12014 February 01

I followed the corner of the road as it curved from the north to the northwest. As i rounded the corner and started to head to the west, i saw the boat floating on the water in front of me. As i slowed to a stop, i realized that the road ahead was covered with water. The men from the boat must have been searching the bottom of the water for the other cars that drove into the water. The water must have flooded over the road from the south. The water seemed to be a large bay, and hills on the western side of the water seemed to define the western end. The area must have flooded, and people must have driven out over the water, thinking that it was shallow over the road. I knew that the land at the edge of the water descended steeply into the water, though. I then though that the searchers would probably not want me here. I knew that i could float over the water, though. I started riding the boat to the southwest, passing the search boat. I then thought that i should speed up before the patrol boat came near me. I remembered this plot from a story before. I could go faster than they could. I looked out over the front of my boat, which was now heading to the south. It was angular and metallic gray. It looked like the central nose of a metal trimaran. I started to speed up. The boat to the northeast of me matched my speed. They were the patrol. I knew that i could easily go faster than they could. It was part of the plot. I would suddenly accelerate and the boat would be left behind. I thought about this, remembering the plot from before. The ship was really only the upper part of a very large vessel that was mostly under water. The others would chase the ship, thinking that they could easily overtake it, but the ship would start to surface as it accelerated, showing its true size. I saw the thin grey spire that was on the small ship. The ship was to the southeast of us, heading toward the channel. We now seemed to be in a large bay that was mostly surrounded by land. The thin strips of land extended from the southwest and northeast ahead of us, leaving only a small gap between them. The small boat ahead of us was heading for this channel. It would have to surface before it passed though the channel, which was the part that i had been remembering. The other large war ships would be after it. Once they approached it, the special ship would surface, just before heading through the channel. I turned to the west, thinking about this plot. I was now on a small wooden deck, which was to the west of the small house. I said something to the man near me as i turned back to the east to head into the house. Before i went into the house, however, i would need to get something from the garden. I reached over the wooden railing of the deck to the south of me, grabbing a small plastic pot that used to have a plant in it. The brown pot was full of white pieces of broken plastic. I thought that they were parts of another flower pot that had broken. I dumped them back onto the ground, between the house and the set of stairs that descended from the deck. I then thought that i should not have dumped the plastic into the brown plants of the garden. The woman to the southeast would be upset that i was littering in the house. I thought that she might report me. I should not have dumped the white plastic pieces into the garden. I moved back over to the railing, noticing that several white pieces were still stuck in the bottom of the pot. I hit the side of the pot on the railing and then dumped the remainder of the plastic into the space between the house and the stairs. I turned to the east and headed into the house.

12014 February 02

I was driving down the road to the south, and someone was talking to me. Someone was talking to the south of me. I replied to someone, who seemed to be my mother. I was supposed to turn to the east somewhere, but i was not sure exactly where. I then arrived at the spot, and someone said that this was where the road went. I looked to the east. The ground on the eastern side of the road was a grassy field. I could not see any other roads there. I then noticed a gap in the taller trees on the eastern side of the field. A grassy path ran between the trees and over the shallow hill. This must be the trail, but it was an old abandoned trail. I stopped the car and looked at the road, not sure whether i was supposed to head down that road or not. It seemed too overgrown to drive on. The others were still talking to the south of me. I stared at the trail to the east again, now noticing that part of the path had been worn bare, as if it was part of an old dirt road. I finally decided that i should head to the east on this trail. I started turning my car across the field, but i wondered whether my car could actually drive on a field. I thought that it might get stuck in the tall grass. I dove to the east, noticing now that the road to the east was dirt. I traveled a little way, coming over the first hill. I then noticed the road signs ahead of me. Two white signs stood on the side of the road. The square one said that this road was Route 1. It had an uneven hexagonal symbol under it, which signified that this road was a county road. I knew that it was not the real Route 1, which should be a paved main road. Another road met the road that i was on. It came from the southwest. The other road sign marked this road, which did seem to be a major road. The road was still dirt here, but i thought that this must simply be the very end of the main road. I felt more comfortable seeing these signs. I was probably heading in the correct direction, but i was just on part of the roads that were not well used.

12014 February 03

I walked to the north on the suburban street. The houses around me seemed like they were part of a modern neighborhood. They had small front yards, but they did not seem that close to each other. I heard a noise to the north of me. I was on the western sidewalk, and i looked to the north, seeing the small blue car moved suddenly to the east ahead of me. The car was parked in a wide driveway on the eastern side of the road. The card had been facing south, but the front end was moved to the southeast. A figure to the west of the car had hit the car and caused it to move. I thought that the figure must be a bear because it was strong enough to move the car. I felt nervous, thinking that i should be careful of the dark figure. I turned to the west and started walking down the side street. I was heading toward my house. I wanted to get out of view of the figure before it decided to come after me. As i passed out of view, i thought about what i had seen. I realized that the figure was not a bear but a man in dark clothing. He must have been drunk to be so mad at the car. I headed to the house to the west of me, at the end of the short street that i was walking on. The street seemed to end on another north-to-south street. The other street did not seem to go that far to the south. I stopped and looked back to the east. I could not see the house where the car was, but i started to feel annoyed with the drunk man. I thought that we should not let him drive away. He would be dangerous on the roads. I started moving back to the east, thinking that i could report him and have him arrested before he drove away. I then saw the man driving past the intersection ahead of me. He was heading south, driving on a moped. I did not want him to get away, so i started following him. I floated up into the air and watching him drive to the south on the street below. Someone was talking to me, and i described to them how we should keep track of the man. The land below me now seemed like a map, with red lines indicating each street. The streets formed a rough grid. We were in an urban area. I told someone about how we should follow. The voice replied in a flat tone. It seemed annoyed that i was giving it instructions. I could see the car turn to the east on the map. I told the voice that we should turn to the southeast to catch up with the man. I could see a diagonal street running to the southeast of us that seemed to intersect the street that the other man was driving on. I then thought that this might actually be a courtyard path that we would be cutting through. I knew that we could cross the area, though.

I hurriedly packed up my things in the bedroom. I had to get my lunch ready so that i could get to school. I felt rushed. I was really at the school now, and i thought about my lunch. I did not remember packing the main part of my lunch. I just remembered packing a banana and a bottled drink. I must have forgot to make the main part of the lunch. I felt annoyed with myself. I thought that i would have to buy a lunch at the store. I thought about going to the store that was across the street from my office. I then realized that i would no be at work until after i was out of school. It would be a long time until lunch. I wondered if i could head to a store near the school. I thought about the neighborhood just to the northwest of $P7. I decided that i could snack on what i had packed for lunch now and buy the main course after school, on my way to work at $P210. I thought about this, but i felt confused. Something did not seem right. I walked to the north, down the street to the south of $P7. I still thought about heading to the store to buy something, but the store seemed to be a ways to the north, near my office. I did not want to travel all the way up there. I then thought about my lunch and realized that i did not have any of my lunch with me. I felt upset, thinking that i would have to travel home to get my lunch. I did not want to do this, however. I knew that my house was at least an hour to the south of the school, so i would not be able to get it. It was to far. I wondered what i should do. I started to feel helpless as i crossed the road to the northwest and stopped on the short side street. The street seemed like a walkway that crossed over a small bridge just off the main road. I looked at my cell phone as i tried to figure out what to do. I noticed that i had several messages on the telephone. I listened to the messages. Someone spoke as i wandered to the center of the short bridge. The man’s voice said that he would be visiting town soon and that he wanted to drop some things off with me. I realized that the man was probably $A663. He was coming to town from New York City, and he probably wanted to drop several of the files off for the book i was working on. I started to feel bad, thinking that i would not be able to meet him because i had a class at the school. I was annoyed, thinking that i would have to get back to class before too long. I leaned against the short cement wall on the northern side of the bridge and looked over the edge at the cement canal that ran under me. The canal had a flat bottom and slanted sides. It seemed dry at the moment. Tall grass grew around the tops of the drainage ditch. I leaned over the edge a little further and looked at the outside of the short wall. Just under my right elbow was a small rectangular hole. Two small off-white pillars stood inside the hole. They were tubular with concave sides, looking like small cooling towers. I knew that they were part of a wasp nest. I did not see any wasps around them, but i thought that the wasps must be in hibernation inside the nest. I stood back up and moved away from the wall, thinking that i did not want to have the wasps stinging me. I started walking back to the south, imagining the wasps swarming. I then thought about my lunch again and wondered what i was going to do. I had planned on eating my snacks now and getting a sandwich on my way to work, but i realized that i did not really have my snacks with me. I had not packed a lunch at all at home. I started to feel more upset. I turned to the east and started swimming through the air, heading toward the large school building. I was entering a courtyard now, with the large school building to the south and east of me. A lower building ran to the north. As i reached the eastern end of the courtyard, i started to think that $F4 and $A608 would be waiting for me in the cafeteria. I thought that i might be able to buy lunch there. I then stopped, thinking that this was not actually the cafeteria. I was in a building to the north of the school. I felt a little confused as i looked around the small computer room for a moment. I moved to the eastern end of the room, not quite sure what i was going to do. I looked at the equipment here. It seemed old, but it seemed like the computer equipment that would have been in a computer room when i was in high school. I then turned to the west and started back across the room. I felt as though someone was watching me though the windows on the southern side of the room. As i was half way across the room, i realized that i was carrying a small computer in my right hand. I looked at the tan machine. It was rectangular and seemed to be a half meter long. I realized that it was an old Apple II computer. It seemed to be only a three or four centimeters thick, with a keyboard on the near end. The keyboard seemed to pivot a little as i looked at the object. I wondered why i was taking it from the room. I felt nervous, suddenly, wondering if the person to the south thought that i might be stealing the machine. I put the tan computer down on the desk to the north of me. The small table was against the northern wall of the room. I felt annoyed with myself, not quite sure why i had picked up the computer in the first place. It seemed a strange thing to do. I started walking to the west again, thinking that i should leave this place. As i came outside, i pushed the rolling black chair ahead of me. It rolled over the cement walkway. As i came near the middle of the courtyard, i wondered suddenly why i was pushing the chair ahead of me. I had taken the chair from the classroom, and i should not have. I felt uneasy with the chair, but i continued to push it to the west. I leaned into the chair to get it to move, but soon realized that it as getting difficult to push. I had started heading up a hill on the western side of the yard. The driveway sloped up steeply to the entrance of the yard. The old asphalt pavement of the driveway also seemed to be covered with loose bits of asphalt, so it was hard to roll the chair smoothly. As the slope increased, i found that i was having trouble moving. Annoyed, i finally picked up the chair and carried it over my right shoulder. Small steps ran along the northern side of the driveway. Because i was having trouble walking up the slope, i thought that i would slip less on the steps. The steps looked like yellow bricks embedded into the pavement. They were small, but i started walking up them, annoyed that i could not move as i had expected. I was still conscious of someone watching me from the south. I though that i should put the chair in the small classroom on the northern side of the path. I could make it seem that i had been moving it to there so that the person watching did not think that i was stealing it. As i reached the archway at the top of the slope, i pushed the chair through the small window in the stone wall ahead of me. The window was near my shoulder level, and i was putting the small black object, which had been the chair through it so that i could climb through after it. As i tried to lift myself to the window, i realized that the opening was actually too small for me to fit through. Annoyed, i wondered how i could get on the other side of the gate. I could see the road above the level of the window openings. The steep hill continued up to the main road. I had come from the south, though, and i thought that i would have to walk between the grassy hill and the wall. I was not sure how to get through the wall. I then realized that the large gate under the archway was beneath me. I was actually standing on a short supporting wall that extended to the east from the main wall, on the southern side of the archway. I jumped down to the dirt driveway and walked through the opening. I had to head back to the school, so i turned to the south.

12014 February 04

I was in the car as my father drove to the east. The sky around us seemed brown and tan. I was thinking of the music notes as we drove, and i was looking at the country scenery to the south of me. I thought about how the notes were arranged mathematically. The combination of the different tones created specific feelings, and the changing tones had something to do with the slight change in pressure in the air. I thought that the music would actually change as the weather changed. I then thought that i could play music for the incoming weather. I could determine the change in pressure and temperature and match the notes ahead of time. It would be good because the music would match the feeling of the weather as it was happening. I said something to my father as he headed to the south. I then looked out the window of the car again, looking at the dense pine trees that were all around us. We were on a narrow road that was running through a forested area. As the car turned to the west, i noticed two large bulbous objects on the tops of some trees to the northwest of us. The objects were apples, but they were over a meter in diameter. They seemed to site on the tops of tall conifer trees, which had thin sparse branches. The apples were genetically modified to be larger than normal. I did not like this, thinking that it ruined the flavor of the apples. My father said something negative about the genetic mutations as we turned to the northwest. The highway seemed to be to the west of us. We had taken a side road to get to this place. The gray metal building stood to the north of us, just behind the trees that had the apples on them. We walked to the north, entering the building. We had to buy something here. My father complained about the quality of the food, and i looked at the chickens that were on the gray metal shelfs on the eastern wall. The room seemed cold, and i was picking up some meat. The chicken heads were bulbous and large. The chickens had been genetically modified to be large. I looked at the packet of chicken breasts that i was holding in my left hand, explaining that i wanted to buy some meat. I looked at the heads, though, and i felt disgusted. The chicken heads were cut off and arranged on a shelf. The necks were wide enough that the heads could stand up, forming rounded triangular shapes on the shelfs. I was uneasy here, and we turned to head to the south. We headed to the south and were then on the small bus. We had escaped from somewhere, but the people on the bus with us seemed to be criminals. I looked to the north at the man who had just gotten on from the eastern end of the bus, which seemed to be the back of the bus. The man was wearing a white mask, which was shaped to look somewhat like a skull. He wore worn pale clothing and carried an assault riffle. He was a member of the gang. He started talking to another man, who was on the southern side of the bus, to the southeast of me. The man to the southeast seemed to be a leader of the gang, and he seemed upset with the man in the mask. He said something, and the man in the mask stopped smiling and became suddenly uneasy. The leader told the man in the mask to toss the money away. The man in the mask had gotten onto the bus with the others with a bag of spoils from a raid. The leader was now telling him to throw out his spoils. The man seemed upset, but he knew that he had to do what he was told. I could now see the man from above. He was actually handing on to the side of the small white bus as it rolled down the dirt road, heading west thought the jungle area. The man in the mast tossed the white bag of money into the woods on the northern side of the road. He then lifted his head and yelled in despair. He shook his head angrily for a moment. He leaned back, holding on to the side of the bus as he yelled. He then pointed out a road marker as we rounded a slight curve in the road, turning from the west-northwest to the west. The man seemed hopeful because he could find the package from the road marker. He looked back to the east at the marker as we drove on. I thought that he would not be able to get back here. The gang must be heading somewhere far away so that the man could never return for the money. That was how the plot seemed to work. I then noticed that the land around us seemed familiar. We were heading back to the area where the troops had just left. They had defeated the bad guys here. The bad guys seemed to be supernatural creatures, like zombies or monsters. I felt suddenly uneasy. The man would not be able to go back for the money because the driver had secretly circled back to the dangerous area. We were here to do something to the monsters, and i thought that the man in the mask would not survive. I felt very uneasy now, wondering why we had come back. It did not make sense. I followed the others to the southwest, into the small cabin. We had escaped from this place, but we were now being brought back here. The aliens would come after us here. We closed the doors to the cabin and tried to hide. I knew that the aliens were outside somewhere. The woman had her pistol drawn and was pointing it at the windows to the north and east of us. She was wearing a black flack jacket. I was then seeing the scene from the woman’s view. The gun was held in my right hand as i looked through the blinds of the window. The scene outside seemed like a desert, with tall tan dry plants. The blue sky was clear. I could see the land as the woman moved from side to side, but i could not see any of the aliens. I knew that they would be coming, though, and i felt tense and nervous. The others headed farther into the cabin, to the southeast of me. The woman leaned the gun on the window to the northeast, moving her head from side to side to try to get a better look through the blinds. I could not see the monsters, but i knew that they would come. The plot would have the aliens surprise the troops. I wondered if they would show up suddenly to startle the woman. I watched for a moment as she looked out the window, but nothing happened, which made me more tense. I was still looking though the eyes of the woman as she leaned to the east, against the wall. I then realized that the wall was really a door. I knew that it would fall open and expose the woman to the aliens. I waited for the event to happen. The woman then fell to the right as the door to the east of her opened. She gasped, realizing that she was now outside. If the aliens were around, they would see her and know that people were hiding in the cabin. She quickly moved back into the cabin and, crouching, pulled the door closed behind her. An alien had seen her, though, and it was now pulling on the door from the outside. I could see the shadow of the alien on the window of the door. It was trying to open the door. I moved farther into the room as the woman held the door shut. She tried to call to the others, who were to the southeast of us. I could see a doorway to a lighted room to the southeast of me. The others were hiding within. The woman tried to get their attention, but did not want to shout. If she shouted, the aliens would know definitely that others were in the building. I wondered whether the woman should shoot the alien. It would make too much noise to shoot the gun, and it would tell other aliens that humans were here. If she shot the one trying to open the door, she would attract too many others.

I moved through the area on the northern side of the room, which seemed to be a grocery store. The young man with the short blond hair stood to the east of me, in the middle of the small crowd. He had been with us, and we were a group of people that shared something. It seemed to have something to do with Arthurian legends. I felt interested in the blond man, and i was somewhat attracted to him, but the others did not like him. They seemed to look down on him. The man did not know that they were against him yet, and i felt nervous because they were standing up to him now. The man had said something, implying that he would go with the others to do something. I knew that he did not have a rank in this group, though. He was considered too low in caste to be with them. I felt sad for the man. The man said something about going out to do something, but one of the people mocked him: “We have a president; we have a leader. What we need you for is brawn: muscle.” The woman spoke insultingly to the man, and i knew she was bullying him. I knew that i could not stop the others from insulting the man, but i felt that he should not be treated in such a way. I wanted to comfort the man, but i was not sure how i could without the others getting mad at me. They would think that i was just in lust with the man, but i actually thought that he deserved to be treaded better. I then thought that they were treating me as part of the group simply because i was educated in sciences. I did not fit one of the titles in their group, but i had the status of a Merlin because of my wisdom. I wanted to help the man.

The others were talking about something, and i looked to the west, down the length of the river. We were standing on the northern shore in an area that seemed to be part of a city. I said something about the building to the west of us. The building was smoking, and i said that it was on fire. The building seemed to be directly to the west of us. It was on the northern shore of the river. The river seemed to curve to the southwest, and the building was just after the curve. White smoke was coming from the building and drifting to the southeast, over the river. I felt concerned about the building, and i said something about it to the others near me. I looked at the smoke, and i realized that people were in the smoke. I could see the bodies floating in the air. This seemed strange. I looked at the smoke, noticing the bodies floating in it. The bodies drifted over the river, but then tumbled into the water. I could not make out the forms exactly, but i thought that they could not be real human bodies. I told the other person that they must be dummies. They must have gotten caught in the fire and were floating out with the smoke. I watched one of the bodies move toward us over the river. It was dark gray and desiccated. As it rolled in the air, turning over so that its belly was face down, i saw the eyes move. I realized that the body must still be alive. I felt suddenly distressed, worried that the people floating over the water were still alive. I did not understand how this could be. This seemed horrible. The lips of the creature were moving, and i thought that it must be suffering. I told the other about it, trying to think of what to do.

12014 February 05

We had been traveling in the truck as it moved up the steep hill, which seemed to be just to the west of my parents’ house. My father was driving the truck, but something had fallen off the back of the truck. I looked back to the east, along the northern side of the road. I wanted to find what had fallen off, but i could not see it. I walked back down the steep hill. The land to the north of us was forested, and the road curved gradually to the southeast as it descended the hill toward the creek. I looked on the grass at the side of the road, but i could not find what had fallen off the truck. My father helped me look for the object, but i felt frustrated that we could not see it. My father then drove the truck a little farther up the hill. I stopped for a moment to look around. I did not want to give up so soon, so i continued walking down the hill. My father waited by the truck, which was now near the top of the hill. I realized that i was barefoot, and i could feel the cold pavement on my feet. I looked down, seeing the water that was flowing down the northern side of the road. The stones i was walking on seemed to be raised a little so that the water ran between them. I continued down the hill, now inside the dark tunnel. The stone walls of the tunnel were flat, and they curved with the road. I did not want to walk all the way back to the bottom of the hill, but i could not find what we were looking for. I felt disappointed. I stopped for a moment, looking down at a small pile of stones near the northern wall. The rounded stones had been deposited by the flowing water, which i was now standing in. I felt frustrated, and i was not sure what i should do. The other person came up to me from the southeast, and i said something to the person. I turned and headed back up the hill to the truck, which now seemed like a wide trailer. The trailer had a black metal frame, and the wooden planks of the deck rested on the frame. I walked under the back end of the trailer as i reached it. My father seemed to be waiting to the northwest of the trailer. My father seemed to have been pulling the trailer with the truck, but then i thought that i could see the feet of a horse to the north of me. The horse must be pulling the trailer. This seemed strange. My father moved to the truck, which was to the west of the trailer. The others had been waiting for me, so i would have to join them so that we could move on. I realized that i could not easily crawl north to get out from under the trailer. The supports of the trailer were blocking my way. It would be too difficult to crawl through them. I wondered how i could get out from under the trailer. I felt nervous now, knowing that my father was waiting for me. I finally backed out from under the trailer and headed to the west, to the truck.

12014 February 06

It had something to do with people hiding in the back of the large campers. I stood on the flat dirt ground to the southwest of the large bus. The bus was facing north, and the people to the southeast of it were just packing to leave. A river seemed to run to the south of everyone, and many busses, which seemed to be large campers, were leaving this area. I knew that someone was worried about the people hiding in the back of the campers. I could then see a drawing of the back of the camper. The drawing was on a white background, and the space in the back of the camper was highlighted in pale red. The top of the compartment had a large round wheel in it. This seemed like a flywheel, but i knew that it had something to do with the engine. The people were trying to hide below the wheel, in the open space of the back of the vehicle. Someone reported on the events as i looked at the figure. I heard them say that people had been dying in the back of the campers because they did not realized that the bouncing motion of the vehicle would compress the space in the back. The people would get caught between the flywheel and the floor of the compartment, and they would get crushed when the campers go over large bumps. I thought about this tragedy. I wondered why the people were hiding from the authorities in the backs of the campers. It seemed like an exciting thing to do, but i understood the danger.

12014 February 07

I was driving the car to the north through the suburban area. $A664 was in the passenger’s seat. I pictured the electronic store that was somewhere to the south of us. We would have to take the highway to the south to get to the store. I remembered this store from a while ago, and i said something to $A664 about the store. I tried to remember how we would get there. I then noticed the small white house on the eastern side of the street. This house belonged to $A320. The house had pastel colors on the curtains and awnings. I seemed like an old memory, and i remembered being there with $A608. I wanted to say something to $A664 about the fact that i was not that fond of $A320, but $A664 was talking about something. I continued driving down the road to the north, thinking that we would have to make a right turn to the east near $A320’s house. I could use the house as a point of conversation to remind $A664 that $A320 was a bigot. I pointed out that we would be turning near $A320’s house, and $A664 said that he had not been there in a while. He then talked about how he and $A320 had gotten into arguments near the end of their time in high school. I realized that $A664 was not really that fond of $A320 any more. I asked about the situation, and i still wanted to say that i did not like $A320 because of his bigotry. I then saw the small white house with the pastel blue and red curtains. I turned to the east, but realized that i as now heading across a small parking lot toward a gate in the tall white plank fence. I had actually turned just to the south of the house. The main road ran to the north of the house. I told $A664 that i was not really going the correct way, and i said that i was looking for the main road. I passed through the two small buildings and came to a small street on the other side. I told $A664 that i could turn to the north and get to the main road on the small street. I turned to the north and stopped at the intersection with the main road. I thought that i would need to head to the highway exit, which seemed to be to the west of us. I turned to the west, telling $A664 that we were heading for the store. As we drove, i could see the turn for the highway on the northern side of the road. The ramp would take us along the eastern side of the highway and allow us to travel to the south. The store seemed to be separated from the community that we were in by a forested or barren area. I pictured the land in my head, seeing the highway curve to the southeast and run straight for a long way. The store was somewhere to the south of the highway. I stopped near the turn for the ramp. A bus was blocking the road ahead of us. I then realized that police cars were stopping traffic ahead. I felt annoyed by this, but i was also concerned about what was happening. One of the large buildings on the southern side of the road ahead seemed to be on fire. I could see gray smoke coming from the top of the building. The dull-red building was very square and plain. I wandered to the west, saying something to the female officer as i walked past her. I asked about the fire, but i felt concerned. I wanted to get a closer look. As i reached the front of the large modern building, i could not see any flames. The fire must be on the southwestern side of the building. Part of the building looked like and old brick church, with tall spires. I headed to the south, into the apartments on the bottom of the building. I came into a hallway. Everything looked run down, and the plaster of the walls seemed to be dirty and cracking. I had come here with the officer to tell people of the fire and to get them out of the building, but no one seemed to be here. I stood at the entrance to the hallway, looking west. A small rectangular room was to the north of me. It had a darkened window in the northern wall. The room looked dingy, but no one was in it. I was surprised that i could see no signs of fire in the building. Everything here seemed to be normal. I thought that the people here would be unaware of the fire, even though i did not see any people here. The fire must be contained to another part of the building. It would not be safe for these people though. I wandered the halls of the apartment for a moment. A small room to the southwest seemed to be a closet. I moved into it but then exited the building and came back out to the northeastern corner. I started heading to the south, walking with the female officer in the dark blue uniform. We headed to the south, along the eastern side of the building, following the sidewalk. A thin grassy lawn separated the sidewalk from the large building to the west. The building seemed to be lower on the southern side. I looked up at the building after we had gone about twenty or thirty meters. The tall spires of the church now seemed worn and decrepit. The brown stone was weather-worn, and patches of green paint covered one of the spires. The side of the building seemed dirty, as if covered with trash. I said something to the woman about it. Broken glass was scattered on the rocky ground which now sloped up to the midlevel of the building to the west of us. The building was messy, but i still did not see any fire. I then looked to the southwest, noticing the mounds to the east of the low brick wing of the building. I realized that they were part of a playground, but they were covered with cardboard. The cardboard had been painted with designs and patterns. I thought that we might be able to get into the school from a door in the eastern wall, but we would have to climb in though the playground. I started pulling apart one of the cardboard domes that covered monkey bars. I said something to the woman that was to the east of me as i started climbing in though the opening i had created in the top of the dome. The door was probably hidden underneath the cardboard structures. I then headed to the west, into a room of the building. I seemed to have come into a back entrance to the building. I had expected to enter through a gymnasium, but, instead, i had come into a utility room. The room seemed empty, but it had panels on the walls that seemed to lead to electric and ventilation units. I was sure that one of the doors in the western wall must lead into the gymnasium of the school. I looked at the orange metal door. The paint on the door was worn and chipping. The door seemed small, so i thought that it probably led into a utility closet. I wandered to the north, looking at a small metal panel that seemed to cover a ventilation fan. Metal ducts ran up inside the wall from the door. I paced back to the south. The woman had come into the room with me, and she had a crowbar. I told her that the orange door was probably to the air system, but she wanted to get it open. It had a round key mount on the northern edge of it. She started prying at the door. I did not think that it was the correct door, and i started pacing, thinking that i could find a door to the other part of the school building. The woman then opened the metal door just to the north of the orange door in the western wall. I could now see more of the ventilation ducts, which seemed to meet some kind of junction or fan system behind the metal panel. The woman looked down at the open end of the duct, which was at the bottom of the compartment behind the door. A blue knit had was resting in the dust on the edge of the duct. It must have gotten picked up in the air system and dropped here. She picked it up to look at it. I looked at the electric panel on the northern wall. I then noticed another ventilation box just to the east of the electric panel. I felt disappointed and frustrated that we could not find a way into the school. As i turned around, though, i noticed that someone had opened the large metal door on the southern end of the western wall. It stood open, and i thought that it must have been unlocked all this time. I followed the others through the door and to the west, into the large gymnasium. The room was dark, and i looked around on the wall just to the north of the door for the light switches. I could not see them. The others continued to the north, toward the corridor that seemed to lead into the school. I thought about this situation, trying to remember where the lights were the last time i was in this building. I started pacing down the hallway, which seemed to be to the south of where i was. I remembered this part of the school building. I had been waiting in here before. Students now seemed to be in the corridors. They were simply not in the gymnasium when we were there. I looked to the west, into the darkened classroom. I could see rows and columns of cots set up across the room. They all had children sleeping on them under white blankets. I could not see any of the children, but i knew that they were there. This must be their nap time. That idea suddenly made sense. It was around noon, and it had been much earlier when we had come to that room before. I then remembered that i had left my notebook in the classroom. I wanted to go back to get it, but i thought that i would not be able to do so if a class was taking place. I walked to the north, looking at a large window in the western wall that seemed to look into a classroom. The classroom was illuminated, and it seemed to be filled with students. I wanted my notebook, which i had been writing something in before. I would not be able to get my notebook, though, because the students were in the classroom. I could see the rows and columns of wooden armchairs across the room. A few of the students were sitting outside the classroom, facing the large glass window. I passed them as i continued down the hall to the south. As i passed them, i could see that they were drawing in their notebooks. This must have been an art class. Both of the students sitting just outside the window were drawing the same rounded shape. I looked at the students just inside the window. They were also facing west, and i thought everyone was trying to sketch something from the center of the southern side of the room. I then realized that the two students outside the classroom were drawing the back of another student’s head. I looked though the window. The student’s head actually had a strange shape to it. The drawings were in black ink, with thick-line shading that came to a V under the rounded head. The images showed the details of the rolls of skin on the back of the student’s neck. The drawings seemed very well done. I then thought that the pink skin of the student in the window was very strange, and the odd shape of his head very abnormal. It did make a good drawing, though. I headed back to the north. I would have to wait for the class to get out before i could get my notebook. I then noticed the sign on the wall to the west, just to the north of the large window of the classroom. The sign was made of brass-colored letters and identified this section of the school as the special-students area. I remembered that the school offered special advanced classes for some students. I liked this area, and remembered that i used to be one of these students, though i no longer felt very special about it. The bell then rang. I stopped in the hall, thinking that i should go back to get my book once the classroom cleared out. I turned to the south and headed back down the hall. I was then heading west, and i came to the grassy area on the top of the small short hill. Several trees grew up at the top of the hill, and bushes filled the space between the trees. I was to the north of the bushes, and i looked down at the exposed roots of the bushes. Something was on the ground, and i focused on it for a moment. I was going to pick it up.

12014 February 08

I was lying on the bed in my bedroom, and i scratched a itch on the right side of my groin. I stood up and walked to the east, scratching my underwear. Something felt very itchy, and i thought that it was not a normal itch. It felt as though i had something crawling on my skin. I felt annoyed, thinking that i might have crabs. I thought that $F45 must have gotten them from one of the people he sleeped with, and he probably brought them into the house, where i got them. I scratched myself again, looking at the hair in my groin. I could see small white bugs crawling around. I wondered if they were actually ticks. I grabbed one on the left side of my groin and pulled it out. It was shaped like a tick, but i did not want it to get away, so i squeezed it tight between the fingers of my left hand. As i held it away from my body, i started to feel a pinch on the pad of my index finger. The bug must have been biting me. Annoyed, i walked into the bathroom. I turned to the west and poured some rubbing alcohol on my hand, hoping to drown the bug. The pinching sensation in my finger stopped. I dropped the creature on the counter into the puddle created by the alcohol. I hoped that it would drown in the liquid, but it floated on top of the alcohol. I noticed that some dust was floating on top of the alcohol, and the creature was standing on the dust. It started crawling toward the wall to the west of me. I did not want it to escape, so i wondered how i could get it to submerge into the puddle. I did not want it to get away.

I got water from the drinking fountain on the northern wall of the hallway and then headed back to the office. I had come back to work here, and i felt as though i had not been concentrating on what i was doing. I was not comfortable here. I was supposed to be doing some work, but i did not seem to have done it. I man stood to the northwest of me and asked me some questions. I was not sure of the answers, and i did not want to answer him. I did not think that i could. I picked up the pad of paper from the desk to the west of me and started writing on it. I was adding some numbers together. The woman to the northeast of me answered the man’s questions. I felt uneasy, thinking that the man might be mad at me. I wrote the numbers down on the pad, pretending that i had started the calculations before. I said something about the numbers. I thought that the man was mad at me, and i moved around, looking for a pencil. I should have done the work before. The man sat down to the west of me, asking why we were not using adding machines to do the calculations. I was upset. The man then asked about my boss at $G6. I seemed to be working here again, but this place had changed. The people whom i used to work with were no longer here. The man asked me about the boss i used to have, mentioning that he had the same name as i did. I thought about my last name, but could not think of any boss that had the same last name as me. The man then said that he was talking about Tim Allen. I did not have the same last name as he did, and i wondered if the man actually knew my name. I told him that no one named Tim worked here. I then remembered that someone else worked with me that had a similar name. I asked the man if he meant Tom Arnold, but i was not sure i had the last name correct. The woman, who was now to the south of me, said the same name. I thought that it was the name of one of the programmers here. The woman to the south of me seemed to be $A261. I then told the man that my boss was $A412, and then added that he was not a very nice man. The man then said something negative about $A412, implying that he had done something bad and got fired. I did not respond, but felt that $A412 deserved to be fired because he was not a good worker.

12014 February 09

We walked through the hallways of the large building, which seemed like part of a college. We headed to the north, and the hall opened up to the west, with desks and wooden counters. People were sitting behind the counters. They reminded me of the administrative offices of my college. I thought that this might be an admissions office, where a student would sign up for classes. $K5 was walking with me and a small group of people. I looked at the people behind the desk as i walked to the north. I felt interested in being here, and i wanted to take classes again, but i felt that i might be too old. I said something about the classes as we walked. Short wooden walls separated the workers behind the counter. We passed one of the walls, and i saw two older men standing in the last desk on the northern side of the room. The man on the southern side of the book stood up, saying something to the other man. They looked like stereotypes of professors, and the counter in front of them was covered with stacks of papers and books. The man made a funny comment, and i realized that he was speaking Deutsch. I passed them, and commented to $K5 that Deutsch was a nice language. I wondered if i could take it, but then i thought that it did not really have anything to do with what i wanted to study. We passed through the door on the northern end of the room. We were then walking to the east, and i was looking at the people behind the counter to the north. I noticed the man on the eastern-most counter of the room. He was muscular and wore a tight-fitting light-gray T-shirt. I thought that he must be a physical-education teacher. I stopped to watch the people at the counter talk to him. $K5 came into the room from the west, and i motioned to the man, hinting that she would find him attractive. Another muscular man moved behind the counter and started talking with the people in the room. They started telling us that we could go to the gym class. $K5 and the others wanted to go to a class that was to the north, but i was not interested. The others wanted to go downstairs for their classes. I felt uneasy about this. I wanted to head to the south, but the man was trying hard to convince us of what we should do. I felt unsure about what i should do. The man told us that we should go down to the lower level to play darts. This did not seem like a good thing to do for a gym class, but i walked to the southern side of the room, where a square hole in the floor led down to the lower level. I climbed down the ladder against the southern wall and looked to the north in the room below. The room was dingy, with stone walls and a dirty cement floor. The others headed to the north, but i did not trust this place. I felt that the others were trying to trap us here. $K5 and the others had headed to the other room, but the others were convinced to come here for gym class. I felt nervous. As the others walked toward the northern wall, i hurried back toward the ladder. I did not want to get locked into this dungeon for a long time. I thought that the others would pull up the ladder and leave us here, so i had to get out. I came up on the porch, which was to the south of the building. The dull-yellow paint on the porch was old and chipping. The walls of the porch seemed to be covered with thin vertical boards. I was standing on a platform to the south of the porch, and a thin plank connected the platform to the main part of the porch, which was set into the main part of the building. I carefully climbed across the plank and onto the porch. I then headed through the building, heading to the north. I wanted to find the others, so i thought that i would have to cross to the north and then head west into the other part of the building. I found myself walking along the eastern side of the building down an alley. I turned to the west and headed down a hallway, finding myself in a very large room with arched ceiling. The walls were off white, and the long vertical trim features of the room seemed to be made of stone. I came into an area of the room that seemed to be under a balcony. A stone column blocked my view of the western part of the room as i left the hallway, but i moved a little to the north, and i could see the people sitting in the room. This place seemed very stereotypical of an old college. Stairs seemed to ascend near the column near me, and a wooden bench was on the eastern side of the column. Some people were sitting on it. I looked across the tall room to the west, noticing a woman with long brown hair sitting on a bench against the western wall. I moved around the room, wondering where $K5 had gone. I had wandered to the western side of the room and was heading to the south. I looked to the east. I could now see the wooden balcony that ran across the eastern wall. An arched doorway was in the southern end of the eastern wall, and a second was at the northern end of the balcony. A long set of wooden stairs ascended from the middle of the room to the northern door. The stairs seemed to have a landing in the middle of it. I noticed several people rushing across the balcony, entering the southern door. I heard a noise as the people opened the door, and i wondered if an alarm was going off. I felt curious, thinking that something was wrong. The people seemed panicked, so i thought that something was wrong in the building. I moved to the south, thinking that we would have to get out of the building. I headed back toward the long hallway on the southern side of the room. Several other people in the large room seemed to be moving to the east as if hurrying to get out of the building. I started down the hallway to the west, wondering why the alarms were not sounding in the entire building. Maybe the problem was isolated to part of the building. The red lights on the ceiling then started to flash and i could hear a nasal sound of an alarm. The southern wall of the corridor had arched doorways along the entire length, and the doors suddenly swinged open. I headed to the south, leaving the building and coming onto the grass lawn. A tall wooden fence ran across the narrow strip of lawn, separating the lawn from the sidewalk and street beyond. I quickly crossed the fence and headed to the east. I thought that i had to get out of the area. I came to an intersection, where a north-to-south street met the one i was on. I could hear the sound of sirens coming. I thought that the police would be coming to the area. I wandered around on the western side of the street, wondering what i should do. I did not want to be in the area when the police arrived. I wondered if i should head back to the car. The car seemed to be to the west of me, somewhere on the other side of the building. I felt worried about the police coming, and i felt that i should get out of the area quickly. I started floating over the sidewalk. It was dark out, and i concentrated on floating to the southeast. I had to cross the intersection to get back to the other street. I thought that i would have to get back to the car, which seemed to be on the eastern side of the block. The large building that i had been in was on the southwestern corner of the block. I started heading back to the east down the street. The police were standing on the northern sidewalk, talking to a woman who had just come out of the building. I tried not to look at them as i passed. I hurried to the east. I turned to the northeast on the eastern side of the building and crossed the parking lot between the large college building and the small wooden garage. I turned west on the northern side of the garage. I started heading down the long alley, which had a tall chain-link fence on the southern side and a wooden wall on the north. As i moved, i focused on the snow on the ground. A patch of snow ahead of me seemed oddly colored. It also had a strange pattern. I thought that it looked very nice, and i wanted to take a picture of it. I quickly took out my cell phone and tried to get a picture of the spot of snow, which seemed to have hues of blues and greens on it. When i looked back at the snow, i noticed that a car was buried under the snow where i had been looking. I had not realized that the pattern had anything to do with the snow. I then noticed that several cars were under the snow. Only the roofs were showing. The snow was covering the roofs of the cars. The cars must have been buried during the flood. I looked to the southeast, noticing the large parking lot to the south of the buried cars. The lot was part of a car dealership. The cars must have been buried as part of the flood that happened. Several people were standing among the cars in the lot. I then noticed that people were in the submerged cars. They smiled out the windows at me as i stood to the west of the puddle in the snowy ground. I wanted to take the photo, but it no longer looked as nice as it had when i originally saw it. Frustrated, i just wanted to cross the wet are to get to the street to the west so that i could get to the car. I paced for a moment, wondering how i could cross the area without getting my feet wet. I realized that i could just fly over the water. I started to float. The snow under me had a nice pattern again. It was blue in hue. I flew to the eastern side of the alley and landed on the ground just before the end of the alley. A crowd of people were standing on the sidewalk at the end of the alley. They seemed to be watching the submerged cars behind me. I had to move into the crowd. The building to the south of me now seemed to be a large school, and the crowd also seemed to be concerned about the event happening near the school. I started to talk to someone about the dungeon of the college building. I mentioned how something had happened. I then described how the heavy iron beam had fallen through the roof of the building and crashed on the porch where i had been. I imagined the beam impaling the eastern end of the porch, and i tried to describe it to the others. My parents then walked past me, heading east to the north of me.

12014 February 11

I hurried along the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. As i approached the intersection, i realized that the bus was to the east of me. I could hear it accelerate from the last intersection. I thought that it would be stopping at the intersection one block ahead of me, so i started jogging faster to get to the stop ahead of the bus. As i reached the next intersection, however, i could hear the bus turning to the north behind me. I felt disappointed, realizing that i had gone too far. I was surprised, but i realized that i must have gone beyond the bus stop. I looked to the north down the short street that i was now on. The street ended only a little way to the north, and i realized that i was now on the wrong street for the bus route. The land to the north of me seemed to slope down a long steep hill toward the center of the small city. The main road must have been the next road to the east of me. It ran all the way down the hill. I was on a hill that did not run that far. I then felt more upset, realizing that i had missed the bus, and i would now have to walk down the long hill. It seemed like quite a distance, and did not want to have to walk.

12014 February 12

I walked to the east, down the narrow road that ran between the large old houses. I seemed to be to the north of $P52, and these houses seemed to be fraternities or sororities. I remembered this place, though i could not quite recognize it. As i walked, i realized that my pants did not feel quite so comfortable. I tried to adjust them. I was wearing jogging shorts, and i tried pulling down on the right side of the shorts. Several people were walking on the sidewalks between the building. I started jogging, thinking that i did not want to stay in this area. I realized i was wearing my red high-school shorts, which were very short. They were not that comfortable, and i tried to adjust them so that they were not bunching up between my legs. I remembered this road from a long time ago, and i thought that i really wanted to head back to the northwest. I remembered that another road ran to the north of this one. I was not sure that it really existed, though. I tried to remember it. I thought that i could jog to the east on this one and then turn to the north, just before i reached $P73. I started to feel aware of the people near me. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that they would think me out of place here. I tugged at the bottom of my shorts as i past an oriental woman with shoulder-length black hair. She frowned at me as i passed. I was uncomfortable here, and i thought that i should hurry through the area. I passed the large fraternity house, which was on the southern side of the road. The tall brick buildings to the east of me seemed to be part of the college dormitories. I turned to the north, aware now of a car very close to me, coming from the west. The car followed me closely, and i thought that they were trying to threaten me. I pretended that i did not notice them. I moved to the eastern side of the road and continued jogging. I was aware of the car slowly driving on the road to the west of me. I worried about what they might do. The road then widened into a rounded pull-off near me. The land to the east seemed to be an open park with a semicircular pattern of cobblestones on the ground. I followed the curb as it moved to the east around the pull-off, but the car drove straight into the curb toward me, heading into the park. They were trying to run me over. I started to feel angry with them and thought that i should break a window on their car if they came to close. This did not seem like a good idea, but i wanted to do it. I imagined that they would follow me as i headed to the north and curved back to the west. I thought about the area to the north of me, which seemed to be $P17. I thought that i could run through the playground of the elementary school in the area. They would not be able to follow, so i might be able to lose them over the school grounds. I thought about this, imagining what i should do. I was then in the shower, cleaning up. The other man was harassing me. I ignored him and tried to finish my shower. I thought that he would make life difficult for me, though. I turned to the southern wall of the room, where the shower head was. The man moved to the north of me. I then realized that my blue towel was on the floor to the northwest. The man must have put it there. I was annoyed, but thought that there was not much that i could do. I tried to ignore them an as he taunted me from the northeast. I picked up the small white bar of soap from the tray that was on the southern wall of the large shower room. The walls of the room were covered with white tile. I looked at the small bar of white soap, thinking that it was not the bar of soap that i had been using previously. The man must have switched the soap on me. I wondered if this bar had something on it. I tried not to notice, thinking that i could just wash the filth off of the soap. I then realized that i was still wearing a headband. I pulled the headband off and rubbed my head. I could see part of my scalp now. I had short black hair, and white soap was still in my hair. The headband had been covering the suds in my hair so that the water did not rinse it off. I dropped the headband on the floor and tried to rinse the soap out of my hair. The man was still waiting to the north of me.

I walked into the small office. The room was rectangular, and a large table was in the center of the room. I had come here for an interview. My grandmother and mother were sitting on the northern side of the table. I felt uncomfortable here and walked to the east. I had to do something in the office, and i did not want my relatives here. I then realized that i was here a day early. I was supposed to have an interview for this job, but it would not be until tomorrow. I wondered what i should do. I moved around the office, aware that my grandmother was preparing something to the west of me now.

12014 February 14

I was standing on the southern side of the street when i noticed the long thin black line from the telephone pole drop to the ground on the northern side of the street. A man was standing on the northern side of the street, and i pointed it out to him as i crossed the street. We had been doing something, and the string had something to do with it. I picked up part of the string, which was really magnetic ribbon. I told the man about it. He was to the east of me on the sidewalk, but he was doing something in front of the house and did not seem that interested in the ribbon. I picket up the ribbon, realizing that the wing was blowing it to the west as i lifted it. I thought i could just pick it up and toss it into the air. The wind would carry it away, and no one would know that it fell from the wooden utility pole. I lifted the ribbon, watching the end catch the wind and float away to the west. I wondered what could be recorded on the magnetic tape.

12014 February 16

I walked to the north, into the smaller room that was off of the large main room. The large room to the south seemed to be part of a grocery store, and the rectangular room that i entered into was plain, with a white floor. The plain white walls had no decorations on them, but a few service windows seemed to be in the western end of the northern wall and on the northern end of the western wall. The room was connected to the main room by a large opening in the western end of the southern wall. Several people were now standing on the western side of the smaller room. I looked at two of them as i passed, turning to the northeast. I realized that the two men were twins. They laughed with each other as they talked quietly, leaning toward each other as they leaned against the wall to the west. They had sandy wavy hair and awkward faces. I realized that the man on the south had a bruise under his right eye. I thought that the two twins must spar with each other for fun. I felt interested in them because of this. I did not want to stare at them, so i looked at some of the other people standing near the walls. I noticed that a tall thin man with short fuzzy blond hair was standing just to the south of a metal bread rack, to the north of the twins. He had a bag of hot-dog rolls under his right arm. The plastic bag had a red label on it. I recognized the man, and thought that i had seen his twin here as well. All of the people gathering here must have twins. I started walking back to the south, and i glanced at the twins who were bruised. I was interested in talking to them, but i did not say anything.

12014 February 17

I moved around on the southern side of the room. The others were doing something to the east of me. I seemed to be in the entryway of a building, and i was gathering things from the floor to the west of me. On the other side of a glass wall, some of the others were doing something in the large room that was on the bottom floor of the building. A small animal came running toward us from the north, heading down the eastern wall of the room. I felt irritated by the creature, thinking that it had bothered us before. It ran around on the ground near us, and one of the women said that it looked cute. I knew that i t was friendly, but i felt annoyed by it, and i wanted it to go away. The bear cub jogged around us for a moment as i gathered more things from the floor. Someone was sweeping the room near me. I looked down at the dirt on the floor to the east of me. The people did not seem to be making much progress in cleaning the room. The room was now very long and narrow. I walked to the eastern end of it, where the others were sweeping. They were using sweep brooms, and were creating a lot of dust as they sweeped. This was not efficient, and i was annoyed. I turned to the west, asking where the push brooms were. I noticed a woman with a small blue push broom to the east of me. She ran the broom over the floor, but did not seem to affect any of the dust on the floor. We had to find a larger broom. I headed to the west. A person on the southern end of the room then commented that the people to the east were now sweeping properly. I saw a larger push broom leaning against the western wall of the room. I grabbed it and started sweeping the floor from the western side of the room. As i came back to the eastern end, the small bear ran from the north toward us again. It circled me as it jogged around the entryway of the building. I did not want to deal with it, but it seemed happy to be near us. The other person said that it was nice and seemed to want to take it with us. This did not seem like a good idea to me. I looked down at the bear, which had flopped onto its right side to the north of me, facing west. Its long brown hair seemed oddly matted. It sat up and looked at me, so i crouched down and pet it. It had a long snout, and i thought that it must be a black bear, because a grisly bear would have a much shorter snout. I turned my attention back to the west and started cleaning up again. The others had left through the glass door in the eastern end of the southern wall. They were heading to the east on the northern sidewalk of the city street. I started moving to the west again, pushing the mop over the floor. Some people were sitting in chairs on the southern side of the room. I was performing for them in some way. I moved the mop in large circles as i crossed the floor, heading west. I was specifically aware of a man sitting on one of the chairs, apart from the other few. I seemed to know him, and i felt a little nervous about having him watch me. I mopped the floor, pretending to have a hard time moving the mop over the surface. I pretended that my feet were slipping as i tried to push the mop to the west. I then thought that this might make me look weak to the crowd, which would not be a good thing. I had to make the scene funny, though. I continued to the west until i reached the western wall. I then turned to the north a little.

12014 February 18

I turned to the south, ducking as i jogged through the branches of the trees. I was following the other person through the forested area. I let the dog trot along to the southwest of me. He was on a leash, and he seemed to be $X3. As i moved, i seemed to be heading down a narrow corridor with trees growing in it. The leafless lower branches seemed like pine branches. The man ahead of me seemed to be $A664. We reached the end of the corridor, and $A664 opened the door at the end. I hurried with $X3 toward the door. As i reached the door, however, $A664 seemed to be leading $X3 out the door. I reached the door and walked to the west, through it. I could see the pavement of the city area outside. I wondered where the tunnel had come out. As i exited, i looked around. This place seemed familiar. I seemed to be on a paved terrace that was just to the south of a street. The terrace looked out over what seemed to be a river. I remembered this place. We had been here earlier. The land sloped up to the south of me, and it was covered with small houses. I wondered why we had come back in this direction. I thought that we would have continued forward. I considered where we had to go, thought, as i looked across the hill to the southeast. I decided that this was actually closer to where we wanted to go than i had thought. I turned my attention back to the southeast, where the others had gone. I could not see them. I stepped a little to the south so that i could see around the small cement building, out of which i had just come. The paved path that ran to the south of the small building split just to the west of the building. Part of it curved to the northwest, heading up toward the road. The other part sloped down toward the beach that ran along the northern shore of the river. I turned to the east, hoping to see $A664, but i could not see him jogging on the path. I wondered suddenly where he had gone. I turned to the west and looked down the path that ran to the beach. I still could not see him. I then spotted someone jogging down the hill, just appearing from around a column. I stood up on my toes a little to see if i could spot $X3 jogging with him. The man seemed to be alone, so i was not sure that it was $A664. I felt anxious, wondering where i was supposed to go. I looked to the east again to see if i could see them on the path in the other direction, but i could not. I decided that i should head to the southwest, though, because that seemed to be the direction in which i should be heading. I started on the upper path, but decided that i should be on the lower path. The paths were still fairly close together, and a row of short wooden columns separated the two. I stepped onto the darkened top of the columns and jumped over. As i floated through the air, i noticed that a small paved area was between the two paths now. Some people were playing basketball on the area. They looked up at me as i floated to the southwest. I landed on a playground object and hopped again toward the path. I realized that i was floating in the air and that the men were watching me. I maneuvered in the air, making my descent look like a dance. I thought that it might impress the viewers.

12014 February 21

I was sitting in the small room of the apartment. The room seemed more like a lobby on the ground floor of an apartment building, but it also seemed like an apartment that i was staying in. Couches were arranged in a circle around a wooden coffee table, and light was coming into the room from large windows in the northern end of the western wall. The large windows seemed to be in a smaller room that was just off the room i was in, and they seemed to be near the entrance to the building. I moved around the western couch, listening to the music that was playing. The music was a Paul McCartney song. It was an old album that i remembered playing when i was in college. I thought that i must be playing the album on a cassette tape, and i looked to the north to see a black tape player sitting on the cushions of the couch, facing me. I had not really liked the album at the time, but something about it sounded very familiar now. I was listening to the first song, and i liked it. It was very indicative of pop music from the eighties. I thought that the song was really from the late eighties, and i picture an orange and blue album cover. I thought that it was not that interesting an album at the time, but one of the songs was now more popular. I thought that i must have liked hard rock in the late eighties, so i was not as interested in the pop songs on this album. I then thought about the popular single from this album. I could hear it in my head. It sounded like “My Brave Face”, but it seemed to be from an older album, like Press to Play. Other people were now in the room near me. Several young students came in and sat down on the couches around the table. I moved to the southern end of the couch on the eastern side of the room. I started packing some of my things into my bag. A woman sat on the chair to the south of the coffee table. She started singing to the music that was playing. She said that she liked the music. She leaned back into the cushioned chair, putting her right foot up on the edge of the coffee table. The other students, who were now sitting around the table, also commented on the music. The man with the chin-length blond hair to the west asked if anyone remembered a singer. He mentioned the singer’s name, followed by “and the Manta Rays”. The name was familiar to me, but he seemed to be talking about a modern band, and i was thinking of a band from a while ago. I told the man that i remembered the Manta Rays, but then added that they were probably not the band that he was talking about. He leaned back with both arms over the top of the couch. I asked him if he was referring to the eighties band. He said that the band he was talking about was thrash reggae. I told the man that i remembered a band from the eighties that was called The Manta Rays. The man pulled his head back in surprise, and i realized that he must think that i am fairly old to remember the eighties. I told the man that i actually remembered the band from the nineties, but that i thought that the band was from the eighties. It seemed strange that the man would be concerned about my age, but then i remembered that i am staying in a college area. I scratched my forehead as i turned my attention back to packing my things. I realized that my long hair had fallen forward over my face. I then remembered that i had shaved my hair short, so i should not have long hair as i did when i was in college. This was strange. I decided to pack my things and leave.

12014 February 22

I headed to the east, down the length of the narrow room. The others were standing near the eastern end, in the center of the room. I moved along the southern wall. $A623 was talking to the others in the room, and she seemed stressed about something. I was not very interested in what was happening here, and i wanted to leave. I started to walk back to the west, along the shelf on the southern wall. The center of the room now seemed recessed by about a meter, and it seemed to be filled with water. The room also seemed to be an outdoor plaza, squeezed between two buildings on the north and south. I exited the western end of the plaza and came into the parking lot. I had to be careful because the ground felt slippery. I stepped carefully over it, realizing that a thin layer of ice had formed on the ground. I would have to be careful. I then thought that the cars would also slide on the ice. I moved to the cars that were parked facing the northern edge of the parking lot. The lot sloped down hill a little to the west, and i realized that my car had shifted position. The back end, which faced south, was turned so that it partially blocked the car next to it. I felt annoyed, thinking that it had slipped on the ice and slided down the hill. I grabbed the back end of the car and tried to maneuver it out of the parking space. The car did not turn easily, and the front end slipped to the west, touching the black SUV that was parked next to me. I struggled with my car, trying to pull it from the parking space and get it into the middle of the lot. I was aware of someone watching me from the northeast. I rubbed the front left bumper of my car, which had touched the truck. I wanted to make sure that no damage had been done. I did not want my car to get any more scratched than it already was. I finally got my car free and started driving it to the east, toward the eastern end of the lot. A driveway headed out to the main road from the eastern end of the southern side of the lot. I had to be careful because i knew that the ground was slippery. I concentrated on controlling the car as i turned to the south on the eastern side of the lot. The person to the north was still watching me. This person seemed to be someone i knew. I could feel the car slide a little to the east as it made the corner, but i felt confident that i knew how to drive on the icy ground and could control it. The car finished the turn and started to the south. I then realized that i could not get the car to stop. I was sliding into the intersection of the main road. I felt panicked. I had a red light, but i was moving too fast to come to a complete stop. I skidded into the middle of the intersection. I could see a tractor trailer standing on the western side of the intersection, waiting to move. It had not gone ahead because it must have seen me approaching. When i was halfway through the intersection, i decided that i could no nothing to stop the car, so i tried to accelerate across the intersection to get out of the way of the other cars. I drove down the side street to the south. I then hoped that i would not get arrested for crossing on a red light.

I looked at the bandanas on the table to the south of me. The dining room table was in the center of the small room, and three or four bandanas were arranged on it. All were folded in triangles to be tied around a head, and one of them was already knotted in a loop. I would have to put one on, but i had something that i had to do first. I seemed to be in $P19, and the others were gathering to the west. I had to go to my room to get something, so i headed to the northeast. I seemed to be on an upper floor of the house as i did something. I would have to go back downstairs to see the alumni. I felt a little uncomfortable here. I realized that i was not wearing a bandana on my head, and i thought that i would have to put one on. I looked at the old red one that was in my hand, but i did not really want to wear it. It was not right. I would have to wear one of the blue ones that were on the table. The table was on the second floor, though, on the southern side of the house. I would have to go down stairs to get it. I felt awkward. I did not want anyone to see me until i was fully dressed, but i did not have a bandana. I would have to wear the old red one until i could get to the table. I headed to the south, on the western side of the building. I knew that a set of stairs descended from an open hallway to the south of me. The stairs seemed to descend to the west from the eastern side of the hallway, which was more like a room. I crossed to the stairs, noticing $A157 sitting on a bench just in front of the railing. The stairway was to the south of her. She smiled and watched me as i crossed the room. I seemed to be on the third floor, and the bandanas were in the dining room, on the second. I would have to get them before i descended to the first floor. I headed down the stairs, descending from the second floor to the first. I was aware of a large crowd of people sitting on the western side of the room. They were all facing east, listening to something. I would be walking down directly in front of them. I tried not to noticed them as i descended the stairs. When i neared the bottom, i jumped over the metal railing to the north of me and landed on the floor. I wondered if the alumni would impressed that i could still jump over railings. I turned to the east and headed down the hallway into the house. I felt uneasy here, not wanting the alumni to see me like this. I jumped over a table that was in the hallway, floating easily to the others side. I wondered if that looked impressive to the others. I continued down the hallway, thinking that i could go into one of the small rooms where the alcohol was stored. I stopped in the middle of the hallway, turning to the north and opening the bare wooden door. I entered the small cement room. A table was set up in the middle of the room, and two people were at the table, playing poker. One was on the northern side and one on the southern side. I felt a little uneasy here. I looked around the room. The people playing cards were drinking beer. I had not expected people to be playing cards in the bar room. I decided that this must be the beer room, and i wondered where the other alcohol was fro the bar. I stepped back out into the hallway. A woman walked past me from the west. She looked at the door that i had just come from and then continued down the hall. I knew that she was looking for the women’s bathroom. I looked down the hall to the east as she passed. I knew that the bathroom was through the doorway on the northern side of the end of the hallway. The woman walked into the room and disappeared. I then noticed a sign on the southern wall pointing to the bathroom. It suggested that it was a women’s room. They used this bathroom fro guests of the house. I turned to the south, where another doorway was in the southern wall. This was the other alcohol room. A set of crepe paper drapes hung over the doorway. The drapes were yellow, green, and red. I tried to push through them, but realized that clear plastic tape had been stretched across the doorway just behind the drapes. The drapes had actually been woven into the tape. I could hear people on the other side of the drapes. I said something, and the person asked me what i wanted. I asked if the room was sealed off for the entire event. The man said that it was. I told him that i was just checking in case anyone asked about it.

12014 February 23

I looked across the green grassy hill, which sloped steeply down to the west and north. The rounded hill was part of a hilly landscape. The rising hill to the northwest had trees on the top. I was on the grounds of $P7, and i turned to the east and entered the building. The building seemed newly remodeled, with a white wall on the southern side of the new hallway. The hallway stretched to the east, into the building. I turned to the north and opened the door to one of the room. I had been thinking about another room, and i wanted to hear the windy sound that i remembered. The sound seemed desolate and abandoned. I stood for a moment in the doorway, listening. I could not hear anything. This room was too new. I remembered the abandoned room on the southern side of the hallway, and i thought that i would have to go into that room if i wanted to hear that sound again. I closed the door and headed to the southern side of the hall. The hallway had been redesigned, thought. A thin white wall now ran down the center of the hallway, creating two halls that ran parallel to each other. The passageway on the south was narrow: only a few meters wide. I looked down it, seeing several doors on the southern side. I then looked down the main hall, seeing the pristine white wall on the south with portraits hanging on it. The old abandoned classroom was on the western end of the hallway, through the southern wall. I stepped into the narrow hallway and looked at the wall to the south of me. Someone opened a door just to the southeast and stepped out. He looked around the edge of the door to the east before stepping out into the hall and heading east. The old wooden door had frosted glass in the upper half, and it opened to the east. I looked at the bare wall to the south of me. I could not see a doorway where the classroom had been. I thought that they must have renovated the classroom and made it into a modern room, but i did not see where it was. Uneven seams in the wall marked something, but i could not tell if it was an old doorway. I then remembered that the stairs to the bell tower should be on the western end of the hall. I looked at the short wall to the west of me, but it was blank as well. Before i turned away, thought, i thought that i could see the outline of an old metal hatch in the wall. That must be the way to the bell-tower stairs. They would be dusty and old, but it was not the classroom that i was looking for. I headed down the main hallway to the east.

12014 February 24

It as dark out, and we were driving to the northwest, across the flat rural landscape. The fields around us seemed to be filled with dry crops. I was sitting on the left side of the car, in the front seat. My father was driving from the right side of the car. I had been speaking to him, but i leaned forward to look at something in the sky in front of us. A thin yellow line ran down from the dark clouds in the dark sky, stretching to the southeast. It looked like a thin ray of light, but it faded suddenly. I told my father that it might have been a meteorite. I then noticed several other streaks at different parts of the sky. I told my father that meteorite were falling from the sky. I felt a little tense, thinking that this was an important event. I then heard the sound of things hitting the ground around us. My father stopped the car. I worried that some of the small rocks might crash through the windshield of the car. Many fine streaks appeared across the sky to the northeast of us. Meteorites were falling all over the land. They seemed like small pebbles, less than half a centimeter wide, but i knew that they would be dangerous if they were falling from space. I stepped out of the car to look at the sky. A rock hit the pavement just to the north of the car. I told my father about it, and walked over to look at the crater. The impact hole was a small charred crater in the road. The hole was only a few centimeters across, but the black pavement around it was charred in a wide radial pattern. I was interested in collecting the piece of the meteorite. I bent over and felt the hole, telling my father that it was warm. I tried to find the piece of meteorite that hit the ground, but i knew that it would be very small. I could not find it in the hole, and i thought that it might be buried too deep for me to easily reach. I felt rushed, thinking i had to leave soon, so i would not have time to find the meteorite rock. I knew that the authorities would not let us have these special rocks, but i wanted to get a piece before they found out.

I moved around on the southern side of the room. My father’s mother and my grandfather were siting on the couch, which was just to the north of me. The couch was facing to the north, into the center of the room, and my father’s mother was sitting on the eastern end of the couch. She had been dead, but she had come back again. She had come back from the dead several times before, so it did not seem that unusual. I moved around, trying to do something. We had to get back to the hotels, so i started traveling north with the others. We were on a bus, moving along the eastern shore of a small lake. I thought about the small hotels on the eastern side of the road. My grandfather was staying in the hotel that we were just passing. It was a small white wood building, and it seemed like an old resort. I realized that i was not actually staying with him. I had come to this place with him, but i would be staying at a hotel farther to the north. His hotel seemed to be in the middle of the lake, which seemed to be one of the Finger Lakes. I stood outside the small red building that seemed to be my hotel. I felt upset that i had to be here. I was supposed to be on this trip with my grandfather, but he was at the other hotel. I pictured mine from the air, thinking that it was at the very northern end of the lake. I turned to south and started walking down the road. Green full trees grew on both sides of the road, and the sun was shining, making everything look very nice. I felt annoyed that i would have to walk such a distance to my grandfather’s hotel. It seemed like such a long distance away. I was tense as i walked, looking at the lake through the trees to the south of me. I was then at the white hotel where my grandfather was. I did not remember the journey, but i was glad that it did not seem that long. I moved to the north, into the main lobby of the hotel, where many people were gathered. I had come here for some event, and some of $G4 were in the lobby with me. They started leaving the building, heading to the east. I started after them, but realized that some of the people on the western side of the lobby were not coming with us. They were part of a different group that was staying here at the hotel. I looked at a woman, who was standing among the others, and i realized that she was dressed for a run. I wondered if this other group was part of a different chapter of $G4. They might be heading off for a different run. I walked over to the woman and asked her if she was from $G4. She seemed to know who $G4 were, but she said that she was not part of them.

12014 February 26

I moved around on the ice in the large rink. I was doing some kind of dancing, and i was enjoying the movements that i was doing. I thought that they were rather tricky, and i thought that they must look very good to anyone watching. I was then aware of someone watching me from the west or southwest side of the rink. I tried not to notice him or her as i continued to spin around in the room. I focused on the motion. I then woke up in the large bed, which seemed to be in the middle of the large white room. The room was very much like the rink, but ice no longer seemed to cover the floor. I felt refreshed, as though i had sleeped very well. I turned to the south to see a dark-skinned man leaning against the southern wall of the room. He stood with a slouch, and he was wearing pale clothing. He stared at me, and he started to talk about the holes in fingers. He said that it was impossible to have holes in fingers. I knew that he was actually talking about an erection. I sat up in the bed, facing east. I could hear the man talking as i looked down at my hands. Two small holes flanked each knuckle of my hand. the holes were on the top sides of the knuckles, but to the outsides. They had raised skin around the rims of the holes, looking like open pores. The man said that the holes were really a myth and that they could not exist. I did not understand why he was saying that. I could clearly see the holes in my fingers, so i knew that they existed. This situation seemed somewhat comical, but i knew that the man was serious, and, in some way, he felt threatening. I then realized that i had woken up with an erection. I looked down into my lap to see by erect penis. It looked thicker than normal, and it seemed very strange.

I was in the room to the north with the group, but i had moved into the elevator. A man and a woman had entered the elevator with me. The people then got out of the elevator to the southeast of me. I remembered that i had slipped into the elevator just as the doors were closing behind the people. The elevator started to descend. I thought that it would be heading to the first floor, but it seemed to be going down too far. I had only been on the second or third floor, and the elevator was descending too far to stop at the first floor. I felt a little annoyed and tried to find the buttons to stop the elevator before it went too far. I looked at the pale green wall to the southeast of me. The metal door was closed over the front of the elevator, and the walls to the left and right were both blank. The elevator had no buttons. I felt more annoyed, thinking that i would have to travel all the way back up from the lower floor to get to the first floor. The door opened to the southeast of me, and i looked out into a white corridor, which ran to the east. This was not the first floor. I simply waited for the elevator to close again. The metal doors slid closed again, but i realized that they did not look the same as they had before. I put my hand on them, trying to get them open again, but the elevator started moving upward. I then realized that the white door had gray letters across it. They stated that the door was not closed. I realized that this white door was the door to the floor that we had stopped at. The door to the elevator car had not actually closed yet. I quickly withdrew my hands from the elevator doors. Just as i did, the cement beam across the top of the door passed the car. I felt suddenly nervous that i could have crush my hand between the elevator and the passing beam. The interior doors of the elevator then slided shut in front of me. I backed into the car, waiting for the elevator to stop. The elevator stopped after a few moments, and i realized that it was probably on the first floor of the building. I waited for a moment, but the door did not reopen. I realized that i had slipped into the elevator as the others were getting out, so the electronics of the elevator might not know that i am in the elevator cart. It had stopped at the first floor and was now waiting for someone to use it from the outside. I started to feel frustrated. I would not be able to open the doors from the inside, and i wondered what i should do.

12014 February 27

I headed to the north, leaving the building. The others had already started jogging to the west, following the sidewalk on the southern side of the driveway. I started jogging after them. I was jogging with a group of five people, and we seemed to be together so that we could jog in groups. I followed them to the west, thinking that this run was part of a class. I felt that i had been doing something important in the building, but i had then been standing around on the grass to the north of the building. The large building seemed like a college building, and the wide grassy lawns around it were well manicured. Small trees grew in the lawn near me as i jogged along the south of the narrow road. I rounded a wide corner with the road and started heading to the south. This place seemed like $P73. I thought that we were heading back to the central part of campus. The road curved to the south a little before turning back to the southwest. I had started running faster, because i knew that we were near the end of our run. I realized that i was leaving part of my running group behind. I was running faster that they were, and i was starting to catch up with some of the other groups. I felt that we should maintain our running groups, but then i thought that it really did not matter because we were almost at the end of our run. I was jogging on the grass now, to the south of the road. The road ahead again curved to the south before heading back to the west. I headed across the lawn, toward the spot where the road curved back to the west. The other joggers had stayed on the road, but i could not quite see them because the bushy crows of the small rounded trees spotted the grassy lawn around me. I suddenly realized that i was cutting across the grass, which would be a shortcut. I could see the road ahead of me, but i could not see the others jogging on the road. I wondered where they were. I would be passing them, and i thought that i would actually be coming out in front of them. I reached the road to the west of me. The road to the west actually opened up into a parking lot. The long narrow lot ran to the west, between two large brick buildings, which seemed to be attached somewhere to the west. The buildings seemed like old factory buildings, but i knew that they were part of the school. I slowed to a walk. A tall metallic chain-link fence ran along the southern side of the lot. Someone was standing in a gateway in the fence. The metal door was opened to the south and west. We would have to wait here for the others to get back from the run. $A62 was standing in the gateway, doing something with the equipment to the south of him. I walked into the small caged area and started getting something. $A62 was talking to the others, who were gathering in the parking lot to the north of the pen. I picked up several of the bread-like things that were on the ground at the entrance to the pen. The baked dough was splattered on white paper and seemed like random patched of batter. I pulled a small section off of one of the loafs as i picked up the paper it was attached to and moved it into the pen. I then realized that i should not have sneaked a piece of the bread. The other runners would be hungry as well, and they would not be able to eat yet, so i should not eat in front of them. I put the bread to the west of me and started gathering some other things from the ground. Someone to the north said that something was being given away. I wondered if $A62 was giving away the small black projectors that were on the floor of the pen. I felt a little excited about this, thinking that we could get a projector. Someone seemed to have said that the giveaway was a projector. $A62 still stood near the entrance to the pen, to the east of me. He was talking to the others about something. I then noticed the projection streets that were rolled up against the fence to the north of me, just to the west of the gate. I realized that these might be the projector things that someone had mentioned. I felt a little disappointed. $A62 might be giving away projection screens rather than the projectors themselves. The screens did not seem as interesting. I thought that i should ask $A62 about the projectors, but i decided that i should not. I started gathering some of the things on the floor. They were in long narrow cardboard boxes, and i started stacking them up against the wall to the north of me as $A62 talked to the other runners. I turned back to the east to grab some more boxes. When i looked back to the north, i noticed that some of the boxes had tipped over, falling to the west. I had not heard them fall, and i was surprised that they had. I reached to pick them up, but then i noticed the golden retriever walking toward me from the west. I turned to look at the dog, realizing that it was $X18. I became annoyed that he was getting in the way, and i tried to ignore him as i moved things around in the small area. I then heard the sound of water falling onto the floor, and i knew that $X18 was urinating in the room. Annoyed, i turned to find him. He was walking to the south of me, heading west. I could see a small puddle of water just to the south of the boxes near my feet. A table leg next to me was wet from the puddle. I started to clean up the mess, thinking that $X18 must have urinated on the table leg. I bent over to start wiping up the puddle, but then i noticed that it had run to the west. The bread patties were lying on the ground, and part of them had gotten wet by the puddle. Annoyed, i lifted the main section of bread and pushed it to the north, away from the urine. I then tore part of the plastic that the bread was sitting on, trying to separate the wet section from the rest of the bread. Two people were sitting on the couch to the west of me, and they watched as i separated the bread. The couch was white with faded red patterns on it. I then noticed that someone had left some electronic equipment on the floor near the couch. It looked like a large cell phone or a small tablet computer. I asked who owned it, but no one seemed to know. I stood up again, turning back to the east. $F47 was to the northeast of me, and i told him that his dog now owned the table. He looked at me confused, not quite sure what i was saying. Someone else explained to him that his dog had urinated on the table leg. $F47 quickly crossed the room to the southwest. I still felt upset that the dog had urinated on the floor, and i hoped that the food was not spoiled by it.

12014 February 28

I was with $A14 in the small room of the building. The walls of the room seemed to be white. I knew that i had to take a test, and i thought about heading to the north, into the other part of the college campus. I seemed to be in a building on the southern side of a campus quadrangle. I moved around in the small are. The man to the north of me showed me a textbook. The cover was dark-blue at the top, and it faded to white near the bottom. A picture of eyes in black were at the top of the cover, blended in with the blue background. Large gray sans-serif letters seemed to announce the title just under the eyes. I looked over the book as the man spoke to me. Something about the book did not seem right, and i thought that it was fake. The man had invented it and was lying about its reality. I tried to ignore him. I then thought about the test that i was supposed to be taking. I did not really want to go to the north to take it, but i felt that i had to. Something seemed wrong. I was not comfortable taking the test. I started to feel upset and confused. I should be taking the test, but i did not feel that i could. I wondered what i should do now. I started to pace, again thinking about the book that the man had handed me.