11995 March 01

$F16 was in the room with me. He was standing close to me, and we were talking about something. I felt depressed and was glad he was there. Then i was at the bottom of the hill and he was talking to me from the top. He was talking about working out. He mentioned how out of shape i was. $F13 came out of the door at the top of the hill. $F16 said that even $F13 was getting better than i was. I ran up the hill and grabbed $F13 around the waist. We were fooling around again. Then $F12 was there, and i felt happy to have friends.

11995 March 02

I was sitting in the classroom. The teacher was talking about perception. $F16 was sitting next to me. He had some very large diamonds in his hand that he wanted to show me. I took them and studied them. They were slightly cloudy and shaped like spheres. There were tiny cracks across the surfaces. We both sat on the fold-out table at the back of the room. I handed the orbs back to $F16. $A81 was lecturing at the front. He was discussing the psychological aspects of probability. The mind was a strange thing and viewed probability differently. I left the room from the side and walked down the hall. I went through the inside doors and down a couple of stairs. I could see the outside of the building through the windows. I opened the back exit, which was a fire escape, and walked onto the cement drive in the middle of the building. I took a seat at the top level of the auditorium and listened to the lecture the professor was giving. We were all sitting on rafters of scaffolding by the back of the stage. The professor made a point that we have the flag in the room but not a Christian cross. I looked at the flag hanging over the other side of the auditorium. It was red and pink, with a white spot in the center. He mentioned that this flag was not thought of as a problem, but that the Christian items in the room were. I looked across the balcony on the other side but did not see any Christian symbols. I asked the people near me where the symbols were, saying “I don’t see it.” The man pointed out a small Christmas tree to the right of the hanging flag. I thought about this idea for a short while. Then a smoke detector went off behind me. I mentioned that it increased the probability of there being a fire in the building. The professor asked me just what i meant, smiling as if he knew the correct answer but wanted to make sure that i did as well. I told him that the smoke alarm’s signal meant that there was an increased probability of a fire occurring. I wondered to myself how accurate that was. The smoke alarm itself would have increased the probability of a fire occurring. The professor asked for the rocks, and $F16, who was sitting to my left, on the rafter, tossed the two diamonds down to him. The professor put one in his left hand and faked throwing it at me. I put my right hand up to block my face, just in case he threw it. I knew that his throwing the ball would increase the probability of me being hit. He did not throw it, however. I wondered if faking a throw increased the probability that he would throw it. He lowered his hand and asked if we understood the example.

11995 March 03

I was in the apartment with $A101. There were many cats running around. I left the door open and the orange cat walked out. I followed it so that it did not get away. It went through the doorway at the left of the hall. I followed it into the other section of the hall. I closed the door behind me so that the cat would not run back and then down the hall in the other direction. I followed the cat for a short ways before i managed o get it back into the apartment.

I was in the car with my mother as we drove into the city. We went under the highway bridges. I mentioned that this area of Milwaukee was interesting, and then asked her what city it was that we were in. She said Milwaukee. I knew that already and felt silly for asking such an obvious question. I looked out into the cluster of buildings. We pulled into a parking garage and got out of the car. My mother went over to the metal box with the panel door on it and tried to open the door. It was the machine where one pays for parking. She said that it must be broken because she could not get the door opened. I reached in and pressed the latch on the lower left side of the door and then pulled it open. Then the man with the suit and the snooty narrow face started complaining that we were not parked straight. I looked at the car the he was painting to. The left tires were just next to the line on the cement. He said that we would have to move it or he would have it towed. I told him that the car was inside of the parking space. He did not agree and said that he would tow it. I looked over to our car and saw my mother moving it more toward the center of her parking spot. I told the man that i did not race what he did with the car, knowing that he did not see my mother moving our car in the spot by the metal meter. There was a hotel lobby to my left, just off of the parking garage. It was decorated with red.

11995 March 04

I was sitting in the front seat of the bus. People were talking around about the terrible tragedy. They say that it happened here in the front seat. I knew that someone had died here. The bicycle i was on started rolling forward as the bus stopped. I went over the seat in front of me. Inside the store, i could see the bird feeder sitting on a shelf. The group of boys picked it up and showed it to me. I went down the shallow stairs of the store on my bicycle. They were talking about the terrible thing that had happened. I woke up on the bus. The people around looked at me. I ran my hand through my hair and noticed that it was wet. There was a dark-skinned woman sitting in front of me. She was talking about the bus wreck. It was the front seat of this very bus where the swimming team was sitting. I looked around and noticed how run down the inside of the bus looked. The woman said that the bus ran into he water, but the girls were never found.

11995 March 05

We were out in the countryside, at the edge of a cultivated field of grass. There was a dirt tractor road down the east side. We were walking on the path, being cautious not to get caught by the tripods. We did not want to get captured. I walked down the alley of trees where the road led from one field to the next. There was a tromping noise behind us. I looked back to see the yellow machine coming over the hill behind us. The machines had found us. It was roughly square, with long hydraulic arms, moving like a slow spider. I started to run, noticing one of the machines moving toward us from the right. I though of how they just looked like old abandoned construction vehicles. I started to fly and veered over the swamp to the right of the road. I knew that the tripods could not catch us if we were flying. I flapped my arms to try to stay airborne so that they could not reach me. Then i noticed the two wooden saw-shaped objects in my arms. They were helping me fly. The front bar fit under my arm, and i held the outer bar in my hand. I swerved over their heads, thinking of how i would have to keep the poles against my chest to stay up. The other end fit over my feet, shooting like rockets to keep me up. If i placed them right, then i would not need to hold them. The men in armour below were coming after me. I knew that i could not hurt them as long as they were wearing their armour, but i also know that i had technology that they did not know about. I had a gun in my pocket. They would not be expecting people to have such weapons. I swooped down low and grabbed onto a heating duct on the ceiling. The man in the grey armour came out of the door and approached me. He reached for me, but i pulled out the gun and shot him in the head. The man fell down. Then i noticed a man coming at me with a bright red metal suit. I knew that the gun would not penetrate his armour. I jumped down and defended myself the normal way. Batman was behind me, and we were ready to fight. We both fought of the metal men. I looked at myself and noticed that there were two earrings in my left ear. They would not harm me, but they would make me look normal to civilians. So we walked down the hallways of the city. People passed, and we dried to blend in. we came down a short flight of stairs into a white corridor which led out into a plaza. Just then, we were spotted by the soldiers in the greenish-blue uniforms. All of the civilians were dressed in brown or white. We ran down the bright corridor to the Batmobile. It w as a scaled metal-plated black car and was very narrow. We jumped in and sped away. One of the guards jumped onto the car, but we threw him off as we rounded a corner. He tumbled across the road toward the troops in front of the white building. We liked to come into the town every once and a while to try to disrupt the control guards and free the population. I was in the back of the van and Batman was driving. I was dressed in a blue and off-white costume, much like Robin’s. Then i noticed the reporter in the back of the van. I tried to push him out of the door, but he would not leave. He was oriental, wearing a red sweater and black glasses. He also had a camera around his neck. I could not get him to leave, so i picked up the large loaf of bread from the middle of the floor and threatened to toss it out of the door. It was wrapped in blue and yellow. The reported said “okay” and left the van. I tossed out the loaf as we passed in front of the military headquarters. The guards ran out of the building as we passed. They were outraged but could not do anything. They tried to get into the truck, which was parked outside, but they would not catch us. We turned right and went around the ramp and over their heads. I tried to slide the back door of the van closed, but it would not latch. A man was cheering us on, calling us Spiderman as we passed him on the white highway. I got the door latched. It had to do with dexter.

11995 March 06

I pulled the car up to the edge of the road and got out. $A62 was standing by the curb with $A388. They asked me why i had not finished. I said that i did not know. There was a fence along the side of the road, which was the outer fence around $P71. We were on $P86. Three was construction on the other side of the fence. A large flat-bed truck was parked along the road in front of the fence. There were long black poles stacked up on the back of the truck. The same poles were leaning against the fence. Some of them fell over as i passed. $A62 said that they were fifty percent done with the job. I walked into the yard and down the stairs. The hallway was somewhat dark. As i came to one of the landings, i looked through the windows on the door. I saw $F11 at the front of the classroom. He was doing a country dance, something like a hillbilly shuffle. He stopped when he saw me and walked over to the door.

I remembered that i had to call $P134. There was snow on the ground, so i decided that i would call them later. I must remember to call.

11995 March 07

We were driving out from the shopping mall. There was a sale that day, and we were leaving to go to the movies. My mother was driving, and $K1, $K2, and i were in the car. We crossed the main road and drove along the wooden flat-board fence. There were trees lining the top of the fence. We turned right, down a driveway, heading toward the other mall. I was driving. I looked at the clock on the dashboard. It said “7:49”. I told $K1 that we have already missed the movie. We walked between the trailers, looking for the right one. I had some Christmas cards in my hand that i was supposed to deliver. We were both looking for the correct trailer. $K1 stopped b the door of one and started looking really closely at it. I could not see anything on the white aluminum door. Then i noticed that there was a dull writing. I could not make out what it said. $K1 said that it was a love sign. An elderly woman came to the door and asked if she could help up. We told her that we were looking for Mr. Murphy. She said that we had the right place. We walked in and up the short flight of stairs to the hallway. She pointed out a door around the corner to the right. I walked down the hall and knocked on the door. It opened, and a short old man with a wrinkled up face came out. He was mumbling things. I asked if he was Mr. Murphy, and he said “Bottlesby” rather loudly; “Mr. Bottlesby”. He kept repeating the name, mumbling several other things as he walked down the hall. An older woman then came to the door. I asked if this was the apartment of Mr. Murphy. She said that he was not home right now and that they were his parents. I gave the card to her and walked back toward the stairs. I could hear Mr. Bottlesby mumbling from the bathroom, which was the door jest to the right of the stairs.

There was the sound of a gunshot. I walked along the edge of the suspension bridge, trying to find out what was happening. There were suburban houses to my left, not far below the level of the bridge. The bridge was only a few feet above the level of their front lawns. I stopped near a shrub and asked the woman in front of me what was happening. I could see a large crowd gathering farther down the bridge. They looked like old people. The boy said that they were people from the sixties, seventies, and eighties. I wanted to know what they were doing here. It was the nineties, and they should have gone. They were collecting as a gang, ready to beat up the person who had fired the gun.

11995 March 08

I was sitting in the hallway with the rest of the students. We were going to take a test. We went into the room and were at the desks. We were taking the test. It was multiple choice, and we were writing the answers in our little books. There was light-blue type on the answer sheet. I, however, had not attended any of the classes. I did not know any of the answers to the questions on the test. I was just filling in the bubbles on the answer sheet. I was missing something, though, so i looked through my book bag for it. I pulled out my textbook and several papers. He teacher walked up to me and asked what i was doing. I realized that i should not be looking through my park because i could easily look up answers. The textbook in front of me was opened. I did not really care what the teacher thought of my actions. I did not feel that i was going to pass anyway. The entire effort felt useless. She thought i was cheating anyway. I told her that she could just take the test if she wanted. I told her that i did not know any of the answers anyway. The man started to lecture us about cheating. He had a book in his hand, which he was waving in the air. It was a blue and white book. He looked at me as he talked. Finally, he placed the book on the desk of the empty armchair in front of me and walked away. I was mad, and took the book and threw it out the door. It hit the doorframe and fell to the ground. A girl in a white pleated dress was walking into the class. She glared at me as she placed the book back on the armchair. I was out in the hall, and there was this man, playing violin. He was not very good at it. Then i was in the other room, taking a test. I looked through my stuff and noticed that i did not have my papers with me. All i had were my notes. I got up to go to get my papers. The woman argued with me, but i went anyway. I walked through the door and into the apartment. It was sparsely decorated and had a lot of windows. There were holes in the floor with railings around them. They looked down over the floors below. I stepped out onto the terrace outside and found my bag and several papers lying on the floor. I picked them up. A man asked me what i was doing. I told him that i was getting my notes. I felt as if i was lying, for i was really walking around on the balcony. I left him and walked back inside through the glass door. Everything was glass and brass with wood trimming. I started down the hall, knowing that the man could see me from the windows on my right. They looked out over a courtyard with the apartment across the way. I suddenly remembered something back on the balcony. I would just lie to the man and tell him i forgot something, but i really just wanted to go out there again. However, the glass door was locked from the inside, so i turned and headed back down the hall. I trued to act like i did not notice that the man was watching me from the apartment. As i moved, i found it hard to walk. My legs were not moving easily, and i felt like i was falling to the ground. There were venetian blinds on some of the windows to my right.

11995 March 09

I was sitting on the couch in the basement. I was flipping through a book. I was telling $A103 about knowing. One can never know the Bible. It is always experienced, never known. He looked at me like he would not have expected me to think of such things. I kept talking about how religion is an art form. Someone came up with a dictionary. He said that there were errors in it. He opened up the front cover to where there were some old print pictures. There was a picture in the center of the right-hand page, near the binding. It was a line drawing of a man in Renaissance-European clothes with a wide flop hat sitting on top of a globe. The box at the top had a word in it that was spelled with a lower-case eth, followed by “im”, and ending with an e which had its lower curve crossed by another line in much the same way the eth had a cross. I looked at it and knew that the letter, which looked like e, should not be at the end of the word “time”. Then i said it was a corpse anyway. That meant that it was a done-deal. Then i thought that this only referred to a person. There were these small dolls with metal contact plugs on the sides and front of it. You could plug it in to know them.

11995 March 10

I was at $P19. $F27 was there with his bags. He was wearing a David Bowie tee shirt. It had two holes in the front where the eyes for the picture should be. The holes were aligned so that you could see his nipples. I thought that it was an interesting design: to have the face of David Bowie with someone’s nipples as eyes. Then $F10 came. I looked up into the sky and noticed how clear the night sky was. I could see Orion and the dogs.

I was walking down the halls of the college. I had returned to college to take some classes, but i was not sure where they were. I had been to school here before. I came out of the side corridor and started walking town the main aisle of the school. In the first opening, there was a small classroom with many wooden desks scattered around. I was unsure whether to bother going to these classes, and i was wondering where they were. I hoped that i did not run into anyone that i knew. I wondered who was teaching. I looked down onto the sheet that was in my hand. It listed all of the classes that i was signed up for. I noticed the teacher was Irez Orlen. I remembered her as the skinny one with the “lost in space” attitude. I did not really want to go to class.

I was in the bedroom when i opened the closet door. The dog came out. I knew that the dog should not be running around freely, but i let him run out into the room. Then i walked from the bathroom into the kitchen. Three was a plate full of waffles sitting on the kitchen counter. They were frozen, though home made. I figured that i would have a couple. Then the company was there, and so i walked across the street. I was in a bad mood. I walked past the crowd and up the short dirt hill. I had to get my bicycle ready for the race. As i walked across the lawn, i heard the starting gun. I looked back to see the cyclists moving down the road. I had missed the race. I was upset and did not feel like i should have bothered at all. I started back toward the road, folding the pole under my arm. It was part of my bicycle. I looked at it and noticed that it was cracking where i had bent it. It was only thin pink metal. I did not really care. It was just a rudder anyway. I crossed the street and walked into the tennis court. The area was surrounded by a fence. There were two other people there whom i knew. We started floating over the ground. I looked down and could see a person sitting on the grass just inside the fence. We started moving real fast. We were standing inside a wooden box with plywood sides and two-by-fours along the railing. We flew through the narrow alleys of the city. $A403 was flying. I made some comment, and he started laughing. I was glad that he got my joke. He laughed so hard that he almost fell over the right railing of the box. I caught him and pulled him back in. He was the only one who could fly this box. We kept moving.

11995 March 11

I was on the telephone by the desk in the pale-yellow room. I spoke into the telephone, talking about the group. I was part of a music group, and i was giving my opinions into the recorder. Then we drove up to the top of the hill and there were trees on one side of the road where the slope rose over the rounded hilltop. The other side had a grassy parking area. We pulled off and got out of eth car. There was a small patch of grass upon which we stood. Down a slight rise from us, there was a yellow brick arch, with side walls extending out from it. $F27 and a couple other people stood on the viewing area with me, looking out over the countryside. I walked down past the arch and toward the edge of the tree line. The trees came to a corner at the crossing of a roadway and the field i was in. The others protested by exploring, but i had to see what the field looked like along the tree line. There was a black barrel there that i did something to. Then i walked back past the platform where the others were standing. There was a wooden staircase running down on the west side. I picked up a hand full of snow and threw it toward the barn. It landed in the well in front of the barn door. It made a strange ripple as it hit the water. One of the other people commented on it. I walked away from the platform and into the barn. It was crowded with equipment. Then i left the barn and walked across the street. There was a largo building to my right and a row of fences to my left. I looked through one f the fenced pens and down the hillside to the town below. I could see the school building down there. I did not want to step into the pen and walk to the other side, though, for fear that the people behind me would get mad at me for trespassing. I moved to the right along the outside of the pens. Both of the doors were open, and the chicken wire was old and rusted. I knew that the pens were no longer in use and wondered what difference it would make if i walked through. I saw a smaller cage along the right side of the last pen, where the building extended. There was straw inside of it, and i couple of colourful pheasants. I started to walk back, reading the red “no trespassing” signs on the open doors of the pens. I turned around and walked along the front of the church. Eventually, i reached the front door and walked in. The small dog followed me though. I did not want the dog to keep following me everywhere, but i did not tell it. I just ignored it. There was a setup for a wedding in the chapel. I walked across the back of the room, behind the pews and under the balcony, where the tables were clothed in white. The church was still very bright for nighttime, and the chapel was quiet. There was a veil hanging from the ceiling, over the main entrance. I walked past it and out the side entrance, on the back of the side wall. The dog started to follow me, but i quickly closed the door. I pretended that i did not notice that the dog was following. I walked around the corner, toward the main desk. $F27 was there, talking on the telephone. He handed me the small black tape recorder and asked me to play it. I remembered the recording i had made some time ago about the group.

I walked into the side entrance of the building. It was a brown building, with tan trim on the roof and openings. I walked in and it was a computer room. There were long tables arranged on the steps of the lecture room in an arch. There were computers on the tables and some people using them. Then two men to my left got into an argument. They started fighting. They bumped into the old white shack and then fell to the ground. The rotting frame of the shack fell over on top of them, but they were not hurt. I started to head for one of the computers behind me when the lab assistant asked for my name. I told her my name and said that i was from the Ag School. She nodded and i walked on toward the white computer.

11995 March 12

I was in the locker room. I pulled the blue loose-leaf notebook out of $A6’s locker and started down the side aisle. I said hello to $A6 as he stepped out of the shower. He had a pale-grey towel around his waist. I did not seem to think about it. Later, i came back into the front of the locker room to put the notebook back. $A6 started to go out the door as i came in. He was wearing a white button-up shirt under a tan and brown sweater. I handed him the notebook and continued on across the locker room. I suddenly wondered why he did not ask how i got the notebook. After all, i did take it out of his locker.

11995 March 13

I was walking down the aisle of the market. It was the freezer section, and there was a door on the left side of the aisle. We stepped through the door and into the back hallway of the store. Then we stepped out into the aisle again. Something was wrong. The manager stopped us and asked us what we were doing out here. He should have known that we were just shopping. The food around us was not right. There was a man stocking the shelves. I asked to look at one of the cans of yogurt that he was stocking. The date on the bottom was “July 88”. I realized that we had jumped back in time. We were no longer in the right year. We ran back down the aisle and into the door to the back room. We were hoping to get back to our time. There were dinosaur men chasing us. We came back into the house and hid. We hoped that we were in the correct time.

I was running up the levels of the parking garage. When i got to the top, i saw the team getting onto the bus. It was dark outside. I started to turn around and head back down. There were a couple of people off to the right, getting into their cars. The woman was scared of being mugged. I started back down the ramps. As i was going, i realized that someone was following me. It was a car. I quickly turned around one corner and started running faster down the ramp. The car skidded around the corner and hit some parked cars off to the right. I made it to the bottom level where the bus was waiting. I got on.

11995 March 15

I was riding my bicycle down I-88, heading toward $P24. I was supposed to meet my parents up at the cottage. I thought of how long a bike trip it actually was. It should take all day. I met $F12 in $P95, just before i turned to head north. We remembered the times that we traveled together. We used to bike to different places. I left and headed north, into the mountains. I rode my bicycle along the curving forest road. I wondered if i was going too far. I rounded a corner on my bicycle, drifting out into the middle of the right lane as i turned. I thought that i should be more careful where i was riding. Soon, i saw a lake to my left. I called it $P137. It was about road level, and there were cottages along the far shore. There were some weeds growing along the roadside near me, in the water. I suddenly realized that my grandfather no longer had a cottage at $P26. My parents would not be there. I turned my bicycle around and headed into town. I walked into a store on the right-hand side of the road. It was a health-food store. There were bins of food all over the place, and they were all labeled with decorative wrap labels. The man at the counter told the woman that he put two extra breads into her mix.

11995 March 16

I looked down at my arm and noticed the bump just below my wrist. It was very much like the one behind my ear. Then i noticed that my left forearm had several bumps all up and down it. They were about three millimeters in diameter. I remembered a time when i was with $F12 and $F31. We were standing in a room talking. I decided to make an appointment for the doctors. The nurse at the desk said that i would have to have my records transferred to this office. I told her that i already had my records transferred.

I was sitting out in the back yard of my parents’ house. The others went by, walking toward the house. I kept staring up at the sky. I was going to sleep in the open tent tonight. I laid down and kept watching the sky. As i lay there, a man walked out of the woods and started past the tent. I screamed, trying to scare the old man away. He was frightened and started running down the road. I kept yelling, telling him to run away. I thought, for a moment, that he was just the neighbour taking an early morning walk through the woods. It was mean of me to chase him away like that, but i did not know who he was at first. After a while, the sun came up and the neighbour came over. She was accompanied by a couple of other people. She told me that her husband had died of a heart attack when i yelled at him. I felt guilty that i had yelled at him. I walked back to the house and up into my bedroom. There were clothes on the floor. Then i turned and started to head back to the airport terminal. The glass doors at the main entrance were just across the road from me. I was waiting for the large brownish snow plow to go by first, because i did not want it to hit my toes. I was not wearing any shoes. It kept starting forward and stopping. I started to cross and it moved toward me. I backed up and let it pass, but noticed that it had spread road salt all over the pavement. I was worried that it would get all over my feet. I crossed anyway and started down the escalator. There was this man coming up. He stopped on the stairs below me and stood there. He was wearing a white button-up shirt. He looked at me. His face was somewhat triangular, and he had straight blonde hair. His cheeks were slightly rosy. I noticed a cut on his left arm. It was halfway up hill upper arm, toward the back. He smiled at me. I looked at the wound, opening it with my fingers. There was no blood, but i noticed that it was very deep. I told him that he should toke care of it. He did not think that he should bother. I told him that he should, as he had gotten paint chips into it. I could see small white flecks on the left side of the cut. He thought it was a joke, and opened the wound wider. He held it to my face, trying to annoy me with it. I could see all the way up and down his arm: the tendons, veins, and muscles. I could see a red and white muscle wrapping over the edge of the bone in his shoulder. He pulled it back and stepped off the escalator. He was not wearing a shirt, and i could tell that he was very detailed. I followed him down the hall to his room. We walked through the door on the right of the hallway. It was $A189’s room. He was roommates with $A189. I could hear $A189’s music playing. I turned to the right, into $A189’s section of the room. $A189 was not home. I could see the messy dresser against the left wall and the unmade bed along the back wall. I turned around and headed toward the other man’s room. I opened the door, only to see him fating the far wall. He was in front of his dresser, changing his clothes. He was pulling up a pair of blue running plastics. I walked back out of the room so as not to bother him. I waited in $A189’s room for a little while. The man was leaving for a date.

11995 March 17

I was up in the room of the old hotel. $F11 was with me. I was talking to him. I walked out into the pale-yellow hallway to see $F10 come in. He had not been here in a while. I looked out the window to see the forest around the hotel. The road was covered with snow. I could see a Caterpillar tractor rolling over the hills in the road. It packed the snow as it went.

11995 March 18

$F13 climbed up onto the stage and walked through the door toward the adult world. The door was on the ceiling and was painted light blue. The other person and i walked across the stage, where the fake scenery was to our right. We turned the corner at the intersection. Some time later, i returned to the stepladder and tried to see if $F13 was coming back. I could see the back side of the shopping plazas. $F13 came back down the stepladder. He was carrying something with him. I asked him wan the other side was like, and he did not want to tell me. He was being playful. I tackled him and told him to tell me. He would not. I pulled my hands from around his chest and held his arms down to the bed. He still would not tell me, but we were both laughing. I let him go and walked down the street. I heard the fire alarm go off in the sorority house. I could see all of the girls running out in their nightshirts. Then i saw the smoke coming from the pantry toward the back of the building. The firemen arrived in their yellow jackets. They stood on the sidewalk for a moment. Then i realized that my car was parked in front of the hydrant. I got into the yellow Rabbit and backed it down the road. I was careful not to hit the girl walking up the side of the road. She had long black hair and a brown skirt. I rolled my car down around the corner and onto the next street. There was a house burning on the right side of the road. I remembered that the sorority up the hill was also on fire. The second fire was put out and the people started going back into the front door. There was striped wallpaper in front room. There were wooden shelves on the wall across from the entrance door. A television was sitting under them, and there were small trinkets on them. The entire wall was charred. One girl walked up the stairs t other left of the shelves. The one in the blue shirt and short black hair paced the living room, saying “Mary, mother of god.” There was someone making cloth wreaths out of a tan flowery material.

We were walking through the back room of my parents’ house. My aunt and uncle were there. The room was rather open, as if we were outdoors. I could see the run-down building faces along the back wall of the room, just across the dirt street. The paint was flaking. My grandmother was sitting on the tan couch in front of the back wall. I looked up at the beams on the ceiling as i passed under them, heading toward the couch. I noticed the pieces of brass in the wood. Then i noticed that the brass on the last beam was sagging, as if it was dripping off. I thought that it would be bad if the ceiling was falling down. Then i looked back across the room. I noticed that one of the beams i had walked under was now sagging half way to the floor. The room was falling down. I did not find this distressing, but rather annoying. I walked over to the television and picked up the small blue and white vase. I commented to my aunt that it had not been damaged. That was a good thing because it was an antique. I turned it over to read the date on the bottom. It was 1824. I then walked down the road and rode my bicycle from the driveway. I rode out onto the main road, with the city field to the left. The other bikers pulled in font of me, and we were headed for the park. The road was wide and had cement curbs at the edge, with green grass beyond. It was an older road. We did not pedal that far, but i expected to reach the park sooner. It should be the next exit. We approached the clearing on our left, and i could see the group of bikers in front of me turning in. There was a median in the center of the turn off with a sign and a lot of shrubs and flowers. The sign was about a metre tall. This was not the park where we were supposed to be. This was the university. As i turned into the entranceway, my knee started to hurt. I wondered if i really should have come out here biking so soon. I followed the others to the right, on the road that went around the university, but they stayed on the main road that passed through the parking lots and ran along the buildings. I stayed to the left and followed the dirt road. I could see the others below me, on the main road. I pedaled up the hill toward the other building. The hill right before the building was steep and muddy where the road ran, so i pedaled harder. I rounded the building and started through the parking lot where the pine trees were. An elderly man in a yellow sweater hobbled along with his wife. They were alumni of the university, back on a visit. I drove between the old fifties car and another and out into the street. I came to a crossing and stopped. I heard the hard slapping noise and looked across to the left corner on the other side of the street. One of the volleyball players had just spiked the ball. There were two police officers watching the game in their grey shirts and dark pants. They were wearing helmets and sunglasses. I noticed that the number on their car was 309, in case they made any trouble. On the right corner, across the street was the rest of the team. I rode my bicycle over by them. They were making jokes about the people across the street. As i pulled onto the asphalt on the side of the curb, the children walked toward me and up to the wall that was along the road to my left. One of the police officers was standing by the end of the wall, hiding from the people across the street. He was singing songs in jest at the people across the street. The high-school students around me started singing along. The police officer was smoking. Some of the students were too. They were all in tank tops. Then one of them made a joke about “bud”. A boy in a blue tank top with medium length dark-brown hair did not know what we were talking about. He kept asking people to tell him what “bud” was. Nobody answered him. I kept watching him as he leaned toward people to ask them.

11995 March 19

I was in the auditorium of $P7. We were facing the stage, listening to the man at the podium in the center as he talked to us. The stage was well decorated, clean, and modern. I was sitting with the rest of my class in the front section of the seats. I was sitting in the last row of people, next to $F4. $A151 was making a lot of noise several seats down. $A62 was in the front row and asked him to be quiet. $A151 was not listening. $A62 stood up and slapped $A151 on the back of the head. $A151 started to cry, and $A62 started to feel sorry. He sat next to $A151 and tried to calm him. Then he turned to me and asked me to go get a bottle of water. I got up and left $A62 to console $A151. I felt like i had an honourable job of getting the water. I walked out of the side door of the auditorium and walked down he back corridor of the field house. I knew that the small bottles of water were kept in the ice rink for the junior hockey people. As i walked in the door of the ice rink, i ran into $A267 and a student. They asked me what i was looking for, and i asked them where the water was. They told me that there was more left, but that they did have cups. They handed me two white cap-sized cups of water. I thought that they were too small, but did not say anything. Rather, i walked along the cubicles’ wall in the ice rink to see if i could find the water machine.

$F4 was sitting at the edge of the bed in the bedroom. He was bouncing tennis balls up against the walls. He was very good at it. The balls would bounce exactly where he wanted them to bounce. He demonstrated by bouncing them off of two walls and having them return to him. It was near the end of the day, and i had to go. I got on the small bus that was headed for $P6. We pulled into a circular driveway in front of the school. The children were to get out here. I got out and walked across the circle. The bus driver had left and we went to find her. The sidewalk around the circle was covered with a white overhang, supported by thin metal poles. I turned around at the other side of the circle, where the building came to a corner. I turned with the children on either side of me and walked back to the bus. We got on. The bus driver still was not back. I wondered if we should take off without her. Just then, she stepped back onto the bus. She had a round old face, with red curly hair and was slightly shorter. We drove for a little while before we stopped at the corner. I stood up to let the people pass me and get off of the bus. The bus driver again got off of the bus. We got tired of waiting for her. $A118 suggested that we move the bus ourselves. I did not think that this was a good idea. $A118 got in the driver’s seat and pulled the bus around the corner. The bus driver was walking up the side of the road and stopped when she saw us coming. She was not happy. $A118 drove the bus past her and stopped a few metres beyond, on the sidewalk. The driver walked through the crowd at the edge of the street and got onto the bus. She started to lecture us on how dangerous taking the bus could be. I continued moving forward, through the woods, toward the small hill. There was a crude stone arch constructed in the side, facing me. It was made of flat piled stones. There was a skull stuck into the right side of it. It was resting on a column, under the arch. The guy with me, to my left, did not know what it was either. I tried to climb over the mount to see if i could see what was on the other side. There were people over there. As i dropped back down, i realized that this was part o a movie. Kevin Kostner was the man next to me. He was dressed in the clothes of a commoner of the middle ages. He was playing a man of wealth who was disguised as a serf and was working on the plantation to help construct the wall. The skull was something special, and the people on the other side of the mount were up to something.

11995 March 20

I was on the bank of the dry land, overlooking the dam. The soil was ashen tan, and the dam was a tall wall before me, to my left. I was above the top of the dam on the land, but did not notice any water. I walked toward the power plant to the right. I walked through the aisles of machinery in the power plant. The timer read twenty minutes before the power plant overheats. I could see the circuit box on the wall to the left. There were two high power conduits coming into the bottom of the box. The box was missing its cover panel, and was charred. I could see two silicate fuse chips inside that were burned out. I did not want the people to get me, so i grabbed onto the wire cage around the light fixture on the ceiling. I climbed from the light fixture to the light fixture across the room. There was a red fixture on the ceiling.

We needed to get rid of some of the buildings. It was illegal, but we were part of the mob. I walked around to the back of the building and started the magazine on fire. I leaned into the window of the bedroom and rested the burning magazine on the bed. I walked out of the bedroom and back into the other room. I had to act like i did not know what was going on. The rooms in the apartment were small, and poorly decorated. I went to the window to check on the fire. I could see smoke coming out of the window to my right. I walked away from the window and into the bar, the next door over. It was long and narrow. We waited for the fire to burn down the building. The room had a red and purple stained-glass window at the front, which was separated into diamond patterns. The rest of the mob was there. They were sitting around the bar, which stretched along the loft wall. The walls and bar were made of darkly stained wood, with maroon trimming. I walked back down the other side of the basement of the bar. The people were huddled around the body on the floor. The walls and floor of the narrow room were made of cement. Food was kept in this area. I could see the fat woman lying on the floor. It seemed that she had died of natural causes, but we still had to get rid of the body. Someone decided that we could burry it here, where no one would find it. A couple of people took care of it while the rest of us headed back toward the stairs at the rear of the building. They got into the false elevator and it moved up without them. The man in charged mused at how the elevator would fool anybody looking for the body. I went out the back of the building to check on the fire. Nothing was happening. The fire had not worked, and the building was still standing. It was an old tall narrow apartment building made of red brick.

I was out with $G4, and we were in the swampy area. There were boards on which we were running, and we were looking for the right trail. We kept running back and forth across the boards to find out which way to go.

11995 March 21

I was in the back locker room of $P7. We were taking stuff out of $A436’s locker. He kept asking where things were. $F11 was there, looking for his shoes. Everyone was joking. Then $A442 farted. Everyone laughed. I just ignored them. $A326 walked by. She was a bus driver. She said hello. I pulled the rope from a locker and started going through things. $A436 asked where his clip was, and i handed it back to him. $A62 was there, making sure everything was all right. There were alumni walking all around the school with their wives. The wives were wearing evening dresses. I stepped out the window and onto the terrace. There were more alumni wandering the grounds. As i passer around the corner of $P7, i ran into $F7. We stopped and talked for a few minutes. It was good to see him again at this high school reunion.

11995 March 22

I was on the bus with the other people. We were heading for the secret underground base. I looked out the back window of the bus. We could see the large tank that was following us. We knew in was no threat because it could never catch us. It was covered in heavy bluish-grey plating. The large gun was aimed forward, over our heads. I looked around at the suburban neighbourhood that we were driving through. All of the houses had tanks near tem. Some of the houses were even tanks. We then moved through a section of woods. I thought about the base off to the left of the road. It was buried in the side of a hill. It had two levels to it, and they were not connected to each other. We went into the base and got off the bus. The man started to lecture us in the dark room. It was a boot camp, and we were being told about the base. It was a secret base, and would be hard for anyone to break into. I went to the rack and found by bag. I was looking for something in my bag. The man came up to ask me what i was doing. I was up on the rack, which was made of wide pipes and netting. I had found my bag and hoped that i would not get in trouble for getting out of line. I knew that security was tight here. I came down from my rack and walked into the coffee room. I was nervous that i was in trouble. The room was plushly decorated, with red and dark-drown wallpaper. There was a large wooden table in the center, with decorative carvings along the edges.

The bus took a sharp corner to the right. I was on the right side of the bus, and i looked out the window at the corner. The other road went down hill and to our right at about one hundred and twenty degrees. We went down the hill and toward the cabin. There were green curtains in the cabin window, and the outside was made of stained-wood siding. I walked into the back door and into the kitchen. There was an old stove to my left in the narrow kitchen, with a sink just beyond. There were cabinets and counters along the right wall. I placed two eggs into the small frying pan and set them on the stove to cook. I could see old eggs that someone else had placed into the sink. The running water had washed most of them down the holed grating, leaving only two drops of oil where the yolks were in the center of the white mix plate. The eggs in the pan were frying. I turned and left the kitchen. I turned left down the hall, and ten left again up the stairs. As i got a few steeps up the staircase, i saw $F51 in the living room. The area was two-tone: dark brown and creamy yellow. $F51 was sitting by the coffee table, in front of the couch. He was looking through the CDs in the crate, asking me what i knew about the Nine Inch Nails albums. I told him that i had heard the black one before. I said that a friend of mine had it. There was a brown one there as well that i had heard was good, but i had never heard it before.

11995 March 23

There was a lot of junk in my car, and i was trying to clean it out. $X3 was in the front seat. I kept trying to clean everything, but $X3 kept moving to different seats. He must have vomited in the car. Then i was driving down the road. I turned quickly to the right, into the entrance to the mall. There was ice on the road, and i started to slide on the corner. I steered the car back to where i wanted to go.

11995 March 24

I was running underneath the overpass. The cement columns rested in a sandy ground. I had a slight problem running in the loose sand, but i kept going. I weaved around the columns and up and down the sandy slopes. The cement bridge ran above me. I jumped down a hill and found $F4 sitting under the overpass. We had to concentrate on what was going on. I could see the car pull up to the intersection. It was hard to decide which way to go, as there were many choices.

I ran along the rocks at the edge of the beach. They formed the breakwater. I ran along the rocks until they started to go under water. I was not supposed to be here, but i did not think that anyone would see me. I jumped over to the wet sand on the left side of the wooden tunnel. I could hear the ocean waves splashing up against the outside wall of the tunnel. I stepped across the boards that were in the shallow water on the right side of the tunnel. There was a door at the end of the tunnel. I came to it and peaked out through the opening between the two doors. I could see the forest and the wooden lean-to. There was no one around to the left. The doors were chained shut for the season, and the cabin outside was boarded. I started to break open the door to the tunnel so that i could get out. Then i saw the two policemen in blue uniforms running toward me from the right. They were coming from the beach. I ran back into the tunnel and hid behind a steel beam to the right of the door. The cops broke into the door and ran down the dark tunnel after me. Once they had passed, i stepped out the door and ran away.

I was on the beach with $F10. The waves were coming in from the north, and i could see a stretch of land beyond the water. $F10 and i walked out into the shallow water. There were a lot of other people on the beach at the time. $F10 walked out into the wavy water and started to swim. I looked to the other side of the lake and could see the swamp trees. There was a sand bar dividing the pool we were in from the main waterway. I realized that this area was a swamp, and that there might be alligators in the area. I tried to warn $F10, but he was too far away. I turned to go back ashore when an alligator surfaced behind me. It was blocking the narrow channel between the water i was in and the place where everybody else was swimming. I started to walk toward the sand and reeds to my left when another alligator surfaced. There were four of them in the channel.

11995 March 26

I was in the back yard of my grandmother’s house on $P1. There was a party going on, with a lot of people sitting at various tables. It was bright and sunny out. There was this man there who was up to no good. We had to stop him, so we ran down to the side street and tried to get into the small black car. We could not get the door open at first, but then i remembered that i had the key in my wallet. We opened the door of the car and got in. As i started to back out of the parking spot, i saw the man behind us. He walked into the street, moving slowly and comfortably. We had to do something, because he was mad. So we pressed the button on the dash and launched all of the missiles. The silver box with the many red cones sticking out of the top fired rocket engines and lifted smoothly into the air. Then i could see the missile shaped like an old World War Two fighter lift off and roar into the air. It was dark out now, but the man would not be able to launch his missiles.

I was in the main cabin of the cruise ship with my parents and some other relatives. We were dressed in early 11900s clothes, and were gathering around some old trunks in the center of the boat. The room around us was very open, with large paned windows. There were easels all around the room with canvases on them. Some were blank, and some had splotches of colour on them, such as red or violet. The artist was there as well. He was standing in front of a canvas when his arms were chopped off. He got red all over the canvas before he fell to the ground and died. I left the room and walked around the side of the boat, toward the front. There was a tugboat pulling us out toward the water, but we were just sitting by the rocks of the shore. There was a light-blue boarding ramp between the two boats. I went across. There were calzones on the tug. I came back and approached the ramp again. This time, the boat i was on started to move backward with a sudden jolt. The ramp fell off of the boats, and i almost fell forward, over the edge. The engines were on to take s out to sea. I remembered how things on the boat were always done wrong. Then the left side of the boat ran up on the dark brown rocks of the shore, and the boat rolled over, its starboard side sinking into the water. I thought about the people below deck.

11995 March 27

I lived in the apartment above the garage. Out my window, i could see the cars driving down the road slip to the right and into the ditch. The blue family car just backed up and steered itself out. It pulled back onto the road and drove off. Then another car slid into the ditch. It tried driving forward, toward the driveway coming out of the field. It could not make it out of the ditch. I walked through the garage. It was loaded with a lot of tools and shining silver supplies. There were two bays where cars could be worked on. I walked out of the grey-painted main door with the curtains over the window. There were houses arranged around the circle of the driveway. There were yellow spring flowers in the center of the circle, and some more by the house. The house was an American farmhouse in neogothic style. $F7 was there, and we walked past the cemetery as we talked. Then i saw $F5 and his brother $F23 standing in the entrance of the steak house. The restaurant was faced in pale-green glass and had square angles. $F5 did not wish to speak with me, but i followed them into the steak bar anyway. I complained that there was nothing here that i could eat. $F5 grumbled. We walked down the aisle of the restaurant, past the deli counter. There was a tray of ice cream balls in the cooler. There was a card at the edge of the dish. I read out the recipe, which called for one hundred and ten onions. The chef came over in a hurry, taking the card away from me. I was not surprised to be reading it. I told him that it was in the case where everyone could see it.

11995 March 28

I was in the bookstore in the basement of the building. There were windows on all of the walls up by the ceiling and books around in all of the shoulder-high racks. I looked around the room and noticed the soldiers in their brown uniforms. I was mad and started knocking several of the books over. The soldiers were mad, but i started spinning and running around. There were Nazi flags over the tables, and all of the books contained propaganda. I knew that the world was being run by Nazis, but i was fighting them. I threw a tantrum and ruined the bookstore. Then i was on the city street with the brownstones on my left. I walked into the apartment in the bottom floor of one of the buildings, where the woman and the man were. I was having sex with both of them, though they were both sleazy. We were all lying around in bed, having sex with each other. Then i got on top of the girl on the floor by the open slit door of the closet. She was wearing a black leather jacket and black shirt. I kept rubbing her thighs, where her fishnet stockings kept bunching up on her squishy legs. I was having sex with her and thought how uncomfortable it was. The man looked in from over my shoulder. He wanted to be in on the action. I left the apartment and walked down the street. The man followed me, trying to get along with me. I did not want to be associated with him. I walked between the buildings and across $P69. There were people there, though it was dark outside. The man was still following me. I walked between two of the buildings, which were darkly shaded in the night, and out onto $P87. I could see the stars in the sky very clearly. There were other people on the slope, and we could see the cascade of shooting stars crossing the constellation. Someone mentioned that it was the Pleiades, but i told them that it was the wrong time of year and that the Pleiades were not up. There were on the other side of the sky. The man walked up behind me. I lifted my arms and started to float. The back of my jacket filled up with air and lifted me off of the ground. I floated up to the top of a building and looked around. The man climbed up after me. I was rather annoyed with him. I looked out over the city and noticed the sharp black barbed point of a building in the distance. I was standing on the side of the lightly sloping roof, and the man was on the other side. There was an open platform structure between us with its own roof. I peeked through at the man and asked him if he could see the building. He focused his attention on it. While he was distracted, i jumped off of the building. He could not follow me because he could not fly. I was in the car, heading down the city street. I had an appointment with $A443.

11995 March 29

I smashed the tape player and then started to pick up the pieces. It was a large machine with a metal black panel on the inside. I kept pulling apart the pieces.

11995 March 30

We were placing the freezers in the garage. They were short yet deep freezers: all white. They were lined up on the back and right wall of the garage. The man lowered another freezer in a handcart to the floor. I was going to stay for the play. I walked across the floor of the stage, where the open set was. There were a few columns in the center of the floor and several box-shaped things covered with blankets. The floor was yellowish tan, and all of the set was ashen-tan and dark brown. It was probably going to be a ballet. There was a girl who was starring in it. She looked familiar, but she was not Debbie Gibson. During the intermission, we lined up by the stage, where the alter was. The draping sheets hung from the walls of the stone chapel, and we walked around the church to pray. We stopped before each of the stained glass windows to do the passions play.

I was by the lockers, trying to open my lock. It would not open. Out in the hall, i could hear $A151 talking to someone. I ignored them and kept trying to open my locker. Finally, i got on my bicycle and started down the road. There were city buildings with stores on the bottom to my right, though i was watching my left ride from the front. My feet were in front of me, resting on the crowbar that went through the axel of the front wheel. I steered to the right and headed along the sidewalk. Some cars passed on my left. Where were a pair of logs on the edge of the curb, and i swerved to miss them. There were calfs and feet in red stockings and black patten-leather shoes. They were lying limp on the road. I road on.

11995 March 31

I was in the music store, and there were a lot of instruments all around the place. They were hanging in a row in the store. The roadie handed me a maroon violin and i started playing.

I could see the large aircraft moving toward me. It looked like a military bomber. I held onto the outside of the airplane. Then i walked through the aisles. I wanted to get a window seat for the flight. The windows were very large and went all the way down to the floor. The airplane was very wide, with several aisles of seats across. I walked around the edge of the lounge, looking down from the windows at the clouds. I passed the tall thin plants that were in the window. Then i walked toward the center of the building, where the railing looked down over the court below. It was a nursery, and there were several older children playing. They saw me looking from overhead and started singing a song. I looked across the space to the balcony on the left, where several other people were in the store, looking down at the children from behind the tinted glass window.