12011 February 01

I headed to the west, down the northern sidewalk of the main street to the west of $P3. There was a store on the southern side of the street that i had thought about stopping at, but i walked past it. The others seemed to be at this store, but i continued past, saying something to the man with me. I was heading for my grandmother’s house. When i reached the house, which was near the western end of the street, i put down the two jars of peanut-butter on the counter to the north of me. One of the jars was open, and i started stirring the substance. My grandmother, who was to the northeast, commented on the peanut butter, asking why i had not gotten a jar of crunchy peanut-butter. I told her that one of the jars was crunchy.

12011 February 02

The large room was mostly empty now, so i headed to the south, toward the doors in the southern wall. I could hear the dance music coming from the room to the south, and i thought the others might be in the room dancing. I had come into this place without a ticket, and i was cautious of the men around the room who were watching the doors to the south. I would have to pretend that i was just looking for someone. A man sat near a small table to the west of the doors, in a long recess in the southern wall. He actually seemed to be sitting on the porch of a small white building, which had an overhang. The doors to the dancehall were to the east. As i came near them, i glanced at the man sitting on the stool to the west. There was a small black metal ticket box on the small table just to the east of him. He watched me as i approached the building, and i thought that he would probably ask to see my ticket. I did not have a ticket, and it seemed that i did not even have a stamp on my right hand, like i was supposed to have. I hoped that the man did not stop me. As i approached the doors to the dance room, though, he did not seem to move. I glanced into the dance room, as if looking for someone. I could only see a few people there. The dance had been clearing out, and i suddenly wondered why my friends were. I was sure that they were not in the dance room. I was simply looking in to see who was there. I turned to the east and walked away from the building. I then headed to the north, up the eastern side of the park, which seemed to be in $P127. The others were gathered on the green grass of the park, and i moved to the north side of them and started talking with them. I looked to the south, back toward the building that had been the dance hall. There seemed to be a tall stone statue in the center of the park. There was something interesting about it, and i tired to focus on it, but it seemed dark enough out that the dark-gray stone blended in with the dark background of the park. $A255 was with the group of people around me, who seemed to be classmates of mine. We started moving to the south. $A119 seemed to be driving the car on the road. I watched the center of the green area, looking for the statue that i knew was there. I had been looking at it before, but was having a hard time seeing it now. The road seemed to bow to the east before curving to the southwest. In the center of the bow, i noticed a tall object reaching up from the ground. At first it looked like a totem pole or other narrow statue, but then it seemed like a tall stone monument carved in an art-nouveau style. The sun was setting in the southwest, and it cast a red hue over the light-gray stone. A face was on the southeastern side of the statue, and curved parallel lines ran down the opposite side of the statue, simulating long hair or a head covering. The statue was very picturesque, and i wanted to photograph it. I told the others as we were driving past that it would make a great picture, and that i wanted to get out and take photographs. I was sad that they did not slow down, and i watched the statue pass us and move away over the trees. I felt sad that i could not get a photograph of this, and i thought that i would have to come back later to take pictures. I would have to come back during the sunrise or sunset to get the light just right on the stone. The red hue looked very good with the dark green of the pine trees below.

12011 February 03

I turned down the corridor and headed to the west. I was at $P7. The building seemed large and polished, and the hallways were dimly lighted. There was polished wood on the lower part of the walls, with off-white plaster on the upper part. I was surprised to see how nice the building looked, and it seemed as though i had not been back here in a long time. I was just visiting, and i felt a little out of place here. I seemed to be in a wide entryway on the western side of the building. The entryway was a corridor running north to south along the building. It had a very tall ceiling, and it almost seemed as if the wall to the east of me was a smaller older building inside of the larger one. Students were wandering around the various corridors, and i headed down one of the central corridors, heading to the east. I thought about the remodeling that had been done here. I paused for a second, looking down a narrower corridor to the south. The corridor seemed to go up slightly, like there was a shallow set of stairs or a ramp at the entrance. I started down the corridor, but had to stop because there were students in front of me walking slowly. They seemed to be in dark-blue uniform pants with black sweaters. I grabbed onto the black round metal railing to the west of me as i tried to look ahead down the corridor. I was not sure i was headed in the correct direction. This place seemed so strange to me now. I backed up and headed to the east again. To my surprise, i found myself entering a rectangular room with long rectangular tables on both sides. This was the cafeteria. It was full of people, so i thought that it must be lunch time. I was not sure that i was supposed to be here at the moment. I then noticed that the people around me were all older and wearing semi-formal suits. They were the teachers. I had accidentally come into the teachers’ lounge. I should not have been in this room, thought i thought that i might be here teaching, since i seemed too old to be a student again. I felt confused as i turned back to the west to head out of the room. I wanted to mingle with the students and act like a student, but i knew that i was too old to do so. I paused outside the lounge, back in the tall hallway on the western side of the building. I was not sure where to go. I had to get to the cafeteria, which seemed to be down one of the corridors to the east. I then noticed the small restaurant in the storefront to the east of me. It was built into the main corridor of the building. I was surprised to see that restaurants had been set up inside of the school, but i realized that the upperclassmen probably went there for lunch. $P7 seemed very commercialized now.

12011 February 04

I walked to the east, along the southern side of the area. There seemed to be a body of water to the south of the area, like a river or small lake, and the group of people were standing in the narrow field that ran along the flats of the northern shore. Just to the north of the grassy area was a sandy bank that rose a two to three meters up to the forester area. The people around me were standing in three rows, which were parallel to the shore. They were in white gym clothing, and i realized that they were a wrestling team. I was not part of this group, but i was very interested in them, and i wanted to join them. Instead, i stood between the lines, watching them do some kind of standing movement. To the west of me, i noticed a short young man. He seemed to stand out from the rest of the wrestlers, but he was participating in the ground anyway, even though i knew that he was not part of the team. The people in the team seemed to be paired up. One of the pair was holding his hands together in front of his or her chest, with his or her elbows down. The other person was grabbing on to the hands, trying to do some kind of wrestling move. I felt excited watching this. I then started moving to the west, across the field with the members of the team. They were jogging slowly to the west. The field opened up a little to the west, becoming wider north to south. The steep embankment to the north ended, and the field grass ran all the way to the edge of the tall dark forest, which seemed to be composed of conifer trees. The team members entered the edges of the forest, and i followed them right to the edge. Even though i felt good about being with them, i was still aware that i was not part of their group, and could not do all of the exercises with them. A few people in white gym clothes then ran from the edge of the woods to the north of me and started back across the filed to the east. The wrestlers were heading back to the eastern side of the field, which now seemed to be to the southeast of us. I turned around and started following them. The field now seemed to be part of the riverbank. It was still wide, but the ground was muddy and damp, and the grass was thin and wispy. I realized that i was barefoot as i ran over the muddy ground. The ground was soft, so it did not bother my feet. There was something special about running on the ground in my bare feet, and i wondered if the people around would think it was an interesting thing to do. A few people passed me to the north, and i strayed to the south a little, where there was a strip of muddy ground that did not have any grass growing on it. My feet splashed in the shallow water over the muddy ground. To the southeast of me, i could see the embankment rising on the northeastern side of the bank. I adjusted the blanket that was draped over my shoulders. The wind from the west caught the blanket and lifted it into the air a little. I imagine using the cloth as some type of sail. I pulled the material off of my left shoulder, realizing that it was the red and white striped rug i remembered from somewhere before. I had it with me for a while, but had not used. I let it float to the east of me, catching the wind. The wind was not strong enough to lift or pull me with the material, but i could feel the wind pulling on the cloth. I turned to the northwest, to face into the wind, letting the lightweight rug billow behind me. I then noticed the helicopter coming from the north, appearing from over the tops of the trees. It seemed strange and out of place, and i wondered if it was the source of the strong wind. I started to feel weary of it as it circled to the west of me. It looked like a military attack helicopter, with flat sides over its surface. I worried that it was stalking me, and i tried to ignore it. It passed over my head, heading east. I tried not to get blown over by the gust from the rotors.

12011 February 06

I ran to the northeast, down the long alley where the market was. There were small booths on both sides of the road. There seemed to have been someone else with me, but, when i came to a stop at the intersection, the person was no longer with me. I was aware of a man to the north of me, though. He was standing behind the counter of one of the market booths, cooking something on a grill to the north of him. He seemed to be in a white apron and seemed to have black hair and a thick black mustache. The wooden frame of his shop was draped with white cloth, and three were rows of meat hanging over the front counter. The meat looked like large pork chops. I then realized that the man was cooking some kind of sausage on the grill to the north of him. I looked to the northeast, down the corridor that i had been following. There now seemed to be a ceiling over the top of me, but it was only over the intersection area. The corridor to the northeast eventually came back out in the open. To the northeast, i could see rows of skinned animals hanging from the ceiling. They seemed to be pigs, and they hung in a row. The sides of animals all looked very similar, making the rows seem decorative. There were also rows of meat along the walls and counters. A cross corridor ran to the north of me, and i noticed more men cooking under their tents on the eastern side of this corridor. The area to the north seemed to be outdoors, but covered with a canvas that ran from the hallway i was in to the building to the north. The market area was both in the corridor and in the alley that ran along the northern side of the corridor. To the south, the hallway crossed through a dark tunnel to a sun-lighted street beyond. The architecture of the street reminded me of Roma, with tan stonework arches over windows and cobblestone streets. A darker corridor also ran to the southeast. It was lined with colorfully pink and red animal quarters, which hung from the ceiling across the width of the hall. There was so much meat at this market, and i thought that it was because of the barbecues. I then thought that $F45 would not like this place, since he was a vegetarian. I was going to head to the southeast, but i was caught looking at the decorative arrays of meat all around me.

12011 February 08

I was in a room filled with people, who seemed to be alumni from my high school. $A6 was standing to the south of me, and i was standing to the east of myself, watching me and $A6 talk for a moment. It felt really good to see him again. I felt very close to him and hugged him. He was warm, and i was attracted to him now. We were then lying down on a cushion as we talked, and i had my left arm over him. I started to feel awkward, wondering if he would find this awkward. We were then sitting up again, and i was chatting with him. I was very close to him and i studied his face as he spoke. He was staring off to the northeast as he spoke to me, and i was watching his expression, trying to figure out if he was uncomfortable with my closeness. We now seemed to be sitting in the center of the square room, and there were many people sitting around us. I became uncomfortable not knowing what he felt and thought that i should move away from him. He still looked rather young and seemed very attractive. I tried to talk to some of the other people in the room, but i still kept thinking of $A6 and wanted to be with him.

12011 February 09

I chatted with my parents as we walked down the street to the southwest. We were in New York City, and they had to head to the south, toward the large station. The station building looked like an old train station, with a tall peaked roof and black metal-frame doors along the bottom. They said goodbye and walked to the south. My mother told me to be careful, because she did not think that the city was a safe place. I wandered to the west, through the crowd of people in the open building. $F45 was in the city somewhere, and i wondered if i could meet him somewhere. I thought that i would call him to find out where he was. As i approached the exit to the large open building, passing through the crowd of people, i noticed $F45 approaching me from the north. There seemed to be a brown tile corridor running along the western side of the building, ending at the opening of the door. I had already walked through the wide doorway from the inside of the building, to the east of me, and was about to head out through the wide doorway to the west of me. I said hello to $F45, who was surprised to see me. We headed west outside, along the northern side of the southern wing of the large building. I told him that my parents had brought me to the city. It was good to see him, and i felt happy here. He was going to a concert here, and i wondered what we should do. I was then moving down the southern side of the street, heading west. $F45 was no longer with me, but i knew that i had only left him for a short time. I was now traveling on a bus, which was moving very quickly down the street. I tried to get comfortable in my seat, but i suddenly realized that i was in a small seat on the front of the bus. The nose of the bus was shaped like a speed train, and i was sitting outside the windshield in a small compartment. I quickly sat down as we swerved through traffic, sliding to the north and getting very close to the rear of a yellow taxi. I quickly pulled the tan seatbelt around me. I was nervous to be in this seat, but i knew that i was not going far on the train. We passed along the northern side of a large black and white building, which seemed to be an old theater. The entryway ahead was a simple marquee with glass doors underneath. I wanted to get off here so that i could join $F45, who was going to see a show here. I realized that there was no pull chord for the bus on the sides of me, so i started looking around for something to signal the driver that i wanted to get off. The driver seemed to be standing to the east of me, behind a glass windshield inside the bus. I noticed a yellow cable running out from under the windshield to the north of me, so i pulled it to signal a stop. The bus continued past the theater entrance and into a corridor that ran along the side of the building. I had to get off at the theater building, which seemed to be a large studio owned by Disney. I wondered how far the bus would travel past the theater before it came to a stop. I then realized that i had separated from $F45 and that he would probably be looking for me. I should call him on my cell phone. I started to feel my chest for the phone, but i realized that it was not in any of my pockets. At first, i worried that i had dropped it, but then i was convinced that i simply had not brought it with me. I must have left it at home. I started to worry that i would not be able to get back in touch with $F45. It was only by coincidence that i had run into him before. I was upset that i would probably not be able to find him again at the theater. The bus then turned to the southeast and headed through two large swinging doors of the studio building. The large room inside was mostly empty. We started down the black wall on the northwestern side of the long room. There was an open space down the center of the room with a white floor and what seemed to be metal tracks. I realized suddenly that i was on a tour bus, which is why the bus would not stop to let people off at the entrance to the theater. The bus would have to complete the entire tour of the Disney studio. I felt annoyed as we moved toward the crowd of people standing on the northwestern side of the room ahead of us. There was a man in a white shirt giving the tour, and i looked at the tracks in the center of the room. To the southwest, there seemed to be a large black object on the tracks. It must have been some kind of set for the movie studio. This place was interesting, but i wanted to get back to $F45.

I walked to the east, carrying the items in my hand. The room to the east was a school laboratory. There were several black lab tables with cabinets underneath them. Several of the tables had tall cabinets on top of them as well. It seemed like the end of the school year, and everyone was leaving to the west, taking their things with them. $A90 was on the eastern side of the room, and he headed to the south, into the small office. I was here to help clean up. I walked to one of the cabinets on the eastern side of the room and opened one of the yellow metal drawers underneath the black countertop. I pulled some things out of the drawer, but realized that there was some dust around the edges of the drawer. I would have to clean this up. I got the clear-plastic tube, which seemed to be hooked to a vacuum cleaner and started moving the narrow cone-shaped nozzle around the edges of the drawer. It did not seem to be working properly, thought. I looked at the corrugated plastic tube and the long nose at the end, wondering what i was doing wrong. I then looked back to see that they were attached to the small set of valves to the northeast of me. I was holding the valves in my left hand. There seemed to be another tube running from the valves to a vacuum pump, which was on the floor to the west of me. The valve was flat on the bottom and arched on the top. The ends were just wide enough for the tubes to connect to, and the top was trapezoidal, rising up from both ends and ending with a flat top. The object was made of clear plastic, so i could see the valves inside and how they slid from side to side. There seemed to be a plastic tab on the top that could act as a slider to adjust the valves. I moved the tab back and forth a few times, realizing that i must have had the vacuum set to push air out of the tube. That would be why there now seemed to be more dust in the center of the drawer than before. I adjusted the valves and tried vacuuming the drawer again. It was still not working. Something seemed wrong, and i started to feel frustrated. I looked at the valve again, annoyed. I then decided that i might not actually need to worry about the valve. I thought that i could simply put the tube into the vacuum cleaner and not use the valve. I put the valve on the counter to the northeast and tried to use the tube directly from the vacuum cleaner. I then backed away from the drawer, noticing that there was more dust on the floor under the drawer than there had been before. I backed to the west to get something, frustrated that i could not clean the drawer like i had wanted. Several men in pale jumpsuits came into the room from the west. They spread out around the room and started cleaning. They were the actual clean-up crew. I wondered if i actually had to clean the drawer. It seemed awkward that i was trying to clean the drawer when there was a cleaning crew coming into the room. I moved back toward the door, pretending that i knew what i was doing. I had made some adjustment to the tubes again and i was going to try cleaning again. I held the valve in my left hand again and moved the tube around the sides of the drawer with my right. The tube seemed to be sucking up the gray dust in the drawer, but i realized that it was simply falling out the bottom of the valves and onto the floor. I was standing away from the counter again, looking at the square patch of dust on the floor under the open drawer. I was quite frustrated with this.

12011 February 10

I watched the man standing to the northeast of me. He was standing on the northern end of the eastern side of the field, playing with the large green statue of a dragon. The statue actually looked like a thick man with the head of a dragon and the horns of a moose. It was made of paper mache, with green strips of crepe paper hanging from the surface in rows and columns. The man had designed it for the ceremony that was to be held later, but i knew that there already was another statue that some of the other people had made. His would be destroyed by the rain, and he would feel sad about it. It was how this story progressed, and i thought that this story was part of a television movie. The man prepared the statue and then started away, to the southwest. I was then heading to the west, down the long road. I had come this way before, but i seemed to be carrying something with me this time. I remembered that, the last time i had come this way, i had had trouble pedaling my bicycle down the northern side of the road. The land did not seem to be going uphill to the west, but it felt as thought i was pedaling up a very steep hill. There were a few other people ahead of me on the same side of the road, heading to the west as well. There was also a man following me. He was on foot, but he did not seem to have any trouble keeping up with me. I glanced back at him over my left shoulder once, and he seemed to be wearing a long off-white thawb. I turned my attention back to the pedals under me, concentrating on pushing them. I could not seem to keep going. I then remembered that i could stand up on the pedals this time. I did not do so before when i had trouble, but i was carrying something this time that i was not carrying before. The pedals seemed to be made of a thin rod of metal bent twice and passed through the center of the bicycle. They did not look that sturdy. My view then panned up into the air. I could see the roads that ran across the flat rural landscape. Most of the land seemed to be covered with grassy fields, but i knew that most of the land was young forest. There were two long black roads running from the west. Both ended on a north-to-south road on the eastern side of the land. The field where the man had the statue of the dragon was on the eastern side of the north-to-south road, just to the south of where the northernmost road from the west ends. I thought about these roads, knowing that there was a diagonal road running from the eastern side of the central grassy area to the southern road. The wedding would be near where the diagonal road intersected the southernmost road from the west. I focused in on that area and was standing in a parking lot on the northern side of the road. The diagonal road seemed to connect to the main road somewhere just to the east of the parking lot. I stood in the middle of a queue of people. They were facing west, waiting to go into the building for the wedding. The man would bring the dragon statue here, but i knew that it would be destroyed by rain. There would be some sympathy for the man in the movie because his project had been destroyed, but it also seemed as though he was destined to be disappointed in this way. I looked around at the people in the queue with me. They were well dressed. I then realized that the sun was shining from the southeast and the sky was pale blue. The rain was supposed to soak the paper mache statue and dissolve it, but the weather did not seem right. As i looked around, though, i noticed that the sky to the southeast was starting to turn dark gray. I scanned the southern horizon to the west, looking for the rest of the storm. It was moving in unnaturally fast. There was then a sudden crack of an explosion, and i caught the last flash of a lightning bolt hitting the rolling hill to the southeast, across the street from us. A billow of flames rolled up from the wide charred area in the center of the tan dry grain field. The people on the queue gasped suddenly and crowded closer to the chapel, to the northwest of us. The pouring rain would start soon, and everyone wanted to get into the wedding chapel. I muttered something about the storm to the woman in the pale dress near me as we shuffled quickly to the north, into the door on the southern face of the small building. I stopped inside and looked back to the south, thinking again about the sad man with the dragon statue. I wanted to remember him because he was a memorable character in the movie.

We were on the northern side of the fast-food restaurant, and i was looking south at the menus hanging over the serving area. The service area seemed to be a small island in the center of the restaurant, surrounded by counters and silver cooking devices. The menus were yellow with plain black type on them, and the people in the counter area seemed to be wearing yellow and black uniforms with paper hats. $F45 was to the east of me, doing something near the table. We had come to this place to eat, but very few things on the menu looked interesting to me. I commented to $F45 that most of the menu seemed to be beef, which did not interest me. I complained that there was no chicken on the menu. $F45 seemed unsympathetic and said that fast-food places were like that. I felt disappointed with the food here. I then thought that i should go back to the car to get something. I did not want to eat here, so i thought i could eat somewhere else. I turned to the north and asked $A42 for the keys for the car. $F45 sat down at one of the tables to the east while $A42 arranged some things on a table to the north. I took the set of car keys and headed to the south-southwest, across the restaurant. We seemed to be in a smaller dining room on the eastern side of the service counters. The main dining room was on the western side of the building. I headed out the door just to the southeast of the passageway around the front of the service counter. As i approached the doorway, i realized that i had to get my clothes out of the car. I was not properly dressed for this place. I was wearing what appeared to be a housecoat with a pair of pajama pants. Just before i opened the door, i pulled the white housecoat crossed over my chest because i did not have a shirt on. I should have gotten better dressed before i came into a public place like this. I would go into the car and put my pants on. I thought about putting my pants on in the parking lot. As i exited the door and started to the southwest, across the cement walkway, i realized that i was still barefoot. I looked down at my feet. The clear latex socks that i had put on were pealing away. I felt annoyed with them and reached down to pull a stick piece of rubber from the palm of my left foot. I had to get some clothes on. I headed to the west, across the parking lot on the western side of the building. The car was parked facing west on the western edge of the lot. It seemed separated from the rest of the cars around. I turned to the northwest to head toward the driver’s door of the car, looking at the keys that $A42 had handed to me. The car key was long and looked as though it was made of tan plastic. It had a mottled texture, with key ridges on the lower side. I opened the car door and pulled some clothes out of the back seat. I then started walking to the south. I was hungry, but i did not want to eat at the restaurant where we had stopped because they did not have any food that i liked. I walked to the edge of the parking lot, where the driveway connected to the main road. It seemed damp out, thought it was still sunny. The road ran from east to west, and it seemed as though we had come from the east to get here. There was a large plaza across the street, to the southeast of us. The large asphalt parking lot for the plaza was directly across the street to the south of me, and seemed to be at a lower elevation than the road. The last sloped up slightly to the north, toward the restaurant i had come from, and then dropped steeply down three or four meters to the level of the parking lot of the plaza. There was green grass on the other side of the road, between the road and parking lot. I looked to the west, noticing a pale-green and white sign of another restaurant just down the road. The sign was mostly hidden behind the branches of the trees to the west of the parking lot i was in, but i could make out the white double-lined fake-cursive writing that said “burgers”. The sign looked like it belonged to a diner, but i knew that it was another fast-food chain. I was not interested in what they had either, since i knew that it would be beef as well. Just past this restaurant, which seemed to be the next building to the west, the road curved to the southwest. A small building sat at the front of the plaza parking lot, to the west-southwest of me, just on the southern side of the road. It looked like an old cinema complex and was dark. I could see a few more signs down the road to the west, but none of them looked like restaurants where i could get some food. I thought that i should have flown up into the air when we arrived here to see what was around the area. I could have seen these restaurants before we came into the one that we were eating at. I looked to the east, noticing a large yellow sign on the front of the plaza, which was on the eastern end of the plaza parking lot. It advertised a oriental dining. It was not a fast-food place, so i probably could not find something there. To the east of the sign, on a northern-facing part of the eastern end of the plaza, i could see another sign for an oriental restaurant. I started to look around, wondering where i could get some food.

I headed to the north, into the large parking garage. I seemed to have just left the elevator tower and was wondering where i should go across the pale cement parking structure. The garage was filled with brightly colored cars, all of which seemed to be large American cars from the seventies. I looked to the west, down one of the ramps. The edge of the parking structure was just to the west of me, and i could see the street outside. It almost seemed that the ramp led down to the street, but it also seemed to lead to the first level of the garage, which was just above the street level. I was looking for something in this building, and i was not quite sure where to go. I walked down the ramp a little way, noticing the edge of the floor above to the north of me. The center of the parking structure was to the northeast of me, and it was not as well lighted as the outside areas, which received diffuse overcast sunlight from outside. There was a dirt parking lot across the street to the west with a tall chain-link fence around it. A man was standing at the entrance to the lot, directly across the street from me. He was talking to someone about a large dull-pink convertible car, which was parked at an angle over the sidewalk on the northern side of the entry gate. The car had a white interior and seemed to be a Cadillac, or some other large american vehicle. I turned back to the east and walked back up the ramp. I was looking north at the lines of cars in the old cement parking structure. I was thinking about getting my car, but i was still looking for something in the building. This place seemed to be an antique shop, but i knew that the cars were all owned by one person. To the north of me, i could see a bright-blue and a bright-pink car, both on the level of the garage below me, just off of the ramp. I turned my attention to the east, thinking that the cars were all Chrysler LeBarons because that was the model that the man liked to collect. The center of the structure was dimly lighted, but there seemed to be some furniture gathered in the center. I walked into the square area where the furniture was. This was not the level of the parking garage that i had been looking for. I was looking for something specific, and i felt frustrated that i could not see it here. I would have to try one of the other levels of the thrift store. Several people moved around the tall dressers and couches in the area as i headed to the south, toward the elevators. The elevators seemed old and set into a plaster wall. Someone was then talking to me about the LeBarons, mentioning that they were very nice cars. I was riding in the back seat of a large convertible car. The car was dull-red with a white interior. The man who was driving was on the left-hand side of the front seat, and he looked over his shoulder at me as we drove slowly through the streets. He had short blond hair that was cut short on the sides and combed forward and to his left on top. He had a wide face and smiled as he spoke. I felt a little uneasy in the car with him. I did not know him that well, and i felt that he was simply giving me a ride. I was uncertain, but listened to him talk. There were two younger girls in the seat next to him, who seemed to be his daughters. The family seemed european. One of the young girls, with long blond hair, stood up in the front seat of the car and climbed over the seat. She was wearing a white sleeveless shirt and a pair of short cut-off denims. She had to be careful not to tip the car as she moved. The car was sitting mostly still in traffic, and an small asphalt lot was on the western side of the road with a few cars in it. The southern end of the lot ended in a dirt mound with old trees and undergrowth on it. There seemed to be a large building to the south of that. We were in a traffic jam in the small city, and the man joked about it. He joked about the collection of cars from the parking lot, saying that there were two hundred of them. I had thought that there were more, but i agreed that there could only have been two hundred. The girl stood up in front of me, trying to balance as the car tipped slightly. The car was actually an amphibious craft and could go in the water as well. It would be useful for this can to be able to cross water, because we were in Amsterdam and i thought that there was a canal ahead. There seemed to be one that we would have to cross at the next intersection, which seemed to be only ten or so meters ahead. The girl moved back to the passenger’s side of the car, and i could feel it tip a little. The man then talked about taking the car out into the water. He said that it would have to be stable to cross the canal to Scotland. I was surprised that he would be taking the boat across the ocean waters to another country, and i told him that i had thought that he was only crossing the bays around Amsterdam. I started to worry that he would try to cross into another country and take me with him. I did not feel entirely safe here and wondered what i could do. The young girl then started talking to me, and i realized that her father had gotten out of the car. We were still stopped in the street, but i started to look at the area around me. The girl said something about a factory, and i could see an old brick factory building to the east of us. A black iron fence separated the factory yard from the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. The black metal framed windows on the northern side of one wing of the buildings were framed by brick archways that were recessed into the wall by a deci or so. I then glanced to the south, up the slight slope of the road and across the intersection that we were stopped at. There were no other cars around, and the city seemed quiet. The man seemed to have wandered to the southeast. The crossroad ran northeast to southwest, and there was an old white brick building on the northwestern side of the other road. The building seemed very long but only two stories tall, like another old factory building. Just to the west of me was a dark-red structure that also seemed to be made of brick. I looked across the street to the southeast, noticing something moving through the windows on the bottom floor of another large dark-red brick building. I focused on the windows, which were covered with black wire mesh cages. The images inside the window were blue and pale blue, and i could see the shapes of basketball players running down a court. I was watching a large television. Some of the windows to the west of the one i had seen also had sections of television screens in them. I told the girls that i had thought that this area was an old factory, but now i could see that it had been remodeled. The bottom floor of the brick building had been converted to a bar. It must have been an “up and coming” area of the city with new bars for the wealthier business people. The man was still gone, and i thought that i should simply wander away now. I could walk the rest of the way to where i was going, and i would not have to sound uneasy telling him that i was leaving the car. I started walking down the street toward the bar. I then realized that i was in the center of a large building, at the junction of two corridors. There was a counter behind a metal cage to the southeast of me. I turned to the west and noticed the familiar metal frame of the elevators. These were the elevators that i had been near in the old thrift store. I was surprised to see them, and turned with disbelief to the north, asking the girls if we had really returned to the same elevators. The man then came into the northern end of the room to the north of me. The room seemed to be an old bar, with small round tables and a dingy atmosphere. There was a second man with him, and both of them now seemed old and worn. The man had a young boy in his arms, and he walked over to a plate of food that had been on the table, grabbed some brown substance from the plate, and stuffed it into the boy’s mouth. He told the boy that he would have to swallow. The boy seemed almost like a baby. His eyes were half open and he seemed to be groggy. I asked the man what he had given the boy, and he mentioned the name of a drug. He had drugged the boy to keep him under control. This seemed reasonable for a moment, but then i looked down at the dark-brown meat that the man was picking up from the plate. The food seemed to have been left by someone else, and the man was just using it to stuff the boy’s mouth. This did not seem right. I then noticed a strange shape on the plate. It looked like the skeleton of a curled-up snake. It was coiled on the plate, and i thought that it was the bones from the meat. The bones were tan and sticky, and the tail ended in a long spade-shaped bone. I started to feel concern for the boy, thinking that the man was doing something to him that he should not be doing. The boy’s face was rounded, like a baby’s, and the man stuffed one last piece of meat into the boy’s mouth. The boy seemed to be unconscious now. The second old man looked on from the north. The man holding the boy then reached for the boy’s nose, pulling a needle the rest of the way through the nose. The long dark metal needle had gone into the left side of the nose just below the bridge and came out on the right side. The man pulled it through, dragging an off-white thread through after it. This had prevented the boy from breathing through his nose, forcing him to swallow the yellow pills the man had given him. I started to feel very uncomfortable about the man, thinking that he was doing something bad to the boy.

$F45 and i headed to the west, down the long outdoor staircase. There was a large building to the south of us, which seemed to have many terraces on the outside of it that ran down the slope of the hill. The building was designed like a large swiss chalet. The stairs seemed to run down the steep hill, along the northern side of the lawn of the building, and to the south of a steep street. The stairs seemed to be black, and there were black metal poles holding up the peaked roof over the top of the stairs. $F45 and i were talking about this place, which seemed to be a foreign county. When we reached the bottom, we walked to the south, down the eastern side of the cement area. There seemed to be a short retaining wall to the east, at the bottom of the hill. We were then walking back to the north, along the eastern side of the area, talking about the place that we had to go. I had to tell $F45 something about the place. He started to listen to me, but was distracted by the others who were with us. He turned to the west and started talking to the young men who were walking parallel to us. There was one young man with them who seemed new to the group. $F45 told me that he was cute and started talking to him about the event. I felt annoyed, feeling that i had to tell $F45 about the place that we were going to. It was not the place that he had thought it was. I tried to get $F45’s attention, but he was already chatting gleefully with the others. I thought about the place that i was trying to tell $F45 about. I pictured it to the west of us. It was a large white mansion sitting in the middle of a wide grassy lawn. I wanted to tell $F45 that we were supposed to be at the Plantation House for the event, but the white house was not the right place. I seemed to be flying past the house, heading west as i thought about it. The house was a house in the area known as The Plantations, but it was not the Plantation House. The Plantation House was actually to the west, at the other end of the yard. I could see the curving white driveway in front of the white mansion. It ran to the west, around the gardens that had bushes cut into a four-section ring.

$F45 and i were traveling to the west, through the streets of London. The center of the city seemed to be to the south of us. We passed through some neighborhoods of row houses until we came to the end of the street. We turned south and started walking down the western sidewalk of the street. The building to the west of us was large and white, and it seemed to be plaster, with a darkly stained wood roof and trim. $F45 was angry with me because i had not done enough to apply for the university here. $F45 had mentioned his friend, and i remembered seeing a sign for Leeds University in some other section of the city. I could still picture the blue square sign with rounded corners and the white letters on it in three rows that spelled out the name of the university. I asked $F45 if his friend was looking for Leeds University. I then said that i had seen the sign for the university where we were before. I said that the university was near the theater that we had visited. $F45 did not seem interested. He said that i should go into the building on the western side of the street and apply for admission. I felt uneasy doing so, but he tried to make me feel guilty for not going into the building. There was a set of stairs leading up to a glass door. The building seemed to be closed, and several people were waiting on the sidewalk outside, waiting to get in. A woman then came to the door, opening it and looking out. She asked if the people on the sidewalk needed to get into the building. The building seemed to me like a dorm, and i was hesitant to enter, but, since the door had just been opened when we were here, i felt that i should go in. I walked up the stairs and into the entryway of the admissions office. $F45 followed me in. I felt uneasy, not sure what to do. I was not sure that i wanted to go to this university. A doorway was in the northern wall, leading into a larger room, but the woman walked back to the west, farther into the building. A table sat against the wall just to the west of the doorway. It had several brochures on it, and i looked them over. They all seemed to be informational brochures, and i told $F45 that there were no applications here. I then wandered into the northern room, which seemed to be a conference room. $F45 was probably heading to the west, into the admissions office. A black divider stood across the southern end of the room, and a large wooden table stood in front of it. The divider had a gap between itself and the eastern wall of the room, and i could see rows of black chairs facing the large white projection screen in the center of the northern wall. I walked over to the table and looked at the stacks of pamphlets and brochures. They were very colorful, but none of them seemed to be application forms.

12011 February 11

I was in the open area with the class of other people. They were lined up in curving rows across the green grassy ground inside the large gymnasium. They seemed to be practicing tae kwon do, and i knew that several of them were people i had practiced with. It seemed like my old school, but it was much larger now. Someone said something to me, and i started to feel that they wanted me to do something with them. I felt hesitant, not sure that i remembered enough. I felt awkward here, realizing that i was not really part of this group. At first they were to the south of me, on the gymnasium floor, but now they were to the north, on the grassy hill that was still within the large room. There seemed to be fluorescent lights overhead. I looked at the curving line of people to the north of me, all wearing white gis. I felt very uneasy with them, thinking that i should not be a part of this group any more. I backed away to the west, watching them practice from high above now. The hill sloped down to the west, and i started moving to the northwest, toward the western edge of the lawn. The building was to the east of me now. There was a wet area on the lawn, which seemed to be a shallow pond. I tried to move to the north of it as i continued west along the northern edge of the grass. I stopped for a moment, noticing the small tree to the south of me. The metal pipe with the spigot on the top came up out of the ground near the trunk of the small bush. The bush had no leaves on it, and its branches tipped to the south, out over the water of the pond. Someone had left the spigot running, so i reached out and turned it off. I then became focused on the soggy ground under me. There was really no pond in this area of the lawn. The ground was simply boggy. I could see where footprints had sunk deep into the grass-covered mud. I said something to the others, who were to the east of me.

I jogged down the road to the south, along the western side. I had been doing something outside, and i felt a little distracted. It was overcast and gray, and the trees did not seem to have any leaves yet. Someone was with me, to the east. as i reached a driveway that sloped down slightly to the west, i turned into it. This seemed to be someone’s house, but i thought that i could come this way anyway. A set of steep stone steps was in the center of the driveway. They seemed to be black, but they were decorated with a dark-gold pattern that reminded me of marble or brass-glazed clay. I started climbing the steeps, aware that the person with me was heading to the south. I came to the western side of the house, and i started to feel that i should not be on someone else’s property. I turned back to the east, and started jogging back down the northern side of the small wooden house. As i turned around, i noticed that $A550 and the other man who were with me had opened the light-brown wooden door of the garage and were going through the stuff inside. The driveway ran along the northern side of the house, ending at the garage to the east. I had entered the driveway to the east of the garage, and it seemed that i would have to head up a set of stairs to the south to get back to the top of the hill, above the garage. The stairs seemed to ascend through a narrow cement passage between the front lawn and the house. I felt very uncomfortable about $A550 and the other man going through the things in the garage. I did not want to be associated with them and tried to head up the stairs unnoticed. I was then on the western side of the house. I tried to jog down the driveway without anyone seeing me. I headed east along the northern side of the house. The driveway became a walkway that went up a set of steps on the eastern end of the northern side of the house. I worried that the people inside the house would see me and accuse me of taking things out of their garage. I paused on the western side of the house, near the northwestern corner of the building. I realized that i had already run down the northern side of the house a few times before, but i would have to do it again. As i started around the northern side of the house, i could hear people talking within the house. A man and a woman were discussing something. I felt nervous about running across the side of the house, but i had to do it to get away. The house was dark brown and surfaced with stucco. The windows were framed with darkly stained wood, and some were diamond shaped. I hurried along the northern side of the house, starting up the stairs that ascended from the center of the house to the higher lawn on the eastern side. The driveway was very short to the east and i would be to the road quickly once i was at the top of the stairs. As i passed the darkened windows of the house, i worried that the man and woman inside would see me.

I stepped onto the plywood board that was on the bottom of the old boat. The dingy white inside liner of the boat was fiberglass, but the bare plywood, which was cut to fit the curvature of the inside of the boat, was dull and unfinished. As i stepped on it, in noticed that it covered a puddle of water that had accumulated in the front of the boat. A cabin was at the front of the boat, to the west of me, and i was leaning against the southern wall of the boat as i stepped carefully on the plywood, hoping that it did not sink into the water. I did not want to get my feet wet. I reached into the opening in the cabin wall to the west of me and grabbed the small black box that was on the wall. The wood shifted under my feet, and i could see the southern edge of it sank under the water, but i did not get my feet wet. I looked at the black box, which, at first, seemed to be an electrical box. When i turned it over, i could see that it was a gearbox with metal gears inside. I had to fix it, so i turned it over onto the palm of my left hand, dumping the gears out. I did not expect all of the gears to come out at once, but they did, along with several of the screws that had been holding them together. I was annoyed, but i knew that i could fit all of the gears back together. I was having trouble holding all of the gears, though, and moved my hand near to my chest to prevent dropping them. The gears dumped into the right pocket of my winter jacket. I reached my right hand in to try to pull them back out. I dug at the bottom of the pocket, pulling some of the screws out with it.

12011 February 12

I headed to the west, through my parents house. I seemed to be in a corridor running along the southern side of the building. There was a large window to the south of me, and i looked out over the countryside. The land sloped down from the house, and there were tall pine and deciduous trees growing here and there. The ground at first seemed to be covered with snow, but then it seemed to be dry grassy undergrowth. There was a road to the south of the house, but i could only see parts of it through the trees. Something was wrong, and i noticed the helicopter flying to the west over the trees of the valley. It was not that far from the house. The dark-green helicopter seemed to be a combat aircraft, with a large body. I could see the pilot through the windows on the front of the aircraft, and i stared back at him. I was uneasy around the helicopter, but i did not want the people flying it to know that i was intimidated. The pilot seemed to be staring back at me. The helicopter was then flying very close to the house, still facing west. The pilot had a helmet with a targeting visor over his eyes, but i felt that he was staring back threateningly at me. I then noticed the large silver box with the rounded corners on the helicopter. The central section of the helicopter was open, but there was another compartment just above the passenger section that seemed to contain mechanical machinery. The silver box seemed to take up most of the section, but i knew that the motor and gears must be in the section as well. The metal of the box had a grainy surface, and it seemed very out of place on the helicopter. I started moving to the northwest again, along the top of the hill, still inside the wooden structure, which seemed to be a house. The metal box did not seem to belong on the top of the helicopter. I thought that it would be too heavy to properly balance there. I looked back at the helicopter, which was floating just outside the window now. The pilot was glaring at me from his cockpit. I knew that something would happen to the helicopter, and i watched it as it struggled to fly to the north. There was now a large silver box hanging from the bottom of the helicopter. A long metal arm connected the rectangular box to the bottom of the aircraft. The arm seemed to be made of painted metal sheets attached to an interior beam structure, in much the same way an aircraft fuselage is made. It was flanged on the top and bottom to blend into the helicopter and the box, and it had an oval cross-section to make it more aerodynamic. The metal box looked like something separate from the aircraft because it was made of a shiny grainy metal. It seemed like something special, but i knew that it was too heavy for the aircraft to manage. It would bring the helicopter down. I watched as the helicopter headed to the west, through the wooded lot of the house. There was a tall chain link fence along the northern side of the yard, and the metal box was hanging below the top of the fence. As the helicopter headed north, the pilot could not build up enough lift to get the heavy case over the top of the fence. The box hit the fence, and the helicopter tipped forward. I knew that the helicopter would crash, and i could hear the pilot calling for help as the front of the aircraft tipped forward, hitting one of the tall brown pine trees with the black rotors. The helicopter did not crash as i had thought it would, and it started moving off to the south. I looked out the window in the southern wall, which also seemed to be a large plate-glass window. There was an intersection just down the hill from the house, with a traffic light across it. The road seemed like a main road in the rural area, and there seemed to be a large factory down the southern road. The large metal box of the helicopter landed roughly on the southeastern side of the intersection. There seemed to be a red car stopped on the road to the east, facing west. As the box hit the ground, the helicopter lost control and tipped to the southeast, crashing into the yard of the large factory complex. There was a bright burst of flames as the helicopter unexpectedly ignited. The large white building to the south of the crash also seemed to catch on fire. I was surprised at the magnitude of the explosion, and i realized that the factory would be damaged. This did not seem to bother me, though, because i knew that it was a military factory. I then realized that my mother would hear about the explosion and the fire at the factory, and she would probably be worried about me, since i was in the house so near the factory. I would have to call her and tell her that i was all right.

I moved through the dining room of my parents’ house. I felt uneasy here, and did not want anyone out side to know that i was in the house. I had been in the back room of the house and wanted to turn the television on, but thought that i should watch the television in my parents’ bedroom instead, since it could not be seen from outside. I passed by the kitchen door, noticing that the screen door outside was open. This annoyed me, but i did not want to go out to close it because i thought that the neighbors might see me here. I looked out the back door to the house to see that it was open as well. This also annoyed me. I was then in the front yard of the house. I had turned on the sprinkler, which was a pivoting kick-arm sprayer. It was watering the grass on the front of the house. I should turn off the water, and i moved to the west, along the front of the house to get to the spigot. The sprayer was turning counterclockwise from the east, and was chasing after me. I did not think that it would spray me before i could get to the spigot, though. I then noticed that it was spraying into the growth of bushes in the center of the yard, to the west of me. The leafless bushes seemed to be lilac bushes, with white mold on the trunks, and the sprayer was spraying directly into them. This was good because it would keep the water stream from hitting the house directly. The stream could pass over the lawn to the south with no trouble, but the sprayer seemed close to the house, so i wondered how it would be kept from spraying the side of the house. The bushes must break up the stream so that it would not spray the house. As i moved to the west, i was back in the kitchen of the house, and i noticed a thin stream of water spraying across my path. I stopped and looked to the south. Two thin spurts of water were arching from the white blinds of the dark window in the southern wall. They were getting the countertop to the north all wet. I wondered if i should block the water from coming in, but then i realized that i could not stay here all day. I wondered why the water was still coming in. The sprayer was rotating and should have just passed over the window, creating temporary spray in the house. The sprayer must have gotten stuck in position. I started to the west but stopped when i thought that the sprayer must be moving again. I then walked to the north, into the back room of the house. I looked up the stairs to the south, seeing that the water had been coming in through the second floor of the house as well. There was water running down the stairs and across the wood floor of the back room. This did not seem right. I did not understand how the water was getting into the house. The house should have been waterproof. I was upset by the water on the floor, though, and would have to turn off the water in the front yard. I moved to the west again, across the front yard of the house. The yard was now covered with a thin layer of water. After i turned off the water, i hurried back into the house, entering to the west, through the kitchen door. As i started through the wooden kitchen door, i stopped and walked back out to the screen door. There was a cheap white aluminium breezeway around the door, and the screen door was still open. It was hinged on the northern side and opened in, to the west. I closed the screen door and locked the latch. I then went back into the house. I started worrying about the people outside again. I still did not want them to know that i was here, and i hoped that the neighbors did not see me outside. I turned to the west, standing on the northern end of the back room of my parents’ house. Out the window, i could see the blue light of the television screen on the western wing of the house, through the westernmost window on the first floor of the northern wall of that wing. I had left the television on in my parents’ bedroom. I had turned it on because i wanted to listen to it, and i did not want the people outside to see the light of the main set in the living room. I was annoyed that it was so visible from outside the house. Two people now seemed to be to the west of me. I turned back into the room, feeling frustrated and not knowing what to do. As i turned to the south and started to walk back down the western side of the back room, everything suddenly seemed gloomy. I realized that it was getting dark outside. I backed up a little and looked out the window to the west again. The land sloped down from the house, and there were tall pine trees at the end of the yard whose tops were at the level of the window. The upper branches of the pine trees were covered with snow. The sky in the distance was dark gray, and everything seemed gloomy. A storm must be coming. As i turned to the south and started back toward the center of the house, i suddenly wondered how the snow storm could happen when the sprinkler was spraying water on a grassy summer ground.

I turned to the north to grab something from the table, but Tom Cruise started arguing to the south of me. I turned to see him. I was actually another copy of him, playing a different character from one of his movies. I knew that he was the character of a spy from Mission Impossible. He tryed to argue with me, but i pretended that i did not understand why he was upset. He was a rough thug, but i was a younger character from his career. I turned back to the north, and he hit me over the head with a folding chair. I pretended to be hurt, and turned to complain to him, pretending that i did not understand why he was so angry with me. I then punched him hard in the face with my right fist. He recoiled, but did not seem phased by my attack, so i punched him harder with my left hand. He simply turned back toward me and stared coldly at me. He had sheared hair now, and a narrow face. I quickly head-butted him, but that also had no effect, so i pretended that it had hurt me to do so. My character was not supposed to be as rough. Tom grabbed me and pulled me to the ground. He had his arms around my torso, and he might have had my arms trapped as well. I tried to struggle free, but he pulled me close. I then noticed that there was something poking into the left side of my groin. He had become erect and his penis was poking into me through my clothing. I pretended not to notice and tried to struggle away. He then relaxed his grip, and i stopped struggling to see what was wrong. His mouth was slightly open, and he seemed to be enjoying the struggle sexually. He said “Put weight on my penis.” I realized that he was close to orgasm, and that he wanted to rub into me. This seemed strange, but i continued to struggle with him, letting my hips press against his groin. I realized that he really was a homosexual, but i did not really seem to care. It simply seemed overdue for him to admit it in public. I started walking to the south, down the hall. As i came to the intersection with the east-to-west hall, i realized that my penis was also erect, and i stopped to adjust it in my boxer shorts. My erection was starting to soften as i turned to the east and headed down the other hall. I then turned to the north, passing some of the other students in the hallway. The halls became suddenly crowded with people. Two woman stopped to the northwest of me, asking if i could please help them find a room. I paused as i passed them, not really paying attention. I had started to turn to the east to follow the hallway through the school. They asked me again, saying that they were looking for the female professor. They asked where her office was, saying that it was in room twenty-five. I told them that the numbers in the building were a little confusing, and i looked at the doors on the southern wall of the room. I could see room “27” to the south of me, but the other rooms to the west were in the thirties. The numbers were on the tops of the doors in sans-serif digits. I headed back down the corridor to the south, telling the women that the numbers ran in order around the building, but you had to find the correct section of numbers. The women followed me back into the cafe area to the south, where the corridors widened. There were many people sitting in the cafe area around the small round tables. I looked at the doorways on the southern side of the hall, noticing that the numbers were not quite correct. They were not close to twenty-five. I told the women that they just had to find the right section of the building and then follow the pattern of numbers to the correct room. I turned around and looked at the sign over the corridor leading to the north. The white signs had a list of room numbers, and i thought that i saw “25” with an arrow pointing down on the eastern side of the signs.

12011 February 13

I was crouching on the floor on the southern side of the room, facing south. There was something on the ground in front of me that i was trying to collect. I was a the camp, and i had been staying here with several other people, but something felt wrong about this place. I spoke to the person to the west of me as i looked to the south. The wall of the cabin was no longer right in front of me. There was a deep chasm in the ground, and i was standing a few meters from the edge of the cliff. A red glow lighted the cliff walls on the southern side of the chasm. Someone was talking about the steep long fall of the side of the cliff, and i worried that someone was going to fall off. I turned to the east, where the other two people were standing. They were talking about the edge of the cliff, and i realized that they were standing on a ledge on the eastern side of the room. The man was very close to the edge of the cliff, and it made me a little nervous. The woman behind him said something and she moved toward the cliff. I felt nervous for them, thinking that the woman could easily push the man over the edge, since his feet were right on the edge. I was still crouched over as i said something to the woman to the west of me again. I knew the people to the north of me: a man and a woman. I could hear them talking clearly as i did something with the person near me. The woman said something about jumping over the cliff, and i started to worry that she was going to kill herself. I glanced over my left shoulder to see her leaning over the man, talking into his left hear. The man was sitting in a chair with his right leg out to the side. He was facing south, toward me, and he seemed to be $A241. The woman leaning toward him was Vanessa Williams. I turned back to the south so that they did not think that i was listening to them. The woman talked about jumping off of the cliff. I looked at the cliff just to the southwest of me suddenly. Something had changed, and i felt as though i had just woken up. It was morning now, and the two people had been talking the night before. I did not know how the time had passed, but i was afraid that the Vanessa had already jumped. The man behind me was still talking, so i turned around and replied to him. I said something about checking the bottom of the cliff with a bitter tone to my voice, hinting that he should do something to check for the woman. I was angry with him. The woman must have jumped over the cliff, and someone would have to travel to the bottom of the chasm to find her. I knew that there was a road running along the river at the bottom of the gorge, and i thought that the man would have to go all the way to the east to reach it. I was then traveling to the east in the car. My father was driving, and we were approaching the canyon. I told someone that we were entering the area, and i said the name of the area. My father corrected me, saying that we were not near that place. I realized that he was talking about a town, which was on the road that we would follow to the southwest, between the highway and my parents’ house. The town seemed to be about halfway between the highway and my parents’ house. I explained that i had thought that the entire park went by that name and that the town was just a place within that area. My father said that the town was the only area with that name. I told this to the person i was talking to, who seemed to be a great distance to the west. I looked to the east to see the canyon that we were traveling over. The rock of the canyon was tan and had clearly eroded layers down the rock face. There were towers along the cliff walls, and the pale rocks seemed flat on top, with rounded edges. The canyon was nicer than i had remembered, and we seemed to be crossing a brown wooden bridge over it. The canyon ran to the east, and we were following the road to the southeast. The road would curve east, though, and follow the rim of the canyon all the way to the town.

12011 February 14

I was is the room on the western end of the house, and there was a small fireplace and chimney in the western wall. The fireplace seemed to be brick, and a gas valve was in the center of a black panel in the center of the chimney. I turned on the valve, and a rush of flame shot up through the chimney. It seemed to be a way to turn up the heat in the house. This had not been done in a very long time, and i felt a little mischievous doing it now. I was then aware that i was in a smaller house, to the northwest of the house that i was in. This house seemed to be a small trailer with only one room in the center of it. I was still at the western end of the room, and i turned up the gas valve again, hearing the roar of flames on the other side of the brick chimney. I pictured the flames shooting up from the top of the roof and wondered why someone had not turned up the heat before. The trailer that i was in had been moved, and it was now on the western side of the road. It had been brought northwest from the house. I turned up the flames again and looked to the east. A car was passing to the north, and it slowed down as it came parallel to us. The family inside stared at the small trailer agape. They must have been surprised to see the tall flames coming out of the roof. The landscape around us seemed flat and dry, like a desert. There were a few scrubby plants here and there. I headed back to the west. I was now to the north of the house, not the trailer. It was dark out, and i wanted to see what the flames looked like on the outside of the house. As i rounded part of the house, i could see the old chimney pipe sticking up from the northern slope of the room. To my surprise, the flames were burning slowly around the sides of the pipe. The pipe had a conical cap on top, but the flames had been hot enough to melt through the sides of the round black pipe and were now burning the tar shingles of the room. There was a second patch of flames farther up the roof, to the south, just before the roof met the taller part of the house. I was suddenly panicked, and i ran back to the east to go into the house. $K12 was is the bathroom on the western end of the small room on the northern side of the house. The chimney was in the center of the western end of the main room, separating the main room from the bathroom. There was a corridor along the northern wall of the room that led to the bathroom. I called for $K12, telling her that there was a fire in the building. She said that she was in the bathroom and would be out soon. I felt worried about her, hoping that she would not be trapped behind the flames. I turned the gas off so that the furnace would not burn any more of the roof, and i ran to the east. I was holding the plastic telephone receiver in my right hand as i called emergency. When they answered, i told them that there was a fire in the house and that we would need fire trucks. I did not think that we would need that many fire trucks, so i told the woman that we would only need a few. I moved through the doorway and came to the front door of the house, which now seemed like an apartment building. It seemed like an old house that had been converted into many apartments. The wood on the doorframe was painted dull pale green, and the heavy wooden door was open to the east. i looked at the front of the door, noticing the black numbers in the center. There were two tall windows in the upper part of the door, and i could see white lacy curtains through the glass. I read the numbers to the woman on the telephone, saying that we were at four-thirty-two. I then told the woman that i did not know the street name, but lowered the receiver from my ear and asked the people on the porch. Someone told me what the name of the street was, saying a three-part name that seemed to end in “Way”. I could not understand what they were saying, and i felt a little stressed. I asked them to repeat the name as i held the receiver up. In unison, the five to sever people on the porch said the name of the street again, but i could still not understand it. It sounded as though the word “Resort” was either the first or middle part of the name. I thought that it was in reference to the resort down the street. The street ran north-northeast to south-southwest on the eastern side of the house. It seemed to run parallel to an ocean shore, and i thought that the resort was probably at the southern end of the street. I could not understand what name they were saying, though, and i told emergency that i did not know the correct name. I started telling the people that there was a fire in the building, and i then ran back to the west, down the corridor on the southern part of the building. I could see across an open hallway to the north. There was a woman standing in a doorway across the stairwell of the building. She seemed stern, and she was staring at me coldly. The man continued to the west for a moment. I approached the woman and told her about the fire. She was wearing a tan jacket with a matching tan skirt that came down just below her knees. Her long black hair fell down to her shoulders. I realized that she was actually not as bad as she had seemed. I turned to the west again and continued down the corridor. I seemed to be in a hallway on the second floor of the building. It was tall and narrow, and the walls were covered with old wallpaper. The man was ahead of me, but my attention turned to the small square wooden door in the northern wall. It was made of vertical slats of wood, and there seemed to be something special about it. I opened the brown wooden door and saw a colorfully painted room inside. The upper parts of the walls seemed to be bright green and yellow, and the bottom part was lined with a wood railing that was red and had white and yellow arched spaces in it. Small white diamonds decorated the tops of the spaces between the aches. This was intended to be the children’s room, and i mentioned this to the man. The woman then seemed to be on the northern side of the children’s room, and i moved through the door in the north wall, coming out into the northern hallway. The woman was there, and i felt a little intimidated by her.

I followed the others to the west, into the large empty house. We closed the door behind us so that no one knew that we were here. We seemed to be sneaking into this place, which had been abandoned. The climate here seemed dry and warm, as though we were in a southern part of the United States. The other teenagers moved into the rooms on the southern side of the central hall. I walked with them for a moment, but then found myself wandering through the rooms on the northern side of the house. They were going to watch the television in the southern room and drink beer. I wanted to join them, but i was distracted by the empty rooms of the house. I passed through some of the rooms on the northwestern side of the house, heading south through the doorways that joined the rooms. One of the young women passed me. She seemed to be wearing a denim jacket and seemed to have long fuzzy blond hair. As i came into the next room, the light in the room turned on. I was surprised by this, and the man to the west of me urgently told us to turn off the light. He seemed annoyed. I turned to the northwest. There was a light switch just to the north of the door, and i flipped it off. The woman must have flipped it on when she left the room. The lights did not go out, so i tried to flip it off again. I finally pushed down on the switch and the lights went out. We could not let people on the street to the east see the light from the house, or they would know that people were inside. The man to the north seemed angry with me, and i realized that he probably thought that i had turned the light on. The woman said that she had done it, but i still felt uneasy, thinking that he was one of the cool kids and i was not. I was upset that he would think less of me because he thought that i had foolishly turned on the lights. There was enough light coming from the windows in the walls to see by. I was then back on the northwestern side of the house. There seemed to be a stairwell between the room in the northwestern corner of the house and the next room to the east. The stairs seemed to zigzag up and down on the eastern side of the hallway, and a doorway was in the northern end of the hall, leading outside to what appeared to be a black metal fire escape. I walked to the north and found myself on a porch, which seemed to be recessed in the building. The porch was at ground level and was made of cement. A parking lot seemed to be to the north of the worn cement building that i was in, and the porch itself seemed to be filled with old furniture and junk. I wandered to the north a little, noticing that the television on the porch was running. I had been watching it. I was then aware of a woman to the north of the house, crossing the parking lot toward us. It seemed to be turning daylight, and i could see her in the morning gray. She wore a white business suit with a skirt, and carried a black leather purse by the straps in her right hand. I quickly layed down on the white mattress of the hospital bed, which was on the western side of the porch. The northern end of the bed was raised, so she might not notice me lying down. I tried to stay out of sight. She could not suspect that we were staying in this building. A man came out of the building on the western side of the parking lot and got into his car. I glanced back to the north-northeast to see that the woman was just getting into her car. I hoped that she did not see me, and i turned to the south and walked back through the house. I was heading east through the rooms on the northern side of the house now when i heard one of the men talking to the south. The house seemed to have a central corridor running east to west down the center of it. There were rooms on both sides, and i was standing in the doorway of one, hearing voices from the south. The man greeted someone, and said that it was our parents. I felt suddenly nervous, thinking that my parents had found out that we were staying here. I did not want them to know because they would be disappointed in me. I turned to the east, looking at the off-white shelfs in front of me. I picked up a small branch from the shelf and started cleaning under it. There were two sections of branch, both of which seemed to have red berries on them. They seemed decorative, and i tried dusting one of the shelfs with them. It did not work, but i thought that, if my parents saw me cleaning, they might be less mad at me for being here. After a few moments, i could not hear any of the parents in the house. I pictured them walking in as a group through the front door, but i did not hear anyone. I walked to the south, coming through the doorway on the western end of the northern wall of the bedroom. There was a large bare mattress on the bed to the east of the doorway, and the older boys were sitting on it, watching the television on the western end of the southern wall. I thought that they were still watching pornographic movies. I asked them where the other boy was, and the man standing by the foot of the bed told me that Harry Potter had taken the heroin. He seemed quite intoxicated and wobbled to counterbalance the hand gestures he was making as he spoke. I felt worried about Harry, and said that Harry should not have taken the yellow heroin. I was upset with these boys for giving Harry the yellow pills, and i pretended to be intoxicated myself so that they would not think i was being too worried. The man to the east of me was East Asian. He had a round face and seemed rather exasperated with me, though he was a little to intoxicated on drugs to really understand what i was saying. I told them that the yellow heroin was too heavy for the man. I felt worried for the young man, who seemed to be to the northwest of me. The East-Asian man continued to complain about me, but i turned away and headed across the hallway to the smaller bedroom to the northwest. Three was a large bed against the northern wall, just inside the doorway, which was in the southern side of the eastern wall. There were several people sleeping on the bed under a large dark-blue comforter. Their heads were to the east. The young man i was worried about was sleeping under the blanket with the others. He was the second one from the south. A woman slept to the south of him. I felt concerned about him, and wanted to sleep next to him, but the others were already there. I did not know what to do, but i wanted to be close to him. I knelt down on the southern side of the bed.

12011 February 15

I turned to the south and headed down the road across the urban landscape. The ground seemed mostly open, with low rolling fields. Other people were traveling with me, and we seemed to be somewhere near $P51. A person was talking with me as i noticed a road off to the east. We passed the road, and i realized that it was probably the road into $P51. The others in my group were supposed to be heading there, so i pointed out the road to them, saying that i thought that it led into $P51. The others were not sure, but stopped to look at the map to the south of us. I could see most of the map as the man held it. He seemed to be $A581. I looked at the crooked red line on the map, saying that i thought that it led directly into the western side of $P51. The man moved the map so that he could see it better. I moved to the eastern side of him, trying to get a better look at the map so that i could point out the details to him. He moved the map again to the western side of him, and i felt frustrated because i was unable to show him what i was talking about. I tried to move toward the table so that i could see the map better. It now looked like a small cardboard model of the town.

12011 February 16

$A412 sat on the northern side of the table, across from me. He started to speak as i started to clean up my things from the table. I had just had a meeting with several people. $A313 also seemed to be there. I looked at the large document on the table as i was putting it away, thinking that it was strange that i was back in this place. $A412 stood up and walked to the east, and i continued cleaning up my things. It seemed that i was working in this place again, which seemed very strange to me. I would now have to work on Friday, and i would be here for a full work day. This was something different for me, since i had been working part time. I wondered why i had come back here. It did not seem to make sense to me.

12011 February 17

I turned back to the bed on the eastern side of the room, which seemed to be a dormitory room. I was sharing the room with the other person, who was to the west of me. The bed seemed to take up the entire width of the room to the east, with its headboard against the northern wall. I had just moved into this room and gotten everything set up here, but i had to leave to go back to somewhere else. It seemed strange that i would be heading back to my home for a time. I made a comment about this to $F10, who seemed to be in the room with me as i gathered some things from the floor of the room. I picked up the dirty laundry and turned around to stuff it under the bed. I stuffed the large plastic white sheet under the northern section of the bed. There already seemed to be something under the center of the bed, so i moved the plastic bundle to the north a little more. I wanted to get it out of the center of the room so that the room was clean when i left. I then turned to the southwest and walked to the closet in the center of the southern wall. The exit door to the room was in the western end of the southern wall, to the west of the closet. I reached up to the shelf in the closet and grabbed something white, which seemed to be running socks. I had to go running with the other person, and i felt rushed to do so. I felt pressured to get going, and i kept thinking how i had just set up the room and would be leaving. I walked out the exit door of the room with $F10 and started to the southwest, across the living room outside. My parents were in the eastern side of the room outside, but i was heading out of the building to the southwest. My grandmother was sitting on the couch against the northern wall to the east. She seemed to be wearing something red with black and white stripes or details. She was angry that i was taking so long because she wanted me to drive home with her. I was frustrated that everything was taking so long, and i complained back to her. As i was walking away, i started to feel angry with here for her impatience, so i stuck up my middle finger at her as i headed out the door with $F10. I wanted to go for my run before i had to drive back. I wanted to get some things done. I headed to the west a little, finding myself on the western side of the large open area, which seemed to be within a larger building. A pool was set into the floor to the north of us, and a small enclosed room was to the south of us. The small room was inside the larger building, and the larger room seemed to be surfaced with pale dull-bluish-green tiles. I said something to the person with me as i looked to the west. We had to get some exercise, but i was not sure that we would be going swimming. Something seemed to be distracting me, and i turned back to the east. A swing was on the southern part of the room. The pool seemed to take up much of the northern part of the room, but the room to the north of the swing seemed to be covered with white ice. I sat on it and started swinging. It was made of gray metal poles, and it seemed like a piece of exercise equipment. As i swung on it, i started to think that i was not really getting any exercise. There were two people to the north of me, and i said something to them. I was confused as to why i was here. I had to get some exercise, so i tried swinging on the swing again, but i was having difficulty. I leaned back, thinking that i could start accelerating, but the swing did not seem to be moving much. The people to the north of me then mentioned that the swing had been moved back and forth too many times. I realized that it must limit the number of swings so that people do not over-exercise with it. I looked up at the pivots where the swing connected to the metal frame above me. The gray metal braces of the swing connected to two ball joints at the top of the machine. The braces ended in round balls, which were held between two ring clamps. The clamps were attached to black metals that extended from the south, curving slightly toward each other near the northern side of the machine. The top brace of the machine seemed trapezoidal, with a wider metal bar on the southern side. The braces forming the machine were rounded and seemed to be very much like the gray braces that held up the swing. I tried swinging a few more times, but could not get the swing to move too far. I did not think that the pivot joints had anything to restrict their movement, so i did not understand how the machine could be preventing me from swinging. I then realized that the ring clamps could be pressing together on either side of the ball joint, preventing the swing from moving. I tired to figure this out as i moved back and forth for a little while. I was then aware of people to the south of me. They seemed to be in a small pool. I pushed back and let my self fall forward again, but the swing simply came to a rest at the bottom of its swing. I was disappointed by this and wondered what to do. A woman was then standing to the north of me. She seemed to work here, and she was wearing a black polo shirt with a logo on the left breast. She told me that the machine could be reset, and she walked to the east of me, where there was a column of weight plates inside the gray metal enclosure of the machine. She reached into the opening of the metal enclosure, where the weights were, and reached upward, saying that the reset switch was there. The weights moved a little so that she could get to the button, but i worried that the plates would fall on her fingers. She withdrew her hand, saying that the swing had been reset. I pushed back and started swinging again. It seemed to work now, and the woman walked off. I tried to swing higher, but realized, to my disappointment, that the swing moved very easily. I did not feel as though i was getting any exercise. The swing started moving very fast up and down, but i just felt as though i was swinging and not exercising. Something also seemed wrong with the motion of the swing. As i swung forward over the ice on the floor, i seemed to be very close to the ice. I then swung back, but did not seem to pass through the braces of the machine. I started to feel that the machine was sliding on the floor. I remembered that there was a pool to the south of me, behind me, and i thought that it would be good in case i fell backwards off the swing. I swung forward again, but did not seem to get very high off of the floor, and, as i came back, i never seemed to swing back through the upright braces of the swing. It seemed that i was only moving in the forward direction. This did not make any sense, and i tried to think about what could be wrong. I wondered if the swing could be getting longer as i swung forward. Would it be possible for the swing to keep me about the same distance from the ground as it moved. This did not seem possible. My motion would be very swift through the center of the swing because of the change in momentum, but i still did not seem to be swinging back through the supports of the swing. I could not figure this out, and i started walking to the west. I was now in the back yard of the large house. The other people around me seemed to be from $G3. Something was bothering me, and i said something to the man to the south of me. He seemed like $A223 or $A120. He was concerned about something, and i followed him to the south, across the small yard between the white wooden structures. The structure to the north seemed to be the front side of a house, and the structures on the east seemed to be small sheds that were attached to the back of the same house. Something was wrong, and the man brought me to one of the small wooden bins on the eastern wall. The shed area was divided into small cubical areas with vertical sheets of wood. The pens were about a meter and a half off of the ground and could have had hay in them. There was a man curled up on the northern side of one of the pens, and i became suddenly concerned for him. He did not have a shirt on, and his skin seemed hot and swollen. He was not fat, but he seemed out of shape. He was unconscious, and his head was on the ground at the mouth of the pen, to the west of his body. His back was against the northern wall of the room, and his arms were straight across his torso, with his hands tucked between his legs. His wide face was young, and he had curly blond hair. He had a shallow chin and smooth skin. I told the other person that i wondered if he was having heat stroke. It seemed to me that he had been doing something in the warm weather and was now overheating. I noticed the metal faucet with spigots on either side above the man. I told the person with me that the man was overheating, and i turned on the water for a moment to cool him down. The person with me then pointed out that there was a lot of blood. I looked at the man’s face, noticing that he was foaming at the mouth. He must have taken an overdose of drugs. I said that we should call emergency, and i turned to the west to head for the house. As i was running along the northern side of the house, i asked what the man’s name was. The other person said that his name was Chris. I should have known that, but i could not remember names. I felt uneasy about this, and i paused at the northwestern corner of the building, asking the other person for the man’s full name. The person said “Hammerswain”. I had to remember that the man’s name was Chris Hammerswain. This seemed important. I rounded the western side of the house and turned to the southeast to head for the door. The ground under me was covered with snow, and there was ice on the path. I threw a chunk of ice down and imagined the path cracking under me. I also imagined what i would say to the person on the telephone when i called. I would tell her that the man had overdosed and that there was a lot of blood. I then remembered that i had not seen any blood, so i really should not say that there was blood. I felt confused about this. I wanted to say that the man had tried to commit suicide, but i could not be sure that he had slit his wrists since i had not seen any blood. I did not know exactly what to say to her.

I knew that something was wrong, but i was not sure what do to. I looked to the north, across the room. I was standing on the southern side of the room, and there was a television screen to the north of me. I watched the animation of the black cat on the screen. The cat had something to do with the sickness, but i could not quite understand what. The dream had warned me of the danger that the man was in, and it somehow related to the cat. The cartoon was animated with computer graphics, but it suddenly changed to traditional animation style. I knew that the change was somehow significant. It related to the difference between the dream and reality. The canton continued, and the black cat stared out at me. It was wearing something red around its neck, and it reached its arms up into the air to stretch. It was still in drawn in ink. I said something to the other person to the west of me. The cartoon was then drawn in computer graphics again, with realistic shading and better colors. The cat moved across the screen and the animation again changed to traditional ink drawing. This had something to do with the man who was sick, and we had to tell people. The man came into the room through the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. He was a tall thin dark-skinned man with a pale complexion and graying hair. He wore a dark suit with a white shirt, and he looked at us with interest and concern and we described the problem. The young girl, who seemed to be his daughter, was sitting to the east of me now. She told him about the problem that would occur to the man. I said that it had happened twice already, but realized that i was referring to a dream. I had seen the man get sick in the dream twice, and i had tried to get him help in the dream. It had something to do with the change in animation of the cat. The man was seated now just inside the door, with his knees apart in front of him and his left elbow on his left knee. He seemed like Barak Obama, and i felt uneasy telling him about something that happened in a dream. There would be no way to convince him that it would be real because it was only a warning from a dream. I did not think that we could convince him, and i started to feel uneasy about discussing it.

12011 February 19

I moved through the large room of the old shack, trying to figure this place out. We had been brought here and were unfamiliar with this area. I looked around as i stood on the western side of the room, near the northern end. Several people were to the south of me on the western side. It seemed like there was something in the center of the room that we could not step on. This place was dirty and run down, and we started fixing it up, thinking that we would be here for a while. I felt that we were being kept in this area, which seemed to be surrounded by tropical forests. I wondered how we could get out as i moved to the south. Someone threw a flattened cardboard box onto a pile of boxes to the southwest of us. A young man then sat down on the small pile. The land sloped up to the north into a short grass-covered mound. The cardboard boxes were scattered on the slope, and the man reclined into them, as if he was tired. He was smiling, though, and he wore blue jeans and a dark T-shirt. I then focused on the boxes to the west of where the man was laying. There were many boxes here, more than there should have been. A hand started digging through them as i watched, pulling flattened boxes from the pile. I realized that many of these boxes were duplicates. They were from previous times that we had been in this situation. Somehow, we had repeated coming to this island, and we had unpacked the boxes in a previous iteration. The boxes had persisted to the next iteration, thought. It seemed strange, but it was a clue to us that we had been here before. I told this to the person to the east of me, who was sorting through the boxes. The person picked up a white shoe box with thick gray stripes over the top of it. In thick red ink marker, someone had written “second time” on the end of the box. We had realized that we were repeating the events over and over again, and had started labeling the boxes associated with each iteration. I described to the person how we were doing the loop over and over again. I then leaned against the wooden dresser to the south of me and started crying. This was part of the scene, and i was aware that i was acting. I was able to actually cry, thought, which i thought was good. I was pretending to be upset by the situation, and i leaned my head against the wooden object as i crouched down to the ground. The person to the east of me extended a hand in comfort. I started thinking about this scene. I then started moving through the room, watching the others. A group of people were entering the building from the south. The others were depressed about the repetition as well, and i wondered how many times we had been repeating the same loop. There was an older man and woman walking to the northeast to the south of me. The man was wearing a light button-up short-sleeve shirt. He had an old face and gray hair. He stood tall, and i knew that he was relatively wealthy. He complained about the situation, and the woman to the east of him told him that he was not a nice person. I knew that he was still greedy and arrogant, which was why he kept repeating this time. We would all be trapped here until we realized what was making us bad people. I stood in the center of the room, facing southeast. A man to the east of me reached up and cleaned some spider webs from the ceiling. I looked at the ceiling, noticing that there were many spider webs crossing between the beams, some connecting to the fixture of spotlights that was hanging in the center of the room. Then something seemed to change, and i knew that it was a later time. I looked at the white ceiling, noticing that there were no spider webs on it. The room had stayed clean when the man cleaned it, even though we had started another iteration. I felt a little more cheerful knowing this. We would be able to clean this place up, and it would be a little bit cleaner when we started the next iteration of the time loop.

12011 February 20

I was getting ready for the event with some of the other people. A few of them were standing to the west of me, and one person stood to the north of me. A martial-arts class seemed to be starting to the west of us, and the people were getting ready. They wanted me to practice with them, but i was uncertain whether i should. I felt out of practice, but i agreed to practice. The man to the north of me handed me a white uniform. The others were wearing it. The uniform was made out of a fuzzy material, and it covered the entire body. It looked like a bunny suit, with something blue around the waist. I took the uniform and held it low in front of me, trying to figure out how to put it on. I would have to step into the suit and then sip it up in the back. There was a young boy near us, and he seemed to be a blue belt. $F27, who was standing to the west of me, was also wearing a blue belt. This seemed to be his rank in the class. I remembered that i was technically a black belt, but i did not want to mention this to the others. I would rather learn what they were teaching from the beginning. The class was gathering to the west, but i talked to someone who was near me. I felt a little strange now, realizing that i was not participating in the class. I had said i would, but i did not move to join them. I looked to the east, out over the calm water of the pond. I had been crouching near the brown dirt ground on the shore of the pond. I was aware of some people to the south of me, on the bank of the water. I realized that i should not be dawdling here, but should get to class, so i started to stand up. Something hit my head, and i looked up to pull some branches away. I had been sitting under the trunk of a fallen tree in a cluster of bushes. A standing tree was to the north of me, and the fallen tree was rooted in the ground just to the east of it. The trunk of the fallen tree tipped to the south at a fourty-five degree angle. To the south of me was a tangle of thin branches from a bush. None of the branches seemed to have leaves on them. I looked more closely at the tipping tree, noticing that there were thin green plants growing under it. I grabbed some of the green weeds and pulled them out of the ground, thinking that i could keep them clear so that the next person did not get caught in them as i had. Looking more closely at a budding plant just below the tipping tree, growing from a clump of dirt that was embedded in a broken stump under the tree, to the northeast of me. The new growth looked like fern buds, with several stalks growing up next to each other. I grabbed the plants and tried to pull them from the dirt, but they simply broke at the level of the soil. I looked down at a few more weeds on the ground under me, pulling at them as well. I then turned to the west, realizing that i was now late for the class. I felt a little bad about this and started talking to someone near me. The person was to the southwest of me. As i conversed, i glanced to the west at the class, which seemed to be practicing wrestling moves. They were all dressed in red singlets, which were worn over black long-sleeve leotards. Most of the people in the class seemed to be children, and i watched them as they practiced takedowns. I turned my attention back to the person and then glanced to the west again. $A6 was dressed in a uniform singlet and headgear, and he was wrestling on the southern side of the circle of wrestlers. The person to the south of him grabbed his legs and pushed him down. He fell with his left arm raised over his head. I felt bad for not joining the class, and i started to feel uncomfortable standing here. I headed to the west, but i came to the large pond of shallow water. The colors seemed sepia toned, and i wanted to head back to join the class. I turned back to the east and started walking down the dirt trail through the sepia-toned forest. As i moved, i realized that my button-up shirt was unbuttoned in the front. I felt a little self conscious about exposing my torso, so i pulled the shirt closed, thinking that i had probably been swimming. I should have been with the class, and i was annoyed that i was not.

12011 February 22

I stood on the northern side of the small bathroom. My mother was reclined in the bathtub on the western side of the room, and $X13 walked into the room from the east. My mother was annoyed with $X13 because he had done something relating tot he tub. She picked him up and tossed him in the water. She was now standing to the east of the tub. $X13 sunk in the water, his orange fur fanning out around him. At first, i thought that it was funny, but then i realized that $X13 was not rising back to the surface of the water. My mother had thrown him in just to get him wet, but he was still under water. I worried that he would start to drown, even though i knew that cats were great swimmers.

I headed to the east, back through the large building of $P7. The area around me was open, as if there was no ceiling above me, and the walls were only vertical columns here and there. It seemed like i was crossing the northern side of a courtyard, but i knew that i was inside $P7. I had started taking classes here again. It seemed a little strange to me that i would be taking classes here again, but i knew that the classes i was taking were intended for older alumni. I thought about the classes, thinking that they were on similar topics to high school classes, but were simply more advanced. They could not be as in-depth as college classes, though. I passed into the narrow corridor, which seemed to be part of a locker room. I had to find my locker to put my stuff away. I started to feel uneasy, not sure how things should be done here. I would have to ask someone where the lockers were for the older students. I was then uncomfortable with the idea of older students. It did not seem that we would relate to the younger children easily. I crossed the northern side of the large open room as the people started entering in marching lines from the southern end of the eastern wall. I had to find the locker area and get ready. I said something to the young man with me, asking him were i should go. I told him that i was familiar with the changes to the building since i had been a student here, but i did not know where the lockers for us older students were. As we turned to the north at the eastern end of the room, i glanced at the people in uniforms to the south, who were lining up in formation on the southern side of the room. They must be gathering for an event, and i was worried that i should be with them. I would have to wear a uniform, which seemed strange since students here no longer wore uniforms. The uniform was made of kaki pants with a red stripe down the side and a navy-blue jacket. I worried about being late to the event, but i had to find my locker. I walked into the next room, which seemed to be a corridor running east to west on the outside of the large room. A door with a metal cage over the window was to the north, and tan metal lockers lined the walls. A younger student was opening one of the lockers as i stopped in the corridor. These did not seem to be the right lockers for me. The students at the lockers seemed uncertain of why i was there, and they stared at me uneasily. I then turned back to the south, talking to the young man who had been leading me around. He said something about the lockers as we walked back to the southeast, across the large room outside. I then noticed the tall thin boards on the western wall of the room. The wall was made out of reddish-stained wood, and the lightly stained vertical boards ran up the wall at regular intervals, forming a pattern across the wall. The vertical boards were about a meter wide, and spaced several meters apart. They also started a few meters from the ground and ceiling. As we crossed the center of the room, something large and flat slid down the wall and fell to the ground. It seemed to be our fault, and the man that was leading us apologized to us. I looked at the western wall, seeing a long shield-shaped panel hitting the floor. It seemed to be part of one of the long wooden panels. We had somehow knocked it off of the wall.

12011 February 23

I approached the house from the northeast, heading to the south around the eastern side and coming in through the door in the center of the southern wall of the house. This place was $P19. I came into an entryway, which seemed square with a cement floor. I was not quite sure why i was here. Something seemed about this time. $G3 were moving through the northern and western sides of the entryway. An event had happened the night before, and people were just starting to clean up. I looked around, feeling uncomfortable and wondering why i was here. I felt out of place here now. I turned back to the east and started to walk across the southern end of the large basement room. Brightly colored balls and other pieces of toys were scattered on the floor. I started to clean them up, thinking that i was helping $G3 clean their house. I cleared all of the balloons from the entryway, pushing them to the northeast, into the courtyard, which seemed to be to the south of the entryway. The courtyard was a square patch of grass that was surrounded by the building on three sides. Three cement paths ran from the door, which was on the northern side of the courtyard, fanning out to the southeast, south, and southwest. It was still dark out, and the area to the southern side of the lawn was too dark to make out. I pushed the bright red, yellow, and blue toys to the northeast, collecting them outside the house. I then realized that i had cleaned the entryway of the house by pushing the mess into another area. I wondered who was assigned to clean up this other area. Someone might be upset that i had done that, but i was not sure what else i could do. I moved to the east, into the kitchen. Everything in the kitchen seemed clean now, and i wondered what i should do. I did not feel comfortable here, thinking that i really did not belong here anymore. I should leave.

12011 February 24

I looked to the south, down the length of the western side of the room of the old wooden cabin. The dark floorboards were worn, and the walls seemed to be made of unfinished wood. This cabin was part of a small boat, and we were heading to the south. It was night, and i knew that we were sinking. I had seen this plot before. The boat had not sunk yet, but i remembered that it will sink in the storm. A man stood at the southern end of the room, to the southeast of me. The hull of the boat was damaged, and we were slowly taking on water. The waves from the storm were crashing against the outside walls of the cabin, and the water was splashing in through the windows. The man and i moved to the eastern and western sides of the cabin to try to keep the windows closed. The waves kept hitting them, and the white-framed windows kept swinging open. I wondered if the leaking in the boat was actually from water coming in through the windows. We had to keep them closed. I pushed one of the windows closed after a splash of water pushed it open. The window frames had latches, and i tried to swing the hook latch closed as i pushed the window shut, but the motion of the boat allowed the hooks to swing up and come unlatched. I thought that we should put small nails into the wood just above the latches to keep the windows shut. I fooled around with the latch on the window in the western wall, and then i moved to the north. There was iron ore in the hull below us, and i knew that it was getting wet from the waves that were crashing into the ship. The boat would eventually sink. I came into the smaller room to the north. There was another window in the southern wall of the room, just to the west of the door i had entered through. Looking back to the south, i could see that the window in the western wall of the southern room had come open again, but i was trying to close the white-framed window in the room to the north. The boat will eventually fill up with water and sink. This was how the story went. Other men came into the rooms with us. One of them seemed to be the captain of the ship. He was to the east of me, heading toward the southern room. As he turned back to the north, he started complaining to us. He was a mean man, and he started getting aggressive toward me. I was angry with him and i punched him in the face. I knew that this was not a good idea, but it was part of the plot, so i had to do it. I then turned to the northeast and headed across the northern room. The northeastern corner of the room was sagging down, and water seemed to be soaking into the boards there. There must be water under that part of the boat. I looked closely at the boards with another man, who was standing to the southeast of me. I then walked to the east, heading out onto the porch outside. The boat seemed to be a large flat foam pad that had a cabin built on the top of it. It was dark out, and the two of us looked at the sinking part of the black pad. There was a seam running down the center of the pad, just to the east of the cabin. The northeastern corner of the western pad was sinking. Propane tanks seemed to be underneath the surface of the pads, and i wondered why we could not just empty the tanks and use them for buoyancy. I headed to the west, thinking about this. The tanks were heavy now because they were full, but they would be lighter when they were empty. This must not be possible, or it would have been part of the plot. As i reached the eastern end of the platform, i suddenly realized that the water to the west of me was calm. The storm had passed. It was still night, but the waters were no longer churning. I did not remember this part of the story from before. The boat did not sink in the storm, but i knew that it was supposed to. The storm must not be over. Another strong gale would come. People were cleaning up now. A woman to the west of me swept the porch in front of the cabin. They were unaware that the rest of the storm would strike.

I headed to the west, along the northern edge of the field. The field might have been narrow north to south, but it was covered with cut green grass. The grass along the edge of the field, however, was cut a little shorter and looked less ragged. To the north, the grass was very tall and mixed with weeds. Trees also stood a little ways back from the edge of the field. As i walked, i noticed rectangular patches of dirt that had been cut into the northern edge of the field. I walked to the south of one of them, looking at the brown dirt in the patch. The dirt was at the same level as the grass, and the patch was about half a deci wide and two or three decis long. I knew that there was some reason that they had been dug. They were made on purpose, and i decided that they were marking the spots of something. I walked past several, but stopped at one to look at it. I thought that there might be something buried underneath. There was a mark in the center of the brown dirt patch that looked like an exposed rock had been scratched by the digging tool that made the patch. I started digging into the dirt. My hands felt something solid, and i pulled it up. It was the lower half of a small statue. This was an ancient artifact, and i felt excited to see it. I wanted to keep it. The statue seemed simple, with the lower part of the torso wider than the legs. I imagined the upper part of the statue to be a flat cone shape, with a rounded point on the head and an arrow-shaped upper torso. The arms would not be separate from the torso, but distinct by shallow carvings in the figure. The legs were also only separated by a shallow indent. I reached into the dirt, thinking that the other part of the statue might be buried with the first part. I pulled the top half from the ground. I wanted to keep these safe, thinking that they were old relics. I then reached into the dirt and pulled up another statue, and then several more. There were many small figurines buried together in the dirt. They were of different styles and made of different substances. The first one i had pulled up seemed to be made of clay, but others seemed to be made of wood. I had to take these with me, but i had to keep them hidden so that no one knew i was smuggling them away. I turned to the south and grabbed my backpack, stuffing a few of the statues into it. I now seemed to be in a small room. I turned back to the north and gabbed several more statues and put them carefully into my bag. I tried to fit them all in, but i had to be sure that they would not be damaged in transport. One of the statues was narrow and made of an ashen-green stone. It was carved to look like a Grecian woman with her hair tied up in rolls. She seemed to be reclined, with a shallow curve to her body, and her arms were across her torso with her hands clasped over her abdomen. I slid it carefully into the backpack. I was worried that the statues might get damaged, and i decided that i would have to repack them. I hoped that i would be able to smuggle them all out. I then reached back into the hole and pulled another one up. I did not expect to see it, but something about it made me very interested in it. It was pale gray and looked more like a crude doll. It seemed to be made of clay that had been fire hardened. There were thick black designs painted over its surface. I had to have this one in my bag, but i was not sure that i could fit it. I could not dig up all of the artifacts in the hole, but this one seemed special, and i wanted to take it with me.

12011 February 25

I had to head to the west, down the road from the flat grassy area. I was standing in a small area now, which seemed to be open, but which also seemed to be a small room on the southeastern corner of a building. The others were gathered here with me. There was a white vehicle to the south of us, which seemed to be a bus. I wondered if it would take us to the west. I had to head down the open country road to get home. The white car had pulled into the building from the east, and it seemed to be running on a track. The track seemed to have run up hill a little to get into the building, and it stopped just to the south of the room, in a special area that just fit the car, which now seemed to be part of a tram. I headed for the tram, thinking that it might take me to the west, but then i realized that the tracks ran out of the building to the east, so it probably only went back to the town. I was trying to get away from the town, so i did not want to head east. As the glass doors of the tram opened, i noticed that the car was full of people. $A615 was standing inside the car near the eastern end, and he smiled along with some of the other people. The doors closed and the car started moving to the east. I wondered what i should do. I did not feel comfortable here. There were mobsters in the area, and i had to get away from them. They were not intentionally looking for me, but i knew that they were a danger to me.

12011 February 27

I spoke to the others as my eyes scanned the western shore of the lake, which was just to the west of me. I was talking about the boats that we were going to ride down the lake. The boats seemed simple, and i thought that they were made of cardboard. The boats seemed to be crew sculls, and the other men near me seemed to be part of a crew team. I quickly realized that it would not be possible to row a cardboard boat the entire way down the side of the lake. I then thought about how long the trip would be. We seemed to be in a small lake to the north of the larger lake. I had thought that we were starting half way down the larger lake, which seemed to be $P44. The cardboard boats would probably have made the trip from the point in them middle of the western shore of the larger lake, which seemed to be a park, to the town at the eastern side of the southern end of the lake. The town seemed to be $P14, and the lake seemed to curve a little to the east toward the center of the city. We were actually starting in the center of the smaller lake. I passed down the length of the small lake and started down the narrow river toward the larger lake. It seemed like a very long distance along the western shore to get back to the town. I watched the shore as i moved to the south, thinking about the distance to the town. It would be a long way to row. I then realized that the longer lake was over fifty miles long, which meant that it would take more than one day to row the small boats to the town. We would have to bring food. I thought about this as i started moving to the southwest, across the flat white area of the city. Railroad tracks ran to the west of us, heading to the south-southeast. We seemed to be in the middle of a suburban area, and i was talking to $F45 about the train station on the southern side of the area. He told me that he did not like the area around the station, but i told him that i happened to like that neighborhood. The train station seemed to be to the southwest of us. I spoke to $F45 as we rode to the southeast. The area around us then seemed to be a corridor, with a white floor. We were in a mall, riding our bicycles along the southwestern wall, heading to the southeast. $F45 rode to the east of me. It suddenly seemed strange that we were riding our bicycles in a mall. I thought that it would not be so safe. A man on a bicycle then passed me on the west. I rounded a corner in the mall, turning right a little to the southeast. Another bicyclist was heading toward me, so i swerved to the east to get out of his way. I then started thinking about the strange experience of time. Someone to the southeast was able to experience time differently than normal. It was actually rather special, and there were several people who could do it. They were experiencing time faster than everyone else. I thought about is as if they were seeing every frame of an event, while most people only saw every tenth frame or so. This allowed the people to act in each of the frames, making them appear faster to the rest of the people. The special people would have more time to experience thing. This seemed like a very good thing because they could think about each event that we experienced before the next event happened. I came to the southeastern end of the hall. I seemed to be in the back room of my parents’ house, and there was a door directly to the north of me, in the middle of the eastern wall. The western wall had a short section that extended into the room, to the west. A man stood on the other side of the door, but i did not know who he was. It was dark outside, and i could only see a dimly illuminated silhouette behind the lace curtains on the door. The other person walked to the north, down the length of the room, as i opened the door. The man outside held a gun up toward me, and i felt suddenly frightened. I realized that i could simply change my reference of time, and i watched myself zip to the west, out of the range of the gun. The man was confused, and did not understand what had happened. The man stepped into the house. I would have to hide just out of sight and attack him. I thought about hitting him on the back of the neck to knock him out, but i realized that i would be hitting him on the spine, which might paralyze him. I tried to tell myself that it would not be so bad because he was a bad guy, but i was still worried about hitting him. I had to remember the concept of viewing time in between time. This was very important.

I turned to the north and looked across the back yard of the house. Two children sat on a metal chair swing in the next yard to the north. I could see the seat of the chair just over the flat-plank wood fence. The two children were facing west, but they started standing on the seat of the swing. The mottled gray metal frame of the swing had a gray metal awning over the top of it, blocking my view of the children’s faces. I realized that the boys were actually not sitting on the seat of the swing, but sitting on a horizontal bar that ran over the top of the seat. The older boy hopped off of the swing and turned around to face his brother. The older boy seemed to be wearing a blue polo shirt. His younger brother, who was wearing a red T-shirt, adjusted his balance a little, starting to wobble on the bar. I thought that the older boy had made the swing less stable by hopping off. His heavier weight on the lower part of the swing kept a lower center of gravity. The older boy tried to steady the swing. I then noticed that the father of the boys was rushing toward them from the house to the north. I stood up and walked to the north, toward the large window in the northern wall of the room. As i approached the window, the fence on the northern end of the lawn seemed to block my view of the house to the north. I then heard the sound of one of the young boys on the northern side of the house. He was talking angrily to himself, and i worried that he was going to throw something through the window. I looked out the window to see the older boy now in a red T-shirt, swinging a metal pipe in the back yard of our house. I thought that he was going to smash the window, but he stopped suddenly when he saw me. I quickly backed away from the window to get out of his view. I moved a little to the west and stood in front of the couch, which was just to the south of me, on the southern wall on the northern side of the L-shaped room. I was not quite sure if the boy saw me, so i tried to stay still. I hoped that he would not be able to see through the window of the house. I looked to the north for a moment, noticing the other people standing in the other yard to the north. The parents of the boy were there, and there were two older people looking out through the second-floor window of the house to the north. Something about the family seemed nice. I then focused on the old man in the window, which seemed like an attic window. The woman to the east of him, who seemed to be his wife, moved closer to him, and they kissed. They were the grandparents of the children. There was sentimental about them, but i wondered again whether they could see me in the house. I crouched down in front of the western end of the couch, thinking that it would be harder to see me from outside. The boy then moved into view on the eastern side of the window. I looked at the window in the northern wall of the room, realizing that it was relatively new. It had been cut into the vertical planks on the northern wall of the back room of my parents’ house, just to the east of the large picture of the house. My mother must have wanted a window in the wall, so they had one put in. I tired to stay still near the couch, but i worried that the boy would still be able to see me. I walked to the west and then to the south to get out of the room. When i came to the front of the house, i headed down the stairs, thinking that i could get to the basement where there were fewer windows, so the boy would not easily be able to see me in the house. I headed down the stairs to the north, on the western side of the building. I then turned back to the north, thinking that the small windows in the basement would allow me to see the boy outside. I wondered where he was around the house. As i turned to the south, though, i found myself on the lower floor of my grandmother’s house. I realized that i had been in the upstairs room. I walked to the front door and looked out to see if the boy was in view. I could not see him, so i headed back to the north, crossing the house to the door on the back of the house. The door was slightly ajar, and i realized that my grandmother must be outside. I looked out the door and to the east, down the cement path between the house and the garage, which was to the north of the house. A driveway left the southern end of the garage and ran along the eastern side of the house. I walked toward the driveway, calling for my grandmother. She responded to me, and i realized that she had been walking with me. She told me that my car had been moved to the back so that i could easily leave. I looked at the other small cars in the driveway. They seemed to be Mini Coopers, and a few were yellow, and several were blue. I could not see my black car in the driveway. There were three cars on the eastern side of the garage, but the black car there was not mine. I thought that my car would have to be in the driveway, but i could not see it. My grandmother headed back toward the house and entered. I was confused, wondering where she had moved my car.

12011 February 28

I felt dirty as i walked to the west, through the narrow passageway in the middle of the dull city. The walls seemed dingy, and my parents were sitting to the west of me. It seemed that we did not have a place to stay, so we were sleeping on the sidewalk here. I had to urinate, but i was not sure where to go. A stairway led down to the north, just ahead of me to the west. I started toward it, but realized that there was a bright blue illuminated sign hanging over it, running parallel with the railings that surrounded the stairwell. The sign said “USABANK” in all uppercase letters. I turned to the north and walked through the doorway into the bank, thinking that i could use the toilet there. I found myself in a small stone entryway of the old building. A man sat behind a small dark counter on the eastern wall. He wore a dark-green uniform and was guarding the entrance to the bank. I was afraid that he would not let me into the bank because i did not have an account here. I would not be able to use the toilets here. I felt upset and walked back out into the street, which now seemed to be in an enclosed area, with a low ceiling. My mother sat at a table to the southwest of me, and i noticed another corridor leading to the south. The corridor to the south also seemed to be part of the bank. I wondered if it would lead more directly to the toilets. I complained to my mother that i could not find a restroom, and she seemed exasperated with me, saying that i should go into the bank. I told her that i did not have an account there, so i did not have a bank card. She seemed annoyed by this and shook here head, looking away. I walked to the south, into the larger stone entrance to the bank. I had gone down a few steps to come into this entryway, which did not seem to be part of the bank yet. It was a public corridor that led to the bank. There was a fast-food restaurant to the east, which seemed like a McDonald’s. I thought that i could use their toilets, but then i realized that they would be guarded against anyone who was not a patron. I looked around the room to see if there were any restrooms available. The southern end of the corridor had a row of glass doors that were framed in thick old tarnished copper supports. The glass also had a greenish hue to it. These were the doors to the bank, which i would not be able to enter. There were other doors to the west, though, and i wondered if they led to the restrooms. A man was approaching me from the east. He seemed to be wearing a uniform, and he was looking at me, ready to ask me a question. He would ask me if he could help, and i would ask where the restrooms were. I hoped that i could use some, even though i did not have a place to live.

I turned to the north and headed down the back corridor in the large college building. I had come to this old stone building for a class, which i seemed to have missed. The other person i had been talking to continued to the west at the entrance to the corridor, and i headed down the wide shallow stairs of the corridor. The back corridor of the building ran down the outside of the large lecture hall, which was to the east. The corridor also seemed to run along the outside of the building to the west. The outside wall of the corridor was oddly shaped with small sharp corners and curving walls. I headed down the orange stairs toward the door. I must have gone around the lecture hall so that i could come in near the back without disturbing anyone. As i descended the stairs, i could hear the voice of the female professor. I recognized her as my art teacher, and i realized that i was coming to the last art class of the year. I felt strange about this, thinking that i had not been to class all semester. I listened to her voice as i approached the bottom of the stairs. The steps near the bottom seemed broken and uneven, and i realized that there was water on the ground. The teacher mentioned the problem to the class as i bent over to look at the pool of water on the broken cement step below me. I carefully stepped over the puddles, to the northeast and walked through the doorway. The teacher said something that made it seem that the water was a common problem in the building. I quickly realized that we were supposed to bring our final art projects to the class, and i did not have one. I was upset that i had not been coming to class, and i wondered what i should do. I picked up the roll of plastic with my left hand and walked into the lecture room. The chairs sloped up steeply to the south, and there were already some large posters being put up on the northern wall of the room. The room seemed dirty and unkempt, as if the building had not been maintained in a very long time. I felt very bad about not having a poster for my final project. There was something drawn on the rolled up sheet of clear plastic that i had in my hand, but i could not use it as a poster. It was not really my design, and it was only a rough sketch of something i had done. It was not ready to be a finished project. The teacher said something about it, and i told her that the poster was not my project. As i said this, i unrolled it, showing the black and red pattern of wedges and squares across the paper. It seemed like something commercially made. I then realized that something had fallen out of the roll when i had opened it up. The teacher, who seemed to be $A554, motioned to it, and i looked down to the southwest of me, realizing that the roll of paper had unfolded and fallen into a puddle of water. I quickly bent over and snatched the paper from the water, telling $A554 not to worry because it was not my final project either. I felt bad about not having a project, and i walked to the south, up the eastern side of the room. The rows of seats were not quite full, and i was looking for a place to put down my backpack. I felt bad about missing the class, and i wondered what other things i had missed. I noticed several open spots in the chairs, and i started toward one of them, but i realized that someone had left their black leather jacket over the chair. There was also a beverage in a tall paper cup sitting in the armrest, with a red straw sticking out of the top and several papers scattered on the chairs. I moved to the next row, noticing several open chairs on the western side of the room. I walked past a man sitting on the eastern side of the rows and dropped my things in the open chairs. I wondered what i should do. I started rolling up the long rectangular piece of plastic that i had in my hands. It had the geometric rug patterns on it. The thick shapes were black or red and made of squares or wedge shaped patches. As i looked closer, i realized that the rug patterns were formed from small dots on the paper. I then realized that the paper was really a very large sheet of graph paper, with a darker green grid line across the center. I started to roll up the two sheets of paper when i started to worry about what i was going to tell the teacher. I took out the roll of plastic and wiped my hand across it, realizing that the ink wiped away because it had gotten wet. I could wipe most of the picture away and tell the teacher that i would have to redo the art. I quickly wiped more of the red and black ink from the clear plastic, checking my right hand to make sure that it was not obvious that i had cleaned off the plastic. I turned to the north, finding myself at the northern end of the room. I told the teacher that the water had washed the ink off of the paper. I acted disappointed, and told her that i would bring in a new version tomorrow. She agreed, and i felt a little better. I would have to create a new project by tomorrow. This worried me a little, since i had not done any work all semester, but i realized that it was something that i could do. I started back to the south, up the stairs in the room. I suddenly noticed a white wall in the center of the room, just to the north of me. I could not see the seats that i had put my stuff in, and i realized that the room was actually separated into smaller sections. The white wooden partitioning wall had posters and artwork put up all over it. I reached the western end of the wall and turned to the east. The wall to the south of me was covered with white wooden shelfs, and there were several plastic model aircraft on the shelfs. This was one form of art that the students had been creating. I looked at the props on a dark-green model on one of the lower shelfs as i passed. I wondered how i would be able to create something by the next day. As i turned up the stairs on the eastern side of the room, i remembered again that i had missed all of the classes from the semester. I wondered how $A554 even remembered me. I then thought that i had not taken any of the tests, and i must have missed the final. I wondered if $A554 actually remembered me or not, or whether she was just agreeing because i was now in the class. I started to worry that i could not pass the class, and i wondered what i should do. I looked around at the artwork on the walls. I had missed all of the classes this semester, and i knew that i would probably get an incomplete on the course. I turned to the west, looking at some of the students sitting in the chairs. I felt out of place here and did not know what i should do.