12020 February 01

I headed to the north in the darkened corridor of the building. Something felt wrong, and i felt tense. I stopped at a junction of the corridor. The corridor to the north was blocked with yellow plastic tape. People were not supposed to enter the school building, but i went past the tape and entered the corridor, heading west and then turning south. I knew that i should not be here, but i did not care. I thought about the world ending. I knew that it would be happening soon. It seemed that it could happen at any moment. I was concerned about it, and it was the reason i was wandering in this place. People were in the room around me now. $F71 seemed to be here somewhere, but he was not with me at the moment. They had come here to wait. I turned to the north as someone stood to the southwest of me. I looked at the paper that i held in my left hand. It had words written across the center of it. The line of text had two words written on it in bold sans-serif type, which stretched across the full page. A thick border was around the text, and the boarder was tapered at the ends. As i stared at the text, i wondered if time would just cease to exist. I wondered if i would even experience the end of it my experiences would just stop without processing the end of the world. I then realized that the type on the paper had changed. It had been dull-red, but the type was now fading on the paper. The line was now repeated four times down the paper. The lowest line was the most faded. I stared at the lowest line, which was now pale gray. The font had changed to a barred serif font. Something about the change was significant.

I walked to the north down the corridor of the school. I was following some others to the room where the event would happen. This had something to do with the end of the world. I felt worried about something. I slowed as the person ahead of me stopped in a doorway on the western side of the hall. I could see people gathered in the small room. I had come here for a wrestling match. It seemed strange that a wrestling match would happen when the world was ending. I walked into the small room, entering through the doorway in the northern end of the eastern wall. The room was a theater, with rows of seats facing south. A single row ran along the northern wall, and some people were sitting in the seats. The room seemed filled with people for the event. I did not look at the people in the seats to the north, but i felt that i recognized a young woman who was sitting in the third or forth seat from the eastern wall. I thought that her name was Pam, and i thought that i had gone to elementary school with her. She had a round face and bushy hair. She seemed to be wearing an olive-green parka that was unzipped in the front. I acknowledged her, and she seemed to recognize me as well. I thought that her parents were sitting on either side of her. I then turned to the south, surprised to see my parents sitting in the front row on the eastern side of the theater. An aisle ran directly to the south from where i was, and there seemed to be four seats on the eastern side of the aisle. I was surprised to see my parents here, and i wondered why they had come to a wrestling match. I then looked at the short stage on the southern side of the room. It seemed strange that a wrestling match would occur here. The area did not seem big enough, and it did not seem like a place a match would be set up. I tried to walk toward my parents, but people were standing in the aisle. A woman was with me, and she seemed like $K1. Another aisle ran to the southwest form where i was, so i headed down that aisle. When i reached the front, my parents had already sat down in three of the four seats in the front section of the eastern side of the theater. They had left the westernmost seat open for me. My grandmother seemed to be sitting in the easternmost seat. I felt uncomfortable, wondering where $K1 would sit. I thought that she would have to sit in the front of the triangular section to the west of the first aisle. This did not seem ideal. I then thought that others would be sitting with her. I stopped and looked at the four open seats to the west of the aisle. The people who would sit there would be related to the end of the world. I felt tense thinking about it.

12020 February 02

I stood on the lawn to the northwest of the small house. A cliff was just to the west and northwest of me, and i watched people jumping off of the cliff and into the water below. The water was part of a large lake or sea that was to the west and southwest. I watched a few people jump, thinking that i could jump as well. I moved to the edge of the cliff and looked to the north along it. The waterfall poured over the top of the cliff, rolling gently over the rocks at the edge of the cliff. People were standing in the water as they waited to jump. I watched a man jump to the west of me. I had thought that someone had just jumped before him, so i hoped that someone was not below him in the water. Many people seemed to be jumping from the ledge of the waterfall into the deep water below. I wondered how they kept from landing on each other in the water. I then noticed that the water from the waterfall spread over a large part of the cliff. It ran for fifteen or twenty meters. I thought that the main flow of water must be on the northern side. The water near me must be flowing south along the top of the cliff and then over the side of the cliff. This did not make sense, though. I realized that the small house was to the east of me, and there was no waterway to the north of the house. It suddenly made no sense to me that there should be a waterfall on the cliffs. I wondered where the water came from if it did not flow across the land. I wondered if it could have come out of an underground opening. It was a lot of water, though. I thought it possible that the layered rocks could have allowed one layer to erode so that the water could flow under the house and lawn, but this did not make sense. The flow of water would have eroded the layers above and below it, making the lawn and house unstable. I tried to imagine how this would work, but i could not make sense of it.

I talked to the man as we walked across the street, heading south. A large car was parked on the southern side of the street to the southwest of us, facing west. It looked like an old American station wagon. It seemed to be dark blue. We were talking about the car. It should be moved or something might happen to it. I thought that the rear end of the station wagon was already damaged from the boat trailer that had been pushed into it. The man and i spoke about this, saying something about the woman. I stopped on the southern side of the road. The land to the south of the road was a steep cliff, though a house seemed to be to the south of the blue car. The cliff descended about seven meters to the water, which seemed to be part of a large lake. I could see the woman driving the motorboat to the northwest below us. The boat she was in looked like an old American automobile from the sixties. It was a convertible and had a maroon outside with pale-tan coverings on the seats and walls. The material covering the inside seemed to be fake leather. The woman sat in the driver’s seat of the boat, and she was heading toward the cliff. As she reached it, she turned sharply to the west and then to the southwest to head back out into the water. She seemed to be driving recklessly. The man commented on her, and i said that she was rich, so she did not care what she damaged or did. I felt dismissive of her. We were supposed to do something about the car, which i thought must be hers. The man with me, who was now standing to the east of me along railing that ran along the top of the cliff, complained about the woman. I shrugged and turned to head back to the northwest, saying that i did not care about her. I felt that she was not worth our time.

12020 February 03

I paced around the area to the north of the large buildings. We seemed to be in an enclosed space, but we also seemed to be outdoors. Cement planters seemed to be on the ground to the south of us, and i stopped on the southern edge of the driveway. The other people had stopped to the south of me. Someone asked me a question, and i told the person that i was here with the three people of the same name. I joked that they all had the same name. I looked to the south, seeing $A683. He wore a red and black flannel shirt and he was facing east. He nodded and waved at me. I was still speaking to the man to the west of me, pointing out that another man to the south also had the same first name. I recognized him, but i had forgotten that he had the same name. I waved to him as he nodded hello to me. He had a small face with short messy hair. It was good to see $A683, but i felt a little awkward standing around near the bus stop with the other three. They were all going someplace, but i was not. I started wandering to the northwest. I thought about this place.

I moved to the west in the doctor’s office. I thought that he was a chiropractor. I had not been here in a while, but i lied down on the table when he asked. The table was on the western end of the white rectangular room, and i lay with my head to the west. He asked me how i was doing. I could feel that my neck was stiff. I remembered that it had bothered me when i exercised before. I told the doctor that it had been stiff since i had gone to the chiropractor. I then realized that this did not make sense. I had not been to the chiropractor in a while, and this person was the chiropractor. He felt the back of my neck as i lay on my back. I had my eyes closed as i spoke. I told him that i did not mean what i had said. I tried to explain that the problem had started when i did physical therapy, but that did not seem correct either. I could not quite remember what i was trying to say. I looked up at the ceiling, which was covered with rectangular fluorescent light fixtures. I tried to focus on what the name of the doctor was that i had seen before. The man wandered to the north of me, and i turned to look at him. He wore a white lab coat as he stopped to the east of a white table or counter, which was against the western wall. He reached up with his left hand and some of the fluorescent lights flickered on. I had not seen him turn on a switch, but i realized that he had a small remote in his hand. He held his arm up a little longer, turning on more of the lights in the room.

12020 February 06

I had been sleeping on the bed that was on the eastern end of the room of the house. The room seemed to be on the eastern side of the house, but it seemed to be in a basement level. The bed was against the northern wall of the room, and i sleeped on the eastern side, facing east. I was aware that people were upstairs, and i was aware of the set of stairs, which ascended to the west along the northern wall. The stairs were open on the southern side. They seemed to be in a separate roof from were i was, but no wall seemed to be between the bedroom and the room where the stairs were. I felt tired, and i did not want to get out of the bed. I then heard the music from upstairs. I realized that it was a song that i had just been recording. I could hear the guitar playing single notes in a familiar melody. I rolled over and looked up the gap where the stairs passed through the ceiling of the next room. I could see my father standing in the room on the floor above, facing north. He was listening to the tape that i had made. I wondered if he liked it. My mother also seemed to be upstairs. I got up and moved to the southern side of the room that i was in. I could hear my parents playing the tape over and over again. I thought that the song was really nothing more than a guitar riff and nothing else. I had not finished recording it yet. I headed toward the stairs.

12020 February 07

I moved around with the others at the event. I seemed to be with many $G4 at a large event. Someone said something about the event, and i remembered that i should have set up some of the drinks for the various stations. I thought that i was supposed to do this, and i knew that, when i was getting things ready with $F71, i had forgotten about the drinks. I felt annoyed. I told $F58, who was standing to the south of me. I said that i would go get the stops together now. I walked to the south, leaving the main crowd of people. I thought that i could quickly head back to my house to pick up some things. I could also go to the store to get more drinks. I wondered what drinks i had in my cupboard. I felt annoyed that i had forgotten to get the drinks sooner. I now seemed to be at a slightly higher elevation than the others. We were on an old farm. An old barn was to the northeast of me, and small cabins or sheds seemed to be to the north and northwest. The people seemed to be in the cabins or sheds for the event. A large white farmhouse was to the south of us. A dirt driveway ran along both sides of the house, making a large semicircular loop to the north of the house. My small red car was parked on the northeastern end of the curve, where the driveway that ran north along the eastern side of the house turned to the west. A wide intersection allowed a small section of the driveway to turn to the east, where it sharply curved back to the north to reach the entrance of the barn. A smaller barn now seemed to be to the southeast of me, across from the main barn. A large tractor with a flat wagon behind it was parked to the north of me. The tractor faced northeast, toward a slope that led to a lower entrance to the barn. The trailer was behind it, to the southwest, and the rear of the tractor seemed to be to the west of my car. I looked at the small Volkswagen Beetle. It was red. I got into the car, feeling as though it had been a long time since i had been in this car. The interior of the car was off white, and it seemed very open. All of the interior features seemed thin. The steering wheel and shifter were thin metal objects with white plastic over the top. I started the car and sat in the passenger’s seat, even though the car did not seem to have seats. Something seemed familiar but out of place about the car. I focused on stepping on the pedals. They seemed small and round. I pictured them as having round rubber ends with concentric grooves. I pressed in the clutch and tried to get the car moving. I turned the car to the southeast and pulled on to the driveway, but i had to stop to adjust the orientation of the car. I stepped on the clutch again and started moving to the south, but i thought that the car was now in too high a gear to start moving. I knew old cars worked better in different gears, but i would have to adjust. I stopped. I was aware of two people standing on the lawn of the house, to the south of me. I started to turn the car to the west to follow the dirt drive, but i had to stop again. I was doing something wrong with the controls of the car. One of the men from the south walked toward me. He stopped at the window of my car and started talking to me. I felt a little uneasy, but not because of him. I replied to him.

I had to get the drink stops together for the run. I had forgotten to get drinks together before i had arrived at the event for $G4. I thought about getting some of the drinks from my house. I had thought about this before. I headed to the north, crossing the rectangular room. The room was empty of all furnishings, and the walls of the room had exposed wood. The room was the upper level of a house or barn, and the inside walls had not been installed. $G4 had been in the building, but they had wandered off to the east, exiting the room through the southern wall, which seemed to be at ground level on the southern side of the building. I walked to the north, nervous that i had forgotten to get the drinks together. I would have to come up with something. I thought that i still had time before the event started. As i reached the northern end of the room, i reached up with my right hand and grabbed something on what appeared to be a doorframe. I slided down through a hole in the floor and landed in front of a doorway on the lower level. I thought that the slide might look impressive to anyone watching from the north, but i was not sure that anyone was watching. I walked through the doorway to the north, exiting the building at the lower level. I tried to think of what drinks i would need. I thought that i might have to head out to a store and buy some things. I then thought that still had time to make some mulled wine for the event. I walked along the western side of the suburban street. It was dark, and i was aware of the others moving around to the south of me. Cars were parked on both sides of the street, and trees seemed to overhang them from the edges of the sidewalks. I walked up the western side of the street, trying to figure out how many drink stops i would need. I thought that i would have one on the western side of the street. I convinced myself that i had enough time to get the rest of the drinks together. I thought that $F71 would be helping me, but he was not here at the moment. I then noticed a gap in the cars on the eastern side of the street. I headed toward it, thinking that i could set a stop there. I then noticed two plastic pitchers on the ground. One still had foam around the edges, so i though that it had contained beer. I wondered if the others had left it here. They must have been drinking beer before the run. I kept thinking about the drinks that i would have to buy. I wondered if i should stop at an alcohol store to get some hard liquor.

12020 February 12

My grandmother was very upset, and she yelled at me. She stood to the southwest of me, and she was complaining. I felt annoyed with her, not knowing why she was upset. She then started pushing my arms, which were crossed over my chest. I was not sure what to do. I did not understand why she was upset, and i thought she was being mean by yelling at me. She pushed on my arms again, and i pushed her hands away, telling her to stop. She wobbled backward, trying to catch her balance. I felt worried that she would fall. I grabbed her arm to stop her from falling backward and to stabilize her. She caught her balance, but she was still angry, and she continued to yell at me. She kept pushing me to get my attention. I was not quite sure what to do. Finally, i pushed her aside and started to walk away.

12020 February 13

I was standing on the northern side of the room, facing south. People had been gathered in this room, which seemed like the chapel of an old church that had been repurposed. The walls were white, and the room was very bright with natural light from the tall windows. The front of the old chapel seemed to have a short wide stage, and it was on the eastern end of the room. The others had left to the north, heading through a doorway and into an adjacent room, which was very wide east to west. I looked around the large empty space of the chapel, which seemed to be a community theater space now. $A580 was with the people that had left, and i thought that he was doing a project in this theater. I moved to the west, looking at the large dark-gray soundboard that was set up in the western half of the room. A short balcony seemed to run across the western wall, and the soundboard was not under it. I thought that i should unplug the soundboard and get it ready to move. I walked to the back of the board, to the western side, where the plugs ran out of it. I crouched down on the northern end of the board and looked under it for the power plugs. Several wires were plugged into the back in a row, and i started pulling them out of the back of the board from left to right. As i pulled some of the wires, the spotlights with colored filters that were set up around the room turned off. I would have to take down the switchboard and move it. I backed up a little, noticing that the board had thin metal legs on the four corners. They looked too flimsy to actually hold up the board. The board had become unstable, though. When i had pulled the wires, i had shifted the position of the board, making it less stable on its legs. I tried to reposition the legs to get it more stable, but the weight of the heavy board made the thin legs wobble. I then heard music coming from the eastern end of the room. One of the speakers must have turned on. I thought that it would go off when i unplugged the rest of the board. I then realized that part of the noise i was hearing actually sounded like a dog barking. I was confused by the sound, and i moved a little to the west to get a better view of the eastern end of the room. Low rows of things were in the floor, looking like pews, but they were only a few decis tall. Down the central aisle of the room, i saw a small tan dog barking as something to the south of it. I moved closer, noticing that the other animal looked somewhat like a bird, but it was round and fuzzy like another dog. I thought that the bird must have fallen down, and i worried that the dog would hurt it. Others had come back into the room through a door to the east. I asked them to save the bird. A man stopped in the middle of the floor, seeming confused. He glanced to the south at the dog and bird, and then shrugged his shoulders and walked off to the northwest. I felt annoyed with him because he did not seem to care. He seemed like $A791. The animals ran out of the building, and i ran out the door to the north.

12020 February 14

I walked to the north, along the eastern side of the back room of my parents’ farmhouse. I was carrying the cats with me and looking at the tables and things that were against the eastern wall. A low black set of shelfs held electronic equipment to the northeast of me. I was wearing a jacket with several large pockets along the front, and i tried to put the cats in the pockets. I was having trouble juggling all of the cats, though, so i put some of them down on the ground to the north of me. I crouched down, trying to arrange the pockets of my jacket, which fit very loosely around my torso. I then turned to the south, looking down at $X25, who was curled up on his back in my right chest pocket. I then turned north again, putting the tiger cat into my lower left pocket. The other cats were climbing out, though. They seemed like kittens, and they did not want to stay put. I then noticed the metal hooks on the floor under my feet. They had been in my pockets, and i thought that the cats had dumped them out. I felt annoyed and frustrated that i could not carry all of the cats together. I picked up some of the hooks and some other things that had spilled out. I then grabbed a round brown thing, which i realized was a turd. I quickly dropped it, annoyed that one of the cats had defecated. I then started picking up the screws that had fallen on the floor instead. To my annoyance, i still had fecal matter on the end of my left index finger. I would have to wash it. First, i picked up the hooks and screws, careful not to smear the fecal matter on them. I started to get frustrated, though. There were too many screws to keep in one hand, and i kept dropping them as i tried to pick up more. I could not us my left hand because it was dirty, and i could not keep everything in my left hand. I felt angry with the cats.

12020 February 15

I followed the others to the north, toward the tall narrow wooden building to the northwest of us. It seemed old, and the wood siding had most of the paint missing. As the others walked to the northwest, toward the building, i noticed the bright blue sky to the north of us. I could see it through the leafless branches of the trees. The dark silhouettes of the branches looked really nice, especially with the horizontal silhouettes of the utility lines. I thought that it was really interesting. I was now standing to the east of the building as the others walked in. I wanted to get a photograph of the trees, so i took my phone out of my right pocket. I aimed at the trees, trying to get the right angle. I then noticed the strange patterns of blue on the sky above me. I was now on a porch on the northern side of the building, and the others were gathered in a room to the south of me. I could hear them talking behind me. I turned my camera up, trying to get a picture of the blue and white patters that were caused by looking at the ceiling through the glass window. The patterns seemed to be from the screen or from the window being composed of many small square panes of glass. I took a picture, but i was not quite sure that my camera was focused on the trees, so i tried again. I got the image in frame, but, before i could take the picture, the light went out in the sky. I realized that a cloud had covered the sun, which was to the south of me. I knew that what made the picture interesting was the sun shining directly on the foreground. I felt disappointed that i could not take the picture. I wondered if the cloud would quickly pass. Without looking behind me, i knew that it would not. I felt annoyed and turned back to head into the room with the others.

I headed to the north, toward the event. I thought that people were gathering to protest something, and i wanted to participate in the event. I seemed to be on a college campus, though, and i knew that only members of the campus would be allowed into the even. I headed north, crossing an area that seemed like the Engineering Quad. I had been following a corridor, which ran north and ended on an east-to-west corridor in the middle of the quadrangle. I turned to the west a little before heading north to the doorway. The doorway led into the large room, which was the northern side of the quadrangle. Two round columns defined the sides of the doorway, and i woman stood in front of the eastern column. She had curly shoulder-length hair. I thought that i had been a staff member of the college, so i might be able to get into the event. I stopped near the woman, indicating that i wanted to head into the event. She said that i would not be able to. I felt annoyed. I would have to turn around my car. I drove a little to the north and then turned back to the south. I was in a room that had a wide white ceiling but did not seem to have any walls. A queue of people had formed to the south of me. They were waiting to get in. A narrow passage led to the south from where i was. It was formed by short walls on the eastern and western sides and ended on the southern end with the two round columns. The queue was lined up along the eastern side of the passage, so i carefully drove along the western side, trying to get back to the door. As i reached the columns, i turned to the west and then to the north again. I thought that i would have to park somewhere else on campus and walk here. I then was walking to the north again. I again seemed to be in the Engineering Quad and within the wide room with no walls. I reached the northern end of the room, which seemed to be only five to ten meters from the Campus Road. The floor of the room was about a meter off the ground, and i could see the tops of the short shrubs growing between the floor and the sidewalk on the southern side of the street. I sat down on the edge of the floor, thinking that the event would come by on the road from the west. I was one of the first people here. I thought that i had a good seat, and i hoped that i would be able to stay here, even though i was not a member of campus. People were starting to gather around me. Some were sitting on the edge of the floor, and some were sitting in lawn chairs on the grass below us. I then noticed some people getting out of a car to the northeast of me. The dark SUV was parked just off the road, facing east. It seemed to be in a paved drop-off area. The woman who stepped out of the car seemed very familiar, and i thought that she had worked with me at $G6. She was with another woman, who was wearing tight dark denims and a black jacket that was open at the front. She looked familiar as well. I waved to the first woman, but she did not seem to recognize me. They both seemed very familiar, but i could not remember who they were. I turned my attention back to others around the area.

12020 February 16

I was lying on my back in the bed in the room. My feet seemed to be to the south of me, and it seemed like morning. Light came in through the large window in the southern wall. $F4 was lying just to the east of me, with part of his body on top of my left side. It felt good to hold him, but i realized that it seemed somewhat awkward to hold him. I wondered if i should roll out from under him. He was facing the ceiling as well, and i had my right arm on his right shoulder. It felt good to be with him, but i did not want him to feel uncomfortable, because we were not really close enough to be intimate. I thought that he might be somewhat conscious. I moved my hand, wondering if he would respond to the change. He did not seem to notice, so i put my hand back on his shoulder and enjoyed the comfort.

I was standing in the doorway of the hotel room. The door was in the southern end of the western wall of the room. I stood mostly in the hall as i did some kind of work outside the room. The hallway ran north to south, but ended just to the south of the room. I had put on some music in the room to the east, and i was listening to it as i worked. I seemed to be doing something to the wall just to the west of me. The wall was tan. I was then aware of someone talking to the southeast. It was $A792. She had come here to do work, but she was tired and wanted to take a nap. She told the person to the southeast of her that she would be taking a nap. She then went into one of the hotel rooms in the hallway to the east of me. I suddenly realized that she had gone into the room next to where i was. I realized again that i could hear the music i was playing from inside the hotel room i was working on, and i wondered if it would disturb her. The door to the east of me closed, but i could still hear the bass sounds of the song. I thought that this would disturb $A792, and i thought that she would complain to me. I moved to the east, thinking that i should turn off the music. I turned to the north and tried to search for something on the computer screen. This did not seem to work. I typed in the code number for the person, but, when i pressed return, the page showed an error that made it seem that i was not logged in. I looked at the dark page, which had only a few lines of text across the top. I suddenly realized that i had been logged in to an administrative system, so i was not able to search for hotel guests from here. I had clicked into the search bar that was in the upper right hand of the page, ready to type the user’s ID code in again, but i realized that it would not work. I would have to log in as a user of the hotel system. I did not think that i could do that. I turned to the west and looked down the hall. $A792 had come through a pair of double doors at the end of the hall. I told her of the trouble i was having. She turned around and headed back through the doors. I thought that she was going to look for the user some other way. The double doors were under an overhanging feature, like a balcony. The southern side of the corridor seemed to open up into a small waiting area, and the check-in counter was along the northern wall. I moved to the east, onto a higher level that overlooked the corridor. I remembered something about the user, and i leaned on the railing to the south of me, calling to $A792. I could not see her or the double doors below the balcony, but i thought that she could still hear me.

12020 February 21

I was running through the large building, turning here and there and i ran down the corridors. The walls were fairly modern, and this building seemed to be related to a college. Something important was here, and we had to get to it. As we turned north into a corridor, i was aware of someone watching us from the east. The person did not seem to be seeing us directly, but was watching us from another section of the building. I felt uneasy, and i thought that we had to act casually so that they did not suspect what we were doing. We turned to the west and started down a long corridor with textured walls. Many doors were in the northern wall of the corridor, and i thought that this place was a dormitory. Someone said that we were heading toward Belarus. We turned to the south at the next corridor and then turned to the east. I remembered these halls. I had been to this part of the building before. I thought that this was around the other side of the large college dormitory that i had been familiar with. I seemed to have known the northeastern section of the building, and this was somewhere to the southwest of that now, though we seemed to be approaching the eastern end of the building that we were in. The corridor we were in had different colors, and the glass windows in the southern wall looked into an area that had vegetation. The vegetation seemed like forest undergrowth. I pictured the entire dormitory to be in an area that was heavily forested with pine trees. At the end of the corridor, we turned to the south. The walls of the second corridor were off white, and the eastern all had a slight curve in it. A doorway was to the south of us, leading into another section of the building. I could see the corridor continuing after the doorway. As we ran, i noticed the decorations on the western wall and southern end of the eastern wall. Pictures and reliefs of old buildings and other Eastern European architecture were on the walls in shades of tan and pale red. Blue sky was painted near the top of the scenes. This part of the dormitory had some relation to Eastern Europe, and i thought that we were heading in the correct direction. We then turned west and started running along the northern side of the large open area. The area seemed to be a golf course. It was dark out, but a dim light illuminated the ground. I felt uncomfortable here, thinking that we might not be allowed in this area. I kept running, though. The others no longer seemed to be with me. They had lagged behind. I wanted to finish the run, though. I thought that i would hurry around the western end of the golf course and then head back to the campus area. I started east again on the northern side of a large open field, running along tree line, which was to the north of me. I felt very uneasy here, but i wanted to finish the run. I looked to the north, into the trees of the forest. The forest seemed very dark and dense. I then noticed that the tall pine trees of the forest were planted in rows and columns. I could see down the corridors between the rows to the northern end. I thought that this would be an easy way to run back to the dormitory, so i turned down one of the aisles and started north. I could see the opening on the northern end, which was illuminated by the lights of the building. I felt uneasy here, and i wanted to let the others know where i was. I stopped in the middle of the trees and howled. I thought that they would be able to hear me in the forest. As i started moving to the north again, i noticed a tent on the western side of the trail, just to the northwest of me. It must have been a campsite. Other people seemed to be in the woods camping to the northeast of me as well. I had alerted the people of something, and i started moving to the north again.

I had left the party, and i realized that i should get back to the others. I was by myself in the suburban area. I headed to the northeast, thinking about the people in the party. I had left the party before, but i was not sure why i had. As i approached the room where the people were, i could see that some were leaving. I then thought it strange that i had left the room. The people were heading to the northeast, toward a door in the northern end of the eastern wall. I said goodbye to some of them, feeling that i was actually the host of the party. $A645 was with the group of people. She hugged me and then turned to head to the east, out the door. I looked to the south, noticing a large table against the eastern wall of the room. It was covered with many plates of food, and much of the food was still uneaten. People were still leaving to the east. I remembered that i had been with the other people here, and i wondered why i had left. The room was crowded when i had left, but it now had only a few people here and there. I felt uneasy, thinking it very strange that i had left the room like i had. I thought that i had called up the others and asked them to breakfast, which was why i had left the party. Why had i done that? I had invited these people to this party, so it seemed very strange that i had left. I thought it must have seemed strange to the others when i left my own party. I tried to remember why i had done this. It seemed very strange, and it made me uncomfortable that i had done such a thing.

12020 February 24

I was dark, and we were standing in an open area that seemed to be on the outskirts of a city. A river flowed to the northwest of us, curving from the west to the northeast. This place was a foreign land, and we were visiting. I stood near the water of the river, watching it in the dim light. The woman to the west of us told us that the Japanese word for water was “ibupua”. I moved a little to the north, standing on the rusty metal I-beam, which was supported over the cement block. It ran north toward the shore of the river. The man with me was to the east of me, and we both mentioned the word “ibupua”. I walked north on the I-beam to do something. This place seemed significant, and i had to do something important here. I thought about the word that the woman had told us, and i thought that i could use it to describe the man as well. However, i thought that the ending would change when it describes a man. I thought that the masculine version of the word should be “ibupuum”. I then thought that this sounded more like Latin than Japanese. I continued walking to the north, now on the dry dirt, which seemed to be to the east of the cement and I-beam structure. This area seemed very old. The buildings here were worn and vacant, and the place seemed like an old factory district that had been abandoned. I felt that i had to do something important here.

12020 February 25

I was standing on the southern side of the river, facing north and looking across the long narrow suspension bridge. The bridge was fairly low over the water. I had been with my high-school friends to the northeast. They were somewhere to the east of the, having lunch on a lawn, which seemed to be to the west of the one-story school building. Shrubs and small trees grew on the southern shore of the river to both sides of the bridge. They had no leafs at this time of year. I thought that i should cross the bridge to the north to get back to the others. I felt anxious to rejoin them before it was too late. I looked at the narrow bridge, realizing that it did not have a deck on it. I could see the thin metal crossbeams where the deck should have been. They were painted green, and they seemed very close to the water. I then noticed that the silty water was moving rather fast, flowing from east to west. The river did not seem that high, but there must have been a lot of water in it for it to be moving that fast. I thought that all of the water must have come from the snowmelt. I looked at the metal along the eastern edge of the bridge. The curving girder on that side of the bridge seemed to be touching the water. I would not be able to cross over the bridge to get back to the others, and i felt anxious about getting back with them. I must have cross the river before using the other bridge, which seemed to be some distance to the west of me. I pictured it as a cement bridge with a large roadway going across it. It seemed like the long way around, and i did not want to make the effort to walk that far. I moved to the west on the southern sore of the river, but i hesitated in uncertainty. I wanted to join the others for lunch, and i thought that it would take too much time to go all the way to the next bridge. I was then back in the lunch area with the other people. I was in a large room with a high ceiling, which seemed like the school cafeteria. A buffet counter was set up along the western wall of the room, and i moved to the southern end of it to see what food they had. I had brought a bagged lunch, but i felt annoyed when i realized that i had left it by the bridge. I thought that i would just buy a new lunch here. I looked over the dishes, but they were mostly empty. The lunch had been going on for a while, and the people had cleaned out most of the food. I felt disappointed. They did have a tray of pizza, though, and i decided that i would take a few slices of that. $F4 was standing to the northeast of me, near the tables, and i told him that i was disappointed that the food was all gone. He nodded in acknowledgment and moved to the south to look at the food and i moved north. I realized that i had not paid for the food that i was taking, so i would have to stop at the cashier, who seemed to be at the northern end of the counter. The counter was rounded, bulging out to the east just to the north of me. I walked around the circumference of the bulge until i was to the northeast of it. A man was sitting behind a cash register to the northwest of me. He seemed to be sitting on a stool, which was tall enough that his hips were above the level of the counter. He sat slouched slightly. He had curly red hair and a rectangular face. I started to approach him, but i put my right hand on the pocket of my pants and realized that i did not have my wallet with me. I felt upset and stopped. I realized that i had left my wallet with my things by the bridge as well. I wondered what i should do. I started wandering through the rooms of the building, heading east.

12020 February 27

I explained to someone that i had to get somewhere, and i moved to the west, heading out of the building. This building seemed to be a small general store. I stepped out onto a patio or porch to the west of the building. The roof of the building extended over the wide area, which seemed to have several picnic tables under the roof. The exterior of the building was rough wood that had been darkly stained. The ground seemed to be gravel. Others were waiting under the roof of the porch as well, and i stopped near them. This building was a public area, and we were all here waiting fro the bus. The main road ran to the north of the store, and it seemed to be about five meters from the front of the store. I looked out to the west, noticing that the sky was light gray. I then heard the sound of thunder. The clouds did not look like a storm, but i knew that the storm might be coming from the south of us. I could not see the southern sky through the roof. I looked to the north. The road was up a slight incline from where we were, and the shallow hill was covered with grass near the road. A dirty gravel parking lot seemed to be closer to the building. A single man was standing on the edge of the street, waiting for the bus. The man said “Uh oh.” as he looked up to the south. I thought that a heavy storm must have been coming toward us. I thought that the clouds would be dark and billowing. I looked up again at the evenly gray sky to the north and northwest, thinking that it did not look bad where we were. I wondered what it looked like to the south of the building. I wondered when the bus would come. This place seemed to be in Lansing, on the southern side of the street, just up the hill from the schools. I thought that he bus would come from the east and pick us up. I then hear another rumbling of thunder. Someone to the west of me mentioned that the bus was close to us, saying that it was at the next stop over. I thought that it would be only a short distance to the east of us on the main road. I wondered if it would make it here before the rain came. I thought that the rain would be a heavy downpour. I heard another rumble of thunder. I then realized that i was actually late for work. I was waiting fro the 9:30 bus, and i should have been to work an hour ago. I felt annoyed that i had not realized this earlier, and i thought that i should contact $A52 to let her know that i would be late. I pulled my cell phone out of the left pocket of my jacket and started typing on it. I then saw the bus waiting on the side of the road. I realized that it had come from the west. This surprised me, but, when i thought about it, it made sense. I was headed to Cornell, which would be to the east of us on the road. We would then have to head south to get to Ithaca. I carried my phone in my left hand as we hurried to the bus. I would have to finish the text message on the bus. I walked into the front of the bus, stopping just inside. It was dark in the bus, and i was having trouble seeing. I then realized that i had been looking for something, and i had forgotten what it was. I stood for a moment, feeling confused. I then remembered that i had to find my bus card. I did not have it ready. I had not used it in a long time, and i suddenly wondered if i still had enough money on it. I pulled my wallet out of my pants, but i could not see what was in it. The female bus driver sat to the north of me, and i asked her if she had a light so that i could see my card. She said that there was a light on the dashboard, and she motioned to the east of me. I turned to the east. The low dash under the front window had a dim light that ran about a half meter under the dash. I held my wallet under the light so that i could see my cards. I pulled the white bus card out of my wallet. I looked up at the visor that crossed the top of the window. It had the scanner on it, so i held my card up to it. I hoped that the card had enough money on it. The visor beeped and displayed something on a dim pale-blue LED screen. I tried to see what it had said, but something was blocking the numbers. I was uncertain what i should do, but i walked to the east, down the aisle of the bus. I then remembered that i still had my cell phone in my hand and that i had to complete my text to $A52.

12020 February 28

I headed to the west, telling the other person to follow me. The other person seemed to be female, but i could not see her. I knew that she was not from here, and i thought that she might not be familiar with shopping malls. We had to get through an area, and i knew that we could cut through the shopping mall to get to where we had to go. I wondered if the stores would fascinate her or if she would think that it was excessive. I could see some stores to the west of us, but i knew that we were not in the main section of the mall. I continued to the west, moving quickly across the atrium of the mall area toward the corridor, which was just to the northwest of us. The area moved around me, and the woman to the southeast of me then asked about something. I looked at the paper in front of me. I had handed the woman the stapled sheets of paper, which seemed to be a test i had taken. The woman asked me about one of the questions, and i tried to explain. It had something to do with an electron. I had worked on the problem before, and i told her that the answer was twenty plus or minus some. She asked me to clarify what i meant. She was now standing to the west of me, and she seemed like $A643. I felt nervous, thinking that i might not have taken the test seriously. I tried to explain the answer, saying that the problem really dealt with gravity, but it was about electrons orbiting a nucleus, so the answer was somewhat ambiguous. I started to feel uneasy, thinking that i might not have paid enough attention to the problem. I looked at the red writing on the test, which marked a value to the right of the picture of the orbiting electron. I said that the answer could be guessed, but i realized that i could have simply dumbed down the problem and pretended that it was a gravity problem, using the mass of the electron. I mentioned this to the teacher, thinking that i could redo the test. I felt bad for not doing it well the first time. I then turned to the north, noticing the hands of the woman as she leaned on the railing on the eastern side of the area. I was watching a scene, and i could only see the hands of the woman. She wore a maroon robe that loosely wrapped over her arms. It seemed that she had sleeves under the robe, but i noticed the gold jewelry on the backs of her hands. Her skin was medium brown, and she rested her hands on the railing at the eastern edge of the rooftop. She seemed to be off the roof to the east, and she was watching the man in the center of the roof. The gold on the back of her hands was roughly pentagonal, and it seemed to be formed of tightly threaded rows of beads. The scene then turned back to the young man, who was standing in the center of the roof. He wore a blue stretch uniform with a white vertical line. The uniform covered his neck and face, but left his mouth and bushy yellow hair exposed. His hair stuck up slightly. He was trying to be a superhero, but he was just beginning. He turned to the northwest suddenly, as if in surprise, looking over his right shoulder. I knew that the woman was watching him. I felt upset about this scene. I realized that there were other superheroes on the roof with the man. They were all trying to lean what they could do. The heroes had gathered on the rooftop for something. I knew that the woman watching from the east would do something important for the heroes, but i started to feel uneasy. I felt out of place here. The test i had been taking was not for us. It was intended for other heroes. I felt upset that the test was not for us, and i asked why it was being denied to us.

12020 February 29

I had seen the sign for the filed house as i moved to the east, along the street. I seemed to be in a suburban area. Grass grew on both sides of the road, spreading about twenty meters before the trees started. The trees had thick summer leafs. A drive ran to the south from the road, and the sign was on the grass to the west of the drive, facing west. I looked at the picture of the field house on the sign, recognizing it as the field house to $P7. I thought that they would be renovating the building and were raising money for it. I continued to the east, now moving down the room of the empty house. I had to get some things, but i was in my parents’ farm house. They had move out, and the house was now clean and empty. I was looking for something here, and it felt good to be here. At the end of the long white room was a smaller room that ran to the north. This seemed like my old bedroom. I told someone that it was a very nice room. I thought about it, remembering it as the room on the third floor of the house, though this room did not seem to be on the third floor. I remembered a small alcove on the western side of the room. I had been there before, and it was a small rounded chamber with a raised center. A circular bed seemed to be in the middle of the platform. I walked into the room to the east and looked north. The walls of the room were covered with thin horizontal wood boards. The room seemed small. I told the other person that i had a very nice closet. I could see the opening for it in the northern end of the western wall. A small window seemed to be in the center of the northern wall. I quickly moved toward the closet, wondering if any of my things were still stored here. The wooden walls of the closet seemed very nice. The closet was rather large, seeming like a small room. I had not remembered it being this deep. I felt excited as i walked in. It had seemed empty, but i noticed that a wooden bookshelf was against the southern wall. It was a shallow set of shelfs, and it was filled with books. I thought that my mother must have redecorated this room after they had moved out. I moved toward the shelfs, looking at the mantle clock that was on the top shelf. Several other shelf furnishings were on the top shelf. I liked the detail of the decorations, and i wanted to have a house where i could redecorate with wooden ornaments like these. I then noticed something in the northwestern corner of the room. The wood of the ceiling formed a small box around something. I could not see it clearly because something was obscuring my view, so i moved a little to the southwest. I thought that the box was covering something like a roof vent. As i looked at the horizontal boards on the eastern side of the box, though, i realized that a chimney or vent would not end just under the roofline. I wondered what the box was. I was then distracted by the large darkly stained cabinet that was now against the western wall. A nice wooden dining-room table seemed to be under the box, with chairs pushed in on the southern and northern sides. I looked up at the thick wooden things that were over the cabinet. I realized that a wooden animal was hanging from the ceiling. The thick part over the cabinet was the bushy tail of the creature. The thick tail curled at the end, and it slowly rotated back to the south, making it more obvious what the wooden object was. I thought that it was a beaver. I thought again about the decorations in the house, and i wondered if i could build my own house. This did not seem right, though. I already had a house, and building a new one did not seem like the right thing to do. I turned back to the east and started walking across the room. I then noticed the large sign on the northern side of the area. I was on the northern side of a large room, and i was walking across a low stage. I was aware that people had gathered on the southern side of the room and in another room or building to the southeast of me. I felt good, because the people had gathered for me. It seemed to be my birthday, and i thought that people whom i had not seen in a long time had shown up. They seemed to be from $P7. I looked at the sign, though. It was an areal picture of a large white building, which i knew was the field house of $P7. I realized that people had come here for the benefit to raise money for the addition to the field house. The area picture, which showed green fields and trees around the building, was a complicated sketch, but it also looked like an old photograph. I was not disappointed that the people had come for the benefit. I had simply thought that my mother had convinced them to come for me. As i moved around near the southern end of the sign, i thought about the banquet. It was interesting that i was having a banquet in the eastern room of the building while the central room was being used for a benefit for $P7. It seemed like an improbable coincidence. I pictured the room to the east. The stage seemed like a corridor now, and i was standing along the southern side. The large room opened up to the south of me, but i was aware of the room on the eastern end of the corridor. The room ran to the north, and the southern line of the stage ran flush with the southern wall of the room. The people who had come to see me were in the eastern room, which had thin horizontal boards of polished wood on the walls. It also had the nice old wooden decorations. I thought about the small gathering there. I then thought about the large number of people gathered in the main room. They seemed to be wearing formal suits, and the room was set up for a formal dinner. I moved to the north a little, now just to the south of a round table, which was covered with a white tablecloth. Someone to the west of me said something about the fund raising. I thought that $A46 would be here. I knew that he had been a major contributor to the renovation. I then saw him sitting on the eastern side of the round table. He sat very straight, and he had his hands on his thighs, palms up. His jacket was open in the front, exposing his white dress shirt. He smiled widely as the man across the table from him said something. I remembered that something in the field house was named after $A46. It made sense that he would be at this banquet. I felt a little out of place, suddenly. There seemed to be a number of people i knew here from $P7, but they had come here for the benefit. I was not dressed formally, so i seemed like an outsider. I wanted to say hello to the people that i knew, but i did not feel comfortable here. I thought that i should go back to my own party.