12022 February 04

I moved to the south with the others, walking along the rocky ledge on the eastern end of the long narrow gorge. The gorge seemed to be about twenty-five meters deep, with steep rocky cliffs on both sides. The ledge that we were on seemed to be about halfway down the gorge. The gorge was about ten meters wide, and the bottom was filled with water. We stopped near the southern end of the ledge, and the others continued to talk about something. Long red straps came from somewhere to the west, and i grabbed on to them and held them over my head. The straps were attached to something high above me and spaced almost at the width of the gorge. I thought that the straps were like a swing, and i pretended to get ready to jump off the cliff and swing on the ropes. I stood on the southern end of the group, and a woman stood to the north of us, talking to us. She was telling us something about this area. She seemed like $A121. I pretended to swing on the ropes, and the woman said that no one would actually swing on the ropes. I looked down into the gorge, which seemed very deep The ropes would allow me to drop quite a way before i reached the bottom of the swing. I thought that i would be going very fast by that time. I realized that this would be very dangerous. The cliff wall to the south seemed in the way of the swing. The woman said that people were supposed to jump from the cliff and swing down to the water from here, but no one actually did. I moved to the south, walking around the ledge that ran along the end of the canyon. The ledge ran to the west and curved along the western cliff face, and the canyon now seemed to open up to the east of me. The thin path on the ledge curved from the south to the west, were it ran along the southern side of the western end of the canyon. As i followed the curve, i noticed small piles of things placed at regular intervals along the outside of the ledge. The ledge was about two to three meters wide, and the piles looked like luggage and duffel bags. $A611 was walking behind me, and the complained about things missing from her bag. She said that the man took things out of her luggage, and she seemed very annoyed with him. I felt annoyed with the man as well, thinking that he was playing a childish prank. I did not say anything, though. I moved north along the ledge. The ledge seemed to pass through a split it the cliff. The western end of the canyon curved to the northeast, but the path went between two sections of cliff, heading north-northwest. I looked at the baggage on the eastern edge of the ledge as i approached the gap in the cliff. My bag was the second to last on the ledge from the north, and i noticed that someone had placed shirts on hangers on top of my bag. They were not my shirts, so i thought that they belonged to $A611. I then realized that my bag was open, and some of the clothing from the bag seemed to be missing. I felt upset. I stopped to look at the bag for a moment, and then i turned to head back south to see if y could find my shirts on any of the other bags. I noticed some of my shirts under some of the ones that were on hangers on another set of luggage. I thought that the man gathered all of our clothing together and spread it out across all of the luggage. Upset, i wondered how i would get all of my clothing back before we had to leave. There was no way of knowing whether i had all of what was supposed to be in my bag.

I moved quickly down the hallway of the large building, which seemed like a hotel. I was on the eastern side of the building, heading southwest. The hallway was wide with a ceiling of average height, and the floor was carpeted with short carpet. The edges of the carpet seemed to have two thick bands of blue and greenish-blue along the outsides, and the center was filled with small angled shapes of blues, greens, and whites, forming a high-contrast pattern. The girl was running down the hallway, and she seemed to be ahead of me, even though i knew that i was the girl. She looked back over her right shoulder, suspicious that someone was following her. I was both watching her run ahead of me and was she. This was part of a scene. At the southern end of the curve, the hall straightened out and headed west. I came into the large entry hall of the building. This seemed like the entry hall of $P7. Two sets of stairs went up on the southern side of the hall, the one on the east ascending to the west, and the one on the west ascending to the east. The entryway seemed to be in the center of them. As the girl ran past the western stairs, i glanced up the stairs, now at her perspective. I could hear someone moving at the top of the stairs. The girl was scared, and we had to get away. She tried to scream, but my voice was not working correctly. I thought that it would have been good if the girl shrieked loudly in the empty hallway. It would have had a nice effect for the scene. I continued running to the west, down the corridor. I knew that the exit door was ahead in the western stairwell. I thought that the girl should still scream. I felt excited to be following her down the hall, but the scene also felt scary at the same time. I thought about this as i approached the end of the hall. It seemed like a contradiction to feel thrilled about the fright. I knew that this was not real, though. This was just a virtual scene, so i knew that nothing would really happen here. I then passed through the exit door and came out into the middle of a wide outdoor space. The sky was pale blue, but it was filled with stars. Ahead of me, to the east, i could see tall thin towers from the city. They poked up like spires here and there. This place seemed fascinating and fantastic. I looked up at the stars in the sky, realizing that the sky had small labels across it, identifying the different star systems. The bright dots of stars had white circles around them, and the labels were in white boxes off to the right sides of the rings. Some thin lines seemed to cross the sky, as if marking a meridian or equator.

I continued thinking about the corridors of the large building. I was lying on a bed in the small bedroom. $F71 was asking be a question about something, but i was trying to think and did not answer. I tried to remember something, but $F71 kept interrupting my thoughts. I wanted to tell him to be quite for a moment, but i realized that he was talking in his sleep. I sat up in the small bed, which was against the northern wall of the room. $F71 was sleeping on a small bed against the southern wall of the room, to the southwest of me. I grabbed the wool blanket from my bed and headed to the door in the eastern half of the southern wall of the room. I thought that i would head to the living room and sleep on the couch for a little while. I walked down the hall to the east. The building i was in seemed very large, and the halls had high ceilings. The halls reminded me of $P7. I hurried to the east, thinking that i had to get to the stairs in the center of the hall and get out of view from the west. I did not want anyone behind me seeing where i had gone. I turned to the south and headed up the stairs in the main hall, which seemed like the main hall of $P7. A woman was coming down the stairs as i ascended. I thought that i would turn into the library at the top of the stairs, which seemed to be to the south, but i turned to the north instead and walked across the hallway and into the store. The store had several openings to the hallway, with glass windows between the openings. I stopped just inside the bookstore. Several wooden shelfs were to the north and northwest of me, with books displayed on them. The eastern side of the store seemed to be filed with music media. I had been looking for some kind of music, but i knew that this store did not have it. I felt a little disappointed, and i turned to head to the west. I thought that i could go upstairs to the next level of the store. I thought that the stairs up to the next level were at the western end of the store. The ceiling on the western part of the store was very high, and i thought that the upper level would be a balcony or terrace around the lower store. A wide column was in the center of the western part of the store, forming a narrow corridor along the southern side of it. Clothing hung from a metal bar that ran along the southern wall. Two levels of clothing on hangers were on the southern wall, and one level was on the northern wall. Overhead, i could see a catwalk running down the length of the corridor, and some ran into the open area to the west of the central column in the store, to the northwest of me. I would have to get up to the upper level, and i wondered how i would get up to the catwalks. I entered the open area on the western end of the store. The store here was filled with racks of clothing, which seemed to be winter parkas. I then remembered that i had been on the second floor of the building, and i realized that i was now on the first floor. There were no record stores on the eastern side of the building, and i wondered where i should go now. I started heading back to the east, walking into the narrow corridor on the southern side of the room. I was then aware of a woman and a girl who had been following me from the east. I felt suspicious of them, and i turned to the west and started to float, pushing down with my hands as if paddling the air. I forced my hands down and back with my arms straight. This is was provided lift. A green canvas awning extended from the northern wall of the corridor, and i ducked under it as i floated up and to the west. The edge of the awning had writing on it in a script. Openings in the upper part of the wall seemed to be doorways to the corridor on the upper part of the store. I passed the doorway and flew into an open area that was on the upper part of the store. The square open area seemed to be an atrium, and it was to the west of the column in the center of the store. It had shops all around it, and it seemed to have a glass roof in the center of the square area to the northwest of me. The ground seemed to be covered with brown terrazzo, and area had chairs and tables around what could have been an inset fountain. I wondered if one of the stores on this upper level was a record store. I decided to fly higher to get a better view of the area around me. As i rose above the patio, i suddenly wondered why there was no opening to the floors below. It seemed strange that the open area had no opening that looked down over the store that i had been in before. I looked off into the distance to the north. I could see over the roofs of the small store. A large square area was to the north of the shops, and i thought that a connection to the virtual area was somewhere over the square.

12022 February 05

I was driving the large old 11970s car up the steep hill on the northern side of the valley. The road ran back and forth up the steep slope of the hill. I headed to the east, around a switchback, and then to the west on the hill. I was then moving to the west along the southern side of the room. I was holding a long metal tube, which seemed to be attached to a cylinder vacuum, which i was holding in my right hand. I also seemed to be holding up the metal pole with my right hand, moving it along the upper part of the southern wall. The wall seemed to slope back a little to the south, and two large openings were in the southern wall, leading into a smaller upper room. I passed the end of the metal tube into the eastern opening. The end of the pole had a cap that seemed shaped like the head of a parrot. I tipped the pole into the western opening, and the parrot head turned to the east. I thought that it was inspecting the area, looking for others. The robot head searched all over the room on the southwest of the large area, but it eventually lifted out of the area. The parrot head said that nothing was found. I moved to the west and let the head go into the second opening. The head disappeared behind the wall on the eastern side of the room, bending around the door frame. The head of the pole then hit something. The pole jerked, and i thought that it had hit something. I thought that the robot was fighting the other person. A man then pushed through the doorway. He hit me and pushed me to the ground. Standing to the west of me, he pointed a gun in my direction, but he was pointing it just to the left of my face. He was $A682, and he was smiling at me as he held the gun toward me. I thought that i should kick him, but this situation seemed strange. I was not sure that this scene was correct.

I hurried to the east, down the large corridor on the northern side of the airport. The corridor was very wide, with a high white ceiling. Tall glass windows filled the northern wall. A young woman and a boy were walking ahead of me, and they seemed to be going the same way that i was. The woman wore a long gray coat and was holding a hand of the boy who walked to the south of he. I was short. It seemed that i was watching the woman from about the child’s height as i followed them. I felt a little uncomfortable here, and i thought that i had to get out of this place. I headed to the northeast, toward the doors that were in the northern wall. I thought about my luggage, which seemed to have been packed and ready to go from this place. I had a light-blue duffel bag over my shoulder. It hung to the north of me. I went the doorway of the glass doors and came out at the southern edge of a large parking lot. It was dark, and the lights illuminated the parking lot before me. I felt uneasy here. I turned to the west and walked down the sidewalk, along the building, following several others. It was daylight now. It seemed that i had just gotten off of the bus from the place. This placed seemed to be in a foreign land in East Asia. I felt anxious here, not sure where to go. My blue duffel bag was still slung over my shoulder and hanging against my left waist. I started to talk to some of the others in the small group with me as we walked to the west along the southern side of the small parking lot. I row of widely spaced trees seemed to be growing about three or four meters from the pavement, running parallel to the southern edge of the paved lot. A grassy area was to the south of us, and we seemed to be here for a $G4 event. One of the men with me started talking to others as we walked, and i looked down at my shoes. I suddenly realized that i had forgotten my running shoes. I remembered that i had packed in a hurry to get here, and i realized that i did not pack any of my running things. I felt upset, not sure what to do. When we were halfway down the southern side of the parking lot, which seemed to be about a hundred meters long, we turned to the south and headed across the grassy area. The lawn was about twenty-five or thirty meters wide to the south, and it ended in a treed area. I talked to the man who was walking to the east of me. I had met him on the journey here, and i felt very close to him now. I thought about what i could do to get some running things. The man then started walking ahead of me as he talked to some of the others. I slowed as i thought about what to do. We were then standing on a platform hat had thin metal railings around it. It was on the southern side of the grassy area. As the others spoke, i stood near the railing on the northern side of the platform. The platform then rose up and moved to the south, passing over the tall trees to the south. As we rose over the trees, i saw the buildings of the college campus. Another grassy quadrangle seemed to be on the other side of the trees, and a short hill rose on the eastern end of it, to the southeast of me. The buildings of the college campus were made of stone, but they seemed somewhat modern. A tall pale building with a rounded white tower on top was on the hill, facing west. I recognized the tower from someplace. The tower was made of a white stone, and the tall rounded cap on top of it was gray. I thought that this was the old religious school in the area. I asked no one in particular if this was Done Stuart. More of the campus building ran along the southern side of the quadrangle. These buildings were more square and made of a light-tan stone. One seemed to have fake parapets along the top. A large low building on the northern side of the eastern end of the quadrangle had a wide low gray dome on the top. The building seemed to be only one or two stories, and it had a flat roof extending from the rounded southwestern corner, arcing around the building and over the cement sidewalk. A plaza was to the south of the building, and buildings were to the east and south of the plaza, which was paved with tan cement tiles. I thought that a modern institution had bought out the old school. I thought that it was now a large Christian school, and i thought that the modern Christians who ran it were radical Christians. A woman to the south of me responded to my question about this being a religious school. I told her that Done Stuart was closed, and she talked about the name of the new school. We were moving to the west, now on a bus that seemed to be traveling along the southern side of the large quadrangle. The woman sat on the southern side of the bus, a few rows in front of me. I seemed to be sitting on the aisle on the northern side of the bus, in one of the last few rows. I thought that the woman was making up stories about the name of the school. I asked her if she knew what the name Don Stewart meant. She said something that sounded dramatic, but i knew that the answer was wrong. I did not look at her, but i told her that “Don Stewart” translated as “Mr. Stewart”. Someone giggled, and i thought that they were giggling because i had made the woman look bad. The bus continued down the suburban street, with many trees and houses on either side. The houses seemed to be set back a little from the road. We then left the bus and walked to the south, into a large building. The building seemed to be near the eastern end of the large quadrangle. It was a modern building, covered with gray stone. It seemed to have a large atrium on the northern side that had glass around it. I was still worried about my shoes, thinking that i did not have any of my running things for this event. I mentioned this to the man as we descended a short flight of steps toward the building. I thought that at least i still had my old sneakers. I was wearing them to travel. I wondered what i could do for better gear, though. I felt very upset. As we entered the building and came into a stairwell on the eastern side, we started to descend a flight of white stone steps to the south. The steps ended at a square platform, with a second flight continuing the descent to the east. As i rounded the corner on the stairs, i thought that i might be able to go to a store and buy more running things here. It would be a waste of money to buy what i already had, but i needed something to run in. The stairwell had a gray stone wall to the south and a pale wall to the west. The eastern and northern walls were the glass exterior of the northern section of the building. As i started down the next flight of steps to the north, descending below the ground level, i wondered how i would get money in this place. I did not have any of the local currency. I then though that i could probably use a credit card to buy things. I then wondered if the banks would flag my credit card because i was in a foreign country. I worried about what i should do. I headed to the west, now walking outside along the northern side of the buildings. It now seemed cooler here. The sun was to the west, and we were now walking in the shade of the buildings to the south of us. It seemed later in the day. The buildings we passed seemed more modern. The paved sidewalk that we were on rose only slightly as it headed to the western end of the long quadrangle. Ahead of us, i noticed a tall glass building with metal cross beams on the outside. It looked very familiar. Just beyond it was a tall building with a blue mural on the eastern side. The mural had swirls of blues with some yellow and white. I recognized the mural from before. The building it was on was near the western end of the quadrangle. I told the man with me that i had seen this place before. I said that it was in a video of a large event. I remembered $G4 runners running across the western end of the quadrangle in front of the mural, coming from the south. They seemed to have passed between two buildings and entered the quadrangle. I wondered if that scene would happen during the run that we were on. Several cafe tables were on the tan paving stones on the southern side of the quadrangle. It was a very sunny day, and the sky seemed very blue, but the sun was still below the buildings to the west of us. I looked around to the west of me. Everything looked very familiar. We turned south, into a small area between two of the building. I thought that i had to get my things ready, but i knew that i did not bring my things. $F47 was with me. He stood to the west of me, and he was talking with someone to the north of him. The other man seemed like $A827. $F47 introduced me to the man. I greeted him, but i still felt upset and anxious that i did not have what i needed. I then realized that something would happen to $F47 here. I suddenly started to worry that he would die at this place.

I stood on the northern side of the small cafeteria in the lower room of the building. The room seemed to be underground. The drop ceiling of the room seemed old, and the lights in the room were not bright. The room was crowded with tables, and counters ran along the southern wall. $F47 stood near the western wall of the room with the other person. I thought that i had to get ready for the run, but i did not have my things with me. Someone then said that it was time for the run. It was much later in the day than it had been when i had arrived at this place. I wondered if we would have dinner first. I then thought that it would not be right for us to have dinner before a run. I thought that the dinner must be very late in the evening. Someone else then mentioned dinner. I felt uneasy, not sure what to do. I turned to the west, looking at the counter along the western wall. Several tall paper coffee cups were stocked on the table, and several espresso carafes of hot coffee were available. I thought that i should pour myself a cup of coffee, but i thought that it would be too hot to drink before the run. I felt out of place and not sure what to do. I then thought that i had already had some coffee anyway. I thought that maybe it would be too much coffee. I felt anxious and thought that i should get going, but i then thought that i still had some time, because the run would be later. I thought that i could hang around at the event for a while to talk with others before the run actually started. I was uncomfortable here, though. Something felt wrong.

12022 February 06

I headed back down the stairs, which descended to the north on the eastern side of the basement room. The cement walls of the room were dingy and gritty, and the things in the room seemed to be old and worn. The old wooden stairs seemed to have been painted dark green in the past, but the paint was mostly worn and faded. This basement was part of an apartment building, which seemed like the apartment on $P2, and i lived in one of the apartments on the upper floors. An old door was in the eastern end of the northern wall of the basement, and it led outside, where the basement level was above the ground level. I had come down to get my mail, which was in a wooden structure that was in the middle of the room, to the west of the stairs. I had gotten my mail here before, and i remembered that i had taken it out of a small compartment on the western side of the wooden structure. I remembered removing letters from the upper side of the small box, which was about fifteen centimeters wide, about twenty tall, and about four deep. The lid flipped up from the upper edge of the box. I had left some papers at the bottom of the box as i put it back on the wooden structure. I moved to the west, looking at the wooden structure, which seemed to have a rectangular base that was a little under a meter tall. The upper surface was a little more than a meter, and it sloped back to the south so that the mailboxes on it faced up. I realized that these boxes looked different than they had before. The square covers of the boxes had rounded corners, and they were bright white, with words across the front. The words designated the apartment that they went with. I had thought my apartment was in the second column from the west, but it was not where i expected. The boxes were arranged in five or six columns and three rows. I had reached for the second column from the right in the bottom row, but it was not my box. I looked at the numbers, noticing that mine was now in the second row up in the westernmost column. I reached for the box, avoiding a thin bar that seemed to cross in front of the board of boxes. I lifted the lid on my box and looked at the shallow wooden tray that was inside. I was holding the tray as i looked at the letters on the upper part of it. The upper part had something to hold the letters down, and it was on the part of the tray that was not near me. I seemed to have many small letters, and they all seemed old and yellowing. I pulled the cluster of letters from the wide metal clip that held them in place. I also pulled out some of the things from below the clip. I then noticed that the things that i had left in the lower part of the tray were not there anymore. The lower part of the tray was separated by the upper part by a thin wooden divider. The divider did not run all the way to both sides, leaving about a centimeter and a half on each side. I wondered where the letters i had left at the bottom of the tray were, and i wondered if someone had taken them out and discarded them when they rearranged the trays of the mailboxes. I pulled all of the small letters from the top two sections. I wondered if i had lost anything important from the bottom section. Others were then in the room around me, moving around. They seemed to be other tenants from the building. A man was descending the stairs along the eastern wall, to the southeast of me. He seemed like someone important here. I checked my mailbox again, wondering if the things from the bottom where there. I took some letters from the upper section of the box, and then i noticed that several pieces of paper were also in the upper section. I was aware of the man watching me from the southwest. He was the owner of the building. I looked at the slips of paper and realized that they were coupons. I thought that the man must have given me the coupons, thinking that i was not doing well financially. I wondered if he was watching me to see my reaction. It felt nice that the man had considered me and thought about helping me, but i knew that i did not need any help. I had enough money to live, so i did not need the coupons, but it felt nice that the man was trying to help me. I moved to the east, in the room. Other people moved around in the basement room to the south of the mailboxes. They were the tenants of the building. The room seemed furnished with cheap furniture. A section of the eastern wall protruded into the room, leaving a small space in the southeastern corner that was more to the east than the center of the room. The light in the room was warm, from an incandescent lamp. One lamp was on a table that was against the eastern wall, at the southern end of the protruding area. A pale-green fake-leather padded chair was to the north of it. Another lamp was on a table in the center of the southern wall. A counter seemed to run on the southern wall, which seemed to be part of a kitchen area. I had taken several other things from the mailbox, and i was now holding them in my hand. They seemed to be small decorative knick-knacks. I thought that i would put them in my apartment as table ornaments. I then wondered if i should have taken all of the ones that were in my mailbox. I was still aware of the man watching me from the south, and i looked at the four items in my hands. One seemed to be a crude wooden figurine in my right hand. It was mostly dark yellow with brown patches. The body was square, with two legs extending to the east as i faced south. The edges of the wooden thing seemed crudely rounded, and parts of the wood seemed chipped off. In my left hand, i held three things. The eastern most two were in my hand, and the third seemed to be held by a handle. The third seemed to be a spray bottle. The other two seemed white. I thought that i should not keep all of the items. I did not want to seem greedy. I should have left some for the others. I knew that the man was still watching me, so i put the small wooden statue-like object on the table to the east of me, which was the table to the south of the green chair. I thought that i could arrange the other things in the room. I turned and looked at the table to the northeast of me. The round table was at the southern end of the protrusion, where the wall seemed to slant from northwest to southeast. The round table had small statues on the near side, and a metal rack that held kitchen condiments near the wall. The items seemed worn, but, like everything in the room, they seemed nicely kept. I thought that the tenants kept the room clean and in order. It felt nice to be in a place like this, which somehow seemed like a community. I was new here, and i was not quite a part of the community yet. It felt good here, though. I headed north to arrange some other things in the room.

12022 February 09

I was running with $G4 through the urban area. I seemed to be at a large event in a city that i did not live in. I stopped in the area, facing north. The others started to gather near me. We had come to a rest stop, and the organizers were to the southeast of me, talking about something. One of the organizers was a woman. We started moving to the south, down a steep hill. We were in a car, and the woman was driving us down the hill. I looked to the east as we headed east down the hill, noticing the oddly shaped tower that was at the bottom of the hill. The top of the tower was still above us. It seemed like a square tower, but it had an oddly rounded top and something on the southeastern side of it that was dark. Something about this city seemed special. I wondered if i would be able to see the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center as they looked before they were destroyed. I then thought that they had already been destroyed, so i would not be able to see them again. I said something to the others as we descended the hill, heading to the southeast. I continued to look at the tower as we descended, thinking that the Twin Towers would not be in San Francisco anyway. We then turned to the north, and i was looking out over the water on the northern edge of town. The waves on the water seemed very rough. I knew that the water was a river, and it only seemed to be three or four hundred meters across. The rough waves crashed against the brown rock cliffs on the northern shore of the river. I wondered why there would be such high waves on a river. The surf looked like ocean waves, but they were rolling in and crashing very quickly. I thought that a strong wind must be blowing from the west, where the ocean was, and it was blowing the waves up the river. The waves that were crashing against the wall to the northwest of me seemed to be coming from the southeast, though. Suddenly, we were moving to the northeast, across the water. I was surprised that we would be heading out over the water. We must have been in a boat. The woman to the west of me drove the boat to the north, toward the rocky cliffs. In the middle of the river, she turned the boat to the northeast, and we headed up the narrow channel. The water was very rough, but we seemed to be moving smoothly. I felt a little cautious of the water that was crashing against the walls of the channel, which now seemed like a street. The channel ran down the center of a city street. We paused at an intersection, and i looked down to the north. The road ran downhill steeply to the north. At the next intersection, which seemed to be only about fifty meters away, the water leveled out before plunging over the edge of the hill to the north. The slope of the hill seemed almost fourty-five degrees down from where we were, and i could not see the slope of the hill beyond the next intersection. The water rushed down the hill under us, and it fanned out a little at the intersection before pouring over the northern edge of the intersection. We were going to ride down the steep hill, but i felt very nervous about it. The woman said something, and a man to the southeast of me responded. They joked about the steep slope. The boat then plummeted down the hill and hit the intersection very roughly. I was worried about going over the next slope. The boat seemed to have hit too hard on the level cross street, though. I thought that it had broken in half. I did not feel worried, but i knew that this was not a good situation. I thought that the swift current would carry people quickly to the east, down the narrow channel. I wondered if someone would be able to swim to the shore and get out of the water.

I hurried around in the small house. I had to get ready to leave. Others were in the house with me. The walls of the house seemed to be made of thick plaster, and they seemed well worn. The room had white walls and a square wooden table in the center. It seemed to be a central room in the upper part of the house. I quickly gathered my things on the eastern side of the room, thinking that i had to get to work. Someone was in the center of the southern side of the room, but i was not paying attention to them. To the east of me, i heard the voice of the radio announcer talking about something. Something important was happening, but i was not really paying attention as i gathered my things. The voice then talked about extraterrestrials floating over our cities. I moved to the south. A steep set of stairs descended a long narrow corridor. The corridor seemed to descend the hill from the main section of the house. The building was shabby and crudely patched. The walls of the stairwell seemed to be yellow, and the decorations on the wall were cheap. A small window was in the western wall. I talked to the other people about what was happening outside. I thought that we should look at the extraterrestrial ships. I thought i could do it on my way to work. I then stopped at the southern end of the stairs. This long corridor was part of my new house. I told the others that we should go see the ships, but they were not aware of what i was talking about. I told them about the news report, but they had not heard about it. I started walking up the steep hill to the north, inside the house. I pictured the main section of my new house on top of the hill to the north, and a long crudely constructed section descended the hill to the south of it. I noticed that the cement floor under me was in cracked sections, with rough edges that formed stairs. As i ascended, i looked at the rough texture of the pinkish-orange adobe wall on the western side of the crooked corridor. The outside walls did not run in a straight line, but the corridor as a whole seemed to run north. A small window was set deep in the western wall to the northwest of me. I climbed the stairs, reaching the southern edge of the main house. I could see the southern edge of the foundation slab at the top of the corridor. The dirt under the edge of it had been eroded in the corridor. I thought that the main part of the house was actually very nice, but the corridor that was added on was very crude and seemed like something from poorer country. The others followed me as i told them about the extraterrestrial ships. They could not believe that it was real. I wanted to see the ships, and i looked up at the skylight in the center of the room. I was now in the center of the skylight, and i pulled myself up so that i was reclined across the opening. The peaked glass roof, which as formed of multiple panes that were supported by thin white wooden beams, seemed to be open. My feet were resting on the western edge of the window, and my arms were draped over the northern and southern edges as i reclined my back against the eastern side. I looked up into the clear blue sky. A small object was hovering to the west-northwest of me. It seemed very small, and i felt disappointed, thinking that this was not much of an extraterrestrial invasion. I then noticed another ship to the west of me. It was tall and rectangular with a rounded top. As it descended slowly to the southwest of me, i got a better look at it. The top was rounded, and the shiny metal of the round top blended with the rounded corners of the ship. The bottom of the ship was roughly square in cross section. The bottom had square protrusions in a grid pattern. The grid only seemed to be two or three by three to four. The heights of the ships were almost three times their widths and depths. I noticed several more across the sky, and i wondered what they would do. I thought that they would be invading us, and i felt cautious. I turned to look to the east to see many more ships descending from the sky. I wondered if they would be dispersing something from that would infect or kill the humans. All of the ships were made of shiny metal, and they all moved very slowly. One of the other people talked about the Star Trek plot. This would be a good story for the series. I thought about the time line of the series, though, and i realized that there was not much room to insert a new set of story lines. I told the person to the west of me that the time line of the series was rather full. They had filled up both the future and the past with areas of plot, and there was not enough room to fit in a large story line like we were thinking. Someone disagreed with me, saying that the plot could easily be fit in. I thought about it, thinking about the Temporal War and the plot of Discovery after that. It still seemed like the time scape was filled.

12022 February 10

I move a little to the east, stopping just as i entered the room. I had come from a short corridor between the rooms of the house, and i was talking to my mother, who was to the southwest of me. The living room had plain white walls, and it was rectangular. The corridor ran flush with the southern wall of the room, and a short wall separated the corridor from the western end of the room. The wall was about three meters long. Another wall seemed to be east of me, separating the eastern section of the corridor from the center of the room. The northern wall of the room was broken into three sections, with the center section being about two meters into the room. An exit door seemed to be on the western side of the center section, facing east. I was watching a small television set that was on a table just inside the room, to the northeast of me. It seemed to be facing southwest, but i continued watching the screen as i walked to the east. A man was on the screen, and he was dressed in bright red. The scene changed to show some other people, and then it showed the man again. The man was dressed as a robot. I thought that the others were heroes, and this man was one of them. His costume seemed very bulky, though. He looked like robot, with a wide helmet and thick linear legs. He looked to the right of the screen as he walked, and his legs moved stiffly. I thought that this movie had created live-action heroes of old cartoon characters. The man’s legs seemed to be about a meter wide at the bottom and about half a meter deep. They were rectangular in cross section, with rounded corners. They ran straight up, and just below the pelvis, they tapered along straight lines to his hips, forming a triangular ridge along the top. I thought that the costume must be cumbersome for the actor, but something did not quite seem real. I wondered if they were actually showing a cartoon. The image looked too real, so maybe it was a computer animation. The man’s torso was dull silver, and the red helmet on his head was somewhat triangular, with steep sloping sides and a rounded top. His face looked real, but i thought that i was actually seeing a stop-animation toy being used in the movie. This seemed very interesting, and i said something about it. I was now to the west of the television. My mother asked me what i found interesting in the show. The scene changed, and two men were on the screen. They stood shoulder to shoulder, grasping something in front of the man on the left. They seemed to be struggling with something that stuck up from the ground. I realized that the man on the left was a He-Man doll. I could see the seams where his arms and legs moved along the torso. The other man also seemed to be a doll. I was going to point out the characters to my mother, but i suddenly felt awkward watching the show. It seemed strange to be watching these old things, and i did not want to admit that i was.

12022 February 11

I left the others and headed to the east. I was standing to the east of me, watching myself approach. I seemed to be on the eastern side of the street, which was on the southern end of East Avenue. I had been in one of the buildings on the campus to the west, and i watched myself cross the snowy yard on the western side of the street and then cross the street, approaching me. I was then in the room on the second floor of the building, where i had been watching myself from. I had to do something, and i felt that the others were a distraction. Many people were moving around the room. I was now in the center of the room, and i was looking west. I had to leave, and i thought that i should go to the northwestern corner of the room and climb down the building through the hole in the wall. The northwestern corner of the building seemed to be missing, and the ragged hole was about two or three meters wide. I thought that i had left through this opening before. I thought that it was not that far down to the ground on the outside. As i walked toward the opening, i looked at the group of people who were standing near the western wall of the room. They seemed like apes, but they were proportionally more like humans, like actors from Planet of the Apes. I suddenly worried that some of them would see me heading for the opening and think that it was okay to jump from the opening to the ground. I felt worried about them, thinking that the animals would jump and hurt themselves. I thought that i would not be able to reason with them, because they would simply want to do. I tried to tell some of the smaller chimps that they should not jump from the opening, but i was worried that they would anyway. A couple were gathered near the opening, looking down. I moved to the opening myself, trying to shoo them away. I then looked down. The ground seemed farther down that i had remembered. I was on the second floor of the building, and the ground seemed about seven meters below me. It was too far to jump. I had come this way before, though, so i thought that i would be able to lower myself as i climbed out the opening so that i could easily jump to the ground. I saw a metal rod just below and to the east of the northern side of the opening. I crouched down and tossed the thing that i was carrying to the ground. I wanted to get it out of my hands so that my hands were free to lower myself. I gabbed on to the metal cable as i lowered myself out the opening, pivoting so that i turned to the east and then to the south to face the wall. As i held the shiny metal cable, i realized that it was more like an extension chord, and i could see that it was plugged in to the gray plaster exterior wall to the east of me. I hoped that i did not ruin the cable as i pulled on it. I started to descend, and i was holding on to a cable, which seemed to cross the horizontal one that i had grabbed before. I fell slowly, almost as if rappelling down the side of the building. As my feet hit the ground, i looked at the shiny metal wires, which seemed like extension chords. I thought that i should not have dragged them down with me. I must have displaced them on the wall, and now they were sagging near the ground. I then thought that someone might be watching me from the west. I should leave here. I turned to the north and walked into the western end of a corridor. The small living room was to the north of me, and i thought that i would have to join the others there, but i had to do something. Something had been happening to the south, but i needed to do something to the northeast. The small television room ran east to west along the northern side of the corridor. I could see a man reclined in a chair on the western side of the room, just inside the door. He was facing east. I thought that $F4 was in the living room, and i wanted to join him. I had been in the room with the others earlier. I told the man in the chair that i would be right back. I said that i had to do something in the kitchen. I headed down the hallway to the east. A wide doorway was in the northern wall, and it led into a short corridor that ran east to west, parallel to the corridor that i was in. The corridor had several doors in its northern wall. I started to turn into the doorway, but a man was coming out of one of the doors in the northern wall, just to the northeast of me. He seemed like $A828 or $A490. He closed the door behind him and shook his head at me, discouraging me from entering the room. It was the bathroom. I was going to use it. The man said that he had farted, and he implied that it was very smelly. He smiled as he joked about it. I thought that i would be able to use one of the other bathrooms. I knew that the kitchen was to the northeast of here, and that it extended to the north of the bathrooms on its western side. I would be able use the bathroom that was to the north of the bathrooms off the short corridor. I headed to the east again and then turned north into a corridor that would lead to the kitchen. I stopped as i passed through the doorway. I was on the southern side of the parking lot. People crowded around me, talking about something. I had parked my car on the southern side of the lot in one of the first spots. It was just to the northwest of me now. Someone was talking to me from the northwest of me, and i moved a little to the north as i spoke to him. Something was happening here, and i felt distracted by it. I moved my car to the west a little, trying to get it farther into the parking space. The car was a small white car with thin black trim on the sides. As i pushed the car into the parking space, i was aware that i might have hit the car to the west of mine. I felt annoyed, and i looked at the white car. The bumper of my white car was damaged, and i felt annoyed. I turned to the north and started walking away, not wanting to have anything to do with the situation.

Something was wrong. I felt very tense, and i thought that i had to figure something out. I sat up. A man was sitting to the northeast of me. He was wearing mostly white, and he had a white hood over his head. Others were around the room. The man with the white hood was wearing an oval shield over his face. The shield filled the opening of the hood. The shield seemed to have a white background, but it was covered with short black and white bars that ran horizontally. The bars were about a centimeter wide and about ten centimeters long. They did not seem to form any pattern. I felt concerned about the man, picturing a relation between him and two other people in the room. Something was wrong with these people. They had something to do with the problem. I felt that i had to figure it out. I thought that it had something to do with breathing, but i could not understand. I felt very concerned, and i thought that i had to focus on what was happening.

12022 February 12

I moved to the west, to the northern end of the picnic table. Others were sitting and standing around the table, as well as around other tables under the pavilion. The table i was moving toward was near the northern end of the pavilion and was long north to south. I was thinking about something that seemed to trouble me. It had to do with a body. I knew that something was wrong, and i felt worried about it. I was not sure what to do. There seemed to be several problems. As i approached the eastern side of the northern end of the table, i thought about the problem in the lower abdomen. I could see that the skin and muscles just above the pelvis had been cut open. I thought about the problem inside, but i realized that it would be hard to reattach the tendons together.

I was thinking about the problem as i drove to the east, down the road. $F71 was in the passenger’s seat of the car, to the south of me. I was aware of $F74 and $F710 in the car behind us. They had been following us, but it seemed that we did not want them to think that we were doing something. I slowed the car as i came to the end of the road. The land seemed to be covered with snow to the north of us, and bushes and trees were to the south. I was unsure what to do. I felt as though i had to do something so that the people in the pale-blue car behind us would not know that we were doing something.

12022 February 13

I lay in the bed, listening to the music. I looked to the southeast to see a man sitting at the piano. The small grand piano was in the southwestern corner of the room, with the keys facing northeast. $A103 sat on the northwestern side of the piano bench, playing something on the upper end of the keyboard. He sat slightly hunched over the keys as he played. The song sounded like classical music, with many arpeggios. I rolled over so that my head was near the southern end of the couch. My feet seemed to be to the northwest of me, but the dark low cushioned couch ran north to south in the room. The song was very nice. Some others seemed to be on the western side of the room now. One man seeded to be standing behind the piano, on the western wall. I told $A103 that i liked the song. He stopped playing and looked around at me. He sat upright and turned his feet toward me. I sat up and told him not to stop playing. He asked me something, but did not return to playing. I wanted the music to continue, but he did not seem to want to play anymore. Some people came from the west. The others here seemed to be from $G3. We were gathering for some kind of event. $A103 leaned forward and asked me if i had heard news of someone. He said that he had heard that a man had died of a sickness. I remembered the name. The first name seemed to start with an L, and the last name started with an N. I remembered seeing the name in a posting somewhere where the person posting had said that the man had gotten sick from a virus. I told $A103 that i had heard about the man getting sick, but i had not heard that he had died. $A103 wandered to the south. Two people sat in chairs to the east of the piano. The chairs were facing north, and $A103 walked around the eastern side of the chairs and then stopped against the southern wall. He said that he had heard the story from two different people about the man getting very sick. I told him that it might be possible that the man we were talking about had gotten sick from the virus and that others had simply exaggerated the story to say that he had died. Others started to come into the room from the northwest. $G3 was gathering for some event. Several of them to the west then seemed to move away. I moved to the western wall and opened the curtains. The room was still dark, and the curtains had been pulled closed. I thought that it would be better if they were open. A large window was in the center of the western wall, and it had two smaller windows on either side. I thought that we should open all of the blinds today to let in as much light as possible. I pulled open the curtain on the main window to the west, and then i turned to the east and walked to the eastern wall. As i passed the center of the room, i did something to the dark couch, which was on the southern side of the room, facing north. I had been sleeping on the couch. I moved to the eastern window and opened the tan curtain that covered the main part of the window. As i stepped back from the window, i had to adjust the blue towel that was draped over my lift shoulder. I remembered having the towel on the couch. I had been using it as a blanket. When i had walked past the couch, i remembered pushing it to the eastern end of the couch in a pile. I moved a little to the south. The small window had a set of tan blinds covering the lower part of it. We usually never opened up the blinds, but i thought that we should open up everything today to let the light in. I pulled up the blinds, and i felt a sudden cold breeze. I realized that i had opened up the window as well. It was still cold outside, and the heat in the house was still on, so i should not have opened up the window quite yet. I would have to wait until it was warmer outside before i did that. I moved to the window, looking at the screen. The screen was then no longer there, and i was looking at the thin pane of glass that covered the window. I thought that the glass must not be insulated and that the cold air was simply coming in through the glass. The glass was in a small wooden frame, which was painted red. The red paint seemed thick, like a layer of paint that was on top of several other layers. I was then aware of the city outside the window. The house seemed to be on a street in the middle of an old city, which seemed like London. I was then standing on the street to the north of the house. Others from $G3 were near me, but we had to be cautious of something. Several things were to east of me on the wide sidewalk, but i was telling the others that we had to be careful of something. I worried that someone would try to capture us. The officials here did not tolerate those who were different. I spun around to face west. The others were frozen in a scene to the west of me. A man on a horse, who seemed to be a police man, was to the southwest of us. The large white horse seemed frozen in a stance with its left front hoof lifted. The four or five $G3 were standing to the west of me, frozen in a startled pose. Some of them seemed to be holding on to a large oddly shaped object to the northwest of them. The object was a metal frame of rounded poles, and it seemed to be a section of chain-link fencing, but i could not see the mesh in the center. The others wore tan button-up uniform shirts and dark-green uniform pants. I thought that they were part of a police group, but they were not part of the group that the officials here approved of. I turned to the south, and the scene seemed to change again. The officer on the horse was standing to the northeast of me, and the others seemed to be on the wide sidewalk to the east. They tried to act casually, answering the officer’s questions. I saw one man holding on to a large flat structure, which seemed like a large square section of chain-link fencing in a wooden frame. The flat structure was standing up to the east of the man, who was facing south. The structure was about three meters tall and about four or five wide. The man let the structure fall to the east as he spoke. I worried that it would hit the white horse that was standing on the sidewalk, but it seemed to stop just above the horse’s head, which was to the south. I thought that another structure near the horse must have stopped the flat surface from falling. The man to the east of me smiled as he looked around to the south. He wore a white peacoat that was very long, and he had the collar closed around his neck.

12022 February 14

My father drove to the north, heading down the steep hill in the narrow forested ravine. I was in the passenger’s seat of the large pick-up truck. We had been following a dirt road through the ravine, where the ground was flatter at the top of the hill, but the dirt road had turned to the west, and we were now following an old trail that ran straight down the hill. The forested hills rose steeply to the east and west of us. I remembered coming down to this area before. This narrow dirt road seemed abandoned, but it was clear, and the land in the center of the ravine seemed clear of trees. The round was covered with short grass or moss, and i thought that my father would only be able to drive down to a small area where the truck could turn off, to the west of the road. A stream ran down the center of the ravine to the east of us, but i could not see it. However, i thought that the ground around the stream might be muddy. I told my father that he had driven down to the small area to the west of the creek before, where it was wide enough to turn around, and asked him if he remembered it. I watched the steep hill to the west as we descended. I then realized that we had passed the wide area. I knew that the wide area would be dry because part of it was near the slope of the hill, but we were now heading down the narrow part of the ravine and would be in the creekbed. I thought that we might get the tires stuck. I looked ahead as we bounced over several bumps. I thought that it might be okay if my father kept the truck moving to keep the momentum up. I felt nervous about getting stuck, but i realized that we were reaching the bottom of the hill. My father turned to the west, following the curve of the western slope as it started to level out and round to the north. We were driving on level ground along the northern slope of the hill. I told my father that this road was abandoned and that the house had no access. I then noticed the old wooden house to the southwest of us, on the southern side of the road. The old dark wood of the house looked weather worn and rough, but the house seemed sturdy. I thought that it might be abandoned, because it looked dark. I pointed it out to my father, saying that it must have been cut off when this old road was abandoned. I thought that someone still lived there, though. I commented that it would not have any electricity. As we passed the house, i noticed several smaller structures of similar rough dark wood to the south and southwest of the main house, which was a very plain colonial house. A small set of cubes just to the west of the house drew my attention. They were made of the same wood, and they looked like stacked cubes, but they had small windows and trimming to match the house. The structure was very wide on the bottom and got narrower as it rose about two or three meters up. It was a playhouse. It was in a round area of yard that was different from the rest of the yard, as though it were paved with cement. I pointed out the playhouse, saying that i liked it. I then noticed other houses to the northwest and west of us. I thought that the other houses were probably on the main road, which seemed to run east to west about five meters to the north of us. I looked at some of the other houses as my father drove across the main road. Many houses crowded around this area, and they seemed large and plain. I thought that many of them seemed nice, though the seemed to have wood that needed repair. My father stopped the truck as it was facing south, on the northern side of an intersection with the main road. I looked at a tall tan tower to the south, thinking that it was fairly nice, but my father commented that the houses here were cheap. I wondered how. He turned the truck around and headed back on the curving road that ran from the main road to the main road, bowing to the north. The northern side of the small road had houses along it, and they were all two-story towers. They all seemed to be made up of slats of wood. I looked at one in the center of the smaller road, noticing that it had a rounded down on the front that seemed empty. The tower was framed with thin pieces of wood, and slats ran vertically over the main beams. However, the slats did not cover then entire surface of the building. They left enough space between them that i could see through the tower. I thought that the houses must have been constructed of thin cheap wood and were not that sturdy. I thought about this as my father continued to drive to the east. Others then started walking past us. We were heading to the north again, passing the parking area on the western side of the ravine. The others were running the trail down the center of the ravine, heading north. I thought that they were from the cross-country team. I felt annoyed that the others were passing me and running so much faster, but i thought that they were a lot younger than i was as well. I was at least ahead of most of the others who were my age. I thought that $A46 was having us run this area. I thought that i had actually started the trail at the top of the hill as a hike with some other people. I only started running when the other runners came by. As i reached the bottom of the ravine, i thought about how i had been to this area before. The ravine opened near the bottom, and the trees thinned out. The grass seemed to be cut, and i thought that we were heading into a park or orchard. $A46 stood at the bottom of the hill, to the north of me. He was partly obscured by the branches of two bushy trees. The trees did not seem to have many leafs left on them, but the many twigs of the branch obscured the view. Two or three of the fast runners were still in sight ahead of me, and they turned to the west at the bottom of the hill. I reached the bottom and followed them in a wide arc to the west, ducking forward as i passed under some thin branch tips of a tree. I looked up again to the west. This did seem like a park area. I could see the end of a road ahead of me. Tall narrow trees lined the southern side of the road, and a few grew near the eastern end of the road. The road ended about ten meters from me, and the eastern end had four or five sets of black metal poles with chains between them. The tops of the chains were almost horizontal, and some of the inverted square U shapes seemed to be solid bracket. As i approached, i noticed that some of the runners went to the south of the road, but i thought that it would be nicer to run down the old dirt road. $A46 seemed to be near the southeastern corner of the road, just out of my sight. I called to him, asking him if we were supposed to take the road or go on the tail to the south. He said that we should be on the road, so i headed for the metal barrier that ran along the end of the road. As i approached, i looked at the chain, thinking that it was low enough that i could jump over it. I seemed to be moving quickly, and i felt good, so i decided to hop the chain as i ran. Another person was just to the south of me as i passed over the chain. I felt my left foot hit the chain, though, and i landed harder than i expected, stumbling. I heard the sound of my feet stumble, but i thought that it was not a bad stumble; i did not fall. I ran down the center of the road, which only seemed to run for eighty to one hundred meters before ending on another road. I turned to the south on the others road, thinking that i had to head back up the valley trail to get back to where we had started. I remembered that i had parked at the southern entrance to the ravine with some others, and we had started hiking down the trail on the western side of the ravine. I thought that we had to ascend the ravine again to get back. I turned to the west and headed up an old set of wooden stairs that ascended along the northern side of a house. I thought that they would bring me to a higher level of the hill where the trail would start. The old wooden flight of stairs had flat stairs but no wood between the steps. It also had beams that ran overhead, as if to support a roof. The stairway had no roof though. As i neared the top, i glanced to the northwest, seeing a small square deck that ran to the north from the landing at the top of the stairs. It seemed to go around the western side of the house. I would have to turn to the south at the top of the stairs, though. I turned to the south, but there was no where to go. I paused, feeling confused as my feet hung over the edge of the steps. I could feel the wooden railing across my lower abdomen. I was not sure where to go, and i pulled my feet back onto the steps under me. I then wondered if a walkway ran from the wooden deck to the northwest. $F71 then came up the stairs after me. He stopped just below me as i got myself back onto the steps. I looked at the barn and shed to the south of the house. They seemed to be made of the same plain pale-gray wood as the house. They seemed fairly modern but worn. I told $F71 that the stairs do not go to the south. He started to back up, thinking that we were on the wrong trail, but then he stopped and pointed at one of the overhead beams. He said that the trail marks go this way. I thought that he was pointing at a trail blaze, and i picture a dark-blue disk of paint in the center of the crossbeam over the steps. I told $F71 that the trail probably ran around the deck. I glanced to the southwest, noticing a long covered stairway ascending to the south. It was about a hundred meters away, on the other side of some small buildings. I thought that we must be able to get to it by following a set of decks and walkways. I ran up the stairs and headed to the northwest, along the northern side of the deck. A large object was in the center of the deck. I looked down at the dark base of the cubical object in the center of the deck, noticing the pill-shaped hole near the northern end. I knew that the trail must go through the thin, so i crouched down and stated to crawl through. As i put my head through, i realized that the inside looked like a tub of some kind. I was long north to south, with slanted porcelain sides. The bottom was covered with small white pieces of gravel. I thought that this was a pool for alligators, but i knew that they would only be here in the summer time. The cubical container had two pools in it. The second was to the east of the first, and a thin dark wall divided the two, but the wall had an opening on the northern end so that i could see the upper parts of both tubs. An opening also seemed to be in the western end of the northern wall, leading into another small area. I told $F71, who was just behind me, that this seemed like a tank for fish. He agreed that it was. I crawled across the northern end of the tubs and reached the pill-shaped opening on the eastern side. The opening was about a half meter tall and about a meter wide. I had easily crawled through the opening on the western side of the tubs, but this opening now seemed too small on inconvenient to pass though. I pushed on the plexiglas that formed the eastern wall of the container. I thought that i could push it open or lift it. Instead, the seam at the northeastern corner of the container separated. I thought that i had broken the container. I did not feel concerned about the damage i might gave caused, and i simply pushed through and started moving to the west. I was now in a corridor. The corridor seemed to have ended and i seemed to have turned to the south and then to the west again. I paused, though. A doorway was just to the south of me, and it had a set of stairs running up to the west, just beyond it. The landing at the bottom of the stairs was a step up from the floor of the hallway where i was, and the pale wood of the landing was worn with age, though it still seemed nicely kept. The thin boards of the landing ran east to west, and they were dark around the edges, where people did not walk. The walls also seemed to covered with wood, and this wood was darkly stained. A wooden framed door was in the southern wall. The frame had grooves that ran around it, and the door seemed to have panels in it. It seemed to be a thick wooden door. The wooden stairs ascended in a narrow stairway to the west from the platform. I wondered if i should take the stairs or head to the west down the hall that i was in. A man suddenly came from the east of me, stopping atop the stairs that ascended from the north. He was another runner, and he seemed to be $A829. He looked at me in question. I told him that i was not sure which way to go. He started to the south, toward the stairs. He then pointed out the sign that was on the door to the south of him. I backed up to the east and stepped onto the landing. The man said that we had to beware the attack cat as he ran up the stairs to the west. I followed him, wondering what the cat would do. As i reached the top, i saw that i was in a larger room. A short wooden wall separated the stairway from the rest of the room. The wall was about a meter tall. The stairs ended at a landing, and the floor to the north was a narrow corridor, which ran to the east. A taller wall, which was about a meter and a half tall, was on the northern side of the corridor. I could see that a small living room was to the north of the second wall. The living room seemed to be a step above the level where we were. The man had run to the east, down the corridor, and a cat had swiped at him. The furry brown cat was now sitting on the railing atop the second wall, watching me. It hissed as i turned to the east. I started moving to the east, walking along the railing atop the shorter wall to the south. The cat immediately moved after me, swiping at my legs. I had a long thin wooden stick, and i pushed away the cat’s claws as it tried to grab me. It seemed angry as it tried to attack. A woman was on the western end of the room, and she started after the cat, apologizing for its aggression. Two children sat in the room, just on the western side. They faced each other and seemed to be playing games. I continued to the east, but the cat kept swiping at me. I finally stopped near the eastern wall, and the cat stopped just to the north of me. It was crouching defensively, staring at my feet. It seemed to be a tortoise-shell tabby. The woman started talking to someone about the cat, which she referred to as Naveed. I realized that i also had a cat by that name. I thought it was a black cat. I told the woman that i had a cat with the same name. I seemed amused by the idea. I then started to tell her that mine was a gray tabby, but she cut me off as she responded to the man to the west of her. I was annoyed that she had spoken over me, and i said “gray tabby” anyway as she continued talking to the man. I thought about the song called “Naveed”, and i heard the music play in my head. I mentally sang the lyrics with it. I decided that i should continue to the east. I would have to get to the stairs that ascend to the south.

12022 February 17

I was riding the bicycle to the north, down the narrow alley. Another person was on the back of the bicycle with me. I spoke with him as i rode. He seemed like $F71. I said something to him as i slowed to a stop at the end of the alley. I did not come to a complete stop, but i slowed enough to see that nothing was coming in the street at the end of the alley. The street ran east to west, and i turned to the east. As i turned, i noticed an old car with a rounded top to the west of me. It had its lights on, and i thought that it was a police car. It did not have any markings of a police car, though. As i rode to the east, i was aware that the car was approaching me from behind. It seemed to flash lights at me, though not police lights. I felt annoyed, thinking that someone wanted to harass me. I turned to the north again, entering a large garage. The garage was on the bottom floor of a building, and it had cement walls and floor. Wide openings were in both the northern and southern walls. I felt annoyed as i got off of my bicycle. $F71 was with me, and he stood to the southeast of me. A man got out of the dark car that had been following me. He was dressed like a 1930s gangster. He seemed like Joe Pesci, and he told me to take something off of the bicycle. I did not trust him, and i thought that it was dangerous to do what he said. $F71 was listening to the man, though. I told $F71 to get back on the bicycle, but he was looking at the thing in his hand that he had removed from the bicycle. I felt annoyed. We could not stay here. It seemed dangerous. I told $F71 to get on the bicycle, but he did not listen to me. Frustrated, i started pedaling the bicycle. Joe was standing to the west of me, rather close, and i turned the bicycle back around and pedaled out of the southern door of the garage. Looking down at the pedals, i could see that the red bicycle was sitting rather low. The thing we had taken off changed the way the wheels responded. The bicycle seemed harder to pedal, but it was still moving. I speeded to the west and then turned to the north. I could hear Joe getting in to the car behind me. I had to get away. I headed north, reaching the end of the short street. I noticed a sidewalk ahead of me that ran to the north-northeast, diagonally across the center of the suburban block. I headed down it, thinking that the car would not be able to travel on the sidewalk. It would not take them that long to go around, though, so i had to find some other way to get away. As i reached the northern end of the sidewalk, i could see the street running to the north, about six meters to the east of me. I headed for it, wondering if i could make it around the corner and head north before they could come around the block behind me. If i got out of their sight before they came into the area, they might not figure out which way i went easily. I hoped that i could get away.

12022 February 19

I walked to the east along the southern side of the room. I was in my grandfather’s house while he was away. I thought that my grandparents had left me alone for a while, but i also thought that they did not really know that i was here. The room was long and narrow, and i stopped near the eastern end. The walls were white, and the decorations in the room seemed minimal and modern. A large wooden bookcase was against the northern wall. Started looking at some things near the northern wall. There seemed to be a lot of interesting things here, and i felt that i was snooping around when i should not have been. I looked up at a set of shelfs on the northern wall. They were filled with phonographs. I had been listening to some of them. I knew that my grandfather had many old phonographs, though i was not really interested in many of them. Several stereo components were on the shelfs. A metal component with several small vertical switches and round buttons was an the western side of a middle shelf. I wanted to gather some things from the room that interested me. I looked down at a small pile of phonographs on the floor. These were the ones i had been interested in. I then wondered why i had been collecting them in a pile. I should not take things from my grandparents. I felt confused about something as i stood back up. I was now on the western end of the room. I moved to the east, noticing a bed on the northeastern part of the room. A wall extended from the eastern wall on the southern side of the room. It separated a small square area on the northern side of the eastern end of the room from a narrow area on the south. The bed was against the partition wall, on the southern side of the bedroom area. It was covered with a faded-black comforter and had white pillows propped up against the southern wall. A dresser was to the north of the bed, on the northern wall. A dull-red article of clothing was on top of the dresser, and several other things seemed to be piled on a lower surface to the east of the dresser. I thought suddenly that my grandparents had returned, and i felt nervous. I could still hear the music playing. It sounded like jazz or big-band music. I moved to the south near the eastern end of the room. The small space to the south of the bedroom seemed like a bathroom. A set of stairs descended to the west along the southern side of the room. The southern wall of the room near the bathrooms was flush with the southern wall of the stairwell. A wall was also on the northern side of the stairwell, forming a separate southern wall for the center of the room. I descended into the room below. The eastern end of the room was long and narrow, matching the bedrooms above, but the western end opened up to the north, forming a large square room. My father’s parents were both sitting on the northern side of the dining room table to the north of me. My father’s mother was smiling at me as she leaned on the table with her right elbow. She wore a green sweater or heavy shirt. I felt bad for going through their things, and i told them that i had been listening to music. I moved to the table. People were starting to come in from the west. WE would have to get ready to eat. I felt out of place here, and i realized that i would have to act appropriately for the guests. I said something and turned back to the southeast to get something.

I walked to the south, into the rectangular bathroom. I had to take a shower so that we could do something. $Z followed me in to the bathroom, and i was talking to him as i started to undress. He was to the northeast of me. I told him of the things that we had to do, and i felt that there was something important that should be done. I had my towel with me, and i moved to the southeast to put it on the rack on the eastern wall. I felt good here, and i felt interested in $Z, but i knew that we had something to do, and i felt anxious about getting it done. I thought that we had to get going.

12022 February 20

I was at the event with the woman. It was dark in this place, and people were moving around for the show. We seemed to be standing in an auditorium, which seats to the east of us. The seats seemed to face north. A structure, like a wall, was between the seats and us, but there were many openings to see the seats. I had spoken to the woman in the aisle on the western side of the seats. Something was wrong. I headed to the east, down one of the rows of seats. I seemed to be walking between two rows of shipping containers. I stopped to talk to the man, who was with some others. I knew that the woman was afraid of this man, and i wondered if i should be talking to him. I did not want to anger him, because i knew that he could be dangerous. He did not seem to suspect anything about the woman, and i turned to the west and headed back toward the woman. I knew that the woman was afraid of the man, so i thought that i should leave with her to get away from the man. As i reached the end of the narrow corridor, i was heading north. At the end of the aisle, i turned east, taking the woman with me. I glanced back ta the south. The man was following me. We had to get out of the area so that the man did not see the woman. We headed to the east, down the dark alley. Several other people were moving down the alley from the show, so we tried to hurry with the crowd. I did not walk close to the woman in case the man was watching me. After walking about a hundred meters, i looked back, noticing that the woman had stopped along the southern wall of the alley. The wall was uneven, and she was hiding on the eastern side of a short wall, out of sight of the man. The man might see her if she stayed there, though. I felt concern for her. I tried to get her to come toward me, but she did not. I called her name, which seemed to be Amanda. I then thought that the man could not hear me saying her name or he would know that she was here. I thought that i could drop the first syllable of her name to make it sound different. I thought about this, but the word did not sound correct. It was hard to pronounce without the first A. The woman had gone into a doorway in the southern wall. I had to get here. I headed to the south, into a different doorway. I could call her name once inside, thinking that the sound would not travel down the alley outside where the man would hear. I found myself in a cement stairwell. The stairs were to the west of me. The walls were dark damp gray cement. I had to get around the stairwell to get to the open rooms to the south. I thought that was where the woman would be. I had found her, and we were heading back to the north, into the alley. I told her that we had to get to the cars, which i thought were to the northeast. People were heading east down the alley and then turning north, walking through some openings in the northern building. The area in front of the openings was paved with speckled stone, which was different than the rest of the alley. The area also seemed wider than the rest of the alley. Meter-tall square pylons stood at regular intervals along the southern side of the stone area. They were about a deci thick, and they were the type of pylons that prevented vehicles from driving into pedestrian areas. We hurried diagonally across the alley toward the exits to the north. I thought that our cars were in a large lot on the other side of the northern structure.

I walked with the others to the west, down the crowded area. We seemed to be walking on an elevated structure. The room around us was dark and very large. The area to the north of us seemed to be at the same level as us, though it was down about a steep from where we were. To the south, the large room opened up and seemed several meters below us. We were here for some competition, and i was part of a team. I felt nervous about being here. The competition seemed purposely strenuous. I looked at the details of the next part of the race. A woman walked near me, and we talked about the event. I looked to the south as we reached the western end of the area. seven to ten rows of black plastic bleacher seats were to the south of me, facing either north or south. Beyond them, i could see the tan surface below, where others were competing. Thick black lines seemed to indicate a running course. They ran parallel to each other east to west, but made a sharp turn at the western end. The inside track turned so that the black line to the north of the westbound lane was the southern line of the eastbound lane. Something about the design made me think of something folded on top of itself. I felt stressed about this. This part of the race was a sprint, and it was intended to be very stressful. The instructions said that the runners would have to sprint for two units. I thought that it would be two hours, but it also seemed like two days. I thought that the runners would have to run as fast as they could for that time, without pacing themselves. The event seemed very hard, and i thought that the people to the east were doing this to see how the runners would endure. I felt negatively toward the people running the event. I talked to the others on my team as we reached the western end of the area and turned back to the east. The others walked ahead of me as i looked at the map in my right hand. I thought that the others had done the sprint part of the course already. I had not done it, and i thought that one team member was missing from each leg of the course. I also knew that my knee was still injured. We now seemed to be in a long narrow dining room, with many tables set up. Many of the tables had people around them. This seemed to be a dining car of a train. The others with me stopped near the western end of the room. I told the woman that i had to use the bathroom. I thought that it was a small room in the southern wall of the dining room. I walked to the east, along the southern wall. A small section of the wall protruded into the room, and i though that the door to the lavatory was there. A table was near the southern wall, and people sitting to the south of the table seemed to be blocking the way along the wall. I stopped near the western end of the table. One of the men at the table, who was sitting on the eastern end of the northern side, straightened up and looked at me challengingly. I thought that he was from one of the other teams. I felt annoyed by him, but i did not let him know that i had noticed him noticing me. I thought that it might be easier to go around the other side of the table, so i headed to the north. The people on the northern side of the table were sitting closer to a northern wall, but the wall was part of a thick partition in the center of the room. I continued to the north, planning to go around the partition. I passed through a doorway and found myself in a small compartment on the northern side of the room. The rectangular compartment stretched about five meters to the east, and cushioned bench seating ran along all walls of the room. The benches were filled with women in Victorian dress. I realized that this might be a women’s area of the dining room. I felt uncomfortable and apologized for intruding. The women giggled at me as i backed out and headed to the east again. I would have to go around the southern side of the table on the eastern end of the room. I thought that i would just push past the people who were on the southern side of the table to get by. I squeezed past the men and headed south through a doorway. I came into a small tent, which was on the side of the main area. Someone else had just left the tent, so i thought that the toilet was probably free. I could not see where to go, though. The tent was very dark. I put my arms out in front of me and tried to feel my way around. I could not see anything, but i could feel the nylon fabric of the eastern wall of the tent. I felt my way to the south, reaching the southern wall. I started to feel frustrated that i could not see, and i lifted the southern edge of the tent. I could see outside. The land to the south of me was forested, and the tall trees seemed covered with mosses and leafs. The moon seemed to be to the northeast of me, shining a pale light on the trees, making everything seem dark but pale blue. Annoyed, i backed into the tent to feel my way around some more. As i let the tent fall to the south of me, i heard a growl from the trees, and i thought that a wolf might have been just inside the forest, not far from me. I moved to the east, thinking that there were two sections of the tent and i must be in the wrong section. I found the opening at the northern end of the eastern wall and i walked through it. The room to the west was smaller, but was also somewhat dark. A campfire burned near the southwestern corner. It was a small fire and did not seem to cast light into the rest of the room. I looked closely at the small flames in the round fire pit. Chairs were set up around the fire, and some of them seemed to be burning as well. The chair to the south of the fire had marshmallows speared by the two vertical poles of the back of the seat. Both marshmallows were on fire. I felt annoyed that i could not find the bathroom, but i thought that i must be getting closer. I knew that i was looking for a small outhouse. I then noticed a chair to the west of me. It was a yellow plastic cube with a blue base. The top of the cube was corrugated, and it had a strip down the center that had a different texture than the rest of the chair. It seemed to have two bars or handles on either side of the strip and a round hole in the center. I looked down the hole, seeing that a blue cylinder ran into a small red tray below. I thought that this must be the portable toilet. I turned the chair a little and sat down, facing south. I had to go to the bathroom. As i sat, i noticed that the chair was actually just outside the tent to the west. I was now in the atrium of a large building, which seemed like a shopping mall. A man on second floor above me pointed at me as i sat down. I thought he was pointing me out to someone else. I felt annoyed. Others were on the first floor to the southwest of me. I seemed to be in an area that was about a meter below the first floor. I felt annoyed that the others were there, but i did not want to get up from the toilet. A box of things was just to the southeast of me, and i pulled it in front of me. I hoped that it would block the view of my lap from the people to the south. I started digging through the plastic-wrapped items in the boxes. They seemed like small toys. I hoped that they covered enough of my legs that the people could not really tell that i was sitting on a toilet.

I sat on the southern side of the bus, near the rear of the bus as the bus drove to the east. I seemed to be on a class trip with other high-school students. $F4 seemed to be sitting in the seat to the south of me. I felt a little uncomfortable, and i took off my housecoat and hung it over my knees. I then pulled off a layer of pants. I seemed to be wearing multiple layers of pants. I had to slip my shoes off to get my pants off. I then woke up. I had fallen asleep in my seat. A female teacher was standing up in a seat a few seats to the east of me. She seemed like $A57, and she seemed aggravated by the people running the bus. She seemed to be complaining to one of the others teacher about the people running the tour that we were on. They seemed to be doing something wrong, and they seemed to have not done something that they were supposed to be doing. I had gotten up for something, and i was now to the east of me seat. It seemed as though i had to go to use a toilet, and i was now heading back to my seat. To my surprise, the people had already been taken off the bus. This was not supposed to happen. I thought that the teachers were getting a different bus, because of the mistakes that the bus company was making. I thought that i had left my things on the bus. $F4 had brought some of my things, but i thought that everything was not quite there. I felt annoyed that some of my things might have been left on the bus. We walked to the west, and i felt that a group was taking us someplace that we did not want to be. We were being brought to a camp for indoctrination. I did not feel that safe here, but i did not say anything, because i knew that the people here might do something to me. I felt as though the students with me had been captured by the group and were being forced to do things. I felt angry with the people, but i did not say anything. I looked in the large field to the south of us as we were led as a group to the west. People in the field were being trained in combat. They seemed to be fighting with staff weapons. The people running this camp seemed to be zealots, but i pretended to play along so that i did not get singled out. I was carrying something in my arms, and we were being led to our rooms. I was heading east again, and a woman was to the south of me. She seemed like a steward, and she was leading us toward the hotel rooms. I had been in the hotel room before, and i knew here mine was. We seemed to be heading toward the back entrance to the building, though. I thought that she might be suspicious of where i was going through the back entrance. I told her that i knew how to get to my room. I remembered being this way before. I pushed open the door on the western side of the building and came into the oddly shaped entry hall. I remembered that my room was on the right side of the corridor, but the corridor did not look the same now. A hallway ran to the northeast from where i was, and another hallway crossed it, heading to the southeast. They intersected in the northwestern end of the rectangular entry hall, which seemed to be aligned northwest to southeast. I saw three doors in the wall, right next to each other across the entry hall from me. They were just to the southeast of the intersection, on the northeastern wall. I recognized them, and i knew that the middle one was my room. I had come in a different door that i had the last time. I had felt unsure of where i was on entering the building, but i now thought that i had entered last time from a door to the northwest, which was now out of my view. I told the woman that my room was right here. She started talking to another female steward as they entered the building. They both seemed to be wearing uniforms with knee-length skirts. I walked to the middle of the three tan doors. The doors were bare-wood hollow doors. The middle door had a number on it, which seemed to be sixty-two. I unlocked the door and headed to the west into the southern side of the large room. A large bed was on the northern wall of the room. It had an off-white comforter on it. I paced around to the south of the bed, wondering what i should do. I felt trapped here, and i wondered what i could do. I knew that they had taken our cell phones when they took over our bus, so i would not be able to text my parents. I paced south and then back north to the bed. A long low cabinet was against the southern wall, and a large television sat atop the center of it. The front of the cabinet was covered with drawers. I felt frustrated, and i turned back to the south as i reached the bed. I had been humming a melody, and i sang out part of it. A voice then repeated the melody from the room to the east. A door was in the eastern wall, almost level with the foot of the bed. The voice was of $A311. He was in the room next door. His singing amused me, and i sang the melody again, adding on a new section. He did not repeat it. I then noticed a tan slipper on the floor between me and the door in the eastern wall. It seemed rather small, but it was one of my slippers. I had taken them off when i took a nap on the bus, and $F4 had taken them off of the bus for me. However, one of the slippers was missing. This annoyed me, but i thought that i would not let it bother me. I walked toward the drawers in the cabinet, wondering what i should do. Others seemed to be coming into the room through the door in the southern end of the eastern wall. I tried to ignore them, thinking that they were part of the cult. I crouched down in front of the low dresser at the western end of the southern wall and started digging through some of the things in the drawer. I thought that it would have been great if i had brought a second cell phone with me. I knew that this was wishful thinking, but i thought that i could have given the captors my real cell phone but then dialed a warning on my second one. I could have texted my parents that i was in trouble.

12022 February 21

I started walking to the north, carrying the large paper bag with things in it. I had to get everything together to take somewhere, but i was having trouble fitting all of the things into the bag. I stopped and put the bag on the floor to the north of me. I had been trying to take it across the room and to the north. A doorway was in the center of the northern wall. I felt frustrated as i arranged the things in my arms, trying to get them to fit into the bag. A man stood to the north of me, and i was talking with him about the things i had to move. I then started to take things out of the bag to see if the packages could be arranged more neatly into the space. I noticed that the bottom of the bag was filled with bathroom supplies, like boxes of toothpaste and soap. I did not really need those things, and i thought that i could dump them out somewhere and put the important stuff in. I had to get the certain packages into the bag. I then thought that some of them could be shifted through time. I would be able to come back to the same time to get the packages, but i then thought that one of the boxes had been shifted back. This would complicate things. As i moved the items, things from different time periods would appear in the bag, making it more complicated to move things from one place to another. I thought that this was an interesting idea. I started moving to the north, thinking about dumping out the bathroom items of the bag. I had left the bag on the floor to the south of me though. As i reached the doorway in the northern wall, i noticed that the cellar door, which was just to the west of the doorway, was open. It was pulled open to the west. The wooden door was old, and the inside of the door seemed to have been painted dark gray, but a thin layer of white paint had been put over the top of it, making it an uneven light gray. I realized that the cats might have gone down the cellar. I would have to get them out. I walked down the cellar stairs, yelling “out” to get them to come back up. I felt annoyed with them as i turned to the east in the room below. I entered the northern end of the room, which was filled with furnishing and other stored things. I yelled again, feeling anxious and angry at the cats.

We had been traveling, and i was looking to the southeast, across the wide city. The city was spread out on a mostly flat area, with low rolling hills to the east and north of the city center. To the south of the city was a large body of water, which seemed like an ocean. I looked over the downtown area, noticing some round buildings that seemed familiar. I looked at one that was short. It was round and had a domed top. The northwestern side of the dome had a flat area, making the building seem like an observatory. I turned to the north. I was with $F12 now, and we were talking about something. It felt very good to be with him. We were near an area that seemed like a mall. The mall building was to the east of us, and we were walking along the western side of it. We seemed to be walking on a cement platform that ran along the side of the building. A narrow paved drive was to the west of us, with a forested area beyond. We then noticed the large white metal tank on the western side of the drive. We stopped just to the east of it as the others came. They started doing something near the base of the tank. We had seen them before in the city. I thought that they had been sabotaging the round buildings in the city center. The tanks had something to do with the water supply, and they had been damaging them. Some of the men seemed short, like dwarfs, and they wore brightly colored patches on their leather or vinyl clothing. They moved hurriedly around near an access door at the bottom of the tank, near the northwestern side of the tank. We sat down on the edge of the cement ledge and watched them. I thought that we would video what they were doing as evidence. $F12 was sitting just to the east of me, and $A7 seemed to be sitting just to the east of him. We watched the men do something with the tank. One of them noticed us. We sat about three meters above the level of the pavement, so the men could not get to us. I felt that we were mocking them, because we had captured evidence of what they had done to the water tanks. I held up my right arm, holding the long narrow cylinder in it. It had a pointed end near me, and i sucked the orange liquid out of the tube and drank it. It tasted like orange pop. I seemed to be taunting the men below by drinking it. $F12 then pointed out that we had taken the orange liquid from the men. I realized that we did not really know what the liquid was. It could have been the toxin that they were putting into the water. I hoped that i had not had anything bad to drink. I started to worry.

I was driving the car to the north. My parents were in the backseat of the car. We were looking for someplace, and my father told me the name of the place. We had just left the city and were now in an open area with low rolling hills. Taller rounded mountains were in the distance on the eastern and western sides of the valley. I knew that we were looking for a building in the area. My father had said something about the building, but i was not sure where it would be. I knew that it should be near a town. I noticed some white structures on a low hill in the valley to the north-northeast of us. I pointed them out to my parents, asking if the building could be in the next town. I felt a little confused, thinking that i was not sure where to go. I asked my father if the town ahead could be the place where the building was. My father then mentioned the name of the building, calling something that sounded like “golf”. I realized that he was referring to a building that we had seen just to the south of a highway in the main city, which as now to the south of us. We had just left that city. I remembered driving around the city earlier. The main highway had run east to west, to the north of the water. I remembered the round building with the domed top and the flat spot. I thought that it was on the southeastern side of the city, just to the south of the highway. We had passed it before. I thought that we would have to turn around and head back to the city. I asked my father if that was really the place that he wanted to get to. He said yes. I felt a little annoyed, thinking that i would have to turn around. I pulled off to the eastern side of the road. I was then in the house. This house seemed to belong to $F12, and i was visiting him. I felt as though i had just woken up, but i had something to do. I started to get things together. I then heard people talking to the south of me. I moved to the edge of the room, where a railing ran along the edge of the upper floor. I looked down over the edge at the floor below. The southern edge of the room below had a low wood stage running along the southern wall. It seemed to have a step up at the back end of it, where it ran along the curved southern wall. The actors were spread out across the length of the stage. They were just starting the show, and all of the actors were on the stage. I recognized some of the actors on the eastern side of the stage. One of the people seemed like $A60, and he was talking to someone dressed as a brick wall. I remembered this part of the play. The play was Midsummer Night’s Dream, and i remembered playing the part of the wall before. I said this to someone as i moved back from the edge of the floor. The group below must have been part of the local Shakespeare company. As i walked across the empty room, gathering my things, i suddenly realized that $F12 must still be in the car. I had parked the car to the south of the house. I had spent too much time in the house, and i thought that $F12 and my parents were still in the car, waiting for me. I had to hurry back to them. I grabbed some things and headed to the south. I was now on the first floor of the building. I noticed some of the actors standing near me. They were moving around. I thought that the play must be at an intermission, so i could cross through the southern side of the area to leave the building. One of the actors was heading toward the stage to the south. I followed him. He seemed very thin. He stopped an the stage at the southern end of the room and bent over to do something. He stood near an other person, and they both seemed like silhouettes. Theirs shapes were angular and thin, as though cut out of paper. As i passed them and headed to the east, i realized that they were actually setting up things on the stage. I thought that the play might still be in performance. I hoped that i did not step through the audience and cut through the play as it was happening. I hurried to the east and got into the driver’s seat of the car. My parents were still sitting in the back seat. My father seemed to be on the passenger side of the vehicle. $F12 was sitting in the passenger’s seat of the car, and he leaned toward me with his face very close to mine. I felt suddenly affectionate toward him, and i wanted to kiss him, but i did not. He asked me where i had been. I told him that i had run into some of the actors that i knew. It implied that i had been talking to the actors, but i knew that i had not. I did not want to tell them that i had forgotten about them.

12022 February 24

I had to get something, but the man to the north of me seemed to be preventing me from taking it. I felt annoyed and angry with him. I took the things when he was not looking, and i moved to the west. I was driving a car down a long straight road, which seemed like Tower Road. The land around me seemed open between a few buildings, which were set back from the street. I seemed to be near the eastern end of tower road, and i was approaching the intersection. I knew that i would have to stop at the stop sign at the intersection, and i hoped that the man would not try to stop me there. I wanted to get far enough away that the man would not be able to do anything. I stopped at the intersection, and then speeded to the west to get away. The man was then to the north of me. He had stopped me with the others. The others seemed to be people i knew. The man seemed to scowl, and he accused me of taking the thing. I felt defensive and bitter. I did not want the others thinking that i had done something bad. I said that the man had thrown something, implying that i had done what i had done in reaction to the man’s actions. I know that the man did not do anything, though. I felt bad, and i started hurriedly walking to the east. I walked between the two people, leaving the man to the northwest of me. I suddenly worried if my dismissive attitude would make the others question what i had said. I heard the man mutter “I threw something.” His tone mocked what i had said. I headed to the east, anxious and not sure what to do. I came into the building at the eastern end of the long road. I turned to the north, into the small office. I realized that something was wrong. The man had done something here. He said something about it. I looked to the east to see that the gray laptop had been smashed. A corner of the screen was bent. The man had destroyed my things because of what i had said to him. I felt upset, but i did not feel that i cared as much about the computer. I had to do something. I thought that i would use the broken computer. I carried the computer, which was now a cell phone, in my right hand as i walked to the west. I looked at the phone. The front cover was missing, and i could see the wiring inside. A small gray square was near the bottom end of the rectangular device, and a black wire with a round disk extended from the gray square to the top of the open phone case. I thought that the disk was a camera or speaker. I was not sure what to do with it, and i hoped that i could still make it work. I felt that i should get it working. I pressed down on the wire, trying to keep the components in the case. As the disk at the end of the wire moved down to the case, it started sparking. I felt disappointed, thinking that the phone would now not work at all, because it had shorted out. I looked up as i came into the atrium, which was on the southwestern corner of the building. A wide doorway with several double doors was in the western end of the northern wall of the atrium, and i was headed toward it. It led to the corridor that would run to the north a little, where it would end at the other entryway. I had to get to the other entryway to get to the eastern end of the long road back to the west. Just as i was about to round the corner and head to the north, i noticed my mother in the pub to the northeast of me. Two doorways led into a crowded room to the north of the atrium, east of the hallway i was about to take. I spotted my mother in the eastern door to the pub. I backed up to see her. She was young, with long wavy blond hair, and she held a rocks glass in both hands as she sipped from the straw that was in it. She had called my name, and she smiled at me. I asked her a question, and she commented on the place. A counter ran along the eastern wall of the room, and she was sitting at the southern end, near some large men in denim jackets. I thought that she liked to hang out in bars. She had invited me to talk with her for a while. I felt hesitant, but i went into the pub to say hello. I was not sure what to talk about, but i stood and waited for her to put her drink down.

12022 February 26

I had been doing something with the group to the northwest. The group seemed like $G4, and the event had ended. Something still had to be done, though. Something was unresolved. I moved to the south, along the eastern side of the street. Old shops with wooden faces and large windows were to the east of me. The person just to the south of me was saying that we needed someone. I thought that we needed to have someone whom we could say was at the center of the event. I knew that people would be asking questions about what happened, and we needed to describe someone. As i moved to the south, looking at the buildings to the east, the person just to the south of me was describing the person that we needed. Two men were leaning against the eastern wall between shops. One man sat hunched on a bench, and the other was standing with one foot propped against the wall. The person to the south of me said that we need a fashion. I thought that we were looking at the two men, and we seemed to focus on the man who was standing. He pushed himself off of the wall suddenly, objecting to the person to the south. The man was tall and thin, with dark smooth skin and a round face. He wore a heavy white short-sleeve shirt and blue jeans. He had a white baseball cap on his head. He objected to the other person suggestions, saying “I don’t want to be a fashion.” The other person seemed to be changing the story, though. The man jerked forward, under the control of the person to the south of me. He objected to being a fashion, but the person was forcing him to walk to the north. I remembered that a fashion clothing store was just to the north of us. The man tried to resist and walk away, but he kept getting pulled back, making his walking motions stiff and jerky. I moved with him as he walked stiff legged to the north and turned east into the small shop. He pulled open the door, which had a wooden frame and a large glass window, and he went inside. I started walking to the east. I was now the man. I had been in the store, and i was ready to leave. I carried a white baseball cap in my right hand, holding it by the brim. I rounded a circular rack of clothing, which was to the north of me, and started heading north. The register was against the northern wall. An exit to the store seemed to be in the eastern end of the northern wall. Several people were near the register, and the cashier seemed to be an older woman with pale skin and curly graying hair. She watched me suspiciously. I realized that i only had a baseball cap in my hand. I had been shopping here, and i thought that i should have had more clothing. I then wondered if she was watching me suspiciously because i had dark skin. I stopped to the east of the circular rack and looked around, making a scooping and grabbing motion with my left hand. I was pretending to pick up my plastic bags of clothes that i was going to buy, but i did not see them. The woman asked me what i was doing, and i told said “I had some bags, right?” She seemed less suspicious of me when she thought that i was going to purchase the things i had come in here fore. I then noticed the pants that i was wearing. They seemed stiff, and i wondered if i was wearing the pants that i had thought about purchasing. I looked around on the eastern side off the store. The door i had entered seemed to be to the southeast of me. A wide section of the eastern wall protruded into the center of the room, leaving a small section to the south and a slightly larger section to the north that were set back farther to the east than the center of the wall. I noticed a small dark duffel bag on a shelf that was high on the southern end of the inset part of the eastern wall. I walked to the bag and took it down. I thought that it might be my bag from the event, and i thought that i might have put the clothes i was going to buy in the bag. I unzipped the bag on the shelf, but pulled it down when i could not get a clear look at what was in it. I could only see a dark towel with dull-orange or dull-pink patterns on it. The towel had come from the event that i had attended, which seemed like a $G4 event. I was not sure it was mine, though. It could have been from one of the other people at the event. I dug around in the bag, looking to see if there was something else that might identify whose bag it was. I held the bag under me and to the north of me as i moved my hand around the western side of the bag, moving around and under the towel. I then felt something as i moved my hand around the northern side of the towel. Something hard was on the northeastern side of the bag. I realized that it was a cup or mug. I reached under the towel and pulled it out, seeing that it was a plastic mug. It had flat facets along the bottom but seemed smooth around the rim. It was orang and made of plastic. I saw a woman’s face drawn on the mug. I did not recognize her, but i thought that it might be her mug. Her name seemed to be written in handwriting to the left of her portrait. The letters were vertical, but the line of the name sloped up steeply to the right. The first name seemed to be “Ana”. I turned the mug a little to the left, noticing a large name in print at the same angle. The name was in two words; the first word had five to seven letters and seemed to start with a C and the second word was about three or four letters and also seemed to start with the letter C. I rotated the cup back to the right. A panel to the right of the portrait was filled with small text, which seemed to be in handwriting. To the right of that was a drawing of a man’s portrait. I thought that the man and the woman were a couple. To the right of his portrait was his name, written at the same slanting angle. His name seemed to be only one short word, and it seemed to start with an F. This confirmed that the cup was not mine. I looked up to the north, thinking that i had to find my things. I then became aware of the pants that i was wearing again. They seemed to be tan slacks. I suddenly wondered if i had put on the clothing that i was supposed to buy and never too them off. That would explain why the cashier was staring at me suspiciously. I felt around the waistband with my left hand to see if i could feel a tag. I felt the flat tag and the hanging tag on my left back. I was still wearing the clothing. I thought that i should take them off so that i could purchase them. I remembered that there were small dressing rooms to the east. I opened a simple wooden paneled door and walked into a very small room. The room was rectangular, but it was only about two meters wide and a meter deep. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the eastern wall. I was wearing pale-tan slacks and a shirt that had thin vertical stripes. The stripes were white and various shades of blue. I turned to the north as i closed the door to the room, and i started to undress. I bumped into the eastern wall, realizing just how small the space here was. I paused a moment, thinking that this room was really too small for a dressing room, and i wondered how people could actually undress here. The wall to the east seemed brick, but it was painted and mottled with wear.

12022 February 27

I was in the living room with the other people as we got ready for something. We seemed to be putting on the rest of our clothing for an event. I faced east, and the room seemed very much like the living room of my grandmother’s house. The walls were plain and white, with a few pictures hung here and there. I looked at the small metal nose clip in my left hand. It was shaped like a narrow letter mu, with rounded balls at the three ends. It was made of a dull brown metal that looked like burned steel. I pushed the two ends of the U shape into my nostrils, feeling the ends around my septum. A woman, who seemed like $K5, was to the southwest of me. She had just pot on parts of her costume. Others in the room to the south of me were wearing similar black and white costumes, which all seemed goth or steam punk. I thought that i was in costume as well. I asked $K5 how the nose clip looked. She said that it was fine, and she followed some of the others to the north. They were starting to leave for the event. She then said something about the wedding that we were going to. I felt a little uncomfortable in the costume, but i walked to the north with the others, exiting the building through a door in the eastern end of the northern wall. The eastern end of the room was wider to the north than the rest of the room, and the doorway was in the short wall on the eastern side. I turned to the south outside. It was dark, and the people were walking south-southeast along the west-southwestern edge of a large field of cut grass. I could not see out into the field, but i could make out the tall weeds along the western side of the field. A short chain-link fence seemed just past the tall weeds, and some buildings were to the southwest of us. We followed a worn path down the side of the field. The path became a dirt road. We had to get to the buildings to the southwest of us, but they were on the other side of the fence. I thought that the people were following the dirt path to the road to the south and then turning to the west. I pointed out the building, which was now to the west of us, as i walked with wide strides down the path. The building seemed like a simple building with a tin roof. It was sitting among a cluster of leafy trees, which partially obscured the building. We were passing the northern end of the building, and i thought that we might be able to cut directly over the fence to get to the building. A stopped and backed up to the gap, jogging toward the fence. Several people started to follow me. I realized that the area directly to the west of me had weeds growing along the fence, but an area just to the north of it had none. I walked to the north. As i approached the fence, i realized that the mesh of the fence had been cut. I had thought about hopping over the fence, but i thought that i could crouch down and crawl through the opening. I pushed the blue plastic mesh that had covered the section of the fence, and it easily parted. I started to squeeze through, aware that a man and woman in costume dress were hopping over the fence about four meters to the south of me. The woman’s frilly dress seemed to have a pink hue, and the man was wearing something that had a similar style. I pushed my head through the fence and stopped. A wide drainage ditch seemed to run along the western side of the fence. A raised path crossed it a little to the southwest of me, and i noticed a car parked on the land over the ditch. Reeds grew in the ditch, but tall dry grass grew around it. The grass seemed worn to dirt across the bridge and in a path that curved toward me from the south. A tall street light with a square head stood at the southwestern side of the bridge. I looked at the car that was parked on the bridge. I felt suddenly suspicious of it. The building was just beyond the car, and it had a spotlight on the corner that was turned on. I focused on the black car, noticing a rectangular shape on top of the car. I thought that it might be a police car. I was not sure if it was a police car, but the it turned its lights on. I realized that the police officer must have seen the two people climbing over the fence. I wondered if he had seen me. I backed out of the gap in the fence, thinking that i could run to the south and come in from the street with the others.

The donkey’s face was in front of me, to the north of me. Someone was standing behind the donkey and was trying to get the donkey to do something. The donkey was to the north of me, and it leaned to the north to look over the edge of the platform that it was standing on. I was then looking down the donkey’s nose at the ground below. We seemed to be on a circular platform that was attached to a tree or thick post. Many of these platforms seemed to be around us, at different levels. The platforms had creme-white centers, with a tan and brown rim. They seemed to be made of wood. I could not quite see the ground, but i knew that it was quite a way below us. As the donkey leaned to the north, i noticed another round platform to the north of us, about a meter below where we were and about four meters away. I thought that the donkey might be thinking about jumping to the platform. I warned the woman who seemed to own the donkey that the donkey might be dangerous near the edge. The woman seemed to be to the northwest of me. The donkey then turned to the southeast, and i was again looking down its snout as it looked over the edge. A hut seemed to be just to the east of us, but the platform that we were on did not seem to reach all the way to the hut. I worried that the donkey might simply fall over if it leaned too far forward. I joked with the woman that the donkey was going to get in trouble. The donkey was then looking to the south. Another platform was about five meters below us. I thought that the donkey had been thinking about jumping to the other platforms that it had been looking at, but i did not think that it would be able to jump down to the one below us. I started to say something to the woman about the donkey when the donkey suddenly stepped off of the platform and fell nose first downward. It landed abruptly on the platform below, but it seemed to stumble so that its back end tumbled over its shoulders. I worried that the donkey would fall off of the lower platform and tumble to the ground. I felt worried. The woman was to the east of me and she said something as i watched the animal flop onto its side of the lower platform. I turned to the east. The woman passed her right hand in front of her, as though pulling aside a drape. Her face took on a look of surprise. She seemed to be only partially visible. Her body seemed transparent, but the highlights of her body were white against the gray background. Two girls were standing to the northwest of the woman. They had been exposed when the woman had opened the curtain. They seemed to be around ten to thirteen years old. The older, who stood to the north of the younger, also had a look of surprise on her face. I suddenly remembered this scene from before. Previously, the scene had been from the perspective of the girl. This time, the scene was from the perspective of the young woman. The scenes overlapped in time, even thought the two different people were in different time frames. I liked the surprise i felt at realizing that the scene we had seen before was influenced by the recent scene. Another person was in the scene to the southwest of the woman. I could not quite make out this person, though, because the curtain was in the way. The scene was divided into three sections. The girls were on the northwestern side, and the curtain ran to the southwest from a point at the center of the scene. A wall seemed to run to the north from the same point, and a second dividing object seemed to run to the east-southeast. A boy stood just to the north of the woman, separated from her by the curtain to the east-southeast. He had his arms out, and he was wearing a long-sleeve shirt with thin dark stripes. The shirt seemed yellow with brown stripes. He was looking down to the south, but he was also moving to the north, looking north. His image doubled, and one instance of him stood still near the curtain, and the other moved to the north, lowering his arms. Something had been different with him. He had been in the overlapping time frame more than once. This was something special. He was in two places of the overlap.

I walked to the north, along the western end of the building, which seemed like my grandfather’s cottage. The other person was to the northwest of me, on the lawn. We were trying to lure the pterodactyl to the ground. I felt that the animal was dangerous, and i was cautious of it. I tossed the large chunk of meat into the air. The chunk seemed to be a whole prepared turkey. The white meat went up and came down just to the north of the western end of the cottage. I told the other person that the bird would go after it. I could not see the pterodactyl, but i thought that it might attack us if it did not realize that the meat was there. We had to be cautious. I thought that i should go to the back of the cottage and grab the meat and throw it in the air again. I took a few steps forward, but it then seemed that the bird had come down to grab the meat behind the building. We had to stay out of its way.

I was in the living room of the house, talking to someone to the southeast of me. I seemed to be standing near the western end of the northern wall of the room. Something seemed out of place to the north of me, and i pulled aside the western end of the white drapes to look out the window. It was dark outside, so i had to shadow the glass from the light in the room. I moved close to the glass and looked out into the front yard of the house. Packed snow was on the ground, but patches of grass and short plants were stick up through it. A road ran along the northern side of the yard, and a short slope rose about a meter to the road. The slope ran about two meters into the yard. A road also seemed to be on the western side of the yard, and the corner of the tow roads was flanged so that the slope curved around to the western side of the yard. In the center of the curve, i noticed a small dark cat sitting on the snow. It was facing me, with its tail to the west of it. I was surprised to see it in the front yard, and i told the man to the southeast of me, who seemed like $F71, that the cat was there. I moved a little, and my vision of the front yard was obscured. A man was then on the road. He had come from the west. I could see the lights of his car on the road, but i did not see the man arrive. He was suddenly in the lawn, and he seemed to be walking toward the cat. He seemed like a young man, with a pudgy body and shabby clothes. I hoped that he was not going to hurt the cat. I thought that i should go outside and make sure that he did not hurt the cat. I felt worried that something would happen to the small cat. I moved to the west to open the front door of the house. The scene changed, suddenly. I could see the man to the north of me holding the cat, but i was still moving to the west. He seemed close to me, but the view was blurry. Others seemed to be on the street behind him. I turned to the west. I was now in the room in the basement of the house. I stood near the southern wall on the eastern side of the room. A man was just to the west of me, and i was talking to him about the kitten. I thought that we had to do something for the situation. I moved to the northern wall of the narrow room. A thick wood beam ran along top of the northern wall, and it had heavy chains hanging from it. The chains hung to the west of the wide opening in the northern wall that was on the eastern end of the room. I had come into the room from the north. I pulled at some of the chains, thinking that we needed them to do something. The chains hung in three or four groups, and some seemed to have hooks on the ends. I pulled on some of them, thinking that i would take them down to use. I then turned to the west and spoke to the man. I was again standing near the southern wall of the room on the eastern side. I noticed a group of people standing near the southern wall on the western side of the room. They watched me as if waiting for me to say something. They seemed like mostly men, and they seemed like emergency workers. The man at the eastern end of the group had a rectangular face, with short dark hair on top. He wore a blue T-shirt, which seemed to be part of a fire fighter’s uniform. He stared at me with concern, as though he was not sure what to do. I was not sure what to tell the men. I tried to say something about the cat and the man to the north. I then felt that these people were here because i had said that something was wrong, and they were waiting on me to tell them what to do. I decided that i had to get back to the north. I started to walk toward the opening in the northern wall, but the car was now parked in the way. The car was to the west of me, and it was parked slightly diagonally so that the front was blocking the opening to the north. I decided to try to go around the western side of the car, but the back of the car was very close to the southern wall, and i could not squeeze through.

I was on the southern side of the room, near the western end of the room. The room seemed to be a long hallway with pale yellow halls. The room sloped steeply down to the east. I thought that this was a long wide stairwell, but the ground seemed more like a roadway on a hill. The people were talking to each other as they moved along the northern and southern sides of the room. They were sledding down the slope in the center of the room. A carriage was to the north of me. It had an open top and no wheels. It looked a little like an old automobile from the early 1900s. The carriage seemed to be pale tan, and it faced west. Several people got into it, laughing and joking with each other. The people were dressing in ruffled costumes that were mostly black. This seemed to be a theme in the room. Many of the costumes seemed based on Victorian fashions, with feathered masks. The people laughed as the carriage started sliding down the slope to the east. I stayed to the south of the sled as it went down the slope and stopped at the bottom. A large group of people was gathered at the bottom, and all were in the same black styles of clothing. I thought that some of the black garments seemed to be leather and more in the style of sexual fetish. I then focused on the face of a woman who had just come down the sled. She was on her hands and knees on the floor, facing east. Another woman to the east of her had held up her shoe to the first woman’s forehead. I thought that this was some kind of dominance play. The woman on the west was wearing a black mask over her eyes, and she looked down as though to be subservient. She seemed uncomfortable, though. I started to feel uncomfortable, wondering if the woman with the shoe was being too forceful. I could not see the woman on the east. I could only see her foot and black high-heeled shoe. The black shoe seemed to have sequins around the toe, and the heel seemed very thick, with a pointed metal bottom. The heel was about two centimeters thick, and the metal cone or pyramid was about two centimeters tall. The spike on the end of the heel pointed at the forehead of the woman to the west. The woman to the west seemed uneasy and scared, and i felt uncomfortable watching the situation. The heel of the shoe then started moving up and down. I realized that the heel could be articulated independently of the shoe. This seemed like an interesting gadget, but i was uncomfortable with one person threatening another. I turned to the east and started walking away. I was on the eastern end of the hallway, and i had exited the glass doors at the end of the hallway and come out onto the street. I was in the outskirts of a large city, and the land around me seemed fairly flat. I continued to the east, walking on the sidewalk on the northern side of the street. I crossed the opening to a parking lot, which was to the northeast of me. It seemed to be a large lot for a shopping plaza. The stores were on the northern side of the lot. As i reached the eastern side of the opening, i started walking under a cement structure. A bus stop seemed to be set into the western end of the southern side of the structure, but the structure ran for about fifty meters to the east. It seemed to be a parking garage that overhung the sidewalk. It had started to rain, as i thought it would be good for me to walk under the overhang until i got to the next block. I wondered if the sprinkles would stop by the time i was there. As i walked along the cement structure, i started to think of the garbage that had been piled near here. It seemed like the parking area was being used as a dump, and i though that people were throwing bags of trash onto the large pile. I reached the western end of the parking area and came to a street, which ran to the north from the main street. I wondered where i should go from here. It was still raining, though it was not raining hard. The street to the north seemed to have small shops on both sides. I remembered this place from before. I had been in one of the shops on the eastern side of the street. I wondered if i would be able to get the things that i was looking for. I walked to the north, trying to stay under the shelter of the awnings and overhands above the sidewalk on the eastern side of the street. The cement structure to the east of me only seemed to be about twenty meters thick, and an entrance to the shopping plaza was to the north of it. I looked at the stores to the north of the parking-lot entrance, on the western side of the street. I spotted the one store where i had been before. It would have what i needed, but i could see that the store was closed. The windows were dark, but they had signs with large red letters in a decorative font. I had been to the store at the beginning of the weekend, and it was now Sunday, so the stores would not be open. I knew that i would not be able to get what i was looking for, so i decided that i should head back to the west. It was still raining, and i wondered if i could walk under the overhang of the stores in the shopping plaza. I headed to the west, into the entrance to the plaza’s parking lot. I was then back at the house where the others were. It seemed that i had simply transported there, because i did not want to walk in the rain. Someone was asking me something, and i looked at my cell phone. I suddenly realized that the black phone i had in my hand was not mine. The others talked to the northwest of me, and i looked at the phone, trying to figure out where my phone was. The phone had $X13’s name on it, and i told the others that it was his phone. I felt annoyed that i did not have my cell phone, and i wondered what to do.