to the north, heading along the bottom of the hill of $P17. It was a sunny day out, and the leaves of the tree were dark green, as though it was mid summer. I turned to the north and headed up the hill. I had been this way many times before, but there still seemed to be something new and exciting about it. As i reached the top of the hill, it seemed that i was talking to someone about something. I stopped and spoke to him for a bit. When we were finished, i headed to the west again, down a street along the top of the hill, which was now in the center of the house. I had returned to $P19. As i came to the western end of the room, i spoke to the other person. There was a large window in the western wall which looked out over the hill outside the house. I stood in front of the window, facing north. The other person was just starting to climb the latter to the third floor of the house, but he had stopped to talk to someone. There seemed to be a lot of people here, and i felt that the place was crowded. I wanted to get up to my room, but there were too many people standing around the ladder that i did not think that i could bring my bicycle through the crowd. I waited for a moment as the others talked, but eventually decided that i should use the back stairs to the third floor. I remembered that they were there, but it had been a long time since i had used them. I crossed the room to the east, trying to remember where the second set of stairs was. As i came to the eastern end of the room, i bent over and pulled open the trap door that was in the floor. I remembered that the door was there from before, but i could not remember whether it had something to do with the extra stairs up to the third floor or not. The trap door was a flimsy piece of plywood which bent under its own weight as i held it open by one corner. Through the hole underneath, i could see down into the living room of the house. There was no one there, but i could see the large dark-blue chair in the northwest corner of the room, just to the west of the fireplace, which was against the north wall. I closed the trap door and turned to the west again, wondering where the other stairs were. I thought that the people in the main stairwell, to the west, would be surprised that i made it up to the third floor without having to get by them. I opened a door on the eastern end of the north wall, exposing a dark and dusty stairwell which ascended to the east. I climbed up the stairs, coming out in the long room at the third floor. I started to the north, down the length of the room, passing several people. I suddenly realized that many of the people here were young women who were dressed in blue and white cheerleader uniforms. I knew that they were part of the visiting team, and wondered why they were staying in my room. One of the young women passed me, greeting me by name. I said “hello” in return and continued to the north. There seemed to be a room to the west, just off the main room, where most of the cheerleaders were gathered. Several other cheerleaders greeted me by name, and i greeted them in return. I then suddenly started to wonder how they all knew my name. I put down my bicycle, which i had been carrying over my right shoulder. $F16 seemed to be at the northern end of the room. I asked him how the cheerleader all knew my name. I did not remember meeting them before.

I rode by bicycle to the north, heading along the bottom of the hill of $P17. It was a sunny day out, and the leaves of the tree were dark green, as though it was mid summer. I turned to the north and headed up the hill, but i was suddenly in a bus. I remembered doing this before. I was then standing with a group of people at the top of the hill, talking about various things. The bus had just dropped us off here, and the person no the northeast of me was saying something about a group of people that they hung out with. I remembered someone talking about the group before. It was a running group that did strange things. I looked down at the man’s purple shirt as he spoke. The letters “PC2” were printed across the shirt. I knew that they had something to do with the shirt because i had heard someone talking about the group before. I then thought that i had seen this group somewhere on the internet. Something suddenly seemed familiar about this situation. It seemed that i remembered talking about this group in the past. There was then a woman in a black shirt to the north of us. She was also part of the group. She said something, but then looked to the west, distracted by others in the room. She had long frizzy brown hair. I turned around as i heard people to the west, behind me. Someone mentioned a dog, so i turned to see who it was. We were in a large white room. This place seemed like the lounge of a fancy hotel. There was a white arching ceiling overhead, and white stairs to the north which led out to the main corridor. The northern end of the room was a few steps higher than the rest of the room, and there were tables scattered across it. Some large leafy green plants were planted in white boxes along the southern edge of the northern part of the room, along a round brass railing. On the western end of the room, there were stairs which curved along the front of the raised section of the room to the north, ending at a large garden planter along the western wall. The planter was filled with decorative plants which extended to the spotlights in curving ceiling. Unlike the rest of the room, the western wall was covered with alternating black and mirrored tiles. $A70 had just come into the room with some other people. I had known that he was part of the running club, and i told the others that i knew him. He then called to his dog, referring to it as a puppy. I looked to the south, where the stairs on the western side of the room continued down into a small oval shaped wading pool. There were a few dogs playing in the water, but i knew that his was the thin golden retriever. I turned back to the north and continued talking to the others. The man and the woman were both part of the running group. There seemed to be something very familiar about the group, as though i had known them from the past. I wondered why $G4 was not more like them. It seemed that both groups had similar interests. I was very interested in the group that these people were a part of. I felt that they were very interesting, and i wanted to join them on a run. I spoke to them as i stood on the street in the suburban neighbourhood. The green leafy trees blew in the wind, and the sun lighted the bright blue sky. The people that i spoke to seemed very nice, and i tried to remember the name of the group so that i could look them up later. I remembered that it was “PC2” followed by something. The woman continued speaking to me about it, and i started to feel comfortable with these people.

12004 February 25

My mother and i left the others in the area, heading to the north. It seemed that we were on the outskirts of an urban area. We walked across the metal truss bridge, passing the thick green arching girders of the bridge as we headed to the north. Looking down at the silt-laden water of the river below, i felt uneasy about being on the bridge. There was something making be nervous about the water below. I walked quicker, catching up to my mother. I felt as though i wanted to cross the bridge quickly. As we approached the other side, i asked my mother why she was uneasy about being here. She motioned to the vertical green girder that was to the west of us. I noticed the white numbers on the girder. My mother stopped and traced the numbers with her hand, as though drawing them onto the green paint of the girder. She traced out 10 followed by an omega. As she finished, i realized that the number was symmetric. The top three horizontal numbers read “109”. Underneath them was “901”, written vertically. I thought that it must be the symmetry in the number that was making my mother afraid of them, but my mother pointed to the “10” at the beginning of the number and said that ten was a bad number. I looked at the numbers on the girder to see that they were separated into individual numbers. The number ten was printed over a faded red circle. I told my mother that ten was not a bad number. I said that it was a very good number, that it was the number of completion. I then pointed to the seven just below the ten, saying that it too was a lucky number. I said that the three at the bottom of the group of numbers represented the trinity. There were many eights in faded circles across the girder. I told her that eight represented the wheel of change. I considered this as i said it, thinking that the wheel of change was actually a buddhist idea of the eight paths. I said that six was the only number in the group which was bad, motioning to the six on the right side of the cluster of numbers. I said that six was considered bad because it was the number of lust. I looked to the west as i spoke, feeling strange. I was standing in a large room as the person asked me about something. I replied. The person then said that they were going to “head over to Ponderosa for some ice cream”. He turned and walked out the door of the store, which was just to the east of me. I looked around in the small room, wondering why the man had to leave for ice cream. This place seemed to be a small convenience store, so i though that it should have ice cream. I felt bad that i had told the man about the ice cream. I wondered whether Ponderosa sold ice cream in their restaurant. I looked to the west, wondering where ice cream would be in this store. There was a cooler along the north wall of the store, and i could see brightly coloured boxes sticking out of it. I wondered if any of them were ice cream boxes. I thought that they might be ice-cream treats, like ice-cream sandwiches and individual cones. As i focused on an orange and yellow box, i decided that they were not really ice cream boxes. I felt suddenly that there was someone to the south of me with a gun. For a moment, i thought that he might be holding us hostage in the store. I grabbed something and headed to the east, across the parking lot outside the store. The shopping plaza circled around the northern, eastern, and western sides of the blacktop parking lot. I was carrying a cash drawer in my hands as i headed for the large tan car. The driver’s door was open, and the car was facing east. I put the cash drawer into the car, hoping that it would be safe there. As i closed the door of the car, i was aware of a man to the south of me, on the other side of the car, and a man directly to the east of me. The man to the east of me said something in Deutsch to me. I acted as though i did not understand what he said, but then i was watching a third man by the car. The third man used to be me, but i was now watching the three men from the north. The third man had a plain rectangular face, with faded-red hair. He was wearing a yellowish-tan tweed jacket and appeared uneasy and aloof. The man to the east repeated the message in Deutsch again, and the man in tweed replied. The third man then walked back in to the store. I was still standing to the north of him as he relayed the message to the others in the store. The others were disappointed with him for not getting the message right. He was in trouble with them for not understanding the message. The men outside would now expect something, but the men here did not know what it was, and they would be in trouble if they did not act in the correct way. This had something to do with a criminal activity. This was part of a movie that i was watching.

12004 February 28

I felt the low vibration in the ground and went to the south to see what was happening. I stopped at the edge of the northwestern rim of the large volcano. I was on the main volcano of Hawaii. The air around me was foggy, and it seemed that it had just rained. I looked down into the wide crater to see a smaller crater in the southwest corner. The smaller crater seemed to have a black liquid in it, but i could not be sure. I thought that it might be water rising to the surface, but i could not see clearly enough through the haze to tell. I waited to see if there would be another quake, but i did not feel anything. I wondered whether the volcano would erupt while i was here. I knew that it would be dangerous, but i felt excited about the idea. I started to turn away when i felt another vibration. It was low, but i was sure that it had occurred this time. I looked back to the crater but could not see anything special happening. I remembered that most of the lava had bees flowing out of the volcano to the east. I turned around and moved to the visitors’ center, which was to the northeast of me. I ran in the front door and looked around the simple room. The white shelves on the walls seemed almost bare. There was a man and a woman on the western side of the room. They seemed to be tourists, and they were bending over to look at something on the table to the west of them. There seemed to be a female park ranger to the east of me, behind a counter. I asked if anyone had felt the quake, but no one seemed to know what i was talking about. I turned to the north where there was a bright-coloured meter hanging on the wall. The meter measured the vibration of the ground and registered it in various wavy lines on the face of the meter. The red zone at the top showed the current vibration of the ground, but the line was only slightly jagged. There was a yellow area below with an orange area below that. The bottom of the meter seemed to be blue. I focused on the wave at the top of the meter, but i could only see the current movement of the ground. There was no record of the past several minutes, so i could not check to see if a wave of larger amplitude had been recorded. I said something about the meter as i watched, realizing that i had no way of knowing whether the current waves i was seeing were larger than the normal waves for this area. I really needed to see the history. As i started to turn away from the meter, however, i felt a sudden shake in the ground. I quickly turned back to the meter to see what kind of waves would be registered. The waves in the red area were now noticeably taller than they were before, confirming that the shaking was not normal. The others in the room seemed to feel the shaking as well. It was much more noticeable than the first two vibrations. The two tourists in the tan rain jackets walked over to look at the meter with me. I told them that the volcano was erupting. I still felt excited about the idea, but remembered that most of the lava might still be to the east, where the lava tunnel opened near the sea. I thought that it would be great if i could fly over the eruption to the east. I then imagined that i had a small zeppelin in which to fly. I could hover over the area to watch the lava eruption from a safe distance. I was then in the zeppelin over the coast of the island. Something seemed to be wrong. The eruption was affecting the zeppelin, and we were falling toward the ocean. I tensed and tried to think of a way to stop the zeppelin from falling. I could see the ocean out the front window of the zeppelin’s control room. We were spiraling down. Something seemed wrong about this situation. The zeppelin was held up by light gas, so it should not be spiraling down. I was convinced that it could not crash because we could simply let more gas into the ballasts. The zeppelin kept spiraling downward, however, and i wondered what was wrong. I looked to the west to see the steep cost of the island rise out of view. I could see the wreckage of the tourist helicopter which had crashed because of the eruption. The pilot was pulling the metal girders of the tail section up the hill, trying to save as much of the craft as he could. Two other people were standing around him, helping him save the remains of the helicopter. I was in the small blimp, gliding quickly to the south, along the coast. I said something to the pilot of the helicopter, asking him if he needed help. I thought that we could rescue him and bring him to safety. Unlike the helicopter, the zeppelin’s flight would not be affected by the volcanic ash. The pilot responded on the radio at first, but then he was sitting to the right of me, in the cockpit of the zeppelin. I looked around the metal interior of the craft. There were tan walls on either side of me, and a small window to the front. There was a counter just in front of me, but the plain control panel seemed very far from the front window of the zeppelin. I could see the window another four or five meters in front of the controls. Metal girders could be seen extending over the front of the window, holding the control cabin to zeppelin. This did not seem right. We should be able to see more of the outside from the window. I wondered why the zeppelin had been designed so awkwardly. We were then sailing high over the volcano again. We were safe.