12007 February 04

I moved to the north, down the long road that ran along the eastern side of the lake. I remembered being here a long time ago. I seemed to be somewhere near my parents’ house, and i knew that there were two dirt paths running to the west from the road. Both ran to the lake. There was one near the northern end of the lake and one closer to my parents’ house. The sun was to the west, and seemed high in the sky. There were small patches of light falling through the leaves of the gray trees on the western side of the road. The forest around me seemed very thin, and there were very few leaves on the trees, as though it was very early spring. I tried to remember where the paths ran from the road. It had been a very long time since i had been here, and i thought that things might have changed in all that time. As i drove my car down the road, i started to come into a small suburban area. The houses here seemed old and widely spaced. I could see some street signs on round poles on the corners to the northeast of me. I remembered that the last trail on the upper end of the lake went into the woods to the east of me. The cross streets seemed to end in the forest only a half block from the street i was on. There did not seem to be too many houses here. Many of the small blocks seemed to be open plots of grassy land. I was then heading east on the road. Looking at the forest to the north, i thought about where the trail was that led to the water. I was now heading east on the long straight road. The water seemed to be to the north of me, and i thought that it was more of a creek now than a lake. I looked at the street sign on the northeast corner of the small street that headed off to the north. I remembered that this road led to the down, which was on the western end of the lake. There was a trail that led to the swimming hole farther down the road. It was near my parents’ house, so i thought that i could easily find it. I knew that the other trail to the lake was somewhere near here, but i did not see it running from the road. I hoped that i would recognize the area, but it had been a long time since i had been here, and i felt that things might have changed too much for me o easily recognize the area. As i headed down the road, i noticed that the area to the north opened up. There seemed to be a field behind the thin row of trees that was growing along the side of the road. I then noticed the patterns in the brown weeds on the ground in the open area. I remembered this place. It had been a swamp. The brown weeds were really cat-of-nine tails. I remembered that the people who had lived in a house in the woods here had redesigned some of the land. They had formed nice patterns in the reeds and swamp area to create a resort. I was flying down the road and turned to the north, crossing over the swamp. I remembered being here before and thought that the shore of the lake was just on the other side of the swamp. I though that the new houses that they were building would be along the shore of the lake, and this swamp was their back yard. I could see one of the large brown wooden houses to the northeast of me, in the distance. I looked down at the swirl patterns of the reeds and green grass. There was something interesting about the designs, but i felt that the people should not have dug up the land just for this development. Something seemed wrong about what they did here, and i wanted to see what this place was. I then felt that i might be intruding here, but i flew on instead.

12007 February 05

I walked to the south, across the large open grassy quadrangle in the center of the old stone buildings. This place seemed to be a courtyard in the center of a European town center. I seemed to be in a large city. I was familiar with this area. I knew that i had to head to the southwest to get were i was going. This place seemed like The City. I walked out into the center of the large square, aware that there were many people around me who were all headed in the same direction as i was. I then heard an announcement from somewhere. It stated that the concert would be starting soon. I thought that i would have to hurry to get a good seat at the show. I then realized that i was still a ways from the stadium, so the announcement must have been heard all around the city. The must be a big event. I hurried to the southeast, crossing the large room of the grand hall. The people around me started to crowd together in the confined area. The walls of the room seemed to be dull yellow, and the arched ceiling seemed high overhead. There seemed to be an atrium ahead of us. We seemed to be on the second floor of the building, so there was a large square hole in the floor to the south of where i was, which led down to the lower level. For a moment, we were stopped, and i looked at the people around me. We seemed to be in heavy winter coats. A young man then pushed past me. He seemed to be under twenty. He was skinny, with short blond hair. He was wearing a ragged dingy white T-shirt and loose denims. I felt negatively about him, thinking that he was just pushing past people to get into the theatre ahead of everyone else. I felt that he did not care what others thought of him and was acting only to please him. I ignored him and started moving to the northeast. It seemed that we were now being allowed into the theatre to sit down. I moved with the crowd, down a hall, which seemed to be open on the southeast. There was a railing on the southeast side of the hall. We then turned to the northwest, entering into a small room which was longer northeast to southwest. There were four or five doors spaced out along the northwestern wall, all of which led to stairs that led up. People started up the stairs but then stopped again as the front people reached the doors of the auditorium. I waited for a little while in the crowd. The young man in the ragged T-shirt then pushed past me and made his way up the stairs toward the auditorium. I felt annoyed with him for being no arrogant, and i could tell that the people around me were upset with him as well, though no one did anything about it. The young man disappeared up the stairs as we started moving again. I walked up the stairs and headed to the southeast again, into the auditorium. I was looking around for the young man, thinking that security must be after him. The balcony of the theatre sloped down sharply, and i moved toward my seat. I hoped that the young man would get caught by the security and removed from the theatre.

I headed to the west, down the dirt road. It seemed cloudy but very bright out. The land around me was forested with thick green pine trees. There was a high cement wall to the north of me, which seemed to be part of the spillway of an earthen dam. A small brown wooden building in front of the steep dirt wall, just to the west of the spillway. I knew that something was wrong with the dam as i walked along the front of the tall chain-link fence, which surrounded the small brown shack. I knew that it was leaking and that the water was flowing over it. I felt worried and thought that we should get out of here. As i came to the other side of the building, i could see water and mud flowing from the north. I knew that the earth was eroding around the cement breakwater, and i felt that the whole area would be flooded. $Z and i had to leave this area. I hurried to the west to get out of the way of the water.

I had just left the concert hall with the many other people and was standing on the western sidewalk of the city street. There was a tall gray building to the west of me, and a shorter open building to the east. There seemed to be a walkway just to the north of me, over my head, which spanned from the concert hall to the building across the street. People were still coming out of the show. I was waiting just to the north of a corner for the bus. I recognized the woman who was standing next to me and said hello. She was $A507. I spoke to her for a bit, but felt strange about talking to her since i did not really know her that well. As the large blue bus pulled up to the sidewalk, i had to say goodbye to her and get on the bus. I felt bad for stopping the conversation. It felt got talking to her. After only a few blocks, i realized that the bus was not heading in the correct direction. It was heading too far to the south, and i realized it was not the correct bus. I felt annoyed and asked to be let off of the bus. The bus continued down the block, past a parking lot, which was to the west of the road. As we approached a wide intersection in the urban area, the bus pulled over to let me off. I felt annoyed that i had gotten on the bus and started walking back up the hill to the north to get back to the stadium. I realized that i did not have to stop the conversation as i had done. I felt annoyed and started jogging back. I then realized that i was having difficulty jogging, so i tried to walk as fast as i could up the hill. Something felt wrong.

12007 February 06

I followed the others down the dirt road to the south-southeast. We had waked out of the campground to the main road. There seemed to be something to this place that was making me nervous. I felt cautious of the land around me, as though i expected something to happen. The land on either side of the dirt drive seemed to be covered with dense thicket. The leaves were no longer on the tangled bushes, and everything seemed brown and dark gray, as though it was near night in the early spring. Farther away, i was aware of tall thick pine trees surrounding the road and campsite. The others explored the main road to the east a little way, but i started to walk to the west of the driveway. The driveway met the road at a slight angle, so that there was a wide triangle of grass on the western side of the drive with a shallow ditch in it. I stepped into the mud of the ditch, feeling disoriented. I fell down into the mud and stood back up quickly. There was something i liked about being covered in mud, but i had a hard time concentrating on my surroundings. Something seemed wrong to the southwest of us, and it was starting to rain. I realized that it was getting dark, and i could hear the thunder coming from the west. I felt that the others should not be exploring this area too much, and ran back to the northeast. I was in my small tent as the heavy rain started to come down. It seemed dark now, and i could not see very well. I wondered if i would stay dry all night in the storm. I wondered if the lightning would hit some of the tall trees near me. I could hear the wind on the roof of the small cabin as i paced in the center of the small room. I knew that the storm outside was very dangerous, but i thought that i should be safe in here. I started to move around the house. This was a nice place. The room around me had polished wood floors and nice furnishings. I had been staying in this house with $Z. I felt that someone else owned this house. We sneaked through the dark of the downstairs to steal some documents from the rich man who owned the house. I felt that we had to be careful not to get caught here. I walked to the south and took some papers from the surface of the roll-top desk, which was against the southern end of the eastern wall. As we came back upstairs, the man was there. He had caught us taking the papers. The other person with me stood near the owner as the owner scolded him. I paced around the house, looking at some of the other nice things here. I felt bad about taking things from the man, especially since he had let us stay here, but i acted unconcerned about it.

12007 February 09

I turned around and headed back into the center of the lobby. I started moving to the east, thinking about my father. I felt worried about him and imagined that he was having a heart problem. I hoped that it never happened to him, but i felt upset because he seemed to be having heart trouble. I imagined what i would do if this happened. I thought that i would simply call emergency. I dialed by cell phone and told the person that i was at the convention center. I then said that i needed an ambulance. There was a pause as i walked to the southwest, through the corridor of the building. I was not in the convention center, but i told the woman that i was. The woman then responded, saying that she was in the convention center. I felt uncomfortable, realizing that i had to tell her how to get to me. I looked around the city near me. I was outside of the buildings, and would not be able to sneak back in without being noticed. I told the woman that i was by one of the exits, and acted confused, as though i did not know which exit. I then hung up my phone abruptly, hoping that she would assume i was simply responding to the emergency. I was in an area near a small grassy park. I hurried to the east, back toward the convention center. I had to get into the building before they found me. I then realized that i should simply tell them that i did not make the call. I could tell the people that my cell phone was stolen and that someone else must have made the call from my phone. I tried to hurry back to the center, but there was a small parade crowding the corridor. I walked up the corridor to the north, following the brightly coloured dancers of the parade. The dancers dispersed down the hall and i walked up the short corridor to the north, toward the registration table. There were two people standing behind the table: a man on the west and a woman on the east. I told the man my name, and thought that i should tell him i have been having a bad day. I could mention that my phone was stolen to him, so that people would know. The man dug through a box of files that was on the table in front of him, but could not find my name on any of the documents. I told him my name, and both he and the woman looked over the sheets at the table to see if they could find me. I then realized that i might not be registered because i did not remember paying for the conference. I knew that i should not be paying for the conference, and felt that i did not want to pay. There should have been payed by a person from work. I felt frustrated that it was not done, and i wondered what to do now.

I moved to the east, floating down the white hall. I realized that i was a ghost, and that i could now do special things. There also seemed to be something special about the fact that i was a ghost now. It seemed out of place, but i knew that it was a good thing. $K1 was standing to the west of me as i moved down the hall. She could see be, but could not understand what i was doing. I passed through her to show her that i was now different. I then passed through the wall to the west, thinking that i could do special things now because i could interact with the world around me.

I walked into the living room of the small apartment, where the others were. The room seemed cluttered slightly and not well decorated. There was an old white couch against the northern wall of the room, where some people sat. I had entered through a doorway that was in the northern end of the eastern wall. I stopped to talk to the people sitting on the couch. I wanted to do something. $A420 was sitting on the eastern end of the couch with a book in his lap. I spoke to him for a moment. It felt good to talk to him. A woman was sitting to the west of him. She had a book in her lap as well. I looked over her shoulder as i sat between them on the couch. She seemed to be doing math problems from the book. She was thinking about one of the problems, and i wondered if i could help, since i used to be good with math. I was then aware of $A420. It felt good to be here with these people. I wanted to talk to them some more.

12007 February 10

I walked to the south, across the room of the house. This seemed to be my parents’ house. I had just come into the house. As i passed the door leading to the back porch of the house, i noticed that the metal around the latch had been bent. I stopped and looked at the door, noticing that the wooden inner door was also damaged. Someone had broken into the house. I felt suddenly worried and looked around the back room of the house. I noticed that the room looked almost empty. There were many things missing from the room. I quickly walked around the rest of the house, noticing that other things were missing as well. As i passed the blue front door of the house, i noticed that it had been taken off its hinges and was lying on its side across the doorway. It was raining and dark outside, and some of the rain was coming into the house and running across the white linoleum floor. The doorway seemed to be at the eastern end of the southern side of the house. I called to my father, who was in a room to the west, telling him that rain water was coming into the house. I said that it was running into the basement. I then picked up the telephone from the western wall and dialed zero. As someone answered, i asked for the police. I told them that our house had been robbed. I said this as i walked with the receiver into the back room and to the back door. It was dark outside, but the female police officer walked up to the porch. She was accompanied by two other people. I told her about the break in, but she seemed interested in something else. This was not the way that i wanted things to go. I felt upset that people had broken into my house and taken my things. I walked around the house, noticing that the stereo was missing from the rack. I also noticed that the television and all of my CDs were missing. I walked around the northern side of the long room, stepping over the boxes of old phonographs. The thiefs did not take them. I noticed that there were several other boxes of things that they did not take because they could probably not sell them. I scanned the room again, wondering when the police would come. I had to create a police report so that it was on record what was stolen. I then looked into the back room of my parents’ house again. The room was almost empty. I realized that the thiefs had come back. It was the next night, and they had broken into the house again and taken all of the things that they did not take the earlier night. I felt more upset and thought that i should call the police again. I was annoyed that they did not come right away, but i realized that people were probably stealing things from all around the neighbourhood. I went to use the telephone in the kitchen, picking up the receiver and waiting to hear a dial tone. The telephone remained silent, and i realized that the thiefs must have cut the telephone lines. I looked out the window to the southeast to see the wires running up the telephone pole. The two tan telephone wires had been pulled out. I could see the plastic plugs on the end of the wires and i thought that they must have been plugged into the metal boxes just above. I wondered if i could go out to plug them in again, but i decided that i did not want to. I would have to leave them unplugged for the police. I also felt that it seemed better not to fix what the burglars had done. I would have to call the police on my cell phone. I knew that there was no signal at my parents’ house, so i would have to drive to the top of the hill to get a signal and make the call. I picked up my old green winter boots from the floor and started to put them on. I realized that i did not have socks on, but i did not care for such a short trip. I walked to the south, out the front door of the house. As i came onto the front porch, i noticed a car slowing down in front of the house. It came to a stop, and i wondered if it was the gang of thiefs. Two other cars then slowed down behind it. I started to feel worried. I did not have a telephone to call the police. The car pulled into the driveway and a woman got out. She was tall and was wearing a tan suit jacket with blue dress pants. She had a badge on her breast and i realized that she might be a police officer. She approached me with several other people. There were now many people getting out of the cars and gathering around the side of the house. They said that they had come to warn me about robberies that had occurred in the neighbourhood. I told her that our house had already been robbed. I then mentioned that i had called the police yesterday and they had still not come. I needed to have the robbery on record so someone could do something about the house.

It was Thursday, and i was walking down the hall of the large building to my class. I could not remember which class i was supposed to go to today, but i knew that there was something else going on. I came to the large bulletin board, which was hanging no the southern wall of the hall, just to the west of the doors to the lecture room. I pulled a small calendar from the front pocket of my backpack. I could not remember which class i was supposed to attend, and i hoped that i could look at the calendar to figure it out. I then started reading some of the postings on the bulletin board. Some of them seemed very interesting, and i felt as though i wanted to read more about some of the events posted. I then looked at my calendar again and realized that i was supposed to attend the lecture that was in the room to the south of me. I started to put the small notebook back into by backpack and head into the room when $A14 was standing in front of me. I said hello. I did not expect to run into him there. I felt uncomfortable and did not know how to explain to him why i was not doing work for him. I thought that i should have an English class now, though, so i could say that i came here as part of the English class, even though i knew that the lecture was not part of the class. I sat it the lecture room now, listening to the person talk to the south of us. The lecture room seemed to be fan shaped, with rows of seats, which curved around the room, all facing the small podium at the bottom of the slope of the seats, on the south-southeastern side of the room. I felt uneasy about being here. I then noticed that people were starting to leave the lecture early. I started to feel bad, knowing that $A14 was running the lecture. I was uncomfortable, and decided to leave as well. As i came outside, i was aware of the woman in the office near the lecture hall, to the east. She was plotting something. She called me into her office, and i reluctantly went in. I felt that i could not be rude or i mould get in trouble. She thought that i was doing her bidding by leaving the lecture, but i knew that i had done it on my own reasons. There was a second woman in the room, sitting on a bench against the eastern wall. She smiled at me as the first woman talked to me about her plans. They both thought that i was being obedient to them, but i was really here because i was working for $A14, and he had wanted me to come to the lecture. The women led me into a small back roof of the office, where they were working on something that seemed bad. I was uncomfortable here, but i acted as though i was ignorant of what they were doing. I felt that i could not let them know that i was acting on my own interests and just happened to seem to be doing what they wanted. I then found out that the women were plotting to kill someone. I was not amused with their plans, and let them know that i felt disappointed with the triteness of them. I then heard the door bell ringing. I walked out of the small white wooden house, exiting through the door in the center of the northern wall. I turned to the south and walked around the side of the house to see who was at the front door. There seemed to be shutters on the house and several small pointed pine shrubs along the front side. I rounded the front corner of the house and looked at the front door, which was sheltered under a small peaked roof that was suspended by two thin white pillars. There was no one at the door. I felt confused, thinking that something must have changed. I pushed the red metal cart back to the north, thinking that i had to get it out of sight now that the yard work was done. I pushed it into a small barn at the back of the house, where the man was. The floor of the barn was dirt, and it seemed dark in the old wooden structure. I looked at the man, who was moving around on the eastern side of the room. He was geeky and could do many technical things. I felt that he had something to do with the plot to kill the people. I then noticed all of the junk that had been tossed onto the floor in the center of the barn. The people were trying to get rid of all of this stuff so that no one could use it as evidence against them. I felt better seeing the stuff, which seemed to be small tools and household objects. There was a lot of evidence here of their wrongdoings. I started to feel that these people were not that well organized, and i realized that they would not kill anyone. They had too much stuff that they had to cover up and would know that they could not conceal their murder.

12007 February 15

I walked away from the front door of $P7, heading into the center of the building, to the west. There was something happening in the auditorium of the building, and i was heading in with the rest of the crowd. $K1 was there with $K9. I felt awkward near them, but moved through the auditorium as though i was not bothering with them. $K9 seemed angry, and told $K1 that he wanted something. She seemed reluctant to do what he wanted. I felt sorry for her, thinking that she really did not want to be the way he wanted her to be. $K1 said no, telling him that she would not do it. I felt strange about the situation, as though i was intruding. I moved through the crowd, thinking that Mr. Ata was the bad man here. He was responsible for the things that were going wrong. I knew that he was running this school now, and i felt that he was not doing a good job. I spotted him through the crowd, just to the south of me. Some of the other people in the crowd seemed to be from my high school. I felt that i had to be cautious of Mr. Ata, because i knew that he could be dangerous. He was in charge of some part of the school. I then remembered that $A186 was the headmaster of the entire school. I thought that he was the nice man, and that he could be trusted to run things properly.

12007 February 19

I was heading down the shallow hill on the road to the south when i heard the sound of the man laughing. I was on the side of a hill in a place that seemed like $P14. The paved road was narrow and seemed rarely used. I looked down the hill, to the west, to see a forested area that seemed to be a garden. I had been through the area before. There was a paved path that wound through the woods to the bottom of the hill, passing over small streams and running down stone steps on its way. I could see one set of stone steps right below me on the hill, where the trail turned back to the north, across the steep slope. The forest seemed to be filled with leafy undergrowth. I looked for the sound of the laughing. I recognized it as young men, and thought that they were probably fraternity men from the university. I turned to the northeast, but could not see them. I then heard the mischievous laugh to the west of me and turned to look down the hill. The two men walked into view, entering the flagstone clearing just to the west of the path, just down the hill from me. They were dressed in shorts and tee shirts, as though they had just come from the gym. The shorter one stood to the south, close to the taller more built man as they laughed about something. The short man held his arms in front of himself, with his hands clasped near his throat as he spoke. His dirty blond hair was chin length and straight. He was wearing a sleeveless tee shirt, and i looked at the skin on his arm, noticing that it was covered with gray mud. Both of them were very dirty, and i thought that they must have been fooling around in the mud. I was interested in what they were doing and listened to them as i started down the path to the west. I ducked as i walked under the large wooden structure, aware that the two men were walking above me. Something dripped in front of me as i crouched to walk through the narrow short stone passage. I was walking on several planks, which had been built as a walkway. There was a plywood wall just to the east of me. It came down from above, but only to my waist level. The ceiling was open in a narrow slit, which ran to the west, along the length of the corridor. I thought that the liquid that had fallen through the narrow slit was beer from the smaller man. He had spilled it down the crack. I walked to the west, under the larger structure, following the planks to the other end. Several more splashes of beer fell in front of me, and i realized that the men were considering pouring beer on people who walked through the structure. I remembered being in this structure before. I listened to the men with interest as they spoke about their fraternity. They were going to have people walk through this improvised wooden structure as part of an initiation. I came to the end of the corridor and would have to head upward to get out, but i realized that the men had stopped near the opening. I did not want to emerge near them and have them know that i was under them, so i waited, hoping that they would leave soon. I listened as they talked for a moment, wondering how i would get out of the corridor.

12007 February 20

I stepped to the southwest, looking down at the thick green grass of the small lawn. The lawn seemed very narrow to the southeast and northwest. I had a photograph of a red and yellow lizard, which i had torn out of a magazine. I pointed it out to $Z as i place the image on the ground. I felt nervous about the reptile in the picture, feeling that it was dangerous. I stepped back as i looked at the dark green crocodile that was partly curled up in the grass. I knew that it was dangerous but that it would not be able to get me because it was from a magazine. $Z moved to the north of me as we looked at the animal. I flipped through several more pages and looked at the other animals from Australia. The large black spider seemed dangerous. I flipped past it to look at something else when $Z drew my attention. I replied to him, asking him if he had seen the spiders. I said that they were very large. He said that he had not seen them. I stepped back and turned the page back so that i could see the grass below my feet. There were two thick dark-brown spiders sitting in the grass just to the east of our feet. They were four of five decis wide, and i felt nervous around them. I told $Z that these were dangerous spiders. I turned the page of the magazine so that some other animal was looking at me as i crouched down to the floor on the southern side of the room. F45 was to the east of me. The carpeting of the floor was bluish gray, and there seemed to be little furnishings around us. I noticed the small tan sac spider crawling across the floor under me. It had a white abdomen, which stood out against the tan carpeting. I pointed out the spider to $F45 as it crawled just to the south of his feet. He stepped back to the north and looked down, not seeing the spider against the tan carpet. I could still see its white back flickering against the darker background. I pointed it out as it reached a door, which was propped open against the eastern wall of the room. As the spider started to crawl up the brown wood door, i pointed it out to $F45, trying to get him to see where it was. He finally saw it as it reached the center of the lower panel of the old paneled door. The spider stopped in the middle and turned downward, pulling at thin threads. I wondered if it was trying to spin a web. It seemed strange for a spider to spin a web so early in the day. I thought that it would spin the web for the night and then repair and take it down in the day. I watched the big brown spider back into the center of the door, pulling on the many strands of thin silver threads, which seemed to fan out to several points on the bottom and right of the door. The spider walked a few steps down the door and spun some silk along the bottom edge of the panel indent. The panel now seemed to be a window in the eastern wall of the room. The spider then stepped into the center of the panel and pulled at the fanning strands, tightening them. I thought that it would have to attach some strings to the top of the opening in order to suspend the web. I wondered why it did not know that. The spider now seemed to be large. It was about a deci wide, and seemed thick and furry. I told $F45 that it seemed very powerful and i wondered if it was poisonous. The spider made several quick jerking motions as it tugged at the strands in its mouth. Its body was oval, and its thick short legs were tucked close to its sides. There seemed to be some yellow on the spider’s head, which could have been eyes or parts of the fangs.

12007 February 21

I followed $F16 across the small parking lot and out into the street. We were heading south as we crossed the street. There was a wide open filed of cut grass to the south of us, which seemed to be a college quadrangle. I suddenly remembered that i had left something in the car, so i turned around to head back, aware that we had just waited for the cars in the street to pass so we could cross the first time. I had told $F16 to continue on, so he ran across the field where the others from $G4 would be gathering for the start of the run. I stopped suddenly at the edge of the road, watching three small cars pass by. The cars came from the north, and i was crossing the street to the west to get back to the parking lot. The street to the north seemed to curve from the northwest slightly as it came down the shallow hill toward me. As the small light-blue car passed, the last in the line, i jogged across the street and opened the driver’s door to my car. The car was parked on the western side of the small lot, facing west. I pulled something out of my car and closed the driver’s door. I started to head back to the east, across the lot, toward the road, but i suddenly realized that i did not have my cell phone with me. I stopped just short of the road and headed back to the car. I felt frustrated that i was constantly forgetting everything. I opened the driver’s door again and started looking through the pile of clothing that was sitting on the passenger’s seat. I pulled out my telephone, but realized that i did not have a way to carry it with me on the run. I started away from the car again, but felt annoyed that i had forgotten my belt pack. I looked back in the car and pulled several more things from the pile of clothes on the seat. As i lifted a shirt, i spotted the purple belt pack tangled up with the clothing lower in the pile. I pulled it out, thinking that i could put my keys and phone in the pack for the run. I then turned to the east, standing just to the south of the car. I was aware of a large wooden house to the southwest of me, on the corner of the parking lot. I felt that i had some relation to this house. As i grabbed my things, there seemed to be some people who had left the house and walked down the parking lot to the road, to the north. I hurriedly got my things together, but realized that i was still forgetting something. I felt even more frustrated and walked back to my car. I had left my phone on the front hood of the small brown car. I picked it up and tried to put it into my right jacket pocket. I noticed that the time on it was 12:22. I was already late for the run, and i felt upset that i was not going to make it there on time. I tried to put all of the things back into my pockets, but i had difficulty, and kept forgetting things on the car. It also seemed that i was not properly dressed, because there were some articles of clothing on the hood of the car.

12007 February 23

I headed to the west as i looked out over the large stadium to the west. I was in a large crowd of people watching something in the stadium below, but i was on my way out. The bleachers that i was standing on sloped down to the west. There was a child walking in front of me, so i waited for her to climb down over the seats before i started moving again. There was a wall to the east of me, and a low wall to the west with a railing on top, which separated the steps from the stadium. A woman was standing to the west of me, leaning up against the metal railing. She seemed older and a little heavy. She was wearing a brown tweed coat, which hung straight around her. I realized that the area where the woman was standing was really a set of cement steps. All of the people were walking down the eastern side of the stairs, over the tops of the plastic seats. The seats seemed to be suspended over the cement, and there seemed to be black metal poles that formed rectangular loops between the seats. Several of the people below me were climbing over them, but i wondered why people were not just walking down the larger cement steps. I could tell that the seats formed shallower steps, with two seats for every one cement step, but it did not seem very easy to climb over the seats. I moved to the west and started descending the cement steps. The woman in the tweed coat then asked my why i would do this. I said it was easier. She pointed out that it was worse on the knees. I considered this, thinking that i would have to bend my knees more to reach the floor, which meant that i would be putting more stress on my knee joints. I did not think that this was enough reason not to use the steps. I thought about my stride as i walked down the steps. I could feel the ball of my feet hitting the steps below with a jolt, but i allowed my legs to absorb the shock by bending my knees. I did not think that there was too much force on my knees as i descended. I headed down the stairs of the large atrium, heading south. The polished cream-brown stone of the wall to the east matched the stone on the ceiling and on the floor to the west. $A395 was then walking down the steps on the west of me. She made a comment about the lecture that we had just been in. I commented back, asking her how she was doing. It felt awkward to keep the conversation going. As we reached the bottom of the stairs, she ended the conversation and held back, saying something about taking care of her children. I headed to the southwest, into the southern part of the room, where the ceiling was only four metres high.

I turned to the west and started up the hill of the narrow side road. The street curved slightly as it ran up to the northwest to meet the main road. The main road was to the north of me, at the top of a steep forested hill. There was a large white house just to the northwest of me, between the two roads, and there were several houses on the south side of the roads. I had just come from a party in one of the houses to the southwest of me. The steep hill sloped away to the south, so most of the houses had steep driveways, which led down to them. There was a brown house to the southeast of me that had a driveway running to its western side. A few people seemed to be coming up the driveway from the gathering. $A14 had stopped near me and sayed that he was doing something for the children of the neighbourhood. I knew that he liked this area. He told me that he was passing out Easter treats for the children. I looked around the dark area, which was now in nighttime, and thought that it seemed more like Halloween. People were still moving from house to house, and i looked to the south, at the small group of teenagers who were coming up the steep driveway to the southeast of me. I felt as though i did not know where to go from here, and i looked at the teenagers as they passed. Several of them walked past, heading to the west, but two stopped just behind me as they compared the Easter candy in their bags. I watched the children pass, thinking that i wanted to join them. I then felt suspicious of the other two behind me. They were fooling around with each other. I backed away from them as they started fighting with the small swords to the east of me. I moved to the north.

12007 February 24

I walked down the cement slope of the ramp in the large parking garage. I had just left the restaurant and was heading home. It was night, but the lights of the parking garage were bright yellow. I stepped over the cement railing at the edge of the parking garage and walked across the grassy lawn. This place was a country club. I felt as though i should not be trespassing here, but it was the quickest way to get where i was heading. I felt that it did not matter what others said and that i was justified in walking here. I felt better, though, when i reached the fence on the other side of the country club. It was a low metal fence. I hopped over it, knowing that i was now in the park. I was no longer on private property and would no longer have to worry about justifying myself. This was a public park. I continued on to the west.

I was in the house with $F45. This place seemed like my parents’ house, but the rooms were different. We seemed to be in a large living room at the southern end of the building. There was a basement door to the east that opened. Some people were coming up from the basement. I remembered that there was a gathering in the basement. I felt annoyed that they were coming up into the house because we were trying to have dinner. My parents were at the table to the east of the basement door. The door was in as small protrusion in the center of the northern wall of the room. I moved to the table to continue eating, but my parents were taking the food from the table. They gathered several plates and took them to the north. They did not seem to be taking them to the kitchen. I was annoyed. I wanted to eat dinner now, so i grabbed some of the food from the kitchen counter and brought it back into the dining room and placed it on the black stone counter where we had been eating. My parents were upset with me for doing this, and i was mad at them. I started to yell back at them as they took more food away. I wanted to eat now and could not understand why they were taking the food away. My father seemed disappointed with me for being so stubborn. This made me feel bad, but i still wanted the dinner to take place now. I did not want the party in the basement to interrupt what i wanted to do. I felt upset and started to gather some of the food from the table. I thought that i would just take some with me so that i could eat. I then remembered that there were others in the room with us and that they must have heard us yelling. I felt a little embarrassed for making a scene, but i also still felt angry. I turned to the east to look into the dark bedroom. There was a man sitting on the near edge of the large bed, which was against the southern wall of the room. The walls of the room were covered with a dark-blue and blue wallpaper, and the window on the eastern wall seemed to be covered with a dark-blue blanket. There was a woman sitting on the bed, partly under the covers, just past the man. They were both in their underwear, and they stared back at me as though i had just caught them in an uncomfortable situation. I then realized that the man was fairly nicely detailed on his upper body, and i thought that he was quite attractive. I turned to look at the northern side of the room, where there was a white couch against the northern wall. $F7 and $F18 were sitting in the small white chair together. $F7 was not wearing a shirt either, and i thought that he looked rather nice as well. I did not remember him looking so nice the last time that i had seen him. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that these people must have heard me yelling at my parents, and decided that i should leave the room. I wanted to get another look at the man in the bed, though, so i glanced back at the bed as i started to walk out of the room. The man had already slipped under the covers, though, so i could not see the nice detail of his torso. I walked back into the other room and told my parents that the people were there. By father was sitting on a couch in the living room of the house, eating the rest of his dinner. I felt distressed here, and i wondered where $F45 was. I tried to sit down, but could not find a seat before i realized that i should do something. I walked downstairs to lock the doors. Now that the party was over, i wanted to make sure that the house was secure. Before i could get to the doors, however, several people had come in. I was annoyed, but let them stay for the rest of the party. I moved some things around in the room to try to keep things clean. I was then back in the pub, where i had been earlier. The people were here for the party. There was a group of people to the south of me gathered around a small table. They were drinking and chatting with each other. I sat down by the basement door of the house. The bar seemed to be in the basement. I had been working on a word puzzle here as i watched the door, waiting for the party to end. I then waked up suddenly. I felt confused and disoriented for a moment. I stood up and realized that i had been sitting on nothing by the basement door. I felt suddenly angry that i had nothing do to and was frustrated that i kept falling asleep, allowing the others to walk past me unchallenged. I felt upset at the situation. $K1 and $K9 walked past me, heading out the door. I realized that most of my family had left or was leaving the party. I was annoyed that i did not know what to do. I did not want to go home yet. I wanted to hang around here, but i wanted to be with someone i knew. I wondered where $F45 was. I felt that he was purposely not here, and i felt that i should stay out all night to make him feel bad about not being with me.

12007 February 25

I thought about the movie as i moved to the west, along the sidewalk. There seemed to be a water channel to the north of me. I thought about the heroes of the movie. They had special powers, but there was only one main hero. She seemed to be like Sailor Moon, but the power had something to do with energy. I then noticed the superheroes to the north of me. The man in the dark-green and blue suit took an active stance in front of me as the bad guy fell to the northwest of him. The hero was wearing a suit that looked like rubber. There was some special property to this rubber, and i wondered if it insulated him against the electricity. This was part of a Japanese animation movie. I remembered that the hero’s power came from a fish. I then noticed the round design of raised rubber in the center of the hero’s chest. I saw an arm in a red sleeve reach into the round porthole and pull out a large silver fish. This was the magical fish, which held the spiritual energy. The hero stumbled back and fell forward, catching himself with his right hand on the ground. It was important to know that the weakness of this hero was the fish of power he possessed. I then realized that the fish was almost running out of energy. I wondered how the hero could survive further. There was only a small part of the fish’s power still left, and the hero was using the last part to defend himself. The second person was an important figure too. He took his power from the first hero. This was an important thing to know. He was stealing the power of the fish to use as his own. I had to remember these details because they would help me be victorious when the battle came to me. I watched the second person as he moved to the north of me. The villain was standing to the north of us, in the narrow hallway. He was charged with energy and appeared to be on fire. There were the elemental powers. The bad guy was accessing the spirit of fire. The hero near me knew how to use the power of fire as well, but i thought that he would need the power of water to quench the fire. I wondered if the spirit of the fish would be a water spirit. The fire person near me ran into the fire created by the villain. I thought that we could only use fire to destroy fire. This was also important to remember. I would need to remember these things when the dangerous times came.

12007 February 26

I put the package of large tomatoes into the refrigerator, which was on the western wall of the small room of the house. This seemed like my grandmother’s house. The small room was to the south of the main bedroom on the second floor. As i finished putting things away, i heard my parents come home. I walked into the bedroom and started doing something. I had been home from work, so my parents would not have expected that i would have gotten some things done. I moved to the double bed with the dark spread, which was against the western wall. I then turned to the east as my father came into the room. He asked me what i was doing, and i told him that i was not doing much. I walked to the east, aware that my grandmother was cooking a meal. My mother and grandmother were now in the small room to the south, which seemed to be the kitchen. I mentioned to my grandmother that i had bought some things while they were away, thinking that i could have used the tomatoes in the stir-fry that she had made. My grandmother commented on the tomatoes, saying that she had just bought some and that they were not that good. I thought about the large ones that i had bought, remembering the yellow spots on the side of the big one in the center of the cellophane-wrapped package. I told my grandmother that the ones i had bought seemed ripe and good. I then said something else, aware that i was now standing in front of a large store, facing south. The store was behind me, to the north, and seemed to be $P114. The parking lot to the south of me seemed mostly empty as i talked. I then looked to the west, where there were several small boats moving slowly down the driveway to the street to the west. I moved toward the boats, aware that this was a special race. The boats were small and brightly coloured in metallic paints. I watched the boats start the race, but they did not seem to be moving that quickly. They bobbed in the water as the four of them headed to the west, toward the intersection with the main road. I approached the back of the boat on the north. It was a small metallic rust-coloured boat with sharp corners, making it look like a small box. I thought that the boats were probably going so slowly because they did not have efficient motors in them. There must be some kind of rule on the type of boats that are allowed to enter this race. I thought that this would limit the kind of motors that they would have and, thus, limit their speed. I wondered if there was a way to get the boats to move faster. They barely seemed to be moving over the water. I moved closely to the small orange boat, which had thick dark-blue strips on the sides. I seemed to be in the boat now, wondering why it was not moving faster. The boat passed over the intersection and started down the slope of the water on the other side. I imagined that the boat could be made more hydrodynamic to improve the speed. I knew that it would travel faster down the shallow hill because the water would be moving faster. I thought about the boat being smoother on the sides, rather than having pointed corners. The boat now looked more like an airplane nose as it traveled down the slope of the hill. The woman was standing to the north of me, saying something about the boat as i tried to get it to move faster. I then realized that the river ahead was starting to curve and travel down a steeper slope. The land around us was now forested, and there seemed to be a tight curve in the river to the southwest. The woman walked ahead of me, noting how the boat should turn to the side as it rounded the corner in the swift water. I thought that this narrow channel was more for kayaks or boats with paddles. I walked on the rocky shore on the southern side of the narrow channel, which seemed to be carved in the rough gray rock. There was rough grass growing on the northern side of the channel, and i felt that the swift water was too dangerous for the type of boat i had. I said this to the woman, telling her that the small boat could not be controlled because it did not have any paddles. It was just designed to float. The woman walked to the east of me, on the northern side of the channel, saying that the boats were allowed sticks. I remembered thinking that a stick would be useful in the smooth water to get the boat going. There were now other people to the north of us, gathered in the small room. I stepped over the water channel, thinking about the boat. I noticed that $F10 was standing on the northern side of the water, on what appeared to be a small island in the center of the parallel streams. There were a few other people with him. I was happy to see him, but i turned to the north and continued talking to the woman about the boats. There was a table to the northeast where several other people stood. I felt that they were planning to do something, but had not gotten around to doing it yet. $F10 finally asked again whether anyone would like to go sailing. I moved around the western end of the table, moving closer to $F10, saying that i wanted to go with him. The others with him started gathering things on the western end of the room. The walls of the room seemed crude and dingy, as though we were in an unfinished basement. I felt a little awkward telling $F10 that i wanted to go, feeling that i was being too forward. I then wondered if i would be on the same boat as $F10. I thought that there would be multiple boats.