12010 February 01

I was sitting in the office, which seemed like the office of $G6. It had been a long time since i had been in this place, and it felt very strange to be back. The walls around me seemed pale orange. Someone was asking me something, but i was unsure how to respond.

I was in the kitchen area of $P19 when the others came in. I was visiting this place because something had happened here. I no longer knew the people that lived here, but they seemed to want something from me. $G3 would be heading somewhere soon, and i felt that it had to do with the funeral. I was not quite sure how the others would feel about me being here, and i felt slightly uncomfortable, but there was something nostalgic and haunting about this place. We would be driving down the road to the east in a little while.

12010 February 02

I had just gotten on the bus when it started moving to the south, along the western side of the building. The building seemed to be a school. The bus was very close to the school, separated from the brick building by only a sidewalk. I watched the bus move as if i were sitting just behind the bus. The bus turned to the east at the end of the building. In a short time, the bus had circled the building and ended up back where it had started. I knew that there was more to the bus route, and i was a little annoyed that i had gotten on the bus at the beginning of the route. I did not want to waste time driving around the building before we headed to where i wanted to go. I started moving to the south, down the city street. I looked at the map as i traveled. I was riding my bicycle, and i watched the road ahead of me for directions. Someone was speaking to me, telling me where to turn. The voice announced the street, telling me to turn to the left. I looked up to see a small red sign, shaped like a sideways house. It had a number on it, signifying that it was marking the route. I turned to the right at the corner and started heading south. I looked up from the map that i was holding near my handlebars. The map marked the turns of the bus, but it did not have a full drawing of the bus route. The voice then said that i should make a right turn. I looked up to see a red marker on the right side of the road, attached to a wooden pole. I was then aware of someone biking along the eastern side of me. The voice said that the turn was rather hard to make. I looked to the left, realizing that i would have to have been in the left-hand lane of traffic to make the turn. I could see the road where i was supposed to head off to the left. It curved like a ramp on the eastern side of the road, turning slowly from the north to the east. I slowed my bicycle, realizing that i would have to wait for traffic to slow before i could cross the street to follow the rest of the directions. I felt a little frustrated. The person who had been following me passed me on the left. I looked down at the map, trying to figure out where the bus would have gone if it had turned to the left. It was a hard turn to make because i had just turned to the south at the last intersection. I would have had to come around the corner and immediately get into the left lane to make the turn. I tried to figure out where this was on the map, but i could not quite picture it. I thought that the bus was only making a short detour to the east. I pictured a small triangular circle that the bus would make before it turned back to the west. I wondered if i could skip the turn to the left because it would only be a short trip around a triangular block. I looked at the map, trying to figure out where i was supposed to be heading, but i could not figure it out. Something seemed complicated about it. I headed to the west, into the entrance of the parking lot. I listened to the directions, but i could not quite tell where the bus route ran. I then looked up into the wide parking lot. I had entered the lot on the eastern side at the southern end of the lot. The lot seemed to be roughly triangular in shape, with rounded corners. The southern and western ends seemed perpendicular, and the third side was rounded, but ran roughly northwest. My black car was parked somewhere in the lot, but i could not see it yet. I headed to the west, across the southern part of the lot. There was someone with me in the car that i was driving, but i could not see him or her. I looked across the lot, which had very few cars in it. I could not see my car in the lot. I started moving slowly to the north, across the western end of the lot. The cars in the lot seemed small, and one of them was moving to the north, through the lot. $Z continued saying something to me from the passenger’s seat of the car, which was to the west of me as i headed north. I looked for my car in the lot, but could not see it. As i reached the northern end of the lot, i noticed the entrance road just ahead of me. I was now traveling on a street that ran parallel to the western side of the lot. I was trying to turn into the lot, but the entrance on the northern side had a red sign near the entrance. I had started to turn into it, but spotted the no-entry sign and stopped. I was annoyed and wondered what i should do. I felt like driving in the entrance anyway, but i started heading back to the north. I would have to travel all the way around the lot again and head in from the eastern side. There was a street heading to the east, just to the north of the lot entrance. It seemed to head into a forested neighborhood. The trees were leafless but dense, and the woods seemed dull gray. I turned into the road, feeling annoyed that i would have to travel all the way around. It seemed like a long distance. This had something to do with the bus route, as though i would have to travel the entire bus route again to get back to the beginning of the lot.

I headed to the north, toward the suburban area. This area seemed to be old, with some old brick buildings that looked like they had been factories a long time ago. There was something running along the southern side of the area, acting as a border, like a train track or simply a street that separated the area from the open area to the south. There also seemed to be a similar suburban area to the east, but i was heading into the northern area with some of the other people. I walked between two tall buildings. The one to the west was made of brick. I chatted with some people from $G4. The man to the west of me seemed to be $A619. I told him about the play that i had been doing, saying that i would have to get back to it soon. I had just come from the rehearsal. The others seemed to be moving around the area near me. I felt distracted here, as though there was something that i was trying to do, but i could not focus on it. We then started heading to the east. I stopped on the roof of the small red car, which seemed to be sitting in the middle of a grassy field. The tall field grass came up to the widows of the car, and i was looking at the small insects on the roof of the car. The roof seemed rusted or dented, and there was a small black spider in the center. It was black and had a bright-red hourglass shape on its back. It was a black widow. It was crawling away from me slowly, so i could easily see the red shape on its abdomen. I thought that the australian spiders were actually redback spiders, with wider red shapes on their abdomens, but this one definitely seemed like a black widow, which was an american spider. There was something inconsistent about this. I watched the spider for a moment, thinking that it would make a great picture. I did not have my camera with me, though, so i would not be able to capture it. This disappointed me a little. I started moving back to the west, through the high grass of the field. I thought about the dangers of the poisonous spider and imagined throwing it suddenly to the north. I looked at the trunk of the tree that rose through the high grass, imagining the spider being flung at the tree and splattering against the trunk. This seemed an interesting way to be rid of it. The people from $G4 then called to me from the east. I turned around, realizing that i was sitting on the southern edge of the roof of the small shack. I had made a sudden movement, dropping my right leg over the edge of the house, and that had made the people inside think that i had fallen or done something to hurt myself. They seemed very concerned about me. I looked to the east to see some of them leaving the door of the shack. The door was on the southern end of the eastern wall. I told the people that i was fine as i shifted my weight on the roof again. $G4 started walking to the east, away from the building. I felt a little lonely and wanted to join them, but i did not seem to be part of the group at the moment. Something was stopping me from interacting with them. They were doing something in the field to the east, and i was still on the roof of the building. I had to get off, so i leaned to the south, trying to slide down to the ground. It was a ways down, but i knew that i could grab on to the edge of the roof and lower myself down until i was closer to the ground. I looked over the side of the small red building and grabbed the white trim at the edge of the roof. I then swung my body over the side of the building and hung over the ground for a moment. The roof slanted down to the east, so i moved my hands along the roof to the east so that i would be closer to the ground when i let go. I looked down. I only seemed to be a meter from the ground, but it still seemed a little high. It was as close as i was going to get to the ground, though, so i let go and fell to the green grass. The others were moving to the east, but i did not feel like i was a part of the group at the moment. I felt a little lonely and did not know what to do.

12010 February 03

The large boat seemed to be dry docked to the north of me. Its hull was painted dull yellow, and the paint was old and chipping. The boat was large, with a metal hull. It seemed to be a freighter, with a narrow bottom and rounded keel. I thought about the rudders on the sides of the boat. The boat would drift a little from side to side without the small fins that stuck out from the front sides of the keel. I imagined them turning into proper position and suddenly correcting the wobbling sensation that the people had been feeling on the boat. I imagined this happening as i left the large structure that was enclosing the boat and turned to the south. The boat would also move faster when the fins were aligned with the direction of the boat.

I was thinking about the scientific thing. The man had told us about the object, and i was contemplating it. He seemed to be a teacher, and i thought that the object was a transformer. I tried to imagine it as a cubical piece of electronic equipment. The object was actually a book about some scientific subject. It was very interesting in some why, and i kept thinking about it as i continued down the street to the south. I came to the end of the street and walked across the short grassy lawn to the south, entering the small run-down house. The front door of the house was not locked, and i entered, feeling that this place was probably too run down for someone to rob. This was my apartment. It seemed like a simple one-room apartment, with the kitchen to the south and a bedroom on the northeastern side. I moved through the rooms, thinking about the object, which was a power transformer. As i came to the bedroom in the northeastern part of the house, i realized that the object was really not a transformer, but actually a tape player. I picked up the black object as i stood to the east of the bed. The bed was covered with a thin light-blue spread and had its head against the northern wall. I had taken the tape recorder out of the cupboard that was to the east of the bed, on the northern wall. It was a simple wooden cupboard, with thin shelves. It seemed fairly empty. The tape recorder was black, and it was a cassette tape recorder that i had as a child. The square metallic knob in the center controlled the tape, but i remembered that the tape recorder no longer worked properly. I moved the knob to one side, watching the tape inside wind in one direction. I then reversed the knob, but the tape did not move as fast in the other direction. The recorder no longer played tapes, but it could rewind them with no trouble. It did not work in fast-forward, though. It was running very slowly, barely moving the tape. I looked at the left spool of the tape, noticing that the thin brown tape seemed to be broken. I opened the front door of the cassette player and pulled out the tape cassette. There was a short piece of magnetic tape caught in the spindles. I pulled it out, noticing how pale it seemed. Its color must have faded with age, because all magnetic tapes degrade with time. I thought about this as i adjusted the tape and talked to the man. The room around me was white now, and i was sitting to the west of the southern end of a long rectangular table. This was a classroom, and the man was a science teacher. He stood to the east of me, pacing to the north as he spoke. He mentioned the book that i should read. It had something to do with an interesting science theory. I was immediately interested in what the man was saying, and paid close attention. He told me that i should read the book, and i mentioned The Elegant Universe. I then realized that this was not the correct book. I had already read that book. The book was on a similar topic, though. It had something to do with a hidden and almost mystical aspect to physics and science. I mentioned that i had already read The Elegant Universe, stating that it was not the book that the man was talking about. He told me that the book was Into the Deep, by Julia Robertson. This was an interesting name, and i remembered that the author was like the actor, Julia Roberts, except that there was a “son” at the end of the name. That would make it easier to remember. I was interested in the book on science, and asked the teacher about the class. I was not yet in the class, and it seemed that i still had to go to there. I asked if the class was in $A87’s old room, and then i headed to the east to get there. This was a science class from somewhere in my memory. I was then sitting at the southern end of the table again, and i leaned forward to write something down in my notebook. The teacher was standing to the southwest of me, lecturing on something scientific. I looked up at the notes he had written on the whiteboard on the southern wall. There was an outline drawing of a sphere, with several points marked at even intervals around its circumference. The drawings seemed to be in pencil. I knew that i had written all of this stuff down in my notebook. It had something to do with musical notes, and i thought that i would play with the notes as if they were an equation. I could see the notes on the board to the south of me now. There were two notes: the first was a quarter note, and the second seemed to be an eighth note. They were separated by a division sign. This was simply a delineation method, but i thought that i would take the division sign seriously and divide the notes. There was some math formula for the notes, but i was not quite sure how to do it. I knew that this was not part of the class, but i felt that i could surprise the teacher by solving the equation in a more advanced and unpredictable way. I thought about the notes, but could not come up with a proper equation for each note. The notes actually represented something more complicated, but i could not remember what it was. I started to write something in my notebook. The teacher was now standing by the whiteboard on the northern wall, directly to the north of me. He was wearing a white shirt and tie. He suddenly started singing in a low resonate voice. I recognized the lyrics as a children’s song about the planets. It had to do with the spheres that were drawn on the board to the south. The class shifted uneasily, and i guessed that they considered the children’s song corny. The teacher had a very good voice, but it still seemed strange to me that he was singing the song, even though i knew that it was appropriate for the lesson. I tried to figure out what he was doing, looking at the spheres i had drawn on my notebook paper. There were several of them, and they were all wire-frame drawings with dots at the intersections of the lines. I started flipping through the pages, realizing that i had skipped several pieces of paper. The front of the notebook was on the right-hand side, and i had started writing somewhere in the middle. I flipped over several blank pages, turning from the right side of the notebook to the left until i found where i had left off with my regular notes. I then though about the musical notes again. I realized that the frequency of notes was set by an exponential equation based on two. I felt confident that i could use this basic equation to figure out the division of the notes i had seen on the board. The interval of the notes could be an even fifth, but i wondered if that was correct.

12010 February 04

I moved through the area where the others were, heading south. I had to park my car somewhere here, but i was a little hesitant about heading into the area to the south. It seemed abandoned and unsafe. There was a tall cement wall to the south of me, with an opening in it. Through the opening i could see a gravel lot, with ashen stone on the ground. There was broken stone around the sides of the yard, which seemed to be parts of the embankment along the river. The river flowed to the east of the area. I turned the car to the east, heading through the opening in the cement wall and coming to the dirt lot by the river. Someone joked about clearing the stones by the riverbank. I looked at the tall dark stones on the southern side of the dirt area, where the embankment was still stacked up. The rocks had been taken down for the opening of the wall. There was something strange about this, and this place felt unsafe because it had been vandalized in such a way. I wondered where i should park. I did not think that there was enough room here to turn my car around and drive back out. There seemed to be bridge foundations to the north, and i mound of rubble near the river to the east. I tried to turn the car around to the north, between the mound and a pile of dirt in front of one of the cement foundations. I slowed the car down, watching the dirt near the front of the car to make sure that i did not hit it. I felt better knowing that i could turn the car around to get out of here. I was then facing east in the car. I stepped on the clutch, but i felt it break, dropping to the floor with the sound of something mechanical breaking. The car would still move backward, but i was no longer able to shift gears. I backed it into a parking space to the west, hoping to park it near the wall. This place was a service station, and i had to leave the car to be worked on. I stopped the car just before the wall and stepped out of the driver’s door. Looking back to the west, i noticed just how close i was to the car next to me. I wondered suddenly if the noise i heard was the side mirror of the car breaking off. As i looked at the rounded black fender to the north of my car, i realized that something was wrong with it. It was not part of a car. It seemed to be nothing more than a fender standing on its own. I moved to the back of the car, which was now a truck, and looked at the short fender. I realized that it was actually part of a car that i had backed over. The bed of the old beat-up red pick-up truck was over the top of a small blue sports car. The car had a sharp design, as though it was from the eighties. I was upset, realizing that i had ruined the sports car. The clutch on the truck was also broken, so i would not be able to move the truck off of the car. I got behind the truck and pushed. To my surprise, the truck felt very light and easily rolled away from the car. The front of the car was crushed, and i worried that i would have to pay for the damages. I pushed the truck across the lot to the east, wondering where i could park it. I hoped that i could simply move the car to a different location and no one would know that i had run over the car. I pushed the truck to the southern end of the lot and backed it into a slot between two other cars. As i did so, i noticed that i had come too close to the black car to the east. I worried that i had scraped the car to the east, so i pulled the car all the way to the south and rolled it a little ways to the east again. The lot seemed more like the inside of a garage now, with some equipment around the edges and cement walls and floor. I pushed the car to the middle of the room and turned it to the north, rolling it between two parked cars. The car to the east was pink. I was careful not to get it too close to any of the cars so that i did not scratch anything else. I felt nervous about leaving the car here. There seemed to be an engine crane to the west of me, on the other side of the car that i had parked next to. I moved to the west and then turned to the north, entering the small room that was the office of the body shop. I was upset that i had scratched the cars, and i was also upset that i now had two cars broken here. I had come here to pick up the blue car, but now the truck was broken, so i would not be able to take either home. I moved to the north of the small waiting room, which had mismatched chairs along the northern wall. I had brought two cats with me, who seemed to be $X14 and $X12. They were running around the office, and i suddenly realized that they might not be welcome here. I was not sure what else to do with them, however. I turned to the east and looked at the white telephone that was sitting on the table to the east of me. I had to call my mother to tell her what was going on, but i could not figure out how to use the telephone. It had a raised rounded cone in the center, which was gray. The cone seemed to be a control button for the telephone, but i could not figure out how to use it. The telephone itself was square, with buttons on either side of the cone. I pressed the button on the left, trying to get the telephone to show me the last numbers dialed. This was how i would select my mother’s number, but i could not get the telephone to work. I pressed the buttons several times, but the small gray digital screen on the top of the telephone showed broken figures that did not make any sense. I had started to change the memory of the phone, and i did not understand how to set it back to its original state. I felt frustrated and moved to the northeast, carrying the telephone with me. As i approached the empty chair in the northeastern corner of the room, i noticed the small fuzzy cat sleeping on the floor in front of it. It looked like a calico, and it was curled up, with its paw over its face. I hoped that my cats did not bother it. I was aware of one of my cats running around the southwestern part of the room. It seemed to be $X14. I knew that $X14 usually argued with other cats, but i hoped that he did not bother the cats that were here. I put the white telephone down on the small table to the west of me and tried using it again. I had plugged it back in to reset it. I decided that i would get the numbers i needed to call off of my cell phone and just dial them on the white telephone rather than trying to find the numbers in the white phone’s memory. I felt annoyed with the telephone. I then noticed the small black cat that was coming down the stairs in the center of the southern part of the room. This place was arranged like the living room of my grandfather’s house at $P12. As the cat reached the bottom of the stairs, i saw $X14 come from the southwest, behind the cat. I worried that he would try to attack the new cat to show his dominance. This was not $X14’s house, though, so i was weary of letting him do anything controlling here. The smaller cat ran to the east, into the sunroom, and $X14 followed him. I was annoyed with the cats and decided that i should go after them. I looked down at the telephone again. In was now a small black laptop computer with the lid open. The screen was red and there were black letters of computer code written on parts of it. The telephone had crashed, and this was the red warning screen. I brushed the dust off of the screen as i put it down on the table to the west of me, frustrated that it was not working. I had to deal with the cats anyway. I started into the sunroom when i noticed the woman. She was standing just on the other side of the doorway, and she greeted me with a smile. She said that the cats would be all right playing by themselves. I told her that my cats did not have any claws, so it might not be a good idea for them to be playing with cats that did. She seemed to understand. I then bent down and grabbed the cat that was crouching near my feet. I thought that it was $X14, but, as i lifted it up and turned it over, i found that it was a gray tabby. It seemed very tame, but it was not the cat that i was looking for. I put it back down and turned to the north to grab some things. There were a few packets of pop tarts in my hands. I thought that i should not eat them yet because i would have to take them to work for lunch. I still had to pack my lunch for school. I looked down at the pop tarts, noticing that one of the foil packages was already open. I was sitting in the chair on the northern side of the room, facing west. I stood up and walked to the east again, this time entering into the kitchen of my parents’ house. I did not want any breakfast, but i thought that i might eat the open package of pop tarts anyway. I moved through the northern section of the kitchen, complaining that there was no food here. I ate the pop tarts as i moved. I felt nervous and rushed, thinking that i had to get my things ready to leave.

12010 February 05

I was standing in the rounded room, which seemed to be part of an old stone tower. The roof above us arched very high, and there were exposed beams. The roof seemed to be a rounded cone, which seemed very tall. It started just above our heads, but stretched more than fifty meters over our heads to the peak. The insides of the roof seemed to be oddly shaped, as though made of a honeycomb of small blocks with small openings at regular intervals. The pattern ran at a diagonal slant up the northern part of the wall. I spoke to the person to the west of me, suddenly worried about the cats. $X5 or $X14 could easily climb into the beams of the roof. I then watched as $X5 sprinted across the northern side of the room and disappeared into the complex network of beams that now crossed over our heads. I did not want the cats to get lost. I then thought that there was really nowhere that they could go. If they managed to get outside, then they would still be on the roof of the building. I hoped that they would not fall off. I told the other person that i was worried about them.

I looked to the west, across the road. I had been riding my bicycle to the south, on the paved road, but i eventually had to get back to the parking lot or area to the southwest. I could follow the road to the south as it circled around the large field, which was now to the west of me, but i thought that it would be easier simply to cross the field, which was actually a golf course. I decided that i should simply cross the golf course, so i started riding my bicycle to the southwest, across the green grass. As i started crossing the course, i noticed that there was a dirt road cut into the high grass at the edges. I came to a fairway and looked to the north to make sure that there were no golfers coming. There were two men standing just to the north of where i would be crossing. They were both watching something to the south. I looked to the south to see that there was someone about to hit a ball just to the south of me. The people to the north were waiting for him, so i decided to ride across. On the other side, the dirt road continued. The road was two parallel strips of sandy soil running through the high weeds of the area. In a moment, i came onto a second fairway. This one seemed to be running up hill to the north. I looked to the north again to see a man in a white sweater and white flop hat standing with his clubs. He was waiting to shoot, but he was looking to the north. I realized that this fairway was shooting to the north, so i should have looked to the south to see who was shooting in my direction. As i crossed, i decided that the people shooting would not be able to do so because there were two men just to the north of me. I was still safe. I followed the dirt road on the western side of the fairway. The land seemed to slant down more steeply to the southwest, but the road curved to the west-northwest. I noticed that there was a junction where a single path ran off to the southwest, but i did not take it. Instead, i followed the wider road to the northwest. After a moment, though, i noticed that there were some golfers on the road ahead of me. They seemed to be aiming their balls down the path toward me. There was a young man in a T-shirt standing on the southern side of the path, watching me as i rode. He was getting ready to shoot his ball, but he could see that i was in the way. I decided to head back and take the path to the southwest. I turned around and started down the steeper trail to the southwest. I found myself coming out onto another paved road, to the west of the golf course. It seemed that i had come onto the road from the west, though. To the north of me was a house, which i noticed through the tall thin trees. The trees seemed like widely space bamboo, but their trunks were brown and rough, like palm trees. The house was very nice, and seemed to be an expensive house. It was only one level, with large windows all around. The southern and eastern sides seemed to have thin columns running down them. The columns seemed to meet an arched roof detail, which seemed to be dark brown or black. The stucco house itself seemed dark tan or pale brown. I moved a little to the east so that i could see the house without the thin trees in the way. The small driveway surrounded the southeastern corner of the house and emptied into the road, just to the north of me. I noticed that there were two men playing golf near the house. One was standing in the driveway, but the other was on the roof of the house. The one on the roof must have hit a golf ball from the course onto the house and come to claim it. They seemed to be standing very close to each other, but the proportions were off, because i knew that the one of the red tile roof was farther away. I moved a little to the north, watching the man on the roof. As i started to pass the house, i saw the man jump from the side of the roof to the power lines that ran past the eastern side of the house. I knew that they were high-power lines, and i wondered why the man did not get shocked. He jumped from one line to the next lower line, and then to the ground. The other golfer commented on the shot. I wondered what they were doing in this neighborhood. The house seemed to be empty, and they should not have been on it. It was a very nice house, and i thought that this was a very nice neighborhood. However, it was also an expensive neighborhood because it was so forested and near a golf course.

12010 February 07

I looked out the window to the south of the car as we drove down the road to the east. We seemed to be in $P3, and we were driving across the river on the modern bridge. I could see the old truss bridge to the south of us. It stood as i series of wooden towers with a thin deck running between them. I remembered these bridges from when i was young, and i watched them across the short span of water. I glanced to the southeast as we traveled, seeing that there were several other wooden truss bridges crossing low over the wide body of water. This city had many of the old bridges still left. It was like a tourist attraction. I watched the tall wooden towers pass as we moved. They were all shaped roughly the same. They looked like tall pylons, with four sides and a cross structure on top. I looked to the east at the bridge that we were passing over. It ran north to south and seemed to be incomplete in the center. This was an old bridge, but the construction crews were still in the process of renovating it so that it could be used as a tourist attraction. Between two of the wooden towers was a long section covered with wood. The section seemed rectangular, and the wood seemed hastily put together to cover the bridge. As we continued to the east, i watched several more tall truss towers pass. I was then heading west as we approached land again and started heading over the grass. We were heading through the pass in the low hills, leaving down on the train tracks. I had been riding in a train car, which i had picked up downtown. I was in some kind of stock car, with metal cross-beams for walls. I could see through the wide grid pattern, and i realized that i would have to get off of the train before it got too far from town. I looked to the west, down the length of the car. The ends of the car were open, and i could see several flat cars in font of us. The engine was just out of view behind the northern wall of the car i was in. The train was turning slightly to the northwest. If i ran to the front of the car to jump out, the conductor of the train might see me. I would have to jump from here. I looked out the door at the grassy slope outside. The hill rose up from the train tracks. The train seemed to be moving quite fast now, and i was nervous about jumping from it. I looked ahead to make sure that nothing was in the way. I was tense and afraid to jump, but i knew that i had to. I then realized that the slope of the hill was rather steep. If i jumped now, i might roll back down the hill and under the train. This scared me, but i knew that i would have to jump.

I was angry at the small animals, which seemed to be large domestic rats. They were crawling on the floor of the kitchen. This place was a house of my relatives. $K1 stood to the west, and her children seemed to be standing in front of the kitchen counters to the east of me. The counters had drawers in the lower parts to the south and east of me. The room was small, and long east to west. A refrigerator seemed to be on the eastern end of the northern wall. I was angry at the two rats. They had been bad, and i had to put them back. I grabbed them by the back of their necks and picked them up. They were fine for a moment, but they became agitated and tried to bite me. I was forced to drop them on the floor. This only made me angrier at them. I complained to $K1 about the animals as i grabbed them and picked them up again. I squeezed them tightly this time because i felt so frustrated with them. I wanted to hurt them as i started to move to the west with them. The one in my left hand then turned its head to bite my hand again. I had tried to hold them so that they could not turn to bite me, but they were still able to. I felt upset and anxious. I walked to the east, into the larger kitchen, where the other people were standing. I was still frustrated, and i was here to do something at the fair. The others were going to work in one of the booths at the fare, and the kitchen around me was part of one of the booths. Something was happening here, but i felt too preoccupied to be concerned. There seemed to be red cloth hanging from the northern wall as i passed out of the tan corridor and into the kitchen, entering through the door in the southern end of the western wall. I walked to the east, into the large kitchen on the eastern side of the building. I had just come into this room before, and i thought that i knew what was going to happen this time. I was here to help the others, but i knew that something was supposed to happen here. The walls of the kitchen were decorative, with tight swirls carved into the dark-brown surface. The ceiling seemed to be copper, and there were several tan or brown surfaces on the counters and on the northern wall. This place was made of chocolate. When the earthquake came, it would collapse, but it would not be as dangerous as if it were made of wood. There were two other people in the kitchen with me, both in white chef uniforms with puffy hats. I moved to the north as the earthquake started. The northern part of the ceiling collapsed, sending a shower of chocolate dust down into the room. The southern part of the room seemed to be falling apart as well. I was then crouching down in the center of the room, looking to the south at the woman. She was sitting in one of the thick wooden chairs in the center of the room. She had been talking to someone. I knew that she could not be chatting to someone on-line because she would not continue typing after the quake started. This meant that the person on the other end of the conversation would not find out about the quake. For this reason, she was talking on the telephone while sitting in the chair. She mentioned the quake to the person on the other end as she crouched down in the chair. I cautioned her about the falling pieces of ceiling as we crouched in the center of the room. I looked to the north, noticing the dark things by the copper stove that was against the eastern wall in the northern corner of the room. They looked like birds, but were round and bulky, standing on the top of the counter. There was something strange about them, and i tried to focus on them. The creatures had been here for a while. The family was then in the room with me. They seemed like my family, though they were not closely related to me. The were on the western side of the living room, and i was now standing in the eastern side, looking out the window to the north at the black birds. I thought that they might be crows, and i wondered if i should move to the windows to scare them away. The family had come to help. I then walked to the north, into the greenish-blue living room of the house. This was the same room i had just been in, but i was now entering it through the doorway in the southern wall. The family was sitting around the western side of the room, and they seemed very concerned. They talked about the fair that was happening, and about the problem. They seemed very concerned about the event, and they discussed it gravely. I felt impartial, but i knew that they were very serious about the issue. They were tense and might do something to someone to take care of the problem. They felt that it was their responsibility to clean up this problem, and i felt that they were being threatening to someone. I looked out the door to the south, across the large body of water. It seemed to be a lake, and i could see the white spots on the water moving to the east very rapidly. The current seemed to be flowing swiftly across the very southern edge of the lake, just off the shore. I then realized that this did not make sense. The lake should be slow moving water. The white must be clouds of fog or haze floating over the top of the water. I felt very uncomfortable here, worried about what the family might do to solve their problems. I tried not to be concerned with the water and to pay attention to the people in the room, but they had all left. I turned to the north, noticing the black birds sitting on the dry grass of the lawn outside the large picture window in the northern wall. The ground seemed to be at the same level as the bottom of the window, and the plump black bird was sitting near the eastern end of the window. I should scare it away, and i moved to the window to do so. The bird did not move as i approached, and i wondered if it could see me through the window. I looked out the eastern side of the window, trying to get a better view of it. There seemed to be a second bird just out of sight to the east. I moved to the eastern wall, and looked out the large window there. The round bird was sitting in front of the window, just in front of me. It fluttered its wings a little as i approached the glass, but it did not fly away. It was about half a meter tall, but did not seem to have a head. Its face was between its wings, near the top of its torso. The second animal was much larger, and stood on the ground to the south of the first. The first was sitting on the wooden deck, just outside the window. The railing of the deck seemed rather close to the glass, and the black bird was sitting on top of it. The larger animal was a little over a meter tall, and stood on the ground to the south. Both of the animals seemed to be staring at me. The large animal was shaped like a rabbit, though they were so black that i could really only see them as if they were silhouettes. I glanced back and forth between the two animals. Neither seemed intimidated by my presence at the window. They just kept staring at me. The smaller animal now seemed to be a rabbit as well, with short rounded ears sticking up from the top of its head. It seemed much younger than the large animal because its features were more rounded. I looked at the large rabbit, thinking that it was really too large to be a rabbit. I wondered if it was some other kind of animal. I then focused on its face. I could not see the features that well, but its eyes seemed to glimmer a little, reflecting small spots of light. Its features were distorted, as though it had been dead and the desiccated skin had shrunk off of the bones across its jaw. The familiar rabbit nose was missing. I looked back at the smaller animal, which was standing with its wings slightly spread. Its face was between its shoulders, and it too seemed to have a distorted or decomposed face. Both animals were so black that i could not really see their features well. I had waved my arms in the window, but neither was scared by my presence. The large rabbit then turned and hopped off to the south. I felt very uncomfortable and worried about something. Something seemed to be wrong, but i could not figure out what it was. I opened the door on the eastern side of the building and looked out. I had come out to scare the animals away, but i was suddenly distracted by something that seemed to be very upsetting. The land to the east was very flat and dry, with clumps of dirt here and there. I thought about dying, and thought that i wanted to be at peace. I would have to make peace with everything i had done in my life. I wondered if i had been happy enough in my life. I then felt scared, remembering that i had killed someone. It had been a long time ago, and i had forgotten about it. I remembered having dreams about it, but i could never remember if it was real. I knew that it was real, and i remembered burying the body somewhere in the yard of our house. I would have to confess doing this to someone, but i knew that i could not do this. I was afraid of letting others know because i could get in trouble. I felt that i could not do it, and i felt very upset. I thought about the murder, remembering that i had killed the boy from the neighbors’ house when i was younger. I had lured him over so that i could take something from him, and i had killed him and disposed of the body so that no one would know. I had not remembered whom i had killed previously, but i remembered now. I felt very bad as i looked to the north. There was a large rectangular hole dug in the ground, and a woman had climbed up from the hole. She stood on the eastern side now. She was dark black, like the animals that i had seen. She stood still for a moment, facing to the west. I was scared, and i was standing back in the tan corridor at the southern side of the building. The family was talking about the festival or fair and the things that they had to do to get ready. Two men walked to the east, down the corridor to the dressing rooms to get ready. I was still very upset and headed down the corridor to the east, noticing the thin red cloths that were hanging from the walls near the dressing rooms. I glanced to the south as i passed the opening of one of the dressing rooms, noticing the young man who had just come into the room. I could not see his body, but i could see the reflection of his face in a round mirror as i passed the door. He seemed to be the actor Matt Bush. I walked past the room and turned to the north, heading into one of the empty dressing rooms. I was upset enough that i wanted to cry. I felt terrible. I walked into the center of the furnished room and collapsed on the floor near one of the tables on the western wall. I started to cry, aware that someone had entered the room behind me and stopped just to the south of me. I did not know what i should do.

12010 February 08

I walked to the north, across the campus area. I seemed to be following a forested path along a creek in a narrow ravine, just to the east of some campus buildings. I was wearing the white shirt with the distorted clown face on it. The shirt had no details of a face, but it did have a long narrow red smudge to represent the clown’s mouth, thin lines to represent the eyeliner, and green hazy patches near the top to represent the eye shadow. It was a shirt that people wore for a specific reason, but i knew that i was not wearing like the others were. I would have to have my face painted a little to match the shirt. The others wore the shirt as some sort of gang symbol. People who had the shirt on would have to fight each other, because there could only be one other use of the shirt. It was some kind of underground culture. I felt rebellious wearing the shirt, knowing that i was breaking tradition by wearing it and not forcing others to fight me. The other punks would want to attack me, though. I would have to use my speed to simply out-fight them. I imagine being attacked. I could be faster that the person attacking and divert their attacks. I imagined knocking someone out as he tried to hurt me. I imagined several situations where the punks attacked me, trying to fight me for the right to wear the shirt. I would simply ignore their demands and continue to display the special shirt. I knew the significance of the shirt. It was a way to spread chaos through the punk scene. If anyone wearing the shirt had to fight anyone else wearing it, then there would be fights at random places, which would disrupt regular society. It would introduce chaos into everyday life. I was adding the same kind of chaos, but i was not threatening people. I simply caused chaos by doing something that was taboo. I walked to the large room on the western side of the building. This place seemed like a hotel, and i knew that the busses had just come to the street to the west. The room was crowded with people, and i had something to do. I felt protestant about the shirt. I walked to the north, across the grassy lawn to the east of the fenced-in tennis courts. There were a few people playing on the courts, and several others on the grass around me. I grabbed the metal wheelchair that was on the lawn to the north of the courts and sat in it. It was very tall, though, and did not easily roll through the grass. I then realized that the wheels of the chair had gotten caught in a thick patch of dark-green grass. The chair started to tip to the southwest. I stayed in the chair as it tipped over and fell to the ground. I had to remain in control, and i somehow managed to slow the fall of the chair, which seemed to be about ten meters tall. It slowed as it reached the ground, and i stepped off. I wondered if anyone was annoyed by the fact that i was in the chair, even though i was not really crippled. I started walking to the south, along the western side of the courts. I was on a strip of grass that ran between the tall chain-link fence on the outside of the tennis courts and the low brick apartment building to the west. I dragged the tall wheel chair behind me, as though it were a cart. Once i was to the southern side of the area, i put the cart down behind me.

I looked over the test papers in front of me. This was a test that i was taking for school. It was rather thick, and i read over some of the answers that i had written already on the paper. This seemed to be a test in computer programming. There were two columns on the top of the page that i was looking at. A paragraph above them explained what was in the columns, and i had already written in something on the two columns of blank lines. I tried to read some of what i had written, but i felt that i did not understand the question properly. I could not make out what i was supposed to do. I felt a little stressed about this, but i knew that i could easily pass this test. I flipped through some of the pages. I had already answered many of the questions. I focused on the answers, which were written in clean letters in blue ink. I did not understand them, but i knew that i was doing well on the test. I then looked at the large map in front of me. It seemed to be a map of a city. It did not look familiar to me, but i noticed that i had written in the names of the streets in black pen or pencil. I started erasing what had been written so that i could start over. The map must be a map of where a robot would drive. I would have to write a program that allowed the robot to navigate through traffic to get from one part of the city to the other. There was a long street than ran from west-northwest to east-southeast. It seemed to run just to the north of a river, but it ran fairly straight. There was a roundabout in the center of the map, where several other roads fanned off of this one. This seemed to be an old town, though i knew it was one that i was very familiar with. I would have to write a program for the robot to acknowledge lights. I then realized that there would have to be some kind of loop in the code that forced the robot to continually check for other traffic. I wondered how i could have that running separately from the route code. I then wondered why i had bothered to erase the notes i had written on the map, and i decided that i had done it to get a fresh start on the problem. I started flipping though the test. It now started to seem overwhelming. There were many pages in the thick stapled stack of sheets. I had answered problems on many, but i was surprised that i could do the entire test in such a short time. I would not be able to dwell too long on any one problem. If this was meant to be taken in a short amount of time, the problems would have to be done quickly and superficially.

12010 February 09

I moved up the white corridor, heading north through the office. This place seemed like the office of $G6, and i was working here again. I stopped just outside my office door. The office was to the east of me, in a small room. $A412 was to the northeast of me. He had asked me something about the job, and i was responding. I reported a problem with the server, but it did not seem serious. I was glad that he could see that i was working on the problems. It would make it seem that i was spending extra time here to get things done. I knew that $A261 was running the project again, and she was not getting things done that she was supposed to do. She was not telling us, however of the problems. I hoped that this would get her in trouble. I turned to the east and walked to my desk, which was a counter against the northern wall. I took a bite out of my sandwich, which i was holding in my left hand. Eating in the office would also make it seem that i was working extra because i was not taking time for lunch. I started talking on the telephone that i was holding in my right hand. It was the receiver of a black desk telephone. The woman on the other end started telling me of the problems with the server. They sounded rather serious, and i felt good about this, knowing that it would uncover the problems that $A261 would not admit to. I started writing down some of the problems on the form, happy that we were finally hearing about them. The woman on the telephone then said that the server was running out of file space. I wondered how this could happen. It was a larger server than the old one, and it had the same services running on it. I remembered that the search engine had been taken off for a time and then put back on, but the new server should not be any more crowded than before. I turned to the east and opened the refrigerator to get some food out. There was a large plastic bin of muffins on the shelf with plastic wrap over the top of it. I took them out, thinking that these were the muffins that $F45 had made. I took one out and wondered if i should microwave it. I turned away from the desk, chewing on the muffin, which now seemed like a wafer of some kind. It seemed like a peanut-butter wafer that was covered in chocolate. I chewed the sides off, but had to do something to the east of me. I seemed to be out in the hall now, just outside of my office. I tried to adjust the wafer in my hand, but needed my hands to do something. I balanced the wafer on my left biceps as i did something with the water fountain on the eastern wall. I chewed on the wafer, but tried to make sure that it did not fall. Someone came down the hall form the north and passed to the west of me as i was doing this. I did not pay attention to them.

12010 February 11

I woke up in the small yellow room and walked to the southwest. I had to urinate, and the bathroom was through the doorway in the center of the western wall. As i walked in, i noticed that there was a counter along the western wall, with a large mirror above it. The toilet was on the southern end of the counter, and seemed to be a round hole in the counter. I started to urinate in the bowl, but realized that the bowl was starting to flow over. I then noticed a puddle of water on the floor to the south. There seemed to be a drainage ditch in the floor where some of the water was draining. I turned around and walked back to the center of the room. There was no other place for me to urinate, and i did not feel like cleaning out the toilet. I was annoyed and decided to urinate in the bowl anyway. It had flooded before but was slightly below the top of the rim when i had started urinating. This meant that the water was draining very slowly, but still draining. I decided that i would be able to urinate and only overflow the bowl a little. By morning, when everyone else woke up, the bowl would be lower again and someone could fix the problem. I looked back into the bowl, which was now churning. There were white chunks floating in the water, which i realized were tampons. The water was now turning red, and i realized that someone must have disposed of quite a number of bloody tampons and vaginal pads. I tried to urinate in the bowl, but was disgusted by the bloody mixture, which started to splash. I tried to stand as far from the bowl as possible so that it did not splatter on me. I seemed to be standing in the center of the room, urinating toward the western wall. I realized that i was probably splashing the counter and floor with urine, but i did not know what else to do. Finally, i turned and started out of the bathroom, to the east. As i reached the door, which was in the northern part of the eastern wall, i noticed my reflection in the mirror. I was wearing plaid flannel pajamas, and they had been splattered with patches of red. I felt sickened, realizing that i had splashed the blood all over my shirt. I turned back to the sink in the western wall, hoping that i would be able to wash the stains off. I felt confused, and did not know what to do. I then noticed them an standing to the east of me. I was back in the room that i had been sleeping in, and the man was standing in the hallway that entered the room from the northern side of the eastern wall. I felt upset about the stains and wondered what i could do. I then could not see anything, and i was sleeping. I was aware that i had been sleeping and that i was now awake. Something was strange, so i opened my eyes. I had been sleeping in the reclining chair on the northern side of the room. It faced west and reclined to the east. I immediately saw two young men standing over me from the back of the chair. They had their hands raised and were holding short white sticks. I realized that they were about to attack me, even though i could tell that they were joking around. I tensed as they swung the sticks down to my shoulders. The impact did not hurt that much, and the young men ran off giggling to the east, down the corridor and back to their bedroom. I was standing and thought that i had to use the toilet. I started to the west, but the door to the bathroom was closed. A man had gone in there. I turned to the north to use the small bathroom. As i walked in, i looked around, but could not figure out what to do. The man was in the stall to the southwest, in the corner of the room, and i had to use one of the stalls to the north. The stalls were covered with black doors. I felt strange and thought about this situation. I was back in the main room of the house, where i had been sleeping. The man was again standing in the doorway to the northeast of me. This time, there was a door in the eastern end of the northern wall that led out into the corridor. The man out in the corridor was an official, and he seemed very dangerous. He was enforcing strict rules on the people in the dormitory. I felt afraid of him, knowing that he had a weapon that he always carried with him. The man had a black uniform and short cut hair, and he held the weapon up in his right hand. It was not really a gun, but some kind of special device that would hurt people. I felt suddenly angry, not wanting to listen to the man. I decided that he would not be able to hurt me because i had special powers and could stand up to him. I imagined that i could walk out into the hall and, when he turned the weapon on me, i would fake being surprised at the jolt of pain that it inflicted. I would then lash out with telekinesis and throw the man against the eastern end of the hallway. I could also use the power to pull the flat box-like weapon from his hand. I imagined that i would smash it against the southern wall of the hallway. I ran this scenario through my head a few times. I was not threatened by these people like everyone else was.

12010 February 12

We had gotten onto the train on the northeastern part of the city. The station where we had started seemed to be quite a way from the center of town, and we were traveling on the white train to the east, toward the northern section of the city. This place seemed to be a foreign land. $F45 was with me. The train slowed into several of the stations along the way. As we pulled into another, $F45 had to do something. He stepped off of the train, and i worried that he would not be back in time. As soon as he stepped off of the train, i heard the train doors closing and the train started to move again to the southeast. I seemed to be sitting on the upper level or roof of the train, and we seemed to be partly underground. The train entered the dark tunnel to the south and continued across the city. I was only a little annoyed with $F45 for leaving the train, and i realized that i would have to wait for him at the final station. I decided that i would call him on my cell phone to let him know that i would wait for him at the station where we would be getting off. I stood around at the station, which was on the southern part of the city. It seemed that i would have to travel back to the north on the train. $F45 was standing to the north of me, and i told him that i would have to go to a certain district of the city. I mentioned the district by name. The name seemed to start with a P. I then realized that the name did not seem quite correct for this time. It seemed to be the name of an old place that was no longer around. $F45 told me that the name was actually the name of the train line. I had known this and told $F45 so, but i also said that it was the name of one of the stations on the line. I felt that i might have to go back to the station that we had started from, on the northwestern side of the city. The station appeared white as i thought about it, and i could see the train moving through the trees and tall grass of the train corridor through the flat area to the northwest. There was another man standing to the west of me, and he agreed with $F45 that the name i had mentioned did not quite sound like a train station. I looked for the three-letter abbreviation on the map that represented this region. We held the map to the north of me as we looked at it. The regions of the city were colored in different shades. This city seemed to be Paris, and i looked at the dark line of the train line that we had taken. It ran from the northern side of the western part of the map and ran to the east, into the city. As it approached the western side of the center of the city, it turned in a wide arch to the southeast. I saw the small square marking on the map just to the east of where the train line started to straighten out from the curve and head south. It represented the Eiffel Tower, and i mentioned this to the person next to me. I then noticed that the three initials that i was looking. The initials seemed to be “PON”, but they looked like they might be written in cyrillic. The Eiffel Tower was on the western side of the dark-blue area, and the initials seemed to mark a light-blue area to the northeast of it. I was sure that the name was of an old district of Paris. I then spotted the initials on the dark-purple district, which was to the west of the dark-blue district. I pointed this out to the person to the west of me. There was a rectangular shape running northeast to southwest on the eastern end of the district. It had wide ends, and i told the man that it seemed to represent a federal building. I said that it was just across from the Eiffel Tower, and then i commented that i was not sure whether there was actually a federal building there. I wondered about this for a moment, trying to figure out exactly where i had to go.

12010 February 13

My parents stayed in the place as i headed to the east, across the front of my parents’ house. I was coming back to the house from where we had been doing something outside. I had a dog with me, who seemed to be $X3. I turned to the north on the eastern side of the house and looked at the porch. There was a large screen over the door. It had been crudely constructed, and i know that it was there to prevent the cats from getting out of the house. I looked at the ground, noticing that the screen seemed to be part of a revolving doorway. There was a cross of small stacked items on the floor in a round area. The screen seemed to be across the crossed areas. This would allow someone to get in without having to worry about letting the cats out. I moved to the door, careful to open it. There seemed to be a couch just to the west of the door. It was part of the things that were blocking the doorway. I realized that it was not a good object to put in front of the door because the cats would be able to crawl underneath it easily. As i came into the house with the dog, i saw the black cat come out from underneath the couch. I walked to the north of the couch. The cat seemed very happy to see me and i started cradling it in my arms. There was a couch on the northern side of the area, and i layed down with my head to the west. The cat was still cuddled in my arms, and the dog leaned its head into my chest. Both of the animals looked black, and i was very happy to see them. I hugged them both as i lay on the couch, looking at both the dog and the cat. It felt very good to be holding them.

I stopped in front of the door to my room and looked to the east. I was standing in front of the doorway on the southern side of the hall. The hallway was an outdoor hallway and was open to the north. The building was only one story tall, and seemed very wide, with a large square opening in the center. There was a crowd gathered on the eastern side of the building, in the square, where the president was giving an inaugural address. It seemed chilly out, even though i could not feel the air. The light was simply weak, as it is in winter, but no one seemed particularly cold. I looked at the crowd as they pushed toward the podium, which seemed to be in the eastern wing of the building. The crowd seemed fairly small and rather compact. I had come back to my dorm room in this building, but i really did not seem to belong here. I felt a little out of place. I looked back to the east, across the large reflecting pool that filled the center of the building. It was a rather shallow pool, and i could see the crowd across it. I then heard the security people on the eastern side of the pool telling people to back off a little. I looked up to see the crowd pressing to the northeast, falling over each other slightly. I then noticed the three people closer to me. They were fooling around on the southern side of the pool, just to the east of me. They seemed to be in strange clothing, which seemed like dull-colored robes with thick square ribbon detail around the collars. One of the men jumped onto the others back, and they fell to the north, into the mud. The pond had drained here, leaving mud where the grass had worn away. The two people laughed, and the woman with them dropped to the ground to the east of them, giggling. Something felt wrong with this place.

12010 February 14

The bookshelf to the east of me was filled with books about my grandfather. I looked at the volumes as i slowly wandered to the south. I paused and pulled one of the books from the shelf. It was a dull-blue hardcover book with a picture on the front cover of the dust jacket. The picture was a black-and-white photo that had been tinted with light blue. It was a picture of my grandfather walking out of the courtroom. I remembered the trial where my grandfather was accused of murder. The man who wrote the books had been obsessed with accusing my grandfather of the crime, even though the courts had found him innocent. I put the book back, thinking about the trial. I felt that the author was a conspiracy theorist, and he was only interested in making a sensational case about the crime. I then thought about my grandfather and wondered if he had really committed the killing. I remembered how angry he would get when he was suffering from alzheimer’s disease. I looked at the large number of books on the subject, thinking that the author was really trying to market this issue more than prove anything. I stopped near the southern end of the books and looked at a small tan hardcover book. It was more talk about the conspiracy about my grandfather committing the crime and getting off without punishment, but it seemed to be more sensational. I was annoyed with the books and continued to the south.

I was sitting on the bed of my bedroom. The bed was against the western wall of the room. $F45 was with me. He started to hug me, but i was distracted by the sudden blur of white out the window in the southern wall. A moment ago, i had been able to see the dark leafless branches of a willow tree out the window, but now i could only see a blur of white moving from the west, across the window. It seemed like snow, but i knew that it could not have started snowing that much so quickly. I pushed $F45 back a little and went to the window to see where the snow was coming from. I decided that there were some work vehicles clearing the snow on the road to the west of the house, and i though that one of them must be blowing snow. I looked out the window, seeing the back yard clearly. The ground was covered with snow. I looked to the west, to see a large dump truck sitting on the road, facing north. The snow-blowing machine must be very near the house, just out of sight from the window. I moved to the window in the western wall to get a better look. I could see the wide cement driveway, which seemed to stretch the entire width of the house. It ran to the garages, which seemed to be under the western side of the house. I could not see any snow in the driveway, though there did seem to be a tall hill of compact snow on the southern end of the lot. The ragged sides of the hill were spotted with gray salt and dirty snow. There seemed to be a loader lifting the snow on the northern side of the lot and moving it to the dump truck to the south, but i could see nothing that was blowing snow. I then realized that one of the machines was working on the large tree to the south of the lot. They were cutting parts of the tree down, and i wondered if the powder that i saw blowing past the window could actually have been saw dust and wood chips. I turned around and looked to the west. I was in the downstairs room of the house, which seem to be the house of a family i was unfamiliar with. The room seemed to be a living room. It was mostly dull blue, and there was a set of stairs ascending to the east along the eastern end of the northern wall of the room. I had been upstairs in the bedroom, but had come down for breakfast. I was waiting for the family to assemble. I was staying with these people, and i felt a little uncomfortable here. I turned to the south and walked into the living room, which was crowded with furniture and trinkets. Several people came into the room behind me. Three of them were young men with wavy blond hair. They must have been the brothers in the family. I was uncomfortable with these people. They seemed like overly religious people, and i did not understand why i was here with them. I looked to the west, where the console television stood. The top of the television was at my eye level, and i focused on the small gray models of birds that were on the top of the wooden surface. The men walked into the room from the doorway to the north as i looked at the small statues of eagles, wondering if they were plastic models or not. I then looked back to the east, wondering what i should do.

12010 February 15

I was in the large room with the others. The room seemed to be on the northeastern corner of the second floor of the large house. This place seemed to be $P19. $G3 were here in the room with me, but i started to worry about $X12 and $X14. I had brought them into this house, but i had let them wander around, and i was now concerned that they might have gotten away. I asked some of the other people where the cats might have been. I started to feel worried about them. I did not want $X12 to get out of the house. A man tried to ease my worry by telling me that the cat should be fine. I told him that $X12 did not have any claws, so he should not be allowed out of the house. I walked to the southwest, leaving the room and heading into a darkened corridor in the center of the house. I wanted to head downstairs and make sure that $F45 could not have gotten out, but, as i entered the large square stairwell in the center of the building, i noticed an opening in the eastern wall. I had entered the northern side of the stair well from the corridor that followed the northern wall to the east. The northern side of the stairwell seemed to be a landing. The darkly stained wooden stairs, which had dingy white carpeting on them, descended along the western wall and ascended along the eastern. The opening i had seen was between the corridor where i had entered and the stairs that started up. The opening was shaped like a doorway with an arched top, but it was blocked by a partial wall. The upper part of the wall curved downward, with the northern side higher than the southern side, and the bottom was arched upward, tilted in the opposite direction, giving the insert a decorative look. It was painted the same tan color as the walls. Through the opening at the top of the opening, i could see a tall narrow shaft running up into the darkness of the house above. This was part of the old bell tower, and it had recently been redone in the renovations. I walked over to the doorway and looked up into the shaft. It seemed very tall, and there was something nostalgic about it. I then turned my attention back to the stairs and started walking to the south. The stairs heading up were covered with bright-green astroturf. I seemed to be near the top of the stairs, and the levels of the ascending stairs seemed to be very flat and wide around me. This place was unfamiliar. The astroturf seemed new. I followed the stairs around to the west and then to the north. The room at the top of the stairs was small, and there were several $G3 in the room. They were all much younger than i. Several of the people started moving around the room, and then there was an opening in the northern wall, leading out onto the roof. I walked out, wondering if i would find one of the cats out here. At first, the roof seemed to be a regular tar roof, but then i was walking on a grassy lawn. Some of the others were on the northwestern side of the lawn, gathered near the corner of the roof. I looked straight to the north as i walked toward the edge of the roof, which seemed to be about twelve or fifteen meters from where i entered. The dry green and yellow grass of the roof ran right to the edge of the roof, where there was an old wire fence. The fence posts were simple stakes of crudely cut wood that were pounded in the ground. The old rusty wire twisted between them. I focused on the ground at the edge of the roof. I could see the farmland beyond the edge of the roof, but it had the same green and yellow grass appearance, so it was hard to distinguish the land in the distance from the land on the roof. The illusion was that the roof extended out to the horizon. As i got closer to the northern edge of the roof, however, i saw the pond across the gravel road to the north, and an old farmhouse to the northwest. As i came right up to the edge, i could also see the gravel parking lot to the north of the fraternity house, where i now was. Something seemed very strange about the land. It was comforting to look at, yet i felt as though i no longer belonged here. I turned back to the south, thinking that i had to go find the cats still. $G3 were still standing in a loose group near the western side of the roof, but i had to head back down the stairs. I walked to the south, along the eastern side of the wire fence that divided the roof. The stairs were on the western side, but i was focusing my attention on the small rundown wooden shed to the south of me. It seemed to have grass and weeds growing from the roof. This area was a pen where animals would graze, but the grass was getting weedy now, and everything seemed damp and old.

I seemed to be staying with my family someplace in Florida. My parents were talking about traveling to the east, to get to Miami. $F45 told me that he did not want to drive all the way to Miami, and he said that he wanted to get an airplane ticket. I did not think that it would be that bad to drive, but $F45 complained, stubbornly saying that he did not want to waste his time in a car for four hours. I felt bad. I did not want to pay for airfare. I thought about the trip. I was driving to Miami to get things from the house there. I had to have the car so that i could pack things into it. I would not be able to bring the things onto an airplane. I felt upset about having to argue about how we were going to get to Miami, and i seemed to be sitting in the passenger’s seat of a car as i thought about it. We were heading east, across a long flat stretch of land, with tall weeds on either side of the road. I then turned back to the west and moved across the darkened room of my relatives’ house. The house was in western Florida. It seemed early in the morning, and i felt upset. I opened the refrigerator, which was to the south of me and took out the plastic jug of milk. It was very light and almost empty. I walked around the island counter to the east, noticing a small package of cereal on the wide dull-green table to the east. I was going to give the milk to the cats, but i realized that there was not enough there for someone to have cereal and for me to feed the cats. A female relative seemed to be standing to the west of me. I wondered if i should use the milk up on the cats. I dumped the milk into the bowl to the west of me anyway, deciding that the cereal would remain uneaten.

12010 February 16

I was speaking on the telephone to $K2, and he was telling me that he wanted me to bring him something. I told him that i had what he was looking for and that i would bring it. He told me to meet him at the intersection and that he would be there very shortly. I drove down the road to the south. This road was $P193. As i came over the hill, i could see a small brown hatch-back car turning around at the small delta at the end of the road. I could see $K2 in the car. He came down the main road from the east and turned into the western side of the delta. The dirt roads on the sides of the delta where about fifteen or twenty meters long. $K2 came to the northern end of the branch he was on and turned to the east, down the other branch. The eastern branch of the delta now seemed to run for quite a distance to the east, passing to the north of a building between the eastern branch and the main road. I watched $K2 turn his car down the dirt road to the east and park it on the northern side of the road. He was looking out the window of the car as if trying to find me. He also seemed to have a cell phone held to his right ear. I realized that he was trying to figure out where i was. He must have been here for a little while and had been looking for me. I pulled around him and turned into the dirt parking lot on the southern side of the road. I then realized that he was probably trying to call me, but i probably did not have my cell phone with me. I had left it at home again, so i had no way of calling him. I knew that it would have taken me some time to get here, and he did say that he would be here very quickly from when he called, so he must have been waiting for a while. He might be impatient by now. There were several cars parked on the northern side of the parking lot, but i was simply going to turn around and drive back to where $K2 had parked. As i turned around, though, i could not see $K2’s car. He had moved it already. I looked around the area to see if he had made another loop around the block. After a moment, i decided that he might have left. I could not see him rounding the block anymore, and i could not see his car parked anywhere on the roads near me. I was disappointed and wanted to call him to tell him that i was here, but i did not have my cell phone. I wondered how i could get a better look at the area. I started to concentrate, and felt myself lifting off of the ground. I floated straight up, and felt a strange sensation throughout my body as i did so. There was a tingling sensation through my upper legs and lower abdomen. It seemed very strange, and i realized that i was actually able to float simply by focusing my abilities. It was dark side now, but everything around me suddenly seemed very clear and shapely in focus. I started to drift to the west, about ten or twelve meters above the ground. Something felt very powerful in this act, as though i had finally been able to levitate with only a little effort. I could feel a weakness flow through me, but i knew that it took energy to float like this. I rotated a little counterclockwise as i floated to the west. I suddenly noticed that there were two people standing outside of the old farmhouse to the southwest of me. The men seemed older, and i felt that they were afraid of me for floating. Even though it was night now, i was floating over the parking lot within the bright light cast by the streetlamp, which was in the center of the northern side of the lot, to the east-northeast of me. I wondered what it would look like for someone on the ground to see someone just floating slowly in the air. Everything seemed to be in such sharp contrast. The older man to the south of me, near the door of the farmhouse, seemed to be staring at me, and i thought that his fear made him hate me. I was nervous about him and the other man, and wondered what they might do out of their fear.

I had woken up at my grandmother’s house. I was in the upstairs room, and it seemed that i had been sleeping on the green bed that was against the western wall. My mother had been sleeping in the bed in the lower bedroom, where i was now. It was still dark in the house, and i had to do something. I moved to the kitchen. There seemed to be some people there, but then they left. I thought about the bed i had been sleeping in, and i decided that it would be more efficient if it was a bed on a shelf. I thought about this. I was then making a flat shelf for the bed to the east of me. The room here was very narrow, and there already seemed to be a natural shelf on the eastern wall. The shelf was about a meter deep, but i was adding a wooden structure to the front of it to extend the shelf into the room. The part i was building seemed to have a curved back, which fit into the shelf of the wall. I had nailed two-by-fours to the bottom of a black piece of plywood to form the bed, and i fitted it into the shelf to the east. The surface of the black platform was level with the cluster of two-by-fours that were nailed in the center of the shelf, forming a semicircle. This would be the surface that the mattress would sit upon, but i decided that the boards nailed to the shelf should really have something else on top of them. They did not create a flat enough surface. The entire shelf should be covered with the black plywood. I then thought that the shelf should actually be higher. It should be high enough that it was over the heads of the people in the room. That would allow the lower space to be used for something as well. I imagined that this could be done in a camper, but decided that it was really a self-standing structure. It was something like a yurt. I pictured the wooden structure. It looked like a small log cabin made of thin branches, and it was no wider than a tent. I thought that it would have to be a temporary structure, but i was not sure how something with a high bed could simply be folded up and taken away. It would be very hard to deal with. I thought about this, imagining several different variations on the structure. I just knew that the bed would have to be on a shelf that was over a living area. I imagined that someone could use a ladder to get to it. The ladder could run against either the northern or southern walls of the room to stay out of the way.

I moved to the south, following the narrow paved trail across the college campus. It was dark out, but there was enough light to see things around me. It seemed very early in the morning, and the sun just tinting the eastern sky. A voice then spoke to the west of me, saying something about a professor. I turned to see a woman in an orange T-shirt approaching me from one of the buildings. She had long fuzzy brown hair and a rounded figure. She seemed young. The building seemed to be $P141, and she was exiting the building from a side doorway on the bottom floor. The path she was on left the door and crossed to the north before turning east to meet the path that i was on. Her path was set into the hillside around the building. I stopped and asked her what she had said. As she approached, she said “Only a professor would be on campus at this time.” I looked to the south, realizing just how empty the campus was. It was too early in the morning for others to be walking around. I greeted her as she started walking along the western side of me. I was not sure whether i knew her. I looked more closely at her as we walked. She was wearing a light-blue business jacket over a white shirt, and she had short choppy dark hair. I remembered that she was one of the people who worked for the administration in $P141. I had worked with her when i used to work for the university. I tried to chat a little, but was not sure what to say. I then realized that she was not heading in the same direction as i was. She seemed to want me to go with her, but i was heading to the south. She crossed the wide path that i was now walking on, which seemed to be $P192, and headed to the northeast on a smaller path. I looked ahead to the south, noticing a few students starting to appear on campus. I then looked back at her as she called to me, telling me that she was scared to walk on campus alone at this hour. I smiled and told her that it was all right. I then looked back to the south. The path ahead narrowed and curved to the southwest as it ran between two buildings. It seemed to curve to the south of the modern white building to the east of me. The area to the south of the white building was at a lower elevation than the land that i was on, and the path seemed elevated and surrounded by short cement walls there. I started to glide over the pavement as i approached the elevated part of the path, passing some students who were heading north. I stopped moving my feet and thought about how they would glide over the surface of the pavement. I then thought that i could use my abilities to float just above the ground and make it appear that i was gliding over the surface. I stopped just before the section of elevated walk. There was a short cement wall running from the western wall of the white building to the south. The entrance to the elevated path formed a gap near the northern end of the wall. I moved a little to the south of the opening and started rotating in place. I thought that i could do this very slowly, but it would not be noticed by the people walking past. I would have to rotate at a quick enough rate that people could obviously see that i was turning. I then realized people might think that this was some kind of trick. I was barefoot, and it was possible that i was using small muscles on the soles of my feet to slowly move my feet to a different position. This was one way to do the trick, but i wanted to make it seem that i was using some unexplainable power. I watched myself to the south of me as i started to rotate counterclockwise over the ground, my legs slightly apart. I remembered that i should wear flat-soled shoes on my feet so that it was obvious that i was not using the muscles on my feet to turn myself. There was a man standing to the south of where i was turning. I was still standing to the north of myself, watching the situation. The man was standing in front of the entrance to the large windowless white building, and he was heckling me. He kept shouting out things, complaining that it was all a trick. He kept asking me questions, but i watched myself simply turn, as though he was not there. I seemed to be staring straight ahead as i turned. I knew that i was purposely no paying attention to the man, but it had to seem that i was concentrating. A woman to the west then told the man that i was i a trance. I watched myself turn again to the east. The man kept complaining. I was then in my body again, purposely ignoring him and staring straight ahead. I finally stopped turning and pretended to wake up. I turned and started walking to the north. The man had already left, passing me and heading to the north. I came to the stairway at the northern end of the corridor and ascended to the next level of the building. I was then walking to the south, down the corridor. There were several people walking the same direction as i was, and a few stopped to chat with each other. The corridor was narrow and sloped upward a little as it headed toward the building to the south. The fluorescent lights cast a pale-green light, making everything look sickly. The corridor seemed to end at the building ahead. I wondered if the man would be in the corridor here. As i continued past several people, i realized that most of the people were students. I would just go back to my room for a while to rest.

12010 February 17

I moved around the small crowded living room. The walls of the room were creamy blue, and the furnishings seemed run down and dingy. I turned to the west as i heard a bell ring. I was not quite sure what it was. There were windows on both the western and southern walls of the room. This place seemed to be a waiting area for a body shop. I turned to the north, looking through the doorway and short corridor into the back office, where a heavy man in a dark-blue work jumpsuit was sitting on an old wooden swivel chair, facing west. The man had a short black beard and seemed to be dirty from doing work. I asked him whether the sound was a telephone or the doorbell. I then heard the ringing sound again and i turned to the south, looking through the glass window on the western side of the door. I could see no one outside. I then turned back to the north. Noticing the large silver telephone that was sitting on the end table just to the east of the doorway. It looked more like an old coffee machine, but it rang as i was staring at it, so i answered it. I could not remember the name of this auto shop, so i simply said “Hello.”. A woman started talking to me from the other end of the telephone. I watched the man in the office to the north of me as i listened. She asked me if the shop was a specific name. I listened to what she said, aware that she did not quite have the name correct. She then trailed off in her question. I told her that the name she had mentioned was not correct, and she tried asking again, stating the name in uncertain staggers, as if she was trying to make it up as she went. I look up at the man, realizing that this was probably a crank call. I hung up the telephone and wandered to the north, into the office. It seemed that i had been staying in this building, in a room to the west of the waiting room that i had been standing in. There were other people wandering around the room now. I suddenly pictured myself as shorter, with chin-length long hair. I said something to no one as the other people chatted. I realized that what i had said was in a foreign language. I thought that i could continue to speak this foreign language, which seemed very ancient. It would surprise people to hear the language, which i thought was a precursor to Arabic and Hebrew. The others would be interested in the fact that i was familiar with a language and culture that was from long ago. I knew that i had writing of the language somewhere as well. I remembered the necklace that i had with the white ivory-like sections on top. It had the writing of the old language on it. I could wear it near the others and they would realize, without me speaking the language, that i had a familiarity with something special. The others were leaving, and i was following them. It seemed that i was heading out to dinner with them, but i still remained very quiet. I thought about the writing on the necklace, knowing that it was an early form of Arabic at the very beginning of the Muslim culture. It was a writing used in the age of Mohammed, and would show the transition between the modern Arabic writing and the more ancient forms of the language. It would also hint at the transition culture. I followed the others to the north, following the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. The sidewalk had run in front of the pale-green house that we were in. I chatted with the others as we walked. I then looked to the north to see that we were at an intersection with a narrow lane that ran to the east. There were no longer any houses around us now. The land on the northeastern side of the intersection was part of a golf course, and the land to the east of us now seemed to be covered with tall tan dry weeds. There several groups of people playing on the small fairway of the golf course, gathered in groups of two or three. The others stopped to talk in the middle of the intersection while i watched the golfers for a moment. The fairway seemed fairly narrow, with dry weeds and a thin woods to the north of it. I then spotted two deep-red flowers growing on the northern side of the road, just to the east of the intersection. They were growing on the western side of a tall patch of fluffy weeds, which seemed to be cattails or milkweed. The flowers were shaped like iris or tropical lilies, with small white veins across the rounded petals. One of the women from the house then approached me from the east. We seemed to be back in the living room of the house. The woman was showing us the small pale-pink beads, which were oddly shaped. She was impressed with them, saying that they had three nodes. I looked at the pale-pink and pale-green objects in her hands. They were all less than a centimeter long and only a half-centimeter tall. The smallest ones were square, with one side bulging into a semicircle. The corners were rounded, and there were small carvings in the center of each chip. Several of the larger chips seemed to have two or three of the rounded sections in a row, with the bulge sometimes pointing up, down, or out to the side. Each section seemed to be connected by a narrower section of small rounded shapes. I realized that each large section with the bulging side was a “node”, according to the woman. She was excited to see that the chips had multiple nodes because this was something very special. If they were really from such an ancient time, and not fakes, then they would be very special. She then seemed bitter, saying that if they were real then they would all be cut down to one node anyway. The man to the north of me agreed with her, but i was a little confused. I wondered why they would be cut apart if they had actual historic value. I then decided that people would want to sell them, and guessed that they could make more money selling each separate node than they would selling the entire piece. I thought about these chips, thinking that they would really be stung together on a necklace. I had some of these chips on a necklace, and i pictured myself wearing it. I could see myself standing to the east of me, but i was different. My chest was wider, and the collar of my shirt was very low and open. The necklace ran across my upper chest, with the pale stone chips running along the bottom strand. Just above the chips was a band of white, which seemed to be made of long pieces of bone of ivory. The white part of the necklace would have old writing on it. I thought that it would have verses from the Koran carved in black letters across the bone, but the themes of the verses would still relate to Paganism. The necklace was created around the transition time between pagan beliefs and the start of Islam, so it showed overlapping beliefs. I would wear the necklace to show the woman that i had it. As i looked at myself wearing the necklace, however, i realized that it really did not look like me. I was shorter, with chin-length curly black hair. I thought that i looked like $A551. I thought about this as i moved to the door to the east. I was in the northern part of the building, where the office had been. The eastern part of the office was an entryway. There was an outside door in the eastern wall, and a set of stairs that led up into the southern wall, to the apartments and rooms. A deliveryman had come to the house to drop off something, which seemed like pizzas, but i still had the piece of paper in my hand with the telephone number on it. I had to deliver something to one of the rooms, but i was not quite sure where to go. The deliveryman had come down from the upstairs and opened the door to the east. I asked him about the telephone number, reading it as though it was a room address. I looked at the small piece of notepad paper with the blue ink writing on it. The left side of the ad had been torn a little, so i could not make out the first three digits of the number, but the last four were “8782”. I asked the man where that room would be, thinking that a deliveryman would know. He shrugged at me, unsure, and told me to leave the note on the ledge. I walked up the stairs, noticing that there was a landing not far up. A man was coming out of an apartment to the east of the landing, locking his key. I guessed that the landing was what the deliveryman meant by “ledge”, so i put the note down on the western side of the landing, hoping that it would be obvious to people walking past. As the man to the east finished locking his door, i decided to ask him about the number, wondering if he was the person i was looking for. He listened as i read the numbers and then shook his head. The number was not his. I put the paper down and thought about the necklace again. I turned to the north and told the other person that i had a necklace with the nodes and other writing on it. I no longer seemed to be wearing it, though. I told the person that i had it in my room. I walked back into the small waiting room to the south of the office and turned east. I opened the door in the eastern wall and entered the small room, grabbing a black chest that was on the floor of the very small room. I thought that the small trunk might be locked with a combination, but i inserted the key into the left side of the face and opened the lid of the trunk. The thin-walled black trunk was full of narrow black cardboard boxes. They were all sample boxes for different archeological artifacts. I was bringing them somewhere. The boxes on the left side of the trunk were wide, taking up the width of the left side, while the narrower boxes on the right side were stacked two in a row. I pulled out some of the narrower boxes, looking for the necklace. The contents of the boxes were packed in dark-gray styrofoam, and appeared to be mostly small trinkets and other jewelry. I could not see the wide curve of the necklace in the boxes. I then opened some of the wider boxes from the left side of the trunk, but most of these boxes seemed to be filled with white objects of various shapes. They were bones, and they seemed to be carved and polished to a semitranslucency. I commented to the other person, who was looking over my right shoulder, that these boxes were mostly bones. I looked through several more boxes, but could not see the necklace. I then thought about wearing it again. I was sitting in the center of the southern side of the long dinner table. This was the dinner table in the northern room of the apartment building, where the office had been. The people around the table were all tenants of the apartments here. I thought that i should be wearing the necklace so that people could see that i was from someplace else. I tried to act foreign, speaking to the others. I thought about what i was trying to say, trying to remember the correct word for what i meant. I almost remembered the word, but i did not speak it. I realized that the word was not that common, and would take someone with a good knowledge of English to be familiar with it. I could not let these people know that i was native to the English language. I kept quiet as the man to the east of me poured a cup of tea. I would have to use only small words so that these people still thought that i was a foreigner.

12010 February 18

We started moving to the east as a group. I was with $G4, and we started accelerating down the dirt road through the forested area. Several people stood just to the north of us as we departed. One man, who was wearing a T-shirt and shorts, started to urinate on us as we passed. He was being irreverent and trying to be funny, but i just found him annoying. As we passed in front of him, i felt him urinating on the back of my shirt. I was annoyed and pulled out of the way, but i could feel the wetness on the back of my shirt already. Several other people on the northern side of the road tried to spill beer on us as we passed, but we were moving too quickly. The vehicle we were riding on speeded around a corner where the dirt road sunk into the surrounding forested land and curved sharply to the south. The curve continued down hill, turning eventually to the west, where the road leveled out. I shifted position, feeling the wet spot on the bottom of my shirt. As we started to the west, i looked up the steep hill to the north, thinking that the others at camp were a long way above us now. I was now jogging to the west down the dirt trail with other $G4. We seemed to be moving pretty fast, and i felt pretty good. We came upon a group of young hikers. They seemed to be high-school students, and they were walking in the opposite direction as we were. We scattered around them and continued past. I headed a little to the south, across the open area of the forest. A young boy called to me from the northeast, saying that i was walking over the water. I looked back to see the chubby boy in a white shirt pointing at me as he slowly walked toward me. I then looked down at the still swampy water under my feet. I had been walking on the surface of the water and had not noticed. I would have to be careful walking on the flat surface or else i would break thought. I could see the tops of water reeds sticking up through the murky water below me. I pretended not to mind that i was on the water and i lifted my feet higher and made it obvious that i was floating. I lifted a little higher from the ground, as if showing off. I continued to the west until i was at the shore again. Then i started running on the dirt trail. The other members of $G4 that i had been running with were no longer with me, but one of them called to me from the west. They were up a steep hill from me. I started up the trail that ran up the steep incline, which was just off of the small pond. I quickly made it to the top. $F59 was at the trail on the top, and he seemed annoyed with me that i had strayed off. The runners were in a hurry to get somewhere, and i had delayed them by straying over the pond. I felt bad and defensive, saying that i had not fallen that far behind. The others were jogging and headed back to the east. I followed them down the steep slope that i had just come up. I told them that i had actually been ahead of them, but i felt bad for making them wait for me anyway.

12010 February 19

I looked out the window in the northern wall of the living room. I could see the short grassy lawn of the house as it sloped down slightly to the street. Across the street, i could see a blue house in the suburban development with a similar large plate-glass window. There was a man with fuzzy blond hair standing inside. He was standing on the western side of the window and seemed to be peeking out to see who was here. I recognized him, thinking that he was a member of 33hz. He saw me and ducked back into the house, disappearing to the west of the window. I told the person to the southwest of me that there were people across the street who seemed to be famous, but the person did not seem interested. I looked back at the large window, seeing the man appear again. He was shirtless and looked like a musician. I then recognized one of the people in the group as $A141. I pointed him out to the other person, but as i looked back at the window, i could only see $A500 standing in view. None of them had shirts on, and it seemed as though they were trying to pose for some kind of picture. I turned to the south. I was on the lawn to the north of the house, and there was a large wooden window frame just to the southwest of me. It had something to do with the window to the north of me. I looked back to the north to see the thin man with the fuzzy hair now standing in the center of the window. The rest of the band members were standing in the kitchen, which was visible in the western side of the window. They were waiting to get into the window, but they seemed shy about it. I looked back at the window frame. It was some kind of teleportation device. If i reached into the frame, i could reach the things in the window. I tried to reach for the man with the fuzzy hair, thinking that i could grab $A141 and help him through the window. There was something fun and exciting about doing this. It had a special entertainment to it.

I had been riding my bicycle to the north, but stopped and turned around. I heard the train whistle and knew that there was a train coming. Someone had been approaching me from the north and had to pause while i turned my bicycle around. They seemed to be in a car. I wanted to go back to the train tracks, which crossed the road at the bottom of the shallow slope of the dirt road, to the south of me. I pedaled my bicycle quickly to the south, but i was aware of the car following me slowly. It could not pass because there was a car coming in the other direction. I was riding very closely to a white wooden picket fence, which was to the west of me. As i came to the end of the fence, the area around me opened up into a wide grassy park. Here was a small pavilion on the western side of the road, just to the north of the train tracks. I hurried to the tracks before the train came. I skidded to a stop just off the western side of the road, near the slatted wire fence that surrounded the pavilion. I looked at my front tire as i came to a stop. The tire was just over the near rail of the train track. I quickly pulled it back and sat on the grass next to the fence. The train would be coming from the west, and would appear from behind the fenced in area. I remembered waiting for a train around a corner once before. It was a great experience, and i wanted to see it again. I was still aware of someone behind me, but i continued to watch the edge of the fence, listening for the train. I could hear the whistle, but the sound of the engine had trailed off. It sounded as though the train was not coming. I remembered that it would be delivering coal to the factory up the lake, so it should be heavy enough to vibrate the ground. I listened for it, but it did not seem to be coming. I was confused, and continued to watch the tracks, hoping that it would come.

12010 February 20

I drove my car to the west, through the suburban area. It was night, and i was driving on the street that crossed $P2AVE where i used to live. As i approached the intersection with $P2AVE, i noticed that there was a police car parked in the parking lot of the apartment complex on the southern side of the road. I became suddenly weary of it, as if i had been driving too fast down the road. I had not, but i worried that the car would start to follow me. I looked in the rearview mirror as i drove past, making sure that it was not following me. I passed the large red church on the northeastern corner of the intersection and headed across the main road. I still felt nervous and continued to check behind me for the police car. I felt as though i was hurrying down the road, and i eventually pulled over to the northern side of the road, where there was a gravel pull-off. I thought that i might be able to fool the police into thinking that i had been parked here, since they were not currently following me. I stayed in the parking spot for a little while, but the car did not come. I guessed that the had simply been moving somewhere else, and must have turned to the south on $P2AVE. I continued to the west, thinking that i had to meet my grandfather at my grandmother’s house. I called my grandfather to make sure that he was read. I was still sitting in the pull-off on the northern side of the road, but i could now see my grandmother’s house to the west of me. We had to get things ready so that we could leave quickly. We were going to do something illegal, and i was still worried about the police following me. I had to get my grandfather out of the house so that we could start a fire. I listened to my cell phone as the other end rang several times. My grandfather was not answering the telephone. I was to the east of my grandmother’s house, and i looked into the windows. The house was dark, and i felt annoyed that my grandfather had fallen asleep. I then saw him walking from the bedroom on the northern side of the house, crossing to the kitchen to the south where the telephone was. I knew that he would be hurrying to make it to the other house that we would be doing the thing at. I was in the living room of my grandmother’s house, to the south of the kitchen, where my grandfather was. I knew that he was hurrying to make it out of the house. I did not want to talk to him at the moment because i thought that he would be frustrated at his lateness and start rationalizing the reasons that he was late. I did not want to have to hear the entire explanation; i just wanted to get to the place that we were supposed to burn. I moved to the north, into the living room, looking for a place to hide that would be out of sight. He would have to come back into the room to turn off the light, so i wanted to be out of his sight so that he would just leave the house to meet me. There were furnishings around all of the walls, and there was a large orange reclining chair against the eastern wall. The southern end of the room was wider than the rest of the room, with a single long western wall and two shorter eastern walls. The doorway into the room faced south, and was in a short wall on the eastern side of the room. The orange chair was at the southern end of the northern part of the eastern wall. I crouched down behind it as my grandfather came into the room to the south of me. I could see him walking slowly across the room, even though i was out of sight. I then realized that there were several table lamps on in the room. There were two on the long table against the southern wall, and my grandfather was moving to turn the second one, the one on the western side of the table, off. I was suddenly worried, realizing that there was a lamp to the west of me on the wall that was on, and i was even more nervous to realize that there was a table lamp just to the northeast of the recliner that was on. I was hiding just behind it, and would be easily seen by someone turning off the lamp. I was upset that i would be caught here and wondered what i could do. I felt annoyed that i had not chosen a better hiding place. My grandfather moved to the lamp to the west of me, and i tried to remain still. After he turned off the lamp, i realized that the lamp near me was not actually turned on, however, it was still bright enough in the room for him to see me. I tried to pretend that i was sleeping against the eastern wall of the room. He turned to the east suddenly, but did not appear to see me. I then realized that it was actually dark in the room. He turned back to the east, and i wondered if he had actually not seen me and would leave. To my disappointment, though, he was simply turning on a small LED flashlight. He turned around and started scanning the eastern wall. I felt frustrated with him, feeling that he was just doing this for dramatic effect. He knew that i was here and was playing dumb to make me feel bad about it. As he moved next to me and waved the flashlight across my face, i pretended to wake up and realize that he was here. I told him that i had fallen asleep. He did not say anything as he turned and left the room. I felt bad about the situation and stood up. Looking to the north, i noticed the couches against the northern wall. There was enough room between the couches and the wall that i could easily have hidden behind the couches and not been discovered. I was then moving to the north, through the dark streets, toward the house that we were supposed to burn. The others were already in the house. I was supposed to pick up my grandfather here after he had lighted the fire and drive him away. He had to be somewhere else so that he would have an alibi. The building had to burn down so that my grandfather could collect the insurance on it, but he could not be spotted here. I looked to the northwest, down the corridor on the northeastern side of the house. The room was not lighted, but there was light coming in through the windows in the northeastern wall. I could see the men moving things out of the house. They were taking some of the irreplaceable items so that they would not burn in the fire. We had to make it look like a robbery, so that the police would have someone to blame for the fire. I watched the man walk to the south, and i realized that the police had already been called about the fire. The fire had been started in another part of the house, so we would have to hurry to get the things out. I did not feel rushed to get away from the fire, however, because i knew that the fire would not spread that quickly. I wanted the men to hurry, though, and i was very anxious to get them out of the house. I hoped that there were no neighbors watching the house, or they would see us drive away. This had to be quick, and i worried about the car being spotted. We were then in the car and started driving to the southeast. We headed down the driveway, which ran under the carport on the northeastern side of the house. I felt tense, thinking that the police were already on the way. I hoped that no one noticed us driving away. My grandfather, who was driving, speeded out of the driveway. A car coming from the north squealed its brakes to avoid hitting us as we pulled out in front of it. There were four of us in the dark large american car, and i realized that the person driving the other car would now know what our car looked like. My grandfather’s careless driving had made us noticeable to someone, and the police would be able to trace the car back to us. We started driving very fast down the darkened highway, heading to the southeast. We should have taken the things in a white unmarked van. We could have traded the van for the black car somewhere else. I was unhappy with the way that this was going. I then thought that the police were following us from somewhere far behind. They had heard about the car that had left the house and were in pursuit. I felt nervous and wondered what we should do as we traveled east. I imagined that i could stop the police from following us by stopping the engines of their cars with special powers. I imagined a police car behind us, and i thought about stalling the engine with mental abilities. I would just have to do it for all cars within a large radius around us so that they could not get a good look at our car.

I was on the southern end of the back room of my parents’ house, walking past the door in the eastern wall. I noticed that there was someone walking down the driveway from the north. I paused and looked through the curtains at the person, who was a teenage boy wearing a red zip-up hooded sweatshirt. I walked past the door and stopped just to the north, telling my mother that someone was coming to the door. She was sitting on the western end of the couch, which was against the northern wall. She got up from the house and looked out the window, but then shook her head and sat back down. She said that she did not want to answer the door. I heard the boy knock and wondered what to do. I told my mother that he would probably know that we were home, especially since the television was turned on and could be heard. I felt uncomfortable about the situation, but i stood where i was, out of sight of the door. My mother said that the boy was here selling calendars. I crouched down so that i would be out of sight of the window in the eastern wall, in case the boy decided to walk back to the north. I knew that this was useless, though. I was quite sure that the boy had seen me anyway and knew that there were people home.

12010 February 22

I was driving with my father down the highway, heading west through the mountainous area. There was tall ridge of mountains to the north of us. They had snowcaps on them and seemed to be fairly young. Between the mountains and the road we were driving on was a long narrow lake. I remembered this lake from someplace long ago, and it was nice to see this place again. There seemed to be people swimming in the lake, which surprised me. I knew that it was still winter, and it seemed too cold for people to be swimming. I mentioned this to my father. I looked at some of the people swimming as we passed. The lake was divided with narrow swimming lanes near the southern shore. The lanes zigzagged north to south, and were marked by yellow ropes that ran over the surface of the water. It seemed as though there might be a race happening in the water, but i still could not believe that there would be people swimming in the lake when it was this cold. I watched the people near the shore of the lake as we continued. Many of them were in bathing suits. I noticed several women in one-piece suits with matching dull-orange or tan bathing caps. This seemed very strange. I then noticed that there was ice building up along the yellow ropes that marked the course. The ropes actually seemed to be yellow foam tubes that were sitting on rocky strips of land. The artificial walls marked the swimming channels that went back and forth as the course headed east. The ice was forming over the tubes, forming rounded cloudy forms. I then noticed that some of the ice had bulbous protrusions that looked like drip mounds. Some of them seemed to be a few meters tall. I tried focusing on individual ones, but we seemed to be moving too fast to focus on any. I then noticed the tall ice sculpture near the western end of the course. It was made out of the same cloudy ice as the formations on the dividers, but it was sculpted into the shape of a human. I stopped to look at it for a moment. We had been walking down the street along the lake, and were now in a small resort town. I mentioned to my father that i should have brought my camera so that i could take a picture of this. He said that i should go back to the car to get it. I realized that this was not the best place to take a picture from, but then i noticed that the sidewalk crossed a narrow bridge, just to the west of us. The bridge arched to the north, over the narrow outlet of the lake, connecting to the large set of buildings on the other side. The two-story building appeared to be a set of shops. The building was designed to look like a ski lodge, with white plaster sides and darkly stained wood trimmings. The building followed the curve of the lake to the east and then to the north. The shore just to the north of me curved away, but it ran close enough to the ice sculpture that i could get good pictures. The sidewalk also seemed to join a walkway that ran along the second-floor balcony of the building, so i would be looking down at the sculpture. I decided that i should head back to the car. I told my father i would be back and hurried back to the east, down the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. We had parked in a lot on the northern side of the street, just a few blocks to the east. I remembered trying to park here. We had pulled into the small square lot, which had an entrance on the eastern end of the southern side. The lot sloped down a little to the west, so that the sidewalk only met the lot at the entrance, and was higher than the lot on the western side of the lot. There was a guardrail separating the lot from the higher part of the sidewalk. I passed by a large brick building, which seemed to be a storefront. I remembered that the lot was just to the east of the building. As i passed the building, though, i could not see any cars in the lot. I remembered being the only car parked along the western side. I then noticed that the car was below the level of the sidewalk, and was almost hidden from view by the metal guardrail. There were now two cars parked to the south of us and one car parked to the north. I hopped over the guardrail and onto the roof of the red car, which was just below the sidewalk. I did not remember the lot being this low, but i thought that it would be interesting to jump from the roof of the cars and flip oven to the sidewalk to the east of them. I stopped near the trunk of my black car. The front of my car was facing west, toward the large windowless brick wall of the shop. I opened the truck and started to get my clothes out. I was then aware of a man doing something near the car that was parked on the southern side of the lot. He had come out of the apartment building to the east. The basement of the brick building was very modern. There was a thick cement beam running across the bottom of the building, with round cement columns holding it up at regular intervals. There seemed to be something yellow near the top of the columns, where the cement ended and a narrow rusty iron clamp attached the column to the beam. The wall of the basement ran at a shallow angle to the brick wall of the building above it. Both walls were flush at the southeastern corner of the building, but the basement wall sloped inward for a third the length of the building. In the middle of the building, it turned to the west, heading straight into the building, where it ended at a closed yellow metal door. The wall to the north of the door slanted back out at a fourty-five degree angle to the brick wall until it met the northern part of the basement wall, which was parallel to the cement beam, but recessed about a meter from the surface of the brick wall. This was the basement entrance to the apartment building, and i thought that the entrance to the laundry room would be here. There was a large dark-green dumpster to the north of the door. I closed my truck, having changed my clothes like i had planned. As i started walking to the southeast, to get back to the sidewalk, i realized that the pale-blue sports car that was parked to the south of us was parked at a strange angle. It was diagonal and taking up two spots. I did not remember the car being parked at this angle before, and i wondered if it had been moved or whether i simply had not noticed. I turned to look to the south when i suddenly remembered that i had come here to get my camera. I was suddenly frustrated with myself for not remembering and turned back to the car to get the camera out of the trunk. I opened the trunk, thinking that i had not seen it while i was digging through my clothing. I started to worry that it was not in the car. I tried to picture where i would be as i looked into the trunk. I could see a large gray duffel bag in the center of the trunk, and several other bundles of clothing on the left side of the trunk. I had dug through all of these things getting my clothes, and i did not remember seeing the camera. I was worried that it was not in the car.

I sat in the middle of the classroom, on the western side of the small rectangular table. There were a few other students around me, and it seemed to be early before a class. I had my blue backpack on my lap and was pulling some of the books out. This seemed to be $A101’s class, and i thought that we had to read a for homework. I had not read the book, and i chatted with the person to the south of me as i pulled the book out of my bag. The book had something to do with a boat, and seemed to be a popular book. I felt bad about not doing the work and thought that i should skim over the text quickly. I could read the last section of the book so that i would know how it ended. In case there was a test, i would at least be able to give some information on the story. I opened the book on the desk in front of me. It was now a large hard-cover book with a mostly white cover and a black spine. I had placed several receipts into the book as a bookmarker, but, when i opened the book, i was having trouble finding the beginning of the story. I kept trying to flip through the pages, but could not seem to get to the beginning of the story. The pages were formatted in two columns, and i started reading some of the text. The lines were in a light-red type, and seemed to be nothing more than stream of consciousness. The line i read was repeated a few times in different ways. This seemed easy to skim through, because there would be no continuing story to the chapter. I flipped a few pages until the entire page was taken up by two columns of drawings. The drawings looked like they had been borrowed from children’s books. They were printed in the same pale-red type as the rest of the text, but i noticed that there were some gray lines drawn over them. Someone had edited the picture of the young girls in summer knee-length dresses, which were on the lower part of the left-hand page. The gray lines seemed to depict graphic sexual content over the women, drawing in vaginas and things protruding from them. I scanned over the page, thinking that someone else had vandalized the book with pencil, but then i realized that these controversial images might be part of the original sketches. This was all part of the stream of consciousness. I could not tell what was original as i skimmed over the pictures. I did realize that it would be easier to skim the book knowing that most of it was in pictures, but i felt confused about what was really happening in the book. The fact that it was stream of consciousness meant that i could not determine a plot from the story. I looked to the south, where some of the other students were moving around. I was still not sure what to do about the book. There was another smaller room to the south, through the western side of the southern wall. A table sat in the center of the room, and $A118 was sitting on the southern side of the table reading a book. I said something to him and he replied. I then looked down at the blue bag, which was still to the east of me. I seemed to be packing some things into the bag to move them out. I was now in the front room on the northern side of a house. To the south of me, there was a doorway into the interior of the house. The southern end of the western wall was open to the entryway, and a set of stairs descended from the south. I turned around to see a man descending the stairs. He seemed like $A374. He asked me why i did not take any pictures of $P95, which was the small town i had just been visiting. I remembered going back to the car to get my camera when i was there, and i still felt frustrated with the entire situation. I told him not to ask the question. As he stopped off of the bottom step of the flight of stairs, i noticed a tan electrical box on the floor. It had a domed cover with vertical ribs over the outlets. $A374 stepped around it as he reached the bottom, but it seemed that he had done so by coincidence. I did not think that he saw the outlet box. It was a strange place for an electrical outlet, and i thought that it would be in the way. I pointed it out to the man who had come down the stairs. I then turned back to pack some more things into my bag.

12010 February 24

I was lying on the southern side of the bed, and $F10 was lying to the north of me. I had my left arm over him as we slept. It had been a long time since we had hugged each other like this, and i felt very comfortable with him again. He seemed flirtatious, though, and i was a little uncomfortable with that. He kept shifting position in bed. I then saw him in the mirror on the northern wall. He was naked in bed, and it seemed that he wanted to be erotic with me. I was not interested, though. He lifted the white sheets a little, and i could see that his penis was erect. He grabbed it and started masturbating. I felt uncomfortable with this and made a noise to let him know that i was displeased with the display. He let the sheets fall back over him, and i tried to stay in bed, hugging him, but he started rubbing his buttocks into my groin. I was not comfortable.

I started moving to the west, moving down the street on the southern side of the campus. This place seemed to be $P52, and i seemed to be on the street just to the south of $P191. I had been walking along the sidewalk on the northern side of the street, coming from the intersection just to the east of me. As i floated a little higher, i noticed that $F18 was standing on the southern side of the road, to the south of me. She was just getting out of her car, and she was lifting $A631 into her arms to carry him to campus. I wondered what she was doing back here and thought that she might be coming back for some alumni event. I wondered if should could see me floating up here. I moved a little to the west, spreading out my arms and starting to spin a little. I hovered over the parking lot that was on the northern side of the road. I thought that i should be noticeable in the air, and i wanted $F18 to spot me. I glanced down to see that she did not notice me. She was still getting her child out of the car. I was a little disappointed that they did not notice. I wanted to say hello, but i did not want to just show up. I stopped spinning and floated lower to the ground, drifting back to the east. I did not want the people in the parking lot to see me flying. I knew that it would be obvious for everyone to see me in the daytime, so i had to get back to where i had come from. I floated to the north, across the western side of the large modern white building, which seemed like an apartment building or hotel. There was a crowd of people on the northern side of the building. They were wearing nice clothes, and i thought that they were an all-men’s chorus. One of the men spotted me as i hovered near the northwestern corner of the building, peering around at them. He was joking and smiling with the others, but he left them and started for me, trying to figure out how i was flying. He came around the corner of the building, and smiled widely when he saw that i was hovering. He then took out his cell phone and aimed it at me to take a picture. I did not want to be photographed, so i started to float higher. He moved around to the southwest of. I floated up the face of the building, pausing before i got too high. I did not want to be photographed. Other people could not know that i had the ability to fly. I hid my face in my hands and turned toward the building. The building had several different levels, and the central tower seemed to be to the south. I flew over the northern roofs of the buildings and came down on the eastern side of the building. I had to get into the building, but i was weary of the crowd on the northern side. The building seemed to connect to the building to the north of it, forming a corridor under the building on the first two floors. The men were standing to the north of the glass entry doors, in the middle of the corridor. I started walking around the northern side of the building, hoping that i could get into the main entrance to the apartments. As i came around the corner, i noticed the man who had seen me. He was talking with his friends. He spotted me, so i backed to the east, around the side of the building. I would not be able to sneak into the northern door of the building. I then started to worry that the man would come after me. I had to get away from here. I quickly headed to the southwest, where i noticed an entrance to the building. I knew that it did not get me into the lobby, but i thought that i could follow the access corridor and come out near the lobby. I started walking very quickly down the long narrow corridor. The walls seemed crude and slanted in slightly at the top, as if the corridor were a carved tunnel. I had to be careful of how fast i was flying down the corridor. I knew that i could seem to run very fast because of my flying ability, but i had to be careful not to crash into the walls at this speed. The corridor turned abruptly back on itself to the west, so i slowed and rounded the corner. This maintenance corridor seemed familiar, and i thought that i might have been in it before. I came to an area where the corridor opened up, and there was a doorway on the eastern side of the northern end. As i opened the door, i realized that it simply came out closer to the northern side of the building than i had been. I was still outside and would have to go through the crowd to get to the entry doors. I was disappointed. I headed back into the corridor, remembering that it was designed to cut through part of the building so that walkers did not have to go all the way around. I backed up and looked around the oval room. The walls and floor were dark gray, and the corridor, which curved along the western wall, seemed to be a step up from the rest of the room. There was a large dark-skinned man lying on a weight bench just to the east of me as i reached the center of the western wall. He was lifting weights. This was a crude gym for the people who lived in the apartment. Another man had come into the room from the corridor to the south. I asked if there was a door into the building from this corridor. The man to the south of me did not think that there was, and the man lifting weights sat up and simply said that he did not think so. I wondered what i should do. I then noticed the dark elevator doors in the western wall. I knew that a key was required to use the elevator, but i wondered if the key to my apartment would call the elevator. I stopped in front of the elevator and looked at the brass panel to the north of the elevator door. There were slots for keys. I had thought that they required special maintenance keys, but i wondered if apartment keys would work anyway. The labels carved into the control panel were arranged into three petal-shaped groups. The petals formed a triangle that pointed upward in the center of the panel. There seemed to be small protruding cylinder in the center of each petal where a key could be inserted. The labels around the sides of the petal seemed to be numbers, and i thought that they were room numbers. I was staying in room eleven, and i looked at the keys in my hand to orient it. I then realized that i had taken the wrong key ring out. These black keys did not go to my apartment. I put them back into my right pocket and pulled out another set. I fumbled with the keys, trying to find the correct one to put into the hole in the panel. Before i could figure out the keys, however, the elevator door slid open. Someone must have called it down here. I quickly stepped in and looked at the brass control panel on the right-hand side of the door. I was in room eleven of these apartments, and i knew that that was on the second floor of the building. The elevator door closed and i started going up. I then started to relax a little, thinking that i was safe here. I then wondered what room eleven was like. I had not been there for a very long time. I was now visiting the past, so it had been many years since i had seen the apartment. I only have a vague memory of what it was like. It seemed like it would be spacious and simple. I remembered being back in time at the other room as well. I was more familiar with that apartment, and that one seemed more crowded and orange. That was also farther back in time than i was now.

12010 February 26

I was in the area where the tall modern buildings were. This place seemed to be part of a college campus. I was standing just to the east of a stack of red rubber gymnasium mats. The mats were piled on what appeared to be the forks of a forklift. I had been on this elevated platform before, and i remembered the difficulty i had trying to get off. The forklift was moving the mats slowly to the east, across the southern side of the tall white cement building. It would stop in the middle of the building, and there would be a button over the center of the mats. I remembered being in this situation before. It was very hard to reach the button over the mats, but it had to be pressed in order to get the mats down. I tried to move over the mats so that it would be easier for me to press the button this time. I reached across the mats. There were short wooden slaps stacked on the western side of the mats. They were tucked within the white plastic sheeting that had been wrapped around the mats to keep them together. I pulled on the slaps, trying to crawl across, but several of them came loose. I turned them over in my hand for a moment, but felt frustrated with them and tucked them back into the wrapping on the side of the mats. I did not want them falling to the ground. I was having trouble shifting position, but finally managed to shift around to the northern side of the mats. I seemed to be pushing myself between the mats and the metal frame of the forklift. As i reached the center of the northern side of the mats, the platform came to a stop in the middle of the building. To my annoyance, it did not stop with the button in the center of the mats, as it had before. Instead, the button was to the east of the mats. I reached for it, but had trouble reaching it again. I tried to reach the button, but i had to push the mats out of the way a little to get to it. The mats fell over the southern side of the platform and tumbled to the ground. I was annoyed that this had happened, but i reached for the button and pressed it. The red button seemed to be the bottom of two buttons in the small rectangular electrical box that was on the center of the cement wall of the building. As i pressed the button, the platform started moving slowly back to the west. I then realized that it would again be hovering out in the air away from the building. I did not want to go through all of this again, so i looked at the corner of the building as i approached it. The outside of the building was covered with red padded mats, and they seemed to form stacks on the southwestern corner of the building, looking like masonry stones. I grabbed the top of one of the mats, thinking that there was enough of an indent on the corner of the building for me to climb down. I was hesitant about doing it, but i grabbed onto the mats and stepped off of the platform as the corner passed. I noticed that there was a section of the building, which was at my shoulder level, where the mats had come off of it. I could see the black braces that would normally hold the pads on. I was glad that i could easily wrap my hands around one of the black metal braces for a good hold. The ground seemed to be a long way down, so i was nervous about climbing down the face of the building. I looked down suddenly, finding that i was now several meters from the southwestern corner of the building, on the western face of the building. To my surprise, there was a roof not too far below me. The roof was decorated with square indented patterns, and it curved from the building down to the west. It seemed to run between two towers of the building, curving down in the center. I was only a meter above the first square of the roof, so i lowered myself down the wall and watched my right foot as it landed in one of the squares. I let go of the wall and walked down the slope of the roof to the west. I would now have to get down to the ground, but i decided that it was not that far from the lowest point in the roof, so it would be easy enough for me to jump.

I was standing on the southern side of the garden, talking to the others. The ground around me was dirt, and there were raised rows of planted seeds running east to west. The seeds had not yet sprouted, even though there seemed to be green plants growing along the northern side of the yard. I chatted with a few of the people here, but i had to leave. I turned to the southeast and left. I was then walking south, across the grass on the eastern edge of the open grassy park. It seemed damp out, as though it had been drizzling or was foggy. I followed the gravel road along the side of the park. Another road turned off of the road i was on, just to the south of me. The second road ran a short distance to the east, where it ended in an old cement bridge that crossed the small stream. To the west of the intersection was a brown wooden shed, which seemed to be in good condition. I was riding my bicycle down the gravel drive, following $F10 down the dirt road. I followed him around the corner to the east and crossed the bridge. I seemed to be preoccupied with something and was not really paying attention. There was something that i was trying to focus on, but i could not quite tell what it was. $F10’s father seemed to be here, and i felt that he disapproved of me a little. I followed $F10 across the bridge to the east. The road resumed on the other side of the bridge, where it was paved. It ended about twenty meters away in a busy street. I could see cars traveling north and south on the street. I thought that we would have to get on the road and head north quite a ways to get to where we were going. $F10 veered to the north, though, crossing onto an elevated walkway. I quickly realized that the walkway led to the walking path, which ran parallel with the busy highway. It would be better if we followed the path rather than ran on the road. I started over the dark-brown walkway, which curved to the north and met the paved walking path. As we started walking to the north, i noticed that $F10 was now walking ahead of me. I remembered that we had been on bicycles, and i suddenly wondered where his bicycle had gone. I remembered that it was a yellow child’s bicycle. I could see it, with a U-shaped metal brace sticking up from the back of the bicycle. I felt confused, wondering where it had gone.

I was sitting on the southern side of the long wooden rectangular table in the cafeteria. I had been eating lunch. $F4 was sitting across the table from me, just to the northwest. People were coming into the room from the northeast, and i was chatting with someone. I felt out of place here, as though i did not belong with these people. $A186 was standing to the west of me, on my side of the table. I was not paying attention to him, but i heard him call out a name: “Dave.” He was trying to get someone’s attention. I suddenly realized that he was talking to me. I looked over at him, confused, and told him that my name was not Dave. He smiled and corrected himself, speaking my actual name. He asked me to grab some of the boxes that were on the table in front of me and help carry them. I told him that i would and stood up. I grabbed one of the small cardboard boxes on the table in front of me and lifted it. It was rather heavy, but i started to carry it away from the table. It seemed that we would be taking it to the car, to the east.

I had walked into the shed with the others, and i was now standing in the center of the square room. The walls were pale blue, and everyone was gathered around a table in the center. Someone seemed to be sick on the table, and the people in the white smocks were gathered around him. They seemed to be doctors, and something was happening here. The door on the western side of the room opened, and a person looked in with surprise. He was part of the group that we had left in the other area. They had not been aware of this area and were surprised to see it. We did not want everyone knowing about this room because it would be dangerous for all of them to flock here. We had to limit access to this area. Someone told the man to leave and shut the door. The wind, which had been blowing through the door stopped as soon as the door closed. I looked to the east, at the female doctor on the eastern side of the table in the center of the room. She had her brown hair tied up under a white surgical hat. She seemed tense and was worried about people coming in through the door. This room had something to do with time travel. The room was out of its regular location, and it was inside the small shed. I could see the shed to the south of me now. There was a large swirling cloud of dark-gray dust rotating to the west of it. This storm was caused by the conflicting time zones. The wind was caused by the difference in pressure between the outside and the door to the corridor on the western side of the room. The more we kept the door open, the greater the winds would become. The main ground was discovering the room that we had found, however, and they were opening the western door in curiosity more and more frequently. To the south of me, i could see the storm clouds growing around the small flimsy shed. There was an old rusting truck parked to the east of the shed. Something then occurred to me. I looked to the east, at the doctor. She had realized something. She seemed surprised and shocked. She said “The lorry. The lorry outside is the priest!” There was some significance to this statement, and it had to do with the growing storm. Someone opened the door to the west again, standing with his mouth open in the doorway looking into the room where we were. One of the doctors angrily tried to close the door, but i could feel the strong wind coming through it. The wind was creating the storm.

12010 February 28

$F18 was standing to the southwest of me. I said hello to her as i moved through the crowd. I was surprised to see her here. I remembered that i had just seen her in a dream i had, so i asked her if she remembered being on the college campus and seeing a man flying. She seemed confused, and the man to the west of me seemed annoyed with my narrative. I described to $F18 how she had turned with her son in her arms as she got out of the car. I then described a person floating in the air. She did not seem to understand what i was talking about, but i was amused with her reaction. I finally told her that i was describing a dream i had about her.

I remembered driving to the south a while ago when i was not feeling so well. I had left $F45 at home and come south. I knew that he was worried about me as i drove south on the highway. I was passing through the outskirts of the urban area. The land around me was flat, and the gray sky matched the colors of the landscape. Everything here seemed dreary. I had come down here once before and i did not return that evening. I remembered that i had slept in my car in the parking lot of a large plaza. $F45 was probably worried about me, but i was in a bad mood, so i did not care. I had felt that i had to get away for a while. $F45 was simply worried because i had gone away and he did not know where i was. He would have expected me back, but i had gone somewhere without a plan and just stayed there for a while. I was walking to the east now, along the southern side of the road. The land around me seemed mostly rural, with buildings scattered here and there. I turned to the north, thinking that i had left again. This time i had left my car somewhere to the south, and was walking north to the large modern aluminium building. $F45 seemed to work in the building, and i was going there to get him. I remembered coming here before. I had left my car somewhere because i had run out of gas, so i would have to ask $F45 to drive me to get some. It seemed that i had been out of money for gas at the time, so i would need to get money from $F45. As i started walking up the shallow slope into the gravel parking lot of the large building, i realized that i did not run out of gas this time. My car still had gas in it, i had just left it somewhere to the south. I suddenly wondered why i would be coming here to see $F45 then. I did not really need to be here, so i turned to the west, walking down the grassy slope and into the small room. I had just left the kitchen of the house, where $F45 was, and walked into the dining room, to the west. There seemed to be a large lizard walking on the floor in the center of the large room. The animal seemed aggressive, but i remembered that i had simply stood up to them before. They will chase humans, but, if you yell back at it, it might get confused and back off. I told the other person this. I was still frightened of the lizards, but i challenged them to keep them from attacking me and to get them out of the kitchen. I could not see the large lizard at the moment, however. I simply remembered doing that before. This time, there was a square table on the western side of the room. Several plates and bowls were left on the table from breakfast. A small yellow lizard was on the northeastern edge of the table. It opened its mouth and hissed at me. I was hesitant about the lizard, not wanting to get to close to it because it might attack. I moved around the eastern side of the table, looking at the bright yellow horny lizard on the counter. It seemed to move to the edge of the table so that it was always facing me. I felt angry toward it and tried to scare it. As i moved to the west, i stopped in the doorway of the room. The lizard was on the table very close to me. I slapped my hand on the wall to the north of the doorway, trying to scare the lizard. It did not seem to understand the motion. I then realized that i was not hitting the wall that hard because i was still hesitant to scare the lizard.