12017 February 01

I wandered through the halls of $P7, walking to the south from the northern end of the first floor hallway. It had been a long time since i had been here. I had to use a toilet, so i was looking for the lavatory. I thought that the bathrooms were near the center of the building on the western side of the hallway. I passed someone that was standing near the northern wall in the middle of the north wing. I stopped to look to the west into the bathroom. Two-by-fours were across parts of the bathroom, and i could see plywood walls. The bathroom was under construction, and i would not be able to use it. I headed back up the hallway to the north. The corridor was now dark. The light came into the hallway from the northern end. I now seemed to be on the basement floor of the wing. I was aware of the wall to the east of me, but the wall to the west was too dark to see. The silhouettes of a man and a young student were moving down the hall toward me. The young man seemed to be one of the older students. He wore a gray uniform shirt, and he had his left hand on the boy’s right shoulder. The boy was frightened of the dark and hesitant to continue down the hallway. I thought that i could have run into them in the dark had i not seen their silhouettes against the light from outside at the northern end of the corridor. The young man stood to the west of the boy, and i passed to the west of them. I then glanced at the northern wall, noticing rough stone in the dim light. The western wall of the corridor was absent, and i could see a few meters into the foundation of the building. This part of the building was under construction as well. I remembered how the unfinished attic had looked. The dirt wall to the north was rough, and i could see wooden timbers supporting the ceiling and the walls. I then noticed a narrow set of wooden stairs ascending to the west. They turned to the south after a few steps and a small square landing. I remembered that these steps went up to the unfinished area. I wondered if i should take them up to the next floor. I glanced back at the young man and the boy, noticing that the man was looking at me curiously. I thought about the construction projects in this place as i reached the northern end of the hall. I wondered if any of the people i knew would still be in this place. The hall widened into a square stairwell, and i looked at the closed gray door in the white eastern wall. I thought that students might be having class at the moment. I started walking back down the hallway to the south. Looking at the first door of the corridor on the eastern side. It was slightly ajar. I was then in the southern wing of the building. I could hear the voice of $A227 coming from the open door in the eastern wall. I thought that he must still be teaching art, but i thought that the class on the southern side of the hallway was a shop class. I reached the southern end of the hallway and turned back around. The hall was now different. The white wall only came up a meter from the floor to the east. Beyond it seemed to be a ramp with a red hand railing. Beyond that was an open classroom. As i walked slowly to the north, i could hear $A227 talking to students. I climbed over the railing and looked down into the open room to the east, seeing a large classroom that was below the level of the hallway. Painting canvases were resting vertically all over the room, and the teacher was walking to the north along the eastern wall of the room, talking to the students. Light came into the roof from small windows that were high on the eastern wall. I walked to the north, watching the teacher as he chatted with a female student. I then focused on one of the large paintings that was leaning against the northern wall of the room, just to the west of the exit door. Something seemed familiar about the painting. It was a tall rectangular painting. I then realized that the teacher had left the room and passed to the north of me. I turned around to see him walking down the hallway to the west of me. I started following him. He seemed very young, and i thought that it could not really be $A227. I walked close behind him, looking at the back of his neck. He turned his head slightly to the east as he spoke to the student, but i could not see his face. He had short brownish hair that was shaved on the back of his neck. I followed for a few moments, trying to see if he was really $A227. I again reached the southern end of the hall and turned around to head back north. The hallway now seemed wider. The eastern wall bowed to the east, and a white display tower was in the center of the hallway near the southern end of the recessed bow. The posters and images here seemed to be of biological life. This was the new science wing. It felt good being here. It was nice to see such a modern facility for the teaching of science. As i walked, i wondered if i could teach science here. I then dismissed the idea, realizing that i would only be teaching to those who could afford to learn. I thought that the elite did not need any extra science teaching. I wanted science to be for the average person. I wondered if teaching here could somehow be a study for improving science education in public schools.

We had been staying in a cabin with some of $G4. The others started jogging to the west, toward the main road. I followed them more slowly. I wanted to go for a long run, but i did not quite feel well. $A715 was jogging with the group of three or four runners who were turning to the south on the dirt road, which seemed like the dirt road heading to the lake on North Point. She turned around to me and asked if i wanted to go with them. I declined, saying that i had something else planned. I felt bad for not going with them. When i reached the main road, i turned to the northeast and headed for the dirt trail, which departed from the road a few meters to the northeast of me. The trail started up a bare packed-dirt hill that was about a meter tall. Pine trees shaded the trail entrance, but the sun shined on the ground near it. As i started up the hill, i felt my legs start to wobble. I was sore, and i felt that i could not keep going. I started to walk down the wooded trail, feeling depressed that i could no longer jog like i used to. I came out the other side of the forest quickly, coming onto a paved street. A large rectangular grassy lot was to the west of me, and the trail seemed to meet in just north of the middle. I crossed the park area, finding myself along the southern edge of the grassy lot. A wide paved roadway was to the south, and the racecars were speeding past as i jogged. The cars moved to the west and seemed to be stock cars. I started running along the cinder on the northern edge of the track. We had run in this area within the last few days, and i wondered if our trail had come through this area. I was not quite sure. I then wondered if we had a run today. I thought that maybe the others were out setting a trail for us to run. I followed the road a little way as it started to curve to the northwest, but i felt unsafe on the track. I turned around and headed back across the park, heading northeast toward the road that i had come down. As i reached the eastern side of the park, i saw $F57 and another running slowly up the road on the eastern edge of the grass, coming from the south. He had run with the others. I felt dismayed, thinking that i could have run with them. I turned up the road and started jogging to the north, toward the street that ran east from the one that we were on. I wanted to be with the others, but i felt i had done something that kept me from them. I turned east on the side street. I knew that the others were around this area somewhere. I slowed to a walk as i headed east, looking at the small suburban houses. $A506 was walking with me. He chatted with me for a moment. He seemed excited, and he invited me to his wedding. I was flattered, thinking that he would not remember me. He gave me a calendar with the date on it. I looked at the blue calendar as i walked, talking to the others to the south of me as i walked. I told the others the name of the person getting married, but i did not say $A506’s name. I felt confused suddenly. Something did not seem right. I had been confusing the person who had invited me to his wedding. I now thought it was $A420, whose first name i had used when talking to the person to the south of me. I looked closely at the front of the calendar, seeing that the name was actually $A420. I looked up to the east. $A420 was standing near the southern end of the orange car that was parked on the eastern side of the street. I greeted him, feeling confused.

12017 February 02

$A682 was standing to the west of me as i faced north. He seemed upset about something, and he was talking to me. I tried to console him. It felt good to talk to him again. He leaned against me, and i tried to comfort him. I then realized that he might want to be intimate again. He put his right arm across my chest and leaned his head against the left side of mine. I did not want to be in a relationship with him again. I thought that he was going to try to kiss me, but he just stood there for a moment. I wondered if he would try to have sex with me. I would have to tell him that i was not interested, but i did not want to push him away at the moment.

12017 February 05

I was walking along the southern sidewalk of the street in the suburban area, heading east. The road seemed rather wide, though it was a side street through a neighborhood. The small houses around me were set back a little from the road on the northern side of the street, but closer to the road on the southern side of the street. I seemed to be very close to the cement steps of the houses to the south as i walked. It seemed like evening, but the sky was still pale blue. I noticed an airplane in the sky to the south of me. As i walked, however, i noticed that it did not quite seem like an airplane. It was tapered at both ends, making it looked odd. The dark-gray shape moved to the west, starting to pass to the north of me. As it got to the northeast of me, i realized that it was not shaped like an airplane, and i wondered if it was a flying saucer. The shape seemed more disk like, though i seemed to be looking at it from a side angle. I did not have my camera with me, and i wondered suddenly if i was supposed to be seeing this craft. I stopped and watched it as it flew to the west, starting to pass to the north of me. It was obvious now that it was a disk-shaped craft. It had curved details on the underside, however, making it look very familiar. At first, i thought that it was a flying wing. It seemed to be a military craft. As it passed, however, i realized that the curves made it look like a space ship from Star Trek. It had a disk with a thicker rim and an inverted dome, and two tubular structures under it. As i passed, i noticed that it said “NCC” followed by a four-digit number. The ship turned so that i could see a side view of it. The lower part was oddly shaped, bulging forward like the bow of a tanker boat. It was red along the bottom. As it passed to the north of me across the darkening blue sky, i realized that i could see the stars in front of the red part of the ship. Only a few stars could be seen in the twilight sky, but one was not blocked by the ship. The ship must be a fake. I wondered how someone could fake a ship in the sky. If it were film, i could understand the overlaying of images, but i did not understand how it would work in the sky. Maybe the ship was a hologram. The ship stopped in the northwestern sky, rotating in the air. I could see the writing on the disk and lower part of the ship. It had the same naming convention as the ships on Star Trek, so i knew that it was not a real ship. The ship rolled and yawed as i watched it. It seemed to be rolling around for my benefit. Another ship was then in the sky to the northwest, but i kept looking on the pot-bellied one that was moving around in front of me. I kept reading the letters after the “NCC”, wondering if the people who put on the hoax had used the letters of the Enterprise. I then noticed a line of clear black writing along the lower part of the ship. It said “BVP”, followed by more letters. The first letter was an uppercase pi set in sans-serif type. It was followed by the number 366. This seemed to be a strange set of numbers on the ship. They were not from the Star Trek theme. The ship then flew off to the north again and started to disappear. The voice from the north said that another ship was coming. I looked to the south. I could see a small speck in the tan sky. The voice said that the ship was going Mach 400. I knew that the ship was fast, and the speck seemed to have a dark trail running behind it. It was hard to see because it seemed to be right along the edge of the rooflines of the buildings to the southwest something of me. It was the third ship to have passed. This must be some kind of show.

12017 February 07

I ran to the north with the others. It was dark out, and we followed the eastern edge of the lawn across the campground. The ground was wet, and i avoided the muddy area, which formed a round patch ahead of me. I went to the east of it, passing between the patch and the edge of the lawn. I had to step on part of the wet area, which seemed like a soggy patch of packed dirt with small stones. We were cheering for something that was happening to the north, and i felt very good being here. $F4 was running ahead of me. The taller grass was to the east of us, and the edge of the lawn we were on curved suddenly to the east. I stopped at the corner, letting the others run east along the edge of the taller weeds, which seemed to be only a deci or so tall. A light seemed to be shining from the north, and i felt that i should not head any farther to the north. I turned around and started jogging to the south. $A717 was now jogging with me, jokingly chatting with me. He smiled as he ran with me. He seemed like $A532. I said something to him, and he said that he would follow me to the area. I was going to show him something. He then said that he would go with me to my car, but he commented that he did not want to copulate with me. This seemed strange, but i realized that he was probably joking about the comment. He was joking that me inviting him to my car would normally be a sexual advance. I reached my car and opened up the truck. I started getting things out of the car. The car was facing west, and the trunk of the small station wagon was opened above the car. I seemed to be alone now as i got some things from the trunk. I knew that $F71 would be coming. I thought that i should just wait for him in the car. I was already most of the way in the back of the car, so i climbed in and sat down in the box that was in the middle of the back of the car. I sat for a moment, looking out the window to the north of me and feeling rather relaxed. I thought that i had slipped into the car without actually opening the vehicle up. I had simply phased through the side of the car and ended up sprawled out on the cardboard box. This seemed like a hard thing to do. I would have had to know exactly where my limbs were so that i did not rematerialize inside part of the box or part of the car. It was such a tight space, so i thought that moving through it could have been dangerous. I reclined to the south, with my arms up over the edges of the box that i was sitting in. My legs were spread out to the north, and i seemed to be wearing a pair of red skiing pants. I sat for a moment, thinking that i should wait for $F71 to come. He would be surprised to see me inside the car. I then felt a little uncomfortable, so i shifted position. As i was moving, i saw $F71 walk past the window to the north of me. He looked in, surprised that i was in the car, but then he continued to the west. I decided to drive the car, knowing that he would eventually get in the car with me. I headed to the west, but quickly came to a corner where the road turned north. The narrow paved road that i was on turned into a wide multilane highway that headed north. The pavement was very dark, and the dotted lines of the road were white. White fences or walls seemed to be on either side of the highway. I did not see $F71, and i thought that i must have passed him on the narrow road. I wanted to wait for him, but I realized that i would have to started driving quickly on the highway, which would leave $F71 behind. I thought that he was still walking toward me from the east. I wanted to wait fro him here, but i realized that i was blocking traffic, and i knew that i could not stop on a highway. Annoyed, i started driving slowly to the north, trying to stay in the eastern lane of the highway. I was looking for a place where i could pull off to the side of the road. The road seemed narrower now, and it went up and down over short hills ahead of me. The walls on either side of the road were much taller now, and blue golf carts lined the sides of the road. The carts seemed to be on assembly lines. I continued to drive, looking for a space to pull off, but i could see the carts lined up as far as i could see. I knew that i was already driving too far. I had to wait for $F71 to catch up. I felt anxious, wondering where i could stop. I wondered if i could drive between the carts somewhere. They seemed to be on an elevated ramp to the east of me. I then pulled off to the east, stopping on the shelf where a gap between the carts had been. I sat of the shelf for a moment, wondering if $F71 could catch up. I had stopped where a large arched gap was in the eastern wall. Something moving caught my eye to the southeast. I looked through the gap, noticing people moving very quickly down a narrow metal chute just to the east of the wall. I thought that the person might be $F71, but it was not. The person was wearing orange and slipped past me rather quickly. The bottom of the chute seemed to be a conveyor belt. A building was to the east of me, and it had a roof overhanging the chute, which ran closer to the wall that i was sitting on than the building. I looked to the south, seeing that the chute was turning from the west. A group of three people came around the corner on the chute suddenly, moving very quickly. They all sat with their legs straight in front of them, the man to the east ahead of the other two. They were sitting in a slanted line on the conveyor belt. They all held their arms out to their sides, but, as they came around the corner, they all adjusted the direction of their arms so that they had their torsos twisted to the northeast. They moved in sync, as if they had planned the movement. I thought that it was necessary for people to coordinate their movements as they came down the chute. The three people passed under me, but i continued looking to the south, wondering where $F71 was.

12017 February 08

I sat on the southern side of the classroom, which seemed to be on the southern side of the building. The rectangular room was wider east to west. $A643 stood to the north of me, showing me the book. I looked at it, flipping through the pages. $A643 had written the book, and she told me that she had not finished it. I looked at the pages, realizing that the numbers on the pages kept starting over as i moved farther into the book. I thought that she had written it in sections, and that the each section had its own page numbering. The pages would be renumbered when the book was finally assembled, but it was not quite ready for that yet. I looked up. The classroom now seemed to be on the northern side of the building. I had to do something with the book. $A101 was standing to the north of me now. I had to figure out what i was supposed to do.

12017 February 09

I could hear the voices of the workmen who were in the basement of my parents’ house. I was on the western end of the basement, and the workmen were to the east of me. I backed to the south, into the boiler room. I stood just inside the door of the furnace room, listening to the voices. I felt nervous about them. I was not sure what i should do. They were then to the south of me. They stopped near the doorway and looked at me. I said hello to them, pretending that i had been doing something in the furnace room. They were talking about moving some of the furnishings that were in the cellar to some other place. I walked out into the main room, looking at the furniture that was lined up on the western side of the room. Most of it was wrapped in clear plastic sheeting. The men motioned to a stack of furniture and said that he did not want to move it. They seemed to be tired of moving things. I walked to the east of the furniture. The four-legged end table was low to the ground, and the large cushioned chair stood on top of it. The table seemed to be the red coffee table that my mother had when i was a child. I remembered that i had drawn pictures on the bottom of the table in crayon. On top of the table was a heavy wooden rocking chair from my father’s parents’ house. IT had blue cushioning and darkly stained wood. The workmen walked back to the east, but i wanted to get a closer look at the furnishings. I wanted to keep the table that had my drawings on the bottom. I had been using it for my instruments. I moved the chair and table so that i could see the bottom of it. I was checking for the writing, but i had not actually done it. Instead, i was cleaning things up. I picked up some of the plastic containers of food and stated heading back to the east. Just before i reached the next room of the basement, $X3 came toward me from the east. It was good to see him, and i bent over to pet him on the head. He looked young and healthy. I thought that he wanted the food that i was carrying. I told the workmen that i did not care if he ate any of the doughnuts that i had. I placed the box on the floor. I did not want to feed him doughnuts directly, but i thought that he could eat them if he wanted to. I carried the rest of the containers to the east. I went upstairs and entered the kitchen, which was on the eastern end of the house. My mother was on the northern side of a peninsula counter that extended from the eastern wall. I told her about the food. She seemed to be distracted by something, and i felt upset. I went back downstairs to the cellar and headed to the west again. People were in the basement doing things. As i came into the western room, i saw the old magic man standing near the stack of furniture that i had been looking at. He was short, with white fuzzy hair, and he looked like an Australian aboriginal. He wore a dark suit. I did not want to talk to him, so i headed to the south. The room now seemed very large, with a high ceiling. IT seemed to be part of a factory, and large solid metal machines lined the eastern wall. I noticed a stump of cut wood sitting on the floor at the northern end of the room, just inside the doorway. It was set back to the east from the doorway, under a heavy worktable. The top of the stump was covered with white ash from being burned, and smoke still drifted up from the smoldering edges. Thin splinters of wood seemed to stick up from around the rim of the top of the log. There was something ceremonial about the log. I remembered it from before. I thought that it was part of the magic ceremony, but, because it was here, they must not be doing the ceremony now. I stopped a few meters into the room and looked at the machinery that was to the west of me. The old magic man was now standing to the north of me, near the long metal rods of the machine, which looked like some kind of roller press. The top was black and domed, and the horizontal metal bars ran the length of the center of the machine, which seemed to be four or five meters. He turned to me and said something about the moving project. I talked to him, relieved that he was not talking about the ceremony. He then said that the projects that my father had done were nice. My father had been fixing up the buildings on the back side of the house so that the house could be sold. The man said that a rainbow canopy was put up over the pool. This sounded strange to me. I was not sure what he was talking about. I did not remember a pool in the back yard. He seemed sure that it was there. I headed to the east, leaving the house and coming out in the driveway, which ran along the eastern side of the house. Large white vans were parked in the driveway. They seemed to belong to work crews. I turned to the north and walked toward the back yard. I rounded the corner of the house and stopped just to the north of it. To my surprise, the buildings on the back of the house were newly painted and bright white. People crowded the narrow yard and the hill that ascended to the north behind it. Pine trees covered the hill, shading several small buildings. A pavilion or cabin ran along the bottom of the hill. It had a green grandstand along the top, and it was filled with people. I was surprised to see so many people enjoying my parents’ back yard. To the west of me was a small pond, where people were swimming. I heard a splash as someone jumped into the near end of the long roughly rectangular pond. I moved a little closer to the pond, looking down into the water. I could see the square sides of the dirt pond. It must have been freshly cut into the ground. Plastic boards floated just under the water. They looked like narrow boogie boards on miniature surfboards. One of the boards was pale blue, and it had yellow plastic duck feet attached to the sides of it. It floated near the southern side of the eastern end of the pond. I looked up at the pavilion on the northern edge of the lawn, which bordered the northern edge of the pond. I wondered if this was the pavilion that the man was referring to. It was near a pond, which the man might have called a pool, but it did not have any sort of canopy overhanging the water. I then looked around again at all the people enjoying the buildings. My father had built all of these places, and i felt suddenly overwhelmed with joy that the people were enjoying them. I looked up the steep hill to see a white sign at the top. The rectangular sign had green letters, with our last name followed by “Mansion”. It was the name my father had given to this resort. I felt saddened to think that we were leaving this place. I turned back around and started heading south down the driveway. My eyes were watering from tears, but i tried not to weep too much. A man was then in front of me. He stopped and stared back at me. He had a young face and short reddish-blond curly hair. His face seemed expressionless as i stared back at his blue eyes. I realized that he was $A693. I did not say anything to him and let him pass to the west of me. It felt good to see him, but i continued to the south. I wanted to go into the house so that i could cry. I would miss this place.

12017 February 13

I looked out the second story window of the house, looking to the southwest across the back yard. The driveway ran to the west from the house, and i could see the southern edge along the side of the yard. My mother had taken something out of my house and put it with the white trash bags by the side of the road. I felt upset with her. I did not want her throwing away anything that i had in the house. I headed down stairs, finding myself in the basement. I was going to go out to the garbage and bring back the stuff that she had taken. I looked to the west, down the length of the basement. I knew that i could exit the house through the garage door, but something did not seem right about the basement. I was really in my parents’ basement, and i knew that the western end of the garage led to the large loading door. I then heard the sound of the garage door opening to the northwest of me. The basement of the house was L shaped, and the garage door was opening on the western side of the northern part of the basement. My mother came in through the door. I would have to go out the garage door, but i did not move at the moment. My mother said something to me, but i was still angry with her. I would head outside and retrieve the thing she took.

12017 February 16

I headed back toward the building, which was to the north of me. It seemed like Mudd Hall. I worked there. The white building was modern, with a center atrium that was covered with glass windows. I headed to the east of the center section, where the white plastic of the outside of the building curved outward to the south. I had been in this part of the building before, and i remembered using the elevator here. I stopped in front of the metal elevator door, which was in the center of the curving section of the building. The curve bulged outward from the building about two meters, and was about fifteen meters wide. A semicircular cement pad stood in front of the elevator door. I remembered that i had had trouble using the elevator before, and i felt wary about using it now. I remembered that i had pressed the button for one of the floors, but the elevator went all the way to the top. It would not respond to the buttons i was pressing and would only go between the top and bottom floors. It would not take me where i wanted to go. I stood in front of the door for a moment, but then i realized that the red plastic semicircular pad in front of the door would rise and fall with the elevator. I looked down at the pad, which had curved corners and edges. I backed off of it as it started to rise with the elevator. I did not want to be caught on it when the elevator went up. Annoyed, i moved to the east, now in the room to the north of the elevator. The door opened to the south of me and i stepped into the large elevator. I moved to the panel on the eastern side of the southern wall and pressed the button for the sixth floor. I then realized that it was not the floor i actually wanted to be on. I realized that the next button down, which was labeled for the basement through the fifth floor, was locked. I would not be able to use this elevator for anything other than going to the top floor. I did not want to be in this situation again, so i pressed the button for the lobby and got off the elevator. I walked to the west, passing through an open area of the building. The ceiling was high, and the cement columns of the walls were exposed here. This part of the building seemed to be under construction. The room i entered was rectangular, and seemed to fill up the center of the building. Rooms were off of the wide corridor to the north, and i could see open spaces below and above the second floor to the south. A set of stairs descended from the second floor to the south of me. A man was standing near the western end of the room. I headed to the west, passing under a span of yellow marking tape that covered the openings to the west. I thought that the western part of the building had been closed off for the winter. I knew that i probably should not go in that part of the building, but i hurried between the two cement columns on the western side of the room and came into an open space. I seemed to be in a long wide corridor. The northern wall of the corridor was solid cement, and the south was open to a small courtyard. The long courtyard extended to the west along the building and seemed to have gravel on the ground. This area looked very nice. Something about it seemed very open and clean, though it was dimly lighted and the gray sky outside cast dreary light over the cement. Something about this place seemed exciting. I looked at the columns along the southern side of the courtyard. Some ramps seemed to lead up to the second floor, and a parking garage seemed farther to the south. I wanted to explore this area, and i thought that it would be a great place to set a run for $G4. When i reached the western end of the area, i no longer had a ceiling over me. I was now out in the open, and the cement structures around me were more worn and covered with lichen and mosses. The ground was now dirt and broken stone. Two large cubical blocks of cement were to the west of me. I was on an elevated surface of dirt such that the blocks only rose a meter or so above where i was standing. The dirt to the south seemed to be a garden, and dry vines grew up the cement structures on the southern side of the patio. This area was a garden, but it was now dead in the middle of winter. I thought that it must be very nice in the spring. I started heading to the west again, climbing over one of the large cement blocks. The top surface of the block was square and about three or four meters on a side. The top edges were rounded from weather. As i climbed over one of the blocks, i saw $F72 climbing up the southern side of one of the blocks. I greeted her. She seemed surprised to see me, but said hello with a smile as she pulled herself up onto the block. She was not in a good mood, and i could tell that she was depressed. She must have come here to get away from everything. It was good to see her, and i asked her how she was. She answered, but did not look at me. She continued climbing as she had been climbing. Others had come with her. I could hear them to the south on the ground. I wanted to chat with $F72, but she turned to the west and started to climb up the steep embankment, which was covered with old vines. This place now seemed to be an old abandoned factory area, and i wondered if we should be here. They were exploring the area, just as i had been. I was then aware of a man in a dark uniform to the southeast of me. He stood in a cement parking lot with his hands on his hips, looking at us. I thought that he was a police officer, and i worried that he would come after us. I started walking to the west, trying to get out of the area before he could catch up with us. When i reached the tall cement wall on the western side of the area, i headed to the south. The area now seemed like a factory yard, with large cement building to the south that seemed to be open and empty. I looked to the east and southeast as i crossed the open area along the western wall. I did not see the police officer. I wondered where he had gone. A cement wall extended fro the western wall for a few meters. I moved to the end of the wall, climbing up on the cement structure there. I wanted to head to the south, but a fence seemed to be over the tall opening in the wall. Some other structure started about five meters to the east of the end of the southern wall, extending to the east. I looked to the south, down the length of the long open area, which seemed to be under a roof. It seemed to be the eastern part of a larger storage area. Something that looked like a yellow school bus was parked along the eastern side of the area. An opening in the northern end of the shelter seemed to lead into an asphalt parking lot, which was between the eastern side of the large storage building and a cement building, which i thought was a hospital. The tall thin square chimney on the western side of the cement building seemed to be in use. I looked down the long corridor to the south of me. Another vehicle was farther down the hall. It seemed to be some kind of construction equipment. It was white.

12017 February 17

I chewed on the food, but it felt strange in my mouth. I was sitting in the dimly lighted pub. I seemed to be near the eastern wall of the room. My relatives were sitting to the east and northeast of me around the table. I tried to chew the food, but it felt hard and rubbery. I looked down at the plate on the table in front of me. I was eating red beans and corn chips. It looked like a nacho platter, but i could not seem to chew it correctly. This seemed strange. I looked up to the north. I was now sitting on the western end of the southern side of a long rectangular table. I seemed to be in the center of the room. The room was filled with several long tables, which were aligned in rows from east to west across the room. My parents sat on the northern side of the table, and a young boy sat to the east of me on the southern side. We had to leave this place, so we got up and walked to the north. The exit seemed to be in the center of the northern wall. We were then driving to the north on the long straight road through the rural area. The land around us was open fields and seemed to be on rolling hills. We turned to the west, into a dirt driveway that ran to the north of an old farm house. The pale yellow house had modern siding, but seemed to be old. My parents were standing in the driveway around the car. I stood to the north of the car, looking at the house. I wondered why we had stopped in someone’s driveway. I wondered if we knew the people in the house. I then thought that they might be some of our relatives. My father was standing to the south of the car, and my mother was standing to the west of the car, near the front of the car. They started to walk to the west, across the cut tan grass of the back yard. I felt nervous about the house, thinking that we might be trespassing on the property. I was not sure that the people in the house knew that we were here. I asked who lived in the yellow house. My mother motioned to the southeast, saying that this was relatives’ land. I thought that they must be distant relatives to us. My mother then pointed higher to the southeast, saying that the hill was named after our last name. I looked up the hill. The rounded hill was rather steep. It rose to the southeast of the house, starting across the main road from the house. The near side had a wide field cut into the trees, and a short row of shrubs cut across the center halfway up the hill. It seemed to cover and old stone wall. I thought that our relatives must have owned the land, and i knew that we had rights to own part of the property. My father then said that we were near Penn Station. I recognized the name of the town and knew that it was in Pennsylvania, where my grandfather’s family had lived. The land was in our family for our use. My parents continued walking to the southwest, across the back yard of the house. A steep hill descended at the edge of the back yard. It curved from the west to the southwest of the house. An old red barn seemed to be at the bottom of the hill to the south of us, but my parents were starting down the hill to the southwest. The leafless tangled branches of old shrubs, which looked like honeysuckle, grew along the steep slope. My parents were climbing down through the bramble. As i approached the top edge of the hill, i realized how steep the decline was. I was surprised that my mother would climb down such a steep hill. I started following them down the hill, thinking that this would make a nice slope for a run for $G4. My father helped the young boy through the brambles. A tree truck had fallen near the bottom of the slope, and my father was helping the boy climb over it. I descended more quickly. As i reached the tree trunk, i realized that the path was not as tricky as it had seemed from the top of the hill. I walked to the south along the length of the tree trunk, which allowed me to climb over the last bit of brambles. I jumped from the trunk onto the dry ground to the south, just to the north of the old wooden barn. The wood on the barn was faded and seemed to be bare from weathering. We then turned to the west and headed into the large field, which seemed like a corn field. The crops had been cut to the ground, leaving only short stalks. A large crowd of people was gathered on the western side of the field. This place seemed like a restaurant. I moved to the western edge of the field, where tables were set up. I was in a building, but the eastern wall was missing so that i could still see the fields. I was eating again. I chewed on something, but i could not quite chew it properly. I then thought about the yellow house where we had parked. I did not understand whose house it was. Something about the house kept reminding me that we seemed to be out of place here. I then turned my attention to the northwest. A wooden deck was on the side of the house, and i was standing to the east of it. It was dark under the deck, and i could only see the bottom of the slope that descended from the house. The slope was covered with small rounded stones. People crawled out from under the deck, smiling as though they had been doing something they did not want others to know about. A small kitten was then walking out from under the deck. $A501 was standing to the west of me now, just in front of the deck. She talked about the kitten, saying something to me and to the person to the north of me about it. We were again in the restaurant, and the long tables were in rows running north to south across the room. The small pale-tan kitten was fluffy, and someone was holding it on the western side of the room, to the southwest of me. The kitten then ran to the east, out across the field. I felt worried about the kitten. We did not want it to wander away. $K1 ran after the kitten. I started running to the north of the kitten, thinking that i would have to get ahead of it. I ran fast, trying to parallel the kitten, but it seemed to be able to keep up with me. I hoped that it did not try to run away from me. I finally caught it and brought it back to the west. I held it against my chest as i walked, and i could feel its heartbeat against my ribs. It was very small, but its fast heartbeat seemed strong against my side. I then realized that the heartbeat was irregular. I started to worry about the kitten as i walked back into the restaurant. $K1 was near me as i turned back to the east. I focused on the feeling of the heartbeat, trying to determine if it was regular or not. The beat then stopped for a moment. I waited, thinking that i might have shifted position and simply could not feel it anymore. I stopped on the western side of the field, feeling the heart beating again. I felt very worried for the small kitten. I asked the man on the western side of the room if it would be all right. I told him that the heartbeat did not feel right.

12017 February 18

I stood on the southern end of the small field, looking to the north. $F57 and $F58 were standing near me. They had said something about working with the people to the north. I looked across the small grassy square toward the men in heavy green suits who were standing near the forest on the northwestern side of the area. The green suits seemed like protective gear, and i thought that the men worked for the forest service or the government. I asked $F58 about working for them, not understanding why she would be doing things for the government.

The noise woke me up from my sleep on the couch in my lining room. My head was to the south, and i opened my eyes to see the ceiling of the room. The noise had come from the west of me, behind the couch. I thought that someone had come into the house. I thought that it was $F71. I sat up, feeling very groggy and unsteady. I could not quite see what was around me. My vision focused on something brown, like a piece of wooden furniture. I knew that i had sat up on the northern end of the couch and then kneeled down near the northern end. The person had come into the room and walked to the northwest of me. I could not see them. I was still looking at the brown object with the white wall in the background. I was aware of something just to the north of me. At first, i thought that it was $F71, but, as i leaned forward, i saw that it was a young dog. The golden retriever was about a meter tall, and it sat facing me. It looked like it could still be a puppy, but it was large enough to be a young dog. I reached for it with my left hand and pet its head affectionately. As i touched it, i realized that i was actually touching a hand. I thought that it was $F71’s. He was the one who had brought the puppy. I pet the hand affectionately. I asked about the dog, wondering why it had been brought here. I hoped that it was not a gift. I stood up, feeling unfocused and still not seeing my surroundings clearly. An older woman was actually in the room with me. It was not $F71. This seemed strange.

12017 February 19

I had been talking to a friend of mine, but now i was driving the van down the road to the west. I steered the vehicle from the large wheel on the driver’s side, but i was having trouble seeing out the front windshield. The road curved to the north and then to the east, and i could not quite make out the lines. It was dark out, and the light from inside the room caused glare on the windshield. I turned off a light switch, which was on the wall to the left of me, just over my shoulder. I could see the tan walls of the small cubical room behind me. This van seemed more like a camper. The lights went out, but i still had glare from something. I watched the narrow road ahead of me. White houses seemed very close to the southern side of the road, and the lights of a car passed to the north. I felt nervous, hoping that i was not drifting too far into the middle of the street. I steered carefully on the road, trying to stay in my lane, but i could not see well out the window. I thought that i needed better lighting for the front of the car. I was now driving west. I then noticed that something was illuminating the floor of the room to the north of me. I looked back to see a television set on the bench seat at the eastern end of the room. I walked back to it. The television was about less than a meter in both directions, and only a quarter of a meter thick. It had a bowed screen, which looked like a cathode-ray tube. It was flickering with static as it sat face down on the seat. A black bracket was attached to the back of it, and i realized that it could be mounted on the pole that was under the seat of the bench, just to the north of me. I wondered if i could mount it to face forward. If i kept it low, the light would not bother me, but it would help light the road outside. I looked out the front window again, thinking that i could not leave the wheel unattended for too long. I did not want the camper to drive off of the road. I felt worried about not being at the wheel. I adjusted the television for a moment. I then hurried back to the steering wheel, worried that the car had drifted off of the road. I grabbed the wheel, realizing that the van had drifted to the south. We were now traveling to the east on the road, and a very steep hill rose to the south of us. The van had started driving along the side of the hill. I felt panicked, and i turned the car back to the north, trying to get it off of the hill and back onto the road. I turned the vehicle back onto the road and continued to the east. I was then in the room, facing east. The others two people were to the east of me. I had not seen them in a while, and it seemed good to see them. I hugged the man hello, very happy to be with him again. It then seemed that we were holding each other for a while, and i kissed him. He turned to the north and back up, pulling me with him. When he let go, i realized that he had pulled us onto the large bed, which was in the northeastern corner of the room. He was $F12. I was kneeling on the eastern side of the bed, and he rolled to the western side. He was reclined, leaning back on his elbows. He wore a white housecoat, and he stared at me in disturbed surprised. I was not sure why he had pulled me to bed with him. It seemed very strange. I climbed farther onto the bed, thinking that i would cuddle with him if he wanted. He seemed shocked, and i wondered why he had taken me here.

I was in the bedroom on the western side of the house talking with the person, who was to the south of me. I had not seen this person in a while. He seemed to be a friend of $A682. He had short red hair. I chatted with him for a moment, and then i started moving around the house. This house seemed to be a community residence, with many people living in it. I headed to the east, down a hallway. The living room was to the west of me, and the hallway opened up to the south just to the east of me. This house now seemed to have something to do with $G3. I felt a little uneasy here, not sure what i should do. I did not feel as though i actually belonged here, but i wanted to talk to some of the people here. I walked slowly to the east, seeing a set of stairs descending to the south just ahead of me. I had walked into the open area. A railing to the south of me separated me from the set of stairs that turned back to the north and descended the rest of the way into the basement. I could hear the sounds of people in the basement. The house had seemed empty, but i thought that some $G3 must still be here. I descended the steps and turned to the west. I could now hear the sound of a television. People were sitting in the television room to the west of me, watching a screen on the southern wall. I walked into the room, which was very well lighted. People were sitting on two levels of couches in the northwestern corner of the room, and more seemed to be sitting on the southern side of the room. They were all watching something on the screens. I stopped in the middle of the room, looking at the people to the northwest. I seemed to recognize a woman in the back row of seating. She had a red jacket and curly blond hair. A television screen was on the wall just to the east of her. I watched the scene for a moment. It seemed to be some kind of nature show. I then realized that the people to the northwest of me were watching something to the southeast of them. I turned around to see the large white images on the screen in the center of the southern wall. Multiple screens showed the same show. I turned back to the northern screen and saw the white objects. They looked like small cylinders that were decorated with lines of red that ran vertically up the front. They seemed like they should represent angels or people, but i could not quite see the human figures in the shapes. A hand moved one of the objects into place, forming what looked like a choir of wooden dolls. It seemed religious somehow. Music was now playing over the scene. I listened to the song, but was not sure what it was. The words were in Deutsch. I tried muttering part of it, but i did not understand what was being said. The others were standing up to leave the room. I thought that the show was now over. I then heard a man next to me singing in Deutsch. I looked to the east. He had short wavy blond hair. He was someone i had talked to previously, and i felt interested in him. He seemed to be a very nice person. He stared at the screen to the north, trying to sing along with the music. I turned back to the screen, which was still showing the scene of off-white figures. The melody of the song was very familiar, but i did not know the words. I felt fascinated by the scene, though.

I sat at the back of the classroom, which was on the southern side of the building. I was facing west, toward the front of the class. The students around me were very young, and we were all sitting at small desks. My desk was one of two in the back row, and it was in the middle of the room, with one desk to the south of it. Large windows ran along the southern and western walls of the room. $A57 sat at a desk just in front of us. He was teaching us something. I looked down at my desk, but my notebook was no longer there. I had taken it up to one of the desks at the front of the room a little while ago. I felt annoyed. I would have to get my things. I stood for a moment, feeling stressed. $A57 turned to look at me for a moment. She had shoulder-length blond hair and sat hunched to the west, over her wooden desk. Two rows of student desks were to the west of her, and the desk on the northern end of the first row had my books sitting on top of it. I hesitated, not sure if i should simply walk across the classroom to get my books. I felt stressed, and i walked across the classroom to gather my things from the desk, which was now in the front row. It was second from the windows to the south. The notebook was open on the desk, and several pens and pencils were near it. Some of my pens had also fallen to the floor under the desk. I looked to the southwest, noticing the notebook of the student at the desk to the south of me. I could not see the student, but the notebook was open with uneven vertical lines scribbled on the paper in green and orange ink. I bent down to get my books and pens that had fallen on the floor. I realized that the other student was already crouching on the floor, looking through the pens. She was to the west of the desks. I could not see her face, but i could see her feet and her hands as she grabbed the blue ink pens on the floor and tested them. I gathered my books and looked for the pens that were mine. I tried to get some of them, but the other student was using them. I then looked up at her. She wore a white shirt, which seemed like a smock, and she had long ragged reddish hair and a narrow angular face. She seemed somewhat familiar. I mentioned the pens, and she said that she referred to the notebook that was on top of her desk, saying that she was using orange and green pens. I already knew, and turned my attention to the blue pens under the desk. I tried to get them, but the woman kept grabbing them. She said that they were not mine. I felt annoyed with her, but i did not want to try to take the pens. I told her “I don’t really care.”, and i stood up to take my notebooks. She seemed offended and made a comment that my statement was now very nice. I took my notebooks and headed to the east, heading down the hall of the large building. I came into the front hallway of the community apartment. Many other people lived here. I had come here to visit a man, whom i had known through $A682. I remembered talking to him in the bedroom to the west. The front hall was a rectangular room. The corridor i had entered from came from the west and was flush with the southern wall of the room, and a second corridor ran to the west, flush with the northern wall. A set of stairs seemed to descend in the center of the northern part of the room. Thick wooden railings with thick round banisters separated the edges of the room from the stairwell. The entry door seemed to be on the eastern end of the room, but i could not see it. I would have to stay here somewhere, but i did not think that i had a room anymore. I moved to the northern wall, where a wide shelf was set into the wall. I spread the blanket there. I had sleeped there last night. The shelf was long enough and deep enough that it could be a bed. It seemed to be a shelf for a large statue, but it was not being used for one. I sat on the shelf for a moment, looking to the south across the hall. A door was in the southern wall of the room, and it was open. I thought that it must be a room. A woman then came into the entryway from the southern hallway. She walked stiffly, with her arms against her sides. She seemed to be wearing a jumpsuit or other one-piece denim garment. It was dull gray. She had short reddish-blond hair, and her face was angular. She turned the corner and stopped when she saw me sitting on the shelf. She seemed exasperated, and she reached down to adjust the blanket that was on the floor under where i had been sleeping. She was the woman who had been drawing with the green and yellow pens, and i realized that she had been sleeping on the floor under me. She was still upset that i did not argue with her over the pens. She scowled at me, not sure what she should do. She then stood up and stomped out of the room, back down the southern corridor. I wondered if i should stay here. I then saw the open door to the bathroom. A yellow light illuminated the orangish-brown features within the room. The brown wooden door was open to the west, and it had a dark porcelain handle. A woman came down the hall from the west and turned into the bathroom, pushing the door open a little farther. I could hear the sound of a shower, and i noticed steam on the mirror on the southern wall of the room. A voice then seemed surprised. I realized that a woman was in the shower, which seemed to be on the eastern side of the bathroom. The woman who had entered apologized to the east, and then turned to close the door. I caught a glimpse of the naked woman in the mirror. She was skinny, and i could see her naked torso as she reached for a towel.

12017 February 21

I stuck the shovel in the ground to the east of me and picked up another mound of dirt. I was trying to fill in the hole in the middle of the dirt road. I stood on the northern side of the road, which was nothing more than two tracks worn into the gravely soil. I moved the dirt around, taking dirt from the northern edge of the road and dumping it into the hole in the center of the road. We had moved something out of the road, and now i was filling in the spaces. I knew that a steep hill descended just to the north of the road, and i was careful not to stumble down the hill as i worked. I lifted another shovel full of dirt and put it into the recession to the southwest of me. I thought that i had actually been digging dirt from the northern side of the road, which would make the hill steeper near the road. I hoped that i did remove too much of the soil from the roadway. I knew that it would make the road erode faster. I started to wonder if i was removing too much, which would start the dirt on the side of the road sliding down the hill. I turned and looked down the steep hill. The hill was covered with tall thin trees. I could see the darker gravel of the soil where i had been digging into the hill, but it did not seem any more worn than the center of the road. I looked back to the road to see that i had already filled in the hole. I was surprised that my work had been done so quickly. I noticed a slight recessed area in the center of the road, and i tried moving the dirt around in it. Something seemed to be sticking out of the soil just to the west of the area that i had been working on. I moved the shovel over it. It seemed like a pink towel or small blanket. I moved the blanket, but pant of it was buried in the ground, so it would not move. As i folded the top part back to the east, i noticed a small sheet of plywood sticking up out of the ground. A narrow hole was to the west of the plywood. I thought that it must have been the hole that i had intended to fill. I had not yet put enough dirt in it to fill the hole. Lights then appeared from the east. I looked up to see the lights of a truck heading toward me. I felt suddenly afraid of the people in the truck. I knew that they did not want me here. I turned to the north and ran down the hill. I pictured the people in the truck as two men. I imagined them as rural poor stereotypes, wearing loose torn T-shirts and having scraggly hair. They would come after me. I ran into the house and wondered where i could hide. I stayed quiet, looking around in the small building. I moved to the east, into a bedroom, but i could not see away out of the building. I then came back to the living room. The entrance door of the house was in the middle of the southern wall. I could see the lights of the truck descending the hill on a diagonal line from the southwest. I moved around the empty house, thinking that i had to leave this place. I could not let the men find me here. I had nowhere to go, however, and i ended standing in front of the entry door. The men entered. I crouched down on the ground in front of the door. The men entered, stepping onto the platform that was in front of the door. I was lying on the ground along the northern side of the platform. The men would have to descend the stairs on either the eastern or western sides of the platform. I hoped that they did not notice me lying on the floor. I then realized that i had one leg under my torso and the other behind me. I was wearing bright yellow shoes and a matching jacket. The color would probably be quite noticeable. I hoped that the men did not notice me.

I was somewhere near the lake, which seemed like Cayuga Lake. The water was to the north of me, and i was walking to the south across the large gravel parking lot. A small shed was to the west of me, about fifteen meters away. The edge of the lot ran along the open eastern side of the wooden shed, but then in ran southeast toward where i was walking. The land beyond the lot seemed to be grassy, with tall reeds in the distance. I knew that the inlet was somewhere beyond the reeds. I seemed to be on the water flats in the valley. I was heading back to my car, which was parked just to the east of the entrance to the lot. The entrance was to the south of me now, and it connected with a narrow dirt lane. This place felt uncomfortable, even though it was deserted. I wondered if it was safe for me to be here. I reached the driver’s side of my car, which was on the eastern side of the car, and started to open my door. Another car came up the road from the east and turned into the lot. It stopped just to the west of me. The gray car was a convertible, and the man in the driver’s seat looked at me. I was in my car when i realized that the man wanted to ask me a question, so i rolled down my window to hear what he had to say. He had chin-length dark hair and he wore a pair of designer sunglasses. The car seemed to be an expensive sports car, so i thought that man must be wealthy. The man asked about a place by name. The name seemed to start with a B or a P. He wanted to know how he could get there. I wanted to help the man. I was standing by the passenger’s door of my car when i told him that i had not heard of the name. I then mentioned that i could look it up. I looked down at my cell phone and started typing the name into the phone. I could not find the information quickly, and the man started driving to the west. I realized that he looked familiar. He was a famous movie star, and he looked like Warren Beaty from the seventies. I then realized that several famous people were starting to gather in the parking lot. The woman was then standing to the east of me as i stood near the rear of my car. She was a newcomer to this place, and i thought that there was something special about her. She was not as famous as the others, but she was determined to join them. She seemed very plain at first, but then she changed, and she was wearing a bright red dress with a red hood. The dress had sharp angles that formed Vs across her chest and stuck up across her shoulders. The hood had fins on the side, making it look like the tail end of a rocket. I said something to her, and she stood nobly to the west of me, determined to enter the room with the other famous people. The bright red costume was reminiscent of her rocket ship. She was not from Earth, and i thought that she was Supergirl. My view panned around the area suddenly, moving to the north while looking west and then north. People were moving across the floor of the large room. The metal walls of the room curved upward, looking like an airplane fuselage. The glass windows that arched over the top of the northern end of the room had aluminium frames that looked like old cockpit windows. The building was designed to seem very modern. A wall seemed to separate the room, and i walked to the west of the wall across the smooth dark tile floor. At the northern end of the room, i turned to the east, rounding the northern end of the wall in the middle of the room. The others were gathered in the room on the eastern side of the wall. Some were standing near the windows along the eastern wall, and some were near the western wall to the south of me. I realized that they were all famous superheroes. They stood in poses that looked like drawn comic books. I looked at the two people standing silhouetted in the window to the east of me. Two men stood in front of the window, talking about the woman who had walked in near me, the one i thought was Supergirl. I then looked to the southeast. A round window was high on the wall, and a short East Asian woman was sitting on the bottom of the windowsill. She wore a red kimono and had her hair up in a traditional Japanese bun. A tall thin young woman posed to the west of her, silhouetted against the dark blue sky outside the window. The highlights on the older woman’s face were white, as if drawn by a pencil. She commented on the new woman, saying that she was untrained but good. The younger woman hummed in agreement. One of the men along the southern wall, which was recessed from the eastern part where the round window was, joked that the woman was doing better than her cousin was. He seemed to be the Martian Manhunter. He stood against the southern wall with his arms crossed, and he smiled wryly as he made the comment. He glanced to the west, as did the man just to the west of him. The scene panned suddenly to the west. I knew that, if the woman were Supergirl, then the cousin they were talking about would be Superman. The scene focused on the darkly drawn face of Superman, who was sitting on the southern side of a booth along the western wall. He looked into the room, commenting back to the others. The scene then panned suddenly to the northwest, toward the entrance to the room. The woman entered. She was now wearing a formal white gown with lacy trimmings. She still looked uncomfortable with the others, but she was determined to make her presence known. I wondered if her presence here with the other heroes would go well. I hoped that she made it.

12017 February 25

The man drove the car to the east, but i knew that we had to get to the court building of the small town. It was in the center of the small town, and i remembered that the event had happened there. As we drove to the north, entering the town, i saw a sign that pointed to the courthouse. The building was somewhere to the east of us. The man turned the car to the east on the street, but traffic was stopped ahead of us, and something else seemed to be blocking us. I pointed to a road that headed to the south. It was a narrow lane that ran up over a hill through a grove of trees. The ground under the trees was covered with cut green grass, and the area seemed to be a park or cemetery. We drove a little way on the lane, but then had to stop. I could see the tops of the buildings of the downtown section to the southeast and south of us. I thought that this might have been the wrong way to go. This drive seemed to be lead into the park. We wanted to be on the road that was to the southwest of us. I sat up straighter to get a glimpse of what was over the hill ahead of us. I saw that the dirt road we were on curved to the southwest. It must connect with the other road that ran along the western side of the park. The other road was down hill from us to the west, so i could not actually see the road. I was then aware that another car was stopped behind us on the lane. We were waiting for something. I felt hurried by the car behind us. I wondered where the courthouse was. I moved forward, now outside of the car. I was looking over the hill, which now seemed to be to the north of me. The main street of the town ran east to west near the bottom of the hill. A street ran in front of me, and the main street ran parallel to it. I could see the large stone buildings from the center of the town. I remembered seeing the sign for the courthouse earlier, and i mentioned this to the other person. I looked around, trying to figure out where the building could be. Is should have been to the northwest of us. A large red stone building was on the northeastern corner of a block to the northwest of me, on the southern side of the main street. I thought that it was an old church or town building. People moved around on the busy streets, and the town seemed very nice. I wanted to walk about the town for a while and enjoy the scenery. Something about it seemed very pleasing. However, i felt that we had to get to the old town building. I then remembered that old towns usually listed the main community buildings on the sides of other buildings. I thought that names would be carved into the red stone blocks of the building. I knew that the building we were trying to get to was to the northwest, down the main street to the west from the red building. I then wondered if it was really the courthouse. I thought that the courthouse was actually to the southeast of us somewhere. I thought that we were really trying to get to another old civic building. I wondered if it was the town hall. I was then sitting in the car again. We were still standing on the hill. I looked in the rearview mirror to see that the car behind us had gone. It must have backed out of the drive and headed down the main road. I could also see that the drive to the south of us made a distinct curve to the west, which meant that it would have to reconnect with the road to the west. I told this to the other person. The car started to move forward. I directed the person to turn to the west and follow the drive to the other road, but the car continued to head south. I did not think that there was a road here. I started to object, but then i realized that the road ahead widened into a parking area. The man was going to park, and we were going to walk around the town to find the building. I liked this idea, thinking that i would get to see the nice old buildings of the town. We moved in a group, heading to the west. A large building was then to the north and northwest of us. The others said that we should go through it to get to the main part of town, which seemed to be to the northwest. The house was very plain and modern, with a flat outside wall that had almost no features. I knew that the building was on a steep hill. We would enter through a door in the middle of the southern wall, which would lead us into the first floor of the building. When we left, we would be one of two floors up on the northern side of the building. I felt uneasy about going into the house. We did not know who the people were or whether they were home. The others walked in, however. I followed hesitantly. I could hear a man ahead of me calling out to the woman who owned the house. He was trying to see if she was home. I was in a stairwell that was longer east to west than it was north to south. The northern wall seemed to have a yellow triangle painted on it, where the eastern side of the wall was yellow and a diagonally line descended to the cement western side of the wall. I climbed the stairs, listening for people in the house. I did not hear the woman of the house respond to the man. I was then aware of a young child to the east of me as i reached the top of a set of stairs. I looked down the short cement wall that ran along the northern side of the stairs. A child in a red shirt peeked around the wall, looking at me. He seemed distracted, and he rubbed his eyes with his right hand. He then turned to the east and wandered into the dining room, walking to the south of the large wooden table that sat in the center of the room. He seemed to be only two or three years old, and i thought his mother must be nearby. I headed to the north, into the next room. I passed through a doorway in the western end of the southern wall. A woman was to the east, cooking things behind the island counter on the southern side of the room. I walked into the center of the living room. The narrow counter ran most of the way across the southern wall. Several more children were running around the room, and some of the people i had come with were talking to the woman. I felt uncomfortable here and thought that we should leave. I knew that the door to the street was in the western end of the northern wall of the room. I started to head for it, thinking that some others had already left the house. I then noticed the man near the western wall. He had just put something in the small microwave, which was in the western wall. The door was illuminated with a warm yellow light. The man turned and smiled at me over his right shoulder. He was $F71’s father. I then noticed the fish tank on the western wall. At first, it seemed to be to the north of the microwave, but then i thought that it was actually over the microwave. Something about it seemed strange. I focused on it. The water was pale blue, and it seemed very colorful and illuminated. I decided that it might not be a real fish tank. I thought that it might actually be a picture on a video screen. Something then seemed to relate the microwave and the fish tank. I could not understand the connection. I thought that i should leave, and i turned to head to the door in the northern wall, which was just to the north of me.

I was chatting with the other person as we lay on the bed that was against the southern wall of the room. My feet were to the north, and the person lay just to the east of me. We seemed to be hugging. I thought that $F71 was in the next room to the north. This seemed strange. I realized that i was hugging $A682. He was lying on my right side as i lay on my back. He looked up at me suddenly. I felt horny, but it seemed strange to be with him again. I remembered that we had met somewhere and were now sleeping in the same bed, but it felt awkward. I thought that he would want to copulate, and i remembered that it was nice to do so with him, but i did not want to copulate with him at the moment. It seemed too awkward. I wondered where $F71 was. I thought that he must have sleeped in the room to the north. I hoped that he was not upset that i was sleeping with $A682. I felt uncomfortable and stood up. I thought that we should leave this place. I started moving around the large empty room. The white mattress seemed to be the only furnishing in this room. Light seemed to come into the room through windows in the southern wall. The rest of the room had blank bare walls of white cement. A doorway and short corridor led to the north, into another room. I thought that $F71 was in a room to the west of the room to the north. I headed to the north to gather my things. The room to the north was large and empty. It now seemed to be on the eastern side of a building. It was square, with a high ceiling. Light came in through tall thin windows on the northern half of the eastern wall. $F10 was to the north of me in the room as i headed to the east, into the next room. I passed through a doorway in the southern end of the eastern wall. The rectangular room to the east was also plain, and it was bare of furnishings as well. Something about this place reminded me of a community center. I wandered around the smaller room on the eastern part of the building, but i felt that we should be leaving. I was on the eastern side of the room, and $F10 was to the northeast of me when i told him that we should leave. I headed back to the west, walking along the southern side of the room. We had entered the room through a doorway, which was in the northern end of the western wall of the room. The western wall was broken into two sections. The northern two-thirds of the wall was the doorway on the north and a metal barrier on the south. A corridor extended down the southern third for about ten meters, where it ended in a blank wall. The northern side of the corridor was covered with metal doors, which seemed to have gray paint on the top and yellow detailing on the bottom. The top edge of the yellow seemed to run diagonally across the doors. I knew that these were the doors to the stairwell. I thought that one of the doors at the western end of the corridor might lead into the entrance hall of the building. I reached the western end of the hall, realizing that none of the metal doors had handles this far down. I started walking back to the east, looking at the metal doors. I knew that part of the area covered an elevator shaft, so i would not be able to pass through that section. The rest of the doors also seem to have no handles. I knew that they led into the stairwell, but they could not be accessed from this side. I came back out into the main room and turned north. A metal door was now in the western wall, to the south of the doorway that led into the next room. I opened the door and walked into the stairwell. I knew that i could cross the stairwell and head out another door into the next room. I would meet $F10 there. I opened a door in the center of the northern wall of the long rectangular stairwell. I came out into the other room. $F10 was in the middle of the square room. A bright light shined from the tall narrow window at the western end of the northern wall. The door to the entry hall was just to the west of the window, in the western wall. I had thought that i would be in the main hallway already, but i headed for the door by the window. $F10 followed me. I pulled the door open and walked into the main hallway. All of the rooms had high ceilings and featureless cement walls. The exit door to the building was in the center of the southern wall. It was recessed in the wall by about a meter, and i knew that it led to a short corridor that ran outside. I was aware of a man sitting in a chair to the west of the doorway. He seemed to be a security guard. I could not see him, but i pictured him in a dark uniform, sitting with his back slumped.

12017 February 26

I sat in the middle of the large room with the others. I was sitting on the floor of the rectangular room. The others seemed to be from $G3, and we were gathering for something. A man sat to the west of me, leaning against my leg, which was to the west of me. I had been sitting just to the east of another man, and i was leaning into his side. I moved my foot a little and looked at the young man who had sat to the west of me. He readjusted himself, moving toward me and leaning into me. It seemed strange, but i realized that he was trying to cuddle against me. The man whom i had been cuddling with stood up suddenly and stood to the north of me. I looked at him. He had short gray hair, and he looked like someone i knew. I then looked back at the people to the west of me. There were two young men now. They had been hugging each other, but they moved close to me so that they were both pressing up against me. It felt nice, but i worried that the man i had been with felt uneasy.

12017 February 27

I was in the large hotel, and i was running up the stairs. The stairs formed a narrow oval shape. The wood-covered walls of the hotel were dark brown. I reached the top floor of the building. I was heading east down the long corridor. Someone was to the east of me, and i stopped just before i got to them. I turned around and started heading to the west again. I was running back down the stairs, which were in a long narrow oval. I ran along the northern side of the stairwell, looking down the hole to the south of me. I could not see down between the floors, but i noticed that the bannisters made the oval look blue in the center. The blue faded to white as it reached the outside edge of the oval, which seemed to be the wooden bannister near me. I felt strange here. I thought that i might be falling, but i was still running. I knew that i should be tired from moving so fast, but i was descending the stairs now, and i felt like i was floating over the steps. I could descend quickly this way. I reached the western end of the stairwell and turned to the south, but the scene paused as i thought about something. I was still running and falling downward.

I was at work in the small office that was on the northern side of the hallway on the second floor of the building. This place seemed like Mudd Hall. I did not really want to be here, and i thought that i should have taken some time off. I did not feel that well. My throat felt sore. I headed down the hallway to the west. People were moving through the hallway around me. A convention was being held in the western part of the building. I moved around through the rooms of the convention, but i felt out of place here. Many people were now moving around me. I thought that i should leave this place. I headed to the south, leaving the large room where the others were gathered and headed down the hall to the west. I was now in a hallway near the southern side of the building. The hallway here was narrower and seemed to be older. The tan walls were covered with wooden paneling that formed squares in the center of the walls. The people i had left in the large room seemed like people from $G3. I then passed two men who were sitting on the northern side of the hallway. One man was slumped to the west and seemed to be sitting on a box. The other sat to the west of him, leaning forward with his left hand on the first man’s right shoulder. Both of them were wearing brown jackets, which seemed to be corduroy. I thought that the man who was slouching seemed sick, and i stopped to ask if he was okay. He looked up at me and said that he was fine. I felt concerned for him and asked him if he was sure. They both nodded. I continued down the hall to the west, wondering about the man. I felt very uncomfortable here. I thought that i had taken three days off of work, and i wondered why i was spending time here. This place seemed to be related to work in some way. I did not want to spend time here. I wanted to be somewhere else on my free days off. I then thought that i did not want to take sick time. I felt annoyed that i was still here. I headed up the stairs at the western end of the hallway. On the upper floor of the resort, i turned to the north and opened the door to the room on the northern side of the western end of the hallway. I stepped into the small room, but realized quickly that someone else was standing in the middle of the room. Bunk beds were on the eastern and western walls, against the southern wall on either side of the door, and a man was standing near the northern wall, leaning on the stack of white plastic mattresses that were in the northeastern corner of the room. This was not my room. I had walked into the wrong room. I realized that i must be on the wrong floor. My room was on the top floor of the resort. I left the room and headed to the west, turning north into the stairwell. I climbed to the north before turning to the west, wondering if i was on the correct floor now. Something seemed wrong here. I was looking down over the tops of the walls at myself in the stairwell, and i realized that i was turning into a short dead-end corridor on the western side of the stairwell. I wondered if i would be stuck in the stairwell. I felt annoyed. I pushed on the walls, and i watched myself push apart some of the wooden walls to try to get back into the hallway. I did not care if i broke the walls. I was then in the corridor rather than watching myself, and i climbed over the wall to the south. I stepped on the bed on the upper bunk of the room. The bed was against the northern wall of the room. It had a gray wool blanket over the mattress. I climbed down the southern side of the bed, thinking that my bed was the next one down, which was actually on the floor below. I had finally made it into my room. I then noticed the man on the eastern side of the room. He was talking on the telephone, which was an old wall telephone with a curly chord. He was talking to me, and he mentioned that he had spoken to $F4. He told me that $F4 had mentioned how he had enjoyed the wrestling match i had had with him. The man said that $F4 had mentioned the match in his blog. I felt happy that $F4 had fond memories of the match. I remembered that we had been fooling around at the time. The man continued to tell me something, but he was actually on the other end of the telephone. I listened to the receiver, which i was holding up to my right ear. I was having trouble hearing what the man was saying. His voice seemed to be very soft at times. I then noticed that other sounds were in the background of the call. The man seemed to have a radio show happening in the background. I recognized the music from the show, thinking that it was Prairie Home Companion. A voice then spoke in the background. I told the man on the telephone that i could not quite hear what he was saying. I said that the voice of Garrison Keeler was louder in the background. The man did not respond, and i awkwardly tried to explain that i recognized the show. The man did not seem to know what i was talking about.