12013 February 01

I was riding in the car with my mother and father as we headed east. The car seemed to be stopped now, though, and i was standing just outside of it. A large old wooden building was to the south of me, next to the road. It seemed like an automotive garage, but was really like a barn. I had looked inside before for something. I turned to the south and looked into the room again. The room was on the western end of the northern side of the old building. The room was dimly lighted and had wooden floors and walls. It looked like an old barn, with a large table in the center of the room. I noticed the blue knit hat that was on the floor. It was an old winter hat, and it seemed familiar. I had seen it here the last time i had looked into the building. I thought that it might be an old hat of mine. It was dirty, thought, from being on the floor. It seemed to have black grease no it. I picked up the hat and put on the northern end of the large table that was in the center of the room. I then noticed that many sets of gloves were stacked on the eastern side of the table. Most of them seemed to be fake-leather gloves, and they looked newer than the hat. I put the hat in the center of the table, thinking about it. I wondered if i should take it with me and clean it. I decided that it was better not to use it, even if it was mine. I started to feel uneasy in this place, and i wondered why i had actually come here. This place seemed like an old building in $P51. I headed back to the north, thinking that i would get back in the car with my parents. My father was now in the room with me, though. He had come from the south. He had driven my parents car to the south of the barn, so i started to follow him to the south, along the eastern side of the table. I talked to him about this place. A large empty room seemed to be to the east of us, but we headed to the south, through a doorway in a short southern wall that seemed to be near the center of the eastern wall of the room i had been in. We came into a room with a tall ceiling. Several things seemed to be stored in the room. A large car seemed to be to the southwest of us as we headed toward the open door in the southern wall. I then noticed the small brightly colored car just to the southwest of us. It seemed like an electric vehicle, and i focused on it for a moment. It was off white, but it had bright-green patches on the fenders and hood. As i walked past the eastern side of the car, which was shaped somewhat like a Volkswagen Beetle, the car seemed rather small. It had several sets of markings on it, as if the original design had been painted over with the green patches. When we reached the end of the car, i looked back at it, commenting on it to my father. I said that the car was nice, and my father agreed with me. He stopped to the south of the car as i looked at it. The car now seemed to be only a meter tall, and i noticed that the original layer of paint was tan with cartoon pictures on it. The original body of the car must have been painted in a toy-like pattern. The green patches had then been added over the top of it, making it look rather interesting. My father and i headed to the south, out of the building. My mother was still in the SUV as we got in. My father started driving to the east. I realized that he was not sure how to get out of the parking lot that was to the south of the building. A strip mall seemed to be to the east of us. He headed to the northeast, but i did not see an exit to the lot there. I started to feel that we were driving someplace where we should not be driving, and i started to feel anxious. We had to get out of this area. I noticed that a grassy lawn was to the northeast of us, to the east of a small gray house that was now directly to the north of us. The lawn seemed dull and wet, as though it was early in the spring. My father started driving to the northeast, across the lawn, heading for the road beyond. I hoped that the people here did not get upset that we were driving on their lawn. I became aware of the people to the west of us. A flat porch stretched across the southern end of the eastern side of the old house. A door on the southern side of the porch seemed to lead into the kitchen of the old farmhouse. This place seemed quaint and stereotypical. I knew that the family would be inside, and i hoped that they did not come out and yell at us for driving on their grass. As we passed the porch and continued across the grass, i thought that we would be out of this area quickly. I still thought about the people in the house. I then smelled pancakes, and i thought that the people must be making breakfast in the house. I mentioned the smell of pancakes to my parents, who were in the car with me. I now seemed to be in the passenger seat of the car, and my father seemed to be driving. My mother seemed to be in the back seat.

12013 February 02

I stood in the courtyard with the others. They were students at this school, which seemed to be a college or preparatory school. They were sitting around an old wooden picnic table to the northwest of me as i said something about the buildings to the other person, who was to the northeast of me. The students were nicely dressed, but seemed to be wearing clothing from the late eighties or early nineties. The man was telling me about the students in this place, saying that they did not have to take classes. I did not understand how this could be, and i started to pace to the south. I headed through the halls of the large stone building, finding myself in an enclosed courtyard with a roof over the top. This place seemed like a mall, but i knew that it was a set of stores for this school. This school seemed very special, and i looked around at the service counters around me. The corridor i was following had headed to the south-southeast, ending in a rounded area with a flat wall to the east-southeast. Another corridor headed off of the rounded area, running roughly to the west or west-southwest, down a corridor of booths. This seemed like an area of restaurants, but most of them were closed. This was because the school was in recess. I was surprised to see all of these things in a school, and i felt that this school was actually something special. I looked at one of the counters to the southeast of me, noticing a picture on a small display card on the counter. The picture was of an ice-cream sundae. It was in a metal dish and had chocolate syrup over the top of the dark-purple ice cream. The sign referred to the sundae as some kind of “mountain”. It was the name that the students had given the treat. Everything here seemed special, and i turned to the west and started walking down the corridor, between the empty stores. Classes were out of session, so this mall was empty. I liked the idea of stores in the school, though, and i realized that this was probably why $A556 felt comfortable in this place. It seemed very cozy.

I stood on the western side of the classroom. I seemed to be teaching the class, but i was not sure if i was. Someone was to the south of me, and i seemed to be talking to him. The students were to the east of me, behind a long counter that ran down the center of the classroom. They all seemed to be taking a test. I looked at them as i stood to the west, noticing that they were all wearing white turtle-neck shirts with green V-neck sweaters over them. The sweaters were of different shades of green, but i was surprised that they were all dressed in the same color. I looked at them, starting at the southern end of the classroom and turning my vision to the north. I said that the students were now in order, which seemed like a very cryptic statement. $Z, who was now standing to the north of me, seemed to understand what i was talking about, though. He asked if i had said that because all of the students were dressed in green. I still seemed uncertain that all of them were, but i told him that that was what i was thinking. He understood me, and i felt happy that he did. I then looked back at the students. They were starting to get up, and i realized that the test must be over. It did not seem that it should be over so soon, so i was surprised that they were finished.

12013 February 03

I headed to the west and then to the north, entering the small bedroom. I was staying at $P19. I remembered asking a man to the west of me about staying here. He said that it would be okay. I felt uncomfortable about it, though, thinking that i was too old to stay in this place. I no longer belonged here. I felt upset and distracted, and i wondered what i should do here. It seemed that i had brought several of my things into the small room. I seemed to have entered the room through the door in the northern end of the eastern wall. I looked at the few shirts that i had tossed over the chair to the northwest of me, saying that i had forgotten to bring most of my clothing. This now seemed to be a good thing, because i no longer seemed comfortable here. I was not sure that i should be in this place. Several $G3 seemed to be downstairs. They were now gathering because they were just moving back into the house. I paced around the room, not sure what i should do. I felt very uncomfortable here and wondered what i should do. I had my things spread on the bed that was against the southern wall. Other people would be moving into this room as well. I had stayed here by myself during the break, but the room would now have three or four people in it. As i moved around, several of them seemed to be in the room now. I headed to the northwestern side of the room, where some of the other people were. $A400 was sitting in the center of the room, which now seemed to be crowded with furnishings. I had put my things on the bed that was in the northwestern corner of the room, where i had been sleeping. Several of my other things seemed to be on the desks near the bed. Desks and beds filled the room, now, and it seemed rather crowded. I felt upset, and i thought that i should not be living here anymore. I could not understand why i had come back to this place. A group of people then started coming in the door in the northern end of the eastern wall. A woman followed them in and started directing them to choose a bed. The people spread out in the room, and i felt confused. I asked the woman how many people would be sleeping in this room. She scowled at me and replied sternly that there would be eight people staying here. This did not seem right. The room was too small for eight people. I then realized that she was unaware that i was staying in this room. I glanced to the north, noticing that someone had already put things on the bed that i had been using. I felt upset and disappointed. I started wandering the room, and i told someone that this room used to have only two people in it when i was here. I felt out of place and did not want to be here, and i wondered why i had to stay here.

12013 February 05

The ape walked upright, heading to the east, across the southern side of the house. The house seemed nicely kept, with stucco walls and tile-roofed porches with long eves. The ape looked somewhat like a gorilla, but it was thin, like a human. It was fixing something on the southern side of the building. This seemed interesting to me, and i wanted to watch the ape work on the scaffolding. I felt nervous of the animal, and i did not want it to see me as i peeked at it. I backed to the north, across the room that i was in. The ape had walked to the west, across the window that i was looking out. I then saw it walking back to the east, following the driveway that was to the south of the house. The driveway was only a few meters from the house, but it was several meters below the level of the house. I was looking down at the ape as it walked. It had a dark gorilla-like face. It turned to look my direction as it passed the window. I did not want it to see me, so i ducked down behind the chair that i had been sitting in. The chair seemed to be a large cushioned chair with a cloth covering. I ducked behind the back of the chair, but i could still see the shoulder of the ape around the side of the chair. I suddenly realized that it would be able to see the blue knit hat that i was wearing on top of my head. The hat would be sticking up over the top of the chair. The ape stopped to the south of the window and looked in my direction. I felt nervous, but i sat up again so that i could see the ape over the top of the chair. It seemed to be annoyed with me. I then noticed the car coming up the driveway from the southwest. I was now on what appeared to be a balcony on the southern side of a building. The house was now to the southeast of me, and the ape was walking down a driveway to the south of it, heading east again. The long driveway from the southwest seemed to curve from the south. It ran in front of the rounded balcony that i was on and curved to the north along the eastern side of the building i was standing on. The driveway in front of the nice house seemed to be turn off of this main driveway. I watched the dark-colored car come up the driveway, and i knew that it was my mother. I looked down at the sunroof of the car, thinking that she had come for the event. I felt a little uneasy about this. Something was happening in this place. The building to the north of me seemed to be a small eastern wing of a larger modern building, which stretched to the west of me. As i watched the car head up the driveway to the northeast of me, i noticed that a larger section of the building was also to the north. This building was very new, and seemed to be part of a hospital or university. It was near graduation time, and everyone was gathering for the ceremony. I felt uncomfortable here, feeling somewhat tense or upset. I moved through the building, where $G3 seemed to be. Something felt distracting to me, and i could not concentrate on the people here. I woke up suddenly on the small bed that was against the southern end of the western wall of the darkened room. I had gone to sleep early in the night, even though i knew that the others in the house would be celebrating the recent graduation. I felt separated from them, and i was not really sure how i could celebrate my recent graduation with the others. I would have to leave this place, and it felt good to know that i would no longer be coming back here. I was still uncomfortable, though, and i wanted to see what the others were doing. I wondered if i had missed all of the excitement. I headed to the east, into the corridor outside the room. The corridor ran to the south, and i followed it to the main room, which opened up to the east of me. A stairway seemed to separate the corridor from the main room. I walked to the east, across the bottom of the stairs. I then noticed the thin white string running across the room from north to south, just past the stairs. I stopped just before i touched it, thinking that it was probably booby trap. I thought that the seniors must have set it as a joke. Something was probably going to tip over from the door to the south of me. The door seemed to be the main entrance door to the house. I backed up a little, but a flash of light came from the north. I looked to the north along the string, thinking that someone must have put a camera on the other end of the string. I must have tripped it. I realized that i was standing in an awkward position near the string, with my right arm extended out from my body. I felt a little embarrassed, thinking that the others would now have a picture of me looking awkward. I wanted to erase it, but i was not sure how. I backed to the west a little, to get out of the line of sight of the camera. I then headed to the south, through the large door. I came into a small recreation room on the southern side of the building. Several people were gathered in the room, and they all seemed to be cheerful and having a fun time. I was interested in being with them, but i was not quite sure how i would relate with them. I seemed to have been out of the celebration for a while, when i was sleeping. I then realized that this was my last year in this place. All of this would end soon, and i was suddenly upset that i had never gotten a chance to enjoy this place. I did not have any strong relations with anyone here, and i was not quite sure how to hang out with them. Two people were playing something like air hockey on a white table against the southern wall, to the southeast of me. Several more were scattered around the room, chatting cheerfully and playing games. I felt anxious here, feeling bad for having left before. I wanted to join in on the fun with these people, but i felt out of place, and was not sure what i should do.

12013 February 06

I felt uneasy about something as i watched the people move around in the room to the north of me. I was standing in the southern side of the room. The room was very plain, with no furnishings. It had flat tall walls and was longer north-to-south than east-to-west. Two large dogs were jogging from the northeastern corner of the room. Something about them made me uneasy. I talked to the other people about the animals. As i moved to the west, across the southern part of the room, i seemed to be on a low balcony. I worried about the animals, thinking that they might attack. They were very close to me, and i knew that they were tame around people they trusted. I was nervous, though, thinking that they might attack me anyway. As they came closer, they looked like theropods. They seemed like some kind of raptor, and were almost the side of a human. I knew that they could be vicious, and i was uneasy being near them. I moved across the southern side of the room, mentioning the animals to someone. I then walked back across the southern side of the room, now on the top of a high wall looking down at the room. The two lions moved into the southeastern corner of the room. I knew that i would have to be careful around them because they could attack me. I looked over the edge to the north of me, looking down at the lions in the room below. They seemed to be three or four meters below where i was. They stared at something in the northwestern part of the room. I thought that they could no longer attack me, and i dropped something between them to get their attention. I did not want them to be angry with me, but i wanted them to pay attention.

12013 February 07

I walked to the east, across the northern side of the room. Other people were standing near the northern wall of the room, which seemed to have several recessed sections where windows or other things were set into the wall. Part of the wall seemed to be a chalk board, and it was covered with writing. As i walked, i noticed that other parts of the wall were also covered with writing. I looked at a square column, which stuck out from the surface of the wall, just to the east of a recessed blackboard. The column was painted black, and was also covered with chalk writing. The writing consisted of equations. I looked at the equations as the people standing near the wall wrote them out. They seemed important somehow. I mentioned the equations to the others as i walked to the east. I then started thinking about the large tree-like structure. It was a representation of time. The narrow part in the center was the present, and the many filaments that fanned out it opposite directions represented the past and the future. They curved to the sides, and some seemed to loop around like magnetic field lines. I tried thinking about what the individual strands represented. I knew that they were the basis of the metaphors “strings of time” or “threads of destiny”. They had something to do with the multidimensional interactions that created the illusion of time. Each individual strand seemed to be a part of time, but all of them merged into a single present. I then realized that each individual strand could represent a single person’s conscious perception. The present was simply a mutual acknowledgement of a collective conscious. This seemed like a revolutionary idea, and i felt very excited about it. I thought about each strand and how it represented the consciousness of an individual. I felt very excited about the idea, and i thought that i had stumbled onto something significant.

I was lying on the bench swing as it moved back and forth. The swing was facing east, and i was lying with my head to the south. The old wooden swing was painted white, and was supported by a chain. I felt strange, and i thought that i was intoxicated on marijuana. I looked to the north, noticing the northern side of the swing as it swinged to the east. The swing seemed to slow down as it reached the bottom of its arc, and then slowed almost to a stop. I watched the northern end of the bench as it rose to the top of the arch. It seemed to be moving very slowly, and i thought that i was observing time dilation because of the drugs that i had in my system. It seemed very strange, and i wondered how i was able to observe time differently.

12013 February 09

We moved to the north, over the flat landscape. We were somewhere in the arctic, and we were approaching the small rounded settlement to the northeast of us. We had come here on a rescue mission. The rounded area seemed to be an arctic base. I could hear someone on a radio talking about the problems in the base, saying that they needed help. I knew that we would be able to fly to them because we were in a zeppelin. We were the closest people to the small city, which seemed to be on the east coast of North America, somewhere in northern New England or Canada. The land was covered with snow, but seemed rock underneath. We moved close to the buildings as we drove to the east. I could still hear someone talking about the problems at the base. The person driving the car mentioned that the man was having trouble and that he would need an operation. We were trying to get him to a hospital, but this place was so secluded that the hospital would not be staffed. I looked ahead of us as the car turned down a narrow driveway and headed to the south. The tall rounded building to the south of us was a hospital. It was tan, with uneven details on the outer wall. A flat roof extended over the main entrance of the building, where the driveway passed the front door. The black pavement of the driveway seemed to circle the building. Someone mentioned that the hospital did not have any doctors, but then someone else in the car told the person that $F11, who seemed to be with us, was a surgeon. We seemed to have turned to the east at the entrance to the hospital, and i thought about how we had happened to be in the area and happened to have the right people with us on our zeppelin. We then came to an intersection in the road. This place seemed familiar, and i realized that we had been here before. We must have driven around in circles. We had missed the hospital, and i felt annoyed by this.

I started the race by heading to the northeast, following the others. I felt a little rushed, as though i had been caught unexpectedly by the start of the race. I ran only a short distance to the northeast before i caught up with the others, who were from $G4. They had stopped for a beer. Someone was serving the beer to the north of us. $F57 and $F59 had glasses of a brown beer in their hands as they leaned on the bar. $F57 was on the eastern side of the short bar, and $F59 was on the western side. I told the person behind the bar that i did not get any beer, and i worried suddenly that they were out. We were supposed to be tasting the beers here. I felt uneasy, thinking that i had missed all of the beer because i had been late. The man behind the bar poured me a dark beer in a pilsner glass, though. I then realized that only three or four other runners were with me, and that they were the fast runners. I thought that more people were on the race, but that they were still behind us, but i now realized that only a few people had decided to run. This annoyed me, and i realized that the people i was running with were the fast people. I worried that i would not be able to keep up with them.

I entered the building from the door in the southern end of the western wall. The large room was a gymnasium, and people were playing a sport on the hardwood floor to the north. I walked along the southern side of the room. I seemed to be on the top of the bleachers, looking down at the court. I wanted to take pictures here, and i was trying to find the right viewing angle, but i knew that i would have to get to the eastern end of the room. I kept moving to the east, but every time i looked down, my view of the gymnasium did not seem correct. I then passed through an opening in the upper part of the eastern wall of the room. I came into a smaller gymnasium, and walked along a catwalk that was high on the southern wall. I did not look down at the floor here, but i knew that the room was smaller, and that people were still playing some kind of sport below. I felt that i had to get farther to the east, but, as i looked to the east down the balcony ahead of me, i could see that it did not go all the way to the end of the room. I kept walking, though, looking at the thick riveted I-beams that ran up to the ceiling at an angle from the southern wall. They reached the wall just below the catwalk that i was on. I looked at the end of the catwalk, which seemed to be a metal platform with a cement deck. I had to get farther to the east. I walked back into the large room and followed the ledge to the south, along the eastern wall of the room. A closed door led to the east in the middle of the ledge. I stopped in front of the door, looking through the window of the door to see a darkened corridor on the other side. Office doors were on the northern and southern sides of the corridor, but everything seemed dark. The school to the east was closed. I pushed open the door, hoping that i could walk down the corridor and make it farther to the east. An alarm went of. The door had been locked. I would not be able to head down the corridor. I quickly turned around and started to the west, listening to the alarm. The others in the gym stopped their game and seemed to be heading to the exit on the western side of the building. I felt uneasy here, thinking that people would know that i opened the door. None of the people from the sports team seemed to realized it was i, though, and i hoped no one tried to stop me as i left the building.

12013 February 10

We had killed the young man, and we brought him to the east. I remembered the two square patches of ground where we had tossed the bodies. We put the young man in the western patch. A wooden structure, like a house deck, was to the west of us. We had come down the stairs on the eastern end of the southern side of the deck. The body of the man was crumbled in the western square, but the old man, whom we had killed earlier, was now standing in the eastern square. He was not quite human. He said something to us, and i was uneasy about him. He was dangerous, and we would have to kill him again. I thought that he might be a vampire, or something supernatural like that, so we would have to kill him in a special way. I attacked the man with the wooden stake that i had in my hand. He was wearing a brown trench coat, and seemed to be an older man, with a stocky body. He fought back, and i thought about the men that we had brought here. I remembered brining the young man here before, but that did not seem to be in this place. I thought that maybe i had brought the young man to the other patch to the west of us. It did not make sense that he would have come back to life after we killed him. I imagined the old patch as a worn brown patch of land with leafless bushes growing in it. The body was curled up at the base of the thin branches that stuck up from the ground.

I was upstairs in the small bedroom at my parents’ house. This seemed to be my bedroom, and i had to pack my things so that i could go. My parents were heading on a trip, and i had to get ready to leave. I crouched down to get some of my things from the small cabinet that was against the southern wall of the room. The surface of the cabinet seemed to be painted dull red. I felt uneasy about packing for the trip, thinking that i was only going for a short time. I was not quite sure what i was doing, but i knew that i would have to get some of my things together so that i could leave. I opened the small door in the front of the cabinet and looked down the long space inside. A hanging bar ran along the ceiling of the cabinet, from front to back, and several small articles of clothing were hung on it. They seemed to be children’s clothing, and i thought that they must have been my old clothing. My mother must be saving them. Something else also seemed to be stacked on the western side of the bottom of the space. These were not the clothes that i wanted to take with me, and i started to feel frustrated. I had to pack my things, but i was not really sure what i was packing. I thought that i had stayed at my parents longer that i had expected, and then realized that i only had a few more days before i had to be back home. I realized that i would not be able to travel with my parents to the cottage, and i felt a little confused. I headed to the north, into the back room of my parents’ house. My mother was sitting in a tan chair on the northern end of the western wall of the room. She seemed to be packing some things together. I asked her about the trip, trying to find out if i was heading back home at the moment. I knew that i would not be able to head to the cottage with them because i would only be able to stay for a day. I was unsure what i was doing, and i asked my mother something. The cats were running around the house. They seemed to be kittens. I said something to my mother as two kittens ran from the back room toward me. I reached down to grab one of the kittens, but ended up hitting it with the palm of my right hand. The kitten seemed to have charged into my hand and hit rather hard. I felt bad for hitting it, and explained to my mother that i had not intended to hit the kitten. The kitten wandered off to the east as the second kitten, which was dark gray, ran to the southeast. I looked to the northwest of me, at the white cat that was lying on the floor. It was sprawled out with its head to the northeast. I reached out and pet its belly for a moment. I then headed to the south, thinking that i would have to gather my things to leave. My father was in the kitchen as i entered. I felt confused, not quite sure what i should do.

12013 February 11

I walked to the southeast, down the hall of $P7. The building seemed rather modern, but somewhat run down. I had come here to do something, and i was preoccupied with the thoughts of what i was supposed to be doing. I tried to think of what i was supposed to do here. I was aware of some people down the hall to the south of me, on the southwestern side of the wide hall. They were standing in the doorway of what seemed to be an office. I had come to this place to do something that was not related to going to school here. I was now older. I turned to the east, noticing the window in the white eastern wall of the hall. I had a small plant in my hands, and i brought it to the window, thinking that it should be near the light. The plant was in a small dull-red plastic pot. It looked like a cactus, with a small rounded nub in the center of the pot. I wanted the plant to be somewhere where it could get light and grow, but i felt uneasy about leaving it on the window. I thought that someone might forget about it here once the school was out of session. I was thinking that it would be left over the summer. I looked at the yellowish-white window sill, which seemed to be made out of a thick block of stone. The window was open, and i tried to put the plant on the sill, but i leaned out the window instead. I wanted to put it on the outside of the window, where it would get rain water. I was now standing outside the building, on the paved ground, which was only a meter or so below the window. I looked at the small potted plant as i held it out toward the window. I wondered if it would actually get enough water on the outside of the window ledge. The overhanging roof might block water from the plant. I looked at the plant in the pot. It now seemed to have several green stalks growing in a cluster in the center of the pot. It was bigger that i had remembered, and the roots had spread and were fanning out across the dirt in the pot. I hoped that the plant would be all right here. I did not think that anyone inside would take care of it.

12013 February 12

I walked to the southwest as i talked to the man to the west of me. He was Ringo Starr, and he was talking about how a Beatles song. I told him that i had liked the song, and we started talking about how well the song was put together. Ringo seemed to think that the song was well crafted. I thought it as i heard the song being played from somewhere to the south of us. The song was “She Loves You”, and i thought about the melody. I ran the first verse through my mind, thinking that it did have a very attractive melody. It was then followed by a chorus that people would be interested in. I started to hum a song of my own, thinking of the vocal harmonies. They seemed very strange, but they sounded well together. The rhythm of the song was choppy, and i started waving my arms as if conducting it. It seemed like a good song, and i thought that i should record it. I then remembered what i had thought of “She Loves You”, and i decided that i had to make sure that my song had a melodic verse to it. I then wondered if people would think that i stole the song idea from The Beatles. I knew that it was an original song, but i thought that the two songs might be related in some way. I thought about the harmonies again, trying to figure out what i should do with it.

I walked to the north from the center of the parking lot, where i had left my car. I was here for an event, and the event seemed to be someplace to the north of me, on the college campus. I was not quite familiar with this place, and i tried to remember where i was going. I stopped at the edge of the parking lot, looking north. It was dark out, and the campus was mostly black shapes. I could see the white lights here and there that lighted the roads and paths. I thought that i was heading to the gymnasium, but i did not see any buildings i recognized. I walked to the west of a large building, which seemed like a rectangular stone academic hall. To the north of the building, a small quadrangle opened up between several other buildings. The campus seemed to be on uneven ground, with many of the buildings to the north at a slightly lower elevation that where i was. A large domed structure seemed to be to the north of me, just off the northwestern corner of the quadrangle. It was separated from the quadrangle by a dark cluster of bushes or trees, the same kind of vegetation that ran along the western side of the quadrangle. I stopped to the west of the stone building and to the east of the tree line that bordered the western side of the area, looking to the north and trying to figure out where i should go. I knew that the event was probably in a large gymnasium, but i did not know exactly where that was on campus, and i did not see anything in the dark that looked familiar. I should have looked at a campus map back at the parking lot. A wide paved path curved gently as it wandered to the north, along the western side of the open space. I was not sure if i should take it. I then noticed an illuminated patch of ground in front of me. When i looked down, i could see that i was standing at the top of a small flight of cement stairs that led down a little less than a meter to a curving asphalt path. The path seemed to cross through the center of the open area, between gardens of low shrubs and pine bushes. I did not know where i should go, though. I then heard an announcement from somewhere in the distance. It was the sound of a voice over a loud speaker. I thought that it was probably from the event, and i wondered if it was from the concert that i was heading toward. I moved through the dark, and then started talking to the others as we headed north. I was now traveling in a van with several other people. I looked ahead of us as the van pulled into a driveway between thick leafy bushes. The driveway seemed to be dirt, and the grassy lawn to the north of us sloped up and opened up into a field. The white van slowed to a stop, and i started going through the things that i had on the seat with me. I was sitting in the first bench seat in the middle of the van. I was trying to figure something out with the things that i had with me. $A586 was in the back seat of the van, to the southeast of me, and she said something as the others departed the van and started walking to the north, toward the small camp. Others seemed to be at a picnic table near the camp, where a small fire was burning. I started to step out of the door on the western side of the van, but i had several things that i was trying to find on the seat. I had a water bottle with me, and i wanted to grab it when i left the van. The others had already left. I finally left the van and started to the north, looking at the picnic tables and the people there. This place seemed very rural, and i wondered why we were staying here. I walked through the group of people, looking at the faces. Several people were already seated around one of the picnic tables when we arrived. The father and mother seemed to be on the western side of the table, and three boys were on the eastern side. As i circled the table from the western side and around the northern side, i noticed that the oldest boy was $A477. He was in his late teens, and he seemed tall and skinny with red hair in a bowl cut. I remembered him from $P31. It had been a long time since i had seen him. He was with his younger brothers on the bench, and he glanced at me as i started to the south, along the eastern side of the bench. I nodded to him to say hell, but he did not seem to recognize me. He walked to the south, and i headed to the southwest, away from the others. A small group of people had wandered into the western side of the field. $A586 seemed to be one of them. They were looking at something to the southwest. Several of them were seated in chairs that faced southwest. I looked at the rounded hill in the distance, realizing that it was illuminated in a strange way. The cloudy sky above the hill had a white patch in the center of it, which must have been the moon shining from behind the clouds. The moon was illuminating the hillside, and it brought out beautiful colors in the trees. The leafs of the tree were orange, red, and purple, with small patches of yellow and white. I watched the hills with the others. $A586 looked back at me as i admired the hillside. I told them that it was beautiful. I thought about $A477, thinking that i should say hello to him and tell him who i as. I kept thinking about him as i watched the hill. I then started to float above the ground as i thought about how i could describe the beautiful colors of the hill. I listed out the colors that i could see as i thought about them. I then realized that the people behind me might see me floating in the air. I thought that $A477 would be watching me in this direction, and he would see me flying. I felt happy and started to dance in the air, spinning around as i floated upward. $A586 and the man with her stood up from their seats to the southwest of me and started walking back toward the others. I landed, thinking that i should rejoin the group. I was still looking to the southwest when i heard someone to the northeast of me say that we would do the “circle” here. This was a celebration from $G4. I then thought that it would be a little awkward to be drinking beer with the other campers here, who were not part of $G4. I thought again about $A477. I turned to walk back to the northeast, thinking that the voice i had heard was from $F57. I headed to the northern part of the room, where a family was sitting on the northern and southern sides of a picnic table. Someone called out “daddy” at the table, which i thought was a strange word for a grown person to use. As i got closer to the table, though, i noticed that the teenage boy on the western end of the northern side of the table was leaning forward over the table and had a strange tilt to his head. He was almost resting his head on the table as he spoke to the older man in the center of the southern side of the table. The boy seemed to have mental trouble, which is why i thought he would use the term of a younger child. He wore a light blue pull-over shirt. He said something to his father as i approached the table. The father reached out to the west as i neared. He had a bottle of ketchup in his hand, and he squeezed it. The stream squirted toward the floor, and i stopped back suddenly to avoid getting my shoes stained. I gasped in surprise, but then i started to feel annoyed with the man. I looked down near my feet and noticed a plate of white porridge, which looked like overcooked oatmeal. The man had squirted the ketchup just to the west of the dish, but corrected his aim and covered the dish with ketchup. This seemed very strange, but i was glad that i did not get any on my shoes.

12013 February 13

$A15 walked from the doorway to the small room toward me. The doorway was in the northern end of the western wall of the plain cement room. The walls of the room were dark gray or black, and i knew that this was a theater. $A15 had a wicker push broom with him, and he told me how the floor of the theater should be sweeped. He explained that the smaller room should be sweeped first, and then all of the debris should be sweeped into the larger room. He stood in the doorway, pushing dust away from the door. He said that we would first have clear the doorway, saying that we should just continue to sweep the dirt into the center of the room until we got the doorway clear. Then we would be able to start sweeping from the sides of the room. I felt a little frustrated with his explanation, thinking that i already knew how to sweep a room well. I started sweeping the floor as some of the other people came into the room. I watched the push broom as i started sweeping near the northern wall of the small room to the west. I was pulling the dust away from the northern wall. I would then brush it out into the main room as $A15 had demonstrated. As the others filled the large room, i moved to the southeast of them, still cleaning up things from the ground. The people to the northwest of me said something about the gathering, and one of them said that they would start drinking beer now. This event seemed to be a celebration. I was interested in the celebration, but i did not really join in the activities. As the others cheered and took drinks from the cans of beer that they had just opened, i turned to the southeast and started to leave. I had grabbed the large bag of potato chips that was in the middle of the group. As i started carrying the chips to the southeast, i realized that the group had just opened them to eat. I thought that i probably should not take the chips because the people drinking would probably want to eat them. I started down the steep grassy hill to the southwest, but i dropped the large bag of potato chips. The bag seemed like a large clear-plastic garbage bag. Some of the chips spilled out onto the grass. I quickly bent over to pick them up. I then thought that i could tell the people drinking that i had taken the chips because they would need to be saved for the trip tomorrow. I continued down the hill and turned to the east at the bottom, heading for the house. The house was a large building to the northeast of me. I continued to the east, walking onto the western end of the deck or porch that ran along the southern side of the house. As i reached the door in the center of the building, two young men stepped out. They were teenagers, and they were chatting with each other. The first one out, who was wearing dark-blue clothing, stopped outside the door and turned to look back at the other boy with him. He was wearing a pair of dark high-top sneakers around his neck. I thought that they were going hiking, and i was interested in their trip. I paused to listen to them as they chatted with each other, looking at the first boy’s shoes. The shoes now looked more like running shoes, and i wondered if he was actually going running. I wanted to join them, but i did not really know them, and it would seem awkward. I turned to the north and headed into the building. The interior room was large, with few furnishings. Alice from The Brady Bunch was standing in the center of the room as young children crawled around on the floor around her. She stood with her fists on her hips and her legs apart. She seemed upset about something. I walked past her as she said something to me. I turned back to the south to look at her. She was now standing in front of the door, and she motioned to the many beer cans that were on the floor. Most of them seemed to be tall metal cans. I realized that she was upset that the beer had been consumed by the children in the camp. She seemed to be accusing me of giving the children beer, but i told her that i did not know where the beer had come from. I looked down at some of the blue cans. I then felt confused. When i had come in the room, only one beer can was on the floor, near the door. I wondered why so many beer cans were now on the floor. It did not make sense to me. I turned back to the north, where a teenage girl was sitting on the floor with another girl to the east of her. The first girl was partly reclined on her left side, with her legs to the west and her weight on her left elbow. She had long straight blond hair, which hung over the front of her shirt as she looked at the paper on the floor to the east of her. She was explaining to the other girl about the rocks on the mountain. She said that she wanted to go on the hike to collect the rocks. She wanted to do something with the rocks, and i knew that the rocks formed a pattern. I looked down at the paper to see white rocks on a dark background. I thought that the white rocks were in the sedimentary layers on the cliff face of the mountain to the northeast. The stones from the mountain could be arranged into something significant. It seemed like a computer code, and the girl wanted to get the objects and organize them correctly.

12013 February 14

I drove the car to the northeast, down the rural road, through the small village. I seemed to be in a foreign land, which seemed like Italia. I had been staying here with $F45 and $F64. I thought that $F45 was back at the hotel, which seemed to be a small house to the northwest of where i was now. I thought about the small village around me, thinking that we would be having dinner with a local family. I was not quite sure that i knew the language, however, and i hoped that $F64 could translate. I knew that he was somewhere to the east of me, visiting a family. I looked to the east and the road that i was traveling on turned to the northwest. At the corner, a small dirt road ran to the east, and curved sharply to the north after about twenty meters. The road ran along the southern side of a large old wood building, which looked like an inn with wood balconies running along the first and second floors. I wondered if this was the road that $F64 was on. I did not recognize the road. I continued driving to the northwest, looking up the next dirt road. It too ran to the east about twenty meters before turning north and running up the hill out of sight. I was not sure that i remembered where we were supposed to go, and i looked around the town to see if i recognized anything. I felt very out of place in this land. I drove to the west, coming to a stop just to the south of the small building that we had been staying in. $F45 seemed to be with me now. I looked to the west to see the donkey sitting in the back seat of the car. It looked like a large dog. I felt concerned about it, and i thought that we would have to keep it safe. I then thought that it should probably not be riding in the back seat of the car. It should be in the back of the car, behind the back seat. The donkey was then sitting in the trunk of the large vehicle as i picked up the small cage from the back seat. The cat carrier had a cat in it. I held the carrier as i tried to do something with the donkey. I was now on the southeastern side of the room of the small house. I was trying to do something, but i could not seem to focus on what it was. I then realized that the cat carrier i had been carrying had been damaged. It was broken on one side. $X13 had gotten out. I felt annoyed and started looking around the room. We could not let the cat escape. I saw $X13 in the room and caught him. I looked down at the cage, which was to the west of me, to see $X13 staring back up at me. The top of the cage was broken, but i pulled the soft mesh covering over the top so that he could not escape. I then noticed that another cat was in the room to the west of me. The cat was orange and white and looked to be a tabby. I wondered where the other cat had come from, and i decided that he must have come because $X13 was here. As i turned to the east to leave the small shed, i saw a black and white tom cat sitting on something just to the south of the door. It was about my chest level, and it watched me curiously as i walked out the door. I wondered where all the cats had come from and how they had gotten in the building. I would have to leave $X13 in the apartment where we had been staying while we were doing something. I then wondered where $F45 was. I started to hear music from somewhere to the east, and i thought about the melody.

I was talking to my mother, but i felt concerned about what i was supposed to be doing to the east. I kept referring to the east as we spoke, and i felt that i would have to go in that direction. The highway ran just to the south of us, and we seemed to be somewhere high above it. I looked over my right shoulder at the highway to the southeast of me. It ran to the east, and i referred to it as i spoke to my mother. I was saying something about the bridges. They had something special about them. I looked to the east to see the cement highway bridge that crossed the water. It seemed to be nothing special. I continued to speak to my mother as i moved to the east, floating high over the road. I crossed the bridge over the wide water channel, which seemed to be part of a bay. The bay opened up into a larger body of water to the south. The bridge then changed, and it seemed to be a white steel bridge with riveted girders running along both sides. In the center of the bridge was a squat building, which covered the roadway. The eastern and western sides of the building were sloped downward so that they blended in with the bridge. I imagined the building as a large viewing station in the center of the bridge. I wide window seemed to run across the western face, above the wide opening for the road below. Something seemed special about the bridge, and i focused on it, trying to remember it.

12013 February 16

I walked a few more steps to the west, down the southern side of the road, which was crossing an open field. The field to the south of me was covered with deep snow, and i looked up over the snow bank at the edge of the road. For a moment, i was running across the field to the south, thinking that this was actually part of a race. I stood on the road, thinking about bounding through the deep snow. It was a special event, and i thought that it would be fun to do. Some of my friends seemed to participate in this event, which it happens. I thought about running through the snow, but felt that it might be too exhausting at the moment. I backed to the north a little, moving out of the snow and back to the road. As i reached the road, i noticed the men coming from the northwest. They were dressed in bright green uniforms that had hold trim. The uniforms looked like bellhop uniforms, with matching round hats. They all had dark skin, and i thought that they must be from a fraternity. They were looking out over the field to the south, and i knew that they were going to start running through the snow. I started chatting with them about running through the snow. The man who had stopped in front of me mentioned that his group was running through the snow. I told him that my friends did it as a sport. I said that we called it “treading”. He nodded and smiled at the term, thinking it interesting. I chatted for a moment as others in the man’s group headed to the south, out across the snow. I then headed to the northwest, into the narrow corridor of the building. A ceiling did not seem to be above me at first as i walked to the north, between the two tan walls. The walls seemed to be made of sandstone, but i thought that it was probably decorative. Everything here seemed to be egyptian in style. I turned the corner at the end of the corridor and headed west. The corridor was brightly lighted by the light from above, which seemed to be natural sunlight. A ceiling seemed to be very high up, but i could not see it. I was then floating in the middle of the corridor. The area where i was seemed to be divided by two tall walls, which extended from the south, forming three narrow corridors. I had come up the easternmost corridor and was now floating at the northern end of the center one. A tall doorway was in the western wall ahead of me, and i could see other corridors to the west. I focused on the faded black beam, which ran up the wall just to the north of the doorway. It had egyptian-like plant designs running across it near the top. I floated toward it and put my legs on either side of it, pretending that i was climbing it. I was aware that someone to the south of me might see be and think that i was climbing. I could surprise them by simply letting go and not falling. I thought that it would be interesting if someone thought i was climbing up the walls because i knew that the people here would not want someone climbing the columns. I grabbed on to the top part of the column, where it flanged out to meet the ceiling. The egyptian designs now seemed more art nouveau. I then noticed the small square window in the ceiling. It was recessed a little into the ceiling. I looked through it, seeing the tall tan wall of the building to the west and north. I then looked at the black metal latch on the western side of the window. This was how the window could be opened. I was again aware of someone to the south of me, watching me, but i did not think that anyone was there. I thought about opening the window, and i imagined the person yelling at me for climbing on the column. I would have to float down if they said something to me, but i could tell them that i was looking at the window. I was then in the center bedroom of my parents’ house. The scene had changed. A bright white diffuse light was coming in through the window, and i started turning in the air. My body seemed straight, and i tipped so that my feet rose to the south. I said the name of the person near me, and it seemed suddenly strange. I had said the name of an angel. I would have to remember this.

12013 February 18

I looked out the large picture window to the east of me to see a puddle of water on the front lawn. I was surprised to see it. The puddle was roughly oval, with a long pointed end on the southeastern corner. It was rare that the front yard of my house collected water, so i thought that it must have rained quite a bit last night. I hoped that the water did not get in the basement. I looked down at the ground under the window, trying to see if the puddle had run toward the house. As i rose up a little, i noticed that shallow water was covering the entire front lawn. I could see tiny streams of water flowing through the grass. It looked very much like swampland from the air, with curving water channels between the soaked patches of ground. I walked to the southwest, heading toward the door in the western end of the southern wall of the building. It was very dark now. I opened the door, to check the weather outside. I could still see a small mound of snow on the deck to the south of the door, but the weather outside felt very warm. I could see water in the back yard as well. I was surprised that it had rained so much over night. It had been so cold the night before, and it seemed strange that the temperature would have warmed up enough to rain. It was dark now, and i had trouble seeing some of the other things on the porch near me, but i noticed a white round object on the ground just to the east of me. I was annoyed that it had been left outside, and i thought that $F45 must have been up late with $A597. They were probably drinking, and $F45 had probably just thrown the object on the ground and left it there. I turned to head back into the house when i noticed the white band across the door, at the level of my waist. At first, i thought that it was a very short curtain, but i realized that it was on the outside of the door. I decided that it was probably a white trash bag that had been hung on the door. Annoyed, i tried to pull it off, but found it hard to remove from the door. The door moved a little as i pulled on it, and something seemed suddenly strange. I finally pulled the white material from the door and tried to close the door, but the door was swinging from the opposite direction that it should have. I seemed to be pulling it closed from the outside, but i should have been pushing it. I headed to the west and put the white plastic disk on the counter. It was about the thickness of cardboard and about seven decis wide. As i placed the plastic thing on the counter, i realized that it was still dripping water from the rain. Annoyed, i picked it up, only to find that it had left black gravel on the counter under it. I felt more annoyed, thinking that $F45 was probably too drunk to realize that he had left it outside. I tried to wipe the gravel from the counter, but was not sure where to put it. I did not want to get it on the floor.

I felt rushed as i entered the school, heading to the south thought the doorway. I was walking across the western side of the small classroom, where a set of stairs ascended to the south. Before i started up the stairs, i looked to the east, noticing the teacher at the small desk in the northeastern corner of the room. The teacher seemed unusually obese, and she was talking to one of her students in a demeaning way. She leaned forward over her desk from a sitting position, insulting the young girl, who seemed to be well dressed. I felt negatively toward the teacher, but i ignored her as i walked up the stairs to the second floor of the school. It seemed strange to be late, and i knew that i had rushed to get here. I turned to the north at the top of the stairs and headed toward a doorway in the wall to the north of the stairs. As i turned, i realized that i had rushed out of the house and had not brought my lunch with me. I felt annoyed by this. I stopped for a moment to think, wondering if i had enough money with me to buy a lunch at one of the cafeterias. I then thought that i did not bring my money either. I felt upset with myself and wondered what i should do. I would have to go back home and get lunch. I did not care if i missed anything else at the school because i would have to eat. I walked through the doorway, wondering what i would do for food. I came into a dimly lighted room, which seemed like a pub. A counter stretched from the northern wall, and a bartender stood to the east of it. The bar was illuminated with red and blue neon lights. I walked to the west of the bar, where the other students were gathered. I felt a little nervous with them. A woman from the group turned toward me and walked to the east of me, between the bar and myself. She asked me a question, and i felt a little unsure of how i should answer. I did not want to be bothered with her, but i knew that i should not make her angry. I stepped to the north a little, noticing that the ground underneath me was spongy. I bent my knees and felt it bounce a little. This seemed strange. I then noticed the woman noticing the ground, and i commented on it to her. She agreed that something was strange. The ground felt like soft foam, and i knew that the foam pad was triangular shaped, with the wide end of the triangle against the bar to the east of me. I was straddling the corner of the triangle as i chatted about it to the woman. I then moved around with some of the other students.

12013 February 19

I felt uneasy and hurried as i left the people to the north and headed to the south. The people to the north were from $P7. I had been in a class with them, but i had to do something to the south. The others were now to the northeast, at the school. I walked to my car, which was parked just to the south of me, facing east. I stopped and looked at it for a moment. I was aware of the backpack over my right shoulder. I felt hesitant about the car, looking in through the window of the driver’s door. Something seemed strange. I did not want to get in the car to leave this place, but i felt that i had to do something. I then noticed the large spider-like creature on the back of the driver’s seat. It was round, like some kind of sea creature, and it had long furry arms or tentacles. The animal was bright-orange and black. I felt uneasy by it, but i was also very interested in it. It was strange to see it in the car. I thought that it was some kind of fungus growing in the automobile. I moved to the west a little, looking more closely at the creature through the rear window. A long tentacle had grown along the base of the window, bunching up near the trunk. I thought that it must have been growing in the car. Something seemed very strange about it. I started to feel uneasy, thinking that i had to get back to the others, but i wanted to take a picture of this creature. I walked around to the southern side of the car to put my stuff into it. I did not want to disturb the spider-like creature. On the southern side of the car, i could not quite see the creature. I then thought that i should take a picture of it with my phone. I turned to the south and walked a little way toward the house, which seemed like $A425’s house. I walked to the eastern side of the back porch, where the short set of stairs led up to the gray back porch of the house. The creature was on the northwestern side of the porch. I saw the creature sitting on top of a table by the railing on the northern edge of the porch. It looked like a disembodied human brain now, and the orange colors were not as bright as they had been before. The creature had wilted, and i thought that it must have dried out from being left out. I would no longer be able to take a nice picture of it, and i was a little disappointed. I headed back to the northeast, to where the students from $P7 was. I felt very uncomfortable as i watched the men walk around to the northeast of me. They were wearing suits with ties. Two men in brown jackets started talking to me. I knew that they were the students here, but they also seemed to be from $G3. I felt nervous and was not sure what to do. The man with the round face and black hair spoke to me, but i started to feel strange. I leaned back, tipping my head up. I thought that it might look as though i was fainting. I pretended that something might be wrong as i leaned back to the southwest.

12013 February 20

I had been at the ice-cream place with the other people, but i had left a little while ago. I was now in the car, traveling to the west. My mother’s father was driving the car down the road. I knew that the ice-cream shop was on the northern side of the road just ahead. It would be in a small red building. I had to stop there again to do something, but i felt conflicted. I was not driving the car, so i would have to ask my mother’s father to drop me off, which seemed an awkward thing to do. I thought about $G4, thinking that they were still at the ice-cream shop. I looked out the front window of the car as we approached the shop. I was not sure what i should do. I finally ask my mother’s father if he could drop me off on the side of the road by the shop. He started to pull over, but then realized that the car in front of us was pulling off into the recessed area of the curb to the north of the road. My mother’s father drove past the other car and then passed the intersection. The small road headed to the north form the road that we were on, and the ice-cream shop was just to the east of that road. My mother’s father slowed down just past the intersection. I saw a driveway coming up, and he pulled the car across the entrance of the driveway so that it was out of the road. I thanked him for dropping me off, and i suddenly felt very attached to him. I had started out the rear of the car, heading east, but i leaned back into the car, leaning through the gap in the front seats. He was sitting in the driver’s seat relaxed, and his right hand was resting on the seat next to him. I grabbed his right hand and kissed it goodbye. I was glad that he was here with me. I then turned to the east and started walking across the parking lot, toward the small ice-cream shop. $A569 was to the north of me. She walked to the south and greeted me. I chatted with her as she walked to the southwest to get something out of her car. I remembered that she lived in the white house that was to the southwest of us. I mentioned this to her, and she said that she had to go get something. I watched her head to the southern end of the eastern side of the building before i turned and headed to the northeast. I walked across the large room of the shop. Other $G4 were in the room.

12013 February 21

I drove the car to the east, talking to my mother, who was in the passenger’s seat. A sign on the eastern side of the road mentioned Route 12. This seemed like the correct road, and i pointed it out to my mother. I knew that we were heading to Utica, and i thought that we should take Route 12. I remembered when i used to drive to this place for work. Route 12 was a highway that led into the center of town. The land on the sides of the road seemed flat and clear as we approached an intersection. I told my mother the route number that we were on. It had a few fours in the number, and it seemed like 444 or 414. I asked her if we should turn onto Route 12, but she did not think that it was the correct way to go. I pointed out the railroad tracks, which crossed the road that we were on. The railroad tracks seemed to form the intersection with our road, but i knew that the crossroad was also Route 12. I pointed it out as we passed through the intersection. I thought that we should follow Route 12 to Utica, thinking that it would take us into the downtown area. I then wondered whether this road actually headed in the direction that we needed. I looked to the north after we had gone through the intersection. I could see a highway running parallel to us. I knew that it was Route 12, and i still thought that it was the correct way to go. The road we had crossed must have let to the highway. I turned to the north, down a small curving road, which seemed to be an entry ramp to the highway. I was still unsure that this was the way to go, but i wanted to look at a map to make sure. I followed the short road to the north, but pulled on of the eastern side, in front of a small dull-red building, which seemed to be a small restaurant. The building had a small paved lot around it, and no other cars seemed to be near it. I stopped my car facing north, along the side of the building. I then headed east into the building with the other person. The building was small inside. We seemed to come into an empty diner, but it also seemed that we were not in the dining area of the restaurant. A glass counter was to the east of us, along the wall, and several other things crowded the room. We had to get something here. I walked to the southern end of the eastern wall, looking at the strips of white paper that were hanging on the wall. A small alcove was set into the wall, and a cash register now seemed to be on the northern wall of the alcove. I looked at the receipts above the register. Several had been pinned to the wall, and i noticed that the logo on them seemed to say “Applebe’s” It seemed strange that this place would be related to an Applebe’s, but i thought that we must be in the back part of the restaurant. I looked around the room that we had been in, noticing that it now looked more like a supply room than it had before. We were in the back of the restaurant. A man came from the south, then, from the back wall of the alcove. I realized that the alcove was actually a narrow passage to the front of the restaurant. The passageway led into the kitchen, beyond which must be the dining area. I spoke to the man about the food that we had come here to pick up, a little uncertain about being in this place. Several other people in white shirts and black pants passed by as i moved through the small room to the north. The older man handed us the food, and we left, heading back out the western side of the building and heading to our car. $F45 was with me now.

I was carrying $X14 to the south, down the road in the middle of the rural area. The ground around us was covered with white snow, and it seemed cold out. The land on the western side of the road sloped up steeple and rounded a short smooth slope, which was about a meter and a half tall. I felt worried about $X14. He had gotten out of my arms and was walking down the road ahead of me. I had to be careful of him. I then heard a car coming from behind me. I worried that it would run over $X14. I turned around to look to the north, thinking that i could wave my arms at he car and get them to slow down and be aware of the cat. I turned to see a large white garbage truck approaching me. I could see the three people in the front seat through the windshield. I waved my arms, but they did not slow down. As they passed to the west of me, i became worried about $X14. I watched the truck drive to the south. To my relief, $X14 was now standing on the eastern lane of the road. I too had moved to the eastern side of the road when the truck had passed. I still worried about $X14, thinking that he was still in the road and might get hit by a car. I started running after $X14, chasing him down the road to the south. He then strayed to the southwest, walking up onto the grass. I knew that i could not run after him because he would simply run away. As i followed him, however, i realized that the cat i was following was very furry. It was a black cat with white paws and a white belly. This was not $X14. I felt concerned. I looked to the west, over the grassy hill, which seemed also to be covered with snow. I saw another black cat on the hill, and i thought that it might be $X14. I felt upset, and i had to get $X14.

12013 February 22

I was lying on the bed on the western side of the room, which seemed to be on the western side of the house. I was lying on the northern side of the large bed, with my feet facing east. $F45 seemed to be sitting on the southern side of the bed. I felt very exhausted, and i had been sleeping for a while. I wanted to get up, but i did not feel that i could. I then heard $F64 enter the house to the east of us. He started speaking to $F45. I could hear parts of the conversation as they moved into the living room, which was to the east of me. The house seemed to be modern, with smooth gray cement walls. I tried to wake up, but i did not feel that i could. I listened to the conversation, and could almost see $F64 and $F45 in the room to the east. All i could really see was darkness, because i knew that i had a hat pulled down over my eyes while i was sleeping. I then turned to the west, looking down as the dog ran from the living room to the east. It ran to the south of me, passing me as it headed through the opening in the western wall. I was concentrating on something on the ground near me, but i could not quite see it. I then looked up to the west. The dog was now outside, lying on its back on the snow bank, which ran along the upper edge of a steep hill. The hill dropped of steeply to the west, and it seemed to be $P87. The dog was lying on its left side with its feet in the air. It stared at me as i walked through the doorway to the top of the slope. The dog seemed like $X19. I called his name as i approached, asking him in a childish voice what he was doing. As i reached the top of the slope, thought, i looked down it to see $X19 sitting in the middle of the hill, staring up at me. The dog at the top of the hill was not $X19. $X19 was a tan and black hound-like mutt, and looked very much like the one at the top of the hill. I looked down near my feet, where the other dog was laying. The other dog was now all dark brown. It was still staring to the east. I realized suddenly that the dog was actually dead. I looked more closely at it. Its head was now very small. It had a strange nose, which had two rounded nostrils on the end. The head of the dog looked a little like the head of a dachshund with a shortened nose. It had must be frozen from sitting in the snow bank. I then wondered whether the plow had tossed it onto the snow bank when it plowed the road that ran along the crest of the hill, or whether it had just died here. It did not seem to have been covered with snow. I noticed that a long track had been made in the snow behind the dog, running down the hill. $X19 had been sitting in the middle of the track. I wondered if someone had fallen down the hill with the dog. I started down the steep slope of the hill, trying to maintain my balance as i went. I made it to the point where the steepness of the slope lessened, and i leaned to the east, against the slope. I noticed a small object in the snow, and i reached for it. It looked like a dark-blue keychain remote. I reached for it with my left hand, but my hand fell on something just to the north of it. It was a cell phone. I picked both of them up and continued down the slope to the west. I hoped that i did not run into a dead human body in the snow. I was having trouble making my way down the slope. I seemed to be sliding, and i could not easily control the descent. I stumbled a little as i reached the bottom, where the ground leveled out. A car drove down a road to the west of me, along the bottom of the hill. I looked at the cell phone in my hand. It was an iPhone, and it appeared to have been crushed. The case was cracked and the phone flexed in my hand. I had thought that i could turn on the phone to see whom it belonged to, but it was too damaged to work. I then heard a car stop to the west of me, and someone got out. I turned to the west. It was dark out now, and i could not quite see them. I looked down at the tracks, having a hard time focusing on them. The car lights to the south of me were shining to the north or south, but they did not seem to bother my eyes. When i looked at the tracks in the snow, though, i seemed to have spots in my vision, as if i had just been in bright light. I could not see the tracks in the dark. I realized that my eyes were probably adjusting to the light of the room in which i was sleeping. I remembered that i should still be on the bed with a hat over my eyes, and i thought that the light from the room must be affecting my eyes. I looked around at the bottom of the slope for a moment, aware of the person to the west of me, who had gotten out of the car. The person seemed to be looking for something. I asked the person if he or she was looking for a cell phone. The person did not answer, and i realized that they were just moving around at the bottom of the hill. I did not find the person at the bottom of the hill, so i started to climb back up. I was still aware of the person moving around behind me, at the bottom of the hill. As i came near the top of the hill, i noticed a broken pint glass in the snow. I thought that the person who had dropped the cell phone must have been drinking. I lifted the pint glass, realizing that it was not just a pint glass. It was shaped like a pint glass, but it was larger, and it had a thick stem and base on the bottom. The glass had seemed cracked near the top, but, as i looked closer at it, i realized that the glass was fractured vertically. The bottom was still holding the glass together, but the sides were broken into thin vertical shards that ran the height of the glass. I did not want to carry the glass because it seemed too fragile. The individual thin pieces of glass moved past each other, making the glass flexible, so i thought that it might be dangerous to carry. I put the glass back on the ground in the snow. I then noticed the bottle just to the west of the glass, down the hill. It was shaped like a bottle of Jack Daniel’s, but the label on the front said “Martini”. I felt a little annoyed that a drunken student had left the broken glass on the slope. I decided to put the cell phone in the glass, thinking that this would link the glass to the person who had fallen over the hill and dropped it. I then headed east, up the hill.

12013 February 23

Something seemed to be wrong to the north of me, and i thought that the flood was coming. I looked across the flat rural land to the north. Mountains seemed to be in the distance to the northeast and northwest. I was not sure what had happened, but i felt worried about it. I was then in the small car with my parents. I felt tense and upset, and i told them about the flood water. We would have to get out of the car before it was washed away. A wave of white water, which looked like milk, washed over the front of the car, which was to the north. My mother and father stepped out of the car to the east, leaving through the rear door on the passenger’s side. I watched the water pour over the top of the car, thinking that it would fill the car if we left the door open. I was not panicked, and i thought that i could easily get out of the car before it filled with water. I knew that the wave would subside, though, and i would be able to get out of the car. I moved to the south a little and turned around to look at the wide valley to the north. This place seemed to be Sweden, and i worried about $F10. I knew that he had been in the area where the flood had taken place, and i hoped that he was all right. I was not quite sure what i should do. I started to head to the northeast, across the room of the small house. The interior of the house was dull red, and it seemed very clean and neat. The red wall to the east of me seemed to have cabinets and drawers on it. I started walking to the north, thinking about what had happened. A woman was then standing to the north-northwest of me. She seemed very upset, and she was staring at me. She had fuzzy hair, and i realized that she was $F10’s mother. She seemed upset, and i realized that something must have happened to $F10. I then felt out of place here, thinking that i probably should not be in the house. I moved toward her, asking about $F10. I started to feel upset and started to cry. I asked her if he was all right, and i told her that i had heard of the flood. I was not sure what i should do her, and i started to move around. $F10’s youngest sister was then to the northwest of me. I did not want them to think that i was here for no reason.

I moved through the corridors of the small building, which seemed a little like a school. I did not feel as though i belonged in this place, and i thought that something was wrong with be being here. I walked into the area where the others were, and i listened to them chat with each other for a moment. I felt as though i had slipped out of my own timeline. I had shifted forward in time. I should have been here long ago, but it was now the future. I asked what time it was. A man to the northwest of me said that it was eight ten. I felt a little confused. I had wanted to know what the date was. I looked at him, wondering how i could ask what the day was without him suspecting that i had traveled forward in time. The time did not seem to make sense. I looked to the window to the north, realizing that the man had said that it was January. It looked sunny outside, and no snow seemed to be on the ground. Because it was sunny, i realized that it could not be eight at night. It must have been a little after eight in the morning. The sun would not have been out in January at eight at night. I was at the school early. The event was not going to start for a while, and i wondered still why i was here. I walked a little to the north, across the grass in the outdoor area. The grass was now green, and everything around me seemed to be in summer bloom. The small park-like area was filled with people for the festival. I looked at the shirtless men and women to the northwest of me. They were kneeling under a small tan tent, which was open on the southeastern side. They seemed to be performing some kind of play or dramatic dance. I looked at the detail on one of the male dancer’s torso and thought that he seemed quite attractive. I had to move to the north, but i watched the man as i passed, thinking that i was passing closer to them as i moved. They seemed very attractive to me, and i felt interested in them. I looked around again once i was on the northern side of the festival area. The tent was still to the northwest of me, and i looked at the performers again. They were clustered together in the center of the tent, stretching upward and outward, forming various poses. It somehow seemed to form a manger scene from Christian lore. I glanced around, noticing a large open field to the west. I wanted to head in that direction. I moved to the western side of the tent and then turned south. A table to the southwest of me had several sculptures for sale. I noticed a small carving of the dancers hunched over. I could see the width of a man’s back in the center of the sculpture, with a few other bare backs to the sides. The ribs of the man seemed to be painted with tan and brown paint, which i thought was part of the act. This dance group must be famous for their poses. I walked around the western side of the long rectangular table, trying to figure out how to get to the open field to the west. A fence separated the park from the field. I wanted to get to something, which seemed to be on the western end of the field, slightly up hill from where i now was. As i walked south along the fence, i was aware of a woman following me. She was young and thin, and she seemed suspicious of me. I thought that she must be a security guard for the dancers, and i then thought that she was probably Christian and was fearful of me because i was not her type of Christian. I tried to ignore her as i followed the fence to the south, trying to get around it so that i could head to the west. At the southern end of the fence was a small cluster of young trees. I could have easily walked between them, but i realized that an orange line of spray paint had been drawn across the bottoms of the trees, and a strip of yellow marking tape had been strung around the cluster. The tape had been broken and was now on the ground, but it was clear that the managers here did now want people walking though the trees. I was aware of the woman following me, so i walked around the eastern side of the trees and then headed west.

12013 February 24

I walked to the north, chatting with the other person as we walked. I looked at the large church, which was to the northwest of me. I remembered this building from before, and i thought that it was a very special place. The massive building seemed to be made out of gray stone. I remembered being in the church many times before. It seemed like someplace from when i was young. People were taking down the building now, and i felt disappointed and upset about it. It told the woman with me about the church, but she did not seem to know how important the building was. I tried to mention it in the conversation. As we approached the church, i kept looking at various parts of the thick stone walls. I knew that the inside of the cathedral had already been demolished. I wanted something to be done to acknowledge the importance of the church, and i felt frustrated that it was being torn down. I motioned to the west as we stood near the white arched door, which was on the northern end of the eastern side of the cathedral. The eastern wall of the building was now missing, and i could see a circle of dark-gray rubble where the central chapel used to be. The inside of the church was round. This was something special about the church. I remembered walking to the west, across the northern side of the church. The chapel inside had an inner chamber, which was round. I remembered that a round column supported the ceiling from the center of the room. This central column was significant in some way. A thick gray stone wall separated the inner chapel from the outer part, which ran in a ring around the central section. I could not see through the wall to the south of me, but i knew that opening s in the wall allowed people sitting in the outer section to see the pillar inside the center section. As i walked to the west, passing the white stone door that had been in the eastern wall, i looked around the center of the church. The round part in the middle of the building was nothing but rubble now. Only the outer walls on the western and northern sides of the cathedral now seemed to remain standing. Everything else had already been destroyed. I felt rather upset about this.

12013 February 25

I moved through the small house where my relatives were. I headed to the west and then to the south, down the western side of the building. A corridor seemed to run north to south on the western side of the large white room where the others were. The room was crowded with items, and seemed to be divided by a thick column in the center. The column was a wall dividing the narrow living room from the kitchen to the east. I headed to the east, along the southern side of the room. My mother was speaking to the others to the northeast of me. She moved to the south as i stopped near the small black tables, which were in a row on the southern side of the room. The tables were set up in the dining area, with two tables on the south and two tables on the north, forming a north-to-south row. I could not easily make my way between the tables. My mother was heading down the corridor to the south, on the western side of the room. She stopped before leaving the room and said something to my other relatives. I was hungry, and i thought that i should get something to eat here. I could not get through the tables, though, and i started to feel very frustrated. The tables had been pushed too close together, so not enough room was left between them for someone to get across the room. My mother said something about the tables, and i complained about their position as i pushed some of the tables to the north. I had to get something to eat, and i felt annoyed with the others here.

I hurried as i put on my things. The others had already left for a jog, and i wanted to catch up with them. I had been in the locker room trying to put my clothes on quickly. They ran to the east, on the southern side of the area. I ran east to catch them. I then turned north into the park area. A driveway ran into the park on the western side of the area. The land to the north of me sloped up steeply into a long tall hill. I started running up the hill, but i felt as though i was going very slowly. I then noticed the others to the east of me. They were doing workouts on the hill. They seemed to be from $G4, and $F57, $F59, and $F58 seemed to be in the group. They were running rather fast. I felt a little annoyed, because i was going so slowly up the hill, and i felt that i was having difficulty doing it. I knew that i was used to running rather slowly, and i felt disappointed to see just how fast the others were running. I looked to the east, seeing someone sprinting up the steep hill. I then wondered why i was running on this part of the hill. I should have joined them. I ran back down the hill and started heading east, along the southern side of the park. A large fenced-in tennis court was on the southeastern side of the park. I thought that i would have to run around the eastern side of the courts to get on the paved trail that the others were running. I decided that i could cut through the courts to head toward them. They were running on the hill, which was directly to the north of the courts. I entered the tennis courts through the gate in the black chain-link fence. The gate was in the southern end of the western side of the fence. I ran diagonally across the courts, coming to the eastern side, where i started heading to the north. I then realized that there might not be a gate in the eastern wall of the fence. I paused for a moment near the southern side of the courts, trying to see if a gate was in the fence. I moved back and forth a little, trying to get a good view of the northern end of the eastern wall of the fence. I could see the others running up the hill to the north of me, following a paved path to the northwest up the slope of the hill. I decided that i could see a gate there, so i ran along the eastern side of the fence. As i reached the northern end of the courts and exited the gate, thought, i saw that a separate fence ran from the northeastern corner of the courts to the north. It ran north for a few meters before turning east and following the paved path toward the club house, which was to the east of us. I felt annoyed. I did not want to run east. I looked at the green plastic fence that formed a corridor around me now. It ran along the eastern side of the tennis courts, forming a corridor between the black chain-link fence and the green plastic mesh of the outer fence. I looked down the corridor to the east. No one was watching me, and i wondered if i could push my way under the green fence just to the north of the northeastern corner of the tennis courts. This would allow me to get to the north of the courts, where i could cross the grass to get to the others. I looked down at the fence near the path to the west of me. The openings in the fence near the ground were small, but i thought that i could lift the fence and get through them. I bent down and tried to push my head through the fence. I then started to feel uneasy, thinking that someone from the club house could see me and would probably catch me for breaking through the fence. Frustrated, i decided that i would have to run all the way back around the tennis courts to get to the other runners. I ran to the south, down the corridor along the eastern side of the courts. As i ran, thought, i became aware that the blue ground was rather soft. It seemed like an inflated cushion. My feet sank as i stepped, and it became hard to run. I felt as though i was exerting myself as i moved to the south. I was frustrated and just wanted to head to the east to get out of the court area.

12013 February 26

I crossed the western side of the room, which seemed like a large square dining room. The room seemed to have something to do with $G3. They were having a function here. I felt a little uneasy about the event because i was not quite ready. I walked to the northwest, into the small room that was off the northern end of the western wall of the dining area. I walked into the small bedroom. I entered the bedroom from the door in the southern end of the eastern wall, but was now standing in the southwestern part of the room. A large bed was in the center of the eastern wall, and the three people who had been sleeping on it were now standing up. $F14 had stepped off the northern side of the bed, and $F30 had stepped off the southern side of the bed. They were both naked, and i felt a little uncomfortable being here. I felt as though i had been intruding on them. I tried not to stare at them as i moved to the north. I had to get my things from this room, which was also my room. A naked woman walked past me from the northern side of the bed. I crouched down to pick something up, and she passed be near the northwestern corner of the bed. I looked at her crotch for a moment, but felt uncomfortable. I had to get things here, but i felt that i was intruding on the others.

I hurried along the eastern side of the area, heading north. I seemed to be outdoors, but i also seemed to be in a large area with walls on some of the sides. I had to get to class at the university, so i as rushing to the building. I reached the northern wall of the area and turned west. A short wall separated me from a narrow corridor that ran between the wall and the outer edge of the area. The large outer wall seemed to be white, with large tall windows in it. The wooden window frames were darkly stained and matched the stain of the short wooden dividing wall. As i made my way along the short wall, on a raised section of floor, which seemed about a meter above the floor to the north of the wall, i noticed two people sitting to the north. I looked up to see $A261 and $A313 sitting in chairs, close together. $A313 as facing west, and $A261 was in a chair to the northwest of her, facing south. I felt anxious and irritated by them, and i did not want to talk to them at the moment. I turned my attention back to the west as i moved along the front row of the lecture room. The elevated seats were to the south of me. The wooden chairs started just to the south of the short wood wall. I now seemed to be standing behind the first or second row. The instructor was sitting in a chair on the northern side of the short wall, but he was at the same level as the first row of chairs. He sat in the wooden chair with his right ankle on his left knee. He seemed to be reading from a piece of paper as he talked. I moved a little to the west, looking for my seat and trying to get into place. I then realized that the professor was mentioning religious statements in his lecture. He seemed to invoke a prayer. This seemed very strange. Religious beliefs seemed to be out of place in this class, and i wondered why he was making praises to God and citing Christian sayings. I stood for a moment, trying to figure out what he was doing. I thought that he might be joking, but he seemed stoic. I hoped that he was not trying to indoctrinate the class. He spoke a common Christian phrase, and then looked back down at his notes again. I was unsure what to do. A young woman, who was sitting in one of the chairs to the east of me, made a joke about the statement, showing her disbelief in what the professor was saying. The professor paused for a moment, then retorted to the woman, not looking at her. He sayed that she would have to get used to the statements, implying that, if she did not like it, she should not be here. I felt confused, not sure if he was actually being serious. I could not believe that a professor could act so religious in a class that had nothing to do with religion. I watched him speak for a moment. He did not seem angry about the statement. His words remained emotionless as he responded to the woman, and he went back to this papers as though nothing had really challenged him.

12013 February 27

My mother was driving the car to the south, toward the bridge across the shallow gorge, which seemed to be near $P73. I looked ahead at the bridge, noticing a large hole in the cement deck. I remembered that people had been working on the bridge. I was nervous about the hole as we passed over it. It seemed to be almost a meter across. It was oddly shaped: roughly round with two corners pointing to the southwest and west-northwest. My mother said something about the hole. I could tell that she was very worried about it. I looked back to the south as my mother drove north. I wondered why she had gone across the bridge again. I decided that she did not want to drive over the hole, so she had turned around and went back to the north. She had dropped me off here. I felt annoyed that i would have to cross back over the bridge again. I started walking along the western side of the bridge, near the southern end. I had to be very cautious of the hole. I worried that the bridge might collapse. I then noticed that cars were still driving across the bridge. I turned to the east, thinking that i would have to cross the roadway to get here i needed to be. I stopped suddenly before crossing the street because a large truck was coming from the south. I worried that the heavy trucks would do further damage to the bridge. I then realized that i was wading through the water from the stream below the bridge. I looked to the north to see that, thought the bridge seemed to be level, water covered the northern end, and seemed deeper on the northwestern corner of the bridge. I was already up to my waist in water. The large truck had stopped for me, so i hurried across the bridge to the eastern side, where a stone wall rose from the side of the bridge. I grabbed on to the stone wall, hoping that i could climb on the wall in case the bridge sank into the water. I move carefully to the south again. Once i reached the end of the stone wall, i walked to the east, along the wooden deck, which was a walkway with railings on both sides. I came to the end of the hallway, which was now in a building, and turned to the north, heading into the apartment. This apartment building seemed to be on the southern rim of the gorge, near the bridge. I thought that it probably had a good view of the gorge below. $A590 and $A636 were standing on the northern side of the room. $F57 also seemed to be in the room, in the northeastern side. I told them about the problem with the bridge. $A590 seemed surprised and smiled in amusement. I then leaned back out the door and looked to the west. I could hear the sound of someone working with electrical tools. The deck had a few sets of stairs in it now, and it rose in steps as it went to the west. The deck ran along the northern wall of a house, and i could see workmen standing at the western end of the deck. They seemed to be cutting the wooden railings and railing supports from the deck. I thought that they should not be doing this, but i thought that they were probably trying to use the wood to support the bridge. I told the people in the apartment what the workmen were doing, and they joked about it. I then said something mocking of the workers, and the others laughed. I was annoyed that they were cutting into the deck, and i could not understand why they thought the wood would help the bridge.

I saw myself sitting to the east of me, in the small office. The office was about four meters by four meters, and the walls were crowded with black metal frames that supported shelfs of equipment. I was facing the northern wall, working on a computer that was on the desk in front of me. $A14 seemed to be in the office recently, and he left through the door that was just to the west of the desk, in the northern wall. After $A14 walked out of the office, i noticed something moving to the east of me. Something black seemed to be moving on one of the shelfs. I then remembered the dream i had about the bridge, and i remembered the red things crawling on the stone wall to the east of me. I wondered if there was some relation between the two things crawling on the walls. I looked at the shelf to the east of me, seeing the long insect on the shelf. The insect was about a deci long, and it looked somewhat like a wasp. I knew that it was too big to be a wasp, but it had a long round body like a wasp. It also had very long black legs, which seemed furry. The legs ran along the sides of its body. It was facing to the southeast. I felt scared of it, so i stood up and moved toward the door on the northwestern side of the room. Another bug seemed to be crawling over the upper shelf, but i focused on the long insect. I knew that it was some kind of wasp, and i wondered if it could fly. I did not want it coming after me and stinging me. I then thought that it was very long for a wasp. The bug was very strange. I decided that i should take a picture of it with my cell phone. I held the phone up to the east of me, trying to position it slightly above the insect so that i could get a good shot of it. I wanted to get a picture so that i could find out what it was. I then felt very nervous about the animal. Something had happened, and i quickly pulled the camera away. I looked at the insect. It was now standing on its hind legs with its front arms in the air. It looked like the defensive posture of a spider. I became afraid of the animal, worried that it would jump at me. I jumped out of the chair and moved to the door. When i looked back at the insect, it no longer seemed to be the same as it had been. It now looked mechanical. I realized that it was really a robotic insect. I looked at it as it stood, facing me. The small head looked like a helmet, with small glassy eyes. The animal held its arms up and out from its body, like a praying mantis. I noticed now that its limbs were thicker than they had seemed before. They were actually covered with a brown and black mottled plastic. The body seemed to be made out of the same plastic. I still felt scared of the animal, but it now seemed more interesting to me.

12013 February 28

I pushed the wheeled office chair up the driveway to the north. The driveway curved to the west ahead of me, and i could see the small cabin on the western side of the small dirt parking area next to the driveway. I hurried up the driveway, pushing the chair in front of me. I had to be at the cabin for an event. It seemed like i was here as part of a catering service. As i came to the southern side of the parking lot, a large white delivery truck backed out of a spot from the western side of the lot and turned toward me. It started south down the driveway. I entered the building, but no one was here. I worried that i might have had the wrong time. I moved along the northern side of the room, wondering if i was supposed to be here later. I then thought that i was actually here on a break from my other job, so i could only be here at a specific time. The room seemed to be under construction, with bare wood exposed on the southern wall and floor. Several pieces of lumber were strewn across the floor, but some white streamers seemed to be handing from the ceiling. I was carrying a large metal tank over my left shoulder. I seemed to be holding the tank from a hand hole near the top of the container, which seemed to be a carbon dioxide tank. A man appeared to the west of me. He was wearing denim work clothes, and he seemed to be a construction worker here. He was a little dirty, and he seemed older. I told the man that i was working here, and then i asked him what i should be doing. He did not seem to know. He was not here for the catering. He shrugged and continued to the south to do some work. I turned to the southeast and carried the tank across the room. As i carried it, i realized how light it seemed. I remembered that gas tanks were rather heavy, and i wondered why this one felt so light. I did not think that i was so much stronger now. Something seemed strange about this.