12009 February 01

I walked with the others across the large parking lot, heading back to the west. I knew the people with me, and i felt like i wanted to get to know them better. One of them seemed like $A1 or $A58. He walked with me to the west as some of the others spilt off and headed more to the south. We had to do some things before we returned here. I moved a little to the west, onto the grass just to the south of the lot. The others had headed toward the large stone buildings to the south, which seemed like $P104. I walked to the west, through the row of trees that ran north to south along a median in the lot. One other person was following me, though i knew that they would have to head to the southwest eventually. I was doing something in the western side of the lot. I came to the area where the wooden bookshelves stood near the western wall of the large room. This place was a library. I had to find something here. I wandered through the empty book shelves, which were spaced out around the room. There seemed to be people with me who were part of a theater group, and i was looking for something for them. I stopped along the southern wall of the room and looked at the map of the library. I imagined telling people that i knew where the books on theater would be. I used to know on what floor of this library different categories of books were, but i would have to tell people that the books had been moved around a little since i had become familiar with this place. I did not know where things were now. I looked at the picture of the tall buildings that were on the map. They looked like row apartments. There were four of them, and i recognized the second from the left as the theater. The floor plan of the building was shown under the drawing. There was a large green section in the center of the building that represented the theater books. I looked back at the drawing of the buildings at the top of the map. There was something very familiar about the buildings. They seemed to be part of the Smithsonian, or of some other national museum. This building was just the theater section of the library. The building all the way to the west was the main library, which i was more familiar with. I turned back to the north, heading into the large room. The bookshelves around me were mostly empty. The wood floor spread out to the north, and there were a few tall wooden shelves to the east of me. Most of the library seemed empty now. I turned to the east, looking at what few books there were on the shelves. I was looking for something specific about theater. Someone then spoke to me from the west. I turned to see a man standing in the middle of the room. He told me that i was in an area of the library that had been roped off. I thought that this area had been reserved by the woman theater professor for her studies. I told him that i was unaware of this and looked around. I motioned to the north, telling him that i had come from that direction. I said that i had not seen any ropes. I realized that there were now ropes to the south of me, separating the area of shelves from the aisle that ran against the southern wall of the room. I looked to the north with the man, trying to explain to him how i had come into this area without passing over the ropes. I could see the empty room to the north of me. There were ropes at the northern end of the empty room. I could see them between the empty bookcases, which seemed to be arranged in no particular order across the floor. I glanced to the northeast, trying to figure out how i had wandered into the area without crossing the ropes. They must have been down somewhere. I remembered coming in from the parking lot, and wondered where i would have crossed. Some of the people i had come with were to the north of me. One of them seemed to be $F42.

12009 February 02

I had been wandering around the area where there were many small restaurants. I was going to meet people here to have dinner. This place seemed somewhat fancy, even though it was very modern. I was on the second floor of a building, and the restaurant was to the south of me. I walked over to the eastern side of the restaurant, which was open to the corridor of the building on the north. There was a bar facing east on the northern end of the room. A man in a white shirt and apron leaned over the bar to show me a yellow sheet of paper on a clipboard. It was the list of reservations, and i mentioned to him that i had one. I knew that it was under $F45’s name, so i looked over the list for his last name. I did not see it. The man just stared blankly at me as i handed him back the list. I then realized that there might be more than one restaurant on this level, thinking that it might be on the other side of the wall that was to the south of me. I asked the man if there was another restaurant, and he motioned to the south. I wondered if the man would be upset that we were eating at the other restaurant. I backed up and walked around the eastern end of the wall, thinking that the other restaurant was on the southern side of the building. I walked across the street. It was daylight now, and the street seemed empty of traffic, as though it was not well used or closed off. My mother stood outside the door of the restaurant on the southern side of the street. Several other people stood around her. I wondered if the restaurant was closed now, since everyone was standing outside. I asked my mother something as i walked to the door, to see if it would open.

I entered the school from the door on the eastern side of the building and walked to the west, into the large gymnasium. I felt that i would be late for class. As i entered the empty gymnasium, i was surprised to find that there were no people here. I then noticed the class of young children doing something against the northern wall of the room. Most of them were wearing pink tops, and they had their legs in reddish-pink bags, as if doing sack races. Two female gym teachers stood at the eastern end of the line of children, helping them out. The children looked young, and i did not recognize any of them. They were not part of my class. I then realized that i was older and felt very out of place here. I turned around, noticing that there were two older women standing against the southern wall of the room. One of them approached me as i stood just inside the doors. I felt uncomfortable here, realizing that the people might be nervous about having an older person watching the children. I turned back to the doors, but realized that the handle on the door was missing. There was only a small round spot where the handle had attached. It looked like a white plastic bolt embedded in the door. The woman came over to me. I could see her very distinctly and recognized her, but i did not know who she was. She did not look directly at me. She had sharp facial features and short black hair, and she stood near me, looking off to the side and down. I told her that the door was broken and asked her how to open it. She touched the door and then turned back to the south, wandering away. The door with the missing latch was metal, and was painted light gray. The doors around it had no handle or place where the handles could have been, and they were all painted off white, the same color as the walls of the room. I knocked on the gray door, wondering if anyone outside would hear and open the door for me. I then started playing with the white plastic knob in the center of the door, where the door handle had broken off. It turned much easier than i had thought it would and the door opened. I walked to the east, across the parking lot outside. I was rolling in some kind of cart across the paved surface. I pushed myself, rolling to the northern aisle of the lot. The lot had a double row of cars in the center, with a row against the northern edge and another near the southern edge. There were also some cars on the western side of the southern end of the lot. There were two wide driveways leading out to the street in the southern end of the lot, and the lot seemed to slope down toward the south. I pushed the rolling cart to the north, letting it glide as i sat on it. I had to find my black car. I looked through the lot, trying to spot it. I did not see it at first. There were several large white vans and SUVs in the center row that blocked my view of all of the cars. I could not remember where i had parked. I knew it was not in the northern part of the lot. I then spotted a black car along the southern end. I looked for the white bumper sticker that i have on my car. It was not on the black car i saw. I then noticed a black car that looked like mine on the southern side of the central row. It was near a large white van, which seemed like a small bus. I decided that it was mine, and i pushed the cart to the south, gliding between the cars of the central row. There seemed to be a large mound of snow in the center of the lot that i had to go around, so i moved to the west of the white van. I rounded the back side of it, aware that there were some people driving into the lot from the south. I was careful not to get in their way as they walked across the lot to the west, heading to the school. They seemed older, and the man was wearing a tan heavy long coat. As i rounded the back of the small white bus, i realized that my car was not parked on the eastern side of it. There was no car there at all. I wondered what i had seen and started looking around the lot for my car again.

12009 February 03

I was on the bus after the function, and we were driving up the very steep hill to the east. We seemed to be to the south of the main part of town, and i realized that heading up the hill was not really taking us in the direction that we needed to go. I looked ahead at the rounded top of the hill ahead of us. The road was very steep, and the rounded hilltop seemed very high. There was tan or gray grass growing in a field around the crest of the hill, with a row of trees separating one field from another. The road we were on seemed to end on a north-to-south road, which crossed over the top of the hill. The line of trees was on the eastern edge of the other road. There also seemed to be a patch of trees to the north of the road we were on, so that we could not see down into the valley. I thought that the bus was taking us up the hill as the last part of the tour, to show us a spectacular view of the town from the hill. I mentioned this to the person with me, saying that we were going to get a great view of the city as we came back down the hill on the northern side. As we reached the top of the hill, i was aware of a police car following us. It had its sirens on, and i thought that the bus would pull over to let it pass. The bus reached the intersection at the top of the hill and turned north, as if not noticing the sirens. I started to feel that something was wrong. The bus rounded a tight corner at the top of the hill, turning east. The dirt road seemed to turn east before descending the northern slope of the steep hill. I looked to the north, but could not see the town because there were trees blocking the way. The bus then slowed down, pulling into the large area to the northwest. I was in the back seat of the bus, and i was aware of the police cars pulling up behind us. They were stopping the bus. The woman who was sitting to the right of me seemed very nervous, and she started pulling things out of her pockets and tossing them on the floor. A small white folded piece of paper landed on my lap. I quickly brushed it off, thinking that she was trying to get rid of evidence before the police came. I did not know whether she had drugs on her or something else, but i did not want them on me. The woman seemed panicked. When the police came into the crowd, they grabbed the woman from the back of the bus and roughly dragged her away. She struggled with them as they held her arms behind her back and pulled her to the east. Her long blond hair fell into her face as she struggled. I was worried that the police would grab me as well, and i waited for them to start taking others in the crowd. The never did, and i started to relax. The crowd was standing to the north of the bus now, in a large parking lot. There was a large building to the north of us, which seemed like an aircraft hangar. I started moving to the north, with the rest of the crowd. They crossed the street in the city plaza. I followed them. I then noticed that there was a man sitting in the middle of the crowd, elevated on a padded blue barber chair. It was $A241. He had not seen me yet, and i felt that i should avoid him so that i did not end up in a lengthy conversation. He was wearing a shabby jacket as he sat in the chair. I thought that he must have just finished having his shoes shined. I started to walk to the east of him, hoping that he did not spot me in the crowd. When i glanced up at him, though, he was looking at me. He had noticed me. To my relief, he simply gave me a nod and turned back to the south, looking at the rest of the crowd. I continued to the north, across the cement plaza. I turned to the west, down the dirt road behind the buildings. This was where the tour had started. I had lost my gloves here, and i was back to look for them. There were two women and a man walking with me. We came to the southern entrance of the large building, which seemed to be a barn. The barn seemed yellow, but then we were in the entrance hall, and the bare wood side of the barn was to the west of us. There were two doors in the eastern wall of the building. The one on the south seemed to lead to an office, and the one to the north led into a hay-storage area. A tall man came out of the office to ask us what we were doing. We should not have come back here, but i told him that i was looking for my gloves. I had lost one of my gray running gloves. I did not expect to find it here, but i thought that i should look. The women moved to the south, and i stopped in the doorway to the hay loft. It seemed as though i had been looking around for a while. I then realized that my gray glove was lying on the floor just inside the doorway. I picked it up. I now had all of my gloves, hats, and scarfs in my hands. I tried to sort them all out, but there were too many, so i had to put them down to fold them and sort them. I turned to the northeast, coming out of the room and placing the stack of wool clothing on a hay bale in the main room of the building. I wanted to put the gloves together and fold up the scarfs that i was not using.

I followed the others to the south, across over the cement sidewalk and across the lawn. There were snow banks in the lawn at various places, and we hopped over them to follow the trail. I knew that the run of $G4 had just ended, but we were still following the trail to the southwest, across the grass. It seemed strange that the trail should be set to lead us somewhere after the run, but i followed with the rest of the people. I veered to the west a little, looking for marks on the ground that would tell us where the trail went. I noticed a crooked arrow in the pavement to the northwest of me. It was drawn in dark-pink chalk and showed that there was a corner, turning the trail to the south on the paved driveway. I yelled “on on”, realizing that the people with me were not really from $G4. They were simply following the trail for fun. I was the one most experienced in how $G4 set trails, so i felt like an authority when i called out the tail marks. The people running with me seemed to be from $G3. We ran to the west, toward the tall brick dormitory building. We were heading somewhere for a party, and i felt a little out of place with these people, but i was having fun. We crowded into the lobby of the building and stopped in front of the shiny metal elevator door. We waited for the elevator to take us up to where the party was.

12009 February 04

I walked to the north, across the small resort town. The buildings around me were tall and modern and seemed to be condos or apartment buildings. The walls were cement or stucco and were pinkish tan. This place felt like a tropical island, and i thought that it might be Key West. I headed through the streets, thinking that i should be doing more art than i was. I thought about some of the stuff that i had done, but i felt that i was not doing enough with it. I came to an intersection where the street i was following ended on an east-to-west street. I looked to the west, noticing two young women walking along the western sidewalk, in front of a touristy art shop. They were dressed in short skirts and tank tops that seemed to be fake high fashion. Their hair was teased and fluffy. I was disappointed that i was not doing more with my art. I rounded the corner, heading to the east. There was another small art shop on the corner to the east of me. A cement stoop came down from the building at the corner. I rounded it, noticing the glass windows of the shop at the ground level to the southeast of me. I then noticed the small planks of wood that were on the cement in front of the shop. They were tourist items. I realized that they were very simply pieces of wood with crude paintings on them, but i knew that they would sell for a lot of money because they had the appearance of being cultural. I was disappointed in them, thinking that i could do art that was better than that. I started to head across the street, to the short road that led to the north, just a little way to the east. I looked at some of the wood planks as i stepped over them. They had chords looped through the top so that they could be hung from walls. I crossed the street and came to the end of the short street. I turned to the west, walking on the southern side of the street. I lived in one of the apartment buildings on the back side of this block, on the southern side of this street. I thought that i was in the third house in. I passed the second house when i realized that there was a man standing in front of the second house. This was part of a story. There were two men than lived in the second house, and they were both attracted to the new man who had just moved into the house to the west. The man in the house to the west had just driven his car into the garage of the house, which was recessed into the basement of the house, just to the west of the stairs that led up to the front door. One of the men from the second house came over and stepped into the garage, kissing the man who had just stepped out of the truck. The man from the second house had short dark hair and seemed thin. He passionately kissed the tall man from the truck. The tall man kissed him back, but pushed away in a moment. They were on the western side of the back of the garage, and the truck was partially obscuring them from my view. The tall man pushed the other man aside, looking out of the garage cautiously. I knew that they did not want the neighbors to see. As the taller man turned around, he was not wearing a shirt. He was nicely muscled, with heavy shoulders and i thick chest, though he still looked tall and thin. The shorter man followed him. I wondered whether the tall man would be embarrassed to walk out of the garage to get to the house with the short man following him. I then wondered if he would have an erection from the encounter at the back of the garage. As the tall man came forward, i realized that he was not wearing any pants, and i could see that he had a large erection. He was holding it in his left hand, pulling it to the side so that it did not stick out. Before he came too far forward, the shorter man stopped him and turned him around. I then realized that the shorter man seemed to only come up to the taller man’s waist. As he turned the taller man around, he ducked his head down to the taller man’s groin. I realized that he was going to do fellatio to the taller man. This seemed very odd, especially since they could be seen from outside the garage. I wondered why they were not concerned about being spotted by the neighbors. As i thought this, the taller man turned to look over his right shoulder. He was facing south, leaning against the smaller man, who was pushed up against the back of the truck. The taller man seemed concerned as he looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was watching. I noticed the nice shoulder muscles on the taller man as he let the shorter man fellate him. The taller man tried to shift position a little, to get back into the shelter of the garage. A third man suddenly came from the east. He was the boyfriend and housemate of the shorter man. He quickly moved to the tall man and started kissing him, pushing him back against the truck. He was much older, with a square face and short hair that had streaks of white in it. This was an interesting love triangle, and i knew that the older man did not know that his boyfriend was on the other side of the taller man. The tall man turned to kiss the older man, letting the shorter man kiss and caress his back. Both of the couple seemed to want the big man. The big man bent backward over the car, pushing the shorter man under him. The older man leaned forward, still kissing the big man, and still unaware of his lover on the other side of the big man. I wondered if the older man would notice the younger man. I wondered what would happen when they noticed that they were both flirting with the same man, outside of their relationship. I then realized that the skin of the three of them seemed strange. The big man had seemed sweaty, but, as i looked at their skin now, it seemed to have more of a golden color to it, and it seemed rubbery. It had a strange texture, which looked like bubbling plastic. The older man now seemed quite old, and his skin was also mottled and wrinkled. I watched three fondling each other for a moment, wondering what would happen when the couple from next door realized that they were both making out with the same man at the same time.

12009 February 05

I turned to the south to listen to the two men who were discussing the court case. One of them talked about it for a short time as they sat on the bench along the southern side of the area. Both of the men seemed to be wearing tan trench coats. They were older, with graying hair and square faces. The man on the eastern side then said that he did not wish to take the case. I was surprised by this, and the man to the west asked him if he was sure. I knew that the case had something to do with homosexual rights, and i listened as the men discussed. I glanced to the east, behind me. I was sitting on the western edge of a large bed in a dimly lighted bedroom. My parents were still sleeping on the other side of the bed. I looked back at the men. They were to the west of me now, and the closest one explained that there were many things that had to be done in order to get the bill passed, and he stated that it was simply not the time to do it. I felt that it was always a good time, and i was disappointed that the man would not try. He was gathering his things. I noticed the strips of paper on the ground to the southeast of me. I was sitting on the western side of an aisle. The area around me seemed to be a room, but there also seemed to be a tree just to the south of me. The men were sitting in the row of chairs just to the south of me. Other people were crowded into the other chairs of the room, awaiting their court cases. I noticed that there were several other long thin strips of paper on the floor and thought that the men should take their receipts with them as they left. Then i realized that the receipts might be from other people. I picked up two long receipts from the grassy ground in the center aisle and looked them over. I could not make out the names on them. I looked at the receipt in my left hand, noticing that my name was in small type in the second section of the paper. The paper had several sections in vertical rows that were delineated by thin lines. The second section had very small type. I then looked at the other receipts to see if my parents’ names showed up. I was still having trouble making them out. Then i noticed that one of the names started with the first name “QUA”. I decided that it was an east-asian name. People must have simply discarded their receipts after their court cases were over. I put the extra pieces of paper back on the ground and stood up to leave. I started picking up the plates from some of the people who were sitting around the room. I moved to the eastern side of the area and gathered the white plates from some of the people who had finished their meals. I moved to the north, where the room expanded to the east. There was a couch on the southern edge of the northern area, which still seemed to be outdoors. My father was sitting on the couch, and he helped me balance the plates. I was having trouble balancing all of the plates that had been given to me, but i tried to be a good waiter and take what people were handing me. My father adjusted some of the plates that were stacked in my hands. I also had a few wine glasses in my hands that still had some red wine in them. I tried not to let them spill, but the one on the plate in my left hand started tipping to the side. My father tried to rebalance it, but it still started tipping over. Some people pushed more plates into my hands and the wine glass tipped all the way over, spilling onto the ground to my left. I was glad that it did not spill on me. I was annoyed, but jokingly commented to the woman to the east of me that the cheap red wine would clean up from the carpet easily. She did not think that the joke was funny, and i realized that some people might have liked the wine. She was sitting on the couch to the south and took another sip from her glass of red wine. I suddenly wondered if she could be the person who brought the wine. I started to take the dishes to the north, listening to someone commenting negatively about the wine, talking about the oil resins in it. I had fewer dishes in my hands now because i had put some down on the chair near my father. They were easier to balance now that there were not as many. I headed to the sink to the northwest. The stainless-steel sink seemed to be set into the counter on the northern wall. I put the dishes into the deep sink and started running water on them. I then placed the green disk, which seemed to be some kind of tray, on the counter to the east of the sink. There was a woman to the west of me who was cleaning things in the sink. I let her work for a moment, thinking that i had to clean the dishes that i had brought over here so that my parents could take them back home. I then looked around the area, thinking about this place. I was somewhere in a suburban area, and it seemed that i should be heading northwest, into the forested neighborhood. I told $F42 and $F46 that i would be at their party, which seemed to be some time later. I moved a little to the northwest, telling $F42 something about walking through this neighborhood. This place seemed to be $P17. I knew that $F42 and $F46 lived in this neighborhood, and i tried to picture where there house was. I had never been to their new house. I pictured the layout of the neighborhood to the east of the main north-to-south road. The streets and oddly shaped blocks seemed to bulge out to the west in a semioval shape. I had been to the northern section of this area, but i thought that their house was somewhere in the southern end of the neighborhood. I tried to picture the streets of this place. I knew that i had been there before, and i seemed to remember a canal that curved around the western edge of the area, forming the curved western perimeter. I tried to picture where there new house was, seeing the tan and yellow neighborhoods to the west of me. The area was very sunny and warm. I moved through the streets of the area, trying to figure the location out. I remembered that there were two roads next to each other, running to the west from the main north-to-south road, which ran down the eastern side of the area. I was across the main road from the area, on the eastern side. I thought that i should turn west down the second road from the southern side of the area. I could not remember the names of the roads, though. I remembered that there was one street that was called “Sidewinder”, but i was not sure if it was the one that i actually turn down. I traveled to the west on the streets, trying to get over to the main street so that i could see if i recognized any of the side streets to the west. I could see the main road to the west of me, about a block away, but there were no cross streets leading over to it. I wandered to the south a little, passing the large apartment buildings. There was a driveway between the buildings, leading west, but i was not sure that it came out onto the main road, so i continued to the south. I was unsure, though, and wondered if i should have taken it. I knew that one of the small roads from this section came out across the intersection from the road that i was looking for. I looked at the green road sign to the west, but could not read what they sayed. I thought that the opening to the west was the road that leaded out of the parking lot of the apartments and across the main street to the road i was looking for, but i was not sure, so i continued to the south, hoping to see something i recognized. I then followed the cement path to the south of the apartments, noticing that i was getting close to the main road. There were still apartment buildings to the east, but the road was close enough on the west that there were no longer apartments between the main road and me. The sidewalk i was on crossed the short stiff grass of the lawn and came to the main sidewalk on the eastern side of the main road. There seemed to be a shopping plaza to the southeast of me. The main road had curved around part of the plaza, heading to the southeast, and the sidewalk ran with it. I turned onto the main sidewalk and then turned around to head back to the north on the main road. This place seemed like Florida, with heavy stiff grass and a bright sun high in the sky. There also seemed to be tall palm trees on the western side of the main street, along the side of the plaza. I started up the sidewalk on the side of the main road, looking for the familiar streets off to the west. The sun seemed very hot here. I spotted Sidewinder Road as the next road to the west. Turning down it, i could see that it appeared to curve into a dirt canyon. There was a tan dirt embankment on the northern side of the road, climbing a small hill where several scrubby plants grew. The road curved around the bottom of this hill as it moved to the northwest. To the south of the road seemed to be a creek, hidden among the thin trees and vegetation on the land that sloped down from the road. I turned down the road and walked into the darkened aisle. I seemed to be heading to the east now, down the darkened aisle of the store. There were tall wooden shelves on both sides of the aisle. I came to an area where a cross aisle ran through the rows of shelves. I looked to the southeast, down the aisle to the south of me, noticing that the aisle to the east was blocked with cardboard boxes that had fallen off of the shelfs. I could not see that far to the east of me ahead because the lights were off in the aisles. I could only see the dim lights at the next intersection, about thirty meters to the east. I turned to the north, wondering if the northern aisle was open. I had been walking down the middle of three aisles that ran the length of the very long store. There was someone to the east of me now, looking at something on the shelf to the north. I noticed that there were some wooden toys on the floor to the north of me that had been knocked off of the shelfs. They were made of unfinished wood, and there seemed to be something very familiar about them, as though i had similar toys when i was much younger. I noticed the small triceratops in the middle of the pile of toys. It was interesting, and i suddenly though that i should get some of the toys for $K32’s birthday. I thought that he would like the dinosaurs, and that he would probably be interested in dinosaurs as well. The other man to the east of me glanced my way as i looked at the toys on the floor. I headed back to the west, looking at the wooden toys on the shelfs to the north of me as i went. I wanted to find just the right ones. I came to the end of the aisles, in the main hall at the front of the store. There was a woman standing to the north of me as i turned to look at the display at the end of the northern row of shelfs. It had many small wooden toys on it in a glass case. The woman started pointing out things in the case. She was a thin woman, wearing a long plain black dress that was made of a light material. She seemed to have a colorful scarf around her neck that hung down across the center of her chest. I looked at the toys on the shelf. They seemed very detailed, but did not seem like dinosaurs. They were not quite what i was looking for. The woman pointed out the small flat house-shaped carvings on the left side of one of the upper shelves. It looked like a carved scene, and seemed very antique in design and very intricate in detail. I thought that these must be the expensive wood carvings. I told her that they were nice, but that i was looking for something for a child. I asked if she had any dinosaurs, saying again that the settings on the shelves were very nice. She pointed to the square carved setting on the right side of the middle shelf, telling me in slow doting words that it was hand carved and adding in a dismissive tone that it was not made by “T-shirt etchers”. I did not understand what she meant, thinking that T-shirts were usually designed by graphic designers and printed, not carved. I asked her what she meant by her comments, and she explained with a wide smile that these scenes were carved by real professional etching people, not people who simply etched to pattern. I understood what she meant, but was unimpressed with her words. The scenes were nice, but they were not what i was looking for. I let her know that i was not interested in the carvings in the case by telling her again that what i really wanted was wooden dinosaur toys.

12009 February 06

I walked to the west, across the southern end of the block in the suburban area. The building to the north of me seemed to be a house. There were many old houses in this neighborhood. I had walked to the south, along the eastern side of a large white building with wooden siding, which seemed to be a restaurant. I was now back near the restaurant or hotel, which seemed to be on the northeastern corner of the block. A man there asked me what i had been doing on the southern side of the block. He seemed like $F27. I had been doing something on the southern side of the block, and i felt that i should describe it to the man as i kind of brag.

12009 February 07

I was sitting on the dry rocky ground when i tossed the small rock to the east. I watched it fall down the steep rocky slope of the canyon to the east of me, between the two men who were standing on the edge of the slope. There was a man standing to the southeast of me, and the two men were standing farther away, to the east. The canyon was wide, with many worn towers, like the Grand Canyon. The rocks had distinct layers in them, and the two men seemed to be dressed in rugged clothing. They were wearing denims and seemed to have leather vests and cowboy hats. I felt that i should not have tossed the rock down the face of the cliff because it might have hit someone. When i looked at the two men, they seemed rough, as though they were quickly sketched in black pen. I turned my attention to the south, where the other man was standing. I was standing on the steep slope of a hill. Below me was a cliff that dropped off into the vast canyon to the south, which seemed quite a way down. There was a woman to the southwest of me, lower on the slope. I tossed a rock to the south, away from the people. It bounced off of the loose gravel of the steep hill and over the edge of the cliff. I then realized that we were on the dark-gray gravel surface of the hill, and it seemed somewhat dangerous. The ground was not firm, and i thought that we could easily slide. I started to move up as the others started climbing. The woman slipped a little and grabbed onto the rock for balance. The gravel to the west of me then started sliding, and i warned the woman to be cautious. The gravel was sliding toward her, and i did not want her to get swept over the cliff. Fortunately, there did not seem to be a lot of gravel sliding. What rocks did move slid between the woman and myself and went harmlessly over the cliff. The man to the southeast of me seemed annoyed that the gravel had been knocked down the hill, and i felt that he might blame me for tossing rocks down the slope. The gravel kept sliding in small streams, so we started up the hill more quickly. I turned and grabbed onto the rocks at the top of the slope, moving my feet to get traction in the gravel. To my surprise, my feet came to rest on solid rock under me. Part of the cliff must have been exposed. I had a place to stand on and thought that the woman could grab on to me to pull herself up. I pulled myself up and climbed up to the road. The road came from the northwest and curved to the east. It seemed like an old road, and my view seemed to be in black and white. An old car with a rounded hood came around the corner from the west and stopped just to the northwest of me. It seemed like a red car, but i could not tell because the picture was in black and white. Lucy and Ricky Ricardo were standing to the south of the car, looking over the short cable guardrail and down the slope that we had just climbed. They were dressed in travel clothing and commented on the steepness of the canyon. I spoke to them about the canyon and their car. It seemed to be a serious conversation. I then mentioned the lack of color in the movie that we were in. I asked them when the movie was made. Lucy nodded, facing me but still looking to the south, down the slope, and said that the movie was made in 1974. I told her i had thought that it was made in the late sixties or early seventies, but i did not think that it was that late. I then wondered why it was still in black and white when it was made so late. I commented to them that i was already born, realizing that i was back in time for this movie.

I was in the back yard of my parents’ house with other people. We were facing west, and there was a roof over the top of us, but there did not seem to be any walls, as though we were in a pavilion. The sky to the west flickered red, like there was lightning at a great distance to the west. I pointed this out to the others as i backed up to look over the top of the roof. The western sky was streaked with flickering light, and it looked like there were explosions in a city to the west. I told the others that there was no city to the west. Someone suggested that it was the aurora. I said that it did not look right to be lightning, and agreed that it was an auroral display. I felt concerned, and told the others that it was a very serious auroral display. I wondered if it had to do with the comet that was hitting in the South Pacific. I said that it was very bad if the lights were caused by the solar flare, because it meant that there was a very large solar flare. I knew that such a large solar flare could damage the Earth’s atmosphere. I warned the others about going out in the sunlight the next day, saying that the solar flare could have burned through the ozone layer of the atmosphere, allowing the ultraviolet radiation from the sun to enter the atmosphere. As i said this, we were walking to the south, down the corridor at the end of the pavilion. The sun was just rising to the east and it fell across the ground. I could feel it on my bare feet and on my left hand. It did not feel too hot, but i still told the others that it could be dangerous. It could cause sunburns easily if the ozone had been taken away. I looked to the northeast, noticing that the sky was very white, and the color seemed to be very sharp. Something must have happened to the sky. I wondered if the radiation would cause cataracts. I then looked to the dark woods to the west. It was night, just after the red lights had flickered across the sky. They flashed again, like thin streaks of lightning fanning out in a web across the sky. It seemed to fast a reaction for an aurora. The trees at the edge of the forest seemed very dark under the sky, and the lawn in front of it was only dark gray. On the lawn, i could see the darker shapes of small animals. I felt that they were affected by the radiation from the solar flare. I tried to point them out to the others, but i could not quite make the animals out well. I pointed to the small animal in the grass to the west. It seemed like a mouse, but i could not be sure. I then noticed a larger black spot very near me, to the southwest. It was rounded and too large to be a mouse or rat. I told the others about it, asking them what it was. I then realized that it was a bullfrog. The animals were coming out of the forest toward us, and i was worried that they had been angered by the radiation, causing them to attack. I pointed out the animals to the others. I sat on the table or counter that was in the center of the pavilion. The others were to the east of me, and i kept pointing out the bullfrog to them. I then could see the animal much better as i sat on the table. I knew that the animals would be a problem because of the radiation, and i stood, looking out to the woods to the west. I now seemed to be to the northeast of the pavilion, and i wanted to point out to the others that the woods had become very quiet since the flashes started. I thought that i could point out that the crickets had stopped and everything became very quiet once the flares had gone off. This meant that the animals were stalking toward us. I sat on the table of the pavilion, cautious of the blob on the ground that was the bullfrog. To the south of me, on the table, was a large furry animal, which seemed like a small boar. I was afraid of it at first and recoiled, but then i realized that it was not a real animal. I pushed it. It seemed to be made of sod or dirt, and it rolled easily to the east. I then realized that the other animal, which had been the bullfrog, was on the table near me. It was a furry animal, like some kind of badger, but its face was cone shaped, with big teeth, like a hedgehog or opossum. It seemed delirious, and bit the air in a wide arch in front of it, to the west of it. It moved its head toward me, and i rolled the large sod animal between the furry animal and myself. I was afraid of the animal, and tried to keep it away. I was then moving to the west, following the others into the small cement building. We would be safe from the sun light here. I thought that the animals were changed by the solar flare and were now coming out of the woods and approaching humans. They were not really attacking, but i knew that they would attack in their delirious state. We crowded into the small cement room, which seemed to be above the ground level. I entered through the opening on the southern end of the eastern wall of the building, coming into a small round cement shaft. The others climbed the shaft ahead of me and moved to the north, into the small cement compartment. I stopped in the shaft with several others crowding in around me. There were thick metal rings protruding from the walls, which seemed to be hand and foot grips. They seemed to be made of three-centimeter-thick galvanized pipe. I looked up at the others, telling them that, when the red auroras occurred across the sky, i felt angry. I did not want to come out and tell them that i believed the electromagnetic radiation was causing the animals to act aggressively, but i had to tell them somehow. I hoped that they would get the connection in what i was saying without me having to say it. I then realized that it was very tight in the shaft where i was standing. The floor was at my chest level, but i could not pull myself up to it anymore. We had squeezed in so tightly that i was being pressed against the metal rings in the southwestern wall. I could not pull myself up. I started to feel the tension in my torso as i tried to squeeze out. The others moved around the room, which seemed to have cement walls. The room was longer north to south and had several beds in it. It seemed crude, and the beds were not well made. There was a doorway leading out in the center of the southern wall, and i walked over to the bed that was just to the east of it. The blankets on the bed were messy, and there was a man sitting on the eastern edge of the bed. $F45 seemed to be in the room with me, to the northwest. I walked toward the bed, noticing that the man was pouring a thick oily green liquid from one glass container into another. It was some kind of drug, and i realized that he had been injecting himself with the chemical. This was not a good thing to do, and i worried that he was actually taking an overdose. He seemed to be in the southwestern corner of the room. I paced back to the north, worried about the man. The cement shaft with the metal rungs was to the west of me. I thought that the man was depressed over the solar flare. It had kept us trapped in this place, where we were seeking shelter. I knew that the plants outside would die from the excessive solar radiation. I turned around and looked to the southeast. There was a circular flare radiating out from a point near the horizon, but which seemed to be right in front of me. The fuzzy streaks of light radiated out from the center, forming a hazy ring of white bands. Red smudges of light flowed slowly from the center, through the ring, and dissipated out at the edges. It seemed like a flare, but i thought that it might actually be a hallucination. I started to wonder if all of the flares were drug-induced hallucinations. I had not injected myself with any of the bright-green drug that i had seen in the glass jar, but i started to worry that i had ingested some of it in my drinks at the party. I looked to the west, down the paved road at the man on the southern side of the street. He was filling a glass with the thick swirling green liquid, which had black oily streaks in it. They should not be taking it. I felt worried as i headed to the west, down the street by the steep hill. The hill dropped steeply to the south of the road, falling off into a canyon. There was a steep gravel cliff on the northern side of the road. I was here with many of the other people who were trying not to be exposed to the sun. I then turned down the street to the north and walked along the eastern sidewalk. It was still nighttime, and the sidewalks on both sides of the street were covered with small booths of people selling things. This seemed to be the southern end of $P143. The people were just closing up their booths and getting ready to leave. I felt depressed about this. There was something distressing about the entire scene. $F45 was walking with me, but he continued down the sidewalk on the western side of the street after i had crossed to the eastern side. He was wandering away from me because he was upset. I could not stop thinking about the flares. They were very bad for everyone, and the thought of them bothered me. They would happen soon.

12009 February 08

I walked to the west, across the college campus. I had come this way before when i had parked my bicycle in this area, and i was now returning to get the bicycle. I walked along the northern side of a driveway, which did not seem to be used that much. There seemed to be a line of old stone buildings to the south of me, on the southern side of the drive. The drive seemed to open up near the building to provide parking spaces near the buildings. I was focused on the buildings to the north of the path. They also seemed to be old gray stone buildings. I had parked my bicycle on the western side of one of the buildings, and i was returning from where i had been hanging out with the others to get my bicycle. I rolled down the sidewalk, lifting my arms into the air as i glided over the pavement on the wheeled chair or cart. I watched the slate path under me pass and i moved along the southern face of the building. There was a short strip of lawn between the building and me that rose from the slate sidewalk to the bottom of the building. As i reached the end of the building, i noticed that the path ran into an intersection with two other paths. There was a thick old tree just off the southwestern corner of the building, which now seemed to be leafless. The main path came from the side of the building and merged with the path i was on just to the west of the tree. Another smaller path cut in front of the tree, though, and i knew that it formed a small triangle around the tree. The smaller path seemed to have stone curbs along the sides, and i knew that it led across the bicycle racks that were to the west of the building. I rolled down the walkway, trying to steer into the smaller path. It seemed a tight corner to make. After i turned around the building, i headed to the metal bike rack, which was a vertical-bar rack. Most of the bicycles on the rack had been removed. It seemed very late in the day, and i felt that most of the students had taken their bicycles already. I then felt weary of the students who were still wandering around. I felt that they might be the kind who vandalize bicycles. My bicycle was chained to the northern end of the rack. I pulled on the thin chair, which wrapped around the end of the rack and through the frame of the bicycle. I had removed the front tire of my bicycle and locked it to the chain. I suddenly realized that it was not the most secure way to lock the bicycle. I was worried that someone had tried to steal my bicycle, and i thought that they might have taken pieces of it. I looked at the way i had locked the chain to the front wheel, thinking with relief that the chain was keeping people from taking the front wheel. I layed the front wheel on the ground to the north of me as i started to unlock the bicycle. I was worried about the bicycle getting vandalized here. I then noticed that there were strange notches in the wheel i had placed on the ground. The wheel looked small, and there were dents in the tire at regular intervals. I was a little upset, thinking that the bicycle would not ride nicely now. I unlocked the bicycle and headed to the west, into the apartment. I was upset that the people might have damaged my bike. The walls of the apartment were white, and everything was very quiet. I felt that something was wrong here. I moved cautiously through the rooms with $Z. I felt that there had been a murder here, and that the bad guys might still be in the building. I turned to the south, heading through the doorway on the northern wall at the eastern side of the room. The living room was small. To the south of me was a white wooden door, which could slide to the east. We had to go through it, but i was afraid that the bad guys would be waiting for us there. I tried to get out of the doorway so that i could slide door open and not be in range of the people inside, in case they had guns. I tried backing to the east, but there was a second white door closed at the end of the room. I decided that the criminals had closed these doors on purpose, trying to force us into their sights as we came into the room. I opened the door to the south, backing up slightly. I was worried about what was behind me, but i focused on the door to the south. $Z stood to the north of me, her gun pointing at the door as i stood ready to slide it open. I pulled the door back and we walked into the room. I immediately saw the body stretched on the floor, against the southern wall of the room. As i moved into the narrow bedroom, i could see the upper torso of the body lying in front of the bed, which was set into the southern wall. The man was heavy set and old. He was wearing blue jeans and a light-blue T-shirt. I then noticed that there was a second body to the west of him. It seemed to be of a younger woman. Both of the people were dark skinned. I backed out of the room, telling $Z that we had to tell someone about this. The man on the floor then rolled over and looked at us. He was not really dead. Neither was the young woman with him. They had been faking the murder. I wondered if this was a joke, and i felt annoyed with the situation. The man explained that he was hiding from the murderer. I turned back to the north and headed to the west, into the small diner. There were several other people there. I felt annoyed as i moved through the crowd. My attention then focused on the man who was sitting on the eastern side of the round table. He ordered the special, but i knew that the special was no longer on the menu. I looked at the colorful menu that was in front of me. It was mostly brown, with bright green circles and some orange spots. It was the menu for the following week, and it should not have been published yet. I realized that this man was the murderer. He had been out of place here, and could be identified because he had a menu that should not have been published yet. The special he was telling the female waiter was not yet on the menu that everyone else had, meaning that he had come here incorrectly. I looked at the large man who was sitting at the table to the south. He was wearing a light-gray sweatshirt with large pink letters on the front. There was an outline of a heart with the letters. He had short whitening hair and a square light-skinned face. He was the killer. I focused on the shirt again. There was some significance to the writing on the shirt. I related this shirt to the dead guy, and wondered suddenly if the dead man was the one who was actually wearing the pink letters on the sweatshirt.

I moved to the eastern side of the large area, which seemed like a classroom, but which seemed to be outside. There were white cubical things across the area, like desks or tables. I was gathering some things on the eastern side of the room. I had to finish quickly so that i could get going. I had to get my bicycle to leave this area, but i was packing my things first. The young man came from the west on a bicycle. He was picking on me, and i knew that he was one of the bullies. He had a rectangular face, with a square jaw, and shaggy light-blond hair. He smiled as he pushed the front tire of his black bicycle into my side. I pushed him back and ignored him, trying to collect my things. I talked to the man to the northeast of me as i tried collecting my thing. I wanted to get out of here. I felt uncomfortable here. I then heard someone calling my name from the west. They called me by a nickname that $G4 uses. I turned to the west to see a group of people on the other side of the area. I was happy that they were here, and i mentioned them to the man i had been talking to.

12009 February 09

I was in the large fancy house, and there was a party starting here. I seemed to have come early because few people were gathered. I also felt that i might not have been invited to this party. I walked to the west, through the doorway of the white cement walls to the open part of the house. I seemed to come out onto a terrace, where there was a building to the east, south, and west, and a wall covering the northern side of the area. In the southwestern corner of the area, there was a thick wooden trellis over the top of the bar. A dark-skinned man in a white jacket and black shirt was standing behind the bar. He started at me for a moment as i walked into the room. There seemed to be a pool to the north, and a few women seemed to be standing around it. I walked to the south. A person next to me said that Phish was playing at this party. I was surprised that such a big band would be here, and i asked if it was really true. The bartender said that it was. The woman who had told me about it seemed excited. She had been standing to the west of me, between the bar and the doorway to the east. I She ran around me to the north and out the doorway to the east, the doorway that i had come in through. I could hear dull music playing somewhere to the east, and i wondered if it was Phish already playing. I wandered to the southern part of the room, noticing that more and more people were gathering in the room already. I then noticed two people enter the room from a doorway in the northern end of the western wall. The doorway was facing south was hidden from my view by a partition wall that extended from the north. I waved at $F7 and $F18 as they came into the room. They were smiling and giggling about something, and they waved back. I remembered that i had said hello to them earlier but had not really talked to them. They walked around the bar, which now seemed like a DJ booth, and came up to me. They both hugged me strongly. It seemed as though it had been a long time since i had seen them. I then started to feel a little wet, and realized that it was starting to rain. I motioned to the sky as i spoke to $F7 and $F18. We moved to the southern end of the room, where there were short overhangs extending from the white southern wall. We sat down on a cushion under one of the overhangs and i excitedly talked to both of them. I told them that i had seen $F18 at the party. I remembered seeing her before. I then said that $F27 was here somewhere. $F18 seemed excited about that and wondered where he was. $F7 then said that he wanted another drink and started to leave the room to the northwest. He carried an empty pint glass with him. I asked him why he had to leave the room to get a drink when there was a bar right here. He seemed hesitant to respond, but he said that there was a “black man” tending the bar here. I felt awkward, wondering if he really did not want to be served by a dark-skinned man. The woman walked off to the east to get another drink from the other room, where the band was playing. I started talking to $F18, who was reclined on the long cushion to the west of me, leaning back against the southern wall. A dark-skinned woman then sat between us, smiling happily. She had a drink in her left hand as talked with a smile to us. She knew us. As we joked, she leaned over toward me and smelled my left armpit. I realized that this was a sexual thing, though it did seem a little strange. She said that the smell was nice, and then turned to the west to chat casually with $F18. I turned to the east suddenly, hearing a noise. There was something happening to the east of us. I could not see what was to the east of me. Instead, i was looking at broken scenes, as though they were flashing on a video screen. There was a man with a skull over his face. He seemed like Red Skull, but there was something strange about it. I then saw the young boy with an acetylene blowtorch. He was trying to burn open the large heavy metal doors to the south of him. A man, who was not wearing a mast, yelled orders at the boy, waving his arms dramatically. These were the villains. The boy was obediently burning open the doors for the tyrant, trying to get them open quickly so that he could please his master. I saw the tyrant then beat the boy, yelling at him to hurry. They had opened several doors, and had still not found the right one. The screen then filled with white static. Then, i could not see anything, but i knew that they were in the building to the east. They were doing something dangerous at the party. I then heard an explosion. I walked through the doorway to the east, into the large room. The short corridor stopped in a wide room, which seemed to be a lobby outside of some other rooms. The lobby ran to the south. The northern end of the eastern side had several doors in it, where it led into a theater or ballroom. Just to the south of the doors was an opening into another large room, which seemed like a waiting area for the theater. I passed through the room cautiously. I did not want to stumble into the room where the men were working. I could hear music to the east of me, and i thought that the band might still be playing. I then thought that the music was from the radio of the bad guys. It was playing to disguise what they were doing. I came into the large southern room, which had doors along the northern wall that led into the auditorium. I quickly noticed that one of the doors near the eastern end of the room was on fire. It burned near the center of the door. There was then a small jet of flame from the center of the door and sparks showered to the floor. The boy must be burning though the doorway to get into the hall where i was. I realized that this was the work of Red Skull. I was in danger here, and i turned to leave quickly before they spotted me. I hurried back through the rooms. As i came to the lobby to the west of the auditorium, i felt that they might have spotted me leaving the room. I felt tense. I had to get away. I ran as quickly as i could back through the rooms, heading for the area where the pool was. I had to get out of their sight before they started shooting at me. I then wondered if they could follow me. I was nervous and worried.

I moved back down the cinder path with the others, heading to the east on the southern shore of the inlet. I was jogging somewhat fast, so i was ahead of the others on the bath. We seemed to be coming back from someplace. As i started to follow the path leading slightly to the south of the main path, i realized that i was wearing a denim jacket and leather loafers. I did not seem dressed for jogging, but i felt that we needed to keep jogging. I followed the trail as it started to turn away to the south. There were joggers behind me, but they continued to the east, on the main trail. The people who had been jogging with me, who were not out for a jog, followed me on the trail to the south. I slowed down to let them catch up. We seemed to be in a hurry to get back, which is why we were jogging. We followed the path as it curved around to the west. I entered the large cinderblock building, which was to the north of the path. The door was in the southern end of the eastern wall of the building. This was the way we had come to get here. Inside, i was on a cement platform, which seemed like a dock in a boathouse. There was water under us, and i followed the platform to the south, along the eastern wall of the building. A woman, who was with us, was lying on the wooden dock, resting. I stepped over her as i continued to the south. The dock seemed to have a Z-shaped turn in it. I stepped to the west, to where the thin section of the dock was. I had to head to the southwest, over the narrow wooden pole that crossed between the two docks. It was green, and seemed to be a very narrow section of wooden dock that had been suspended from the two larger docks, like an old rope bridge. I tried to balance on the narrow section, but was having trouble. The dock under me was too unstable to walk on. The others then started crossing onto the dock to the east of me. A man balanced with no problem on the suspended part of the dock. I knew that i had made it across the narrow section with no problem before, and i wondered what could be the problem preventing me from doing so now. The others were coming, and they all started to cross the section. I jumped onto the wooden dock to the west and headed through the doorway in the western wall. I felt a little uncomfortable in this place, realizing that we were in a large open room on the eastern side of the building. The walls were made of gray cinderblocks, and there seemed to be large windows in the northern wall. It felt as though we should not be here, as though we were trespassing. I then heard someone moving to the west of us, and thought that there was someone else in the building. Other people seemed to be moving upstairs. I walked to the west, into the long corridor that ran to the north. This was a large laboratory, and we had walked up the metal stairs on the western wall of the corridor to the wide room upstairs. The stairs seemed to ascend to the north from the bottom, but i stepped off of the stairs heading south on the upper landing. There was a glass wall to the west of me, separating the stairs from the laboratory. I stepped into the room to the west with some of the others, looking over the machines and large equipment here. I still felt that we were trespassing and that we should not be here. There were other people in the building working on stuff, but we were just here to check things out. I could see a man on the floor below me, to the west. I was looking down through a space in the floor, and i could see the man in the shop below the laboratory. I was looking at him though a window in the cinderblock wall. I thought that we should leave before we got caught. We should head down stairs. If the people in the building spotted us, we could say that we were doing lab experiments. I stepped back into the room to the east, where the docks were. The others were still hanging out in the water. They were swimming near the southern end of the dock. We should leave. One of the women in the water then shouted in surprise and moved suddenly to the side. I realized that the water around her had moved suddenly. We were on a high floor of the building, and the water under the docks seemed very deep. I walked back to the east, into the large open room. I could see the man below us, in the mechanical shop. He walked to the southern wall of the room and broke one of the windows in the large door on the southern wall. I realized that he was breaking the windows to let the water drain out of the room. I realized that we were on the third floor of the building, and that the building was actually full of water. Looking up, i noticed that the large bay on the eastern end of the building had to roof. The rain must have come in during the storm and filled up the room. I looked down at the water, noticing that it was curved downward in the center. The man had broken the glass in the front door, and the water was bowed downward as it flowed out of the small hole. I hoped that the current was not too strong, or the people swimming near the docks might be pulled under. I thought that the man should simply have opened the large garage door on the front of the room. It would have let the water out quicker. I turned to the west and headed back to where the others were. I walked down the long hall to the west until i came to the doorway to the small white room to the north. The others were crowded into the room to see the exhibits, and there was a short line going out the door. The walls of the crowded room where white, and many people were here to see the art exhibits. I could not get into the room to tell them that we had to leave soon. I felt impatient, thinking that we had to leave before the people here discovered that we were not supposed to be here. I then moved to the east, toward the second room, where there was a longer line. The people there were waiting for the video-game exhibits to open. I squeezed into the crowd, trying to get into the room. I felt a little uncomfortable, realizing that i was pushing past people, but i had to find the others. A woman then started following me through the crowd. She must have realized that i was pushing ahead of the crowd and wanted to follow me in.

12009 February 10

I followed the man to the east, setting a trail for $G4. We crossed a large paved yard, which was to the south of a darkened factory building. It was night, and everything around us seemed dark. There were tall wooden crates stacked in the large lot to the north and south of us, and i noticed a tall tower structure of metal poles, which seemed to be scaffolding, to the east of us. The man in front of me was setting a trail, but i was also putting marks on the ground for people to follow. I climbed up into the metal structure, thinking that this would be fun to climb over. As i reached the wooden platform near the top of the structure, i realized that there was already a red powder mark on the ground. The other man must have set trail here already. I did not want to confuse his trail, so i should not have been setting my own. He must have come up the eastern side of the tower. He seemed to be running the people up the stairs on the eastern side and across the multiple levels of the platform. I worried that i had messed up his trail. He stood to the east of me on the platform now. He was facing east, wearing blue jean and a dark denim jacket. His fuzzy hair stood out on the sides of his head. He seemed very thin, and he kept looking to the east-northeast, standing very still, with his hands at his sides.

12009 February 11

I was talking to $F45 in the bedroom of the house. As i spoke, i looked past him, noticing the white stone chimney that ran up the center of the western wall of the room. There were spaces on either side of the chimney where the siding of the house had separated from the cement chimney. I was annoyed at them. $F45 was still talking to me, but i walked past him to try to fix the wall. The siding had not been put on properly, and it was slipping now. I then noticed that there was a large gap in the siding running horizontally from the northern wall to the chimney. I could see the thin hollow rectangular bars of plastic that formed the wall. The outside wall seemed to be solid here, but the inside wall had separated. There was a dark space between the walls, and i wondered why there was no insulation there. I could see the plastic tabs on the bars of siding. They had been fitted into the piece that was below it, but had come apart. I started pulling the pieces together and trying to reattach the tabs. They snapped together, closing the opening. I moved a little toward the northern wall, noticing that there was a section of the slanted roof that intersected the western wall. It formed a rectangular notch in the top part of the wall, as though a beam were extending from the wall, rising up to the east into the roof. The crack had formed just under the bottom of the beam. I pulled the plastic up, reattaching it to the bottom of the beam. The damage did not look as bad as it had seemed. The plastic siding was pulling together to cover the hole easily. I then wondered whether i had done the tabs correctly in the center of the room. I should have started from the northern wall so that i could be sure that the tabs had been attached to the appropriate spaces along the wall. I would have to redo them if they did not line up after i finished near the northern wall.

12009 February 12

I was walking through the leafless bushes with $Z, heading north. He was following me. The land seemed tan, like dry grass, but we were in a suburban area. I stopped and looked to the west, noticing that we were near $P2. I could see the large gray house where i had lived when i was younger. I pointed it out to $Z, asking jokingly whether he would want to buy the house. I looked the house over, noticing the plainness of some of the features. It seemed that the house had been put together at different times, which made sense since the building was originally one house and had been divided into apartments. I noticed the northern dormer on the eastern side of the house. It was where my bedroom had been when i was young. I remembered that the house was rather intricate, and i noticed that there were wood carvings over the top of the window in the dormer. They formed a square pattern that reminded me of something celtic. $Z said that he was not that interested in the house, saying that it would take too much work to convert it into a house. I told $Z that we had lived on the third floor of the building, and then corrected myself, saying that it was really the fourth floor. I remembered the large room that used to be a dance studio. It was our living room at the time. I then looked over the roof of the building, noticing that there were pieces of the house that were not in good shape. The house had been seemed good at first, but i now noticed that there were sections of the roof that had eroded. I noticed that the cinderblock walls around the northern and western sides of the house were starting to crumble. There were pieces of orange insulating blocks that had fallen from the wall, forming a pile of crumbled rubble at the base of the wall, sloping out over the roof of the gray house. I was interested in the house, but i knew that it was too run down to be worth buying. It would take a lot of money to fix it up. I then realized that the taller structure to the north and west of the house could not be part of the house. I wondered where the blocks or tiles had fallen from. I then noticed that there was a taller building forming an L around the house that i was looking at. It seemed to be an old farm house, and i thought for a moment that the house i was looking at was actually an addition to the old farm house. I then realized that the house that i was looking at was not actually the house that i had liven in on $P2. This house was on the western side of $P2, but it was farther to the north on the street that the house i had lived in. I turned to the southwest to see the house that i knew. It did not look as bad as the house that i had been looking at. I turned back to north now, noticing how run down the second house looked. It was to the north of us now, on the eastern side of the street. The siding on the outside of the house now seemed bare of paint, and the wood seemed to be rotting. There were people living in the apartments of the house. I turned to look at $Z as we walked through the brush, heading north. We then came into the room on the southeastern corner of the run down house. This was someone’s apartment, but no one was home. I felt uncomfortable here, feeling that we should not be in the apartment. I told $Z that we should leave this place. The room seemed to have bare wood walls that seemed weather worn and darkened. There were items scattered all across the room, and i thought that the college-aged boy who lived here was somewhat messy. I did not want to stay in someone else’s room. $Z started walking back to the southeast, to leave through the door that we had come in, but i noticed that there was an old wooden door in the eastern wall on the northern side of the room. If we left through it, we would be closer to the northern side of the house. There was an old slide bolt on the right side of the door. I slid it open and opened the door inward, only to find that there was a second door on the outside of the house. I decided not to bother with the doors and quickly closed the one i had opened. I headed to the south, thinking that i did not close the bolt again. I did not feel like taking the time to do it, and thought that the man would return to the house and noticed that it was undone. I wondered if he would worry about people being in his house, or whether he would simply be used to the changes. I thought that such changes had happened to me in other places, and i wondered if it was just people in the house. I walked to the north, across the lawn between the shrubs. We came to a fence at the northern edge of the lawn, and i could see a sidewalk to the north of us. The wire fence ran east to west at the northern edge of the gray lawn that we were on. Across the fence was another lawn, with the house to the northeast. We had to cross the fence to get to the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, but i knew that someone from the large house to the northeast might see us and yell at us for being on their lawn. I decided that it did not really matter. We had no place else to go but all the way back, so i stepped over the fence. I would have to tell the woman in the house that we were heading to the sidewalk. I quickly crossed the lawn and came to the sidewalk, turning sharply to the west as i waited for $Z to follow. He came up behind me, and i noticed that there was a McDonalds to the southwest of us, on the corner. He had been on these sidewalks before. There was something very familiar about this place.

I headed into the large basement room of the hotel with the other people. We were talking about something as we went. This place seemed like an old hotel, with dull white walls. The others gathered in chairs around the room, and i felt as though this was a special function. I then noticed the woman standing in the center of the room. She was speaking to us. She stood to the north of me, in the central aisle, which ran east to west between the chairs. She was $F39, and she was wearing an orange and dark-orange sweater. She faced west as she spoke to the people, who seemed to be from $G3. I remembered this event from a long time ago, but i had not known $F39 at the time. This must have been when she first moved to this area. She and i had not yet met, but it was good to see her here. She was giving us a lecture. I looked around at the other people from $G3, noticing that everyone was wearing white button-down shirts. I recognized most of them, but thought that there were many faces that i simply did not know. These were people who were part of $G3 when i first joined, and i had only seen them briefly. I was interested in this situation, and looked around with amazement, noticing how different everything seemed from what i had remembered.

12009 February 13

I was in the small room with $F43. She sat across the counter, to the south of me. I had come to this place with here to eat dinner. It seemed like some kind of fancy restaurant or resort. We were in a small room by ourselves, where we had been served a meal. I felt very full. There seemed to be windows on the wall to the north, behind me, and the entrance door to the room was in the southwestern corner of the room, mostly on the southern wall. $F43 seemed very sad and upset. It was nice to have dinner with her, and i felt as though i was trying to comfort her in some way. I had come to dinner with her, but this felt more serious. I worried about how close we were getting because i did not want to hurt her any more. A woman came in from the door in the southwestern corner. She announced that our balcony was ready. I was still heating things up on the stove in front of me. $F43 and i were supposed to go to a private room where there was a small balcony. From there, we would be able to look at the stars and out over the city. It seemed romantic, but i tried not to think of it as romantic. The woman realized that we were not quite ready to be seated in the small balcony booth and nodded herself out of the room. I continued to stir the thin liquid in the skillet. I looked down as i stirred the substance, thinking that it looked like eggs, but i remembered that i had put something solid in the pan and the liquid had drained over the surface of the skillet. It seemed that i had put the food in the center of the skillet, nearest me, on the northern side, but most of the liquid had drained to the southern side of the skillet, away from me. I tried to stir it back, but it was cooking into a solid, like eggs. I stirred them back in to the pan, thinking that the electric stove must be hotter on the southern edge of the griddle that in the center. As i stirred, there seemed to be less and less food in the pan, and i thought that i had been eating the eggs. I suddenly wondered if $F43 had wanted any of the food. I took a mouthful from the white spoon and then tried to scoop the rest in the pan together to give to $F43. She seemed very upset on the southern side of the counter and i felt that she had been crying. I wanted to help her feel better. I offered her a small spoonful of white food, which looked like grits. I realized that there was not enough for her on the spoon, so i started scraping the scraps out of the round skillet to try to get a full spoon. After a moment i seemed to have enough food for her. I hoped that i did not act too impolite by eating most of the food without her. The woman was then in the doorway again. She let us know about the room that had been prepared for us. She said that she would turn off the heat there until we were ready. I walked toward the door, looking at the small chamber to the west, just outside in the hallway. It looked like a small bedroom, but i remembered that there was a balcony on the western side. I decided that we would turn the heat back on when we were ready to go it, but i still felt uncomfortable being so intimate with $F43. I did not want to upset her.

I followed the others to the north, across the large grassy lawn of $F43’s house. The brick house seemed well maintained and fancy, but i knew that $F43 was trying to sell it. It was a sad event because her husband had just died. I looked over the gardens on the northern end of the lawn, just in front of the fancy cement columns that formed a wall. Beyond the wall, the land dropped away to the level of the road, which ran to the northwest from the cul-de-sac. The gardens seemed well maintained, but i thought that they might be too much for $F43 to maintain by herself. As the others talked and walked down the driveway, which curved from the eastern side of the lawn to the cul-de-sac to the north, i thought that $F43 had just bought this house. She had gotten it after $F44 had died, so i wondered why it would have been hard to maintain by one person. She would have gotten it to be maintained by herself. I followed the others in to the small room. We had been staying in this room, which seemed to be a hotel room of a small resort. We were in a foreign country. I felt that someone owned this apartment, and i had been staying with him or her and several other people. The others were sleeping in a room to the east, and i stood in the kitchen with a few people. There was a large window on the northern wall of the small room, and someone sat to the north of me, talking to me. He seemed to be $A42. I did not know what i should do now. I was worried about something, and it might have had some relation to $F43. It seemed to be early in the morning, and i had to eventually leave this place. I felt dirty, and thought that it had been a long time since i had showered. I then remembered that i had showered in the bathroom that was in the hallway. I stepped out the door of the apartment, which was in the southwestern corner of the room, facing southwest in a diagonal wall of the room. I walked through the door and looked down the long dark corridor outside. The bathrooms were in small rooms on either side of the corridor. I wondered if any of them were free. I caught a glimpse of a man washing his mouth out with a white foamy substance. He had medium skin and fuzzy black hair. He seemed middle eastern, with rounded features. I looked down at the bottom of the doors on the northwestern side of the corridor, looking for an open bathroom. The floor seemed dirty, and i realized that i should probably go back into the other room to put my shoes on before i stepped into the bathroom areas. I thought that they might be dirty. We would have to leave this country soon. It seemed like a warm dry country.

12009 February 15

I rode my bicycle to the east, following the man on the tour. We were leading most of the pack, which was running behind us. I knew that we had to turn to the south to cross back through the small city, and i turned my bicycle down the next road to the south. The road to the south was wide, with a gentle turn at the intersection. There seemed to be a triangular grassy median in the center of the intersection. I was not actually sure that the trail went this way, but i knew that we had to start heading back. We had come such a great distance already. I slowed down a little, wondering if the trail actually turned to the right and headed south, into town. I looked back to the north to see $F39 jogging to the east, past the intersection. I hoped that the trail did not actually go that way, because it meant that we would be out jogging for a very long time. $F39 then turned around and started jogging toward me. She said “There’s a zero zero zero on trail.” That seemed like a very strange mark, one i was unfamiliar with. I then wondered if the trail was marked in something like binary. There should be a one on this road if it is the correct road. Someone else had come around the corner and started toward me. $F39 also started jogging toward me, saying that there was a “one one one” in the direction that we were heading. I told them that we were jogging over the bridge. I felt that i should hint that i knew where i was by pointing out that there was a bridge over a river and then a town. We could not see any of this because of the thick green trees that we had been driving past. I looked at the man on the bicycle ahead of me. He turned around for a moment. He seemed like $A534. He called something to me and then continued on. I was standing on the ground near my bicycle, looking at the things that i had pulled off of the back rack. I had to readjust my things on the bicycle. It was getting late in the day, and i no longer needed many of the things that i was now carrying. I let some of the others pass me, thinking that i had been the second person in the group, so i should easily be able to catch up to the others if they passed. Many people jogged past me as i tried to put the plates back onto the rear rack of my bicycle. I then realized that the items should be placed in the large brown plastic bag that i was carrying. I would put everything in the bag and strap it to the back of the bicycle so that i would not have to carry them anymore. There was a round plastic table to the south of me now, and i put the wooden platters on it, trying to stack things neatly so that i could wrap them in plastic. There suddenly seemed to be too many things to wrap. I stacked the metal grilling racks on top of the large wooden tray, thinking that these things now seemed too large to put on the back of a bicycle. I had the tan plastic bag underneath the stack now, and i looked at it to try to figure out if everything would fit into it. I tried to stack the items again, placing the glass or plastic rectangular pan on top so that i could put other smaller things into it. I figured that, if i fit everything together, they would be less likely to slide. I thought that i could stack everything nicely, but then i noticed that i had left out the fish-shaped clear-plastic mold, which was on the table to the south of me. I had to get all of these things together, and i started to feel stressed about doing so. There was a pale-yellow plastic bottle on the table to the south of me, and i wanted to keep that out of the bag. I thought that i could carry it to put some water in. I wondered how i would carry it as i bicycled, and then i thought that i could probably put it in the inside pocket of my denim jacket. It was not ideal, but it would work. Most of the runners had already passed me, and i was starting to fall behind. I hurriedly tried to put the things together when i realized that i would need another plastic bag to put things in. The wide trays would fit in the brown plastic bag, but there were a bunch of things still on the table that seemed to be oddly shaped items. They would not easily stack in the trays. I could put them in a bag and somehow strap the bag to the bicycle. I was in a picnic area outside the large store. The white “box store” was to the southwest of the area. There were several round white plastic tables in the area, with people sitting near them. I noticed that there was a wall to the east with a small counter on it. I walked toward the counter, hoping to get a plastic bag. I asked the woman if i could take a plastic bag, and she told me that they were ten dollars. I did not understand at first, so she told me again. I dismissed her with a wave of my hand and walked to the west, into the store. The line of registers was to the southwest of me as i walked across the front aisle. I was still carrying the large white plastic bag that i had put the trays in. I wondered if the women in white smocks at the registers would think that i had bags from another store. I wanted to ask them if i could take some of the plastic bags from this store. I hoped that they would give them to me.

Someone brought out the large whiteboard from the southwest. I was in the room of the house, which seemed to be $P19. The board had writing all over it, and the writing on the right-hand side suggested that non-students would have to pay to stay here for the summer. I was surprised about this and wondered if it was true. It meant that i would have to pay extra to stay here. Someone came out of the kitchen to the east, and they started talking about the rules for staying for the summer. I looked at all of the posters that were now to the south of me. There were several people in the room with me now. One of the men to the east explained that there was no additional change for staying for the summer if you were not a registered student. I looked at the whiteboard where the colourful writing had been, and someone explained that this board was from the previous summer. They had some strange things that summer, and i looked at the board, wondering why there had been so strict. I then walked to the west, out of the dining room of the house and started up the stairs, which ascended to the west along the southern wall of the white hallway.

I rode my bicycle to the west, heading down the hill. I realized that i was traveling pretty fast. There was a car in front of me, but i seemed to be traveling faster than it, so i though that i should pass it. I felt strange doing so, but i drove around the white truck, thinking that it must have been going very slowly for me to pass it. The country road crossed through open land, which was covered with tan dry field grasses. There were thickets and houses breaking up the fields, and the road rounded a curve, turning from the northwest to the west. I passed the car around the gentle curve. There were still some cars ahead of me, and i seemed to be catching up to them. I was on a red bicycle, which seemed to be a large tricycle. I was surprised at how easy it was to pedal this fast. I wondered if i was just in better shape at the moment. I started to pass the old red car, but realized that we were coming to a corner that turned to the west. We were not heading to the southwest. I could not see around the corner, because there were thick green pine trees growing off the northern side of the road. I felt nervous about biking past the car, but i did it anyway. As i started to pass, i noticed the deep rut in the ground under the red car. I was glad that i did not have to bike over it. I passed the car on the corner and still seemed to be moving pretty fast. The road turned to the northwest a little, and then straightened out. I could see a long line of cars ahead of me. I tried to catch up to them when i noticed that there was a construction site ahead of me. Something turned orange overhead, and i realized that i had to stop. I was still passing the line of cars, which were on the northern side of the road, to the north of me. I tried to slow down, but i could not stop quickly. I rolled past the first car in the line and into the dirt area where the men were repairing the bridge. There was a man in an orange jacket ahead of me, and he realized that i had already passed the stopping line, so he signaled me on. The road turned into a single lane ahead, and the man was directing traffic through the construction area. I started to pedal, thinking that i would explain to the man that, in this tricycle, it was very hard to stop quickly. I would tell him that i needed more advanced warning of the stop. I started pedaling again. They would have to hold the cars on the other side until i came through. The road ahead had a pile of dirt on it, marking out lanes. The long pile seemed to be forked in some why, with a long straight line running down the center of the road, and i curving hook coming off of it to the south, starting at the west and running to the east. The end of the hook extended to the east, forming a lane between the first row of dirt and itself. I pedaled between the mounds of dirt, thinking that it was actually a very long way to my parents’ house from here. I seemed to be pedaling very fast and easy, but i still had a long way to go. I wondered how i had come so far.

12009 February 16

I arrived in the area where the others were. This place was a small town, and i had come from the north, down the street. The others seemed to be to the west of me, but i turned to the east, to look into the small outdoor area. There was a narrow corridor leading into some kind of room to the east, and i could see a large movie screen at the end of the hall. It was late at night, and i remembered that the movie screen was outdoors. The town was showing a popular cult film, and i had wanted to see it. I did not want to go into the movie now, however, since it had already started. I would have to see it some other time. I walked up to the edge of the corridor, looking at the screen. I could see more and more of it as i approached. I could also start to see the audience sitting in raised seats on either side of the corridor. I then realized that i might be in the way of the camera. I was not sure where the projector was for the screen. The screen was to the south of me now as i backed up a little, looking for the projector. I had thought that it would be off to one side, but realized that it was more likely to be centered in the screen, which meant that it would have to be somewhere down the corridor. I looked to the north to see the small booth in the white wall, which was now to the east of me. I looked back to the west to see the large screen. I tried to duck out of the way as i moved to the north, but i thought that i saw a shadow on the left part of the screen. As i crossed to the western side of the area, the screen to the south of me again, i noticed large shadows of animals moving across the bottom of the screen. I looked back to the projector booth to see a woman with long brown hair and a man smiling mischievously as they looked down at the projector’s lens. They must have some instruments that they put in front of the lens to periodically produce silhouettes on the screen. I headed to the west, where the others were, but i seemed to come to the west in a large green field, which seemed to be to the northeast of where the outdoor cinema had been. I walked to the southwest, up the slight hill of the grassy area, toward the others, who were sitting on the grass. I said hello to them, but noticed that they were chatting with Barak Obama. Obama was standing to the south of me, smiling at the people he had just greeted. He was very friendly to them, but i felt that i was not included in this conversation. I was not quite a part of the group, which seemed to include $F51, who was sitting on the grass just to the southwest of me. I watched Obama as he paced to the east a little, smiling widely at everyone. I said hello to him, and he quickly replied, but did not engage me in conversation. I was disappointed that i did not get to talk to him. He was only interested in talking to the people who were doing things in the community, and i was just a regular person. I walked around the small group of people sitting on the grass to the west of me and started heading west, to the south of them. I remembered that i had to get my things, so i bent over to pick up the brown photograph album that i had left here. As i picked up the album, i thought that it did not quite look right, and i wondered whether it was the same photograph album that i had brought. Obama then called sternly to me, telling me that the album was his and that i should not take it. He said that it was the pictures of the troops that he had brought. I realized that he was probably right and put the album back down on the ground, looking to the east at the shelves and chairs for my book. I could not see anything that looked familiar, and i was disappointed. I felt uncomfortable for having grabbed the wrong photo album. I apologized again for having tried to take the album, and i looked again around the eastern part of the room for my books. I then turned back to the west and started away. Some of the others were now getting up to head with me. They had to get back to the theater, which was on the narrow side street of the city, just to the south of the park that we were in. I knew where the theater was, but the people with me did not. I listened to one of the women with long blond hair talk about the location of the theater. I then saw an aerial view of the dark city blocks to the south of the green park. The streets in the view were dark gray, and the buildings and blocks were black. The blocks seemed slightly crescent shaped, with a slight curve to the east and two tapered ends pointing to the southwest and northwest. The theatre was in the middle of the two crescent-shaped blocks, on the western side, more toward the northern end of the map. A red line showed our route to the theater. The women behind me were still discussing the location of the theater as we walked toward it. I wanted to turn around and tell them where it was, but it seemed inappropriate to do so. I was still disappointed that i was not included in the group. I would go to the theater with the people, but i had already seen the movie there, and i felt that i had somewhere else i had to be. It was uncomfortable being with these people when they did not acknowledge me. I continued up the block, past the theater to the south.

I headed to the north, along the western side of the house. The house seemed to have yellow wooden siding, and i seemed to be walking up the driveway. There was something wrong with to the south of me, and i felt that i had to hurry into the house. It was dark out, and i wondered if there was something in the field to the north of the house. I turned to the east and climbed the stairs onto the back porch of the house. As i did, i noticed some animals moving to the east, in the dry broken field grass behind the house. They looked like large dogs, with square snouts, and they stepped forward to look at me as i reached for the door of the house, which was to the south of me. I was scared of them and thought that they might attack. I hurried into the house and quickly closed the door behind me. I was in a white kitchen, and $K3 was standing to the south of me, on the opposite side of a white cutting table that was in the center of the kitchen. She smiled and said something to me, and i mentioned the animals in the back yard. I walked around the western side of the table and started heading to the south. Someone in the room brought up the e-mail list that i had been put on. I was unhappy about it, and told them that i would have to cancel the subscription. I said that i would have to blame $A299 for the problem. I knew that $A299 was the head of $G6, so she would be the one to take the blame when things went bad. The other person felt uncomfortable about sending the complaints all the way to $A299, and she tried to convince me that someone else had signed me up for the list. I remembered that Tim Burton had something to do with the e-mail list, and the woman said that he was the one whom i should contact. I knew that this would bypass the issue, but i wanted to make the issue known to the authority in $G6. I knew that it had to be brought to their attention or nothing would get done. I thought that $A313 probably had something to do with the mailing list, since i was working for her when i had been signed up for the mailing list. I told the person to the north of me that Tim Burton could not do anything about the e-mail list because he did not work for $G6. I said that only someone with an administrative ID in $G6 could change the list, so my complaint should still go to $A299. The woman realized that i was right and reluctantly backed down. I turned down the corridor, heading to the east. It was dark, but i could see the white southern wall because it reflected light from somewhere. There was a rectangular sign at the end of the corridor, in the large room ahead. It seemed to be the front of a vending machine, and was lighted in bright colors. At first, it seemed like a soda machine, but i knew that it was the jukebox that had been in the large hall. I tried to remember the jukebox as i approached it.

12009 February 18

We had been looking for something in the tunnels below. We had come from the east, and i though about what we had done in the underground corridors. This place seemed like an old church. The others had dispersed already, and i was walking up the stairs in the brightly lighted hall on the eastern side of the building. This seemed like an old stone building, with off-white plaster walls inside. The light seemed like natural sunlight from the tall arched windows in the eastern wall. The stairs led down to the east, to a narrow landing against the eastern wall. There were stairs on both the northern and southern walls that led down to the next level. I walked up the white stone stairs, between the white walls. This was still part of the church. As i reached the upper room, i turned around and closed the metal gate behind me. There was a long iron gate crossing the middle of the stairs. I thought that i would lock in into place, but $Z suggested that i should not do so. I pulled the gate closed, looking at the latch in the center of the northern half of the gate. It looked like a regular latch. I pulled the northern part of the gate closed and slid the bolt into the ceiling to lock that part of the gate in place. I then pulled the southern half of the gate closed. There was a strange locking mechanism on the southern half of the gate, which seemed like a chord and hook. As i pulled the gates closed and made sure they were locked, i realized that it would not take too much effort to force the southern side of the gate open. The C-shaped lock did not fit securely around the vertical bar of the northern part of the gate and could easily be pushed open with enough force. $Z was still to the west of me, near the top of the stairs. I turned and followed him across the courtyard where the people were gathered. There seemed to be a fair here, with many small kiosks and carts. People were standing around the yard in various places, and i moved through the crowd. I then turned to the east as two men appeared on the stairs. The man with the short blond hair and blue eyes walked around the metal gate, which was now open. There was something special about him, and i kept staring at him. He seemed rather plain, but there was something about him that made me think that he should be beautiful. The other man also had short blond hair, but i did not notice him as much as he ascended the stairs behind the other man. I was in a long empty room at the top of the stairs, but i was also in the crowd outside on the lawn of the church. The lawn seemed to be to the southeast of the church. We seemed to be on a paved path that ran to the west, across the front of the church. The land sloped down to the east, and there were rounded green trees on the southern end of the lawn. A line of kiosks ran along the southern end of the path, just to the south of us, and people moved in front of them looking at the items for sale. The man with the short blond hair stopped just to the south of me, staring at me for a moment. I was very interested in him, but i did not know why. He had a short stubby beard that had just started growing in, and he smiled at me. Suddenly, i realized who he was, and i pointed him out to $Z as Jesus. I asked the man if he was really Jesus, and he smiled widely and nodded in acknowledgement. I was surprised and did not know what to do. I wanted to tell $Z who the man was, but i did not say anything. I felt amazed.

12009 February 19

I moved away from the small dinosaur, which seemed to be a baby dinosaur. It was in the dining room of $P19, and it had a rounded head and bluish-gray skin. I was worried that the animal might attack me, and i had to get away from it. It did not seem to be interested in me, but i knew that it would eventually try to eat me. I thought that it was a baby tyrannosaur. I came into the living room of the house, to the west of the dining room. I had to get away from the animal. I then focused on the spaded shovel that was leaning against the eastern wall of the room. I had come into this narrow room through the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. At first, i did not think of the shovel as anything special, but then i realized that i could use it as a weapon against the dinosaur. I grabbed the shovel and headed back into the kitchen, feeling that the animal would have thought that i left. As i headed down the hall and approached the kitchen door, which was in the eastern end of the northern wall, a large tiger walked out of the dining room. I was expecting the dinosaur, so i swung the shovel at the tiger. It reacted quickly, looking up at the shovel and jumping to the north to get out of the way. It quickly scurried under the round wooden table that was against the northern wall, to the west of the doorway. It had its head low in a defensive posture. I was afraid of the tiger as well and thought that it could attack me. It passed under the table, where i could not attack it, and appeared to the west of me. It turned to look at me, but did not really seem interested in attacking me. It stared at the shovel i had swung back over my right shoulder and was holding ready in the air. I realized that i did not want to attack the tiger, so i turned and headed into the dining room, hoping that the feline did not follow. I ran to the eastern end of the dining room, which was at a slightly lower level than the western half. The small gray dinosaur with the puffy rounded features was moving around in a bouncy manner, not paying attention to me. I swinged the shovel and struck it across the right side of the back of its head. It fell to the ground, and i thought that i had killed it. I felt tense and desperate, thinking that i should hit the dinosaur again to make sure that it was dead. I then noticed the tiger to the west of me. It was stalking me, and i realized that it wanted to eat the dinosaur. It wanted to claim the kill as its own. I backed to the south, out of the dining room and into the kitchen.

I wandered around my parents’ house. Where were dinosaurs here, and i felt awkward. I moved to the east, down the southern face of the barn and turned into the pen that was to the east of the barn. There was an opening in the wooden fence on the western side of the southern wall of the pen. The pen had grass growing inside, and there was a large tyrannosaur standing in the pen. I was weary of it, but i realized that it was not really paying attention to me. It seemed to have reddish skin and puffy rounded features. It reminded me of the dinosaurs from old cartoons. I moved to the southwest, out of the pen, trying to get away from the large beast before it took an interest in me. It was safe in the pen, and it seemed to be occupied with something else. I ran back to the driveway near my parents’ house. The driveway ran north to south along the eastern side of the house. At the northern end of the driveway, to the northeast of the house, was a tall wooden platform. I hopped onto the platform, thinking that i had climbed a ways up. I would be safe up here. I then noticed the other dinosaur to the west. It was inside the house, so i knew that it could not escape to get me. It looked more reptilian, with a sharp beak and large pointed teeth. It had noticed me, and i could tell that it was very angry that it could not get out of the house. It faced the window, its mouth open as if yelling at me. I knew that it was a large raptor. I suddenly felt very unsafe, knowing that the creature would try to come after me. I knew that it was trapped in the house, but i knew that, if it were out, it could easily hop onto the wooden platform where i was. I did not feel safe sleeping here anymore, and i felt scared of the animal.

I turned to the west, doing something in the small room on the second floor of my parents’ house. I was aware of the green yard to the north of me, which i could see out an opening in the house. My father had been cutting the lawn, and i remembered that i had to do something for my mother. My father had told me about some gifts that she wanted, and i realized that i should have gotten them already. I was about a week late in getting them, and i felt bad. I decided that i should do something with the gifts for her. I was sitting on the toilet, facing east, and i stood up and whipped myself. I then flushed the toilet. I though about what my mother wanted. She had said something about growing grains, and i thought that she would be growing wheat and rice in their garden. I thought about the brown grass that would be the barley in the garden behind the house. It would not provide a lot of grain, and i though that some animals might eat it because it would start to spread like grass. The toilet did not sound right when i flushed it, and i realized that the turds in it did not go down. I would have to wait for the water to fill the tank before trying to flush it again. I suddenly realized that it was too early in the year for us to plant a garden. There was still snow on the ground. I then wondered how my father had been out cutting the grass if the ground was still hard and frozen. I decided that i had misunderstood what he was doing outside. He could not have been mowing the grass. I tried to flush the toilet again, but it did not seem to be working. There was something wrong here, and i felt very awkward about it. I then realized that my penis had gotten stuck on the toilet’s handle, which was on the left-hand side of the toilet. It was not attached to my body, and seemed to be part of the handle. It looked very pink and rubbery, but i knew that it was mine. I felt embarrassed that it would not flush with the turds. I also realized that the penis was erect. It must have come off that way, and i felt embarrassed that my mother might see it on the toilet. It seemed too big to flush, and i did not know what to do. I then thought that i would have to buy some rye to plant in the garden.

12009 February 20

I was in the room with the others, and i turned to the southwest to get something. There was something unusual about being in the room. I looked through the things that i had in my hands as i entered the small narrow room. The room was narrow north to south and had a doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. The paper that i was holding showed the name of someone. It seemed like “Tyler” or “Taylor”. There was some kind of code in the complex semicircular symbol at the top of the front cover of the paperback book that i was holding. The code revealed several names in the other pieces of paperwork, and it stated that these names would be important. I realized that the names on the paper were the people i had been staying with in the room. I suddenly realized that the notes on the papers, which were ten or so years old, had predicted that these men would be in the room at this time. This was something amazing. I wanted to tell someone, but i was not sure how to bring the topic up. I moved around in the smaller room, which seemed to have an open wall to the south. I could see out across the dark lawn. A thin layer of fog seemed to cover the ground and obscured part of the sky. There were two people in the room sitting to the south of me, both facing south. I looked at the curved design on the front of the book again and walked to the north. I tried to think of a way that i could tell the others that their purpose here had been predicted a long time ago, but i was not sure how to present it. I thought that i could work through the clues with them again from the papers.

I woke up early and walked to the south wall of the bedroom. $F45 and i had been staying it the house of one of $F45’s friends. She seemed like a heavy woman. I walked over to the small window in the southern wall of the bedroom. The window was framed in a blue window sill, and the wall around it seemed to have white wallpaper with small blue designs on it. I noticed that it had been raining the night before, and i noticed that there was a muddy puddle in the lawn outside. There was a narrow road running across the front of the short lawn. It ran east-northeast to west-southwest. The puddle in the short dead grass of the lawn was just to the north of the road. I worried suddenly that it might have rained a lot over night, and i wondered if the lawn was flooded. I moved closer to the window to get a better view of the lawn and the small field on the other side of the road. There seemed to be an old barn across the street from the house, a little to the east of the house. I noticed a trail of puddles in the field across the street, and then noticed that the creek was filled with muddy water. The creek did not seem to be overflowing its banks, but i wondered whether it had during the night. I leaned toward the window to get a better view outside. The creek ran north to south, crossing under the road. The water level was almost level with the surrounding fields, and i realized that it was also level with the bridge. I leaned forward, noticing that there was muddy water on the bridge as well. The water from the creek was flowing over the deck of the bridge. I wondered if the bridge had been damaged by the water over night. I leaned into the glass to try to get a better view to the west, but i could only see a corner of the bridge with muddy water over it. I was glad that we had not tried to drive across the bridge on the previous night. We could have driven $F45’s car into the water. I remembered that even shallow water could be dangerous to drive through. I was worried that the bridge might actually have been damaged, and i wanted to get a better look at it. I turned and headed to the northwest, toward the door in the eastern end of the northern wall. $F45 seemed to be asleep in the small bed that was against the northern wall, to the west of the door. I walked out of the bedroom and turned to the west, heading down the stairs at the southern end of the corridor. I seemed to turn to the west halfway down the stairs, and i felt a little disoriented. As i continued to descend the carpeted stairs into the living room of the house, i realized that this was really the correct direction to head to see the bridge. I wanted to get to a window on the western side of the house. I thought about our car, which as parked in the gravel driveway on the western side of the house. I hoped that the bridge had not been washed out.

12009 February 21

I moved around the outdoor area with the other people. There was a small structure to the south of me, which seemed to be a large box or the back of an automobile. Someone mentioned $A118 as i did something in front of the box. I remembered him from high school. The person talked negatively about him, saying that he had been inconsiderate and mean to others. I knew this person, and it seemed that he had also been in high school with me. It was sad to hear that $A118 had turned out to be a bad person. I mentioned that i had liked him in high school, and then i thought about how he had appeared in some of the dreams i had since then.

I walked to the northern wall of the room, where there was a large fish tank. My mother flipped open the lid of the tank to do something, and several of the small orange fish flipped out and onto the ground to the south of the tank. I thought that they were trying to escape the tank. I had been sitting on the bed, which was along the eastern wall of the room, in the northeast corner of the room. I unfolded my legs and bent over to carefully pick the fish up. I held the fish over the top of the eastern end of the tank and tried to drop it back into the water, but it stuck to the palm of my hand. I shook my hand to get the fish back into the water. As i did, i noticed that the fish that were in the water swam to the surface and stuck their heads out of the water. They were reaching for my hand, thinking that i was trying to feed them. I pointed this out to my mother, who was standing to the southwest of me, near the center of the tank. I realized that there were more fish on the floor, so we would have to put them back into the tank as well. I started to get frustrated with the fact that the fish kept jumping out of the tank. I grabbed another fish from the floor and closed my hand around it so that it did not flop out of my palm. I lifted it to the tank and dropped it in, but i was not sure that it actually fell into the tank. I could not tell where the fish were, and there seemed to be too many jumping out of the tank and onto the floor. I watched my mother moved to the tank to the west of me, opening the black lid on the back top of the tank. There were small orange fish stuck to the underside of the black plastic lid, which extended the length of the tank. The tank seemed to be three or four meters long, and only a half meter wide. I walked to the western end of the tank, where the fish were stuck to the lid. They were flat orange fish and seemed like round angelfish with dark stripes. I pulled one off of the lid and tried to drop it back into the water, but the fish stuck to the palm of my hand. I shook my hand over the water, trying to get the fish off. Once i was sure that it had fallen back into the tank, i backed into the center of the room. I was disappointed that we could not get more fish into the tank. There seemed to be too many jumping out on the floor, and i felt that we would have to let some die there. Looking at the tank, though, there seemed to be a good number of fish still in the water. My mother stood in the center of the room, near the western side of the tank, but not blocking my view of the tank. I could see the entire illuminated tank. The water seemed cloudy or slightly opaque, and there were dark-gray or brown rocks across the backdrop. The orange fish clustered into a large swath across the center of the tank. It was rounded and bulged more on the western end, trailing into a thinner tail to the east. It was quite picturesque. I sayed something to the other person as i moved to the west. I opened the door in the southern end of the eastern wall and stepped outside with $Z. There was a set of stairs descending to the north along the house, just to the north of the door. They descended into the ground, and i stepped into the trench where they descended. The woman stepped down with me to do some work on the wood here. She was $Z. She moved to the northeastern corner of the area while i started scraping some of the wood near the wall of the house, to the west. I looked at the thin stairs, noticing that the gray paint had already been scraped off on parts of the boards. We had to scrape the rotting wood from the boards so that they could be sealed with the paint. I looked at the light-gray boards, noticing that there was about half a centimeter of surface removed from the tops of the boards on the western ends. The boards were gray all the way through, but there was a sudden edge about one or two decis from the end where the width of the board thickened. These had already been done. I turned to the northwest, spinning to the east as i turned. I sayed something to $Z about the work. I thinked that the coatings that we were scraping off were too thick. They had settled into the wood because the wood was rotting, and i wondered if the wood was still good enough to use. I started scraping a long board that was covered with red paint. The ends of the boards seemed to be tattered by rot, and there were long open cracks in the boards where the wood had rotted away. The thick red paint on the wood seemed to have coated the rotten boards, and i wondered if it could fill the spaces inside the wood where it had rotten. The paint seemed to be some kind of plastic. I started scraping with the tool in my hand. It seemed to be working very well, but i realized that i had turned the scraper on its side. It was actually taking off more paint this way and seemed to be easier to use. I thought that i would continue to use it this way. I then thinked about the boards again, wondering if they were really good to use. My mother asked my father something inside the house to the west. I could hear them through the windows. My father complained about people doing work on the boards, saying that he did not want us here doing the work. He seemed upset, and my mother was trying to reason with him. I realized that the woman with me could hear my father’s negative words about us, and i felt bad. I knew that she would be upset since he implied that the work we are doing is not good. I did not know what to say to $Z, so i kept working.

12009 February 22

We had been walking to the west, down the street in the area near the shopping plazas, but we stopped near the building. To the south of us was a fast-food restaurant, which seemed like Burger King. We were about to head into the restaurant, but i noticed that the other men were already in there. They had been looking for us, and we did not want them to find us. I quickly turned back to the east and started walking with $Z, trying to act casually so that the men might not notice us. I glanced over my shoulder as we walked along the northern face of the large gray building, which seemed to be in an outdoor corridor of a building. There was something over our heads that was shading us from the sun, like part of the building or an overhanging awning. It seemed chilly out, but the sky seemed mostly clear. As i glanced back, i noticed that there was a man walking just behind us. I did not know whether he was following us or not, but i felt suspicious of him. I told $Z about it and continued walking to the east, down the long alley. $Z was driving the car, and i told him to turn to the east on the other alley. I thought that we were getting farther from the man who seemed to have been following us. We drove down the narrow alley, and i made sure that no one was following us anymore. We still had to stop at a diner to get something to eat. There were certain kinds of restaurants that i wanted to stop at, and i knew that there were several in this small plaza area. I pictured the area from above. There seemed to be two parts of the shopping area with a central road running down the middle of it. The street ran from east to west, and the shopping areas formed two long rectangles on either side of the road. We had come from the restaurant on the southwestern corner of the shopping areas, and we now seemed to be driving down the length of a parking lot across the northern side of the northern shopping area. We had avoided the people, but we still had to stop somewhere to get food. There was another Burger Kind in the center of the northern shopping section, but i thought that we should not stop there because the people following us might be there. I considered where we should go and told $Z that we should drive all the way around the shopping area and go to the restaurant on the southwestern corner of the area. I realized that this was the restaurant we had come from, however. I tried to think of somewhere else we could go, but i did not want the men following us to walk in while we were eating. There had been enough time since we left the restaurant on the corner of the area that i thought we could go back there and eat. There was less chance that the men would return to the same restaurant. I turned the car into the small parking area to the south of the street so that we could turn around. There were cars parked on both the eastern and western side of the rectangular lot, and there seemed to be a tall building to the east and south. A tall chain-link fence ran across the western side of the area, and i pulled into one of the slots near it. There seemed to be a tall metal rack to over the northern parking spaces on the western side of the fenced in area. The rack was made of steel I-beams and seemed to support parked cars, but it seemed as though the cars were put into the racks as though it was a shelf. I pulled the car into the parking space, but noticed that i was very close to the green car on the south. I tried to open my door to see if i had enough room, but my door bumped into the other car, leaving a small dent in the metallic-green door. I closed my door, trying to move my car over so that it was out of the way of the smaller car. There was someone behind us, though, and i was worried about the men following us again. The man behind me was angry about the way i had parked, and he pushed the back of my car, forcing it into the fence ahead of us. I was suddenly very angry with him, and i leaded back as my car started to roll back from the fence. My motion added momentum to the backward rolling of my car, forcing the car to roll out of the parking spot and into the large man who had pushed us. My car then swinged out into the center of the lot, knocking the man over. The nose of the car spun to the east, stopping just before it hit the cars parked on the eastern side of the lot. I was out of the car now, pretending to be upset with the man for what he had done. I knew that the motion of the car was my doing, but i tried to make it seem that the man had caused the entire incident by pushing my car. Others came to help, and they seemed to see things my way. I accused the man of causing the problems in the parking lot.

I was sitting on the eastern side of the southern end of the room. This was some kind of class, which seemed like a martial-arts class, and the students were sitting in two long rows down the length of the narrow room, facing north. There were people to the east of me, leaning against the eastern wall of the room. I shifted my weight, placing my right hand on the floor to do so, but i ended up putting my hand on someone’s foot. I realized that the foot was in a cast, and i apologized to $A6 for leaning on his foot. I then tried to shift again to get out of his way and ended up bumping the cast on his foot again. He smiled at me as though it did not matter, but i apologized again. I kept shifting position, and i kept bumping into him. I tried not to bump into him. The instructor then said something to us from the northern end of the room. We were standing in the eastern line of the class, and we were very near the instructor now. The instructor seemed to be $A62, but he also seemed like someone else. The man was wearing a white gi and had shaggy blond hair. He shook an angry finger at me and scolded me for something, but i did not seem to understand what he was talking about. I snickered a little after he confronted me about something. He then yelled at $A6, who was in the line in front of me. $A6 lowered his head and turned away, but i stood staring at the instructor, not quite sure what to do. The instructor then said that i had acted properly, standing my ground. I was still not sure what had happened, but i felt better thinking that the instructor thought i was standing my ground. I then felt bad for $A6, because i knew that he would be upset now that the instructor implied that he was weak. Confused, i walked to the northwest, along the northern end of the room and out into the corridor of the building, which seemed like the field house of $P7. I kept thinking about the class that i had come from as i walked. I turned to the south, into a large room that was filled with cardboard boxes. There was something strange and interesting about this situation. I had been in this place before, but the boxes were now. There had been some remodeling of this place. I was then back in the long class room with the red rubber mats on the walls and floor. The ceiling was white, with black cross beams. There were two lines of people running the length of the room, from north to south, but they seemed more like featureless cubical columns of rubber than people. This was the martial-arts class. I stood at the back of the line, feeling that i did not really know what was happening in this class. I was new here and had not yet learned anything. I was nervous, and stood in the lowest rank at the back of the line.

12009 February 24

I walked to the east, into the small bedroom of the house, which seemed like a fraternity. Most of the room seemed blue, and there were bunk beds against all of the walls except for the western wall. This was the room that i would be staying in, so i looked around for a place to sleep. There was a man here already. He was lying on one of the beds that were against the northern wall. There was a rectangular table in the center of the room, on which i put some of my things. I turned to the north, looking for a bed, but i did not know which one to use. $A494 stood up from the bed to the north and started walking around the western end of the table. He was thin, and his skin seemed smooth and pale on his arms. He was wearing a light-blue T-shirt and long dark night pants. He still had short orange hair. $F10 was to the west; he lived in this room as well. I asked them which beds were in use, and $A494 pointed out the bed in the middle of the northern wall before he wandered to the south. I decided to use the bed in the middle of the eastern wall, but, as i brought my stuff across the room, i noticed that $F10 had already started making it with his sheets. I turned back to the northern wall, looking at the bed on the western side of the wall. I pushed down on the mattress, noticing that the mattress was very thin and the springs were bowed into a hammock. $F10 asked me why i did not use that bed, and i told him that it was not a good bed. I demonstrated by pushing down on the springs. I walked to the north, looking at the bed in the northeastern corner of the room. It seemed square, and it was about chest height. I could not sleep there because there were several stacks of text books piled across its surface. I told the others that we should move the extra beds out of the room. I turned back to the center of the room, not quite sure where to sleep. $F10 had made the bed in the center of the northern wall and climbed into it. He told me that i should use the bed in the center of the eastern wall. I realized that it was open again. This surprised me, because i had thought that $F10 was using it. I left the room and headed to the south, into the other area.

12009 February 25

I was in the office with the other people, looking at the books on the desk on the western side of the office. There was a partition to the west of the desk, and a wall to the north. The wall was part of a large square column that stuck out from the northern wall of the larger room. The partition ended about four decis from the southern end of the desk. There was a black metal set of shelfs extending to the west from the southwestern corner of the desk. I was standing at the southeastern end of the desk, looking across the room to the west. There were two other people in the office who seemed to be office workers. $F45 stood to the west of me, near the western end of the black bookcase, and there was a man in brown pants and an off-white shirt sitting sideways on a desk against the northern wall. He had one leg straight on the floor to support his weight, and his right leg was resting on the edge of the desk. There seemed to be another desk just to the west of the one that i was sitting on, just on the other side of the partition. A woman in blue clothing was taking off her vest in an erotic manner, which seemed strange. I finished up some of the things that i had to do here and started walking to the west, out of the room. I stopped just past the bookcase and said something to the others. I then noticed the woman again. She was an older woman, with an oval face and crew-cut white hair. Her face seemed smooth, even though i could see wrinkles on it. She was wearing a light-blue bra under a short blue vest. Her upper chest and lower torso were exposed, and she was sensuously removing the vest again. The vest was a rich greenish-blue with a thick dark blue border. She had removed most of her clothes before as if she was stripping, but she never revealed anything. I pointed her out to the others, asking why she was here stripping in the office. It seemed like such a strange thing. I then turned and started for the west again, but i was distracted by some of the books on the northern wall of the store. I was in a used-book store, and the walls were crowded with tall wooden shelves of books. The desk on the eastern end of the room was now a table with books on it. I was waiting for $F45 so that i could leave. Until he came, i was reading through some of the books. He then called my name from the western side of the room. I acknowledged him, but did not stop looking over the books on the northern wall of the store. There were several other people in the store. I started wandering to the west, but i was looking over the books to the north. I remembered that there were some books that i had wanted to look for because i had never read them. I tried to think of what they were. I then noticed the shelf to the west of me. I seemed to be standing at an upper level of the store, in the northeastern corner of the store. I started to descend to the west, but noticed a set of green books on the top of the white counter to the west of me. The counter seemed to be the top of a bookcase, which was accessible from this level. There were five or six books on the northern end of the square counter, stacked next to each other. They were all the same color of dark green, and i noticed that the title of one was “Planet of the Apes”. I remembered that i had most of these movies on VHS tape, but i had never read the books. I thought that i should get them. I told $F45 to wait a moment while i looked at the green books. I quickly realized that the books were not actually books. They were hardcover wrappings for paperback magazines. As i picked one up, the individual pamphlets started to fall out of the center, and i squeezed the covers together to keep them together. I looked over the other books on the shelf behind the ones i had seen, noticing that most of the bookcase on the southwestern wall was full of green casings similar to the one that i had. I told $F45 that these were comic-book collections. He paused for a moment to look at them, and i looked through many of the books on the shelfs. There seemed to be something here that i was looking for, but i did not know what. Finally, i lost interest in the books on the shelf and turned back to the north. I was still in the library, which was a large open room with many low wooden book shelfs. $F45 was sitting at a cubicle to the east of me, facing east. I was waiting for him to finish what we were doing so that we could leave. I wandered to the north, thinking about the books in the library and the woman who was pretending to strip. The southern wall of the library as made of glass and led outside. I walked through the glass doors, feeling lethargic and thinking that i was still waiting for $F45 to finish what he was doing. I walked out into the corridor to the south of the library. There was a stone wall to the south of me, across a narrow hall of paving stones. I seemed to be at an underground level of the building, where the glass wall was to the north of me and the stone wall was to the south. The corridor seemed to run to the east, to stairs that led up. The building also seemed to overhang the glass window a little, blocking out the light from the sky on the northern half of the hall. It seemed chilly and damp out, and the stone wall was covered with water from the rain. I was getting impatient, wondering when $F45 would be finished and ready to leave. I paced over to the stone wall, which had many square stone doors on it. Pulling open one of the small doors to look at the cubby inside, i noticed that someone had left a pack of cigarettes in the cubbyhole. There were two or three cigarettes on top of the plastic-wrapped pack, and everything seemed to have gotten wet from the rain. The cigarettes must have been left by the teenagers who hung around outside the library. They seemed like hippies, and i knew that they liked to smoke. I closed the locker, wondering why they were kept unlocked in this area. I turned and started walking slowly to the east, still waiting for $F45.

12009 February 26

I kept thinking about something as i wandered out of my room and into the hallway on the western side of the room. The hallway ran along the western side of the building and seemed to have windows in the western wall. I seemed to be daydreaming about something, but i suddenly noticed the three small children standing at the end of the hall to the north. I had been running into them over and over again, and it seemed strange for me to be doing so. I quickly stepped back into my apartment, to the east. The walls of the room seemed to be dark blue, and i moved around in a partial daze, thinking about something. I moved back toward the door of my apartment, noticing that there was a blue plastic shower curtain hanging over the door. It seemed to have several layers, and one seemed like a stiff gossamer material. I pushed through it, feeling it pass over my shoulder and face. Before i knew it, i had wandered out into the hall and moved to the north. The material eventually pulled away from me and fallen back toward the door. The fabric was an interesting experience. I then realized that i had walked into the room at the northern end of the hall. The door had been open and i simply walked through it and halfway across the western side of the room. I looked to the east, noticing that the three children were standing in the middle of the room. They had noticed me. The oldest and youngest were boys, and the middle child was a girl. They were wearing white old-fashioned clothing, and seemed tall and thin for their ages. I quickly ran back to the south. As i reached the hall, i heard the children calling to their mother, telling them that “the man” had come into their apartment. I hurriedly pushed through the fabric that was draped across my door and ran into the room, heading to the northeast. I could hear the children following their mother down the hall. She did not believe their stories, and told them that they were being silly. As she passed my door, i knew that she was looking at the fabric over the doorway. She seemed curious about it, but continued to walk. She was wearing an old victorian dress with a wide gown. The dress was dark blue and black. She must have been puzzled by the dress that had been hanging across my doorway. I felt slightly embarrassed that i had hung a dress up over the doorway. I watched the woman pass, followed by her children. Once they had gone, i moved back to the door. When i walked through it in my hurry, i had pulled part of the dress down from the pipes on which it was hanging. I looked up, noticing that the shoulder straps of the white dress had come off of the pipe against the southern wall. I pulled the elastic strap, which was already tense, and wrapped it over the side of the pipe. This would hold the dress across the doorway so that there were no gaps to see through. I backed away a little, looking at the dress. It seemed very simple, with a narrow upper part and a wide fluffy bottom. The bottom hung vertically, but the upper part was pulled a little to the southeast, the shoulder straps wrapped around the sprinkler pips on the ceiling. The straps crisscrossed each other on the ceiling and seemed very taut. I then wondered where the blue shower curtain was that i remembered hanging over the doorway with the dress. As i looked now, it seemed that only the white dress blocked the doorway.

12009 February 27

I turned to the south, holding the telephone up to my left ear. $F45 was talking to me on the telephone, and he was telling me about the trip that he was about to take. I did not quite understand where he was going. He told me that he was trying to travel across the area to find small banks. At first, i thought that he was talking about traveling across the country, but then i realized that he was talking about other places around the state. He said that he wanted to put money in small-town banks all over the place. I thought that this was another scheme to make money, but i realized that he might be trying to be safe with his money by spreading it out into different banks. I wondered if he should really put his money in small banks because i thought that they were the ones most likely to close. He wanted to know if i would go with him, but i did not feel like traveling over the weekend. I looked to the southwest, off of the deck on the southern side of the house. There was a large lawn in front of us, and i noticed a woman walking from the east. She was Granny, from The Beverly Hillbillies, and she walked rigidly across the grass as someone from the east tried to get her to stop. She was being stubborn and would not listen to the man. She was wearing a long blue dress and was carrying a gray flannel backpack. She had an idea about getting money and i watched her trudge across the lawn to the west. The man asked her why she was walking where she was, and i realized that she could have walked along the road to the south of her. It went west as well, but she was walking over the grass and would be heading into the woods on the western side of the lawn. She simply had not considered the road because she was used to walking in straight lines through the woods. $Z was to the east of me now, talking about the trip around the area. I was still skeptical about it and did not really want to go. He walked to the north of me and then to the west. I looked down at the counter to the south of me, which seemed like a table. It was covered with display items. Someone to the east mentioned a nickel, and i looked at the small square piece of paper on the table in front of him that said five cents. The digit was in blue, and there were some green designs around the left-hand side. I realized that it was a form of money, and i asked the man, who seemed like $Z, whether the government had started printing change on paper money. He said that they had. I told him that this was not a good idea and started to look around the room. I noticed a woman at a counter against the western wall. She had several stacks of paper on which money seemed to be printed. There were four bills on a single sheet, and they all seemed to be for denominations less that one dollar. The woman was using a small brown plastic machine to the west of her to slice the paper into single bills. There was a younger person to the south of her, helping her. I wondered why they were making paper money for change. I asked the person to the south of me whether they were really making all change into paper bills. The man said that they were. I mentioned that this would be terribly inconvenient. I then thought that it might be a trend to get rid of wallets and start people using bill clips. I wondered what would become of the coins. I then wondered whether they would print pennies in bills or coins, or whether they would stop producing pennies all together. I looked at the large bowls on the table just to the southwest of me. The bowls were filled with crystals and other mineral rocks. I asked the man to the southwest of me, across the table, “What would become of these.” I was talking about pennies, but i picked up a small copper crystal from the large wooden bowl in the center of the display. The other crystals in the bowl were long and skinny, but this one seemed to be only a centimeter long. I realized that the man would not know that i was talking about pennies just because the crystals were made out of a copper alloy. I put the crystal back into the bowl, realizing that it stuck to one of the other smaller crystals. I thought that this was strange, because crystals were not usually magnetic. I clarified, noticing the small gold coin in the bowl in front of me, and i asked the man about gold-coin dollars. The man said that they would not be printed anymore. I was sad that everything was converting to paper.

12009 February 28

I entered the stage from the south. The stage was rather informal, and simply seemed to be the eastern end of a small room. There was a play being performed here, and i was not part of the play, but i was part of the show that was on next. The actors of this play had asked us onto the stage as props. We sat around the southern side of the stage as the actors did their lines. I was lying on a cot that had its head against the eastern wall of the room. As i layed down, the end of the cot tipped up so that my feet were in the air. This seemed comical, but i did not try to correct the situation. I looked at my bluish-gray fuzzy socks as they stuck up, blocking my view of the audience. I knew that the audience was watching, so i had to remain still so that i did not attract too much attention. The female actor was then standing to the south of me, saying her lines to me. I felt suddenly awkward, hoping that she did not expect me to reply. I did not know the play that they were doing, and i was worried that the actors expected us to interact with them. The woman looked at me for a moment as another male actor came to the northern side of the cot. I did not know what to say that would be part of the play. I felt very awkward, as though the actors were expecting interaction from me. I remained still and quiet, lying on the cot with my feet in the air. The actors then moved to the north, and i realized that it was intermission. I wanted to get off of the stage, and i did not want to come back in during this play. I was not comfortable here. I looked out over the audience, noticing that most of them had walked to the west, into the lobby of the theater. Only a few were still sitting in the chairs on the flat floor of the room. One of the actors to the west of me, who seemed to be a rounded young man in a brown shirt with curly dark hair, told me that someone was looking for me. I wondered who it was and asked the man about it. He described the man that was looking for me a little, and i still did not know who it was. I sat the rest of the way up and started heading to the west, out into the lobby of the theater. The crowd was standing around in various places in the large room, and i looked at their faces, trying to identify someone familiar. I walked to the western end of the lobby, which seemed to be a convenience store or minimart. The walls were white, and there seemed to be a service counter in the southeast corner of the store. I walked to the west, into the aisles of the store. It did not feel that comfortable here, and i noticed that the people around me seemed shabby and sickly. They looked like worn drug addicts, and i thought that this might be a violent neighborhood. I glanced to the south, noticing several people leaning against the counters to the south. They seemed aggressive, so i did not stare at them too long, thinking that they might try to start a fight. Several of them seemed to be midgets, and i wondered if it was some kind of gang. I looked around the store, wondering what to do. To the southwest of me, i noticed one of the dark-skinned girls standing on top of the counter where the doughnuts were. She was a midget, and she was talking to someone to the west of her. It seemed that she had been sitting on the counter, on top of some of the doughnuts, and no one dared challenge her. I was a little disgusted with the idea that she had been sitting on the doughnuts and that the manager would probably keep the doughnuts out for sale after she left. People would buy them without knowing that they were not clean. I glanced again at the female drug dealers that were standing against the southern wall. I decided that i should not stay around here, so i walked out the door in the northern wall of the store and back out into the shopping area of the street. This seemed like a street that had been converted into a walkway. I realized that i was still carrying the wooden stick from the store. It was some kind of implement that was related to the drug crack. I looked down at it as i headed to the east. It was shaped like a wooden spoon, with a wide flat rectangular handle that seemed to be carved in the shape of a human figure. The spoon narrowed near the bottom and then flattened out again, forming the spoon. The spoon seemed square, with running from the end up the center, making it seem like a small shovel. The fact that i had it would make me seem okay to the drug dealers, but i did not feel comfortable with it and thought that i should discard it now that i was out of the store. I headed to the east, along the southern side of the block, back toward the theater. I walked past the large window on the front of the theater, looking in at the people in the lobby. I still did not see anyone i recognized, and i moved a little to the east, as if passing by. I was then aware of a small crowd of people to the east of me, on the street plaza. They were police officers, and they were wearing light-blue raid uniforms with dark flack jackets over them. I felt nervous about them, thinking that they were harassing people. I hoped that they did not stop me. I thought that, if they did stop me, i would simply tell them that i was looking for someone at the show in the theater. I walked to the east a bit, but then decided that i would have to turn around and get back to the theater, where it was safe. I started to head to the west, but realized that the police were now gathered on the southern side of the street, between the theater and me. I was carrying a long instrument on my left side, which seemed like a weed whacker, thought its neck was a long thin brown wooden pole. There was a heavy part on the bottom that i pushed over the pavement. I thought that it might look like a weapon, but i hoped that the police did not try to stop me. I ignored them as i started to walk around them, but several of them moved out from the group and moved in front of me. They were riding on small metal tanks, and they moved in front of me, blocking my movement. Two of them stopped in front of me, one on either side. The one on the left grabbed the instrument that i was carrying. I explained that it was not a weapon. The officer in front of me asked me for my ID papers. I looked down at the leather jacket i was wearing. The pockets had been pulled out, and i realized that i did not have my wallet with me. I was wearing the dark-gray pants and brown leather jacket from the show. I was still in costume, and i explained this to the police. I told them that my ID was in my real clothes, and that they were in the theater. They started mocking me, trying to harass me. I told them that i was from the theater. Someone else to the southeast of me then started talking, and the police started paying attention to them. They slowly walked to the southeast, and i started walking slowly toward the theater again.

I stood to the west of the hospital bed, which had its head to the north. The person in the bed seemed to be a cylon, and she seemed to be a six, with wavy light-blond hair. Someone stood to the north of me, trying to calm the person in the bed. A doctor came from the east, moving from the upper part of the bed to the south. She seemed to be a cylon number eight. I turned to the north, saying something to the six that was trying to clam the patient. I held the patient’s right arm still. I then heard the doctor adjust something, and i looked down to see her twist the patient’s left foot back into place. I realized that it had been broken. The six in the bed started shifting nervously, so i tried to hold her down. I wondered how well they would heal with a broken bone. The man in the bed tried to get away, and i held on to his arm. He was wearing a pale-yellow smock, and he tried to pull his arm away from me. I called to the other person, who was to the north of the bed now, telling him to help me with the patient. The man was trying to pull the intravenous out of his forearm, and i had my left hand around his arm, holding the needle in. He was pulling away, though, so i called to the others to come in and help me before he escaped. The doctor came from the east, trying to restrain the man with me. The doctor was $F11. The man pulled the needle out of his arm and stuck it in the right side of $F11’s neck. The needle was pointing up, as if the man was trying to push it down the vein of the neck. It entered the skin, and i was worried that the man might push it too far. I tried to stop him, and $F11 was holding the man’s hands, but the man pushed the needle upward. The needle was very long now, and i knew that if it went too far up, it would enter $F11’s skull. The needle when all the way up the vein, and i felt suddenly worried. $F11 relaxed, and i realized that the needle had punctured his brain. The man then headed to the south and i caught $F11, preventing him from falling over. He was conscious after the needle was pulled out, but he smiled blankly, and i realized that he had been lobotomized by the needle. I was worried about him and called out for help. I put my hands on the sides of his face to try to get him to acknowledge my presence, but he kept staring blankly ahead and smiling. I felt panicked and had to get help. I told him to stay where he was and leaned him against the headboard of the bed. I ran to the east, across the floor of the building. I came to the empty desks against the eastern wall. The wall seemed to be an internal wall of the building, and the desks seemed to be an old workspace of mine. I used to work here for $G2. I had to call emergency, but there were no telephones on the desks anymore. I was tense and did not know what to do. I moved to the east again, into the next set of cubicles. There was an older woman standing in front of a desk, talking to the people sitting behind the desks, to the east of her. Her dress was mostly yellow, and seemed to be a flowered dress from the sixties. She turned to look at me with a frown, displeased that i was rushing into the office. I could not explain to her what was wrong, and said that i needed to use a telephone. She did not seem to understand, so i ran back to the east, frantically looking for a telephone so that i could call emergency. I saw two empty desks in the middle of the office area. One extended from the eastern side of a cubical column in the center of the large area, and the other was against the light-brown wooden kitchen counter and cupboards on the eastern wall. The column seemed to separate the medical area, where i had left $F11, and this office. I picked up the receiver of the old-fashioned yellow telephone that was on the western desk and listened for a dial tone. I could not hear anything. I looked at the body of the telephone, noticing a white square button on the top. I pushed the flat button in, but nothing happened. I still could not get a dial tone. I was frustrated and hung the telephone back up, moving quickly to the telephone on the eastern desk. It was the same kind of yellow telephone, but it too seemed to be disconnected. I was angry and frantic. I had to call emergency so that i could get a doctor to help $F11.

I stopped on the southern side of the road, walking to the south, toward the sidewalk. We had come to this area, which seemed to be in the past. $F4 was to the east of me. The road that we were on sloped up steeply to the east and seemed to slope downward to the west. We had appeared in the late seventies, and i was interested in looking around for a little while. I told $F4 that it could be interesting here. He then reminded me of a song that someone had mentioned earlier. I remembered that the song had been done in the late seventies, and told $F4 that we were probably in either seventy-seven or seventy-eight. I told him that we should do something while we were here. There was a third person with us. He wandered to the west and then onto the sidewalk to the southwest of me. I sat down on the edge of the curb to tie my sneakers. The long white laces were loose on both shoes. I started tying them, thinking of things that we should do here. I told $F4 that we should take a tour of the campus, which seemed to be to the northeast of us. I knew that everything would seem very strange because we were so far into the past. I then realized that $F4 did not go to school here, so he would not know how much of campus had changed since i went here. He then told me that $A508 would know how much things had changed, because he grew up in this area. We seemed to be near $P52, in $P14. $A508 had not come with us, so the boy that we would meet here would be quite a bit younger than we were. I tried to figure out the age, and then said that he would be only a child now. $F4 said that he would be ten. I thought about it, and the age seemed right. $F4 seemed excited about $A508 being here, and he said that $A508 could get us some drugs. I suddenly noticed the young man to the southeast of me. He was sitting on the curb as i stood up, and he had a round face with short sheared blond hair. He seemed like $A508, but he was older than he should have been for this time period. He stood up and walked to the east with $F4, back to the top of the steep hill. I finished tying my shoes and followed them up the street and around the corner to the north. $F4 was trying to buy marijuana from the young man. They walked toward the tall cement wall to the east of the road. We seemed to be in a secluded part of the neighborhood now, with many trees around us. The trees still had their leaves on them, but the leaves were gold and yellow, and some of them had fallen off. There seemed to be a rounded platform in front of the wall with a short stone wall along the front of it. $F4 and the man sat on the stone wall, trying to negotiate for marijuana. This seemed strange. I was aware that the view to the west was blocked by a line of trees and shrubs. $F4 said “fourty-five” in surprise. I thought that the drugs must have been expensive, but realized that they should be cheaper in this time period. The man clarified, saying that it was for much more than an ounce. $F4 seemed satisfied with the answer, saying that it was fairly cheep. I thought that i would have to tell $F4 that i could not smoke marijuana. I then wondered if he would know that. I sat down on the stone wall around the recessed semicircular area to finish tying my left shoe. I had only done the right before.