12008 February 01

I drove the car to the west, toward the bridge. There was construction on the bridge, and the lanes were blocked by the workers, but i was working with the construction crew, and i was asked to bring stuff to the office on the other side of the bridge. The supplies had been put into the trunk of the small white car that i was driving. As i reached the area where the people were working, i slowed down. It seemed that there was a lot of scaffolding or some other kind of metal structure at the entrance to the large suspension bridge. I pulled to the northern side of the bridge, where there was an open lane for me to drive in. The workers were doing something in this lane, however, so i slowed to a stop to wait for them. The woman in the orange reflective vest turned around to look at me as the other worker started moving the small white vehicle to the west. The woman and another worker were walking behind the vehicle, which seemed to be a forklift. The white vehicle was traveling slowly down the lane, carrying some supplies out to the first span of the bridge. I thought that i would have to explain to them that i was not a regular car trying to drive on the bridge. I worked here and was asked to take supplies to the other office on the opposite side of the bridge. I followed the small forklift out for a little ways. I then noticed that the narrow lane curved to the south suddenly and merged into a lane of traffic. There was a single lane of traffic crossing the bridge. It was curving to the north slightly, just beyond the construction area. I would have to merge into it, and i wondered if i should have started in the regular traffic. I decided that i had moved quicker across the bridge in the access lane of the construction site. I reached the other side of the bridge and was now heading back to the east. I stopped in the construction area and asked the people where the office was. I said that i had a delivery to make. The man told me that the office was back to the west, on the shore. I realized that i had already come onto the bridge. I would not be able to turn around on the bridge to head back to the shore. I was annoyed that i would have to drive all the way to the eastern shore to turn around. This meant that i would have to drive back through the traffic again. I did not like this idea. I was then standing behind my large dark-blue car as the man opened my trunk. We were going to remove the supplies. The car was standing in the western yard of a small house. I reached into the trunk and pulled out the large plastic bag. The man said that the bag contained folders and office supplies. I felt disappointed that there was nothing more interesting that i was delivering.

I was still lying in bed when $F45 came in to the room from the north. He leaned over the bed to say goodbye to me because he was leaving for work. As he bent over to kiss me, i realized that he was not really $F45. He had traded bodies with $F16, who was sleeping in the other room. I wondered why he had done this. As he leaned over me, i grabbed him by the back of the neck, realizing that the shaped of his neck seemed very different. I wondered if he had traded with $F16 because he thought $F16 might have a better build. I knew it was only a temporary change, and was only done for a laugh. $F45 then told me that he had gotten his foot stuck in $F16’s shoe. He said that the shoe would not come off. He leaned on me, and i tried to roll out of bed to talk. There was then someone else in the room, and i headed to the north. There was a small living room to the north, which seemed to be empty of furnishings. I stopped here as the others talked to the south of me.

12008 February 02

I moved to the west, through the urban area, which seemed like $P52 but was in a foreign country. I paced around the northern side of the large glass door of the building. The building seemed to be mostly underground, but there was a dark stone-covered level just to the south of me. I was about to head into the glass doors of the museum to wait for the other person when i noticed the young man to the northwest of me. He had come from the west and stopped when he saw me by the door. He recognized me and stopped in surprise. I did not recognize him at first, but i realized that he was a friend of $F45. I knew of him, but had never really hung out with him before. He was short and slender, with thick bushy brown hair and a narrow rectangular face. I said hello to him and he smiled as though unsure what to do. I told him that i was headed into the museum. He said that he had somewhere to be, but he reluctantly followed me into the large building. I wanted to get to know him since $F45 had never introduced us. As we moved through the building, however, it seemed that he had someplace else to be, so i let him leave. I spoke to $Z instead as we turned the corridor and headed back to the east. I walked down the paved path outside the large school building. It was sunny out, and there were trees with green leaves to the southeast of us. $Z and i spoke about something, and i was interested in the subject. I looked around at the suburban area near the school. There was something special here. Once we were to the east of the school, i started joking with $Z about his accent. He was english, and i reminded him of this as we sat down. There was someone sitting to the north of us who had overheard the conversation. I joked with $Z about different accents as we moved around the streets of this neighbourhood. There was now a street running uphill to the north, and we were standing on one that ran east to west. There were small family homes all around us. There was something interesting about this area that we were trying to discover. I looked to the south as i spoke to $Z. The land seemed to descend steeply just inside the thick green woods off the road to the south. There was a turn-around just to the south of us where gravel had been dumped on the side of the road. $Z said something important to me, and i tried to remember this conversation. I then looked to the south again. Something had changed, and i tried to remember what had happened. I had wanted to stay where i was, but i realized that i had been walking to he east, around the perimeter of the large area. The barbed-wire fence ran to the south of me, along the northern side of the area. I had been inspecting the area, but i wondered how i had come to the eastern end of the northern side of the area so soon. I did not remember traveling here that quickly. I turned around and started to push by bicycle back to the west. I noticed an area where a tree trunk ran over the top of the barbed-wire fence stretching from the northern side of the area and heading to the north. I had to cross it to get back, so i pushed the bike over the tree. I found myself in a field to the west of the area. There were a few houses here, and i walked into a small light-blue one that was facing southeast. It seemed to be in a field by itself, though i knew that the other houses were to the south and east of it. I gathered some things in the house. I then realized that there was someone outside. I turned to the south and started toward the screen door when i noticed the man walking up to the door. I was sitting on the floor when he stopped in front of the door. He seemed tall and bulky, and wore a blue suit, white shirt, and a cowboy hat. He was older and seemed somewhat gruff. I felt a little wary of him as he stared down at me. He finally asked me a question, and i realized that he was here to help me. I stood up as he came into the house. I continued to gather my things so that i could get the task done. He stood near the southern door, speaking about something.

12008 February 03

I turned to the east, heading back through the narrow passageways between the tents of the festival. I had come back in time to be here, but i had experienced this timeline once before. I was repeating the action, even though it seemed different this time. The two other people that were with me turned some of the corners with me as i headed roughly to the southwest. There was something rustic about the tents and sheds here. They seemed to be thatched. I then started humming with the music i was hearing. I suddenly realized that the song was relatively modern, and i imagined playing it on a guitar and singing to it. I turned to the south, walking around the western side of one of the shacks. I listened to the soundtrack music playing, wondering suddenly why it was so modern. If this was really the past, i should have been hearing music from the 11950s. I turned to the east, following the sound of the music, thinking that i could still play a modern song in this time period. The people here might be fascinated with the unusual sounds. I then thought that the sounds had changed quite a bid from the 11950s, and i knew that most of the sounds up to modern times had been used. I wondered if there was any way to come up with something new in modern music. I came into the small are to the northwest of the pool. There was an old man there, playing guitar. There was a high wooden fence of vertical boards around the small rectangular pool. $F16 was in the waterless pool. He was hugging the woman to the west of him as they oscillated in copulation. I felt that i might be disturbing him, so i turned to the north and walked down the narrow corridor between the wooden fence and the cement and glass building. The building seemed to be some kind of clubhouse. $F16 was sitting on the patio to the north of me with some other people. I realized that he could not have been the person in the black T-shirt who was in the pool with the woman. It must have been someone who simply looked like $F16.

I walked down the hall to the west. The classroom was on the southern side of the hall. I stopped in the classroom door, noticing that the colours in the classroom were quite impressive. There was a small window in the southern wall of the room that glowed with bright golden sunlight from outside. The wall itself was brick, but it was coloured in rich green. The floor and ceiling were warm brown, and there was something about the colour combination that was very attractive. The chairs had been removed from the center of the classroom, so i thought that we must have been doing something special today. The female teacher, who seemed like $A57, was moving around in the southwestern corner of the room, getting things ready for the class. I looked again at the beautiful view of the southern wall of the room. I wanted to remember this and thought that i should take a picture before the rest of the class came in. I remembered that i had my camera with me, so i set my bags down on the object to the west of the door and started to dig out my camera. I hoped that i could take it out quickly enough to get the picture before the class got here. I noticed that another man had walked into the room and sat down. I looked through the lens of the camera, trying to focus the picture on the wall. As it started to get into focus, i realized that the teacher was standing in the center of the image, with the one male student sitting in an armchair against the eastern side of the southern wall. He was dark, almost like a shadow, but the teacher was pale and pink. I then realized that she had taken off her clothes and was standing with her back to me. She was overweight, and i could see the wrinkles around her buttocks and waist. It seemed to be a displeasing sight, but i knew that she was probably getting us ready for drawing class. We were to draw the human figure today. I tried to focus the camera again, but i could not get a clear shot of the wall by itself, and i did not want the naked woman in the center of the shot.

I started to move quickly to the north, heading down the road. $Z was following me in the other car. We were traveling quite fast. The area around us seemed to be under development, with large open construction sites and bare dirt ground. A mall seemed to be to the west of us, and several small shopping centers or business plazas seemed to be to the east. The road ahead of us started to curve sharply, but i did not slow down that much. I drove the car around the tight turns, enjoying the speed. The road made several sharp S turns, and i moved quickly down them. $Z was following me, and i wondered what he thought of the speed at which we were taking the corners. The land around us seemed to be dry dirt, as thought it had recently been landscaped. It also seemed to be late in the autumn because the plants in the area seemed to be dead for the winter. I rounded a corner and headed back to the northwest when i realized that there was an intersection ahead of me. I suddenly wondered if i had passed through any intersections previously. I slowed down as i approached the yield sign. The road i was on came from the southeast and stopped at an east-to-west road. To the north, the road i was on continued through a development of small modern houses, which seemed to have tall fences around them. I worried that there might be a car coming from the east as i approached the intersection, so i looked cautiously around. I wanted to continue racing down the road, but i felt nervous now. I moved over the surface of the blue water as i looked at the small model boats in front of me. Most of them seemed to be small speedboats. Something moved to the south of me, across the water, but i was turning toward the west, looking at the boats flipping like pages in front of me. I noticed that a lot of the speedboats had large white coverings along the port sides of the boats. I realized that these were the engine compartments. As the boats tipped, i thought that the large engine compartments, which came over the top level of the boat, would be very top heavy and cause the boats to tip easily. I then noticed the white label with red lettering on one of the boats that warned about the imbalance of the boat. I decided that these would be dangerous boats to get because they tipped too easily. I knew that they engine compartments in the other boats were smaller, but they were positioned in better places in the center of the boat. The smaller compartments, however, meant that the engines were not as powerful. I did not want a boat with the compartment on the port side, though. As i continued to look at the boats, however, the ones i kept seeing had large white coverings on the port half of the boats. I then saw the large white boat with the large covering at the back of the boat. I was riding on this boat. I looked to the west, realizing suddenly that the front of the boat was square. It was a pontoon boat. There was something about that kind of boat that i liked. The boat now seemed very large and luxurious. I was reclined on the upper deck at the back of the boat, looking out over the large empty bright-white lower deck near the front of the boat. I could not afford such a boat, but i though that i could tell my parents that i had purchased this boat. I imagined that i would have to spend all my money on it, which would not be a good idea. I rode the boat to the west, down the narrow river. There was a smaller tour boat ahead of me. The tour boat was heading back up the river, and i thought that i could follow it all the way to $P140. I then considered that it might be quite a way to $P140, where my parents’ cottage was. I was not sure that i wanted to spend the time traveling all that way, but i knew that i could simply follow the tour boat, because it must be heading somewhere. The tour boat went through a narrow channel near the southern shore of the river, passing closely to the old wooden docks that extended into the water from the swampy grassy shore. There were green trees farther to the south. I moved quickly past the docks, watching the port pontoon of my boat to make sure it did not graze any of the wooden structures. I hoped that there was enough water here for such a big boat as i was on. I decided that if the tour boat could make it then i should have no difficulty. The canal then curved suddenly to the right. The boat i was on rounded the corner, but i felt that i might be traveling too fast anyway. I wondered if i should slow down, but i decided that i should keep up with the tour boat ahead of me. The boat then went straight to the west, through the narrow channel in the swampy area. The land around us was filled with tall thin trees, and there were grasses and reeds growing up through the standing water on the forest floor. Ahead of us was large tan modern building. The building seemed to be one of the resorts on the river. The tour boat was stopping to drop people off in the hotel here. I followed it to the front of the building, but realized that i would not be able to continue down the river from where i was. The channel that we had taken to the hotel stopped in the front of the building, turning to the north to travel a little way up the shore before stopping in a dead end. I could see the river to the west, through an opening in the tan cement building, but i could not get there from here. I did not want to wait for the tour boat to finish loading and unloading because i felt that it would take too long a time. I wanted to get to $P140 before it was too late. I knew that the trip might take a very long time, and i did not look forward to spending so much time traveling. I wanted to continue down the river to the west. I turned the boat around and headed south, along the narrow strip of land that the hotel was on. I had to find a way to get to the other side of the island, and i thought that i would have to go all the way back up the inlet to the west and back to the main part of the river. There did seem to be a lot of still water to the south, so i thought that the river might flow to the south of the resort as well. I came to the front of the building when i realized that i might simply be able to travel into the small lake to the south. There was no real land between the channel and the lake near the hotel. I then noticed the spillway that ran under the cement foundation of the hotel. There was a narrow cement corridor where water flowed under the building to the lake to the west. I turned the small boat down the channel, riding down the short but steep spillway and into the narrow passage. The corridor was not much wider than a man, and, as i entered. I realized that the sign over the top of it said “MEN”. This was really the men’s room. There was a man standing in the middle of the long cement corridor, and i realized that this channel of water was where men came to urinate. I felt a little disgusted to be traveling by raft through the filthy water. Even though it was flowing, i knew that there would be a layer of urine in the channel that must be getting concentrated. I floated on the yellow raft down the channel, hoping that i was out of it soon and back into the water of the river. I passed down the tunnel and came out into a body of water that was under the main building. Rectangular cement pillars stood in the water at regular intervals, supporting the weight of the structure above. I could see the bright gray sky outside around the edges of the building. I moved to the northwest, heading back into the open water. As i came near the edge of the building, however, i realized that the yellow swimming raft was loosing air. It was starting to become flimsy and sink. I was near enough to the pebble-covered shore that i stepped out onto the shore and lifted the raft. I tried to blow it back up so that i could continue my ride. I was then in the northeastern side of the darkened diner, which seemed to be in the resort. There seemed to be a large glass window in the southern wall of the room, and the ceiling was a few floors up. The room was filled with darkly covered tables, but there were few people there. A woman stood near the bar, which was along the southern half of the western wall. A man seemed to be in the center of the room, and i stood near the doorway in the north, trying to inflate the raft as i listened to the woman speaking to the man.

I turned around and headed back to the south, following $Z across the street and back to the small parking lot at the font of the large white building. Some people moved to the west, coming from the doorways of one of the buildings. They seemed like mafia caricatures. I let them continue to the north as i headed to the east of them, toward the building. This was a warehouse area, and it seemed somewhat dangerous, but i was not worried here. I knew that i could simply pass through the place and be ignored. I then noticed the man backing away from the building in front of me. He was tall and skinny, and was wearing a white T-shirt and blue denims. I moved to the west to avoid him, noticing the three young men walking toward the man. I thought that the young men were going to beat him up, but they just stared at him menacingly as they walked forward, following the young man’s retreat. The three were wearing light-blue uniforms, which looked like silk vests from 11800s China. I could not tell if the men were oriental or not, but they had very short hair and seemed to be wearing oriental straw hats. They looked as though they were part of a martial-arts school from some movie. I wondered if it was safe to be here. I looked to the south again. The others who had been walking with me were now to the southwest of me, crossing the street toward the large white warehouse. There was a paved parking area in front of the warehouse that was covered with an overhanging roof. The others walked under the roof and into the warehouse. As i crossed the street, i noticed the large trucks driving to the north on the street to the west. They were towing large boats behind their cars. One of the boats was large and blue, and had a small blue vehicle on the back, which seemed to have wide black rotor blades on the top. I wondered if it was a helicopter. The vehicle had passed too quickly for me to be sure. I then saw spotted the large white pick-up truck heading north on the same road, towing a large sparkling bright-green boat on a trailer behind it. There were four or five small rotors spinning on the top of this boat, so i knew that these were helicopters. The boat continued to the north, passing out of sight beyond the large brick building on the northern side of the street. I followed the others into the darkened interior of the warehouse, coming into a small restaurant-like area. The place was empty, and everything seemed black or darkly painted.

12008 February 04

I walked across the snowy slope and started sledding down the short hill. Once i reached the bottom, i picked up my sled and walked back to the northwest, up the short slope. I realized that i was on a small hill in the center of a much larger hill. The main slope of the hill seemed to descend to the west in a long wide strip of open land on the hillside. I was on the northern side of the slope where a narrow gully ran from north to south across the slope. I had pulled the sled to the top of the western side of the gully and was going to ride it back down into the gully again. I was now aware that there were other children playing on the main slope to the southeast of me. I looked around at the shape of the land. The main slope seemed to be very long, and i wondered if i should take my sled onto the main slope of the hill. Something felt wrong about this, so i rode the sled down to the bottom of the gully again. At the bottom, i stood up, looking to the south, down the center of the gully. The gully sloped down to the south, heading toward the main ski slope, which was to the southwest of where i was. The gully sloped toward the main section of the hill, but stopped in a large snow bank just before the east-to-west swath that everyone else was sledding down. I wanted to sled down the gully, so i put the soft dark-blue sled under me and tried to slide down the gully. The sled did not move so well, and it looked like a thick down coat. I eventually slid down the gully, finding that the gully turned to the west at the edge of the large ridge of snow. I stood up again after traveling only a short distance parallel to the mound of snow. As i stood up, i could see over the short ridge to the open flat slope beyond, where several children were sledding. I started to climb back up the slope to where i had originally started, so that i could continue sledding on the small gully slope. I walked for a little way and realized that i had slid down the hill farther than i had remembered. I did not recognize the snow banks around me, and though that i still had to climb the hill to get back to where i had started. I then noticed the skiers to the north of me, coming down the northern side of the slope. A person in a dark gray and brown snowsuit appeared suddenly to the north of me as he popped up over the bank of snow and then dropped back down. I realized that he was on a snowboard and was doing tricks against the bank of snow. His friend followed him down the hill as i continued up.

12008 February 05

I wandered through the armchairs of the large classroom. The room seemed to be in an older school building. There were large windows on the northern wall, and the entrance door was on the eastern end of the southern wall. The teacher’s desk seemed to be in the center of the eastern wall. It was dark outside, and i could hear the rain coming down. I knew that there was a big storm passing through and it was dumping a lot of rain on the area. As i moved back through the classroom, heading to the south, i noticed that there was water dripping from the ceiling. The roof of the school was leaking, and the water was coming into the classroom. I moved back to the northwest, thinking that i should get some buckets to collect the water. I then noticed that a stream of water was dripping into the large black chain in the center of the western half of the room. My book bag was on the chair with its top flap open. I pulled the bag from the chair, noticing that the water had been dripping down the inside of the flap. I hopped that no water collected in the pockets of the flap. I had to move things so that the water did not ruin things. I was then aware of the heavy rain coming down outside. I remembered seeing dark clouds before, when the children were here. I was annoyed that the school was in such bad shape and had to get containers to collect all of the dripping water. I then wondered if it was really worth doing. There seemed to be too much water coming in. I then wondered if the water would cause the roof to collapse.

I sneaked through the narrow corridors of the building until i came out of the door and into the narrow corridor that ran east to west. The person to the east of me told me that i should blow up the other stairwell. We had been climbing up the stairs of the main stairwell and had just come out the door. The door to the stairwell was now to the east of me, and i could still see down the narrow stairwell as the stairs descended on the northern side, turning back to the west at the far wall of the stairwell. I acknowledged the man and headed off to the south, through the building. I wondered what stairs the man was walking about, thinking that i did not want to blow up the steps that we had just come down. The corridor was dimly lighted, and the walls seemed to be dark in colour. The ceiling was white. I followed the curve of the corridor to the southwest until i came out into a large open space, which seemed to be an atrium. I knew that we were on one of the upper floors of the tall building. The dark-red walls of the room curved, giving the room an overall oval shape, with white exit doors at the eastern and western ends. There was also a room leading to the south directly in front of me as i stood in the doorway on the western end of the northern wall. A man in a gray business suit crossed the atrium from west to east, not paying any attention to me. I looked up, noticing that the trimming on the upper part of the walls was white. The domed ceiling of the room seemed several floors up, and i could see the underside of a stairwell that followed the curve of the northern wall as it ascended to the east. This was the stairs that the other person had referred to. They were the elegant stairs for the people in the suites around here. If we blew them up, the people would be confused and think themselves trapped here. It would help keep them in this area while we used the utility staircase to escape. I aimed my left arm at the platform in the center of the flights of stairs and fired the small missile. The platform exploded, and i wondered if there was anyone on it at the time. I then ran quickly to the southern wall, hoping that no one would see me. I quickly started to head back to the north, but realized that there was a man standing in front of the library counter in the center of the northern wall. I was in the domed room of the library, and i ran back to the south wall to hide behind the short dividing wall. It was too late; the man had already seen me and was ready for me. I held up the small square device in my left hand. It looked like a cross between a calculator and a television remote. I pressed one of the buttons and a small missile fired at the man. He blocked it, and i ducked back behind the wall for cover in case he fired back at me. He seemed to be unconcerned with me as he did something behind the desk. I felt that i had to destroy him to keep this mission going. I fired a few more shots, but could not hit him. I then thought that i should shoot randomly around the room to start the crowd running. We had to get them to the stairs so that they would be trapped. I turned the square device toward the door in the north wall, which was to the west of the curving wooden library counter. A white laser beam shot out of the device and hit the door, but did not seem to do much damage. I had to do something else. I then looked up at the plaster ceiling over the center of the room and fired a missile at it. The ceiling cracked, and a woman, who had been walking across the center of the room, screamed and started running to the northeast. The people had started running toward the broken stairway. I ran to the north, back into the small white stairwell and started to descend. I came out a door into a hallway that looked very much like the one i had left. The walls were black, and i was suddenly aware of the man in the yellow T-shirt to the east of me. He was Sylvester Stallone, and he was playing the hero of this movie. I realized that he was a danger to me, even though he did not seem too concerned with my presence. This was part of the movie. I ran quickly to the west, down the curving hall of the building. I had to get away from the hero of the film. The hall curved slightly and ended abruptly at a cement corridor. The corridor was outside, and there was bright sunlight shining down between the two tall cement walls. The walls ran to the west-southwest and seemed to open up into a stadium. I imagined that i was running very fast in this movie. I was the bad guy, and i knew that the hero would chase me, but i was extremely fast. I thought about this, and thought that it would be fun to play the bad guy in this movie. I could do it easily, and i felt that the character was really well written. I was interested in the part as i paused near the entrance to the cement corridors, watching the other person enter the building and pass me on the south as he headed east.

12008 February 08

I wandered to the west on the basement level of the old school building. It seemed dark now, and the hallway i was in ran along the northern side of a large open room. The hallway turned to the southwest ahead of me for a short distance, before turning back to the west, and it seemed to turn to the southeast behind me, on the other side of the large room. I walked into the large room. It seemed that the others were waiting to the north of me somewhere. We were here for a play. We had been practicing the play in this school for a while now, and it seemed that we had performed it here as well. The room where we performed it seemed to be more open, and the stage seemed to be on the northern side. I wandered around in that room as some of the children from the play wandered around to the north of me, near the stage. I then turned to the west, where the man was standing. He said something about walking around the area barefoot. I had been walking around without my shoes. He said that the school did not want people to walk around barefoot here because of the ringworms. It sounded strange. I told him that i had been walking around barefoot during most of the play. He seemed disappointed in me. He seemed like $A186. He was sitting at the western end of the long table as i sat on the northern side. We were in the darkened room to the south of the main corridor. I said that i had been walking around for most of the show without my shoes and that i did not understand why worms would be trouble, but i was concerned that i might have gotten the worms in my feet.

I finished talking to $F45 and hung up my cell phone. I continued down the corridor to the east, to the restaurant. I was here to pick up the pizza, but i just realized that i did not remember ordering the pizza. I had told $F45 that i was going to get one, but i do not remember actually calling the pizza place to have one ready. I thought that i would go to the pizza place anyway and pretend that i had ordered a pizza. I would tell them that i had ordered an onion pizza. I turned to the north, into the small back room of the restaurant, where i thought that i would have to be to pick up the pizza. I thought the room was the kitchen area, but it seemed to be mostly empty. There were two people in the northern side of the room dressed in white cook aprons. I was waiting for the woman in the white apron to finish what she was doing and assist me. I knew that it was late, and i wondered if the restaurant would be closing soon. I looked at my watch, noticing that one hand was just past the two and the other hand was between eleven and twelve. I thought it should be later than eleven, but as i tried to focus on the hands, i realized that the big hand was near the eleven and the little hand was near the two. I could not be that late at night. It seemed to be only late evening. I looked at the red hands of the clock on the wall to the south, and they showed the same time. It was after two in the morning. I asked the other man to the east of me, who was also waiting for something, if it was really that late. He seemed to think that it was. I turned around and looked across the green room. The walls were pale-green, and the cement floor seemed to be medium green. The place looked like a public bathroom, with stalls on the eastern wall. A man was standing near the northern wall, not doing anything, and the woman had wandered to the east, between two of the metal dividing walls of the stalls. I stood up on my toes to see the woman as she turned around toward the center of the room. Neither of them seemed to be occupied with anything. The man in the white apron on the northern side of the room was leaning with his left arm on a counter to the east of him. He had short black hair and a mustache. He seemed central american. I told him that i was here to pick up a pizza and asked if this was the correct place. He stood up and motioned to the woman with his right hand. He then said something to her. She came out of the stall and walked up to me. She was older, with short curly brown hair that was fading, as though it was died. I told her my name and she looked at the piece of paper as she let me out of the room and back into the main part of the restaurant. She said that she did not have my name and then asked for my first name. I gave it to her, but she said that she only had Alexander and Patrick listed with first names. I mentioned $F45 as said that it could be under his first name, but it would still not be the names that she mentioned. She asked what i had no the pizza, and i said that we had ordered an onion pizza. I then told her that my friend liked onions and black olives on his pizzas, but that we probably only ordered an onion pizza. She said that she would ask the cooks and led me to the north, through a short passageway and into the kitchen. The kitchen was outside, in a small paved area between the buildings. There were small tables running along the west and north of the area where people were cooking what looked like barbeque. This seemed like an outdoor festival. I thought that the people would be packing up their booths by now since it was getting so late. She walked to one of the booths on the northern side of the western edge of the pavement to ask the woman there. I decided that i should pretend to telephone $F45 to ask him about the pizza. I put my cell phone to my right ear and started to walk to the east, as though i was talking to someone.

12008 February 09

I walked to the northeast, across the small classroom of the college. The walls and floor seemed white, and there were empty armchairs in the room. I had been here to take a philosophy class. I was just starting college again. I focused on the notebook in front of me, trying to concentrate on what i had written. I felt tired. I walked to the east, down the hall or across the quadrangle of the campus. The building or wall to the north of me seemed dark. I entered the classroom to the northeast. The classroom was still empty. There were a few students lingering from the last class. I pulled one of the metal armchairs toward me to arrange my things. The floor of the room was white, and the northern wall seemed be covered with light-brown stained wood. It seemed that the professor would be lecturing from the north, even though the chairs were facing south. I turned my chair around, which seemed to be second from the northern wall. The room was L-shaped, with the long part of the room extending north along the eastern side of the room. There seemed to be something large to the east of me, like a grand piano or counter. The students moved around it as they prepared for the next class. I could just see the board on the northern end of the room from where i was sitting. I felt nervous about taking classes here. I flipped through my notebook, opening it to the section where i had been taking philosophy notes. The first few pages of the notebook seemed to be filled with old notes. I flipped past them for four or five pages when i came to a table of symbols and drawings. I knew that this had to do with philosophy. It was some kind of examination of logical interpretations, but i knew that it was not from this class. It was older, and i thought that it was from when i had studied philosophy in college the first time. I flipped one more page and found the notes for this class. I had taken them during the last session of this class. I then thought about the classes i had taken so far. I had been in the philosophy class once before, and i had studied in an English class here. I tried to remember the classes, but i suddenly felt uneasy about being here. I had always fallen behind in classes before. I would always start out trying to stay ahead, but then i would lose interest and stop reading. I knew that i did not want to do that now. I focused on the pages in the notebook, trying to pay attention to what i was studying. I felt worried that i would not keep up, and i kept thinking that i had to stay with it this time.

12008 February 11

I sat in one of the pews of the small community church in the small village. I was visiting this place with $Z, and i knew that there was something special about the person that i was visiting. I was on the eastern side of the room. To the west of me, the audience sat in a slight arch, facing the man standing in the center of the southern side of the room. They seemed to be dressed in dark-gray clothing, making everything seemed rather old. I thought about the special boy that we were visiting. He was mentally handicapped, but he had some special gifts that allowed him to experience time out of order. I wondered how this would work, and then i realized that this would make a nice story. I could write about visiting the boy who experienced time in different patterns than everyone else. I thought about the time differences that would occur and how the boy might see them. I was very interested in learning about him. I then heard someone yelling outside the church. He was proclaiming something as he approached the church. I turned to the southwest, looking at the pale-yellow walls of the room as i listened to the person pass along the southern side of the building, traveling east. I looked out the large arching windows on the front of the building, but could only see the distorted shapes of the dense green trees outside. The man, who seemed to be on a wagon, was riding below the level of the windows, so we could not see him. I turned to the east and then to the northeast with the rest of the crowd, following the sound of the voice around the side of the church. There was a young man leaning out one of the tall narrow windows in the eastern end of the northern wall of the church, watching the wagon pass. He turned back into the church and reported that there were strange animals circling the church. He described them as gray and horse-like. I wondered what they were. I followed the sound of movement to the west until i could see the animals through a window on the western side of the northern wall. Two camels were moving down the dirt road to the north of the church. These people had simply never seen camels before. I left the church and wandered to the south, heading through the thick bushes of the forest or jungle near the church. I felt that i was working here, but i was very interested in the story of the child. I walked through the tall green stalks, which seemed to be part of a sugar plantation. I was heading to the east, thinking that this was part of the story of distorted time. I grabbed one of the stalks that had been cut and started chewing on the thick leaves as i wandered to the west. I started to feel that i had wandered a ways to the east, and i was now quite far from the town. I would have to head back. I stepped to the north, coming out of the tall stalks of sugar cane. I took another bite from the sugar cane that i had picked up, chewing another leaf off. I was working in the cane fields, but i thought that i should not let the owners of the field see that i was chewing on their plants. I looked to the northwest. There was a rounded hill to the north of the valley, and an opening in the hills to the northeast. The hill seemed to be covered with farming fields and small woods. I should get back soon. I turned to the southeast and walked out of the cane fields and into a small open area. There was a small loop of dirt road in the small bowl valley. The bottom of the bowl had been cleared out, and seemed like it was being landscaped to be a cemetery. Three was an old faded-red truck to the southeast of me, standing on one of the dirt roads in the area. They were one of the work crews here. I hoped that no one took much noticed of me as i started to the east. I thought that, if anyone questioned why i was here or where i had come from, i would tell them that i was just wandering. I could not tell them that i had been in the sugar fields. I looked up the slope of the hill to the northeast, where the dirt road seemed to exit the valley. There was a small shop or plaza to the west of the dirt road, at the top of the hill. The main road ran to the north of the plaza, which seemed like a car wash. The small cement building was painted dull red.

I thought about the story with the boy who perceives time differently than other people. His perception would keep changing from past to present. I thought that he would talk about something that happened five minutes ago as it were happening now. He could also refer to the future as something that had already happened. I was visiting the boy at his house, and i contemplated the story i could make out of the experience. I headed through the dense green leaves of the deciduous forest, traveling to the west. I was somewhere just to the east of my parents’ garage, thinking about the strange animal that had come around to the church. I had to remember these ideas. I then stepped into a small clearing, where $Z turned to look at me. I looked down at the large red symbol on the ground. It seemed to be cast in red light. It was a decorative design of a dragon’s head in a circular pattern of angular slashes. $Z said something, and i noticed that the drawing showed a shaft below the dragon’s head. I realized that the head of a dragon was actually the ornamentation at the top of the staff. I looked at the symbol more closely, moving to the west of it so that i could see it right side up. I decided that the staff was actually a spear that had punctured the underside of the dragon’s jaw. This is what the design represented. I continued to the garage to pack for my trip. I had to get my things together so that i could go meet the boy. I traveled down the road to the east. The area around me was densely forested, and there was a steep hill just to the south of the road. The mountain was old and rounded. I had to travel just a little way to the east before i could turn to the south and follow the narrow road along the eastern side of the mountain. This trip into the country was special because i got to experience the boy who could tell time differently.

I was getting ready to visit the family who lived with the special boy. The boy was special because he could see time differently than other people. I had to get my things packed so that i could leave on the trip. The tan square soft fake-leather suitcase was sitting on the table to the south of me. I put some things in it, but decided that i still did not have enough packed for the trip. I turned to the north and pulled some shorts out of a small cabinet that was against the northern wall, to the east of the bed. I stood up with the stack of three of four pair of shorts. A tan pair of shorts was on top. I put them into the tan suitcase, which was now to the north of me, on the top of the small bedside cabinet. I looked at the clothes in the suitcase, noticing that they only filled half the small bag. I was still missing something, and i thought that maybe i needed some longer pants. My father told me that he wanted to leave. He was to the northeast of me, in the other room. I turned to the south and walked from the garage to my parents’ house, thinking of the boy that i was about to visit and how it would make an interesting story. I was really visiting the boy’s older brother, who was a friend of mine. I remembered that the dream had sugar canes in it, so i would have to set the story in North Carolina. I then thought that North Carolina was a little too far north to have large sugar-cane plantations. The images in the dream seemed more tropical. I wondered if i should set the story in Georgia, or maybe South Carolina. I moved to the southern end of the room, where the tan suitcase was sitting on top of the small table against the southern wall. The cream-tan walls of the room seemed bare, and the room had the feel of a small hotel room. There was a tall rectangular window on the eastern end of the southern wall that let in light. I thought about the boy that i was going to visit. He was named Jeff. I then thought that he was related to $F20 and $F15. He was their younger brother. I then realized that the boy’s name could not be Jeff because it would be the same as his older brother’s name. He must have had a different name. I held my cell phone in my right hand, looking at the names on the screen. I could see both $A20’s and $F15’s names, and i could also see the name of the younger brother, the one with the special abilities. It seemed like Ben, but it might not have been. It was a short name followed by “H.” as a last name. I thought about the boy’s name, realizing that i still could not remember it. I then realized that my telephone was calling the numbers on my list. I turned back to the north, thinking about the calls that the phone was making. I then heard someone pick up and i turned to the south to talk to him. The man on the telephone was Mr. Moon. He had a thick indian accent, and i felt uneasy talking to him. He was the boy’s father. I hung up the telephone quickly, but i knew that he could see my number on his end, so he might not let the conversation drop and might call me back to find out what i wanted. I felt a little annoyed with him. I had to continue packing my bag, which was on the small cabinet against the northern wall. I opened the drawer of the dresser under the bag and pulled out some sweaters, in case it was not as warm as i thought it would be down there. My mother was lying on the bed to the west of me. She told me that my father usually forgets things when he is in the shower and asks her for them. She said that was why she was usually in the other room when he was showering, so that she would no here him and have to bring him the stuff that he forgot. I put the clothes in the suitcase and tried to thing of what i was forgetting.

12008 February 12

$A166 walked through he doorway in the northern wall of the room. I was in the office of the new job that i had just started. The wall to the north of me was black, but the other cubical walls in the area were light colours of white or gray. $A166 looked at me as he wandered to the west of my small worktable, which had a large CRT computer monitor to the north of me. He said that i could do the Unix stuff easily. I was working at $G6 again, and i felt suddenly uncomfortable here. I did not want to be doing this job again, and i wondered why i had come back. I wanted to leave this place. I turned to the south and headed into the room, which was the back lawn of a large house. I walked down the grassy slope toward the river, which was to the south of me. I felt nervous here. I then noticed the group of people joking around on the lawn to the west of me. It was suddenly dark out, but i could see the younger people pushing each other down the slope. There was a skinny man in the middle who was wearing a black leather jacket and seemed to be a punker. His spiked blond or red hair was on fire, but he did not yet notice. This was part of a movie i had seen before, and it was filmed with overexposed scenes so that the light on the kids seemed unusually blue. The man suddenly realized that he was burning, and the others started to joke with him. I knew that they were going to throw him in the river, but they did not seem to be in the right place to do so. The man walked slowly to the edge of the short rocky outcropping at the edge of the water. I knew that the others would throw him off of this, but i wondered if the water was actually deep enough here. The water at the edge of the river seemed very shallow just off the rocks. The others picked up the man and tossed him into the water, and he plunged below the water, resurfacing with wet extinguished hair. People laughed because this was a funny scene from the movie. I turned around and walked toward the large pale-green couch, which was sitting on the shore of the river to the west of me. It was facing south, at the bottom of the long grassy lawn. I had been by the couch before. It was from an old scene. $K1 and $K2 were near the couch, and sometimes seemed to be sitting on the western edge. They were much younger. I looked to the north, up the slope of the hill toward the large yellow house. The house sat on the western side of the narrow lot. It had white trim. There was a large willow tree in the middle of the lawn, at the bottom of the slope, near the river. The slope of the hill seemed to be the living room, and the couch was part of the room. I would be sleeping on the couch while i was here. My mother then started pulling on the velvet-like material of the old green couch, trying to get one of the pillows to come loose. I was suddenly annoyed with here, telling her that she was tearing the couch. She pulled again on the fabric, tearing one of the pillows off. She then accused me of something as she pulled at the couch angrily. I would not be able to sleep on the couch if she continued. She tore another section of the couch apart. I felt upset and turned to the east to leave. I headed back through the office, thinking that i had to get out of this place. I did not want to work here anymore. I was aware of a young boy following me through the office. I wanted to turn around and yell at him to stop following me, but i said nothing and continued. As i walked between some cubicles, i noticed the old Macintosh computer on the floor to the north. I looked at it, noticing that it was on a small gray plastic cart with some other equipment. It looked like one of the original Macintosh computers that were all in one small piece. I watched it as i started to pass and realized that it was really a type of vacuum for computers. It had a logo that made it look like an old Apple computer, but it was just a tan vacuum. I continued to the east, but the young boy kept following me. He was trying to bother me with his questions, but i ignored him.

I was lying on my bed. I had been sleeping for the night. $F15 was lying on the bed to the south of me, but he rolled over so that his right leg was lying across by body. I lay still, wondering if he would realize that he had put part of his body on top of someone. I felt interested in him putting his weight on top of me, and wanted to wrestle him for fun. I waited for him to move, but he kept shifting his weight so that he had more of it on top of me. He then moved his right arm around my head, and i wondered if he was trying to trap me in some kind of hold. He only moved a little bit at a time, as though he was still asleep, but he seemed to be shifting into a pinning position. I let him move, wondering what he was trying to do and wondering if we would actually be wrestling.

12008 February 13

I moved to the west, through the small room, which seemed to be outdoors. There was some kind of structure to the west of us that seemed like a short metal shed. It had walls on two sides, but was open to the east and west. There was a small square table in the middle of the area, partly under the cover of the metal arching roof. I sat down in one of the chairs to the east of the table. The area around us was covered with tall wet grass that had been flattened as if by snow, and everything seemed damp. There seemed to be tall pine trees to the west. The other person sat in one of the thin white wooden chairs with me as he pointed out the two male cats that had jumped onto the table to the east of us. The man joked about mating with the cats, saying that the cats had the genetic material we were looking for. The cats were both male, though, so it would not be possible to mate with them. One of the cats seemed mostly white, with spots of dark gray, the other was mostly gray and looked like a tabby. I leaded back in my chair as the female cats started to come into the area. One of them was an orange tabby. I stood up and moved to the west. The roof over the area no longer seemed to be there, and i moved around to the south of the table. The ground was wet, and i realized that my feet were sinking into the wet soil. There was grass on the ground, but my feet sunk anyway into the ground as i walked, so i tried to stay on the thin boards that had been layed on the ground. I looked down at a thin white strip of plywood that was warping with the water. I stepped on it carefully, complaining about the wet ground. I then sat in one of the thin white wooden chairs, which was on the northern side of the round white table. The paint on the table seemed to be chipping with the moisture. Everything was sinking in the wet ground, and i realized that the chair legs were sinking as well, tipping the chair that i had sat in backward a little.

I woke up i the small bedroom of the house. I seemed to have been sleeping on a couch against the northern wall of the room. There were young children running around to the west of me. I was amused by their play and i sat up on the couch. $F12 was then in the room. He started joking with me, and we began to wrestle. I was having fun pushing him around for a moment.

12008 February 15

I was in $F43’s house with some of the other members of $G11. We were gathered in the open space, which seemed to be the living room, but which also seemed to be outside. The vertical wooden planks of the walls did not seem to be there in several directions, allowing us to see the green trees around us. I felt somewhat sad about what had happened, and everyone seemed solemn as we chatted. I moved around on the bed. I had been sleeping here, and it now seemed to be early in the morning. The large bed was against the western wall of the room, and there seemed to be tan sheets on it. The door to the room was open a crack to the north of me, on the western side of the northern wall. I felt that the living room was to the east of me. The others had been sleeping somewhere else in the house. It seemed to be very early in the morning now, and it was still very dark. There were two kittens on the bed near me, and someone sleeping to the south of me. The small kitten just to the south of my head was purring, so i reached over to it with my lift hand and started petting it. I rolled over to look at it as i did so, and, in the dim light, i could see that it was not really a kitten. It looked more like a small brown pig. It had a thin coat of soft hair and a tan head and snout. I was surprised to see it on the bed and sat up. I looked around, wondering where $X5 was. I was out of bed as i crouched down to the cat. It was very dark, and i could only see the rough outline of the cat as i pet it. I did not like the pig as much. I then realized that i was crouching on the floor to the south of the bed. I looked down at the cat to the east of me and realized that it was not $X5. It was really a small calico cat. I looked around the room, realizing that there were only two cats in the room, and neither was $X5. I felt concerned and wondered where $X5 was. The calico cat walked under the chair in the southeastern corner of the room. I focused on it, making sure that it really was not $X5. As the cat stuck its head out from under the chair, i realized that it did have the black and white markings of a tortoise-shell tabby. It was $X5 after all. $F38 then stirred in the bed to the north of me. He had been sleeping on the southern side of the bed, and my roaming had woken him up a little. He pulled on the covers to get them over his head as he started to roll onto his side. As he pulled the sheets, they lifted, and i could see part of his torso. He was nicely detailed on his stomach, and i thought that he must have been working out lately. I then realized that i had turned on two of the lights in the room. The lamp on the nightstand just to the south of the bed was on, as was the overhead light. I quickly turned off the lamp, thinking that it was too bright and was probably bothering $F38. I started back around the foot of the bed, wondering why i had turned both lights on when i really did not need both on. I only needed the overhead light on to see the cats. I was then lying on the bed again, on my back. $F38 rolled over toward me and layed his hand across my torso. His right hand fell between my legs. He was asleep, but i felt uncomfortable having his forearm resting on my groin. I started to move, to try to roll away, but he remained asleep. I then realized that the weight of his arm on my groin felt good, and i decided that i should push him off and roll out of the way. Before i could do anything, though, he rolled back to his side of the bed.

I stood to the southwest of the house as i tossed the water balloon at the small children, who were playing to the northwest of me, near the yellow wooden garage that matched the house. They screamed and scattered across the back yard of the house. It seemed like fun. The young man to the southwest of me then threw something at the children. I realized that it was now a water balloon, and was surprised that he threw it. I worried that it might hurt the children, and i felt that it was rather inconsiderate of him to throw. I scolded the man, saying “Water only!”. The other college-aged men then grabbed him from behind and held him in place. He struggled, but they were holding him tightly as a warning against throwing something dangerous again. I realized that they were holding the man’s arms across his face, and i realized that the man would have trouble breathing. I hoped that they did not make him pass out. The man struggled against them, but soon realized that he could no breath, and he started to relax. He tapped on the arm of one of the other men and the men let him go. The group of men then joked about what had happened.

12008 February 17

I sat in the small audience watching the performers to the south of me. I was on the eastern side of the audience, which seemed to be sitting in folding chairs in the middle of the large open white room. $A358 was standing in front of the microphone talking. He said something and i replied to him. He continued reading the paper in front of him. I then called out his name, but i called out $A184. $A358 stopped what he was saying and, is a voice of surprise, repeated the name i had said. I looked up to see $A358 standing in front of the condenser microphone with $A184 looking over his shoulder. I apologized for the mistake and said that i meant to say $A358’s name. I then looked back at the paper that i had in my hand as i started to wander. I was supposed to give a speech soon. $F4 was talking now from the microphone to the north of me. I paced behind the audience, on the southern side of the room. Looking at the sheet that i had written, i liked the sound of the poem. It sounded very good, and i was proud of the statement. I would have to practice it, though, so that i could recite it. I then though about the theme of the poem, so that i could remember it better. I had to remember what it said, but i was having trouble. I could no longer make out what the lower part of the page was saying. I was forgetting what the importance of the speech was.

I looked to the north as we headed west, through the city street. There was a tall round modern building on the street that ran to the northwest form the east-west street that we were walking on. I recognized the tall blue building and remembered its significance. $Z walked with me and i pointed out the theatre to him. The building was pale blue, with a creamy clouds diffusing across the surface. It was roughly cylindrical, but tapered a little near the top and had a slanted roof that pointed up toward the west. There were three or four black bands around the building, marking different levels of the structure. I pointed out the theatre to $F45. He said that he knew about the building and pointed out that $A437 had something to do with the building. I looked at the tall black letters on the side of the building, which now looked like a cinema sign. The sign was divided into three or four parts, advertising different plays. I remembered $A437 mentioning the play and saying that it was in a theatre in town. I had not realized that it was this theatre. I then noticed $A437’s name below the name of the play at the top of the list. There was some special relation between $A437 and the building, and i was interested. I stood up from the plastic chair that was against the cream-yellow southern wall of the hallway and headed to the north, toward the building. I wanted to go into the theatre to see what was there. There was a structure just to the north of me that seemed like a stairwell, but was instead a switchback of ramps. I walked down the ramp to the east and then turned back to the west to head up the second ramp that led toward the building’s entrance. I was already inside a building, but the theatre was on the north side of the hallway and i had been sitting on the southern side. As i started up the ramp, i realized that i had left my laptop on the chair where i was sitting. I had been working on it and i had just put it down so that i could come explore the northern side of the building. I felt suddenly uncomfortable leaving it there. This building did not seem that secure, and there were other people sitting on the southern side of the hall waiting. I decided to go back to get my computer, but i did not feel like walking all the way back on the ramps. I wondered if i could simply climb over the short dividing walls between the ramps. I started to do so. As i started over the last dividing wall, to climb up from the first ramp to the level of the corridor, i realized that the first ramp was very narrow. It was so narrow that the space between the right hand rail and the left wall was too narrow for me to pass through. As i started to hop over it, i realized that i could easily get my lower leg stuck in the space as it narrowed to the west. The wood of the walls and the handrail was old and stained dark brown. I hopped over the wall and landed in the room where the others were waiting. I explained the thin stairs to the women who were gathered in a small group in the lobby, waiting for the play.

12008 February 18

I crossed the large open room of the old building, heading to the southwest across the wooden floor. The walls of the room seemed to be wood as well, and there seemed to be windows running around the base of the ceiling. This room was in the center of the large building, and i was here for a convention. I had just left the table in the northeastern corner of the room. I looked at the floor plan to the building as i approached the southwestern corner of the room. I could see the large rectangular room in the center of building, running north to south. There was a square cluster of rooms to the north of the main hall, and a row of small square rooms running down the eastern and western sides of the great hall. There also seemed to be some rooms across the front of the building, on the south. This floor plan was not what i expected it to be, and i felt somewhat disappointed. I would not be going where i thought that i was going. I came to the large square table in the southwestern corner of the room. I looked at several of the things displayed on the table. The man near the table then started to comment about me as i looked over the things. He was very impolite to me, and i tried to ignore him. I started to collect my things from the classroom. I was feeling angry with the man and did not want to stay here anymore. As i gathered my things, i was aware that $A262 was standing to the north of me, in the classroom. I picked up by backpack from the armchair and headed south. I walked down the hall, looking for the stairs that led out of the old school building. The thick plaster walls of the building were off white, and were several arched windows and doorways on either side of the hall. I came to an area where there were several windows in a row on the western side of the corridor. They seemed to be wired glass, and they looked down onto a lower hallway, which ran off to the west. I turned to the west, just past the windows, following a short corridor over a balcony and into a doorway on the west, where another corridor ran north to south, crossing over the hallway below. It too seemed to have windows looking down over the other corridor. As i wandered to the west, i was aware of the classrooms around me and wondered if the students were going to be exiting the rooms soon. I had been in this elementary school a long time ago. I started to cross the second corridor, heading to the north, when i realized that there was a doorway on the eastern wall of the corridor, to the south of me, that led down a flight of stairs to the lower level. There was a set of stairs on either side of the bridge, so i did not have to cross the bridge to get to the second set of stairs. I was then descending the set of stairs on the southern side of the large open entry hall of the building, which seemed like an old hotel. The ceiling seemed to arch high above me. I came to the bottom of the stairs, which flared out to the north, ending in a rounded curve into the main hall. The doorman in the dark-red uniform said something to me from the double entry doors on the western end of the hall, but i turned to the east and headed between the two long sets of stairs and into the building. I turned to the south and headed down a corridor in the interior of the building. The walls of the corridor were darkly stained polished wood, and the carpet seemed new or clean. I came out of the corridor, into a large open room on the southern end of the resort hotel. The room was a large open hall, running east to west. There seemed to be wooden service desks on the northern and southern walls of the room, and the entire hall was lushly decorated, with dark-red carpeting and furnishings, and green plants. The people here were listening to the weather report, which reported tornadoes in the area. I stopped just after entering the room, listening to the report. Someone to the west of me said that they already had a tornado on the southern hill. I looked out the tall multipaned windows that ran along the upper part of the southern wall. I could only see dark gray. I took a few paces to the south until i was in the center of the room. I then looked to the west and looked down the length of the hall. A large multipaned window arched over the western end of the hall. Through it, i could see a tall thin funnel cloud running along the southern hill of the valley. The valley was very narrow, with hills rising to the north and south. The resort was right in the center of the valley, and i thought that the tornado would be heading right for us. Someone mentioned that we were between the hills, and i pointed out the funnel cloud moving toward us. I quickly turned to the north and headed back into the corridor, telling others that they had to get away from the windows and into the interior of the building. I then wondered if my car would be all right. I was heading to it. It was in the parking lot to the west of the building. I pictured the parking lot running up the center of the valley to the west of the resort. I wondered if it would be safe enough in the corridor. I turned into a stairwell and headed up the stairs, and then back down. I kept thinking about the tornado and wondered where it would be safe. I then walked back to the south and came out into the large hall again. Looking out the western window, i could see that the tornado was gone. I walked to the west, into the main hall of the resort, where the two sets of stairs came down to the main door. I wanted to head to the west, to get to my car. I hoped that it was still okay in the main parking lot. I crossed back to the northeast, across the large open room where the convention was being held. I came into the room at the northern side of the old building, walking out onto what appeared to be a balcony. I looked out over the city to the northeast. The buildings around me seemed old. I was still in a room, and there was a large opening in the wall to the north and a second to the east. I asked my mother about something as i walked to the eastern wall of the room, looking over the edge of the balcony at the large glass window to the east of us. We were on the second floor of the building, and the tall arching window started a floor below us and ran to the high ceiling above us. I looked down the length of the window, realizing that it was no longer a multipaned window. It now seemed to be a single pane of plastic, and i could see the uneven caulking around the northern side of the plastic. I asked my mother what had happened to the original window. She said that my father had replaced the glass with the single sheet of plexiglas. I looked at several of the other tall arching windows on the eastern side of the courtyard. I was now looking out a square window on the side of the building. There was a slate-covered patio running along the eastern side of the building, but the tall windows were to the east of the patio. The patio was actually enclosed in the building. The few thin trees in the patio seemed leafless and dry, and there was an old iron park bench and several small tables, but most of the patio space seemed to be empty. I then looked up, noticing the white bird feces on the domed skylight that ran along the center of the roof over the patio. The oval window seemed old and worn, with bird droppings here and there. I looked to the southeast, down the length of the patio. The building ran along the southern end of the patio as well. I looked across the top part of the building, noticing that the roofline seemed to have several different coloured houses on it. The houses looked like small beach homes, in off whites and pale greens. I remembered seeing these houses from the front of the large building. I remembered ramparts and small towers along the front of the large square building. I told my mother that i liked this new house of theirs as i looked around the room some more, noticing the large square window in the northern wall again. This was my parents’ summer home on the river. I told my mother that this was a very nice place, and i said that it would be really nice once they finished fixing it up. I then motioned to the river, which i could not see, but which i knew was to the north of us.

I was annoyed with $F45 as he sat in the driver’s seat of the large car. I walked from the small building, which was on the northern side of the parking lot, to the car. $F45 had pulled the car out of the parking space in the center of the lot and was now trying to drive the car to the west, but there was another car stopped in front of him. He was angry at the other car for getting in his way. I was trying to get into the car, but $F45 had forgotten about me because he was angry at the other car. He kept trying to drive forward as i tried to open the car door. $F45 started beeping at the man in the other car. Finally, he drove forward and rammed the other car. The other car folded around the hood of the black pick-up truck that $F45 was driving. He was finally stopped, but i could not open the door now because the tail end of the other car was covering part of the passenger’s door. I felt annoyed and angry with $F45 for not thinking about what he was doing. I angrily told $F45 to back out of the other car. Instead, he drove forward, pushing the other car over the side of the steep hill on the northwestern side of the parking lot. The small car tipped forward, pulling the hood of the truck off with it as it rolled over the edge of the hill. I was now angry with $F45 for ruining my car as well as not listening to reason. I sarcastically and angrily said “Thanks!” before i turned to walk away. I did not want to deal with $F45 at the moment, so i thought that i would simply start walking home and let him deal with the mess that he had created. I walked out of the parking lot and started up the sidewalk on the northern side of the road, heading west, up the shallow slope of the hill. The land around me had snow on it. There was an intersection about fifty metres ahead of me where a road ran off to the north. This road seemed to lead to the highway that would take me home. I did not really want to walk all the way home, but i also did not want to stay here. I thought i should follow the other road to the north, but then i realized that i should not really walk on the highway. I lived somewhere to the west, and i thought of other roads that i could take to avoid the highway. I thought that i could take the old main street through $P100. I then opened by eyes. I remembered sleeping while i was waiting for the cars. I walked back across the lobby of the resort. I had to use the bathroom, and i remembered that it was on the opposite side of the basement level of the resort complex, somewhere on the eastern wall. I walked out of the stairwell and headed east, down the corridor on the northern side of the building. I turned to the south to follow the corridor on the eastern side of the building. I knew that the bathrooms were in one of the alcoves in the eastern wall, but i could not remember which one. I stepped out of the stairwell on the western side of the building and walked down the long corridor in the center of the building. There seemed to be another corridor running parallel just to the south. The toilets were on the eastern wall of the building, but i felt disoriented. I knew that our room was in the same alcove as the lavatories, but i could not remember which side of the building they were on. I walked down the corridor on the eastern side of the building heading south. There were two corridors running through the center of the building and one on the north and south. The eastern and western corridors of the building enclosed the other four parallel corridors. I stepped into the small bathroom, which had a toilet on the northern wall and a white sink hanging from the southern wall. As i started to urinate, the wooden door to the bathroom was pushed open by a small dark-skinned boy. His mother was leading him down the hall to the south, but he stopped in the doorway, still holding her hand. She continued walking, and eventually pulled him along with her. I was annoyed and closed the bathroom door. I then walked back into the hall of the building, looking around at the hallways around me. I knew that i was near our room, but i did not know where exactly the room was. I knew that there were two sets of bathrooms on the lower level. One had a shower in it. I tried to picture where our room was, but i was having trouble orienting myself in the corridor. I turned to the south and noticed that the corridor ended in the northern end of a large room. The room seemed to stretch the entire length of the building, from north to south. It was the recreation room, and seemed to have very little furnishings in it. There seemed to be a single pool table in the center of the eastern end of the room. The rest of the room seemed to be nothing but tan carpeting and blank walls. I was still standing in the doorway to the bathroom when a man came from the north and turned into the bathroom behind me. He was wearing a red sweater, and i felt that i knew him from elsewhere in the resort. I headed toward the recreation room, saying that i could use some popcorn. I then remembered that our room was straight back across the building as one came in the entrance to the building. I could not see the main entrance from the basement level, but i felt that it was to the west. I tried to orient myself again and walked back across the eastern wall. There was a gray door in the eastern wall that seemed to be a maintenance closet. I recognized it, and decided that it led into the short corridor where the second bathroom was and where our room was. I opened the door and walked into the short corridor. The bathroom seemed to be on the southern side of the corridor, and a utility closet seemed to be on the northern side. The door to our room was directly ahead of me, to the east. I looked at the bottom half of the white door, noticing the small animal flap in the door. There was a plastic curtain over the square hole, and it was inflating with air from the room. I put $F45’s green sneakers by the door, which seemed to be the back door to the room. The main door was on the opposite side of the room and led into a more official corridor. I thought that the air coming from the room might dry the shoes a little. I then decided that the shoes might be safer if they were actually in the room, so i pushed the shoes though the square hole and placed them on the white carpet inside. As i removed my hand, the plastic curtain sealed over the door again and started to billow out as the wind from the room spilled into the hall. I then picked up the white shoes that had been sitting on the doorway and pushed them through the doggie hole as well.

12008 February 19

I turned to the west, stepping carefully across the muddy ground between the barn and my parents’ garage. My father got into his truck and drove it to the south, down the driveway toward the house. As i stepped over the uneven ground, i noticed some large white bones in the dirt. They were thick, like horse bones. The rough dirt path formed a shallow arch, which started on the western side of the old brown wood barn and curved to the south-southwest. The area had been torn up by truck tires, and i thought that some of the old bones were now showing. They must have been there from the old barn, which had stood on this spot. I wondered if they were finally starting to rise to the surface. A man came the south and walked close to me. I felt slightly uncomfortable with him there. He complimented me on my riding in the rodeo. I thanked him, but was still not comfortable with him being so close to me. I backed away a little to the east. He was wearing a tan coat. The man then approached me again from the south, walking up the dirt driveway. He was the sheriff, and i felt uncomfortable around him, as if he were the kind of sheriff to abuse his authority. I told him about the bones in the ground, hoping that he did not suspect anything criminal. I wondered for a moment if the bones could be human. I saw that there were different piles of bones on the ground. The pile i had stepped over earlier was on the northern end of the broken earth, just to the west of the barn. I was now near the southwestern corner of the barn, where the dirt path started to turn, and where there was a second series of bones showing through the dirt ground. They seemed like leg bones, but they lay parallel in the muddy ground, looking more like a rib cage. I looked down at the long thick bones as the sheriff started talking about horse bones. He seemed to think that they were from the old barn, but i still wondered if there were any human bones in the pile.

12008 February 20

I followed $G4 to the north, away from the small house and into the large open field on top of the wide rounded hill. The land dropped off steeply to the east of us, into wide valley. The hilltop was to the north of us, only a metre or so higher than we were. I walked out the gravel driveway of the small dull-yellow modular house. There was a thin road that ran east to west at the end of the driveway, but $G4 continued to the north, into the large field of dry cut field grass. The grass was mostly yellow and tan, but there were shades of green in the dry field. To the east, just on the northern side of the road, was a small building and some metal towers. It was a power substation, and it blocked the view of the valley to the east. There also seemed to be some thick green trees on the sides of the substation. I noticed the red lights of the tall radio towers that poked up over the top of the substation. There were three or four towers, all at different heights, and i knew that they were on the next hill over. There was something picturesque about the towers, and i wanted to photograph them. I walked to the north, into the field, wondering if i could get a clear view of the radio towers without the substation getting in the way. I then thought that i could simply fly up into the air to get a shot of the towers over the top of the buildings. I looked at the SLR camera in my hands, suddenly realizing that the lens cap was no longer on it. I turned back to the south and headed across the grass, looking for where i had dropped the lens cap. I walked into the front hall of the building, which was covered with green grass. There was a polished wooden wall to the north of me, and the ceiling seemed average height above me, but the field was open to the southern and western sides. Other members of $G4 wandered around the grass as i searched for the lens cap. I then noticed a small sinkhole in the ground just to the south of me. $A455 was walking just to the east of it. The black plastic lens cap was sitting in the hole. I picked it up, noticing that it was broken. The plastic clips that hold it onto the lens had cracked off. I thought that i should return it to the store where i had just bought it. It was obviously not of good quality. I turned and headed back to the northeast, following the man and woman. We walked into the western door of the small cement building, which seemed to be under construction. I noticed the chain-link fence running to the south of the building, around a yard of broken dirt. A single dirty yellow construction vehicle sat to the south of the small building. I thought i should tell the woman that we probably would not be able to make it through the building because of the construction. This building was part of the substation, but the man and woman were trying to head through it and come out to the east, where we could get a clear view of the valley to the east. The square room in the building was dirty and empty, with bare cement walls and open windows. There was a large sheet of plastic hanging over the eastern end of the room, blocking the door to the east. A thin wooden stick spanned the doorway, holding up a yellow sign that stated that the building was closed for construction. The man in the building turned around and told us that we would not be able to go through the building. He wore a denim jacket and a yellow hard hat. He said that we could not leave the building through the closed door. I remembered working for construction, and i told the others that the construction workers could not permit non-construction workers into the site because it was against union rules. I thought about citing the number of the rule, but i was not really sure that i knew it. We walked out the northern side of the building, turning to the east. There was a wall running from the northeastern corner of the large building to the north, along the edge of the hilltop. We walked up to the wall, which was at the top of a tall cliff. There was a village in the valley, about a kilometre below. The view was quite spectacular. I looked at the rounded hill to the east of us, on the other side of the steep narrow valley. The hill was covered with old stone houses that had red tile or shingle roofs. Many of the buildings seemed to have square wooden towers on them with windows at the top. The cluster of houses was $P30. The tall metal radio towers reached up from the top of the hill over the picturesque buildings, their red lights blinking at the thin spindle top. The entire view was beautiful. I looked at the white cement wall in front of us, running along the top of the cliff. We were now one level down from where we had been. There was a roof over us, It was the upper level of the building to the south of us, and was the level where we entered from the field. The ground to the north and west of us was paved, and there seemed to be building of a small town to the northwest. I looked down into the valley again, seeing the rough tan sedentary rocks of the tall cliff just below us. I started to feel uneasy near the edge and had to back away a little. I looked at the hill to the east, noticing that the radio towers were now hidden in gray clouds. The clouds must be moving in from the northeast. I could not get the picture i wanted to take. I started to feel weak and dizzy near the ledge, so i backed up a little, leaving the woman and man near the wall to the southeast of me. The woman then joked about the height and hopped over the white wall. At first, i was afraid that she had jumped over the cliff, but the man did not seem too concerned. He was still smiling, so i decided that there must be a ledge just on the other side of the wall. I then heard the woman jumping again, and thought that three must be a lower ledge of the cliff. I did not think that they should be fooling around so close to the edge, but i was too nervous of the high to go near them or say anything. The red plastic wall at the edge of the cliff then fell backward onto the pavement. The man had been leaning on it to look at the woman. I was nervous, and backed away, into the cobblestone square of the small town. The buildings to the north of me were in a row, running east to west, and seemed old. They were dark-brown wood, and seemed almost Tudor style. I looked to the east again, between the building on the end of the row and the more modern building to the south of me. The building to the south had a corridor running through it. I had come from the corridor to get here. There was a wall at the end of the alley that stood about two metres tall. Above the wall, i could see a crowd of people walking from the north. The cinema show must have just got out, and the people were starting to come back into the square. I looked to the west, noticing that more and more people were coming into the square. I had to do something before too many of them showed up. I turned to the south, noticing the alley between the modern buildings. A man and woman exited the alley and headed toward me, into the center of the square. They were carrying a red tasseled handbag in front of them, looking through it as they smiled. I thought that they must have just stolen the bag and were now searching it. I felt wary of them, and watched them cautiously as i walked past them, heading to the south. I had to get out of here. I then wondered where the rest of $G4 went. I felt that i should find them.

12008 February 21

I was in the off-white living room of the small house or apartment. The place seemed simple in design, with meager furnishings. My mother moved to the east of me as i stood by the northern wall of the room. I was watching my mother and myself from the west. I was a very young boy, but i still had memories of being older. There was a rounded table to the south of me, and i walked over to it as my mother moved to the west to talk to my grandmother. My mother and grandmother headed to the north, into the next room to talk about something. I thought that i should find a piece of paper and a crayon to write something. I was still too young to speak fully, but i remembered enough to be able to write. I wanted to write something that would let others know that i was older than i seemed. I was hesitant to do so, however, feeling that it might not be a good idea to reveal that my consciousness had entered my body at a younger age. My mother came back into the room as i sat at the western edge of the rounded table. She asked me what i was concerned about. I thought i should tell her “quantum physics”, or something else that would let her know i remembered more that i should have learned. I then thought that i should mention relativity instead, since i knew more about it and quantum physics was not an easy subject to discuss. Instead, i said nothing. I could not decide what to do. I turned to the south and headed into the next room. This was some kind of office, and i was working here. I looked to the north as the other person came into the room through the door in the center of the northern wall. This room was very small, but it had been created from a much larger room. I was aware that the wall to the east of me had been added recently, breaking up the larger room into small cubes. This place seemed to be $G6. I felt uncomfortable here and said something to the woman who was standing in the doorway to the north. I mentioned the large glass window, which was the western wall of the room, saying that it might have been put there to separate the larger room into the smaller offices. Looking to the south, i noticed that the room that i was in was long and narrow, so i told the other person that this room might be a two-person office, or could simply be used to house server computers as a technical room. As i turned back to the north, i noticed that i could see the glass wall behind the wooden panels that were handing over the eastern wall. The panels looked like large wooden shutters, stained a medium brown. They were slightly open, and i could see through the glass wall and into the next room to the east, which was currently empty. I told the other person that this room could be locked separately from the other room, which would make it a safe place to store servers. I then noticed some people entering the room to the east through a doorway in the northeastern wall. They were my parents, and i suddenly realized that people were showing up here to wish be goodbye from my job. They must not have realized that i was here, and i was not supposed to know about them until they surprised me. I felt uneasy having the people here, but did not say anything. The people started to enter the large room to the east, and then they started coming into the smaller room to the south of me, through an opening in the eastern wall where two of the shutters swung aside. My mother and grandmother were talking to each other just to the southeast of me as they stood against the eastern wall, but i did not think that they were aware that i was here. They were still assuming that i would be surprised by the people. The room started to get crowded, so i picked up the long black decorative spear from the floor and moved it to the north, into the corner of the room. I placed it just to the large white computer box where the woman had just sat down. I had to pick up my things while the others were gathering so that the things would not get in the way. I felt uncomfortable as the people gathered, and i did not know what to do.

12008 February 22

I headed north along the dirt road that led through the campground. There were thick tall pine trees all around me, and a covering of old snow was on the ground. It was getting cold, and i knew that it would be night soon, so i started collecting firewood from some of the other campsites. I was the only one currently in the camp, so i was taking what others had left behind. The wind blow from the west, and i could hear a storm coming. It was going to snow. I picked up the black wooden box that had been filled with chopped and split logs. It had been left by the fireplace of the small cabin, but i knew that the person who had collected the wood would not be back to the campsite, so i wanted to use it. The person who had the wood seemed to be $A190. I drove down the road to the south on my way out of the campground. The dirt road turned to the southeast, and there were driveways on both sides of the road that led to homes. I thought about the road ahead of me, trying to remember the way to go. I thought that the road would turn back to the south a little, but i would be turning to the east on anther road soon. I turned back to the north, walking into the dining room of the house. I felt bad and had to get the campsite ready for the night. My relatives were in the room to the west of me. I told $K2 that i had taken the firewood that he had left in the cabin. I hoped that he did not mind.

I sat up in bed. I was in a small bedroom where the large bed was against the northern wall. The walls of the room were plain and white. I turned to the west, noticing that the large bed was actually three beds. $F11 was sleeping in the center bed, and i had been sleeping in the eastern-most bed. I was trying to get back to sleep, but i could not fall asleep. $F11 and the other person in the western bed were talking to each other. I joked about something as they talked. I sat up in the bed and walked south along the eastern wall of the room. I was getting up to fix something. I looked at the large black clock that was a tall wooden dresser, which was against the eastern wall, between other wooden furnishings. I looked at the multiple clocks on the dresser, thinking that it was still in the middle of the night. I then looked at the tall black panel that stood in front of the eastern wall, to the south of the dresser. It had some type of clock on it, but it looked more like a decorative plaque. The black surface was dull, as though it was old, and there were curvy silver and white lines over the surface. The lines reminded me of neon-light tubes, and there was writing and starts painted on the surface. The light panel looked like part of a pinball machine, and it looked like something from the late 11970s. The lights on it blinked, and i realized that $F11 must have fixed it. I mentioned the sign, and $F11 said that he had borrowed it from his work. I wandered to the west, along the southern wall. I was then heading down the stairs of the building. The stairs turned to the east as they came to the first floor of the cottage. The other members of my high school or $G3 and myself were staying in this place for a few nights, which seemed very much like my grandfather’s house at $P22. I wondered how this place had been kept up since my grandfather left. I opened the kitchen door and walked into the long room, heading west. The walls seemed gray and dingy, and the windows along the southern wall were open. This was not right. I then realized that there were animals in the kitchen. A small animal, which seemed to be a squirrel, hopped in through one of the windows and ran to the east, to the pantry, which was to the south of the entrance door. I turned to confront the animal, but, when it came out of the pantry with food, it growled at me. It looked like a fox now, and it jumped back out the window. Others from my high-school class came into the room with me. We were staying at this camp together. I was mad that the animals had been invading the house, and i ordered the others to close all the windows. I then mentioned that they should allow the animals to get out before all the windows are closed. The fox then came back into the room to grab some more things. We had to keep them out. I moved to the western wall to help someone close the windows there. The cottage did not seem to have been kept up well. Where the windows were open, water might have come into the house and rotted the wood. Someone said something about the rotten wood on the eastern side of the kitchen, but i replied that the wood had been bad for a very long time, before the current owners had taken over. I walked to the northern side of the eastern wall, thinking that we might be able to cover the rotten wood with something to prevent the animals from getting in. As i reached the wall, i realized that there was a screen already covering the long narrow hole between the wall and the edge of the roof. The owners had already patched the hole with the screen to keep the animals out, so we did not have to do anything to stop animals from getting in here. I looked at the rotting area, though. It was never an open hole before. The wood was just rotten but never broken through. The triangular gash ran from the northern wall to them midpoint of the western wall, tapering to a thin crack by the southern side of the room. I complained about the lack of care the owners were taking in the building. The man to the south of me then asked about it, and i told him that the roof was bad before because my grandfather never fixed it, but it was never this bad. I looked around the kitchen, making sure that we had gotten everything in order to keep the animals out. I then turned back to the north and walked back into the bedroom. The others were sleeping in their beds, but the lights in the room were still on. I suddenly realized that i was keeping everyone awake by wandering around the house this early in the morning. I should turn off the lights and go to bed.

I moved through the cottage, which seemed like my grandfather’s cottage at $P22. I was in the white bedroom upstairs, and i was packing my things so that i was ready to leave with the rest of the group. I looked around at the clean walls of the room, thinking that everything here had been remodeled. I then remembered that the lower floor had not been remodeled. I walked to the east, down the hall of the upper floor. I looked into the small bedroom to the east. It was mostly brown, with yellow and white trimmings. There were clean new cubbyholes against the eastern wall, just above two twin beds. A lamp from the cubical bedside table to the north of the northernmost bed illuminated the room. Everything here looked very nice. I walked down the stairs, noticing that the hallway heading down was newly painted a dark shade that was close to black. The details of the rest of the paint made the hallway look artificially classy. I headed to the east on the lower floor, thinking that this floor was not remodeled as nicely, but, as i walked into the orange living room, i could see that everything looked clean and new. There were shelves against the eastern wall of the lining room. They were painted orange and looked very new, but i could tell that they were cheaply built. I then remembered that the stairs coming down stairs were not yet remodeled. I looked at the paint to the south of me, where the stairs turned to the east in the middle of the flight. The ceiling was yellowish white and the old paint was chipping along the ceiling and western wall. I also remembered how bad the kitchen was. I then remembered that i wanted to take the cutting board from the kitchen. I had left it here long ago when my grandfather moved out of the cottage. I walked into the kitchen, wondering how i could take the board without anyone noticing. I stepped into the dull-green kitchen, noticing that it was now very clean. I saw the cutting board on the counter that ran across the western wall. It was just to the north of the stove, which was on the southern end of the wall. There was a piece of toast and some crumbs on the large striped cutting board. I moved the toast to the counter and took the board with me. I thought that i should put it in my car now, while there are no other people moving around the house, but then i realized that i did not have my car keys with me. I took it to the center of the room and placed it on the dull-green surface of the oval dining-room table. I thought that i could put the cutting board into the bottom of my luggage. I went to the southern wall of the kitchen and grabbed one of the plastic bags that were in a small pocket in the lower section of the wall. The first one i pulled out was white, but i decided that it was too transparent to hide the board it. I fished around until i found the blue plastic bag. I pushed the green fabric bag back into the slot, thinking that it would draw too much attention. As i opened the blue one and put the cutting board into it, i thought that it was a bag from Blue Mountain Crafts. People might think that i had simply purchased something from the craft store. I walked up stairs with the board wrapped in the green cloth. I came into the white bedroom and looked around for my bags, thinking how i could hide the board from the others when we leave.

12008 February 23

I headed down the dirt road to the north. I was with $G4, and i was checking the road for signs of a trail. The land around me was forested, and i was currently moving down a slight slope into a dip in the road, where the road passed over a creek. There seemed to be snow on the ground around me. A woman, who seemed like $A456, stopped jogging to the west of me and turned around to head back south. Someone said that the trail ahead might be marked in brown markings. I noticed a dark-purple splotch on the eastern side of the road as i drove my car, but it did not seem like a trail mark. I expected to find white markings. I then decided that i would drive farther down the road to see if the tail was really in this direction. Since i was driving, as i had done a few times before, i could cover more ground than the runners. I felt separated from the runners, thought, as though i was not really participating in the run with $G4 by driving. I was in a bad mood, and continued driving, thinking that the others would comment negatively about my disappearance. People might say that i abandoned the run again to show up near the end, as i had done before. I pictured the road ahead of me, thinking that it looped around to the west in the middle of the hilly area. I thought that this might be near the end of the run. There was something very familiar about this forest and this trail, but i felt sad being here.

I followed $F45 and the other person to the west, down the corridor through the busy cafeteria. We stopped for a moment at the register, which was on the western wall of the room, just to the south of a set of double doors that led to the next room. We waited for a moment, then $F45 and the other person continued through the doors. They were impatient and did not want to wait for the people in front of us to get out of the line. The short round woman running the black register seemed flustered as she tried to figure something out. I then decided that $F45 would be upset with me for waiting behind, so i continued through the door. The room was to the north of the corridor, and i entered through the opening in the western wall, heading east. This room seemed like a small conference room, with orangish-yellow walls. There was a buffet table across the northeast corner of the room. $F45 and the other person walked from the table and were heading to the west again. I headed over to the table to get my breakfast, but i realized that there were no pancakes left in the silver chaffing tray. Holding the white ceramic plate, i stood in the center of the room, waiting for the female water in the dull-gold dress and white apron to bring out more pancakes, but nothing happened. I started to feel bad, realizing that they had already used up all of the pancakes that they had expected to use for the event, and there were no more to put out. I felt bad that i had not gotten any breakfast, and i started to warder around. It was clear that no more food would be put out on the table. I felt that the people who had organized this conference had not done well. I headed to the east, back down the long corridor of the building. As i passed through a set of double doors, i noticed $F45 and the other person reclined in some chairs just to the north of the doors. There seemed to be a few soda-pop machines near them, but they looked disappointed and board. I realized that they might not have gotten pancakes either. I wandered into the large dining room on the southeastern side of the building. The dining area was filled with booth seating, with red fake-leather benches on both sides of the thin brown wooden tables. There was a dividing wall running down the center of the room, from east to west. There were booths on both the southern and northern sides of the wall, and there seemed to be thick green plants growing on the top of the wall. The restaurant was active, and i realized that they had enough food for all of their clients. The room was L shaped, and i noticed a large brass buffet counter in the northern wing of the room. A young woman joked with a friend as she pulled some food from the buffet with here fingers and put it in her mouth. It seemed to be some sort of pasta or chunk of lettuce. I felt annoyed that there was enough food for these people. These were the people who were paying for the food, and i realized that we were getting no service because the ground that was sponsoring our event did not pay enough. We would have to wait until the servers were ready to bring us more food, if they had some to spare. I felt bad about being at this event, and i thought that the group that was running our event, which seemed to be part of $G4, had not organized the event well. They did not anticipate how much food they would need. I felt bad about the situation. I also started to feel neglected.

12008 February 25

I started to move to the north as the alarms came on. The end of the corridor was just ahead of me, and i could see some of the people starting to run to the west, down the other corridor with shiny metal walls. I rounded the corner and started to the west, noticing the tall robot-like extraterrestrial standing against the eastern wall at the end of the second corridor. It had a large triangular head and long arms that came most of the way down to the floor. It moved stiffly as it grabbed for something on the floor near the southern wall of the corridor. I felt that we should help it because it could not maneuver as easily here. I moved toward the eastern wall. The extraterrestrial was now a humanoid, and it picked up the metal ray gun and pointed it down the hall to the west, where the attackers were coming from. I moved against the southern wall as the alien fired the gun from the west of me. The people down the corridor to the west glowed yellow before disappearing. The alien then turned back to the east and fired the gun again. I pressed myself against the wall to try to get out of the range of the gun, but it did not work. I could see myself and the person to the east of me turning into a yellow glowing patch before we quickly faded out. I stepped to the south, into the small locker room as i thought about being killed by the alien. I should have jumped for cover in here before the alien fired his weapon. It would have saved me from the attack. I stepped back out into the corridor. The alien was now approaching from the west. He was a man with a wide muscular body and short hair. I said something as he walked into me, pushing me to the east. I knew that he was going to kill the others to the east, but i was asking him to stop. I then realized that he had grabbed me and was pressing my face against his solar plexus. I tried to back away, but he had my left arm tapped under his right and my right leg trapped between his. He was pressing me into his chest, trying to suffocate me, and i started to struggle to get away.

12008 February 26

I was in the small cubical at $G6. I was working here again, but i felt a little out of place here. I was facing north, toward the large computer monitor. The cube around me had orange cloth walls, and seemed to be no larger than the desk i was sitting at. The cube was open to the south. I stood up, still talking on the telephone, and backed out of eth cube, looking around the office. My mother was on the telephone with me, and i said something to her as i looked around the larger office to the south of me. My job here felt like a temporary position. I told my mother that i had been put in a small cubicle, but that i was doing other things now. I felt a little lost and wondered what i should be doing here. $A313 walked past me from the northeast as i spoke on the telephone. She headed to the southwest, into the main office. I followed her to a desk against the southern wall. I asked her what i should be doing here. She hesitated for a moment, trying to thing of what to say. She looked uncomfortable trying to decide what to say. I then realized that i was not really comfortable here because i did not really know why i had come back here. I asked $A313 what my ob actually was. I asked her to tell me what i was supposed to be doing.

I was in the small room on the interior of the building when i heard the rain starting outside. I looked out the large window in the northern wall to see a heavy rain falling between us and the building to the north. I started walking toward the exit door of the room, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall. I commented to the others about the hail as i went. I then stopped at the eastern end of the corridor, which led out of the building. Ahead of me, to the east, was a short north-to-south corridor. The corridor was unlighted, but the outside light came in from the north and south. To the east was a modern brick wall, which was part of another section of the building. The corridor seemed to end just to the north, on the side of the building. I turned to the south, where the corridor ran along the eastern side of the building, ending in a gloss door in the southern part of the building, which extended to the east. The eastern side of the corridor was open to a set of wide stone steps that led a metre or so down, running between the two towers of the building. Part of the building ran over us, from tower to tower, but there was an open space where light came into the corridor, just above the roof that spanned the space over the stairs. I looked out the entryway tot he east to see the heavy rain falling. The others from the office stopped around me. I could still hear the fire alarm ringing. That was why we had left the building. I did not want to go out into the rain, though, and mentioned to the others that we would probably me safe here. We could always leave if a fire actually came near us. I turned to the southwest and walked into the center of the house, which seemed like the first floor of my grandmother’s house. I stopped just inside the living room i could hear a crackling coming from the ceiling. I looked up to the southeast of me. At first, i thought it was the heavy rain outside on the roof, but then i remembered that there was another floor above us. I noticed a rounded discoloured patch on the ceiling, where the southern side of the doorway to the kitchen met the ceiling. The spot was blistered, and i though that the water from the heavy rain was leaking through the ceiling and soaking into the insulation. My uncle had just redone this part of the ceiling, but he must have done it cheaply. I stepped back to the east, into the kitchen. There was a wooden wall shelf just to the south of the doorway. It had a couple of shelves, which seemed to be filled with small kitchen bottles and odd trinkets. I noticed that there was water dripping from the light switch under the shelves. It was not good that the ceiling was leaking like this. I turned to the east and walked into the bedroom. $F45 was sitting on the bed, which was to the south of me, against the western wall. He was watching the television on the eastern wall, and he had the volume loud. I was annoyed that the television was so loud, and i talked over it to say something to $F45. The door in the eastern wall, which was to the north of the television, then opened a little, and i could see $F39 standing in the small bathroom. She stared at me for a moment before closing the bathroom door to use the toilet. This was here house, and i suddenly felt worried that she would be upset with $F45 for playing the television too loud. I turned to the west, heading back into the living room, where $F42 and $F46 were sitting on the couch against the western wall.

12008 February 27

I was walking down the sidewalk on the western side of the city street, heading north. Something to the east of me attracted my attention. I looked over the tops of the apartments on the other side of the street t see the red rope-like things radiating down from the sky, or up from the ground. I felt curious about the ropes, but i felt worried about them. Someone passed in front of me for a moment, blocking my view. When i could see the three radiating things again, i noticed that the ropes were twirling around each other, wrapping at the bottom into a loose braid and flaring out at the top. Other things seemed to be descending from the sky. “Rainbow Bridge” i said to the man who was standing to the south of me, thinking that the strings were like the mythic Rainbow Bridge from Norse legend. I then noticed that the people around me had started running. Several people ran in front of me, heading north. They knew of the danger coming. I remembered that the monsters had come before, and they were invading again. I turned and ran to the west, across a small empty lot and down an alley, which was a hallway. I came into the living room at the western end of the hall. The room opened to the north of the corridor. There were pale-tan cushioned chairs in the room: one against the eastern wall and another in the center of the room. They were both facing the console television, which was against the northern wall. There were two people in the room, watching something on television. I moved to the north and leaned against the eastern wall of the room, out of view from the corridor to the east. I told the people in the room to be quiet, but they kept talking loudly. I felt frustrated with them because they did not understand the danger. They did not know what was happening. I knew that there was more than one monster this time. I cautiously looked back down the hall to see what was happening. I could see down the alley and into the city. There was debris on the ground, and everything seemed to be in chaos, but it was all very still and quiet. Something felt wrong. I walked back to the north and loudly whispered to the people there to be quiet. I was afraid of the stillness, and i told the people that there was danger and that they should hide. I then looked down the hall again to see a large yellow humanoid monster trudging slowly toward me. I did not think that it had noticed us, but it was coming toward us. It then seemed to be moving purposely toward us, and i was frightened. I ran to the north and hid behind the arm of the couch, hoping that i was out of view. The others in the room seem to have left, but the television was still making noise. The other two people in the room were still sitting in their chairs as i jumped behind the television. Neither of them moved as the monster came in. I tried to crouch down as low as i could, but the large monster reached out and grabbed me by the head and pulled me to the south. I was afraid, and the monster was too strong to fight. I then yelled out “De lemo, de solemo, in the name of Jesus, i command thee.” I thought that it would stop the monster and banish it. It seemed to work, so i said it again. I then wondered why using the name of Jesus would work. I then realized that any name for God would work. I could have said Jehovah if i was jewish. It was the belief that made the command work, and not the specific name. Jewish people would use a different name, and Buddha or Vishnu would have worked just as well.

The woman to the east left the room, and $A14 said that they needed someone to fill the position. I asked him about the position, thinking that the woman seemed right for the job. $A14 stared explaining something to me, using the large whiteboard on the western wall, and i realized that i should be listening to what he was saying. I looked at the drawing on the board, noticing that the figures looked like ancient egyptian. There were some hieroglyphic-like characters on the right-hand side of the board, and two large figures standing facing each other on the left. The figures were wearing traditional clothing from stone carvings that looked like draped fabric. Between them was a large shoe-like object on the ground. $A14 pointed out the sandal object and i felt that i recognized the significance of it from other hieroglyphics. I focused on the complicated drawing of the shoe, which looked like a profile view of a high-heeled platform shoe. The heel and thick soul were dark-red or brown, and the straps at the top were tan. The top of the shoe seemed open, and there was a straight brown object rising straight up from the back of the shoe, which was on the right side of the drawing. A gold strap ran horizontally to the left from the brown object. The shoe was the important part of the drawing, and i thought it had something to do with the deity standing to the left of it. It related to the deity’s story. I then realized that $A14 had been explaining the drawing to me, and i had not been paying attention. I focused on the drawing. I then thought that $A14 was explaining the job to me. It must have been a teaching position. I felt suddenly envious, thinking that i would like to have a teaching job, but knowing that i was not experienced with the subject here. I looked at the shoe on the board again. The shoe now looked different. I focused, thinking that it was related to Set. The stories of the deity related to the shoe, and this was important.

12008 February 28

I sat in the chair on the western side of the small sitting area. The announcement came over the intercom, saying that the flight would be canceled. I looked up at the people in the seats around me. The chairs of the sitting area were arranged in a square with the southern side open. I looked across the area to see my relatives on the eastern side. They had been hunched over with their heads in their hands, as if they were sleeping. $K4 was wearing a yellowish-tan and black sweater, and $K1 and $K2 were sitting to the south of him. We had already gotten on the flight, i thought, but, as i looked around, i realized that we were still sitting in the waiting area. The people already on the airplane would be the only ones allowed to leave. We would be stuck at the airport. The announcement stated that the beacon was not working, and i felt that it was the airport’s fault that we were not able to get onto the airplane. My mother, who was sitting just to the north of me, stood up and followed the rest of my family to the north. I felt disappointed that we would not be allowed onto the airplane, but i would go home with the rest of my family. As i started to leave, i looked down and noticed that my mother had left some things on her chair. I put my jacket on and then bent down to pick up the cell phone that my mother had left on her seat. I also picked up the pair of black sunglasses and the third object from her chair. Some of my other relatives seem to have left a few things as well. As i picked some of the things up, my mother came back into the room.

I walked to the south, into the eastern end of the building. The room was dark, and i was just to the east of the lighted kitchen of $P19. There was someone in the kitchen, but i did not want them to see me just yet. I moved around in the dark room when i noticed that there was a cat in the room near me. I looked down, noticing that the cat was black. I thought that it was $X14, so i moved to the north to try to grab it, but the cat disappeared under one of the counters in the dark room. I looked around in the dark room, but i was having trouble finding the cat. I moved to the north, thinking that the cat had left through the screen door to the north. As i approached the door, several members of $G3 came from the west, into the entrance hall. I said hello to them, mentioning the cat. They seemed disinterested in me, but i spoke to them, hoping to be friendly. They continued into the kitchen, heading south, so i walked out the door and into the gravel parking lot to the north of the building. I spotted the cat there, under the rear of a car that was parked just outside the door. I reached down and picked it up, but realized that it had orange markings on its head. It was not $X14. I put down the calico cat, noticing that it had a wide head. It looked up at me angrily, with its ears back. It was nervous here and scared of me. I left it alone and wandered back to the north.