12016 February 01

I leaded the other person to the west, across the grassy area that was to the south of the city street. It seemed like a small park or the lawn of a large old building. We were trying to get somewhere, and i had said that i knew where it was. I remembered this place from before. It was dark out, but the city lights illuminated most of the area. We seemed to be passing over the tops of the buildings as we walked. A terrace seemed to be on the southern side of the grassy area, with a heavy stone wall running along its edge. I stepped over a low wall as i headed east. We seemed to have come from the higher level of land to the south and were now walking on the top of the old building. The stone building seemed to be an old city building. I thought that it must have been the town hall or some other federal building. It seemed old but very nicely kept. It seemed to have a domed roof in the center, and i pictured it as a low green dome. I imagined that lights illuminated the sides of the domes at night. I thought that we were looking for a shop, and i knew that it was on the street below. We would have to descend through the building that we were in. I then thought that the Salvation Army store had closed. I wondered what i would tell the person following me. I started to realize that the store was actually not there anymore. I stepped to the north, leaving the building and stepping out onto the street. The street was very narrow and seemed almost like a corridor. I looked to the east, noticing the yellow metal trim that seemed to be around the corners of the shops and buildings. Everything was closed, and i could not see any people here. I looked to the west for a moment. I thought that the Salvation Army store was to the west, but it was no longer there. The buildings to the east had modern angular features that were punctuated by the yellow frames around it. The frames held glass windows. I turned to the south and told the other person that the Salvation Army store was no longer here. I felt bad because i had known that the store had closed before, so i should not have told the man that we would be heading for it.

I turned to the south and headed down the long flight of stairs. They seemed to lead from a large building, which seemed to be an old government building. I had just arrived in this place. I moved through the people of the area. Many of them were in costume. I was also in costume. I thought about what i was wearing as i headed down the stairs, which now descended to the north. I was walking down the long set of stone steps, keeping to the eastern side. I was wearing a white tunic over a dark shirt and dark pants. I also seemed to be wearing a blue flannel hat. The costume reminded me of a knight. I passed a group of men who were coming up the stairs on the western side of the stairs. They were in costume as well. I thought that they would probably not know what i was dressed as. I then thought that i did not know either, and i wondered how i would express it to people. I thought that it had something to do with being very logical. It did not seem to be a specific character, though. I headed to the south again, walking across the street, which seemed to be at the bottom of the steps that i had descended. I thought that i should pretend that i did not belong here. I then thought that i would be an extraterrestrial. I started walking to the east on the southern sidewalk of the street. A group of people was in front of me. They asked me something about the costume, and i had said something to them as if i did not quite understand what they were talking about. I tried to speak analytically so that i could understand. The young man with the two older women then said that i must be playing Spock. I knew whom he was talking about, but i had to pretend that i did not so that it seemed that i did not belong here. I pretended to think for a moment, as if figuring out who Spock was. I then said that i knew, and mentioned that the young man was referring to a movie. I knew that it was actually from a television show first, but saying that it was from a movie seemed more awkward. The boy seemed surprised that i did not know who Spock was. I did not respond. I turned around and started walking away from them, heading west. I wondered if i could pretend that i had technology that i should not have. I was holding my iPhone in my left hand. I thought that i could pretend that it was a computer that i could speak with. I then thought that this would not be convincing. The young man would want to see technology that could not be explained here, and the cell phone would still look like a phone. I thought about this as i walked to the west, holding the white iPhone near my chest as i wondered how to portray the character. I worried that i could not do it convincingly.

12016 February 04

I had been jogging, and i just returned to the area where i had started. I came from the east, jogging up the road. I headed to the northwest, toward the modern building. The single-story building seemed to be an office building, with darkly tinted windows on the front of the brick building. This building was just to the north of the main road. The road traveled up hill to the northwest, and the land forested land seemed to drop off quickly to the north of the building, heading down into a town which seemed like Ithaca. As i jogged slowly around in circles in front of the building to cool off, i was aware of someone watching me from the east. The person seemed to be hovering in the air, looking down at me. I thought that i would have to meet that person at the college later. I then realized that i would have to jog back to the northwest to get to the college. It seemed like a long way off, but i decided that i should do it. I kept moving in a circle, thinking that the person would expect me to not seem worn out. I did not want to jog back to the college, but i decided that i should. I started jogging to the northwest, down the road. The road now seemed to head up Court Street, toward Cornell. I passed some students who were walking on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. I jumped over them and continued running down the narrow corridor of the building. I then came to another group of students, who were sitting on the floor of the hallway. I had to pass through the wooden door to the west, but i was careful as i stepped over them. A woman sat just to the east of the door. She had dark skin and a round body and face. She wore dark blue had had shoulder-length hair. She looked questioningly at me as i floated over the students and turned the knob on the left-hand side of the door. I pushed the door open and floated through. I had to get back to the place where i had started.

12016 February 06

I felt anxious. I had to write a paper on Aristotle for my class, but i was not sure what to write about. The paper was due tomorrow, but i had not started it yet. I looked at the assignment, which was printed at the bottom of the piece of paper. The paragraph of the assignment was separate from the rest of the text at the top of the page. It started with a sentence in bold, following by a section of type in parentheses, which was in roman face. I read the assignment. It said to write a paper describing Aristotle’s life. I thought that it should be easy enough to do. I thought about it as i paced around the area. My parents seemed to be sitting on the northern side of the room, to the north of me. I turned to the south and looked at the paper again. I was in college, but i had not been attending the class for which this paper was due. I felt uncertain about what i should write. I moved around, trying to think what i should do. I thought that i had studied Aristotle in previous classes, so i should be able to write something. I then thought that i could also look up some information online. I then wondered if the professor who assigned the paper had taught us something specific in class that he wanted us to mention in the paper. I worried that he might have said something specific that he wanted to see in the paper. If i did not have it, he would know that i had not been attending the classes. I felt stressed about the classes and wondered what to do. I had to write the paper. I read the assignment again. It said to write about Aristotle’s life. It seemed easy enough, so i thought that i should be able to do it, but i felt uneasy about starting it. I was not sure what i should do. I took the writing tablet and moved to the north. The television was on. It was against the northern end of the eastern wall of the room. I realized that i should probably not be writing the paper while watching the television. I moved around again. I walked back to the south and put my things on the floor. I crouched down to look at the papers. I read the question again and thought about how i should write the paper. I was worried about getting the paper done. The doctor to the east then said that the appointment was canceled. She was talking to a woman at the counter to the east. I glanced up, seeing the doctor in the pale green coat talking to the woman who was running the service counter. They were both on the eastern side of the counter. I realized that the doctor was probably talking to me, but she did not directly address me. I pretended that i did not hear her, hoping that she would restate her words. She continued to talk to the other woman with shoulder-length blond hair. I felt upset, thinking that my appoint had been canceled. I had been waiting for this appointment, and it would not take place until fourteen o’clock. I continued to sit on the ground. I still had to wait another few hours for the appointment. I was uneasy, thinking that the appointment might not happen. I wondered if the doctor would say something to me once she saw that i was waiting. I felt tense as i sat and read over the papers, wondering what i should write. I did not want to finish the paper, and i had to speak with the doctor about it. I was not sure what i should do. I was standing now, and i looked around the waiting room. The room was on the eastern end of a building, and a corridor headed to the west from the southern end of the waiting area, and another corridor headed west from the northern end of the waiting area. Some people were sitting in dark-blue cushioned chairs against the northern end of the eastern wall, just to the north of the service counter. They wore heavy jackets and seemed poor. I thought that this office was really intended to help underprivileged people. I wandered around, wondering what i should do. I would have to see the psychologist, but i would have to wait another few hours before my appointment was scheduled. I imagined i would then have to argue with the person about whether or not my appointment had been canceled. I was not sure what i should do. I wanted to talk to the doctor, but she did not seem to be noticing that i was still here. I looked down at the papers i had on the floor to the north of me. I had put them down to rearrange them. I was now in the southern corridor. I had put the papers to the south of a door in the northern wall. It led to an office in the center of the larger room. As i started to pick up the papers, the doctor was standing to the east of me. She seemed impatient and told me that she had to get into the room. I thought that she would realize that i was still waiting here for the appointment, but she did not say anything as i picked up my papers. I felt upset, not sure what to do. She walked into the office, and i headed back to the east, feeling frustrated.

12016 February 08

I was on the northern side of the room, and the person approached me from the south. I turned to look at her. She was $F43. She wore a blue dress, and her shoulder-length hair seemed very dark. I felt very happy to see her, and i wanted to hug her hello. Then i remembered that she had not wanted to talk to me, so i was not sure that she actually wanted me to hug her. I stood still for a moment, watching her to see what she would do. I focused on her face. She had a dark square patch of hair under her lips. This seemed strange, but then i thought that she must have change something in her features. They looked very distinct. She moved around to the southeast of me, facing me. I wanted to greet her, but i was not sure how. I just listened to her talk. I felt uneasy. She then sat down on the southern side of the round table that was now to the southwest of me. I moved to the north, trying to focus on something. The scene had changed, and i heard the two people talking about the woman. They said that she had been killed. I looked to the north, watching the scene from the show. The people continued talking about the woman. A man was in the scene. He seemed to be alone, and he walked to the north, onto the platform. The platform had some significance. The camera moved over the man’s head, watching him walk across the black platform. The moved to the center, and then the camera started to pan to the west, lifting up. I was having trouble seeing exactly what was in the scene, and i felt a little frustrated with the camera angle. It seemed like bad camera work. The narrator then talked about the burned house, and i realized that the platform that the man was standing on must have been the remains of the house. I thought that it was the foundation, but it actually looked wooden. I thought that it might be the first floor of the house, but that did not seem logical. The fire should have burned everything that was not stone. The voice then asked why the man was here. I thought that the man must be an investigator. He had come to the house to figure out what had happened. The camera moved to the west so that the man was no longer in the picture. I could see the open grassy fields to the west, with a few large bushy trees here and there. I then spotted the black figure just off the edge of the house. It seemed to be in the back of an old horse-drawn flat-bed wagon. The voice talked about the dead body, and i realized that the black object must be the body of the woman wrapped in stiff black material. The man must have brought it here for some reason. The camera moved closer to the body. The scene then changed. I saw the wooden floor of the house and the body falling on it. The black garments formed a cowl over the woman’s head. Only the shoulders and head were in frame, and, as they bounced on the floor and came to a rest, i realized that the head was actually wooden. It looked like a sculptor’s model, with a smooth darkly stained surface. The man had brought a dummy to the house, but it was wrapped in the dark cloth so that someone would not know that it was not really the woman. I thought that this must be a trap. The killer would think that the woman was still alive, and the killer would show up to try to dispose of her. The scene then changed again. The woman was now standing on the right side of the scene, and the killer was in the background on the left. The killer had pale skin and wore a white shirt. He screamed in rage at the woman as he threw a spear at her. The yellow shaft of the spear ran through the back of the woman. The scene then focused on the woman’s face. The face of the dummy now had human features. It was facing another wooden mannequin of a man. A boy in dark clothing stood between them. The wooden lips of the man and woman moved mechanically, kissing each other. A fire seemed to be raging all around the room, and i knew that the killer was still screaming from out of the frame to the left. The wooden man was a model of the police investigator. I thought that he was showing his relation to the woman. I still did not understand why the boy was there. He seemed to be a real human, and i wondered if the spear had gone through him as well. The police must have captured the killer when he showed up. I turned to the south and headed away from the scene. Someone was talking about the killer. I turned back to the north to see the large cement parking garage. Smoke was drifting out the eastern side from one of the middle floors. The sky around the plain cement structure was dark, but not quite night. The gray smoke was coming from somewhere inside the garage, and i thought that a car was burning. It was like the scene. $A682 was to the east of me. He said something, and i thought that he had set the car on fire to get the killer. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that he did not realize that the woman in the scene was fake. He did not have to burn the car. I asked him why there was smoke from the garage. He looked to the garage, and i looked as well. I could not see as much smoke now. The white smoke was very diffuse now, and it blended in with the dark clouds in the sky. $A682 pretended that he did not know about the smoke, but i did not believe him. I tried to tell $A682 that the woman in the scene was fake and that she had not been speared by the killer, but i did not really want to talk that much to him. He moved to the west, ending up behind me, to the south of me. Several runners then passed us, coming from the east. I turned to the south as one man reached me. I started chatting with him. He started passed me but stopped to say something to me. He seemed interesting, and i wanted to talk to him. I then noticed the large rabbit on the ground just to the west of me. The rabbit was facing away from me, and i could not see its head or ears. It looked like a large hunched furry animal. I pointed out the rabbit to the man, telling him not to step on it. He was backing up as he jogged in place, and i thought that he might step on the large rabbit. The man reached down and grabbed the rabbit by the neck. To my surprise, he lifted the animal a little, turning it toward me. I could see that the animal was not actually a rabbit. It was a very large cat. The face of the cat seemed confused, and it stared off into the distance as the man held it. I talked to the cat in a friendly voice, trying to greet it. I then glanced up and to the west. I could see two of the runners who had passed us. They were heading down a corridor that was formed by a hedgerow on the north side and a fence or dense row of wild bushes on the south. Two normal-sized rabbits were eating grass as the runners jogged past them. One was near the eastern end of the hedgerow, and the other was farther into the corridor. An old brick apartment building stood to the north of us, starting just to the northeast of us and extending to the west, running along the northern side of the hedgerow. I pointed out the rabbits to the man near me, saying that they must have been the ones i was talking about. I looked back at the large cat and tried to pet it. The man released it. The cat cringed as i touched its head. It seemed to have an tense grimace on its face and seemed to be afraid. It tried to back up, but rolled its front into its back legs. It lifted its right front paw slowly, as if uneasily trying to stop my hand. I pulled my hand back, watching the cat. $A682 was now to the south of the cat. He smiled cheerfully at it and crouched down to pet it. I cautioned him as he reached to pet the cat. I thought that the cat would scratch him. I then turned my attention to the man who had been near me. He started running to the west again. I felt interested in him and wanted to talk with him some more. I thought that i should follow the runners. I stood closer to the apartment building now, aware of a pale door just to the northwest of me. I thought that i would follow the runners to the west, but then i heard the music. I looked around to the north to see where it was coming from. The apartment building seemed to have two floors, and the blank cement eastern wall of the building was about fifteen meters wide. A grassy area was to the east of the building. Along the northern side of the grassy area was a street. The houses on the northern side of the street seemed to be row apartments. They all had large wooden porches, and bands seemed to be set up on each porch. I was interested in the bands, and i focused on one on the porch just to the north of me. I walked toward it with interest. A long-haired man in a white T-shirt stood in the center of the porch. A drum set was to the northwest of him. The roof of the porch was held up by two square wooden poles that got slightly thinner near the top. The middle of the poles seemed to be almost a deci wide. The man was now playing the jazz music, thought. I looked to the west, looking down the street that ran to the north of the brick apartment building. I spotted a group of old dark-skinned men on a porch. They were three or four houses from where i was, and they were playing the southern blues music. I liked the sound of the guitar. I looked at the portly man at the front of the band. His short hair was turning gray, and he wore a tan button-up shirt with an unbuttoned sweater jacket over it. Something seemed oddly stereotypical about this man playing blues music, and i wondered if it would be considered strange that i liked the music. I walked a little to the west, listening to the guitar. I then wondered why none of the other bands were playing. I thought that this was some kind of porch festival where everyone would play at some point. I looked at the porches on the front of the apartment buildings, panning from west to east. As i looked down the street to the east, i saw the runners heading east on the street. They were part of $G4. I would have to catch them, but i wanted to watch more of the bands. I looked back to the west for a moment. A woman from $G4 was near me. I said something about following the others as i watched the band for a moment. I then started jogging to the east. The runners could no longer be seen, and i wondered where they had gone. I jogged down the narrow corridor of the building. The old plaster walls were damaged and dingy. I remembered this place from before. This building was some kind of store. The corridor ran to the east, ending in a closed dark door, which i knew led outside. A doorway was in the northern wall, about two meters before the exit door. I stopped in the doorway, wondering if $G4 had headed to the north. I passed through the doorway and looked down the steep stairs to the west. I remembered this place form before. The store below sold phonographs and other used things. The hallway heading down was dingy. The stairs stopped at a landing. A second set continued down to the north, heading east. I could see parts of a man to the north of the stairs, near the western wall of the room below. The graying plaster of the western wall of the landing had red spray-paint drawings on it. The graffiti seemed to be words with mostly vertical lines. I did not think that $G$ had headed down the stairs, because there would be no where for them to exit. I listened for a moment, but did not hear them. I then turned to the east and exiting the building. I pushed open the large wooden door, now leaving the building and heading to the northwest. The exit door was faced directly from the corner of the building. A curved set of stone steps descended to the north and west. I started down to the northwest, following a stone railing that curved slightly to the west. The railing looked like a picture rail, with an inset groove on the northern side that had a rounded lip on the bottom. I ran my hand along the groove as i descended the dark stairs. I then noticed a white streak of flour down the center of the railing. The marks were from $G4, so they must have come this way. I reached the bottom of the stairs and looked around on the cement pavement for more marks. I noticed a splotch of white on the ground to the west of the stairs, but it was actually part of something that was written on the ground. I looked to the north, realizing that someone had written words in concentric arcs that spanned from the curve of the stairs. Most of the words seemed to be in red chalk, but several were in blue and yellow. I felt disappointed seeing this, knowing that it would be hard to spot the flour in all the writing. I glanced down the street to the west and then looked to the south. I saw a runner jogging on eastern sidewalk to the south. I watched the woman for a moment, thinking that it looked like $A706. I started jogging after her. She wore a white T-shirt and carried something in her hand. A street ran off to the east not that far to the south, and the woman turned down the street. I hurried after her. When i got to the intersection, i looked around the corner. I realized that the woman was not actually $A706. She had a backpack in her right hand, and she shifted it to her left as she jogged. Farther to the east, i could see another jogger in dark clothing. Neither of these people were $G4. I looked again down the street to the south, wondering where $G4 could have gone. I thought that i would have to run to the west on the street that was to the north of me. I crossed the street i was on, looking into a small lot to the west. A small parking lot was set into the large brick buildings on the western side of the street. The lot could fit three or four delivery trucks, two of which were parked on the northern side of the lot. I looked at the trucks, finding them interesting. A diamond shaped black and white logo was on the wall to the west of the trucks. I realized that it was the logo for a bagel company. I was amused by this, thinking that i had just bought some of their bagels. I then thought that the company was not really that popular where i lived. I had bought the bagels when i was away from home. I thought that i was now in Philadelphia, so the bagel company might be more popular here. I had been standing on the southern side the truck as i looked at the logo. I turned to the south, seeing $F57 running from the east. He headed to a door in the southern wall of the inset area. I knew that he was setting the trail, and i tried to call out to him. As i started to follow him, i felt something tugging at my right side. I looked to the west to see that the piece of material i had pushed to the east was now stuck on the hook under the logo. I leaned to the west, unhooking my shirt from the lip of the logo. I turned to the south, but $F57 had already disappeared into the door. The other runners had not arrived yet, so i could easily pick up the trail from here. I ran do the door. As i reached it, a man jogged toward the door from the east. He had short yellow shorts and i could see his thick furry legs. He seemed bulky but not muscular. As i pulled on the door handle, i realized that the metal hatch was actually in the back of a garbage truck. I wondered if $F57 had actually set the trail into the back of a garbage truck. I felt uneasy about going into the truck, thinking that it could be dangerous. Red chalk writing was all over the metal hatch on the back of the truck. I opened up the hatch and looked inside. A large bin was suspended from the ceiling in the center of the truck. A thin space was left on both sides and under the bin. We could pass around the sides of the bin, but i wondered if we should. I spoke my reservations to the other man. I wondered why $F57 had gone this way. It seemed very unsafe. I then thought that he must have come out the front of the truck, so we could simply go around the truck and not go through it. As i started to jump off the back of the truck, i heard the truck’s engine start. I thought that the truck was going to back out of its space in the building. I told the other person that i hoped $F57 was not the one starting up the truck. I then thought that we had to get out of the way of the truck before it started backing up. As i started to back away from the truck, the truck pulled forward, heading into the building. It quickly headed down a corridor. This seemed strange. The truck moved in jerky motions. I saw the eastern side of the truck hit the corner of a wall. It stuck for a moment, but then pulled free, tearing apart a wire that had run down the wall. The frayed wire flipped back to the north, showing the several smaller wires inside the brown rubber insulation. I thought that this was not good, and i hoped that $F57 was not driving the truck. The truck disappeared abruptly around a corner in the corridor, turning to the east. This seemed very strange. I wondered how a truck could maneuver in such a small space, and i thought that it was very strange that the truck was driving into a building. I ran down the corridor, realizing that the corridor was actually fairly narrow. It seemed unusually narrow now, and i wondered how the truck had fit through. I stopped just before the small opening near the upper part of the wall ahead of me. It seemed too small for me to squeeze through. I looked at the square opening near the ceiling. Something seemed illogical about this scene. How did the truck get through here? Something was very strange. I thought that we could push our way through, but, as i got closer to the hole, the space seemed even smaller. The other man was still following me. I looked to the south, seeing under a floor in the room to the south. I could see the rafters of the wooden floor just above the opening and what looked like a dirt floor just below the opening. The dirt floor was scattered with debris. I could also see above the floor on the eastern side of the room. A corridor ran to the east from the southern side of the room, and i could see a man talking to someone near the mouth of the corridor. I was unsure about fitting through the opening, but, when i pushed on the wall below the opening, it opened up. I realized that it could be lifted easily. This must be how the truck got through. I tried to crawl through the opening, pulling myself under the beams of the floor. I would have to push up on the floor boards as i went to create more space. This seemed like a very tight space. I wondered how $F57 had traveled down here. It seemed improbable. It also seemed improbably that the truck had come this way. Something did not make sense.

12016 February 11

I was leaving the event, which was on the northern side of the road. I crossed the road to the south. It seemed dark out, but i could see everything rather well. I started traveling down the road to the east. A steep forested hill rose to the north of the road, and the land sloped down steeply to the south. A small river ran at the bottom of the hill to the south, about ten meters from the road. People were on small boats in the river, and they were all heading to the east. I thought that they were all traveling home from the event. I was actually traveling in a boat as well. I thought that i would have to paddle, and it suddenly seemed like a long way home. I looked to the east, down the length of the long narrow boat i was in. The bow looked like a kayak. I was moving quickly through the water, and i realized that i must have a motor driving the boat. I felt better about taking a boat home knowing that i did not have to paddle the entire way. The water channel was narrow, and my father was in the boat to the north of me. He seemed to be paddling. I focused on moving not, watching my boat increase and decrease speed. I was then moving to the west, down the narrow water channel. The sides of the channel were lower now, and the steep rocky hill rose to the north. My father was to the northeast of me as we moved along the water in the long narrow boats. I was then aware that someone else in a boat was catching up to us. We were not moving as fast, and the other person seemed to be racing. I told my father that the person was behind us. I then pedaled faster so that i could get in front of my father’s boat. I moved to the northern side of the channel, thinking that the man could pass us on the south. My boat was still moving swiftly down the channel. I tried to keep the boat near the side of the channel, waiting for the other bicyclist to pass be on the south. My boat scraped the side of the channel. I tried to steer it a little to the south, but it hit the northern side of the channel again. A man then rode past me on a bicycle as we headed up the slight hill. I continued to pedal, thinking that i could not move as fast as he was moving, but i could still go faster that i had been traveling. I focused on the water just off my bow, watching it pass by quickly. I then realized that the man ahead of me had gotten out of his boat and was now walking through the water. I heard the bottom of my boat scrape something, and i looked down to see that the water was now very shallow. Me must have been heading through some rapids. I thought that the man ahead of me must know what he is doing. The water was only up to his ankles as he carried his small red kayak to the northern shore of the channel. Even though i was moving fast, i did not catch up to where the man was walking. I watched the ripples in the water as the water passed over the small rounded rocks. I wanted to continue down the water channel, but i wondered if the man knew something about the channel that i did not. I wondered if i should be taking my boat out of the water as well and carrying it up the slope. The man was then walking up the steep gray rocks of the hill to the north. He followed a path that ran diagonally along the hill to the northwest. I continued on the water, wondering if i would be blocked from traveling farther to the west. I thought that the rocks might signal some rapids, and i wondered if i would get stuck in the water. I thought that the water must end. I said something to my father, who was behind me. I then moved to the northern shore, looking at the gray rock of the cliff where the man had climbed. I could see the diagonal steak that rose along the smooth rock face. A gravel shore was below the cliff. I looked at the diagonal line, realizing that it was a thin shift in the strata of the rocks. It looked like an inclusion layer of some kind of crystalline rock. The man must have grabbed on to the top of the strata and pulled himself up the cliff diagonally. I grabbed the top of the rock, realizing that i could get no more than the tips of my fingers to grab the top lip of the rock line. It would be very hard to climb. I told the person to the east of me that the climb must be very technical. I did not think that we would be able to do it. I pulled down on the narrow lip, seeing how hard it would be to pull myself up. The rock started to pull down. I was now in a small room, and the rock ledge ran across the eastern wall. The other person was to the south of me. I said that we would not be able to make the climb and started to turn back to the south, to leave the room through the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. The square room was only about three or four meters wide. I realized that the weight i had put on the rock had caused it to tip down slightly. I thought that climbing on it would only make it fall. It seemed dangerous. Just as the man with me exited the door, i looked back to the east, noticing that the stone lip was now set into the southern wall. The eastern wall was metallic and looked like wrinkled aluminium foil. The southern wall had two compartments in it; both had heavy metal lids. The lip of rock seemed to be front edge of the hatch over the compartments. I watched the eastern-most bin for a moment, noticing that the hatch was slowly moving downward. The hatch, which was the strata of rock, now looked like a glob of metal. It was rounded, as though it had melted and then solidified in the linear shape. The metal surface had a dull metallic finish to it. I thought that it would be dangerous to have the rock lid shut. If it collapsed, no one else would be able to get into the passage and climb the rock as the man had. The lid continued to lower until it reach a falling point. It then dropped suddenly down. The slab seemed triangular, and it formed a slanted surface from the lower rim of the opening to somewhere within the cavity. I felt cautious about this. I pointed it out to the other person. I then realized that something must be moving within the rock. I looked down to the bottom of the southern wall to the east of the door. The wall left about a deci of space between its lower edge and the floor, and i could see red molten rock bubbling up inside. The volcanic activity had been increased by the falling rock. I felt unsafe here. I looked around the room, noticing the lava under the eastern wall starting to glow as well. The falling debris must be entering the lava chamber, and it must be causing the lava to overflow. We had to get out of here. I wondered if the metal hatch would fall into the lava below. The lava got brighter, and i could hear it churning. I thought that it would just get hotter, so i ran out of the room, heading south. I came out onto the dark plaza. The place seemed like a pedestrian street in a small shopping district. It seemed like the Ithaca Commons. The man with me had already ran across the open space to the south, but i was aware of the moving objects in the middle of the space, and i had to be cautious. Large moving structures crossed the paved ground to the south and west of me. I was aware of two metal poles to the east of me that had something rotating from the tops. The object would slowly swing to the west of the poles. I crossed the path of the swinging objects and stopped just to the east of another tall structure. A large white tent-like structure was now in the middle of the area to the east. The objects crossed in front of it. These mechanical objects were part of some machine, and i had to be careful not to get hit by them. It seemed to be night, so i could not see all of the objects moving around me, but i thought that the objects would not move close to the structure that i was standing against. The objects mostly seemed to be moving east to west, so they would hit the structure if they came this way. I looked around, trying to plan how to cross the area. The other man was now on the southern side of the area. He was Daniel Radcliff. He wore a black shirt and dark denims. The black T-shirt had white writing on the front. I had to follow him, so i ran across the street, trying to avoid any objects that might come my way. We had to make our way to someplace.

12016 February 12

I was in the small house when the others came in from the west. Some people were talking to me from the north as i sat in the white cushioned chair, facing northwest. The men who came in walked into the room to the south of us. I recognized one as $F6. Someone said that he had come here to get his things. This seemed strange, and i felt concerned that he was removing his things from the house. He stopped in front of a tall narrow glass set of shelfs against the southern wall. He grabbed some dark objects from the middle shelfs and turned back to the west to carry them away. I did not understand what was happening. He seemed upset, and i felt sad for him. I wanted to know what was going on. Why was he taking his things away? I thought that something must have happened.

12016 February 13

I was in the apartment building with the others. The walls were dull yellow, and i was standing or sitting near the eastern wall. The others were in the room to the northwest of me, but i could not see them. I was leaning against the wall, just to the north of a doorway. I was aware that the person i knew was in the room to the east of me. People were starting to leave this place, however, and i felt that i had to do something. Someone mentioned the man who was living here. He was not the person that i knew from this apartment, but he seemed familiar. I then seemed to be sitting near the floor by the door as someone walked past me. I looked to the west, noticing the bass guitar sticking out of the man’s bag, which he had flung over his right shoulder. The man wore a pale-red or pale-orange shirt, and the satchel was mustard yellow. He had fuzzy hair and looked a little like Jimi Hendrix. I was interested in the bass guitar that he had, and i thought that it would be fun to play music with him. I then realized that he was someone that i knew from somewhere else. Someone said something to him, and he backed up. He stopped in the doorway in the southern wall of the room. He had been walking down the corridor outside the room. He now seemed like $A681. I said hello, using his name. He seemed uneasy meeting people in a nonprofessional setting. He continued to the west to leave the building. I thought that $A606 lived in this building. The man must have been his roommate. I did not know that the man had lived here. I wandered to the south, coming out on the wooden landing. It seemed to be later, and it was dark out. The land to the south of me sloped down steeply into a ravine. The main ravine seemed to be to the south, but a smaller ravine was to the east of me. I had been staying on the wooden platform, which seemed to have a small shelter on the northern end. I had just come out from under the green covers of the bedding that as on the northern side of the platform. I had been sleeping outside here. I thought that it should be very cold, but i did not feel cold at the moment. I knew that i could get back under the heavy blankets and be warm, even though i was out in the cold weather. I moved to the railing to the south of me and looked down the hill. The tall thin trees were leafless, and i could see a thin layer of snow on the ground. A road ran down the center of the ravine to the east of me, and a main road ran east to west at the bottom of the hill to the south. The road seemed to run along a small creek. The creek was to the south of the road. Just to the east of where the two roads met, a bridge on the main road spanned the creek. Cars were moving down the road, but they seemed to be sliding. I saw one slide on the bridge just before it disappeared around the side of the hill to the southeast of me. A black car then came down he hill to the east of me. I could not see it sliding, but i thought that the roads must be very slippery now. I then saw a tan car coming from the west. It looked like a military vehicle, with sharp ridges along the front hood that looked like armor plating. The car was moving quickly, and it started to turn slightly to the north. It now faced northeast, but continued to slide to the east. It was slipping on the road. The car skidded across the bottom of the hill and then across the bridge. I thought that the temperature must have dropped, causing the water on the roads to freeze. This did not seem right, however. I remembered the thermometer in my car saying that it was below freezing earlier in the day, so the temperature must have been cold. Another car came from the road to the east, descending the steep hill toward the main road. It did not seem to be sliding, but i wondered if it would. I watched, but could not tell that it was losing control. The roads did not seem icy, but i thought that they were. I was not able to tell. I then heard the telephone ringing. The south was to the north of me, and i thought that it was the telephone in my apartment. It must have been my mother calling. It ran twice, but i did not have time to get it. I wondered if i should have answered her call. I then heard the other telephone ringing to the west of me. It was in the apartment that i had been in, where $A606 lived. I hurried down the wooden steps to the west and entered the apartment building. I came in on the northern side of the room. The door was in the northern end of the eastern wall. I knew that the bedrooms were to the north of me, and i wondered if the person i knew was still here. I moved to the western end of the northern wall and picked up the receiver from the white wall telephone. The white telephone was old and dingy. A space was left between the western end of the northern wall and the western wall, forming a doorway into a small room. The small room is where i had been when i ran into $A681 earlier. The bedrooms were to the east of the small room. I wondered if $A606 was here. It would seem strange to others in the house if i was there without visiting someone i knew. I walked to the west, through another doorway in the western wall. I spoke on the telephone, talking to my mother. She seemed concerned about something. A short set of wooden stairs descended into a basement or garage just on the western side of the doorway. I stopped in the middle of the stairs as i spoke. I then heard someone coming from the east. I turned around to see a woman coming around the corner of the northern wall from the bedroom area. I did not know who she was, and i thought that she might not like me being here. I could not tell her that i knew someone in the house when the person was not here. She seemed annoyed that i was here, and i felt uncomfortable being here. She had curly blond hair that seemed short on the sides. She turned back to the east, and i turned back to the west. I listened to my mother but tried to end the call. I started to feel impatient that my mother was not getting off of the telephone. I heard the woman to the east talking to someone. They had come into the kitchen area, which was the main room that i had crossed from the entry door. I tried to get my mother off the telephone as i moved to the bottom of the stops. When she was finally off the telephone, i turned to the east to hang up the telephone against the eastern wall of the basement area. I went to put the receiver back on the wall, aware that the woman had passed to the east of me, heading south into the kitchen. I felt that i should get out of the house. The receiver did not seem to fit on the wall correctly, and i realized that i had the chord twisted. I took the receiver off the wall again and tried to untwist the cable. I let the receiver dangle so that i could let the chord unwind a little before i put the handle back on the wall. I picked up the handle, which now seemed to be a garden sprayer on the end of a yellow rubber hose. The thin hose was untangled by the receiver, but the rest of the length of the hose was now bunched up in a large knot. It had been stored in the square hole in the cement floor to the north of me, but i must have pulled it out when i tried to untangle the receiver. Annoyed, i stuffed the tangle of rubber tubing back into the hole. It fit rather well. I then used the sprayer handle to spray down the rubber hose, thinking that i should get the dirt off of it. Several boxes of styrofoam pool toys were stored near the pit. The cardboard box near me had no lid, and i could see the hilts of the plastic sabers. I sprayed them and the other box with the water to clean them off. I thought that the people in the house would not want me leaving them dirty. I then hurried back to the east. As i reached the doorway, however, i saw that white string now crossed over the bottom of the doorway. The bottom of the doorway was now at the level of my chest. I had climbed up it before, pulling my way under the string. As i tried this time, however, i found that i was getting stuck by something. I tried pushing between the string and the floor, but something else was in the way. I was aware that the woman and someone else had wandered to the north, into the small room. I pushed my left hand into the doorway, feeling a stiff sheet of plastic covering the opening. It was clear, so i could not quite see it. I was annoyed, thinking that the woman had put it there to prevent me from climbing back through the kitchen. I pushed my finger into the plastic, trying to break it. It seemed very tough. I then pulled it toward me, trying to break a hole in it so that i could pull it apart. It did not tear so easily, and i felt angry with the people for doing something so petty. I did not care if they wanted the doorway shut; i wanted to get out of the apartment. I pulled on the plastic. A foggy white film was now on the western side of the plastic. I could not see the plastic sheet directly, but i was pulling part of it though a small hole i had made in the frosted film. I pulled at the plastic until it tore. I then put my hand into the hole and pulled the plastic apart. I stepped back for a moment, adjusting myself so that i could climb through the opening. The woman came from the north again. She saw the hole in the plastic and made a comment about it to her friend. She seemed to be annoyed, but she was trying to make me feel bad for damaging what she had done. I tried to climb through the opening.

I moved to the window in the western wall. I seemed to be in a boathouse, and i was looking out at the dock, which ran under the window. The dock ran from the shore to the south out into the water to the north. Water filled the view to the west of the dock as well. I saw the creature floating slowly in the water under the window, but i was not quite sure what it was. It looked like an octopus, with leathery gray skin. It floated from the west toward the dock. I could see another creature very similar out in the water, but the water was foggy, so i could not see all of it. I looked at the one that was floating near the window. The animal seemed rather rigid, with a stiff solid head and a triangular body. It did not seem at all like an octopus, which should have flexible skin. The head stuck up out of the water as it came near the dock. I felt weary of it, not quite sure what it was. It seemed to be a creature from science fiction. I thought of the creatures from Lovecraft stories. The creature near me started moving to the south, along the side of the dock. I tried to focus on its head to see if i could see any features. I could not see a face. I did think that the creature should have an entirely different anatomy if it was extraterrestrial. I remembered Lovecraft describing a creature as having fine tentacles in place of eyes. As the creature turned to the southwest, i saw a flat surface on the northern side of its head. It was the face. The face was flat and the head came around it a little like a cowl. The face had two rounded patches along the top where tiny tendrils hung loosely. This must be one of the monsters from the stories. I backed away from the window suddenly, afraid that the creature would see me. I felt frightened. I leaned forward a little again, trying to see where the creature had gone.

12016 February 15

$A682 was in the room to the north. He had driven me to this place, and we had returned from somewhere. I felt upset and told $A682 that i had to get back to my apartment. I walked to the east. $A682 mentioned that cat that we had seen in the window. It was our cat, and we had left it somewhere while we were away. I wanted to see the cat, but i felt hesitant. I walked down he hall or street to the east, looking at the small building or glass-enclosed window to the north. The cat was lying against the lower window of the room. The dog followed me, circling from the south of me to the east of me. It walked to the window, where the cat was. The cat seemed to see me, and it stood up in excitement. It was a furry cat with pale-orange fur. I could tell that the cat was excited to see me, but it made me feel even worse. I headed to the east more quickly, hoping that the cat would not get a good look at me. I wanted to move all of my luggage back into my apartment before i picked up the cat.

I moved quickly to the south, heading across the campus. I felt anxious and had to get somewhere. I was supposed to be taking classes here, but i had not been to all of my classes. I was upset about this. I hurried to the academic building. As i passed down a set of wide reddish stone steps, i realized that i had never finished my degree from this place. I had simply stopped taking courses because i could never seem to finish any. I was not paying attention to the classes and never attended. I was no longer taking classes now. I thought that i would never get my major. I seemed depressed about this, and i wondered what i could do. I then thought that i still had a degree from before, but it did not seem to be as important to me. I came into the large hallway in the center of the building. The hall seemed like an atrium, with a ceiling a few floors up. The walls and ceiling were white, and the arched features had sharp creases where the curving surfaces met in the peaks of the shallow arches overhead. The arches formed vertical lines where they ran down the walls, and wooden doors let do classrooms between the vertical features. Several large tables seemed to be set up in the center of the hallway, and some people were studying on them. Other students wandered around in the hallways. I thought that my class in philosophy would be held in the room to the east, but i was not sure why i would go to it. I had already given up on the major. I was not sure what i should do, and i felt upset. I moved to the north, toward the end of the building. I remembered that the philosophy professor had an office near the end of the building. His office was just through a low archway that led to the entry hall, on the eastern side of the entry hall. I headed toward the exit door. I passed through the stone archway, which was made of a dark-gray stone. Just as i passed the doorway to the office, i could see the professor walking toward me. He passed a xerograph machine, which was against the northern wall of the office. He wore a brown jacket and pants with a white shirt. He had wavy dark-blond hair and gold-framed glasses. I wanted to talk to him, but it did not feel right. He glanced at me as i passed, but did not seem to notice me. I continued to the north, leaving the building. I felt very upset and was not sure what i should do.

I had just woken up and was stepping out of the eastern side of the large bed, which was on the northern wall. I was in the bedroom on the second floor of the house. I looked down the stairs, which descended along the eastern wall of the room. They seemed to be the stairs to my old bedroom at my parents’ house, leading into the hallway below. I could hear someone moving in the room just to the west of the bottom of the stairs. I knew that it was $A682. I wondered if he had heard me moving around upstairs. He would not have known that i was not going to work today, so he would not know that i was upstairs. I tried to stay quiet so that he did not hear me. I did not want him to know that i was upstairs. I moved back to the west, away from the stairs. I would have to get dressed quietly.

12016 February 16

I was in the back room of my parents’ house, sitting on the eastern end of a couch, which was against the northern wall. I was looking to the south, across the room, but i was having trouble seeing things. I tried to focus, but something was blocking my vision. I realized that something was over my eyes. I reached up and tried to pull at the cloth band that seemed to be over my eyes. I walked diagonally across the center of the room to the southwest. My mother was entering the room from the doorway in the western end of the southern wall. I told her that something was blocking my vision, and i asked if the lights were simply not working. The room now seemed very dark, and i thought that the lights should be on. I could see the lights on the table in front of the window to the east of me dimming. Something seemed strange. My mother then said that she was not able to close the back door of the house. The door was in the southern end of the eastern wall. I walked to the south and asked if she wanted my help closing the door. I thought that the door had to be secured. I pushed the door closed, but realized that the wooden door now seemed too small for the doorway. I could see a few centimeters of gap on the northern side of the door. I tried adjusting the door in the doorway, trying to get it to fit correctly. It seemed strange that something was wrong with the door, and i felt uneasy that the door could not be locked. I felt that the house would be unsafe with it open. I moved the door around a little, trying to get it to fit. I focused on the latch on the southern side of the door. As i adjusted the position of the door, i saw some blue sparks arch between the door latch and the metal latch plate. I mentioned this to my mother, saying something was strange. I then pushed hard on the door. A cushion had been between the wood door and the screen door. As i pushed the wood door into place, i saw the screen door pop open. Annoyed, i stood up, opened the wooden door, and went to close the screen door. To my surprise, i saw a man walking down the driveway outside from the north. He paused in front of the door and looked at me. I felt uneasy, thinking that he now knows that the door does not close properly. He seemed to be a stereotype of a country person. He looked rugged and not overweight. He wore a tank top and dirty denims, and he carried a small gray and white terrier in his right arm. He seemed unshaven and had messy brown hair. I felt weary of him as i tried to close the door. I told my mother about him after he passed, saying that he had seen that the door did not work. She said that he was one of the free-range farmers. I knew that they lived in the forests, and i thought that this man must live somewhere in the forest to the north of my parents house. He was one of the people who always came across my parents’ property. I headed to the south, into the dining room with my mother. I tried to turn on the lights, but they did not seem to be working. My mother was to the west of me, in the bathroom. I headed toward her, but noticed a large pick-up truck in the front yard. The truck was parked on the western side of a paved circular driveway that ran in front of the house. The truck was parked on the western side, facing northeast, toward the house. I could see the truck clearly through the open door at the front of the house. I was worried that the man would be able to see me in the house as he got in the truck. We should not let the man see us. I pushed my mother back toward the bathroom as i tried to get out of view of the windows. My father was approaching from the southwestern part of the house, however, entering the dining room from the doorway in the southern end of the western wall. I thought that he would unwittingly walk in front of the windows, allowing the man to see him. I felt very uneasy about the situation.

I felt uneasy as i moved around in my parents’ dining room. A man was to the southeast of me. He seemed to be a military officer, and he was talking to me about the test that i was taking. I felt anxious about what i was doing for him, but i thought i understood what he expected of me. He showed me a paper. I started answering the questions on the paper. They seemed easy, and i thought that i understood them. The man then stopped me. He took the paper and turned it over, showing me three questions that were printed on the back, saying that i had missed some. I felt annoyed. I had been answering the questions near where i had first started reading. I decided that i would answer all of the questions on a single sheet rather than write on multiple sheets. I knew that the man might object to this. I started to feel impatient. I really did not want to continue answering the questions. I was annoyed with the man for insisting that i answer them the way he wanted me to. I did not want to answer all of the questions. I thought that some of them were not important. I sat down on the couch, which was against the northern wall, and started to write out my answers. The man then asked me something else. I paused and looked at the paper. A series of numbers ran down the right side of the sheet. The man had written the numbers for me to follow. I thought that i would have to guess the order of the series. I read down the list, realizing that it was actually a rather long list of numbers. I tried to figure out the first few. As i focused on the numbers, i was having trouble seeing the lines. The numbers were written clearly in pencil, but i could not make them out. I focused. I tipped the paper to the west so that it would catch the light from the bathroom. It seemed as though i needed the glare off of the paper to discern the characters. The light from the bathroom was not good enough, though. I told the man that it was too dark in here. I tipped the paper several ways, but nothing seemed to work. I then stood up and walked to the western wall. A switch was just to the south of the doorway to the bathroom. I turned on the switch, but nothing seemed to happen. I tried the next one over. A light came on to the west of me. It must have been the ousted light. I turned it back off and tried the third switch. It was not working. Frustrated, i walked back to the couch and tried to turn on the small lamp that was on the wooden table just to the west of the couch. It would not turn on. The lamp seemed to be a very strange design. It was formed of curved pieces of metal, which looked like long thin brass horns. They were attached to each other in a decorative way that made the lamp look like a ball of curved spikes. A green domed shade was on the top of the lamp, covering the bulb. I moved the lamp, trying to turn it on, but then i realized that one of the spikes on the left side of the lamp was the plug. It had two prongs sticking out the end of it. This seemed very inconvenient. The plug was not on a chord, so it could not easily be bent to reach an outlet. I lifted the green dome, noticing that the pointed tips of the bulbs were supporting it. A rubber insulator seemed to rest between the underside of the green dome and the four or five pointed bulbs below. I carefully tried to put the dome back on the tops of the bulbs.

12016 February 17

The man and woman headed to the west, and i followed them through the area. They talked to each other as whey walked. We were outside in an old area. This place seemed as though it was close to a college campus, and many of the buildings looked old and grand. The paved driveway curved from the southeast behind us, and houses stood among the tall thin leafless trees to the northeast and north of it. Some patches of melting snow seemed to cover the gray ground, and the dim light of the sky made it seem that the sun was very low in the sky. The air looked cold, and i felt somewhat chilly. The man and the woman then headed down the stairs, which descended to the west on the northern side of the road. The stairs started just past the old black and white tudor-style house, which was against the road. All of the houses here seemed very close together and very close to the road, making this place seem like an old European town. I stepped off of the road to the north, onto the stone landing at the top of the stairs. Thick rounded balusters supported the thick matching ashen stone railing along the northern side of the landing. I followed the other two down the stairs I looked to the north at the large yellow building that seemed to descend the steep hill to the north of the stairs. I thought that it was an old fraternity house, like many of the other buildings in this area. When i reached the bottom of the stairs, noticed the large dark building to the north of us. The upper floors seemed to have a white and black tudor-style surface, but the lower floor was surfaced with dark-gray stone. The stone had a dull unpolished finish. I recognized the building from somewhere before. It was near a fraternity, and i remembered that it was rented by some people i had met. I realized that i knew this area. I had not realized where i was before. I turned to the south, now in the room with the man and woman. To the northwest of us was a large yellow house, which i remembered as a specific fraternity. The man and the woman were talking on the eastern side of the small empty room. I thought that the man must have rented a room from the dark house to the north. I looked at the yellow house, hearing people in the large room on the eastern side of the house. I could see some of them moving through the large multi-pane windows. The room inside seemed to be finished with polished wood, and it looked very fancy. The men inside wore nice clothes, and i thought that they must be wealthier than the average student. One young man wore a yellow sweater as he walked around the eastern end of a couch, heading north and talking to someone on the western side of the room. The man in the room with me then said something to me as he passed me to the north. He said that he was getting something from the kitchen. He exited the building through the doorway in the western end of the northern wall. I glanced at the woman for a moment, not sure what i should do. The room i was in had a dull wood floor and low stone walls. The eastern half of the room had stone walls and seemed to be part of a basement. The western half of the room was had windows that ran from the ceiling to the low stone wall near the floor. The windows started on the western end of the northern wall and wrapped around to the western wall. The multipane windows had lightly stained wood frames and thin trimming hold the panes in. Bright hazy sunlight seemed to be shining in the window from the west. I then realized that the man might have said what he said because he wanted me to help him in the kitchen. I asked the woman if he wanted me to follow him. She did not answer. I headed to the west, leaving the room and the building. I came out of the house onto a cement patio to the west of the house. The man was still walking to the north of me, so i followed him down a short set of steps to a cement sidewalk. The sidewalk ran between the short steep hill that led south to the patio and the large yellow house to the north. The man had headed west and then turned to the south to head up a long steep set of stone steps. I was interested in the man, and i felt glad that he had asked me to follow him to the kitchen. I crossed the stone sidewalk, heading west. Stone railings ran along the southern side of the landing, with thick railings on top. These stairs seemed very old. A stone bench ran along the southern railing, and a man was sitting on it as i approached the bottom of the stairs. He was slouched in the corner between the southern railing and the thick banister of the eastern side of the stairs. He seemed to be holding a cell phone to his right ear. He was wearing a nice sweater over a button-up shirt. I thought that he must be one of the privileged people from the fraternity. I hurried up the stairs to the south, trying to catch up with the other man. When i reached the top of the stairs, however, i was not quite sure where i should go. I turned to the north and headed across the landing. A hallway seemed to lead off to the east and a room opened up to the northwest from the landing. Directly to the north was a large fireplace. It seemed to stand as a column in the center of the room, though it was against a wall to the north and west. The dull dark-gray stone had thin column around the enclosed fireplace. Glass covered the northern and western sides of the opening. I could hear kitchen sounds, but i was not sure where they were coming from. I looked down at the stone base of the western side of the dark stone structure. As i approached the fireplace, i noticed that a fox was inside the glass. It had fiery orange fur, and it turned its head to the east as i neared. I said hello to the fox, wondering if it could hear me in its cage. I then realized that the fox was actually a picture printed on the square end of a log in the fireplace. The log had rotated so that the head of the fox appeared to move. Looking at it more closely, i realized that the log was actually a stack of wooden cubes with different pictures painted on the sides. The pictures fit together to represent a fox. I felt silly for thinking that the fox was real. The cubes were somehow hinged to each other, and the ones on the end pivoted on their edges, turning from one side of the stack to another. It was some mechanical device. I was then aware of a man sitting just to the west of the fireplace. He sat on the eastern side of a large wooden table. The room to the west seemed to be a library, and the man was studying. I hoped that he did not think i was foolish for talking to the fox. I explained that i liked the animation of the fox. I hoped that he did not think that i thought that the fox was real. I looked down at the western side of the fireplace now. The fireplace seemed to be a small stone building, and i seemed to be outside now. I could still hear the clatter of plates and utensils from a kitchen. I thought that the windows for the kitchen must be in the lower part of the western wall of the structure. The kitchen was underground. I wondered how i could get there. I headed to the east, and i came into the kitchen. The man was standing to the south of the large steel table in the center of the room. Several chefs in white clothing stood to the north and east of the table. The man asked where i had been. I told him that i did not know where the kitchen was. He seemed sympathetic. I felt very close to the man.

12016 February 18

The woman to the east of me had a small animal in her hands. It was awkward, and she cuddled it in her arms as she moved toward me. The small red animal seemed to have many limbs. She showed the animal to the cat, which had run up to her from the west. I was watching the scene to the north of me as the cat sniffed the small red animal curiously. The crab-like animal twitched in the woman’s hands. I thought that the animal actually looked like a crab that did not have a shell or claws. I seemed to have a soft fuzzy fur, and i wondered if it really was a crab that had removed its shell. The animal was afraid of the cat, and it squirmed until it fell from the woman’s hands. I could now see myself between the cat and the woman, lying on the ground. The red animal fell on my head. I was startled by this, but i tried not to move so that i did not hurt the animal. I knew that it could not bite me without any pincers. I thought that the animal’s small pointy limbs would probably feel strange on my skin, but i had to stay still. The animal then ran to the north. The woman, the cat, and i had been just to the south of an old white run-down couch, which was against the northern wall of the small room. A narrow set of shelfs stood to the west of the couch, between the couch and the western wall of the room. It had thin metal supports that were reflective, like chrome, and had plate-glass shelfs. It looked like poorly constructed and cheap furniture. The creature jumped onto the shelf that was level with the white cushioned armrest of the couch. The orange cat seemed very curious in the creature, and it immediately turned to the north and followed the red creature onto the shelf. I worried that the cat might try to attack the creature, so i called its name and stood up from my sitting position to grab the cat. The cat stopped in front of the red animal. It still had its head low and eyes wide, but it had hesitated because it had heard my voice. It was curious in the red animal. I thought that the cat actually adored it, and i thought that the cat might want to nuzzle into it and lick it, but the animal might not understand these actions. The woman grabbed the cat and pulled it back to the south. I watched the animal. The animal now seemed agitated, and it started shaking and jumping up and down. It seemed to vibrate very fast. As it moved, i noticed bulges extending from its sides. They were thin and looked like loose flaps of skin attached to the underside of arms. I thought that the animal was unfolding wings, but that did not seem logical. I looked at the woman, who was to the northeast of me, and then back to the animal. The wings seemed to be larger and more structured. The woman said something about the wings, and i turned to look at her. I told her that the wings could not be real. When i turned to look back at the red creature, i realized that it was actually a small dragon. It jumped from the shelf and flew around the room to the east. It circled across the southern end of the room and landed on a window in the western wall. It was trying to head outside, but a screen was on the lower part of the window, so it could not get out. The dragon now had a long neck with a rounded head and a beak-like mouth. It had wide bat-like wings and a long tail with a diamond-shaped tip. Its leathery skin was dull red, and its body was about the size of a small cat. The woman and i thought that we should let it out, so i moved to the west to help it. The dragon was then to the south of us, sitting on a window that was on a slanted wall. My mother was to the south of me, and she tried to open the window where the dragon had been. I told her that she was trying to open the wrong window. I did not think that the one she was opening would actually open. I moved to the south. A low stone structure was in the northwestern part of the room. It looked like a rectangular barbecue pit with an overhead vent fan and slanted grills. My mother had tried to open up one of the grills, which were windows. I reached for a window on the western end of the pit and pulled the lower part of the window open, exposing a flat area of cement that was covered with dry leafs. I pushed around the leafs for a moment, realizing that the pit area was not really an exit out of this building. The room seemed to be over the yard of the neighbors to the west of my grandmother’s house. These windows used to open to the barbecue pit of the neighbors. I closed the window i had opened and headed around the eastern side of the pit. My mother said that she wanted to open the window in the pit. She was standing on the eastern end of the southern side of the pit with my father. I told her that the windows were the wrong windows, explaining that they were part of the vents for Tony’s barbecue pit below. I wondered if, when we opened the windows, if something had fallen into the neighbor’s pit. I hoped that the neighbors would not be upset. I headed to the south, looking at the windows in the southern wall of the empty room. As i reached the window, i was on the southern end of the eastern wall of the room. I pulled on the wooden frame of the window, pivoting the left side of the window in. I then had to slide the lower half of the window up. Part of the window also seemed to open outward. The dragon flew to the window and headed out over the city street. Apartment buildings lined the northern and southern sides of the street to the east of me. At first it seemed like day, but then everything was darker, and i was looking down the street from a lower level. The man ran to the north from between two cars that were parked on the southern side of the street. He jogged to the north side of the street and disappeared from sight. The large dragon, which was now about the size of a man. The dragon followed the man across the street, hopping and skipping on its hind feet as if dancing. It too disappeared on the northern side of the street. I looked down at the crowd of people sitting under the window. I was on the second floor of the room, and the street was again in daylight. The people sat in a small set of bleachers under the window. They seemed to be facing me. I walked along the ledge, which was the top of the bleachers. I chatted with some of the people, but i felt uneasy with them. They were here to watch something, and it had to do with the dragon. I was not sure what i should do, and i paced nervously.

12016 February 20

I had to use the bathroom in the cabin. I wandered to the northern side of the room. The toilets seemed to be in blue stalls in the northern wall. A chair was sitting in front of the stall. I thought that i would use the chair, which had a bedpan in the seat. When i opened up the lit, however, i realized that the water inside was not clean. I looked more closely at it, realizing that the water had was cloudy. The pan had been used before and had not been rinsed out. I thought that i had used it earlier. I picked up the white metal basin and moved it to the north, dumping it into the shower stall. I then filled it up with water and put it back into the chair. When i turned around to the north to put the chair back together, i noticed some other people coming into the room. I put the metal bedpan back in the center of the chair and sat on it. The other man sat in a chair to the east of me, facing me. He slouched into the chair, holding a beer in his right hand. A few more people were coming into the room. They seemed like $G4. I looked at the narrow slot down the front of the bedpan as i sat down on it, and i suddenly wondered if i should be using the pan with the others in the room. I wandered to the south. More members of $G4 were gathered around the campfire that was there. The fire was to the southwest of me. It felt good to be with all these people. I wondered what i should do thought. I chatted with some people. I then noticed that the people were moving. I looked at the small fire pit just to the south of me. The group of people had gathered to the west of me, starting to circle an unlighted bonfire to the northwest of me, but they were now moving to the southeast. I wondered why they were moving, and i asked someone. I looked to the south, seeing a few people rolling large bundles of cardboard across the ground. I then looked back at the fire pit that had been near me. I realized that they must be moving the bonfire to the smaller fire pit. I was a little disappointed by this. I headed to the northwest, to where the people were. Some of them were moving toward me. The were changing positions. I realized that we were getting into the seats in the rectangular area. I stepped to the north, into the sunken rectangular area and sat near the southern end of the eastern wall. The walls were now above my shoulder. Others were moving into the seats around the edge of the area. Something was filling the center of the area. We now seemed to be in a gondola or something else that would be suspended from the air. I thought that it was part of a large zeppelin. The surface of the seats seemed to be dull red. Someone said something about fixing the seats. I was still holding on to the rope that held the gondola into the bottom of the ship. I did not want to hold the rope for a long time, so i tried to strap it to the wall to the south of me. I saw a wide flat cleat was near my head, and i wrapped the rope around it in a figure eight. I then thought about how to tie the rope. The man to the north of me, who had been watching me, gave me some advice. I undid what i had done and thought about how to secure the rope.

12016 February 21

Something had happened, and i felt that we had to do something about the emergency. I looked to the east as i stood just to the north of the doorway. The people were still running to the east. We had to get out of the building. I stood just outside the building, to the north of the brick wall. The metal door led it. I stepped back through the doorway, looking at the large room inside the building. The rectangular room was burning, and we had to get the people out. I felt panicked, but i focused on what i should do. Flames were billowing from a small section on the eastern wall. A man stood in the middle of the flames, breaking a hole in the eastern wall. I thought that he was breaking into the shower room to the east to try to save the students. The man seemed to be on fire, though. This was strange. I then looked to the west to see another man standing near the northern wall. The western end of the room had a large recessed area set into the main western wall. Large metal tanks were in the area. The man stood to the north of one. He was facing north, trying to do something to the flames that were coming out of the metal bulkhead door to the north of him. The steel tank to the south of him was very wide and cylindrical, with an almost-flat truncated cone-shaped top. This man also seemed to be standing in the way of fire. I thought that this would be dangerous. As i turned back to the north, i could feel the heat on the top of my exposed right hand. It was facing the man to the west, and the heat from the flames was burning it. I headed back to the north, rubbing the hand. I then realized that someone had closed the door i had come in. I felt annoyed, but then realized that the people were purposely blocking the exits from the building. I felt angry now, and i headed to the south, yelling to the others that we would have to head out the other door. I quickly crossed the room, looking at the large glass window in the southern wall. I thought that we could easily smash through it to get out. I then imagined that we should pick up something like a wooden bench to break the glass so that we did not get cut ourselves.

12016 February 22

I stood with the others at the western end of the hallway, waiting for the metal door to open. We had come to this office building, which used to be a place that i worked in. We seemed to be on the second floor of the office building. The metal door in front of us looked like an elevator door, but the elevator seemed to be just to the south. The door slided open to the north, and someone greeted us. Through the crack, i could see some people at a counter doing something with a pink cake and some other party items. I thought that they were gathering some things to celebrate something i had done. I did not react. As the people in front of me started moving, i noticed $A547 standing in the room to the west. He was looking out the door at us. He was not normally in this office, but he must have been invited for the party. He was someone that i had worked with. As we walked in, i looked around the room. The small area near us was empty. The people seemed to be in the northern side of the office. I followed the small group into the room and to the north. I glanced to the west into another small room. I could see that a group of people were gathered around a table. They seemed to be arranging something. I recognized some of them as people i had worked with. Once we were in the small office to the north, i looked around. We had entered along the western side of the room, and i looked at the tables to the east. This was where i had worked. The tables now seemed empty. A young woman with colored hair passed in front of me. I remembered her as an artist that we had hired. She seemed short and thin with short purple hair. She wore loose denims and a vest over a T-shirt, and she walked quickly. I thought it was good that she still worked her. I then noticed that none of the tables to the east had office equipment on them. This seemed strange. I looked around. Some people were sitting near the northern wall, but this place no longer seemed like an office. It had been converted into a dining area. The long wooden tables ran east to west across the room. I looked again to the west, into the smaller office. It too had been made into an eating area. I wondered where the main office had been moved.

12016 February 23

The group of people started to disperse to the north of me. We had been gathered for something. It was dark now, and the area felt very quiet. Something was happening around me. I stood to the south of the street in the area that seemed like a college campus. The others headed north, toward the large gray structure, which seemed like a parking garage I started to walk to the east. A steep grassy hill rose on the southern side of the road, and i was walking along the top edge of the hill. The hill seemed to be bedrock with a thin layer of grass over the top of it. It was about three meters above the cement sidewalk on the southern side of the street, but it descended to the east as i walked. I felt that something had happened, and i felt cautious of walking around this area. Would have to cross the street, so i turned to the northeast and crossed over a mound of rock before descending about a meter to the street. I was then aware of people to the west of me. They had been walking down the street behind me. When i had turned, they became suspicious of me. They were looking for someone, and they suspected that i was the person because of the way that i had started to cross the street. As i stopped on the street, one of them called to me. I turned to the west as two of the college men jogged past me. I thought that they were trying to surround me. I felt annoyed with them. It should be obvious that i was not the man that everyone was looking for. They were looking for someone else who was college age. I hoped that they did not attack me as i stood by the road.

12016 February 25

I moved around the small classroom where i had been taking art. It seemed that the semester was over, or that the classes had been in the past. I was at a rectangular table in the northwestern part of the room. I was looking for the posters i had made earlier. Another student was sitting on the eastern side of the large white table, to the north of me. I thought that the would be in the room somewhere, but i could not find them. I did not really feel interested in them, but i wanted to know where they were. I moved to the western wall, checking the stacks of things that were on the shelfs. $F66 then entered the room from a doorway in the western wall. She seemed to be the teacher of the art class. I said something about the posters that i had created. $F66 walked to the east, into a doorway in the center of the eastern wall. I noticed that she had a white scarf wrapped around her neck. One end of the scarf was very long, and it dragged on the floor behind her as she walked through the doorway. A dirty sink and counter were to the south of the doorway on the eastern wall. I followed $F66 into the next room. The headed to the south and started looking through the stacked pictures that were in racks along the western wall, just to the south of the door. Simple wooden braces formed square vertical dividers that held up the framed canvas paintings in the racks. $F66 moved to the south and started looking through some of the paintings. I flipped several paintings from the south to the north, looking at them. They were all old paintings that had been abandoned by the students who had painted them. $F66 then pointed out some of the paintings that she was looking at. She said that no one wanted the paintings. I looked at one, which was a large abstract painting with bright patches of color all over the canvas. I then looked at one of the canvases that $F66 had flipped past. It was very well done, and it was a picture of towering robots over a landscape. The robots were intricately details, and i recognized the image from somewhere. The robots were shaped like dogs. The picture was famous from some other media, and i pointed this out to the teacher. I moved to the picture, trying flip it to get a better look. I realized that two canvases had the same image on them. I wondered if these were the original designs. If so, they would be very valuable to have. I looked at the southern most picture, wondering if the student had signed the painting. This picture seemed formally printed on a board. I thought that it must be the original, or a media print. I started to flip the other painting to the south. I tried to flip the picture, but the part i had grabbed on to came off. I looked at the narrow piece. It was a section of canvas that had been attached to the top of the main canvas, like a molding. It was only half of the top, thought. I put it back in place, pushing it against the other half of the painted molding, which was on the far side of the top of the canvas. I looked at the other picture of the robotic dogs, noticing that it was not as nicely detailed as the first. It did have a signature though, so we could tell who the student was. I wondered if the student had simply copied the media poster to make the painting. I was then aware that other students were coming in from the north.

12016 February 28

I crouched down to look at the piece of paper, which seemed like a screen or placard, that was just to the east of the couch on the northern wall. The card was a little wider than a sheet of paper and about as tall. White writing was in the center of the dark-grayish-blue card, and a ring of decoration was around the edges. Something was affixed to the lower right section of the card. I had to read the writing on the card. It seemed to be some kind of incantation. I remembered that $K1 had given me the card and asked me to read it before. I looked over the writing. The words seemed to make sense, but i knew that they were a spell. I had to read them again to try to get that man back. The man was now trapped in some other realm. I felt annoyed with $K1 for tricking me into reading the spell and sending the man away. I wanted to get him back. I looked at the item on the lower right section of the paper. It looked like a small pine cone, but it was fuzzy and pink. I thought that it belonged to $A605, who was the man trapped in the other world. I would need something belonging to him to bring him back. I felt worried about him, hoping that i could return him from the other realm easily. I concentrated on the words. They were hard to read. I felt nervous as i tried to figure out how to do the spell again.

I was on the western side of the room, watching myself move from the eastern side of the room. I was in a wheelchair on the eastern side of the room, and i was rolling myself to the west. I said something to my mother, who was walking just to the south of me. The window behind me was very large, and the bright sunlight caused the white hazy screen over the window to glow. I was then in the wheelchair, rolling myself to the west. I felt upset about something. We passed through a doorway on the western side of the room and entered the restaurant. We entered along the northern side of the room. Tables were set up to the south with white tablecloths. I felt frustrated about something. A waiter was just to the south of us, and my mother had started getting farther away. I finally wondered why i was rolling around in a wheel chair. I stood up and started walking to the west, angry about something.

12016 February 29

I entered the room with the other person, coming in from the east to the southeastern part of the room. People were sitting around the tables, which were arranged in a large U shape. The open end was on the western side of the room. A teacher sat in the center of the U on the eastern side of the room. The students were already taking tests at the table. The others with me started to sit down at the open chairs and started the test as well. I walked to the west, along the southern side of the table, looking for an open seat. I worried that there would be no seats left. I could not see an open chair around the table. I was then in a western part of the room, which seemed to be separate from the main room. This was not right. I turned around and headed back into the main room. I stopped in the middle of the southern side of the room. I could not find an open desk. The teacher then said something to me. I told him that i could not find an open desk. He did not seem to care. He spoke sternly to me, telling me that i should have done something. He seemed like $A87 or $A5. What he said did not seem to make any sense. I told him that he was not saying anything that made sense. He was trying to punish me because i did not conform to what he wanted. He then asked me what i read last evening. I asked him why that was relevant. He was trying to make me feel bad for not doing what the other students had done. He scolded me in a stern voice. I felt upset and did not really care what he had to say. I told him that nothing he was saying was relevant. When he did not respond to what i was saying, i walked to the southeast, leaving the room. I no longer cared about the tests.