12018 February 01

I followed the man to the south. He was $A737. I felt surprised that he would remember me and that he would invite me to this place. We walked toward the back entrance of the house. The large farmhouse seemed to have unfinished wood siding on the surface. The house was L shaped here, with the main part of the house to the south of us and a large section to the east. We walked across the bare ground toward a door that was in the southern section of the house. I looked at the pile of dirt that was in the middle of the yard as we approached the door. Another man was then in front of me. He was $A748. He greeted me with a smile, and i said hello, calling him Joe. He chuckled as he chatted, and he said that i should hug him hello. I reached out to hug him. He had a round face and a balding head. He had turned to the southwest as i hugged him so that i was hugging him over his right shoulder. He was not wearing a shirt now, and i could see that his skin hung loose on his torso. $A737 had moved to the east and was standing against the wall of the house. $A748 walked to him, still smiling. He said that his name was Ed. I had called him Joe, and i felt awkward for not remembering his name. Ed still did not seem correct. We were then in the large room on the eastern side of the house. $A737 was moving around, doing something in the room. I felt a little out of place. I no longer had any connection to these people. $A682 was then in the room with me. I felt awkward around him, thinking that this was his family. They had invited me here, and i thought that $A682 might be upset. He sat on the couch that was in the middle of the room. We had walked back to the western part of the house. The room seemed to be on the northern side, near where the two sections of the house met. I was looking over something on the wall to the east, not quite sure how to talk to $A682. I wondered if i should leave.

12018 February 03

The others started coming to the table i was sitting at. They came from the north. I was sitting on the eastern side of the table, which was a round dinner table. I seemed to be at a restaurant, but the area to the west of me was open. My back was against a wall, and the southern side of the table bordered a wall as well. I seemed to be sitting in a small alcove that was just off of the street, which was to the north. The people said hello as they approached me, and i said hello to them. It seemed as though i had been sitting here for a long time. I felt sad. The people had come from some event and just happened to be stopping in this restaurant. I thought that they had come from a theater show. I looked to the north, noticing some people walking down the street to the west. It was dark, but the city lights illuminated the street. I mentioned the theater show to some of the people who showed up. A woman to the west of me seemed concerned that i was not happy. She had come with her friends, and they were now sitting around the table. They then got up and started to head to the northeast, leaving. I stayed in my seat, thinking that everyone would eventually leave. I felt sad again, thinking that i would be the only one here, but then i thought that i had been here by myself for a long time, so i was not disappointed to be separate from a group. I turned to the north and started wandering. I felt very uneasy, and i was not sure what i should do. I walked across the street, aware of a group of other people to the northwest of me. I walked into the large room, which seemed to be part of a hotel. I could see a group of people gathering in a room to the northwest of me. I was looking at them through a large glass window in the upper half of the eastern wall of the room that they were in. A hallway ran along the southern side of the room, and i was down the hall several meters from when. I was not sure what i should do. I turned to the east, finding myself in a bedroom. This is where i was supposed to be staying. A large bed was against the southern wall of the room, and some clothing was scattered on the floor to the west of it. I moved around the northern side of the bed, thinking that i had to get some of my things together. I noticed a piece of paper on the bed. Someone had drawn a large egg on it, making patches of red and blue on the side of the egg. I noticed that the lower left corner of the egg was formed with thin pencil lines. I thought that it should be colored green there. I then noticed that several green pencils were laid out on the bed. They were all pastel shades of green. My grandfather had been coloring the picture. I looked back to the west, aware of others outside. I wanted to do something, but i felt that i had to do something in the room first. I thought about staying here. I seemed to be staying with my grandfather in this place. I then thought that it was not normal for someone to have an apartment here. I thought that the hotel must have given my grandfather a place to stay. I felt awkward. I was not comfortable here, and i wanted to do something more. I paced around the room, looking at the things. I had been sleeping on the large bed, and i wondered if anyone thought it unusual. I moved to the picture again, picking up a green pencil and coloring the lower left curve of the egg. I then backed away, wondering if my grandfather actually wanted the egg to be green. It seemed strange. I turned to the east, noticing a car turning toward me. It had driven to the north on the road outside the hotel, and it was now turning onto a narrow road that led into the building. The old green car had a large dent in the front driver-side bumper. As it made the turn and started toward the building, i noticed that my grandfather was driving. He seemed middle aged, and he smiled at me as the car disappeared into the building just to the north of me. I thought that the hotel must have let him drive clients to and from places. The car entered a tunnel, which was just to the north of the room that i was in. I turned to the west and could see the car drive down the hallway toward the lobby. My grandfather would be returning to the room soon. I felt a little uncomfortable here, wondering why i was staying in the room.

12018 February 04

I followed several of the people to the southeast, walking down the narrow corridor. Everyone around me seemed to be from $G4, and we were on a cruise ship. I had left the main area, feeling that i should be meeting some people for something. I kept thinking about things as i walked through the narrow passages. The white metal walls curved around us, and the ceiling was very high up. Several large machine-like structures were along the northern side of the corridor. I wanted to join up with some of the people here, but i felt uncomfortable. I turned back to the northwest and headed back toward the main area. It seemed that everyone was coming back from something. Someone around me was singing a song that i recognized. It was a Beck song, and i thought that it was “Bogusflow”. A woman and some other people were singing the song ahead of me. I started singing the chorus with them. I was not sure which verse they were on, but i tried to follow it as well. I felt a little out of place with the people, thinking that they were much younger than i and might not want me following them. We descended a narrow set of stairs at the end of the wider corridor. I kept singing as we descended. I then thought about the music as i crossed the next enclosed area, which now seemed to be back on the boat.

12018 February 05

The man ran to the southeast, down the southwestern side of the gorge. He was running along the cliff. He seemed like Boss Hog, and he was frightened of the large pig that was chasing him. I could not see the pig, but another man was to the north of him, standing on the opposite side of the gorge, watching him. I was floating above the man who was running. The gorge curved to the south, and the man stopped suddenly. I felt tense because i thought that the pig was after us. I could see that the rocks ended suddenly just to the south and east of the man. I was floating over him, but i as also him. I had been running up the flat tan rocks on the western side of the gorge, which had been slowly ascending to the south, but i reached the cliff as the man did. I knew that i could fly over the edge of the cliff, but i felt hesitant doing so. I floated to the south, looking down at the water below. I thought that the man might be able to jump, but then i realized that the water to the south of the cliff was not actually deep enough, and it had rocks under it. The water was about twenty meters below where i was. I wondered if the water was deeper to the east of the cliff. I floated in an arc to the southeast and then to the east, looking down at the water. The height made me feel uneasy. I knew that the canyon was much deeper than what i was seeing now. I thought about the canyon for a moment as i floated. It seemed suddenly very wide to the north of me. I was simply in a small branch of the canyon. I was floating near the top of the rim, looking down into the steep gorge under me. The rocks seemed much farther down now. I then noticed a house just below me and to the north of me. I was aware of the people inside the house, and i could hear them talking. I moved my body in the air, bending to the east and extending my legs to the west. I wondered if the people in the house were watching me. A few flat-topped rocks seemed to be floating near me. I leaned on them, pretending to fall to the north now. I was arching my back to the north as i rested my legs on one of the flat rocks. The house was to the northwest of me now. I thought that the people in the house would wonder what i was doing. I then imagined jumping to the north and flying across the canyon. Just as i moved my head to the north, i thought that the people from the house might be taking pictures of me. I thought that i should have my face hidden. I wondered how i could do that, and i imagined myself wearing a brown leather jacket with a hood.

12018 February 07

I walked to the southwest, across the eastern side of the house, which seemed to be my parents’ old house. My father had mentioned how he had rebuilt the front porch of the house. I looked out at the front lawn of the house as i passed through the open room. I was inside the room, and there was a ceiling and floor, but there did not seem to be any walls. As i stepped out of the house and onto the short dry grass of the front lawn, i looked to the west, at the main porch of the house. The porch was more decorative that it had been, with carved wood trim around it. A wide mostly semicircular patio of flagstone had been put in front of the porch. A rectangular platform of stone was near the southern side of the patio. It seemed to be a bench, but it looked like a plain stone platform. Two tall white pillars stood at the southern edge of the patio, one to either side of the stone platform. The columns were tall and seemed to taper to thin points at the top. The entrance seemed very decorative. I wondered why the columns were so far from the house. I asked my father why he had added on to the front porch when he was selling the house. It seemed strange that he would have put in the work just to sell the house. We continued walking to the south-southwest, across the lawn.

I had been running around the outside of the area. I was now on the eastern side of the area, and i knew that the other man was coming to join me. I turned to the west. The people were lined up in columns and rows in the center of the area. A man in a black warm-up jacket and matching pants was standing near the eastern-most row of people. His jacket had a red triangular shape on left side of his torso. He faced west, talking to someone who was to the north of him. They were both standing near one of the people in the row. I felt happy that the man had come to join me. I thought that he was looking for me among the people. I said something as i ducked and passed just to the south of him. I passed between the people of the first row and turned to the south. I ran down the row, thinking that the man would eventually join me. I felt as though i was running very fast, and i wondered if the man would be impressed. I was then running back to the north. I was again to the east of the people, running on what seemed to be a racetrack. I started sprinting as fast as i could, trying to pass the person that was running just to the northeast of me.

12018 February 08

I walked to the east, into the dining area of what seemed to be a cafeteria. The room was somewhat small and very plain. It did not seem to have any furnishings in it. A few people were talking near the eastern end of the northern wall. I was looking for something, but it was not here, so i turned around and started walking back to the west. A man then called after me. I turned to see a man walking toward me. He seemed stern. He wore a white shirt with blue flowers on it. He grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled the collar toward him. I realized that he was looking at the tag on my shirt. I was wearing a short-sleeved button-up shirt, and i realized that it was not buttoned on the front. I felt annoyed with the man, and i pulled back on my shirt, which he had pulled far enough that it was sliding down my shoulders. I pulled the shirt up and started buttoning it. The man scolded me for being here. He said that the tag on my shirt showed that i was not a specific type of person. He used a word that seemed French, and i thought that it referred to a type of chef. I felt annoyed by his arrogance. I asked why i would want to be that type of chef. He said that i could not be here. I shook my head at him and turned to leave, heading back to the west. I thought about this for a minute. I then found myself in the kitchen. I was pacing east to west on the northern side of the room. I was still looking for someone, but they were not here. It seemed strange to me that they were not. I then realized that the dining room that i had been in was to the north and northwest of the kitchen. I wondered if the man knew who had stopped me knew that i was in here. The kitchen seemed very crowded. A large wooden preparation table was in the center of the room. A sink was against the western wall, tall appliances were against the northern walls, and a large stove ran the length of the eastern wall. The stove was a wide industrial stove. I stopped just to the north of it, wondering where $A116 was. He should have been in the kitchen cooking. A tray of chopped meat was on the stove. Someone had started to prepare a meal, but they were not here now. I felt nervous, wondering where people were. I turned back to the north and paced to the west. I wondered if the chefs would find me here and try to throw me out again. I knew that i was here to see $A116, so i had an excuse to be here. I was waiting for $A116 to show up. I then turned back to the south. $A116 had entered the room through the wooden door in the eastern end of the southern wall. He moved to the south. He did not seem to notice that i was there. $A749 came in after him, and a third man with a square face and short wavy hair followed. They were doing something on the southern side of the room. They had not seemed to notice that i was here. I wanted to say something to attract their attention, but i did not. I walked to the western side of the large wooden table. The three had gathered around a round skillet that was over a gas grill on the western side of the room. The grill was set into a wooden table, which seemed to be separate from the large preparation table. The cast-iron skillet was a flat round surface with slightly raised edges. $A749 tossed something onto the skillet. It looked like a wad of cooked spaghetti. The spaghetti sputtered on the hot surface and burst apart, scattering spaghetti around the room. The three nodded, agreeing that the skillet would work. I realized that it was too hot for the spaghetti. They would have to cool it so that they could put the spaghetti on it without having the steam explode out from the center. I wiped some of the spaghetti from my shirt. I thought that others would be coming from the north, but cooking the spaghetti would work.

I was in the kitchen of $P19. I had been here a while, and i had to do something. I walked to the north, pushing open the wooden door and walking into the dining room beyond. A few men were setting on the sides of a round table that was against the eastern end of the northern wall. Dinner had finished, and i remembered that i was supposed to clean up. I felt bad that i had missed the dinner, but i knew that i would have to clean up because i had promised to do so. I then wondered why i would be cleaning up here. It seemed strange. I felt uncomfortable and disappointed as i walked to the west.

12018 February 09

I walked to the south into the rectangular room on the eastern side of the building. Several other people were already in the building. I had to urinate, and i felt that i would be able to do so near the small fire pit on the western side of the room. This place seemed like a visitor’s center. I had been here before, but it was the off season, so it was closed and fewer people were here. Before, i had come from the larger room to the west. As i moved toward the small fire pit, which seemed to be a semicircular area of stone on the eastern side of a wooden table that was against the western wall of the room, i realized that some people were to the southwest of the table. The table was not really against the wall. The main part of the room was rectangular, with a tall ceiling, but the table was at the edge of a western side of the room, which had a lower ceiling and did not extend all the way to the south of the other room. I felt nervous about urinating on the stones of the pit. I had been told to use the pit before, but the visitor’s center had been closed then. Now, it was busy with people in season. I thought that i should find a regular bathroom. I looked at the doors in the southern end of the eastern wall, but i remembered that they were not really bathrooms. I looked to the west, down the short corridor that led to the larger room to the west. A wooden door was in the northern wall of the corridor. I considered for a moment whether the room behind the door was a bathroom. I seemed to remember that the bathroom was on the northern side of the hallway. I was then aware of a woman to the west of me. She was staring at me. She had thick chin-length black hair and an angular face. She reminded me of $A750, and i thought that she might be one of her sisters. She stared at me with an angered expression of mock surprise. I turned back to the east, wondering what i should do. I knew that i could not use the stone pit as a urinal. I then noticed the gravel parking lot to the east. I could see it through a window in a door. I remembered urinating in a bush at the side of the lot. Someone had said that it was what we should do when we were here last time, but i thought that too many people would be here this time, so i should not urinate outside. I was also aware of the old wooden building to the south of the lot. I could not see it, but i remembered that the outside was rough-cut wood that was stained different shades of brown. It seemed like a church, and i pictured the pale arches over the doors and windows. It also seemed to have pale wooden columns on the corners. A man to the northwest of me then talked about urinating in the parking lot. He seemed to discourage it, saying that the church was in session now and would not like people urinating in their lot. I moved a little to the east, saying something in a quiet voice to the person with me. He was standing to the south of me, and i said that i had urinated in the yard the last time we were here. I mentioned that we were told to do so. I looked around grassy area to the south. We were suddenly in a van, and the man was driving us to the east. The man seemed to be a director of the camp that we had been at. I looked at the golf course to the south of us. It seemed different than the one that we had come from. We then drove along the northern side of a large modern building. As we came to the eastern side of the building, the van was moving very fast. It tried to turn to the south, but it skidded into the vegetation on the eastern side of the lawn. The branches of the cedar bushes shook violently as we brushed them and continued driving to the southwest. I realized that this golf course had pine bushes on the eastern side of the field. The place that i had come from had tall green corn stalks on the eastern side of the field. It seemed to be set up very much like this place. We drove across the green grass of the golf course as we headed to the southwest, back toward the large brown building. The outside structure of the building seemed to be made of steel. The large building actually seemed to be several buildings, all closely clustered together. The building on the northern end was white, with narrow windows. The brown one to the west of us was set back from us, but a low cement structure with a large glass window covering the eastern side was below it. The glass window bordered the golf course. The man driving commented on the grass, and the man in the passenger’s seat said something about it as well. We then came to a stop. I said that the grass was wet, and i worried that the tire tracks would ruin the golf course. We stopped. A green sloped up to the south of us, and we could see standing water on the slope. The man in the passenger’s seat complained to the driver that the grass was wetter than it should have been. We turned more to the south and drove around to the southern side of the building. We seemed to be unsure where we should go. The minivan stopped to the south of the building. I looked up at the cubical building to the north of us. It was shorter than it was wide. It had a first floor that i could not see over the top of the low cement building. It had three or four upper floors, which seemed to overhang the lower floor on all sides. The corners of the buildings were cement, but the cement seemed to be cracked, and several pieces seemed to be missing. The main part of the building was black, and i could see vertical lines that seemed to be structural supports. As the driver turned the car around to head back to the east, he said something. I pointed out the lack of maintenance on the facade of the building, pointing with my left had at the worn cement columns on the southwestern corner of the building. Other corners seemed to have a raised vertical feature running down the two outside surfaces of the square column, but the feature was missing from this corner. It seemed to have broken off. The man grumbled in acknowledgment, and then said that we did not have to be as careful on the grass. I thought that he decided that the entire place was not well maintained, so no one would care if our tires sunk into the ground of the golf course.

12018 February 10

I followed the people down the hall of the building, heading to the south. The other people were wrestlers, and they seemed to be related to Cornell’s wrestling team. I was doing something with them. We stopped in the hallway as another man tried to organize us. I felt interested in doing a workout with these people. We had stopped in an area of the hallway where the hallway widened to the west a little. A doorway was to the northwest of me, on the northern wall where the hallway widened, and another doorway was to the west. They seemed to lead into large gymnasiums. The wrestlers were moving into one or the other. It seemed to be early in the morning, and i felt a little groggy. The wrestlers were getting ready for the training clinic. A man then came to the west of me from the room to the west. He showed me the money that was folded in his left hand and said that people were chipping in ten dollars each. I told him that i had the money, and i reached my left hand into the left pocket of my pants. The man then told me to wait, stating that i would not be sleeping over. I realized that the money was for the wrestlers that would be sleeping here. The man said that he would be right back, and he took one of the wrestlers to the west, into the dimly lighted room. I mentioned that i lived locally. The wrestler was short with wide shoulders, and he wore a gray sweatshirt. He followed the organizer into the room. I thought that they would be setting up sleeping bags for the night. I then started to feel uncomfortable here. I wanted to join the wrestlers on the training clinic, but i felt unsure. I had not wrestled in many years, and i felt that i was not skilled enough to be with them. I started to feel very uncomfortable waiting in the hallway. I thought that i should not be here, and i wondered if i should leave.

12018 February 11

I moved down the corridor to the west. I had come from a place where i had been doing something with some other people. I was trying to get back to $G4, who seemed to be at an event to the west of me. I came to the end of a narrow corridor and looked down. I made several turns, heading back to the east and then to the west again as i went from corridor to corridor. I was then in the red corridor. The walls were bright red and seemed to be made of plastic. They were curved and uneven, and i seemed to be in a tube. I then realized that she shape of the walls actually hid the turns in the corridor. It was designed like a carnival maze. A young boy was moving through the maze with me, and he said something to his mother, who seemed to be to the south of us at a lower level. I could see now that the tunnel curved to the south and then back to the east before descending. It was not obvious by looking at the corridor. The colors and curves on the wall confused the eyes so that the openings were not obvious. I was then in the corridors again. I had come from the store, which was on the eastern side of the large cement structure that i seemed to be heading through. The structure seemed to be a parking garage. I pictured it from the western side, looking up at the horizontal features of the cement building. I had been doing something in the store, and i thought that i had left some of my things there. I would have to go back to get them. I moved to the west, through the cement corridor. I had come through here a while ago, and i remembered the red tunnel. It was one of the ways to get from the store on the eastern end of the building to the area where the people were waiting. I remembered that $G4 had been gathered in a small lawn area to the west of the building. I had been sitting on the picnic tables with them. I moved to the west, finding myself again in the rounded red tunnels. I stopped, thinking that i simply needed to figure out where the walls curved. I held out my hand and moved it across the walls. The red around me looked uniform, but i knew that it hid the openings is the tunnels. I was crouched down in the rounded end of the tunnel, and i was looking for the opening to the south again. I remembered coming through this tunnel last time, and i remembered that it was a frustrating and unpleasant experience. I did not want to have to travel through the tunnel again, but i now found myself here. I passed my hand along the wall in an arc from west to east. I could not feel any openings in the curved wall. I turned and passed my and across the northern surface of the room. I started to feel worried, because i could not feel any openings. I thought that there had to be some way out. I felt panicked, and i moved my hand across the surface of the tunnel again. I could not feel any openings. I seemed to be in a round enclosure with no openings. I was aware of someone to the south or southwest of me at a lower level. I called out to them: “Help.” I did not hear any response, so i called for help, making my voice louder. I could not feel the opening in the tunnel, and i wanted to get out of this place. I called several more times, but no one responded. I was then in the cement corridor, heading to the west. I had to get back to the toy store to get my things. I had left my bag here, and i wanted to bring it to where $G4 was sitting on the picnic tables to the west of the building. I stopped, thinking that i did not want to end up in the red tunnels again. I looked down, seeing a narrow set of stairs below me. The corridor i was in had ended at a ledge, and i was looking down at several openings and stairs that disappeared into the walls. A set of dark stairs ran to the south in the southwestern corner of the square room with cement walls. Below me, an escalator ran down to the east. I thought that i could easily jump down to the top of it and take it to the lower level. Another opening seemed to be in the northern wall of the room, and i could see a ramp sloping down to the east from the southeastern corner. I had decided that the ramp was not the way to go, so i started to jump down to the stairs below me. As i landed on the landing at the top of the stairs, though, i realized that the narrow corridor of the stairs seemed like the way i had gone before. It feared that it would lead me back into the red tunnels, and i did not want to go back through them. I also knew that the tunnels would lead back to the west. I wanted to go to the east to get my things from my car, which i had parked to the southeast of the store. I decided that the slide to the east was the way to go, thinking that it must be the way to the store. I moved a little to the south, finding myself in a wider area now. A square wall was to the east of me, but the rest of the area to the east was now open. I could see a larger room below me, which seemed to be empty. The slide ran from the other side of the standalone square wall across the narrow cement room to the store on the other side, to the northeast. I could see the things in the store through the large glass windows on the eastern side of the cement room. I pushed through the hanging black ropes that covered the center of the standalone wall and slided down the curved tan plastic slide. I landed in the store. This was where i had wanted to go. I was happy to be here. I started chatting with some of the other people here. It seemed to be much later now, and i was standing to the southeast of the others. $G4 were sitting around the picnic table to the northwest of me. It seemed that the event had been over for a little while, and these people were just hanging out to chat with one another. I realized that i still had to get my things together. I thought that i had left my backpack in my car, which was parked on the northern side of the street to the southwest of the large cement building. I was now to the west of the building. I wondered where all of my things were. I bent over when i noticed something on the ground under the eastern end of the picnic table. It was a bandanna. I picked it up and shook it out. It was very dirty, but it was not mine. I tossed it over the end of the table and walked to the west. I had to find my things, and i wondered how i would get back to the eastern side of the building. I felt frustrated that i would have to go all the way back. It seemed very inconvenient, and i thought that i would have to rejoin the group before they all left this place. It seemed that they might be leaving sometime soon. I passed the second picnic table. $A732 was sitting on the northern side of the table, leaning on the table with her elbows and chatting with a man to the southwest of her. I continued to the northwest. I then realized that i had gotten on the bus or train. I looked to the northwest as we moved down the highway. The highway ran to the north-northwest, but curved to the northwest just ahead. A tall cement retaining wall was to the north and east of the highway, and green grass grew between the road and the wall. A bridge seemed to pass over the highway ahead of us. I felt suddenly bad, realizing that i did not have any of my things with me. I would have to go back for them. I then realized that i did not have my wallet in my pocket. I felt upset that i had gotten on the bus without thinking to bring my things. I wondered how far i would have to travel on the bus. I was standing near the front of the bus, and i realized that i did not even have my shoes on. I turned to the female bus driver and asked her what the next stop was. She told me the name of the town. I felt bad and said that i had to get off as soon as possible. I told her that i did not have any of my things with me. She seemed annoyed with me and shook her head. I told her that i had left my things in my car, which was near the toy store. I realized that i did not know the name of the toy store, so i described it as a toy store in the southeastern corner of a large parking structure. Just past the curve in the road, it seemed that the bus was turning to the west. We pulled into an oval pull off to the east of a large brown building. It seemed like a train stop. I felt upset, realizing that i would have to walk all the way back to the parking garage. I was barefoot as i started walking to the south on the sidewalk on the western side of the street. The sidewalk seemed to run along the western side of the highway, but it was elevated above the highway. It was now part of a balcony that ran along the eastern side of the large brown building. The building had a rough cement finish on the outside. Thick round cement pillars held up the second floor of the building, which was over my head. People were walking down the sidewalk, which was now wide enough that people could walk on either side of the thick cement columns. The wall to the west of me was made of glass and seemed to be the lobby of a building. The windows were darkened, so i thought that the building was closed for the day. This place seemed very modern, and i thought that it was in a new part of the city. I still had a long way to walk, and i felt anxious. I continued walking to the south, crossing the street so that i was walking on the sidewalk on the eastern side. I then came to the end of the road. I knew that i would have to turn to the east to get back to the old part of the city where the parking garage was. I felt unsure where i was going, but i had to head in the general direction. As i reached the intersection, i could see that the sidewalk to the east of me was blocked off with yellow tape. A thick cement wall with narrow arched slits in it ran along the northern side of the sidewalk. It seemed to be railing for the bridge that i was crossing over, and it was about three meters tall. The wall on the southern side of the road looked similar, but it seemed to be part of a low one-story building. The building seemed old, like part of an old factory. It had similar narrow arched features set into the pale surface. I started to the east, not sure what i was doing. Much of the sidewalk on the southern side of the road seemed to be torn up for construction, and a metal crane seemed to be above the buildings to the southwest. I now realized that the sidewalk under me was covered with debris from the construction work, and i worried that i would cut my bare feet on something. I felt very unsure where i was going. A police officer was on the sidewalk in front of me. He stared at me in question. As i approached him, i tried to describe the place that i was trying to get to. I gave him a description of the building, but i realized that it sounded very vague. I told him that i had to get my things, but i could not quite describe where i had been other than saying that it was a toy store in the eastern side of a parking garage. I felt unsure of what i was doing and a little disappointed in my situation.

I went back down the stairs and started moving quickly to the west. I had been through this basement level before. The old building had cement walls, and the floor and walls seemed dingy. I was walking along a walkway that seemed to be elevated from the rest of the room. It ran along the southern wall of the basement. I glanced to the west as i passed through a doorway in the western wall of the room. Another doorway to the west led into a similar room, but the two walls were about two meters apart. Between them, a staircase descended steeply to the north. I remembered this place from before. I glanced down the stairs as i passed. The stairs descended into the western side of a room. To the east of them, i could see clear sheet plastic hanging from the ceiling, blocking my view of the near side of the room, but i could see the western end of a long table, and i could hear people talking in the room below. On the table, i could see many cupcakes with swirled frosting. I remembered that people were making the cupcakes for a bake sale. They had been making them the last time i was down here as well. I continued to the west, running through a large rectangular room. Tables were set up across the short width of the room, and people seemed to be doing things around them. I passed through a third room before i headed back up a set of stairs. I turned to the south and came into the hallway. I had been here a few days ago, but i was now back. I became aware that a man had been crouching on the floor outside the open doorway to the southwest of me. The door was in the southern wall of the corridor, which ran to the north from where i was. Someone else was talking about the man, and i wondered where he had gone. I felt concerned for him and realized that he might have been waiting for me to return. I pointed out a small puddle just to the west of the door where the man had been squatting. The other person, who was to the east of me, said something. I pointed out to her that the drops of water ran from the puddle down the hall. I felt bad that the man had been waiting. I hurried down the hallway, thinking that the man had been here to visit the emergency room. He should have been helped. I passed another doorway on the southern side of the hall. It seemed to be at a part of the hall that was set back a little from the part to the east. Just beyond the door was a set of four or five plastic chairs against the southern wall. The puddle ran over to the chairs. A large yellowish puddle was in one of the chairs in the middle of the row. I also noticed that a television was hung high on the eastern wall across from the chairs, and black vending machines were on the eastern wall across from the chairs. The man must have come here to watch television and eat while he waited. Something about the man’s situation made me feel very sad for him. The puddle in the chair was brown around the edges, and i realized that the man must have urinated in the chair. I could see similar brownish-yellow puddles running down the hall to the north. I started to follow them, but i realized that they ran all the way to the service counter in the northern end of the western wall. The man had been here so long that he had to return to the emergency room. I felt very bad about this. The man should have been able to go home. Had he gone home, he might not have had to come back to the emergency room. He was only there because he had been left waiting. I turned back to the south, looking down the hallway. A woman was standing back near the first doorway that i had been at. I started back toward her, thinking that i had to point out this situation to someone else. The woman was wearing a tan jacket. I then noticed that the young girl was running down the hall toward me. She was wearing a tan shirt or dress with two vertical black stripes down the front. I held up my hands and yelled to her to stop. I worried that she would step in the liquid on the floor. Before she stopped, she slipped and fell in the liquid, which i thought was some kind of bodily fluid. I was upset, and i moved to the east. The girl got up and ran past me to the west. I went back to the first door in the southern end of the western wall of the hall. Two doctors, a man and a woman, were standing on the northern side of the room. The looked at me as if startled. They both wore white lab coats, and the man seemed to be Indian. I told them about the man and asked them if anyone had told him that he was discharged. They said that he was not discharged. They said that they were waiting for me. I was not sure what to do. I walked back out into the hallway to show them the water running down the hallway. I looked down at the puddle in the center of the hallway. It was wider now, and i noticed that it had blue edges. I realized that the blue was a cleaning solution. I looked to the north to see that a woman was mopping up the water from the floor. I wanted to show the doctors the water to point out how badly the man had been ignored, but i would have to take them to the northern end of the hall.

12018 February 12

I looked up as $F58 came into the room through the door in the middle of the southern wall. I was in the basement room of the building. This room had been cleaned, but it was also just altered in some other way. I looked at the brick walls around me. They seemed old, but they were suddenly mottled with white paint. The orange of the old bricks showed through the paint. It looked like the walls and ceiling had been quickly rolled with paint, but the paint did not cover the entire surface. I looked at a long metal box that was around a pipe near the ceiling, against the eastern wall. It looked like a heating unit, and it had white paint splotched on it as well. I turned to $F58 and asked her about the paint. I was surprised that someone had painted this room. I wondered why they had been complaining about someone redoing this room. She talked about the problems in the room. It seemed that the room would have to stay sanitary because it would be filled with beer as part of the brewing process. I looked at around. I was standing to the west of a long rectangular table in the center of the room. Two other tables ran north-to-south across the room, one to the east of me and one to the west. I turned to look at the western wall. Metal switch boxes were mounted on the wall. They were painted as well, but i wondered how they stayed watertight when the room was filled with liquid. I turned my attention back to my things, which were on the table in front of me. I felt agitated, and i had to hurry to get somewhere. I thought that i had to go to class. I hurried to pack my things in my backpack, which was on the table to the east of me. I hoped that people did not know that i was late. I looked back at the door in the eastern end of the southern wall. The cinderblock walls of the room had a green tint to them, and i now seemed to be in a room on the northern end of the first floor of a building. The door was open from the woman leaving the room, and two other people were walking past, heading toward the stairs that were just to the east of the door. I realized that one of the people was $F66. She seemed to stop in the doorway and stare at me for a moment. I hoped that she was not upset that i had been late for the class. I could not see her eyes because her straight gray chin-length hair seemed to hang over her face. After a moment, she headed to the east, following the man that was with her. I headed to the southeast, toward campus. I was now outside, moving toward the campus. I had gotten off of the bus and was now heading toward the college building, which seemed to be to the east of me. Something did not seem right, though. It now seemed like lunchtime, and i thought that i should head to Collegetown to get some food. I quickly turned to the west, thinking that i had taken the bus to this place when i should have gone directly to Collegetown before i went to class. I had taken the bus from someplace to the northwest of here, and Collegetown now seemed to be to the west of me. I was somewhere in upper Collegetown, heading west through the houses of the neighborhood. I started sledding down the street. It seemed slippery enough, and i knew that Collegetown was downhill from here, so i could easily slide most of the way. I pictured the restaurant on the southern end of the commercial district. I remembered that it had a narrow back alley running behind it, forming a triangle of the shops and restaurants. The restaurant was on the southern point of the triangle. I then noticed that the street ahead of me had two thin rails in the center of it. They were about a deci tall, and only a few millimeters thick. They started at the curbs on the northern and southern sides of the street and curved in until they formed a corridor about a meter wide. I thought that they were there to block traffic from the street. It was intended to be a bicycle lane. I was now sledding down the center of it. The area of the street outside the two dividers seemed open and lighter in color. After only a few meters, the corridor curved sharply to the north. I followed it until it ended in the back yard of a house. I wondered where i should go from here. The lawn of the house was covered with wet packed snow, and some areas of soggy grass were showing. I looked to the east, at the small white wooden house. It was about ten meters away. A white rail fence seemed to surround the back yard to the north and northwest of it. I then noticed a path of packed snow in front of me, to the north. It sloped down the hill and passed through a gap in the fence. I pushed the sled to it and slided down the hill. As i came to the road at the bottom of the hill, i stood up. I knew that i was now very near Collegetown. I looked to the northwest. The road to the town curved below me, to the north and northwest as it ran along the shoreline toward the town, which was to the west of me. I could see cars moving down the road, though part of the road was blocked by the tall grass on the edge of the cliff that i was now looking over. Beyond the road was the ocean. The water seemed calm and cloudy gray. Some rocks seemed to stick up at various places off shore. I moved to the west, suddenly finding myself on the western coast of the land. The land here seemed to curve around the northern side of the water. I looked out to the west, noticing the jagged peaks of the hills at the entrance to the bay. The land curving from the north seemed brown, with low jagged ridges, but the hills just beyond the opening of the bay were conical and pointy. One of them had pale vertical lines running up the sides. I thought that the mountains looked beautiful, but i also thought that i was used to the view. Visitors would be more impressed with the tall mountains at the entrance to the bay. I wondered if i should continue paddling my kayak to the west. I knew that the main town was to the east of me, but it was on the other side of the dark-brown rocky hill. I started paddling to the south, along the rocky shoreline, thinking that i could paddle around the southern end of the hill to the east of me and get into the bay where the town was. I did not have a paddle, though, so i was pulling at the water with my arms. I started to feel tired, and i wondered if it was a good idea to paddle the board. I did not feel comfortable here. I thought that the power could be out on the shore, and i would not be able to tell anyone if i was in trouble. I had to get back to the town soon.

12018 February 14

I woke up suddenly and rolled over to look at the digital clock to the north of me. The red letters said that it was after nine o’clock. I was late for work. I got up and hurried to get my things together. I thought that i should call my office to tell them that i would be in late. I started to gather my things, felling rushed and frustrated. I was then in my office. Someone had a box of doughnuts to the west of where i was. $A751 seemed to be standing just to the north of the box. I had to get things together. I felt very rushed.

It was morning and i was hurrying to do something. I felt very rushed. I then heard about the people who had been killed in the concert area. The people on the eastern side of the room were talking about it. I felt upset, thinking that the bands were local. I looked at the list of people who were killed, realizing that i knew several of the bands that they were with. I moved around, doing something, but i kept looking back at the list to the east of me. The names of the bands were written in thin letters that looked like a wide rounded Futura. They were printed in an orangish-yellow type on a dark tan paper. I recognized Sim Redmond Band as one of the bands, but i thought that they had not been killed in the incident. This was a list of all of the bands that were supposed to be at the show, but only a few of them had been killed. I kept looking at the name of the band that started with a C, though. The name seemed to have a y near the beginning of it. The band seemed to be one of the bands affected by the killing. The list of names was written along the right edge of the paper, but the band with the C seemed to be slanted along the edge of the paper. I was then looking at the writing on the box of doughnuts, which had been delivered to the table. I tried to do something to the west of the table, but i kept looking back at the list of bands. I was trying to remember which bands had been killed from the list. I knew that this list was part of a promotion for the concert. I wondered if the concerts would continue now that some of the bands had been killed. I looked at the names that were printed on the sides of the doughnut box. I felt upset and uncomfortable. I wanted to get away from the people to the east of me. I headed to the south, climbing the ladder that ascended to the small loft. I felt very upset, and i was not sure what i could do. I started to cry as i reached the top of the ladder.

12018 February 15

I walked to the east, along the southern side of my parents’ garage. The old brown garage was part of their old house. As i passed the large garage door, i noticed that it had been partially opened. The door was rolled a little more than half of the way up. This door should not have been opened at all. Someone must have been in the garage. I felt upset, thinking that someone had broken into the garage. I turned to the northeast and walked into the garage. An old green car near the southern side of the room had been pushed against the eastern end of the southern wall. The windows were broken, and the car looked dented. Someone had vandalized it. I then remembered that my father kept the Morgan near the northern wall of the garage. I looked to the north, seeing that the maroon car had been turned to face west, and it was crunched against the northern wall. Someone had broken into the garage and destroyed things. I felt upset. I moved around the garage, which seemed disheveled. I then noticed that the large black industrial stove was turned on. It was in the northeastern corner of the room, facing south. I looked at the crusty black surface of the stone, turning the burners and the oven off. I wondered if the vandals were trying to turn on the gas without a flame so that the stove would explode. I felt annoyed. I then looked to the east. I was now standing in the middle of the room. A door in the western wall was open, and the wooden door was swinged to the north. IT had a window in the upper half. I thought that the vandals might have broken into the garage from the door. I felt annoyed, and i moved to the south. I wanted to tell my parents that something was wrong in the garage. They were to the south of me, and i urgently told them to call the police. I told them that the garage had been vandalized.

I had been staying in this apartment, but i had moved out. I worried that i had left something in the room, though. I moved around nervously. I did not want people to find my things here. I was now on the southern side of the room. I had entered the building through the doorway in the eastern half of the southern wall. The entryway had a wall to the north of it, extending from the eastern wall of the larger room. I had expected the front door of the apartment to be locked, and i thought that i did not have the key anymore. I decided that it must have been left unlocked, which is how i got in. I felt worried about the gun i might have left here. I did not want people to find it and think that it was dangerous. I then realized that i had several other things on the floor. I picked up some of my things. I would have to bring them to my car, which was parked on the northern side of the street to the south of the apartment. I had left more things here than i had realized. I picked up my coat from the floor and i put it in my bag, which was slinged over my right shoulder. I then noticed the shelfs to the north of me on the western side of the room. A frame of round brass supports held up the glass shelfs. The silver pistol was sitting near the back of the middle shelf. I remembered that i had placed it there so that it would not be obvious when i was packing my things before i had left. I grabbed the pistol and turned to the east, trying to stuff it into the satchel that i was carrying. A group of people was now to the north of me. I felt nervous, trying to get the gun in the bag before they could see what i had in my hand.

12018 February 16

I turned to the north in the small room, watching the gray tabby cat walking slowly to the east across the wooden floor. The room seemed to be my living room, but it was different. It moved low to the ground as if being cautious. I knew that it had kittens somewhere in the house. I moved to the west, heading into the music room. The floor was full of items, and i walked up to an old trunk with a rounded lid. I had a large brass key, which had two long thin teeth sticking down from the short thick rod. The key was about a deci long, and half of the distance was the oval ring at the end. I put the key into the chest and opened the lid. I was disappointed to find that the trunk was empty. I thought that what i was looking for would be there.

12018 February 17

I parked my blue car on the western side of the driveway. A large parking lot seemed to be to the east of me, but it was to the south of the abandoned building, and i thought that the lot might be closed as well. The road ended on a street that ran east to west, heading along the northern side of the lot. Another street seemed to run north to south just to the west of where i was. The street i had parked on ran south from the east-to-west road, but then curved to the east, running along the southern side of the large open asphalt lot. I wanted to go into the abandoned building, and i did not want it to be obvious from where i parked that i was heading there. I headed to the east, across the dingy cement room of the abandoned building. I had been here before, and it seemed like a long time since i had come to this place. I felt that i was looking for something here this time. I wanted to find something. I stepped to the north, now on an upper floor of the building. This place seemed like an attic. The ceiling above me sloped to the north and south, coming to a peak above me, and several vertical wooden beams ran up to the ceiling. A row of thin beams formed the framework of a wall to the east of me. The room seemed crowded with material, and something hung from the ceiling. The floor and walls seemed to be covered with a thick white fluffy material. It looked like it had short yarn hairs. I found it difficult to move, because i was partially crouching down as i made my way to the north. I looked to the east, realizing that i could see around the northern side of the material that was dangling from the ceiling. I started to move to the east along the northern wall of the room. I was aware of something to the west of me, and i thought that others might be in the building at the level below me. I wondered if anyone had ventured this far across this small room. It seemed to have nothing here, but i thought that might have prevented people from exploring the area fully. I passed around the northern sides of several wall frames. I then found myself in an old open area, which looked like an old office. Counters and shelfs ran along the northern and eastern walls in the northeastern corner of the room. An old wooden desk faced south and stood in the northeastern corner as well. I walked to the north of the desk, looking at the things on the walls. The shelfs and counters seemed to be cluttered with old things. Some of it had been sorted through, and some things were on the floor of the room. I looked at the items on the shelfs. Some old electronic equipment was to the east, and files and boxes of slides were to the north. I thought that this office had been part of a business, and i thought that some of the information here could be interesting. I picked up a long narrow box of slides from the shelf to the north and turned to face the desk. A sound came from the west. It sounded as though someone had hit part of the building with something heavy. Other people were in the building. I then heard the sound again. I wondered if they were coming this way. I felt that i could not let other people find me here. I moved to the south, stopping in front of a small alcove in the southern wall. I tipped the box of slides, dumping the white plastic-framed slides into my hand. I they stacked into a small pile in the palm of my left hand. I turned the box back over, noticing that two of the slides did not come out. I tipped the box again until the fell into my hand with the others. I was surprised at how easily they stacked, without spilling. I quickly slided the slides into the left pocket of my pants and hurried to the south. I descended the stairs, which ran along the eastern wall of the room. At the bottom of the steeps, i turned to the east and then to the north to descend a second flight of white steps. I had to get out of here before the others found me. I exited the building to the south, wondering if anyone had seen me. A large modern building complex was to the south of me. I crossed the street and turned to the west in front of it. It seemed to be a shopping area, and a wide cement sidewalk was to the north of it, between the street that i was walking along and the front of the building. I noticed a man in a gray suit standing just outside a door of the building to the south. I wondered if he was watching me. I felt that i had to get somewhere where i could blend into the crowd. I had to make it seem that i belonged here. I felt nervous that others were following me. The large building curved to the north to the west of me, and the area under it seemed to be a wide patio. Round metal poles supported the cement structure over my head. I moved to the west, across an open atrium. The ceiling above seemed to be transparent. The cement paving stones on the ground were shaped like cross-shaped flowers. As i headed toward a dark doorway in the western wall, i noticed a boy standing just outside the door. I did not seem to know him, but i greeted him and felt good talking with him. Something seemed familiar about this place. A was then to the northeast of the building. A woman walked out of a doorway to the southwest of me. She wore a summer dress and had black straight chin-length hair. She smiled at me, and i thought that she seemed familiar. I greeted her and talked to her. She had something to do with the boy that i had met. I thought that i could go into the building with these people. It would help convince anyone watching me that i had nothing to do with the large abandoned building to the northeast. I headed to the north, up the driveway that ran between the two large parking lots. The lot to the west of me seemed small, and i thought that everyone from the modern building to the south had parked there. I was still parked on the road. I would have to move my car so that people did not notice it as out of place. I looked to the east now, noticing that cars were parked in the lot that had been to the south of the abandoned building. I had already moved my car into a parking space. It was off the road, and i would not have to worry about it being towed. I headed to the west, thinking that i would go back into the large building complex and join the others.

I headed to the east, down the hall of $P7. It had been a long time since i had been here, and i thought about wandering through the halls. I stopped and looked to the west, down the hall. It seemed very plain, but it was very familiar. I then realized that i could see the large multi-pane window on the western end of the hallway. I was standing in the eastern wing, but the window, which was on the western end of the western wing, seemed very close to me. I could see it through the square opening of the hall that i was in. Just beyond the opening, i could see metal beams overhead, which seemed to be part of the stairs that ascended the western end of the hallway. Out the window, i could see the darkened sky, which was colored with reds and purples. The sky was partly cloudy, but it was still colored by the setting sun, which had gone down a while ago. I thought that the view was beautiful, and i wanted to take a picture of it. I contemplated getting out my cell phone to take a picture, but i really did not want to. I thought that the others here might find it strange that i was taking a picture. I felt a little uncomfortable here, as though i did not quite belong here. I turned back to the east and continued down the hall. The rooms seemed different now. Near the eastern end of the hall, i found myself walking along the southern wall of a large room. The walls were covered with tan tile, and a swimming pool was to the north of me. I walked along the side of the pool. People were gathered to the east. One man, who seemed like $A436, ran to the west. He had been with the group of others, who were standing under the basketball backboard, which was suspended by metal beams from the southern wall. He stumbled over something at the edge of the pool, which looked like a column of blue padding, and he fell into the pool. I watched the man now running toward me. He was shouting something to people to the northwest as he smiled. He was wearing swim trunks and a blue swimming cap. He was tripping over the blue padded thing near the pool. He was not the person who had originally fallen into the water. This was just a reenactment, and this man was an actor who was playing the part of the man who had fallen in. He had a square face with curly brown hair. I could tell that he did not quite look like the original person. He also did not seem to be in shape. I passed him and continued to the east, looking at the people here. This movie was full of characters from the original scene. I then noticed the people sitting against the eastern wall of the room. They wore hats with thin metal wires sticking out in various places. The wires bobbed and bowed with the weight of the small round metal objects at the ends, which were shaped like planets and other astral things. I described the situation to myself, saying that these people did not really wear the hats; the filmmaker was just having them wear the hats to show that they were “space cadets”. It was one of the stereotypes of high school. The man with the hat sat down, leaning against the eastern wall as he talked to his three other friends, who were all to the south of him. All of them were wearing similar hats. I turned to the south and moved into another room. The woman was talking about the men at the pool. I thought about the man who had jumped into the water. I pictured him standing on the side of the pool and diving outward into the water. He seemed like a very good friend of mine. The woman asked me about him, and i started to feel uncomfortable. I was sitting in a chair that was against the southern wall of the room, and the woman was sitting on the wooden chair to the north of me. She was a psychiatrist, and she seemed to be analyzing me, trying to get me to understand the events of the pool. I felt nervous, thinking that i really did not know the man who had dived into the water. He seemed like someone very familiar with me, but i knew that i did not know him. I felt upset, thinking that i had let the woman believe that i knew the man very well. I tried to explain that i was not actually a good friend of the man. As i did so, i was aware that i was not looking at the woman. My eyes kept wandering around the room. I wondered if she thought that i was lying to her. She said that i must have known what had happened to the man if i was a good friend with him. I told her that we were really not good friends. I said that we had talked but that we were only acquaintances. I said that i did not know him well. She asked me more questions, and i started to wonder why i was here. The room around me seemed small. It was long north to south, and the entrance door seemed to be in the center of the northern wall. A desk was to the south of me. The woman said something in conclusion, and i realized that i was moving toward the white couch, which was against the western end of the northern wall. I started to get my things together. The woman had moved to the southern side of the room. She was standing now, and she talked to me. I sat near the western end of the couch to pack some of my things up. I felt as though i was in high school, and i had to get back to class. I pulled my cell phone out from someplace just to the west of me. I realized that the glass on the screen was cracked. A chip of glass was missing from the center of the screen, and a crack ran diagonally from the upper left to the lower right. I was surprised that the phone was broken, and i wondered if it had happened because i had kept the phone in my pocket. I stood up, thinking that i would now have to buy another phone. My mother was now in the room. She had just come in through the northern door. Several other people were moving around on the eastern side of the room. I felt upset, feeling uncomfortable here. Something seemed out of place.

12018 February 18

I said something to $F71, who was standing to the west of me on the elevated surface. We seemed to be on a highway or railroad platform. The cement structure ran east to west, and we had come from the south to get on to it. The other $G4 had run to the west, but i could not see them running to the east on the other part of the train tracks to the north of us. The tracks were about three meters above where we were standing. A cement wall to the north of us prevented us from heading directly toward them, and the top part of it blocked my view of the runners’ feet. $F58 stood just to the north of us as i told $F71 that the people were simply heading back from where they had gone to the west. I told him to run to the east. He complained, saying that we would be shortcutting trail. To the east of us, the cement walkway sloped upward, eventually joining the level of the upper part to the north about twenty or thirty meters from us. I started running to the east, watching the people ahead of me jog up the ramp to meet the others runners on the upper platform. The elevated surface seemed to continue for quite a way to the east.

12018 February 19

I was running on the race course with the other person. I was not that familiar with the other person, but we had gotten along during the race. We headed west and turned to the south once we got into the building. There were various transition points in the race where we had to change something, and this seemed to be one of them. We had gone upstairs in the building and were now in the narrow corridor that led to the south, into the small room. A race official seemed to be standing at the door of the room, ready to let us pass into the next part of the race. I took the backpack off of my back and put it on the small table that was on the western side of the hallway. The other person ahead of me was ready to go. I had to do something first. I let the other man go ahead while i turned back to the table to grab my things. I picked up the long black bag from the table. I remembered seeing it before, and i thought that it was not as convenient to carry on a run as a backpack. I tipped the bag forward, trying to figure out how i could put it over my shoulders so that i could run with it. A brown nylon strap looped over the front of the bag. I tried to pull up the edges of the strap to make enough room for my arms, but i could not get enough of the strap to pull forward. The bag now seemed like a large doll, and the straps that i was pulling were along the sides of the neck of the large soft animal. The floppy animal had pale blue fur and a white bib. The straps ran along the sides of the bib. I tugged at something in the center of the bib. A loop of a plastic fabric pulled forward, but it was not enough for me to put my arms through. I started to feel frustrated. I had to get going. I then wondered why i would have to bring the bag with me. I thought that i had been carrying water bottles in the backpack, but i now thought that i really did not need any of them. I decided that i would leave the bag here. I had to hurry, though. I walked back to the east, into the center of the hall. The table where the stuffed bag had been set was now in a small alcove on the western side of the hallway. $F12 was to the south of me. I greeted him, saying that i would join him shortly for the run. I felt hurried and anxious. I had to put the bag away. $F12 started jogging to the southwest, passing out of the hallway and into the large dining room that was to the west. I turned back to the table, trying to hurry to get my things put away. I wondered if i could leave the large bag here. I decided that i would, and i put it on the table that was against the southern wall of the alcove. I set the large teddy bear on the table, but it seemed too large and was tipping over. I tried to arrange it so that it stayed on the table. I then remembered that i had tipped it upside down before. I turned it over, but i decided that this did not seem like a good place to leave it. I did not think that anyone would touch the bag before i got back, but i worried that i should not leave it in the middle of everything. I picked up the large stuffed bear and tried to arrange stand it on the floor to the west of the table. It would not fit. I had already left some of my other things on the counter to the southwest. I had something in my left hand, and i turned to the large round tin that was on the counter. The tin was decorated with red designs on the outside. I opened the lid, wondering why i had not put the bag inside of it. As i put the other smaller thing in it, i realized that i had already stuffed the blanket in the tin, so i would not be able to put the stuffed bear into it. I walked down the hall to the south, noticing the wooden booth on the western side of the corridor. I seemed to be outside now. The ground was dirt, and the wooden booth was constructed of plywood that had been painted white. It looked like a carnival game booth. Things were on the shelf against the western wall of the wide booth. This was where i could put the bear. I set bear on the shelf and headed back to the north to get to the race. I looked at the dirt patch on the ground where some people were standing. I would have to move in a certain way over the dirt, and i would be teleported back to the site of the race. The dirt was on the slope of a shallow hill that sloped gradually to the north. A crude wooden structure ran along the western side of the grassy lawn, and the dirt spot was in front of it. The main part of the event seemed to be in the tents and booths to the south. I circled around the western side of the woman until i was to the north of her, thinking about how i would have to slide my feet over the area of ground as if i were skiing. I remembered that a flash of blue sparks would light up around my feet and i would be back near the race. I felt anxious, thinking that $F12 might still be waiting for me. The woman complained to some of the other people that were with her. The transport spot was not working. I felt annoyed. The others moved around the dirt patch. I moved closer to it, noticing that a hole had been dug into the ground to get the teleportation to work. The hole was about a meter wide, and the dirt inside was in a loose mound. Several metal rods stuck up from the dirt. I then noticed that the edge of the hole on the southeastern side seemed to be open. Someone had dug the hole into an open area beneath the ground. I moved closer, noticing that the metal rods were reinforcement bar. I told the others that they had dug into the ceiling of a room below. I looked into the space below, realizing that we should not step on the dirt in the center of the hole or it might collapse under us. I looked to the south, under the ground. The room below was old and looked abandoned. Red graffiti was spray-painted along the southern wall of the room. The floor of the room was made of white tiles, and i single chair stood in the middle of it. Several books and papers were scattered over the floor. The eastern wall of the room was uneven. It started narrower in the southern side of the room, and then widened in steps toward the northern side. I could see short off-white doors in the gray walls that faced west. I thought that these were doors to old offices, and i told the others this. I backed away from the hole, wondering how we could get back to the race course. An older man was then to the west of us. Others were talking to him about fixing the teleporter. He seemed chubby, with sagging greasy skin. His balding head had black hair on the sides with some streaks of gray. The others told him that no one would be grateful if he fixed the teleportation device. A small car was then in the middle of the field. It looked like a car from a roller coaster. The others had started getting in to the car. I would have to get in to be teleported back to the race. I thanked the man for fixing it, but i felt strange doing so because his friends had just told him that no one would tank him, and i thought that they might thing that i was just thanking him because i had hear the man say this. I got back into the car, wondering how i could get to the race. I felt very bad that i had taken so much time to get back. I thought that the person i was running with must have completed the course by now.

12018 February 21

I had to fly the airplane, but i felt very nervous about it. I seemed to be gliding to the west, fairly low over the land. The engines of the airplane were not running, but i had to start them. The airplane seemed to be a small single engine prop airplane. There were two metal rods on the control panel just to the right of the steering controls. Each metal rod had an oval white cap that hung below where the rod entered the dashboard. I turned the white knobs, and i heard the engine of the airplane starting up. I was then talking to the other people. I was in the airplane, and they were pushing me to the southwest. The airplane started rolling and was then in the air again: about a hundred meters from the ground. I was gliding to the south now. The landscape below me was grassy, but the area to the southwest and east were covered with green trees. Everything was covered with a patchy gray fog. I was above the level of the trees, but i knew that i would start descending if i did not start the engines. I reached for the two metal rods with white tabs hanging from the bottom of them, and i turned the leftmost rod ninety degrees counterclockwise. I then turned the other one in the same way. This process started the engines. I could hear them running, so i turned the switched back to a neutral position. I could tell that i was over an open glassy area that ran in a stripe through the trees of the forest. I felt very unsure about flying, though. I did not have the experience to do so, and i was nervous about what i was doing. I turned to the west as i started to gain altitude. I then realized that i could not see where i was going. Everything was pale gray. I had flown into the fog. I worried that i would be too close to the trees, so i tipped the airplane upward. I knew that i was circling back to the north. I worried that there might be other tall features in this area that i was not aware of. I then wondered where the airport was. I knew that i should not be flying over the airspace or i might be in the way of other traffic. I felt concerned about here i was. I felt that i was too inexperienced to be flying an airplane. I tried to keep the airplane steady, but i wanted to get high enough that i would not run into anything on the ground. I also did not want to get too high. I was heading east now. I then saw something to the northeast of me. The fog had cleared, and i could see an airplane hovering to the northwest of me. It was facing west, but it was not moving relative to me. It was a stealth fighter. I then noticed the rows and columns of other military vehicles a level below it. They looked like battleships and tanks. I realized that i must have strayed over military airspace. I would have to be careful about where i was. I wondered what i should do. I started talking to the others about where we were going. I felt unsure that we were heading in the correct direction. I looked to the north, out the front window of the car. I seemed to be in the back seat, and a woman was driving. The road was paved, but the pavement ended just ahead of us. We were suddenly on a dirt road. The dirt was dry, dusty, and colored orange. Tall conifer trees rose on either side of the road. I then realized that a square stone column was in the middle of the road ahead. It was made of stacked flat rocks, and it looked like part of a stone wall. It was about a meter cubed. Stone walls continued off the sides of the road on either side. This seemed to be a gate to a national park. I thought that we would have to stop. As we got closer, i realized that it was a restricted area, like a border crossing. I thought that we would have to stop, but i realized that the car was not slowing down. I felt suddenly worried as i saw the guards in green army uniforms step out from behind the wall and tip their machine guns up at us. I yelled at the woman to stop. She tensed, and the car came to a sudden skidding stop. The men moved around the front of the car, pointing guns at us. They would not have been alarmed if we had simply driven up to the boarder, but now they were suspicious of us. One of the men asked us to get out of the car. I walked along the western side of the car, which now seemed like a station wagon. The family that i had been driving with seemed like a family from the fifties. We were being arrested. I moved around in the area, thinking about this. I felt upset that we had been taken into custody, and i wondered how we could get away from here. One of the women from the family, who seemed to be an older teenage daughter, said something to the guard in the green uniform to the southeast of me. I knew that she was trying to trick him into doing something. The man moved to the west to get something, leaving us alone in the room. We ran to the east, trying to escape the facility. I knew that we would not be able to get out of the building. When we came into the large room, i realized that the others were standing around a large flat round object on the western side of the room. I recognized the object as something that we had with us. The family, which now seemed like a young television family, stood on the small rhomboid-shaped trays that ran around the outside of the disk. Two rows of trays seemed to circle the center tray. The edges on all of the trays sloped up slightly, forming a tray about a half deci deep. They were about a meter and a half wide by a meter deep. A young man was standing on the tray to the northeast of me as i stepped on one of the trays on the southern side of the disk. The trays had a metallic finish that went in a gradient from blue on the northeastern corner to dark purple on the southwestern. The central disk also seemed to have similar shading. I knew that we could escape on these vehicles. The man to the northeast of me leaned in as the vehicle was activated. It started to float. It was really a field-propulsion disk. We could fly it out of the room to the southeast. I then thought that we had several of these disks, and we did not want the military to get them. We would have to come back and steal the other ones as well.

12018 February 22

I was driving with the other person to the east, down the snowy road. We seemed to be in a rural area, and the land sloped up on both sides of the road. I felt worried. I remembered that the car had crashed before, so i had to be very careful on this read. I drove slowly down the twisting road. The road ahead of us curved to the northeast and then back to the east. The land on the southern side of the road was forested, and a thin layer of snow covered most of the brown dirt on the shoulder. To the north and northeast of me, on the inside of the first turn, the land was lower and covered with grass. An old farm house stood on the edge of the hill near the curve in the road. The road seemed to descend into a steep valley, the hills beyond the house rising more steeply on both sides of the road. $F71 was in the passenger seat of the car. I watched the curve as i approached it. I wanted to move slowly, but the car was going too fast. I tried to slow it down, but it kept speeding up. As i reached the turn, the car skidded off the road and down the shallow embankment to the ditch at the base of the forested hill. It was moving too quickly, and i worried that we would hit something. The car then seemed to roll over and tumble along the side of the road. My view was black, and i could not see what had happened. $F71 was then walking with me to the north on the eastern side of the road. A car was on the side of the road to the north of us, and we turned to the west to walk behind it. $F71 seemed upset about something, and he looked down the street to the south to make sure no cars were coming before he crossed. I felt that something was very wrong. I knew that we had been in an accident, but i could not remember it. It seemed like it had been a little while ago, but i could not remember what had happened since. I then realized that my head hurt. I put my right hand on the right side of my temple. It felt tender and puff. Something was very wrong, and i started to feel woozy. I wanted to lie down, but i knew that i should not. I started to feel scared, worrying that something bad was going to happen.

12018 February 24

I had been sleeping in the large bed, which was against the northern wall of the small room. The room seemed to be in the middle of the house. The scene changed and seemed to repeat itself, and i was now under the bed, sitting on the floor. I had to do something. The other person was then to the east of me. He asked about the money. I had to get it for him. I counted out the money that i had in the box on the floor to the west of me. I had kept the box under the bed. I opened up the folder bills, noticing that the ones on the outside were fifty-dollar bills. I unfolded one of the bills, saying something to the man near me. Other people were then walking around the room to the south of us. The scene changed again, and i again woke up in the room. I was under the bed, and i felt erotic. I realized that $A592 was still on the bed to the east of me. He had wanted to copulate with me, but i felt uneasy. I had said no to him because i was with $F71, and i thought that $F71 would be upset if i sleeped with someone else. I could see $A592 lying on his side on the bed to the southeast of me. He smiled at me. He seemed to be wearing clothing from the eighties, and his blond hair was sticking up in front. He seemed attractive, but i was not interested in him sexually. I felt conflicted, thinking that this situation seemed out of place.

12018 February 25

I was in the living room of the old house. The house seemed very familiar, but i did not recognize any of the features. I moved to the southeast, across the living room, noticing a small dark bug crawling toward the southern wall. The bug moved across the wooden floor. I tapped it to the side with my feet, trying to figure out what it was. I pushed it under the small round table to the east. The wooden table had thin legs that came together in a decorative cluster about a third of a meter from the floor. As i pushed the bug under the center of the table, i noticed something move just under the point where the legs started to separate again. I stared at the dark bundle, thinking that it was a spider in a nest. I thought that the spider would eat the bug, and i felt that it would be a good way to get rid of the bug. I was unsure what the round object was, though. It seemed fussy. I wondered if it was a large nest of a spider. It seemed to be five or six centimeters across. I leaned toward it, trying to figure out what it was. It then moved, crawling out into the light. The bundle was a gray mouse. It looked at me and then started crawling to the east, along the wall. A set of stairs seemed to ascend along the wall, and i was looking at the wall below them. I felt annoyed that the mouse was in the house, and i thought that i would have to capture it. I wondered if i could put the gray mouse in the same cage that i had been keeping the tan field mouse in. I would have to go to the basement and get the mousetrap, which i had near the back door. I stopped near the western wall of the basement and picked up the trap. As i turned around, the walls of the metal box trap folded in a little and the doors closed. I tried to prop them open again, but i could not get the walls to stay open. The trap seemed very flimsy now. As i reached the stairs to head back up to the first floor, i noticed that the light was on in the basement to the east and southeast. The stairs ended just in front of the northern wall of the room. I stepped into the main part of the basement, looking into the room to the southwest. The room had been filled with furniture, but it was now mostly empty. Only a few small stools and boxes remained. I thought that my parents must have come to take the furniture. I then noticed the open door to the small room in the southeastern corner of the basement. The light in the room was on, and i could see that most of the things in the room had been removed as well. I felt concerned. I had stored old toys in the room, and i did not think that my parents would have taken them. Something seemed wrong with this. I worried that someone might have broken in to the house to take things. I then thought that this should not be possible. We were in the house all night, and the doors were still locked in the morning. I headed upstairs, feeling anxious. I called to $F71, handing him the trap and asking him to fix it and set it up. I had to call my parents. I moved back out into the living room, heading east. I moved toward the oval wooden table that was under the window in the eastern wall of the room. A woven glass candy dish was on the northern end of the table. As i approached, something in the dish moved. I could see the round candies in the dish, but then i noticed a small black mouse. It turned to look at me. Its body was rounded, like a field mouse. I thought that i had a third kind of mouse in the house, and i was frustrated that i would have to set more traps. I then noticed the white powder on the side of the candy where the mouse had chewed some of the round black balls.

12018 February 26

I was in the car with the others as we drove down the highway, turning south onto the round ramp. The ramp curved to the south and then to the west. I knew that it would eventually curve back to the north and merge with the east-to-west road that ran under the highway. We would have to head back to the east to get downtown. I did not really want to head downtown. I followed the road to the east as i talked to the others. I felt uncomfortable coming back here, and i did not really want to be back in the downtown area. It was getting late, and i knew that it would be dangerous to be here. I pictured the narrow streets and the tall buildings of the downtown area. The buildings seemed several stories tall, but they also seemed like stacks of boxes inside the large open room of the building. I headed north down an aisle as i got off the ramp, noticing the cardboard boxes that were stacked along the eastern side of the aisle. They were all rectangular boxes, about a meter by three-quarters of a meter. I thought that they were things from the people who had moved. A word like “VINA” was written on the boxes with black marker. I walked past the square stack of boxes and turned to the east in the main corridor. I told the other person, who was following me, to be cautious. I said that we should not talk as we walk through the streets. I thought that we would attract too much attention. I felt that this place was dangerous. The main part of the city was to the east of us. A large building or wall was just to the northeast, and i was passing through an opening between it and a tall column to the south. A man stood in front of the column with his arms crossed. I imagined the tight streets and old brick buildings to the northeast of me, beyond the wall or building. The area seemed to stretch to the east, along the northern side of the street that i was on. It seemed to be only a few blocks wide to the north. It was now night. I made my way to the southern side of the street, feeling a strange. I realized that i was breathing heavily. It suddenly felt very hard to breath. I passed the man who had been watching us. I was breathing in short gasping breaths. I moved to a semienclosed area where i could stop for a moment. I thought that criminals might be out in the streets now. I started to feel concerned, because i was unable to breath correctly. I tried to focus on my breathing, but i could not get it to feel normal. Something was wrong. I moved into an alley with the other person. I told the man with me about the eighteen-year-old woman who had cancer. It had something to do with my breathing, but i was not sure what. The scene changed suddenly. Large creatures were moving to the northeast of me. They seemed like giants, but their bodies were deformed. The scene was filled with dull solid colors of yellow and red hues. The creatures now seemed to be all around us, and they seemed to be drawn in a dark mood. The page of the comic book then turned to the left, and an uzi was pointing to the north. It moved to the north, firing into the cage that was to the north. The metal bars of the cage looked like the bars of a jail cell. I knew that the gun was firing at the creatures. I thought that the man firing the gun was sadistic and was shooting at the people simply to harm and distress them. He did not care if he killed them. The arm then pulled the gun back into the frame. It was a comic drawing with heavy black shading. The image pulled out of the frame to the right, and i looked south to see what it was. The large hand was holding a small demon. The demon was crouched into the hand, holding a large brass key. It had thin arms and legs and a pot belly that bulged around its hips. Its face was long on its oval skull, and it looked sorrowfully and cautiously to the south at the creature that held it. The demon was holding a large brass key in its hands. The key had shot the animals in the cage. The creature held the key by the large brass ring at the end. I then looked to the south at the large yellowish creature that was holding the demon. The creature seemed very large, with a large human head. A long dull-yellow horn ran from the side of the creature’s head, extending up and to the north. I looked at the thick horn, noticing small brown bumps on the sides. The horn seemed like the long horn of a triceratops, and the bumps looked like the top halfs of tiny cartoon-like tyrannosaur heads. They were arranged mostly along the length of the horn, but several ran around the circumference of the horns. This seemed very strange, and i felt uncomfortable near the big creature. I looked to the southwest at the side of the creatures face. It turned slowly toward me, looking at me out of the corner of its narrow right eye as it smiled with wide thin lips. It said something, and its voice seemed very smooth and seductive. I felt very wary of it.

I moved to the west, heading across the basement of my parents’ house. The basement was filled with boxes and stacks of furniture. They had packed everything up. I felt cautious. I had heard something before, and i did not feel comfortable here. I turned back to the east, and i noticed the box of cat litter that was on top of a tall box. The blue plastic cat litter tray had tipped to the west, and cat litter was dropping from the tray. It had just tipped forward. I thought that i should clean up the cat litter. I then realized that the boxes had tipped around the litter box as well. Looking above the box, i could see that one of the support bars for the ceiling had fallen over. I then noticed that both pole jacks were tipped to the west and resting against the eastern side of the litter tray. The metal I-beam that ran north-to-south across the ceiling was now sagging on the southern end. Something was wrong. I thought that the house must have moved or shifted. I wondered if it had anything to do with the dirt shifting outside. I would have to tell my father that the supporting beams had fallen. I hurried to the east, coming outside the old house. I walked to the northeast, into a small square. The rectangular square was paved with cobblestones and was surrounded by old buildings. The buildings seemed European in style. I had come up an alley on the southern end of the western side of the square. I looked to the north, at the large stone building. It looked like Llenroc. It had the Greek letters Delta Delta Phi in the center of the tall stone face. The building to the north of it also seemed to be a fraternity. The second building was made of wood and looked like an old Tudor structure. It had the letters Sigma Sigma Tau on the face of it. I said something to the man, who was now standing to the southwest of me. I pointed out the houses. I did not recognize the one to the north, but i was familiar with the one to the south. The Sigma Sigma Tau house had reddish wooden beams crossing the front, and the plaster between them was tan. It seemed like a very interesting house. I noticed the signs on the windows now. They seemed to advertise old English sayings. I felt interested in the house, but i knew that i would not be allowed inside. The man near me moved around me, smiling. He seemed to be a part of this house, and he started singing. I thought that the brothers of that fraternity sang together a lot. I thought that he was from the Sigma Sigma Tau house.

I was in the darkened rectangular room of the house, and my family was to the south of me. I felt uneasy here. I had been staying here, and i thought that i should clean up some of my things. My family had just arrived here. I moved to the small room to the west to pick up something that was against the wall. $A752 was to the south of me. The room to the south seemed to extend to the east, merging with the other room that i had been in. A couch was against the western wall now, facing east. $K1’s children were sitting on the couch. I felt uneasy about the people here, and i continued cleaning. I was then aware of a young girl lying on the floor. She had dark skin and her curly hair was tied into small bundles. I had been sleeping here, but i was picking my things up and getting them together. I was not comfortable having the girl around. She seemed to be part of $K1’s family, and i thought that $A752 might make up stories about me being in the room with her. I left the area and headed to the west, into the front hall of the house. The entryway was a rectangular with a door in the middle of the southern wall. The walls of the room were thick and made of cement. The gray cement seemed damp and old. I stopped just to the north of the door, realizing that the door had been propped open. A black metal box was on the wall to the east of the door, and someone had propped a blue beer coozy between the door and the box, keeping the door about a deci open. This seemed strange that the door would be open. I could see the street only a few meters from the house to the south, and i knew that it was currently under construction. I thought that the cat must be locked in some room of the house. My mother would never want it getting out. I continued to the west, stopping in the doorway in the southern end of the western wall of the basement. Things were being stored in the basement now, but the large room to the west of me was empty. My mother was now to the southeast of me, and i said something to her as i looked into the large open room to the west. The large rectangular room was mostly empty. It seemed strange that the room was here. I seemed to be unaware of its existence. A few large wooden tables were on the western end of the room. I asked my mother about the room. I wondered why it was empty. I stared at the large wooden table. It seemed square, with a dull wood surface. It looked like the polish had been worn off of the wood long ago. Thick black lines formed patterns in the surface of the wood. They curled around the edges of the table and formed arch-shaped designs at the near and far sides of the table. It seemed out of place here as well. It was not something that my parents would normally have. I moved into the room to the west, asking my mother what the tables were. I felt interested in the old table. I then realized that the western end of the southern wall was open to a larger room to the south. This place seemed like an old factory. The floor was covered with debris, and light filtered in from somewhere near the ceiling. I focused on an old round wooden table that was in the opening between the two rooms. It was made of pressed wood of different colors. The wood formed thins stripes that ran east to west across the surface of the table. The table was in poor condition and seemed to be falling apart. Some of the wood strips had separated on the southeastern edge. I then noticed the rounded rectangular pocket that was set into the eastern side of the table. A black plastic rectangular tray with circular ends was set into the wooden surface. I remembered this table from long ago. It seemed to be something from my childhood, and i related it to $A312. I pointed out the table to my mother, who was now to the south of me. Other members of my family were now gathering in the room to the south. They were gathering around the picnic table on the western end of the room, and they were starting to server food. I marveled at the old table from my childhood. Everything in the room seemed old and run down. The furnishings had been left here from long ago. I then asked my mother why the front door of the house was propped open. It seemed strange to me. She seemed alarmed that it had been left open. She sayed that she did not prop the door open. I started to worry about the cat. I headed back to the west to go close the door. A young boy followed me as i walked toward the doorway in the cement northern wall of the room. As i approached the door, i looked at the large plaque that was on the wall to the west of the door. It was about a meter square, and it was made of a dark-gray material. The white lettering at the top of the place was in script, and it said something about White Plains. I knew that the writing was in Latin, however, and i pointed this out to the boy. The corridor on the other side of the doorway ran east, and it seemed to have square columns along the northern wall. I told the boy that i would be heading back to close the door, and he said that he would follow me. I noticed that the corridor ahead of me became uneven. The walls were warped, and the corridor became narrower. I remembered that i had taken this path to the large western room before. It was a long narrow corridor that i had to squeeze and crawl through. I was not interested in going through the corridor again, but i thought that, because i had made it through before, i would be able to make it through again. The walls were pale now, with shades of pink across the center. I had to squeeze through the tight spaces to get past. I started to feel annoyed, thinking that this was not the best way to go. The boy followed me. I pushed through the narrow spaces, remembering that i had made it through the space before, so i should be able to do it again.