12019 February 01

I stood on the northeastern side of the large room, where all of the people were gathered for the event. The room seemed packed with people, many of whom i did not know. I was facing south, looking around at the different groups of people. Everyone seemed to be wearing brown jackets, or the scene was rendered in mostly browns. I felt out of place here, and i was nervous about what i should do. I started chatting with some of the people around me. They started laughing about something. I was then with a small group of men. The man to the west of me leaned against me as he laughed. It felt good to have someone to share jokes with. Another man was to the east of me. I looked to the south, at another group of men, who were facing us. We had been joking with them. $A419 was one of them. The other people in this room somehow seemed like alumni of a college. I said something to $A419, happy to see him here. I joked about something, and the man to the west put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close as we laughed. I was interested in these people, and i liked being here. I then walked to the east. $F71 was to the south of me, and he grabbed my hand to stop me. I wanted to move to the east, so i pulled my hand from his. He was upset and turned to the south with an exasperated sigh. He wanted to show affection, and i stopped him from doing so. I felt annoyed with him and upset that he was upset. I was not sure what i should do, though. I headed to the southwest, reaching the sidewalk that was on the southern side of the street. I still felt good about being in the area. Small houses were on the southern side of the street, only meters from the narrow sidewalk of old worn cement squares. I had something to do here, and i bent over to pick up some of the trash as i moved to the west. I was supposed to clean up the yards here, but i thought that i should move to the western end and start from there. The area around me seemed fairly clean. $F71 seemed to be to the south of me, in one of the yards of the house, which were very close to one another. I pulled up some weeds that were growing between the sidewalk and the short hedgerow to the north of it. The street to the north of the hedgerow seemed old and worn. It was narrow, and the asphalt pavement was faded. The sidewalk rose and fell a little as i moved. I was then near the western end of the sidewalk. A small house was to the south, and a woman seemed to be standing near the house. I pulled up several things from the ground. I then realized that the yard to the southwest of me needed more cleaning. The sidewalk ended in a steep decline, which seemed like a set of cement stairs. I walked to the bottom of the incline and turned around. Weeds were growing up along the slope. They seemed to be ivy vines that were growing up from underneath the stairs. I pulled several of the vines out of the ground, thinking that i had more work to do here than to the east. I was aware of the woman of the house watching me from the south. She commented on what i was doing. I was in the house now as i looked up. The woman was standing in the living room to the south of me. I was near the northern wall on the eastern side of the room. The room was open. To the east of me, the room seemed to merge with a small kitchen area. A white counter extended to the west, just to the southeast of me. I moved to the east, along the northern side of the white counter top. I was going to clean up some of this area. My mother was now on the southern side of the counter, doing something in the kitchen. Part of the room extended to the north of the kitchen. The area was to the northeast of me, and it seemed to be divided by a counter and partial wall, which ran from the north and met the eastern end of the white counter. A square column ran up from the southern end of the northern counter. I looked around at the things that i should be cleaning. I noticed several blue dishes on the counter to the south of me. They were rectangular trays made out of a heavy ceramic. They had rounded corners and short legs under them at each corner. I thought that they could be put away, and i thought that they probably stacked against the column to the east of me. I pictured them standing upright in front of the column, facing south. Something else now seemed to be in front of the column, though. It seemed like a doll with a wide straw dress. Something about it seemed Mexican or South American. Several members of my family were in the room to the south of me now. They moved back and forth from the kitchen area to the southeast to the living room area to the southwest. I would have to clean up the things around here. I moved back to the northeast, again walked to the east along the northern side of the counter. The blue dishes were now on the white counter, and my mother was to the south of me. The kitchen area seemed more cleaned up now that it had before. I picked up one of the blue dishes and placed it up against the square column. My mother seemed surprised by this, and she harshly told me not to do that. I backed away from the counter a little. My mother was standing with her hands on the counter as she shook her head at me. I looked down, noticing that the blue dishes were not stacked on top of each other under the counter. They all fit into each other. My relatives then started to leave the house through the door in the northern wall. I still had to get something, so i headed to the southwest, diagonally across the living room. I thought that i would have to go into the rooms to the west to get something. I would be staying here while my relatives were away. I crossed the small bedroom as i headed to the west. I put something on the small counter to the south. The counter seemed like a low trunk with things on it. It was against the low southern wall. I had to do something, and i pulled out the small key, which seemed special in some way. I thought that i would have to go down the stairs that were to the west. I pictured the stairs descending to the north. I had to open an outside door there. I moved toward the western end of the room. A small wooden door was set in a small alcove in the southern end of the western wall. The alcove was about a meter deep. I looked at the large brass box on the northern side of the door, under the round handle. The box was about five centimeters square and about a centimeter deep. It had a large keyhole in it. I thought that it would be locked, but i knew that the key i had would open it. I opened the lock, and something about this action seemed magical or special. I then heard a beeping sound. I turned to the north, seeing a small off-white alarm panel mounted on the northern wall of the alcove. I had set off an alarm by opening the door. I would have to enter a password in order to turn the alarm off. I did not know the password, though, because it was my relatives’ house. I turned back to the east, leaving the door closed. As i crossed the room, i heard the sound of a telephone ringing. I thought that it would be the alarm company asking for a password to turn off the alarm. As i crossed the room, i noticed flashing lights to the north, through the window. I thought that the police cars must have been arriving on the lawn of the house. I wondered what i should do. I reached an eastern wall near the northeastern corner of the room. I walked out the door, onto the small porch on the northeastern side of the house. I realized that the police would be able to see me, but i pretended that i did not see them. I turned to the south and opened the blue door, which was the entrance door to the main part of the house. I entered the kitchen area and moved to the south. The southern wall on the eastern side of the large combined living room and kitchen was covered with tan wood cabinets. A sink seemed to be set into the center of the cabinets. I thought that i would go about my business, pretending that i did not know that the alarms had gone off. I then thought that this might not be a good idea. I knew that the police in Miami were dangerous. I looked around the counter near the sink, noticing that the glassware there was small. I wanted a glass to drink out of, but i could not find one. I would continue to look for a glass until the police stopped me. I opened some of the cabinets, but i could not see any drinking glasses. I then opened a cabinet to the west of the pale-green counter that the sink was set into. The cabinet had tall thick glasses. They had round rims, but the sides of the glasses had corners that spiraled loosely up the side of the glass. The bottom of the glass seemed square. They did not seem like good drinking glasses, but i took one out and moved to the sink to get some water.

12019 February 02

I was running a race, and we turned to the north on the eastern side of a street. The street sloped down hill ahead of us. I was aware of a man who was running just behind me. He seemed very familiar, and he had short blond hair and a mottled blue T-shirt. I was ahead of him, and i felt competitive and wanted to stay ahead of him. I ran down the sidewalk on the side of the street, which seemed like Page Avenue. I noticed that some runners had turned to the west on one of the side streets, but i knew that we actually had to run to the bottom of the hill before we could make a turn to the west. I thought that the course ran down the hill and then crossed the street, where it came back up the hill on the western sidewalk. It then turned to the west on the street that seemed like Paden Street. As i came over the top of a hump in the hill, i could see an intersection at the bottom where a street ran to the east. I had thought that people would be turning to the west at that intersection to cross the street, but i did not see the people who were ahead of me heading back up the hill. A man on the corner seemed to be directing the runners to turn to the east. I realized that the course had an extra loop to the east. I had forgotten this. I glanced back to see where the man in the blue shirt had gone. I wanted to stay ahead of him. I could not see him behind me, and i wondered if he turned west at the intersection. I then saw him coming over the hump in the hill. I turned to the east and ran ten or so meters down the block. The runners were turning to the south and heading up a driveway and into a house. I followed them, coming into the living room of the house. The living room seemed very long and ran the entire length of the house. A man in a sports coat was standing behind a table near the southern end of the eastern wall. He seemed to be running this stop. He was talking loudly to the people in the room. I felt impatient. I did not want to stop for so long in the middle of the run. I wanted to be done with this part of the event and continue on.

12019 February 04

I flipped through the book, which was to the west of me on the surface. I was looking for the listings of the classes that i was supposed to be taking. The text in the book looked like a table of contents. $F4 was standing to the south of me, and i spoke to him as i turned the pages. I turned a page forward and read the back side of it. I mentioned my physics class. I pointed out to $F4 that the class was listed on the page, but it i could not find my math class. I turned the page back and looked at the font side of it. I did not see a listing for the class i was supposed to take. I started reading something in the middle of the page. It seemed to mention the word “math”, but i told $F4 that it was the class i was looking for. $F4 then pointed out the block of text at the top of the page. He said that it mentioned the awards diner. He said that they had not given out all of the awards, and he mentioned that someone had said that he would get his honor when they give out the rest. It seemed that they had held the awards because they were not able to give them all away. He said that i should get mine as well. I told him i did not think that i would get one, adding that i did not do all that well in a class. I thought about my classes, remembering that i did not get good grades in the second class. I did not think that i would be getting an honor. I turned my attention to the north. A white wall ran to the north of us. It rose in two sections. The lower section was about a meter and a half tall. It looked like a brick wall that had been painted white, but it seemed to be made of a heavier stone. The top part of the wall seemed to be concrete, and it sloped backward to the north. A man was jumping toward the wall. I could see him in the air as he moved toward the wall. He had an ax in his hand, and i thought that he was going to embed the ax in the wall. This seemed strange, but i thought that it was some kind of televised competition. I looked away for a moment. $F4 was still near me. When i looked back to the television screen to the west of us, i could see that the man had missed the wall. The young man, who seemed like he was in his late teens, was sitting on the ground with one knee up. He had landed too short and missed the wall. I mentioned this to $F4. The young man stood up. He was angry. He threw his ax at the wall to the northeast of him. The ax hit the wall, but did not embed in it. Instead, it bounced back to the south, away from the wall. It then seemed to bounce on the ground and then on the top edge of the lower part of the wall. The ax moved back to the west and fell near the man. I thought that it would hit him. The man then opened his mouth as if screaming in pain. The camera focused in on the man’s right arm. It was thin, and we could see where the elongated blade of the ax had embedded itself in the man’s upper arm. I pointed this out to $F4, who was still standing to the south of me. He looked up at the screen. The blade had slided upward a little, dragging blood with it. It seemed to have cut fairly deeply into the man’s biceps.

12019 February 08

I had just left the others, and i was driving to the west, down the long road through the spread-out urban area. It was dark out, and i was still talking to one of the others, who did not seem to be with me. It seemed to be late at night, and i realized that it had just started to snow. The land around me was covered with a thin layer of white, and snow was falling from the sky. I noticed a large neon sign on the northern side of the road ahead of me. It said “Westerner” it large orange handwriting with narrow loops. I recognized the sign. I had been to this area before. It seemed like Central Avenue near Westgate Plaza. I realized that i must have driven too far. I was supposed to take a turn to the north. I should not have come this far. I felt a little annoyed s i looked for a place to turn around. I looked at the road ahead of me. It still seemed like night, but the road was well illuminated. It was now covered with a heavier layer of snow, and i started to feel worried that i would not be able to drive through the snow. A car was coming from the west, but i was looking at the drifting snow that covered the road. I turned back to the east, now in the room on the eastern side of the house. I was in my parents’ house. It was still dark in the morning, and i had just reached the house. I thought that i could spend the night here and wait for the snow to stop. I realized that my parents were not in the house, but i thought that i could still stay here. I headed to the west, leaving the small bedroom on the second floor. I then remembered that my parents no longer lived in this house. I should not be here, because the house was owned by someone i did not know. I turned back to the east and looked around. I felt a little confused. I was in the central bedroom of the house. The ceiling was very tall here, and the room was full of furnishings. I looked ac the furnishings along the northern wall of the room. The black low cabinet just to the north of me was familiar. IT was one of my mother’s cabinets. i then noticed a larger piece of furniture in the northeastern corner of the room. It too was one of my parents’ furnishings. My parents must not have moved out of the house yet. Too many of their things were still here. I decided that it must still be okay for me to stay here. I walked back to the small bedroom on the southeastern corner of the house. It was dark in the bedroom, and i seemed to sleep for a while. It seemed strange to be here. I was then aware of people to the east of me, outside in the driveway of the house. I could hear people talking. I looked to the east to see a man and a woman moving up the driveway to the north. The snow seemed deep here, and they were trying to get to their car. The man said something about the car. An old rusty car was sitting in the middle of the driveway, facing south. It looked like a car form the fourties or fifties, with high rounded fenders. The high casing for the engine between the wheels was missing, and i could see the rusted parts inside. The car did not have a roof. It was green, but the old paint was faded and chipping. The car seemed to have been here for a long time. I focused on the car for a moment, trying to figure something out as i listened to the man talk. I then turned back to the west. I was now in the kitchen of the house, and a woman walked into the room from the west. She was a short rounded woman with wide frizzy black hair. She had a round face, and she smiled. I realized that she was the owner of this house. My parents did not live here anymore, and i had stayed in her house. I said something about me being in the house, and she mentioned that she had heard a crash last night. I thought that it must have been the sound of me tipping something over as i came in through the kitchen door. Her belly stuck out in front of her, and she had short black hair. The woman did not seem upset that i was in the house, and i mentioned the man and his car out in the driveway. She did not seem to know about the car or the man. She chatted with me for a moment. She seemed very nice, and i felt more relaxed that i had not upset her by being in her house uninvited. She referred to the other people, who were outside now. She had known them, and she said that they had been expected. I looked to the east again. Several people were gathering in the driveway. I realized that they were from $G4. I thought that they were from the Albany group of $G4. Some of them seemed familiar, but i did not know any of them. The woman then referred to one of the men. I focused on a man in a red one-piece suit. The nylon suit seemed like a snowsuit or driving suit. It had a silver chest with black lines on the edges of the silver stripes. The silver area was triangular, with the rounded lower tip ending on the man’s left inner thigh. The man seemed very familiar, but he turned to the east before i could get a good look at his face. I thought that he was someone that i had met before at another run. I felt interested in him, and i wanted to say hello. I then realized that another man was also wearing a similar jumpsuit. He turned toward me as he came from the south. He had short-cut hair and a round East Asian face. He did not look familiar to me, but i felt interesting in knowing him because he was related to the first man. I did think that he was probably a very good athlete, though. I then realized that he was actually dating the first man in the red jumpsuit. This seemed like something special. I then focused on the first man again. He was standing just to the northeast of the second man, on the southern side of the small group that had gathered in the driveway. He was still facing east, but he turned around suddenly as the woman who owned the house said something. She was standing just to the north of me now. The man turned to look at her. His hair was combed straight back from his face. It rose from his head a little, making his haircut seem like the hair for Wolverine. He looked surprised at something the woman had said. I did not recognize him, but i was interested it meeting him and the rest of the people.

12019 February 09

I walked to the northeast along the boardwalk, which ran along the southeastern side of the small shops. The stores were made of wood and seemed modern but designed to look old. To the south of the boardwalk was nothing. A sturdy short wooden wall ran along the outside of the boardwalk. I thought about a book as i moved. The story seemed to be exciting, and i wanted to create it. I thought that it was one of the books that i had already written. The plot seemed like a science-fiction story, but i thought that it was close to some of the great science-fiction stories already out there. I had to be careful not to write a story too similar to what had already had been printed. Several people were moving near me, and i passed them as i continued to develop the story in my head. It could be very good. I reached the top of a set of stairs, which descended to the south. I looked down the stairs, noticing that they ran down for a very long way. Below me was a bluish-white haze of clouds. Some were tinted pink. They seemed to be a great distance below us. I thought that the ground was very far down. This seemed to have something to do with the story. I remembered starting a book like this. I started descending the stairs, but a group of people was clustered about twenty meters ahead of me. They had something to do with another science-fiction story. I thought that the bad guy was in the crowd. He seemed like Darth Vader. I could not write a story that was too similar to this. I thought that this story was really my science-fiction book. I tried to remember how it would start. As i approached the group, i thought that the bad guy was really a pirate. I had to be careful. I stopped just before reaching the group, trying to think of the story. I thought that this might be the point in the story where the mercenary runs into the main people of the story. Someone was running along the boardwalk above me, heading for the top of the stairs. I thought that it might be the boy. It felt good to be thinking of the stories again. I wondered if the boy would meet the people. I then thought that i had to be careful not to write a story too similar to other stories. I turned my attention back to the bad guys to the south of me. I seemed to be a character in the book. I wondered if i was the mercenary. A large man stepped out of the group toward me. He raised a dark gun in his left hand and pointed it at my head. He seemed to be a pirate. I did not move. I thought that this was where i was introduced into the main group of characters in the story.

12019 February 11

I walked east, now in the center of the large lecture room. The room sloped down to the east, and it had white walls. Most of the crowd was gathering in the western end of the room, where the entry doors were. I felt uneasy here. I looked at the old wooden seats in the room, which had white backs and armrests. Something about this room seemed unsafe. I then imagined that gunmen were entering the room from the west and shooting at people. I was here with my mother, and i wanted to get her out of the room. I thought that we would have to run to the east. When i looked down the aisle to the east of me, though, which seemed to be the aisle that ran through the southern side of the audience, i noticed that old wooden chairs had been set up at the end of the aisle. The chairs blocked the aisle and filled the space in front of the front row of chairs. I wondered if someone had intentionally blocked the audience so that no one could escape once the gunmen started shooting. I felt tense, and i thought that i would have to drag my mother through the chairs, pushing my way through to get her out. I was then heading west in the large building, which seemed like Mudd Hall. I had entered the building on the eastern end of the southern side, and i was running up a stairwell. I thought that i could cross through a side corridor in the middle of one of the upper floors. I could then run down a set of stairs on the other side. This would help be lose the people that were following me. They did not want anyone to escape the shooting. As i came out of the stairwell and entered an east-to-west hallway from the south, i thought about my route. I had done this before. I could lure people up and down the stairs. I headed to the west a little before turning to the north in a short corridor that crossed the center of the western wing of the modern laboratory building. An alcove was in the western side of the hallway, with doors to laboratories on the western side of it. The northern door was open, and a man in a white lab coat nodded at me as i passed. I thought about how i could run down the stairs in a stairwell on the northern side of the building and then run back up them. I thought that this might help me lose the agents that were following me. I was then walking to the west, along the sidewalk on the southern side of the street, which was to the north of Mudd Hall. I had to act casually. A man then yelled for my attention. He was walking to the eats in the middle of the street. He was hefty, and he had a shaved head. He spoke demeaningly to me as i continued walking on the sidewalk. I had left my mother in the building where she would be safe. I thought that i could more easily sneak away from her, because they were looking for me. I was the one who knew that the gunmen would be coming and escaped. The bald man must have been one of the agents. He asked me a question, but i pretended that i did not know what he was talking about. I felt uneasy. I thought that they might arrest me anyway, but i knew that my mother would at least be safe. I tried to ignore the man, pretending that i did not know what was happening. I turned to the south. I was now is a laboratory in the middle of the hall. MY grandfather was with me. He was on the bed that was in the center of the room, facing south. The walls of the room faced north, west, and east, but the wall on the southern side of the room, which was made of glass, faced southwest. The room seemed very open. I had been lying on a bed here as well, but i was now awake. Two doctors were standing on the western side of the room. The female in the white lab coat asked me if i knew where i was. I told her that this was Mudd Hall. I looked out the windows to the southwest, noticing the triangular courtyard below us. We seemed to be on the third or fourth floor, and i could see the southwestern wing of the building running northwest to southeast, to the southwest of me. It was lower than we were, and i could see the trees over the top of it. Two doctors in white lab coats were walking in a corridor past the large glass windows on a floor below. I told the woman that i had recognized this place. She did not seem to know that i had been here before. She then said that gorges are beyond the trees in the distance. I knew that the gorge ran to the north, toward campus. I felt that i would have to leave here soon. I was then moving to the north in the bus. I watched the modern buildings of Collegetown pass by to the west of the bus as it traveled north on the street. A tall gray tower stood above the rest of the buildings to the northeast of me. It had a large white logo on the northern side of it. The logo seemed to have something to do with a Japanese movie. I then noticed several young East Asian students sitting in two of the blue bench seats of the bus to the southwest of me. Two women sat in the lower seat, and two or three men sat behind them in a seat that was at a higher level. They chatted. The women seemed Japanese, even though i knew that i could not tell specifically. They were speaking in a language that seemed to be Japanese. I looked at the logo on the building. I thought that the woman might be saying something about the movie, but i realized that the character on the building seemed more like Korean writing than Japanese. I mentioned the name of the movie, which was in Japanese. I then told the woman that i really did not speak Japanese. I felt awkward about the moment. I looked back at the logo on the building. The white character was inside a gray box with rounded corners. Something about the logo seemed special. I then realized that the bus had descended a slight dip in the road as it started across the bridge to the north. The bridge was crossing from Collegetown into the college campus. I looked over the western cement railing of the bridge. I could not see the gorge below, but i could see the treetops over the side of the bridge. I had to get to the north for something. I was in a small house now with some of the students. I was very interested in the students, but i felt that i had to leave. I headed to the southeast, trying to fly away across the grassy ground outside. It felt hard to fly this time. I felt as though i was struggling to pull my arms back, as though i was swimming through the air. I then thought that i always had to struggle to fly lately. I remembered that it used to be so easy to fly when i was younger. Now i always got out of breath trying to pull myself through the air. I did not want the man to know that i was having difficulty, though. He was one of the students here in the room with me. I was back in the room of the small house. I still had to leave. I headed back out, thinking about flight. Someone was then saying that it was like a meditation technique in martial arts. I looked at the man as he floated to the southeast of me. He had his arms pulled to his chest, with his hands bent out and down, as though he were a dog begging. I thought that the form had something to do with a shrimp. He pulled his hand in ward, and he seemed very relaxed. I wondered if the relaxed meditation would help me fly. I thought that i might be trying too hard to pull myself through the air. Maybe i just had to relax more to fly. I thought about relaxing and floating. I tried holding my hands like the man was doing, thinking that it might concentrate energy near my torso that could help me fly. I took the backpack with me again as i headed once more to the southeast, trying to glide over the grassy quadrangle outside. I ran up the corridor of the house, heading to the east. The corridor ran through the center of the house. The apartment i had come from seemed to be in the northwestern corner of the lower floor of the house. I reached the eastern end of the house and followed the corridor to the north. The plaster walls seemed old and worn, but in good shape. As i reached the old wooden door in the northern wall, at the end of the corridor, i realized that i had forgotten my backpack. It was not on me. I would have to go back to the apartment to get it. I felt frustrated. I turned back around to get it. I was then at the northern end of the corridor again. This time, i turned to the west and walked into the living room. A family was sitting in chairs in the middle of the room. A large woman with blond hair that was tied into braids on the sides of her head looked at me as i squeezed between some chairs. I was trying to get to the southeastern side of the room so that i could go out the door in the southern wall. I squeezed between two of the cushioned armchairs and turned to the south. the woman then said that the door i was heading for was closed. She said that the college had blocked it off. I felt annoyed. Frustrated and disappointed, i turned to the northwest and headed for the door in the western end of the northern wall. I thought that i could leave through this door. It seemed a waste of time because i would now have to travel all the way around the house to head south. I could see the pale campus buildings outside to the northwest and north. I should have just exited from the southern side of the building, where i had been before.

12019 February 12

I was with several other people at an event, which seemed like an alumni event. I talked with a man as i left the others and headed to the west, down the corridor on the third floor of $P7. I felt excited to see the science wing of the school. I had not been here in a long time. I mentioned this to the man, who was walking to the southeast of me as we headed west. We came to the northern section of the wing, where the hallway shifted slightly to the south before continuing to the south. We tried the handles on some of the doors on the southern side of the corridor and found that they were open. I wanted to go into the physics room. I remembered taking classes there, and i wanted to see it. I reached the western end of the hallway, and i moved toward a short wide door in the northern wall. I was aware of a doorway to the west of me, which led into a stairwell. The stairwell had not been there when i used to come here. Something about this room seemed important to me. The knob on the door was small and oval. It was a brass knob, and it was surrounded by a small brass lockbox on the eastern side of the door. I turned the knob, hoping to enter the room. To my surprise, the door felt out of the doorway and into the room. I held on to the knob so that it did not fall on to the floor of the dark room to the north. I felt uneasy, thinking that we might get in trouble for breaking the door. I then realized that i could hear the beeping sound of an alarm. I pulled the door back into place and let the latch click shut. The other person with me had already started back to the east down the hall. I turned to follow him. I could hear others coming from the west. They must have come up the back stairway of the building. I hoped that they were not upset with us. I passed the jog in the hallway and could now see into the brightly lighted lobby to the east. The light illuminated the hallway around me. A large glass window in the southern wall looked into a darkened laboratory. A young tall thin man was walking toward me from the lobby. He was heading to the west to see what the alarm was about. He looked very familiar. I said something to him as he passed me to the north. I called to him as he continued to walk. He stopped and started walking back toward me. I told him that i had opened the door. I then started talking about the knob that i thought should be put on the door. I mentioned that i was surprised that the door had fallen inward when it was unlatched. I mentioned that the doorway was special. People were now gathering in the lobby around us. I looked around as i spoke to some of the people. The others here seemed like classmates of mine. It seemed nice to see them. I then spotted $A6 reclined on the floor to the southeast of me, just behind someone else. They all seemed to be looking at me as i tryed to figure out who they were. I looked back at $A6. His face still looked young. I realized that he was wearing a red sleeveless T-shirt. The muscles of his arms and shoulders looked nice. I thought that he must still be single, and i felt attracted to him. I then turned to the north, thinking that i had things that i had to do. I was standing near a thick column. The thick column formed of a white billowy fabric. I realized that it was actually part of a parade float. We were trying to do something with the float for the event. I moved around the outside edge of the circular float, lifting up the material of the skirt, which seemed to be held stiff by wire ribbing. I moved around the northern side of the float from the east and then started down the western side. I lifted the material from the lower level as i went. People were following me in a row, keeping the material suspended as we went. Someone then said “Dick.” and pointed to the southwest. I looked to the southwest to see another float. $A53 was standing to the west of the float, and i thought that he must be changing his pants. Someone had pointed him out as a joke. I moved around the yellow float, coming back to the southern side. The tall column was to the north of me again. It was now a stone column. We had been putting a white wreath around the column. The white material spiraled around the upper part of the column. People were gathered around the base of the column, and they seemed to have some relation to the column. I moved to the east a little, where a second white column stood. I wrapped the next wreath around the top of this column. As i finished, i noticed that the wreath had my family name on it. I then realized that all of the columns represented families. I felt honored and a little awkward putting up the wreath for my own family. I backed to the south a little, now noticing my father and grandfather standing near the base of the column. Another man stood between my father and grandfather. He seemed to be $K24, but i did not see him clearly. I moved a little to the east, thinking about my family near the column. I thought that my mother should have been standing with my father. I did not see her, but i thought that she must have been the other person there.

12019 February 15

I spoke to the man about music. We were in a room on the northern side of the house. He turned to the west and started to lead me to the other side of the room. He passed through a doorway as he asked be about my bass. I followed him, telling him that my base was a Fender. I then corrected myself, saying that i think that it is a Fender. I said that it used to have a sticker on the back of it that said Fender, but that sticker was now worn off. I said that the instrument had been refinished, so there were no marking of brand names on the front. I followed the man to the west and then to the south. We entered the room on the southern side of the house. We seemed to be in my apartment, which was on the second floor of the house. The room to the south was large and seemed like a living room. I told the man that i played guitar as my main instrument. He moved to the east as i reached the southern side of the room. I had a guitar strung over my shoulders. I knew that the man wanted to audition me for something, and i was supposed to play something on the guitar. I looked down at the guitar. It was a black semiacoustic guitar. I could not think of what to play. I then thought that i could play “Rodeo Clowns”, because i had recently learned the song. I felt nervous about playing for him. I felt annoyed that i did not have any good songs to play for him. I started playing the song, but i quickly stopped after strumming the first chord. I realized that the guitar was not plugged in. The man seemed surprised in the sudden stop. I turned to the south. An amp was on the floor to the southwest of me. I pulled a cable from it, trying to figure out how to untangle the black cable. As i pulled at the chords, i realized that the amp was buzzing. The amp should not have been turned on before the guitar was plugged in. This annoyed me. I still felt nervous as i tried to untangle the cables. I then had the guitar off my shoulder, and i was trying to untangle the straps that had held the guitar on. The strap looked like the H-strap of a pair of overalls. It was white, and it had blue denim straps reinforcing it. The man i had been talking walked to the north for something. The other man stayed to the east of me. He seemed to have medium-toned skin and dark hair, as though he was from central Asia. I was talked nervously to the other man. He had asked me a question, and i told him that i had used the other instrument for reverb. I clarified that the instrument was a sitar, but then said that it was not actually a sitar but a sitar-like instrument. I worried that i was not making a good impression on these people. I wanted to impress them with my music. I then headed to the north, into the northern room where the other man was. I felt that i was not doing a good job, and i said something to the man. The second man had come with me and said something to the first man, but then he walked back to the south. The first man tried to reassure me. He leaned a little close and i tried to do something with the guitar around my shoulders. He said that the other man had said that, even if i could not play guitar, i could get in the band that they had. I realized that i must have impressed the second man in some way. I wondered if it was because i had described unorthodox ideas i had for recording music. I felt better now that i knew that been accepted into the band. I still wanted to show them that i could do something nice.

I was carrying an armful of small boxes, which were stacked on top of each other, to the southeast. I said hello to the person whom i walked to the south of as i headed to the doorway in the eastern end of the southern wall. We seemed to be in a basement or garage area. I passed through the doorway, joking with the other person as i carried the boxes. The room on the other side seemed small, and i had to walk to the south across a small square open area. Most of the room was filled with stacks of boxes or furnishings, but the area in the center was open. It seemed to be a space for a car, though it was no more than a few meters wide. I had brushed past something that seemed like a cobweb as i passed through the door. I could feel it on the left side of my face. I tried not to brush past the three small objects that were hovering in the center of the open space. The objects were bright pink and luminescent. They looked like tiny flowers that were hovering in the air. I looked at them as i walked just to the west of the. I had to be careful not to scrape them off on me as well. I looked closely at the flowers as i passed, noticing the yellow centers. It seemed strange that the small pink objects would be floating in the air. They glowed like small neon bulbs, and i was interested in what they were. I continued to the south, though, wiping the cobweb off the left side of my face. I looked at the small white spiders that were in the web to the southwest of me. They had been in the cobweb that i had brushed past. I must have gotten the spiders on my face. This did not bother me. I thought that there were many spiders here, and they were all harmless. I carried the boxes through a narrow opening between the stacks of things to the south of the square area. I would have to squeeze through a narrow passage to get the boxes to the south. Just before i headed through the narrow area, though, i noticed a small black spider hovering in front of me. It was at the level of my abdomen, and it was about a centimeter wide. Its legs were curled in around its body, making it look like a small ball. Its head was tipped up to the east. I realized that the black spiders in this area were somewhat toxic, so i did not want to casually blush by one. I thought that it might bite me and cause a blister. I thought for a moment about how i could get around it. The spider then started to uncurl its legs and climb upward to the east. It now seemed a lot bigger. Its legs stretched out to five or six centimeters, and i could see that its abdomen was pendant shaped. I realized that this spider was shaped like a black widow, and i wondered if it was a poisonous spider. I was then aware of something moving to the east of the spider. A cat was walking on top of the boxes, heading toward me. As it approached, the spider became alert. I felt suddenly worried that the spider would attack the cat. The spider reared up in its web and put its front legs around the cats face. I felt worried for the cat. The spider was now over a deci wide. I worried that the spider would eat the cat. The cat lashed out with its paws in anger and ran back to the east. I felt relieved that the spider did not trap it. I looked at the spider as it relaxed a little in the web. I wondered if it really was a black widow. I looked down at its abdomen, but i could only see the top part of its body. I knew that the red hourglass shape would be on the underside of the spider. I then noticed that the spider had a white logo on the bottom of its abdomen, just above its anus. The logo seemed square, with a bar under it and a dot to the left. It looked like a manufactured logo. I wondered if this spider was actually dangerous.

I followed the others to the northeast, heading through the opening between the two columns of the pavilion. I felt happy to be here. I seemed to be at an outdoor event in the summer. The pillars were on either side of an archway that led into the area under the domed white roof. Walls ran to the east and west of the pillars, filling in the spaces until the next archways started. She stucco walls seemed pink. I stopped just inside the archway, still chatting with the person who had been walking to the east of me. I stopped to greet the man and woman to the west. They seemed like people i had met here a little while ago, and i felt very interested in them. I chatted for a moment. I then realized that they were both very tall and thin. I was looking up at them. I was a little less than two meters tall, but they seemed to be at least a half meter taller than i. They looked very thin in their clothes, which seemed to be of plain colors. The woman i chatted with wore a dull-blue vest with wide arm holes over a dull-green shirt. She smiled down at me as she spoke. Her face seemed tense in some way, as though she could not relax her jaw features or her face was slightly deformed. I told them that i was not used to people who were so much taller than i. I said that i usually lowered my stance so that i could chat to people who were shorter than i, because i was usually one of the taller people in the room. It was strange to look up so far to talk to someone. I felt good here.

12019 February 16

I had been working for $A14 in the small office, but i was now moving to the west across the open area. I thought that i should still be working in the office, because i had some things to do. I could do the work here. I continued heading to the west, but i felt that i had something to do for work. It had to do with $A14.

12019 February 18

I was heading to the northeast, across the college campus. I could see the long rectangular quadrangle below me as i rode my bicycle from the western side of the southern edge. The lawn of short green grass was long east to west, and it sloped downhill slightly to the north. Small old stone buildings ran along the northern edge. I headed down the hill, toward the square areas in the center of the quadrangle. The areas seemed to be small gardens or pens, which had been formed by thick trunks of darkly stained wood. As i watched myself ride toward the southern edge of one of the areas, which seemed to be outlined in dull red, i remembered that i had come this way once before. I crossed between two of the square areas and headed toward the buildings. I realized that i would have to go through the buildings. I thought that it would probably been better if i had gone around the eastern end of the buildings. I turned to the east on the northern side of the pens. I had stopped, and a teacher was standing to the southeast of me. She seemed like $A57. She was standing on the southern end of the eastern side of one of the square areas. The area near her seemed to be filled with young children, and she was here to teach them something. I spoke to her, saying something friendly. It seemed nice to talk to her. I then headed to the north, stepping into a small room in the building. I had to go out a door to the north to get to the other side of the building. Someone had followed me into the building. She stood to the southeast of me as i turned my bicycle to the west to head out the door in the western wall. The walls of the small square room were dull black. They seemed like the inside of an old darkroom or freezer room. I said something to the woman near me. She had a husky build and wore a long coat. Her face was round, and she had short blond hair. She stood with her shoulders pulled up, as though she were cold. I started to push by bicycle through the doorway to the west, but i realized that the doorway was very deep and very narrow. The handlebars got caught in the black rubbery curtains that hung on either side of the narrow passage. I remembered this from before, and again thought that i should have gone around the buildings. I tried to push the blue handlebars of my bicycle through the opening.

I stood up on the eastern side of the large bed, which seemed to be the bed in my bedroom. I was aware of something happening to the north of me. I was also aware of someone else lying on the southern side of the bed. I turned to the north and looked out the window. I seemed to have pulled the off-white curtains open. A highway ran along the side of my house, and i was looking down at it. Two trucks turned onto the multilane road from the east. They had come from the south on the other road and had turned to the west. They had just straightened out from the arc of making the turn when they stopped. One car was behind each truck. I realized that the dark pickup trucks were almost identical, and the two dark cars behind them looked like dark-gray Priuses. Something about the matching cars seemed suspicious. I thought that something was happening. The trucks had stopped for a reason. They were blocking both lanes of the road. I then looked back to the east, seeing that another car and a small school bus were stopped in mid turn. A man then got out of the driver’s door of the northern car. He wore a black or dark-brown and white plaid shirt with thick stripes. He held an automatic rifle close to his torso. A second man was getting out of the vehicle near me. He also wore the same type of plaid shirt had held a similar gun. I thought that the men were going to take something from the school bus. I backed into the room, telling my mother to call emergency. I felt worried that the men might come after us. I turned to the west, but my mother was no longer lying on the bed. She had left the room. I worried that she would make noise in the house and let the gunmen know that we were here. We had to call emergency. I thought that my cell phone might be on the small table that was just to the north of the bed, but then i remembered that it was not. I would have to go downstairs to get it. I felt upset. I called for my mother, but she did not answer. I felt panicked, and i ran to the top of the stairs, calling down the stairs, to the east for her. I wanted her to call emergency, and i did not want her to go near the windows or doors in case the men decided to shoot at us.

12019 February 19

I drove down the dark road on the northern side of the area. I had been driving on another road to the north, which seemed to head to the west-southwest. I then turned onto this road. The road seemed to be traveling across the top of a wide hill, which ran to the east. The land around us seemed very flat, and i thought that a large lake was to the north and northeast of us. I could not see any houses on the road, but i was looking for the place that i used to live in. I had not been back to this place in a very long time. I thought that i had lived on the boat with the people for a while, and i was coming back to the boat. I knew that the boat had been on land. I saw a small white boat on the northern side of the road, but it was not the boat that i had lived in. It was too close to the western end of the road. I thought that i would recognize this place as i came back. It seemed dark out, but i could see the young green trees on the northern side of the road as i continued to drive to the east. A large structure was set back from the road. It looked like a bare wood frame, but i remembered that it had once had plywood siding on it. Parts of the gray plywood were still on the large rectangular building, which seemed like a boat-storage garage. Many of the small houses here seemed broken and abandoned, making the area feel lonely. I then spotted another boat. It had been white, but it was now worn through. The outside planking was broken and worn, leaving a grid of square open spaces that looked like an old multipane window with broken white glass. I thought that this was the correct area for the boat that i had lived in, but the boat did not seem right. I continued on to the east, looking for anything that looked more familiar. I slowed down once i realized that i had reached the end of the road. The boat i had passed must have been the correct boat. I was disappointed that it was decrepit. I then wondered what i should do. I had turned to the north, and i was now in an old cement-block building on the northern side of the road. The building seemed to be a pub. I turned to the south, leaving the building. Others had been inside, and it seemed as though i had been talking to them. Something seemed strange here. Everything was worn and decaying. The area outside now seemed ashen gray. I had to leave. A large tractor-trailer was sitting on the southern side of the road, facing east. I was heading toward it. I looked to the west to see a second tractor-trailer heading down the road toward me. It was still dark out, but i could see the truck in the white haze of the scene. I thought that my father was driving the truck, and i thought that he wanted to kill me. I had to be careful that he did not run me over in the truck. I quickly crossed the road, thinking that i could run to the east of the parked truck before the approaching truck got close enough. The approaching truck could not hit me if i was on the other side of the packed truck. I ran to the large gray truck as the other truck passed to the north of me and continued east. I was aware of someone watching me from the north as i grabbed on to a vertical railing that seemed to be just to the west of the door to the vehicle. The vehicle now seemed like a locomotive engine. It was large and light-gray, and seemed to be made of heavy steel. I was pleased that i could so easily pull myself up onto the truck by grabbing onto the railings that ran in various places. Pipes and other lines ran across the surface of the vehicle. I turned to the east. The truck seemed to be connected to the wall that was now to the east of us. The second truck had passed into the wall through a large tunnel to the north of me. I looked at the doorway that was in the wall just to the east of me. The doorway was small, and it had a heavy metal hatch that closed over it. The door swinged from the southern side, and it had a thick rubber seal around the other three edges. I looked at the seal on the northern side at the door closed. A small niche was cut into the edge of the doorway near the top of the northern side of the doorway. It had black rubbery insulation around it, but something about the door did not seem to seal the area properly. I had to pull the door open a little and reclose it to make sure that the rubber sealed around the pipe that ran through the square opening. I then turned back to the west and pulled myself through the air by holding on to the railings and handles. I easily swinged my legs under me as i headed for the door. I was the driver of the large vehicle.

12019 February 21

I was doing work on the southern side of the large room, which seemed to be in $P7. I had painted something on the ceiling, and i felt good about doing it. However, i felt a little uneasy here. I felt as though i had not been invited to this space, so others did not know what i had been working on. I pulled on the yellow cable, which was about two centimeters thick. The southern wall of the room was curved, bending outward to the south. It had large semicircular openings in the lower section of the wall, which led into the hallway outside. Above these openings, similar openings ran along the upper part of the wall. The wall seemed to bend in toward the center of the room, as if the ceiling were domed as well. I had thrown the yellow water hose through one of the openings while i was working, and i was now pulling it down. I hoped that the handle on the spray-head did not get caught on the flat lower edge of the opening above me. As i pulled, i was aware of people approaching me from the east. The student was talking to the young woman, who seemed to be the headmaster of the school. I felt a little nervous, but i felt confident that i could convince that i had done something very artistic on the ceiling. I thought that i had posted something like a list on the ceiling. I had been doing this work without telling anyone, so i wondered what the woman in charge would say. I greeted her, and she said hello to me. I mentioned my name, adding that i was of a certain graduating class. I wondered if she would get the reference that i was an alumnus of this place or if she would think that i was stating my college graduation year from any school. I felt nervous about what she might say. She calmly looked over the walls in the hallway. I wandered to the west, down the hallway. The building seemed to be under construction, and short stacks of construction supplies were on pallets on the southern side of the hallway. The hallway seemed dusty. I looked at a few pallets, which seemed to contain stacks of bags of cement or some other granular material. I pretended that i was looking or something so that the woman did not think that i had simple wandered away. I knew that i did not have any real reason to be here, so i still worried that the others would be upset that i was here. I wandered to the east, now outside the building. The sun was bright and the lawn out side was green. I started to do some things on the grass.

12019 February 23

I had moved back into this house, which seemed like $P19. I walked to the south, into the rectangular room, which seemed like my old room at $P19. I wondered why i had moved back in with the students here. It felt good to be back with the people here, but i knew that i was quite a bit older than they were. It seemed strange that we would all have to live together. I stopped on the southern side of the room, looking at the things that i had to get together. The room seemed very plain, with a pale green hue. Much of the furniture seemed worn. The chairs along the western wall had metal frames and looked like chairs from the sixties or seventies. I looked back to the north, realizing that many people had gathered in the room. It felt very good to be with these people. The younger $G3 sat along the western wall, chatting with the people to the east of them. This room was a nice place for people to gather and hang out. I was happy that so many people were spending time here, and i wanted to be with them. Someone to the east of me then asked about something. I looked at the bookshelf to the south of me. I had put all of my things away in this room, and it felt as though i had just moved back here. The person to the east then asked whose guitar was here. I had noticed mine leaning up against the southern wall, just to the east of the bookcase. A window was in the wall to the east of the bookcase, and the light from it illuminated part of the guitar bag. I told the man that i played guitar. I thought that i should get my guitar to play with the person, but i realized that the guitar to the south was an electric guitar. I would need my acoustic. I was not sure if i had brought my acoustic guitar with me. I looked around a little, moving to the east, toward the pale-green table with the hard formica surface. It had rounded corners and chrome-like edges. The chairs around the table matched. When i approached the table, i had thought of it as a desk, noticing my things on the surface of it. I was surprised to see the chairs on the opposite side of the table. I realized that it would be a good place for people to gather as a table. I wondered what i could do without my acoustic guitar. I then looked up at the man to the east of me. He seemed very familiar, but i was not sure that i knew him. He seemed like $A415, and something about him made me think that he was from Israel. He had short blond hair and a round face, which made him look eastern European. I remembered talking to him before. He too was older than most of the other people here, but he was still younger than i. He was trying to tell me something, but i was not sure that i understood him. I chatted for a moment before turning to the north. I was now in the kitchen, which seemed to be on the northern side of the house. I had thought about cooking something. It still felt odd to be here. I did not quite seem to fit in. I mixed something together in two small containers. I seemed to have bread, but one container was filled with two types of powder, and the other seemed to have small granular stuff in it. The two ingredients looked like ground peppercorn in flour. I held the container with the granular stuff in my left hand. I wanted to mix the things together, but this did not seem right. I then mixed some liquid into the container in my right hand. I thought that i could dip bread in it to make French toast, but i did not have the bead with me. I then turned to the east and put something soggy onto the hot coals that were to the southeast of me, in a small square container. I had dropped the thing on the hot rocks along the southern side of the western edge of the coals. I then thought that this seemed strange, because the dirt from the coals would contaminate the food. I then thought that i did not have bread, so the mixture i had would have been more of a batter than a solid substance. I lifted the long ragged piece of meat and turned it. I was not sure what i should do. I turned back to the north, looking at the two containers again. I was missing something. I spoke to the two people to the east of me. One of them seemed to be $A767. I then put the two containers down on the front edge of the large black industrial stove that was against the northern wall. I turned and walked to the south, thinking that i had to go back to my room to get something. I hoped that the people did not think that i was leaving a mess in the kitchen by leaving the two containers on the stove. My room was to the southwest of me, and i entered through a doorway in the northern wall. Three tall plastic spice containers were on the counter to the west. I remembered them from before. I had seen them when i was walking to the north in the room. The southernmost container seemed to have an opening on the bottom, where the plastic had been bent outward. I pushed the plastic back in to place. The white granules that were in the southwestern corner of the container, the same corner that had been bent outward, rolled across the bottom of the container and mixed with the darker colored granules in the northwestern corner. I suddenly wondered if someone had separated the two different types of ingredients on purpose. I turned to the south to get something, thinking about how i had accidentally mixed two different substances in the containers before.

12019 February 24

I said something to the other person as i turned to the west and walked across the basement room. The floor was cement, and the walls seemed to be thin plasterboard. The other person went to the east to leave, and i turned to the south on the western side of the room and walked through a doorway to a small room. My things were on a white plastic chair, which was facing east just inside the room. I picked up a jacket and then a backpack. I realized that several other things were still on the chair. I reached for the white puffy parka, which i knew was my mothers. It was lined with a thinner jacket. I then noticed the red backpack on the chair. The top part was partially unzipped, and i noticed an orange toolkit inside. This belonged to $F71, and i decided that i would return it to him. I picked up this backpack as well. I shuffled the things that i had been carrying with my left arm so that i could pick up the small red backpack with my right hand. I turned and walked back into the northern room. A tool bench ran along the northern wall on the western side of the room. A narrow wall extended from the northern wall at the eastern end of the workbench. The thick wooden counter of the workbench stuck out a little from the divider wall. I walked to the southeastern corner of the counter and put the black case of orange tools on top of it. I realized that the case was not entirely full, and i thought that some of the tools had not been put into it. I thought that i had only used some of the tools, so not all of them were present. I decided that it would be good enough to leave what tools were in the case here. I then wondered if i should leave $F71’s tools. As i approached the bench, though, i noticed that two tools with rubbery orange casings were leaning against a block on the eastern side of the bench. These tools also belonged to $F71, so i thought that it would be good to leave all of the tools together. The tool leaning against the western end of the southern side of the block had a long cylindrical handle with ribs running along its length. It was a little more than a centimeter thick. The top of the tool turned at a fourty-five-degree angle and had a narrow rim that was wider than the rest of the body. The tool to the east was also long and narrow. I put the black case on the surface of the workbench.

12019 February 25

The other person walked to the south, but i stayed near the car in the parking lot. The lot was to the south and southeast of me. my car was to the southwest of me. I had to do something near the car. I felt confused and unsure of what i was doing, and i felt that i had something that i should be doing, but i was not quite focused enough to remember what it was. I then remembered that my yellow car was parked in the lot to the southeast of me. I could see the back end of the car to the east-southeast of me. It was facing east. I would have to move it to the east in the lot, but i realized that i did not have my keys with me. I then thought about the yellow Volkswagen Rabbit and wondered if i could simply roll it across the lot. The lot did not have much of a slope, but i thought that i could let it roll to the east. Something seemed very wrong with this idea. I was annoyed that i felt confused. I looked back at my car, which was still to the southwest of me, facing south. I was standing near the corner of the rear bumper. The driver’s door was open all the way, and clothing and a few other things were spread out on the ground in neat piles to the east of the car. I had been getting things out of the car. I felt dazed and sleepy or exhausted. I moved a little to the north. I was having a hard time focusing on what i had been doing. I stood on the sidewalk on the western side of the street. A large parking lot was to the west of me. A small shopping plaza seemed to be on the northern side of the lot. A mailbox was on the western side of the lot. I had to go get the mail. I started walking slowly to the west, aware of two men who were walking up the sidewalk from the south. One of the men said something, and i repeated one of the words, saying “Mundo”. The men seemed to be almost five meters away, but they stopped talking after i had spoken. I had muttered the words, so the men should not have heard me, but i wondered if they did. I continued walking to the west. One of the men then mentioned me. I tried to focus on walking, but my limbs felt tired and weak. I stumbled, bending over and crouching to the ground. I felt faint and unfocused. The men said something about me. I stared at the ground under me, waiting for the feeling to pass. I stared at the mottled pattern on the old asphalt pavement. The ground seemed pale, with darker lines circling oddly shaped areas of ground. It looked like stains on a window. The men seemed concerned about me. I tried to focus, hoping the feeling would pass.

I was in the old store that was selling guitars and other instruments. many interesting things were on the shelfs and handing from the ceiling. I felt excited to be here. I mentioned the guitars to the person with me, explaining some different types. I did not see too many as we headed to the west, down a long cement corridor, but it seemed as though instruments were hanging from the southern wall. I told the other person that i preferred Gibsons to Fenders, but i admitted that i had a Kramer. I thought that the Kramer was designed like a Fender, but it had a better neck. e turned to the north and then headed west, into a long narrow room on the basement level of the building. Low shelfs were along the southern wall. The room opened up to the south of us as we entered. I looked at the books on the shelfs to the south. A section of books had red spines. These books seemed to be textbooks, and multiple copies of the same book were stacked together on the shelfs. I thought that the books must be from the seventies. I could tell by the colors and solid designs. I felt excited to see them. I turned to the east to see the books on the shelfs to the south of the doorway that we had just entered. The other person stopped just to the north of me. I remembered some of the things on the shelfs from when i was younger. I reached out and puled a thick gray three-ring binder from one of the middle shelfs. It had small figures of two people in the spine. The two people were standing along the spine. They looked like action figures, but i remembered that they were not movable. They were solid plastic figures. The man and woman figures stared out from the spine as they clutched each other, their eyes wide with surprise. They were the main characters from Space 1999. I pulled a second notebook from the shelf. It also had two figurers from Space 1999, but they were in a different pose. I remembered when notebook designs like this were popular. It seemed old, and i thought that they would be collector’s items now. I chatted with the other person about the figures. I then looked at the binders on the shelf below. They also had action figures between the two sections, but they were from a different show. I wondered if any were from Star Wars. I took out my phone from my right pocket and took a picture of the binding that i had been holding. I felt excited, and i talked to the other person about the things on the shelfs.

I was happy to be in this place. It seemed as though i had been in here before. A man led me down the stairs, to the north. I knew that this place was special, and i thought that it looked very nice, but i felt as though i had not been here before. This place seemed like $P19. The man who was leading me down the stairs was from $G3, and he smiled as he spoke to me over his right shoulder. At the bottom of the stairs, we turned to the west and headed into a large room. The doorway was in the northern end of the eastern wall of the room. When i rounded the edge of the doorway, i could see that the room was filled with $G3, sitting at the long rectangular tables. The tables ran east to west in two rows. The room was a dining room, and it was nicely decorated. I knew that there were beautiful features to this house, and this room was a delight to see. The walls and ceiling were covered with lightly stained wooden planks. I walked into the room, feeling very happy to be here and to see the wonders of the house.