12006 February 02

I moved down the suburban street, to the north. The other person was in front of me and to my right, explaining the situation. He told me about the problem with the ocean water. There was a large amount of water being pumped from the ocean into this area. I could see a geyser rising above the trees to the northeast. It had something to do with he people at Atlantis. I stepped out of the dark car and followed the man to the northeast, toward the grassy lawn of the house. He walked backward, talking to me about the trouble. His feet sank into the muddy ground, and he pulled them out in surprise, stumbling toward the pavement. I knew that the ground was saturated. I could tell by the way it looked. Someone then said that the north pole was affected by this action. I did not understand, but the man in the dark suit said that the magnetic north pole and the true north pole were now aligned. I knew that it had something to do with pumping water into the core of the earth. The water would make the core float enough to allow the magnetic pole to align with the rotational pole. I thought that the two poles would pull on each other until they were aligned, but the normal friction of the core would have prevented them from aligning before. We walked into the house, and i could see that there was water collecting on the lawn to the north of us. The people in Atlantis were pumping water to this area. We seemed to be to the east of Atlantis. The man in the dark suit was really a government agent. He had dealt with the Atlantis people before. Another person then asked how they were able to pump water into this area, and the agent, who was James Bond, said that they were using the tunnels. I did not know what he meant about the tunnels, but someone explained that James Bond had been through the tunnels in a previous episode. My view changed and i could see a large red metal door swing open in the cement wall to the northeast of me. I scene of the movie was shot in a cement corridor, and James Bond had crawled out of the square red tunnel in the wall. He escaped from Atlantis. This was a scene from an older movie, and the colours were not as vivid. I looked at James Bond as he crouched in the tunnel. A bad guy came from the west, into view, and pointed a gun at James. James was wearing a white sweater, and i realized that he was being played by Sean Connery. This was an older movie. The new James Bond was played by someone else. This episode showed how the tunnels ran from Atlantis to everywhere in the world. It would be easy for someone to flood the tunnels with water. We had to find a solution. I wondered if we could seal the tunnel in some way. I thought about welding a metal cap onto the tunnel, but realized that it would be very hard to seal the tunnel when water was pouring out of it. I tried to think of a way to seal the pipe, wondering if the water could be stopped with a heavy weight on the top of the pipe until a seal could be welded into place.

12006 February 03

We walked out of the place, which seemed like a car dealership. The man had told us that we could not get something. It sounded like a sales pitch. I thought that we were trying to preview some product so that we could get something free in return. The man said that we would not get anything, even if we did everything they said. My mother walked out the glass door of the place and started crying. We were to the northwest of the building, and i was looking back to the southeast at my mother, who was standing in a long brown coat. My father stood near her as she cried. I felt bad, but did not understand why she was so upset. I hugged her from behind and helped her toward the car. I thought about why she would be so upset. I thought that she was expecting to get something for the time she put in. I also thought that she had to spend some money to get something, but i did not think that she had really lost anything special. She simply did not get what she thought she was going to get. I sat her in the back seat of the car and went to the trunk to put some stuff into it. The car was facing south on the southern side of the small parking lot. There seemed to be a hill to the north of us with some businesses on it. I walked around to the back of the car, which was not to the east, and pushed down the trunk. The trunk was full of clothing, which had been tossed in. I could see a red ribbed shirt sticking out the right side of the trunk. I tried to push it in so i could close the trunk, but i noticed that i was pushing more clothing out the bottom of the car. I looked at the underside of the car to see that the trunk had rusted through. The bottom of the trunk was hanging below the car, the back edge open to the rear of the car. I could see the black and dark-coloured clothing bunched up inside. I thought that it would probably fall out as we drove. This was not a good situation.

12006 February 07

I walked down the street to the north. I had left the place a while ago, but was now heading back. The place was like a summer camp where we had gone for some kind of conference. I had been with $F4 and $F5 in the large building. I remembered discussing something important with them, though $F5 disagreed with everything i said. I was then in the building again. It was like a cafeteria, with crude wood walls and floor. $F5 sat at the picnic table to the east of me. He was planning to do something that i thought was not good. I did not want to be a part of his schemes.

12006 February 09

I walked to the north, along the eastern side of the building. I entered the restaurant through the door in the northern end of the eastern wall. I was here to meet someone important. I scanned the people in the dimly lighted room as i waked to the west. I was on the southern side of the room, and the room was filled with people waiting to be seated at the restaurant. Several people looked at me as i scanned the crowd. I headed into the room to the west, thinking that i was waiting for Albert Einstein to arrive. I was to escort him into the restaurant. I turned around at the western wall, wondering if i would recognize him. I knew that he would be very old at this time. I turned and scanned the room again, spotting an older man sitting at a table near the southern wall of the room. The small round table was just to the east of the wide doorway into the main dining area, and the man sat on the south side of it. A woman with short dark hair sat to the east of him. She seemed to be his companion. I walked up to the man and spoke his name in question, referring to him as “Mr. Einstein”. He extended his hand and i shook it. He then asked my name, and i referred to myself by my last name. I then thought that it was strange for me to do so. I sounded strange to use my last name and title alone. I felt honoured to meet him.

12006 February 13

I was in the room with the other people, and there were animals moving around the floor. I was watching the people work on the animals. The animals were large lizards, with tall fins on their backs. They seemed like dimetrodons. The people were bending over to remove the fins from the backs of the lizards. It seemed very strange. I then realized that these were ancient lizards, and i became fearful of them. I did not think that they should be running around us. They might attack us. I started to feel frightened.

12006 February 18

This place was my new house, and i was looking around the place. I looked out the windows of the second floor of the house, out into the back yard. I could see the large white wooden garage on the opposite side of the rectangular paved turn-around at the end of the driveway. The turn-around was between the house and the garage, and the garage seemed to be at a slight angle, so that its front did not run parallel to the back of the house. The roof of the garage was covered with tar shingles, and there was a slight overhang in front. I could see the white wooden garage door and realized that it was broken at the bottom. The white paint on the horizontal boards had chipped and the wood at the bottom of the door was rotting. I moved to the south, to check the garage out. It was wide enough for two cars at the front. I was disappointed that it was in such bad shape, and i thought that i would have to get it fixed. I walked into the small door, which was to the west of the main garage door. The floor inside the garage was cement, and there were several old cars which were left by the previous owners. I felt pleased that these things were left for me, and i walked to the southeast, across the center of the room, to look at the cars. There were several green shells along the western wall which had been taken off of some small sports cars. I then noticed the Volkswagen Beetles in the center of the southern wall. The one on the east was a modern light-green vehicle, and the one to the west was an older white Beetle. I wondered why the previous owner had left all of these classic cars here. I then noticed that the white Beetle was really a small car. It was a go-cart rather than a real car. I looked around the room and realized that most of them were go-carts. I also noticed that most of them were not fully built. I thought that these were not usable cars. They were really only used for spare parts. I walked to the east, into the wider section of the garage. I realized that the cars here were real cars, and seemed to be in good condition. Three was a nice sports car along the eastern wall which looked like a Porsche Speedster. There was also a dark-red car on the western wall, near the front door of the garage which seemed to be a Ferrari. I then noticed a dark-grey Rolls Royce Phantom at the back of the garage. I was surprised that these cars had been left. I continued to the east, into the next room of the garage. This room was empty. It had plain white walls and a long counter running along the eastern wall. There were cupboards below the counter and a sink near the northern end. There was also a stove set into the center of the counter and a spot for a refrigerator near the south. I thought that this kitchen was rather nice, and made the room a nice place to have parties. It would be nice to have people out here rather than in the house. I walked to the north, out the back door of the garage, and came into a small flower garden. The garden was very nice, with thick vegetation forming crescents along the front of the old wooden shed. There were small flowers scattered among the garden’s green leafs. I was standing next to the shed, and it seemed that i had just come out of its door. I was facing south now, and i was to the north of the main house, on the northern edge of the property. I really liked this place and was happy to be here. I then wondered if there was a lot of room in the garage to park two cars. I could see that there was a parking space on the west side of the garage, but i thought that $F45 should be able to park his car in the garage. I opened the small door to the front section of the garage and looked at the parking space inside. I was glad that there was enough space for two cars.

12006 February 19

I was in the house as someone pulled into the driveway to the east of me. I could see the car out the window as i did something on the floor to the south of me. A woman in a light-coloured jacket got out of the pale van. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that she might me suspicious of why i was here. I tried not to act suspicious as i picked up something from the counter. The woman was in the bedroom on the other side of the window, and i was aware that she was watching me. She scowled and bitterly said “Fudge packer.” She was trying to call me a homosexual in a negative way, but i found her fear humourous. I looked at her curiously, acting as though i did not understand what she was trying to say. She restated her hatred, accusing me of being homosexual. I replied to her in a southern accent, pretending that i did not understand what she was trying to say. I wanted to make her say what she meant in exact terms. She was hiding behind harsh sayings which avoided the actual subject. I thought that if i acted as though i was from the southern United States, i could confuse her. The southern accent was associated with bigotry, which opposed homosexuality, so i thought that she might be confused and believe that she might be wrong in her accusations. I wanted to get her to address the problem directly, because she was obviously afraid of the issue and unable to think beyond her accusations.

12006 February 20

I walked to the west, into the small apartment. The living room had only simple furnishings. A brown couch sat against the light-blue western wall. This was the apartment of $A337, and it was in the middle of a large city. I was visiting this city from a long way away, and we were supposed to stay in this apartment. $Z and i had come to this apartment, but $A337 had not been in, so we broke into the apartment. I felt that it was okay because $A337 knew that we would be here. $Z and i started moving things around the apartment, hoping to make some space for us to sleep. There did not seem to be enough room between the couch and end tables to lay down. I looked around and decided that i should probably just wait for $A337 to return. He would not want us to mess up his things. I looked to the south, noticing that the apartment seemed larger now. The room was open to the south, and the entrance door was in the southern end of the eastern wall, hidden behind a short dividing wall. There was a large window in the center of the eastern wall, and i noticed that there was a man standing just outside of it. He was looking into the apartment at us. I felt suddenly uncomfortable, thinking that he might know that we broke into the apartment. I tried to act as though i belonged here. I nodded to the man and started to turn to go back to doing something. He smiled and waved at me, so i waved back. He must know that i was not here with $A337. I wondered if he would report me for breaking into the house.

I looked around the small apartment, which was part of the train car. The train was traveling across an open countryside. There were several other people in the car, and i was speaking to someone. There was a man in a brown coat and a black hat, standing along the northern wall of the car as we traveled to the west. I knew that he was a famous country singer, but i did not know exactly who he was. I thought that he might be Johnny Cash. I turned around and said something to my parents, who were in the room of the house with me. Something felt out of place here, and i felt as though i could not concentrate on the situation. I was in the back seat of the car as my parents drove to the west. Something was wrong, and i looked out the front window. The road stretched to the west of us across the flat rural landscape. The car had been stopped, but i could see that we were still drifting to the north, across the pavement. There were strong winds blowing us sideway, across the road. I looked to the north to see a dark tornado in the middle of the tan grassy filed. It was pulling us toward it. As the car started to tip, i felt frightened and braced myself in the back seat of the car. I thought that we would be tossed into the air, so i tried to position myself so that i would not get thrown around the car. I thought that the tornado had lifted us up, and i was waiting for the impact to come when we were dropped back onto the ground. I could not see anything, but i waited for the impact to come. It did not happen. I then wondered if we were really in the storm. I waited a moment, hoping that the tornado had just moved us a little to the north without picking us up into the funnel cloud. I then opened my eyes and looked across the city to the west. We seemed to be in the residential section of a small city. All of the buildings around us were three or four story stone buildings, and there were bushy trees growing in front of several of them. It seemed that the trees were planted in the sidewalk. We traveled down the street, to the west, trying to get away from the storm. My parents were moving with me. I could see the black mass of the tornado over the top of the buildings. It was coming toward us from the west. This tornado was much larger than the last one. I felt nervous and thought that we had to get away from this area to someplace safe. There was a freeway overpass crossing the skyline in front of us. It ran north to south, interrupting the street that we were on. There was a street running below the near side of the overpass, at the end of the street that we were on. A crowd was gathered at the intersection of the two streets, and it seemed that they were outside for some social event. I paused a moment, looking at the top of the tornado over the tall overpass. I thought that it might go north of us, but i could not be sure. I headed past the people and turned north on the street which ran parallel to the freeway. After going only a little way, i realized that the winds from the tornado were heading right at us. The tornado was going to pass very close to the crowd on the street, but the crowd on the street probably did not realize that the danger was coming. They were too close to the overpass and would not be able to see over it. I turned back to the south and ran back through the crowd. I tried to warn the people of the danger as i passed, but they did not understand what i was saying. They headed north, into the storm. I realized that they were heading into danger, but i decided that i could only save myself. I yelled at my parents over the noise of the crowd, instructing them to run south. I stayed near the overpass, thinking that it could shelter us from some of the debris. There was a tall chain-link fence running just to the east of the thick round pillars which supported the overpass, so we could not run directly under it. Instead, i ran along it until the fence ended at a cement wall, which continued along the underpass. The ground seemed dirty with trash as i ran. I thought that i had to find shelter in the structure under the freeway. The wall was part of a large structure which supported the bridge, but which also enclosed a large space. I looked for a place to hide in some recess of the cement tower. I was annoyed that i could not find any alcoves or indentations. I knew that the winds would along the outside of the structure would be strong, so i would not be able to crouch against it for protection. I then came to a doorway in the wall which was covered with a set of grey metal bars. The opening seemed to lead into a storage room under the bridge. I thought that it would be a good place to hide, and i though that i could squeeze through the bars and grab on to the metal bars for support. I fit through the bars, but i realized that my mother would not be able to make it into the enclosure. I thought that i would tell her to wrap her arms through the bars. That way she would not be blown away by the winds. I then decided that this would not be good as she could still get hit by flying debris. As i squeezed back through the bars, i thought of other places that we could go to hide from the winds. I looked to the south, down the length of the wall. There were several archways that we could also hide in. There was another set of bars resting against the archway nearest us, but i realized that it was loose. I moved it to the side, contemplating the depth of the archway and thinking that it was too shallow to offer enough protection. I looked around as i moved down the wall, realizing that the area of the city around us seemed dead, with empty apartment building and trash on the streets. I passed a passageway under the overpass to the west. There was a set of stairs leading up to it, and it seemed that stairs let all the way up to the freeway from here. I stopped just south of the stairs, looking at the dead area. I could not think of what else to do. As i turned around, i noticed a few punkers walking across the stairs from the west. My parents were still to the north of the stairs and had not seen them coming yet. The punkers seemed as though they might pick a fight with us, but i decided that there was not enough time to worry about them. They were not worth the effort of dealing with. We had to find shelter.

12006 February 22

The man moved to the southeast of where i was. I was watching this scene unfold around me. I had seen this movie before and already knew the plot, but it seemed to be slightly different this time. The man had been tricked into retrieving the packages from the bottom of the ocean. He stood on the opposite side of a table from me, facing my direction, and examined the box-shaped packages. He did not know what they were, but the man to the northeast of me did. The man to the northeast was the bad guy. The first man would soon realize that the packages contained radiological material. He would be surprised by the discovery, and the bad guy would kill him. I moved to the southeast, across the dimly lighted room of the warehouse. The man was now with the bad guy as they walked just behind me. This was where they had sneaked into the warehouse to pick up the dangerous material. I could see the third man ahead of me. He was wearing black and was planting bombs on the sides of large wooden crates. He was hired to destroy the material in the warehouse, though he did not know exactly what was contained within the boxes. He stood still as he heard the man and the bad guy coming. He looked to the northwest, holding the brass-covered demolition charge to the northeast side of a tall wooden crate. The two men were unaware that the demolitionist was here to do the same job that they were doing, but the two men would end up with the dangerous materials in the boxes. I looked to the east to see the man handling the small black packages. He would soon discover that they were nuclear material, and the bad guy would have to kill him. I felt frustrated with this situation and wanted it to change, but i was not a part of this movie. I did not want the man to be killed, but i knew that was how the plot ran. I then saw light filtering through the murky water all around me. This was the scene where the man dived to the bottom of the water to retrieve the packages. The man would not know what the packages were. He was looking at the black packages on the table under the stark light.

12006 February 24

I walked to the south, off the end of the long narrow wooden dock and onto the boat. The area around us seemed rectangular and artificial, as though we were inside a large building. The bay to the south was long, with some kind of shore or wall running down the eastern side. I rode the motorboat to the south, down the narrow channel. There was a row of low black buoys running along the western side of the channel, and there seemed to be a black plastic cable running through loops in the top of them, forming a fence. I would have to ride the white motorboat out, past the buoys if i wanted to get to the lake. I accelerated slightly, nervous about the speed of the boat. I thought that i would have to be careful not to go to fast. I did not feel that i had the best control over the boat, and i was worried that i might run into one of the docks along the shore to the east. I watched the fence of buoys to the west, wondering if i could slip between two of the buoys and make it to deep water. I then thought that i might scrape the bottom of the boat against the rocks and get in trouble. As i was considering what to do, i noticed that there were some people in the water near one of the buoys ahead. They were all men and appeared to be in swimsuits. I thought that they might be lifeguards training for something. They seemed nicely build, and i watched them for a moment as i passed. There was a small white boat floating just on the other side of the fence, just past the men. A man in a white button-up shirt stood in front of the boat, watching me as i passed. I thought that he was the one leading the swimmers in the exercise. As soon as i was past them, i realized that the end of the line of buoys was just ahead of me. I thought that i could pass it and turn to the southwest, into the deep water of the lake. As i approached the end of the fence, however, i noticed that there was a blue rope dangling off of the last buoy. It was floating in the water just in front of me. Before i could react, the boat traveled over the line. I felt worried, thinking that the rope had probably gotten caught in the propeller. I stopped the motor and steered the boat to the nearest shore. I was now in the northern section of the lake, in a channel between the mainland to the north and a small island to the south. The lake seemed to open up to the southeast of me. I allowed the boat do drift close to the northern shore as i pulled the white outboard motor up from the water, tipping it up so that i could see the propeller on the bottom. I pulled on the white cylindrical object until it was out of the water. It was actually a small propane tank with a valve on the bottom. The valve and spigot were tangled with a blue plastic material. I felt annoyed and tried to removed the tangle from the tank. I felt a little nervous that the tank might explode while i was handling it. I said something to $A394, who was to the south of me, floating in the small blue canoe. I felt close to him as i put the white tank down inside my boat, along the starboard side. $A394 had been paddling with me on the lake. I said something to him as he started paddling to the east. I was in a small kayak with double paddles. I started after him, thinking that i should just take the propane tank back to shore to fix the engine. I then realized how interesting this situation felt. It seemed out of place, yet enjoyable to be paddling with $A394.

12006 February 25

I was outside the passenger’s side of the car as we traveled down the road to the west. We were on a back road, and the land around us was hilly. I thought that it was rather dark, although i could see the land rather well. The road seemed to be dirt or loose gravel. There was something dangerous to the south side of the road, and i started to feel afraid. This was a very secluded region, and i felt that the people here would not be friendly. There was a small wooden shack on the south side of the road which had junk scattered across the front yard. It was someone’s house. A larger cabin was on the north side of the road. We had to get out of here quickly. Someone then started shooting at us from the south. Bruce Willis was driving the car, and he started to speed up. I felt frightened. The bullets started hitting the car, and i was afraid. I thought that we just had to drive far enough away to get out of rang of the guns. My father was driving the car now. He lurched suddenly as a bullet hit him in the head. I felt upset, thinking that we had to get out of here.

I walked to the south with my family, down the glass corridor in the modern building. There seemed to be another walkway above us, and the glass wall to the east looked out into a long atrium which ran north to south, between the two sections of the building. The walls of the atrium were pale-greenish-blue and seemed to be made of fake stone. A glass roof, several stories overhead, was constructed of triangular sections of round metal beams. There seemed to be several levels of corridors running up the side of the building, most open to the atrium. Only the corridors on the lower floors seemed to be covered with glass. To the west of us seemed to be small shops. My grandmother pointed out the stores to the west as the corridor opened up. The glass wall to the east ended, and a crossing corridor ran into the building, to the west. The wide room to the west used to be an art gallery. I remembered it from long ago. It had a glass wall on the eastern side, with a wide opening which led into the main atrium. The walls seemed red, but everything was modern now. I felt sad that the gallery had gone. The room was nothing more than a hallway now, with round steel columns and modern trim. There were many people moving around the area. I knew that these changes were not commonly known. My grandmother had pointed them out to me because she knew about them. I felt that public knowledge of these changes might cause a scandal. No one remembered what the hallway had been before. A nurse was then to the east of us. She asked us what was wrong in an accusatorial voice. I knew that she was suspicious of us, so i turned to the east and continued on, as though she had not said anything. We had to act as though we were just ignoring here because she was not friendly. We walked to the east, across the covered bridge which spanned the atrium. We had walked up the flight of stairs from the first floor, which seemed to be just to the north of the crossing corridor. The bridge was covered with a domed ceiling of glass. I saw the tan plastic sign near the western end of the bridge which pointed us in this direction to get to the room. We were looking for room 222. This place was a hospital. I looked at the sign and followed my parents up the narrow stairwell which ascended along the glass wall on the outside of the western corridor of the first floor. We ascended to the north, and then turned back to the east. At the top, i looked at the brass plaque on the far wall of the corridor to the west of the stairs. The plaque pointed us to the east, so we crossed over the glass bridge, across the atrium. We came into the small white hospital room were my mother’s father was. He was sitting on the bed against the eastern end of the northern wall. There were several machines in the room, and i was reminded that my mother’s father was dead. My mother’s father smiled at us as he sat on the end of the bed. He seemed fat in his belly, which hung out from under his white tee shirt. I then realized that there was a young boy with him. He was talking with the young boy in a childish tone. I realized that the young boy was a younger version of myself. I noticed that the young boy was also fat in the stomach, just like my mother’s father. This seemed strange. I did not think that i should be that overweight at that age. I looked at my mother’s father, who was smiling at me. He winked before turning his attention back to the child. I realized that there was something special here. My mother’s father was trying to tell me something indirectly. He then mentioned the 2214 to me. I thought that it related to the room number, but that thought did not seem correct. There was something important in what he was saying, and i had to remember it.