12015 February 06

I moved cautiously toward the window in the northern wall. The woman was to the southwest of me, and i told her that a bear was outside. I had seen the bear to the northwest of the house. It was a large brown bear, the size of a grizzly bear, and it was standing among the thin trees of the forested area. It was facing the house, and i worried that it might come near if we made any noised. I approached the old wooden multipane window. The paint had chipped off of the window, leaving the fading wood exposed. When i reached the window, i looked to the northwest, into the forested area. The tall thin trees had no leafs or branches on the lower parts of their thin trunks, and everything seemed reddish tan. I then realized that the large bear was actually right under the window, on the wooden deck of the house. The deck was in the corner of the two sections of the house, and the large bear was sniffing at the back door of the house, which was in the southern end of the eastern wall. The bear seemed very large, about the body length of a horse. It had two bare spots along its back where the thick brown fur was thin. I suddenly felt scared, thinking that the bear would get into the house. We were on the second floor, looking down at the bear. It would take a while for the bear to figure out how to get up to the second floor, but i knew that it eventually would if it got into the house. I ran to the west, telling the woman that we had to escape. The wooden door in the eastern end of the northern wall of the room was locked, but i knew that it would only delay the bear. I did not know where to go. We ran out onto the roof of the house, heading to the west.

12015 February 08

I was in the small hotel room. I had come to this place on a class trip. I stood on the northern end of the room, facing south. A twin bed was against the southern end of the eastern wall. The gray wool blanket was pulled over it. $A618 was supposed to be in the bed, but he was not there. I felt worried about him. I told the other person that he was missing. We should go to get him. I turned to the west and crossed the hallway, coming into the large empty cafeteria. The lights were dim, and it seemed to be early in the morning. N one was around. I thought about this trip, thinking that we had been here for almost a week. The ocean seemed to be to the south of us. I suddenly realized that i had not been to the beach yet. I felt distressed, thinking that i had wasted some of my time here. I was here for classes, but i had not taken time to enjoy myself. I crossed the cafeteria and headed to the southwest. I had left the hotel and was now making my way across a large open grassy field. The southern edge of the field ended in a sandy cliff that overlooked the ocean and beach to the south. The area over the ocean still seemed hazy and dark from the early morning. Someone crossed to the south of me, heading east. The person seemed to be on the beach, but they also seemed to be closer to me. I continued to the southwest, toward the end of the field. The western edge of the field seemed to run along a shallow gorge. A stream had carved into the tan sandy soil here. I headed for the ragged southwestern corner of the field, which jutted out to the south. A single short craggily tree stood on the narrow point. Its bark was dull gray from weather, and it seemed to have few leafs in the thin branches. It seemed very picturesque. It felt good to be here.

12015 February 09

I headed to the south, down the center of the city street. I seemed to be on a bicycle as i approached the edge of the very steep hill. The main part of town was at the bottom of the hill, and i was heading there to do something. I started heading down the hill, picking up speed as i rode the flat thing, which seemed like a wide skateboard. Several people were near me as i continued down the hills, turning to the east at the bottom of one of the hills. The skateboard i was now riding was actually made up of many small metallic objects. They looked like small silver boxed held together in a diagonal grid pattern. I thought that each box was actually a wheel. This device looked like a metal tread, but it rolled smoothly over the ground. I thought that it might be powered as well. I followed the street to the east for a short distance before i watched myself turn the vehicle to the south again, down another street, which headed steeply down hill. This place seemed familiar; it seemed to be $P14. I watched as i rode the platform down the hill. The road curved gently to the east near the bottom of the hill, but i turned off into a lot on the eastern side of the road before the turn. A small white building sat near the western side of the lot, and i driveway ran into the lot to the north of the building. This place seemed like a pub. It was familiar to me. The parking lot was on the eastern side of the pub, filling in most of the small square of the lot, which seemed to have small streets on all sides. A short grassy hill ran up from the western side of the pub to the street. I saw myself move quickly to the west, from the parking lot to the door of the pub, which was in the center of the northern wall of the building. I followed a cement path to the door. I entered the building, thinking that $G4 would be here. I came in along the western side of the small room. People were playing pool in the center of the room. I walked to the south along the western wall, looking at the backpack that i had carried into the pub. I felt that i had to do something, and i felt nervous. I headed to the south, into the small room. I would have to join the others later. I sat down on the bench that ran along the northern wall of the wood-paneled room. I opened the backpack and looked through the books inside. They seemed to be course books. I had not gotten any of my work done, and i felt bad about this.

I woke up in my bedroom and headed to the bathroom. I headed south into the hallway. As i stepped out of the bedroom door, i felt something in the hallway in front of me. I could not quite see what it was, but it felt like large plastic bags of something. I tried to turn on the lights in the hallway, but they did not work. Annoyed, i reached behind me to try to turn on the lights from my bedroom. I turned on the switch, but again nothing seemed to happen. I could see the outline of the garbage bags in the middle of the hallway. $F45 had stacked the bags up in the hallway. I felt annoyed with him. I turned off the bedroom light, but then realized that i had something over my eyes. I had been wearing a hat, and it had been pulled down over my eyes. I lifted it, thinking that the light probably had been working. I looked at the bags, thinking that $F45 had cleaned everything out of his room. I felt very annoyed with him for ding this. I headed downstairs, coming into the living room. Everything had been changed. Boxes were stacked in various places where he had separated my things from his. An old red couch was now in the center of the living room, facing east. It had been taken out of storage from downstairs. $F45 had cleaned up everything is the room. I looked through the things near the television. The DVDs had been separated. $F45 had taken all of his things out of the shelfs under the television. I looked at the small stack of DVDs that were on the upper right shelf. I had some DVDs there, but $F45 had gone through the pile, leaving the white sleeves in a mess on the shelf. I started to feel angry with $F45 for doing this. I backed away from the television, noticing the books on the shelf against the southern wall. $F45 had taken his books from the shelfs and left the others stacked. More books were on the shelf than there had been, though. He must have taken some of the books out of storage and put them on the shelf. This annoyed me. Several of the books seemed to be his. He must not have wanted to take them with him. I thought that i would have to get rid of them. I could donate them. I walked to the north, into the side room. $F45 had stored his CDs in this room, but the space against the eastern wall was now clean. I walked into the room, noticing a table in the southeastern corner. Several boxes of books had been stacked on the table. A small set of shelfs was on the top of the table, and it had many thin books on it. The books were of many pale colors, and they were all designed in the same style, with a double line running across the upper part of the spine. I pulled one out. It seemed to be a play. I then noticed the yellow post-it notes sticking out from the pages of the book. A yellow note on the cover said that $A540 had made the recommendations. The note must refer to the other tabs on the pages. They must mark passages in the play. $F45 marked them for me to read. This seemed foolish. I did not want to read the passages, some of which i thought might be Shakespeare. I looked to the west, noticing $F45 in the doorway. He was watching me look over the books. I felt very upset.

12015 February 11

I woke up suddenly as the others drove the car to the west on the road. We were in a forested landscape, and we seemed to be somewhere in the western United States. The two men driving seemed to be $A580 and $A724. The car suddenly turned to the north, and we were facing a short cement structure. The road ran under the flat structure, which looked like a bridge or low aqueduct. I had to duck as we passed under it. I looked up again and we were on the road heading down the hill. Someone described the cement structure as a landmark. It was some kind of tourist attraction. We had been waiting in line for quite a while to drive past it. I looked to the southwest, behind us. I could see the tall dark mountain that we had descended. Two brown streaks came down the face of the mountain. Someone said that we had missed the tourist area because we had come through the channel from the other side. The person talked about the tourist area, describing it as a specific location. I looked at the map, seeing the road heading along the top of the hill. It ran east to west, across the slope. I knew that the aqueduct was at the western end of the road, where the road turned suddenly to the northeast and descended the hill. I could also see a second tan line running north to south between the other two roads. This seemed to be the road that we had taken. I looked up to the south. We were now traveling up the hill, and i thought that we were heading back to the tourist center. I thought that we were heading in circles now. If we went to the tourist center, we would have to go back through the channel area. Someone pointed out the gym near us. I looked up to see the large plain building to the southwest of us. It had a sign on the top of it that indicated that it was a gym. This was where the tourists would go. A large parking lot ran around the eastern side of the building, which protruded into the parking lot in the center. The tall letters on the roof of the building were on the wing that stretched into the parking lot. On the eastern side of the parking lot, a long low modern motel stood. It seemed vacant at the moment, but i knew that it was where all of the tourists would stay when they came. This small plaza was the tourist spot. Most of the tourists would come in from the southern side. We had come in from the other direction because we had taken the other road down the hill, which was not the normal route. I then thought that the tourists might not be here because it was the off-season. I watched the letters on the roof the gym as we headed south, passing the buildings. We were heading back toward the area where the cement tunnel was. I felt a little disappointed that we had come past the gym because it meant that we would have to go through the tourist site again. We had waited in line a long time before. I had been asleep through most of it, but i knew that the line of cars waiting to go through the area was long. We started driving back and forth along the hill to the south. The road wound east to west as they slowly climbed the slope. We continued to move up the road, so i thought that the traffic was not as bad as it had been when we first came through. The land around us was covered with dense pine forests. We turned back to the east and headed up the shallow hill toward the next corner of the switchback. As we approached the corner, i could see a red car waiting to head up the next hill. We had finally reached the traffic. We started to round the corner, facing south, but had to stop to wait for the traffic. I then looked to the southeast to see the narrow dirt road heading away from the main paved road. The driver of the car i was in mentioned that it was a way to cut off some of the switchbacks. We turned up the road and started heading up the road. I thought that this could not be a shortcut or others would have taken it. I then felt that we probably should not be doing this. The dirt under the road seemed to turn into uneven gravel, as though we were heading down a footpath. A man was walking on the path ahead of us, approaching us. We were now heading south across flat ground. The man stepped off of the road to the west to let us pass. He was wearing a brown insulated jacket and a large dark winter hat. He continued looking off into the forest as we passed, not paying any attention to us. As we drove on to the southeast, i noticed a section of compact dirt to the southwest of the road. I thought that it must be the end of one of the switchbacks of the main road. We could not get to it because weeds were growing, but i thought that one of the sections must connect with the road that we were on, allowing us to get back onto the main road. We continued on for a little bit. We then came to an intersection with a main road. I was surprised to see that we had come out on a main road already. We were facing east, and the traffic on the main road was heading south. We were entering the road just a few meters to the north of an intersection. The road that we were on ended on a larger road. The light had just turned, so the car we were in pulled forward into traffic and then turned to the west onto the main road. I recognized this place. It was just before the tourist site. I was surprised that we had cut off so much of the distance so soon. We would be driving through the tourist area where the cement channels were. We stopped for a moment and then turned to the north to face the cement structure that we had gone under before. The old cement platform looked like a low wide aqueduct. Five or six small arched tunnels ran under the platform, and we were not sitting on the small seats that would take us through the tunnels. I sat on the small ride as it slowly moved toward one of the tunnels. My father was on the seat to the northeast of me, which was in the next tunnel over. The white seat seemed like a small motorcycle or plastic horse, with a rounded object in front of us. I remembered that the tunnels were low, so i ducked down so that my head was lower than the white plastic hump on the front of my seat. The ride was moving too slowly, though. I did not enter the tunnel when i thought i would. I then realized that we were crossing train tracks, and a large locomotive engine was approaching slowly from the east. I became suddenly worried that the engine would run into me. It was only four or five meters away, and i was moving so slowly to the north. I started to panic, thinking that the ride would not stop for the train. The train rolled slowly forward, but my seat moved to the north before it could reach me. I told my father that i was worried about the train. I then looked forward again, realizing that we were approaching the tunnels. I held my breath in anticipation of heading into the tunnel. I would have to duck again so that i did not hit my head on the cement ceiling. I held my breath for a moment, but the chair did not go under the tunnel. I then wondered why i would have to hold my breath in the tunnels. It seemed strange. I wondered if the tunnels were filling with water. I then wondered what we would do if we got stuck in the water.

I walked to the north, across the large dirt area between the farmhouse and the old red barn. The woman was following me from the farmhouse, which was on the southern edge of the eastern side of the dirt area, which seemed to be a parking area. I was working for the woman, and she told me that we had to pick up the white things on the ground. I looked ahead of me, noticing all of the small patches of white on the grass. I turned to the southeast to look at the woman as she told me this. She bent over to pick up one of the white piles. I thought that the white stuff was actually bird dung. I felt disinterested in picking up the bird dung, but it was my job, so i would have to do it. I bent over to pick up some of the pile with the cloth that i was carrying with me, and then i continued to the northwest. I moved around in the area for a little while, doing the work. I was also talking to the woman about something. I turned to the east to talk to the. She was standing in front of the farmhouse now, and it seemed as though i had finished working for the day. I felt uneasy, but i was glad to be done with the work. I said goodbye to the woman, i then said that i would see her tomorrow. I was not really sure when i would be working the next day, so i looked at the woman to find out when i should return. She seemed surprised that i had expected to come back, and she told me that i was only supposed to work this one day. I felt disappointed. She said that i would not be needed any further. I told her it was okay, and then i headed to the west, across the dirt parking area. Several cars were parked in a row in the southwestern corner of the lot. People in denim and work clothes hung around the cars as if waiting for something to do. I felt disappointed that i no longer had anything to work on. I headed to the northwest again, thinking that i was heading to my car. I seemed to be crossing the lot on the golf course near $P52. I crossed into the barn, thinking that there was more stuff on the ground to pick up. I should not do any of the work, though, because i was not being paid for it. I saw a wad of paper crinkled up on the ground and i picked it up. I was inside the barn now. I had to get my things before i left. I wondered where they were. I then picked up a few more things from the ground. I thought that i should not let the woman know that i was still in the area. I should be leaving. I walked around the eastern side a thick brick chimney, which was partially surrounded by a wall. The wall had been taken apart so that only a few beams and some plaster slats remained. I walked to the northern side of the chimney, noticing the small television, which was sitting on top of the bricks at my eye level. The television was an old CRT television, and it seemed to have an antenna to receive stations. Something was showing on the screen, and i watched the show for a moment. I stood to the north of the chimney listening to the television. I looked down at the worn brick of the chimney. I noticed that some of the areas on the chimney were covered up with white plaster. The plaster was not flat. It curved from the wall to the east of the chimney to the brick. As i looked over the plastic, though, i noticed that a few areas of plaster had holes. The holes were round, as though something had been in the plaster and had been removed. I looked down into one of the holes as i listened to the television. I started to feel uneasy here. I should not really be here, and i worried that someone would find that i had not left after my work was done. I then heard someone to the south of me. I looked up to see someone entering the barn. I could see them through the slats in the wood. I quickly ran to the west, down the southern wall of the northern room of the barn. I remembered suddenly that i had left the television on. The person would find it running. I exited the barn and came out near the old white building. The building seemed run down and dingy. The wood siding was covered with dull white paint, and the trim on the building was green. I came to the front porch of the building, which was on the southern side. This place seemed to be an old shop, but it was closed for the season. Something about it felt abandoned. I sat down on the porch, and someone came from the barn to the east to join me. She seemed to be a young woman. I did not want her to know that i had been watching the television in the barn.

12015 February 12

I moved to the east across the campground. It seemed to be dusk, and the green grass and trees were becoming gray and hazy. I was talking to someone as i moved. $G4 was in the campground, and i thought that they were going to have a ceremony soon. I had to go to the east to get something, and i was chatting with the other person as i went. We reached the eastern end of the camping area, where several darkly stained cabins with green roofs were. It seemed dark out now. I had to get back to the west so that i could catch the ceremony. I thought that it would be held on the dirt road at the southwestern corner of the campground. I turned to the south and headed west, but i suddenly realized that i could not see. It must have been so dark in the campground that i could not actually see where i was going. I stopped for a moment after only walking about ten meters. I tried to see where i was. I then realized that i had a hood over my face. I pulled back the hood so that i could see the area around me. It was dark, but i could not see the pine trees to the north of me. The dirt road that i was standing on ran east to west. I had come from the east, but i was suddenly unsure of where i was going. I could not remember the direction. I looked back to the east, but i could not see the cabins that i had been standing near. I then looked down the road to the west. Forest was on both sides of the road. A wide margin of cut grass ran between the road and the thick pine trees. I could not figure out from which direction i had come. I thought that i had come from the east, but i could not see anything that made sense. I only knew that i had started in one direction and turned right on the road. I then looked to the north, noticing a tan roof among the trees. A dim light illuminated the trees from somewhere. That must have been the part of the campground that i walked through with the other person. I looked to the west. The dirt road dipped down a little before heading back up a shallow hill and turning slightly to the west-northwest. The tents on the western side of the campground must be down the road to the west of me. I continued down the road to the west until i came to the large white tent. Only a few people were around. I had expected to find $F57 here leading the ceremony. I then thought that he must have taken the group into the large field to the northeast. I would have to get to them before i missed most of the ceremony.

12015 February 13

The man talked about the eastern dragon, saying that it was something important. I looked at the map to the north of me, seeing the painting of the red dragon flying over the ocean bay. The dragon was rounded and crudely rendered, looking like something from a medieval tapestry. The painting only showed its body, its head, and part of its wings, which were over the dragon’s back. The dragon was breathing a short stream of fire to the west as it flew over the ocean. The shoreline of the bay curved in a wide arch from the northeast of the dragon to the southwest. The map was drawn as if viewing the land from the air, so i could see the brown and tan rocky hills running along the northern section of the coast. The man said that the eastern dragon had taken something over. I thought that it might have done something to usurp the powers of the western dragon and the other dragons. We continued to talk about the dragons. The discussion seemed important.

I headed to the north across the small space of my bedroom. This was a bedroom that i had not lived in for a long time, and it seemed to be at my parents’ house. The walls were white, and the ceiling was very tall. I had been moving some of my things to this area. A desk on the eastern wall was stacked with dark boxes, and several boxes seemed to be on the floor to the north of me. I noticed an upper level to the room along the eastern wall, just above the desk. I remembered that there was a small loft to the bedroom, which i had not really been using. I moved some things around on the floor, thinking about the loft. I decided to climb up to see what i had left there. I could see some things over the white rail that ran along the western side of the loft. A short set of steep stairs on the southern side of the room led up to the loft. I climbed them, spotting an old dresser against the eastern wall. It had several things on it. I felt excited to see all of these old things again. I then noticed the old wooden desk that was against the southern wall. I had not seen these things in quite a while, and it made me happy to remember them. As i looked around the loft, i realized that it was a lot larger that i had remembered. A small section of it was recessed into the eastern wall. So many things had been left here. The other person followed me up the stairs and was looking around the loft as well. I then noticed a set of stairs that ascended to the east along the northern wall. I could only see the bottom steps to the north of me, around the eastern wall of the room. I moved toward them, seeing that they curved up the curving wall of the building. I thought that they must lead into the spires on the top of the building. I pictured the rounded spires with steep roofs and small windows. The other person headed up the stairs, and i followed. The stairs now curved counterclockwise and seemed to be on the southern side of the building. I noticed a small window in the wall, and i thought that we must be near the top of the tower spire. To my surprise, the stairs actually opened up into a large room. Another entire floor had been here, and i had been unaware of it. The stairs stopped facing east on the southern side of the room. The other person walked into the room to look around. I moved along the southern wall, heading east. The wall curved with the building to meet the eastern wall. Along the curve were several small windows. I thought that they must be windows to the small tower spires that were on the house. I did not know that the house had so many of them. I then noticed that clear plastic boxes were connected to the rounded columns in the room, which seemed to be spires. I thought that the boxes must be shelters and homes for birds. They had clear glass walls so that the people inside could look at the bird nests. I looked more closely at the second box i came to. I turned the box a little to get a better view inside it. I wondered how one would watch birds in their nests. The birds would see someone watching and be scared off. I then thought that the lights in the room must have to be turned off so that the birds could not see outside the glass. I saw a small nest inside the glass box, on the right side. I then realized that a small bird was on top of the nest. It looked like a blue bird, but it had a gray belly. It leaned back against the wall, spreading its wings as if to protect its nest from me. It looked very anthropomorphic. I wanted to take a picture of the bird, and i thought that i should go get my camera. I turned and walked along the western wall of the room, looking at the other things here. I then noticed a large wooden double door in the southern end of the western wall. I wondered what other room was beyond this one. I walked through the doors, finding myself in a small carport. A boat was on a trailer in the middle of the carport. I realized that i was actually near the docks. The water was just to the south of me. It was a bright sunny day outside. I wondered how i had gotten from an upper floor of the house to the ground level. It did not make sense. I moved around the boat, which as a little to the south of me. I remembered that my father had been working here. I called to him, and he walked into view from the western side of the boat, which was a white speedboat with a red stripe on the side and a white canopy. I still felt confused, and i asked my father how i had come to the ground level when i had been on the upper floor of the house.

I wandered around the lower room of the house. I had something to do. The man headed out of the room, heading north. He had to do something important. I thought about it. I had to arrange the packed things in my bedroom. I headed upstairs and was in my room, trying to figure out what i should do with the boxes.

12015 February 16

I walked back to the west through the center of the locker room. The rows of small gray cage-like lockers ran north to south across the room. I looked up the aisles at the benches. The lockers ended two-thirds of the way across the room, and the western side of the room seemed to be open, with just rows of benches. Lockers ran along the northern and western walls of the room. I was looking for my locker here, but i could not remember where it was. I had to get my things together. It seemed as though i had not been in this locker room in a long time, and i was trying to figure out what to do. A man came from the west, and i bumped in to him as i looked to the north. I motioned an apology with my hands and started back to the east. The man had dark hair and was wearing a white towel. He seemed to be attractive. I looked back through the lockers. My locker must have been on the eastern side of the room. I remember it being in one of the rows, so it could not have been in the open space to the west. I then saw the section of the locker room where the lockers were small metal baskets on shelfs. I remembered that i had a basket here. I then remembered how long it had been since i had used my basket, and i thought that it must be gone by now. I had not worked for this place in a very long time.

I had to get to the car in the parking lot, which was to the north of us. I drove to the westerns side of the lot we were in and turned to the north. A small short drive led to the other parking lot, which seemed to be part of a parking garage. The narrow drive was an entrance, and a cement sidewalk and small cement structure were on the eastern side of it. A police officer stood on the western side of the entrance, talking to some of the people standing near him. I felt a little cautious about driving through the entrance, but i headed into the lot anyway. I had to be cautious of the people around me. We had just left from the show, and many others were heading back to their cars as well. Several young people were playing around near us, and some of them were getting close to our car. I worried that some of them might accidentally run in front of the car. I focused on two people to the west. The two young men pushed each other playfully. The man in the red sweatpants stumbled back toward us. I avoided them and continued driving to the north. I then realized that the young men were all around the area. Most of them were wearing red sweatpants with white shirts, and they were all joking around physically. I turned the car to the east, making a large look around the northern side of the empty lot. Two men on the northern side of the lot seemed to be pushing each other rather aggressively. One grabbed the other and flipped him over his shoulder like a wrestling takedown. I drove the van back to the south and was again heading to the north through the entrance to the lot. This time, i stopped the van in the entrance. I got out of the van, annoyed with the children for getting in the way. A young boy was now standing in front of the van. He was short with short blond hair, and he wore a dark-blue hooded sweatshirt. He was purposely standing in the way of the van so that i could not drive on the road. I would ask him to get out of the way, but i knew that he would be obstinate. He acted smug, thinking that i would not be able to do anything against him. I decided that i would threaten to hurt him. He would not expect someone to do that, and i thought that it might make him take me seriously. I grabbed him by the shirt and pushed him to the east. He looked down, suddenly aware that i might actually hurt him. He walked away to the east. I stood for a moment. A man then asked me about the movie. We had been watching it at the gas station. I was in the car, which was parked on the southern side of the station, just to the south of a gas pump. The island pumps were on the south and west of the small building. I had been watching the small screen on the pump, but it was now showing a commercial. The man was standing to the west of me, waiting for me to answer his question. I talked with him about the movie as i started to move my car. I tried to explain to him that it was the first three Star Wars movies combined into a single film. The film had been condensed into a single story that was still very good. The woman then said that we had to leave to catch an airplane. I was surprised that we were going to try to get to the airport now. It seemed that we were already late, but we hurried to the north. We turned west into the hotel room, and i tried to quickly get my things together.

12015 February 17

I crossed the open area in the large park. The park was full of people who were here for the festival. I headed to the northwest, hearing to the open area in the crowd. I passed a man at the southern side of the area. He was doing something that seemed important. I came into the center of the room. $F10 and his parents were in the room, and it now seemed later in the evening. I felt a little uncomfortable, but spoke to $F10. He showed me the artwork that he had been doing. I looked at the map to the north of me. It seemed to be a map of the world, but it mostly looked like a plaid pattern in red, black, and white. I thought that $F10 had taken a small graphic and repeated it across the background of the image. The map seemed to represent land in a dark color, and the wide Atlantic Ocean was in the red, white, and black pattern. I told $F10 that it looked very nice. I then remembered that i still ha a piece of art from him from when he and i had lived together. I headed to the room to the northeast and grabbed the other map. This one was a map of Europe, and i remembered that it had a similar pattern to it. I looked closely at it, but did not see the pattern at first. I brought the image back to the southwest, into the living room of the house. I showed it to $F10 and the people there. As i looked at the map to the northwest of me, i noticed that the land had a rough texture. It was metallic and seemed to be covered with small loops of aluminium foil. The pattern of texture looked like centimeter-wide strips of shiny material that had been folded into flat looks and laid out in overlapping rows, like scales. It formed the surface of the land. I commented to $F10. I then remembered the repeating pattern of the first map i had seen. I had said that this one had a similar pattern, but, looking at it now, i realized that it did not. I looked more closely at the metal flaps over the land mass on the left side of the map. The design seemed unfinished, and i remembered that $F10 had left it incomplete when he moved out of the apartment that we had lived in. I wondered suddenly why i had kept the artwork. I felt that i should have given it back to $F10 before now.

12015 February 18

We drove to the north into the parking space, which was just to the south of the old tan stone building. The building seemed large and formal, like a church. I was riding in the car with my family. We stopped near the southeastern corner of the building and got out of the van. $K1 was with us as we stepped out and started walking to the east, down the sidewalk that ran along the northern side of the parking lot. We were heading to the building for some event. I chatted with some of the others, who then seemed to be in the car with me. We again drove to the north into the parking space. My grandmother was driving the large car this time. She slowly moved the car to the north, into one of the parking spaces off the southeastern corner of the large stone building. I remembered parking in front of the building the last time. I then realized that my grandmother was driving too far to the north. She was going to hit the curb. Instead, she hit the black cast-iron lamppost that was on the edge of the sidewalk with the front right corner of the car. The tires of the car jumped onto the curb, and we came to an abrupt halt. I noticed a small flame flicker on the front of the car where it had struck the lamppost. My grandmother backed the car away from the lamppost, trying to get the car back into the parking space. I looked over the hood of the large car to see where the car was burning. I worried that something from the front grill might have caught on fire. As we backed away from the lamppost, i realized tha the fire was actually on the lamppost. I was now standing to the east of the car, inspecting the black metal of the lamppost. The bottom of the post was decorative, like leafs of a plant. The rough tan building was again just to the north of us. I thought that it was lucky that my grandmother did not run the car into the building. I blew on the lamppost, trying to blow out the small flame that was burning on the side of it. The top of the lamppost was now missing. I thought that my grandmother must have knocked it over. The flame was burning in a small cup that was formed by the open end of the lamppost. My grandmother mentioned that the lamp oil had spilled. I looked into the top of the cup, noticing the small black things that seemed to be burning. It did not look like oil. The others were now to the south of us. They drove a van into the parking space just to the east of my grandmother’s blue car. They were now getting out of the van. This all seemed familiar. I knew that we had been here before. I chatted with some of the people here. I then headed to the east, into the bathroom. I had to wash my hands to get the lamp oils off of them. As i came into the room, i noticed an old metal tub against the southern wall of the room. Two or three children were playing in the tub. I had to wash my things, and i threw my hat into the tub. I then went to wash my face with the water, which was to the east of the tub. As i washed my face, i hoped that the child did not play with my hat. I turned back to the tub. A man was now standing to the west of me. He handed me my hat, and he talked about the people who were in charge of this place. I felt a little uneasy of him. He held a cell phone in his right hand, and he seemed to be talking to the person on it as well. I felt uncomfortable, thinking that the man should not be giving me all of the information that he was telling me. He then said that he had a list of dead leaders that we could give to the people on the phone. I asked the man what his name was. He told me his name, prefixing it with the title “Captain”. He extended his right hand, and i shook it. The hand fell strange, and it seemed strangely shaped. I realized that we were now in a kitchen. The sink was to the south of us, against the wall, and the other large appliances seemed to be on the northern wall. The man wanted something from me. I was uneasy around him, but i said that i would get the list. I then added that i would have to go home to get it, saying that it was far away from here. The man had wandered to the west while talking on the phone, but he turned to me and motioned for me to leave to get the list. I ran to the west, leaving the room. I rounded the western side of the old church-like tan building, heading to the north. I thought that i had to get back to where we had parked the car. I would have to go around the eastern side of the building before heading south to the parking lot. As i neared the northwestern corner of the building, I passed some people. I followed the paved walkway to the east, along the northern side of the building. I now seemed to be in the city area, and i was on the eastern side of the city. I crossed an intersection to the northeast of the tan building. I had been here before. As i crossed the intersection, i realized that more than the place was familiar. I seemed to have run this way but not at a previous time. I wondered if this was a time slip. I started crossing the intersection to the south. When i reached the southern side, i saw $A692 coming from the south. I stopped and chatted with him, hinting at what was going to happen. He did not seem to understand. I had been in a time loop, and i was aware of the next things to come. We walked together to the west, down the southern sidewalk of the street. He mentioned the woman’s name as we started up the stone steps that ascended to the west, along the northern side of the college-like building. When we reached the top, we turned to the north, crossing the street. A large grassy quadrangle was to the north of us, and we started to walk across it. I mentioned the song. I knew that it was part of the recurring time loop. $A692 joked about it, saying that i was not describing it correctly. The tall college stone building to the east of us had large red sheets running vertically above the roof. Long thin poles supported them, and they looked like sails. I pointed out the “red sails” to $A692. I then noticed that the building did not quite look right. It seemed broken in some way. I was about to say something about the broken stones near the roof when i head the song playing. I mentioned the song, but then i complained about hearing it. I said that it was “cheesy”. I turned back to the north and continued to the end of the quadrangle. On the northern side, i passed through some arches, which were part of a short stone building. As i came out the northern side of the building, I pulled the blanked around my shoulders. The large blanket billowed in the wind. I held my arms out, thinking that the blanket could catch the wind and lift me up into the air. I could use it as wings. I then thought that it would not really do this. I walked out onto the quadrangle to the north. It sloped down to the north, and the grassy hill seemed long and steep. I felt the wind coming up the hill. It caught in the blanket, and i started to float a little. I then turned to the east. I walked across the ground as i spoke to the other person with me.

12015 February 19

I had been in the office, which seemed to be for $G6. The building was old and crowded, with small rooms that had been filled with desks and computers. The building seemed like $P94. It was a tall building, with wide sections on the eastern and western sides and a narrower section connecting them in the middle. The wide sides seemed to be brown, and the surfaces of these sections seemed to be covered with large rough brown tiles that had vertical spaces between them. I had come up the central part of the building and headed to the northeast, into the office. A woman seemed to be there, but the office seemed mostly empty. I wondered what i should be doing here. It seemed that i had to get some work done, but something seemed wrong because no one was here. I thought about the layout of the building. The central section had the stairwell, and it seemed to be a lobby. My office was actually in the northern half of the central section. I came out of the office in the northeastern corner of the building and crossed the hall to the small office. The office seemed to be cut into two cubicles, with my desk at the southern side. The desk was just a counter against the western wall of the room. Everything looked empty. The tan surfaces were cleared, and no one seemed to be around. I started pacing around the room. I felt that something was wrong. I looked down suddenly, noticing feces on the tan carpeting of the hallway. I stepped over it and came into the stairwell on the western side of the building. I started descending to the south, down the flight that ran along the western wall. Others then came into the stairwell from the east. I stopped to look at a flyer, which was on the southern end of the western wall, at the bottom of a flight of stairs. I did not want the people to think that i did not belong here, so i acted casually by reading the poster. It was red and blue, with large letters on the top. The picture in the center showed students wearing red. They were gathered for some kind of rally. I thought that it was near I86, somewhere to the north of us. This seemed very strange. I wondered why the students would be gathering for an event so far from campus.

I started jogging with the other person, heading out of $P7 and heading to the north on the western sidewalk of the street. We were in a residential area of the city. It had been a long time since i had been in this area, and it felt good to be back. The air seemed very clean and crisp. Two sidewalks ran parallel to each other on the western side of the road, and i was jogging on the eastern one. The other man with me was jogging on the western one. Thick trees grew in the grassy median between the sidewalks. I chatted with the man as we jogged. He seemed young, and i felt that i knew him. I had a small can full of coins that i was holding in my left hand, and i was tossing the coins out of the can as i jogged. We were then at the end of our run. It seemed too short, and i still felt as though i could run more. We stopped in front of the old white house, which was very close to the sidewalk. I walked to the west, into the driveway that was just to the north of the house. I remembered this house from before. $A651 used to live here. I wondered if he still did. I looked at the windows of the house as i walked back to the east, toward the road. An old car was parked on the southern side of the wide driveway, and i was walking to the north of it. I then noticed balloons crowding a large rectangular window near the eastern end of the house. The window seemed to be between the first and second floor of the house. I looked at the brightly colored balloons, which were mostly primary colors. They seemed very appropriate for $A651. I then remembered that several young college men lived in the house to the north. I turned to look at the other white house. The wooden siding seemed more worn than the house to the south of me, but the house was still in nice shape. I remembered that the men were very attractive, and $A651 used to like watching them when they were out on the front porch. I wondered if the men were still here. I then realized that the man i had been jogging in was now in the car that had been parked on the street in front of the southern house. The small blue car started, and the man drove away to the south. I felt annoyed, wondering what i should do now. I felt alone. I looked back at the house to the north, noticing a man in the window of the first floor, which was on the eastern end of the southern side of the house. He looked like $A651. I was about to wave to him, but i realized that it was not really $A651. Other young men were in the room with him. I felt sad, and i started jogging to the south, thinking that i would have to jog all the way back to $P7, where i had parked my car.

12015 February 21

I jogged to the west with the group down the busy street of small shops. We ran on the southern side of the street. I was in a group of many runners, and they were spread out as we ran. I seemed to be running somewhere in the middle of the pack. I came to the western end of the street, which now seemed like a large plaza. The large building no the southwest of me was very modern in design, and the paving stones around me were dark gray and seemed newly installed. The patio in front of the building was empty. The front of the lower floor of the building was covered with glass windows. I knew that the building was not a gym, but the black glass was covered with a large image of a muscular man flexing his biceps. He was painted in gold. One of the other runners with me read the name on the building. It sounded like “stud”, which seemed funny to both of us. We giggled about it. I then turned back to the east, ready to run back across the plaza. I was now in a room. A man was to the east of me, just starting to the west. I suddenly felt very tired. Something seemed wrong. The other man heading toward me started to slow down, and i saw that he was passing out. I grabbed him and slowed his fall. He landed on the ground of the hallway, just to the north of the doorway to a room. I called to him and slapped his face lightly, trying to wake him. He did not respond. I then noticed that the man in the doorway to the south of me slumped and passed out. Something was wrong, and i felt worried. I wondered if i would be affected by whatever was making the people pass out. I headed around the western side of the building, running back to the large window that looked out to the north. I could see the runners outside. They were all lying on the ground. Something had happened, but it had not affected me. I felt angry with the people. I knew that the people in the bedroom in the eastern side of the house i was in had done something. I wanted to yell at them for what they had done. I looked down, noticing that i was carrying a large number of matches in my arms. I thought that i should sneak into the bedroom to the east and dump them on the bed. I then wondered if i could ignite the matches. This did not seem logical. I thought about it, trying to figure out what i could do. I then talked with the others near me. $G4 had come through this area. They were the runners that had been in the plaza outside. I felt angry. I had to do something.

12015 February 25

I stepped to the south, still looking north at the white scene. We were talking about the dinosaur. The man mentioned the tyrannosaur, and i looked to the north at it. To my surprise, it was very skinny. It almost looked like a stick figure. I realized that he was making the comparison between the tyrannosaur and modern-day birds. A large white bird, about the size of a turkey, now stood to the east of the tyrannosaur. The bird was plump and had fluffy feathers. I suddenly wondered why the dinosaur did not have feathers. It should have had fine tubular feathers. This comparison seemed wrong. The dinosaur should not have been skinny either. The tyrannosaur confronted the small bird. The bird seemed to squawk back, but then started running to the east. The dinosaur now had a large scoop-shaped mouth, which looked like the jawbones of a sperm whale. The dinosaur scooped up the bird in its mouth. The two animals were then facing each other again. Again, the dinosaur scooped the bird into its mouth. I worried about the bird, but then i thought that the bird was actually too small for the dinosaur to eat. The bird could just escape from the jaws. This did not seem right. The tyrannosaur should have been larger. It should not have been so skinny.

I walked with the others back to the north. It was getting dark, and we were leaving the festival to head back to our hotel. $F45 was with me. I was not entirely sure where the hotel was, but the street we were on seemed familiar. The land around us was flat, and several suburban houses were along the street. Most of the houses seemed to be on the eastern side of the street. Tall dry field grass and weeds covered the land to the west. I looked at the few building on the western side of the street, expecting to see our hotel there. Something did not seem right, though. I started to feel anxious, not sure where i should go. $F45 and the other man were walking ahead of me. I felt that they were leaving me behind. I knew that $F45 was not heading back to the room. $F45 then called back to me, telling me that the hotel was on the next street over. It was getting dark now, and i did not feel comfortable here. I turned to the west and followed the street. I found myself heading south on the short street, which ended on another suburban secondary road. The buildings on the southern side of the road were larger, and i thought that the hotel must be near here. I did not remember walking to the festival earlier, but it did not seem this complicated. I turned to the east on the road, seeing a familiar building on the southern side of the street. The large buildings here had parking lots around them, and they were lighted with rows of lights. I thought that the white building with the blue lights must be a barn. I could not remember these buildings from before. I still felt frustrated as i walked to the east. The festival seemed to be somewhere to the south, and i wondered how i had gotten here.

I headed to the northeast, though the crowd at the festival. I felt anxious because i had to leave to get to work. I had to get back to my hotel room so that i could get my things. I thought about all of the things that i had to do, and i realized that i would have to shower. I knew that i would be late. I then thought that i had never been to the hotel room, so i was not sure where it was. I hurried across the grass and through the crowd. I passed to the north of a small white building, which seemed to be a portable trailer. It had an opening near the top of the northern side, and a dark ramp led up to the opening. People were standing in front of the trailer for some event. I stopped, realizing that the people were taking their clothes off. Several of them giggled as they tossed their underwear into the opening of the building. This seemed like fun, and i wanted to join in, but i felt uncomfortable. The people then trotted up the ramp and into the building. I followed them, interested to see what was happening. I could hear a woman talking inside. She was standing on the southern side of the room, trying to organize the activity. The others in the room were still removing their clothing. I wanted to join in, but i felt that i had someplace to be. I removed my red sweatpants, but i did not feel that i had time to get entirely undressed. I told the woman, who seemed like $F58, that i had to go. She commented, making a joke about the fact that i never seem to participate. I started to head out of the building to the north. I was very disappointed. I then realized that i felt very tired. I had not been sleeping well. I could not see clearly. I was started to fall asleep. I worried that something was wrong. I could not focus, and my head suddenly felt very heavy.

12015 February 28

I walked back to the west, across the green lawn. $K3 was to the south of me. I felt rushed and had to get something in the bedroom. $K3 made a snide comment about me, teasing me. I was not happy, so i stuck up my middle finger at her. I felt annoyed that she was insulting me again. I did not want to be here. I walked quickly to the northeast. My mother followed me for a moment. I came into the bedroom and moved around. I did not know what to do here, and i felt very upset.