12012 February 01

I moved through the crowd of young people in the building. Most of them seemed like high-school children. I knew that many of them had their names on the lists, and i felt very interested in this. I moved to the west, watching the people to the south of me. The room seemed to be full of confusion, but everyone was excited about the names on the lists. I thought that my name was on the list as well, and i felt good about this, but i was not really sure whether it was or not. I then saw one of the papers. Someone was holding it to the south of me. The paper looked like common notebook paper, and names were written on four sections of the paper. The pattern of writing formed a wide cross that fanned out from the center of the paper. Something in the center of the pattern seemed to be red, and some of the names on the top section of the paper were decorated with red designs, like hearts or circles. The names were written in black ballpoint ink in a cursive that had looped shapes. One of the names on the top part of the paper, in the center of the upper section, seemed to be “Amie”. I knew that this was a special list, and i was certain that my name was on it. I did not know what it meant, though, and it seemed very strange to me that all of this was happening. I moved to the west, through the crowd in the school. $F45 was with me. We left the main hallway and came into a smaller room on the western side of the school. Several other people were with us. The room seemed like a sitting room, with bookshelfs along some of the walls. The room adjoined another room to the south, and there seemed to be couches arranged in a rectangle in the center of the room. $F45 and i had been in this school before. I looked up, remembering that the center of the ceiling had a skylight in it. The ceiling was very far up, but i could not quite see the top. I could tell that there were several floors above us, but i could not quite see out the window. I then noticed a group of young men coming into the room from the north. They were dressed in gray military uniforms. This was a military school. I stood still for a moment, letting them walk around me. I felt out of place here, thinking that i really did not belong in a military school. $F45 said something to the other person with us, who was to the south of $F45. $F45 was standing in the room, just to the southwest of me. I was standing near the center of the room, just to the east of the couches, and the men were walking to the east of me from the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall. I looked up to the ceiling again to try to see the window, but i could not. I remembered what it looked liked, though, and i imagined the bright light from outside shining in from the north. I started to think that it was actually rather warm in this room, and i thought that it would cool down quicker if we could open up the skylight. I told this to $F45, thinking that the men in uniform might hear me and realize that i actual was familiar with this place. $F45 did not understand what i was talking about. He did not seem to remember the window in the ceiling far above us. The men passed around me now, and i tried to act as though i was very familiar with this place. Several of the students were women, and they were wearing the same pale-green uniforms as well. After most of the students had cleared out, $F45 and i headed to the north, through the doorway that the students had come out of. We entered a narrow dimly lighted stairwell, which ascended to the west. The stairs seemed to turn tightly around to the right until we were heading west in to the room on the upper floor of the building. We came out into the dormitory. $F45 was sitting on the small single bed against the eastern wall of the room, to the south of the entrance door, which seemed to be in a short wall in the northeastern corner of the room. I sat on the white sheets of the bed with him, just to the north of him. I felt awkward here, thinking that the students should not see $F45 and i together like this. We had been sleeping in the same bed, but the students might be uncomfortable with this idea. I stood up, feeling an impulse to get something done. I knew that there was something that i had to do, so i left the room to the east, heading back out the door. I should be doing something.

I moved around to the north of the low flat building, which seemed like a shopping plaza or mall. Many people were moving around near me, and i was thinking of the special lists. This was where we would find the names of the special people on the lists. I felt anxious about this. We were not on the list yet, and i felt disappointed about it. I moved through the crowd, trying to remember this situation. I felt that i had to remember this event because there was something significant about it.

12012 February 02

I moved to the west, coming to the north of the low building, which seemed like a mall or shopping plaza. People were moving around, and i was thinking about the idea. Something was important about imagining. When an idea or subject was focused on, it created an important issue. Something about simply focusing on a subject made that subject more real. I tried to remember this, because it seemed important. I wanted to focus on the idea. I was in the car with the others, then. I sat in the passenger’s seat, looking out the window to the east as we drove north. We were driving through rolling green countryside, with tall rounded hills around us. I recognized this place. It was part of the road that i used to take home. The road came from the west and turned to the north. I looked out the front window of the car, suddenly unable to make out the road in front of us. The window was dirty. The center of the window was streaked where the wiper blade had tried to wipe the dirt away. One of the people from the back seat said something about the dirty window as i leaned forward and bent down, trying to see out of the lower part of the window. I could now see the dirt road ahead of us, and i noticed a large green tractor driving slowly in front of us. I felt a little annoyed that we had to follow the tractor, but then i started looking around at the countryside to the east. The area was mostly green fields of cut grass, with bushy green trees here and there. Forest covered the tops of the hills to the east. I realized that we had actually turned off of the main road near the corner. The main road was paved, and it turned to the north, but we had gone farther to the east, onto a dirt road. This road ran parallel to the main road, but went farther in to the country. What we were seeing seemed to be older and less touched by progress. It was bright and sunny here, and i liked the look of the area. One of the people in the car mentioned the old barns and wooden houses here. They were all nice and well kept. I said that i liked this place as i watched one of the old barns with a rounded tower on the northwestern corner pass to the east of us. The barn looked like a large house, with a steep peaked roof, but i knew that it was a barn. I had not been on this road in quite a while, and it felt very good to see this place again. I did not remember all of the old buildings here and was fascinated to see them again. As we passed the bare wood building, i looked back at it, noticing a large clock face on the rounded tower that was attached to the northwestern corner of the building. The heavy black hands of the clock seemed to show that it was seven fourty-five or eight fourty-five. I pointed out the clock to the others in the back seat, surprised to see it on the side of a barn. I then remembered that people back then prided themselves on the design of their barns. Many of these barns were well built and well maintained. I looked ahead of us, noticing the other small wooden structures around the area. Most of them had rounded towers or spires on the corners. It was a design theme in the area. I spoke about the rounded designs as we slowed and turned a tight corner to the west. The hill rose steeply to the northeast of us, and i noticed several clusters of pale structures in the green grass of the hill. The structures were clusters of grave stones. They were all rounded pillars or cones, and they were grouped together in the center of the grassy hill, which now seemed to rise at an almost vertical angle. As we drove away from them, heading to the west, i started to notice the other clusters of gravestones. All of the buildings and structures here had the rounded tower shape to them. Something was significant about this structure to the local people. I commented to the others in the car about the many old round barns and other things. I looked up the hill to the north, seeing some newer buildings that had the same design. I liked this place. It felt very comforting to be here. As we continued down the road, i started to hear the sound of a song played in my head. It was an Iron Maiden song called “Public Enemy Number One”. It seemed a little out of place, but i thought it might have some significance to this place. I knew that there was something important about what people know. The memory carried through to create a reality. It was a strange idea, but i tried to remember it, thinking that what you thought about created a kind of reality.

I left the others and headed to the east, across the second floor of the house. I felt a little uncomfortable as entered the bedroom, noticing the things on the floor. The entrance to the bedroom seemed to be a corridor, formed by a wall to the north and a line of hanging clothes to the south. The clothes were hanging on a metal bar that was suspended between the vertical wooden beams of the building. The room opened up to the north and south on the eastern side, and a narrow space ran to the south of the line of clothes. I quickly noticed the toys on the floor under the clothes. I felt suddenly upset that they were there. $F63 had been staying in the room, and i realized that he must have been playing with the toys that i had been storing in the room. I was upset that the toys were scattered around the floor. I looked at them, noticing that they were Shogun Warriors. To my dismay, several of them seemed to be broken. I noticed a dark section in the torso of a large yellow warrior where the plastic had been broken off. This made me more upset. I would have to ask $F63 about the toys. I wanted to scold him for breaking them, but i did not feel that i could yell at him that easily. I headed into the room, noticing that other toys were broken or missing as well. I wondered if $F63 had really been the one who had been playing with them. Something about this idea did not make sense. I moved around the room, wondering if there had been other people in the house. I turned to the north, now in the attic room of the house. I was on the western side of the room, just inside the entry door, which was in the center of the western wall. I could see a window in the northern wall to the northeast of me. The room was bare, and it had strange levels to the bare wooden floor. A two-meter ledge ran along the eastern wall, about a meter above the main floor of the attic. A similar ledge ran along the western wall, but was interrupted by the roofline to the north, which cut into the northwestern corner of the room. Bright light came into the window, and i focused on the window, thinking that someone must have come through it to get into the house. I walked to the north a little, along the raised level, and then i crossed the room and walked up onto the raised level on the eastern side. The raised level seemed to have a crude wooden railing running along the northern end of the western edge. I stood in the center of the raised area, looking at the things on the floor. A book and something dull-blue were scattered in the center of the platform with several small toys. Someone had definitely been in the house, and they had broken some of the toys. I felt annoyed with this and thought that we would have to lock the window. I walked back to the east and headed south down the hall. Just as i came into the hall from the doorway on the east, i noticed a young man exiting a room on the eastern side of the hall, just to the south of me. He did not seem to notice me as he continued to the south. He had short blond hair and was wearing a tan T-shirt. I called to him, but he did not pay attention to me. Feeling annoyed with him, i reached out with my left hand and grabbed him on the right shoulder, turning him around to face me. I felt angry with him and wanted to know why he was in the house. I asked him, but he became aggressive and angry with me. I thought that he would attack me, but $F63 came from the south and grabbed him by the shoulder. $F63 told the man not to worry about me. I was a little relieved because i did not want to get into a fight with the man. The man strode off to the south, back down the hallway. I watched him walk away, thinking that he was actually somewhat attractive. I felt attracted to him, but the broken toys again distracted me, and i became upset about what had happened in the rooms.

12012 February 03

I was on the second floor of my parents’ house, and i moved to the eastern side of the house. Looking out the window, i could see group of four or five people leaving the house from the back door. The party at the house was ending, and they were heading home. It was dark out, but i could see the cars move down the driveway from the north to the south. One of the cars was pale yellow and looked like a small sports car from the seventies. This happened a while ago because the party had been over for a while. I watched the car stand for a moment at the southern end of the driveway, and i thought about this for a moment before continuing to the east, across the driveway. I could see the house and small barn to the east of the driveway in the dark. The house was large and sat to the north and northeast of the small barn, which looked like a shed made of unfinished vertical planks. As i walked down the path of cut lawn, between the trees, i could hear a dog barking behind me. It did not seem to be that close, but i felt cautious of it. I walked to the north of the barn, which was now a small shed in the middle of the yard to the south and southwest of the house. I came to the eastern side of the shed and looked back to the west, trying to see the dog in the darkness. I could not see anything, but i knew that the dog was in the next yard, near the driveway. I thought that the beagle would come if it knew that i was here. I moved to the southeast of the small shed, putting it between myself and the dog. I then barked back at the dog, listening for the dog to reply. The dog came into view on the path of cut grass. It headed straight toward me. I jumped onto the shed, where the dog could not get me. The dog barked at me, running around the eastern side of the shed to try to get me. As the dog rounded the western side of the small building and continued to the north, the building started tipping to the north. It was falling over on the dog, and i thought that it would land on the dog. This idea humored me as i flew upward, floating over the fallen building. I rose into the air, turning to the southwest and floating for a moment. A song started running through my head. It was the begging of the song “What Shall We Do Now”, by Pink Floyd. I was aware of the people to the east of me as i looked over the landscape to the west. It was day now, but the landscape was dimly lighted, as though it was dusk. The green field to the west was covered with a pink-hued haze. It looked like a meadow on a hill that curved gently to the southwest. Thick bushes, which looked like sumac trees, rose on the northern side of the hill. I started to fly across the field, singing the words to the song as i moved. The song sounded ominous. The people to the southeast of me were singing The Wall with me, and i was doing this song. I circled back to the north and east, picturing myself as a large condor floating on the air. It was symbolic of the song, and i pictured a crude bird floating over a red sky, looking more like an airplane decorated to look like a bird. I should be an airplane, since that was part of the song. I listened to my voice as i sang, realizing that we were all singing the words a cappella, which seemed strange. I watched the others as i sang, thinking that my voice did not sound so bad singing this song. I landed in the large room of the upper floor of the wide barn to the southeast. I was now standing on a balcony, which seemed to circles the entire central room of the barn. The balcony was the second floor. The incandescent lights illuminated the barn, but i was not looking down at the first floor. Something distracted me and i turned back to the west. A short corridor in the center of the western wall led to an exit door. As i headed for the corridor, i was aware of a man standing on the balcony to the northeast of me, across the opening of the room. I follow the corridor up a step and through a doorway, coming into the smaller building. I stopped on the balcony, which looked out from the western side of the building. The ground below me was a frozen lake, and the ice was gray and mottled white. I realized that several children were heading to the west, across the ice. I looked closely at the patterns of the ice, noticing that i could see the water below some of it. The ice was very thin, and i thought it strange that the children would be out on the ice. Several puddles on the surface of the ice seemed to be weak spots, where the ice was thin. I hoped that the children were being careful not to step on the thin ice. I then realized that they were walking right up to the edge of the ice to the west. The ice sheet ended in a wavy line to the west, and the water beyond was dark and gray. I wondered why the children were on the thin ice. It seemed very strange. I then focused on the dog, which was running back to the northeast from the children. It was a medium-sized dog with long black and white fur. It looked like some kind of spaniel. I realized that it was scared on the ice and wanted to get back to shore. I worried about it suddenly as it crossed over the darker shapes of thin ice. A girl in a dark coat now seemed to be chasing after the dog. I became concerned and watched the event tensely. All of the ice seemed too weak to support weight, but the children were standing on it. I glanced back to the children, who were standing on the white ice near the edge of the water. I then looked back at the dog, which seemed to be running under me. Its legs were skidding on the ice, sliding out to the sides as the panicked dog tried to get to shore. The dog was frightened on the ice. It jumped a small crack in the ice, but stopped when it realized that it had landed on a small island of ice. The island slid to the northeast, and i had to lean forward to keep it in view. The dog then tried to jump from the ice sheet to a larger section of ice, but the sheet was pushed back as it jumped, and the dog fell into the water short of the white ice to the northeast. I was concerned for the dog as i watched it paddle at the water. The dog slipped under the white sheet of ice, and i started to worry about it, hoping that it could get itself out. I leaned forward more, but could no longer see the dog because it had floated out of view to the northeast. I then looked at the girl who had been chasing the dog. She stepped through a thin spot of ice and fell into the water as well. The other children from the west started after her. I hoped that the girl could pull herself above the ice, but the water was flowing too quickly to the northeast, and they were out of my view before i could see what had happened to them. I felt tense and rushed back to the east. I had to get down to the water and do something. I ran back into the barn, but realized that i could not easily get out from here. I then realized that a stairwell was on the northern side of the pale-yellow corridor joining the barn to the house. I headed back to the west and into the stairwell. I came out into a corridor on the lower level and started heading east, passing several others. I exited the building and came to the shore of the small pond. The pond was set into the dark land to the west of the house. Thick pine-like trees rose around the sides of the pond, obscuring part of the northern side of the pond from me. I realized that this was not big enough to be the water that i had seen the children on. I noticed an opening on the northern end of the western side of the pond. The pond was tear-drop shaped, with the point connecting to a larger body of water to the west. I could not see much of the larger body because of the dark pine trees along the western shore of the pond. I thought that i would have to head through the woods along the south of the pond and cross the peninsula to get to the lake, where the children were on the ice. I decided that i should fly over the water of the pond to get there quicker, but i felt unsure about flying. I moved out over the water, but shifted to the south a little, to stay near the shore. I then thought that the others should notice my flying. I started to feel too nervous about flying and turned to the southwest, heading toward the shore. I would have to cross the woods on the peninsula to get to the water. I was again heading down the corridor of the building, heading to the west. I had just come out of the stairwell. Two young men came into the corridor from the south. They had opened up the glass door. They were wearing swimming trunks and had towels around their waists. They had nice chests, and i was interested for a moment. I glanced to the south, looking through the glass windows on the upper part of the wall, to see that the men had come from a small room with a round pool in the tile floor. Someone mentioned people in the water to the west, and i wondered if the people here knew about the children on the ice. I passed the attractive young men and came to a doorway in the western wall. Peeking through, i could see many young men getting ready in their swimming gear. An older man was in the middle of the dark brown stone floor, massaging one of the swimmers. He seemed to be coach, and he had a white polo shirt and gray hair. He looked up at me as i stood in the doorway. I asked if they had any people out on the water to the west. The man said that they did have people out there, but they did not seem to know that there was a problem. I told them to call emergency, adding that the children had fallen through the ice into the water. Some of the others seemed concerned. I started to back out of the room to head for the water, but remembered that it was dark outside. I leaned back into the room, asking the people if they had a flashlight i could use. The man said that there was a light in the janitor’s closet, which was down the hall to the east. I backed out and followed the short corridor to the north before turning back to the east down the narrow short corridor, which ran parallel to the one i had come down before. Offices seemed to be on both sides of the hallway, but i could not see a janitor’s closet. I also felt that i was looking for the exit to get back out to the ice to the west. I felt anxious as i looked around the corridor for the door out on the northern wall. I then realized that a set of stairs ran up to the east from a small doorway in the eastern wall of an alcove on the northern side of the corridor. I headed for the stairs, but realized that the corridor was too narrow to fit in. It was only a thin space between the walls where a set of stairs ascended. This was a joke around the office. A yellow labrador came down the corridor from the west, passed me, and ran up the stairs. It could easily fit in the narrow corridor. I put my left arm in the space, thinking that i could easily fit up the stairs. I started to push into the space, but then wondered suddenly why i would head up the stairs. This seemed very strange.

The yellow light on the northern wall started to flash. The spinning lights were arranged in a row high on the northern wall, and i could see them over the man, who was standing to the east of me. I had been talking to him, but was distracted as the lights started flashing and spinning. The eastern most light flashed first, but then the others started turning on in sequence. It was the sign of an emergency. I knew that the man i had been talking to was a firefighter. He would have to leave for the emergency, so i would have to stop talking to him. I stood up, looking to the southeast in to the center of the large room. Large yellow fire trucks filled the space. The man would have to get his equipment together and take the trucks. I had to get out of their way, so i turned to the west and started to climb over the equipment on the floor. I did not want to be in their way. I would have to wait in the station until the man returned.

12012 February 04

The clouds in the sky to the south of me were dark, but a white streak ran vertically across them. It seemed to be dark out, but i could see the layers of gray clouds and the white comet-like blur across them. The blur seemed very strange, with a narrow tip near the top and an uneven white tail, looking somewhat like a jet trail. I pointed this out to the person to the west of me. The sky was then illuminated with a flash of lightning. I looked back into the clouds, trying to figure out what i was looking at. I thought that the white streak was actually a bolt of lightning, but i realized that i could actually see persistent white zigzag lines running down the sky. The white lines were thin and seemed to radiate from somewhere high in the sky. They formed a pattern against the dull blue of the sky behind the gray clouds. This was a very strange sight, but i thought that an event like this might have inspired the drawings by ancient people. When the ancients drew zigzag lines, they might have been drawing this event literally rather than drawing lightning in representation. I was then surprised at the patterns, wondering what was causing them. They did not seem natural. The other person came to me to see the sky, but, when i looked back up at the sky, i could not see the patterns anymore. I told the other person to wait, thinking that the pattern would reemerge. I then noticed the dull green glow at the bottom of the clouds. It looked like an aurora effect, but i knew that it was something from the ground was illuminating the sky. I spoke to the other person about this as i started to the west, toward the lights. The other person was $A17. I crossed the large cement plaza, where several people were sitting. Everything around me seemed gray, and this place seemed like part of a park. Low gray cement buildings ran to the north of me, and large pools of water were set into the ground to the east and northeast. It seemed too cold for people to be swimming. I headed to the east, still looking for something. I crossed one of the smaller pools and stepped up onto a small platform that was in the middle of the pool. From the higher ground, i looked around to see what was here. I noticed the large rectangular pool to the northeast, to the east of the tall cubical building to the north of me. Rows and columns of objects sat in the water of the pool. They looked like tubes, all slanting in the same direction, to the west. I realized that they were launchers for the fireworks. The fireworks must have caused the glow on the bottom of the clouds. I pointed out the cannons to $A17. She looked around, but did not see them at first. I realized that she was looking out over the pools in the distance, so i told her that they were in the water in the foreground. She refocused and noticed them, making an audible acknowledgement.

12012 February 05

I had been talking to the man in the store to the south, but now i was walking to the north, along the eastern side of the mall. As i reached the large glass door to the northwest of me, however, i noticed the man inside turning off the lights. I realized that it was now late, and that the mall was just closing. I would no longer be able to get, and i thought that i should have stayed in the mall talking to the other man. It would have been easier to walk through the mall after it had closed. It was dark out, but the bright lights of the parking lot lighted the area around me, including the pale walls of the mall to the west. As i walked, i realized that another man in a long tan jacket was walking to the northwest, to the south of me. I felt suddenly suspicious of him, thinking that it might not be safe for me to be in the parking lot at this time of night. I circled to the east and then started walking back to the north. My car was parked facing the mall, to the north of me. I could see a row of dark vehicles parked on the eastern end of the parking lot, and i headed toward them. Someone else was headed toward the vehicles from the north, but this person did not see to be a threat. I started to feel uneasy about the man to the south of me, and i pretended to slide over the icy ground, as if skating. After a moment, i realized that i had gone past my car. I was now to the north east of it, farther from the mall. I also realized that i was still carrying the light fixture. The light seemed to be a wide cone shade on a long chord. I started swinging the light, around in front of me, thinking that the man to the south of me might be intimidated if he thought that i could use it as a weapon. I turned back to the southwest, to head back to my car. I could not see the man near me, and i swung the lamp in a wide diagonal circle around the right side of my head. After a moment, i stopped and continued walking back toward my car. I then realized that i was now near the southern end of the parking lot again. I had gone past my car. I was trying to concentrate on something, but i could not tell what. The entrance gate to the lot was to the south of me. It seemed to have a booth on the eastern side and a tall cement structure with an overhanging roof on the west. I stopped near the tall structure, looking into the darkness to the south. I then turned to the north to see the car sitting near me. The white car was sitting on the western side of the lane, facing east. It was trying to get out of the parking lot. I moved a little, and the car started driving east. I did not think that it would be able to make it through the gate at this angle, but, as i watched, it turned sharply to the south and followed the yellow metal posts around a sharp corner to the southeast, leaving the lot. I then realized that a large black pick-up truck was standing just to the north of me. It had been in the exact same location as the car. As the car pulled away, it exposed the truck. Somehow, they had occupied the same space. I wondered how this had been possible.

12012 February 06

My mother and i were in the back room of my parents’ house. My mother was sitting on the couch against the northern wall, and i was standing in the center of the room. My mother pointed out someone to the southeast. I turned to look out the large window in the eastern wall, and i saw the man standing in the driveway to the southeast of the house. He was wearing a Batman suit, which i thought seemed rather strange. My mother seemed nervous about the man, and i felt cautious as well. I did not understand why there were people in the driveway. I moved to the south, knowing that my mother had let the man in so that he could eat. She had felt sorry for him. This situation seemed very strange, and i was not quite sure why she had let him when he seemed somewhat dangerous. I was now standing to the east of the house, in the driveway. It was dark out, and i remembered that the people that had come for dinner had parked their cars behind the house to the east. The cars were parked to the north of the house. I felt suspicious of these people, so i headed up the driveway to the north, thinking that i could cross oven to the other yard and get a look at the cars. I could take down their license-plate numbers in case something happened.

I sat on the southern side of the table, which was on the southern side of the room. The picnic table was close to the southern wall. I was thinking about the exams as i interacted with the others with me. I talked about taking the test on the table, but i was uneasy about it. I looked over the paper, noticing that the text was written with Cyrillic. I tried to read some of the words, realizing that the language was probably Russian. I had studied the language, but i started to worry that i would not remember the proper responses to the questions. I then realized that we were in a foreign country. I felt very nervous about the test, and kept looking back to the paper on the table in front of me. I was sitting on the western end of the southern bench of the picnic table, facing north. I looked to the east, seeing the group of cooks in white smocks. They had just come from the kitchen of the restaurant and were getting something ready. I could not pay attention to them because i was supposed to be answering the questions on the test. The cooks were speaking Russian as they came toward us. One of them was carrying a metal bucket of ice. He leaned forward over the table, telling me and the other people that the ice cubes were a dollar a piece. I did not think that it was worth the price and told the man that i was not interested. I also knew that i did not use ice in my drinks. The man sitting to the west of me said that he would buy some ice, though. This surprised me. The man next to me held out a small glass, and the cook dumped several pieces of ice into it. I wondered why the cook put more than one piece of ice into the glass. I knew that the ice cubes were only one dollar a piece, and my friend had only paid a dollar. I wondered if the cook was trying to get more money out of my friend, but i noticed that he did not seem interested in getting more money. To my surprise, my friend started pouring out some of the extra ice. He poured the extra back into the metal bucket that the cook was carrying. This all seemed very strange, and it made me feel more uneasy here.

12012 February 07

The drum was small: about a deci wide and a deci tall. I could not tell what the sides were made of, but the top seemed to be stretched animal skin. A thick tan ribbon was woven around the head of the drum, which also seemed to be a flats sheet of animal skin. I moved my hand over the surface of the drum. I was making it, and it was special.

I walked to the west, into the small room of the train car. Several long thin dark gray objects were scattered on the floor, mostly arranged east to west. I had to do something in the room, and i felt as though i would have to clean up things here. As i headed west, i was aware of the man to the north of me, in the small booth in the northern wall of the room. I continued to the west, toward the doorway in the western wall.

12012 February 08

I had left the house and said goodbye to the other people. I was heading west across the second floor of the house, but turned to the north to head back. I had left some things is the house that i had to get. I came into the hallway, which seemed to be at the top of a long flight of wooden stairs. The stairs ascended to the north on the western side of the corridor, with a wooden railing around the upper edge. $A37 stood in the doorway at the southern end of the hallway. I had come over the top of the stairs from the west and stopped just to the northwest of the doorway. $A37 was talking to someone else in the doorway, but the other person walked away as i got there. This house seemed to be $A37’s house. I said something to him as i stood for a moment in the corridor, thinking that i still had to get something from the room. I stepped over the wooden chair with the woven wicker seat, passed $A37, and walked into the bedroom to the south. The bedroom was mostly to the east of the doorway, but i turned to the west and headed into the small closet that was on the western end of the room. The closet was crowded with dark bags, but i grabbed the small blue camera bag from the southern side of the opening. I then headed back across the room to the east to collect my things. As i crossed the room, i noticed a small orange flame burning near the southern wall of the room. A small heater with a white metal cover was attached to the baseboard of the wall, and a thin flame was burning where the white metal pipe ran from the floor and into the eastern end of the heater. This did not seem right, and i wondered if the gas pipe had a leak in it. I felt worried about the white thing, which now seemed to be a humidifier, so i turned it off. It was no longer needed. I stood back up after bending over, noticing that i was is the small bedroom of my parents’ house, near the southern wall. I looked at the small flame around the heater on the southern wall, feeling worried about it. As i looked closer, i realized that a thick electric wire with a white vinyl sheath was burning just to the east of the area where the flame was coming out of the round metal object. The top of the sheath looked open, and the western edge of the vinyl was burning. I thought that the flame from the heater must have caught the electric wire on fire, and i started to worry that the head from the fire could catch other things on fire. I blew strongly on the plastic sheath, trying to blow out the flame, but it did not seem to extinguish easily. I stood back up, noticing that another white heater was sitting to the east of the bed, which extended from the northern wall. The other heater also had a small flame on it. I felt very uncomfortable about this. I looked back at the white vinyl tube in front of the heater by the southern wall. I had blown out the flame on the top of the tube, but it had ignited again. I felt annoyed and worried. I looked down at the bottom of the heater, noticing orange flames coming out from around the bottom of the heater. I then noticed that the wood floor around the base of the heater was charred. A crack a few centimeters wide was between the heater and the floor boards, allowing me to see down into the space below the floor. I could tell that some flames were burning down there, and i worried that the house would catch on fire. I leaned close to the crack to look under the floor boards. I could see several patches of orange flames on charred wood under the floor. I felt suddenly panicked and ran downstairs, to the north, into the back room of the house. My mother was on the couch against the northern wall of the room, and i asked her where the sprayer was. I was trying to ask for a fire extinguisher. She did not seem to understand and wanted to know why i would need it. I said something about the sprayer again, trying to explain about the fire but not really saying it clearly. I eventually descried the fire between the floor boards. My mother seemed concerned, so i led her upstairs to show her. I crouched down to the east of my mother, just to the north of the heater. The heater had no flames on it at the moment, and i was disappointed. I grabbed the edge of the floor board, which seemed to be slightly loose. It slid side to side with some of the adjacent boards, but did not lift up that easily. I tried to get it up so that my mother could see into the space below the floor. When i finally pulled it back enough so that she could see, she leaned forward from a kneeling position and looked under the floor. She could not see anything, and i felt disappointed about this. The flames had gone as soon as the heater turned off. I was still upset as i walked out of the room. I had to get my things together to leave, and i started to feel that my things would not be safe here if i left them. I felt anxious about this, realizing that i could not take all of my things with me. I was on the eastern end of the small bedroom in the southeastern corner of the house. A tall wooden bookcase stood to the south of me, filled with various items. The closet was to the west. I looked over the shelf, noticing the red model car on one of the upper shelfs. The red car was something important, and i wanted to take it with me. It seemed like one of my toys from my childhood, but i knew that it had value as an antique now. I wondered why i had not taken it earlier. I then looked into the closet to the west, wondering what to take. I felt worried about all of these things since i would not be able to take them all with me. I wanted to get them to someplace safe, and i worried that this place might catch on fire. I looked up at a set of shelfs to the northwest, seeing the color-coded science books i had kept from middle school. Some of the books were pale green, others blue. I thought that i should put them in the trash because i did not really need or want them. I then found a small brown fake-leather case on the top of some of the books on the shelf. I pulled it down and opened it, finding a tiny harmonica inside. I felt interested in the instrument, thinking that i should take it to use in my music. I then remembered that the harmonica had some significance. I remembered when my father had given it to me. I was standing in the hallway of an old building. The hallway was nothing more than a room at the bottom of a set of stairs. The wide set of polished stone stairs ascended along the northern side of the hallway to the west. A narrow part of the corridor ran to the west, to the south of the stairs. A wide arched doorway was to the east, and the room where the funeral was being held was to the south of us. My father and i were both in dark suits, and we had just come from the funeral of my father’s father. My father had given me the harmonica outside the funeral. The harmonica had belonged to my father’s father. It seemed to be something important. I wanted to keep it safe.

12012 February 09

I was driving to the west with the other people. $F45 and $F63 were on the trip with me, but it seemed that we had already dropped off $F45 in a town along the way. I was looking to the south, at the large map in front of me. We were in a dry rocky desert area, and the map was mostly brown, with streaks of tan to mark the mountain slopes. Our route was drawn in red on the map, showing a relatively flat line across the center of the map, coming from the left to the right. About three-quarters of the way across the map, the line turned sharply upward and circled back in a wide loop to the left, reconnecting with the lower line about a third of the way across the map from the left. The upper part of the map was north, but the left side of the map was east, where we had come from. We were driving west across the United States. We now seemed to be in a hotel room, looking over the map. I felt a little concerned about the loop to the north. I wanted to take the loop because it led us through scenic lands to the north of where we were, but i knew that it would take quite a long time to travel the entire distance. A big city was marked in the middle of the map, and i knew that we had just driven through it. The thick line through the center of the map was actually an Interstate, and i thought that it was Interstate 90. I was unsure of which loop we should take, so i asked $A606 which loop we were taking, pointing out that the big loop would take us quite a long distance. He shrugged, saying that he did not mind going the long distance. I still felt concerned about it, though. Time changed, and it was much later. I had dropped $A606 off in the town at the start of the loop to the north. I pictured it on the map as a cluster of color where the red line turned suddenly to the north. This seemed suddenly strange. I did not know why i would have left $A606 in the town on the western side of the country. I would have to go back for him after i finished the loop, which would take even more time. Confused, i left the building and headed to the south. A man came out of the building and followed me as i walked across the large asphalt parking lot of the shopping plaza. I had come out of one of the stores of the plaza, where i had been looking at the map. I thought about this for a moment. I felt wanted to figure out where we were going, but i felt frustrated. I turned to the northeast and started following the path, which ran between the trees and across the grass. The plaza building now seemed to be a school. The path crossed the edge of the school property and ended on the street to the east. As i reached the street, i realized that the man was still following me. I turned to the southeast and started walking down the sidewalk on the southwestern side of the suburban street. The man followed me down the street, but i tried to ignore him. I was not sure that he was following me intentionally. I looked at the map again, trying to figure out what i should do. I focused on the red loop, which headed to the north and east, curving from the center line of the map, to the top and left of the map. I knew that i was on the western part of the red loop, just above the city where i had turned on to the loop. I was to the northeast of the city, in a hilly area that seemed to have many rocky structures. The area seemed appealing to me, but i knew that i did not travel that far from the city where $A606 was. I looked at the other small highways on the map. Several cities were marked on the interstate that ran across the center of the map, and a few small cities were marked on the road that looped to the north. I could not remember how far we had traveled on the interstate to the west. The highway that i was on, which was the highway to the north, ran through the capital city of this state. I wondered if i could turn south at this city and head back to get $A606. I knew that we had already passed through Salt Lake City, but i was not actually sure how far i had come on the upper road. I stared at the map for a moment, noticing that the upper road had big curves in it, forming turns to the north and south. This would make the trip longer because the distance was not in a straight line. I liked the area to the north, though, because it seemed more scenic. I knew that $F45 would not like it, though, because it was not the most direct route to where he wanted to go.

I was in the long room of the building, which seemed to be a theater. The walls of the room were featureless and black. The people in the room were facing north, and a man was telling up about the art that was outside of the large window in the western wall. I looked to the west, noticing the brass statue in the small red area through the tall glass window. The statue was of a human form, and it stood in a small area of ground that had been painted red. I could see other brass statues on the stone terrace outside, but only the one was in the red area in the center of the small reflecting pool. I then turned my attention back to the people in the corridor with me. They had taken an interest in the statue, and were all heading out the fire door in the western wall, which was to the southwest of me. I thought that they were interested in the art only because the man had said that it was special. I felt disinterested in them, and i thought that i would follow them out later, when the terrace was less crowded. I headed to the south, down the corridor. The eastern wall of the corridor started to curve to the southeast, and i followed it around. I then turned to the northeast. Several thin red doors were in the curved northeastern wall. They led out of the building as well, so i walked through one of them. I came into a small darkened corridor, which seemed to be a utility hallway. I was probably not supposed to be using this corridor, but i turned to the east and quickly came out into a small triangular courtyard in the center of the building. This was not where i had intended to end up. The walls and ground in the courtyard were painted bright red, and the walls all seemed to curve with the building. To the southeast of me, i could see the windows that looked into the theater where i had been. I then noticed the small brass statue in the center of the courtyard. It was more abstract than it had seemed before, but i could still make out a woman’s figure, though it also appeared to be a violin. Looking down, i noticed that i had walked on the red recessed area around the edge of the courtyard. This was all part of the exhibit for the statue, so i should probably not be walking on it. I felt uneasy here and backed into the doorway where i had come from. As i stopped in the doorway, i looked at the abstract form of the large brass violin. The statue looked very nice. It was the same statue i had seen from the theater. As i looked around, though, i noticed that no other statues were in the courtyard. I wondered where they had all gone. Something did not seem right. I remembered seeing many small statues in the window. I leaned forward, looking at the northwestern wall of the courtyard. I now noticed several small statues set into the wall. They seemed very far away and spaced apart, though. They did not look like they were with the main statues at all. I decided that the view from the window in the theater must be arranged in such a way that the statues appear to be clustered together, even though they were not in reality. It was an optical trick. I headed back into the building, walking to the west. I came into the long room that i had been in before. The crowd of people that had been here had left, and only a few people were cleaning up the area. I had to leave as well, but i stood near the northern end of the long room, looking to the north into the smaller room. I stood there for a moment, wondering what i should do. A man came from the south of me to clean the area. I did not want to be in his way, but i was not sure what i should do. I felt that i should leave, so i headed to the southeast, into the other area of the building. My grandmother was now with me, and we were heading for the table in the small booth on the eastern wall. This place now seemed like a restaurant. As we reached the table, my grandmother told me that she had to use the restroom, and she headed off to the south. I waited at the table for a moment. I sat down on the bench on the southern side of the table. As i sat, though, i was aware of a man standing to the south of me. He was on the outside of my booth, and i was not sure that he knew that i was here. He seemed to be reading the spines of the books, which were on the wooden shelves in the northern wall of the booth, just above the red bench where my grandmother would be sitting. He was just out of sight from me, but i knew that he was there. I shifted position so that i could see him more clearly. I thought that he did not know that i was in the booth, but he now saw me. He shifted his position so that he was not looking directly across our booth anymore.

12012 February 11

I was walking to the north, across the grassy lawn, toward the street. I seemed to be crossing an open park in the middle of the urban area. A street ran to the east of me, connecting with the street to the north. I could hear the bus driving toward me from the south. It passed me on the street to the east. The street seemed to rise up hill from the south. The road to the north of me widened in a wide semicircular curve to the north, and the street to the east seemed to connect with it at the eastern end of the curve. I had to get to the area where the curve was to pick up the bus. The pull-off on the northern side of the street seemed to be a bus stop. I stopped on the southern side of the road, where other people were waiting for the bus. I wanted to take the bus that was coming from the south, though, and it would be on the northern side of the wide paved area. I stood at the southern bus stop for a moment, looking at the bus stop across the street, to the north of me. I would have to get to it. The bus came from the east, following the curve around the northern side of the street. I headed to the west, trying to meet the bus on the western side of the curved road. A semicircular patch of grass now seemed to be in the middle of the curving road. As i continued to the west, i was no longer hurrying to get on the bus. I was now walking down the aisle of the bus. The bus was heading west, and i walked to the west until i found a seat on the southern side of the aisle, near the middle of the bus. A woman near the front of the bus then asked the people on the bus where they needed to get off. I would be taking the bus to $P10, and i thought about the land around me. $P10 seemed to be to the northeast of where we were. The woman started asking about the individual towns that the bus would stop on. I was going to wait until she mentioned $P10 before i raised my hand and told her that i would be getting off there. She then asked who would be stopping at The Majors. Several people on the bus spoke up, saying that they would be getting off there. I thought that this place must be an apartment complex. A woman, who was sitting on the northern side of the aisle to the northeast of me, mentioned the numbers six and seven. I thought that these numbers might refer to apartment numbers. The woman up front then asked who would be stopping at The Minors. This must be another apartment complex on the way. From the names, i decided that the two apartment complexes must be related. The other woman to the northeast of me now seemed to be rather upset. She seemed annoyed that the bus would be going to The Minors. The two women started talking to each other, discussing the route of the bus. I realized that the second woman had been on the bus a very long time. She must have missed her stop the first time, or had gotten on the bus just after her stop, and now she had to ride the entire bus loop to get to where she wanted to go. I thought about the bus loop again. I suddenly was not sure where the bus would be going. We were driving down a long road over rolling grassy hills. We were still heading west, and i realized that we would need to turn back to the east if i wanted to get to $P10. I hoped that i was on the correct bus. I tried to think about the route, but i was not sure where the bus was going, and i was not sure how i would tell when it was near where i wanted to get off.

I walked to the east, down the hallway of the laboratory building on the college campus. I had headed to the south, out of the laboratory, where i had been working with the woman. I also thought that i had been working with $A14. I had left the lab so that i could use the bathroom, but i was now headed back toward the laboratory. I knew that the bathroom was through one of the doors in the southern wall of the corridor, but i was not exactly sure which one. I walked past the doors that were labeled one and two and turned to the south, walking through the door numbered three. The room was larger than the lab room that i had been in, and the walls to the south slanted inward near the ceiling, as if the room was just under a sloping roof. Two people were sitting on the eastern side of a large black desk, on the eastern side of the room. They looked up at me as i entered. This was not the room that i was looking for, so i backed out of the room, to the north, and headed back down the hallway to the west. I turned south into room two. This room was a bathroom, with urinals along the southern wall and stalls on the northern wall. The entrance door was in the western end of the northern wall. The walls were covered with fake stone, and they seemed to be off-white or white. The ceiling was black, and the tile floor seemed to be white. Two people were standing near the urinals, which could have been sinks, at the eastern end of the southern wall. They seemed to be having a serious discussion, and i wondered if they would have to stop now that i had entered the bathroom. I thought that they were acting rather secretive as they became quiet, watching me move to one of the urinals on the western end of the southern all. I imagined someone asking me if i was a student here. I thought that i really was not a student in this place; i just worked here. I started to use the urinal, but realized that i still had the plastic bag in my right hand. I turned to the north and placed it on the metal shelf over the sink, just to the west of the entry door.

12012 February 12

I was in the large cavern with the others. The tyrannosaurs were coming from the west, and we had to defend ourselves from them. At first, there only seemed to be one tyrannosaur, but, as i thought about it, i realized that there were many of them. I thought that we could keep them away by defending the entrance to the cave. The entrance to the cave was now to the north of me, and i imagined heat lasers arranged around the mouth of the cave. They would be hot enough t o burn the dinosaurs. I thought that this should deter the tyrannosaurs from coming into the cave, but then i knew that they might simply wait outside. I then wondered if real lasers would be hot enough to hurt the dinosaurs and keep them away. The tyrannosaurs were then coming into the cave from the west. Two other people with me started to retreat. I stood on the southern side of the cave, watching one of the dinosaurs chase someone to the east. I backed into the corridor in the southern wall. The man following me seemed to be Galen Tyrol of Battlestar Galactica. The rest of the people in the cave seemed to be part of the Galactica’s crew. This corridor was a bomb-proof corridor, so i knew that the tyrannosaurs would not be able to break through the walls. I stopped near the door in the western wall, feeling worried that the dinosaurs would come after us. I stood by the door for a moment, thinking that we could hide in the room. I then started to worry about the others, thinking that they might not make it into the room. If i closed the door, i might be locking them out, and i would have to lock the doors in order to keep the animals out.

I left the small cottage near the lake and headed down the dirt path to the west. I had to walk somewhere so that i could do something, and it seemed as though i had a long way to walk. I did not really feel like traveling this great distance, but i knew that i would have to. I tried walking faster, hoping that it would take less time for me to get there. The trail ran through an area of tall dense weeds. I quickly caught up to a group of men who were also heading west on the trail. I had been moving fast, and they noticed that i was stuck behind them, so they started stepping off of the trail, into the tall grass to the north. I passed them to the south, but then i started walking into the tall grass to the south of the trail as i headed up the hill to the southwest. I had a stick in my hands. It looked like a long thin willow branch. I stated to whip it back and forth as i walked, hitting the ground near me. I thought that it would seem like i was trying to hack down the grass in front of me. I was aware of the ocean to the south of me. The grassy area had yellow sandy ground, and i started to float over the dunes, following the trail to the west. I kept whipping at the air in front of me as i moved. It had something to do with keeping me afloat. A paved road seemed to be to the north of me, and i thought that i should head down the road to the east. The men were still near me, and i felt weary of them. I did not want them following me. I hovered for a moment as i thought about heading back down the road to the east. I was still following the cement sidewalk through the sandy dunes near the beach. I knew that the sidewalk did not go all the way back to the road. I followed it toward the road anyway until it ended in a sandy dune. I paused for a moment, wondering what i should do. It was getting dark now, and a breeze was blowing from the southwest. I heard the sound of people to the south of me, but i could not see them. They were on the other side of some bushes, in a darkened area. They seemed to be in an area that was shaded from the fading light of the setting sun. I thought that i should go back to the west, to the other end of the sidewalk. I had already made this a long enough walk.

12012 February 13

I talked about something with the others as we walked through the dark area. It seemed to be night, and i seemed to be talking about something that seemed related to nuclear power plants. I was talking about many of them, and i thought that we were going to create one more. The area we were walking through seemed to be outdoors, and the others walked with me as we talked. We seemed to be heading somewhere, but i felt that we should not be outside. I wanted to get into the building. I started to feel tense, thinking that we were not safe talking about these things outside. I worried that someone might be listening to us. The people around me seemed to be $G3, and we continued talking as we walked across the northeastern part of the large stone building. We were on a roof or terrace. We were going to sneak into the building. Someone had opened up one of the windows to the south of us, on the eastern side of the building, and i moved toward it. $A120 was in front of me, climbing through the window. I waited for him before climbing in myself. As i came into the room, i found myself in a kitchen. A wooden table was standing just to the south of the window, against the eastern wall of the room. I moved into the room, knocking a red cake off of the table and onto the floor. I quickly picked it back up and put it on the table, hoping that no one would notice that it had been damaged. The other $G4 were to the west of me, in the center of the kitchen. A large metal table stood in the center of the room. I walked toward it, to the west, but then rounded the table no the northern side. The others were still talking about something, but i felt uncomfortable here, so i was looking around at the room, wondering what i should do. I started to feel out of place in this situation.

12012 February 15

I was in the small room of the house with several other people, and i was picking several things up from the floor. Someone had asked me to get something that was on the northern side of the room, but i was not quite sure what to get. I turned to the north, noticing the small gardening spade on the wood floor, just to the south of the couch, which was against the northern wall. As i reached down to get the spade, i noticed that it was wet. I thought that $X14 had urinated on the spade, and i felt annoyed. I picked it up by a dry part and carried it to the east, toward the kitchen. I would have to clean it. The other person was in the room with me, and i talked to him about the spade. He had been looking for some other tools in the room. I followed the other man to the east. He was tall and skinny, and he wore a white T-shirt. We were then driving to the west, through the open area, which seemed suburban. The man was driving me to my job so that i could get something. We were heading north on the narrow road where we turned to the west, toward the large flat building, which looked like a school. A low fence, which had been overgrown with vines or weeds, ran along the eastern side of the property, along the road. We passed through a gate on the southern end of the yard. I worked in this building, which seemed like some kind of learning center for children. The reddish dirt driveway ran in a square loop in front of the building. The building was L-shaped, and filled the northern and western sides of the yard. The driveway ran to the north, along the fence, and then rounded the inner corner of the building. We had turned to the north, but i noticed the large square pool of water under the overhanging roof to the west of us, in the center of the driveway loop. The other person turned the car to the north and drove into the center of the pool. I was surprised at first, but then i remembered that the car would float. This was all part of the science center, so the car was designed to float on water. The man steered the car to the north, where several wooden dock slips were open. I got out of the car, which was now a boat, and sat on the dock to the north. I turned around to look at the boat, realizing that it was now too low to reach. The water level must have receded in the tank, making the boat too low to reach form the level of the dock. I was annoyed. My leather boat shoes were still in the boat. I reached out and grabbed the tall wooden mast, which stuck up from the center of the boat. I tried pulling up on the mast to lift the boat toward me, but the mast caught on something. I looked up to see that the mast was hitting the underside of the roof over our heads. The roof was dark, and the only light coming into the dock area was from around the sides of the roof. $F16, who was with me, tried to reach into the boat to get the shoes, but he tipped the boat toward us, and the shoes fell into the water. This upset me, and i said in exasperation that i could not wear the shoes now because the leather was wet. $F16 pulled a pair of sneakers out of the water, which did not look like my blue leather shoes. I realized that they must be his shoes. I had already taken my shoes out of the water, and i was now annoyed that i would have to carry them. I looked at them in my right hand as we walked to the east, toward the entrance of the building. I watched water drip from the toes of the shoes as i held them pointing down. I was aware of a man watching us from the eastern end of the pool as we headed for the entrance. I hoped that he did not try to stop me from entering the center without wearing any shoes.

12012 February 17

I was walking east with some other people, down the gravel road that ran past the cottages. Our cottage seemed to be somewhere on the northern side of the road. I thought that it should be to the east of us, but i was not sure. The lake was to the south of us, beyond a row of cottages. As we walked, i noticed a patch of pink powder splattered on the ground. I thought that this might be a trail from $G4, but i said something else about it. The other person with me then mentioned $G4. I thought that he was probably the person who set the trail here. I felt excited about the run and wondered where it went. Two women then jogged toward us from the east. As they passed us on the north, i asked them about $G4. The seemed confused, not aware of the pink marks on the ground. I turned to some of the other people that were near me and asked them about the run last night. The group around me seemed larger than it was before. I then turned to the south and walked into the pub, where more people were gathering. I asked several people there if they knew about the run from $G4 the night before, and some of them raised their hands. They had actually heard of $G4. I did not expect anyone to answer, but i was pleased that some of the people here did know about the run. We seemed to be rather far north from where i normally was, and i had not thought that the people up here would know about $G4. I headed to the south again, and found myself near another pub. I asked the people here about the beer for $G4. Some of the people here knew about it. I started chatting with some of the people in this pub, which was a small darkened room. I spoke with them for a moment, but i knew that i had to do something to the west. I turned to the west eventually and headed down the dirt trail through the sparse neighborhood. The lake was to the north of us now, and the cottages were scattered among the bushes and pine trees of the landscape. I was walking slowly down the trail with some other people. One of the men with me then asked if i could give him a massage. I felt a little uncomfortable, but i was interested in the man, and i thought that he was somewhat attractive. He was to the east of me, and he smiled as i agreed to give him a massage. Before i could do anything, though, he pulled down his pants. I was confused, not quite sure what he was doing. I then realized that he was being crude, and that he was just teasing me. He was trying to suggest that i massage his penis. I felt annoyed with him, and i turned back to the west, ignoring him.

I was in the room of the house, and the children were to the south of me. I was supposed to take pictures of them, but i did not feel comfortable here. I was hired to take formal portraits of the children, but the young boy was upset and complaining. The other children were acting out a scene to the south of me. $K25 and $K19 seemed to be part of the group. The young boy was upset with them, and was having a tantrum in the scene. He eventually ran to the west, into the other room. $K25 ran after him, trying to calm him down. I felt uncomfortable, not quite sure what i could do. I called to the boy to get him to come back into the room. To my surprise, he came back into the room and stood in the scene to the south. He looked at me. He had short straight blond hair, and a rather unattractive face. His face disappointed me, and i thought that i would not be able to get a good picture that people would be happy with. I took the picture anyway. I felt annoyed with this situation. When i turned to the north, i was in the middle of a wide field. A train had been sitting on the tracks that ran along the northern edge of the filed. It was on the eastern side of the tan field of dry grass, but it accelerated rather quickly to the west. We were then in the truck, moving parallel to the train, to the south of the train. I watched the train as we moved. I tried to draw something as i looked up at the train, but the truck was heading over uneven ground, and i found it difficult to write. I drew something, but the truck jerked, and the line came out jagged. It started as a vertical line running down from the top of the paper, but jerked horizontally to the right before returning diagonally to the center of the page. This annoyed me. I looked up to see that we were moving down the train tracks, moving quickly to the west. We seemed to be crossing the countryside between two small towns. I thought that we were heading to the next one, and i mentioned Elmira. I then corrected myself, saying that it was actually Owego. I watched the tracks move under us for a moment. I was on the western side of the vehicle, watching the railroad track ahead of us as we hurried to the east. The land was dry, like Autumn, and a steep rounded hill rose to the north of us. The tracks seemed to follow the contour of the hill, curving slightly to the northeast as we traveled. A field opened up to the south of us, and a line of trees on the southern side of the field seemed to indicate a creek or river. As we neared the eastern end of the hill, where the tracks turned to the northeast, i noticed a set of tracks running parallel to us, to the south of us. The southern set of tracks seemed to turn out into the open filed, and i thought that they were a turn around. We stayed on the main set of tracks, which tipped to the south. I wondered why the tracks tipped. I then noticed that the tracks ahead twisted around. They became white, looking like a barrel role on a roller-coaster track. The cart that we were in spun over the twists, and one of the young boys with us fell out as we reached the top of the turn. The cart spun around under him, and he landed back into the car as we came to the bottom of the turn. The boy was surprised by the turn, and started to become rather upset. I joked that we would give him points for the trick. Others walked down the aisle of the cart as i said this. They were heading west. The boy was upset and did not like the joke, so i tried to comfort him in some other way.

12012 February 18

I was with the group of people on the northern side of the building. We were gathered for some kind of event. I talked to the man to the east of me. He seemed like $A625, but the others started to leave the gathering. I started to leave as well, telling the man that i would meet him. I left him and headed to the west. As i walked with the crowd, i noticed $F4 near me. I greeted him and hugged him hello. It felt very good to see him again, and i was interested to chat with him for a while. I realized that i had been lying on the ground as $F4 hugged me. We stood up and continued to the east. I was excited to spend time with $F4, but i suddenly thought of the man that i had left behind in the area. I worried that he would be upset that i was hanging out with $F4 when i said that i would meet with him. We headed to the east, along the northern side of the street. I felt nervous about the man i had left behind, and i thought that we should get out of sight of him so that he did not see me with $F4. We were driving, and we had to stop at the red light, just in front of the overpass that crossed the road to the west of us. I felt very anxious, knowing that the man would be able to see us standing here. We were not getting out of his line of sight quick enough. I felt bad and wondered what we could do.

We headed down the dirt road to the east, through the countryside. A short hill to the north of us blocked our view in that direction, but a cliff to the south seemed to offer us a wide view of the flat land to the south. Dust was billowing behind us as we moved. I felt cautious of the edge of the cliff to the south of us as we traveled. The center of the town seemed to be at the bottom of the cliff, to the southwest of where we were, about a hundred and fifty to two hundred meters below us. It seemed that i had been to this part of the neighborhood many times before. These cliffs were on the western side of the neighborhood that was on the upper part of the cliffs, which seemed like $P17. I had come to these narrow roads a long time ago, and i felt that there was something special about this place. I pictured the tall rounded rocks just off the cliff. The rocks slanted to the southwest form the cliff. Trees grew around the rocks, and i knew that several houses were among the tall rounded spires. I knew that the road ran around the northeastern side of the rocks, and i thought about climbing up the dirt trail that ran down the steep side of the cliff to the lower part of the town below. I had done this several times before. I was fond of this area of town, but it seemed that no one came here anymore. I imagined the narrow dirt roads collapsing under the car as i moved down the dirt road. I remembered driving down it a long time ago. I thought that i had a house here somewhere. I was now near a house, and i moved the things around the eastern side of the house to the northern side. The house had a wide wooden deck around the eastern and northern sides of it. It was dark now, and the house seemed to be on top of one of the peaks of the cliff. The house was on the northeastern part of the peak, and seemed to have a beautiful view of the valley to the east. The main cliffs to the north were separated from us by a deep rift, which ran to the north of the house, where the peninsula of jutting rock extended to the south of the main cliffs. I stood on the eastern side of the house, on the deck, looking out over the valley. It was dusk, and the sky was growing very dark, but i could still see the details of the land. I noticed the black horizontal slid across the cliffs to the northeast of me. It was a cave high on the cliff wall. I thought that this was one of the special areas here. It had some significance to the cliffs. I then noticed that my feet were sinking slightly into the wood of the deck. I looked down, noticing that the wood was compressing under my weight, forming shallow indents of my footprints. The wood seemed spongy. I adjusted my feet so that i was not stepping on the soft wood. I then looked up again, out over the cliff that i was on. It felt very good to be here, and it was very peaceful to look out over the beautiful view. The sky to the east was dark blue, and the sky above still had some lighter shades of blue in it. The land below was dark. I then noticed the dark hole in the tall tan cliffs again. I knew that it was actually a tunnel in the cliffs. The cliffs were vertical rock walls, running to the north of where we were. They stretched to the east, along the northern side of the town. They curved gently as the reached into the distance, arching to the northeast and out of view. The entire scene was beautiful.

12012 February 20

I moved through the country setting, near the old wooden house. I was walking to the west, across a small field of tall grass and weeds. Patches of trees grew around me, and a house seemed to be to the northwest of me. I was aware of an old dirt road to the east, and i knew that i had been on that road shortly before. I was heading back to the house now. The other person was following me as we approached the house. The land was steeper now, and rose to the north of us. The house was at the top of a wide hill. Steep cliffs dropped off to the south of us. We had just climbed up the cliffs, and were now climbing up the steep grassy part of the hill just above the cliffs. Rocks and patches of eroded dirt were here and there on the ground around us. I grabbed on to the root of an old tree just to the northeast of me. As i pulled myself up and started to climb over the trunk of the tilted tree, i realized that the tree was actually made of stone. It was made to look like a tree so that it would not rot away over the years. I remembered being on the tree a long time ago, and i told $Z, who was still following me up the cliff, that i used to study on the branches of the tree. I started up the steep dirt cliff to the northeast, but realized that it would not be safe to climb up the dirt. It was too steep and there was nothing to grab on to. We would have to continue to the east a little ways and then descend part of the cliff that we were on. We seemed to be in the northern end of a steep ravine, and the cliffs curved to the southeast and northwest from where we were. The old farmhouse was to the northeast of us a little, just to the northeast of the pointed end of the ravine. I remembered that a path ran up to the top of the hill on the eastern side of the ravine, near where we were. I paused at the top of the cliff, looking back to the south, out over the valley below. I pointed out the view to $Z, saying that the view from the lawn of the house was very nice. My grandmother then asked me something. She was to the east of me. She said something about the people who were coming. I felt uneasy about them, thinking that they were enemies. I talked about them, describing them as bad. I started to feel nervous about them coming here. They were part of the invading army, and they would kill us if they found us at this place. The others here were not safe either. We had to get away before they came. I told the others that we should flee to the north or northwest. I pictured this place as somewhere in the central part of New York State, and i imagined the armies coming from the Atlantic Coast. My grandmother did not understand why we should head north. She told me that she wanted us to flee to the south. I told her that going to the south would bring us closer to the sea, which seemed to me to be at Binghamton. That would be the point where the invaders would have landed, and where they would be coming from. I thought that heading north could get us farther inland, or even into Canada. I then remembered that Lake Ontario would be somewhere to the north of us. We would have to be careful not to get trapped against the lake. We would have to flee either north, along the eastern side of the lake, or to the northwest, toward the western end of the lake. I thought about this as i wandered to the west, through the rooms of the old house. The room seemed to be the driveway of my grandmother’s house, but there still seemed to be walls around me. I thought about the invasion, and i thought that i would have to help the others escape. It seemed important to get some of the people out of the house here, where they had been hiding. I turned to the east and talked to the others about getting the man out of this building. I knew that he was special, and i knew that we could not let him get captured by the invaders. I left the house and headed to the south. The land to the southeast of the house was now forested with young trees. I ran into the woods to look for the man. He had run away already. I hoped that he had escaped to safety, but i still worried about him. He seemed to be Albert Einstein, and i knew that the invaders would abuse his special abilities. I looked through the open forest for him, but i could not see anyone moving to the south or southeast of me. I then noticed something glowing near one of the trees ahead of me. I walked up to the tree and saw a small doll’s head wedged between two diverging trunks. It was glowing faintly. It would not be as visible during the day, but should be easily seen by those looking for it at night. The man had left it as a marker. I was glad to see it, and i hoped that he was safe.

12012 February 21

I was driving to the north down the city street, which seemed like $P2. I was approaching an area which seemed like the intersection where $P2 met the road to the east, near the train tracks. I felt nervous as i moved down the street, thinking that i had actually come from a robbery. As i approached the intersection, i thought that i had been at the bank robbery, and i was now trying to get somewhere safe. I was heading to the house that was set back on the eastern side of the street, just to the north of me. The house seemed to be near the main intersection, where a road curved off to the east from the road i was on. The house was set back from the street, on the other side of a wide grassy lawn. The house seemed colonial, with a rounded porch. I stopped at the corner of the intersection, just to the northwest of the house. I then noticed the flashing lights from the west. The police were coming. I would have to tell them something so that they did not suspect that i was at the robbery. I imagined telling them that the house lights were only on when crimes were happening. That was why the lights were on when the others were off. I then wondered how that would work. It seemed strange that the lights would know when to turn on and off because they would have to know when a crime was happening. I thought about this as i walked to the west, across the large grassy quadrangle of the college campus. $F4 and $F5 were with me. We had been staying at the large house to the west, which seemed like a dormitory at Princeton University. I felt strange here, and i was not sure what we should do. $F4 then spotted someone as we crossed the quadrangle. He stopped to chat. We needed a room here, but i was not quite sure why we were here. $F4 continued to talk to the person as we walked to the west, into the dining hall. The room inside was large and full of wooden tables. We entered through the doorway in the eastern end of the northern wall and headed west along the northern side of the room. We then turned to the south on the western side. I had pointed out a large table on the southern side of the room, and we were heading toward it. I walked around the western side of the table as $F4 and $F5 sat down at the table. I realized suddenly that no seats were left at the table for me. I felt disappointed that i could not be at the table with them, but i continued to the south, looking for a seat at the next table. I then noticed that $F4 was also not sitting at the table we had seen. He was now at a separate table. This seemed logical, since $F5 did not like us anyway. I sat down on the western end of the southern side of one of the large wooden tables near the southern side of the room. A woman was sitting across the table from me. She seemed upset that a spoon was in the tall glass in front of her, and she seemed to accuse me of putting it there. I looked at the spoon, noticing the red liquid in the glass, which had been colored by a glossy white paste from the spoon. The woman was upset that someone had contaminated her drink. I told her that i did not put the spoon in her glass, and i then said that it must have been the man that had been on the western side of the table. The woman faked a shiver and acted disgusted in the idea. I then realized that the two substances in the glass were interacting, and that the liquid was draining from the bottom of the glass, forming brown bubbles on the table. I pointed this out to the woman, warning her that she could get her hands in the stick liquid. She seemed very upset by this, and i realized that she was actually rather snobby. She said that there should be no sin against ice cream and something else. As she said this, i realized that she had said it loudly enough that others in the room took notice. I felt suddenly uneasy here. Other people started bringing small glasses of food over to the table. The glasses had either ice cream or shrimp cocktails in them. This was a high-class place, and words on sin created a lot of tension in the crowd. I felt very out of place here, thinking that i did not quite belong in such a snobby culture, but i knew that i could easily blend in here.

12012 February 22

I felt anxious as i returned to the classroom. This place seemed like a room in a college, though it looked more like a room from my high school. I felt nervous, realizing that i had been asleep, and i worried that i had missed something. I sat in the chair on the eastern side of the classroom, facing west. The professor was lecturing in the center of the western side of the room. I felt very uncomfortable here. Something did not feel right. I decided that i was too close to the center of the room, so i moved one chair to the east to try to get closer to the back of the classroom. I then realized that i still had a black sleep mask over my eyes. I must have been asleep and dreaming about sitting in the class. I pulled off the mask, looking around the classroom and feeling even more uncomfortable. I felt out of place here, thinking that i no longer belonged in this setting. I tried to focus on the class, but i felt very tired. I wondered whether i was actually sleepy or whether i was sick. I felt more and more uncomfortable here. I finally stood up. The class was facing east now, and i was sitting near the western side of the room. I grabbed my book bag and walked to the door, which was in the eastern end of the southern wall. $A101 was at the front of the classroom, to the east. He had been writing something on the blackboard, but looked at me as i made my way out of the room. I knew that he would understand why i was leaving the class. I headed down the hallway to the east, worried and uncertain about what i should do. I then realized that another student was with me. He walked just to the south of me, and he seemed to be picking on me. I tried to ignore him as i continued to the east. I was in the first-floor hallway of $P7. As i reached the end, i knew that the man picking on me would expect me to head out the door of the building to the east. I wondered what i should do. I did not want the man following me outside. I headed down the stairs, toward the door, but, instead of leaving, i turned back to the west and descended the stairs to the basement level of the school. I walked quickly down the corridor to the west, noticing $A227’s room on the southern side of the hallway. I glanced into the art room as i passed. I could not see $A227 in the room. I then remembered that he had left the school just after i had graduated. I thought about this, wondering if he had left during my last year, or during the last year. I was confused about the terms. I thought that it was possible that he had left a year ago. I then realized that i had left this school a long time ago. I was much older that the students here. I was too old for this school, and i wondered why i had come back. I felt uneasy as i continued to the west.

12012 February 24

I was driving down the darkened road, heading back to the camp where we were staying. I was driving through a forested country, and i knew that i was driving down the narrow road that led to the back side of the campground. This was not the main entrance. I was heading north on the narrow road when as i approached the metal gate that crossed the road. The gate ran across the entrance to a small bridge, which crossed over a stream. I drove the car over the fence, knowing that it would fold down in front of the car as we passed. The metal fence extended to the east and west from the gate, running down both sides of the bridge. After i crossed the bridge, i turned to the east and headed down a dirt trail. This trail was old, and i wondered if it still went all the way to the camp. This camp seemed like $P202, and i seemed to be heading down the less-used road to get to it. The road descended steeply to the north, and i rounded several sharp corners on the forested road. As i came to the bottom of the hill, i saw a white picket fence with a gate running across the road. I was not sure what i should do, and i ran over the picket gate of the fence. I felt confused. I did not recognize this area, and i did not expect the road to come here. I had thought that the road would lead me to the main entrance of the camp from the opposite direction that the main road did. I thought that the entrance must be to the west of me. An intersection was just to the west of the picket fence, so i thought that i should turn around and head to the west. I turned my car around to the north of the intersection and came to a stop on the western side, facing south. I had pulled of the western side of the road. I stopped just before the intersection, noticing the lights of a car coming from the north. I decided that i would wait until the car passed before i would drive back out onto the road. Once the car passed, i pulled back into the intersection. I realized that the western side of the road was actually a shallow stream. I had turned the car around in a muddy area. I had been moving fast enough when i pulled off of the road that i did not notice the mud, but the road to the south of me was nothing more than creek. I would have to drive the car toward the creek to get back onto the main road. I was nervous about this. I started driving the car forward, and it tipped suddenly to the west, the front end sinking into the water. I felt annoyed and surprised that the car had gotten stuck so easily. The engine had tipped down into the muddy water, and i realized that the engine was now wet. I was upset about this, thinking that the car would no longer run. I now seemed to be looking at the car from somewhere near the rear of the driver’s side. The large american car seemed to be from the seventies. It had a square hood and seemed to be tan. I was annoyed, and i wondered what i should do now. I pushed against the ground, trying to tip the car to the west to try to get it out of the creek. I managed to get the front of the car out of the water, and i tried to start the engine. I heard the motor start, but it did not south right. I looked down at the small motor pack on the front of the car. It was a small motor that did not belong to the car. I thought that it was actually the motor from an ultralight. I looked at the motor, which was sitting on top of a metal platform. I did not understand how i was supposed to use it for the car. Confused, i turned to the west and headed into the other room of the large building. Others were gathering there. This place seemed like the central room of a large barn, and it still seemed dark outside. The others had just started gathering here, and i moved through the crowd, feeling out of place. Most of the people in the room were old men. They stood in small groups across the room, gathered around ultralights. In the northeastern corner of the room, a man was standing near a cubical object of metal struts and loose fabric surfaces. It was an ultralight that had been folded up. I turned to the south to see a man pushing a red metal cart with an ultralight on top of it. The ultralight seemed rather small compared to the man, but i knew that he could fly it. Small sections of airplanes and hang gliders were around the room. I thought that i could probably use my motor with a hang glider, though i decide that it would probably not work. I would need something to attach the motor to, and a hang glider did not have enough structure. I started to feel anxious, and i wondered how i could use my motor to get back to the camp. I would need a pilot’s license before i could fly an ultralight. I walked through the crowd, carrying the motor and feeling nervous with all of the people. They did not know that i really did not belong in this group. Several people started walking to the north. Others motioned to the north, so i stated to follow the crowd. The crowd walked out of the large room and down a cement corridor, which seemed to be part of a sturdier building that the barn i had been in. I could see the northern end of the corridor. A square doorway on the eastern wall at the end of the corridor led into a cement chamber, which seemed to be a stairwell. No stairs had been put into the well, though, so it was now just a cement shaft. I thought that i could go into the shaft and fly up to get out of this place. As the others reached the northern end of the corridor, some of them stepped into the stairwell and floated upward. I realized that many people that had been in the group going down the corridor were stepping into the stairwell and simply flying upward. This surprised me. It seemed very strange that the people were able to fly so easily. I followed the people into the well and started to float up as well. I realized that many of the people who had come down the corridor were floating, and i realized that i was not flying with my own powers. Something special was happening here. I started to feel uncomfortable, thinking that i should not be with these people. They were doing something with special powers, and i did not want to be part of it. I thought that they might be doing something secretive and that they might not want outsiders in their group. I concentrated on moving to the side of the shaft. Because i was already able to fly, i was able to move separately form the others. A special field was allowing the people to float, but they could not control their path as easily as i could. I then realized that i should probably not maneuver too much or someone would realize that i was not part of the group because i was not following blindly. I thought that some of the others were watching me. I started to worry that they would discover that i did not belong here. I concentrated on the small particles of dust that were floating with us. The field had caught them as well. I was floating with the other people as we reached the upper floor of the building. I tried to move by myself, finding it hard to move out of the main flow of the field. I shifted to the west a little, noticing that the others were turning to the east. The field swayed with me as i pulled to the west. I realized that the distortion might be because the original field was pulling from the north, lifting people up the shaft. They were now heading to the east, though, so the field must have shifted to a different source. I watched the small particles of dust float with the field, turning to the east with the others. I moved to the west, thinking that i had to hide before someone discovered that i had tried to escape. I moved into one of the small rooms on the western side of the house. The others were leaving the area. I quickly looked around the room for a place to hide. Few furnishings were in the room. A chair stood near the northern wall, and a few were near the western wall. They were too small to hide behind, so i could not easily hide in this room. I worried that the older men would come looking for me here, so i had to hide someplace that they would not notice me. I had to get out of the building, but i did not know how to do so. I headed back to the east. The people had all gone past, so i hurried up the stairwell again, ascending to one of the upper floors. I thought that i would hide in the hotel rooms on the upper floor of the old building. I thought about this as i flew up, thinking that i might be able to hide behind the bed in one of the rooms. The men would not look that hard because they could not be certain that i was here.

12012 February 25

I walked down the driveway of my parents’ house. I had been in the garage with my father, and i was now heading to the south. Many cars were now in the driveway, and i stopped to look them over. Most of the cars were parked on the eastern side of the driveway, but some of them were parked along the western side, around the sides of the house. My father had parked one car in the middle of the driveway, facing northwest. I continued down the driveway, now noticing that several pick-up trucks were parked on the road to the east of the driveway. The road ran east to west, to the south of me. The truck closest to the driveway was facing west, and looked to be an old pick-up truck from the sixties. Its orange paint was dull from age. The trucks must belong to hunters, who had come to hunt deer in the forest near us. As i came to the west of my parents’ house, i noticed some men walking down the road from the east. They were dressed in blue jeans and flannel shirts. I decided that the neighbors to the east must have been having a party. The extra cars in the driveway and on the road must be from their party guests. I watched the two men as the slowed down near the bottom of the driveway. They were looking over the cars in the driveway. One of them commented on the driveway, saying that the grass had grown. I looked north, to where the men were pointing, and i noticed that grass had grown over the upper end of the driveway. Where the pavement had been was now only short grass. I watched the men for a moment feeling uneasy about them. One of them then headed to the east, toward my parents’ house. I was still standing near the northeastern corner of the house. I felt nervous around them, and i did not want them entering the house. They were very close to the kitchen door, and i hoped that the door was locked so that they could not get in. They started talking about the cars in the driveway. I had moved to the garage so that the men could not see me. They were still not aware that i could see them, and i tried to stay out of site. I felt that they were here to steal something. As they headed north, up the driveway, one of them said that they should raise the garage door to see how many cars were in the garage. I did not want them to open the door, so i slipped back into the garage and quietly closed the small door on the eastern side of the building. I ran to the north, along the eastern wall. The fuse box was hanging on the northern end of the eastern wall, and i opened it and turned off the power to the garage. This way, the men would not be able to get the main garage door open. I closed the panel on the fuse box and pulled out the small key that had been in the gray metal door. I started to head back outside when i heard the sound of an alarm buzzing. I realized that i had also turned off the power to the elevator. The alarm for the elevator was buzzing. I felt annoyed, and i went back in to turn the power to the elevator on. I had turned off more fuses than i had to, so i just turned the one for the elevator back on. I then closed the metal door and took the key with me. At least the men would not be able to open the fuse box door to turn the power back on to the rest of the building.

I walked across the room, to the west. I was in the large house. It was dark out, and i felt uncomfortable here. Someone else seemed to be in the house. I cautiously moved around the rooms, trying to see if anyone was really there. I then heard someone upstairs. I stopped to listen, and it seemed that more than one person was walking on the floor upstairs. I felt upset and thought that i should call emergency. I sneaked back across the room, to the stairs that ran up the northern wall of the room. The telephone seemed to be near the stairs. The bottom of the stairs ended near the eastern wall. As i reached the stairs, a large man descended the stairs. He saw me standing in the middle of the room. I felt very nervous, and i threatened to call the police. He scowled at me and threatened to hurt me if i did. I walked to the west and took the telephone off of the western wall anyway. I acted casually, trying not to seem panicked. I thought that i would dial the telephone, but then not talk into it. I would simply talk to the man, pretending that i was still trying to threaten him with making the call. He would not know that i had dialed and that the emergency operator could hear what we were saying. I would have to say things that would let the woman know that i needed help. I contemplated the possibilities of what i could do.

12012 February 26

I headed to the west, toward the house. I walked across the grassy lawn toward the large white wooden building. This seemed to be a special house. I knew that the people here only spoke French, and that they were always holding events and parties. The events celebrated special things. I was nervous about coming here, but i continued to the west, across the large room. The place seemed like a museum. I noticed someone standing near the western wall. The person seemed to be messing with a glass cabinet that was in the center of the western wall. I thought that he should not be fooling around with the things in the room. As i turned back to the east, i noticed a security guard to the south of me heading west. He would take care of the person and make sure that nothing was broken. I looked at the things hanging on the eastern wall of the room. They seemed nice, and i stated taking pictures of them. I had already taken pictures of the nice things on the western side of the large room. As i took another picture, i suddenly wondered whether pictures were allowed in this place. I wanted to get close-ups of several of the things here, but i was not sure that it would be allowed. I turned back to the west, seeing the guard heading to the west again across the southern side of the room. I then noticed the man in the brown jacket now crouched inside the glass cabinet near the western wall. The cabinet was not that big, so the man must have been very small to be in there. I walked to the south, past the cabinet as i looked at the man. The cabinet seemed very nice, with carved wood framing and an etched glass window, but i would not be able to get a good picture of it. An easel stood in the way, just to the northeast of the cabinet. The easel seemed to hold a sign that explained what the cabinet was. I moved around a little, trying to get a good view of the cabinet, but i could not. I decided to take the picture anyway. As i took it, i suddenly realized that the easel was not actually in the way of the shot. I could see only the colored stained-glass cabinet in the picture on my camera. I looked at the decorative designs of the glass on the front of the cabinet. The glass in the main door was blue and green, and was cut into tall vertical panels. It looked very beautiful.

12012 February 27

I was with a small group of other people in the large room of the building. One of the men with us was a tall blond man. He was young and seemed somewhat attractive. I chatted with the others for a moment, but i felt that something strange was happening here. A table was to the west of us, and i saw something strange happening there for a moment. I could not tell what it was, but i knew that it was something special. I felt a little nervous, now. I was not supposed to notice the event, and i started to feel uncomfortable here. The young man was moving to the eastern side of the room. I turned to look at him, noticing that he was now naked. He was walking away from me as i saw him, but he turned around to the center of the room to smile at the people with me. He had a small patch of fur across his shoulders, but he had a rather nice body. He was nicely built with nice muscle detail. The others found him attractive as well. I did not like fur on people, but i thought that it was the new style, so the others probably liked it. I watched the man for a moment. I knew that something about him was special, but i could not say anything about it to the others. I moved through the college area, feeling upset about what i had seen. It was still dark out, and i hurried across the open areas between the buildings. People were after us because of what we had seen in the room. $Z seemed to be with me. We had to get away. The large room to the north of us seemed to be a stadium. We turned to the north, running through the lower levels of the stadium, trying to stay out of sight of the people following us. The corridor that we were moving down had cement beams overhead. We were heading to the west, and we had to escape this place. I was aware of the men who were following me, and i was also aware of someone to the south, watching me. The students seemed to be walking about the campus, and i knew that the men would not be able to capture me while i was out in public. I had to get somewhere safe, though. I left the stadium and came out into the large hallway, which led west. The men were still following me. I had hoped to stay out of sight of them, but i could not get far enough down the hall before the man came into the hall behind me. The hallway seemed to be the central corridor of a large building. Students moved all around me. I turned to the north and headed into a bathroom. I knew that it was a dead end, but i had to get out of sight. Other students in the room then commented on me getting away. They knew that the men were hunting me. I was not sure where to go, though, and i asked them where i should go. A tall man in a blue hoodie said that he would trade jackets with me. I switched shirts and headed back out into the hall with several of the students. I turned to the north and headed up the street. I had to figure out how i could escape this place. I turned to the east, into a storefront that was on the side of the street. The men were still following me. I had to think of a way to hide from them. I then noticed the large grassy field to the north. I could see it through the glass window near me. I thought that i could escape out to the field to get away.

I ran down the street to the north, heading down the eastern sidewalk. I had just done something in the store on the eastern side of the street, and i was trying to act casual so that no one knew i was involved. I walked casually up the street. I then noticed a young man to the northwest of me, doing tricks on a bicycle in the middle of the street. I watched him as i passed. Several of his friends were standing around, watching him do tricks. They noticed me watching, and they encouraged me to join. I was interested, but i knew that i could not do the tricks like the man was doing.

12012 February 28

I walked up the country road, heading to the north. The land around me seemed to be somewhere near my parents’ house, but it was flat and covered with fields of hay. I came to a small room where other people were talking. I talked to several of them. A round table was to the northeast of me, near the northern wall of the room. $A329 was sitting on the western side of the table, doing math homework. It seemed strange, and i asked him about trigonometry. I mentioned that i knew the subject, but he did not seem interested. He seemed to be having a hard time understanding it, and i felt that i could explain some of it to him. Something seemed uncomfortable here, though. He did not want my help. He continued to sit on the western end of the table. I then noticed that my mother was sitting on the eastern side of the round table. Maybe she was helping him.

I was talking to someone about the dress that my mother was wearing. I described the dress as purple, but i thought that it was really green. I tried to picture it as i described it to the other person. I said that it had stripes on the top left that came over the shoulder and ran diagonally across the chest. Matching strips also arched across the skirt. I tried to explain to the other person what i meant, so i ran my fingers from my left hip diagonally down across my thighs, mimicking the stripes. I pictured the blue dress with the orange and yellow stripes again. It seemed like a uniform because it had matching top and skirt. I said that it could also have a matching hat. I tried to picture a short-brimmed hat with it. I imagined that the person wearing it would look like a steward.

I was in the room with the other person, and we were talking about the touch lamps. The person was touching the small white lamp on the table near the southern wall of the room. This place seemed to be in my house, and the other person was asking me about the lamp. I told him that i only had the touch lamp because my grandfather had bought it. As i said this, i felt suddenly that i had said this to this person before. We had been in the middle of the conversation before. I told the person that i had two lamps, both from my grandfather. I moved the small lamp back into its position on the small table to the south of me and then backed up to the center of the room, where i sat back down on the floor. I felt a little uneasy about the repeating conversation, and i continued what i had been doing on the floor.

I moved down the road to the west, heading through the new suburban area. The houses were set back from the road a little, and they had green lawns around them. I was on the northern side of the street as i walked. I noticed some people in the front of the house to the south of me. They were doing acrobatics on the front lawn. Several of them were flipping over the white picket fences, which were set up around the lawn. They impressed me, but i did not stop to watch. I then felt strange, remembering this from before. I had seen these people doing these tricks some time in my past. A woman flipped over a fence near the northern end of the yard, landing on her back in a row of shrubs. She bounced off of the shrubs and landed on her feet to the southwest. This seemed very strange. I passed their house, feeling that something strange was happening. I turned to the north, heading onto the lawn of the house where i was staying. I had been doing things here, and i thought that i should continue doing them. The lawn seemed nice. It was a sunny day, but the lawn was shaded by the many trees around it. A house was to the north of the lawn. I bent over to pick up something from the center of the lawn. As i did, i noticed the green lily pad floating in the center of the small black tub. The tub was set into the ground so that it formed an artificial pond. Rocks and plants had been arranged around the water to form a small garden area. I liked the way the pond looked.

12012 February 29

I had been visiting Canada, and i was now on an airplane, flying to the northwest over the country. I was actually supposed to be heading somewhere else, but this was a side trip that i had wanted to take. I looked out over the country setting below us as we flew. I watched the small cities pass under us as the airplane flew northwest and then west. I would not be staying in Canada for long. I thought that i could actually take an airplane right back to where i had come from. I was supposed to be visiting the other place, but i had taken this short trip from there. I looked at the river below. It ran east to west, curving north and south as it ran down the wide valley. A small town was on the northern side of the river, and i could see the name of the town on the map that i was now looking at. The valley below looked familiar, and it seemed to be the river valley along Interstate 88. I did not recognize the towns, though, and i hoped that the airplane had not gone too far to the west. I suddenly wondered how i would be getting back to where i had started. We were taking an airplane to this place, so i would have to take one back. It was too long a distance to travel by car. My grandmother was on the airplane with me, and i told her about my airplane trip. I told her that i had come from the large city. We were sitting on the right side of the airplane, near the center of the cabin. The airplane seemed to be headed to the northwest again, and i could see the rounded mountains out the windows to the northeast of me. I was sitting near the gray metal wall of the aircraft, and i could feel a cold draft blowing over my right arm. It must have been air from outside of the airplane. I was annoyed that it was leaking into the cabin, and i asked my grandmother for my jacket, which seemed to be on the seat near her. I told her that outside air was coming into the airplane, but she did not believe me. She said that there should not be a hole in the airplane. I looked at the wall, noticing that a large square door covered it. I could see gaps around the door, and i told my grandmother that it was an old door that allowed drafts in. I looked down at the bottom of the door, noticing the ground moving through the cracks. Several cracks seemed to run parallel to each other near the bottom of the door, and i could see a forested hill moving past us to the east through them. The cracks were regular enough that the door seemed transparent. This seemed suddenly strange to me. The cabin should have been pressurized. I did not understand how we could breath if the airplane had holes in the door. I commented on this to my grandmother, but then added that we must be flying low to the ground, where the air was better to breath. I then realized that we were in a propeller airplane, which made more sense. It would not be flying as high as a jet airliner. I looked to the northwest, at the tall rounded mountains coming toward us. I then looked down to the southwest, seeing the forested neighborhoods that were scattered over the rounded hills. I remembered this area, and it seemed very familiar to me. I remembered that trails ran through the forests here. I could see the roads running across the hills as well, but i thought that it might be quicker to run the trails between the roads because the trails were more direct. I thought that i could run the trails to get back where i wanted to go. I told the other person that we had driven around the hills on the road, but that the two runners had reached us at the same time by taking the straight trails between the roads. It seemed like a good way to head back from here.